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Resolution Of 15 February 2012, Of The Miguel De Cervantes European University, Which Publishes The Plan Of Graduate Studies In Journalism.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 15 de febrero de 2012, de la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, por la que se publica el plan de estudios de Graduado en Periodismo.

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In exercise of the privileges conferred on me by article 38.l) of the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the European University Miguel de Cervantes, I have:

That once the verification of the Plan of Studies by the Council of Universities has been obtained, prior to the positive report of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation, and declared the official character of the Graduate in Journalism and his registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles (BOE n. 244 of 9 October 2009, by Resolution of the General Secretariat of Universities of 22 September 2009),

This Rectorate has resolved, pursuant to Article 26.3 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of Ordination Of University Teachings, to order the publication of the Graduate Studies Plan in Journalism by the European University. Miguel de Cervantes, in the Official Gazette of the State.

Valladolid, February 15, 2012. -Rector, Martin J. Fernandez Antolin.


Study Plan Description

Attending to the guidelines for the design of degrees of degrees, the curriculum of the Degree in Journalism has 240 credits, which contain the theoretical and practical training that the student must acquire. The 240 credits are distributed in four courses of 60 credits each.

Thus, the curriculum contains a minimum of 60 compulsory credits + 60 basic credits (24 ECTS from other branches + 36 ECTS from the same branch) for the first cycle. The second cycle consists of 120 ECTS.

Distribution of the curriculum in ECTS credits, by type of subject

Type of matter







Practices external


-of-Grade Work


Total Credits


The first and part of the second course are devoted to the imparting of the foundations of the communicative process, both scientific and technical of the degree, in addition to all those subjects of a more transversal nature.

The third and fourth courses focus on the journalistic field and deepen the fundamentals of the information activity through disciplines related to specialized journalism, the structure and functioning of the communication companies, current journalistic trends and information technologies needed for the correct performance of journalism in society.

In sum, we are looking to prepare future communication professionals to carry out their work both in written media (generalist and specialized press) and in audiovisual (television and radio) and digital. To form communication managers who manage business-media relations in public and private bodies. Instruct journalists with the ability to report with responsibility, autonomy, independence, objectivity, critical spirit and professional ethics.

The plan's offer of optativity includes 48 credits from which the student has to choose 24.

The structuring of the educational contents that cover the study plans leading to the degree of degree in Journalism are based on a two-level structure: module and subject matter. This structure supports a training that provides the skills required in the professional practice of advertising.

The subjects in the curriculum have been grouped into modules, using as grouping criteria the affinity of content between subjects (following the recommendations of the white paper).

Consequently, we have a two-level pyramid structure, in which we have in the vertex the module and in the base the matter, in such a way, that between them a relation of belonging is established, that is, a module is formed by one or more subjects with common content.

Thus, the curriculum of the degree in Journalism that is taught in the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Information of the UEMC is structured in five modules that integrate nine subjects. The choice of this modular structure responds to several criteria among which the temporality (MODULE I), the affinity of contents (MODULE II and III), the development of a method of investigation (MODULE IV) and the stay in centers of external work to complete the training of the student (MODULE V).

-In the case of MODULE I, called "Expression, evolution and fundamentals of contemporary communicative reality", the inclusion of MATERIA 1 (Oral and written expression for the audiovisual media), MATERIA 2 (Current world: evolution, contemporary understanding and criticism) and MATERIA 3 (Fundamentals and Analysis of Information) responds to the character of the subjects that make up the subject, being in practice all the Basic and Mandatory cases. It is a basic initiation module for assimilating knowledge that will be applied and developed later in the third and fourth grade courses.

-MODULE II, called "Structures, Media and Communication Technologies", integrates MATERIA 4 (Structure, formats and media) and MATERIA 7 (Information and Communication Technology). The union of these two great areas responds to the affinity of content and the close relationship that in the journalistic sphere maintain the informative structures, the supports in which they are inserted and the evolution of the technology of both.

-As far as MODULO III, called "History and journalistic specialization", is concerned, it makes up the AS5 (Theory and History of Journalism) and MATERIA 6 (specialized journalism: thematic areas and communication in the organisations). The decision to unite these two subjects in the aforementioned modular structure responds to the affinity of criteria that they present, given that the theory and history of Journalism has developed pairs to the specialization of the contents, in fact the evolution of the first is a consequence and result of the second.

-MODULE IV has the nomenclature of "Methodology and scientific research", and integrates MATERIA 8 (Methodology and scientific practice in the field of communication). This is a structure that only deals with an area of knowledge to be considered that the scientific and research task that will lead the student to the achievement of the TFG must appear independently in the curriculum. The TFG brings together and applies the whole practice of the content assimilated throughout the grade.

-Finally, MODULO V ("Training in Workplaces"), integrates MATERÍA 9 (Business Practices). This is an independent area due to the fact that the student will develop and apply the knowledge assimilated in the classrooms outside the university, that is, in the work centers agreed by the UEMC itself. This Practicum will allow the student to know "in situ" the singularities that will offer him in the future the labor market.

Here are several images in the original. See the official and authentic PDF document.