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Resolution Of April 25, 2012, Of The Directorate-General For Energy And Mines, Which Establishes The Rates Of Last Resort To Apply In The Period Between October 1 And December 22, 2011, Both Inclus...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 25 de abril de 2012, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, por la que se establecen las tarifas de último recurso a aplicar en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de octubre y el 22 de diciembre de 2011, ambos inclus...

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Royal Decree 485/2009 of 3 April 2009 regulating the implementation of the supply of last resort in the electricity sector establishes in Article 7.2 that the Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, by ministerial order, with the agreement of the Government Delegation of the Government for Economic Affairs, will dictate the necessary provisions for the establishment of the rates of last resort determining their structure in a manner consistent with the Access tolls. For these purposes the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism may review the structure of low voltage access tolls to adapt them to the rates of last resort and to ensure the additivity of the same.

The mentioned article 7.3 of Royal Decree 485/2009, of April 3, provides that the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines will review at least semi-annually the cost of production of electric power applying the methodology established in the same. This cost will be automatically integrated by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines in the review of the rates of last resort for the purpose of ensuring their additivity.

Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June establishing the mechanism for the transfer of customers from the market at tariff to the supply of the last electricity resource and the procedure for the calculation and structure of the tariff last resort of electricity, with the amendments introduced in Order ITC/1601/2010 of 11 June 2010 governing the CESUR auctions referred to in Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, for the purposes of determining the estimated cost of the wholesale contracts for the calculation of the rate of last resort, develops the forecasts of Article 7 of Royal Decree 485/2009 of 3 April 2009 establishing the structure of the last resort tariffs applicable to low voltage consumers with a power of up to 10 kW, and their access tolls corresponding.

It also sets out the procedure for calculating the cost of electricity production that will include the last resort tariffs and the marketing costs that correspond to each of them, in such a way that they are respected. the principle of additivity required by the standard, enabling its revision automatically as provided for in Article 7.3 of Royal Decree 485/2009 of 3 April 2009.

In Chapter IV of the aforementioned Order the structure of the tariff of last resort is determined, constituted by a term of power that will be the term of power of the toll of access plus the margin of fixed marketing and a energy term which shall be equal to the sum of the energy term of the corresponding access toll and the estimated cost of the energy. Similarly, the procedure for determining the estimated cost of energy, which is calculated as a sum of the estimated cost in the daily market affected, where appropriate, of the risk premium to which the marketer is subject, is fixed. last resort in accordance with the policy of purchase of contracts, the cost of the system adjustment services and the payment for generating capacity corresponding to the consumption, all affected by the coefficients of standard losses set in the regulations to raise to central bars the consumption read in the consumer counter.

In the third transitional provision of the abovementioned order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, the initial values of the fixed marketing margin to be applied in the calculation of the rate of last resort from 1 July onwards are fixed. 2009, this value being considered in the calculation of the tariffs for the supply of last resort in force during the second quarter of 2012.

On the other hand, Royal Decree 647/2011, of 9 May, which regulates the activity of system load manager for the performance of energy recharge services, creates the access tolls with a new modality of Time discrimination for the supervalley period. Therefore, in its final provision, it amends the aforementioned Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, in order to include this mode of supervalley time discrimination in the tariff of last resort, and also to make the adjustment required in the calculation procedure of the estimated cost of the energy to enable its calculation.

Order IET/3586/2011 establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities determines in its fourth additional provision that the risk premium (PRp) used for the determination of the estimated cost of energy on the basis of the provisions of Articles 9 and 13 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June establishing the mechanism for the transfer of customers from the market to the supply of last resort of electrical energy and the procedure for calculation and structure of the last tariffs An electrical energy resource shall be null and void when applying the procedure for the calculation of the last resort tariffs which are in force at any time from 1 January 2012.

By Auto of December 20, 2011, dictated by the Third Section of the Supreme Court's Administrative-Administrative Chamber, it is agreed to adopt precautionary measures in relation to Order ITC/2585/2011, of September 29, agreeing to " suspend the effectiveness of Article 1 (2) of Order ITC/2585/2011 of 29 September 2011 (for which access tolls are reviewed, the prices of the supervalley access tolls are established and certain tariffs are updated and premiums for the facilities of the special scheme, as from 1 October 2011) '. The said Auto has been notified to the State Advocate General on 23 December 2011 and affects the prices of the terms of power and energy of the access tolls 2.0A and 2.0DHA.

In order to comply with the said order, Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December, establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities, collects in its Additional Disposition the sixth access tolls 2.0A and 2.0DHA which are to be applied for billing purposes in the period from 23 to 31 December 2011, both inclusive, determining that those prices are the set out in Annex I to Order ITC/688/2011 of 30 March 2011 laying down the tolls for access from 1 April 2011 and certain fees and premiums for special scheme facilities for those categories.

Thus, the Resolution of 30 December 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, as corrected by Resolution of 2 February 2012, establishing the cost of production of electric power and the rates of last resort to be applied in the period from 23 to 31 December 2011, both inclusive and in the first quarter of 2012, approves, in compliance with the order of 20 December 2011, the prices of the term of power and of the energy terms of the last resort rates applicable in the period between the days 23 and 30 December 2011, both inclusive, setting out their values in those of Annex I to Order ITC/688/2011 of 30 March 2011 laying down access tolls from 1 April 2011 and certain tariffs and premiums for the Special scheme facilities for these categories.

By Auto dated February 28, 2012, the Supreme Court in part considers the incident of execution raised with respect to the order of that Chamber of 20 December 2011, declaring that " neither the additional provision sixth of the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 and the Resolution of 30 December 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, establishing the cost of electricity production and the charges for the last resort to be applied in the period from 23 to 31 December 2011, give full compliance with the agreed suspension in the order of 20 December 2011 '. In addition, the third point of the judgment is to designate the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism as the ' body to be responsible for carrying out the actions for full compliance with the order of this Chamber of 20 December 2011, in such a way that its effectiveness also extends to the period of time between 1 October and 22 December 2011. '

On the other hand, the Autos of 2, 8, 12 and 15 March 2012 of the Supreme Court partially estimate the precautionary claim established in the litigation-administrative resources 52/2012, 203/2012, 202/2012 and 212/2012 in relation to the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the tariffs and premiums for special scheme facilities, stating that ' the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism should complement the fixing of the access tolls established by the contested order to the extent that they have the costs of the regulated activities corresponding to the two items analysed in the fifth legal basis of this resolution are borne in their entirety. '

the Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March transposing directives on the internal market in electricity and gas and in the field of electronic communications, and laying down measures for the correction of the deviations from the mismatch between the costs and revenues of the electricity and gas sectors, in their transitional provision-the sixth extension of the price of the last resort tariff contained in the Resolution of December 30, 2011 corrected by Resolution of 2 February 2012 of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, authorizing, however, to revise the prices of the tariff of last resort of that resolution to incorporate, in an additive way as provided for in article 18 of Law 54/1997, of 27 November, of the Sector Electrical, the updates to be made of the prices of the tolls of access to the transport and distribution networks.

In that transitional provision it is also established that such a review will take effect from 1 April 2012 and, where appropriate, give rise to the corresponding additional reinvoicing, as provided for in the Additional provision fourth to Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March, which enables the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism to adopt the necessary provisions to ensure that the amounts corresponding to the additional reamounts required (a) to be carried out to consumers of electrical energy in compliance with court decisions; provided that the balance for payment purposes is to be paid by the consumer, can be split into as many invoices as determined to be issued before 31 December 2012.

Additionally, the fifth transitional provision of the aforementioned Royal Decree 13/2012, of 30 March, enables the Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism to establish the financing of the System Operator until the development of the methodology provided for in Article 16 (10) of Law 54/1997 of 27 November of the Electrical Sector.

The Order establishing the access tolls as from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums for the installations of the special scheme, in Article 1 thereof, gives rise to the order of 28 February 2012 of the Supreme Court, which considers in part the incident raised with respect to the order of 20 December 2011, and determines that the prices of the terms of power and active energy of the access tolls 2.0A and 2.A DHA which are to be applied for the purposes of In the period from 1 October to 22 December 2011, both inclusive, shall be the laid down in Annex I to order ITC/688/2011 of 30 March 2011 laying down the access tolls from 1 April 2011 and certain tariffs and premiums for the special arrangements for those categories.

Also, the aforementioned Order establishing the access tolls from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums from the special scheme facilities, in application of the Autos of 2, 8, 12 and 15 March 2012, it reviews in Article 2 and Annex I the access tolls from 1 January 2012.

In Article 3 and Annex II, the Order sets out the terms of power and active energy of the application access tolls as of 1 April 2012.

According to the qualification granted by the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March, the Order has in its Article 4 that the amounts corresponding to the additional rebillings required carried out pursuant to Articles 1 and 2 of the order, provided that the balance for the purposes of payment is payable by the consumer, shall be divided in equal parts by the traders and, where appropriate, distributors, in the invoices issued for each supply until December 31, 2012.

Finally, the Order's additional eighth provision, by virtue of the clearance granted by the Royal Decree 13/2012's fifth transitional provision of 30 March, provides that the System Operator will be financed from the of the prices charged to the system subjects.

In particular, the third paragraph of that additional provision, eighth, imposes on traders operating in the national geographical area the payment to the System Operator of EUR 0,0665 for each MWh listed in the last hourly operating schedule.

View the Order ITC/688/2011 of 30 March, establishing the access tolls from 1 April 2011 and certain fees and premiums for the special scheme facilities.

Having regard to the Resolution of 29 September 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, establishing the cost of electricity production and the tariffs of last resort to be applied in the fourth quarter 2011.

View Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities.

Views of the Resolution of 30 December 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, establishing the cost of production of electricity and the rates of last resort to be applied in the period between 23 and 31 December 2011, both inclusive and in the first quarter of 2012, and the Resolution of 2 February 2012, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, which corrected errors in the December 2011.

Seen the Autos dictated by the Third Section of the Court of Justice-Administrative-Administrative of the Supreme Court of February 28, 2012 and 2, 8, 12 and 15 March 2012.

Having regard to Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of 30 March on the transposition of directives in the field of the internal market in electricity and gas and in the field of electronic communications, and adopting measures for the correction of deviations from mismatch between the costs and revenues of the electricity and gas sectors.

View the Order by which access tolls are set from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums from the special scheme facilities.

Having regard to the final provision of the second paragraph of the abovementioned Order establishing the access tolls from 1 April 2012 and certain tariffs and premiums for the special scheme, in which the Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June establishing the mechanism for the transfer of customers from the market at tariff to the supply of the last electricity resource and the procedure for the calculation and structure of the tariffs for the last resort electrical energy, in order to include in the calculation of the estimated cost of energy the amount corresponding to the the payment of the marketing agents acting in the national geographical area for the financing of the remuneration of the System Operator, in accordance with the rules of application in force at any time.

Taking into account the fact that in the eighth additional provision of that Order the amount indicated is set at a value of EUR 0,0665 /MWh and it is established that such payment shall be made on a monthly basis from 1 June 2012.

Seen the results of the CESUR auction held on March 21, 2012, validated by the National Energy Commission, in which the cost of the wholesale contracts with delivery in the base block for the first quarter of 2012 has resulted from 51.00 euros/MWh, and the cost of the wholesale contracts with delivery in the block of tip for the first trimester of 2012 has resulted of 56.27 euros/MWh.

View the additional provision third of Order ITC/1659/2009, dated June 22, and the proposal sent by the National Energy Commission pursuant to that provision.

This Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines resolves:


Approve, in compliance with the order of 28 February 2012, dictated by the Third Section of the Court of Justice-Administrative of the Supreme Court, the prices of the term of power and the term of active energy of the rates of last resort applicable in the period from 1 October to 22 December 2011, both inclusive, setting their values in the following:

-Power term:

TPU = 20.633129 euros/kW and year.

-Power term: TEU.

-Mode without time discrimination:

TEU0= 0.152559 euros/kWh.

-Two-period time-discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.185235 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.067697 euros/kWh.


Approve, in compliance with the cars of 2, 5, 12 and 18 March 2012, dictated by the Third Section of the Supreme Court's Administrative-Administrative Chamber, the prices of the term of power and the term of energy active of the tariffs of last resort applicable in the period from 1 January 2012 to 31 March 2012, setting their values in the following:

-Power term:

TPU = 27,182742 euros/kW and year.

-Power term: TEU.

-Mode without time discrimination:

TEU0= 0.168075 euros/kWh.

-Two-period time-discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.208833 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.062260 euros/kWh.

-Overvalley time discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.209923 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.074608 euros/kWh.

TEU3= 0.051735 euros/kWh.


The amounts corresponding to the additional rebillings to be carried out pursuant to the first and second paragraphs of this resolution, provided that the balance for payment purposes is payable by the consumers, shall be divided in equal parts by the traders and, where applicable, distributors, in the invoices issued for each supply until 31 December 2012 on the basis of actual readings.

For these purposes, the provisions of Article 4 and the additional ninth of the Order establishing the access tolls from 1 April 2012 and certain tariffs and premiums for the Installations of the special scheme.


Approve the prices of the cost of electricity production that will include the rates of last resort applicable in the period from 1 April to 31 May 2012, fixing their values in each period tariff, expressed in euro/MWh, in the following:

a) Last resource rate without time discrimination and with two-term time discrimination:

-CE0 = 73.14 euros/MWh.

-CE1 = 75.84 euros/MWh.

-CE2 = 57.25 euros/MWh.

b) Last resource rate with supervalley time discrimination:

-CE1 = 75.68 euros/MWh.

-CE2 = 65.54 euros/MWh.

-CE3 = 52.61 euros/MWh.

The parameters used for the calculation of those values are those set out in the Annexes to this resolution.


Approve the prices of the cost of electricity production that will include the tariffs of last resort from 1 June 2012, setting their values in each tariff period, expressed in euro/MWh, in the following:

a) Last resource rate without time discrimination and with two-term time discrimination:

-CE0 = 73.21 euros/MWh.

-CE1 = 75.92 euros/MWh.

-CE2 = 57.33 euros/MWh.

b) Last resource rate with supervalley time discrimination:

-CE1 = 75.76 euros/MWh.

-CE2 = 65.61 euros/MWh.

-CE3 = 52.68 euros/MWh.

The parameters used for the calculation of those values are those set out in the Annexes to this resolution.


Approve the prices of the power term and the active energy term of the last resort tariffs applicable in the period from 1 April to 31 May 2012, by fixing their values in the following:

-Power term:

TPU = 21.893189 euros/kW and year.

-Power term: TEU.

-Mode without time discrimination:

TEU0= 0.142138 euros/kWh.

-Two-period time-discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.172438 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.060700 euros/kWh.

-Overvalley time discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.172278 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.070370 euros/kWh.

TEU3= 0.054335 euros/kWh.


Approve the prices of the power term and the active energy term of the last resort rates applicable from June 1, 2012, by setting their values in the following:

-Power term:

TPU = 21.893189 euros/kW and year.

-Power term: TEU.

-Mode without time discrimination:

TEU0= 0.142208 euros/kWh.

-Two-period time-discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.172518 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.060780 euros/kWh.

-Overvalley time discrimination mode:

TEU1= 0.172358 euros/kWh.

TEU2= 0.070440 euros/kWh.

TEU3= 0.054405 euros/kWh.


The provisions of paragraph 1 of this resolution shall apply to the consumption effected in the period from 0 hours of 1 October 2011 to 24 hours on 22 December 2011.


The provisions of paragraph 2 of this resolution shall apply to the consumption effected in the period from 0 hours of day 1 January 2012 to 24 hours on 31 March 2012.


The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 6 of this resolution shall apply to the consumption of consumption in the period from 0 to 1 April 2012 and 24 hours on 31 May 2012.


The provisions of paragraphs 5 and 7 of this resolution shall apply to the consumption effected from 0 hours on 1 June 2012.


Against this Resolution, an appeal to the Secretary of State for Energy may be brought before the Secretary of State, within one month, in accordance with the provisions of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of the Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure, as amended by Law 4/1999 of 13 January, and Article 14.7 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

Madrid, April 25, 2012. -Director General of Energy Policy and Mines, Jaime Suarez Perez-Lucas.


Last resource rate without time discrimination and with two-term time discrimination

1. The values of both the consumption and the energy consumption costs supplied in each of the tariff periods p and for each type of hours (peak, valley) necessary for the calculation of the estimated values of the cost of the Energy in the daily market with delivery in each tariff period p (CEMDP), have been obtained as laid down in Article 10 of Order ITC/1659/2009, of 22 June, considering as initial profiles those approved by Resolution of 15 of December 2010, of the Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines, for which the profile of consumption and the method of calculation for the purposes of energy liquidation, applicable for those consumers type 4 and type 5 who do not have a consumption schedule, as well as those that have gone from type 4 to type 3, according to the Real Decree 1110/2007 of 24 August, approving the unified regulation of points of measurement of the electrical system, for the year 2011.

The values obtained are as follows:

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2

αp, valley




αp, tip




Ep, valley




Ep, tip




2. The values resulting from the estimated cost of energy in the daily market with delivery in each tariff period p (CEMDP), calculated as set out in Article 10 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, are as follows:

Energy Cost in the Daily Market (Euros/MWh)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





For the calculation of the number of hours of the wholesale contracts in the base block (NHbase) and the tip (NHPunta) used to obtain the cost of the wholesale contracts with delivery in the valley block (CCValle) considered as initial profiles as approved by Resolution of 29 December 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, approving the consumption profile and the method of calculation for the purposes of energy liquidation, applicable for those consumers type 4 and type 5 who do not have a time-consuming recording, so as those who have passed from type 4 to type 3, according to Royal Decree 1110/2007, of 24 August, for which the unified regulation of points of measurement of the electrical system is approved, for the year 2012.

3. The values of the cost of the system adjustment services associated with the supply in the tariff period, calculated as set out in Article 12 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, are as follows:

Sober of tuning services (euros/MWh)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





4. The risk premium values associated with each tariff period are as follows:

premium (%)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





5. The value of the generation capacity payment (CAPp) for the consumption in each tariff period p is the one for the access rates 2.0A (period 0) and 2.0 DHA (periods 1 and 2) in the fourth order of the Order for which the access tolls are reviewed from 1 January 2011 and the tariffs and premiums of the special scheme facilities:

Payment by Capacity

(€/kWh b.c.)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





6. The standard loss coefficients for raising to central bars the consumption read in the consumer's counter in the tariff period, are those established for the tariffs and tolls without discrimination time (period 0) and with discrimination time (periods 1 and 2) in Annex V of Order IET/3586/2011 of 28 December 2011, for which access tolls are revised from 1 January 2010 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities.

Coefficient (%)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





7. The estimated cost of energy applicable in the period from 1 April 2012 to 31 May 2012 for each tariff period, calculated in accordance with Article 9 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June 2012, is as follows:

Energy Cost (euros/MWh)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





This cost includes the amount corresponding to the payment of the marketing services for the remuneration of the operator of the Iberian Energy Market, Polo Spanish for 2012, as set out in Article 6 (3) of the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0244 /MWh.

8. The estimated cost of energy from 1 June 2012 for each tariff period, calculated in accordance with Article 9 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June 2012, is as follows:

Energy Cost (euros/MWh)

Period 0

Period 1

Period 2





This cost includes the amount corresponding to the payment of the marketing services for the remuneration of the operator of the Iberian Energy Market, Polo Spanish for 2012, as set out in Article 6 (3) of the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 laying down the tolls for access from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums for installations under the special scheme, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0244 /MWh, and the amount payable the payment of the marketer for the financing of the remuneration of the System Operator, fixed at the eighth additional provision of the Order establishing the access tolls as from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums for the facilities of the special scheme, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0665 /MWh.


Last Resource Rate with Overvalley Time Discrimination

1. The values of both the consumption and the energy consumption costs supplied in each of the tariff periods p and for each type of hours (tip or valley) necessary for the calculation of the estimated values of the cost of the Energy in the daily market with delivery in each tariff period p (CEMDP), has been obtained in accordance with Article 10 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, considering as initial profiles those listed in Annex IV by the Resolution of 29 September 2011 by the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, which adopted the consumer profile associated with access tolls with supervalley time discrimination and the method of calculation for energy clearance purposes, applicable for those consumers type 5 who do not have a time-to-day recording of consumption, for the year 2011.

The values obtained are as follows:

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

αp, valley




αp, tip




Ep, valley




Ep, tip




2. The values resulting from the estimated cost of energy in the daily market with delivery in each tariff period p (CEMDP), calculated as set out in Article 10 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, are as follows:

energy cost in the daily market (euros/MWh)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





For the calculation of the number of hours of the wholesale contracts in the base block (NHbase) and the tip (NHPunta) used to obtain the cost of the wholesale contracts with delivery in the valley block (CCValle) considered as initial profiles as approved by Resolution of 29 December 2011, of the Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines, approving the consumption profile and the method of calculation for the purposes of energy liquidation, applicable for those consumers type 4 and type 5 who do not have a time-consuming recording, so as those who have passed from type 4 to type 3, according to Royal Decree 1110/2007, of 24 August, for which the unified regulation of points of measurement of the electrical system is approved, for the year 2012.

3. The values of the cost of the system adjustment services associated with the supply in the tariff period, calculated as set out in Article 12 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June, are as follows:

Sober of tuning services (euros/MWh)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





4. The risk premium values associated with each tariff period are as follows:

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





5. The value of the generation capacity payment (CAPp) for consumption in each tariff period is the one contemplated for the 2.0DHS access toll (periods 1, 2 and 3) in Annex I of the Order for which access tolls are reviewed, establish the supervalley access tolls as from 1 October 2011, and certain fees and premiums for the special scheme facilities:

Payment by Capacity

(€/kWh b.c.)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





6. The standard loss ratios for raising to central bars the consumption read in the consumer's counter in the tariff period p, is that set for the access toll 2.0DHS (periods 1, 2 and 3) in Annex V of Order IET/3586/2011, of 28 December, for which access tolls are revised from 1 January 2010 and the rates and premiums of the special scheme facilities.

Coefficient (%)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





7. The estimated cost of energy applicable in the period from 1 April to 31 May 2012 for each tariff period, calculated in accordance with Article 9 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June 2012, is as follows:

Energy Cost (euros/MWh)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





This cost includes the amount corresponding to the payment of the marketing services for the remuneration of the operator of the Iberian Energy Market, Polo Spanish for 2012, as set out in Article 6 (3) of the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the access tolls from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums of the special scheme facilities, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0244 /MWh.

8. The estimated cost of energy from 1 June 2012 for each tariff period, calculated in accordance with Article 9 of Order ITC/1659/2009 of 22 June 2012, is as follows:

Energy Cost (euros/MWh)

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3





This cost includes the amount corresponding to the payment of the marketing services for the remuneration of the operator of the Iberian Energy Market, Polo Spanish for 2012, as set out in Article 6 (3) of the Order IET/3586/2011 of 30 December 2011 laying down the tolls for access from 1 January 2012 and the fees and premiums for installations under the special scheme, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0244 /MWh, and the amount payable the payment of the marketer for the financing of the remuneration of the System Operator, fixed at the eighth additional provision of the Order establishing the access tolls as from 1 April 2012 and certain fees and premiums for the facilities of the special scheme, amounting to a value of EUR 0,0665 /MWh.