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Resolution Of March 9, 2012, Of Puertos Del Estado, On Delegation Of Powers.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 9 de marzo de 2012, de Puertos del Estado, sobre delegación de competencias.

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The Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011, of 5 September, for which the Recast Text of the Law of Ports and the Merchant Navy is approved establishes in its article 22.2 the functions of the President of the Public Body Ports of the State, among which it is established, in point (f), to "dispose of expenses and order corresponding payments".

On the other hand, by Order FOM/4003/2008, of July 22, the rules and general rules of the procedures of contracting of the Ports of the State and Harbour Authorities, whose scope of application extends to the works, supplies and services contracts. Rule 2 of these general rules and rules of procurement provides, in paragraph 3, that the handling of the case file for contracts with a value of less than EUR 50 000, minor contracts, will only require the approval of expenditure and incorporation into the of the corresponding invoice. In the minor contract of works, the budget of the works must also be added, without prejudice to the need, where appropriate, for the corresponding project.

In order to achieve greater efficiency and agility in the procurement of these files, it is necessary to delegate certain powers conferred on the President.

In its virtue, and in accordance with Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, I have resolved:


Delegate to the Resource and Audit Director:

(a) The approval of the expenditure as well as the recognition of the economic obligations arising from such expenditure, in the contracts of works, supplies and services of a value equal to or less than EUR 30,000.

b) The ordering of payments derived from authorized expenses.


Delegate to the General Administration Subdirector:

(a) The approval of the expenditure as well as the recognition of the economic obligations arising from such expenditure, in the contracts of works, supplies and services of a value equal to or less than EUR 6,000.

b) The ordering of payments derived from authorized expenses.


The delegation of powers provided for in this Resolution will be revoked at any time by the President of Ports of the State. Likewise, as the governing body of the delegated powers, the President may endorse the exercise thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.


Once a month the President shall be informed of the list of expenditure authorised under this delegation of powers.


In so many resolutions adopted in the exercise of the powers delegated by this Resolution, this shall be expressly stated by means of the mention of this resolution and its date of publication in the "Official State Gazette".


This Resolution shall produce effects from the day following that of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Madrid, March 9, 2012. -President of Ports of the State, José Llorca Ortega.