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Order Ecd/841/2012, Of 19 April, Which Are Ordered Offices Of The Ministry Of Education, Culture And Sport.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/841/2012, de 19 de abril, por la que se ordenan las oficinas de registro del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

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The entry into force of Royal Decree 257/2012, of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is developed, has as a practical consequence the adequacy of the organization of the The Ministry of Education, the former Ministry of Culture and the Higher Council of Sports to the new ministerial structure of the General Administration of the State.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport currently has a total of four registration offices, all of them in the city of Madrid. The current configuration of the Ministry advises to organize the present structure of the same ones granting to each of the existing the character of general or auxiliary in function of its physical location and in the interests of greater efficiency in its operation.

Taking into account the provisions of Article 11 of Royal Decree 772/1999 of 7 May 1999 regulating the submission of applications, letters and communications to the General Administration of the State, the issue of copies documents and return of originals and the system of the registration offices, the registration offices have the consideration of administrative organ, so their creation, modification and deletion will be made by ministerial order, as provided for in Article 67 (1) (b) of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organisation and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

In its virtue, with the prior approval of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, I have:

Article 1. General registration office of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

According to the provisions of Article 12 of Royal Decree 772/1999 of 7 May 1999, the Office of the General Registry of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport shall have the office of registration located in the street of the Madrazo, 15, of Madrid.

Article 2. Auxiliary registration offices of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Will have the consideration of auxiliary registration offices of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport the registration offices located in the Plaza del Rey, 1, Paseo del Prado, 28 and the street of Torrelaguna, 58, Madrid.

Article 3. Functions.

The office of general registration and the auxiliary register offices shall carry out the duties provided for in Article 13 of Royal Decree 772/1999 of 7 May 1999.

Article 4. Dependency on the auxiliary log offices and interconnection with the general register.

Auxiliary registration offices shall be subject to the general registration office of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and shall include, inter alia, the full interconnection and integration referred to in Article 12.4 of the Royal Decree 772/1999 of 7 May.

Additional disposition first. No increase in public spending.

The application of this order will not increase public spending.

Additional provision second. Development and execution faculties.

Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is hereby authorized to draft as many resolutions as are necessary for the development and execution of this order.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, April 19, 2012. -Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.