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Royal Decree 450/2012, Of 5 March, Amending Royal Decree 504/2011, From April 8, Organizational Structure And Functions Of The Social Marine Institute.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 450/2012, de 5 de marzo, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 504/2011, de 8 de abril, de estructura orgánica y funciones del Instituto Social de la Marina.

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Royal Decree 504/2011, of 8 April, of organic structure and functions of the Social Institute of the Navy, came to regulate in a single disposition the legal regime, the organic structure and the functions of the said Institute, which were previously collected in different rules, for reasons of legal certainty and legislative technique.

At the same time, in the aforementioned royal decree, the reorganization of the entity's structure was carried out, with the removal of the General Secretariat, within the framework of austerity of public spending and the restructuring plan of the General Administration of the State which, in the case of the Social Institute of the Navy, had begun with the suppression of the organic level of the Directorate General of the Institute operated by Royal Decree 495/2010, of April 30, for which the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is approved.

Continuing with the aforementioned measures of austerity of public expenditure it becomes necessary to modify again the structure of the Social Institute of the Navy in the sense of suppressing one of its units, concretely the Subdirection General Administration and Budgetary Analysis, by assigning a Division rank to it.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Employment and Social Security, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 2, 2012,


Single item. Amendment of Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April of organic structure and functions of the Social Institute of the Navy.

1. The final part of Article 7 (2) of Royal Decree 504/2011, dated 8 April, will be amended, which will have the following wording:

" ... In the cases of absence, sickness or vacancy, the person of the Subdirectorate-General for Social Security of the Sea Workers will be replaced by the person. Failing that, the supply shall fall to the holder of the other Subdirectorate-General and, in the absence of the latter, to the person in charge of the Division of Administration and Budgetary Analysis. '

2. Article 7 (4) of Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April 2011 is amended to read as follows:

" 4.1 The following units are dependent on the Address, with general subdirection range:

a) Subdirectorate General of Social Security of the Sea Workers

b) Subdirectorate General of Maritime Social Action.

4.2 It will also depend on the Directorate, the Administration and Budget Analysis Division, with the level to be determined in the Job Relation. "

3. Article 10 of Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April 2011 will, with the same content, constitute Article 9 of that Royal Decree.

4. Article 10 of Royal Decree 504/2011 of 8 April, which will have the following wording, is amended:

" Article 10. The Division of Management and Budget Analysis.

Corresponds to this Division:

a) The formulation, in terms of objectives and spending programs, of the action plans of the Entity.

(b) The drawing up of the preliminary draft budget of the institution, the processing of the dossiers for budgetary changes and the monitoring of the budgetary implementation of its expenditure centres.

c) Monitoring, analysis and evaluation of programmes, objectives, indicators and budgetary appropriations.

d) The elaboration of economic and financial analysis and reports, as well as the section corresponding to the economic and budgetary impact of the regulatory impact assessments of the draft standards that you make the entity.

e) In general, financial economic advice and the elaboration of proposals for alternatives to improve the efficiency of expenditure, the optimisation of resources and the rationalization of economic management.

f) The drawing up of documentation of their competence for referral to the Court of Auditors and other higher economic and budgetary control bodies.

g) Management, coordination and processing of administrative procurement, investments, works and economic and financial management.

h) The management of the Maniobra Fund and of the expenses incurred through the "payments to justify" procedure.

i) The elaboration of the material resource needs plans of the Central Services, as well as the maintenance of their facilities.

j) The management of the real estate assigned to the Institute for the development of its purposes and the coordination of these actions with the General Treasury of Social Security.

k) The elaboration and maintenance of the centralized inventory of goods, furniture and buildings.

l) Security and Internal Regime including managing the log and general file.

m) The prevention of occupational hazards of the staff of the Social Institute of the Navy. "

Additional disposition first. Removal of organs.

1. The General Administration and Budgetary Analysis Subdirection is deleted.

2. The references in the legal order to the body referred to in the previous paragraph shall be construed as those which are created, replaced or assumed by this royal decree.

Additional provision second. No increase in public spending.

The forecasts of this royal decree will not increase public spending.

Single transient arrangement. Subsistence of units and jobs with lower organic level than general sub-direction.

The existing units and jobs in the Marine Social Institute with a lower organic level than a general sub-directorate will continue to remain and will be paid out of the same budget appropriations until The Relationship of Jobs adapted to the organic structure established by this royal decree is approved.

The units and jobs that will depend on another unit as a result of the functions they carry out, will be provisionally assigned, by means of a resolution of the person in the head of the Social Institute of the Navy, until the new Relation of Jobs of Work, to the regulated organs in this royal decree, according to the attributions that each one of them are assigned to them.

Final disposition first. Development and execution faculties.

The Minister of Employment and Social Security is hereby authorized to take the necessary measures for the development and implementation of this royal decree.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 5, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,