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Resolution Of February 14, 2012, Of The General Directorate Of Traffic, Why Are Informed Of Local Authorities Who Publish The Edictal Plank Of Penalties For Traffic.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 14 de febrero de 2012, de la Dirección General de Tráfico, por la que se informa de las Administraciones Locales que publican en el Tablón Edictal de Sanciones de Tráfico.

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Law 18/2009, of 23 November, amending the text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety, approved by Royal Decree 339/1990 of 2 March 1990, in the field of sanctioning, creates the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, setting it up as the only official means of publication of the notifications to which the procedure sanctioning in the field of traffic that cannot be carried out in the Direction Electronic Vial or at the address of the person concerned.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 78.2 of the said Law, the Edictal Board of Traffic Penalties shall be managed by the General Directorate of Traffic and the practice of the notification shall be carried out on the terms that be determined by the Order of the Minister of the Interior.

Local Administrations with jurisdiction in the field of traffic will be able to progressively join the publication in the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, depending on the availability of the media the necessary technical measures, in accordance with the provisions of the second transitional provision, which are required to do so, in any event, within the maximum period of two years after the entry into force of Law 18/2009 of 23 November, that is, 25 May of 2012.

Order INT/30 22/2010, of 23 November, for which the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions is regulated, establishes in its article 8.4 that in the electronic headquarters of the Autonomous Agency Headquarters of Traffic,, an updated directory of the agencies sending edicts will be available for publication on the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions.

Also, in its final provision, the second provides that, by Resolution of the Director General of Traffic published in the "Official Gazette of the State", it will be informed of the date on which each Local Administration has been incorporated into the publication of the notifications on that Edictal board.

So far, the Local Authorities that publish in the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions have been informed by means of the resolutions of the General Directorate of Traffic of 9 December 2010 and 5 September of 2011. Since the publication of the latter, new Local Authorities have been incorporated in the submission of edicts for publication in the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions.

In its virtue, I resolve:

Single item. Local Administrations that have been incorporated into the publication on the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions.

According to the provisions of the Final Disposition second of Order INT/30 22/2010, of 23 November, which regulates the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions, it is reported that since the Resolution of the Directorate General of Traffic of 5 September 2011 has been incorporated into the publication of the notifications in the Edictal Board of Traffic Sanctions the Local Administrations listed in the Annex, on the date that for each of them is indicated.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Resolution shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Madrid, February 14, 2012. -Director General of Traffic, Maria Segui Gomez.


Seville City Council: February 9, 2012.