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Resolution Of February 21, 2012, Of The Rey Juan Carlos University, Which Publishes Regulation That Creates The Electronic Site Of The University.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 21 de febrero de 2012, de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, por la que se publica el Reglamento por el que se crea la sede electrónica de la Universidad.

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In accordance with the agreement approved by the Governing Council of the King Juan Carlos University at its regular session of 21 February 2012, this Rectorate, in use of the powers recognized by Article 20 of the Law Organic 6/2001, of Universities, partially modified by the Organic Law 4/2007, has arranged to order the publication in the Official Gazette of the State of the Regulation by which the Electronic See of the University King Juan Carlos is created and establish the basic conditions for citizens ' access to the public services of the King University Juan Carlos, whose text is given in Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, 21 February 2012.-El Rector, Pedro González-Trevijano Sanchez.



An essential part of the purpose of the Public Administration of our day is to provide a better service to the citizen, which is also part of the widespread commitment to the quality of the universities. At the level of administrative management, this must be done by lightening the bureaucratic burden on the members of the university community in their relations with the URJC, which at the same time must be easy, both in terms of It is the mere access to information and the completion of formalities. For this reason, the use of electronic means allows every administration to provide its services to citizens in an agile, efficient and efficient way; to engage in a more transparent, open and participatory way, in addition to promoting development. economic and social.

Until recently, the reference standard for performing electronic administration functions has been Article 45 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Procedure The Court of Auditors, which, in spite of its importance and the basis on which the development of the e-Administration in Spain began, has not been sufficient, since it made it possible for the citizen to relate to the administration to the the technical means to which it is available, without sufficiently guaranteeing the rights of users and the necessary legal certainty in electronic transactions. In view of these shortcomings, this article was mostly repealed with the entry into force of the current Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of electronic access of citizens to Public Services, which has provided a clear impetus for the innovation and integration of the public administration in the information society, with the recognition, in the final form, of the citizens ' right to engage with the administrations by electronic means.

Articles 10 and following of Law 11/2007, regulate the creation of the Electronic Headquarters of the Administrations, that is, of the electronic address that will have to be created to allow the access of the members of the community University and third parties to the information, services and electronic procedures that are required for the development of the rights established in the aforementioned Law on Citizens ' Access to Public Services.

In application of the aforementioned legal precepts, the Governing Council of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, in accordance with Article 56 of its Statutes, approved by Decree 22/2003 of 27 February, and amended by Decree 28/2010, of May 20, agrees to the creation of the Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University, which will be unique, and approves the following Regulation


From The Electronic Headquarters

Article 1. Electronic Headquarters.

1. This Regulation aims to create and regulate the operation of the Electronic Headquarters of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which will be unique, in order to comply with the provisions of Article 3 of Royal Decree 1671/2009, November 6, for which the Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services is partially developed.

2. The Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University will be accessible from a link on the University's main website, and at the address:

Article 2. Principles.

1. The Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University will function in accordance with the principles of responsibility, integrity, accessibility, security, truthfulness, interoperability, neutrality, availability, quality and updating of information and the services in the terms of article 10 of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access of citizens to Public Services.

2. Confidentiality shall be ensured in communications which may affect public security, honour, privacy and security of persons, in accordance with the applicable legislation on archives, public databases and personal data protection.

Article 3. Availability.

1. The electronic headquarters of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos will be available every day of the year, during the twenty-four hours of the day, without prejudice to the technical interruptions that are essential.

2. The interruptions will be communicated well in advance to the users on the official website of the King Juan Carlos University and in the same Electronic Headquarters.

Article 4. Accessibility.

The design of the Electronic Headquarters will observe the accessibility requirements provided for in Royal Decree 1494/2007, of 12 November, for which the Regulation on the Basic Conditions for the Access of Persons with Disability to Technologies, Products and Services Related to the Information Society and Social Media.

Article 5. Management and Administration.

1. The ownership of the Electronic Headquarters corresponds to the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

2. The body responsible for the management and administration of the Electronic Headquarters is the General Secretariat of the URJC, which will exercise its functions in this matter in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Council of Electronic Management, whose composition and functioning are set out in Title II of this Regulation.

3. The organ responsible for the technological management of the Electronic Headquarters is the General Management of the URJC. The conditions and technical specifications of the Electronic Headquarters of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, which may be modified by resolution of the General Secretariat prior to the report of the competent organ in the field of Informatics and New Technologies are those set out in Annex I to this Regulation.


From The Electronic Management Board

Article 6. Electronic Management Board.

1. The Council of Electronic Management of the King Juan Carlos University shall be the collegial organ of the Secretary-General in the field of electronic administration and shall be governed for that purpose, as laid down in Title II, Chapter II, of the Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

2. The Council shall meet at least once a semester and shall be convened by the Secretary-General. The call will be sent to the institutional email addresses of the University, at least three calendar days in advance.

Article 7. Composition.

1. The Electronic Management Board shall be composed of at least:

a) The Secretary-General, who will chair him.

b) The General Manager, or Vice-manager in whom you delegate.

c) The Head of Legal Counsel, or a lawyer in whom you delegate.

d) The Director of the New Technologies Area, or a person assigned to whom you delegate.

e) The Chief of the General Registry Service, or a person assigned to whom you delegate.

f) The General File Manager, or person assigned to whom you delegate.

2. The Council shall meet at the request of its President and may invite to its meetings, where necessary, to Teachers and Researchers who are specialists in the field, as well as to any other person whom it considers appropriate for the development of their functions.

Article 8. Functions.

It is up to the Council to promote the implementation of the Electronic Administration and to ensure compliance with the principles and rights of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access of citizens to the Services Public and the provisions of this Regulation, with particular reference to the right to the protection of personal data.

Article 9. Workgroups.

The Electronic Management Board will be able to create working groups, determining their composition and number. The members of these working groups shall attend the Electronic Management Board in any support and advice work required.


Electronic Site Content

Article 10. Content.

1. The Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University will contain:

a) The navigation map of the Electronic Headquarters, with specification of the navigation structure and the different sections available, as well as the related to the intellectual property.

(b) Updated information on the Electronic Headquarters, including its regulatory regulations, with the identification of the body responsible for managing and administering it.

c) The Electronic Registry of the King Juan Carlos University, as well as its rules of creation and operation.

d) Information about the data protection and privacy policy of the King Juan Carlos University.

e) Official date and time by which the Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University is governed.

f) The services of electronic advice to the user for the correct use of the site.

g) The verification systems of the certificates of the site, which will be accessible directly and free of charge.

h) Any other information or services to be determined by Resolution of the General Secretariat.

2. The Electronic Headquarters shall contain the following services at the disposal of citizens:

a) The catalogue of administrative procedures that can be processed through electronic means.

b) Access systems, if any, to the processing status of the procedures.

c) The relationship of available services and access to them, as well as the corresponding electronic services letter.

(d) Accessibility information and the necessary instruments for this, including the precise ones to sign electronically and check the validity of the documents signed by this procedure, determined by Resolution of the General Secretariat.

e) An email address through which users will be able to make complaints and suggestions that they deem convenient about the operation of the Electronic Headquarters of the King Juan Carlos University.

f) The relationship of electronic seals used by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in the automated administrative action.

g) The profile of the contractor and other services provided by public sector contract rules.

h) Any other services to be determined by Resolution of the General Secretariat.

3. In the event that the University believes the Official Journal of the URJC (BOTH) and the Official Board of the URJC (TOURJC), both will be located in the Electronic Headquarters, at the disposal of the citizens.

4. From the Electronic Headquarters, information or services that are not part of the same can be accessed through links. In such cases, the user will be expressly warned when leaving the Electronic Headquarters.

Article 11. Regulations and Resolutions.

1. The electronic headquarters of the URJC will contain the university's own regulations, as well as the basic legislation on education and university legislation.

2. Decisions given by the competent bodies of the URJC shall be published in the electronic seat where they relate to matters covered by this Regulation.

Article 12. Catalogue of electronic administrative procedures.

1. The catalogue of administrative procedures that can be processed through electronic means will be placed on the website of the website.

2. The incorporation or deletion of a new administrative procedure will require the Resolution of the Rector, prior to the report of the Council of Electronic Management.

Article 13. Means to formulate suggestions and complaints.

1. A form will be enabled for users to submit their complaints and suggestions. The link to this form will appear on the website page.

2. All queries that are raised about the access through electronic means to the University services will be answered within a maximum period of 10 days. Consultations on different subjects shall be forwarded to the competent body or unit in each case, the citizen being informed of such circumstances.

3. The lodging of a complaint or suggestion shall in no way entail the initiation of an administrative procedure. Circumstance to be entered in the complaint form and suggestions made available to the citizen.


From identification and authentication

Article 14. Identification of the Headquarters.

The Electronic Headquarters of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos will be identified through a specific certificate of secure device or electronic certificate of office, containing an express reference to the same and the domain name principal from which the electronic headquarters is accessible. The content of that certificate shall be published in the seat itself. The electronic seat certificate shall have the sole purpose of identifying the certificate.

Article 15. Electronic seals.

1. Where the administrative action is carried out in an automated manner, the electronic seal corresponding to the administrative body assigned the competence to carry out the administrative action shall be used.

2. This electronic seal shall incorporate a specific reference with the full name of the organ, without any reference to physical persons.

3. The creation of electronic seals linked to administrative bodies will be carried out through the resolution of the Secretary General of the University. This resolution shall indicate the general technical characteristics of the signature and certificate system, as well as the validation service for the verification of the certificate, and the actions and procedures in which it may be used.

Article 16. Identification of citizens.

1. To access the services offered from the Electronic Headquarters, citizens will be able to use any of the electronic signature systems established in Law 11/2007 and Royal Decree 1671/2009, and admitted by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, related in the headquarters, should use advanced signature systems based on electronic certificate recognized for the performance of those actions that require to ensure the integrity and authenticity of documents electronic.

2. By way of derogation from the previous paragraph, the use of other electronic signature arrangements which are not based on the electronic signature may be authorised by means of a decision of the General Secretariat, after the Electronic Management Board has been informed. cryptographic systems, provided they ensure the integrity and non-repudiation of electronic documents.

3. Natural persons shall preferably use the National Electronic Identity Document in those procedures and actions that require the integrity and authenticity of electronic documents.

Article 17. Representation.

1. Natural and legal persons may act through a representative who, in any case, shall use his/her own electronic signature, having to be accredited by one of the following mechanisms:

a) The contribution by the representative of sufficient power, in original electronic support in accordance with the provisions in force.

b) The inclusion of the power in the representative's recognized signature certificate, in accordance with the current regulations on electronic signatures.

(c) Any other not referred to in the preceding paragraphs, provided for in the applicable rules.

2. The certificates referred to in Article 7 of Law 59/2003 of 19 December of 19 December of 19 December of 19 December 1996 shall also be used for the proceedings and formalities carried out by legal persons. competent body.

3. By means of a specific standard, which will be published in the Electronic Headquarters, it will be possible for citizens to carry out procedures and actions before the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos using electronic means through officials duly enabled public authorities, which shall in any event use the electronic signature system established there.

Article 18. Identification and authentication by public official.

1. In accordance with the provisions of article 22 of Law 11/2007, in the cases in which the identification or authentication of the citizen is required for the conduct of any electronic media operation at the University electronic signature of which no such identification or authentication is available may be validly performed by public officials duly authorised for that purpose. The citizen, in any case, must be identified to the authorized official and give his express consent, and must be kept on record for the cases of discrepancy or litigation.

2. The University will keep a record of the officials enabled for the identification and authentication regulated in this article.


Electronic communications and notifications

Article 19. Electronic communications.

1. The publicity of the general acts and agreements of the organs of government and representation of the University will be carried out through the electronic headquarters, respecting the right to the protection of personal data.

2. Members of the university community and citizens in general will be able to choose at all times how to communicate with the King Juan Carlos University, whether or not by electronic means.

3. The Universidad Rey Juan Carlos will use electronic means in its communications with the citizens, provided that they have expressly requested or consented to it. The application and the consent may in any case be issued and obtained by electronic means.

4. Through the Resolution of the Rector, the University will be able to establish the obligation to use electronic means when it comes to procedures directed to the university community or to companies that have contractual relations with the University. The relationship of these procedures will be published in the Electronic Headquarters.

Article 20. Electronic notifications.

1. The Universidad Rey Juan Carlos may practice notifications by electronic means provided that the person concerned has indicated in the application, written or communication that means as a preferential or has expressly consented to its use.

2. The notification system shall provide proof of the date and time of the making available to the person concerned of the act which is the subject of notification, and of the access to its content, at the time of which the notification shall be deemed to have been carried out. to all legal effects.

3. Where ten calendar days have elapsed since the receipt of the notification has been recorded without the data subject having agreed to its content, the notification shall be deemed to have been rejected with the effects specified in the notification. Article 59 (4) of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, unless the technical or material impossibility of access is established on its own initiative or at the request of the addressee.

4. During the processing of the procedure, the person concerned may require the University to ensure that the successive notifications are not carried out by electronic means.

5. It shall produce the proper effects of the notification by the person concerned by electronic access to the content of the relevant administrative file, provided that such access is recorded.


of The Electronic Procedure

Article 21. Initiation.

1. The administrative procedures for which electronic processing has been provided shall be initiated by the submission of the standard model or the relevant application through the electronic register. Such an application shall be made available for such purposes in the catalogue of procedures published at the University's Electronic Headquarters, and shall comply with the requirements laid down in Article 70 of Law 30/1992.

2. Where documents are required to be submitted to the file, the persons concerned may provide digitised copies of those documents, the fidelity of which to the original shall be ensured by the use of advanced electronic signatures. Such copies shall be devoid of the authentic copy character. Subsequently, the body responsible for processing the procedure may require the person concerned to display the original document for collation with the electronic copy provided.

3. Where such documents are not available in electronic form and, by their nature, cannot be provided using the digitised copy procedure provided for in Article 35.2 of Law 11/2007, the citizen may make delivery of the documents by non-electronic means by submitting them within the maximum period of ten days, on paper basis, in any of the offices of the Register, indicating the registration number assigned by the Electronic Register to the application or written to which you must accompany.

4. It will not be necessary to provide documents held by the University or other public administrations with which the University has signed a collaboration agreement to obtain them online. The exercise of this right is done in accordance with the rules applicable to each procedure and with the rules applicable to the protection of personal data.

Article 22. Instruction.

1. Where an electronically initiated procedure is not to be processed in full by electronic means, the competent body may reproduce in support of paper applications, written or electronic communications, in order to continue with the processing of the file. In any case, the original electronic documents file must be secured.

2. The use of electronic means for the completion of formalities in an administrative procedure for which complete electronic processing has not been foreseen, such as the practice of allegations or the processing of hearing, must be carried out in through the Electronic Registry.

3. Interested parties may exercise their right of hearing and submission of allegations at any time prior to the motion for a resolution, through the means of communication and notification provided for in this Regulation.

4. The person concerned may be aware of the status of the processing of electronically processed procedures through a restricted electronic information service, in accordance with the provisions of Article 37 of the Law. 11/2007.

Article 23. Termination.

The procedure in full by electronic means shall end with an administrative act in electronic form to ensure the identity of the body which has issued it, as well as, where appropriate, the rest of the requirements provided for in Articles 87 et seq. of Law 30/1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

Single additional disposition.

Law 30/1992, of Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, Royal Decree 1671/2009, November 6, for which the previous Law is partially developed, as well as the remaining rules in force, will be applied in an extra way in all cases not covered by this Regulation.

Single end disposition.

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.


Conditions and technical specifications

Identifying citizens and authenticating their communications and documents

The electronic services published in the electronic headquarters of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos will facilitate different systems of identification and authentication of citizens, depending on the level of security required for each one of these services. This provides the following means of access:

a) A recognized electronic signature based on the recognized certificates of natural person included in the National Electronic Identity Document.

• Commercial identification of the certification service provider: Directorate-General of Police.

• Distinguished name of the certification service provider: ou = DNIE, o = DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF THE POLICE, c = ES.

• Domain of the certification service provider:

b) Advanced electronic signature based on a recognized certificate of natural person from the National Currency and Timbre Factory.

• Commercial identification of the certification service provider: CERES National Mint and Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda (FNMT-RCM).

• Distinguished name of the certification service provider: ou = FNMT Class 2 CA, o = FNMT, c = ES.

• Domain of the certification service provider:

c) Electronic signature based on the use of concerted keys between the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and the citizen.

Identification of the electronic headquarters

The identification of the electronic seat shall be carried out by means of an electronic signature system based on a secure device certificate. This certificate identifies the domain of the electronic headquarters ( and is registered in the name of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

The information contained in that certificate is as follows:

a) A certification service provider that issues the certificate: TERENA SSL CA.

b) Site identification:

c) Unique identification code: (*).

d) Start and end of certificate validity period (*).

e) Certificate usage limits: Digital signature and encryption.

f) Digital footprint of the certificate: (*)

(*) Certificate in request processing.