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Real Decree 199 / 2012, Of 23 Of January, By Which Is Develops It Structure Organic Basic Of The Ministry Of The Presidency And Is Modifies The Royal Decree 1887 / 2011, Of 30 Of December, By Which Is Sets The Structure Organic Basic Of It...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 199/2012, de 23 de enero, por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de la Presidencia y se modifica el Real Decreto 1887/2011, de 30 de diciembre, por el que se establece la estructura orgánica básica de lo...

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The organic structure of the Ministry of the Presidency has been established by two regulatory standards: Royal Decree 1823/2011 of 21 December, which restructured the ministerial departments; and the Royal Decree Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 establishing the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments.

The final provision of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, establishes that the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, at the initiative of the ministries concerned, will raise to the Council of Ministers the of royal decrees adapting the organic structure of the different ministerial departments and autonomous bodies to the forecasts contained in this royal decree.

On the other hand, and for the purposes of the provisions of article 18.2 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, the present royal decree maintains the intended exception in that law in relation to the head of the Directorate-General for Communication, which is recognised in the fourth additional provision of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011, for continuing to present the reasons justifying its approval, and in that sense the above exception is included in the additional provision of the present royal decree.

In its virtue, on the initiative of the Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Presidency, on a proposal from the Minister of Finance and Public Administrations, and after deliberation by the Council of Ministers at its meeting on January 2012,


Article 1. General organization of the Department.

1. The Ministry of the Presidency is responsible for the coordination of matters of constitutional relevance; the preparation, development and follow-up of the legislative programme; immediate support to the Presidency of the Government; assistance to the Council of Ministers, to the Government's Delegation Committees, to the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries, and in particular to the Government in its relations with the General Cortes; the inter-ministerial coordination entrusted to it by the provisions in force, the Government or its President; the coordination of the information policy of the Government, the elaboration of the criteria for its determination and the organization of the information coverage of the governmental activity, as well as the elaboration and dissemination of the communiques of the Government and its President, and the review of the activities of the Council of Ministers; the coordination of the information services of the General Administration of the State in Spain and abroad, as well as the relations with the media; the functions of material support, management economic-financial, budgetary, staff and, in general, how many others of this nature The President of the Government and the governing bodies of the Presidency of the Government; relations with the Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities, without prejudice to the legal powers conferred on other Ministries in the their respective area of activity, as well as the other powers conferred by the legal system.

2. The holder of the Ministry of the Presidency is responsible for the exercise of the functions provided for in Articles 12 and 13 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April of the Organization and the Functioning of the General Administration of the State, and in Article 4 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November of the Government.

3. The holder of the Ministry of the Presidency, in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.1 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November, also exercises the duties of Secretary of the Council of Ministers.

4. The Ministry of the Presidency, under the direction of the head of the Department, exercises the powers that legally correspond to it, through the following superior and managerial bodies:

a) The Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts.

b) The Secretary of State for Communication.

(c) The Secretariat of the Presidency.

In the event that the functions of the Government Spokesperson are exercised by a body other than the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency, in accordance with the additional provision of Royal Decree 1823/2011, of 21 December, for which the ministerial departments are restructured, the Secretariat of State of Communication will maintain its organic integration in the Ministry of the Presidency, and will depend functionally on the Minister who takes over the functions of Government spokesperson, for the purpose of exercising them.

5. The following public bodies are attached to the Ministry of the Presidency:

a) The National Intelligence Center.

b) The State Agency's Official Gazette.

c) The Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.

d) The Center for Sociological Research.

The National Intelligence Center, the Center for Sociological Research, and the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies are all assigned through the Department's head. The State Agency's Official Gazette is attached through the Secretariat.

6. The Board of Directors of the National Heritage is organically dependent on the Presidency of the Government, through the Ministry of the Presidency, as provided for in the Regulations of Law 23/1982, of June 16, the National Heritage National, approved by Royal Decree 496/1987, of 18 March.

7. As an organ of immediate support to the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency there is a Cabinet, with the organic level and composition established in article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011, of December 30, for which the structure is established basic organic of the ministerial departments.

Article 2. Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts.

1. The Secretariat of State of Relations with the Courts is the top organ of the Department to which the relations between the Government and the General Courts correspond, under the direct dependence of the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency. It is also up to him to coordinate matters of constitutional relevance and the legislative program of the government, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the minister.

In particular, as a regular communication body between the Government and the General Courts, it is for the exercise of the following functions:

(a) The attendance or representation of the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency at the meetings of the Boards of Portals of the Chambers, when the Government considers it appropriate to attend these meetings, all in accordance with the provisions of the in the Regulations of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate.

b) The referral to the General Courts of the writings and communications that the Government sends to the Chambers, except in the case of international conventions and treaties, bills, royal decree-laws and royal decrees legislative, the reference of which corresponds to the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency, without prejudice to his electronic communication by the Secretary of State to the Chambers.

c) The study, monitoring and coordination of the parliamentary process of the legislative programme of the Government.

d) The coordination of the administrative activity of the Government's relations with the General Courts and assistance to the Government in the field of parliamentary control and, in general, in its relations with the Chambers.

e) Any other function that may derive from the activity of the General Courts in their relations with the Government.

2. From the Secretariat of State of Relations with the Courts, the Directorate General of Relations with the Courts depends, as a management body.

3. As an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Secretary of State, there is a Cabinet with an organic level of general sub-direction, with the structure established in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

Article 3. General Directorate of Relations with the Courts.

1. The following functions are the responsibility of the Directorate General for Relations with the Courts:

a) Information, coordination and assistance to the Government in its relations with the General Courts.

b) Support and assistance to the Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts at the meetings of the Board of Portmantes of the Chambers.

c) The study, follow-up and coordination in the legislative chambers of the legislative program of the government, of the bills, of the treaties and international conventions and of the proposals of law.

d) Studies, documentation and preparatory actions related to the taking into consideration of the proposals of law.

e) Studies, documentation and preparatory actions related to the processing of non-law proposals and motions submitted to the Congress of Deputies and to the Senate.

(f) Advice and technical assistance to the head of the Secretariat of State in relation to the preparation and coordination of the Government's legislative programme.

g) Obtaining the necessary information regarding questions with written response, request for reports and requests from individuals and their transfer to the Chambers.

h) The assessment, report and assistance to the Government and the various ministries on parliamentary initiatives.

i) The follow-up of the commitments made by the government before the Congress of Deputies and before the Senate.

j) The management and treatment of all the parliamentary documentation necessary for the performance of the functions of the Secretariat of State of Relations with the Courts.

k) The report, study and advice to the head of the Secretariat of State on the coordination of matters of constitutional relevance.

l) The carrying out of studies and reports related to the initiatives of constitutional reform and the reform of the Statutes of Autonomy.

m) The development of reports and support for the head of the Secretariat of State in relation to meetings of the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries, as well as meetings of the Delegation of the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Secretariat of State. Government or Interministerial Commissions in which you participate.

n) The monitoring, assessment and, where appropriate, the formulation of proposals in relation to the consistency and technical quality of the Government's programme and regulatory activity.

2. The following bodies depend on the Directorate-General for Relations with the Courts:

(a) The General Subdirectorate for Legislative Coordination, which exercises the powers referred to in points (c) and (d) of the previous paragraph.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General of Parliamentary Initiatives, which exercises the powers referred to in points (e), (f) and (h) of the previous paragraph.

(c) The General Subdirectorate of Written Control, which exercises the functions referred to in point (g) of the previous paragraph.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Normative Proposals and Parliamentary Documentation, which exercises the functions set out in points (i), (j), (k), (l), (m) and (n) of the previous paragraph.

Article 4. Secretary of State for Communication.

1. It is for the Secretariat of the State of Communication, under the top management of the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency, to exercise the following tasks:

a) The coordination of the Government's information policy and the elaboration of the criteria for its determination, as well as the impetus and coordination of the State's institutional communication policy.

b) The elaboration and dissemination of the statements of the Government and its President and the review of the activities of the Council of Ministers.

c) The direction of the information services of the General Administration of the State in Spain and abroad.

d) Relations with the media, as well as the analysis of the national and international conjuncture.

e) The organization of national and international coverage of government activity.

f) Assistance to the public activities and appearances of the President of the Government, both on national and foreign territory.

g) Support to the Commission for the publicity and institutional communication, attached to the Ministry of the Presidency through the Secretariat of State of Communication, in the exercise of the functions assigned to it by the Royal Decree 947/2006, dated 28 August, for which the Committee on Advertising and Institutional Communication is regulated and the preparation of the Plan and the Annual Report on the publicity and communication of the General Administration of the State.

2. The Directorate-General for Communication, as a steering body, depends on the Secretariat of State for Communication.

3. As an organ of support and immediate assistance to the Secretary of State, there is a Cabinet with an organic level of general sub-direction, with the structure established in Article 14 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

4. The Secretariat of State of Communication depends on the advice and aggregations of information of the diplomatic missions of Spain, in the terms set out in Royal Decree 632/1987, of May 8, on the organization of the Administration of the State on the outside.

5. The administrative, administrative and vocal bodies of the bodies entrusted with the relationship with the social media in the ministerial departments, the peripheral administration and, where appropriate, the dependent public bodies of the General Administration of the State, are functionally dependent, in the exercise of these powers, of the Secretariat of State of Communication. The Diplomatic Information Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation is exempted from this provision.

Article 5. Directorate-General for Communication.

1. It is for the Directorate-General for Communication to exercise the following tasks:

(a) The coordination of the elaboration and distribution of information from the Government to the organs, cabinets and vowels of the same persons entrusted with the relationship with the media in the Departments Ministers, bodies of the peripheral administration and Directorate-General for Relations with the Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities and, where appropriate, public bodies dependent on the General Administration of the State.

b) The elaboration and dissemination of the references and information notes of the Council of Ministers and the President of the Government.

c) Further dissemination of information and data received for this purpose from other ministerial departments.

d) The updated edition and maintenance of the Communication Agenda.

e) Relations with national and international media of social communication.

f) The transmission of information to the media about government activities.

g) The documentary treatment and monitoring of information in the national and international media, as well as the management and maintenance of the different databases.

h) The coordination of the external information action carried out by the counseling and information aggregations of the diplomatic representations of Spain.

i) The accreditation of foreign correspondents, collaborators and special envoys, as well as information support to journalists from international news media.

j) The organization of the information coverage of visits and trips of State.

k) The informative analysis of political, economic and social conjuncture at national and international level.

l) Manage and coordinate with the rest of the ministerial departments the website of La Moncloa and update its content.

m) Keeping open channels of electronic communication with citizens especially through so-called social networks.

n) Establish ways of communicating with the media via the Internet.

or) Study the incorporation of new information technologies into government information action.

p) Analyze current legislation on information and propose measures for improvement.

2. The following bodies depend on the Directorate-General for Communication:

(a) The Subdirectorate General for National Information, which performs the functions referred to in points (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) and (j) of the previous paragraph.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for International Information, which performs the functions referred to in points (e), (f), (h), (i), (j) and (k) of the previous paragraph.

(c) The General Subdirectorate for Analysis and Documentation, which performs the functions referred to in points (d), (g), (k) and (p) of the previous paragraph.

(d) The Subdirectorate-General for Electronic Communication and New Technologies, which unsets the functions referred to in points (l), (m), (n) and (o) of the previous paragraph.

Article 6. Deputy Secretary of the Presidency.

1. It is for the Secretariat, under the top management of the holder of the Department, to exercise the powers referred to in Article 15 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, and in particular the performance of the following functions:

a) Assistance to the head of the Department in the functions of support to the President of the Government.

(b) The implementation of the guidelines and instructions issued by the head of the Department for the organisation and coordination of the activities of the Council of Ministers, the Government and the Commission Delegated Committees General of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries.

c) Support and technical advice to the Department holder in the elaboration and approval of the Department's action plans.

d) The direction and coordination of the ministry's common services, and in particular economic and budgetary planning and management, as well as human, technological and material resources.

e) The establishment of plans for the inspection of personnel and services, as well as the implementation of precise actions for the improvement of planning, management and organization systems and for rationalization and simplification of procedures and working methods.

(f) The elaboration, where appropriate, and the processing of draft general provisions.

g) The direction and implementation of organizational projects at ministerial level.

h) Communication with the other Departments and with the agencies and entities related to the ministry.

i) The programming, coordination and evaluation of the editorial activity of the General Administration of the State, as well as the execution of the editorial plans of the Department.

j) The impetus and coordination of the Department's institutional relations, as well as relations with the courts.

k) Planning and coordination of ministry activity in the field of cooperation and international relations.

l) The relationship with the Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities, without prejudice to the functions that correspond to other Ministries in their respective field of competence.

2. It is also up to the Secretariat of the Presidency, through its common services, to provide advice, technical support and direct management of the material and personal means of the organs under the Presidency of the Government, without prejudice to the initiative and proposal of the latter.

3. The following management bodies depend on the Department's Secretariat:

a) General Secretariat-Government Secretariat-Government.

b) Directorate-General for Relations with Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities.

4. They also depend on the Sub-Secretariat, with an organic level of sub-directorate-general:

(a) The Technical Cabinet, as the permanent support and advisory body of the Undersecretary, who also exercises the competence of the Under-Secretary under Article 15.1.c) of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, and which is collects in paragraph 1.e of this Article.

(b) The General Staff, which corresponds to the execution of the works and the administration, preservation, maintenance and inventory of the movable and immovable property, as well as the management and organization of the General Register of the Ministry, of the unit of official public acts, of the Medical Cabinet and of the other services of the Department.

c) The Human Resources Subdirectorate General, which develops the management and administration functions of the staff.

(d) The General Secretariat for Economic Management, which is responsible for economic and financial management and administrative procurement.

(e) The budgetary office, which exercises the functions of preparing the preliminary draft budget, coordinating the draft budgets of the public bodies, the processing of budgetary changes and the assessment of the various expenditure programmes.

(f) The General Subdirectorate of Technologies and Information Services, which exercises the functions of elaboration, development and implementation of strategic and operational plans in the field of information systems; advice and technical assistance in the field of information and communication technologies; and the management, design, development, implementation and exploitation of information systems ensuring their interoperability, safety and quality, as well as the provision and management of the equipment and the necessary IT resources for its execution.

5. They are attached to the Secretariat, with the functions assigned to them by the provisions in force, and without prejudice to their dependence on the Ministries of Justice and Finance and Public Administrations, respectively, the following bodies, with organic level of general sub-direction:

a) State advocacy.

b) The Delegated Intervention of the General Intervention of the State Administration.

6. They correspond to the Under-Secretary of the Presidency:

(a) The Secretariat of the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries.

b) The Chair of the Coordinating Board for Official Publications.

Article 7. Secretary-General Technical-Secretariat of the Government.

1. It is for the Government Secretariat-General Secretariat of the Government, with a rank of Directorate-General, to exercise the functions conferred on it by Law 50/1997 of 27 November and Article 17 of Law 6/1997 of 14 April, and in particular, the performance of the following functions:

a) The conduct of studies and reports on the subjects of the Department's competence.

(b) The study and report of the matters on which the Council of Ministers, the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries and the Government's Delegated Commissions are to deliberate.

(c) The preparation of the reports referred to in Article 22.2 of Law 50/1997 of 27 November, as well as those laid down in Article 24.2 of the same Law.

d) The processing and, where appropriate, the elaboration of the general provisions in matters of the Department. Likewise, it is up to the study, processing and, where appropriate, the elaboration of the orders of the holder of the Ministry of the Presidency dictated on the proposal of the Ministers concerned, in accordance with the provisions of article 25.f of the Law 50/1997, dated November 27.

e) The report, file, custody, and evaluation of the execution of the conventions to be signed by the Department.

f) The processing of resources and claims from the Department's competence. It also corresponds to the relations of the Ministry with the Courts and Courts of Justice, as well as the processing of the petitions received in that exercise of the right of petition of article 29 of the Spanish Constitution.

g) The programming, coordination, and evaluation of the editorial activities of the General Administration of the State, as well as the proposal and implementation of the Department's editorial policy.

h) The provision of documentary assistance to the various departments of the Department, as well as the classification, cataloging and custody of bibliographic, documentary and archival funds.

i) The conduct of studies and reports on the general legal and administrative aspects arising from membership of the European Union.

(j) The monitoring and reporting of constitutional issues that may arise in connection with the various parliamentary initiatives requested by the Secretary of State for Relations with the Cortes.

k) The follow-up to the decisions of the Constitutional Court and the supranational and international jurisdictions that affect the Spanish constitutional regime.

(l) The analysis and compilation of foreign legislation, in particular that of the member countries of the European Union.

m) The coordination of the Ministry's activities in the field of cooperation and international relations.

n) The preparation of the meetings of the Council of Ministers, the Delegation Committees of the Government and the General Commission of Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries; the determination of the provisions to be dealt with as the distribution of the order of the day and how much data and background the members of the collegiate bodies expressed in order to know the matters submitted to deliberation, and the preparation and custody of the minutes of the agreements adopted, ensuring that they are implemented.

o) Velar for the implementation of the Instructions on the processing of the affairs of the Government's collegiate bodies, as well as to promote the implementation of new technologies in this field, in collaboration with the Subdirección General of Technologies and Information Services.

p) Velar for improving the technical quality of the resolutions and provisions emanating from the government's collegiate bodies, through the elaboration, updating and dissemination of normative technical guidelines.

q) The implementation of the agreements adopted by the Council of Ministers in relation to constitutional conflicts and the procedures for declaring unconstitutionality.

(r) The management and control of the publication of the administrative provisions and acts which are to be inserted in the Official Gazette of the State, in particular by ensuring the order of priority of the inserts, the safeguarding of competence of the different bodies of the Administration and the fulfilment of the necessary formal requirements in each case.

2. The following bodies, with organic level of general sub-direction, depend on the Government Secretariat-General Secretariat:

(a) The Technical Vice-Secretary-General, who exercises the powers referred to in points (a), (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(b) The Subdirectorate-General for International Reports and Studies, which performs the functions referred to in points (b), (i), (j), (k), (l) and (m) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(c) The Subdirectorate-General for Publications, Documentation and Archive, which corresponds to the exercise of the powers referred to in points (g) and (h) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(d) The Office of the Government Secretariat, which performs the functions referred to in points (n), (o) and (p) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

(e) The General Subdirectorate for the Monitoring of Agreements and Provisions, which exercises the powers referred to in points (q) and (r) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. It also depends on the Government Secretariat-General Secretariat of the Government, with the organic level to be determined in the relation of jobs, the Division of Resources and the Law of Petition, to which the exercise of the competences corresponds referred to in point (f) of paragraph 1 of this Article.

4. In addition, the Technical Secretary-General-Director of the Government Secretariat exercises the duties of assistant secretary of the General Commission of the Secretaries of State and Undersecretaries.

Article 8. Directorate-General for Relations with Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities.

1. It is for the Directorate-General to Relation to the Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities the following functions, without prejudice to the powers legally attributed to other ministries in their respective area of activity:

a) The relationship with Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities.

b) The analysis and monitoring of the actions developed by the Government Delegations.

c) The impetus of the cooperation and collaboration of the Government Delegations with the Autonomous Communities and Cities with Autonomy Statute, in order to promote and guarantee the agility and effectiveness of the actions of the General administration of the State in relation to those public administrations.

d) The empowerment of communication and the exchange of information between the Government Delegations and the Ministry of the Presidency.

e) The channelling of the dissemination of government policies in the territory through the Government Delegations.

2. It is up to the Directorate-General for Relations with the Government Delegations in the Autonomous Communities of the General Subdirectorate for Relations with the Government Delegations, which is responsible for assisting the head of the Directorate-General in the exercise of the functions referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Additional disposition first. Exception in the appointments of the Directors-General.

The head of the Directorate-General for Communication, which is currently excluded from the general rule of appointment provided for in Article 18.2 of Law 6/1997, of 14 April, will keep the exception for the current characteristics and reasons justifying the application of the same.

Additional provision second. National Intelligence Center.

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Justice, Defense, Finance and Public Administrations, Interior and the Presidency in accordance with Law 11/2002 of 6 May, regulating the National Center of Intelligence shall provide the necessary support to this public body in order to have the coverage that is accurate and appropriate for the fulfilment of its objectives in the exercise of the functions provided for in that Law.

Additional provision third. Supply of the heads of the management bodies.

In the cases of vacancy, absence or illness of the holder of a higher or managerial body, and in application of the provisions of article 17 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure, the supply shall correspond to the holders of the immediately subordinate organs, in the same order in which they appear in the respective structure established in this royal decree.

Additional provision fourth. Removal of organs.

The following Department organs are deleted:

Technical General Secretariat.

General Subdirection of Constitutional Regime.

General Subdirection of Studies and Normative Proposals.

Information Coordination General Subdirection.

Monitoring General Subdirection.

General Subdirection of Activities and Coordination of External Information Action.

General Subdirection of International Analysis and Information.

General Subdirection of Reports.

Subdirectorate General for International Cooperation and Studies.

General Documentation and Information Subdirection.

Additional provision fifth. No increase in public spending.

The application of this royal decree will be made without an increase in the operating costs of the respective management bodies and will not increase public expenditure.

Additional provision sixth. Delegation of powers.

The delegation of powers granted by the various organs of the Ministry of the Presidency not revoked until the date of the entry into force of this royal decree, will continue to be valid and will be able to make use of them bodies in whose field of action the corresponding competence is framed until they are expressly revoked or again granted to the different bodies resulting from the application of this royal decree.

Single transient arrangement. Units and jobs with an organic level below the general sub-direction and transitional arrangements of the collegiate bodies.

1. Units and jobs with a lower organic level than the general sub-directorate which are affected by the organic changes laid down in this royal decree, shall continue to remain and shall be paid from the same appropriations. budget, until the relations of jobs adapted to the organic structure of this royal decree are approved and the effective distribution of the budget credits is produced.

2. The units and posts in the bodies affected by this royal decree shall be provisionally attached, by means of a decision of the Deputy Secretary, pending the entry into force of the new employment relationship, to the regulated in this royal decree, depending on the privileges assigned to them.

3. The current contracting authorities or other collegiate bodies will continue to exist, as long as the new regulatory norms adapted to the provisions of this royal decree are not approved, with their composition and functions limited to the current scope. organic and competent in the Ministry of the Presidency.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

There are hereby repealed, without prejudice to the provisions of the first provision of this royal decree, how many provisions of equal or lower rank are opposed to this royal decree and, in particular, Royal Decree 392/2011, of March 18, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of the Presidency is developed.

Final disposition first. Amendment of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011.

Article 11.1.C) 1 of Royal Decree 1887/2011 of 30 December 2011 is worded as follows: "General Secretariat of the Government-Secretariat of the Government, with the rank of Directorate-General".

Final disposition second. Development and execution faculties.

The holder of the Ministry of the Presidency is authorized to adopt the necessary measures for the development and execution of this royal decree, prior to the necessary legal procedures.

Final disposition third. Budgetary changes.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations will carry out the necessary budgetary modifications for the fulfillment of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on January 23, 2012.


The Minister of Finance and Public Administrations,