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Order Aaa / 251 / 2012, Of 9 Of February, By Which Is Modify The Annex I Of The Real Decree 2129 / 2008, Of 26 Of December, By Which Is Sets The Program National Of Conservation, Improvement And Promotion Of Them Races Livestock, The Annex Of The Real ...

Original Language Title: Orden AAA/251/2012, de 9 de febrero, por la que se modifican el Anexo I del Real Decreto 2129/2008, de 26 de diciembre, por el que se establece el Programa nacional de conservación, mejora y fomento de las razas ganaderas, el Anexo del Real Decreto 5...

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Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008 establishing the National Programme for the Conservation, Improvement and Promotion of Livestock Races aims to establish the basic and coordinating standards of this Programme. national and the regulation of the zootechnical rules for registered animals of breed and equidae.

This provision incorporates in Annex I the Official Catalogue of Cattle Races in Spain.

According to article 6 of the aforementioned Royal Decree, the recognition, classification and incorporation of races in the official catalogue will be carried out according to the procedures established for these purposes by the National Commission Coordination referred to in Article 34, which shall in any event include the presentation and analysis of the documentation of the relevant breed, as well as the required report of the breed.

The purpose of this order is, on the one hand, to update that Annex, by replacing it with a new one incorporating several races, deleting one and modifying the classification category for two other races, and is based on proposals which have been admitted to different meetings of the National Coordination Commission held after the publication of Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008.

The National Coordination Commission, held on May 5, 2009, reported favorably on the inclusion of the Cavall Pyrenees Catala race in the Official Catalogue of Cattle Races in Spain.

The National Coordination Commission, held on March 24, 2011, reported favorably on the modification of the classification category of the Parda Mountain race, the inclusion of the Gallina del Sobrarbe and the Camello Canary, as well as the suppression of the Jurdana goat race, for having been extinguished, in the Official Catalogue of the Cattle Races of Spain.

The meeting of the National Coordination Commission on June 9, 2011, reported favorably on the modification of the classification category of the Florida goat race and the inclusion of the Gallina Ibicenca in the Official catalogue of Races of Ganado of Spain.

On the other hand, Royal Decree 558/2001 of 25 May, which regulates the official recognition of pure breed dog breeders ' associations or associations, lays down the requirements to be met by animals. of the canine species for inclusion in the corresponding genealogical book, and the criteria for the official recognition of those entities that intend to manage them.

This provision incorporates in its annex the list of Spanish canine breeds.

It is also the object of this order to modify that annex including the pure Spanish canine breed Dog of Water of the Cantabrian. The proposal to include this race was reported favourably by the National Coordination Commission at its meeting on 24 March 2011. At present, pursuant to the Final Disposition third of Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008, the references made in Royal Decree 558/2001 of 25 May 2001 to the Committee of the Races of the Spanish Government, are understood to be made to the Commission National of Coordination regulated in the aforementioned Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008.

This order is dictated by the habilitation contained in the Final Final Disposition of Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008, which empowers the Minister of the Environment and the Environment and Marine Environment, the current Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, to modify, prior to the report of the National Coordination Commission, the Official Catalogue of the Cattle Traces of Spain provided for in its Annex I, and of the habilitation contained in the final Disposition of the Royal Decree 558/2001 of 25 May 2001 empowering the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, for the modification and inclusion in the Annex of new canine breeds, prior to the report of the Committee of Races of Livestock of Spain.

Likewise, in use of the enabling to the Minister of the Environment, and the Rural and Marine Environment, current Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in the final Disposition second of Royal Decree 841/2011, of 17 of June, it is necessary to amend Annex III to add a new code for the Cavall Pyrenees Catala and to modify the category of classification for the bovine breed Parda of Montana, as a consequence of the modification of Annex I of the Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008.

In the process of this order, the autonomous communities and representative entities of the affected sectors have been consulted.

In its virtue, according to the State Council, I have:

Article first.

Amendment of Annex I to Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December establishing the National Programme for the Conservation, Improvement and Promotion of Livestock breeds.

Annex I to Royal Decree 2129/2008 of 26 December 2008 concerning the Official Catalogue of the Races of Ganado of Spain for which it is accompanied in this order is replaced.

Item second.

Amendment of the Annex to Royal Decree 558/2001 of 25 May 2001 on the official recognition of pure breed dog breeders ' organisations or associations.

It is incorporated in the Annex to Royal Decree 558/2001, of 25 May, which regulates the official recognition of the organizations or associations of breeders of purebred dogs, the pure Spanish dog breed Dog Water of the Cantabrian.

Third item.

Amendment of Annex III to Royal Decree 841/2011 of 17 June laying down the basic conditions for the collection, storage, distribution and marketing of genetic material of bovine animals, sheep, goat and swine and equidae.

Annex III to Royal Decree 841/2011 of 17 June laying down the basic conditions for the collection, storage, distribution and marketing of genetic material for bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine species and of equidae, is amended as follows:

1. The new breed is added: Cavall Pyrenees Catala and its corresponding code, in the coding of equine breeds of the Catalogue, in the section of indigenous breeds in danger of extinction:

Raza: Cavall Pyrenees Catala.

Code: EPC.

2. The Mountain Parda breed, which appears in the section of races integrated in Spain of the bovine species with the code BSM passes to the section of native breeds of promotion of the bovine species, with the same coding.

Single end disposition. Entry into effect.

This Order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 9 February 2012.-The Minister of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Miguel Arias Cañete.



Official Catalogue of Spanish Gearn Races

1. Indigenous breeds:

a) Promotion:

1. Bovine Species: Asturiana de los Valles, Avilena-Negra Ibérica, Lidia, Morucha, Parda de Montaña, Pirenaica, Retinta and Rubia Gallega.

2. Carranzana, Castellana, Churra, Latxa, Manchega, Merina, Navarra, Ojinegra de Teruel, Rasa Aragonesa and Segurena.

3. Species caprine: Florida, Majorera, Malaguena, Murciana-Granadina, Palmera and Tinerfena.

4. Specific swine: Iberian, Iberian (Retininto variety) and Iberian (Entertaining variety).

5. Especie equine caballar: Española.

6. Bird Species: Spanish fighter.

b) Endangered:

1. Bovine Species: Albera, Ana-Sanabresa, Asturiana De La Montaña, Avilena-negra Iberica (BocidBlanca Variety), Berrenda In Colorado, Berrenda En Negro, Betizu, Blanca Ceracena, Bruna De Los Pyrenees, Cachena, Caldela, Canaria, Cardena Andaluza, Frieiresa, Limia, Mallorquina, Marismena, Menorquina, Monchina, Morucha (Black Variety), Murciana-Uprising, Black Andalusian, Pajuna, Palmera, Pasega, Sayaguesa, Serrana Negra, Serrana de Teruel, Terreña, Tudanca and Vianese.

2. Especie ovine: Alcarreña, Ansotana, Aranesa, Canaria, Canaria de Pelo, Carranzana (black variety), Cartera, Castellana (black variety), Chamarita, Churra Lebrijana, Churra Tensina, Colmenarena, Gallega, Guirra, Ibicenca, Lojena, Maellana, Mallorquina, Manchega (black variety), Minorquina, Merina (black variety), Merina de Grazalema, Montesina, Ojalada, Palmera, Ripollesa, Red Mallorcan, Roya Bilbilitana, Rubia del Molar, Sasi Ardi, Talaverana, Xalda and Xpereta.

3. Species: Pool of the Mesetas, Azpi Gorri, Blanca Andaluza or Serrana, Blanca Celtiberica, Bermeya, Del Guadarrama, Gallega, Ibicenca, Mallorcan, Moncaine, Negra Serrana, Payoya, Pirenaica, Retinta and Verata.

4. Specific swine: Celta, Chato Murciano, EuskalTxerria, Gochu Asturcelta, Ibérico (varieties Torbiscal, Lampino and Manchado de Jabugo), Negra Canaria and Negra Mallorquina.

5. Especie equine caballar: Asturcon, Burguete, Caballo de Monte de País Vasco, Caballo de Purebraza Gallega, Cavall Pyrenees Català, Hispano-Arabe, Hispano-Breton, Jaca Navarra, Losina, Mallorquina, Marismena, Menorquina, Monchina and Pottoka.

6. º equine species: Andaluza, Asno de las Encartations, Balear, Catalana, Majorera and Zamorano-Leones.

7. º avian species: Andaluza Azul, Euskal Antzara, Euskal Oiloa, Galina de mos, Hen Castellana Negra, Hen Empordano, Hen Ibicenca, Hen del Sobrarbe, Gallina del Prat, Indio de León, Mallorquina, Minorquina, Murciana, Pita Pinta, Penedesença, Pardo de León, Utrerana, Oca EmpurDanish and Valenciana de Chulilla.

8. Other species: Camel Canario.

2. Integrated breeds in Spain:

(a) Bovine Species: Blonde of Aquitaine, Charolesa, Fleckvieh, Frisona, Limo, Parda.

(b) Especie sheep: Berrichon du Cher, Charmoise, Fleischschaf, ile de France, Landschaff and Merino Premature.

c) Swine species: White Belga, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Large White and Pietrain.

d) Caballar equine species: Arabic, Anglo-Arab, English Blood Pura, Spanish Tropper.

3. Races of the European Union:

a) ovine species: Lacaune.

b) Caprine: Alpine.

4. Third country breeds:

a) Sheep: Assaf.

5. Spanish synthetic breeds:

a) ovine species: Salz.

6. Other registered equidae:

a) Spanish Sport Horse (C.D.E.). "