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Resolution Of March 27, 2012, Of Puertos Del Estado, Which Publishes The Agreement Of The Governing Council On The Composition Of The Committee Of Permanent Hiring.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 27 de marzo de 2012, de Puertos del Estado, por la que se publica el Acuerdo del Consejo Rector sobre composición de la Mesa de Contratación Permanente.

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The Governing Council of the Public Body Ports of the State, at its meeting of 8 March 2012, unanimously adopted the Agreement set out in the Annex to this Resolution, approving the new composition of the Bureau of Permanent Contracting of State Ports.

By virtue of this Presidency, it is ordered to publish, as a matter of urgency, in the Official Gazette of the State the agreement.

Madrid, March 27, 2012. -President of Ports of the State, José Llorca Ortega.


The Governing Council, in its Session No. 175 of 8 March of two thousand twelve, in point number ten of the Order of the Day concerning the "Designation of the Members of the Permanent Contracting Table", adopted unanimously, on a proposal of the President, the following Agreement:

Approve the new composition of the State Ports Recruitment Table, which will be composed of the following members, all of whom are with voice and vote:

President: Director of Resources and Audit.

Alternate: Deputy Director of Legal Counsel.


1. Legal Adviser: Head of Legal Department I.

Alternate deputy advisor: Head of Legal Department III.

2. Vocal: Deputy Director of General Administration.

Alternate vocal: Accounting Division Chief.

3. Vocal: Subdirector of Presidency.

Alternate Vocal: Infrastructure Planning Area Manager.

Secretariat: Head of the Recruitment Department.

Alternate: Head of Legal Unit.

The functions and functions of the Recruitment Board remain unchanged in all its terms.