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Royal Decree 554/2012, Of 23 March, Which Establishes The Title Of Technician In Laboratory Operations And Fix Their Minimum Educations.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 554/2012, de 23 de marzo, por el que se establece el título de Técnico en Operaciones de Laboratorio y se fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas.

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Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in Article 39.6 that the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will establish the qualifications corresponding to the vocational training studies, thus as the basic aspects of the curriculum for each of them.

The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training, establishes in Article 10.1 that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. Establishment and after consultation of the General Council of Vocational Training, the certificates and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Qualifications, shall be determined. Professionals.

Law 2/2011, of 4 March, of Sustainable Economy, and the Organic Law 4/2011, of 11 March, complementary to the Law of Sustainable Economy, amending the Law of the Organic Law, of the Qualifications and of the Vocational training, and 2/2006, of Education, have introduced an ambitious set of legislative changes necessary to stimulate and accelerate the development of a more competitive, more innovative economy, capable of renewing the productive sectors The Commission has been able to make the most of its work in the field of quality.

Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 provides for the general management of vocational training of the educational system and defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications, based on the catalogue National of Professional Qualifications, guidelines set by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

On the other hand, this royal decree in Article 7 gives the professional profile of these titles, which will include general competence, professional, personal and social skills, qualifications and, where appropriate, the (a) the national catalogue of vocational qualifications included in the titles, so that each degree will, at least, incorporate a complete vocational qualification, in order to ensure that the qualifications of vocational training respond effectively to the needs demanded by the productive system and the personal and social values that enable democratic citizenship to be exercised.

This regulatory framework makes it necessary for the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, to establish each of the titles which will form the catalogue of titles of vocational training of the educational system, its minimum teaching and other aspects of academic management which, without prejudice to the competences conferred on the educational authorities in this field, constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common and ensure the validity of the securities, in compliance with the provisions of Article 6.2 of the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

For these purposes, it is appropriate to determine for each title their identification, their professional profile, the professional environment, the prospective of the title in the sector or sectors, the teaching of the training cycle, the correspondence of the professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption, and the basic parameters of the training context (minimum spaces and equipment, qualifications and specialties of teachers and their equivalent to (a) the Court of Justice, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, as provided for in the Article 95 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

In each title, the access to other studies, the convalidations, exemptions and equivalences, and, where appropriate, the information on the requirements necessary for the professional exercise, according to the legislation in force.

Thus, the present royal decree, as provided for in Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 July, establishes and regulates, in the basic aspects and elements mentioned above, the title of vocational training of the educational system of Laboratory Operations Technician.

A regulatory standard has been used to establish state bases in accordance with the Constitutional Court, which admits that "exceptionally" the bases can be established by regulatory standards in certain assumptions, as is the case in the present case, when "is an essential complement to ensure the lowest common denominator laid down in the basic legal standards" (thus, inter alia, in SSTC 25/1983, 32/1983 and 48/1988).

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the autonomous communities have been consulted and the General Council of Vocational Training, the School Council of the State and the Ministry of Politics have issued a report. Territorial and Public Administration.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on March 23, 2012,



General provisions

Article 1. Object.

1. The present royal decree aims to establish the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations, with official character and validity throughout the national territory, as well as their corresponding minimum teachings.

2. The provisions of this royal decree supersede the regulation of the title of Technician in Laboratory contained in Royal Decree 817/1993 of 28 May.


Identification of title, professional profile, professional and prospective title of the title in the sector or sectors

Article 2. Identification.

The title of Technician in Laboratory Operations is identified by the following elements:

Naming: Lab Operations.

Level: Middle Grade Professional Training.

Duration: 2,000 hours.

Professional Family: Chemistry.

Referent in the International Standard Classification of Education: CINE-3 b.

Article 3. Professional profile of the title.

The professional profile of the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations is determined by his general competence, his professional, personal and social competencies, and by the relationship of qualifications and, if any, units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

Article 4. General competence.

The general competence of this title is to conduct material tests, physico-chemical, chemical and biological analysis, maintaining the equipment and facilities of auxiliary services, complying with the standards of quality and prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

Article 5. Professional, personal and social skills.

The professional, personal and social competencies of this title are as follows:

(a) Carry out the assembly of the equipment and set up the auxiliary facilities of a laboratory, selecting the resources and means necessary and following the work procedures.

b) To implement the equipment, verifying its operability and that of the auxiliary services, and the availability of materials and products, according to the established procedures.

c) Perform first-level maintenance of auxiliary equipment and facilities, checking that they are in the right conditions of operation.

d) Prepare necessary mixtures and solutions, in compliance with quality, risk prevention and environmental safety standards.

e) Take samples, taking into account their nature and purpose, applying the established procedures.

f) Prepare the sample for analysis, following standardized procedures and adapting it to the technique to be used.

g) Perform testing of materials or physico-chemicals, following standard procedures and complying with quality, risk prevention and environmental protection standards.

h) Perform chemical or microbiological analysis, following established procedures and complying with quality, risk prevention and environmental protection standards.

i) Manage the laboratory warehouse, reporting needs arising and complying with quality, risk prevention and environmental protection standards.

j) Store products in order and cleaning conditions, complying with safety standards to avoid fire, explosion or contamination risks.

k) Perform product packaging and labeling, following safety and environmental standards.

l) Treat, package, label and manage waste, following established procedures.

m) Maintain cleaning and order in the workplace, complying with good laboratory practice standards and occupational health requirements.

n) Ensure compliance with standards and measures of environmental protection and prevention of occupational hazards in all activities carried out in the laboratory.

n) Adapting to new employment situations caused by technological and organizational changes in production processes, updating their knowledge, using existing resources for learning throughout the life and information and communication technologies.

or) Act with responsibility and autonomy in the field of your competence, organizing and developing the assigned work, cooperating or working as a team with other professionals in the work environment.

p) Responsibly solve the incidents related to your activity, identifying the causes that cause them, within the scope of their competence and autonomy.

q) Communicate effectively, respecting the autonomy and competence of the different people involved in the field of their work.

r) Apply protocols and preventive measures for occupational hazards and environmental protection during the production process, to avoid damage to people and the work environment and the environment.

s) Apply quality, universal accessibility and "design for all" procedures in the professional activities included in the processes of production or service delivery.

t) Perform basic management for the creation and operation of a small business and have an initiative in its professional activity.

u) Exercise their rights and comply with the obligations arising from their professional activity, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force, actively participating in economic, social and cultural life.

Article 6. Relationship of qualifications and competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

1. Full professional qualification:

Product movement and delivery operations in the chemical industry QUI475_2 (Royal Decree 143/2011 of 4 February), comprising the following units of competence:

UC1534_2: Prepare areas and auxiliary logistics facilities in the chemical industry.

UC1535_2: Perform chemical product loading, unloading, storage, and packaging operations.

UC1536_2: Perform control on the receipt and dispatch of chemicals.

UC0048_2: Act under correct manufacturing, security, and environmental standards.

2. Incomplete professional qualification:

Operations in energy and auxiliary services facilities QUI110_2 (Royal Decree 1087/2005, 16 September):

UC0321_2: Operate machines, equipment and facilities for production and distribution of energies and auxiliary services.

Article 7. Professional environment.

1. This professional will be active in companies and laboratories in different sectors, where physical, physico-chemical, chemical and microbiological tests need to be carried out, and the equipment and auxiliary facilities oriented to the quality control.

The main sectors in which you can develop your activity are:

-In the chemical industry, warehouse areas and quality control laboratory.

-Other industries that require physico-chemical processes, such as agrofood, pharmaceutical, construction, metallurgical, mechanical, electronic, textile, and plastics and rubber processing, among others.

-Laboratories in general, whether from public bodies or private companies.

2. The most relevant occupations and jobs are as follows:

-Auxiliary, operator or technician of chemical laboratories, chemical industries, food industries, environmental sector, processing industry, pharmaceutical industry, raw materials and finished product, control and reception of materials, training and research centres, quality control of materials, metallurgy and galvanising, testing of products of mechanical manufacturing and food, environmental, pharmaceutical and water microbiology.

-Auxiliary service, equipment, and warehouse maintenance operator.

-Muestreator and field trials.

Article 8. Prospective of the title in the sector or sectors.

Educational administrations will take into account, when developing the corresponding curriculum, the following considerations:

(a) The current situation of the labour market, labour mobility and economic openness require the training of multi-purpose professionals, capable of adapting to new socio-economic, labour and organisational situations in the sector chemical.

b) Automation and computerisation will lead to changes in the equipment and equipment used in the testing and analysis of quality control of raw materials and finished products, as well as in the testing of site. This professional, in turn, must respond to the maintenance of laboratories with more automated facilities and services, giving priority to safety and environmental control.

(c) The obligation imposed by the Community regulation on the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemical substances and preparations, of verification and certification of the safety of the manufactured products, as well as of the approval and standardization of the qualities, shall cause accredited testing laboratories to be established to comply with such regulatory requirements.

d) This regulation represents a greater degree of rigour in the performance of laboratory procedures, as it requires compliance with good laboratory practice (GLP) in tests and tests to evaluate the health and environmental safety of chemicals.

e) The new guidelines in waste management are aimed at preventing, reducing the production of waste and reducing the adverse impacts of its production on human health and the environment. To this end, producers and managers shall be responsible for the management of these wastes and their registration, ensuring transparency and traceability.

(f) These policies (measures for prevention, protection, waste management and efficiency in production processes) contribute to the promotion of innovation in products and processes and an increase in the efficiency of the laboratory, generating new job opportunities. As a final summary of all this, it can be said that chemistry in its broadest sense will continue to be the engine of the well-being and elongation of the life of human beings.


Formative cycle teachings and basic context parameters

Article 9. General objectives.

The general objectives of this training cycle are as follows:

a) Select the necessary means, following the work procedures, to carry out the assembly of the equipment and the installation of the facilities.

b) Select the operating parameters of laboratory auxiliary equipment and services, to implement the equipment.

c) Check the operational status of the laboratory equipment and facilities, to perform the first level maintenance of the equipment.

d) Determine the concentration of the reagents in the appropriate units, to prepare mixtures and solutions.

e) Identify the parts of a sampling plan, relating the materials used to the nature and purpose of the sample, according to the procedures established for sampling.

f) Characterize basic lab operations, describing the transformations of the subject matter, to prepare the sample for analysis.

g) Characterize products and apply standard procedures for physical testing of physical materials or tests.

h) Select the necessary materials and equipment, established procedures and quality standards, risk prevention and environmental protection, to perform chemical or microbiological analysis.

i) Identify the regulations associated with the logistics and complete the documentation required to manage the laboratory warehouse.

j) Classify materials and chemicals, to store them in order and cleaning conditions, complying with safety standards.

k) Classify the types of packaging and labels, depending on the requirements set, for the packaging and labelling of the products.

l) Classify waste from laboratory processes to treat, package, label and manage them.

m) Recognize safety, quality and environmental standards, and good laboratory practices, to maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace.

n) Recognize and classify risk situations in all activities performed in the laboratory to ensure compliance with environmental protection and occupational risk prevention standards and measures.

n) Analyze and use existing resources for learning throughout life and information and communication technologies to learn and update their knowledge, recognizing the possibilities for improvement professional and personal, to adapt to different professional and occupational situations.

o) Develop teamwork and value your organization, participating with tolerance and respect, and making collective or individual decisions to act with responsibility and autonomy.

p) Adopt and value creative solutions to problems and contingencies that arise in the development of work processes, to responsibly resolve the incidents of their activity.

q) Apply communication techniques, adapting to the contents to be transmitted, to their purpose and to the characteristics of the receivers, to ensure the effectiveness of the process.

r) To analyze the environmental and labor risks associated with the professional activity, relating them to the causes that produce them, in order to substantiate the preventive measures to be adopted, and to apply the protocols to prevent damage to oneself, to other people, to the environment and to the environment.

s) Analyze and apply the techniques needed to respond to universal accessibility and "design for all".

t) Apply and analyze the techniques needed to improve the quality of work procedures in the learning process and the reference productive sector.

u) Use procedures related to entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial and professional-initiative culture to perform the basic management of a small business or undertake a job.

v) Recognize your rights and duties as an active agent in society, taking into account the legal framework that regulates social and working conditions to participate as a democratic citizen.

Article 10. Professional modules.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle:

(a) They are developed in Annex I to this Royal Decree, complying with the provisions of Article 10 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011.

b) These are the following:

1249. Applied chemistry.

1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

1251. Physico-chemical tests.

1252. Ancillary services in the laboratory.

1253. Safety and organisation in the laboratory.

1254. Basic techniques of microbiology and biochemistry.

1255. Chemical analysis operations.

1256. Testing of materials.

1257. Storage and distribution in the laboratory.

0116. Electromechanical maintenance principles.

1258. Training and employment guidance.

1259. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

1260. Training in job centres.

2. The educational administrations will establish the corresponding curricula, respecting what is established in this royal decree and in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, for which the ordination is established general vocational training of the educational system.

Article 11. Spaces and equipment.

1. The spaces necessary for the development of the teachings of this formative cycle are those set out in Annex II of this royal decree.

2. The spaces will have the necessary and sufficient surface to develop the teaching activities that are derived from the learning outcomes of each of the professional modules that are taught in each of the spaces. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The area will be established on the basis of the number of people occupying the training space and should enable the development of learning activities with the ergonomics and mobility required within the same.

b) They should cover the spatial need for furniture, equipment and auxiliary work instruments.

c) They must respect the spaces or safety surfaces required by the machines and equipment in operation.

d) Respect the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, the regulations on safety and health at the workplace and how many other rules are applicable.

3. The established training spaces may be occupied by different groups that heal the same or other formative cycles, or educational stages.

4. The various identified learning spaces should not necessarily be differentiated by closure.

5. The equipment included in each space must be the necessary and sufficient to guarantee to the students the acquisition of the learning outcomes and the quality of the teaching. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The equipment (equipment, machines, etc.) shall have the necessary installation for its proper operation, comply with the safety and risk prevention rules and with the other applicable standards.

(b) The quantity and characteristics of the equipment must be based on the number of persons registered and enable the acquisition of the learning outcomes, taking into account the evaluation criteria and the content that are included in each of the professional modules that are delivered in the referenced spaces.

6. The competent authorities shall ensure that the spaces and equipment are adequate in quantity and characteristics for the development of the teaching and learning processes resulting from the learning outcomes of the modules. and thus ensure the quality of these teachings.

Article 12. Teachers.

1. The teaching of the vocational modules which constitute the teaching of this training cycle corresponds to the teaching staff of the Secondary Teaching Body, the Secondary School Teachers 'Corps and the Teachers' Body. Professional Training Technicians, as appropriate, from the specialties set out in Annex III A) to this royal decree.

2. The qualifications required for access to the aforementioned teaching bodies are, in general, those laid down in Article 13 of Royal Decree 276/2007 of 23 February, approving the entry, access and acquisition of the new specialties in the teaching bodies referred to in the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, and the transitional admission regime is regulated, which refers to the transitional provision of the said law. The qualifications equivalent to those before these same effects are, for the various specialties of the faculty, those listed in Annex III B) of the present royal decree.

3. For the teachers of the centres of private ownership or of public ownership of other administrations other than the educational ones, the required qualifications and the necessary requirements, for the delivery of the professional modules The title is included in Annex III C) of the present royal decree. In any case, the lessons to be taught to the qualifications mentioned shall be required to cover the objectives of the professional modules and, if those objectives are not included, in addition to the certification, they must be accredited by means of "certification", a work experience of at least three years in the sector related to the professional family, carrying out productive activities in companies that are implicitly related to learning outcomes.

4. The competent authorities shall ensure that the teachers providing the professional modules comply with the specified requirements and thus ensure the quality of these lessons.


Accesses and links to other studies, and correspondence of professional modules with the competition units

Article 13. Access to other studies.

1. The title of Technician in Laboratory Operations allows for direct access to cure any other middle-grade formative cycle, in the conditions of admission that are established.

2. The title of Technician in Laboratory Operations will allow access by testing or overcoming a specific course in the conditions set out in Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, to all the training cycles of higher degree of the same professional family and other training courses in which the baccalaureate modality is the same as the one that facilitates the connection with the cycles requested.

3. The title of Technician in Laboratory Operations will allow access to any of the baccalaureate modalities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 44.1 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, and in Article 34 of the Royal Decree of the Law of the Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July.

Article 14. Validations and exemptions.

1. The convalidations between professional training modules established under the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October of General Ordination of the Educational System and the professional modules of the title established in the This royal decree is as set out in Annex IV.

2. Those who have passed the vocational training and guidance module or the professional business module and entrepreneurial initiative in any of the training cycles corresponding to the securities established under the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, will have validated these modules in any other formative cycle established under the same law.

3. Those who have obtained the accreditation of all the units of competence included in the title, by means of the procedure laid down in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July of recognition of the professional skills acquired by work experience, may validate the vocational training and guidance module provided that:

-Credit at least one year of work experience.

-Be in possession of the accreditation of the training established for the performance of the basic level functions of the preventive activity, issued in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, by the The Regulation of the Prevention Services is approved.

4. In accordance with Article 39 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011, the total or partial exemption of the vocational training module in the workplace may be determined by correspondence with the work experience, provided that an experience related to this training cycle is established in the terms provided for in that Article.

Article 15. Correspondence of professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption.

1. The correspondence of the units of competence with the professional modules that form the teaching of the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations, for their validation or exemption, is determined in Annex V A) of this royal decree.

2. The correspondence of the professional modules which form the teaching of the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations with the units of competence, for their accreditation, is determined in Annex V B) of this royal decree.

Additional disposition first. Title reference in the European framework.

Once the national qualifications framework has been established, in accordance with the European recommendations, the corresponding level of this qualification will be determined in the national framework and its equivalent in the European framework.

Additional provision second. Distance offering of this Title.

The professional modules that form the teachings of this training cycle can be offered at a distance, provided that it is guaranteed that the students can achieve the learning outcomes of the same, according to the provisions in the present royal decree. To this end, the educational authorities, within the scope of their respective powers, shall take the measures they deem necessary and shall give the precise instructions.

Additional provision third. Equivalent qualifications and links with vocational training.

1. According to the provisions of the additional 30th of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education, the titles of Technical Auxiliary of Law 14/1970, of 4 August, General of Education and Financing of the Reform Educational, which are then related, will have the same professional effects as the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations established in this royal decree:

a) Auxiliary Technician in Laboratory Operator, Chemical Branch.

b) Auxiliary Technician in Laboratory Auxiliary, Chemical Branch.

2. The title of Technician in Laboratory, established by Royal Decree 817/1993, of May 28, will have the same professional and academic effects as the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations established in this royal decree.

3. The training provided in this royal decree in the vocational training and guidance module is capable of carrying out professional responsibilities equivalent to those required by basic level activities in the field of risk prevention. This is the case in the case of the case-law of the Court of Law of 17 January 1997, in which the Regulation of the Prevention Services is adopted, provided that it has at least 45 teaching hours.

Additional provision fourth. Regulation of the exercise of the profession.

1. The title laid down in this royal decree does not constitute a regulation of the exercise of a regulated profession.

2. Similarly, the equivalence of academic qualifications provided for in paragraph 1 and 2 of the third provision of this royal decree shall be without prejudice to the provisions which they enable for the exercise of the right to regulated professions.

Additional provision fifth. Equivalences for the purposes of teaching in the selective entry procedures in the Professional Training Technical Teachers ' Corps.

The title of Technical Superior or Specialist Technician is declared equivalent to those required for access to the Technical Teachers ' Body of Vocational Training, when the title has been used as an interim teacher in schools. public in the field of the administrative authority, in the field of teaching to which it intends to access and for a minimum period of two years before 31 August 2007.

Additional provision sixth. Universal accessibility in the teachings of this title.

1. In the field of their respective competences, the educational authorities will include in the curriculum of this training cycle the elements necessary to ensure that the persons who are cured develop the competences included in the curriculum in "design for all".

2. They shall also take the measures they deem necessary to enable this student to access and to pursue that training cycle under the conditions laid down in the final provision of Law 51/2003 of 2 December 2003. equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.

Single transient arrangement. Applicability of other rules.

1. Until the provisions of this royal decree are applied, pursuant to the provisions of its second and third final provisions, the provisions of Royal Decree 817/1993 of 28 May 1993 establishing the title of the Laboratory Technician and the corresponding minimum teachings.

2. Also, until the rule governing the management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the curriculum corresponding to the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations, is applicable, it will be applicable to the Royal Decree 1076/1993 of 2 July, establishing the curriculum of the middle grade training cycle corresponding to the degree of Technician in Laboratory.

Single repeal provision. Repeal of rules.

1. Royal Decree 817/1993 of 28 May 1993 establishing the title of Technician in Laboratory and the corresponding minimum teachings and the provisions of equal or lower rank are hereby repealed. decree.

2. Royal Decree 1076/1993 of 2 July 1993 establishing the curriculum of the middle grade training cycle corresponding to the degree of Technician in Laboratory is hereby repealed.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

The present royal decree is of a basic standard, under the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.1. and 30. of the Constitution. The exception of the basic rule is Article 13.2 and the single transitional provision point 2.

Final disposition second. Implementation of the new curriculum.

The educational administrations will implement the new curriculum of these teachings in the 2013-2014 school year. However, they will be able to anticipate the academic year 2012-2013 of this training cycle.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 23, 2012.


The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport,



Professional Modules

Professional Module: Applied Chemistry.

Code: 1249

1. It characterizes the chemical elements and compounds, relating their properties to the type of binding.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The criteria for the sorting of the chemical elements have been detailed, taking into account their nature.

b) The nomenclature and formulation of inorganic chemical compounds have been applied.

c) The chemical link types and their properties have been described.

d) Chemicals have been classified according to their properties.

e) The constituent elements of an inorganic sample have been identified, applying the corresponding techniques.

f) The number of moles of a substance has been determined, relating to their mass or volume.

g) Specific risks associated with chemical compounds have been identified.

h) Risk prevention measures have been taken into account in the handling of chemicals.

2. It classifies organic compounds, recognizing their properties and chemical behavior.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The structure of the organic compounds has been identified, relating to the properties it confers on them.

b) Organic functional groups have been recognized, determining their physical and chemical properties.

c) Related the types of links that make up the organic compounds with their properties.

d) The nomenclature and formulation of organic chemical compounds have been applied.

e) The types of organic reactions with their characteristics have been linked.

f) The constituent elements of an organic sample have been identified by elemental analysis, applying the corresponding techniques.

g) Functional groups have been identified, following established procedures.

h) Specific risks associated with organic chemical compounds have been identified.

i) Risk prevention measures have been selected in the manipulation of organic compounds.

3. Prepares mixtures and solutions with the required concentration by selecting the required materials and products.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The masses and concentrations of the reagents involved in the preparation of a solution have been calculated.

b) Mass and volumes have been measured with accuracy, precision, and cleanliness.

c) The concentration of the solutions has been expressed in different units.

d) The volumetric materials and reagents required in the determination of required concentration solutions have been selected.

e) Dissolution has been prepared with the required precision, from the standard laboratory procedures.

f) The desired concentration in the dissolution has been verified, comparing it to a primary pattern.

g) Prepared solutions have been identified and labeled.

h) Risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been applied throughout the process of preparation of solutions.

4. Defines chemical reactions by describing their analytical applications.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) Reagents have been determined, taking into account their chemical nature and purity.

b) Chemical reactions have been classified according to their characteristics.

c) Factors affecting the chemical balance of a reaction have been determined.

d) Factors that affect the rate of reaction have been determined.

e) The stoichiometric calculations have been performed in the chemical reactions.

f) The reaction heat or the heat generated in the preparation of solutions has been determined.

g) Risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been applied in all chemical reactions.

5. It characterizes the basic processes of chemical production, distinguishing the reaction that produces them.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The most common manufacturing processes in the chemical industry have been identified, relating to the chemical transformations on which they are based.

b) The symbology used in the industrial chemistry process diagrams has been identified.

c) The combination of basic and chemical reaction operations has been defined in various chemical processes.

d) The importance of energy efficiency in the processes of the chemical industry has been assessed.

e) The main products of the chemical industry have been defined.

f) The main chemical process equipment and its constituent elements have been identified, relating to their applications.

g) Some type of substance has been obtained through simple operations, relating to the corresponding industrial process.

Duration: 120 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of chemical elements and compounds:


-Laws of perfect gases.

-Atome and atomic models.

-Types of chemical elements. The periodic table.

-Periodic properties: atomic and ionic radio, ionization potential, and electronic affinity.

-Nomenclature and inorganic formulation.

-Chemical link. Link types.

Classification of organic functions:

-Carbon atom structure and properties.

-Nomenclature and organic formulation.

-Carbon links.

-Analysis of the main organic functions.

-Main organic reactions: addition, substitution, elimination, halogenation, and others.

Preparation of mixtures and solutions:


-Properties of the solutions.

-Calculation of concentrations.

-Mass and volume measures.

-Preparation of solutions.

-Dissolutions assessment.

-Pattern substances.

-Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards in the preparation of solutions.

-Order and cleanup incident during processing phases.

Defining chemical reactions:

-Ley de Lavoisier. Chemical reactions.


-Chemical balance.

-Reaction rate.

-Thermochemistry. Endothermic and exothermic reactions.


Characterization of chemical production processes:

-Laboratory chemistry and industrial chemistry. Structure of the chemical industry. Features.

-The industrial chemical process. More usual manufacturing processes in the chemical industry.

-Flow diagrams of a type of production process. Symbology.

-More significant elements of a chemical process. Industrial equipment.

Teaching guidelines.

This professional module is a support module, so it responds to the need to provide an adequate theoretical basis for the understanding and application of basic techniques for product analysis and chemical process control.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (d), (j), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the training cycle, and (d), (j), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Nomenclature and formulation of chemicals.

-Realization of solutions.

-Description of the principles of the chemical reaction.

-Description of chemical production processes.

-Description of the main chemicals. Laboratory scale production of a type product.

Professional Module: Sampling and Unit Lab Operations.

Code: 1250

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Takes samples, applying standard working procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The sampling points, the number of samples, and their size have been identified.

b) The on-site sampling and test equipment indicated in the procedure have been prepared.

c) Collection containers have been prepared, depending on the sample and the parameter to be determined.

d) The sampling technique has been run, following the normalized procedure.

e) Coded materials, utensils and equipment have been used, controlling asepsy conditions and avoiding contamination and alterations.

f) Registration, labelling, transport and storage of the sample have been carried out, following procedures to ensure their traceability.

g) The required individual protection equipment has been provided and security conditions have been checked.

h) Work has been done, meeting quality, environmental and risk prevention standards.

i) Order and cleanup have been valued in performing the procedures.

2. It provides samples for analysis, following standard working procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basics of pretreatment techniques have been applied.

b) Required equipment has been identified.

c) Accurate equipment and solutions have been prepared.

d) Treatment of the sample has been performed following the established procedure.

e) Work has been done by avoiding contamination or sample alterations.

f) The equipment has been cleaned up and the planned maintenance has been performed.

g) The required individual protection equipment has been provided and security conditions have been checked.

h) Waste has been treated or stored, following established procedures.

i) Work has been done in compliance with quality, environmental and risk prevention standards.

3. Performs mechanical operations on the samples, applying the established procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The fundamentals of the mechanical processing operations of samples have been applied.

b) The equipment required for mechanical operations has been identified.

c) The necessary means and reagents are selected for the procedure.

d) The operation was performed following the established procedure.

e) Work has been done by avoiding contamination or sample alterations.

f) The equipment has been cleaned up and the planned maintenance has been performed.

g) The required individual protection equipment has been provided and security conditions have been checked.

h) Work has been done, meeting quality, environmental and risk prevention standards.

i) Order and cleanup have been valued in performing the procedures.

4. Performs thermal operations on the samples, applying the standard procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The fundamentals of the sample treatment thermal operations have been applied.

b) The equipment required for thermal operations has been characterized.

c) The necessary means and reagents are selected for the procedure.

d) The precise equipment and solutions have been prepared.

e) Treatment of the sample was performed following the established procedure.

f) Contamination or sample alterations have been avoided.

g) The equipment has been cleaned up and the planned maintenance has been performed.

h) The required individual protection equipment has been provided and security conditions have been checked.

i) Work has been done in compliance with quality, environmental and risk prevention standards.

5. Performs difusing operations, following standard work procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The fundamentals of the sample treatment difusion operations have been applied.

b) The equipment required for the difuse operations has been characterized.

c) Accurate equipment and solutions have been prepared.

d) Treatment of the sample has been performed, avoiding contamination or alterations thereof.

e) The equipment has been cleaned up and the planned maintenance has been performed.

f) Solvents have been recovered, following established procedures.

g) Waste has been treated or stored, following established procedures.

h) Work has been done in compliance with quality, environmental and risk prevention standards.

i) Order and cleanup have been valued in performing the procedures.

Duration: 110 hours.

Basic contents:

Sample Take:

-Analytic problem.

-Displays. Representative sample.

-Sampling plan.

-Statistics considerations: size and number of samples.

-Sample types.

-Sample sampling: sampling techniques.

-Handling, preserving, transporting, and storing the sample.

-In-place tests.

-Error sources in the sampling and manipulation of the sample.

Conditioning the sample:





Performing mechanical operations in the sample:





Performing thermal operations in the sample:






Performing difuser operations:




-ion exchange.


Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of production/transformation, quality control and assurance, environmental protection and prevention and job security.

The production/transformation function includes aspects such as:

-Preparing raw materials.

The quality assurance and control function includes aspects such as:

-Running the sampling plan.

The environmental protection feature includes aspects such as:

-Compliance with environmental standards.

The job security and prevention feature includes aspects such as:

-Compliance with security rules and procedures.

-Using individual protection equipment.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Samples Thomas.

-Transport and storage of samples.

-Preparing the sample for analysis.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (e), (f), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) of the training cycle, and (e), (f), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Performing sample takes.

-Transport and storage of samples, under conditions which ensure their representativeness and traceability.

-Preparation of samples for analysis, following standard procedures.

Professional Module: physico-chemical tests.

Code: 1251

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes the matter by identifying its physicochemical properties.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The facilities, equipment, materials and technical documentation of the physico-chemical testing laboratory have been identified.

b) Maintenance of the facilities and equipment has been carried out, checking their operation.

c) The physical and physicochemical properties of the matter have been defined, relating to their structure and state of aggregation.

d) The physical properties have been related to the parameters to be determined in the laboratory tests.

e) The properties derived from the status change diagram are defined.

f) The coligative properties of the solutions have been identified.

g) Optical properties have been identified, relating them to the parameters to be measured.

h) Risk prevention, environmental protection and waste classification regulations have been implemented.

2. Determines physical properties of matter, applying standardized tests.

Evaluation criteria.

a) The principles that govern the techniques of determining thermal, electrical, magnetic and density properties have been identified.

b) The physical parameters to be determined in the matter have been defined, relating them to their properties.

c) It has been established whether the equipment and instruments are available, calibrated and clean for testing.

d) The sample has been prepared, according to the type of test and equipment to be used.

e) Tests have been performed to determine the specific density and weight.

f) Tests have been performed to determine thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties.

g) The results obtained with the appropriate units of measurement have been recorded.

h) The cleaning and sorting of materials and equipment has been carried out.

3. Determines properties of the matter associated with state changes, applying standardized procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The principles governing the changes in the state of the matter, the testing techniques and the parameters to be determined have been identified.

b) The values of the status change properties of a substance have been related to their purity.

c) The sample is conditioned according to its characteristics and the parameters to be determined.

d) The test has been prepared, identifying each of its stages and selecting the equipment according to the parameter to be measured.

e) Tests have been performed to determine points of fusion and purification of substances by sublimation.

f) Freezing, boiling, and determination of vaping calors have been conducted.

g) The influence of the pressure on the boiling temperature has been proven.

h) The results obtained in the appropriate units have been recorded.

4. It determines the coligative properties of the solutions, applying standard procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The principles that govern the testing techniques in the application of the coligative properties have been identified.

b) The parameters to be measured based on the properties to be determined have been identified.

c) The sample has been prepared and conditioned, according to the test to be performed.

d) Teams have been prepared using the required facilities.

e) Molecular weights have been obtained by application of osmotic pressure, ebulloscopy and cryoscopy.

f) The boiling point of concentrated solutions has been determined and the corresponding laws have been applied.

g) Each stage of the test has been established.

h) The results obtained in the appropriate units of measurement have been recorded.

5. Measures liquid properties, applying standard procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The properties of viscosity, fluidity, and surface tension have been defined.

b) Viscosity types have been defined, relating to methods of determination.

c) The methods of determining the surface tension, identifying their units, have been defined.

d) The practical application equations have been defined, identifying the parameters to be determined.

e) The sample has been prepared, according to the type of test and the equipment to be used.

f) Tests have been conducted for the determination of liquid viscosities, applying different methods.

g) Tests have been conducted for the determination of surface tension, applying different methods.

h) The results obtained in the appropriate units have been recorded.

6. Measures optical properties, applying standard procedures.

Assessment Criteria

a) The fundamentals of refraction and reflection of light have been applied.

b) Polarized light has been related to optically active substances.

c) The physical constants (refractive index, molar refraction, reflectivity, and specific rotation) have been characterized.

d) The characteristics of the types of refractory and their components with the optical path have been related.

e) Basic components of saccharimeters and polarimeters have been defined.

f) The sample is conditioned according to its characteristics and the parameters to be measured.

g) Physical constants have been determined using refractometers and polarimeters.

h) Opacity and turbidity have been measured, using the appropriate equipment in each case.

Duration: 110 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of matter:

-Laboratory of physico-chemical tests: materials, equipment and facilities. Organization and technical documentation.

-Laboratory maintenance: facilities and basic equipment. Associated risks. Safety in operating activities.

-Environmental standards of the laboratory and classification of waste.

-Structure of the subject. Aggregation states. Properties.

-Physical properties: density, thermal, electrical, and magnetic.

-Status change diagram: derived properties.

-The coligative properties of the solutions.

-Liquid state properties: viscosity and surface tension.

-Optical properties. Isomeria

Determination of physical properties of matter:

-Methods for determining liquid and solid densities. Definition of density and specific weight. Types and units. Experimental performance.

-Influence of temperature in the density of liquids.

-Determination of the density of gases. General laws of ideal gases: experimental determination. Theoretical calculation under normal and experimental conditions.

-Determination of thermal properties: definition, measurement systems, and units. Standard procedures for experimental determination.

-Electrical properties: conductivity and resistivity. Units. Classification of materials according to their strength.

-Methods for determining electrical conductivity.

-Magnetic properties. Magnetism, fields and magnitudes. Types of magnetism. Classification of the materials by their behavior in the magnetic field.

-Experimental testing of magnetism tests. Teams. Standard procedures.

-Equipment used in the tests: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Determining property properties associated with status changes:

-Status change properties: liquid-vapor balance, solid-liquid balance, and solid-steam balance. Defining the associated properties.

-Experimental the water status change diagram to different pressures and derived properties.

-Application of sublimation to the purification of substances.

-Equipment used in the tests: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Determining the coligative properties of matter:

-Definition of vapour pressure, boiling point, solidification point and freezing, and osmotic pressure.

-Application of the coligative properties to the determination of molecular weights by ebulloscopy and cryoscopy. Test techniques. Procedures.

-Laws applied to the boiling point of concentrated solutions.

-osmotic pressure. Van't Hoff Equation. Determination of molecular weights.

-Equipment used in the tests: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Measurement of liquid properties:

-Liquid characteristics and properties:

Viscosity. Definition, units and types. Variation with temperature.

Surface Tension: Definition, units, and application equations. Young-Laplace equation.

-Viscosity laws.

-Experimental application of viscosities determination methods: test techniques according to the characteristics of the liquids.

-Determination of surface tension: techniques of determination. Standard procedures. Team.

-Variation of surface tension with temperature.

-Equipment used in the tests: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Measurement of optical properties:

-Nature and propagation of light. Refraction and reflection. Boundary angle.

-Refractometers: types, components, and optical path.

-Refraction index measure: pure substances. Variation with concentration. Variation with temperature.

-polarized light. Optically active substances.

-Polarimeters: components and types.

-Measure of the specific rotation index. Variation with temperature.

-Opacity: basic concepts. Types of opacimeters. Applications. Measure of opacity.

-Turbidimetry and nefelometry: basic concepts. Differences. Measure of water turbidity.

-Equipment used in the tests: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform auxiliary functions of quality control, maintenance of facilities and equipment in laboratories of physico-chemical tests, with quality criteria, safety and environmental protection.

The professional activities associated with these functions are applied in the processes of:

-Preparation of samples and equipment for physico-chemical tests.

-Measurement of physicochemical variables.

-Classification of waste for further treatment.

-Compliance and control of safety and environmental protection.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (g), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (t) of the training cycle, and (g), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (t) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Sample Preparation Techniques.

-Realization of physico-chemical assays.

-Operation and maintenance of equipment and installations.

In the measurement of physico-chemical variables according to the phases to be followed and the quality of the sample, actions related to:

-Application of security measures and personal protective equipment.

-Application of quality in the performance of the test.

-Application of environmental protection regulations, related to waste and treatment of waste.

Professional Module: Auxiliary Services in the Lab.

Code: 1252

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes the equipment and auxiliary facilities of a laboratory, describing the function they perform.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The main auxiliary services that make up a laboratory have been identified.

b) The functionality of auxiliary equipment and facilities has been defined.

c) The instruments, equipment, auxiliary facilities and their constituent elements have been identified.

d) The importance of auxiliary equipment and facilities in a laboratory has been assessed.

e) The symbology used in the diagrams of the equipment and facilities constituting the auxiliary services has been identified.

f) The regulations, risk prevention and environmental protection measures in the laboratory have been identified.

2. It operates with water equipment and facilities for the laboratory, controlling established operating parameters.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Water uses have been identified as an auxiliary service for the chemical laboratory.

b) The required water needs have been assessed in the laboratory.

c) The problems associated with the use of water in the laboratory have been linked to the need for their treatment.

d) The impurities present in the water have been characterized, relating them to the purification processes required for their use.

e) Different water treatment equipment and its constituent elements have been characterized, depending on the requirements of the process.

f) Start-up, follow-up and stop operations have been performed on water treatment equipment and facilities.

g) The work area has been organized for the execution of maintenance by either own or foreign media.

h) Basic maintenance work has been performed on auxiliary equipment and facilities.

i) Order, cleaning, risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been followed.

3. Operates with gas supply facilities, complying with current regulations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The most common gases required in the processes of a chemical laboratory have been identified, relating to their functionality.

b) The parameters to be controlled in the gases used in the laboratory have been determined.

c) Different gas supply equipment and its constituent elements have been defined, depending on the requirements of the process.

d) Start-up, follow-up and stop operations have been performed on gas supply equipment and facilities.

e) The work area has been organized for the execution of maintenance by means of its own or others.

f) Basic maintenance work has been performed on auxiliary gas equipment and facilities.

g) Order, cleaning, risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been followed.

4. It operates with vacuum production facilities, following standard working procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The parameters to be controlled in the vacuum facilities used in the laboratory have been determined.

b) The different vacuum equipment and constituent elements have been defined, depending on the requirements of the process.

c) Start-up, tracking, and stop operations have been performed on vacuum equipment and installations.

d) The work area has been organized for the execution of maintenance by means of its own or others.

e) Basic maintenance work has been performed on auxiliary vacuum production equipment and facilities.

f) Order, cleaning, risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been followed.

5. It operates with heating and cooling systems, relating environmental conditions to those required for the development of processes in the laboratory.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Heat production equipment and facilities have been identified.

b) The equipment, facilities and constituent elements for the production of heat have been characterized.

c) Cold production equipment and facilities have been identified.

d) Equipment, facilities and constituent elements for cold production have been characterized.

e) The parameters to be controlled in the cold and heat installations have been determined.

f) Start-up, monitoring and stopping operations have been performed on gas supply equipment and facilities.

g) The work area has been organized for the execution of maintenance by either own or foreign media.

h) Basic maintenance work has been performed on auxiliary gas equipment and facilities.

i) Order, cleaning, risk prevention and environmental protection standards have been followed.

Duration: 35 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of equipment and auxiliary facilities of a laboratory:

-Auxiliary services in a lab.

-Description of auxiliary equipment and facilities.

-The functionality of equipment, auxiliary facilities and constituent elements.

-Interpretation of diagrams and schemes of auxiliary equipment and installations.

-Regulations and measures of safety and prevention of occupational risks.

Operation with water equipment and facilities:

-Water in nature: water cycle.

-Need of water in laboratory processes.

-Water types for the lab.

-Water treatment.

-Determination of parameters. Measuring instruments.

-Water equipment and facilities. Start and stop.

-First level maintenance of water treatment equipment and facilities.

-Order and cleaning procedures in water treatment equipment.

-Safety regulations, occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

Operations with Gas Supply Facilities:

-Composition, characteristics and properties of air and other gases used in the laboratory.

-Determination of parameters. Pressure. Relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature.

-Gas supply equipment and facilities.

-Stop and stop.

-First level maintenance of gas supply equipment and facilities.

-Order and cleaning procedures in gas supply installations and equipment.

-Safety regulations, occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

Operations with vacuum production facilities:

-Empty systems.

-Determining parameters.

-Vacuum production equipment and installations.

-Stop and stop.

-First level maintenance of vacuum production equipment and facilities.

-Order and cleanup procedures in vacuum production facilities.

-Safety regulations, occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

Operations with heating and cooling systems:

-Concepts and units of heat and temperature.

-Heat generation systems in a lab.

-Cooling systems.

-Puesta and stop of a laboratory's heating and cooling systems.

-First level maintenance of heat and cold production equipment and facilities.

-Order and cleaning procedures on heat and cold generation equipment.

-Safety regulations, occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

Teaching guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the maintenance function of auxiliary equipment and facilities in the laboratory.

The maintenance function of auxiliary equipment and facilities includes aspects such as:

-Preparing auxiliary services.

-First level maintenance of auxiliary equipment and facilities.

-Preparing the work area for external maintenance actions.

-First-level maintenance control.

The professional activities associated with this function are applied in the processes:

-Preparing and maintaining auxiliary services.

-Maintenance of water treatment equipment.

-Maintenance of vacuum and gas supply facilities.

-Maintenance of heating and cooling systems.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (a), (b), (c), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the training cycle, and the professional skills (a), (b), (c), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Description of power generation and power transformation equipment.

-Description of water treatment equipment and facilities.

-Realization of start-up operations, equipment and auxiliary facilities, while maintaining safety and environmental conditions.

-Realization of basic equipment maintenance.

Professional Module: Safety and organization in the lab.

Code: 1253

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Performs risk or simulated emergency actions by selecting risk prevention regulations for laboratory operations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The risks associated with the laboratory operations and the damage resulting therefrom have been identified.

b) The applicable risk prevention regulations have been selected in the laboratory.

c) Risk areas in the lab have been defined by appropriate signalisations.

d) The information on the chemical safety tab has been interpreted.

e) The characteristics of the fire have been described, as well as the means of extinction depending on the type of fire.

f) Emergency plans applied to the lab have been interpreted.

g) The actions to be performed in case of emergency have been simulated, indicating the equipment and means used.

h) The basic content has been checked, which by regulation must have a kit.

i) The basic first aid techniques to be applied in case of an accident in the laboratory have been described.

2. Applies safety standards, relating to risk factors in the laboratory.

Assessment Criteria:

a) You have defined the clothing, behaviors, and attitudes likely to decrease the chemical risk in the laboratory.

b) Individual protection and collective protection equipment have been selected, depending on the risk to be covered.

c) The good status of individual and collective protective equipment has been proven.

d) Critical points have been identified in the commissioning, operation and stopping of laboratory equipment.

e) The security rules have been applied to the realization of the TNs.

f) Chemicals have been classified according to their harmful effects.

g) The pictograms and the hazard phrases H and prudence P of the chemicals have been identified.

h) Prevention and protection measures have been applied in operations with pressurised equipment and pressure gases.

i) Prevention and protection measures have been applied in operations with ionising and non-ionising radiation.

3. Identifies potential environmental contaminants in the lab by selecting the established regulations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The applicable environmental protection regulations have been identified in the laboratory.

b) The main pollutant detection systems have been characterized.

c) The effects on the organism of contaminants with their nature and composition have been related.

d) The health effects that may cause the different types of contaminants have been identified.

e) The permitted minimum concentrations of each of the pollutants have been identified.

f) The measurement equipment of contaminants and their location in the laboratory have been characterized.

g) The concentration of the possible contaminants in the laboratory has been measured.

h) Pollutant emission minimization techniques have been identified.

4. Manages waste from the laboratory, identifying its characteristics and dangerousness.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The lab-produced waste has been identified.

b) The regulations regarding the treatment of waste produced in the laboratory have been identified.

c) Procedures for recovering chemicals used in the lab have been selected.

d) Procedures have been applied to minimize the use of chemical reagents in the laboratory.

e) Waste disposal techniques have been applied.

f) The laboratory waste storage and handling procedures have been applied.

g) The selective collection plan for the waste generated in the laboratory has been applied.

h) The effects, risks and possible areas where a chemical leak can occur have been identified.

i) Leakage treatment techniques have been applied in simulated cases.

5. Applies quality management protocols, relating them to work procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The objectives of the technical competition rules have been described, explaining their field of application.

b) The importance of good laboratory practice (GLP) has been assessed in order to achieve a quality system in the laboratory.

c) The procedures for operating and using the equipment according to the GLP have been correctly and accurately interpreted.

d) Quality control procedures for equipment and tests have been followed.

e) The basic quality system documents assigned to each process have been identified.

f) Procedures have been selected to certify the quality of the laboratory.

g) Certification and accreditation of a laboratory has been differentiated.

6. Records the documentation of the lab, valuing its usefulness in the organization of the laboratory.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The laboratory documentation and bibliography has been organized.

b) The documentation associated with the lab activity has been selected.

c) Data logging techniques have been applied to the appropriate media.

d) Computer systems have been used for the communication and processing of data and results.

e) Computer systems have been used to organize the lab documentation.

f) Reports have been generated following the established procedure.

g) Evidence of the results obtained in the analysis has been respected.

h) Laboratory confidentiality protocols have been applied.

Duration: 80 hours.

Basic contents:

Performing actions in cases of risk or simulated emergency:

-Risk prevention regulations.

-Accidents in the lab.

-First aid in case of an accident in the laboratory.

-Handling loads.

-Security tab (FDS).

-Emergency plans.

-Fire characteristics. Prevention and means of extinction.


Application of security rules:

-Required compliance rules for work in the lab.

-Clothing and work habits.

-Personal protective equipment (PPE). Glasses, gloves and gown.

-Collective protection equipment.

-Classification of substances and preparations.


-Hazard phrases H and prudence P.

-Applying security rules in the lab.

Identification of environmental pollutants:

-Environmental protection rules.

-Measure of environmental contaminants in the laboratory.

-Assessment of exposure to chemical agents.

-Effects on the health of contaminants.

-Identification of contaminants.

-Types of contaminants.

-Pollution of the atmosphere of a laboratory.

Managing lab waste:

-Waste regulations.

-Effects and risks of leaks.

-Treatment of leaks.

-General classification of waste.

-Classification of chemical waste.

-Waste Management.

-Waste storage.

-Selective collection in the laboratory. Guidelines for a selective collection plan.

Application of quality management protocols:

-Quality rules.

-Good practice in the lab.

-Quality system documents.

-Quality audit and evaluation.

Laboratory documentation log:

-Lab information.

-Laboratory activity documentation.

-A reporting methodology for a report.

-Data management computer systems.

-Data processing and communication computing systems.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of environmental protection, prevention and job security, and quality control and assurance.

The environmental protection feature includes aspects such as:

-Waste control.

-Environmental rules.

-Environmental impact minimization.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Compliance with environmental standards.

-Record the generated waste or impacts.

The job security and prevention feature includes aspects such as:

-Security rules.

-Individual and collective security teams.

-Emergency plans.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Compliance with security rules and procedures.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Acting on emergencies and monitoring quality plans.

The quality assurance feature includes such things as:

-Compliance with good practices in the lab.

-Track quality procedures in equipment and testing.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Tracking quality plans.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (l), (m), (n), (s), (t), (u) and (v) of the training cycle, and (l), (m), (n), (s), (t) and (u) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Control of waste generated in the lab.

-Application of environmental and labor safety standards.

-Acting on emergencies.

-Preparing and managing individual and collective protective equipment.

-Applying good laboratory practice.

Professional Module: Basic Microbiology and Biochemistry Techniques.

Code 1254

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes microorganisms according to their structure and behavior, interpreting the detection techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of prokaryotic cells from the bacterial structure has been defined.

b) The microorganisms have been classified according to their shape and size.

c) The metabolism and reproduction of bacteria has been described.

d) Prokaryotic microorganisms have been characterized.

e) Viruses have been characterized.

f) Nutrition and breathing techniques of microorganisms for enrichment and growth have been identified.

g) The dangers associated with pathogenic bacteria have been assessed.

h) Micro-organisms have been identified with bacterial applications in the field of chemistry, agriculture and animal husbandry, industry and medicine.

2. It features facilities and equipment for microbiological testing, relating to their use or application.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The facilities of a microbiology laboratory have been characterized.

(b) The most frequently used devices and instruments have been selected in a microbiology laboratory.

c) The established work protocols for the management of microbiological samples have been identified.

d) Micro-organism containment barriers have been identified, to protect staff and prevent their spread.

e) Procedures for the disposal of microbiological test residues have been applied.

f) The maintenance of laboratory equipment and materials has been performed.

3. It handles the microscope for the identification of microorganisms in biological samples, describing how it works.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The types of magnifiers and microscopes that are used according to the type of sample have been identified.

b) The parts of the microscope used in the identification of microorganisms in biological samples have been described.

c) The microscope has been handled in the study of standard biological samples, applying different increases, contrast and resolutions.

d) Micro-organisms have been observed by the microscope for identification and classification.

e) Different microscopic observation techniques have been selected, to be applied according to the type of sample.

f) The tuning and maintenance of the microscope has been performed.

g) Microcopy applications have been described.

h) The importance of the accessories applied to microscopy (photography and ICT, among others) has been valued.

4. Prepares microbiological samples, relating them to the techniques to be used.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The required aseptic and cleaning conditions have been defined.

b) The material used in the sampling has been prepared, in established cleaning and sterility conditions.

c) Different sampling techniques have been applied, depending on their origin.

d) Transport, storage and storage of the sample have been carried out in conditions that preserve their identity and authenticity.

e) Physical and chemical methods of disinfection and sterilization have been applied for the conduct of the tests.

f) The culture media and its constituents have been prepared.

g) Samples have been prepared for observation under the microscope, fresh and fixed.

5. Applies observation techniques and records test data, applying the established procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Several types of staining have been performed for the identification of microorganisms.

b) Seed and inoculation have been performed for the identification of microorganisms.

c) Incubation has been performed for the identification of microorganisms.

d) Growth and isolation have been achieved in growing media.

e) The micro-organism count has been performed following the procedure.

f) Commercial systems for the identification of microorganisms have been used.

g) Antibiotics have been performed to determine the activity, resistance and sensitivity of a micro-organism against various antibiotics.

h) Data obtained from the tests on the appropriate media have been recorded.

6. It features tests on biomolecules, interpreting the test techniques.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Essential biomolecules have been classified.

b) The structures of the biomolecules have been described.

c) The functions of the biomolecules have been identified.

d) Reagents have been prepared for testing with biomolecules.

e) The equipment for testing has been selected and developed.

f) Biomolecules identification tests have been performed, applying standard procedures.

g) Environmental protection and safety standards have been applied in conducting the tests.

7. It applies biochemical techniques in the determination of proteins and nucleic acids, following established procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The sample, materials and reagents have been prepared according to the biological material to be extracted.

b) The materials and reagents required for extraction have been characterized.

c) Equipment calibration and maintenance has been performed.

d) The phases of the process of protein extraction and nucleic acids have been described.

e) The concentration of proteins and nucleic acids has been determined.

f) Pollution sources have been identified in the extraction of proteins and nucleic acids.

g) Registration, labelling and preservation of the extracted products have been carried out.

h) Prevention guidelines against biological risks have been applied.

i) Conditions for asepsis, handling and disposal of waste have been applied.

Duration: 75 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of microorganisms according to their structure and behavior:

-Introduction to the study of Microbiology.

-Microbe concept.

-Classification of bacteria.

-pathogenic Bacteria.

-Bacteria of industrial interest.



Characterization of installations and equipment:

-The microbiology lab.

-Apparates, instruments and products most commonly used in the microbiology laboratory.

-Biological hazards.

-Current legal safety rules to eliminate waste from biological materials.

Managing the microscope:

-Microscopy. The composite optical microscope.

-Types of magnifiers and microscopes.

-Managing the microscope: increases, contrast, and resolutions.

-Microscopic observation techniques.

-Rules, usage, maintenance, and fundamental parts of the optical microscope.

-Equipment and laboratory materials used in microscopy.

-Identification and classification of microorganisms by the microscope.

Preparation of microbiological samples:

-Material used in the taking of microbiological samples.

-Microbiological sampling techniques.

-Transport, storage and storage of the sample.

-Preparation of the samples for observation under the microscope.

-Techniques for using a microbe.

-Preparation of culture media.

Application of observation techniques:

-seeding and inoculation techniques.



-Growth of the culture media.

-Types of staining.

-Count of microorganisms.

-Log and support reports.

Characterization of trials in biomolecules:

-Essential Biomolecules.

-Characteristics of biomolecules.

-Structure of biomolecules.

-Functions of biomolecules.

Application of biochemical and molecular biology techniques:

-Preparation of samples of biological material for the extraction of biomolecules.

-Phases of the process in the extraction of proteins.

-Protein extraction techniques.

-Phases of the process in the extraction of nucleic acids.

-Materials and reagents required for extraction.

-Techniques for the determination of proteins and nucleic acids.

-Contaminants in the extraction of proteins and nucleic acids.

-Registration, labelling and conservation of extracted products.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of sample and equipment preparation and to perform microbiological and biochemical tests on biological samples.

The professional activities associated with these functions apply to:

-Food analysis.

-Water analysis.

-Environmental parameter analysis.

-Quality control of the processing industry.

-Control of the traceability of perishable products.

-Purification and determination of proteins.

-DNA analysis.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (f), (h), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (s) of the training cycle, and (f), (h), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r) and (s) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Control and maintenance of the warehouse of samples and equipment for microbiological analysis.

-Preparing samples and equipment for microbiological analysis.

-The performance of microbiological tests.

-Performing biochemical tests.

-The record in computer support of the results of the analyses.

In the conduct of microbiological and biochemical tests, action should be observed concerning:

-Application of security measures and individual protection equipment in the execution of the analysis.

-Applying quality criteria at each stage of the process.

-Application of environmental protection regulations related to waste, pollutants and treatment of waste.

-Repair of useful, where applicable.

Professional Module: Chemical Analysis Operations.

Code: 1255

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the techniques for chemical analysis, describing their basic principles.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Analysis types have been related to the work scales.

b) Qualitative quantitative analysis has been differentiated.

c) Reagents have been prepared at the indicated concentration.

d) The calibration of the devices has been checked.

e) The cleaning techniques of the material have been selected.

f) Data and various operations have been identified, sequencing and organizing their work under the supervision of the immediate boss.

g) The spreadsheet was used to get the results of the analysis.

h) Order and cleanup have been valued in performing the analyses.

2. Performs volumetric analysis, applying the established procedure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The general procedure of a volumetry has been described.

b) Different types of volumetries have been differentiated.

c) The materials and reagents required for their determination have been selected.

d) Valuation points of equivalence have been determined.

e) The indications of the analytical methods established in the determination of the parameter and product have been applied.

f) The volumes consumed during the analysis have been logged and the calculation indicated in the procedure has been performed.

g) The result has been expressed in the appropriate drives and recorded on the set media.

h) Any results that do not correspond to the forecasts have been reported.

i) Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards have been applied.

3. Performs gravimetric determinations, following the standard work procedure.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The different types of gravimetries have been characterized.

b) The ways to separate a precipitate have been characterized.

c) The materials and reagents required for their determination have been selected.

d) The procedure prompts have been followed.

e) The final concentration of the analyte has been obtained in the appropriate units, from the corresponding calculations.

f) The data has been recorded on the appropriate media, indicating the required references.

g) Evidence of the results obtained in the analysis has been respected.

h) Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards have been applied.

4. Applies electrochemical techniques, using established work procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The fundamentals of the potentiometries and conductimetries have been described.

b) The general procedure to be followed in the potentiometries and conductimetries has been described.

c) The materials and reagents required for their determination have been selected.

d) Equipment has been calibrated.

e) The procedure indications have been applied.

f) The final concentration of the analyte has been obtained from the graphs and the corresponding calculations.

g) The data has been recorded on the appropriate media, indicating the required references.

h) Waste has been treated or stored, following established procedures.

i) Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards have been applied.

5. Applies spectrophotometric techniques, following established work procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The foundation of an ultraviolet or visible spectrophotometry has been described.

b) The procedure to be followed in a spectrophotometric determination has been described.

c) The materials and reagents required for their determination have been selected.

d) Equipment has been calibrated.

e) The appropriate dilutions of the patterns have been prepared.

f) The procedure indications have been applied.

g) The final concentration of the analyte has been obtained from the graphs and the corresponding calculations.

h) The data has been recorded on the appropriate media, indicating the required references.

i) Waste has been treated or stored, following established procedures.

j) Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards have been applied.

6. Applies separation techniques, using the established procedure of work.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The foundation of separation techniques has been described.

b) The separation procedure has been described.

c) The materials and reagents required for determination have been selected.

d) The column has been prepared or the support indicated in the procedure has been chosen.

e) Patterns have been prepared.

f) The procedure indications have been applied.

g) Revealed methods have been applied.

h) The analyte was detected by comparison with the patterns.

i) The data has been recorded on the appropriate media, indicating the required references.

j) Quality, occupational health and environmental protection standards have been applied.

Duration: 90 hours.

Basic contents:

Identification of techniques for chemical analysis:

-Analysis types.

-Exattitude, accuracy, sensitivity and selectivity in chemical analysis.

-Cleaning the material.

-Calibration of volumetric apparatus.

-Mass and volume measures.

-Dissolutions assessment.

-Planning for the performance of chemical analysis to make time for rent.

-Instrumental parameters. Calibration curves.


-Reporting methodology.

Performing volumetries:

-General procedure.

-Base-acid Volumeries.

-Volumetrias redox.

-Complexometric Volumetrias.

-Precipitation volumetries.

-Applications of the different volumetries.

Performing gravimetric determinations:

-Types of gravimetries.

-General concepts of gravimetry.

-Precipitate separation techniques.

-Applications of gravimetric analyses.

Application of electrochemical techniques:



-Care of the electrodes.


Application of spectrophotometric techniques:

-Electromagnetic radiations.

-Transmitance and absorbance.

-Beer Law.


-Applications of optical methods.

Separation techniques application:

-Cromatography. Types.



-Applications of separation techniques.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of production/transformation, quality control and assurance, environmental protection, and prevention and job security.

The production/transformation function includes aspects such as:

-Test/control of the product during processing.

The quality assurance and control function includes aspects such as:

-End product quality control and auxiliary products.

The environmental protection feature includes aspects such as:

-Compliance with environmental standards.

The job security and prevention feature includes aspects such as:

-Compliance with security rules and procedures.

-Using individual protection equipment.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Classic chemical analysis.

-Instrumental chemical analysis.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of general objectives (a), (d), (h), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) of the training cycle, and powers (a), (d), (h), (m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Realization of chemical analysis, following standard procedures.

-Realizing the calculations for the analyses, recording the results in the appropriate media.

Professional Module: Material Trials.

Code: 1256

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Characterizes materials, identifying their properties and applications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Materials have been classified according to their general characteristics.

b) The type of material has been identified, relating it to its industrial applications.

c) The most representative properties of metal materials have been defined.

d) The most important properties of polymeric materials have been defined, relating to their applications.

e) The properties of ceramic materials have been related to their applications.

f) The properties of composite materials have been related to their applications.

g) The deterioration of the properties of the materials has been identified according to the environmental conditions.

h) The properties and applications of electronic materials have been identified.

2. Prepares the necessary means, relating the techniques used with the type of test to be performed.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The laboratory has been organized and the work equipment and methods have been revised, following the indications of the documentation.

b) First-level preventive maintenance has been performed.

c) The operation of the laboratory equipment has been described.

d) Possible anomalies in equipment and instruments have been detected, informing the appropriate person.

e) The calibration of the equipment has been performed.

f) All materials, equipment and measuring instruments for the test have been found to be available.

g) The equipment has been prepared according to the material properties, the characteristics of the sample and the type of test to be performed.

h) The standards of risk prevention and environmental protection have been applied in conducting the tests.

3. Determines the mechanical properties of the materials, applying destructive tests.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The mechanical properties of the materials with the type of test and the physical parameters have been related.

b) The sample has been prepared according to the type of test and equipment to be used.

c) The sample preparation teams have been used appropriately.

d) The technical documentation of the equipment has been prepared to perform the test according to the technical specifications.

e) The test pieces have been adjusted to the normalized shapes and dimensions.

f) The tests have been conducted and the equipment has been handled, applying the risk prevention rules.

g) Mechanical tests have been performed on different materials, for characterization and differentiation.

h) The appropriate number of samples has been tested and the results recorded in the appropriate units.

4. Determines the mechanical properties of materials by applying non-destructive tests.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Non-destructive or defect physical tests have been identified and classified.

b) The properties of the physical materials and parameters have been related to the tests.

c) The appropriate equipment has been selected according to the parameter to be measured and the type of material.

d) The stages of application of penetrating liquids have been identified and have been tested in different materials.

e) Tests with magnetic particles have been performed, identifying the stages of the test.

f) Tests with induced currents have been applied to different materials.

g) Ultrasound application techniques have been identified and applied to different materials.

h) The data has been properly recorded and reflected in the form set in the lab.

5. Performs metallographic and corrosion tests, applying the established test procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The equipment required to perform the preparation of metallographic specimens has been identified.

b) The different stages in the preparation of metallographic specimens have been applied.

c) Chemical attack reagents have been prepared according to the type of material.

d) The fundamental parts of a metallographic microscope, resolution, and depth of field have been identified.

e) Microscopic observation methods have been applied to various materials.

f) The causes that cause the corrosion of the materials have been identified, relating them to their properties.

g) Methods of protection against corrosion have been selected.

h) Methods of measurement of corrosion in materials have been applied and the necessary equipment has been described.

Duration: 75 hours.

Basic Contents:

Characterization of materials:

-Materials: science and engineering.

-Composition, characteristics and applications of materials: metallic, polymeric (plastic), ceramic, composites (fibers, concrete, asphalts, wood and paper) and electronics.

-Material properties: chemical, mechanical, metallographic and physical.

-Trend in the use of materials.

Media preparation:

-The test lab.

-First-level maintenance of general-purpose installations and equipment.

-Risks associated with handling basic equipment and facilities.

-Environmental standards of the laboratory.

-Security in cleanup, operation, and maintenance activities.

Determination of mechanical properties in materials, by destructive testing:

-Classification of material tests.

-Mechanical properties: cohesion, adhesion, elasticity, plasticity, hardness, toughness, fragility, strength and rigidity.

-Mechanical tests. Concepts of load, effort and tension. Classification.

-Preparation and conditioning of specimens.

-Relevant points in the deformations diagram. Parameters obtained.

-Realization of mechanical stress resistance tests in materials.

-Applying hardness testing standards to various materials.

-Technological tests: spark, fold, fracture, funnel and wear.

-Equipment used in destructive testing: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Determination of mechanical properties in non-destructive testing materials:

-Non-destructive mechanical tests or defects. Classification. Fundamentals.

-Application of standards in conducting tests according to the type of material.

-Test techniques. Stages in the application of the tests.

-Using field meters.

-Equipment used in non-destructive testing: test techniques. Operation. Maintenance. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Conducting metallographic and corrosion tests:

-Metallography: types. Operational technique.

-Preparation of metallographic specimens. Cut. Empastillado. Roughed. Mechanical polishing.

-Metallographic Microscope. Key parts. Operation. Maintenance.

-Application of macroscopic techniques.

-Preparation and observation of metallographic tests: preparation of reagents. Chemical attack. Methods of observation.

-Corrosion and oxidation: types of corrosion. Prevention of corrosion.

-Corrosion tests. Stages. Preparation of test pieces. Preparation of corrosive agents. Observation of results.

-Equipment used in the tests. Test techniques. Associated risks. Security measures. Personal protective equipment.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the auxiliary functions of quality control and maintenance of facilities and equipment in materials testing laboratories.

The professional activities associated with these functions are applied in the processes of:

-Preparation of materials and equipment for the testing of materials.

-Measurement of variables in the materials test.

-Classification of waste for further treatment.

-Compliance and control of safety and environmental protection.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (f), (g), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q) and (r) of the training cycle, and powers (f), (g), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q) and (r) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enables the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Sample Preparation Techniques.

-Realization of material tests.

-Operation and maintenance of equipment and installations.

In the measurement of variables in the materials tests, actions related to:

-Application of security measures and personal protective equipment.

-Application of quality in the performance of the test.

-Application of environmental protection regulations related to waste and treatment of waste.

Professional Module: Laboratory storage and distribution.

Code: 1257

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It characterizes storage facilities, interpreting established regulations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The security measures to be collected by the warehouse, in accordance with the regulations, have been characterized.

b) Different types of storage rooms have been identified.

c) The general characteristics of a chemical and microbiological product store have been selected.

d) The areas in which the chemical and microbiological product store is divided have been identified.

e) The basic rules to be applied in the organization of the chemical and microbiological products warehouse have been identified.

f) The different types of storage that can be found in a lab have been identified.

g) Different types of cabinets have been characterized.

h) Basic security items have been identified in a storeroom.

2. Classifies products for storage, using quality and safety criteria.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The ways of classifying chemicals in their laboratory storage have been identified.

b) Dangerous products have been classified according to their degree of risk.

c) The chemical storage criteria have been linked to their incompatibilities.

d) The classification criteria of the biological agents for their storage have been identified.

e) The classification criteria for the samples have been identified for storage.

f) Maximum amounts of stored product have been identified.

g) The color code for the storage of reagents and solutions has been identified.

h) The security rules that must be applied with the product features have been related.

3. Performs the reception and dispatch of products and materials, identifying the associated documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The documentation that accompanies the product has been identified.

b) The security token has been obtained for all products constituting the batch to be received or dispatched.

c) The documentation related to the expedition has been completed.

d) Different coding systems have been described.

e) Product protection systems have been described according to their characteristics.

f) The receiving product has been found to correspond to the requested product.

g) Safety standards have been applied in the operations of receiving and issuing chemicals.

4. Performs product storage, justifying its distribution and organization based on its characteristics.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The criteria to be applied in the storage of chemicals have been identified.

b) Storage conditions have been secured, according to product characteristics.

c) Chemical products have been placed at the place.

d) Product conservation conditions have been followed, according to the label information.

e) Expired products have been detected or present some circumstance for removal.

f) An inventory of the products in the lab store has been made.

g) Warehouse control computer systems have been used.

h) The inventory entries and exits were recorded, updating the corresponding files.

i) Security measures to be followed during the storage of chemicals have been applied.

5. Package and label the products and samples, relating to the requirements established with the characteristics of the packaging.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Different packaging materials have been characterized in terms of their behavior to contain chemicals.

b) Different types of packaging have been classified.

c) The different types of adhesives used in the closure, sealing and labelling of the packaging have been identified.

d) Cleaning and sterilisation of packaging have been carried out.

e) The variables to be controlled and measured in the packaging operations have been determined.

f) Different forms of product labeling have been identified, in accordance with their dangerousness, chemical risk, reactivity, expiration and storage.

g) Safety standards have been applied in chemical packaging and labeling operations.

Duration: 45 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of storage facilities:

-Storage rules.

-General characteristics of a chemical and microbiological product store.

-Basic organization rules.

-Storage types: shelves, buckets, and cabinets.

-Types of cabinets.

-Security items in a lab store.

Classification of Chemicals:

-Classification of chemical agents.

-Classification of chemicals according to their dangerousness.

-Incompatibilities between products.

Realization of reception and expedition:

-General operations and checks.

-Input documentation.

-Output documentation.

-Input and output records.

-Encoding systems.

Performing product storage:

-Color code for storage.

-Storage criteria.

-Storage conditions.


-Side of materials.


-Computer applications (spreadsheet and warehouse management specific programs).

-Storage security measures.

Packaging and labeling of chemicals:

-Packaging materials.

-Types of packaging.

-Cleaning and reuse.

-Labeling: Tag generation and pasting systems.

-Classification and encoding of the label.


-Packaging techniques.

-Packaging techniques.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the logistics function.

The logistics function includes aspects such as:

-Provisioning control.

-Control and handling of stores.

-Control of expeditions.

-Packaging and Labelling.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Receiving and storing raw materials.

-Managing the warehouse.

-Product Expedition.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (i), (j), (k), (o) and (r) of the training cycle, and (i), (j), (k), (o) and (r) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Fulfilling warehouse control documents, using IT solutions for proper management.

-Realization of practical storage, reception, expedition, and control of laboratory products, samples, or residues.

Professional Module: Electromechanical Maintenance Principles.

Code: 0116

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the mechanical elements of equipment, machines and installations, describing the function they perform and their influence on the assembly.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The main mechanisms that constitute the mechanical groups of the equipment and facilities have been identified.

b) The function they perform and the basic technical characteristics of the elements have been described.

c) The mechanical transmission and transformer elements of the movement have been described, recognizing their presence in the different process equipment.

d) The mechanical elements have been classified according to the transformation they perform.

e) The functional relationships of the elements and parts of the groups have been described.

f) The properties and characteristics of the materials used in the mechanisms have been identified.

g) The critical parts or parts of the elements and parts where they may appear to be worn out by reason of the causes that originate them have been identified.

h) The prevention and safety measures to be taken into account in the operation of mechanical elements have been analysed.

2. Recognizes the elements involved in the pneumatic installations, analyzing the function they perform and their influence on the set of the installation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The uses of pneumatics as a technique for the application of compressed air have been described.

b) The properties of compressed air have been defined.

c) The production and treatment circuits of compressed air have been identified, describing the missions of their main elements.

d) The compressed air distribution networks and their protective elements have been identified.

e) The pneumatic elements of regulation and control have been identified, with their presence on the premises being recognised.

f) The pneumatic elements of the drive or work have been described, identifying their presence in process equipment.

g) The operation of manual, semi-automatic and automatic pneumatic circuit schemes have been described.

h) The most frequent failures of pneumatic facilities and their corrective measures have been listed.

i) The utility of compressed air has been valued in the automation of industry processes.

3. Recognizes the elements of the hydraulic installations, describing the function they perform.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Hydraulic systems have been described as means of production and power transmission.

b) The fundamental physical principles of hydraulics have been listed.

c) The hydraulic fluids and their properties have been listed.

d) The hydraulic elements have been related to their symbology.

e) The hydraulic unit and its functional and protective elements have been identified.

f) The work hydraulic elements have been related to the type of maintenance to be performed.

g) Simple hydraulic circuit schemes have been described.

h) The advantages and disadvantages of the use of hydraulic installations in the process automation of the sector have been assessed.

i) The most frequent failures of hydraulic installations and their corrective measures have been cited.

4. Identifies the elements of the electrical installations, describing the mission they perform in the set of the installation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic structure of indoor electrical installations has been described.

(b) The elements of protection, manoeuvring and connection of electrical circuits have been recognised.

c) The operation of electrical installations applied to industrial equipment with its single-filar scheme has been linked.

d) Related elements of protection and maneuver with the correct operation and protection of electrical installations applied to the equipment of the sector

e) Electrical magnitudes (voltage, intensity, power and voltage drop, among others) have been calculated in applied basic installations of the sector.

f) The application of the technical instructions of the low voltage electrical regulation (REBT) in the electrical installations applied in the sector has been verified.

g) The electrical elements of control and maneuver and their function have been recognized.

h) The electrical characteristics of the protective devices have been related to the electrical lines and receivers to be protected.

i) The safety and prevention conditions to be applied in handling the various electrical/electronic components have been described.

5. It identifies the electrical machines and the constructive elements involved in the coupling of the industrial equipment of the sector, describing their operation and applications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The electrical machines used in the equipment and installations of the sector have been identified.

b) Electrical machines have been classified by their typology and function.

(c) The operation and the characteristics of the electrical machines and their application in the sector have been described.

d) The information on the feature board has been related to the electrical and mechanical quantities of the installation.

e) The connection scheme (start and reverse investment) of the electrical machines and their protections has been represented by their symbology.

f) The consumption of the machines has been related to their system of vacuum and load operation and their electrical protection.

g) The application of the technical instructions of the REBT has been verified in the power plant of the electrical machines.

h) The coupling systems of the electrical machines have been identified to the industrial equipment of the sector.

i) The systems for securing electrical machines to the equipment (type of movement, transmission power, noise, vibration, among others) have been linked.

j) The safety and prevention conditions to be applied in the handling of operating electrical circuits and machines have been described.

6. Applies first-level maintenance, relating the procedures used to the equipment and facilities involved.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The procedures for each of the first-level maintenance operations to be performed on the equipment have been described.

b) The items on which the first-level preventive/corrective maintenance operations are to be performed have been identified.

c) The most frequent breakdowns occurring in equipment and installations have been reported.

d) The necessary equipment and tools have been identified to perform the first level maintenance tasks.

e) The required conditions of the work area for maintenance interventions have been determined.

f) The sense of spin of electric motors has been put in place or reversed by measuring the fundamental magnitudes during the process.

g) Basic element maintenance or replacement techniques have been applied to equipment and installations.

h) The appropriate support has been recorded for the maintenance operations performed.

i) The cleanup, oiling, and checking of the installation status and equipment on first-level maintenance have been described.

j) The current regulations on prevention and safety related to the maintenance of equipment and installations have been analysed.

Duration: 55 hours.

Basic contents:

Identification of mechanical elements:

-Materials. Behavior and properties of the main equipment and facilities materials.

-Nomenclature and acronyms.

-Cinematic and dynamic machines.

-Mechanical elements of motion: description, operation, symbology, first level maintenance.

-Movement mechanical elements: description, operation, symbology.

-Join mechanical elements: description, operation, first-level maintenance.

-Auxiliary mechanical elements: description, operation, first-level maintenance.

-Prevention and safety rules in handling mechanical elements.

-Valuation of mechanical elements wear: lubrication and preventive maintenance.

Reconnaissance of elements of pneumatic installations:

-Compressed air production and treatment circuits: description, elements, operation, symbology, maintenance and safety measures.

-Compressed air distribution networks: characteristics and building materials.

-Regulatory and control pneumatic elements: description, operation, symbology, maintenance and safety measures.

-Drive pneumatic elements or actuators: description, operation, symbology, maintenance and safety measures.

-Reading manual, semi-automatic and automatic pneumatic circuit schemes.

-Efficient use of compressed air in industry processes.

Recognition of elements of hydraulic installations:

-Hydraulic unit: fundamentals, elements, operation, first-level maintenance, and security measures.

-Water distribution and regulation elements: description, operation, symbology, maintenance and safety measures.

-Work hydraulic elements: description, operation, symbology, and maintenance.

-Reading hydraulic circuit schemas.

-Environmental impact of hydraulic installations.

Identifying elements of electrical installations:

-Electrical system. Three-phase and single-phase current.

-Fundamental electrical measures: definition, units.

-Fundamental relationships. Calculation of the basic magnitudes of the facilities.

-Electrical circuit control and control elements: description, symbology and operation.

-Electrical circuit protection elements: description, symbology and operation.

-Regulations on electrical installations (REBT) and on the prevention of occupational risks.

Identification of electrical machines and their coupling in industrial equipment:

-Static and rotating electrical machines. Typology and features.

-Classification of electric machines: generators, transformers and motors.

-Constructive parts. Operation.

-Feature plate. Calculation of the quantities of the power and boot facilities of the machines.

-Machines and fasteners of machines to their industrial equipment.

-Regulations on electrical installations (REBT) and on the prevention of occupational risks.

Application of first-level maintenance techniques:

-Preventive maintenance operations: cleaning filters, changing blind discs, tight closures, raft conditioning, mecheros cleaning, grasses, purges, regulatory reviews.

-Corrective maintenance operations (item replacement).

-Regulations on electrical installations (REBT) and on the prevention of occupational risks.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module is a support module, so it responds to the need to provide an adequate theoretical and practical basis for the understanding and application of basic equipment maintenance techniques and facilities used in the sector.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (c), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the training cycle, and (c), (m), (n), (n), (o), (q) and (r) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Description of materials and mechanical elements.

-Description of the basic principles of electricity, magnetism, hydraulics and pneumatics.

-Description of electrical machines.

-Basic equipment maintenance principles.

Professional Module: Training and Employment Orientation.

Code: 1258

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It selects job opportunities, identifying the different insertion possibilities and learning alternatives throughout life.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of lifelong learning has been assessed as a key factor for employability and adaptation to the demands of the production process.

b) The training-professional pathways related to the professional profile of the technician in Laboratory Operations have been identified.

c) The skills and attitudes required for the professional activity related to the profile of the title have been determined.

d) The main fields of employment and job insertion for the Laboratory Operations technician have been identified.

e) The techniques used in the job search process have been determined.

f) Self-employment alternatives have been foreseen in the professional sectors related to the title.

g) The assessment of personality, aspirations, attitudes and self-training has been performed for decision-making.

2. Applies team work strategies, valuing their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the goals of the organization.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The advantages of teamwork in work situations related to the profile of the technician in Laboratory Operations have been valued.

b) Work teams that can be created in a real job situation have been identified.

c) The characteristics of the effective work equipment against the ineffective equipment have been determined.

d) The necessary existence of diversity of roles and opinions assumed by members of a team has been positively valued.

e) The possible existence of conflict between members of a group has been recognized as a characteristic aspect of organizations.

f) The types of conflicts and their sources have been identified.

g) Procedures for conflict resolution have been determined.

3. It exercises rights and meets the obligations arising from industrial relations, recognising them in the different employment contracts.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic concepts of the right of work have been identified.

b) The main bodies involved in the relations between employers and workers have been distinguished.

c) The rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship have been determined.

(d) The main modalities of recruitment have been classified, identifying the measures to promote recruitment for certain groups.

e) The measures established by the current legislation for the reconciliation of work and family life have been assessed.

f) The causes and effects of the modification, suspension and extinction of the employment relationship have been identified.

g) The receipt of salaries has been analyzed, identifying the main elements that integrate it.

h) Different collective conflict measures and conflict resolution procedures have been analyzed.

i) Working conditions agreed upon in a collective agreement applicable to the field related to the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations have been determined.

j) The defining characteristics of new work organization environments have been identified.

4. It determines the protective action of the Social Security system in the face of the various contingencies covered, identifying the different classes of benefits.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The role of Social Security has been valued as an essential pillar for improving the quality of life of citizens.

b) The various contingencies covered by the Social Security system have been listed.

c) Existing regimes have been identified in the Social Security system.

d) The obligations of employer and employee within the Social Security system have been identified.

e) A worker's contribution and the fees for a worker and employer have been identified in a simple case.

f) Social Security system capabilities have been classified, identifying requirements.

g) Possible legal unemployment situations have been determined.

h) The calculation of the duration and amount of a basic contributory level unemployment benefit has been performed.

5. It evaluates the risks arising from its activity, analyzing the working conditions and the risk factors present in its work environment.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of preventive culture has been valued in all areas and activities of the company.

b) Work conditions have been linked to the health of the worker.

c) Risk factors have been classified in the activity and the damage resulting from them.

d) The most common risk situations in the work environments of the Lab Operations technician have been identified.

e) Risk assessment has been determined in the company.

f) Working conditions with significance for prevention in work environments related to the professional profile of the technician in Laboratory Operations have been determined.

g) Types of professional damage have been classified and described, with particular reference to occupational accidents and occupational diseases, related to the professional profile of the technician in Laboratory Operations.

6. Participates in the development of a risk prevention plan in a small business, identifying the responsibilities of all the actors involved.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The principal rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention have been determined.

b) The different forms of prevention management in the company have been classified, depending on the different criteria laid down in the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

c) Forms of representation of workers in the company in the field of risk prevention have been determined.

d) Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks have been identified.

e) The importance of the existence of a preventive plan in the company that includes the sequencing of actions to be carried out in case of an emergency has been assessed.

f) The content of the prevention plan has been defined in a work center related to the technical sector of the Laboratory Operations technician.

g) An emergency and evacuation plan for a company in the sector has been planned.

7. Applies prevention and protection measures, analyzing risk situations in the work environment of the Lab Operations technician.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The techniques of prevention and individual and collective protection that must be applied in order to avoid damage to their origin and to minimize their consequences should they be unavoidable.

b) The meaning and scope of the different types of security signage has been analyzed.

c) Action protocols have been analyzed in case of emergency.

d) The techniques for the classification of injuries have been identified in case of emergency where there are victims of varying severity.

e) Basic first aid techniques have been identified which must be applied at the site of the accident to different types of damage and the composition and use of the kit.

(f) The requirements and conditions for the monitoring of the health of the worker and their importance as a preventive measure have been determined.

Duration: 50 hours.

Basic contents:

Active job search:

-Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the work and professional trajectory of the technician in Laboratory Operations.

-Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

-Identification of training itineraries related to the Technician in Laboratory Operations.

-Definition and analysis of the professional technical sector in Laboratory Operations.

-Job search process in industry companies.

-Learning and employment opportunities in Europe.

-Job search techniques and instruments.

-The decision-making process.

Conflict management and work teams:

-Methods for resolving or deleting the conflict. Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of team work for the effectiveness of the organization.

-Equipment in the chemical sector according to the functions they perform.

-Participation in the work team.

-Conflict: features, sources, and stages.

Job Contract:

-The right of the job.

-Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

-Work contract modes and procurement promotion measures.

-Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

-Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

-Representation of workers.

-Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the Laboratory Operations technician.

-Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

-Structure of the Social Security system.

-Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

-Unemployment-protected situations.

Professional risk assessment:

-Valuation of the relationship between work and health.

-Risk Factor Analysis.

-Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

-Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psycho-social conditions.

-Specific risks in the chemical sector.

-Determination of the possible damage to the health of the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

-Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

-Managing prevention in the enterprise.

-Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

-Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

-Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

-Making an emergency plan in a company in the sector.

Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

-Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

-Action protocol in an emergency situation.

-First aid.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training for the student to be able to insert himself and develop his professional career in the sector.

The formation of this module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives n), n), o), p), q), r), s), t), u) and v) of the training cycle, and the powers n), n), o), p), q), r), s), t) and u) of the title.

The lines of action in the learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of information sources on the education and labour system, in particular with regard to companies.

-The conduct of guidance and dynamic tests on the personality and the development of social skills.

-Preparation and realization of curriculum vitae (CV) and job interviews.

-Identification of labor regulations affecting workers in the sector, management of the most commonly used contracts, and comprehensive reading of collective agreements of application.

-The fulfillment of salary receipts of different characteristics and other related documents.

-The analysis of the Law on the Prevention of Labor Risks, which allows you to evaluate the risks arising from the activities carried out in your productive sector and to allow you to collaborate in the definition of a prevention plan for a small business, as well as in the preparation of the necessary measures for its implementation.

Professional Module: Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Code: 1259

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Recognizes the capabilities associated with the entrepreneurial initiative, analyzing the requirements derived from the jobs and the business activities.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of innovation and its relationship with the progress of society and the increase in the well-being of individuals have been identified.

b) The concept of entrepreneurial culture and its importance as a source of job creation and social welfare have been analyzed.

c) The importance of individual initiative, creativity, training and collaboration as essential requirements to succeed in entrepreneurial activity has been valued.

d) The ability of an employee to take an initiative in the work of a person employed in a small and medium-sized enterprise related to laboratory operations has been analyzed.

e) The development of an entrepreneur's entrepreneurial activity that starts in the chemical sector has been analyzed.

f) The concept of risk has been analyzed as an inevitable element of all entrepreneurial activity.

g) The concept of entrepreneur and the requirements and attitudes required to develop business activity have been analyzed.

h) The business strategy has been described, relating it to the objectives of the company.

i) A particular business idea has been defined, in the field of laboratory operations, to serve as a starting point for the development of a business plan.

2. Defines the opportunity to create a small business, assessing the impact on the performance environment and incorporating ethical values.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic functions that are performed in a company have been described and the system concept applied to the company has been analyzed.

b) The main components of the general environment surrounding the company have been identified, in particular the economic, social, demographic and cultural environment.

c) The influence on the business activity of customer relations, with suppliers and with competition, as main members of the specific environment has been analyzed.

d) The elements of the chemical industry's environment have been identified.

e) The concepts of enterprise culture and corporate image and their relationship to business objectives have been analyzed.

f) The phenomenon of corporate social responsibility and its importance as an element of the business strategy has been analyzed.

g) The social balance of a laboratory-related company has been developed and the main social costs incurred by these companies, as well as the social benefits they produce, have been described.

h) They have been identified, in companies related to the chemical sector, practices that incorporate ethical and social values.

i) A study of the economic and financial viability of an SME related to laboratory operations has been carried out.

3. Carries out activities for the establishment and implementation of a company, selecting the legal form and identifying the legal obligations associated with it.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The different legal forms of the company have been analyzed.

b) The degree of legal liability of the owners of the company has been specified, depending on the legal form chosen.

c) The tax treatment established for the different legal forms of the company has been differentiated.

d) The formalities required by the legislation in force for the formation of a company have been analyzed.

e) A comprehensive search has been made for the different support for the creation of companies related to the analysis in the reference location.

(f) The business plan has been included in the business plan as regards the choice of legal form, economic-financial feasibility study, administrative procedures, aid and grants.

g) Existing external administrative advice and management pathways have been identified when starting an SME.

4. Performs administrative and financial management activities of an SME, identifying the main accounting and tax obligations and completing the documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic accounting concepts, as well as accounting information recording techniques, have been analyzed.

(b) The basic techniques for the analysis of accounting information, in particular as regards the solvency, liquidity and profitability of the company, have been described.

c) The tax obligations of a company related to the analysis have been defined.

d) Tax rates have been differentiated in the fiscal calendar.

e) The basic commercial and accounting documentation (invoices, delivery notes, order notes, exchange letters, and cheques, among others) for a chemical industry, have been completed and the circuits described above have been described. documentation runs through the company.

f) The main banking finance instruments have been identified.

g) All of the documentation cited in the business plan has been included.

Duration: 35 hours.

Basic contents:

Entrepreneurial Initiative:

-Innovation and economic development. Main features of the innovation in the laboratory (materials, technology and production organization, among others).

-Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of an SME related to the chemical sector.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the chemical sector.

-The entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

-Business Plan: the business idea in the field of chemistry.

The company and its environment:

-Basic business functions.

-The enterprise as a system.

-Analysis of the overall environment of a chemical-related SME.

-Analysis of the specific environment of a chemical related pyme.

-Relationships of a chemical industry's SME with its environment.

-Relations of a chemical industry with the whole of society.

Creating and starting a business:

-Enterprise Types.

-Taxation in companies.

-Choosing the legal form.

-Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

-Economic viability and financial viability of a chemical-related SME.

-Business plan: choice of legal form, study of economic and financial viability, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

Administrative function:

-Concept of basic accounting and notions.

-Analysis of accounting information.

-Business tax obligations.

-Administrative management of a chemical industry company.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to develop the own initiative in the business field, both towards self-employment and towards the assumption of responsibilities and roles in employment.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives n), s), t) and u) of the training cycle, and the competencies n), s), t) and u) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of information sources on the chemical sector, including the analysis of the ongoing sector innovation processes.

-The realization of cases and group dynamics that allow understanding and valuing the attitudes of entrepreneurs and adjust the need for them to the service sector related to chemical processes.

-The use of administrative management programs for industry SMEs.

-The realization of a business plan project related to the chemical sector, including all facets of a business start-up, as well as the justification for its social responsibility.

Professional Module: Job Center Training.

Code: 1260

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the structure and organization of the business by linking it to the type of service it provides.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The organizational structure of the company and the functions of each area of the company have been identified.

b) The structure of the company has been compared to the existing business organizations in the sector.

c) The service characteristics and the type of clients have been related to the development of the business activity.

d) Work procedures have been identified in the development of service delivery.

e) The necessary competencies of human resources have been valued for the optimal development of the activity.

f) The suitability of the most frequent broadcast channels in this activity has been assessed.

2. He applies ethical and work habits in the development of his professional activity, according to the characteristics of the job and with the procedures established in the company.

Assessment Criteria:

a) They have been recognized and justified:

● The required personal and temporary availability in the job.

● Personal attitudes (punctuality and empathy, among others) and professionals (order, cleanliness and responsibility, among others) necessary for the job.

● Actitudinal requirements for the prevention of risks in professional activity.

● The actitudinal requirements regarding the quality of the professional activity.

● Attitudes related to the work team itself and to the hierarchies established in the company.

● The attitudes related to the documentation of the activities carried out in the field of work.

● The training needs for the insertion and reinsertion of work in the scientific and technical field of the good work of the professional.

b) The rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the fundamental aspects of the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks of Application in Professional Activity have been identified.

c) Individual protective equipment has been put in place according to the risks of professional activity and company standards.

d) An attitude of respect to the environment has been maintained in the developed activities.

e) The job or the area corresponding to the development of the activity has been organized, clean and free of obstacles.

f) You have been responsible for the job, assigned by interpreting and performing the instructions received.

g) Effective communication has been established with the responsible person in each situation and with team members.

h) It has been coordinated with the rest of the team, communicating the relevant incidents that are presented.

i) The importance of their activity and the need to adapt to changes in tasks has been assessed.

j) You have taken responsibility for the application of the rules and procedures in the development of your work.

3. Performs storage operations, applying quality and safety standards.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The parts of the warehouse have been identified.

b) The products used in the laboratory have been classified according to quality and safety criteria.

c) The reception and dispatch of products and materials required for analysis has been performed.

d) Inventory of the warehouse material and products has been performed, following established protocols.

e) Products and samples have been packaged and tagged with the established protocol.

f) The products have been stored according to the established rules.

g) Products have been handled in accordance with risk prevention and environmental protection standards.

4. Pre-samples for analysis, following company procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The sample sampling procedures for analysis have been identified.

b) Samples have been taken, applying the company's procedures.

c) Samples have been tagged and stored according to company procedures.

(d) Samples have been transported and preserved under the conditions laid down.

e) The raw sample has been treated to obtain the laboratory sample, applying the company's methods.

f) The sample has been dissolved by applying the company's procedures.

g) Interferences have been removed following the standard procedures.

h) Microbiological samples have been prepared relating to the techniques to be used.

5. Performs testing or analysis, applying company procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Different types of materials have been characterized, relating to their applications.

b) Destructive and non-destructive tests have been conducted with different types of materials present in the company's production process.

c) Chemical analyses have been performed, applying the established procedures.

d) Tests have been performed to determine the physical constants and optical properties of different products.

e) Facilities and equipment for microbiological testing have been identified, relating to their use or application.

f) Microbiological tests have been performed following the company's procedures.

g) Trials have been conducted in biomolecules, interpreting the test techniques.

6. Performs the maintenance of laboratory auxiliary equipment and services, applying company procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The equipment and calibration of the measuring instruments have been used for the greasing of equipment.

b) The working area conditions have been checked to be suitable for maintenance operations.

c) The maintenance jobs have been found to be performed according to the conditions set in the permit to work.

(d) The stipulated measures relating to the prevention of risks and environmental protection during maintenance have been adopted.

e) The main auxiliary and safety equipment of a laboratory have been characterized.

f) Maintenance of water purification and gas supply facilities has been performed, following established protocols.

g) Maintenance of hot and cold installations has been performed, following established protocols.

h) The maintenance of the vacuum production equipment has been performed.

i) Equipment cleanup operations have been performed.

Duration: 220 hours.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contributes to completing the competencies of this title and the overall objectives of the cycle, both those that have been achieved in the educational center, and those that are difficult to achieve in it.




-purpose Aula.

Chemical and physicochemical analysis lab.

Test Lab.

microbiology and biotechnology


Teacher's specialties with teaching assignment in the professional modules of the training cycle of Technician in Laboratory Operations


Teacher Speciality

1249. Applied Chemistry.

● Industrial Chemistry and Analysis.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Teaching Teachers Secondary.

1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

● Lab.

● Professional Training Technicians

1251. Physico-chemical tests.

● Lab.

● Process Operations.

● Professional Training Technicians.

1252. Auxiliary services in the lab.

● Lab.

● Process operations.

● Training Technicians Professional.

1253. Laboratory security and organization.

● Lab.

● Professional Training Technicians

1254. Basic microbiology and biochemistry techniques.

● Laboratory.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1255. Chemical analysis operations.

● Industrial Chemistry and Analysis.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Teachers Secondary Education.

1256. Material Trials.

● Lab.

● Process Operations.

● Professional Training Technicians.

1257. Storage and distribution in the lab.

● Lab.

● Process Operations.

● Technical Teachers Vocational Training

0116. Electromechanical maintenance principles.

● Process operations.

● Mechanized and Maintenance of Machines.

● Technical Teachers of Vocational Training

1258. Job training and guidance.

● Training and Employment Guidance.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1259. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers


Equivalent to teaching effects



Secondary Teaching Teachers.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

-Diplomacy in Business Sciences.

-Diplomate in Labor Relations.

- Diploma in Social Work.

-Diplomat in Social Education.

-Diplomat in Management and Public Administration

Analysis and Industrial Chemistry.

-Industrial Engineering Engineer, specialty in Industrial Chemistry.

-Forest Technical Engineer, specialty in Forest Industries.

Technicians Professional.

● Mechanized and Maintenance of Machines.

-Superior Technician in Production by Mechanized or other equivalent titles.


Required to impart the professional modules that make up the title for the centers of private ownership, from other administrations other than the educational one and guidelines for the educational administration



1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

1251. Physico-chemical tests.

1252. Auxiliary services in the laboratory.

1253. Safety and organization in the lab.

1254. Basic techniques of microbiology and biochemistry.

1256. Testing of materials.

1257. Storage and distribution in the lab.

0116. Principles of electromechanical maintenance.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or the corresponding Degree title, or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding Degree title, or other equivalent titles.

-Top Technician in Production by Mechanized or other equivalent titles.

1249. Applied chemistry.

1255. Chemical analysis operations.

1258. Training and employment guidance.

1259. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or the corresponding Degree degree, or other equivalent degrees for teaching purposes


Convalidations between professional modules of securities established under the Organic Law 1/1990 (LOGSE) and those established in the title of Technician in Laboratory Operations under the Organic Law 2/2006

included in Formative Cycles set in LOGSE 1/1990

Professional Cycle Modules Formative

(LOE 2/2006):

Lab Operations Technician.

lab operations.

1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

1252. Auxiliary services in the lab

and physico-chemical tests.

1256. Testing of materials.

1251. Physico-chemical tests

and chemical analysis.

1255. Chemical analysis operations.

1249. Applied Chemistry

Microbiological tests.

1254. Basic microbiology and biochemistry techniques

Information and security in the lab.

1253. Safety and organization in the lab

Training in the job center of the title of Technician in Lab.

1260. Training in job centers


Correspondence of the accredited units of competence in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June, with the professional modules for their validation

Accredited Competition Units

Convalidable Professional

UC0321_2: Operate machines, equipment, and power production and distribution facilities and auxiliary services.

UC1534_2: Prepare logistics auxiliary areas and facilities in the industry chemistry.

1252. Auxiliary services in the laboratory.

1249. Applied Chemistry

UC1535_2: Perform chemical product loading, unloading, storage, and packaging operations.

1257. Storage and distribution in the lab

UC1536_2: Perform control on receiving and issuing chemicals.

1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

1251. Physico-chemical tests.

1255. Chemical analysis operations

UC0048_2: Act under correct manufacturing, security and environmental standards.

1253. Safety and organization in the lab

Note: Persons registered in this training cycle who have accredited all the units of competence included in the title, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Royal Decree 1224/2009, of July 17, recognition of professional skills acquired by work experience, the professional module "0116 Electromechanical maintenance principles" shall be validated.


Correspondence of professional modules with the competency units for their accreditation

Outmatched Professional Modules

Accreditable Competition

1249. Applied chemistry.

1252. Auxiliary services in the laboratory.

0116. Electromechanical maintenance principles.

UC0321_2: Operate machines, equipment and facilities for production and distribution of energy and auxiliary services.

UC1534_2: Prepare areas and auxiliary logistics facilities in the chemical industry

1257. Storage and distribution in the lab.

0116. Electromechanical maintenance principles.

UC1535_2: Perform chemical product loading, unloading, storage, and packaging operations

1250. Laboratory unit sampling and operations.

1251. Physico-chemical tests.

1255. Chemical analysis operations.

UC1536_2: Perform control on receiving and issuing chemicals

1253. Laboratory security and organization.

UC0048_2: Act under correct manufacturing, security and environmental standards