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Order Def/195/2012, Of 24 January, By Which Certain Powers Are Delegated.

Original Language Title: Orden DEF/195/2012, de 24 de enero, por la que se delegan determinadas competencias.

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Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, in Article 63.1, and Article 11 (2) of Law 39/2010 of 22 December 2011, of the State Budget for the year 2011, extended to 2012 by the Royal Decree-Law No 20/2011 of 30 December 2011 on urgent measures in the budgetary, tax and financial matters for the correction of the public deficit confer on my authority certain powers in the field of budgetary changes, which is to delegate to the Secretary of State for Defence in accordance with Article 14.5 of the Law 6/1997 of 14 April on the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

Therefore, and by virtue of the powers granted to me in Article 13 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, I have:

Single item. Delegation of powers.

The Secretary of State for Defense is delegated the powers granted to me by article 63.1 of Law 47/2003 of 26 November, General Budget, and Article 11 (2) of Law 39/2010 of 22 December 2003. General Budget of the State for the year 2011, extended for 2012 by Royal Decree-Law 20/2011 of 30 December, of urgent measures in budgetary, tax and financial matters for the correction of the public deficit.

Final disposition first. Powers of development.

In order to facilitate the management and implementation of the Ministry of Defense's budget for the financial year 2012, the Secretary of State of Defense will develop the same through the corresponding Resolution, according to in any event with the legal linkage of the appropriations, as laid down in the General Budget Law.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the State" and shall take effect from 1 January 2012.

Madrid, January 24, 2012. -Minister of Defense, Pedro Morenes Eulate.