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Royal Decree 452/2012, Of 5 March, Whereby The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Ministry Of Development Develops And Modifies Royal Decree 1887 / 2011, Of 30 December, Which Establishes The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Depart...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 452/2012, de 5 de marzo, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Fomento y se modifica el Real Decreto 1887/2011, de 30 de diciembre, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de los depart...

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In order to develop the political program of government reforms, achieve maximum austerity and effectiveness in its action and the greatest efficiency in the operation of the General Administration of the State, the Real Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December 2011, which restructured the ministerial departments, in which Article 7 provides that the Ministry of Public Works is responsible for the proposal and implementation of the Government's policies in the field of infrastructure, land transport of state, air and sea competition, as well as housing, quality of the building and soil.

Subsequently, Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December, approving the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments, develops the structure of the Ministry of Development in the higher and higher organs. The new structure is characterised by a substantial reduction in the number of these bodies.

The present royal decree, which continues this process of rationalization and reduction of administrative structures, gives compliance to the provisions of the second provision of the aforementioned Royal Decree 1887/2011, of 30 of December, completing and developing the basic organic structure of the department's senior organs and managers up to the level of general subdirection.

Among the most important novelties introduced by this royal decree is the decrease in the number of general sub-addresses in the area of architecture and housing, recasting the four previously existing only two. In addition, two sub-directorates-general of the defunct Directorate-General for Institutional Relations are deleted.

In addition, the number of sub-addresses in the General Technical Secretariat is reduced by deleting the general sub-directorate of the Publications Centre, which will have the rank to be determined in the list of posts job.

On the other hand, two new sub-directions are created in the field of the State Secretariat for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing. The General Subdirectorate for Railway Coordination, which aims to increase efficiency in the area of railway infrastructure; the Emergency and Coordination and Crisis Management Unit, for direct support of the Secretary of State in those areas. crisis situations which may occur in relation to transport services and infrastructure.

Likewise, it is anticipated that the public bodies linked or dependent on the Ministry of Public Works will be attached, under the top management, evaluation and control of the Department's head, and by attributing to the Secretariat of State Infrastructure, Transport and Housing the strategic direction, evaluation and control of the results of its activity.

Finally, with this royal decree, all the exceptions in the appointment of the Directors-General that were included in the previous royal decrees of the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Public Works are deleted. only the exception of the Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Soil, as set out in the Additional Disposition 4 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011. This is due to the very special moment in which the housing market in Spain is located, as well as the problems that the current economic situation has created in the construction sector, which requires a flexible and immediate capacity to responding to and adapting to the challenges posed, including the significant increase of actors involved in it, which makes it necessary to have professional experience and qualified knowledge not only from a point of view market regulation, but also from a point of view of the private operators who have been involved in the are involved in the industry.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Public Works, at the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of March 2, 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the Department.

1. It is up to the Ministry of Public Works to propose and implement the Government's policy in the fields of land, air and sea transport infrastructures, state competition, control, management and administrative regulation of the transport services; access to housing, construction, urban planning, land and architecture, in the field of the powers of the General Administration of the State; regulation of postal and telegraphic services; impulse and direction of the state services related to astronomy, geodesy, geophysics and cartography; and planning and programming of investments relating to the infrastructure, materials and services mentioned.

2. The Ministry of Public Works is structured in the following bodies directly dependent on the Department holder:

(a) The Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, on which the General Secretariat for Infrastructure, the General Secretariat for Transport and the Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Soil depend.

b) The Subsecretary for Fomento.

3. As an organ of support and immediate assistance to the holder of the Ministry of Public Works, there is a Cabinet, whose holder has the rank of director general, with the structure established in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, by the establishment of the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

4. They are attached to the Ministry of Public Works, through its holder, the following entities and public entities::

a) The business public entity Railway Infrastructure Manager (ADIF).

b) The business public entity RENFE-Operator.

(c) The business public entity Airports Spanish and Air Navigation (AENA).

d) The public entities Ports of the State and Port Authorities.

Article 2. State Secretary for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing.

1. The Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing is the directly responsible body, under the direction of the head of the Department, of the definition and proposal of the Ministry's policies regarding the planning of the transport infrastructure, and the definition, proposal and implementation of the Ministry's policies concerning the implementation of transport infrastructure through its dependent bodies and bodies and entities attached to the Department.

2. It also corresponds to the definition, proposal and implementation of the policies of the Ministry concerning the general management of the land, marine and air transport of state competition, as well as those relating to the realization of port and airport transport infrastructure through its dependent organs and the agencies and entities attached to the Department.

3. It is also up to the Secretariat of State to define, propose and implement the Government's policy on access to housing, soil and architecture, innovation and building quality.

4. The Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing exercises, in respect of the units dependent on it, the powers provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the Administration State General.

5. In particular, in relation to the tasks set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, it is the responsibility of the Secretariat of State:

(a) The formulation, review and follow-up of the Department's strategic planning in the field of infrastructure and transport, in accordance with its contribution to the sustainability of the transport system, its profitability and its social and territorial impact.

b) The formulation of the planning and programming of the Department in the field of infrastructure and transport, prior to its elevation to the Council of Ministers, as well as its review and monitoring, and the promotion of measures to promote intermodality and sustainable mobility.

c) The programming of investments in infrastructure, without prejudice to the privileges that correspond to the Subsecretariat of Promotion in relation to the programming and budgeting of economic resources.

(d) The execution, directly or through the agencies and entities assigned to the Department, of the transport infrastructure.

e) The coordination of the activities of the organs and agencies of the Secretariat of State, as well as the monitoring and monitoring of the multi-annual action programmes.

(f) The determination of the mandatory minimum services to ensure the provision of essential services in the field of their competences, in the case of conflict of employment or business absenteeism.

g) Participation in the planning and monitoring of trans-European transport networks and cross-border connections.

h) The development and review of strategic planning of transport infrastructures.

i) Strategic planning in intermodality and healthy modes.

j) The formulation of the sectoral planning and programming, according to the forecasts of the department's management centers.

k) The programming of infrastructure investments in the field of strategic and sectoral planning.

l) The coordination of actions for the improvement of the integration of environmental aspects in the planning of transport infrastructures and the performance of environmental studies of a strategic nature.

m) The coordination and monitoring of reports prior to spatial and urban planning instruments affecting infrastructure.

n) The drawing up of the proposal for a preliminary draft budget and the management and processing of appropriations and expenditure allocated to the higher body, without prejudice to the powers of other higher bodies or managers of the Ministry of Development and in coordination with them.

n) The impetus, coordination and monitoring of all necessary processes and instruments for the integration of transport infrastructure of general interest in urban areas.

6. In relation to the tasks set out in paragraph 2 of this Article, it is the responsibility of the Secretary of State:

(a) The general management of land, sea and air transport of state competence.

b) The definition of the objectives in terms of port and airport planning and investments in ports and airports of general interest, in the framework of the guidelines outlined in the general planning.

c) The definition of objectives in the field of land transport management.

(d) The determination of minimum mandatory services to ensure the provision of essential services in the various modes of transport services, in cases of conflict of work or absenteeism business.

(e) The supervision of the multi-annual action programmes and the management of the bodies and entities attached to the Secretariat of State.

f) The proposal for authorization by the holder of the Department for the establishment and qualification of civil airports.

g) The authorisation of structural or functional modifications of airports of general interest.

(h) The prior report on the establishment, modification and opening of air traffic of the airports and airports of competence of the Autonomous Communities, and on the approval of plans or instruments of management and delimitation of their respective service area.

i) The proposal for the approval or modification of airport management plans of general interest.

(j) the programming, direction and coordination of the necessary sectoral studies, reports on the conjuncture and analysis of the operation of the transport services and the relevant management bodies, with a view to Detect dysfunctions and social needs and demands in different modes of transport.

k) The impetus of infrastructure and transport policies aimed at combating climate change, energy saving and improving the efficiency of transport services.

l) Cooperation with Territorial Administrations for the impetus of the Metropolitan Plans for Sustainable Mobility.

m) The sort of intermodality in different modes of transport.

n) The monitoring and implementation of the European Union's transport policy, without prejudice to the powers conferred on other bodies of the Department.

n) The management of aid to promote sustainable mobility.

o) The resolution of case-sanctioning cases for grants to extra-island residents in air and sea transport.

7. In relation to the tasks set out in paragraph 3 of this Article, it is the responsibility of the Secretariat of State:

a) The design and implementation of state policy on access to housing.

b) The dissemination, promotion and research of the architecture and the actions of rehabilitation, restoration and recovery of the architectural heritage.

c) The promotion of innovation and quality in construction.

d) Land regime regulation and valuations.

e) The exercise of state competencies in urban planning.

f) Information and design of urban policies within the scope of state competences.

g) Knowledge and participation in the processes of integration of transport infrastructures of general interest in urban areas and the coordination of the necessary urban processes and instruments for their planning and implementation, without prejudice to the competences of other higher bodies and bodies attached to the Department.

(h) Concertation with the territorial administrations of actions in the field of urban planning and promotion of public land in cities, promoting and coordinating the implementation of the agreements.

(i) The functions which, in relation to the funds intended to finance conservation or enrichment work of the Spanish historical heritage or the promotion of artistic creativity, correspond to the Ministry of Public Works.

8. It is also up to the Secretariat of State to coordinate and manage the various crises that may arise in the provision of land, air and sea transport services, including the port area.

9. In addition, it is up to the Secretariat of State to coordinate and monitor international relations in the fields of competence of the Department, and its representation in international institutions, especially the European Union, in Cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, without prejudice to the powers of the Department's higher and managerial bodies.

10. From the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, under the top management of its holder, the following management bodies depend:

a) The General Secretariat for Infrastructure.

b) The General Secretariat of Transport.

c) The General Direction of Architecture, Housing, and Soil.

11. As an organ of support and immediate assistance to the head of the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of sub-directorate general, with the structure set out in Article 14 of the Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

12. It is directly dependent on the Secretariat of State, with an organic level of general sub-directorate, the Emergency and Coordination Unit and Crisis Management, which is responsible for assisting the Secretary of State in the definition, adoption, management, monitoring and evaluation of the necessary measures and actions, in the field of competences attributed to the Ministry of Public Works, to ensure in the transport services and in the corresponding infrastructures the restoration of the situation normal.

13. It is directly dependent on the Secretariat of State, with an organic level of general sub-management, the General Sub-Directorate for Infrastructure and Transport Planning, which is responsible for the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 5.g. (h), (i), (j), (k), (l) (m) and (n).

14. It is directly dependent on the Secretariat of State, with an organic level of general subdirection, on the General Subdirectorate for International Relations, to which the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 9 is concerned.

15. It is attached to the Ministry of Public Works, through the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, the business public entity of Suelo (SEPES). It is for the head of the Secretariat of State to chair the said entity, as well as the strategic direction, evaluation and control of the results of its activity.

16. The Secretariat of State for Infrastructures, Transport and Housing is attached to the business public entity Ferrocarriles de Via Estrecha (FEVE), through the General Secretariat of Infrastructures, corresponding to the management body strategic, assessment and control of the results of the activity of that entity.

17. It depends on the Ministry of Public Works, through the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, the autonomous agency Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX).

Article 3. General Secretariat for Infrastructure.

1. It is up to the General Secretariat for Infrastructure, with the rank of sub-secretariat, under the top management of the Secretary of State, to promote the realization of investments in road and rail transport infrastructure and, in exercise of the following functions:

(a) The direction and coordination of the exercise of the responsibilities of the Directorates-General dependent on the General Secretariat, and the proposal and formulation of its objectives and action plans.

(b) The monitoring of the implementation of the investment projects of the Directorates-General dependent on the General Secretariat in order to achieve the objectives set.

(c) Assistance to the Secretariat of State in the strategic direction, evaluation and control of the results of the activities of the agencies and entities assigned to it, as well as the supervision of the Multi-annual action and management.

d) The coordination of the actions agreed by the Administration in relation to the road concessions, and the surveillance, inspection and technical and economic control of the concessionary companies, without prejudice to the powers of other management bodies of the Department.

e) The impetus of procurement and management procedures.

f) The conduct of studies of a prospective, economic-financial and territorial nature.

g) Tracking the Department's transportation infrastructure plans and programs.

2. The following management bodies depend on the General Secretariat:

a) The Directorate General of Roads.

b) The General Directorate of Railways.

3. Directly dependent on the Secretary-General, there is a Technical Cabinet as an organ of coordination, support and immediate assistance to the Secretary General, with an organic level of general subdirection.

4. The Secretary General of Infrastructures is the Government's Delegate in the concessionary companies of national toll highways and exercises the functions that this organ attributes the current order, without prejudice to the competences that in The economic and financial control area is the subject of the Development Secretariat. It is directly up to the Government Delegate to subdelegation the Government to the National Highway Motorway Concessionaires, with the organic level to be determined in the employment relationship.

5. It depends directly on the General Secretariat of Infrastructures, with the organic level to be determined in the relation of jobs, the Division of Studies and Environmental Integration of Transport, to which the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1 (f) and (g).

6. The Ministry of Public Works, through the General Secretariat of Infrastructures, exercises the tutelage of the state society of Infrastructures of the Land Transport, S.A. (SEITTSA), as provided for in Law 33/2003 of 3 November of the Heritage of Public Administrations.

Article 4. General Directorate of Roads.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Roads to exercise the following functions in the field of the State Highway Network:

a) The updating, monitoring and control of the situation and functioning of the State Highway Network, including analysis, diagnosis and prognosis of road and transport demand.

b) The elaboration and updating of the inventories of the State Highway Network, as well as the establishment of the information management system of the Directorate General of Roads, as well as the implementation, maintenance and operation of intelligent transport systems, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of the Interior and in coordination with the Directorate-General for Land Transport.

(c) The management of the transfer of the sections of the State Highway Network that are transferred to the Councils.

d) The management of road infrastructure safety, the inventory of road safety, the analysis and monitoring of accidents, the development of reports, studies, projects, plans and road safety programmes and the carrying out of road safety impact assessments, audits, and road safety inspections, in the field of the Department's powers, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of the Interior.

e) The development of studies and reports and the coordination, inspection and control of roads operated in concession with direct toll to the user.

f) The management of the road heritage and its defence in the areas of public domain, serfdom and affection.

g) Noise management and monitoring, as well as the elaboration of noise maps on the State's road network and its action plan.

h) The project and management of service area grants.

i) The elaboration, monitoring and control of road planning, as well as planning studies and previous studies, information and environmental impact, in the field of their competence.

j) The elaboration, monitoring, monitoring and control of the projects and projects for the construction of state roads.

k) The management and monitoring of environmental protection and sustainability activities.

l) The follow-up of the conventions and protocols in which the Directorate-General for Roads is involved, except those relating to the transfer of sections of roads to Aymósas.

m) The development of feasibility studies for concessions for new road sections, in coordination with the Government Subdelegation in the National Highway Motorway Concessionaires.

n) The conservation, maintenance and rehabilitation of the road heritage.

n) The management of the quality of the road service and the winter road.

o) The development, monitoring, monitoring and control of the projects and projects for conservation, restoration of firm and road safety for the construction of works on state roads.

p) The management and technical and economic control of the construction and quality of road safety, conservation and rehabilitation of the road network, as well as the technical monitoring and economic control of the works and their incidents.

q) The management and monitoring of road concessions without the direct payment of the user, from the moment of their commissioning, in coordination with the Government Subdelegation in the Dealership Companies National Peaje.

r) The management and control of the construction and quality of the new infrastructure and the construction works, as well as the technical monitoring and the economic control of the works and their incidents.

s) The preparation of the proposal for preliminary draft budgets and the management and processing of the appropriations and expenditure allocated to the management body, as well as the management of matters relating to procurement, procurement and expropriations, without prejudice to the powers of the Assistant Secretary for Development or other senior bodies or managers of the Department and in coordination with them.

t) The proposal for instructions from the Director-General regarding all procedures dealt with by the Directorate-General.

u) The elaboration and proposal of the technical regulations of implementation in the State Highway Network, as well as the elaboration of studies and reports of a technical nature.

v) Participation in the general directions conferences of Europe and Latin America and the global road associations.

2. The Directorate-General for Roads is structured in the following bodies, with an organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for the Operation and Management of Network, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h).

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Studies and Projects, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (i), (j), (k), (l) and (m) corresponds.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Conservation, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.n), (n), (o), (p) and (q).

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Construction, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.r.) corresponds.

(e) The General Secretariat for Coordination and Administrative Management, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in point 1.s) and t).

Article 5. General Direction of Railways.

1. The Directorate General of Railways carries out all the functions that Law 39/2003, of 17 November, of the Railway Sector, attributes to the Ministry of Development in relation to the railway infrastructures whose exercise is not found expressly attributed to another organ of the Department and in particular the following:

(a) The development, monitoring, monitoring and control of railway infrastructure planning in the General Interest Railway Network and the corresponding railway plans.

b) The development, monitoring, monitoring and control of information studies, pre-projects and railway projects, and the development of projects for the delimitation and use of railway spaces.

(c) The management and control of the performance of railway infrastructure works within its competence, as well as the management and supervision, quality control, technical monitoring and economic control of works and their incidents.

(d) Expropriatory actions in the field of railway infrastructure.

e) The development of projects of general provisions relating to railway infrastructure, to the conditions of movement, to the safety and interoperability of the railway system, to the conditions and requirements for rolling stock and railway personnel related to safety.

(f) The exercise of the powers that correspond to the Ministry of Development in the field of interoperability and safety in the railway traffic in all matters relating to infrastructure, safety systems, rolling stock, maintenance centres of the same, railway staff related to safety in the railway movement and training and medical recognition centres for such staff.

g) The exercise of the powers that correspond to the Ministry of Public Works in relation to the defense of the public railway domain and with the modification with the limit of the building, without prejudice to the competences that correspond to the Railway Infrastructure Manager.

(h) The representation of the Ministry of Public Works in international and European Union bodies related to railway infrastructure, interoperability and safety in the railway and road traffic participation in the coordination and management bodies of the European rail corridors.

i) The preparation and follow-up of protocols, agreements and conventions on concerted action with other public administrations in the field of railway infrastructure, as well as coordination and cooperation with other bodies administrative, public entities and railway administrations.

(j) the preparation of the preliminary draft budget in relation to the railway investments of its competence, as well as its monitoring and monitoring of the implementation of the budget and the programme contracts with the entities Railway public attached to the Department, without prejudice to the competences that in this matter correspond to the Directorate General of Land Transport with respect to the public entities of services of railway transport services.

(k) The management of matters relating to the procurement, procurement and processing of the relevant expenditure and expropriations files, the management and promotion of the IT systems of the Directorate-General, the processing the Secretariat for human resources-related matters and the technical organization of the archives and records.

2. The General Directorate of Railways is composed of the following bodies with a general sub-directorate level:

(a) The General Sub-Directorate of Planning and Projects, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1.a) and b).

(b) The General Construction Subdirectorate, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1.c) and d).

(c) The General Subdirectorate for Railway Coordination, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1 (e), (f), (g) and (h) corresponds.

Article 6. General Secretary for Transport.

1. It is up to the General Secretariat of Transport, with the rank of a sub-secretary, under the top management of the Secretary of State, the general management of land, sea and air transport of state competence, as well as infrastructure for port and airport transport of State competence, through the bodies and public entities of the State, and in particular the exercise of the following functions:

(a) The direction and coordination of the exercise of the powers of the General Secretariat under the General Secretariat and the proposal and formulation of its objectives and action plans.

(b) Assistance to the Secretariat of State in the supervision of programmes for multi-annual action and the management of bodies and entities attached to it.

(c) Monitoring the implementation of the investment programmes of the Directorates-General and assisting the Secretariat of State in the control of the implementation of the investment programmes of the bodies and entities attached to the Secretary of State, in order to achieve the objectives set, ensuring the agility and effectiveness of the procurement and management procedures.

d) The adoption of the performance assessment plans of the air navigation system and airports in the field of national and Community policies, as well as the monitoring of the objectives through the bodies public dependents of the General Secretariat.

e) The lifting of proposals to the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing in relation to the setting of criteria in the planning processes referred to in Article 2.1.

f) The lifting of proposals to the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing in relation to the metropolitan plans for sustainable mobility.

g) The monitoring of investments in transport infrastructure for the adequacy of the services performed on them.

h) The proposal of measures for the management and promotion of intermodality in transport services.

i) Cooperation with territorial administrations for the efficient operational integration of services in the intermodal logistics platforms of land traffic.

(j) Coordination of the participation of the management centres belonging to the General Secretariat of Transport in the development and implementation of the Community rules on land and sea transport.

k) The implementation of the necessary sectoral studies, in order to detect dysfunctions and social needs and demands in land and sea transport.

(l) The proposal of the mandatory minimum services to ensure the provision of essential services of land, air, sea and port transport, in the case of conflict of employment or of business absenteeism.

m) The study and development of sustainable mobility programmes in the services of the various modes of transport, as well as monitoring, permanent information and monitoring on the implementation of the transport policy of the European Union, in the field of the Department's competences.

n) The promotion of intelligent transport systems and new technologies applicable to the various modes of transport, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of the Interior in transport by road.

2. The following management bodies are responsible for the General Secretariat of Transport:

a) The Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

b) The General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

c) The General Direction of Land Transport.

3. Directly dependent on the Secretary-General, there is a Technical Cabinet as an organ of coordination, support and immediate assistance to the Secretary General, with an organic level of general subdirection.

4. It depends directly on the General Secretariat of Transport, with the organic level to be determined in the relation of the jobs, the Division of Prospective and Technology of the Transport, to which it corresponds the exercise of the functions to which refers to paragraph 1.m) and n).

From the General Secretariat of Transport, through this Division of Prospective and Transport Technology, the Commission is dependent on the coordination of the transport of dangerous goods and the Commission for the coordination of the transport of perishable goods.

5. As a supervisor of the air sector, it is attached to the Ministry of Public Works, through the General Secretariat of Transport, the State Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), with functions of management, supervision and inspection.

6. It is attached to the General Secretariat of Transport, under the top management of the Secretary of State, the business public entity Society of Salvage and Maritime Security (SASEMAR), through the General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

7. The National Maritime Rescue Commission is attached to the General Secretariat of Transport, through the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy.

Article 7. Directorate-General for Civil Aviation.

1. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation is the body by which the Ministry of Development designs the strategy, directs the aeronautics policy and exercises regulatory in the air field, within the competences of the General Administration of the State, corresponding to the following functions:

a) The development of studies and the formulation of proposals on the policy and strategy of the air sector.

b) The elaboration and proposal of regulatory regulations in the field of aviation.

c) Approval of aeronautical circulars.

(d) Representation to national and international civil aviation bodies, without prejudice to the powers of other departments of the Department in the field of international relations.

e) the negotiation of international air transport agreements and the allocation of the rights of traffic arising therefrom, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

f) The coordination of the actions that correspond to the Ministries of Defense and Development in the field of their respective competences, assuming the Presidency and the Secretariat of the Inter-Ministerial Commission between Defense and Promotion, as set out in its regulatory regulations.

g) The proposal for the qualification of civil airports and the preparation of the proposal for authorisation for the establishment and structural or functional modifications of airports of general interest.

(h) The report of the directors ' plans and special plans of airports of general interest and of the instruments of territorial and urban planning affecting airports of general interest and the systems of air navigation and, in particular, its service area and aeronautical easements, as well as the certification of airspace compatibility in the case of heliports of regional competence.

(i) Expropriatory actions in the field of airport and air navigation infrastructure whose management is reserved for the State.

j) The drawing up of the proposal for a preliminary draft budget and the management and processing of appropriations and expenditure allocated to the management body and the management of matters relating to recruitment, without prejudice to powers of and in coordination with the Secretariat for Development and other senior or senior officials of the Department, and the proposal for public service obligations in the field of civil aviation.

k) The management and processing of credits and expenses of air transport grants to extra-island residents assigned to the management body, including the initiation, processing and resolution of recovery files in this material.

2. The Directorate-General for Civil Aviation is structured in the following bodies with a general sub-directorate:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Air Transport, which is responsible for the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (e), as referred to in paragraph 1 (a) and (b) in the field of air transport; general and those referred to in paragraph 1 (j) relating to the management of appropriations entered for grants to air transport and the proposal for public service obligations.

(b) The General Sub-Directorate of Airports and Air Navigation, which shall be responsible for the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (g), (h) and (i), as well as those referred to in paragraph 1 (a) and (b); Airports and air navigation in general.

Article 8. General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

1. The General Direction of the Merchant Navy is the body responsible for the general management of maritime navigation and the Spanish civil fleet, in the terms established in the recast text of the Law of State Ports and the Navy. Mercante, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree 2/2011 of 5 September, and the following functions correspond to it:

(a) The management and control of maritime traffic, dispatch, registration and flag-bearer of civil vessels; instructions on rescue, rescue, towing, maritime findings and extractions, and the execution and control of the rules of maritime protection, the safety of navigation and the rescue of human life at sea; the general management of recreational activities, participation in the Commission of Fars or other instruments of collaboration The Commission has also been responsible for the implementation of the the activation of emergency assessment teams and the monitoring and control of their activities, as well as their training and training.

(b) The registration and control of civil maritime personnel and the minimum composition of the envelopes of civil vessels, as well as the determination of the general conditions of suitability, professionalism and qualifications to form Part of the crews of Spanish civil vessels, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment.

c) The direction of prevention and control of marine pollution from ships, vessels and fixed platforms, as well as the cleaning of marine waters.

(d) The determination of the minimum equipment to be provided by vessels and vessels on the basis of the SOLAS, MARPOL and other international, supranational or national standards derived from those.

e) The management and execution of inspections and technical, structural and equipment controls of Spanish civil vessels, of which are under construction in Spain or abroad and foreigners when it is authorised by international agreement, in compliance with the rules referred to in the previous letter; the direction and control of the inspections as the port State, and the supervision of the maritime communications systems of agreement with the international conventions, as well as the carrying out of audits to the organizations recognised and authorised as collaborating entities in the field of maritime inspection and the safety oversight of maritime operators.

(f) The elaboration and proposal of the sectoral regulation, in particular the derivative of European standards or international organisations, the internal legal advice and the processing of sanctioning files. Coordination of the international activity of the General Directorate of the Merchant Navy, especially with regard to the European Union and the International Maritime Organization.

g) The drawing up of the proposal for a preliminary draft budget and the management and processing of appropriations and expenditure allocated to the management body and the management of matters relating to recruitment, as well as management, coordination and control in these areas of maritime capitanies and the implementation of the IT applications for the management of the central and peripheral services of the Directorate-General, without prejudice to the powers of the Secretariat For the promotion or other higher bodies or managers of the Department and in coordination with them.

(h) Management of the establishment and implementation of the tariff and maritime services arrangements and the proposal for the establishment of public service obligations and the preparation of transport studies maritime.

2. The General Direction of the Merchant Navy is structured in the following organs with the rank of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Safety, Pollution and Maritime Inspection, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (h) corresponds.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Maritime Regulations and International Cooperation, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.f).

(c) The General Secretariat for Coordination and Administrative Management, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.g.

Article 9. General Direction of Land Transport.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Land Transport to be responsible for general management, in the field of State competence, in the field of road transport, rail transport services and cable transport, and in particular the exercise of the following functions:

(a) The general management and regulation of the land transport system, which includes the elaboration of the regulatory projects through which the basic rules of the rail and transport market are established road, as well as the rest of the rules that are necessary for the proper development of these markets.

(b) The development of coordination rules for the exercise of powers delegated by the State in the autonomous communities in the field of rail and road transport services.

c) The ordinary relationship with the collegiate bodies integrated in the Ministry of Development and with all those entities representing the business sector in the field of rail and road transport services.

(d) The granting of licences, authorisations and other securities for the provision of rail or road transport services which are due in accordance with internal or Union legislation European, or the international conventions signed by Spain.

e) the establishment and imposition of public service obligations in the provision of public transport services by rail and road, as well as, where appropriate, the determination of the corresponding compensation; and the processing and award of appropriate public service management contracts or other instruments through which their content has been formalised.

(f) The preparation of studies for the analysis of rail and road transport services and the drawing up of administrative action plans on these matters, as well as the support and promotion of the development of the intermodal transport and the development of criteria and proposals in relation to the planning processes referred to in Article 6 (e), with particular attention to the achievement of the functional and economic efficiency of transport nodes.

g) Inspection and control of compliance with the regulatory standards for rail and road transport services and their ancillary and complementary activities, and the opening, instruction and resolution of the (a) the Commission shall, in accordance with Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EU) No thereof, provide for the implementation of the measures referred to in Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EU) No No 1 and of the European Parliament and of the Council. in collaboration, where appropriate, with the autonomous communities with competence in the field.

(h) The impetus for the implementation and application of new technologies in rail and road transport, in particular in relation to the implementation, maintenance and operation of intelligent transport systems, without prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of the Interior and in coordination with the Directorate-General for Roads.

i) The granting of aid for the improvement of rail and road transport.

(j) Monitoring and monitoring of compliance with public service obligations imposed on rail or road transport services, as well as on the relevant contracts and budget implementation of the items intended for compensation.

k) Budgetary management and processing and expenses, without prejudice to the powers of the Assistant Secretary for Development or other senior bodies or managers of the Department and in coordination with them.

(l) All those functions which the transport legislation attributes to the Ministry of Public Works in relation to rail transport services provided by RENFE-Operadora, FEVE or any other railway undertaking.

2. The following bodies with a general sub-directorate level depend on the General Directorate for Land Transport:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Land Transport Management and Regulations, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1.a) and b).

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Land Transport Management, Analysis and Innovation, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraphs 1 (d), (e), (f), (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) corresponds.

(c) The General Subdirectorate for the Inspection of Land Transport, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.g.)

Article 10. General Direction of Architecture, Housing and Soil.

1. The Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Soil, under the top leadership of the Secretary of State, assumes the planning, promotion, management and coordination of the competencies that, in matters with an impact on housing and architecture, correspond to the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing.

2. It also corresponds to the planning, promotion, management and coordination of the competences that, in matters with an impact on urban planning and on soil policy, correspond to the Ministry of Public Works.

3. With regard to the tasks set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, it is for the Directorate-General to perform the following tasks:

(a) The elaboration and proposal of the sectoral legislation on housing, including economic-financial aspects.

(b) Relations with financial institutions for the financing of protected actions in the field of housing and soil, as well as the development of studies, reports and statistics in relation to the sub-sector of the dwelling.

(c) The economic and financial management of aid for housing schemes and policies, in the field of Department competences, and the management and collection of income from grants and loan fees from the former housing plans. It also corresponds to the collection of liquidations of subsidisation and direct state aid at the entrance, resulting from disqualification or authorisation for the early sale of dwellings.

d) The management of agreements with the autonomous communities and other territorial entities for the implementation of housing plans and policies, as well as specific agreements with public administrations for the rehabilitation of neighborhoods in the process of degradation.

e) The management of agreements with financial institutions for the implementation of the assistance of the various housing plans and policies of the Department.

f) The wealth management attributed by the additional decision of the Law 33/2003 of 3 November of the Heritage of Public Administrations.

g) The dissemination, promotion and research of architecture and collaboration with other departments and organs of the General Administration of the State, and with professional associations, institutions, foundations and agencies, both public as private, national and international, in these matters, and the organization and dissemination of the National Awards for Architecture, Urbanism and Housing.

h) The rehabilitation, restoration and recovery of the architectural heritage, through the programming, evaluation, management and development of projects and actions in buildings, architectural ensembles, environments and spaces urban and rural; the creation, improvement or maintenance of equipment, endowments or services of interest and public use; as well as the elaboration, processing, coordination and monitoring of protocols and agreements of cooperation and financing with other public administrations in relation to the rehabilitation activities, restoration and recovery of architectural heritage.

i) The collaboration with the Assistant Secretary of Development for the coordination and execution of the initiatives necessary for the operation of the National Museum of Architecture and Urbanism and its Documentation Centers.

j) Collaboration with the Assistant Secretary for Development for the coordination of cataloging work.

k) The supervision of projects derived from the actions approved by the Secretariat of State, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Sector contracts legislation, carried out by the corresponding Office of Project Monitoring.

(l) The exercise of the Department's powers in the development and monitoring of Law 38/1999 of 5 November, of the Management of Building, and in the dissemination and permanent updating of the Technical Code of the Building.

m) The promotion of innovation and quality in the construction, through the design, coordination and management of programs and actions of research, development and innovation that allow to respond from the sector of the building on energy challenges, climate change and sustainable development, both in new work and in rehabilitation.

n) The coordination of the Council for Sustainability, Innovation and Quality of Building, the implementation, participation and monitoring of the activities of certification of conformity and assessment of the aptitude of employment of materials, equipment and innovative systems used in the building and housing, and the registration in the General Register of the Technical Code of Publishing of those actions provided for in the legislation in force, particularly of the named "Acknowledged Documents".

n) The actions for the financing of conservation works or the enrichment of the Spanish historical heritage or the promotion of artistic creativity, as a result of the actions and the public works financed by the Department or by its agencies, according to Royal Decree 111/1986 of 10 January, for which the Law 16/1985, of 25 June, of the Spanish Historical Heritage is partially developed.

4. With regard to the tasks set out in paragraph 2 of this Article, it is for the Directorate-General to perform the following tasks:

(a) The elaboration and proposal of the sectoral rules on soil regime and valuations.

(b) The exercise of the urban planning powers of the State for the Cities of Ceuta and Melilla, referred to in the additional provision of the text recast of the Law of Soil, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008, dated June 20.

(c) The preparation and processing of the authorization files before the Council of Ministers referred to in the additional provision of the recast text of the Law of Soil, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree-2/2008, of 20 June.

d) Support and collaboration with autonomous communities and municipalities for the knowledge and dissemination of urban techniques and the dissemination of good practices in the field.

e) The exercise of the powers of the Secretariat of State in relation to the concerted actions of land use, disposal or disposal in urban environments.

f) The promotion and development of studies and research work in relation to urban and land policies, as well as the collection and dissemination of information on such policies.

g) The design, maintenance and updating of the urban information system referred to in the first provision of the recast text of the Law of Soil, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2008 of 20 June, for the collection and processing of statistical data on urbanism and soil, in coordination with other relevant administrations in the field.

h) The proposal of the guidelines to be subject to the management of the soil in order to contribute to the fulfillment of the housing policy, in the terms provided for in article 8.2 of the Law 33/2003, of 3 November, of the The Department of Public Administrations, as well as other land management powers, attribute the applicable legislation to the Department.

i) The proposal for changes in the patrimonial and soil management regime and criteria for the assessment of land disposal competitions, consistent with the objectives of housing policy.

j) Technical support and participation in international forums and bodies related to urban policies, especially in the case of urban actions funded by European Union funds and in networks national and international information and knowledge on urban policies.

k) Support to the Secretariat of State in the integration processes in which it is involved, in accordance with Article 2.7.g.

(l) Support to the Secretariat of State in concertation with the territorial administrations, actions in the field of urban planning and promotion of public land in cities.

m) The advice to other departments and bodies of the General Administration of the State in matters related to urban planning.

5. The following functions are also addressed to the Directorate-General:

(a) The elaboration of plans in the field of information systems that enable the performance of all the competencies attributed to the general management, the promotion of projects for their design, development, implementation and acquisition, as well as the coordination and supervision of technical requirements, the specifications, their economic programming and their implementation. It will also be responsible for the definition and implementation of the catalogue of services of the general directorate, without prejudice to the provisions of Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 July establishing the general framework for improving quality in the General Administration of the State.

(b) The preparation of the proposal for a preliminary draft budget and the management and processing of appropriations and expenditure allocated to the general management.

(c) The study, preparation and proposal for the procurement of the works, the monitoring and control of their execution, as well as the management of any other matters relating to procurement, acquisitions and expropriations, linked to the powers of the general management.

(d) Cooperation in the management of human resources, the internal regime and general services of the general directorate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Secretariat.

6. The Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Soil is made up of the following management bodies with an organic level of general sub-management:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Housing Policy and Aid, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 3 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f).

(b) The General Sub-Directorate of Architecture and Edification, which corresponds to the performance of the functions referred to in point 3.g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n) and (n).

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Urbanism, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in point 4.a), (b), (c), (d), (j), (k) and (m) and (f) and (l), in collaboration with the General Subdirectorate of Soil Policy.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Soil Policy, to which the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 4.e (g), (h) and (h) corresponds. (i) and (f) and (l), in collaboration with the General Planning Subdirectorate.

(e) The General Secretariat for Coordination and Administrative Management, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 5.

7. The Director General of Architecture, Housing and Soil is the Secretary of the Sectoral Housing Conference.

8. It is for the Directorate-General to represent the Secretariat of State in the Commission for the financial coordination of real estate and property actions as provided for in the additional provision of Law No 33/2003 of 3 November 2003. Heritage of Public Administrations.

Article 11. Deputy Secretary for Development.

1. It is up to the Assistant Secretary to Promote the performance of the functions that Article 15 of Law 6/1997, of April 14, of Organization and Operation of the General Administration of the State, attributes to the Undersecretaries, as well as the management, impulse and supervision of organs directly dependent on it.

2. They are also attributed to the Secretariat, without prejudice to the functional competences directly assigned to the Secretariat of State and to the Secretaries-General, the following functions:

(a) The programming and budgeting of the Department's economic and financial resources, the monitoring of its implementation and the monitoring of the compliance with the investment policy.

b) Management of aid in the field of competencies of the Ministry of Development not attributed to other organs of the Department.

c) The performance of the duties of the protectorate on foundations subject to the protectorate of the Ministry of Public Works.

d) The direction and impetus of the policy in geography and coordination in the field of cartography, astronomy, geodesy and geophysics.

e) The management of the communication and the institutional advertising of the Department and the elaboration of the Annual Plan of Advertising of the Ministry of the Ministry of Fomenture., and of the collaboration in the execution of the editorial policy of the Department.

f) The coordination of the communication and publicity actions of the agencies and companies that are dependent on the Ministry.

g) The organisation, together with the relevant management body, of the participation of the Ministry of Development at congresses, fairs and exhibitions.

h) The establishment and management of information systems in the Ministry of Public Works for citizens.

i). Attention to citizens on how to access services, procedures and assistance from the Ministry of Public Works and the carrying out of information and dissemination actions in matters of the Department, including the processing of complaints which may arise from the operation of the services of the Ministry's competence and the processing and motion for a resolution of the written submissions under the right of petition.

j) Coordination of the Department's Functional Areas integrated into Government Delegations.

3. Directly dependent on the Under-Secretary are the following governing bodies:

(a) The Technical General Secretariat.

b) The Directorate-General for Economic Programming and Budgets.

c) The General Inspection Inspection.

d) The Directorate General of the National Geographic Institute.

4. Directly dependent on the Assistant Secretary for Development, there is a Technical Cabinet as an organ of coordination, support and immediate assistance, with an organic level of general subdirection.

5. It is directly dependent on the Deputy Secretary-General for the General Information and Communication Subdirectorate-General, to which the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 2.e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) corresponds.

6. They are attached to the Secretariat, with the functions assigned to them by the provisions in force, and without prejudice to their dependence on the Ministries of Justice and Finance and Public Administrations, respectively, the following bodies with General sub-direction range:

a) State Advocate in the Department, organically and functionally dependent on the General Counsel of the State-Directorate of the State Legal Service.

b) The Intervention Delegate in the Department of the General Intervention of the State Administration, which is structured in three areas: of Taxation, Audit and Accounting, each one of them in charge of an Interventor, who shall act under the direction of a Chief Executive Officer.

7. Under the Ministry of Public Works, under the Secretariat:

a) The National Postal Sector Commission.

b) The Railway Regulation Committee.

c) The Public Works Council.

(d) The Commission for the investigation of civil aviation accidents and incidents.

e) The Commission for the investigation of rail accidents.

f) The permanent Commission for the investigation of accidents and maritime incidents.

8. It depends on the Assistant Secretary, through the Directorate General of the National Geographic Institute, the autonomous agency National Center for Geographic Information (CNIG).

9. The Assistant Secretary is the President of the Geographic Superior Council and the Spanish Geodesy and Geophysical Commission.

Article 12. Technical General Secretariat.

1. The Technical General Secretariat exercises the following functions:

a) Assistance to the Minister and the Assistant Secretary in order to coordinate services.

b) The report of the general provisions emanating from the Department, and the elaboration of those entrusted to it, as well as the coordination of the normative activities and the drafting, in collaboration with the other bodies managers of the Department, of the Ministry of Development's normative program.

c) The conduct of studies and reports of a legal/administrative nature in matters of the competence of the Department, both in terms of national law and comparison.

d) The report and proposal of the cases to be submitted to the Government's collegiate bodies, without prejudice to the powers conferred on the Directorate-General for Economic Programming and Budgets in relation to the Government Delegate Committee for Economic Affairs.

e) The preparation of regulatory and technical studies and technical studies in relation to infrastructure and transport.

(f) The processing and proposal for a resolution of the procedures for the recognition of higher education diplomas issued by Member States of the European Union concerning professions related to the Department.

g) The processing and proposal for the resolution of administrative resources, prior complaints to the civil court and the dossiers for the review of administrative acts, for the declaration of invalidity of the administrative and statement of lesivity provisions where they relate to acts of the Department, as well as relations with the courts.

(h) The monitoring and coordination of the questions referred to the European Union for preliminary rulings and procedures, the transposition of directives in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and the representation of the Department in inter-ministerial administrative bodies not expressly assigned to other senior or managerial bodies.

i) The processing of international agreements and agreements projects.

j) The processing and proposal for the resolution of claims of patrimonial liability arising from the operation of the services of the Ministry's competence.

k) The follow-up of the acts and provisions of the autonomous communities, and the report of the collaboration agreements signed by the Ministry of Development with the same and the administrative coordination of the actions in the transfer of functions and services to the autonomous communities, in collaboration with the higher bodies and other managers of the Department.

(l) The functions relating to the registration of foundations and the management and development of transport documentation services.

m) The coordination of the editorial and dissemination activity of the Ministry's publications.

n) The definition of the policies for the development of the universal postal service; the elaboration of general provisions on postal matters; monitoring and information on Community policies; and development cooperation in the postal sector; participation in national and international postal organizations, without prejudice to those of the National Postal Sector Commission; the proposal for the establishment of minimum services for postal services; mandatory character to ensure the provision of the universal postal service, and the exercise of coordination functions between the National Postal Sector Commission and the Department.

2. The Chair of the Inter-Ministerial Collegiate Concrete Commission, Permanent Commission of the Cement and Permanent Commission of Steel Structures, corresponds to the Technical Secretary General.

3. Directly dependent on the Technical Secretary General, the following organs shall exist with an organic level of general subdirection:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, to which the exercise of the tasks assigned to the Technical Secretariat is carried out in paragraphs 1.a), (d), (i), (k) and (l).

(b) The General Subdirectorate of Legislation, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions attributed to the Technical Secretariat in paragraphs 1.b), c) and h).

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Regulations and Technical Studies, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions assigned to the Technical Secretariat in paragraphs 1.e) and f).

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Resources, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions assigned to the General Secretariat of the Technical Secretariat in paragraph 1.g.

(e) The General Subdirectorate of the Postal System, which corresponds to the performance of the functions referred to in paragraph 1.n.

4. They also depend on the Technical General Secretariat, with the organic level to be determined in the employment relationship, the Division of Claims for Heritage Liability, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions attributed to the the General Secretariat of the Technical Secretariat in paragraph 1 (j), and the Publications Centre, to which the exercise of the functions attributed to the Technical Secretariat in paragraph 1.m.) is carried out.

Article 13. Directorate-General for Economic Programming and Budgets.

1. The Directorate-General for Economic Programming and Budget exercises the following functions:

a) The elaboration of the preliminary draft budget of the Department, the coordination of the elaboration of the budgets of the public agencies dependent on the Department, the monitoring and control of the actions of the Ministry or its dependent public bodies financed by European Union funds and, in general, those functions referred to in Royal Decree 2855/1979 of 21 December establishing budget offices.

b) Tracking the Department's investment programs.

c) Programming of economic and financial resources for the development of infrastructure plans.

d) The economic and budgetary evaluation of plans and programs in the Department's scope of action.

(e) monitoring of the budgetary implementation of the Department and of the public bodies, entities and societies linked to the Department, in order to assess their degree of compliance, and the monitoring of the activity of the same.

f) Programming and compilation of general statistics describing the Department's activity and statistical operations assigned to the Department in the National Statistical Plan.

g) The elaboration of reports of a financial-economic nature with respect to the subject matter of the Department.

h) The report and proposal of the issues to be submitted to the Government's Delegate Committee for Economic Affairs.

2. The Directorate-General for Economic Programming and Budget is made up of the following bodies with a general sub-directorate:

(a) The budgetary office, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1.a).

(b) The General Subdirectorate for Economic Monitoring for Investments, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1.b).

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Programming and Budgetary Analysis, to which the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1 (c), (d) and (e) corresponds.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Economic Studies and Statistics, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions referred to in paragraph 1.f) and (g).

Article 14. General Inspection of Fomento.

1. The General Inspectorate for Public Works, with a general management rank, performs the following functions:

(a) The management of the internal system and the general services of the central and peripheral organs of the Department.

b) The documentation and file services, the general register and the management of the Ministry's general library.

c) The programming and management of the procurement policy of the Department's material resources.

d) The programming and management of the Department's heritage policy.

e) The management and administration of the human resources policy of the Department, the elaboration of the relations of jobs, the preparation and processing of the offer of public employment and the selective processes for the coverage of the jobs, the training of staff, as well as the handling of complaints prior to the exercise of work actions.

f) Social action, union relations, prevention of occupational risks and representation of the Department to the Ministry of Employment and Social Security in the cases of collective conflict.

g) The Department's financial and treasury management; the drawing up, processing and payment of staff payrolls; the recruitment of the common services and any other non-attributed to other bodies of the Ministry and Management of the Contract Portal.

h) The management of the grant of aid in the field of competencies of the Ministry of Development not attributed to other organs of the Department.

i) The inspection and supervision of services to ensure compliance with the regulations, through the analysis, evaluation and review of the organization, its performance and its functioning; the rationalization and simplification of the procedures and methods of work and the proposal and impetus for measures for the reduction of administrative burdens; the assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services, as well as the coordination, promotion and evaluation of the compliance with the service letters. These tasks shall be carried out on all the central and peripheral services, autonomous bodies, entities and public bodies, attached, linked or dependent on the Ministry, without prejudice to the inspection tasks assigned to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations with regard to services integrated into Government Delegations and Subdelegations.

j) the inspection and receipt of the public works of competence of the Ministry and of the autonomous bodies, entities, public bodies and state companies attached, linked or dependent on the Ministry, by means of the analysis and control at all stages of the legal, technical, functional and administrative aspects, without prejudice to the competences of the sectoral bodies in this field.

k) The analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance of the non-sectoral information systems developed by the Department; the planning, management and proposal of recruitment of networks and services communications, as well as the coordination of the Ministry's IT policy, ensuring its compatibility with the corporate infrastructure of information technologies; the programming, coordination and execution of the maintenance, maintenance or repair of computer equipment of the Department's services, as well as coordination in the procurement of such equipment.

l) The establishment of corporate infrastructure and the coordination and impetus of the implementation of the electronic administration, in the terms of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of electronic access of citizens to public services, including the Secretariat of the Ministry of Public Administration's Ministerial Committee on Electronic Administration, as well as the coordination, management and exploitation of the Department's services on the Internet, the web portal and the headquarters Electronic Ministry of Public Works.

m) The development of the functions related to the principle of effective equality between women and men in the field of the competencies of the Ministry of Public Works, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for the effective equality of women and men.

n) The coordination of the Department's peripheral units and services, without prejudice to their functional dependence on the relevant management bodies.

2. The General Inspection Inspection is structured in the following organs with an organic level of Subdirection General:

(a) The General Staff, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.a), (b), (c) and (d) corresponds.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Human Resources, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.e), (f) and (m).

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Administration and Financial Management, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (g) and (h).

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Inspection of Services and Works, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (i) and (j) corresponds.

(e) The General Subdirectorate of Electronic Information and Administration Technologies, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (k) and (l) corresponds.

Article 15. General Directorate of the National Geographic Institute.

1. The Directorate-General of the National Geographic Institute performs the following functions:

(a) Planning and management of astronomical instrumentation and infrastructures, and the carrying out of research studies and research studies, especially for the development of useful applications in geodesy and geophysics.

b) Planning and management of space geodesy instrumentation and infrastructures, as well as conducting geodynamic work and studies.

c) The planning and management of systems for the detection and communication of seismic movements occurring in national territory and their possible effects on the coasts, as well as the performance of work and studies on seismicity and the coordination of the sismorresilient regulations.

d) The planning and management of the surveillance and communication systems for volcanic activity in the national territory and the identification of the associated risks, as well as the management of geophysical observation systems and the carrying out work and studies in the field of gravimetry, volcanology and geomagnetism.

e) The technological and operational development of the instrumentation and infrastructures of its own for the provision of public services and the realization of works and studies in the fields of astronomy, geodesy and geophysics.

f) The planning and management of terrestrial geodesic networks at national level, the high precision levelling network and the network of mareographers, as well as the development of applications on navigation systems and positioning.

g) The direction and development of national territory observation plans with geographic and cartographic application, as well as the use of photogrammetry and remote sensing systems, and production, updating and exploitation of digital terrain models from aerospace images.

h) The programming of the National Cartographic Plan and the production, updating and exploitation of National Topographical And Cartographic Bases for their integration into geographic information systems, and for the formation of National topographic map and other basic and derived cartography. Also, the management of cartographic laboratories and workshops.

i) The implementation and updating of the National Atlas of Spain and the thematic mapping of support to the specific action programmes of the General Administration of the State, as well as the provision of technical assistance in mapping to public bodies.

j) The technical and operational support of the National Cartographic System, in particular of the National Reference Geographic Equipment through the management of the Central Register of Mapping, the formation and conservation of the Nomenclator National Geographic and official toponymy, and the expert report on jurisdictional boundary lines.

k) The planning and management of the Geographic Information Infrastructure of Spain, as well as the harmonization and standardization, in the framework of the National Cartographic System, of the official geographical information. Similarly, the planning and development of value added services and new systems and applications in the area of geographical information, especially for use in the field of Public Administrations.

l) The conservation and updating of bibliographic funds, historical mapping, technical documentation, and the georeferenced legal information archive, facilitating their access to the public.

m) The preparation of the proposal for preliminary draft budgets and the management and processing of the appropriations and expenditure allocated to the management body, without prejudice to the powers of other higher bodies or managers of the Department and in coordination with them. Similarly, for its own scope and for its own autonomous body, the definition of the joint strategic framework and the functional coordination of central and peripheral services and national and international projects; and, in accordance with the guidelines of the Secretariat, the collaboration in the operational inspection, the development of human resources policies, the management of the internal system and the common computer systems and legal support necessary for the exercise of the functions set out in this Article.

2. The Directorate-General of the National Geographic Institute is composed of the following bodies with a general sub-directorate:

(a) The General Secretariat, to which the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1 (l) and (m) corresponds. It shall also exercise through the Technical Secretariat of the Higher Geographic Council the functions described in paragraph 1 (j) and those attributed in Royal Decree 1545/2007 of 23 November, which regulates the National Cartographic System.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Astronomy, Geophysics and Space Applications, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.a) through the National Astronomical Observatory; 1.c) through the Network National Seismic; 1.d) through the Central Geophysical Observatory; and 1.b) and e) through the Center for Technological Developments.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Geodesy and Mapping, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions described in paragraph 1.f), (g), (h) and (i).

3. The National Geographic Information Centre, as laid down in its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 663/2007 of 25 May 2007, shall carry out the tasks which it lays down, as well as those described in point 1.k), in the framework of the strategic defined by the General Directorate of the National Geographic Institute.

4. Corresponds to the Director General of the National Geographic Institute:

a) The presidency of the autonomous body National Geographic Information Center (CNIG).

b) The Vice Presidency of the Geographic Superior Council and the Vice Presidency of the Spanish Geodesy and Geophysical Commission.

c) The chair of the National Astronomy Commission and the Standing Committee on Seismic Resistant Standards, in the terms set out in their respective regulatory standards.

Additional disposition first. Shared competencies.

The powers of the Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, in respect of public sector entities and entities attached to the Department, shall be exercised without prejudice to those that may be applicable to other entities. Departments in accordance with current regulations.

Additional provision second. Removal of organs.

The following organs are deleted:

Housing Policy Subdirection General.

General Housing Aid Subdirectorate.

General Architecture Subdirection.

General Sub-direction of Innovation and Edification Quality.

General Communication and Coordination Subdirectorate.

General Management of Aid, Grant, and Project Management.

Publications Center with the rank of general subdirection.

General Statistics Subdirection.

General Subdirection of Astronomy, Geodesy and Geophysics.

Mapping General Subdirection.

Additional provision third. Council of Public Works and Center for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works.

The Board of Public Works and the autonomous agency Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), which are organically attached to the Ministry of Public Works, will have a double functional dependency on the Ministries of Public Works. Promotion and Agriculture, Food and the Environment, in the sphere of their respective competences.

Additional provision fourth. Replacements.

In the cases of vacancy, absence or illness of the holder of a management body and, in default of appointment of an alternate as provided for in Article 17 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the legal regime of the public administrations and the common administrative procedure, shall be responsible for the supply to the Directors-General or the Deputy Directors-General for the same order in which they appear in the organic structure established in this royal decree.

Additional provision fifth. Delegation of powers.

The delegations of powers granted by the various organs of the Department and not revoked until the date of entry into force of this royal decree, will continue to be valid and will be able to make use of them the organs competent by reason of the matter that they come to replace the delegates, until they are expressly revoked or again granted to the different organs resulting from the application of this royal decree.

Additional provision sixth. References to the deleted organs.

The references of the legal order to the organs that are deleted by this royal decree will be understood to be those that are created by this rule and replace them or assume their competences.

Additional provision seventh. Exception in the appointments of the Directors-General.

In the Ministry of Public Works, it is excluded from the general rule of appointment provided for in Article 18.2 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State. Head of the Directorate-General for Architecture, Housing and Soil.

Additional disposition octave. Updating references.

The references to the Ministry of Housing made in Royal Decree 1525/1999, of October 1, for which the Statute of the Public Business Entity of Soil (SEPES) is approved, in the wording given to it by the Royal Decree 1092/2010, of 3 September, shall be understood as being made to the Ministry of Public Works.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with lower organic level than general sub-direction.

1. Units and jobs with a lower organic level than a general sub-directorate shall continue to remain and shall be paid from the same budgetary appropriations until the corresponding employment relations are approved. adapted to the organic structure of this royal decree.

2. The units and posts of work in the deleted organs, or whose organic dependence has been modified by this royal decree, shall be provisionally assigned, by means of a resolution of the Undersecretary, until the new one is approved. employment relationship, to the bodies regulated in this royal decree, depending on the powers assigned to them.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Royal Decree 30/2011 is repealed, of 14 January, for which the basic structure of the Ministry of Public Works is developed, and how many provisions of equal or lower rank are opposed, contradicted or incompatible with the willing in this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

Article 6 (1) (A) of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 is worded as follows:

" A) The Secretariat of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing on which the following management bodies depend:

(a) The General Secretariat for Infrastructure, with the rank of Sub-Secretariat, on which they depend:

1. The General Directorate of Roads.

2. The General Directorate of Railways.

b) The General Secretariat of Transport, with a rank of Sub-Secretariat, on which they depend:

1. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

2. The General Direction of the Merchant Navy.

3. The General Directorate of Land Transport.

c) The General Direction of Architecture, Housing, and Soil. "

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The holder of the Ministry of Public Works is authorized to give, prior to the formalities that are mandatory, to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development and execution of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Budgetary changes.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration will make the necessary budgetary modifications and credit ratings necessary for the fulfillment of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on March 5, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,