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Order Ecd / 305/2012, Dated 15 February, Establishing The Curriculum For The Title Of Technician In Natural Stone Intermediate Training Cycle Is Established.

Original Language Title: Orden ECD/305/2012, de 15 de febrero, por la que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de Grado Medio correspondiente al título de Técnico en Piedra Natural.

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Royal Decree 1587/2011, of 4 November, establishes the title of Technical in Natural Stone and its minimum teachings, in accordance with Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July, establishing the general management of the vocational training of the educational system, and defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications and courses of specialisation, on the basis of the National Catalogue of Vocational Qualifications, the guidelines fixed by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in article 6.4 that the educational administrations will establish the curriculum of the different teachings regulated in the Law, which will form part of the Article 6 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 66/2014 The teaching centres shall develop and complete, where appropriate, the curriculum of the different stages and cycles in use of their autonomy as set out in Chapter II of Title V of that Law.

The Organic Law of 19 June on Qualifications and Vocational Training sets out in Article 10.2 that the educational administrations, in the field of their competences, will be able to extend the content of the corresponding vocational training qualifications.

In accordance with the above and once the Royal Decree 1587/2011, of November 4, has set the professional profile of the title of Technical in Natural Stone, its minimum teachings and those other aspects of the ordination The academic year, which is the basic aspect of the curriculum which ensures a common training and ensures the validity of diplomas throughout the national territory, is now to be determined in the field of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the extension and contextualization of the contents of the professional modules included in the title of Technical in Natural Stone, respecting the professional profile of the same.

addition, the curriculum of this training cycle is established from the respect of the pedagogical, organizational and management autonomy of the centers that provide professional training, promoting these the work in the team of the teachers and the development of training, research and innovation plans in their teaching field and actions to promote the continuous improvement of training processes.

On the other hand, vocational training centres will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils, with particular attention to the needs of people with disability.

Finally, it should be specified that the curriculum of this formative cycle integrates the scientific, technological and organizational aspects of the teachings established to achieve that the students acquire an overall view of the processes Natural Stone technician's own productive profile.

In the process of drafting this order, the State School Board has issued a report.

For all of the above, in its virtue, I have:


General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This order aims to determine the curriculum of the middle grade training cycle corresponding to the title of Natural Stone Technician established in Royal Decree 1587/2011 of 4 November.

Article 2. Scope.

The curriculum established in this order will be applied in the territorial area of management of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.



Article 3. Curriculum.

1. The curriculum for vocational training of the educational system corresponding to the title of Technician in Natural Stone, set out in Royal Decree 1587/2011 of 4 November, is determined in the terms set out in this order.

2. The professional profile of the curriculum, which is expressed by the general competence, the professional, personal and social skills, and the qualifications and the competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, is the included in the title of Natural Stone Technician, referred to in the previous point.

3. The general objectives of the training cycle curriculum, the objectives of the professional modules expressed in terms of learning outcomes and their evaluation criteria are those included in the title of Technical in Natural Stone, referred to in point 1 of this Article.

4. The contents of the professional modules that make up this curriculum, adapted to the socio-economic reality as well as to the perspectives of economic and social development of the environment, are those set out in Annex I of this order.

Article 4. Duration and sequencing of professional modules.

1. The total duration of the lessons for this training cycle, including the vocational training module in the workplace, is 2,000 hours.

2. The professional modules of this training cycle, when offered under face-to-face arrangements, will be organised in two academic courses and will be in line with the weekly hourly sequencing and distribution set out in Annex II of this order.

3. The first academic year will be fully developed in the educational center. In order to be able to take the second course, it will be necessary to have completed the professional modules which, as a whole, represent at least eighty percent of the hours of the first course and, in any case, all the professional modules included in the same one, identified as such in Annex II.

4. The right of registration of those who have passed any professional module in another Autonomous Community shall be guaranteed, in the terms laid down in Article 48.3 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the management general vocational training of the educational system.

5. In general, during the third quarter of the second year, and once the positive evaluation has been achieved in all the professional modules carried out in the educational centre, the vocational training module will be developed in job.

6. Exceptionally, and in order to facilitate the adaptation of the number of persons registered to the availability of training positions in enterprises, approximately half of the second-year students will be able to develop this vocational training module. Training in workplaces during the second trimester of the second year, provided they have positively overcome all the professional modules of the first academic year.

7. Without prejudice to the foregoing and as a result of the temporality of certain economic activities which may prevent the development of the vocational training module in the workplace from being in conformity with the above assumptions, the latter may be organise in other periods coinciding with the development of the economic activity of the professional profile of the title.

8. In any case, the evaluation of the vocational training module in the workplace will be conditional on the positive evaluation of the rest of the professional modules of the training cycle.

Article 5. Spaces and equipment.

The spaces and facilities to be assembled by the vocational training centres, in order to enable the development of teaching activities, are those set out in Annex III of this order and must comply with the provisions of the Article 11 of Royal Decree 1587/2011 of 4 November, as well as the rules on equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, prevention of occupational risks and safety and health in the workplace.

Article 6. Qualifications and accreditation of teacher requirements.

1. The specialties of teachers with teaching assignment in the professional modules which constitute the teachings established for the title referred to in Article 1 of this order, as well as the equivalent qualifications for the purposes of teaching, are the collections respectively in Annexes III A and III B of Royal Decree 1587/2011 of 4 November 2011 establishing the title of Technical in Natural Stone.

2. In order to ensure compliance with Article 12.6 of Royal Decree 1587/2011 of 4 November, establishing the title of Technical in Natural Stone, for the delivery of the professional modules that make up it, it will be accredit that all the requirements set out in that Article are met, by providing the following documentation:

(a) Photocopy of the official academic title required, in accordance with the qualifications included in Annex III C of Royal Decree 1587/2011, of 4 November, cited. Where the degree presented is linked to the professional module which is to be provided, it shall be deemed to include in itself the objectives of that module. Otherwise, in addition to the titration, the documents referred to in subparagraph (b) or (c) shall be provided.

(b) In the event that it is necessary to justify that the teachings leading to the titration provided encompass the objectives of the professional modules that are intended to be taught:

• Personal academic certification of studies performed, original or photocopied, issued by an official center, in which the teachings are recorded detailing the subjects.

• Programs of studies contributed and submitted by the person concerned, original or photocopy of the studies, sealed by the University or the corresponding official or authorized teaching center.

(c) Where it is desired to justify by means of the work experience which, at least for three years, has developed its activity in the sector related to the professional family, its duration shall be credited by the document appropriate supporting officer, which will be added to:

• Certification of the employer or employer in which the activity developed by the person concerned is specifically recorded. This activity must be implicitly related to the learning outcomes of the professional module that is intended to be delivered.

• In the case of those who are self-employed, a statement of the person concerned with the most representative activities related to learning outcomes.


Curriculum adaptations

Article 7. Adaptation to the socio-productive environment.

1. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order is established taking into account the socio-economic reality and the geographical, socio-productive and labour characteristics of the environment for the implementation of the title.

2. Vocational training centres shall have the necessary educational, organisational and economic management autonomy for the development of the teaching and their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the socio-economic, cultural and professional.

3. The centres authorised to provide this training cycle will concretize and develop the organizational and curricular measures that are most appropriate to the characteristics of their students and their productive environment, in a flexible way and in the use of their Pedagogical autonomy, in the general framework of the educational project, in the terms established by the Organic Law 2/2006, of Education.

4. The curriculum of the training cycle regulated in this order will be developed in the didactic programs or curricular development, strengthening or creating the culture of prevention of occupational risks in the spaces where the different modules are delivered professionals, as well as promoting a culture of environmental respect, excellence in work, compliance with quality standards, creativity, innovation, gender equality and respect for equal opportunities, design for all and universal accessibility, especially in relation to people with disability.

Article 8. Adaptation to the educational environment.

1. The vocational training centres managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will develop the curriculum established in this order, taking into account the characteristics of pupils and the environment, particularly in the light of persons with disabilities, in conditions of accessibility and with the necessary support resources to ensure that this student can cure these teachings under the same conditions as the rest.

2. Also, the lessons of this cycle will be taught with a flexible and open methodology, based on self-learning and adapted to the conditions, abilities and personal needs of the students, in order to allow the reconciliation of the learning with other activities and responsibilities.


Other offerings and mode of these teachings

Article 9. Distance offering.

1. Professional modules offered at a distance, when required by their characteristics, will ensure that students achieve all the objectives expressed in learning outcomes, through face-to-face activities.

2. The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education shall take the necessary measures and shall give the precise instructions to the centres which are authorized to provide this training cycle under pressure for implementation and operation of the offer from the same distance.

3. Centres authorised to teach vocational training at a distance shall have appropriate curriculum materials which shall be adapted to the provisions of the fourth additional provision of the Organic Law No 2/2006 of 3 May 2006. Education.

Article 10. Combined offering.

In order to respond to personal needs and interests and to provide the possibility to reconcile training with work activity, with other activities or situations, the offer of these teachings for people adults and young people in special circumstances may be combined between face-to-face and distance learning systems at the same time, provided that the same modules are not cured in both modes at the same time.

Article 11. Offer for adults.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle associated with the competence of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications may be the subject of a modular offer for adults.

2. This training will be developed with an open and flexible methodology, adapted to the conditions, capabilities and personal needs that enable them to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, in compliance with the Chapter I of Title IV of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 establishing the general organisation of vocational training in the education system. In addition, such training shall be capitalizable in order to obtain a professional training certificate, in order to obtain evidence of the established access requirements.

3. In order to reconcile learning with other activities and responsibilities, the Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education may establish specific measures to comply with the provisions of Article 41 of Royal Decree 1147/2011, July 29, which establishes the general management of the vocational training of the educational system, and allows for a face-to-face and distance offer simultaneously.

4. In order to promote training throughout life, the Directorate-General for Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport may authorise the Provincial Directorates and the Education Ministry to give the training, in the centres of their competence, of professional modules organised in training units of shorter duration. In this case, each learning result, with its evaluation criteria and its corresponding block of contents, will be the minimum and indivisible unit of partition.

Additional disposition first. Authorization to impart these teachings.

The Provincial Directorates and the Board of Education will deal with the Directorate-General for Vocational Training with the authorization to provide the teaching of this training cycle, in full or in part, in In-person and distance-based arrangements, of the institutions that request it and comply with the requirements required under the current legislation.

Additional provision second. Implementation of these teachings.

1. The first course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course of 2012-2013.

2. The second course of the training cycle referred to in Article 1 of this order shall be implemented in the course of 2013-2014.

Final disposition first. Application of the order.

The Directorate-General for Vocational Training, in the field of its powers, is authorised to take the measures and to issue the necessary instructions for the implementation of the provisions of this order.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the Official State Gazette.

Madrid, 15 February 2012.-The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, José Ignacio Wert Ortega.


Professional Modules

1. Professional Module: Block Court. Code: 0887


a) Block receipt and storage:

Interpretation of the technical documentation. Concept of quality, standardization, certification, testing, inspection, quality control process, control and quality operations in the supply. Product quality. Types of material and classification according to their nature and dimensions.

Characteristics and structure of materials: levels of fusibility and cutting, hardness, abrasiveness of the material, hair, reverse, coking, fissure, breakage, microfissures, gabarro, concentration, stains, crystallizations and others.

Preparation of materials, equipment and machinery for washing, loading, unloading and cutting.

Pressure water machines for block washing. Classification of the material by quality: quality, regulations and catalogues.

The block park:

Features and organization.

Reception: criteria for control of natural stone blocks, measurement and block classification systems.

Coding, marking, and logging systems: computer terminals for warehouse control.

Storage of the material.

Location: Storing and stabilizing blocks in the park.


Machinery and equipment for the movement of blocks: gantry cranes (crane bridges), hoists, forklifts, conveyor tables, cabestrants, turntables, turning tables and others.

Main components of crane-lift and hoist: electric motor, lifting system and displacement system:

Types of control and control systems: from botonera, remote control and with auxiliary computer.

Operator location: in cabin on the crane bridge or at the foot of the equipment.

Useful for movement of loads: slings, strobes, shackles, hooks and others.

Accessories: suction cups, tweezers and others.

Applications and limitations of tools and accessories.

Packaging and packaging: containers, drums and others.

Fastening systems.

Load Protectors.

Operation of the machinery.

Dynamic and static behavior of the loaded and unloaded crane-crane: overload, poorly placed load, speeding, accelerations, braking, improper manoeuvres and balancing.

Main components of forklift trucks: electric motor, thermal engine, lifting system, types of masts, forks, hydraulic cylinders, forks and other boards:

Handling of the wheelbarrow: guideline, start and stop of the wheelbarrow, manoeuvres, braking, grubbing-up and detention.

Sustaining Triangle.

Stability loaded and unloaded.

Dynamic and static behavior of the loaded and unloaded truck: excessive speed, overload, poorly placed load, accelerations, and incorrect maneuvers.

Warehouse block placement: load and unload, pivot angles, and others.

First-level maintenance: the block's washing, loading, unloading and moving machinery (preventive, corrective, and predictive).

b) Realization of the precut and the primary cut of the stone:

Block selection: selection criteria. Precut operations: loom monolama, cut with threads and others. Primary cutting operations: loom large or traditional, loom of diamond strips, cortabloques, cut with multiwire and others. Relationships between the block and precut and primary cut operations.

Preparing and handling machinery, equipment, and precut and primary cutting tools: facilities, consumables, and others.

Preparing the material:

Level and immobilized of the material.

Placement of the material for the cutting: parallelism, aplomb, levelling, alignment, face and counter (quarry bed) and others.

Fixing the material or block: footwear and minted with anti-dumping elements and gripping materials.

Lines and cutting planes: direction of the vein and others. Characteristics of the process.

Block-side technique.

Pre-cut and primary cutting machinery.

Application of cutting techniques with monowire: installation of diamond wire, thread tension and cutting direction, diamond wire connection and repair, cutting speeds, system cooling, positioning of the table and fixing, positioning of the block and anchor and others.

Application of cutting techniques with monolama: placement of diamond saw, saw tensioning, cutting and lowering speed, cooling of the saw, hydraulic elements, positioning of the table and fixing, positioning of the block and anchor and others.

Application of cutting techniques with chors: diameters of diamond discs and thicknesses, placement of horizontal and vertical discs, verticality, parallelism and alignment of the discs, cutting and receding speeds, separation between horizontal disks, cooling, speed and displacement of the multidisk head, programming of descent, hydraulic equipment, types of cortabloques (bridge, two columns and four columns), automatic downloader and others.

Application of multi-threaded cutting techniques: thread and separation parallelism, multiple voltages, cutting direction, thread attachment and repair, cutting and lowering speeds, system cooling, forward pulleys, block and parallel placement and others.

Application of cutting techniques with diamond loom: placement of diamond saws and parallelism, separation between saws, saws tensioning, block selection by height and width, block loading techniques and sawn distribution, cutting speed, speed of descent, elements of the loom (steering wheel, rod, frame and braces, slide, distributor and cooling system, control of descent, abrasive and other pumps), washing and unloading techniques of the loom, verification of the cut tables, maintenance and cleaning of equipment pumping and distribution of water, among others.

Application of cutting techniques with traditional or granular loom: abrasive mixing, ratio and viscosity, abrasive pumps, granalla types (ball and pyramidal metal), types of steel saws (smooth, fluted and perforated), Elements of the loom (steering wheel, rod, frame and braces, rocker, distributor and cooling system, descent control, abrasive pumps, abrasive mixers and viscosity meters), cutting and lowering speed, washing techniques and discharge of the loom, maintenance and cleaning of water pumping and distribution equipment and abrasive mixtures, among others.

Cutting technical specifications: planning, convexity, concavity, roughness, thickness, parallelism and others. Templates and useful for drawing and shaping: flexometers, calibers, gages, separators and others.

Cutting defects: Verification of court specifications, causes of cutting, correction, and other defects.

First-level maintenance of precut and primary cutting machinery (preventive, corrective, and predictive). Levels of the lubricants and stresses of the cutting elements. Manuals for use and maintenance. Techniques and procedures for the replacement of simple elements: saws, threads, diamond wire assembly and others.

Classification of the cutting waste for further use.

c) Realization of secondary cutting:

Interpretation of the technical documentation. Material selection: selection criteria.

Secondary cutting machinery: saws, cut with diamond disc, hydrocutting, shear with shear and others. Relationships between material and secondary-cutting operations.

Cutting operations: task planning, job sequencing, workload distribution, material placement for the cut, and others.

Plot and stereotomy techniques using templates.

Cutting tools. Secondary cutting techniques and cutting parameters.

Application of cutting techniques with diamond disk: diameters of diamond discs and thicknesses, disk placement, verticality, parallelism and alignment of the disc, cutting speeds, replacement of diamond tablets, cooling, speed of displacement of tables, speed and displacement of the head, hydraulic and other equipment.

Application of cutting techniques with hydrocutting: high pressure pumps, replacement of seals, abrasives and dosing, spear, cutting speed, installation, maintenance of hydraulic equipment, compressed air, vacuum, high pressure pumps, circuit cleaning and cutting buckets and others.

Application of shear cutting techniques: placement of cutting parts, placement of cutting stops (thickness), rate of beat and power of the cut, types of shearing (fixed, mobile, hydraulic, electric and blades), vacuum systems for unloading and others.

Machine programming.

Defects of the cut: verification of the tables, quality control, specifications required, causes of the defects of cut, correction and others.

First-level maintenance of secondary cutting machinery (preventive, corrective and predictive). Use and maintenance manuals.

d) Classification of products resulting from the cut:

Product Check: metrics, flexometers, quality standards, defects, classification criteria, and others.

Machinery, equipment and auxiliary means for internal movement: gantry cranes (crane bridges), hoists, conveyor tables, cabestrants, turntables, turning tables and others.

Identification and encoding: barcodes, labeling, optical readers, inkjet markers, and others.

Packaged and palmed: packaging systems, packaging materials, easels, pallets, containers (open and closed), container loading, loading arms and implements, heavy materials (scales and dynamometers) and others.

Estiba and storage: distribution plan for warehouse materials, warehouse signage, smart warehouses, automatic loaders and stackers, robots, and others.

Traceability, regulations and CE marking. Location control. Logistic and management methods of stocks and others.

e) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Block-cut risk identification.

Determination of work risk prevention measures in block-cutting operations.

Work risk prevention regulations for block-cutting operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to block-cutting jobs.

Security in jobs at height, level, and level.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in block-cutting work: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise, and others).

Order and cleaning methods/rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

2. Professional module: superficial treatments. Code: 0888


a) Natural stone pulleent:

Interpretation of the work documents.

Natural Stone Polishing Techniques:

Polished sequence: calibrated, roughed, apomazate, and polished.

Features, properties, and applications.

Machinery: polishing machines (manual, bridge, tape, pulecantos and others), gauge, dryer, drying ovens (electric and other), flip-flops and girders, tools and auxiliary means.

CNC machine-tools.

Auto-load tables and rotating carts.

Previous processes: washing, drying, filling, pasting and reinforcing by means of resins and aggregates of the material itself.

Abrasives: metallic, fibers, silicon carbide, diamantados, advanced ceramics, resinoids and synthetics.

Lifting and transport techniques: bridge, column, arm, suction, vacuum equipment, vacuum equipment, slings, hoists, accessories and others.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Record of the maintenance operations. Predictive maintenance and preventive maintenance of performance.

Technical specifications for polishing:

Degrees of polishing.

Relationship between the physical-chemical characteristics of the materials and the polishing technique: wear-wear, compression resistances, and others.

Measurement instruments (flexometers, glimeters, calibers, rugosimeters, characterization of structures, nanometer parameters, and reflexometers).

Incidents. Manufacturing defects. Irregularities of the material. Protectors.

Final features of the polishing. Quality standards and classification criteria.

Innovation and development: new polishing techniques.

b) Application of surface treatments of a physical nature:

Interpretation of the work documents.

Physical treatment techniques:

Scraping: uses, features, and applications. Scrapers, lijators and others.

Abujardado: uses, features, and applications. Machinery and tools: automatic machines, automatic carts, pneumatic hammers and pneumatic heads, dishes of grandmothers and others.

Water: uses and characteristics. Machinery: high pressure water machines and others.

Apiconated: uses and features. Machines and tools: apiconate plates, steel tips and others.

Escape from natural stone: uses and characteristics. Machinery, tools and spare parts.

Arenado and granalside of natural stone: features and applications. Machinery and auxiliary means. Identification and choice of abrasives: silica sand, corindon, maroon, metal and others.

Flame: features, properties, and applications. Machinery, tools, tools and auxiliary means for the flaming: flaming machines, oxypropane, oxiacetylene and others.

Natural stone aged: types of aging, products and systems that can be used. Machinery and tools: tromel, vibrating tables, diffusers and others. Chemical reagents, catalysts and others. Auxiliary means for the ageing of the natural stone: brushes, brushes and others.

Pasting and resenting: uses, features, and applications. Machinery, tools and application tools: flat or flat, pistol, rollers, brushes and others. Materials: pastes, resins, meshes, reinforcements and others.

CNC machine-tools.

Mixed systems.

Technical specifications for physical treatments:

Degrees of finish.

Relationship between the physical-mechanical characteristics of the materials and the finishing technique: specific weight, compressive strength, flexural strength, shock resistance, wear resistance, ice resistance, Knoop microhardness, water absorption and others.

Knowledge of technical characteristics, tests and trials of natural stone. Regulations, units of measurement, dusts, resistors and others.

Manufacturing orders. Preparation of the material. Treatment programming (cycles, sequence and previous tasks). Process control.

First level maintenance of the machinery for the application of treatments. Record of the maintenance.

Incidents. Manufacturing defects. Final features. Quality control.

c) Realization of chemical treatments of natural stone:

Interpretation of the work documents.

Natural stone chemical treatment procedures: immersion, spraying, absorption, drying, broaching, and others.

Consumables: resins, dyes and others (epoxy, polyester, phenolic, polyurethanes, bitter and anilines, among others). Acids, patinate and coloured products.

Diverse functional protective chemicals (antiblemishes, hydrorepelling, antimold, antigraffiti, non-slip, oleorepellent, chitamanches, consolidants, and others).

Technical specifications. Manufacturing orders. Grade of finish. Relationship between the required technical characteristics and the finishing thereof, primer check, multilayer techniques, fissures, lack of adhesion, efflorescences, lack of tonality and deficiencies in the expected functionality.

Facilities and machinery: manual and automatic loading and unloading. Dip vats. Metering, mixer and extender. Projection machines. Projection booths, airless handguns, brush strokes and skewers. Furnaces with thermal units for the prior drying of parts and curing of resins of different nature. Unit of vacuum. Furnaces for the catalysis of resins (UV, IR and others).

Manufacturing orders. Preparation of the material. Treatment programming (cycles, sequence and previous tasks). Process control.

First level maintenance of the machinery for the application of treatments. Record of maintenance. Data-taking sheets, certificates, tokens, conformities, and non-conformities.

Incidents. Manufacturing defects. Final features. Quality control.

d) Classification and labelling of products for storage:

Measurement criteria. Units of measure: lengths, areas, volumes, weights, and others.

Classification techniques: by products, sizes, dimension, shape, weight, type, characteristics, and utilization.

Labelling classes and methods. Description of labelling, label types, legend, standardization, CE marking, standardisation. Encoding: alphabetic, numeric, alphanumeric, and bar code.

Storage techniques: cataloging, simplification, specification, normalization, and standardization.

Machinery and storage equipment: cranes, pallet trucks, implements and suction cups.

First-level maintenance of storage and labeling machinery. Record of the maintenance.

Logistics methods: product distribution and location.

Quality standards and classification criteria. Traceability, regulations, CE marking and others. Location control and stock management.

e) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Identification of risks in surface treatments.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures in surface treatments.

Regulations for the prevention of occupational risks in surface treatment operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Safety systems applied to the work of surface treatments.

Security in jobs at height, level, and at a different level.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in the work of surface treatments: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise and others).

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

3. Professional module: Elaboration of parts. Code: 0889


a) Court of boards and thick stone thicknesses:

Technical documentation for the machining of natural stone: designs and drawings. Tabs or process tracking documents. Rules and specifications of particular requirements for natural stone cutting. Cutting and sets of stone. Drawings of assembly and cutting: drawings of detail, plants, poached, sections and perspectives. Manufacturing and cutting orders. Characteristics of the material. Operating instructions.

Length, surface, and volume measurement techniques. Unit conversion: tile, cordels, distance meters, levels, laser levels, tracers, flexometers and tape. Replanting. Classes: schistiness and stone structure, cutting planes, films, maclas, strata and others.

Tools, tools and tools for cutting and processing. Typologies. Cut-to-measure of natural stone: straight, inclined and curved cut. Applications. Methods. Types of machining: slotted, drilling, scotching, milling, punching and other.

Auxiliary means for loading, unloading and transporting the material. Types and characteristics. Techniques for lifting and moving loads. Loading of the material into a working bank or machine.

Parts cutting defects. Product quality. Quality factors. Dimensional tolerance. Appearance. Degree of finish.

Cleaning and conditioning parts.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

b) Realization of standard parts and natural stone series:

Techniques and procedures for the production of natural stone parts. Phases of the cutting operations. Cutting material. Natural stone cutting. Directed cut. Cut by templates.

Realization of standard pieces of stone. Completion and machining. Types and characteristics of the techniques: roughing and cutting with diamond-shaped disc, with a diamond-shaped strawberry. Characteristics of the surface finishes of manual character. Machined: drilled, slotted, milling, polished, apomazate, sanding, textured, aged, emptied, textured to water, scratched, abutted and others.

Piece-making procedures: standard, serial, and others.

Machinery for cutting and processing natural stone: disk and wire cutters, high pressure water equipment, shearing, special duty machinery, contour equipment, wire cutting equipment and numerical control, Calibrators and others. Working tools and tools: discs, abrasives, diamond yarn, brocses, strawberries, threads, granalla, hand tools, water diffusers and others.

Start of the machinery. Control parameters: material specifications, cutting speed, advancement and others. Manuals and technical instructions. Regulation of equipment.

Auxiliary and termination operations. Slotted, chambered, parts emptied, drilling, polishing and shaping of edges, moulders, scapes and others.

Quality processes and conditions: main defects and irregularities. Possible causes and solutions.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Maintenance operations. Frequency and periodicity. Maintenance tabs. Preventive and predictive maintenance. Complementary facilities: electricity, water and compressed air.

c) Realization of singular and custom parts:

Techniques for making unique and bespoke pieces of natural stone. Sizing techniques for cutting and assemblies. Cutting and shaping techniques. Natural stone types: properties and applications. Types of singular elements. Countertops for bathrooms, kitchens, furniture, functional and constructive elements in natural stone, countertops, tables, fireplaces, stairs, brackets, urban furniture (benches, bollards, gardeners and others) and pieces of revolution (balausres, columns and other). Plot of pieces, custom cut. Machined: drilling, slotted, milling, polishing of edges and others.

Templates. Types. Handling and application. Job tab.

Process, programming and simulation of cutting equipment for the elaboration of singular pieces. Process optimization.

Special duty machinery, equipment and auxiliary means. Use and handling. Cutting equipment by contour, hydrocutting, thread of shapes, copier and others.

Encasres and assemblies. Types: interiors, exteriors, upper, lower and mixed. Checking and adjustments. Realization.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Maintenance operations. Frequency and periodicity. Maintenance tabs. Preventive and predictive maintenance. Complementary facilities: electricity, water and compressed air.

Work tools: discs, abrasives, drill bits, strawberries, and others.

d) Labling and exfoliation of slate pieces:

Tilling and exfoliation operations of the slate. Lajado techniques: guilds, wedges, and others.

Board characteristics: exfoliation and cutting. Visual inspection of rachons. Diclases, quartz fillets, imperfections and others. Marking of the cutting direction.

Wetting of parts. Techniques. Immersion in water buckets. Time of exposure. Immersion techniques.

Exfoliated. Types: primary and final. Automatic, pneumatic hammers, with flat or spatula, wedges and mugs. Manual exfoliation. Position-labrador-rachon. Use of tools. Final exfoliation. Manual on tilled benches: spatulas and plastic hammer. Unetas. Mechanical exfoliation: suction cups, spatulas, self-centering and percussive.

Serrading techniques. Disks. Diamond disk saws. Parallel line saws. Serial line saws. Plate drilling techniques.

Handling and transport of rachons: cranes and hoists with clamps, straight angle hooks, forklift trucks and others.

Plates: cut scissors, guillotines, die-cutting and continuous pneumatic cutters. Automatic drilling machines.

Quality of the finish. Quality control: tools. Main defects and irregularities. Possible causes and solutions. Quality processes and conditions. Finishes. Operations and cleaning products. Machines, equipment and products used.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance.

e) Elaboration and conformation of agglomerates and stone compacts:

Raw and semi-finished materials:

Aggregates: limestone, siliceous and igneous.

Resins: polyester, phenolics and Aramids.

Loads: Heavy and volatile.

Mortars and concretes.

Catalysts and additives used.

Features and supplier industries.

Productive and technological conditions. Basic features of industrial facilities and the manual process for the manufacture of agglomerates, stone compacts and others.

Shaped. Characteristics of the mixtures.

Compaction by pressing.

Extruded, molded, rolled, and other.

Auxiliary installations. Technological features.

Manual and automatic cycle.

Compact products manufacturing processes: basic operations for the manufacture of mixtures. Relationship between processes and products. Runtime.

Mixtures: dosages, types of machinery, mixers, colorants, and others.

Molds. Types. Filling. Undisturbed.

Identification of defects originating in the operations of forming and drying of agglomerated and compact products. Causes and possible solutions.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance.

f) Classification and labeling of products:

Classification and Labeling Processes. Storage and collection of materials. Visual inspection, reception of albarans, control of materials, placement and stacking. Warehouse tabs.

Quality standards and classification criteria. Traceability, regulations, CE marking and others. Location and Stocage Control.

Machinery and equipment for movement and storage: bridge cranes, forklift trucks, pallet trucks, implements (slings and suction cups) and others.

Packaging, labeling, and natural stone storage equipment. Auxiliary means for the packaging. Classes and methods of labelling. CE marking, standardisation, description of labelling, label types, legend, standardization and others. Encoding: alphabetic, numeric, alphanumeric, and bar code.

Load and stowage. Handling techniques. Storage. Elements of protection of the material. Fixing: tapes, cables, and others.

Classification techniques: by products, sizes, size, shape, weight, type, characteristics, utilization and others. Storage techniques: cataloging, simplification, specification, and others.

Documentation for transport. Note of load. The output part.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance.

g) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection rules:

Identification of risk in parts processing.

Determination of work risk prevention measures in the manufacture of parts.

Work risk prevention regulations for parts processing operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to parts processing jobs.

Job security at height: hung or suspended on platforms.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in parts processing works: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise and others).

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

4. Professional Module: Models in stone works. Code: 0890


a) Characterization of documents and representations of natural stone works projects:

Project definition. Structure and contents of a natural stone project. Phases, functions, products, and purpose.

Representation systems: dihedral system, system of flat-rolled flat, axonometric system, cavalry perspective and conical perspective. Interpretation of plans.

Materials and drawing tools: to draw straight and curves, to give textures and colors, to erase or rectify paper, to cut and others.

Normalization systems: UNE and ISO standards. Tag out or writing. Types of lines. Provision of views and others. Acitation: cote lines, cote figures, cote end symbology, auxiliary lines, arrows, and others.

Roles and formats: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 and others. Types of paper: thicknesses and others.

Representations of views. Cuts and Sections. Front and profile projection.

Representation of light and color: foci, lights, shadows, and others.

2D and 3D computer-aided design programs.

Three-dimensional models, moulds and models of natural stone works: types, materials (stone, wood, metal and synthetic), utilities and others.

b) Elaboration of sketches and sketches of elements and works of natural stone:

The relationship between the representation element and its representation form. Rules for the elaboration of sketches. Techniques and process of making sketches and sketches. Free-label. Proportions.

Composition with geometric shapes. Organic forms. The human figure. Representation of dimensions and materials.

Views: lump-sum, floor, left and right side, bottom or back, and others. Cuts. Details. Despite: elements of a cutting.

Light rendering techniques and shadows in sketches.

Color application techniques. Representation of materials with color. Textures with color and others.

Application of symbology in sketches: types of lines, thicknesses, legends, restoration symbology and others. Scales: charts and normalized.

Proportionality of composition elements and techniques.

Graphical representation rules.

c) Drawing drawings of elements of natural stone works:

Representation units. Selection of the system of representation, tools and supports depending on the type of element: paper, computer, stone and others.

2D and 3D computer-aided design: software installation, user interface, home, organization and save, design views, creation and modification of objects, entities, solids, layers, blocks, objects, functions padding, shading and coloring, patterns, drawing annotation, and others.

Use of formats and scales in computer-aided design. Drawing spaces and others. Margins, marking frames, or case boxes. Focus signals, guidance signals, and others.

Acotation rules: serial, parallel, progressive, and others. Styles of acotation, modification, and correction of the acotation.

Legends and Drawings Clarifying in Drawings.

Cutting and mounting planes. Composition and distribution of elements.

Correspondence between views, sections, and other elements of the plane. Correspondence between the mounting phases and their elements.

Drawings and printing of drawings: paper layout and printing, paper and digital media. Paper presentation and paper folding.

d) Realization of templates to plot and verify shapes in natural stone works:

Template realization techniques. Concept of space. Concept of positive and negative.

Interpretation of drawings and technical documentation. Cutting of templates: template and counter-plate.

Template materials: wood, acetate, metal sheet, polystyrene, cardboard, plant paper, and others.

Template Layout Techniques: raised hand, charcoal, chalked, vinyl, and others.

Cutting and repast machinery and tools: saws, limes, scissors, cutters, lijas, vinyl cutting plotters, and others.

Template court and recits of edges. Cutting methods according to the material.

Tracing the template support material: rayers, waxes, conveyors, and others.

Verified and checking of template shapes and measures.

Standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in the making of templates and the use of tools.

e) Three-dimensional representation of elements:

Material for model models: wood, plaster, clays, wire, plasticine, expanded polystyrene, resins and others. Selection of material.

Volumetric techniques: addition, subtraction, tension and contraction, mixed and other. Selection of the elaboration technique.

Machines, tools, and tools for making models and models: repassing amolors and milling machines, chopsticks, spatulas, holsters, hammers, tongs, heaters and others.

Techniques for generating volumes with different scales: expressive elements of the three-dimensional language (shapes, function and structure), molded, contoured, extruded, carving, assembly, and others. Scale types and scale expansion models.

Molds: types of molds, concept of positive, negative, and others.

Rendering volumes with 3D design and drawing computing applications: object, entities, renders, and others.

Check the model or model.

Wire structures and armor: types of armor, selection, realization, and attachment means.

Application of modeling and mixed techniques.

Finishing techniques, color and texture of models and models. Selection and realization.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the performance of models and models.

5. Professional module: Marketing of stone works. Code: 0891


a) Realization of measurement of work items:

Features of the products and services offered.

Specifications for the job. Stone projects. Croquis. Ideas. Areas. Unique premises. Nature. Effects. Climatological variables. Exterior and interior. Product catalogues in stone. Technical manuals Usage and handling.

Knowledge of properties and behavior of each type of material.

The role model in the assessment. Useful life. Cleaning. Maintenance.

Measurement of work items. The measurement process. Measurement in work. Measurement on plane. Measurement criteria. Tape run, partial.

Analysis of natural stone works projects. Memory planes.

Calculation of units, lengths, surfaces, volumes, weights, and others.

Area and Local Measurement Criteria. Use of useful and correct handling of flexometers, tape and distance. Calculation of errors and compensation for measurement errors.

Measurement techniques: triangulation, perimeter, by comparison, and others.

Plotting and moving measures to plan using normalized acotation.

b) Cost analysis of equipment, materials, and labor:

Catalogs. Work price manuals in stone. Magazines. Commercial catalogues. Distributors. Suppliers.

Databases. Paper format and digital format.

Machine and labor performance. Concept. Type manuals. Types and calculations. Manual of machinery companies. Performance databases.

Definition of items and items raised. Corresponding measurement units.

Pay tables. Documentary sources or databases.

Work Unit Price Garment.

Defining the different price types.

Cost structure: direct costs (labor, materials and machinery) and indirect costs (facilities, means of work, technical and administrative personnel, among others). Auxiliary means.

Impact of direct and indirect costs on the valuation of the units of work.

Uncomposed and unit prices of the work item.

c) Price calculation of stone products and works:

Costs. Cost control in natural stone works.

Cost estimate. Suppliers. Subcontracts. Offers.

Profit. Taxes. Overheads.

Calculation of the cost of raw materials. Documentary record.

Production cost. Concept. Calculation and application.

Scandalous of products in natural stone. Concept and procurement.

Pricing Constraints. Update and implementation: CPI, inflation and deflation.

Production cost. Determination.

d) Budgeting:

Measurements. Data extraction and valuation: general, complete and partial.

Unit, decomposed, and auxiliary prices. Calculation. Status of measurements.

Means for budgeting. Types and formats.

Budgets. Types. Budget for material implementation. Description. Criteria for drawing up. Contract execution budget. Description. Criteria for drawing up. Cost control processes. Items of work.

Elaboration of natural stone work budgets. Application of taxes and overheads. VAT.

Automated processes for budgeting. Stings and spreadsheets.

Making the final budget document.

Memory and justification tab.

e) Configuring measurements and budgets:

Computer Tools. Databases. Spreadsheets. Treatment of texts. Data entry sheet.

Unit selection. Incorporation of units and prices to the budget. Incorporation of measurements into the program.

Automated processes for budgeting. Templates. Making the final budget document.

Generating and printing reports and attachments. Supporting manuals. Guarantees.

f) Realization of the sales process:

Sales price components and their conditioning: by product and by job.

Billing and charging procedures. Ways of charging the customer.

Sales Price. Basic and variable concepts. Margins and discounts. Ratios.

The invoice. Required data. Types. Forms of payment: counted, deferred, count and others. Billing and integrated management systems.

Means of payment. Documentation of collection and payment.

Return and Change.

Sales techniques. Sales channels. Search methods. Organization of the sale. Trade agenda. Phases of the sale: in-person and not in-person. Communication techniques.

Application of new technologies in sales operations.

Customer support. Complaints: complaints and suggestions in the after-sales service.

Resolution of complaints and complaints. Techniques for forecasting conflicts.

Using computer tools in claims management.

After-sales follow-up. Procedures used in the after-sales service.

Data protection regulations.

6. Professional Module: Knowledge and extraction of the stone. Code: 0892


a) Classification of rocks:

Classification of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary:

igneous rocks: features of magmas, igneous rock classification, and igneous rock associations.

Metamorphic rocks: local and regional metamorphism, influence of temperature and pressure, structures of metamorphic rocks (slates, filitas, shales, gneis and migmatitas) and metamorfisms of rocks.

Sedimentary rocks: detrittic rocks, classification of the detritic rocks, sedimentary rocks of chemical precipitation and sedimentary rocks of organic origin.

The natural stone in Spain. Production centres. Internal and external trade.

Marbles. Origin and characteristics. Deposits in Spain. Import marbles. Use and applications of marbles.

Pizarras. Origin and characteristics. Deposits in Spain. Import boards. Use and applications of the boards.

granites. Origin and characteristics. Deposits in Spain. Import granites. Use and applications of granites.

Groups of stones used in quarry: lajosas stones and stone blocks. Types of quarry stones: sandstones, clusters, quartzites, limestone, marbles, shales and others. Types of works and works of the quarry: saddles (silleries and silt), masonry (dry, ordinary, carried and concerted), slabs, cobblestones, kerbs, oaks and others.

Natural stone properties and characteristics: specific weight, water absorption coefficient, compressive strength, flexural strength, shock resistance, frost resistance, wear resistance, resistance to thermal changes, modulus of elasticity, dilation coefficient, microhardness knoop, resistance to sulfates and others. Petrologic description, chemical analysis and others.

Tests on rocks and natural stone: determination of specific weight and absorption, resistance to frost, shock resistance, flexural and compression resistance and others.

Recognition and classification of natural stone by direct observation and from trials.

Normalization: Spanish standards, European standards and CE marking.

b) Characterization and application of natural stone extraction techniques:

Factors affecting natural stone holdings: lithological composition, color, texture, grain size, crystal orientation, porosity and voids, recrystallization, alterations, impurities, metallic minerals, veins and concretions, internal replegations, crusts, patinas, ways to surface, power changes, fracturing, discontinuities, metamorfisms and others.

Types of quarries: open-pit (pit quarries on flat land, quarries on hillside and quarries on high) and underground.

Process of exploitation of natural stone quarries. Natural stone start-up techniques. Vertical slices method, high bank banking method, banking method with low banks and others.

Natural stone exploitation methodology: disposal of the sterile motera and altered material, opening of the bench, separation of large mass, separation of blocks, recusal of the block in quarry square and others.

Cut planes. Recognition of diaclaases. Take-off planes. Techniques of recognition, conditioning and limitations in the operation of machinery.

Barracks for the passage of the diamond thread. Repose of position, direction and inclination. Documents and interpretation of the documentation. Means and useful for reposing on the stone mass.

Natural stone extraction machinery: mechanical cutting, cutting with helical thread, cutting with water jet, cutting by expansive cement, drilling Finnish method, underground mining in whiteboards and others. Required means and equipment in each method. Advantages and disadvantages of each method. Preparation of the machinery.

Block selection: dimensions, shape, stone quality, testing, warehouse stock, and others. Transport of blocks: inside the quarry and the quarry to the treatment plant. Collaboration on transport tasks.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the extraction of natural stone: elements of individual and collective protection, preventive measures, types of waste, selective collection of waste and others.

c) Realization of block cutting with machining techniques and machinery:

Machinery location: levelling of the ground according to the cutting direction. Work limitations of the machinery as regards the angle and direction. Location of the machinery. Location on rails: levelling, alignment, splicing, steering check, transverse and longitudinal slopes and others. Positioning of the machinery on the rails.

Programming of the cutting machine. Cutting parameters according to the nature of the rock.

Step drills of the diamond thread. Drillers, pickers and others. Drilling techniques. Vertical bars and horizontal bars. Useful: types of bars, drilling holes, slides, pipes and varillage for horizontal bars and others. Operational practice and usage parameters: download speed, lateral advancement, and others.

Water supply networks, electrical energy and compressed air: characteristics, parts of the network, connection to the machinery, flow checking (influence on the cutting process, refrigeration and removal of detritus) and other.

Operation with cutting machinery and material replacement and cutting tools:

Cutting equipment with wire: hydraulic equipment, hybrid equipment, electrical equipment with tensioning of the yarn by counterweight, diamond threads and components of the machinery. Programming and preparation: speed and tension of the yarn, and advance of the assembly. Guiding pulleys and routing. Yarn joins: elements and useful. Wire cutting methods. Cooling system. Yields. Useful and consumable. Replacement of material and cutting tools. Operational practice, usage parameters, and others.

Arm Rovers: open-pit rovers, interior rovers, machinery components, cutting chains, cutting plates, and cutting arms. Changes of cut and chain elements. Cooling. Yields. Useful and consumable. Operational practice and usage parameters: spin and penetration speed, sprat placement and direction (horizontal and vertical) and others.

Disk cutting equipment. Disk types (diamantados and others). Utilities and limitations. Disk change. Cooling. Useful and consumable. Operational practice, usage parameters, and others.

Thermal scales, water jet equipment, manual and hydraulic wedges: components of machinery. Yields. Useful and consumable. Operational practice, usage parameters, and others.

Separation and depping of the primary block: take-off and abatement procedure, bed preparation, entalling, machinery and tools for take-off and abatement, separation pads and others.

First-level maintenance of mechanized boot machinery: preventive maintenance.

Standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection: identification of the associated risks (work in height, at level and at different levels, overruns and others), measures and equipment to prevent them, and management of disposable waste and materials.

d) Preparation and realization of drilling for the start of natural stone blocks with blasting:

Extract sequence (Finnish method): primary drilling, secondary drilling, and block squadron. Drill schema classes.

Equipment and drilling machines: banqueers, multiple drillers, drillers and others. Characteristics and operational practice. Useful for attack.

Cut plane and take-off plane. Matching the cut plane with the desired plane of takeoff.

Replanting of the barrels. Drilling techniques. Barrel layout: diameter, spacing, and others.

Completion of drills. Drilling scheme: technical documentation, plans and others.

First-level maintenance of mechanized boot machinery: preventive maintenance.

Standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in drilling works: identification of the associated risks and measures and equipment to prevent them, and waste management and disposable materials.

e) Conformed of natural stone block:

Block subdivision operations: identification of cutting and exfoliation plans, commercial measures, process phases, byproduct elaboration, and others.

Block and machinery stabilization: stabilization techniques, work zones, and others.

Machinery for building blocks: multiple perforator, monolama, monowire, and disc cutting. Features and operating procedure.

Block of the block. Machinery for squating blocks: preparation and maintenance techniques for hammers, operation of machinery, squat tools, squat using wedges and maces, removal of leftovers and others.

Classification and marking of blocks: criteria for classification, quality control of quarry products and quality standards and standards. Trade names. Block marking. Coding and recording systems. Measurement of blocks: useful and measurement criteria. Handling, storage and dispatch of quarry products.

First-level maintenance of the conformed boot machine.

Standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in the work of conformed.

7. Professional Module: Talla and natural stone assembly. Code: 0893


a) Selection and repose of blocks for the manufacture of natural stone:

Natural stone. Types. Requirements: tonality, quality, number of pieces to be elaborated and others. Physical and chemical characteristics. Orientation of the stratification according to the final destination of the piece (horizontal and vertical). Technical specifications.

Checking and selecting blocks. Dimensions. Criteria for choosing the type of stone according to its use (columns, jambas, decorative elements, funerary art and others).

Quality criteria for natural stone. Recognition of non-conformities (direction of the grain, external and internal fracturing, gabarros, ribbons, veins, fissures, hairs, coqueras, stains and others). Classification, location, and labeling criteria (block downs).

Reposing and marking parts: types, marking tools, and others. Measurement techniques of length, surface and volume. Unit conversion. Scales.

Risks in the manipulation and repose of blocks. Security and environmental protection measures. Individual protection elements.

b) Stone break and cut:

Techniques and procedures for breaking and cutting natural stone parts. Types and characteristics of the techniques: roughing and cutting. Electric and pneumatic machines: amolors, pneumatic hammer, drills and others. Working tools: discs, bits and other. Hand tools: pots, pointers, escapers, stops, and others.

Phases of the roughing operations. Number of sequences. Procedures for the roughing sequences. It is not enough by lines of layout, by planes, terraces, cut by line, in V and others. Characteristics of the pieces: dimensions, type of stone and others. Waste and cutting processes and conditions: main defects and irregularities, errors and deviations, possible solutions and others.

Location and fixation elements: sergeants, jaws, screws, and others. Methods of location of stone pieces or blocks. Supporting and auxiliary elements. Lifting systems.

Preparation of machinery and equipment of roughing and cutting: characteristics, cutting tools (selection, placement, change and others), tools, consumables, auxiliary materials and others. Safety devices for machines. Cutting and roughing: operation, cutting tools and roughing and other.

Cut-and-break regulation parameters: establishment, control, and adjustment. Operations with machines and tools: angle of incidence, orientation, strength, pressure and others. Checking for shapes: size, scales, lines of layout, and others.

Waste. Waste location zones. Order and cleaning equipment (carts, trucks, buckets, shovels, brushes and others). Crane bridge and forklift truck. Environmental legislation.

First-level maintenance of machinery, tools, and equipment. Maintenance operations. Frequency and periodicity. Preventive and predictive maintenance Complementary installations: electricity, water and compressed air.

c) Natural stone pieces:

Size techniques: manual and automatic.

Selection of tools and tools of size: pointers, chisels, gradins, bujards, scotines, hammer, pots, wedges, pricks, compressor and others. Selection of machinery and accessories of size: amolors, drills, fresolines, strawberries, cutting and lija discs, polishing grinds and others. Preparation, application and handling.

Reproduction procedures and techniques: copy, extension, reduction, and others. Methods of reproduction: method of being taken out of points, method of the three compasses, cage method and others. Useful for the removal of points: woods, sergeants, needles, level, squats, escalators, millimeter rule and others.

Techniques and procedures for carving natural stone by hand and machine: start, impact, incision, review, scraping, cutting and other. Parameters: angle, orientation, pressure and others. Phases of the size operations.

Verifying the shape and dimensions of the parts. Phases of the check operations. Measuring equipment: flexometer, rule, squadron, compas, escalators, level, caliber and others. Required characteristics. Lines and shapes of the pieces obtained.

Check of the work. Correspondence with the sketches, models, templates and initial plans. Deviations. Corrections and adjustments techniques and procedures.

Correction of deviations: check for encasres, sets, functionality, and others. Design adjustments.

First-level maintenance of machinery, tools, and equipment. Cleaning operations. Preventive maintenance. Maintenance tabs.

d) Assembly assembly and natural stone craft works:

Technical documentation: drawings, charts, templates, and others. Interpretation of assembly plans. Classification of the pieces: numbering and others. Preassemblies: systems and sequences. Types of sets and works of size: sculptures, fountains, gargoyles, shields, figures, logos, engravings, murals, mosaics, cutting puzzles, funerary art (tombstones, pantoons, chapels and mausolees) and others.

Measures adjustments. Mounting space and actual measurements. Check tools: flexometer, squadron, distance meter, laser and others.

Lift and travel systems: pallet truck, lift truck, cranes, hoists, pulleys and others. Handling and transport techniques. Auxiliary lifting elements: stairs and others. Means of loading and unloading. Loading and stowage in the means of transport. Immobilization of the material. Cimbras, provisional support systems: layout, assembly and descent. Assembly operations: levelling and aplomb.

Stone-piece clamping operations. Stability: safe presentation, anchorage settings and others. Selection and use. Review: drills, boxes, cuts, repasses, and others.

Lace and presentation of elements in the assembly. Adjustments to the Confirmation of Weights and Loads.

Application of mortars and adhesives. Mortars according to function. Manufacture of mortars. Loads and additives: levelling, thixotropic, injection, filling, repair and other. Selection and preparation of mortars and resins: dosage and technical specifications. Tools for the manufacture and placement of the mortar. Preparation of surfaces and application. Systems for supporting and supporting parts. Anchorages. Media.

Finish jobs. Procedures, textures, color, types of joints and application mode. Treatment of joints and protection. Types.

e) Realization of natural stone finishing jobs:

Finishes: types and effects. Specifications: graphical and technical documentation. Machines and equipment: grinder, flamethrower, graber, herring and others. Selection of techniques, machinery and equipment based on surface finish and type of stone.

Handling, features and operation of machines and finishing equipment. Procedures, finishing application and process parameters: pressure, speed, inclination and others. Criteria and requirements for efficiency and quality.

Physical and chemical treatments according to the type of stone: grabed, stoned, lazed, scalped, striated, apomazate, flamed, polished, aged and others.

Products: Chemicals and abrasives. Treatment-specific useful. Types of chemical and abrasive mixtures. Types of nozzles. Types of sands. Procedures and application of patinas (immersion and spraying) and textures (projection, start and impact). Texture control parameters: pressure, speed and others. Dosages: mixture of colours, inks, varnish, anilines, flaming gases and others.

Verification and verification of treatment and finishing. Quality criteria. Standards. Quality control and classification of finishes.

Packaging and Labelling. Labelling, classification and coding systems.

Storage. Warehouse tabs. Preparation of chemicals and waste removal.

First-level maintenance of machinery, equipment, and tools. Maintenance tabs.

f) Compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection:

Identification of general risks (falls to the same level, strikes and traps, falls to different levels and others) and in the operations of carving of natural stone pieces (cuts by tools, risk of electrocution, High speed particle projection, overexpression, exposure to chemical and physical agents and others).

Safety standards in the work of carving natural stone pieces. Order and cleaning in the workplace. Personal protective equipment (protection of the lower and upper extremities, protection of the airways, hearing protectors, protection of the head, anti-cancer harness and others). Collective protections (signage, protection fences and others).

Regulations for the prevention of occupational risks in the operations of carving of natural stone pieces. Description of the security items.

Safety in the handling of machinery (electricity, water, compressed air and pneumatic) and tools. Risk factors and situations.

Manual handling of loads. Load handling with crane bridge, forklift truck and pallet truck.

Chemicals. Identification. Risks and preventive measures. Security rules on handling and storage.

Safety in jobs in height: ladders, scaffolding, lifting platforms and others.

Basic first aid techniques.

Regulatory regulations for waste management. Classification and storage of waste (equivalent to urban waste, toxic and hazardous waste and others). Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in the work of carving natural stone parts: waste management and disposable materials and air pollution.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

8. Professional Module: Restoration of natural stone. Code: 0894


a) Recognition of major alterations and deterioration processes:

Technical documentation: Restore project, restore memory, and restore report. Standards and specifications for particular requirements for the restoration, maintenance and conservation of natural stone. Value of the estate. General legislation. System for laying the stone, cutting, stone sets, anchorages and supports. Drawings of assembly and cutting: drawings of detail, plants, poached, sections and perspectives.

Tgarlic conditioning. Description of the natural stone restoration phases. Areas to be treated and treatments to be performed. Products, equipment and tools to be used, organization of times and resources, and other relevant information. Organization of the pit. Distribution and allocation of human and material resources. Yields and trades.

Characteristics of the rocks: structure. Chemical and mineralogical composition.

Damage and pathologies of stone: physical-mechanical causes of natural stone alteration, harmful chemical and biological factors. Surfaces altered with polychrome, scale, rust stains, and salts.

Degradation factors. Chemical alterations: transformation, precipitation, climate, environment, hydration, oxidation, dissolution and others. Physical alterations: mineralogical composition, granulometry, texture, rigidity, thermal changes, crystallization of soluble salts, ice, thawing, biological effects, roots and plants. Extraction alterations: placement and interaction with anchoring systems, mortars and agglomerants. Biological alteration: micro and macroscopic organisms, upper and lower plants, insects, mammals, birds, autotrophos, algae, bacteria, lichens, fungi and biological patina. Climate change: thermal changes, expansion and contraction forces, dilations, coefficient of thermal expansion, elasticity and formation of ice. Crystallization of soluble salts.

Air pollution: air pollution. Sources of emission of pollutants, dispersion and transport factors, gaseous, solid and liquid substances, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, calcium sulphate, chlorhydric, hydrofluoric, ammonium and other acids.

Harmful deposits. Stains and cracks. Black scabs: composition. Carbon material, combustion residues, oxides, sulphates, and those, calcium compounds, carbonates, chlorides and others. Colour and scale of grays. Deposits, inlays, scales and exfoliations. Radiation response. Losses and others.

Morphology of degradation: macroscopic and microscopic. Terminology: differential degradation, surface deposit, disgorging, take-off or separation, efflorescence, erosion, exfoliation, fracturing or figuration, inlay, stain, faults, film, pitting, spraying, swelling, flaking and other.

Natural Deterioration. Agents of the alteration: chemical, physical, biological and climatic. Thermal changes. Ice. Saline crystallization. Chemical precipitation.

Intervention techniques: cleaning, preservation, restitution and protection.

Sampling. Techniques, standards and procedures. Tools and instruments. Standard test pieces 2x3x1 cm. Residues and crusts: scraping. 1g samples. Stains: absorption, dressings of clays, pulp and absorbent paper. Biological samples.

b) Cleaning of works in natural stone:

Physical-mechanical cleaning types (abrasive methods, mechanical thrusts, micro-drills, aerobabrasives, rotary abrasive instruments, scalhairs, spatulas, vibro-incitors and flexible handles) and mechanical-chemical (hydroabrasive, hydroaerials, abrasives, water spraying, vaporization, pressure water, sand and water jets and others). Chemical methods (nebulized water, absorbent dressings, dressings with absorbent clays, absorbent dressings with chemical salts and solvents, mixtures of chemical agents, acidic and alkaline substances, among others). Other methods. Ion exchange resins, laser and others.

Machinery and cleaning equipment. Power tools and implements: micro-drills, vibro-incitors, tornos and flexible handles. Precision microherring: airbrush and mini-guns. Herring: precision gauge. Hydrolysators. Ultrasounds. Water vapor spears. High pressure. Hydroabrasive machines, hydrosanders, microarenators, projection machines, vaporizers and lasers. Usage manuals.

Hand tools: vacuum cleaners, brushes, metal brushes, scalpels, scrapers, lijas, pumice and smerile stone, sponges and brushes, brushes, scallops, spatulas, spatulins, palustres, plains, pallets, sprayers and others. Hand-operated electric and pneumatic machines and their tools: grinders, cutting discs, polishing wheels, hammers, pointers, bujards, micro-, milling, milling and other strawberries.

Element protection: plastics, meshes, adhesive tapes, and others.

Materials used in cleaning. Abrasives: discs, strawberries and carbordo heads. Aluminium silicates, glass microspheres, quartzite, pumice, silicon carbide and vegetable powder. Water. Supports: thickeners (methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose and micronized silica) and absorbent (paper pulp and clays), sodium salts, ammonia, solvents, pastes, hydrofluoric acid, hydrochloric, muriatic, ammonia, caustic soda and others. Acids. Resins. Ion exchangers and others. Cleaning products: chemicals and others.

Cleaning methods. Application instructions, parameters, guidance, extension, and others.

Dosages: application time.

Special cleaning equipment: laser, ultrasounds, ion and discharge deposits, ionization and others.

Failures, patinas, polychrome, and others.

Maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

c) Elaboration and application of mortars and consolidants:

Type of support. Support preparation. Supports. Characteristics: levelling, planning, surface regularity, stability and conservation status. Preparation and suitability of supports: stability, humidity, resistance, mastilting and repair. Coating: main types and materials. Features.

Materials. Components of mortars, adhesives and resins. Characteristics: resistance, placement time, grinding, setting and hardening. Properties: behavior, resistance and others. Components: water, sands, fibres and additives. Specific dosages and consistences for each application. Together. Fillers and application types. Materials: mastics, mortars, sealants, protectors and others.

Consolidants: inorganic (petreos and synthetic polymers). Organosilicics. Organic.

coloring and application tests.

Surface and Volume Modeling Techniques.

Equipment, work tools, and auxiliary means: frames, moulds, and terraces.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

d) Reposition of pieces and stone elements:

Interpretation of the technical documentation.

Features of the item to be replenished: type of stone, volume, finish, dimensions, anchor system, and others.

Assembly and Placement Techniques: anchoring, mortar, adhesive, and others.

Equipment and machinery. Useful and tools for placement: palette, pallet, plain, maza and others. Of the quarry: gradin, chisel, hammer, almaina, trench, bartender, butt, butt, and rasclets. Of adjustment: radial, scapilator, pointers, of treatment of joints (lillaguers, rejunters, junkets and others). From the works. Cleaning: sponge, fibres, strops and brushes. Auxiliary elements: cercos, frames, loaders, jigs, cimbras, hoons and sopandas. Auxiliary means: scaffolding, platforms, lifting and lifting systems (cranes, slings, chains, wedges and others).

Types of stones and consumable products.

Supports, anchors and joints: irons, steels, coated with epoxy resins, titans, pultruated polyester and others.

Part placement systems.

Encounters and finishing operations.

Parts stabilization: solid theory, center of gravity, stabilization, and scaping of faces, placement of wedges, and partidors.

Adjustment and cutting in work: peaks, pots, scapilators, pointers, gradins, radials, wet cutting machines, drilling machines, canteens and others.

Components and types of mortars (construction, restoration, levelling, thixotropic and other) and adhesives. Characteristics: resistance, placement time, grinding, setting and hardening. Specific dosages and consistences for each application. Anchorage systems: typology, layout and placement. Gaskets: mastics, mortars, sealants, protectors and others.

Auxiliary media. Scaffolding, handling, lifting and transport systems: cranes, slings, wedges and others.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

e) Application of protection treatments to elements in natural stone:

Protection treatment techniques: hydrofleetants and antigraffiti. Methods of application. Established quantities and exposure time, technical specifications of the products.

Consolidation techniques: injection, spray, by papettes or dressings and others.

Machines, tools, tools, and consumables.

Natural stone chemical treatment procedures: immersion, spraying, absorption, drying, broaching, and others.

Consumables: loads, resins, dyes and others (epoxy, polyester, phenolic, polyurethanes, anilines and others). Acids, patinate and coloured products.

Diverse functional protective chemicals: antiblemishes, hydrorepelling, antimold, antigraffiti, non-slip, oleorepellent, chitamanches, consolidants, and others.

Protection methods. Materials used.

Methods of preparing the items to be treated.

Facilities and machinery: metering, mixing and extender. Projection machines: airless, brushy and broaching guns.

Material application errors. Final features. Quality control. Solutions and alternatives.

First level maintenance of the machinery for the application of treatments. Record of maintenance. Data-taking sheets, certificates, tokens, conformities, and non-conformities.

f) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Identification of risks in natural stone restoration.

Determination of measures to prevent work risks in natural stone restoration.

Labor risk prevention regulations in natural stone restoration operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to natural stone restoration jobs.

Job security at height: hung or suspended on platforms.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in natural stone restoration work: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise and others).

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

9. Professional module: Natural stone machining technologies. Code: 0895


a) Characterization of the natural stone machining and cutting processes:

Cut and break: tools, types and features. Machining parameters: cutting speed, advancement, depth and others.

Fresh. Universal milling machine. Description. Features. Accessories. Types of strawberries. Milling work. Clamping of strawberries. Helical and spiral milling. Cutting conditions.

Torneado. Description. Features. Types of winches. Benefits. Work on the lathe. Cutting conditions. Tools. Attachment of the parts. Type of material to be machined and its characteristics of mechanization. Quantity of parts to be machined. Surface finish.

Cut to disk. Description. Features. Accessories. Types of disks. Cut-to-disk jobs. Forwards. Horizontal, vertical and oblique cut. Cutting conditions.

Scanned: description and scanning procedures (laser and others). Cut and layout with water: description and types.

Finishing processes: drilling, contouring, polishing, and others.

Process planning. Running times. Phases of the production process. Study of the piece. Cutting speed. Optimum machining progress. Depth of pass. The spin speed (RPM) of the head. Tool change system.

Machining time: Wait times, shapes, types of materials, and others.

Numerical Control Machines (CNC): features, capabilities and types (depending on the number of axes, by type of cut and milling, by cutting and other).

b) Elaboration of numerical control programs:

Using graphical documentation, templates, models, and entities. The layout, symbology used for drawing. Technique. Useful and precautions.

Geometric models: 2D and 3D parts.

Programming Stages: logical sequence of tasks, geometry definition, technology, and type of manufacturing process.

Programming and Control Language: G&M, ISO, ISO 14649, ISO SETP-NC, NUM and others. Import of CAD templates, representations and models into the machining program.

Programming. Introduction to programming. Structure of the programme. Scheduling of movements. Programming of tools. Scheduling of speeds. Programming of the operating conditions. Preparatory functions. Machining cycles. Auxiliary functions. Testing and tuning of the program.

Tools and tools for machining: discs, strawberries (mediascanes, troncoconics, cylindrical and conical), nozzles and others. Tool metrics.

Programming manuals.

Programming by numerical control. Functions. Characteristics of the numerical control. CN classification according to the way the trajectory is controlled. CNC computer applications: models (bathroom and kitchen countertops, tables, shower plates, cornices, bathtubs and sinks, turrets, balustrades, bevels and others) and geometric entities of parts (arches, lines, rectangles, ellipses, circles, chaflanes, construction plans and others). Process optimization.

Simulation errors. Correction. Data reentry and program and order review.

c) Preparing numerical control machines:

Machining tools: discs, strawberries, diamond tools, tool holders, nozzles and others.

Assembly of tools, tools, and fixing supports: types of fastening and mooring (windy, threaded, tables, sergeants, and others).

Load and simulation of the program. Controller of the machine. Data management and introduction. Sequencing of operations.

Power, placement, removal, and transport system: puentegrua, forklifts, and others.

Machining parameters. Set of tools. Direct mode instructions, manual operations, decalages, zeroing, axis correction, and path compensation.

Start of the machine: control, compressor and others. Axis references (machine and piece source points).

Measurement and verification instruments: gauge (digital, king foot and others), flexometers, laser and others.

Media. Working or cutting table and fixing tools.

d) Control of machining process:

Handling and use of numerical control machines. Security conditions. Execution of machining operations on numerical control machines.

Adjusting numeric control data. Preparatory and auxiliary functions. Conventional programming (ISO systems), with PC and 3D simulation.

Running the program in the actual part. Control and tuning of machine parameters.

Part number programming. Optimization. Fixed cycles (drilling, threaded, reaming, tellers, circles, rectangles and others).

Quality and finishing of parts: tolerances, dimensional stability, degree of finish and others.

Start and stop of machines. Position of security and placement, unlocking and removal of parts. Load handling and displacement. Cleaning.

Technical documentation: programming manual and manufacturer.

Use of verification and control tools. Correction of the deviations of the machined parts. Problem identification and resolution.

First-level maintenance of numeric control machines. Objectives of maintenance. Maintenance systems. Prevention of maintenance. Corrective maintenance. Predictive maintenance. Operational maintenance. Maintenance operations. Control documentation. Incident history.

e) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Identification of risks in natural stone machining technologies.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures in natural stone machining technologies.

Labor risk prevention regulations in the operations of natural stone machining technologies.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Safety systems applied to the work of natural stone machining technologies.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in the work of natural stone machining technologies: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise and others).

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

10. Professional Module: Natural stone assembly. Code: 0896


a) Reposing and conditioning the work:

Technical documentation. Rules and specifications for particular requirements for laying of natural stone. Placement of masonry and sillings, load tests for stone works, cutting and stone assemblies, facades anchorages and ventilated technical systems. Drawings of assembly and cutting: drawings of detail, plants, poached, sections and perspectives.

Croquis, schemas, drawings and templates. Measurements for the realization of templates: lengths, areas and volumes. Handling of drawing tools. Croking techniques: tracing, delineation and proportions. Use of design software for templates: CAD, 3D and others.

Scales, symbology and coding in natural stone works. Tag out. Acutation. Orientation. Cutting blades.

Replanted. Drawings of repose. Sketches and details of repose of stone works. Procedures. Types of repose: in plant, in lump-sum and angles.

Tgarlic conditioning. Description of the phases of laying of the natural stone. Organization of the pit. Distribution and allocation of human and material resources. Yields and trades. Provision of services and supplies: light, water, sanitation, gas, telecommunications and others.

Tools, instruments and repose tools: vision, squats, tile, cordels, distance meters, levels, laser levels, tracers, flexometers and tape. Identification, features and use.

Location of equipment and auxiliary media: logistics and space distribution. Storage and collection of materials: visual inspection of materials, reception of albarans, control of materials, identification of elements, placement and stacking. Preparing the workbench. Maintenance of materials and media. Identification of supply needs and purchase requests for materials and media. Documents for the storage and internal distribution of materials and media.

Lifting and loading techniques: calculation of load capacity.

Markup and leveling operations. Measurement verification: shapes, location and layout. Reference lines: fixing and periodic checks. Deviations. Tolerances. Adjustments and compensation for locking and placement errors. Location of sights, fences and anchorage subsystems. Repose of gaps and other singular points. Plots and graphic indications resulting from the replanting: distribution of measures, modification of measures and layout changes.

Placement and aplomb of vision and master: types of master, rules (metal, wood, rectangular, troncoconic and round). Levelling, aplomb and side-lined techniques. Laying techniques: fixed with agglomerate, sergeants, dry-tightening pairs and flushes. Placement of lienzas.

Measurement and repose techniques: verticality, horizontality and angles. Reference lines and source lines. Main lines: lead lines, level and depth. Auxiliary lines.

b) Lifting of natural stone factories:

Walls and natural stone enclosures: masonry, silting and others. Types. Functionality: closing, loading and dividing. Geometry: straight, curved and others.

Mating techniques. Types of stone gear. Masonry. Sillings: polygonal, cyclopees, irregular and sillarejo, mixed, chain and other. Types of pieces: bulkhead, sillares, silks, perpianos, ripios, enterizos, singular pieces and others. Characteristics of the pieces: stereotomy of the stone, geometry, volume, weight, appearance and material.

Equipment and machinery. Useful and tools for placement: palette, pallet, plain, maza and others. Of the quarry: gradin, chisel, hammer, almaina, trench, bartender, butt, butt, and rasclets. Of adjustment: radial, scapilator and pointers. Of the treatment of joints: lillaguers, rejuntors, junkets and others. From the works. Cleaning: sponge, fibres, strops and brushes. Auxiliary elements: cercos, frames, loaders, jigs, cimbras, hoons and sopandas. Auxiliary means: scaffolding, platforms, lifting and lifting systems (cranes, slings, chains, wedges and others).

Parts stabilization: solid theory, center of gravity, stabilization, and scaping of faces, placement of wedges, and partidors.

Adjustment and cutting in work: peaks, pots, chisels, scapilators, pointers, gradins, radials, wet cutting machines, drilling machines, canteens and others.

Placement of silos, bulkhead and perpianos. Repose in plant and standard. Dry cast. Types of affixing: regular, irregular, rigging and rigging, for example, with a cyclopean, a sail and a counter, with a concerted and carted, mixed and chain masonry. Types of received: dry, mortars (thick layer and thin layer), adhesives, resins (phenolic, reaction and other adherents), anchorages (typology, disposition and placement) and others. Preparation and wetting of parts. Adherents: mortars, adhesives, resins and others.

mortars and adhesives components. Characteristics: resistance, placement time, grinding, setting and hardening. Properties of binders: behaviour, resistance and others. Components: water, sands, fibres and additives. Specific dosages and consistences for each application.

Realization of gaps and work encounters. Constructive procedures and techniques. Singular points, matches and meetings: identification and resolution procedures. Specifications for placing on the works. Meetings of factories and other work items. Enjarjes. Interim lease: techniques, material handling and auxiliary means.

Remate and complementary tasks. Cleaning and treatment of joints. Treatment of joints and surfaces: sealing materials, protection materials, functionality and others. Gaskets: mastiques, mortars, sealants, protectors and others. Protection against moisture: materials, placement, types, barriers in starts and surface finishes. Auxiliary and complementary elements: grilles, sinks, metal and others. Cleaning operations. Quality processes and conditions in stone factories. Rigging. Planning. Crash. Hiladas horizontality. Thickness of joints. Aplomb of sores. Rejoined. Dilation joints. Enjarjes in encounters. Cleaning and appearance.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

c) Construction of arches, cornices and singular remits in masonry and silting:

Interpretation of the technical documentation of unique stone factory elements and remits.

Assembly techniques. Concepts of arches: types of arches, parts of an arc, efforts and loads. Drawing of arches, ellipses and catenaries. Construction of unique elements and remits: arches, keys, candles, lintels, cornices, impostas, albards, sills, rungs, singular moldings and other auctions. Techniques of construction and work of singular elements of stone: lintels, jambas, antepns and others. Balaustres, handrails, rungs, ladders, columns and other constructive elements. Resolution of encounters with other materials, with other constructive elements and with other constructive typologies.

Equipment, work tools and auxiliary media. Cymbras and sopandas.

Templates and molds for building vaults, lintels, jambas, ladders, and others.

Adjustment and remate of arches in complementary tasks. Treatment of joints and surfaces. Ancillary and complementary elements. Protection against moisture. Cleaning operations. Quality processes and conditions: main defects and irregularities. Possible causes and solutions.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

d) Placing and mounting of singular stone elements:

Interpretation of mounting and cutting planes.

Assembly, placement, and join techniques. Joints: assemblies, encasres, silicones and others. Systems by adhesion: mortars, resins, adhesives and others. Anchorage systems: typology, layout and placement. Joint joints. Treatments.

Machinery and equipment. Auxiliary means. Scaffolding, handling, lifting and transport systems: cranes, slings, wedges and others.

Unique element placement templates and molds.

Placement of parts: adherents and anchors.

Resolution of encounters with other materials, with other constructive elements and with other constructive typologies.

Finishing tasks. Moisture protections: barriers in starts and surface finishes. Processes and conditions of execution. Treatment of joints and surfaces: sealing materials, polishing, texturado, chemical treatments and texturado. Cleaning.

Quality of the finish. Quality control: tools. Main defects and irregularities. Possible causes and solutions. Quality and finished processes and conditions. Operations and cleaning products: machines, equipment and products used.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

e) Montage of natural stone transvented facades:

Media. Characteristics: levelling, flatness and surface regularity, stability and conservation status.

Anchors. Types: seen, hidden, riveted, threaded and others. Features. Materials: metal and others. Mode of placement. Manufacturer's instructions.

Joins: assembly, encastre, and adherents (mortars, resins, and others). Characteristics of the pieces: geometry, volume, weight, appearance and material. Singular points, matches and meetings: identification and resolution procedures. Specifications for placing on the works. Additional information. Technical instructions for the media manufacturers and anchorages.

Preparation and suitability of supports: stability, humidity, resistance, massing and repair. Coating: main types and materials. Features.

Constructive system of transvented facades. Anchorage systems: classification. Point systems. Systems with profiling. Adjustable and non-adjustable anchorages. Features. System elements: fixations and brackets. Supporting substructure, joints, hooks and special parts. Types, materials, characteristics and incompatibilities. Attachment and attachment products. Types, characteristics and incompatibilities. Together. Types and characteristics. Main defects and pathologies of the system support-anchorages-coating. Causes. Effects.

Factors of technological and organizational innovation in the work of facades: innovative materials, systems, techniques and innovative equipment.

Equipment, tools and tools for mounting transvented facades. Types. Main features: drills, screwdrivers, dynamometer keys, tube, tightening, riveting and shearing keys.

Elements and auxiliary means for the lifting and handling of the coating pieces.

Placement of the supporting subsystem. Operational process: manufacturer's instructions. Installation of the fixing elements to the support: point systems and with profile. Checks. Quality criteria. Installation problems and defects: causes and effects.

Placement of insulation systems. Operational process. Types: in plates, wool, fibres, projected foams, mastics, sealants and others. Characteristics: thermal resistance and inertia, thermal bridge breakage, acoustic conditioners and others. Checks. Quality: problems and defects in placement. Causes and effects.

Reception and inspection of parts: coating pieces. Pathologies. Causes of non-acceptance of parts. Positioning system: drilling, slotted and others.

Join and hook up procedures on transvented facades. Operational process. Manufacturer's instructions. Mortars and adhesives: types, preparation and characteristics. Handling of the coating pieces. Checks. Quality criteria. Problems and defects in placement: causes and effects. Join joints.

Complementary jobs. Cutting and shaping operations: types. Equipment and tools used. Surface treatment: types and products used.

Remates and final finish on transvented facades. Singular elements. Types. Features. Placement: operational process. Complementary and remate elements. Types. Features. Placement: operational process. Sealing and treatment of joints: requirements. Cleaning. Products. Final finish. Checks.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive and predictive maintenance.

Assembly and disassembly of elements for repair and preservation. Replacement of parts in transvented facades. Parts to be replaced. Pathologies: non-acceptance criteria.

f) Compliance with workplace risk prevention and environmental protection standards:

Identification of risks in natural stone placement.

Determination of occupational risk prevention measures in natural stone placement.

Labor risk prevention regulations in natural stone placement operations.

Factors and situations of risk.

Physical factors in the workbench.

Chemical factors in the workbench.

Security systems applied to natural stone placement jobs.

Security in jobs at height, level, and level.

Individual and collective protection media and equipment.

Prevention and collective protection.

Regulatory regulations for waste management.

Classification and storage of waste.

Treatment and collection of waste.

Compliance with workplace risk prevention regulations.

Compliance with environmental protection regulations in natural stone laying work: waste management and disposable materials (dust, chemicals, noise and others).

Order and cleaning methods and rules.

Ethical commitment to the conservation and defense values of society's environmental and cultural heritage.

Environmental management.

11. Professional module: Training and employment orientation. Code: 0897


a) Active job search:

Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the work and professional trajectory of the Natural Stone technician.

Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

Identification of training itineraries related to the Natural Stone technician.

Responsible for learning itself. Knowledge of the requirements and expected fruits.

Definition and analysis of the professional title of Natural Stone Technician.

Planning your own career:

Setting work goals, in the medium and long term, compatible with needs and preferences.

Realistic and consistent goals with current and projected training.

Job search process in small, mid-sized, and large companies in the industry

Learning and employment opportunities in Europe. Europass, Ploteus.

Job search techniques and instruments.

Self-employment assessment as an alternative for professional insertion.

The decision-making process.

Setting a personal checklist of consistency between career plan, training, and aspirations.

b) Conflict management and work teams:

Valuation of the advantages and drawbacks of the team work for the organization's effectiveness.

Equipment classes in the natural stone sector according to the functions they perform.

Analysis of the training of work teams.

Features of an effective work team.

The participation in the work team. Analysis of the possible roles of their members.

Conflict definition: features, sources, and stages of the conflict.

Methods for conflict resolution or suppression: mediation, reconciliation, and arbitration.

c) Job Contract:

The right of the job.

Intervention of public authorities in industrial relations.

Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

Determination of excluded labor relations and special labor relations.

Hiring contract modes and promotion measures.

Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

Working Conditions. Salary, work time and work rest.

Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

Representation of workers.

Collective bargaining as a means of reconciling the interests of workers and employers.

Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the professional scope of the Natural Stone technician.

Collective conflicts of work.

New work organization environments: subcontracting and teleworking, among others.

Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

d) Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

The Social Security System as a basic principle of social solidarity.

Structure of the Social Security system.

Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

The protective action of Social Security.

Classes, requirements, and benefits.

Concept and situations that are protected by unemployment.

Systems of workers ' advice regarding their rights and duties.

e) Professional risk assessment:

Importance of preventive culture at all stages of professional activity.

Assessment of the relationship between work and health.

Analysis and determination of working conditions.

The concept of professional risk. Risk factor analysis.

Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psychosocial conditions.

Specific risks in the natural stone sector.

Determination of the possible health damage to the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

f) Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Responsibilities in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Managing prevention in the enterprise.

Representation of workers on preventive matters.

Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

Elaboration of an emergency plan in a small or medium enterprise in the sector.

g) Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

Action protocol in an emergency situation.

First aid. Medical urgency. Basic concepts.

Application of first aid techniques.

Training for workers in the field of emergency plans and application of first aid techniques.

Surveillance of workers ' health.

12. Professional module: Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative. Code: 0898


a) Entrepreneurship Initiative:

Innovation and economic development. Main characteristics of the innovation in the activity of natural stone (materials, technology and organization of production, among others).

Entrepreneurial culture as a social need.

The entrepreneurial character.

Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

Collaboration between entrepreneurs.

The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a company related to natural stone.

The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the natural stone sector.

The risk in entrepreneurial activity.

Concept of entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

Personal goals versus business goals.

Business Plan: the business idea in the natural stone field.

Good practices of entrepreneurial culture in the activity of natural stone at the local level.

b) The company and its environment:

Basic company functions.

The enterprise as a system.

The overall business environment.

Analysis of the overall environment of a natural stone-related company.

The company's specific environment.

Analysis of the specific environment of a natural stone related company.

A natural stone company's relationships with its environment.

Relations of a natural stone company with the whole of society.

Company culture: corporate image.

Social responsibility.

The Social Balance.

Business ethics.

Social responsibility and ethics of natural stone sector companies.

c) Creating and starting a company:

Company concept.

Enterprise Types.

The responsibility of the owners of the business.

Taxation in companies.

Choice of the legal form. Dimension and number of partners.

Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

Economic Viability and Financial Feasibility of a Natural Stone-Related Company.

Analysis of sources of financing and budgeting of a natural stone related company.

Aid, grants and tax incentives for SMEs related to natural stone.

Business plan: choice of legal form, economic and financial feasibility study, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

d) Administrative function:

Concept of basic accounting and notions.

Accounting operations: recording the economic information of a company.

Accounting as a true picture of the economic situation.

Analysis of accounting information.

Corporate Tax Obligations.

Requirements and deadlines for the filing of official documents.

Administrative management of a natural stone-related company.

13. Professional module: Training in job centres. Code: 0899


a) Identification of the structure and business organization:

Structure and business organization of the natural stone sector.

Company activity and its location in the natural stone sector.

Organization chart of the company. Functional relationship between departments.

The company's logistics organization. Suppliers, customers, and marketing channels.

Work procedures in the company scope. Systems and methods of work.

Human resources in the enterprise: training requirements and professional, personal and social skills associated with different jobs.

Quality system set in the job center.

The security system set in the job center.

b) Application of ethical and labour habits:

Personal Attitudes: empathy, punctuality.

Professional attitudes: order, cleanliness, responsibility and security.

Attitudes to the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Hierarchy in the enterprise. Communication with the work team.

Documentation of professional activities: methods of classification, coding, renewal and elimination.

Recognition and application of internal company rules, work instructions, standard work procedures, and others.

c) Extraction and shaping of natural stone blocks:

Characteristics and properties of rocks and natural stone. Classification of rocks and natural stone.

Natural stone farms. Extraction techniques.

Methodology and process of exploitation of natural stone.

A drilling technique for block boot. Completion of drills. Characteristics and operational practice.

Extraction of natural stone blocks with machined starting machinery: cutting equipment with wire, arm rovers, disc cutting equipment, thermal spears, water jet equipment, manual and hydraulic wedges, drillers and hammer hammers.

Machinery for forming and squating blocks: multiple boring, monolama, monowire, cut with disk, and squat tools. Conformed and squishy block operations.

Sorting and marking of blocks. Handling, storage and dispatch of quarry products.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of quarrying and building blocks.

First-level maintenance of the boot and conformed machinery.

d) Realization of cutting and surface treatments to natural stone:

Characteristics of the materials. Reception and classification of the material. Traceability.

Machinery and equipment for the movement and elevation of blocks: crane bridges, forklifts, hoists and conveyor tables. Operation of the equipment.

Cutting machinery. Application of cutting techniques with monowire, monolama, cortabloques, multiwire, loom, saws, diamond disc, hydrocutting, shear cutting and other.

Machine programming.

Natural stone polishing techniques. Sequence of polishing. Handling of machinery.

Superficial physical treatment techniques: scraped, grabed, apiconated, escaped, arenated/granular, flamed and others. Handling of machinery.

Natural stone chemical treatments: immersion, spraying, absorption, drying and broaching. Application techniques and machinery.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of cutting and treating natural stone.

First level maintenance of the cutting machinery and natural stone treatments. Record of maintenance. Data-taking sheets, certificates, tokens, conformities, and non-conformities.

e) Elaboration of natural stone parts and assemblies:

Technical documentation for the machining of natural stone. Designs and drawings of assembly and cutting. Manufacturing and cutting orders.

Techniques and procedures for making parts and sets of natural stone. Phases of cutting and cutting operations.

Realization of standard pieces of stone. Completion and machining.

Techniques for making unique and bespoke pieces of natural stone. Sizing techniques for cutting, assemblies and carving.

Auxiliary and complementary termination operations. Slotted, chambered, parts emptied, drilling, die-cut, polished and shaped of edges. Mollasted, escaped and others.

Tilling and exfoliation operations of the slate. Lajado techniques. Characteristics of the slate: exfoliation and cutting.

Shaped of agglomerates and stone compacts. Raw and semi-finished materials. Aggregates, resins, loads, mortars and concretes. Catalysts and additives used.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of making parts and sets of natural stone.

First level maintenance of natural stone processing machinery. Record of maintenance. Data-taking sheets, certificates, tokens, conformities, and non-conformities.

f) Elaboration of numerical control programs for the machining of stone parts:

Characterization of natural stone cutting, roughing and machining processes.

Geometric models: 2D and 3D parts.

Performing numerical control programs and templates. Programming language and control. Import from CAD templates and models to the machining program.

Tools and machining tools: discs, strawberries, nozzles and others.

Load and simulation of the program. Controller of the machine. Handling and use of numerical control machines.

Quality and finishing of parts: tolerances, dimensional stability, degree of finish and others.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of numerical control machinery.

First-level maintenance of machinery with numerical control.

g) Placement of parts and assembly of natural stone assemblies by means of adherent or mechanical systems:

Interpretation of technical documentation (drawings, cutting and other). Placement of masonry, sapping and quarrying. Techniques for assembling transvented facades.

Media, anchors, and joins: features, types, and placement.

Preparation and handling of machinery, equipment, products and consumables in assembly and placement work. Auxiliary elements and means.

Lifting of stone factories: repose in plant and standard, types of placement and types of received. Techniques of execution of the uprisings and of their singular points, remits and encounters.

Assembly, placement, and join techniques. Assemblies and encasres. Placement with adherents and anchors.

Constructive system of transvented facades. Anchorage systems. Carrier substructure, joins, and hooks. Types. Attachment and attachment products. Insulation system. The invention relates to a method for connecting and coupling parts in transvented facades

Remates, cleaning and finishing of natural stone works.

Assembly and disassembly elements for repair and preservation. Replacement of parts in works and sets of stone.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of placing parts and sets of natural stone.

First-level maintenance of the placement and assembly machinery. Record of maintenance. Data-taking sheets, certificates, tokens, conformities, and non-conformities.

h) Application of natural stone restoration and maintenance procedures:

Damage and pathologies of the stone: physical-mechanical causes of natural stone alteration, chemical and biological factors. Intervention techniques: cleaning, preservation, restitution and protection.

Sampling: techniques, tools and instruments, residues and crusts, stains and biological samples.

Cleansing of the natural stone. Types of cleaning: abrasive methods, mechanical thrusts, micro-drills, aerobabrasives, rotary abrasive instruments, hydroabrasive, abrasive hydroaers and others. Cleaning machinery and equipment: power tools and implements, sanders, hydrolimpers, ultrasounds, water vapour spears, lasers and others.

Elaboration and application of mortars. Specific dosages and consistences for each application. Application of mortars.

Joints and remate: fillers, application types and materials (mastics, mortars, sealants, protectors and others). Cleaning.

Protection treatment techniques: hydrofleetants, antigraffiti, and methods of application. Consolidation and consolidation techniques: injection, spray, by papettes or dressings and others.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of restoration and maintenance of natural stone.

First-level maintenance of the natural stone cleaning, restoration and maintenance machinery.

i) Realization of models and budgets:

Representation systems. Interpretation of plans. Techniques for rendering parts, elements and sets of natural stone.

Sketches and sketches: views, cuts, details and wakes. Light, shadow and color rendering techniques in sketch.

Drawing of drawings: formats, scales, light, shade and color. Techniques for generating volumes with different scales. Rules of representation.

Machine-making techniques, models and templates. Development of models, models and templates. Materials, types and applications.

Measurement of work items: measurement in work, measurement of the plane and measurement criteria. Measurement techniques.

Calculation of prices of products in natural stone: cost of production. Concept and procurement. Databases, machinery and labor performance. Making of price of units of work.

Budgets: types and budgeting of natural stone works. IT tools: spreadsheets and automated processes for budgeting.

Characterization of the products and services offered.

Sales Price Components and their Conditioning. Billing and collection procedures. Ways of charging the customer. The invoice and forms of payment. Sales processes.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the work of models and budgets.

j) Classification and labelling of products for storage and dispatch:

Classification and Labelling Processes: Material storage and collection, visual inspection, delivery of albarans, material control, placement and stacking. Warehouse tabs.

Quality standards and classification criteria: traceability, regulations, CE marking and others.

Machinery, equipment and tools for movement and storage: cranes, forklift trucks, pallet trucks, slings, winches and others. Usage.

Labelling equipment and natural stone packaging. Auxiliary means for the packaging. Classes and methods of labelling. CE marking, standardisation and codification. Application of labelling and packaging to stone products.

Load and stowage. Handling and storage techniques.

Classification techniques: by products, size, dimension, shape, weight, type, characteristics, utilization, and others. Storage techniques: cataloging, simplification, specification, and others.

Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

First-level maintenance of machinery and equipment. Preventive, predictive and corrective maintenance.


Sequencing and weekly hourly distribution of professional modules

Mid-Grade Forming Cycle: Natural Stone

in the formative cycle


Duration (hours)

First Course (h/week)


2 Quarters (h/week)

1 quarter (hours)

0887. Block cutting.



0889. Crafting parts.



0890. Models in stone works.



0892. Knowledge and extraction of the stone.



0895. Natural stone machining technologies (1)



0897. Job training and guidance.



0888. Surface treatments.



0891. Marketing Stone Works.




0893. Natural stone carving and mounting.




0894. Natural stone restoration.



0896. Natural stone assembly.



0898. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.




0899. Job center training.







(1) Professional modules support.


Minimum spaces and equipment


Form Space


30 pupils

20 pupils




stone technique.



stone placement and restoration technique.









(*) 0.5 Ha natural stone extraction quarry


(*) A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

Minimum Equipment:

Training Space

Aula multipurpose

PCs installed in network, projection canon, and Internet

media. Television. Media player

Printers and plotters (plotter). Flat cutter

and technical drawing, measuring and crocheting material

Classroom library: technical documentation; Mounting planes, set ups, databases.

programs. Office material

applications: 2D and 3D design, machining and simulation of parts, calculation of budgets, and office automation.

Samples of different national natural stones and hospitalizations for identification and classification

Natural Stone Technical Classroom.

Useful and technical drawing material.

Material for templates: wood, acetate, sheet metal, polystyrene, cardboard, plant paper, and others

Cutting and repast instruments: saws, limes, scissors, cutters, lijas, vinyl cutting plotters, and others

Material for models, moulds, and models: wood, escayalls, clays, wire, resins, and others

Machines and Modelling instruments: repassing machines and milling machines, chopsticks, spatulas, holsters, hammers, tongs, heaters and others

Trazors: rayers, waxes, conveyors and others.


, Handling, and Transport Equipment

Media loading and unloading material.

Numeric control disk saws.

-loaders, rotating carts, flip-flops and girders

Calibrator, dryer, and drying ovens

Tornos and hand-milling machines

Cizalladoras. Tronders.

Pulidoras, bridge and tape drives.

, tools, and useful for surface treatment.

and liquid projection compressors.

machines: cutter, single-wire, multidisk, multithreaded, cut-out plotters, cortabloques, hydrocutting and telar.

and pneumatics: amolators, hammers, drills and milling machines


molding. Singers.

Marches flat or spatula tires

Tools: wedges, mugs, spatulas, hammer, and unets.

Compressors. Vacuum equipment

Tools for quarrying and pneumatic and manual sizes: peaks, mugs, chisels, pointers, gradins, ballerinas, limes, scotines, hammer, pots, wedges, pricks, escaper, uneta, and stops.

Banks. Fixing elements

Tools and repose tools, layout and measurement: laser tracers, levels, flexometers, distance meters, laser levels, calibers, squats, plumes, paints and pencils.

Palettes, plains, spatulas, pistols, rollers, brushes, and nozzles.

and Stored and Labelled Equipment, packaging and palletizing.

individual protection: goggles, gloves, protective boots, helmets, headphones, masks, waterproof clothing and water protection boots

sludge purification facilities and recycling

stone placement and restoration technique.

Machinery and cleaning equipment for stone.

Hidrologrators. Hydroabrasive machines

, spray, and water vapor equipment

tools: brushes, brushes metal, scalpels, scrapers, lijas, pumice stone, esmeriles and sponges

Resins. Ion exchangers, absorbents and thickeners.

and protective chemicals

Morters, consolidators and Adhesives.

Armaments, molds, and terraces.

Utiles and placement tools: palette, pallet, llana, maza, gradin, chisel, hammer, abutment, bujards, amolators, joint treatment pointers, lillings, rejunttes and junkets

elements: cercos, frames, templates, and cimbras.

media: concrete, scaffolding, platforms, and lift systems

, tools and measuring instruments: Repose laser equipment, distance meters, levels, laser levels, plumes, squats, flexometers, tape metrics, teazes and tracers.


Templates for stone placement

Tools and supplies: chisels, pointers, peaks, goat legs, pots, mugs, rubber hammers, miscellaneous hammers, wedges, graditas and bujards

Amasters, doors, gavets, adherents, mortars and adhesives

Spatulas and rejointed elements: lillings, rejoiners, junkets, calibrates, and gages.

Messes of cut

of support, lift, and transport

screwdrivers. Metal connectors and bits. Flat and tube keys. Dynamometric keys.

subsystem specific elements: fixings, metal profiling, tornillings, anchors, joins, and hooks.


and Collective Protective Equipment

and Load Store download.

Crane Bridge.

Lift, Manipulation, and Transport Equipment

load and unload media. Lifting and fixing tools: slings, chains, wedges, levers, and supports

and unload equipment: (carts, forklifts, buckets, shovels, dumpers, and dump trucks)




Lab elements for the identification of rocks.




The_table_table_izq"> Sample Analysis Team.



Sample Take Teams.


chemical treatment equipment

immersion Cubas.

vertical for the drying of parts and curing of resins

0.5 Ha natural stone

Cutting equipment with yarn, disk, and water





Cutting, chains, and shear cutting tools

Tools and repose and layout tools: laser tracers, levels, plumes, paints and pencils

Risk prevention elements (single protective equipment): goggles, gloves, protective boots, helmets, headsets, and masks

Labelling machinery and storage.