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Resolution Of 23 Of March Of 2012, Of The Address General Of The Function Public, By Which Is Has The Publication Joint Of Them Ratings Of Posts Of Work Reserved To Officials With Habilitation Of Character State.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 23 de marzo de 2012, de la Dirección General de la Función Pública, por la que se dispone la publicación conjunta de las clasificaciones de puestos de trabajo reservados a funcionarios con habilitación de carácter estatal.

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The Autonomous Communities, in use of the powers conferred by paragraph 3 of the second provision of Law 7/2007, of 12 April, of the Basic Staff Regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994 adopted resolutions on the creation, classification and abolition of posts reserved for officials with the status of a State, including those amending the system of free provision designation.

Likewise, and pursuant to the provisions of the additional provision of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994, the Autonomous Communities have authorized, at the request of the Local Corporations, the performance of the post of Treasury by own official, duly qualified.

Once the publications of the resolutions expressed in their respective Official Journals have been forwarded by the Autonomous Communities, in the terms referred to in Article 9 of Royal Decree 1732/1994, this Directorate General in use of the privileges conferred by Royal Decree 256/2012, of 27 January, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations is developed, resolves:

jointly publish the resolutions for the creation, classification and suppression of jobs reserved for officials with state-level enablement, as well as for the change of system of provision to free designation and the exceptional authorisations for the performance of the Treasury post, in the terms set out in Annexes I, II and III respectively of this resolution.

Madrid, March 23, 2012. -Director General of the Civil Service, Carmen Sanchez-Cortés Martín.


Creating, deleting, and sorting

Autonomous Community of Andalusia

Province of Córdoba

Cordoba City Council: The position of Chief Officer, first class, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of the Secretariat, higher category, is created and classified as a position to effectively make the forecast contained in Article 29 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 16 February 2012, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Palmera Source City Hall: The third-class Vice-intervention post is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 7 December 2011, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Algallarin Autonomous Local Entity: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 7 February 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Province of Jaen

Linares City Council: The collaboration post of Vicesecolecar, first class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 5 December 2011, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Province of Seville

Santiponce City Council: The collaboration post of Vicesecolecar, third class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 7 December 2011, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias

Grade City Council: The collaboration post of Vicesecolecar, third class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 14 December 2011, of the Ministry of Finance and Public Sector of the Principality of Asturias.)

The Nora's Commonwealth: The posts of the Secretariat, Intervention and Treasury are created, and it is exempt from the obligation to maintain them. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials with state-level clearance in any of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 12 January 2012, from the Ministry of Finance and Public Sector of the Principality of Asturias.)

Autonomous Community of Cantabria

Mancomo de servicios de Alfoz de Lloredo: The position of the Secretariat is created and is exempted from the obligation to maintain it. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials with state-level clearance in any of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 12 December 2011, from the Ministry of Presidency and Justice of the Government of Cantabria.)

Castile and Leon Community

Leon Province

Pool of Valdelugueros: dissolved the Pool for the common support of the post of the third class Secretariat, constituted between the Ayaldones of Valdelugueros and Valderecho, the following agreements are adopted:

Valdelugueros City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale. Fernández Robles, N.R.P. 9705395 /02/A/3015, who was in the position of the third class Secretariat of the dissolved Pool.

Valdeanteras City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 12 January 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Grouping de Vega de Valcarce: A Grouping is constituted for the common holding of the post of the Secretariat, between the Ayundos de Vega de Valcarce and Trabadelo, and the position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the sub-scale of the Secretariat-Intervention, and is hereby appointed as a definitive one, Dona Begona Teijeiro Campo, N.R.P. 76574732 /35/A/3015, who was at the position of the third-class Secretariat of the City Council de Vega de Valcarce.

(Resolution of 6 February 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Leon City Council: The post of Assistant to the Intervention, second class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 23 February 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Provincial Council of Leon: The position of (SAT) Secretariat, third class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 20 February 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Mancomidad Fabero-Vega de Espinareda: The position of the Secretariat is created and is exempted from the obligation to maintain the position. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials with state-level clearance in any of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 23 January 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Palencia Province

Provincial Council of Palencia: The post of collaboration of the General Staff, first class is renamed Vicesecreq, first class, remaining reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat, Top category.

(Resolution of 20 January 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Mancommunity Campos North of the Channel of Castilla: The position of the Secretariat is created and it is exempted from the obligation to maintain the same. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials with state-level clearance in any of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 15 December 2011, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Segovia Province

Villacastin Group: Displaced the Pool for the common support of the post of the third class Secretariat, constituted among the Councils of Villacastin, Ituero and Lama, the following agreements are adopted:

Grouping of the Mount of Ortigosa: A Grouping for the common support of the post of the Secretariat, among the Ayudos de Ortigosa del Monte, Ituero and Lama, and is created and classified the position of the class Secretariat third, reserved for officials belonging to the sub-scale of the Secretariat-Intervention, with the definitive appointment of Don Andrés Victoria Romo, N.R.P. 3461910 /46/A/3015, who was in the position of the third-class Secretariat of the Town of Ortigosa del Monte.

Villacastin City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, and is hereby appointed as a definitive gift. Molinero Montalvo, N.R.P. 7238050 /13/A/3015, which was at the position of the third class Secretariat of the dissolved Pool.

(Resolution of 24 January 2012, from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Province of Zamora

Rural Habitat: The position of the Secretariat is created and it is exempted from the obligation to maintain it. The reserved functions shall be exercised through officials with state-level clearance in any of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994.

(Resolution of 12 January 2012 from the Regional Planning and Administration Directorate of the Castile and Leon Board.)

Castilla-La Mancha Autonomous Community

Albacete Province

Provincial Council of Albacete: The position of (SAT) Intervention, first class, reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury sub-scale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 17 February 2012, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Basin Province

Association of Almendros: Authorised the separation of the City of Puebla de Almenara from the Grouping for the common holding of the post of the third-class Secretariat, constituted among the Ayuntamas de Puebla de Almenara, Almendros and Villarrubio, the following agreements are adopted:

Association of Almendros: The Pool is maintained for the common support of the post of the Secretariat, between the Almendros and Villarrubio Councils, and is hereby appointed as a definitive one, Maria Pilar Carrión GiL, N.R.P. 04545214 /24/A/3003, which was at the position of the third class Secretariat of the dissolved Pool.

Grouping of the Marquesado Almonacid: A Grouping is constituted for the common support of the post of Secretariat, between the municipalities of Puebla de Almenara and Almonacid del Marquesado, and the position of Third class secretariat, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention sub-scale.

(Resolutions of 14 and 15 February 2012, of the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castile-La Mancha Communities Board.)

Autonomous Community of Catalonia

Province of Barcelona

Viladecavalls City Council: The reference to Viladecans by Viladecavalls is amended in the Resolution of 26 December 2011, by the Directorate General for Local Cooperation, which provides for the joint publication of the classifications of posts reserved for officials with state-level qualifications (p. 8993 of the Official Journal of the State 26, of January 31, 2012).

Catalan Consortium for Local Development: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution GRI/30 50/2011, of 20 December, of the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.)

Province of Girona

Ventallo Pool: The Pool for the common support of the position of the third-class Secretariat, consisting of the Torroella de Fluvia and Ventallo Councils, are hereby adopted:

Torroella de Fluvia City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

Ventallo City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolutions GRI/30 91/2011, of 22 December, of the Ministry of Government and Institutional Relations and GRI/238 and 239/2012, of 9 February, of the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.)

Province of Tarragona

Salou Town Hall: The second class Vicesecolecar collaboration post is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat subscale, entry category.

(Resolution GRI/49/2012 of 9 January, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya.)

Autonomous Community of Galicia

Province of A Coruña

Santiago de Compostela City Council: The position of collaboration of the Secretary of First Class Support, reserved for officials belonging to the sub-scale of the Secretariat, is created and classified.

The First Class Support Interventor collaboration position is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury sub-scale, top category.

The first class Support Treasurer collaboration position is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury subscale.

(Resolution of 15 February 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Mancomunidad de la Sierra de A Barbanza: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 25 January 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Province of Pontevedra

Vigo City Council: The position of collaboration of Deputy First Class Vice-Intervention is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury sub-scale, higher category.

(Resolution of 25 January 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Provincial Consortium of Pontevedra for the provision of fire and rescue service: The position of the Secretariat is created and is exempted from the obligation to maintain the service. The reserved functions shall be exercised by means of officials with a state rating by one of the forms provided for in Article 4 of Royal Decree 1732/1994 of 29 July 1994 and the second paragraph of Article 7 of Decree 49/2009 February 26, on the exercise of the competencies of the Autonomous Community of Galicia with respect to state-mandated officials.

(Resolution of 7 February 2012, from the Directorate-General for Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Comunat Valenciana

Province of Alicante

Denia City Council: The post of Major Officer, First Class, is deleted.

(Resolution of 9 December 2011, of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Grouping of Benigembla: The Pool for the common support of the position of the third class Secretariat, constituted between the Ayquestas of Benigembla and Murla, are adopted the following agreements:

Benigembla City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

Murla City Council: The position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale.

(Resolution of 9 November 2011, of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Province of Valencia

Aldaia City Council: The second class deputy intervention post is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Interventional-Treasury sub-scale, entry category.

The third-class Senior Officer collaboration position, reserved for officials belonging to the Secretariat-Intervention subscale, is created and classified.

(Resolution of 23 January 2012, from the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Government)

Benissoda City Council: Revoked the exemption from its maintenance, the position of the third-class Secretariat is created and classified, reserved for officials belonging to the Sub-scale of Secretariat-Intervention.

(Resolution of 19 January 2012, from the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)

L' Eliana City Council: The classification of the post of collaboration of General Staff, passing from third to second class, is modified, reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat, category of entry.

The modification of the classification will not affect the destinations of those who came to them with a definitive character.

(Resolution of 7 November 2011, of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Torrent City Council: The position of the first class secretary becomes the General Secretary of the plenary, the first class, remaining reserved for officials belonging to the subscale of the Secretariat, category higher.

The modification of the ranking of the position will not affect the destinations of those who came to them with a definitive character.

The position of the General Secretariat of the Municipal Administration of the first class, reserved for officials belonging to the sub-scale of the Secretariat, is hereby created and classified.

(Resolution of 14 December 2011, of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)


Free designation

Badalona City Council, (Barcelona): The form of provision of the post of the Secretariat is modified, first class passing from the system of free designation to the contest of merit.

(Resolution GRI/30 96/2011, of 13 December, of the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.)

Marbella City Council, (Malaga): The intervention post, first class, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

(Resolution of 27 December 2011, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia.)

Santiago de Compostela City Council (Coruña, A): The position of the Secretary of Support, class 1, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

The position of the First Class Support Controller is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

The post of Support Treasurer, class 1, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

(Resolution of 15 February 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Galicia Board).

Torrent City Council (Valencia): The position of the General Secretary of the plenary, first class, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

The position of the General Secretariat of the Municipal Administration, first class, is classified for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

(Resolution of 14 December 2011, of the Ministry of the Presidency of the Valencian Generalitat.)

Vigo City Council (Pontevedra): The post of Deputy to Vice-Intervention is classified, first class, for the purpose of its provision by the free designation system.

(Resolution of 25 January 2012, from the Directorate General of Local Administration of the Board of Galicia.)

Provincial Diputación de Ciudad Real: The form of provision of the post of collaboration of Vicesecolító is modified, first class passing from the system of free designation to the contest of merit.

(Resolution of 8 February 2012, from the Directorate-General for Coordination and Local Administration of the Castilla-La Mancha Communities Board.)