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Resolution Of March 2, 2012, Of The Directorate-General Of Employment, Which Is Recorded And Published The Minutes Of The Formal Constitution Of The Joint Commission Of The General Convention Of The Construction Sector, As Well As The Business Fee To T...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 2 de marzo de 2012, de la Dirección General de Empleo, por la que se registra y publica el acta de constitución formal de la Comisión Paritaria del Convenio general del sector de la construcción, así como la cuota empresarial a la ...

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Having regard to the text of the Act which was signed on 20 January 2012, agreeing on the formal constitution of the Joint Committee of the General Convention of the Construction Sector (Convention Code No 99005585011900) and the Business quota to the Construction Work Foundation, agreements that form part of the aforementioned Convention. Act which has been signed by the National Confederation of Construction (CNC) on behalf of the companies in the sector, and by the trade unions FECOMA-CCOO and MCA-UGT on behalf of the workers, and in accordance with the Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Status of Workers, Recast Text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March, and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May on the registration and deposit of agreements and collective work agreements,

This Employment General Address resolves:


Order the registration of the said Act in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Commission Peer.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, March 2, 2012. -Director General of Employment, Xavier Jean Braulio Thibault Aranda.


In job representation:


Don José Luis López Pérez.

Don Antonio Garde Piñera.

Don Vicente Sánchez Jiménez.


Don Juan Carlos Barrero Mancha.

Doña Ana García de la Torre.

Don Arturo Rodriguez Rodriguez.

In business representation:


Don Pedro C. Fernández Alen (Secretary).

Doña M. ª José Leguina Leguina.

Don Francisco Ruano Tellaeche.

Don Francisco Santos Martin.

In Madrid, on January 20, two thousand twelve, at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Construction (CNC), the gentlemen who are related to the margin meet.

The study of the different points of the Order of the Day begins:

1. formal Constitution of the CGC Joint Commission.

Following the intervention of the representatives of each organization, the Joint Commission is formally constituted, in accordance with Article 108 of the CGSC, with its members being the following:

Business Party:


Don Pedro C. Fernández Alen.

Don Francisco Santos Martin.

Don Joan Mercade Poblet.

Don Francisco Ruano Tellaeche.

Don Francisco Carmona Castejón.

Doña M. ª José Leguina Leguina.

Trade union party:


Don Antonio Garde Pinero.

Don Vicente Sánchez Jiménez.

Don José Luis López Pérez.

Alternate: Don Eduardo Rodríguez González.


Don Juan Carlos Barrero Mancha.

Doña Ana García de la Torre.

Don Arturo Rodriguez Rodriguez.

Alternate: Don Manuel Mejias Fuentes.

2. Business Fee to the Construction Work Foundation:

To study the proposal made by the Board of Trustees of the FLC, in relation to the business quota to the FLC, which is attached as Annex I to this act and which has the following literal tenor:

" Propose to the Joint Commission of the General Convention of the Construction Sector that from the year 2012, the business quota of the Construction Foundation in the companies of less than ten workers will be satisfied in two half-yearly instalments to be paid in the months of July of the corresponding financial year and in the month of January of the following financial year. '

For all this it is agreed that from the present financial year 2012, the business quota of the Foundation of Construction in the companies of less than ten workers will be satisfied in two half-yearly periods that shall pay in the months of July of the relevant financial year and in January of the following financial year.

3. Questions and questions.

No interventions.

Signed by a representative of each organisation, a referral is agreed by the Secretary of this Joint Committee to the Directorate-General for Employment of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security for the purposes of its registration and subsequent publication in the "Official State Gazette".

To the Joint Commission of the General Convention of the Construction Sector

By means of this writing I give you the transfer of the agreement adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Construction Foundation, meeting in plenary session on December 13, 2011, which agreed the following:

" Propose to the Joint Commission of the General Convention of the Construction Sector that from the year 2012, the business quota of the Construction Foundation in the companies of less than ten workers will be satisfied in two half-yearly instalments to be paid in the months of July of the corresponding financial year and in the month of January of the following financial year. '

What you communicated for the appropriate purposes.

Madrid, December 14, 2011. -Fdo.: Pedro C. Fernández Alen, Secretary.