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Order Fom / 840 / 2012, Of 10 Of April, By Which Is Updated The Relationship Of Files Of Data Of Character Personal Of The Ministry Of Fomento (Authority Port Of Marin And Ria Of Pontevedra).

Original Language Title: Orden FOM/840/2012, de 10 de abril, por la que se actualiza la relación de ficheros de datos de carácter personal del Ministerio de Fomento (Autoridad Portuaria de Marín y Ría de Pontevedra).

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Article 20.1 of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data, states that the creation, modification or deletion of files of Public Administrations may be made only by means of general provision published in the Official Journal of the State or the official journal concerned.

According to the provisions mentioned in Article 20.1, Order FOM/514/2009 of January 30, and Order FOM/3172/2009 of 28 September 2009, which updated the relationship of data files of a personal character, were approved. the Port Authority of Marin and Ria de Pontevedra.

By means of the Order that is now approved, the list of files of the Ministry of Public Works is updated again, in order to modify the file called "Registration" contained in Annex I of the aforementioned Order FOM/514/2009, of which the Port Authority of Marin and Ria de Pontevedra is responsible.

It is to be noted that this Order has been informed, during its processing, by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

In its virtue, I have:

First. Modifying files.

In Annex I of this Order, the modification of the file "Registration", corresponding to the Port Authority of Marin and Ria of Pontevedra, is established, it has to be incorporated into the set of files of personal data of the Ministry of Development.

Consist, in respect of said file, the responsible organ and service or unit to which the rights of access, rectification and cancellation can be exercised; the name of the file; the purpose of uses; the persons or groups of which is intended to obtain data of a personal nature or which are required to supply it; the procedure for collecting the data; the basic structure of the file; the intended disposals of such data, where appropriate; and the security measures file.

The security measures set out in the relevant paragraph are those that are applicable in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December 2007 on the implementation of the Regulation on the development of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of protection of personal data.

Second. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, April 10, 2012. -Minister of Development, Ana Maria Pastor Julian.

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