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Royal Decree 448/2012, Of 5 March, Amending Royal Decree 1314 / 1984, Of 20 June, Which Regulates The Structure And Competencies Of The General Treasury Of The Social Security.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 448/2012, de 5 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1314/1984, de 20 de junio, por el que se regula la estructura y competencias de la Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social.

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By Royal Decree 1314/1984 of 20 June, the structure and powers of the General Treasury of Social Security are regulated, setting the functions of its central and provincial executive bodies. This regulatory standard has been the subject of several subsequent amendments, approved to adapt the basic organisation of the common social security service to its new competences and to the needs of its management.

The experience gained in the exercise of the functions that the General Treasury of Social Security has assigned to various matters, such as internal regime, personnel, hiring, listing and discharge and management (a) to raise the resources of the social security system, as well as the promotion of new projects and the achievement of objectives by the social security body in the field of the management of the network system and, in general, with regard to the processing of a voluntary and executive collection procedure concerning their computerisation and The introduction of the system of electronic notifications in this field and the improvement of procedures for combating late payment and fraud are now advising a new distribution of powers between management bodies. (a) central to the said common social security service, in order to achieve greater efficiency in the achievement of the tasks assigned to each of them.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Employment and Social Security, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 2, 2012,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 1314/1984 of 20 June, governing the structure and powers of the General Treasury of Social Security.

Royal Decree 1314/1984 of 20 June, which regulates the structure and powers of the General Treasury of Social Security, is amended as follows:

One. Article 3 (3) is worded as follows:

" The General Directorate will be assigned the Delegate Intervention in the central services of the General Treasury of Social Security, without prejudice to its dependence on the General Intervention of the State Administration through the General Intervention of Social Security. "

Two. Article 4 is worded as follows:

" Article 4. General Secretariat.

The General Secretariat, with an organic level of general subdirección, has the functions of information and public relations attributed to it; proposal of the strategic planning of the agency and the organizational elements of its services; planning, management, execution and evaluation of the control and evaluation activities of the services, as well as the analysis, proposal and development of actions in the field of quality; assessment and proposal of improvements in Citizens ' attention; programming, management and control of the network of Social security administrations and facilities; planning and management in the field of internal regime and administration of staff of the General Treasury, including challenges in this area; planning, development and evaluation of training policies; drawing up plans for the material resource needs and maintenance of the facilities of the central services, including the management of their operation and the quality of the facilities; management of the activity; preventive and health of the staff; management of the registry and general file and of the fund central documentary, and coordination of the general sub-directorates of the General Treasury of Social Security.

The holder of the General Secretariat shall replace that of the General Directorate in cases of absence, disease or vacancy. "

Three. Article 5 is worded as follows:

" Article 5. General Subdirectorates.

The central services of the General Treasury of Social Security are structured in the following sub-directions:

(a) General Sub-direction of Affiliation, Quotation and Management of the RED System, to which the functions of management, impulse, control and imparting of instructions of service in the field of framing, registration of companies and affiliation, high, low and variations of workers ' data; management of special agreements; listing and settlement of other rights of Social Security, and management of the Electronic Data Broadcasting System (RED).

(b) General Subdirectorate for the Management of Payments and Management of the Reserve Fund, to which the functions which, in the field of charges, payments and other financial management acts of the Social Security system, determine the General Authorising Officer for Payments of the same in accordance with Article 10 (g) of the General Regulation on the Financial Management of Social Security, approved by Royal Decree 1391/1995 of 4 August 1995 and other implementing provisions, as well as the authorisation of opening and cancellation of accounts in financial institutions co-workers. It shall also take over the management of reinsurance and other management powers, on a voluntary basis, of the resources of the social security system whose income corresponds to the mutual benefits of accidents at work and diseases. Social Security professionals, as well as the functions attributed to the General Treasury of Social Security regarding the management of the Social Security Reserve Fund.

(c) General Sub-direction for Management and Enforcement, to which the functions of management, impulse, control and, where appropriate, resolution of prior complaints and administrative resources, except in the field of personnel, are attributed; processing of the discrepancies with the General Intervention of Social Security; the organization, processing and control of the records of patrimonial responsibility for the operation of the services of the General Treasury; the elevation to (a) the final settlement proceedings and the imposition of penalties for infringements of the Social Security matters to workers, when such functions correspond to the General Administration of the General Treasury; the processing and resolution of consultations; the elaboration of normative projects in matters of the competence of the Treasury General and the issue of reports on national and international standards and projects affecting the management of the body; administrative management; the reporting and processing of service instructions and the provision of services in the matters of its competence; the issuing of proposals and reports on procedures administrative and technical support and collaboration in the field of international agreements, conventions, treaties and organizations.

(d) General Subdirectorate for the Management of Heritage and Contracting, which corresponds to the management of the real estate assets and the transferable securities of the Social Security, other than those in which the The provisions of the Social Security Reserve Fund and any other functions derived from the powers conferred on the General Treasury, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other entities and administrations by the the regulatory standards for such assets. In addition, it will assume the planning and management of the General Treasury, as well as the functions that correspond to the Technical Office of Project Supervision.

(e) General Subdirectorate for Budgets, Economic Studies and Statistics, which corresponds to the formulation and monitoring, in terms of objectives and expenditure programmes, of the action plans of the General Treasury; drawing up the preliminary draft budget for the expenditure of the Treasury and the resources of the system; processing of dossiers for budgetary changes; monitoring and evaluation of expenditure programmes and the implementation of budgets; analysis and economic-financial, statistical and actuarial reports; elaboration of memories on the economic impact of normative projects; elaboration and proposal of alternatives that improve the efficiency of the expenditure; optimization of the resources; rationalization of the economic management, as well as the administration of the information system of the data recorded in the databases and other files owned by the General Social Security Treasury, for statistical purposes.

f) General Subdirection of Collection in Voluntary Period, to which the functions of management, impulse, control and imparting of instructions of service in the field of generation and monitoring of the processes are attributed associated with the treatment of debts by social security system resources; claims of debt and award providences; simplified system of settlement and payment of quotas and other resources of the Social Security; return of income not due, as well as any other management functions collected on a voluntary basis not expressly attributed to another general sub-directorate. It also corresponds to the coordination and collaboration of the General Treasury with the Inspection of Labor and Social Security, and the study and elaboration of proposals to the Directorate General regarding the programs to combat fraud.

g) Subdirectorate General of Executive and Special Procedures for Collection, to which the functions of management, impulse, control and imparting of instructions of service regarding the collection of resources are attributed of the system of social security in the executive period; deferrals of payment and referrals of liability; fractionation of reintegrals of benefits unduly perceived; management of the legally intended moratoria that suppose payment deferred debt already accrued; management and coordination of procedures (a) the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the State of the European Union; or other concurrent circumstances, shall be determined by the Director General, as well as any other function which the rules attribute, in the executive collecting procedure, to the central services of the General Treasury of Social Security. "

Single additional disposition. Removal of organs.

1. The following central management bodies of the General Social Security Treasury are hereby deleted:

a) Subdirection General of Affiliation and Special Procedures.

b) General Management of Heritage, Investments and Works.

c) General Subdirection of Collection.

d) General Subdirection of Human Resources and Materials.

2. The references in the legal system to the bodies referred to in the previous paragraph shall be construed as those which are created, replaced or assumed by this royal decree.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with lower organic level than general sub-direction.

The units and jobs with lower organic level than the general sub-directorate that are affected by the modifications established in this royal decree will continue to remain and will be paid by them. budget appropriations, until the relations of jobs adapted to the organic structure of this royal decree are approved. Such adaptation shall not entail an increase in public expenditure.

The units and posts in the organs suppressed by this royal decree will be provisionally attached, by means of a resolution of the Director General of the General Treasury of Social Security and up to the In force the new relation of jobs, to the organs regulated in the present royal decree, according to the attributions that to each one of them are assigned.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 5, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,