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Order 406-Jus-2012, Of 21 February, By Which Approve Definitively The Relationships Of Jobs From The Bodies Of Procedural And Administrative, Procedural Processing Management And Administrative And Judicial Assistance Of The Secretariat...

Original Language Title: Orden JUS/406/2012, de 21 de febrero, por la que se aprueban con carácter definitivo las relaciones de puestos de trabajo de los Cuerpos de Gestión Procesal y Administrativa, Tramitación Procesal y Administrativa y Auxilio Judicial de la Secretaria...

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The management of the staff of the Justice Administration and its integration into the units that make up the structure of the Judicial Offices will be carried out through the relations of jobs, in accordance with the Article 521 of the Organic Law 6/1985, of July 1, of the Judiciary.

The Autonomous Communities with assumed powers, prior to the General Council of the Judiciary and negotiation with the trade union organizations most representative of their territorial scope, will proceed to the initial approval of the relations of posts of the Judicial Offices of their respective territorial areas, corresponding their definitive approval to this Ministry, in accordance with article 522 of the aforementioned Law.

The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country by Decree 178/2011 of 26 July has approved the employment relations of certain units that make up the Judicial Office, so it is necessary to proceed to its approval. definitive by this Ministry.

In your virtue I have:

Final approval of the relations of the posts of the Secretariat of Government of the Judicial Office, which are contained in Annex I.

Madrid, February 21, 2012. -Minister of Justice, P.D. (Order JUS/3770/2008 of 2 December), the Secretary of State for Justice, Fernando Roman García.

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