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Order 543-Eit-2012, Of 14 March, By Which Determine The Technical Conditions That Must Meet Filters Ultraviolet Rays To Be Installed In The Field Of Vision Of The Driver At 180 ° To The Front Of Vehicles In Service...

Original Language Title: Orden IET/543/2012, de 14 de marzo, por la que se determinan las condiciones técnicas que deben reunir los filtros de rayos ultravioleta destinados a ser instalados en el campo de visión del conductor en 180º hacia delante de los vehículos en serv...

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UV filters (UVA) attached to the glass can be approved, together with glass, in application of Council Directive 92/22/EEC of 31 March on safety glazing and materials for the purposes of Directive 92/22/EEC. glazing of motor vehicles and their trailers, or of the UNECE Regulation 43R00. However, in the interpretation of the services of the European Commission, these regulations do not extend to the case of filters or sheets which are to be attached to a glass on which it has not been approved and which forms part of a vehicle in service.

There is a demand from the groups of people affected by Lupus to allow the use of ultraviolet (UVA) filters on the windscreen and front side crystals of the vehicles in service, in order to improve their quality of life.

Order ITC/1992/2010, of July 14, regulated the technical conditions of the sheets of plastic material intended to be attached to the glass of safety and materials for glazing of the vehicles in service. This order was dictated for the purpose of regulating the installation of adhesive sheets in general outside the field of vision towards the driver, but it does not allow the installation of any type of sheet or filter in the windows of the windows. Front side or windscreen.

It is therefore appropriate to make a provision for the setting of specifications for the installation of ultraviolet ray filters in the windows of the front side windows and windscreens in order to provide a solution to the demand of the persons affected by Lupus, complying with the technical requirements to maintain the safety conditions of the vehicles in which they are installed.

The final provision of Royal Decree 2822/1998 of 23 December 1998 approving the General Regulation of Vehicles empowers the Minister for Industry, Tourism and Trade to make the necessary arrangements for the the application and interpretation of the same.

Article 149.1.21 of the Spanish Constitution confers exclusive competence on the State on the traffic and movement of motor vehicles, without prejudice to the powers which, where appropriate, correspond to the standalone.

This order has been subject to a hearing from the affected sectors and from consultations with the Autonomous Communities. It has also been subject to the procedure for information on technical standards and regulations and regulations relating to the information society, regulated by Royal Decree 1337/1999 of 31 July, for the purpose of implementing the Directive 98 /34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June, as amended by Directive 98 /48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 July.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Object and scope of application.

1. The purpose of this provision is to determine the technical conditions to be met by UV filters (UVA) intended to be attached to the interior of safety glass and glazing materials, duly approved, located in the field of vision of the driver in 180º forward of the vehicles in service intended to be driven by persons diagnosed with Lupus and of those who hold or hold financial leasing these persons or their first-or second-degree relatives.

2. In accordance with Articles 11 and 12 of the General Regulation of Vehicles, approved by Royal Decree 2822/1998 of 23 December 1998 and Article 19 of the General Rules of Circulation, adopted by Royal Decree 1428/2003 of 21 December 1998, November, the specifications contained in this provision shall apply to filters, not co-approved with the safety glass or supporting glazing material and intended to be attached to the safety glass or Approved glazing materials already installed in the motor vehicles in service, located at the driver's field of vision at 180º forward.

3. The filter test and the glass-filter assembly shall be carried out in any laboratory approved for that purpose in Spain by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, in another Member State of the European Union, in a country which is a member of the European Space Agency. European Economic and/or Turkey, as provided for in Article 3 of this Order.

Article 2. Definitions.

For the purposes of this order it is understood by:

1. 'Safety glazing located in the field of vision forward of the driver' means all the glazing located in front of a plane passing through the driver's point R and perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and through the the driver can see the road when driving or manoeuvring the vehicle.

2. 'Safety glazing located in the indirect field of vision of the driver' means all the glazing located behind a plane passing through the driver's R point and perpendicular to the median longitudinal plane of the vehicle and through the the driver can see the road when driving or manoeuvring the vehicle.

3. 'Ultraviolet ray filter' means the sheet intended to be adhered to the inside face of the safety glazing having a transmission factor to the ultraviolet radiation, in the field of 300 nm to 380 nm, less than 20 per cent in each of the the wavelengths.

Article 3. Tests.

1. Generalities and documentation.

In order to ensure that the safety conditions of the safety glass or glazing material are not modified when an UVA ray filter is adhered, it must be subjected to the tests specified in the the following paragraphs; first the UVA ray filter and, subsequently, the set consisting of the safety glass or glazing material together with the UVA-attached ray filter.

In the event that the tests are exceeded, the approved laboratory shall issue a report report, as set out in Annex 1 to this order, identifying the definition characteristics of the UVA and the type of ray filter. results of the tests performed.

The manufacturer shall submit to the Registry of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism or any of the procedures referred to in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of the Public administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure the following documents:

a) Accreditable document of the personality of the applicant.

(b) A test certificate issued by the laboratory which has conducted the tests referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.

c) Relation of premises where the conformity of the production set out in Article 5 of this order can be performed.

2. Test request and required samples.

The test request shall be made by the manufacturer of the UVA ray filter or its duly accredited representative to an approved laboratory, and shall be accompanied by the documentation and samples specified in this Annex. below:

(a) A technical description of the manufacturing process of the UVA ray filter and of the system or systems of adhesion to the glass, together with a statement of the UVA ray transmission factor in the 300 nm to 380 nm spectrum. that filter gets.

b) Three samples of the UVA ray filter with minimum dimensions of 300 mm in length per 300 mm width.

c) Six tempered glass samples with the following characteristics: Minimum length developed, 500 mm; minimum width developed, 400 mm.

The six samples will have a nominal thickness between 3 mm and 5 mm. Four of the six samples shall be fitted with the UVA ray filter in a single part of the test. Samples of commercial glass that exist on the market shall be permitted.

d) Two tempered glass samples (100 × 100) mm with the UVA ray filter object of the adhered test, with a centre-hole of 6,4 mm in diameter and tolerance +0,2 mm, -0 mm.

3. Tests to be performed on the samples.

The following samples shall be tested:

(a) Tests for the determination of the transmission factor in the range of 300 nm to 380 nm of the filter being tested: A UVA ray filter sample of dimensions and characteristics specified in paragraph 2.b) previous.

(b) Tests for the determination of the transmission factor in the range of 400 nm to 780 nm of the filter being tested: A UVA ray filter sample of dimensions and characteristics specified in paragraph 2.b) previous.

c) Fragmentation test: Two samples with the filter adhered and two samples without the one of the dimensions and characteristics specified in paragraph 2.c) above.

d) Fire Resistance Test: Two samples with filter attached to the dimensions and characteristics specified in paragraph 2.c) above.

e) abrasion resistance test: Two samples of the dimensions and characteristics indicated in paragraph 2.d) above.

4. Description of the tests.

The trials to be performed will be as follows:

a) Test for the determination of the transmission factor of the UVA ray filter.

The ultraviolet radiation transmission test shall be performed on each of the wavelengths within the 300 nm band at 380 nm, in increments of 10 nm, by spectrophotometry.

Those filters that when tested do not have a UVA transmission value of less than or equal to 20 per cent in each of the test wavelengths shall be rejected.

b) Test of transmission of the filter to the radiation in the visible spectrum (400 nm to 780 nm).

This test will be performed using the same sample as the one used in the UVA radiation resistance test and the same spectrophotometer will be used, in this case the test wavelengths contained in the test. 400 nm band at 780 nm taken in 10 nm increments.

In none of the wavelengths so examined, the value obtained may be less than 75 percent of transmission.

c) The fragmentation test.

The glass to be tested must not be fixed in a rigid manner. However, you can join an identical glass with adhesive strips attached to all around it.

A hammer of about 75 g of mass or other device with which equivalent results are obtained shall be used to perform the fragmentation. The radius of curvature of the tip shall be 0,2 mm, with a tolerance of ± 0,05 mm. The point of impact will be the geometric center of the sample.

The examination of the fragments must be carried out with copies obtained in contact photographic paper, and the exposure must begin no later than ten seconds after the impact and finish, at most, three minutes after the itself. Only marked lines, representative of the initial break, shall be taken into consideration. The Laboratory must preserve the photographic reproductions of the fragments obtained. The result of the fragmentation in the sample provided with filter and in the sample without filter shall be equivalent. This equivalence may demonstrate the possible interaction filter on the approved support glass.

If the equivalence is not evident or if the filter samples appear fragments with surface greater than 300 mm2, length greater than 70 mm or the number of fragments in any square of (50 × 50) mm is not less than 40 mm or more than 400 mm (or 450 mm in the case of glass whose thickness does not exceed 3,5 mm), it shall be understood that the placement of the filter on the support glass modifies the characteristics of the tempered glass and the glass is considered to be test has not given valid results. For the purposes of the calculation, the fragments located in such a way that they are partially protruding from one side of the square shall be counted as a half-fragment, and the fragments within a 20 mm-wide strip shall not be taken into account around the contour of the sample and representing the glass casing, or in a radius of 75 mm around the point of impact.

d) Fire resistance test.

The sample will be placed horizontally on a "U"-shaped support and will be exposed to the effect of the live flame for 15 seconds so that the flame incites on the free edge of the sample and on the side of the filter. The flame will be produced using the following instrumentation and media:

Bunsen Mechero with 9.5 mm inside.

The nozzle will be placed 19 mm below the inner side of the free edge of the sample.

The combustion gas must be of the commercial type (approximately 38 MJ/m3).

The test result shall be considered to be valid if, after 15 seconds of exposure to the live flame, no ignition of the filter is produced or, in the event of occurrence, self-extinguishing within a period not exceeding 5 seconds.

e) abrasion resistance test.

1. The test piece of (100 × 100) mm formed by the supporting glass and the UVA filter sheet, adhered to it, is subjected to abrasion test.

The abrasion device will consist of the following elements:

i. A horizontal rotating plate, the direction of rotation of which shall be contrary to the clockwise and rotating at a speed between 65 rev/min and 75 rev/min.

ii. Two weighted parallel arms, each with a special abrasive mule, which rotates freely on a horizontal axis provided with bearings.

Each grinder rests on the sheet attached to the support glass, at a pressure of 500 grams.

The grinds are mounted so that when they are in contact with the rotating test tube, they rotate in the opposite direction thereby exerting a compressive and abrasive action on curved lines in a circular crown of about 30 cm2, two times per turn of the test piece.

The abrasive grinds shall be 45 mm to 50 mm in diameter and 12,5 mm thick with an average hardness of (72 ± 5) IRHD (International Rubber Hardness Degree).

The duration of the test shall be 100 cycles.

The UVA ray filter will be considered to be successful in abrasion, when the light diffusion in the searing area is not more than 4 percent.

2. º To determine the extent of the degree of diffusion of light that is reached in the test sample, the following test is performed:

The test tube is placed directly on the inlet opening of an integration sphere, with light trap and light source.

The following reads will be performed under these conditions:


With light trap







Incident-table_table_body"> incident light.





Total Light transmitted by the test piece.








Light released by the instrument and the test piece.

The Td transmission factor is obtained by the formula:

Imagen: img/disp/2012/066/03813_001.png

And the percentage of alternation by diffusion of visibility or light, would be:

Td / Tt × 100%


TT = T2 / T1

5. Mutual recognition clause.

Legally manufactured and/or marketed UVA ray filters shall be accepted in another Member State of the European Union and in Turkey, or manufactured in a Member State of the European Free Trade Association which is a party Contracting of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, provided it is recognised by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism which guarantee a level of public safety and of persons, goods or the environment equivalent to standards required by Spanish legislation. The competent public authority may request the economic operator to provide the information and documentation necessary to assess the equivalence referred to in the preceding paragraph. Where it is found that equivalence is not guaranteed, it may be motivated to refuse the placing on the market of the products or to agree to withdraw it from the market, having invited the economic operator to submit its comments.

Article 4. Marking the filters.

1. All UVA ray filters, including those submitted to the tests, shall bear the manufacturer's or the manufacturer's trademark or filter mark. Both must be clearly legible and indelible even if the filter is attached to the support glass.

2. The marking shall indicate FUVA.

3. The existence of such marks implies the correspondence of their characteristics with the samples tested.

Article 5. Conformity of production.

1. Manufacturers shall have a quality system that ensures compliance with UVA ray filters of the technical specifications described above.

2. The competent industrial safety management centre of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism may request at all times the conformity of production made by the manufacturer.

Article 6. UVA ray filter installation specifications.

1. FUVA-marked filters may only be installed in the above side windows and in the windscreen of vehicles in service, in a single piece, not being supported by sheets installed on the same glass, with cuts for their installation.

2. Once the installation of one or more UVA filters has been carried out, the holder of the vehicle shall request tests to determine the light transmission factor of the side windows and/or windscreen where they have been installed the filters to a laboratory approved for that purpose in Spain by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, in another Member State of the European Union, in an integral country of the European Economic Area or Turkey, presenting the The following documents:

a) Vehicle circulation permit.

(b) A medical certificate issued by the specialist medical doctor for health services to be determined by the health authority in each Autonomous Community.

The health authorities of the Autonomous Communities shall communicate to the competent industrial safety management centre of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism the health services.

c) Case of not being the person diagnosed with Lupus, the holder of the vehicle:

i. If applicable, document proof of the degree of kinship between the holder of the vehicle and the person diagnosed with Lupus.

ii. Where applicable, lease agreement.

3. The approved laboratory shall test those safety glasses or glazing materials to which a UVA ray filter has been affixed, on the vehicle itself, on the spot, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 7.

Article 7. Determination of the light transmission factor, secondary image, and color identification of the UV-filter-filter assembly.

1. In order to determine the light transmission factor of the approved safety glazing glass assembly incorporating the vehicle, to which a UVA ray filter sheet has been placed, the following test shall be carried out on the spot, on each of the glass having an approved type of sheet adhered to and complying with the requirements laid down above as a sheet with a degree of transmission of ultraviolet radiation of less than or equal to 20 per cent, in each of the lengths of Ultraviolet spectrum wave.

For these purposes, it is distinguished:

1. Instrumental.

Light source, consisting of an incandescent lamp, the filament of which is housed in a tube or chamber with a diaphragm that allows the diameter of the luminous beam to be limited to a value between 7 mm and 10 mm (as a lamp of incandescent shall take any lamp at its nominal voltage, work at a colour temperature in the environment at 2856 K).

A photoelectric cell with a spectral sensitivity corresponding to the photocic vision and its corresponding measuring apparatus shall be available at the output of the light.

The sensitive surface of the cell must be covered by a diffuser and be at least twice the light beam section emitted by the light source.

2. Procedure.

The sensitivity of the measurement system shall be regulated in such a way that the measurement apparatus of the cell reading indicates 100 divisions when the set of the glass and sheet attached to it is not placed in the path In addition, between the light source and the light receiver, there is a distance equal to the thickness of the glass-sheet assembly intended to be measured.

The necessary steps will be taken to ensure that the receiver does not receive any parasitic light from the outside of the system and that when the device does not receive light, it is zero. (For these purposes the vehicle may be placed to be tested inside a garage or any other enclosed and dark space).

Once the measuring device has been taken, the device shall be placed on the glass-sheet assembly to be tested, ensuring that its orientation is such that the angle of incidence of the light beam and the angle of reception of the light are practically perpendicular to the set under test, and are aligned, thus retaining the same geometry as they had at the time of the initial sensitivity adjustment to the 100 divisions.

In these measurement conditions, the transmission factor shall be the result of the measurement expressed as a percentage (%).

The safety glazing with its attached UVA ray sheet shall be understood to comply with the specifications if the transmission factor thus obtained is greater than or equal to 70 per cent. If this measure is less than 70 percent, no suitability document may be issued for the installation, requiring the technical service in charge of the tests to the user to remove and at its cost, immediately the sheet Wound and return the safety glazing to its initial conditions, provided for in the approval.

The test shall be considered to be favourable if at least 70 per cent of the light transmission in each of the glasses in which it has an UVA ray filter is reached.

2. For the performance of the secondary image test the vehicle is placed in a suitably obscured space. This test shall only be carried out on the windscreens, to which the corresponding UVA ray filter has been placed, and it is therefore not necessary to carry out this test on a non-windscreen glass.

An illuminated target shall be placed on the outside of the vehicle and at a distance greater than 7 metres measured from the outer surface of the windscreen, significantly on the axis of the driver's field of vision.

The test will be determined by the simple "pass" or "pass" method.

The illuminated target shall consist of a crown and a point of light of 12 mm and of dimensions such that the distance from a point on the edge of the point of light to the nearest point of the interior of the crown, subtends an angle 25 ' arc at a point located at X metres (where X is the distance at which the target is placed with respect to the windscreen).

Each portion of the safety glazing assembly and UVA filter sheet must be examined to discover the presence of any secondary image in relation to the illuminated target, with the observer being positioned. in the driver's seat, and moving the head so that the correct direction of observation is maintained at all times. For this examination, a monoculus may be used.

Under these conditions, the observer will not be able to see that the primary and secondary image of the circle is separated by the limit value of 25 ' of arc.

3. With regard to the identification of the colours; through the windscreen with UVA ray sheet attached, it will be possible to recognise the colours indicated below:

i. White.

ii. Selective yellow.

iii. Red.

iv. Green.

v. Blue.

vi. Yellow car.

If the tests are favourable, the acting laboratory shall issue a report on the suitability of the installation, as set out in Annex 2 of this order, indicating compliance with the requirements set out in this order, indicating the the date of the tests, the values obtained in the tests, the registration of the vehicle and the name of the person diagnosed as being sick with Lupus, filing a copy of this certificate, the medical certificate submitted and a copy of the licence circulation.

Article 8. ITV periodic technical inspection.

On the periodic technical inspection, ITV shall be verified, in the light of the marking, if the marks correspond to those certified by the approved laboratory pursuant to Article 4 of this order. Such verification may require the submission of a copy of the test report of the filters.

Additionally, the certificate of determination of the authorized laboratory-issued transmission factor will be required.

In these inspections, it shall also be verified if the technical specifications for installation contained in paragraph 1 of this Article are complied with, and it shall be checked that there are no bubbles of more than 2 mm in diameter or symptoms of take off between the filter and the glass to which it is attached.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This order is issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.21. of the Spanish Constitution, which confers exclusive jurisdiction on the State on the traffic and movement of motor vehicles, without prejudice to powers which, where appropriate, correspond to the autonomous communities.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, March 14, 2012. -Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism, José Manuel Soria López.


Report Record Model

Issued by the Technical Service, responsible for the UVA ray filter test.

Uva filter sheet:







-Average transmission factor for ultraviolet radiation:

-Average transmission factor in the visible field:

The tested sheet meets the requirements that are set for the uninstalled sheet in automotive safety glazing.


UVA X-ray filter sheet installation suitability report model

Today, a vehicle with UVA filtering sheets, attached to the vehicle's safety glass, has been presented for verification.




Rack No.:

Number of tuition:

Enrolled to:

Name of:


Type-approval password:


Left-side side;



Sheet attached:



Ultraviolet radiation transmission coefficient:

Rehearsed by:

No. Test report:

Report Date:

Workshop responsible for mounting the sheet on glass:

Workshop address:

Signer of the installation document:

The vehicle submitted for verification complies with all the tests foreseen in OM XXXXX, being the transmission factor obtained from:


Left Side:%



V. º B. º

Analyst signature:

Note: This document must accompany the vehicle at all times and shall be submitted to the competent authority and subject to review by ITV.