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Resolution Of March 22, 2012, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, Which Publishes The Modification Of The Statutes Of The Spanish Federation Of Kickboxing.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 22 de marzo de 2012, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publica la modificación de los Estatutos de la Federación Española de Kickboxing.

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In the exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, the Commission Directive of the High Council of Sport, in its session of 2 February 2012, has adopted definitively the amendment of Articles 2, 37, 39 and 47 of the Statutes of the Spanish Kickboxing Federation, authorizing their registration in the Register of Sports Associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations and the Register of Sports Associations, I have the publication of the amendment of the Statutes of the Spanish Kickboxing Federation, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, March 22, 2012. -President of the Superior Council of Sports, Miguel Cardenal Carro.


Statutes of the Spanish Kickboxing Federation

Article 2.

The F.E.K. is affiliated with the World Pan-Amateur Kickboxing Association (W.P.K.A.) for amateur or amateur Kickboxing, as well as the World Profi Kickboxing Association (W.P.K.A.), International Sport Kickboxing Association (ISKA) and World Kickboxing Association (WKA) for the pro-amateur or neoprofessional Kickboxing, and professional, to which it belongs as a member and whose representation is exclusive in the Spanish State, being able to join any other association which, at the discretion of the F.E.K. and prior to the authorization of the High Council of Sport, is beneficial to the Kickboxing and that its Regulations conform to the current regulations, obliging accordingly in the international aspect to the established in the Statutes and sports codes of the international agencies, without prejudice to the technical criteria for selection, which because they are competent for the selection procedure.

Article 37.

1. In order to enable the participation of its members in official activities or competitions at state or international level, and in the development of the provisions of article 32.1. of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, and article 6 of the Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December on autonomic Federations, the legally constituted federations of autonomy must be integrated into the F.E.K.

2. The formal agreement to apply for integration into the F.E.K. must be adopted in accordance with the statutes of the autonomous federation. This agreement must be formally accredited by means of certification of the autonomous federation to the F.E.K., with the application of a copy of the statutes of the autonomous federation, governing bodies and the approval of the application for integration by the general assembly.

3. The representatives of the territorial delegations will send a written letter addressed to the F.E.K. requesting the constitution of the territorial delegation represented in a way that, once the same has been established and the current regulations, will be carried out their integration.

4. The approval of a request for formal integration of a regional federation or territorial delegation of Kickboxing in the F.E.K. shall be approved by the General Assembly of the autonomous federation or territorial delegation on the basis of compliance with the the requirements laid down in the general agreement of formal integration and in the specific agreement signed by the Presidents of the F.E.K. and the autonomic federation or territorial delegation in accordance with the historical relationship between the two and the correct Federative operation on the basis of what was agreed. All in accordance with Title V of these Statutes.

Article 39.

The territorial organization of the F.E.K. fits that of the State in Autonomous Communities.

In its virtue, such an organization currently consists of the following autonomous sports federations and territorial delegations that are formally integrated into the F.E.K.:

Andalusian Kickboxing Federation.

Canary Kickboxing Federation.

Castellano-Leonesa Federation of Kickboxing.

Madrid Kickboxing Federation.

Murciana Federation of Kickboxing.

Riojana Federation of Kickboxing.

Kickboxing's Asturian Delegation.

Balear Delegation of Kickboxing.

Kickboxing Cantabra Delegation.

Catalan Kickboxing Delegation.

Gallega Delegation of Kickboxing.

Valencian Kickboxing Delegation.

Basque Kickboxing Delegation.

Article 47.

1. Sports clubs are private associations, consisting of natural or legal persons, which aim to promote one or more sporting modalities, the practice of them by their associates, as well as participation in activities and sports competitions.

The membership of the F.E.K., in any of its sports estates, is acquired through the federal license.

2. All the clubs must register in the corresponding Register of Sports Associations, being attached to the autonomous sports federation of Kickboxing, if it does not exist, to the territorial delegation and if there is also no delegation, to the F.E.K.

3. The recognition for sporting purposes of a club shall be credited by the certification of the registration referred to in the previous paragraph.

4. In order to participate in official competitions and activities, the clubs must join the respective federation or delegation. This registration must be carried out through the autonomous federations or territorial delegations, when they are integrated into the F.E.K. If there is no federation or territorial delegation of Kickboxing, such clubs may be integrated into the F.E.K. directly.

5. The clubs must join the federation or territorial delegation of their autonomy and must have their domicile in that territory. In order to participate in competitions and activities of a friendly nature with other clubs of their territory they must notify their federation or territorial delegation and if the activity is of interterritorial scope it must have knowledge of the activity the F.E.K. through its respective federation or territorial delegation. Where no territorial federation or delegation exists, the F.E.K. shall be notified directly.

6. No federated member may participate in activities of an organized sporting nature or in which persons, entities or entities not affiliated with the F.E.K. are present.

7. The same criteria and requirements will apply for the integration into the F.E.K. of sportsmen, technicians and referees, who will necessarily, through a club enrolled to the F.E.K.

8. The integration into the F.E.K. of clubs, athletes, technicians and referees will be produced by the granting of the corresponding federal license, once verified the compliance with the sports requirements established in the Statutes and Regulations of the F.E.K.

9. All members of the F.E.K. have the right to receive guardianship of the same in respect of their legitimate sporting interests, as well as to participate in their activities and in the functioning of their organs, in accordance with these Statutes and with the internal regulations of that. The members of the F.E.K. have, in turn, the duty to abide by the agreements of their organs, the failure to comply with any of the requirements of integration, will empower the F.E.K. to cancel such integration, prior to the instruction of the corresponding file, without prejudice to recourse, to the competent federal authorities and if they are not satisfied with their rights in the ordinary jurisdiction.