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Resolution 34 C 38011-2012, On 13 February, The Institute Of Housing, Infrastructure And Equipment Of The Defence, That Certain Powers Are Delegated.

Original Language Title: Resolución 34C/38011/2012, de 13 de febrero, del Instituto de Vivienda, Infraestructura y Equipamiento de la Defensa, por la que se delegan determinadas competencias.

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The entry into force of Royal Decree 1286/2010, of 15 October, approving the Statute of the Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense (INVIED), makes effective the constitution of the new organism, fruit of the recasting of the autonomous bodies Institute for the Housing of the Armed Forces (INVIFAS) and the Management of Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense (GIED) and, therefore, subrogated in their rights and obligations.

The extinct bodies to bring the administration and the delivery of services closer to the citizens located in the different geographical demarcations have always needed the work and collaboration of the responsible in the different areas carrying out the tasks and duties entrusted to them by the legislation in force. Previously they were called Delegations, then Housing Areas and currently Heritage Areas, in accordance with the provisions of the current Royal Decree 308/2007, of March 2, on the organization and operation of the Defense Delegations, developed by Order DEF/91/2008, dated January 22.

For their part, Article 3.5 of the said Royal Decree 308/2007, in conjunction with Article 5 (1) and (2) (a) and (c) of the said Order DEF/91/2008, provides that the holders of public bodies may, on the basis of the matter, the relevant provision, instruction and order of service, while keeping the Deputy Chief of Defence informed, who must also be provided with the essential lines of the actions to be undertaken.

At present, in order to improve the functioning of the Institute, seeking greater efficiency, agility and coordination of its functions, it is considered appropriate to delegate certain powers to the aforementioned Area Managers. Heritage.

In addition, since the management of the Institute in the Community of Madrid is carried out by the Agency itself, in accordance with the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the aforementioned Order DEF/91/2008, it is necessary to delegate these powers to the Head of Area in charge of the assets management of INVIED in Madrid.

By virtue of Article 13 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure and Article 15.2.a) and/or the Statute of the INVIED, approved by Royal Decree 1286/2010, of 15 October, available:


The exercise of the following powers is delegated to the Management of Heritage Area, in the field of its territorial demarcation:

1. To resolve requests from users of military housing, in the area of preservation and maintenance of buildings.

2. To receive the buildings to be determined, in the procedures which are intended to incorporate them into the administration of the Institute, by means of delivery and prior to the corresponding agreement.

3. Represent the Institute in those communities of owners in which houses, premises or parts of buildings, which are of their ownership, administration or are made available to the body, are integrated.


The exercise of the powers expressed in the first paragraph of this Resolution shall apply to the Head of the Area in charge of the management of the Institute in Madrid for the buildings located in his district. territorial.


The administrative decisions to be taken pursuant to this delegation of powers shall expressly indicate this circumstance, with the express quotation of this resolution and its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Status ".


In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, the delegating body may be able to endorse any time, knowledge and resolution of how many matters it sees fit.


The delegations of competencies of equal or lower rank that are opposed to what is set out in this Resolution are left without effect.


This Resolution shall have effect from the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, February 13, 2012. -Managing Director of the Institute of Housing, Infrastructure and Equipment of Defense, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Villanueva.