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Order 316-Ecd-2012, Of 15 February, Which Establishes The Curriculum Of The Training Cycle Of Top Grade Corresponding To The Title Of Senior Technician In Technical Design In Textiles & Leather.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/316/2012, de 15 de febrero, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de Grado Superior correspondiente al título de Técnico Superior en Diseño Técnico en Textil y Piel.

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Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November establishes the title of Technical Higher Technical Design in Textil and Piel and its minimum teachings, in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, establishing the general management of vocational training in the education system, which defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications and courses of specialisation, on the basis of the National Qualifications Catalogue Professionals, the guidelines set by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in article 6.4 that the educational administrations will establish the curriculum of the different teachings regulated in the Law, which will form part of the Article 6 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 66/2014 The teaching centres shall develop and complete, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy, as set out in Chapter II of Title V of that Law.

The Organic Law of 19 June on Qualifications and Vocational Training sets out in Article 10.2 that the educational administrations, in the field of their competences, will be able to extend the content of the corresponding vocational training qualifications.

Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, in its Single Derogation Provision, repeals Royal Decree 756/1994 of 22 April 1994 establishing the curriculum of the higher education cycle corresponding to the title of the Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria de Calada, Royal Decree 758/1994, of 22 April, establishing the curriculum of the higher education cycle corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Processes of Ennoblement Textil and Royal Decree 757/1994 of 22 April 1994 establishing the curriculum of the higher grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Textiles of the Teeduría de Punto, established under the Organic Law 1/1990, of October 3, of General Ordination of the Educational System.

In accordance with the above and once the Royal Decree 1580/2011, dated November 4, has set the professional profile of the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin, its minimum teachings and those other aspects of the academic management which constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common formation and guarantee the validity of the titles throughout the national territory, it is now necessary to determine, in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the extension and contextualization of the contents of the modules professionals included in the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin, respecting the professional profile of the same.

The needs of an integrated labour market in the European Union require that vocational training courses pay particular attention to the languages of the Member States, incorporating them into their training offer. In this sense, this training cycle incorporates in the curriculum training in the English language, in response to the provisions of Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, which establishes the general management of vocational training.

addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from the respect of the pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers that provide professional training, promoting these the work in the team of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and actions to promote the continuous improvement of training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils, with particular attention to the needs of people with disability.

Finally, it should be specified that the curriculum of this formative cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to achieve that the students acquire an overall view of the processes Technical Design of the Technical Higher Technical Design in Textil and Piel.

In the process of drafting this order, the State School Board has issued a report.

For all of the above, in its virtue, I have:


General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order is intended to determine the curriculum of the higher grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textil and Piel set out in Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November.

Article 2. Scope.

The curriculum established in this order will be applied in the territorial area of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for vocational training of the educational system corresponding to the title of Technical Design in Textil and Piel, set out in Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, is determined in the terms set in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, the professional, personal and social skills, and the qualifications and the competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, is the included in the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin referred to in the previous point.

3. The general objectives of the training cycle curriculum, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and their evaluation criteria are those included in the title of Technical Design Superior in Textile and Skin referred to in point 1 of this Article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up this curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality as well as to the perspectives of economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in Annex I of this order.

Article 4. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the lessons for this training cycle, including the vocational training module in the workplace, is 2000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered under face-to-face arrangements, will be organised in two academic courses and will be in line with the weekly hourly sequencing and distribution set out in Annex II of this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational center. In order to be able to take the second course, it will be necessary to have completed the professional modules which, as a whole, represent at least eighty percent of the hours of the first course and, in any case, all the professional modules included in the same one, identified as such in Annex II.

4. The right of registration of those who have passed any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed in the terms laid down in Article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the general vocational training of the educational system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second year, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in job.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons registered to the availability of training positions in enterprises, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop this vocational training module. Training in workplaces during the second trimester of the second year, provided they have positively overcome all the professional modules of the first academic year.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing and as a result of the temporality of certain economic activities which may prevent the development of the vocational training module in the workplace from being in conformity with the above assumptions, the latter may be organise in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity of the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the vocational training module in the workplace will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle.

Article 5. Project Professional Module.

1. The project professional module has an interdisciplinary character and incorporates the technological and organizational variables related to the essential aspects of the professional competence of the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Piel.

2. In general, this module will be taught by the teachers who are tutoring training in job centers.

3. The project professional module will be developed during the last period of the training cycle, combining individual and collective tutoring, so that at least 50% of the total duration will be carried out in an in-person manner and completed with remote tutoring in which information and communication technologies will be used.

4. In any case and prior to the start of the vocational training module in the workplace, the teaching and learning activities to facilitate the development of the project professional module should be anticipated by the responsible teacher.

5. The evaluation of this professional module will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle, including the training in job centers.

Article 6. Bilingual teaching.

1. The curriculum of this training cycle incorporates the English language in an integrated way, at least in two professional modules, from among those that make up the whole of the training cycle. These modules will be taught by teachers with teaching assignment in them and, in addition, they will have the language enablement corresponding to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

2. In order to ensure that bilingual education is delivered in the two academic courses of the training cycle on an ongoing basis, professional modules of both courses will be chosen.

3. The modules which may be imparted in the English language are those listed in Annex III.

4. As a result of the greater complexity of the transmission and reception of teaching in a language other than the mother tongue, professional modules taught in the English language will increase their time load in three hours a week. for the set of modules that are delivered in the first year and two hours for which they are developed during the second course. In addition, the teachers who provide these professional modules will be assigned, in their individual hours, at least three hours a week for their preparation. These hours will have the same character as the reading hours.

5. Exceptionally and on a transitional basis up to the year 2020, when teachers with teacher allocation do not have the level of English required in these professional modules, they will share a total of three hours per week for all the teachers. modules to be delivered in the first year and two hours for those who develop during the second course with a teacher or a teacher of the English specialty. In this case, the programming of these modules will include at least one unit of work or didactics which will be developed exclusively in the English language and the other teaching units will incorporate teaching activities exclusively in English at that time allocated.

6. Exceptionally, in the case of students or students with disabilities who may be able to present difficulties in their oral expression (cerebral palsy, deafness, etc.), measures of relaxation and/or alternatives will be established. in the requirement for the provision of modules in the English language, so as to enable all the teaching of professional modules in their mother tongue to be cured.

Article 7. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by the vocational training centres, in order to enable the development of teaching activities, are those set out in Annex IV of this order and must comply with the Article 11 of Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, as well as the rules on equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health at the workplace.

Article 8. Qualifications and accreditation of teacher requirements.

1. The specialties of teachers with teaching assignment in the professional modules which constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in Article 1 of this order, as well as the equivalent qualifications for the purposes of teaching, are the entries respectively in Annexes III A and III B to Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, establishing the title of Senior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin.

2. In order to ensure compliance with Article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textil and Piel, for the delivery of the professional modules which conform, it must be established that all the requirements laid down in the aforementioned article are met, providing the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the official academic title required, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, cited. Where the degree presented is linked to the professional module which is to be provided, it shall be deemed to include in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the titration, the documents referred to in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that it is necessary to justify that the teachings leading to the titration provided encompass the objectives of the professional modules that are intended to be taught:

• Personal academic certification of studies performed, original or photocopied, issued by an official center, in which the teachings are recorded detailing the subjects.

• Programs of studies contributed and submitted by the person concerned, original or photocopy of the studies, sealed by the University or the corresponding official or authorized teaching center.

(c) Where it is desired to justify by means of the work experience which, at least for three years, has developed its activity in the sector related to the professional family, its duration shall be credited by the document appropriate supporting officer, which will be added to:

• Certification of the employer or employer in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning outcomes of the professional module that is intended to be delivered.

• In the case of those who are self-employed, a statement of the person concerned with the most representative activities related to learning outcomes.


Curriculum adaptations

Article 9. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the environment for the implementation of the title.

2. Vocational training centres shall have the necessary educational, organisational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teaching and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional.

3. The centres authorised to provide this training cycle will concretize and develop the organizational and curricular measures that are most appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible way and in the use of their Pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curricular development, strengthening or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different modules are delivered professionals, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, especially in relation to people with disability.

Article 10. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. The vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils and the environment, particularly in the light of persons with disabilities, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that this student can cure these teachings under the same conditions as the rest.

2. Also, the lessons of this cycle will be taught with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, abilities and personal needs of the students, in order to allow the reconciliation of the learning with other activities and responsibilities.


Other offerings and mode of these teachings

Article 11. Distance offering.

1. Professional modules offered at a distance, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes, through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall give the precise instructions to the centres which are authorized to provide this training cycle under pressure for implementation and operation of the offer from the same distance.

3. Centres authorised to teach vocational training at a distance shall have appropriate curriculum materials which shall be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law No 2/2006 of 3 May 2006. Education.

Article 12. Combined offering.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to provide the possibility to reconcile training with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for people adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between face-to-face and distance learning systems at the same time, provided that the same modules are not cured in both modes at the same time.

Article 13. Offer for adults.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications may be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be developed with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with the Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the general organisation of vocational training in the education system. In addition, such training shall be capitalizable in order to obtain a professional training certificate, in order to obtain evidence of the established access requirements.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education may establish specific measures to comply with the provisions of Article 41 of Royal Decree 1147/2011, July 29, which establishes the general management of the vocational training of the educational system and allows for a face-to-face and distance offer simultaneously.

4. In order to promote training throughout life, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may authorise the Provincial Directorates and the Education Ministry to give the training, in the centres of their competence, of professional modules organised in training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and its corresponding block of contents, will be the minimum and indivisible unit of partition.

Additional disposition first. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will deal with the Directorate-General for Vocational Training with the authorization to provide the teaching of this training cycle, in full or in part, in In-person and distance-based arrangements, of the institutions that request it and comply with the requirements required under the current legislation.

Additional provision second. Implementation of these teachings.

1. In the course of 2012-2013, the first course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order will be implemented and the lessons of the first course covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October, of Ordination, will cease to be taught. General of the Educational System, corresponding to the titles of Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria of Calada, Superior Technician in Processes of Textile Ennoblement and Superior Technician in Textiles of Tejeduria Point.

2. In the course of 2013-2014 the second course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order will be implemented and the second course lessons covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October will be stopped General Management of the Educational System, corresponding to the titles of Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria of Calada, Superior Technician in Processes of Textile Ennoblement and Superior Technician in Textiles of Point Texeduria.

Additional provision third. Linguistic enablement of bilingual teaching faculty.

Teachers who are to be taught in English must be in possession, before the date of commencement of each academic year, of the relevant language qualification, to which the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will carry out an enabling procedure before the start of each course.

Additional provision fourth. Training of bilingual teaching staff.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will schedule courses and training activities in the English language for all teachers of vocational training to be taught in professional modules. which may be taught in the English language, who will have the obligation to assist them until they obtain the required qualification. These measures shall apply until at least the year 2020.

The training to be offered will be three types:

a) Intensive training, through a course, preferably in face-to-face mode, during the month of September.

b) Long-term training throughout the school year, by means of a course that combines in-person and online form, which will be performed outside of the mandatory time in the training center. During the period of completion of the vocational training module in the workplace, this course will be intensified and will be carried out, as far as possible, within the required time of stay in the centre.

(c) Training in English-speaking country, through courses, which will be possible to include cultural visits and conferences, and which will be carried out at the end of the course after the completion of school activities in the training centres.

Single transient arrangement. Replacement of titles related to these teachings.

1. The students who, at the end of the school year 2011-2012, meet the conditions required to attend the second course of the titles of Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria de Calada, Superior Technician in Processes of Ennoblicación Textil y Tecnico Superior en Processes Textiles de Tejeduría de Punto, covered by the Organic Law 1/1990 of 3 October, General Management of the Educational System, and which has not exceeded any of the professional modules of the first The course of this title will have two calls in each of the two successive years for power exceed those professional modules. After that period, in the course of the school year 2014-2015, the convalidations, for the modules exceeded, established in article 15.1 of the Royal Decree 1580/2011, of 4 November, for which the title of Technician is established, will be applied. Superior in Technical Design in Textil and Piel, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.

2. To the students who, at the end of the school year 2011-2012, do not meet the conditions required to attend the second course of the titles of Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria of Calada, Superior Technician in Processes of Ennoblicación Textil y Tecnico Superior en Processes Textiles de Tejeduría de Punto, covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Ordination of the Educational System, the convalidations set out in Article 15.1 shall apply to it. of Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Technical design in Textil and Piel, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

3. The students who, at the end of the school year 2012-2013, do not meet the conditions required to obtain the titles of Superior Technician in Textiles of Hilatura and Tejeduria of Calada, Superior Technician in Processes of Textile Ennoblement and Superior Technical Process Textiles of Punto Tejeduria, covered by the Organic Law 1/1990, of 3 October, of General Ordination of the Educational System, will have two calls in each of the two successive years to be able to overcome these professional modules, with the exception of the training module in the workplace for which the have an additional school year. The students who have not obtained the title after that period have not obtained the title, for the modules they have exceeded, as laid down in Article 15.1 of Royal Decree 1580/2011 of 4 November, establishing the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textil and Piel, regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, of Education.

Final disposition first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training, in the field of its powers, is authorised to take the measures and to issue the necessary instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the Official State Gazette.

Madrid, 15 February 2012.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.


Professional Modules

1. Professional module: Samples of articles in textile and leather. Code: 0279


a) Identification of pieces or patterns of simple articles in textile and skin:

Item Technical Design Tabs. Data recognition and interpretation.

Selection of materials. Functionality. Types. Features.

Outer fabric. Linings. Interwoven.

Volumes. Breakdown of volume in flat figures. Durability, comfort, preservation, appearance, fashion, fit, quality and price of the final product.

Factors that influence the execution of a pattern (functionality and aesthetics).

Composition of models from patterns.

Features of the simple item components. Shape and dimensions. Main, secondary, and auxiliary templates.

Identification of parts or patterns. Direction and position of patterns. Union and position signals. Seam margins.

Correspondence of the measures. Verification.

Cutting tab.

b) Application of join, termination, or ornament techniques:

Fabric and skin assembly systems.

Machinery and sewing equipment for textile and leather goods. Classification.

The sewing machine: structure and components. Operation. Sewing thread and needles: types and properties. Drag systems. Accessories and guides. Tuning, cleaning and greasing.

Stitches and machine seams: types and characteristics. UNE Standards. Machine stitching techniques.

Hand-sewn: useful and tools.

Stitches and hand seams: types and features. UNE Standards. Hand stitching techniques.

Paste of materials. Equipment and materials. Application.

Preparation and positioning of materials.

Fornitures. Application of fornitures and ornaments.

Job Organization: ergonomics, cleanliness, and security.

Quality of the stitching and skins assembly. Basic parameters. Adequacy of the elements involved in the assembly. Application in use.

Common types and defects.

c) Prototype clothing for textile and/or leather goods:

Documentation for the process. Technical tabs.

Tissue, skin and other materials behavior during the process (cutting, assembling, and finishing). Tolerances of the materials.

Machinery and cutting tools for textile and leather materials.

Criteria for disposal and preparation of different materials for the cutting. Cutting optimization procedures.

Preparing to cut components for assembly: reviewed, tagged, and packaged.

Phases of the assembly. Operations and systems for obtaining articles. Lists of operations.

ironing equipment for textile and leather goods. Ironing types and procedures.

Commercial presentation of articles: presentation types and methods.

Technical specifications. Quality tolerances.

d) Verification of item samples:

Technical and control tabs. Parameters for the assessment.

Aesthetic analysis.

Functional analysis: suitability for use and comfort.

Samples analysis and verification procedures.

Control tables. Control of measures.

Deviations and Sampling Defects. Correction of patterns. Corrective measures.

Fulfillment of control tabs.

Record of Incidents.

Validation of prototypes.

e) Compliance with labour and environmental risk prevention standards in the manufacture of textile and/or skin prototypes:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Risk prevention rules.

Safety regulations in the use of machines, tools and tools for cutting, assembling and finishing textile and/or skin prototypes.

Implicit security features on the textile and/or skin prototype cutting, assembly, and finish machines.

External security elements (metal gloves, glasses, and others).

Physical factors in the workbench.

Toxic factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

Security rules in adhesive operations.

Job security conditions.

Ergonomics in performing the different operations.

Cleaning and preservation of machines and the workplace.

Waste in the cutting process.

Individual and environmental safety standards in the use of chemicals.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

2. Professional module: Process and analysis of spinning. Code: 0281


a) Determination of thread characteristics:

Classification, characteristics and physical and chemical properties of textile materials. Regulations and symbology.

Product and process development. New products.

Thread technical tabs.

The textile value chain.

Sequences in creating thread displays.

Sources of inspiration. Criteria for the selection of fibers and structures in the design of threads.

Documentary analysis of manufacturing.

Classification of threads and yarns, features, and applications.

General procurement process: preparation and spinning operations.

Products and byproducts of the lineup.

Special threads: fantasy, elastic and textured.

Industrial sizing processes and finishes for yarns and yarns. Tincture and stamping processes.

Winding systems. Forms of coils. Parameters. Coil presentation finishes.

Drawing of thread structures.

Twisting and twisting.

Continuous filament, multifilament, yarn: number of cabs, type and cable.

Special effects of fantasy, elastic, and texturization.

Graphical representation rules.

b) Characterization of spinning processes:

Industrial spinning processes. Yarn of vegetable fibres of the seed: cotton. Yarn of vegetable fibres of the stem: flax, ramie, jute and esparto. Yarn of wool. Spinning of silk filaments. Spinning of chemical fibres. Manufacture of continuous chemical (cellulosic and synthetic) threads.

Spinning equipment and machinery (abridors, fibre mixing chambers, cardas, manuars, gills, mecheras and combs, among others).

Equipment and spinning machines (conventional and unconventional).

Special processes: fantasy, elastic, and textured.

Fantasy effects obtained with the equipment of the spinning.

Elastic thread technology. Types of coating: single, double, Core-spun. Applications.

Fantasy effects obtained with the preparation of the spinning equipment.

Texturization technology. Applications.

Synoptic courses.

Traversal Diagrams.

Schedule of the lineup.

c) Obtaining thread samples:

The threads and the spinning systems.

Identification of spinning operations and machinery.

Spinning manufacturing calculations.

Regulation of machines and equipment.

Work instructions for spinning machines and machines.

Computer programs applied to spinning equipment.

Operation and Management of Programs. Introduction of data.

Prototype evaluation.

Documentary management.

Sample file.

d) Thread analysis:

Testing of the composition of yarns and yarns: qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Tests for the measurement of the parameters of the threads. Thread numbering. Torsion and retorsion. Tensile strength. Regularity of thickness. Vellosity and friction, among others.

Analysis of dimensional stability to different agents (steam, water and ironing, among others).

Analysis of the strength of sizing, finishes, tinctures and prints in front of different agents (weather, sunlight, sweat, steam, water and ironing, among others).

Yarn and yarn defects.

Physical-chemical testing safety and regulations.

UNE-CEN-ISO standard for the parameters of the threads and standards.

Apparatuses and control methods.

e) Control of thread properties and properties:

Product life cycle.

Control parameters.

Process management and total quality.

Control and Analysis Techniques.

Applied statistics: frequency distribution. Centrality parameters.


Normal distribution.

Process Capability Studies.

Control charts by variables or attributes.

Sample size and sampling plans

Calibration of equipment.

Identification of tinctures and prints.

Identification of sizing and finishes.

Analysis of the strength of sizing, finishes, tinctures and prints.

Product reliability studies.

Determining the variability of the parameters according to the standards of tests and standards.

f) Compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection in the spinning processes:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Safety regulations on the use of machines, tools, and equipment for spinning.

Individual and environmental safety standards in the use of chemicals.

Security elements implicit in the row procedures.

External security features (glasses, hearing protectors, and others).

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

Job security conditions.

Ergonomics in the row procedures.

Cleaning and preservation of machines and the workplace.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

3. Professional Module: Processes and analysis of tissues and non-tissues. Code: 0282


a) Determination of tissue and non-tissue characteristics:

Product and process development. New products.

Tissue and non-tissue technical tabs.

Sequences in the creation of tissue and non-tissue samples.

Criteria for the selection of fibers, yarns, and yarn in the design of tissues and nonwovens.

Heated fabrics. Ligaments. Graphical representation. Courses. Bantas. Ligature points. Staggered. Bases of evolution.

Structural analysis of caled tissues.

Classification of ligaments. Fundamental ligaments. Derived ligaments. Composite ligaments.

Mounts to the Twins and jacquard.

Drawings and color effects.

Effects of pickings and pickings.

Multiple and special fabrics.

Draught tissue defects.

Knitted fabrics.

Fabric and warp classification of fabrics.

Mesh types. Graphical representation. Reasons. Ligaments.

Classification. Programming of ligaments, selection and movement of needles of a phonture and two phontures (weft and warp).

Structural analysis of knitted fabrics.

Fabrics, garment components, article, or garment.

Knitted tissue defects.

Non-woven fabrics.

Classification and manufacturing and performance techniques.

Grammar and application studies.

b) Characterisation of tissue and non-woven weaving and manufacturing processes:

Preparation operations for the tisage: ursed, wrapped, remitted, and knotted, among others.

Urged parameters: width of girdle, speed, thread tension, number of meters and turns, and perimeter of the folding, among others.

Calada and knitted teams and looms.

Texeduria techniques and processes to both jacquard and jacquard. Multiphase systems.

Knitting and knitting systems. Classification.

Operations and sequencing.

Point-by-plot and warp techniques and processes.

Telares with special mechanisms.

Special looms.

Non-woven manufacturing equipment and machinery.

Synoptic courses.

Traversal Diagrams.

Planning for tissue weaving and manufacturing of nonwovens.

c) Obtaining tissue, non-tissue and/or article samples:

Knitting operation: the tissues, the knitting systems, and the widths in the knitting.

Non-woven fabric manufacturing systems.

Identification of weaving operations and manufacturing of nonwovens.

Preparation operations for the tisage: winding, warp, sizing, remitted, and knotted calculations, among others.

Determining the variability of the parameters according to the standards of tests and standards.

Process parameters: tissue density, fabric gramage, dimensional stability, fabric drawing, and dimensions, among others.

Fabrication calculations for weaving and manufacturing of nonwovens.

Regulation of machines and equipment.

Documentary management.

Sample file.

d) Fabric and non-tissue analysis:

Tissue and non-tissue composition identification tests, qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Analysis of tissue and non-tissue parameters: gramage, density, tupidity, resistance to breakage, resistance to abrasion, behavior to pilling and elasticity, among others.

Analysis of dimensional stability against different agents (weather, sunlight, water, steam, sweat, ironing, chlorine and bleach, among others).

Analysis of the strength of sizing, finishes, tinctures and prints to different agents (weather, sunlight, sweat, steam, water and ironing, among others).

Special analysis: Waterproofing, tissue drop, thermal insulation, wrinkle resistance and fire behavior, among others.

Physical-chemical testing safety and regulations.

UNE-CEN-ISO standard for tissue and non-tissue parameters.

Apparatuses and control methods.

Test and standards standards.

Determining the variability of the parameters according to the standards of tests and standards.

e) Control of tissue and non-tissue characteristics and properties:

Product Lifecycle. Control parameters.

Process management of weaving, manufacturing, and total quality.

Control charts by variables or attributes.

Weaving process capacity studies and manufacturing of non-woven fabrics.

Sample size and sampling frequencies.

Quality control of tissues, intermediate products, and byproducts.

Determining the variability of the parameters according to the standards of tests and standards.

(f) Compliance with the rules for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the processes of weaving or manufacture of tissues and non-tissues:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Risk prevention rules.

Safety regulations in the use of machines, tools and equipment for weaving or manufacturing of tissues and non-woven fabrics.

Safety rules in operations with chemicals used in the analysis of chemical fibers.

Security elements implicit in machines and equipment for weaving or weaving and non-woven fabrics.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

External security features (glasses, hearing protectors, and others).

The job security conditions. Ergonomics in the procedures of weaving and manufacture of tissues and non-tissues.

Cleaning and retaining the job.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

4. Professional module: Analysis of designs in textile and leather. Code: 0283


a) Criteria for the design of articles in textile and leather, footwear and leather:

Identification of the socio-cultural and conjunctural factors underlying the origin and development of different styles. Sociology of fashion.

The social functions of fashions.

The symbolic values of fashion and cultural models.

Effects of Fads on the Psychology and Behavior of Individuals.

Analysis of information sources: national and international fairs, hemerotechs, video libraries, Internet and information seekers.

Elements that determine the layout. Marketing and brand value of the product (target).

Functional, aesthetic, and technical characteristics.

Methodology and trend analysis. Fashion in the 20th century and its influence on current trends.

b) Assessment of the feasibility of articles:

Technical Feasibility: criteria and methods of assessment.

Economic Viability: criteria and methods of assessment.

Commercial Viability: criteria and methods of assessment. Fashion-quality-price ratio.

c) Identification of components of textile and leather goods, footwear and leather goods:

Graphical representation applied to the item design.

Use and conservation regulations.

Components of the items. Add-ons.

Representation of the human figure. Base silhouettes. Morphology and anthropometry. Variations of shape and shape diversity.

Model interpretation. Identification of flat shapes.

Computer applications for the design and development of prototypes for items of clothing and accessories.

Computer applications for designing technical data sheets in the design.

d) Amendments to the design of articles in textile and leather, footwear and leather:

Criteria for the selection of tissues, skins and materials: compositions, qualities, textures, shapes, colors and fornitures.

Aesthetic and technical components of articles and add-ons.

Type items. Variations. Parts that make up the items.

Selection criteria for fabrics, skins and materials: qualities, textures, shapes, colors and fornitures.

Principles for space and object representation.

Color Theory. Physical bases of light and color. Color psychology.

Techniques in drawing artistic designs: shadows, reliefs, depth, background, plot, contrast and colors.

Model and accessory drawing techniques.

Simulations with computer programs.

Collections of artistic and technical designs: content and presentation characteristics.

5. Professional module: Process of ennoblement and stamping. Code: 0444


a) Determination of the characteristics of finished textile products:

Factors and criteria that influence the definition of a finished textile product: technical, economic, functional and aesthetic.

Identification of the finishes. Methods of identification.

Raw materials. Identification. Criteria that guide the selection of a type of raw material according to the treatments.

Affinities and behavior of materials to treatments.

Suitability of the materials and treatments applied to the intended use.

Common Defects. Identification of the defects, indicating the limitations they entail for their use. Deviation of results and their influence on subsequent treatments.

b) Characterization of processes of ennoblement and stamping of textiles:

Description and sequencing of ennoblement and stamping processes. Specific processes in cellulosic and wool fibres.

Features and properties contributed to textile products.

Machines and equipment for textile stamping and ennoblement.

Adequacy of the process to the design requirements, the selected raw material and the machinery and equipment available.

Products used in the process of preparation, tincture, stamping, sizing and textile finishing. Adequacy of products and concentrations to the selected raw material.

Color measurement techniques.

Job specifications. Quality parameters and tolerances.

c) Obtaining samples of ennobled textiles:

Interpretation of design finish features.

Identification of product characteristics: composition, type of yarn and type of weaving used, among others.

Machinery for the preparation and bleaching of products.

Machinery used in the dyeing of textile products. Tincture apparatus: by exhaustion, by transfer, of continuous system. Tissue tincture in piece. Thread tincture.

Laboratory tincture machines. Laboratory techniques.

Digital simulation of the tincture process.

Correction of deviations in the resulting color and adequacy to the design.

Machinery for common finishing operations. Reviewed. Washing: in string, to the width. Drained and dried. Learn. Curing or polymerization. Perch and flocado. Tunneled and burned. Vaporization and wetting. Pressing or smoothing. Folding or bending of tissues.

Machinery for special finishing operations. Wool: charred, bathed and fixed. Cotton: mercerized, sanforised and mangled. Synthetic fibres: thermoset. Textile coating.

Computer applications for textile ennoblement.

Fabric dyeing processes in part: Discontinuous and continuous.

Washing and bleaching products.

Products for Tincture. Types of colours and characteristics. Ancillary products. Tincture of cellulosic, protein, synthetic and mixtures products. Criteria for the selection of the dye. Study of the recipe. Tincture conditions: temperature and time, weight ratio of the matter and volume of the tincture bath, among others.

Equation of the tincture.

Simple sizing products and ennoblement apres (inwrinkable, informable, impermeable, anti-felt, fungicide and flame retardant, among others). Characteristics contributed to the products.

Products for finishing. Characteristics contributed to the products.

File of the generated information.

d) Obtaining stamped textile samples:

Interpretation of the pattern pattern according to design.

Identification of the characteristics of the product: composition, type of yarn and type of weaving used, among others. Influence of product preparation operations.

Stamping systems: direct, by reserve, and by corrosion.

Stamping procedures: by cylinders, flat table and transfer; with moulds and with templates; sieves, with rollers, embossed and engraved in hollow.

Products used in stamping: dyes and pigments. Soluble and insoluble dyes.

Formulas for the preparation of the paste to stamp.

Chemistry applied to conventional stamping.

Digital simulation of the stamping process.

Computer printing equipment. Specific programmes. Printers and plotters.

Color measurement techniques. Correction of deviations in the resulting stamping and colour, and suitability for design.

Finishing processes in the stamped material.

File of the generated information.

e) Interpretation of composition and conservation labeling:

Textile product labeling regulations.

Composition Labeling Regulations. Symbology and nomenclature.

Conservation and use labeling regulations. Symbology and nomenclature.

Material identification tests. Qualitative and quantitative analyses for the identification of textile products. Measuring instruments.

Elements that shorten or disrupt the shelf life of products. Test for properties and parameters verification.

Selection, tuning, calibration, and measurement criteria.

Procedures in the conduct of trials and treatment of results. Order and cleaning procedures. Application of the procedures.

f) Compliance with the rules for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in the processes of ennoblement and textile stamping:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Risk prevention rules.

Safety regulations in the use of machines, tools and equipment for ennoblement and textile printing. Maintenance of machines, tools and equipment.

Security rules in adhesive operations.

Individual and environmental safety standards in the use of chemicals in the dyeing, stamping, sizing and finishing processes.

Implicit security features in fabric stamping and ennobling machines.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

External security features (gloves and glasses).

Job security conditions.

Ergonomics in textile stamping and ennoblement.

Cleaning and retaining the job.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

6. Professional module: Processes in tincture and fur finishing. Code: 0445


a) Classification of hides and skins:

Raw leather: types according to animal families. Production of leather by country. Slaughterhouses and warehouses. Import and export. Diagram prices/raw material. Estimation of surface yields.

Skin study: structure of skin and hair. Origin, presentation, production status and labelling. Skin components. Division of the surface of the skin.

Skins defects: surface defects of skins for animal life, transport, desuello procedures and conservation, among others.

Classification of skins: according to their origins and nature. For qualities, thickness, sizes, wool and final destination, among others. Equality of color and thickness.

Controls and tests of the characteristics of the skins. Specific testing regulations. Results. Interpretation.

Appliances and equipment for physical and chemical tests.

Technical, quality and aesthetic characteristics of the skins.

Applications of the skins.

Hides and skins prepared and preserved.


Search for information about hides and skins: Internet. Databases. Information seekers. Importance of information. File.

b) Characterization of Curtition Processes:

Tanning processes.

Ribbon, tanned, tincture, grease and finishes.

Functional analysis of the curtition processes.

Equipment and machinery for curtition processes.

The properties and transformations of the skins in each of the healing processes.

Action of tanning products on skins.

Products in plant curtition.

Products in Curtion to Chromium.

Process quality control. Parameters to be measured. Tests.

Colorimetry applied to the skins. Physical theory of color. Colorimetric systems.

Skin quality control.

Search for information about healing processes: Internet. Databases. Information seekers. Importance of information. File.

c) Characterization of fur finishing processes:

Action of tincture and stamping products on skins.

Skins preparation processes for tincture and stamping.

CIE Systems.


Changing the color.

Skins preparation processes for engraving.

Types of finishes and features provided to the skins. Stamping. Engravings. Transfers. Decals. Charol. Other techniques.

Search for information about skins finishes: Internet. Databases. Information seekers. Importance of information. File.

d) Determination of the characteristics of the finished skins:

Types and characteristics of the finishes processes.

Machines used in the preparation of skins for different finishes.

Description and sequencing of mechanical processes.

Products for skin preparation processes.

Description and sequencing of chemical processes.

Digital Simulations of Skin Preparation Processes.

Interpretation of results.

Deviation from results in previous tests.

Influence of results on subsequent operations.

e) Obtaining samples of tintadas and finished skins:

Interpretation of the characteristics of the tincture according to design.

Skins parameters: color, equalization, hydrophility, and absorption.

Analysis of the different tincture processes.

Skin tincture machines: features.

Tincture machines by exhaustion.

Transfer tincture machines.

Laboratory tincture machines.

Tincture and final skin finish processes.

Tincture processes for further stamping.

Tincture processes for a subsequent engraving of the skin.

Ordered sequencing of tincture operations.

Correction of deviations in the resulting color and adequacy to the design.

Machines for finishing. Features.

Types of irons or moulds.

Types of cylinders.

Tinted skin finish processes.

Individual protection teams specific to these processes.

File of the generated information.

f) Obtaining samples of stamped skins:

Stamping types: by cylinders, by frames, and by transfer.

Machines for the stamping of skins. Features.

Machines to be stamped by cylinders. Features.

Machines to stamp by frames. Classes and features.

Transfer stamp machines. Features.

Stamping by soluble dye.

Stamping by pigments.

Laser printing.

Formulas for the preparation of the paste to stamp.

Chemistry applied to conventional stamping.

Computer printing equipment. Specific programmes. Printers and plotters.

Stamping processes according to: quantity of colors, motif size, skin characteristics, and design requirements.

Special finishing processes: transfer, charol, and decal, among others.

Finishing processes of the embossed material.

File of the generated information.

g) Obtaining recorded skin samples:

Adapting the skins to the engraving process.

Skins etching methods.

Cylinders. Types of cylinders.



Machines for the engraving of skins. Features.

Roller presses or cylinders. Features.

Planar presses of plates or moulds. Fixed-mobile press, plate types or moulds.

Hole-relief ratio of the plate or cylinder.

Computer equipment for the engraving of skins.

Programs for skins engraving.

Specific Plotter.

Machines for skin engraving finish.

Characteristics and influence of drawing.

Individual protection teams for these processes.

File of the generated information.

h) Compliance with the rules for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in the processes of tincture and fur finishing:

Risk identification.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Risk prevention rules.

Safety regulations in the use of machines, tools and equipment for the dyeing and finishing of skins.

Safety standards in operations with chemicals used in tincture and fur finishing.

Implicit security features in the tincture and skin finishing machines and equipment.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to machines and equipment.

Security in the workshop.

External security features (metal gloves and glasses).

Job security conditions.

Ergonomics in tincture and fur finish.

Cleaning and retaining the job.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations.

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

7. Professional module: Technical design of textiles. Code: 0447


a) Interpretation of fashion trends in threads, fabrics and prints:

Sources of information: Analysis of information sources. Graphic information. Information on hemoterotecas and video libraries. Information via the Internet.

National and international fairs. Monographic salons. Technical journals.

Sociology of fashion. Psychology and behavior. Development of styles and trends.

Trends Analysis. Cool hunters.

Anthropological studies of dressing. Local trends.

Functional, aesthetic and technical characteristics of threads, tissues and non-tissues.

Innovation in threads, tissues and non-fabrics: technical materials and smart items.

Data Bank.

b) Drawing of textile samples:

Performing by raised hand sketches.

Theory of aesthetics. Treatment of the image. Analysis of shapes.

Representation systems. Composition and synthesis of the images. Style, color, and specifications, among others.

Psychology of color. Elaboration of color cards. Unbalanced harmonies, contrasts and mixtures. Color management for model variations.

Rendering textures, volumes, and finishes.

Transforming sketches of textile materials into designs.

Transforming sketches into tissue and nonwovens stamping designs.

Industrial applications of image processing.

c) Application of textile design techniques:

Completion of sketches of textile materials using specific software.

Performing sketches for tissue and non-tissue stamping using computer programs.

Design and simulation programs used in industry companies.

Adequacy of the design to the type of material.

Treatment of color in design programs.

Data Bank.

d) Determination of the technical and economic feasibility of yarn, woven or embossed designs:

Market research and segmentation.

Industrial processes for the manufacture of yarns, fabrics, articles and non-woven fabrics. The textile value chain.

Industrial costs for the manufacture of textile materials. Product scandalous.

Types and components of the cost. Expected cost and actual cost. Source of deviations.

Selection of machinery, materials, and products involved in designs.

Regulation of equipment and machines.

Assessment of design projects and acceptance criteria by market or customer.

Quality, functionality, and usage criteria.

e) Elaboration of yarn, woven, or stamped catalogues:

Basic product ideas and offer diversification.

Collection techniques: physical or computer media, trade shows and showrooms, among others.

Justification and applicability in created products.

Brand creation and management.

Basic product labeling ideas and product diversification.

Information about the composition, treatments, and maintenance of the samples.

Logical and creative presentations of the sample.

f) Innovation in textile design:

Needs and demands of target markets.

Identification of "niche" market opportunities.

Analysis of proposals for innovation ideas for materials and/or articles.

Technical, commercial and environmental feasibility studies.

Tracking the evolution of new materials and articles.

Specialized Bibliographies.

Evaluation of new product projects.

File systems for designs and collections.

8. Professional Module: Technical design of fur finishes. Code: 0450


a) Interpretation of fashion trends in fur finishing:

Sources of information. Graphic information.

Information in hemerotechs and video libraries.

Internet information.

National and international fairs.

Collections presentations on gateways.

Analysis of information sources.

Trend Analysis.

Performing by raised hand sketches.

aesthetic and technical characteristics of the finishes.

Sociology of fashion.

Particularities in fur finishes.

Data Bank.

b) Drawing of samples of prints and skins:

Trend analysis based on articles:





Different skins finishes:

Lacas: types and properties.

Pastas: composition and properties.

Other methods.

Performing by raised hand sketches.

Useful and more suitable supports for skin designs.

Color management for different types and classes of skins.

Harmonies and mixtures not balanced on the prints and engravings on skins.

Treatment of image in skin finishes.

Analysis of shapes and their results according to process to be employed.

Skin-specific rendering systems.

Composition and synthesis of the images (relative to the finish).

Theory of aesthetics in different skin articles:




Apparel and fashion clothing.

Industrial applications of image processing.

Skins specifications technical tabs.

Samples and image of skins.

Style, color, specifications, and others.

Design and simulation programs used in industry companies.

c) Application of stamping design techniques, transfers and decals on skins:

Performing sketches using computer programs for the stamping of skins.

Transform of sketches into skins stamping designs. Application of transfers or decals.

Different types of transfers according to the type of finishes and their applications.

Calcomanias and their applications.

Treatment of color in design programs.

Additive and subtractive synthesis of color.

Separating colors for skin stamping.

Programming design of prints according to the characteristics of the skins to be worked with.

Adequacy of the design to the skin type.

Adequacy of the layout to the selected colors.

Adequacy of the design to the stamp machines.

Adequacy of the design to the dimensions of the stamping.

Simulations of the layout and its variants and display on the screen.

Simulation and visualization of your appearance on different types of skins.

Characteristics of the color meshes of the design.

Overlay and lace criteria for color meshes.

Stamped fur finishes.

Finishes according to paste type.

Finishes according to type of lacquer applied.

Other types of finishes.

Product tab for the end product.

d) Application of fur etchings design techniques:

Performing sketches for skin engraving using computer programs.

Transforming sketches into designs for skin engraving.

Multi-colored effects on recorded skins.

Effects of stained.

Effects of contrasts.

Wrinkle effects.

Shading from engraving ridges.

Performing skin engraving samples.

Simulation and display of skin engravings.

Control of the gap-relief relationships of the design.

Simulation and visualization of the appearance of engraving on different types of skins.

Pre-and post-etch finishes.

Control of the limit of the recording machines in relation to the layout.

Product tab for the end product.

e) Determining the viability of fur finish designs:

Market research and segmentation.

Study of the required materials and products.

Industrial processes in the stamping and engraving of skins.

Human resources.

Material resources.

Quality criteria.

Calculation of optimal costs in the process of stamping and engraving of skins. Product scandalous.

Adjustments to production equipment.

Validation of skins embossing or stamping designs.

Layout corrections.

New ideas.

New products.

Product launch.

Competition analysis techniques.

f) Elaboration of finished skins catalogues:

Selection of finished skins samples.

Observing the premises in the selection:

Type of skin.

Category of skin.

Skin Defects.

Finishing Defects.

Visual appearance of the sample.

Other, as designed.

Classification of variants of each model.

Collecting the required information for each of the samples.

Labeling the samples according to rules.

Identifying the catalog according to criteria:

Aesthetic criteria.

Technical criteria.

Distribution and organization of samples in the catalog.

Catalog presentation:

Physical presentation.

Virtual presentation.

9. Professional Module: Project of technical design in textile and leather. Code: 0659


a) Identification of the needs of the productive sector and the organization of the company:

Identification of job roles.

Industry structure and organization.

Company activity and its location in the industry.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

Industry trends: productive, economic, organizational, employment and other.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Collective agreement applicable to the professional field.

Company culture: corporate image.

Quality and security systems applicable in the industry.

b) Design of projects related to the sector:

Analysis of the local reality, the business offer of the sector in the area and the context in which the professional training module will be developed in the workplace.

Collecting information.

The overall structure of a project.

Crafting a work script.

Project execution planning: objectives, content, resources, methodology, activities, timing, and evaluation.

Project Feasibility and Opportunity.

Review of applicable regulations.

c) Planning for project execution:

Sequencing of activities.

Elaboration of work instructions.

Making a risk prevention plan.

Documentation required for project execution schedule.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Quality assurance indicators for projects.

d) Defining control and evaluation procedures for project execution:

Proposal for solutions to the objectives outlined in the project and justification of the selected ones.

Defining the project evaluation procedure.

Determining the variables that can be evaluated.

Documentation required for project evaluation.

Process and end product quality control.

Log of results.

10. Professional module: Training and employment orientation. Code: 0666


a) Active job search:

Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the career and professional career of the superior technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

Identification of training itineraries related to the top technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin.

Responsible for learning itself. Knowledge of the requirements and expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the title of Superior Technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin.

Planning your own career:

Setting work goals, in the medium and long term, compatible with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent goals with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, mid-sized, and large companies in the industry.

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job search techniques and instruments.

Self-employment assessment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Setting a personal checklist of consistency between career plan, training, and aspirations.

b) Conflict management and work teams:

Valuation of the advantages and drawbacks of the team work for the organization's effectiveness.

Equipment classes in the textile, clothing and leather sectors according to the functions they perform.

Analysis of the training of work teams.

Features of an effective work team.

The participation in the work team. Analysis of the possible roles of their members.

Conflict definition: features, sources, and stages of the conflict.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression: mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration.

c) Job Contract:

The right of the job.

Intervention of public authorities in industrial relations.

Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Hiring contract modes and promotion measures.

Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

Working Conditions. Salary, work time and work rest.

Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of reconciling the interests of workers and employers.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the superior technician in Technical Design in Textile and Skin.

Collective conflicts of work.

New work organization environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

d) Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

The Social Security System as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the Social Security system.

Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements, and benefits.

Concept and situations that are protected by unemployment.

Systems of workers ' advice regarding their rights and duties.

e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of preventive activity.

Assessment of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk factor analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the textile, clothing and clothing sector.

Determination of the possible health damage to the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

f) Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Responsibilities in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Managing prevention in the enterprise.

Representation of workers on preventive matters.

Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

Elaboration of an emergency plan in a small or medium enterprise in the sector.

g) Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Action protocol in an emergency situation.

First aid. Medical urgency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training for workers in the field of emergency plans.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

11. Professional module: Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative. Code: 0743


a) Entrepreneurship Initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Main features of the innovation in the technical design activity in textile and leather (materials, technology and production organization, among others).

Entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a company related to technical design in textile and leather.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the textile, clothing and leather sectors.

The risk in entrepreneurial activity.

Concept of entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

Personal goals versus business goals.

Business Plan: the business idea in the area of textiles, clothing and leather.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in the activity of technical design in textile and skin at the local level.

b) The company and its environment:

Basic company functions.

The enterprise as a system.

The overall business environment.

Analysis of the overall environment of a company related to technical design in textile and skin.

The company's specific environment.

Analysis of the specific environment of a company related to technical design in textile and skin.

Relationships of a textile, clothing and leather company with its environment.

Relations of a textile, clothing and leather company with the whole of society.

Company culture: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The Social Balance.

Business ethics.

Social and ethical responsibility of companies in the technical design sector in textiles, clothing and leather.

c) Creating and starting a company:

Company concept.

Enterprise Types.

The responsibility of the owners of the business.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of the legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

Economic Feasibility and Financial Feasibility of a Company Related to Technical Design in Textiles and Skin.

Analysis of sources of financing and budgeting of a company related to technical design in textile and leather.

Aid, grants and tax incentives for SMEs related to technical design in textiles and leather.

Business plan: choice of legal form, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

d) Administrative function:

Concept of basic accounting and notions.

Accounting operations: recording the economic information of a company.

Accounting as a true picture of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Corporate Tax Obligations.

Requirements and deadlines for the filing of official documents.

Administrative management of a company related to technical design in textile and skin.

12. Professional module: Training in job centres. Code: 0865


a) Identification of the structure and business organization:

Structure and business organization of the textile, clothing and leather sector.

Company activity and its location in the textile, clothing and leather sector.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

The company's logistics organization. Suppliers, customers, and marketing channels.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the enterprise: training requirements and professional, personal and social skills associated with different jobs.

Quality system set in the job center.

The security system set in the job center.

b) Application of ethical and labour habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy, punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleanliness, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the enterprise. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, coding, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of internal company rules, work instructions, standard work procedures, and others.

c) Realization of technical designs of materials and products in textile and leather.

Analysis of fashion trends in textile materials:


Fabrics: Calada, knitted, and non-woven.

Fashion analysis on skins.

Fashion Analysis in Textile and Skin Products:

Articles of dress.



Technical design. Rules.

Specific criteria for textile technical design:

Technical design of threads.

Tissue technical design.

Technical design of skin finishes.

sketch drawing.

Application of design techniques.

Elaboration of collections of textile and leather materials and products:

Collection of yarns.

Fabric collections.

Collection of fur finishes.

Feasibility of manufacturing the product.

Innovations in materials and textile and skin products designs.

(d) Obtaining textile samples (yarns, fabrics and non-woven fabrics), finishes and articles in textile and leather:

Sample Get Processes:

Yarn samples.

tissue and non-tissue samples.

Samples of textile products and articles.

Samples of finished skins.

Analysis of the process of obtaining samples of textile materials and products.

Analysis of the processes for obtaining samples of finished skins.

Materials required for obtaining textile samples.

Equipment for obtaining samples of textile materials and products:

Equipment for spinning samples.

Equipment for tissue samples.

Equipment for samples of textile products: fabrics, clothing, decoration and accessories.

Equipment for obtaining samples of finished skins.

Obtaining samples of textile materials and products.

Obtaining samples of finished skins.

Analysis of textile product samples: features and properties.

Analysis of finished skins samples: features and properties.

Quality control in getting samples:

Quality control of thread samples obtained.

Quality control of tissue samples and textile products obtained.

Quality control of the finished skins.

e) Compliance with security and hygiene criteria:

Hygienic-sanitary rules according to legal regulations.

Company-specific hygiene standards.

Behaviors and skills contrary to the health and hygiene of the company.

Behaviors and attitudes against company security.

Dress appropriate to the activity:

Appropriate and mandatory protective clothing and accessories in the lineup.

Appropriate and mandatory protective clothing and accessories in physical and chemical laboratories in the textile and leather industry.

Appropriate and mandatory protective clothing and accessories in textile weaving workshops.

Appropriate and mandatory protective clothing and accessories in the preparation, dye, stamping and finishing companies of textile and leather materials and products.

Rules for the prevention of occupational risks and legislation in textile and leather companies.

Correct personal attitude in respect of the environment and application of internal and external company rules in the development of the activity.

Collection, selection, sorting, and waste disposal or disposal operations.


Sequencing and weekly hourly distribution of professional modules

Top Grade Forming Cycle: Technical Design in Textile and Skin

0281. Spinning processes and analysis.

in the formative cycle


Duration (hours)

First Course (h/week)


2 Quarters (h/week)

1 quarter (hours)

0279. Textile and leather goods samples (1)






0282. Tissue and Non-Fabric Processes and Analysis



0444. Ennobling and stamping processes.



0666. Job training and guidance.



reserved for the module imparted in English.



0283. Textile and skin design analysis (2)



0445. Skin tincture and finish processes



0447. Textile technical design.



0450. Skin finish technical design.



0743. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.




reserved for the module imparted in English.


0659. Textile and Skin Technical Design Project



0865. Job center training







(1) Professional modules support.

(2) Professional modules cross-cutting to other Professional Training titles.


Modules capable of being imparted in the English language

0281. Spinning processes and analysis.

0282. Tissue and non-tissue processes and analyses.

0444. Ennoblement and stamping processes.

0283. Analysis of designs in textile and leather.

0445. Processes in tincture and fur finishing.

0447. Technical design of textiles.

0450. Technical design of fur finishes.


Minimum spaces and equipment


Form Space


30 pupils

20 pupils




Technique Aula









Minimum Equipment:

Training Space

and project control

Tricotose manual

Aula multipurpose.

Audio-visual equipment.

installed in network.



Aula technique.

Projection Canon.

Scanner 2008.

2 five-finger mesh gloves

injection printer

laser printer.

to the Internet

DVD recorder.

15 computers dual cycles 2008.

Screen for projection with tripod.

for tissue design

Colorimetry program.


Game of cutting utensils (scissors, weights, and tweezers, among others)

Video and Data Projector

stitching machine 301.

drag sewing machine.

zigzag stitch machine

Machine cover 2 gujas.

-thread owerlock machine

blade cutting machine.

table (for extended and cut)

plancha with steam calderin.

Lote for skin cut:

2 blades for foot.

2 rollers.


2 brushes for queue.

Regulable tab

37 '' LCD.


Materials Lab.

Aspe for Thread numbering.

5 precision scales.

of colors or UV light camera

Sinks, showcases, cabinets for reagents and stools.

Chemical Equipment for Materials Analysis.

distillation equipment


Hurno or drying stove.

10 microscopes.

Roman for numbering threads.


Textile Classroom.

A head textile bobber

Lab Bombing.



Equipment hilature.

thermocolar machine.

Small-diameter circular machine (socks).

spinning machine (lab).

Micrometer for Hilature and Texeduria.


Staging Pulp.

Industrial clothing dryer.

Telar jacquard.

Telar jacquard.

Telar jacquard.

Telar raschel for midwifery.

37 '' LCD.

Tint infrared control.


Lab String Tent Machine.



Pad-pad lab.

rectiline Tricotose.

Tricotose 1 fonture.

Trictose circular 2 fontures.