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Royal Decree 257/2012, Of 27 January, Establishing The Basic Organizational Structure Of The Ministry Of Education, Culture And Sport Develops.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 257/2012, de 27 de enero, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

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Article 8 of Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments, determines that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport will be responsible for the proposal and the implementation of the Government policy in the field of education, vocational training and universities, as well as the promotion, protection and dissemination of the Spanish historical heritage, state and arts museums, books, reading and literary creation, of the cinematographic and audiovisual activities and of the state books and libraries, the promotion and dissemination of culture in Spanish, as well as the promotion of cultural cooperation actions and, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international relations in the field of culture. It is also up to this Ministry to propose and implement the Government's policy on sport.

Subsequently, Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, has established the basic organic structure of the respective ministerial departments, structure to be developed at the initiative of the ministries in order to establish in an orderly manner and in a comprehensive manner the basic lines previously established.

In compliance with this mandate, by means of this royal decree, an organic structure is designed to achieve the following objectives:

First, it is adapted to the organization of the previous Ministry of Education, the previous Ministry of Culture and the Superior Council of Sports to the restructuring operated by the Royal Decree 1823/2011, of 21 December, which implies, on the one hand, the addition to the new Ministry of the higher bodies which assume responsibility for education and culture through two Secretaries of State, and, on the other hand, the assignment to the new Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the competences in the field of sports through the Council's membership Superior Sports.

Second, the new department is given the necessary administrative structure to perform its functions and achieve its aims as effectively as possible, promoting the improvement of the quality of the services provided to citizens as an inalienable guideline that should preside over the performance of all public authorities.

Finally, the proposed organization is based on compliance with efficiency and austerity criteria, so the new administrative structure contributes to the government-promoted public sector restructuring.

In its virtue, at the initiative of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport, on the proposal of the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on January 27, 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the department.

1. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is the department of the General Administration of the State in charge of:

(a) The proposal and implementation of Government policy in education, vocational training and universities.

b) The promotion, protection and dissemination of the Spanish historical heritage, of the state museums and of the arts, of the book, the reading and the literary creation, of the cinematographic and audiovisual activities and of the books and State libraries, and the promotion and dissemination of Spanish culture.

c) The proposal and implementation of Government policy on sport.

It is also up to this department to promote cooperation actions and, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, of international relations in education, culture and sport.

2. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, under the top management of the head of the department, develops the functions that legally correspond to him through the following superior and managerial bodies:

(a) The Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities.

b) The Secretary of State for Culture.

c) The Assistant Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport.

3. The Superior Council of Sports, an autonomous body assigned to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, whose President has the rank of Secretary of State, will exercise the powers conferred on him by Law 10/1990 of 15 October, of the Organic Law of 21 November, of the protection of health and the fight against doping in sport, Royal Decree 2195/2004, of 25 November which regulates the organic structure and functions of the Superior Council of Sports, and the other provisions of the legal order.

4. As an organ of political and technical support to the Minister there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of Directorate General and with the structure established in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, for which the structure is established basic organic of the ministerial departments.

5. They are collegiate bodies of advice and/or participation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the following:

(a) The School Board of the State, which relates to the Ministry through the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities and which will exercise the functions attributed to it by Article 32 of the Law Organic 8/1985 of 3 July, Regulatory of the Right to Education, and Royal Decree 694/2007 of 1 June, which regulates the School Council of the State.

b) The Council of Universities, which is related to the Ministry through the General Secretariat of Universities, and which will exercise the functions attributed to it in Article 28 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, Universities.

c) The Council of State University Students, which relates to the Ministry through the General Secretariat of Universities, and which will perform the functions attributed to it in Article 46.5 of the Organic Law 6/2001, 21 December, from Universities.

6. The Institute of Spain and the Royal Academies and Academies at national level are administratively related to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

Article 2. Admembership of public bodies.

1. The following autonomous bodies are assigned to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport:

(a) The Autonomous National Library, the National Institute of the Performing Arts and the Music and the Institute of Cinematography and the Audiovisual Arts are attached to the Ministry through the Secretariat of State Culture. The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport holds the chair of these autonomous bodies.

b) The Autonomous Body European Educational Programmes is attached to the Ministry through the General Secretariat of Universities.

(c) The autonomous agency Management of Infrastructures and Equipment is attached to the Ministry through the Secretariat of State of Culture, whose holder will hold his presidency. That body shall carry out the duties conferred on it by Royal Decree 1379/1999 of 27 August 1999.

2. The Museo Nacional del Prado and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, which are governed by their own legislation, are attached to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, through the Ministry of Culture. The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport holds the chair of these bodies.

3. The State Anti-Doping Agency is attached to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, through the Superior Council of Sports, and shall exercise the powers conferred on it by its Statute in accordance with the provisions of Law 28/2006, of 18 of July, the Organic Law of 21 November, and its implementing regulations.

Article 3. Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities.

1. The Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities shall exercise, in respect of the units dependent on it, the powers provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

Also, it is up to you to perform the following functions:

(a) The top management of the competencies that correspond to the department in education, vocational training and universities.

b) The ordination, evaluation and innovation of the teachings that make up the Spanish education system.

(c) The fulfilment of the obligations of the public authorities in the field of education, the implementation of vocational qualification programmes and educational innovation and the promotion of equal opportunities in access to education education.

d) The programming and management of education in the field of territorial competence of the Ministry, the development and dissemination of educational guidance derived from legislation in force in the field of regime teaching as well as the promotion of vocational training and the basic academic management of their relevant teaching.

e) The design, planning and direction of scholarship policy and study aids.

f) Promoting equality policies, non-discrimination and universal accessibility in the field of their competencies.

g) The impetus and coordination of relations with the Autonomous Communities and local authorities in the field of education.

(h) The functions provided for in the current legislation corresponding to the State's high inspection.

i) The direction of the policy of teaching staff and the elaboration of the foundations of the legal regime of the teaching public function.

(j) The elaboration of proposals for general provisions in the areas of their competence, as well as the relations and consultations with the Autonomous Communities and the legal operators concerned during their processing.

k) The exercise of the functions of the National Authority of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme.

2. The following management bodies are dependent on the Secretary of State for Education and Vocational Training:

(a) The General Secretariat of Universities, with the rank of Sub-Secretariat, on which the General Directorate of University Policy depends.

b) The Directorate-General for Territorial Evaluation and Cooperation.

c) The General Directorate of Vocational Training.

3. As a body of immediate assistance to the Secretary of State, there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of Subdirección General, with the structure set out in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

4. It is directly dependent on the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities, the General Subdirectorate for Educational Foreign Promotion, which will be responsible for the orientation and impetus of international relations in the field of education. education, vocational training and universities, as well as the follow-up of the actions of the European Union in this field; the planning and management of the educational administration abroad and the Spanish teachers ' centres of ownership State of the Union abroad, as well as the definition of cooperation programmes international, bilateral or multilateral. All these tasks shall be exercised without prejudice to the management and coordination powers which correspond to the Department's Secretariat. It shall also be responsible for the development and management of the tasks entrusted to the National Authority of the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme.

Article 4. General Secretariat of Universities.

1. The General Secretariat of Universities shall exercise, in respect of the units dependent on it, the powers provided for in Article 16 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

Also, it is up to you to perform the following functions:

a) The development of university policy, in coordination with the Council of Universities.

b) The management, programming and management of the actions that are the responsibility of the General Administration of the State in the field of higher education.

c) The coordination of relations with the Autonomous Communities in university matters, through the General Conference of University Policy.

d) The elaboration of proposals for general provisions in the areas of their competence, as well as the relations and consultations with the Autonomous Communities and the legal operators concerned during their processing.

e) The promotion of collaboration in the field of scientific research, development and technological innovation of universities with other public and private research and innovation agencies.

(f) The planning, coordination and evaluation of the lines of action of the university programmes, except in the areas of R & D + i which will be used in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

(g) The orientation and impetus of international relations in the field of university higher education, as well as the follow-up of the actions of the European Union in this field, all without prejudice to the functions of coordination and management corresponding to the department's secretariat.

h) The development and promotion of studies and reports on the teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities of universities.

i) The performance of evaluation, analysis and study activities, as well as those related to innovation and improvement of the quality of university education and, in particular, the formulation of the necessary criteria in this field. scope.

j) The development and management of the integrated system of university information, as well as the indicators needed for the evaluation and monitoring of the Spanish University System.

k) The management of the technical unit and the permanent secretariat of the University Observatory of Scholarships, Study Aid and Academic Performance.

l) Planning and monitoring of the financing and cost accounting models of Spanish universities.

m) The coordination of collegiate bodies in university matters.

2. It depends on the General Secretariat of Universities, the General Directorate of University Policy.

3. They also depend on the General Secretariat of Universities, the following units with organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The Technical Cabinet, as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the General Secretariat of Universities.

(b) The General Secretariat for Coordination and University Monitoring, which shall carry out the tasks assigned to the General Secretariat in paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m) of paragraph 1.

4. It is attached to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the General Secretariat of Universities, the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

5. It relates administratively to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, through the General Secretariat of Universities, the National University of Distance Education.

6. The College of Spain in Paris depends on the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through the General Secretariat of Universities. It relates administratively to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, through the General Secretariat of Universities, the recognized Foundation of Public Utility College of Spain-International University of Paris.

Article 5. Directorate General for University Policy.

1. It is up to the Directorate-General for University Policy to perform the following functions:

(a) The ordination of university education, as well as the preparation of the competition rules of the General Administration of the State relating to university education and access to and admission to the university.

(b) The development of the European Higher Education Area and the promotion of the actions necessary for the adaptation of university degrees.

c) The establishment of the conditions and requirements for the verification and accreditation of official Spanish university degrees, degree, master and doctorate, and for their registration in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles, referred to the additional twentieth of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities, as well as the processing and impulse of the corresponding verification and accreditation procedures.

(d) Those corresponding to the General Administration of the State on the declaration of equivalence, recognition and approval of other Spanish titles in respect of officers, as well as recognition for civil purposes of the titles of the universities of the Catholic Church in accordance with the rules of development of the Agreements between the Spanish State and the Holy See.

e) The establishment of the guidelines for the issuance of official titles, their corresponding registration in the National Register of Titles, and the management and custody of the latter.

(f) the recognition of foreign qualifications and qualifications of higher education, as well as those corresponding to the department in relation to the application of the own rules of recognition of diplomas for the purposes of exercise of the right of establishment and freedom to provide services.

g) Those that correspond to the Department regarding the training of specialists in health sciences, the relations with the health institutions, the granting and the issuance of Spanish titles of specialties in science health, as well as the recognition of foreign titles of the same specialties.

h) The programming, coordination and management of aid programmes for the training, mobility, improvement and updating of post-doctoral, doctoral and post-doctoral knowledge.

i) The design and management of university loan programs aimed at university students to fund the cost of studies.

(j) the programming, coordination and management of aid programmes for the training, mobility, improvement and updating of knowledge of teaching staff and university researchers and administration staff; and university services.

(k) Those corresponding to the General Administration of the State in respect of the university teaching system and its accreditation, as well as the remuneration of university faculty, and the promotion and promotion of quality of teaching activity.

l) The administrative and economic-financial management of the general system of grants and aid to the study and other specific aid not subject to this general system, as well as the monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the obligations for beneficiaries of grants and public aid.

m) The promotion of student mobility within the European Union, through the design, planning and, where appropriate, management of action programmes of a national nature or participation in the design and planning of European action programmes.

n) The promotion of mobility in the international non-Community area of students and university graduates in coordination with other specialized agencies and institutions.

n) The coordination of scholarship programs and aid to the study promoted by the different Public Administrations and by private entities and institutions.

o) The programming and management of actions to promote the excellence of students in transition to the university stages, as well as the call, award and delivery of the national awards to the study at the levels university.

p) Planning, implementation, dynamisation and management of programmes for the management, modernisation and enhancement of management structures and university infrastructures conducive to consolidation institutions of the universities.

q) The implementation of a comprehensive care system for students and university graduates within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, which responds to their needs and demands in the new educational context and social.

r) The promotion of specialized care programs for future students, as well as university graduates, in order to facilitate the processes of loyalty, professional career and access to the continuous training.

2. They depend on the General Directorate of University Policy, the following sub-directions:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Academic Coordination and Legal Regime, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1.

(b) The General Subdirectorate of Titles and Recognition of Qualifications, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of paragraph 1.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Teacher Training and Mobility and Teaching Innovation, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (h), (i), (j) (k), paragraph 1.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Scholarship and Student Care, Guidance and Professional Insertion, which shall carry out the tasks assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs 1), (m), (n), (n), (o), (p), (q) and (r) of paragraph 1.

3. They are administratively related to the Ministry of Education, through the Directorate General of University Policy, the National Evaluation Commission of the Research Activity, regulated in Royal Decree 1086/1989, of 28 August, on remuneration of university teachers, and the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation.

Article 6. Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation to perform the following tasks:

(a) Relations of coordination and cooperation with the Autonomous Communities and local authorities, in the field of education, and the promotion of the exchange of information between different educational administrations, as well as the planning, management and monitoring of cooperation programmes and programmes with the Autonomous Communities.

b) Assistance and support to the Sectoral Education Conference and other bodies of cooperation between the State and the Autonomous Communities in the field of non-university education.

(c) Coordination and support for the peripheral units of the Department in Ceuta and Melilla, the programming and management of education, the planning of infrastructure needs and educational facilities in Ceuta and Melilla, in collaboration with the Management of Infrastructures and Equipment, the operating system of the teaching centers and the coordination of the policy of teaching staff in the area of territorial competence of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.

d) The promotion of standards for teaching centres, the development of the basic legal system of foreign centres teaching teaching in Spain, in the field of their competences, as well as the management of the register state of teaching centres and the creation of private teaching centres abroad.

e) The basic academic management of non-university teaching and the promotion of the rules on access systems and admission procedures to the university, in coordination with the General Secretariat of Universities.

f) The establishment of the guidelines for the issuance of official Spanish titles and the management of the Central Register of non-university titles and the Register of academic and professional qualifications.

(g) The approval of the equivalences of ratings of foreign qualifications and studies, in the field of their competences, and the approval and validation of these in the field of their competences.

h) The elaboration of the basic regulations on educational concerts, the establishment of guidelines and the minimum modules of the concerted education.

(i) the monitoring of the provisions and acts of the Autonomous Communities in the field of education, and the adoption or proposal of measures arising from the exercise of the State's high inspection duties in the field of education.

j) The exercise of the educational inspector function in the field of the department's competencies.

k) The coordination of actions related to foreign language teaching and language and bilingual teaching programs.

l) The elaboration and promotion of research, innovations, studies and reports on education and the realization and editing of publications and materials on education, according to the department's editorial program.

m) Support and innovation programmes for the compensation of inequalities, educational inclusion, attention to disadvantaged sectors in the field of education or care for other areas of social interest.

n) The administrative and economic-financial management of textbooks programmes as well as other specific aid for non-university teaching not subject to the general system, which have as their object regulated teachings in The Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education. Monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the fulfilment of the obligations by the beneficiaries of the obligations.

n) Programming and management of actions and plans to promote equal opportunities in access to education, territorial cooperation programmes with students, as well as the call, award and delivery of national awards for the study.

o) The coordination of the policies of general evaluation of the educational system and the implementation, in collaboration with the corresponding agencies of the educational administrations, of the general assessments of the diagnosis.

p) The coordination of the participation of the Spanish State in international evaluations; participation in the elaboration of international indicators of education, as well as the follow-up of the actions of the European Union in this field, without prejudice to the powers of the Secretariat in statistical matters.

q) The elaboration of the State System of Education Indicators, and the carrying out of research and evaluation studies of the educational system and the dissemination of information that offer both actions.

r) The development and dissemination of curriculum materials and other supporting documents for teachers, the design of models for the training of teaching staff and the design and implementation of specific programmes, in collaboration with Autonomous Communities, intended for the scientific and didactic updating of teachers.

s) The elaboration and dissemination of materials in digital and audiovisual support in all areas of knowledge, in order to make information and communication technologies an ordinary instrument of work in the classroom for teachers of the various educational stages.

t) The implementation of specific training programmes, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, in the field of application in the Information and Communication Technologies classroom.

u) The maintenance of the Department's educational resources portal and the creation of social networks to facilitate the exchange of experiences and resources among teachers.

v) The design, planning and direction of scholarship policy and study aids aimed at students who are taught in the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, Education.

2. The following units with an organic level of general sub-direction depend on the Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for Territorial Cooperation, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Academic Management, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (e), (f), (g) and (h) of paragraph 1.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General of Inspection, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (i) and (j) of paragraph 1.

(d) The National Centre for Education Innovation and Research, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (k), (l), (m), (n), (n) and (v) of paragraph 1.

(e) The National Institute of Educational Evaluation, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (o), (p) and (q).

(f) The National Institute of Educational and Training Technologies of the Teacher, who shall perform the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (r), (s), (t) and (u).

Article 7. Directorate-General for Vocational Training.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Vocational Training to perform the following tasks:

(a) The basic academic management of vocational training courses in the education system and the establishment of vocational training qualifications and courses of specialisation.

b) The development of the foundations of the legal system of the teaching public function and the coordination of the policy of the teaching staff.

c) The establishment of guidelines for the issuance of official Spanish vocational training certificates.

(d) The approval of the equivalence of qualification scales for foreign qualifications and studies of vocational training and the approval and validation of foreign studies in the field of vocational training.

e) The resolution of convalidations and equivalences of Spanish studies with the vocational training of the Spanish education system.

(f) The elaboration of the training offer applicable to the territory of management of the department in the field of vocational training and initial vocational qualification programmes.

g) Information, advice and design of strategies in the field of vocational guidance and training, and the development and implementation of plans for the improvement and promotion of vocational training, as well as measures to promote policies for equality, non-discrimination and universal accessibility.

h) The management of European Social Fund support.

i) The management of adult education, and the elaboration of the training offer applicable to the territory of management of the Department in this field.

j) The design and development of measures that guide learning throughout life, both through regulated and non-regulated teaching activities.

k) Participation and collaboration in European and Ibero-American adult education programs.

l) The updated development and maintenance of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the corresponding modular catalogue of vocational training.

m) The development of the necessary support instruments for the assessment and accreditation of professional skills acquired through work experience and non-formal training pathways.

2. The following units with an organic level of general sub-direction depend on the Directorate-General for Vocational Training:

(a) The General Secretariat for Guidance and Vocational Training, which shall carry out the tasks assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of paragraph 1.

(b) The General Sub-Directorate of Lifelong Learning, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (i), (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

(c) The National Qualifications Institute, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (l) and (m).

Article 8. Secretary of State for Culture.

1. The Secretariat of State of Culture shall exercise, in respect of the units dependent on it, the powers provided for in Article 14 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State.

Also, it is up to you to perform the following functions:

a) The top management of the competencies that correspond to the Department in the field of culture.

b) The promotion, protection and dissemination of the Spanish historical heritage, state museums and the visual and visual arts.

c) The promotion and dissemination of Spanish culture.

d) The promotion of cultural industries.

e) The defense and protection of intellectual property.

f) Promoting the book and reading and encouraging literary creation.

g) The promotion, protection and dissemination of state archives and libraries.

h) The modernization and management of the cultural institutions of the General Administration of the State, and in particular of museums and archives of state ownership.

i) The promotion, protection and dissemination of performing arts, music, dance and circus.

j) The promotion, protection and dissemination of cinematographic and audiovisual activities of production, distribution and exhibition.

k) The elaboration and management, through the Public Body "Management of Infrastructures and Equipment", of the plan of cultural infrastructures of the State.

l) The orientation and impetus of international relations in the field of culture, as well as the follow-up of the actions of the European Union in this field, without prejudice to the functions of management and coordination correspond to the Assistant Secretary of the department.

2. The following management bodies depend on the Secretariat of State for Culture:

a) The General Directorate of Cultural Policy and Industries and the Book.

b) The General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural Property and Archives and Libraries.

3. As a body of immediate assistance to the Secretary of State, there is a Cabinet, with an organic level of Subdirección General, with the structure set out in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

4. It is directly dependent on the Secretariat of State for Culture, the Deputy Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Management, which will exercise the functions of assisting the management bodies in the preparation of the procurement files, the processing of the procedures for the award of contracts and the award of public grants, and the processing of budget implementation files.

5. For the advice of the Secretary of State for Culture there will be a State Advocate, organically integrated in that of the Department.

In addition, there is a Delegated Intervention of the General Intervention of the State Administration, within the scope of the Secretariat of State, organically integrated in the Department's Delegate Intervention.

Article 9. Directorate-General for Cultural Policy and Industries and the Book.

1. It corresponds to the Directorate-General for Cultural Policy and Industries and the Book, the exercise of the following functions:

(a) The design of policies for the promotion of cultural industries, as well as their development, or coordination when they correspond to specific competencies of the rest of the management centres or public bodies of the Department.

b) The design of policies for action and cultural promotion, as well as their development, or coordination when they correspond to specific competencies of the rest of the departments or public agencies of the Department. Collaboration with other institutions, entities, and public or private individuals for the development of joint cultural action programs.

c) The impulse of the participation of society in the processes of creation, cultural dynamization and obtaining of resources through programs of sponsorship, volunteering and cultural tourism, in coordination, in the latter case, with the bodies of the General Administration of the State responsible for tourism promotion.

(d) The establishment and management, where appropriate, of the subsidy scheme and aid which is not the specific competence of another management body, in accordance with the objectives set out in the Ministry's programmes.

e) The impetus and coordination of patronage activities relating to the Department.

(f) The proposal of appropriate measures for the protection and protection of intellectual property and the exercise of functions that correspond to the Department in the field of the registration of intellectual property and those relating to entities for collective management of intellectual property rights.

g) The national and international promotion and dissemination of Spanish letters.

h) The promotion of reading through promotion campaigns of this.

i) The promotion of the book by means of support for editing and participation in national and international fairs and exhibitions.

j) The study and proposal of actions in relation to the publishing industry and the book in general.

k) The promotion and support of literary creation and translation, by means of convocation and grant of scholarships, prizes and any other type of stimulus.

l) Cooperation with the cultural action of the Autonomous Communities, promoting, by common agreement, cultural communication among them, knowledge of the plurality and richness of their respective cultural heritages, as well as the exchange of information on their cultural activities.

m) The monitoring and processing of the collaboration agreements of the Department with the Autonomous Communities, as well as the follow-up of the acts and provisions of the Autonomous Communities.

n) The promotion of knowledge of the cultural diversity of Autonomous Communities abroad, according to them.

n) The external promotion of Spanish language and culture, as an instrument for the internationalization of Spanish cultural industries.

(o) The promotion of programmes for the dissemination of Spanish language and culture through local education systems, in coordination with the Secretariat of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities and the Sub-secretary.

2. The following units with organic level of general sub-direction depend on the Directorate-General for Cultural Policy and Industries and the Book:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General for the Promotion of Cultural Industries and Patronage, which is responsible for the execution of the functions attributed to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 1.

(b) The General Subdirectorate of Intellectual Property, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (f).

(c) The General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of the Book, Reading and Spanish Letters, which shall exercise the functions conferred on the Directorate-General in paragraphs (g), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of paragraph 1.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Cultural Cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (l), (m) and (n).

(e) The General Subdirectorate for the External Promotion of Culture, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (n) and (o).

Article 10. General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural Property and Archives and Libraries.

1. It corresponds to the General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural and Archives and Libraries the development of the following functions:

(a) The formation of the Register of Goods of Cultural Interest and the General Inventory of Furniture.

(b) The proposed acquisition of assets of the Spanish historical heritage and of the measures to be taken for their protection and defence.

(c) Coordination with the Ministry's units involved in the management of assets of the Spanish historical heritage, as well as with the other ministerial departments and, where appropriate, with the other public administrations.

(d) The exercise of the powers that correspond to the General Administration of the State for the application of the legal regime for the protection of historical heritage.

e) The management of State-owned museums that are dependent on the Department through this Directorate General.

f) Advice on State-owned museums that are dependent on other Ministries, the coordination of the Spanish Museum of Museums and cooperation with other administrations and public or private entities in the field of museums.

g) The elaboration and execution of plans for the conservation and restoration of the real estate of the historical patrimony, without prejudice to the functions attributed to the Management of Infrastructures and the Equipment of Culture, as well as cooperation with other public administrations and public or private entities for the development of such plans and their monitoring.

h) The elaboration and implementation of plans for the conservation and restoration of the movable property of the historical heritage, as well as of the funds that constitute the documentary and bibliographic heritage and the cooperation with others Public administrations and public or private entities for the development of such plans and their monitoring.

i) The promotion and promotion of Spanish archaeological research projects abroad.

j) The archiving and systematization of the work done and the documentation available on historical heritage; research and study on criteria, methods and techniques for their conservation and restoration, as well as the training of technicians and specialists in the conservation and restoration of real estate and furniture belonging to that heritage.

k) The promotion of artistic creation and exhibitions and any other activities for the dissemination of plastic arts.

l) The management of state ownership and management files attached to the Department, and advice regarding state ownership files that are dependent on other Ministries.

m) The creation, endowment, and promotion of state ownership files.

n) The coordination of the Spanish File System.

n) The promotion of the conservation of the documentary heritage and its national and international promotion and dissemination.

o) Planning, development, and maintenance of the Department's core file.

p) The development of programmes and plans for the promotion and improvement of libraries, as well as the coordination and promotion of library cooperation.

q) The provision of technical services and advice on library matters.

r) The creation, endowment, and promotion of state-owned libraries.

s) Getting, exploiting, and using library data.

t) The coordination and maintenance of the collective catalogue of the bibliographic heritage.

(u) The exercise of powers relating to the operation of the taurine registers, the promotion and protection of the bullfighting and the secretariat of the National Advisory Committee on Taurus, corresponding to its Presidency to the Minister for Education, Culture and Sport or authority to whom this delegate.

2. They depend on the General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural Property and Archives and Libraries the following units with organic level of general sub-direction:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for the Protection of the Historical Heritage, which is responsible for the execution of the functions attributed to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 1.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General of State Museums, which is responsible for the execution of the functions attributed to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (e) and (f) of paragraph 1.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, which is responsible for the execution of the functions attributed to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (g), (h), (i), (j) and (u) of paragraph 1.

(d) The General Subdirectorate for the Promotion of Fine Arts, which is responsible for the execution of the functions attributed to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (k).

(e) The General Subdirectorate of the State Archives, which is responsible for the execution of the functions assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraph 1 (l), (m), (n), (n) and (o).

(f) The General Sub-Directorate for Librarian Coordination, which is responsible for the execution of the tasks assigned to the Directorate-General in paragraphs (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) of paragraph 1.

3. It is attached to the General Direction of Fine Arts and Cultural Property and Archives and Libraries, the Board of Qualification, Valuation and Export of Property of the Spanish Historical Heritage.

Article 11. Deputy Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport.

1. The Sub-Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport holds the ordinary representation of the Ministry and the management of its common services, as well as the exercise of the powers referred to in Article 15 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April 1997. Organisation and functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in general, the exercise of the following functions:

a) Support and technical advice to the Minister in the elaboration and approval of the Department's action plans.

(b) The elaboration and coordination of the Department's overall plans for budgetary, personnel and remuneration policy, assets, buildings and infrastructure, information and communications technologies, of economic programming and budgetary control.

c) The impetus, coordination, support and supervision of the Department's general provisions development activities, as well as the efforts related to its publication.

(d) The direction, impetus and management of the functions related to the handling of the affairs of the Council of Ministers, the Government's Delegation Committees and the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries.

e) The direction, coordination and impetus of the international relations of the organs and agencies of the Department, especially with the European Union, as well as international cooperation, without prejudice to the competences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

f) The promotion and coordination of the relations of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport with the courts, with the other departments of the General Administration of the State, with the Delegates and Subdelegates of the Government and other peripheral organs.

g) The direction of the inspector's function on the departments, agencies and agencies of the Department, especially as regards the staff, procedure, economic regime, facilities and facilities of the departments, without prejudice to the functions corresponding to the educational inspection.

(h) Management of administrative services, rationalisation and computerisation, statistics, administrative information and documentation, and the dispatch of cases not attributed to competition from other higher bodies of the Department.

i) The coordination of the Department's actions on gender equality.

j) The articulation of the administrative relations of the Department with the Institute of Spain and the Royal Academies and Academies at national level.

2. In particular, the Secretariat shall perform the following tasks:

(a) The study and economic report of acts and provisions with economic-financial impact on expenditure and revenue budgets.

b) The determination of the structure of the programmes and sub-programmes in which the activity of the department is carried out, the preparation and processing of the annual preliminary draft budget, the monitoring of the implementation of the appropriations budget and the processing of its amendments.

c) Monitoring the degree of achievement of objectives with respect to programmes and actions to be determined in the annual State Budget Law.

d) The analysis and coordination of how many financial resources are allocated by the Department, as well as the coordination and monitoring of the implementation of European or international funding for programmes or programmes projects of the Department and its agencies, without prejudice to the functions assigned to other departments and bodies of the Department.

e) The elaboration of the personnel policy assigned to the Department and, in particular, its planning and management, by means of the forecast of needs; the proposal of offer of public employment, selection and provision; the proposal of changes in the relationship of jobs; the provision and monitoring of staff expenditure, as well as all aspects arising from the application of the rules in this respect, the provision of staff and remuneration and payroll.

f) The management of the teaching staff of the Department and the procedures for the mobility of teaching staff at national level, in a coordinated way with the other educational administrations, without prejudice to the functions of the Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities.

g) Training of staff, with the exception of teachers, management of social action and prevention of occupational risks.

h) The relationship with trade union organizations and other representative professional associations.

i) The processing and proposal for the resolution of claims prior to the judicial process, as well as the relations with the organs of the social court for the purposes of the referral of files and documents request and execution of statements.

(j) The functions of the ministry's rating and payment, except in cases where the specific procedures of actions of a particular ministry unit require the placing of a payment box in them. It shall also exercise the powers relating to the central unit of the department.

k) The internal system of the central services of the department, the equipment of the administrative units, the preservation, the intrend, operation and safety of the buildings, the supplies, the formation and updating the inventory of their movable property, as well as the supervision of the Ministry's works projects, where appropriate.

l) Assistance and support to the bureau and, where appropriate, the recruitment board.

m) The impetus and coordination of the information and communications technologies policy of the ministry and its various agencies; the development of the information systems necessary for the functioning of the services; administration and management of electronic administration, intranet, portal and Internet domains of the department; management and administration of voice and data communication networks in central, peripheral and in the external; the advice and assistance to the users in the field of technologies of the information and communications as well as coordination and cooperation with other administrations and bodies of the State in these matters.

n) The coordination and monitoring of relations with foreign and international organizations and authorities in matters of education, culture and sport, as well as the coordination and monitoring of the Department's actions The European Union has also been involved in the preparation of meetings of the Council of the European Union, in accordance with the guidelines of the upper bodies of the European Union and the European Union. prejudice to the powers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

n) The management of the services of the department abroad, framed in the Consejeries, Attachadurías and in the Directorates of the Ministry's existing programs in different countries, as well as the management of the teaching centers Spanish State ownership that is abroad. The planning of infrastructure needs and educational facilities abroad, in collaboration with the Management of Infrastructures and Equipment.

(o) Coordination and, where appropriate, the management of international cooperation treaties, conventions and programmes of a bilateral or multilateral nature, in the areas of competence of the department, as well as the advice on Spanish participation in international bodies.

3. It is up to the Secretariat for Education, Culture and Sport, the Technical General Secretariat, to exercise the powers provided for in Article 17 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April on the organisation and operation of the General Administration of State, as well as those provided for in Article 12 of this royal decree.

4. The following units with organic level of general subdirection are also dependent on the Subsecretariat:

(a) The Budget Office, which shall exercise the tasks assigned to the Secretariat in paragraph 2 (a), (b), (c) and (d), in addition to those corresponding to its specific rules.

(b) The General Staff Subdirectorate, which shall perform the tasks assigned to the Subsecretariat in paragraphs (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of paragraph 2.

(c) The General Staff, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Subsecretariat in paragraphs (j), (k) and (l) of paragraph 2.

(d) The General Subdirectorate of Information and Communications Technologies, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Subsecretariat in paragraph 2 (m).

(e) The Subdirectorate-General for International Cooperation, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Subsecretariat in paragraph 2 (n), (n) and (o).

5. The following units with organic level of general sub-direction are also dependent on the Subsecretariat:

(a) The Technical Cabinet, as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Assistant Secretary.

(b) the Department's General Inspection of Services, which is responsible for the implementation of the departmental inspection programmes and the assessment of the functioning of the dependent centres and agencies; or assigned to the department, as well as the other functions assigned in the current regulations.

6. They are attached to the Secretariat for Education, Culture and Sport, with the functions assigned to them by the provisions in force, and without prejudice to their dependence on the Ministries of Justice and Finance and Public Administrations, respectively, the following organs with an organic level of general subdirection:

(a) The State Advocate in the Department, in which the legal advice of the Secretary of State for Culture is integrated organically.

b) The Delegated Intervention of the General Intervention of the State Administration, in which the Delegated Intervention in the field of the Secretariat of State of Culture is organically integrated.

Article 12. Technical General Secretariat.

1. The Technical General Secretariat is the governing body of the Department which exercises the powers provided for in Article 17 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in particular the The following functions:

a) The elaboration and proposal of the Department's legislative program and the coordination and momentum of its implementation.

(b) The study, report and, where appropriate, drawing up of the draft general provisions to be issued or proposed by the Department, as well as its administrative procedures, with the exception of the proceedings for hearing the interested parties and public information provided for in Article 24.1 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November of the Government.

c) Coordination of reports on regulatory projects in other departments.

(d) The preparation, report and assistance to the Department's senior organs in relation to the matters to be submitted to the Council of Ministers, the Government Delegation Committees and the General Secretariat Commission of State and Undersecretaries.

e) Actions related to the publication of provisions and administrative acts of the Department in the "Official State Gazette".

(f) The actions resulting from the involvement of the Department in the Committee on the Monitoring of Provisions and Acts of the Autonomous Communities and the coordination of the actions of the various management bodies of the Department for the transfer of functions and services to the Autonomous Communities.

g) The registration of the agreements signed by the department with other public administrations, companies and agencies, both public and private.

(h) The processing and proposal for the resolution of administrative appeals against the provisions and acts of the department and its dependent bodies, unless those powers have been expressly conferred on the any body of such body, claims of liability and claims prior to the civil court.

i) The processing and proposal for the resolution of the procedures for the review of trade and the declaration of lesivity, when referring to acts of the department.

j) The processing and proposal for the resolution of the procedures for the exercise of the right of petition.

k) Relations with the courts and courts of justice, for the purposes of referral of the files and documents they request, the receipt of their notifications and the preparation of the execution of their judgments, without prejudice As provided for in the current regulations on representation and defense in the State and other public institutions.

Also, it will be up to the Attorney General of the State-Directorate of the Legal Service of the State to transfer the request for the exercise of legal actions before any courts, at the request of the organs competent managers for the reason of the matter.

(l) The follow-up to the questions referred for a preliminary ruling and the proceedings against the European Union concerning the scope of the department's powers, as well as the representation of the department in the committees and bodies of inter-ministerial character in relation to the Court of Justice of the European Union, where it is not expressly assigned to other management bodies.

m) The planning, promotion and coordination of department statistics, as well as the formulation of the National Statistical Plan and the annual programs that develop it in the department's field.

n) The elaboration of educational, cultural and sports statistics and, where appropriate, any other that is of interest to the department, as well as the calculation of statistical indicators for reports and studies Department that proceed.

It also corresponds to the impulse of the statistical use of the administrative registers. To this end, it will receive the precise information of the projects of implementation or review of the applications in which the information systems of the activities of the department that can have statistical utility are located.

n) The promotion, elaboration and dissemination of research, surveys and studies of interest to the Department.

o) Institutional coordination and statistical relations with the National Statistics Institute, with other ministerial departments, with other public administrations and with international organizations.

p) The proposal of the editorial program of the Department, the realization and editing of compilations, publications and other materials of the department and, where appropriate, its distribution and sale.

q) The organization and address of the library and the department's documentation centers.

r) The planning and implementation of the administrative information policy aimed at the citizen, through the Citizen Information Centre and the telematic services developed for this purpose, as well as the coordination and publication of the digital content of the Department's website.

s) The organization and management of the department's registry offices.

t) The Protectorate of the State Competition Foundations that are within the scope of the Ministry's competencies.

2. The following units with an organic level of general sub-direction depend on the Technical General Secretariat:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, who shall perform the tasks assigned to the Technical Secretariat in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of paragraph 1.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Resources and Relations with the Courts, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Technical Secretariat in paragraphs (h), (i), (j), (k) and (l) of paragraph 1.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Statistics and Studies, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Technical General Secretariat in paragraphs (m), (n), (n) and (o) of paragraph 1.

(d) The General Secretariat for Documentation and Publications, which shall exercise the functions assigned to the Technical Secretariat in paragraphs (p) and (q) of paragraph 1.

(e) The General Subdirectorate for the Attention of the Citizen, who shall exercise the functions assigned to the Technical Secretariat in paragraph 1 (r) and (s).

(f) The General Subdirectorate of the Protectorate of Foundations, which shall exercise the function assigned to the Technical General Secretariat in paragraph 1 (u).

Additional disposition first. Removal of organs.

1. The Directorate-General for Sport Infrastructure of the High Council for Sport is hereby deleted.

2. The following units with organic level of general sub-direction are deleted:

a) The General Subdirection of Modernization and University Internationalization.

b) The General Subdirection Of Major International Sporting Events.

c) The General Subdirection of University Analysis, Studies and Prospective.

(d) The General Economic Coordination Subdirectorate.

e) The General Subdirection of Teacher Training and Mobility.

f) The General Subdirectorate of Teachers and Teaching Innovation.

g) The General Subdirection of Student Care, Academic Guidance and Professional Insertion.

h) The General Subdirection of Grants, Aid and Student Mobility.

i) The General Subdirection of Alumni, Participation and Equality.

j) The Institute for Vocational Training, Educational Research and Innovation.

k) The Institute of Educational Technologies.

l) The National Institute of Evaluation.

m) The Subdirectorate General for International Cultural Cooperation.

n) The General Subdirection of Promotion of Cultural Industries and Foundations and Patronage.

o) A Budget Office.

p) The Human Resources Subdirectorate General.

q) A Major Office.

r) The General Subdirectorate of Information Systems and Technologies of the Ministry of Culture.

s) A Technical General ViceGeneral.

t) The Resource General Subdirection.

u) A Statistics Office.

v) The General Subdirectorate for Publications, Information and Documentation.

3. The following units with division organic level are deleted:

a) The Services General Inspection Division.

b) The Cultural Statistics Division.

c) The Division of Resources and Relations with the Courts.

d) The Division of Foundations and Attention to the Citizen.

Additional provision second. No increase in expenditure.

The application of this royal decree will be made without an increase in the operating costs of the respective management bodies and will not increase public expenditure.

Additional provision third. Peripheral organization of the department.

The peripheral units of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla depend on the Department, through the Secretary of State for Education, Vocational Training and Universities.

Additional provision fourth. Functional areas of high education inspection.

The functional areas of the High Inspection of Education integrated in the respective Government Delegations and governed by Royal Decree 1330/1997, of August 1, and other rules that apply to them, are functionally dependent of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, through the Directorate-General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation.

Additional provision fifth. Supply of the heads of the management bodies.

In the case of vacancy, absence or illness, the following regime of higher organs and managers of the Department is established:

(a) The holders of the organs referred to in Article 1.3 shall replace each other, following the order in which they are mentioned, unless the Minister establishes another order of replacement.

b) The Directors-General and the Technical Secretary-General of the Department will be replaced by the Deputy Directors General of their dependency, following the order in which they are mentioned for the first time in this royal decree, unless the hierarchical superior common to all of them expressly establishes another replacement order.

Additional provision sixth. Regulatory references to deleted organs.

The references that are made in the legal order to the organs that are deleted by this royal decree will be understood to be those that are created, replaced or assume their competences in this same norm.

Additional provision seventh. Protectorate of foundations.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations will assess, within six months, the feasibility of establishing a single Protectorate for all state competition foundations and, where appropriate, adopt the measures. required for implantation.

Single transient arrangement. Units and positions of lower rank to General Subdirection.

1. The units and jobs with a lower organic level to the General Subdirectorate will continue to remain and will be paid from the same budgets, until the corresponding job relationship of the Ministry is approved. Education, Culture and Sport, adapted to the organic structure approved by this royal decree.

2. The units and posts of work in the organs removed by this royal decree shall be provisionally attached, by means of a resolution of the Deputy Secretary, until the new employment relationship, to the new bodies, is in force. regulated in this royal decree, depending on the attributions they have assigned.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

As many provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed, they oppose the provisions of this royal decree, and in particular:

a) Royal Decree 189/2011, of 18 February, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Education is developed and amended Royal Decree 1366/2010, of 29 October, for which the organic structure is approved basic of the ministerial departments.

b) Royal Decree 1132/2008 of 4 July, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Culture is developed.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Royal Decree 2195/2004, of 25 November, regulating the organic structure and functions of the Superior Council of Sports.

Royal Decree 2195/2004, of 25 November, governing the organic structure and functions of the Superior Council of Sports, is amended as follows:

One. Article 5 (1) and Article 5 (2) shall be worded as follows:

" 1. It is directly dependent on the President of the body the Directorate-General for Sport.

2. They are also directly dependent on the President, with an organic level of sub-directorate-general:

(a) A Cabinet, as an organ of support and immediate assistance to the President, with the structure and functions established in Article 10 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November, of the Government, and in Royal Decree 1887/2011, of 30 December, approving the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

Correspond, in addition, to the Cabinet of the tasks related to the planning of the objectives, its monitoring and the evaluation of the results, the international relations, the development of the policy of the Council Superior Sports in the field of international cooperation, institutional relations and protocol, as well as the drafting of the reports, studies and texts entrusted to him by the President.

b) The General Inspection Subdirectorate, to which the following functions correspond:

1. Check the appropriate justification, the performance of the activity and the fulfilment of the purpose of the grants awarded by the agency, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on grants; inspect the official and regulatory books and documents of the entities benefiting from them, without prejudice to the powers conferred on the General Intervention of the State Administration by the legislation on grants and to propose the audits which are deemed necessary and the scope of these, in the legal cases intended.

2. Exercise the control and monitoring of the shareholding of the sports public limited companies and raise the motions for resolutions that come according to the regulations in force.

3. To provide economic and financial advice to Spanish sports federations and other sports institutions, in so far as these entities receive grants from public funds. Issue the reports and management studies that are entrusted to you.

c) The Press Office, through which the High Council of Sports relates to the media. "

Two. Article 6 is worded as follows:

" 1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Sport:

(a) Raise the proposals on objectives, budgets, organic and functional structures and sports programs of the Spanish sports federations to the President of the Superior Sports Council, collaborating with them and with the associations established in Article 12.1 of Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the Sport, by means of technical and economic support for the training and improvement of the athletes of high level, as well as to propose the criteria for the classification as such.

b) Raise the proposals on the strategic plan of grants to the federations, the Spanish sports associations and, where appropriate, other entities and institutions, to the President of the Superior Sports Council, proposing the grant of those that proceed and promote their effective implementation.

(c) Propose the President to authorize the multi-annual expenditure of the Spanish sports federations in the regulations envisaged, the fate of their assets in the event of dissolution and the authorization of the lien and disposal of their immovable property where they have been fully or partially financed by State public funds.

(d) Propose the President, following the agreement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the holding of official international sports competitions in the Spanish territory, as well as the participation of Spanish selections in international competitions.

e) Managing directly the high performance centers of the Superior Sports Council, and coordinating with the federations and sports associations to use them.

f) Cooperate with the support of the high performance and sports technology centers that are of ownership of the Autonomous Communities, proposing to these effects the corresponding collaboration agreements.

g) To collaborate with the Autonomous Communities in the development of plans for the promotion of physical education and the practice of sport in all population groups, as well as to promote the socio-educational values inherent in the sport.

h) To promote the organizational and promotional actions developed by the sports associations and to organize, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, school and university sports competitions at national level and

i) Develop plans and programs for the detection of sports talents, in coordination with the Spanish sports federations, and propose annual grant plans.

j) Promote and promote measures for the prevention, control and repression of the use of products, substances, non-regulatory or prohibited methods in sport, as well as the adoption of measures to combat the use of such substances products, substances and methods, in the other areas of sport; ordering the publication of the list of prohibited substances and methods and reporting on the list, and enabling responsible and auxiliary health personnel for the collection of samples of the doping controls.

k) To promote the protection of the health of the athletes by carrying out tests, studies and medical-sports research, as well as by issuing the Health Card of the athlete, and promoting the scientific and technological research related to physical activity and sport.

(l) Exercise the competence in the field of mediation and coordination of professional leagues with the respective Spanish sports federations and raise the proposal for the resolution of conflicts of competence to the President which may occur between them.

m) Planning, planning and construction of the Council's own sports facilities, updating and adapting the design and construction regulations for infrastructure and sports equipment, as well as the technical advice in this field to other public administrations, sports federations and other sports entities.

n) Update the National Census of Sports Facilities, in collaboration with the Autonomous Communities, and schedule, in collaboration with the territorial entities, and, if necessary, carry out the construction plans, Extension and improvement of sport infrastructure.

n) Develop the preliminary draft budget, monitor and analyse its implementation, the financial and economic management of the body, its accounting and treasury, as well as the management and processing of the administrative procurement of the body.

o) The proposal and implementation of the body's personnel policy, the provision of its needs and the development of the relations of jobs, social action programmes and training plans.

p) The internal system, the development of the body's wealth management and the equipment, conservation, maintenance and security of its facilities.

q) The organization and management of IT services, as well as the development of studies and proposals for the rationalization of activities and working methods.

(r) To propose, within the framework of the educational powers of the General Administration of the State, the regulation and management of special-regime sports teaching; to propose the resolution of the the issue of technical-sports qualifications, as well as of type-approval, validation, professional equivalence and training correspondence of sports studies; collaboration with other entities to promote the creation and development of centres that provide such lessons, and to promote and develop the remaining actions which correspond to the body in this field.

s) The elaboration and proposal of resolutions of appeals filed with the Superior Council of Sports, general regulations and administrative procedures.

t) Propose to the Commission's Board of Directors:

1. The approval of the statutes and regulations of the sports federations, groups of clubs and sports promotion entities of the state, as well as the authorization of their registration in the Register of associations sports and the recognition of new sports modalities.

2. The authorization of the registration of the Spanish sports federations in the corresponding international sports federations and in the Register of sports associations.

3. The approval of the statutes and regulations of the professional leagues, as well as the authorization of their registration in the Register of sports associations.

4. The proposal on the authorisation of the registration of the sports public limited companies in the Register of sports associations.

u) To instruct the sanctioning files for the failure to comply with the obligations set out in Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, regarding the shareholding of the public limited companies, and to raise to the President of the Superior Council of Sports the corresponding motion for a resolution.

2. The Directorate General for Sport is structured in the following Subdirectorates General:

(a) The Subdirectorate-General of High-Competition, which is responsible for the execution of the functions listed in paragraph 1.a), (b), (c), (d) and (l)

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for Sports Promotion and Paralympic Sport, which is responsible for the execution of the functions listed in paragraph 1 (g), (h) and (i), and with respect to Paralympic sports federations, functions attributed in paragraph 1.a), (b), (c) and (d).

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Sport and Health, which is responsible for the execution of the functions listed in points (j) and (k) of paragraph 1, to which the Centre for Sport Medicine is attached and which shall provide administrative support for the operation of the Health and Doping Monitoring and Monitoring Committee.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Sports Infrastructure and Economic Administration, which is responsible for the execution of the functions listed in paragraph 1.m), n) and n).

(e) The General Secretariat, to which the execution of the functions listed in paragraph 1 (1), (p), (q) and (r) corresponds.

(f) The Subdirectorate-General of the Legal Regime of Sport, which corresponds to the exercise of the functions listed in paragraph 1.s), t) and u) and to which the Register of Sports Associations is attached.

3. It also depends on the Directorate-General for Sport, with the organic level to be determined in the relation of jobs, the Division of High Performance Sports Centres, which corresponds to the execution of the functions listed in the apartado1.e) and f) and expressly the management of the centers of Madrid and Sierra Nevada.

4. It is up to the Director-General of Sport to chair the Committee on Health and Drug Control and Monitoring, a collegiate body of the Higher Sports Council.

5. In the light of the special characteristics of this management body, its holder shall not be required to be an official in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.2 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April. "

Three. Article 7 of Royal Decree 2195/200 of 25 November is deleted.

Four. Article 8 and Article 9 of Royal Decree 2195/2004 of 25 November 2004 shall be numbered as Articles 7 and 8 respectively.

Final disposition second. Powers of development.

The Minister of Education, Culture and Sport is hereby authorized to take the necessary measures for the development and execution of this royal decree, prior to the implementation of the appropriate legal procedures.

Final disposition third. Budgetary changes.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations will carry out the necessary budgetary modifications for the fulfillment of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the same day as its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on January 27, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,