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Resolution Of March 9, 2012, Of The Secretary Of State For Energy, Which Are Published Values For The Cost Of The Raw Material And The Cost Base Of The Raw Natural Gas For The First Quarter Of 2012, For The Purposes Of The Calc...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 9 de marzo de 2012, de la Secretaría de Estado de Energía, por la que se publican los valores del coste de la materia prima y del coste base de la materia prima del gas natural para el primer trimestre de 2012, a los efectos del cálc...

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View Order ITC/3519/2009, dated December 28, for which access tolls are reviewed from January 1, 2010 and the rates and premiums of the special regime facilities.

This order amends, in its fifth additional provision, the formula set out in Article 28.1 of Royal Decree 661/2007 of 25 May 2007 regulating the activity of the production of electrical energy under special arrangements, introducing for its calculation a new variable called 'Cn', Cost of the raw material, calculated in accordance with the wording laid down in Article 8 of Order ITC/1660/2009 of 22 June laying down the methodology for calculating the the rate of last resort for natural gas, as amended by Order ITC/1506/2010 of 8 June 2010, by the amending Order ITC/1660/2009 of 22 June laying down the methodology for the calculation of the rate of last resort for natural gas, taking into account the values of the terms PRQ and α, and the application values in the quarter for the remainder of the terms.

In the final provision of that Order ITC/3519/2009, Annex VII to Royal Decree 661/2007 of 25 May 2007 concerning the updating of tariffs and premiums for sub-groups a.1.1 and a.1.2 is amended by equating the IComb parameter, fuel price index, to a new variable called "CbmpGN", Base Cost of the natural gas raw material, obtained as sum of the Cost of the raw material "Cn" and the toll term "TP" defined in the order itself.

Views of Order ITC/1660/2009 of 22 June establishing the methodology for the calculation of the rate of last resort for natural gas and Order ITC/1506/2010 of 8 June 2010 amending Order ITC/1660/2009, of the 22 June, establishing the methodology for calculating the rate of last resort for natural gas.

In the latter, the term βSB is collected, in proportion to one of the quantity auctioned off of Base Gas in relation to the forecast of demand for the Base Gas associated with the rate of last resort, whose value is 0.5.

View of Order IET/3587/2011 of 30 December 2011 laying down the tolls and charges associated with third party access to gas installations and the remuneration of regulated activities, and in particular Article 18 thereof and Annex I, which are extracted from the values relating to the following terms of mermas and tolls, respectively:


Primary transport Merma



regasification Merma


Pressure Distribution Merma greater than 4 bar



Fixed Term of Regasification Toll

1,8077 cent€/ (kWh/day) /month.


Regasification toll variable term

0.0107 cent€/kWh.


Fixed Term of capacity reservation

0.9999 cent€/ (kWh/day) /month.


Fixed toll driving term transport and firm distribution for non-satellite-powered consumers, for the 2.4 design pressure step 2.4

3,7985 cent€/ (kWh/day) /month.


Tcv Transport and firm distribution toll for non-satellite-fed consumers, for the 2.4 design pressure step 2.4

0.1033 cent€/kWh


The toll variable term for the LNG storage cannon

3.0164 cent€/MWh/day.

View the Resolution of 30 December 2011, of the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines, for which the rate of last resort of natural gas is published, from which the values of the following are obtained terms, as defined in Order ITC/1660/2009 of 22 June, as amended by Order ITC/1506/2010 of 8 June 2010:

● Pbn, price to apply to Base Gas product supplies made in the reference quarter = 2.998000 c€/kWh

● An, price modification as a result of tolls revisions = 0.129845 c€/kWh

● %LNG, percentage of LNG supplies, expressed as per 1 = 0.74

Viewed the values of the Brent crude quotes in the semester prior to the reference quarter, expressed in $/Bbl and published in the "Platts Oilgram Price Report".

Seen exchange rate values $/ € in the quarter before the reference quarter, published by the European Central Bank:


Change Type $/ €

October 2011


November 2011


December 2011


View Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

Article 28.1 of Royal Decree 661/2007, of 25 May, enables the Secretary of State of Energy to publish by resolution in the Official State Gazette the values of the Cn during the first month of the calendar quarter in which it is to be applied.

In its virtue, it resolves:

Set as Cn Value, Cost of Raw Material, and CbmpGn, Base Cost of Natural Gas Raw Material, for the first quarter of 2012, the following values:

Cn = 2,8563 c€/kWh.

CbmpGn = 3.2978 c€/kWh PCS.

Against this resolution, which does not exhaust the administrative route, it is possible to institute, under the provisions of Articles 114 and 115 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, an appeal to the Minister for Industry, Energy and Tourism within one month from the day following that of its publication.

Madrid, March 9, 2012. -Secretary of State for Energy, Fernando Martí Scharfhausen.