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Resolution Of April 3, 2012, Of The Social Marine Institute, Which Establishes The Composition Of The Central Procurement Table.

Original Language Title: ResoluciĆ³n de 3 de abril de 2012, del Instituto Social de la Marina, por la que se establece la composiciĆ³n de la Mesa Central de Contrataciones.

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Through the Resolution of 21 January 2010, of the Social Institute of the Navy, the composition of the Central Bureau of Contracts of that body was established, for which both its president and his vowels, in the explicitly defined circumstances.

Thus, the presidency falls on the head of the General Administration and Budgetary Analysis Subdirectorate, which will be replaced by another deputy director general in the cases of vacancy, absence or illness, according to the Standard prepreation.

After that resolution, different rules have been issued that have affected the structure of the Social Institute of the Navy. In particular, Royal Decree 495/2010 of 30 April, approving the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, abolished the Directorate General of the said Institute, which became replaced by a Directorate with a range of General sub-direction. Subsequently, Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April, of organic structure and functions of the Social Institute of the Navy, abolished the General Secretariat of the same and, recently, the Royal Decree 450/2012 of 5 March, for which the Royal Decree 504/2011, of 8 April, of organic structure and functions of the Social Institute of the Navy, proceeds to the deletion of the cited Subdirectorate General of Administration and Budgetary Analysis creating the Division of Administration and Budget Analysis, which assumes its functions.

It is therefore advisable to issue a new resolution replacing the one of 21 January 2010, adapting it to the changes introduced in the structure of the Social Institute of the Navy and in which the rules on public sector procurement applicable to the effect.

Consequently, and in accordance with article 320 of the recast text of the Law on Public Sector Contracts, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of 14 November, and in Article 21 of the Royal Decree 817/2009, of 8 May, for which the Law 30/2007, of 30 October, of Contracts of the Public Sector is partially developed, as well as in application of Articles 23 to 25 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the General Government and the Common Administrative Procedure, in the exercise of the powers laid down Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April, as amended by Royal Decree 450/2012 of 5 March, determined:

First. Appointment of the members of the Central Bureau of Contracts of the Social Institute of the Navy.

President: An official with a level of complement of destination 28 or higher, which is attached to the Address, to any of the general subdirectorates of the entity or to the Division of Management and Analysis Budget.


(a) The titular person of the Management and Budgetary Analysis Area, who may be replaced by a level 26 official in the Division of Management and Budgetary Analysis.

(b) The head of the Head of the Investment Service, who may be replaced by the head of the Head of the Internal Regime and Facilities Service.

(c) An official with a level of 26 or more dependent on the Directorate or general sub-directorate to promote the conclusion of the contract.

d) The person holding the General Intervention of the Social Security Intervention in the central services of the Social Institute of the Navy, who may be replaced by an official of the same who has attributed economic and budgetary control functions with level 26 or higher.

e) The head of the head of the institution's Central Delegate Legal Service, who may be replaced by a lawyer attached to the said Legal Service.

Secretary: An official with level 24 or higher assigned to the Division of Management and Budget Analysis who performs administrative procurement tasks.

Second. Repeal of the Resolution of 21 January 2010, of the Social Institute of the Navy, establishing the composition of the Central Bureau of Contracts.

The Resolution of 21 January 2010, of the Social Institute of the Navy, is repealed, establishing the composition of the Central Bureau of Contracts of that body.

Third. Entry into force and effects.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, April 3, 2012. -Director of the Social Institute of the Navy, Luis Casqueiro Barreiro.