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Royal Decree 1790 / 2011, Dated 16 December, Whereby The National Catalogue Of Professional Qualifications, Is Complemented By The Establishment Of Two Professional Qualifications Corresponding To The Professional Family Health.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1790/2011, de 16 de diciembre, por el que se complementa el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones Profesionales, mediante el establecimiento de dos cualificaciones profesionales correspondientes a la familia profesional Sanidad.

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The Organic Law of 19 June, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, aims at the organisation of an integral system of vocational training, qualifications and accreditation, which will respond effectively and transparency of social and economic demands through the various forms of training. To this end, it creates the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training, defining it in Article 2.1 as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of vocational training offerings, through the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, as well as the evaluation and accreditation of the corresponding professional skills, in order to promote the professional and social development of the people and cover the needs of the production system.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, as set out in Article 7.1, is designed to facilitate the integrated nature and adequacy of vocational training and the labour market, as well as the training throughout life, the mobility of workers and the unity of the labour market. This catalogue consists of the qualifications identified in the production system and the training associated with them, which is organised in training modules.

Under Article 7, the structure and content of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications were established, by means of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, as amended by Royal Decree 1416/2005, 25 November. According to Article 3.2, according to the wording given by this last royal decree, the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications will make it possible to identify, define and order professional qualifications and establish the specifications of the training associated with each unit of competence; as well as establishing the benchmark for assessing and crediting the professional skills acquired through the work experience or non-formal training pathways.

This royal decree establishes two new professional qualifications, corresponding to the Professional Family Health, which are defined in Annexes 668 to 669, as well as their corresponding training modules, advancing in the construction of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training.

According to Article 5.1. of the Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training, it is for the General Administration of the State, in the field of exclusive competence that is Article 149.1.1. of the Spanish Constitution, the regulation and coordination of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training, without prejudice to the competences of the Autonomous Communities and of the participation of the social partners.

The Autonomous Communities have participated in the development of the qualifications which are annexed to this standard through the General Council of Vocational Training in the phases of the application of experts for the configuration of the Group of Work of Qualifications, external contrast and in the issue of the positive report carried out by the General Council of Vocational Training, necessary and prior to its processing as Royal Decree.

According to Article 7.2 of the same organic law, the Government is entrusted, after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, to determine the structure and content of the National Qualifications Catalogue. Professionals and approve the qualifications to be included in it, as well as guarantee their permanent update. The present royal decree has been informed by the General Council of Vocational Training and by the School Board of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.1 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September.

The final wording of the project corrects the error detected by the opinion of the School Council of the State 80/2011, of July 19, in relation to the section "Context parameters of the formation" of the training module " Care specialised health auxiliaries "in Annex DCLXIX" Health auxiliary care "incorporating the gender dimension in the definition of" Space in facilities ".

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Ministers of Education and of Work and Immigration, and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of the 16th of December,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish certain professional qualifications and their corresponding training modules which are included in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, regulated by the Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, as amended by Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November 2003. These qualifications and their associated training are valid and are applicable throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Professional qualifications that are established.

The professional qualifications that are established correspond to the Professional Family Health and are the ones listed below, ordered by qualification level, the specifications of which are described in the Annexes that are indicated:

Transfer and mobilization of users and/or patients, documentation and materials in healthcare facilities. Level 1: Annex DCLXVIII.

Healthcare auxiliary care. Level 2: Annex DCLXIX.

Single additional disposition. Update.

Taking into account the evolution of the needs of the productive system and the possible social demands, as regards the qualifications established in this royal decree, an update of the content will be carried out of the Annexes where necessary, in any case before the end of the five-year period since their publication.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.1. on the regulation of basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the exercise of their rights. the fulfilment of constitutional duties, and the 30th of the Constitution which gives the State the competence to regulate the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving academic and professional qualifications.

Final disposition second. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 16 December 2011


The Minister of the Presidency,




Professional Family: Healthcare

Level: 1

Code: SAN668_1

General Competition

Collaborate in the mobilization and carry out the transfer and care of the users and/or patients of a health center, and the management and transfer of documents and materials thereof, using the techniques, equipment and materials accessories, under the supervision of the relevant personnel, to ensure the integrity and safety of the users and/or patients, complying with the protocols and/or regulations applicable in the healthcare facilities.

Competition Units

UC2251_1: Order and move documents, materials, and equipment from a health center and provide the information in demand.

UC2252_1: Move and collaborate on patient mobilization, "exitus", amputations and fetuses in both access and inpatient units of a healthcare facility, under the supervision of staff responsible.

UC2253_1: Move and collaborate on the mobilization and immobilization of patients in special units, under the supervision of responsible personnel.

Professional Environment

Professional Scope

Develops its professional activity as an employee in health institutions or health centers, public or private, in primary or specialized care. Acts under the supervision of responsible personnel.

Productive Sectors

It is located in the health center sector, public and private. It will be able to develop its functions in the following areas: primary health care facilities, specialized care facilities, rehabilitation centers in the healthcare field.

Relevant occupations and jobs

Healthcare institutions ' Celador/a.

Celador/to hospital inpatient units.

Celador/a special unit of health centers.

Primary care center cell.


Celador/a autopsies.

Associated Training (360 hours)

Training Modules

MF2251_1: Sorting and moving documents, materials, and equipment from a health center and information communication. (60 hours)

MF2252_1: Mobilization, transfer and placement of patients, "exitus", amputations, and fetuses in the inpatient units of a healthcare facility. (180 hours)

MF2253_1: Moving, moving, and placing patients on special services in a healthcare facility. (120 hours)


Level: 1

Code: UC2251_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Order documents received from the health center's general services, classifying them by services to identify them with agility and be able to move them to the place of destination.

CR 1.1 The documentation, correspondence and verbal communications are received by means of the request of those services that require it to move it later to the fixed destination.

CR 1.2 Verbal communications and documentation are transferred, as soon as possible, to their points of destination for use by personnel who require it.

CR 1.3 The printed, documentation, and correspondence are classified according to the established internal rules, to be distributed to the departments later.

CR 1.4 The data in the printed and document is checked, verifying the concordance and fulfillment of the same to move them to their destination.

CR 1.5 The documentation and correspondence is distributed taking into account the processing circuit established to reach its recipient.

CR 1.6 Archives are ordered with the documentation or correspondence of each service for later distribution.

CR 1.7 The printed and documentation, are photocopied and bound using the existing machines for this purpose, to cover the needs of the health center.

RP 2: Move the sanitary and non-sanitary equipment and equipment under the supervision of the person responsible, moving them and placing them in their place of destination to ensure their availability.

CR 2.1 The means used for transport are identified, depending on the sanitary and non-sanitary material to be transferred, to ensure their movement safely, taking into account the regulations of occupational hazards.

CR 2.2 Medical devices, machinery and technical aids are transferred taking into account their characteristics, in order to place them in their place of destination and avoid situations of risk, taking into account the rules of occupational risks.

CR 2.3 The preparations, serums and unit-ses are moved in the chariots destined for this purpose, to each of the services or plants, to be used by the service that requests it.

CR 2.4 The warehouse and pharmacy material is stored and distributed in collaboration with the personnel assigned to them, according to the organization of the same for their subsequent delivery to the service that requests it and for check the stock.

CR 2.5 Orders are distributed according to the request and demand made by the service supervisors, by means of order vouchers to be delivered at their destination.

CR 2.6 The lingerie is transferred to the cars for this purpose to deposit them at the appropriate place.

CR 2.7 The anomalies or deficiencies observed in the allocation of the entrusted service, is brought to the attention of the unit responsible for its repair, through the established protocols.

RP 3: Inform and attend to the public by providing the basic indications to promote the functioning of the health center.

CR 3.1 The persons presented in the health center are, in the cases required, using the software intended for this purpose and/or the resources required to inform them in a clear and transparent manner. precise.

CR 3.2 The internal rules of the health center are safeguarded, in order to achieve their compliance by the users and/or patients, guaranteeing the respect to them.

CR 3.3 The basic first aid techniques and emergency protocols established in the health center are met and continue to favor the integrity of the people who are in it, assuring their security.

CR 3.4 Public attention to the health center is provided by demonstrating communication skills (active listening, feedback, clarity, concretion, among others), to provide an attention to the needs of the public.

RP 4: Understand the user and/or patient in a clear and concise way, offering the basic indications to improve the use of the services and to promote the agility of the procedures of the same, in the center of attention primary.

CR 4.1 User/and/or patient identification data are requested by the health card request to reflect the primary care facility's care activity.

CR 4.2 The appointments are given to the user/to/or patient according to order of preference, to be cared for in the primary care center, in collaboration with the staff, following instructions from the hierarchical superior and using the software intended for that purpose.

CR 4.3 The telephone is addressed throughout the day, in collaboration with the primary care center staff, following instructions from the hierarchical superior, to ensure continued care at the primary care facility.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Documents, healthcare and non-healthcare equipment, computer and communication equipment. Archives. Pharmacy and warehouse equipment. Cars.

Products and results:

Handling, sorting, and distributing documentation. Assistance to the public in a health centre. Transfer of sanitary and non-sanitary equipment and equipment.

Information used or generated:

Labor risk prevention regulations. Basic first aid techniques. Action plans for disasters. Catalogue of rules for dependent services. Manual of the equipment for storage.


Level: 1

Code: UC2252_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Collaborate on the mobilization of patients to help the nursing staff, under their supervision, to carry out the care tasks, for the best development of patient care, adapting them to the needs of the same.

CR 1.1 The characteristics of the patient are identified for mobilization, extreme security measures and avoid aggravating their situation, prior to information from the health personnel.

CR 1.2 Technical aids are used to facilitate the mobilization of the patient, collaborating with the nursing staff in the care related to the patients and respecting the privacy of the patients.

CR 1.3 The patient is mobilized in collaboration with the responsible personnel, according to their needs, taking the security measures and avoiding aggravating their situation, in order to carry out the care tasks according to their situation.

CR 1.4 The mobilization of the patient is carried out through the coordination of the professionals assigned to this effect, applying the rules of ergonomics and postural hygiene, to avoid fatigue and the appearance of injuries.

CR 1.5 The protocols established in the mobilization of patients in the healthcare center are followed to promote the patient's integrity, collaborating with the nursing staff in the care related to the patient and respecting the privacy of the same.

CR 1.6 Patient transfers from one medium to another are performed according to their needs, according to optional prescription to avoid aggravating the situation of the patient.

RP 2: Assist the health personnel, under their supervision, in the immobilization and subjection of patients to perform the sanitary maneuvers, avoiding the appearance of injuries and ensuring their physical safety.

CR 2.1 The characteristics of the patient are identified for the attachment and/or immobilization of the patient, in coordination with the health personnel, avoiding aggravating their situation.

CR 2.2 The patient is subject to or immobilizes to prevent the occurrence of injuries, in collaboration with the responsible personnel, respecting the privacy of the patients and ensuring their integrity.

CR 2.3 The measures and means of attachment are used for the immobilization and/or subjection of the patient under the supervision of the responsible personnel, ensuring the patient's safety and applying the rules of ergonomics and hygiene postural.

RP 3: Move the patient, under the supervision of the nursing staff, to perform the technical tests requested by the physicians, or in case of emergency of the health center, guaranteeing the patient's safety.

CR 3.1 Patient identification is checked to avoid possible errors in the location of the patient, matching the patient's identity with the service request.

CR 3.2 Transfer requests are checked by verifying the patient's data and the tests to be performed, to determine where the patient is to be transferred to perform the test requested by the patient.

CR 3.3 Patient needs are taken into account by ensuring their safety in the shipment to perform the test.

CR 3.4 The patient's transfer circuit is previously determined, to be performed in the shortest possible time.

CR 3.5 The patient is transferred to the speed according to the severity of his/her pathology, using the accessory material and the means required to avoid aggravating his/her situation, informing him prior to the transfer and guaranteeing his/her integrity.

CR 3.6 The patient is placed in the means of transport according to their needs to avoid physical risks during the advance shipment, respecting the integrity of the same.

CR 3.7 The patient, their patients and medical history, move together, so that they do not stray and are always documented when they change their location, informing them beforehand and respecting their privacy.

CR 3.8 The patient is transferred in a clear and precise manner, in case of emergency of the health center, following the emergency and disaster protocols established in the center, to ensure the integrity of the center.

RP 4: Move "exitus", fetuses and amputations to be studied and/or collected by the funeral services, complying with the sanitary and sanitary measures and preserving the conditions of conservation of the organic remains, attending to the established protocols.

CR 4.1 Identification data for "exitus", fetuses and amputations are checked to avoid errors, ensuring consistency with the data of requests or requests and preserving their confidentiality.

CR 4.2 The means to move the "exitus", fetuses and amputations is determined according to them, to take them to the intended places, guaranteeing the sanitary and sanitary measures established by the health center.

CR 4.3 "Exitus", fetuses and amputations are transferred for study and/or collection by the funeral services, taking into account the protocols established by the sanitary center on hygiene and self-protection in the transfer of same.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Means of transport, accessories. Technical aids. Equipment for protection, transfer and transfer. Sanitary equipment.

Products and results:

Transfer and mobilization of patients, "exitus", fetuses and amputations. Mobilization of patients for the performance of care tasks and technical tests. Immobilization and subjection of the patient for the different sanitary maneuvers. Evacuation of the health centre.

Information used or generated:

Test Requests. Establishment plan for the health centre. Clinical stories. Emergency and/or disaster protocols. Sanitary and sanitary protocols and self-protection. Isolation protocols. Characteristics of the patient. Security measures. Ergonomics standards. Mobilization protocols. Procedures for the prevention of occupational risks.


Level: 1

Code: UC2253_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Collaborate on the mobilization of patients and prepare the surgical table and its accessories according to the protocols and standards of asepsis of the health center, under the supervision of the nursing staff, so that the You can proceed to perform the surgical operations.

CR 1.1 The characteristics and needs of patients, who are going to enter or leave the surgical area, are identified after information from the health personnel, to carry out their transfer according to these needs and protect the integrity of both.

CR 1.2 The surgical table and its accessories are prepared in the positions according to the operation to be performed on the patient, following the instructions of the responsible personnel, so that the staff who have to perform the surgical intervention can perform your work.

CR 1.3 Patients are placed in collaboration with the responsible personnel in the surgical position according to the pathology of the patients, under the supervision of the personnel destined for this purpose, extreme the safety measures and Avoid aggravating the situation of the patient, so that the operation can be performed.

CR 1.4 Patients are mobilised in collaboration with the responsible staff, during the surgical procedure, under the supervision of the professional to this end, safeguarding the asepsy conditions of the health center, so that the healthcare personnel who are performing the operation can continue to operate.

RP 2: Make the mobilizations, immobilizations and sutures of the patients in the intensive care units (from now on ICU), intensive surveillance (from now on UVI) and large burns, collaborating with the corresponding staff of each unit and following the standards of the health center, to help the nursing staff to perform the care of the patients, and under their supervision.

CR 2.1 The needs and characteristics of the patients are identified in collaboration with the ICU, UVI and large burns service, to help the ICU, to carry out the care of the patients, with all the service components.

CR 2.2 Patients are mobilised in collaboration with the responsible staff in the ICU, UVI and in the unit of large burns, taking into account the devices they are connected to, to help develop the care of the patients on such units, taking the safety measures further and avoiding aggravating the situation.

CR 2.3 The patient is immobilized or fastened, in collaboration and under the supervision of the responsible personnel, complying with the protocol of the ICU, UVI and the unit of large burns, to carry out the health care and techniques to the patient, ensuring their safety and integrity.

CR 2.4 The isolation and asepsy protocols of the ICU, UVI, and the unit of large burns are applied to prevent the occurrence and transmission of infections, handling the devices for this purpose.

RP 3: Carry out the transfer, placement and disclothing of the body, as well as the preparation of the room and autopsies to be able to carry out the forensic study, ensuring that it is all prepared to be able to carry out study, under the supervision of responsible personnel.

CR 3.1 The corpses are received and stripped in the autopsies, guaranteeing the safety and privacy measures of the bodies, so that they are prepared for autopsy or necropsy.

CR 3.2 The transfer of the carcass is done to introduce it into the cold chamber and for its preservation, using the accessory material and the required means, to ensure the integrity of the body throughout the process.

CR 3.3 The body is removed from the cold chamber and placed on the autopsies table, so that the personnel for this purpose can perform the tests that determine the cause of death, safeguarding the integrity of the body. same.

CR 3.4 The instrument for performing the autopsy is prepared, following the instructions of the optional, so that it can be used during the same, complying with the hygienic measures and preserving the conditions of conservation of the body.

CR 3.5 The autopsy samples are weighed, packed and labelled to perform their processing and subsequent study in the corresponding laboratory, taking the required measures for self-protection in the handling of the same, following the instructions of the responsible personnel.

CR 3.6 The transfer to the refrigerator of the body is carried out after the completion of the autopsy, for the maintenance of the body until it is required by the funeral services, thus ensuring its integrity.

CR 3.7 The instruments and the autopsies table are cleaned so that they are in a position to be used again, taking into account the protocols on cleaning and disinfection of the material of the sanitary center.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Surgical tables. Means of transport. Sanitary equipment. Technical aids. Surgical instruments.

Products and results:

Moving and mobilizing patients. Patient transfers. Immobilization and subjection of patients. Placement of patients.

Information used or generated:

Aepsis and isolation protocol. Protocol for cleaning the table of autopsies and surgical materials. Ergonomics protocol. Characteristics of the patient. Protocol for the preservation of corpses. Print and test requests and medical history. Procedures for the prevention of occupational risks. Mortuary Health Police Regulations.


Level: 1

Code: MF2251_1

Associated with UC: Order and move documents, materials, and equipment from a health center and provide the information in demand.

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Classify the documentation used in a healthcare facility: forms, appointment requests, diagnostic tests, among others, taking into account their characteristics and the urgency of such a document.

CE1.1 Categorize the receipt of documentation and correspondence, taking into account the departments and services of a health center.

CE1.2 In a practical scenario, in a healthcare facility:

-Handle the verbal communications entrusted by your superiors with speed.

-Move documents according to their characteristics and reach the recipient of the verbal communications received.

-Classify the documentation and correspondence by following the specific ordering criteria for each archive.

CE1.3 Identify the printed and document of a health center, indicating its destination, after it has contrasted its contents.

CE1.4 Relate the documentation and correspondence with their respective destination, respecting the fulfillment established in an alleged distribution.

CE1.5 Dispose the archives, using a structure that assigns a specific space to each service.

CE1.6 Carry out the reprographic processes, to maintain the collection of printed and documentation that requires a health center, using the existing machines for them.

C2: Apply handling techniques for sanitary and non-sanitary materials and equipment, assessing how the handling is handled according to the type of equipment or equipment to be moved or installed.

CE2.1 In a practical scenario, in a healthcare facility:

-Assign the means of transport, depending on the sanitary and non-sanitary material to be carried, taking into account the characteristics of the means of transport.

-Carry out the transfer and location of medical devices, machinery and technical aids, taking into account their characteristics and avoiding situations of risk.

-Manage the transport of the preparations, serums and unit-dose, taking into account the request of the order by the destination service.

CE2.2 Describe the stock of the pharmacy and/or warehouse material of a particular healthcare facility, whether it is intended for deposit or distribution to other services, according to the preset guidelines, for the purpose of counting and checking of stocks.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario: Identify the mode of distribution of orders placed by the services, using the corresponding form, favoring them to reach their destination.

CE2.4 Describe the carriage for the lingerie transport based on the content to be moved.

CE2.5 Identify and recognize the anomalies or deficiencies of the material of a given service, which will improve the quality of the service.

C3: Define the operation of a healthcare facility, in terms of public attention, taking into account established protocols.

CE3.1 In a scenario of public attention, inform a user and/or patient that is present at an information desk, using clear and precise language.

CE3.2 Recognize the internal standards of a healthcare facility, according to the criteria established for its compliance by users and/or patients.

CE3.3 Describe both basic first aid techniques and the emergency plan of a health center, according to the protocols established at the center for these cases.

CE3.4 Describe the form and attitude of public attention in a health center based on the communication channel.

C4: Explain the process of public attention in a primary care center, considering possible steps to be taken, to provide the required information.

CE4.1 In a convenient public service scenario, obtain data from a user/or patient by requesting a health card to identify the patient.

CE4.2 In a practical case of public attention, ordering by means of preference criteria established in a care center, the appointments to the users and/or patients, using for this software programs destined to This effect.

CE4.3 In a practical scenario of public attention, service the telephone service over a day, maintaining continuous attention.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C1 with respect to CE1.2; C2 with respect to CE2.1 and CE2.3; C3 with respect to CE3.1; C4 with respect to CE4.1. CE4.2 and CE4.3.

Other capabilities:

Prove a good professional.

Treat the user and/or patient with courtesy, respect, and discretion.

Demonstrate cordiality, kindness, and conciliatory and sensitive attitude toward others.

Communicate effectively with the right people at every moment, respecting the channels established in the organization.

Transmit information clearly, in an orderly, structured, and accurate manner to the right people at every moment.

Respect internal company procedures and rules.


1. Ordering the documentation of the general services of a health center for services

Healthcare centers: types, functional and organic structure.

Features and document classes.

Urgency and other priorities.

Classification of documentation.

Categorize the distribution of the documentation and correspondence.

Operation of reprographic and basic computing machinery.

Count of pharmacy and warehouse material.

Emergency Plans

Labor Risk Regulations.

2. Handling and moving equipment and equipment from a healthcare facility

Handling and moving material.

Transport: classes.

Sanitary appliances, machinery and technical aids: types, protocols.

Unit-dose distribution and sera.

Stock control and product receipt.

Prevention of risks in relation to materials and equipment in a healthcare facility.

3. Attention of the celadors to users and/or patients of a healthcare facility

Health card data.

Communication skills.

Communication techniques: verbal and non-verbal.

Types of information. Confidentiality.

Basic first aid techniques.

Rights and duties of patients, users and family members.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

− Multi-purpose Aula of a minimum of 2 m² per pupil or pupil.

− 45 m² Computing Classroom

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Domain of knowledge and techniques related to the management and transfer of documents, materials and equipment from a health centre and the communication of the information demanded, which shall be accredited by one of the following forms:

-Academic training of Superior Technician or other higher-level technicians related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Pedagogical competence in accordance with what the relevant administrations establish.


Level: 1

Code: MF2252_1

Associated with UC: Moving and collaborating on the mobilization of patients, "exitus", amputations and fetuses in both the access and hospitalization units of a health center, under the supervision of the staff responsible.

Duration: 180 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Determine the process of mobilizations, depending on the care tasks that a particular patient needs.

CE1.1 In a practical scenario:

-Identify the characteristics of a patient, prior to information from healthcare personnel, to mobilize them.

-Collaborate with healthcare personnel in the mobilization of a patient in the field, following the current regulations and established ergonomics protocols.

-Identify the transfer to a patient, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the type of help that they require.

CE1.2 Detailed the technical aids used in the mobilization of a particular patient, describing the indications, operation and management of the same.

CE1.3 Describe the care needs of a particular patient, taking into account the patient's characteristics.

CE1.4 Define the placement positions of a particular patient in relation to the care of the nursing staff, taking into account the pre-established protocols.

C2: Apply the techniques and procedures to be used in the immobilization and attachment of a patient, taking into account the physical characteristics of the patient.

CE2.1 Identify the characteristics of a patient, prior to information from healthcare personnel, for attachment or immobilization.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario: analyze the prevention measures for the occurrence of injuries, following the indications of the health personnel.

CE2.3 Detailed measures and means of attachment that are used for the immobilization or attachment of a patient, following the pre-established protocols.

C3: Identify the characteristics and operation of patient transfer equipment, relating to the characteristics of patients.

CE3.1 In a practical scenario, in a healthcare facility:

-Check the sections of a request, verifying patient identification and reference service.

-Analyze the location of the specialties and technical explorations of the same, describing their dependencies, to move the patient.

-Set the path to be performed on a move, recognizing the allowed structure and places to circulate.

-Consider the speed and accessory material in a patient's transfer, taking into account their severity, needs, and the characteristics of the structure of a healthcare facility.

CE3.2 Detailed the equipment used according to the needs of the patient, explaining their indications, operation and management.

CE3.3 Recognize the means of transport to perform the transfer of a patient, taking into account its characteristics.

CE3.4 Identify the documentation of a patient to be transferred to the patient, for the purpose of the use of the personnel for this purpose, taking into account the legislation in force in the field of data protection and clinical documentation.

CE3.5 Recognize the beings of a patient, ensuring that they belong to the patient, to avoid their loss in the shipment.

CE3.6 List the evacuation actions of a health center, selecting the evacuation method based on the patient's characteristics and the emergency plan and catastrophes of the patient.

C4: Define hygienic, self-protection and conservation measures of "exitus", fetuses and amputations by moving them according to pre-established protocols.

CE4.1 To differentiate the documentation that must accompany the "exitus", fetuses and amputations, checking the identification data of the same.

CE4.2 Relate "exitus", fetuses and amputations with the containers and means of transport corresponding to each one of them, following the hygienic-sanitary norms established in the health centers.

CE4.3 In a practical scenario: relate the "exitus", fetuses and amputations with their final destination, ensuring the distribution of the same, following the established protocols.

CE4.4 Identify hygiene and self-protection rules to carry out the removal of "exitus", fetuses and amputations, depending on the pre-established protocols in a healthcare facility.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C1 with respect to CE1.1; C2 with respect to CE2.2; C3 with respect to CE3.1; C4 with respect to CE4.3.

Other capabilities:

Respect internal company procedures and rules.

Learn new concepts or procedures and effectively leverage training using acquired knowledge.

Interpret and execute work instructions.

Treat the patient with courtesy, respect and discretion.

Demonstrate some autonomy in solving small contingencies related to their activity.

Demonstrate interest and concern to address patients ' needs satisfactorily.


1. Patients in a healthcare facility


Typology according to pathology.

2. Anatomical positions according to the pathology, in the inpatient unit of a healthcare facility

Basic anatomy based on mobilizations and moves to perform.


3. Acting techniques with patients: application

Clamping: measures and media.

Quiesce: metrics and media.

Isolation of patients: types, materials, and measures.

Transfer: techniques, evacuation methods, means of transport and types (patients, "exitus", amputations and fetuses).

Transfers: types and methods.

4. Technical support for mobility: types and characteristics




Move Belt.

Wheelchairs: Accessories.

Beds and stretchers.




Transport Ruses.

5. Documentation and legislation on the mobilisation of patients

Services in a healthcare facility.

Emergency and Disaster Plan.

Test Request Forms.

Mechanical attachment protocols.

Preventive hygiene regulations.

Labor Risk Regulations.

Current data protection and clinical documentation regulations.

Move protocols.

Ergonomics protocols.

Patient rights and duties.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

− Multi-purpose Aula of a minimum of 2 m² per pupil or pupil.

− The 60 m² socio-sanitary workshop

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Mastery of knowledge and techniques related to the transfer and collaboration in the mobilization of patients, "exitus", amputations and fetuses, both in the access and in the inpatient units of a health center, under the monitoring of responsible personnel, which will be accredited by one of the following:

-Academic training of Superior Technician or other higher-level technicians related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Pedagogical competence in accordance with what the relevant administrations establish.


Level: 1

Code: MF2253_1

Associated with UC: Moving and collaborating on mobilizing and immobilizing patients in special units, under the supervision of responsible personnel.

Duration: 120 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Describe your own tasks in a surgical area, taking into account pre-established protocols and asepsis rules.

CE1.1 Relating the characteristics of a patient from a surgical area to the problem it presents, protecting the integrity of the patient.

CE1.2 Identify surgical tables and their accessories, taking into account the characteristics and needs of a patient.

CE1.3 In a practical scenario: placing the patient at the surgical table, in the surgical position determined by the personnel for this purpose, taking the safety measures into account, to avoid aggravating their situation and following the Established ergonomics protocols.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario: mobilizing patients during surgical interventions, following the protocols and standards of asepsis of the health center.

C2: Determine the process of action in intensive care units (from now on ICU), intensive surveillance (from now on UVI) and large burns, taking into account predefined rules and procedures in those units.

CE2.1 In a practical scenario, in the ICU, UVI, and large burn units:

-Identify the characteristics of the patients, being coordinated with the staff of these units, according to the criteria established for this purpose.

-Handle the devices and utensils required for the mobilization of a patient in said units, avoiding aggravating the situation of the patient, according to the criteria established for this purpose, following the established protocols of ergonomics.

-Quiesce or hold patients, taking into account the characteristics of the patients and the devices they are connected to.

CE2.2 Identify infection transmission prevention measures, taking into account the isolation protocols of the ICU, UVI, and the unit of large burns.

CE2.3 Recognize the types of disease transmission, knowing and valuing the asepsy protocols of the ICU, UVI, and the unit of large burns.

C3: Define the material, space, and instrumental of a room of autopsies, attending to a preset protocol concerning the study of a corpse.

CE3.1 In a practical scenario, in the autopsies room:

-Receive and strip the corpses, favoring the security and privacy measures of the same.

-Move a dead body to the refrigerator, by means of transport and accessories required for this purpose, ensuring the integrity of the body.

-Make the placement of the corpse at the table of autopsies, preserving the integrity of the body, so that the personnel destined for this purpose carry out the autopsy.

CE3.2 Identify the instrumental with which the autopsy is to be performed, taking into account the hygienic and sanitary measures of the instrument.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario, in the autopsies room:

-Classify the autopsy samples, weighing them, packing them and labeling them, safeguarding the measures required for self-protection in the handling of samples.

-Identify the site of the preservation of the corpses, following the protocol established by the health center, until required by the funeral services.

CE3.4 Describe the techniques of cleaning the instruments and the table of autopsies, considering the protocols of prevention of occupational risks, cleaning and disinfection of material of a health center.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C1 with respect to CE1.3 and CE1.4; C2 with respect to CE2.1; C3 with respect to CE3.1 and CE3.3.

Other capabilities:

Take responsibility for the work you are developing.

Demonstrate some autonomy in solving small contingencies related to their activity.

Treat the customer with courtesy, respect and discretion.

Demonstrate interest and concern to address patients ' needs satisfactorily.

Participate and actively collaborate on the work team.

Interpret and execute work instructions.

Act quickly in problematic situations and not just wait.

Habit to the business pace of the business.


1. Patient positions in special units




2. Surgical Area Materials

Beds: positions and accessories.

Surgical tables: classes and accessories.

Accessories to mobilize dead bodies: types.

Autopsies of autopsies.

Accessories for the mobilization of patients: types and characteristics.

Special services equipment: types.

3. Clamping and immobilization in ICU, UVI and large burns



4. Special unit protocols, regulations, and protocols

Printed for the mobilization of corpses.

Body conservation rules.

Labor Risk Regulations.

Asepsis Protocols.

Instrumental cleaning and autopsies tables: techniques, instruments and protocols.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

− Multi-purpose Aula of a minimum of 2 m² per pupil or pupil.

− The 60 m² socio-sanitary workshop

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Domain of knowledge and techniques related to the transfer and collaboration in the mobilization and immobilization of patients in special units, under the supervision of the responsible personnel, which will be accredited by one of the Following forms:

-Academic training of Superior Technician or other higher-level technicians related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Pedagogical competence in accordance with what the relevant administrations establish.



Professional Family: Healthcare

Level: 2

Code: SAN669_2

General Competition

Provide auxiliary care to the patient/user or the patient/user and act on the sanitary conditions of their environment as a member of a nursing team in the health care centers of specialized care and primary care, with the supervision of the senior person responsible or, where appropriate, as a member of a health care team in healthcare derived from the practice of the liberal exercise.

Competition Units

UC2254_2: Prepare the materials for the query, drive, and service, and process the health information

UC2255_2: Perform patient/user or patient/user hygienic conditioning activities and their environment, as well as sanitary material and instruments

UC2256_2: Apply specialized healthcare auxiliary care

UC2257_2: Provide emotional support to the patient/user or patient/user and intervene in health education programs and activities

Professional Environment

Professional Scope

Develops its professional activity in the healthcare sector, as an integral part of an interdisciplinary team, in public sector bodies and institutions and in private companies, at all levels of the National System, in centers health care, primary care, nursing homes, day centres and social and health centres, public buildings, tutelated dwellings or private centres with services to elderly people, public mental health centres or private, or where appropriate, as a member of a health care team in healthcare derived from the practice of the liberal exercise.

Your professional activity is subject to regulation by the competent health administration.

Productive Sectors

It is located in the healthcare sector, providing its service in: specialized care centers, primary care, community care and home help. Hospitals, residences or other health centers: cosmetic surgery, spa centers, geriatric centers, dental clinics, home care centers, among others. Geriatric residences, tutored housing for the elderly, mental health centers, and departments of social affairs of ministries; autonomous communities and municipalities and communities.

Relevant occupations and jobs

Technical in nursing auxiliary care.

Clinical auxiliary technician.

Hospital Nursing Auxiliary.

Primary care nursing assistant, and home care.

Medical office nursing assistant or dental cabinets.

Mental health nursing assistant and drug addiction, geriatrics, pediatrics, rehabilitation, spas.

Health care assistant for people with physical, mental and sensory disabilities in health and social facilities.

Associated Training (900 hours)

Training Modules

MF2254_2: Organization and management of the health work area. (240 hours)

MF2255_2: Basic health auxiliary care. (210 hours)

MF2256_2: Specialized Healthcare Auxiliary Care. (240 hours)

MF2257_2: Emotional support and health education to the patient/user or patient/user. (210 hours)


Level: 2

Code: UC2254_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Perform the documentation, information, and economic management operations of the query, unit, or service, depending on the needs of the attention, the available technology, and the type of entity responsible for the health or social care delivery.

CR 1.1 The citation of the patient/user or the patient/user is done by assigning date, time and place, applying the criteria of priority, calendar and schedule established by the institution, registering on the support appropriate, (computer or paper) and communicates to the patient/user or patient/user or companion, if applicable, together with the instructions to follow in relation to the appointment to ensure the quality of the care process.

CR 1.2 The clinical histories of the patients/users or the patients/users mentioned are requested to the archive in advance, when they are received, that the identification data correspond to those of the citation and which contain the necessary documentation to organise the scheduled appointment, by depositing them in the places set out in the relevant protocol.

CR 1.3 The opening of history, recording or updating of data is performed, if appropriate, in the event that the patient/user or user does not have a medical history, does not appear in the registry or refers to a modification of personal data, following the corresponding protocol, to keep the clinical data management files up to date.

CR 1.4 Requests for evidence, reports, appointments, interconsultations and other communications, made by or for other units, services or centers and related to assistance to patients/users or patients/users, are processed (issue, consignment with registration of exit, claim if not received, registration of entry, incorporation into the medical history, delivery to the recipient) following the communication protocols, established by the institution, with other units, services or centres to ensure continuity of the care process.

CR 1.5 The completion of the patient/user/user/user/user/user/user consultation at the institution is notified to the central services for space conditioning, consultation arrangement, unit or service, according to the established protocol, participating in the optimization of the available resources.

CR 1.6 The documentation of the patient/user or patient/user meets, once the consultation, assistance or stay in the institution has been completed, ordering the files and records contained in the medical history and checking in case of a discharge, which are included, the corresponding report and the nursing documentation to proceed with their referral to the file, prior to the authorisation of the responsible person.

CR 1.7 The budgets, invoices and receipts, derived from private healthcare or social health care activities, or service providers, are issued or received, as the case may be, by checking that they contain the identification data referred to in the legislation, making the annotation in the corresponding register, filing the document and informing the responsible person and the patient/user or the patient/user or family member, as proceed.

CR 1.8 Data protection legislation applies to management activities and activities related to patient/user or patient/user, while preserving the confidentiality of personal data.

CR 1.9 The informed consent, in the care services in which the protocols so require, is delivered to the patient/user or the patient/user of the services the intended document for their reading and acceptance.

RP 2: Prepare the room with the material, instruments and equipment needed to ensure the patient/user care process or the patient/user in health institutions, cabinets or consultations, institutions socio-sanitary, and in scheduled home care interventions.

CR 2.1 The received material is checked to match quantity and quality with the requested material.

CR 2.2 The room is kept in immediate use, checking that the furniture and environmental conditions are suitable for consultation or assistance.

CR 2.3 The material, instruments and equipment for the consultation or care activity are distributed and prepared according to the intended action and the indications of the superior responsible, carrying out the first level reviews the equipment to verify that they are operational, checking among others: lighting systems, equipment, systems and tools for monitoring, aspiration, material and surgical instruments, chair and dental instruments.

CR 2.4 The protocols for commissioning, turning off and maintaining the daily material and service/unit/cabinet equipment are developed according to the needs of the specific equipment of the area job.

CR 2.5 The reviews of equipment and machinery by specialized technical services are verified to meet the needs and deadlines set, to ensure the operability of the equipment.

CR 2.6 The material and instruments used in the home care consultation or activity are withdrawn and replenished, ensuring the level of stock, qualitatively and quantitatively, to meet the needs of care and optimize the available material resources.

CR 2.7 The material and instruments for replacement and replacement are stored in storage conditions in each case, reviewing their expiration, recording the inputs and outputs, periodically controlling the stock and by issuing the reorder requests according to the established warehouse volume and, where appropriate, taking into account instructions from the responsible senior person to ensure the continuity of the activity.

CR 2.8 The clinical history of the patient/user or patient/user is available in the room, once the filiation data has been checked and the existence of the precise documentation is verified to guarantee the care act.

CR 2.9 The own equipment of each unit/service or cabinet is maintained, with all its elements and useful, in state of use, cleaning after each intervention and remaining in conditions of use for its next usage.

RP 3: Perform the process of preparing and handling the different materials of dental use, according to the protocol and the quality standards established.

CR 3.1 The doses used in the preparation of the various conservative and restorative dentistry materials, such as silicones, alginates, material for the sealing of pits and fissures, gels and fluorine varnishes, materials for polishing and tooth whitening, among others, correspond to those indicated in the working protocols.

CR 3.2 The preparation of the various materials used in dental surgery, such as printing materials, dental cements and self-polymerizable or photopolymerizable resins, among others, correspond to the indicated in the work protocols.

CR 3.3 The procedure for preparing and handling materials used in conservative dentistry and interventional dentistry techniques (broken, spatulated and mixed, among others) is performed in all phases.

CR 3.4 The materials obtained are guaranteed to be adapted in texture and fluency and are in accordance with the quality indications expressed by the optional or optional, and are available for use at the moment precise.

RP 4: Establish communications with other units or services of the institution or institution and with external units or organizations, where appropriate, in accordance with established protocols and quality criteria, ensuring a comprehensive care process for the patient/user or patient/user.

CR 4.1 The registration of the request and the requested services to other units is performed according to protocols, claiming, in case of delay, according to the working rhythms established by the center.

CR 4.2 The received reports and tests are identified, noting the date of receipt and notifying the corresponding superior, proceeding to their incorporation into the medical records, taking responsibility for the documents remain in the assigned file and file.

CR 4.3 The work requested from other external organizations is identified, scoring the date of receipt and notifying the superior, proceeding to their link to the corresponding medical records, responsible for the jobs remain in the warehouse established up to the test or delivery to the user/patient.

CR 4.4 The information requested by other units, is sent in the form and deadlines foreseen, prior to the authorization of the responsible person, registering previously the data concerning the application.

CR 4.5 The observations of the nursing care plan responsible are carried out, collaborating with this, in the process of elaboration of the nursing report.

CR 4.6 Information to the central unit or to the admission department, as appropriate, of the patient/user's or patient's or patient/user's discharge is performed according to the procedures and rules. internal center.

CR 4.7 The standard clinical protocols for work are developed in collaboration with the other members of the interdisciplinary team.

RP 5: Perform operations linked to the scheduling of the query, unit or service, and tracking the risk prevention plan, collaborating with the top person responsible.

CR 5.1 The utilization of the material resources within your area of activity is optimized, participating in the assurance of the quality of the service.

CR 5.2 The programming of your area of activity/responsibility is met by meeting the deadlines set in the institution to meet the needs for assistance.

CR 5.3 The risks associated with each work area are detected to prevent or minimize them, by adopting specific measures of prophylaxis, use of personal protective equipment, methods of isolation of the environment and use of methods of disinfection and sterilisation of materials, instruments and equipment, as appropriate.

CR 5.4 Emergency or accident situations are detected to ensure the immediate activation of the emergency system and, if necessary, participate in accordance with the protocols established in the resolution of the emergency situation and/or workplace accident in the specific work area.

RP 6: Collaborate on the prevention of possible secondary risks, related to diagnostic tests or to the performance of the care act.

CR 6.1 To patients/users or patients/users in the waiting room, it is communicated through verbal and written information, the need to inform the healthcare staff about a possible pregnancy, to adopt the measures appropriate for future radiological scans.

CR 6.2 The radiation protection mandims are provided to the patient/user or to the patient/user in the performance of X-rays, when their characteristics or individual circumstances so advise (age, pregnancy or other).

CR 6.3 Protective elements used for the performance of the relief act, such as glasses, drobs or others, are provided to the patient or user to minimize or avoid possible associated risks.

CR 6.4 The use of self-protection measures is taken in the carrying out of X-rays, warning of the next execution to the rest of the health personnel who are in the room.

CR 6.5 The use of protective measures is taken in the case of the handling of certain diagnostic or therapeutic materials which may involve risks arising from the handling of such materials.

CR 6.6 The application of preventive measures is taken in the event that the patient/user or the patient/user refers to a history of latex allergy, to ensure the absence of contact between the latex and the material.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Management computing systems. Files, dietaries, protocols, bookkeeping and warehouse control books. Calculator. Medical history. Social history. Informed consent form. Printed and data record sheets. Request tabs. Surgical medical equipment and equipment. Lingerie. Stretchers. Containers. Protective equipment, goggles, bib, mandims. Cleaning material. Disinfectants. Disposable and non-disposable instrumental and material. Material, clothing and instrumentation of exploration, diagnosis and operative intervention (odontological among others). Collection and transport of samples. Waste disposal containers. Fridges. Cure materials.

Products and results:

Albaranes. Clinical stories. Citations and records of patients/users or patients/users. Identification and request data. Nursing report done to discharge. Budgets and invoices. Material and instrumental ready and ordered. Job listings. Inventories. Ordered warehouse. Record of stock control. Equipment maintenance record. Distributed material. Instrumental preparation. Dental record sheets. Operations for the management of documentation, information and economics of the consultation, unit or service, of the health or social care delivery, carried out. Preparation of the room, material, instruments and sanitary equipment. Process for preparing and handling material for dental use. Communications with other units or services of the institution and with established external units or organisations. Operations linked to the scheduling of the consultation, unit or service and in the monitoring of the risk prevention plan, carried out. Secondary risk prevention operations, related to diagnostic tests or to the performance of the care act, performed.

Information used or generated:

Catalogues and listing of products, materials, instruments and apparatus. Storage and storage standards. Standard working protocols. Technical manuals for the handling and maintenance of equipment and materials. Albaranes and invoices. Inventories. Manual and/or computer registration applications. Standard protocols for file systems and documentation updates. Stories, clinical records and informed consents. Protocols and Risk Prevention Plan. Community, state and regional regulations on: General Law of Health. Management of health professions. Protection of personal data. Prevention of occupational risks, as well as its regulation and implementing rules. Patient or patient autonomy and rights and obligations regarding information and clinical documentation. Cohesion and Quality of the National Health System.


Level: 2

Code: UC2255_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Perform the maintenance operations of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the room or unit of the patient/user or the patient/user that correspond, to ensure the conditions of comfort established by the institution and/or the care plan officer.

CR 1.1 The order and cleaning of the room or unit of the patient/user or patient/user is checked, communicating the incidents to the care plan responsible for communicating with the central services of the patient. institution, caregivers or personal assistants of the patient/user or the patient/user, as appropriate, and the deficiencies observed are remedied.

CR 1.2 The order and cleaning of the furniture are maintained, checking that the precise accessories are present to guarantee, among others, the basic aspects of comfort and mobility of the patient/user or of the patient/user.

CR 1.3 Environmental conditions, including the intensity of light, temperature, humidity, noise level and ventilation, are verified to be in accordance with the characteristics and needs of the patient/user or patient/user. to favor their rest and comfort.

CR 1.4 The isolation conditions of the patient/user or the patient/user, when required, are verified to conform to the working protocols and instructions established by the responsible superior person.

RP 2: Make the patient/user or patient/user bed according to the established protocol, to ensure the quality of the comprehensive care process.

CR 2.1 The bed linen is folded, cleaned and tidy, in the corresponding storage place and replenishing the stock, following the established protocols, in order to ensure the availability of the parts accurate when required.

CR 2.2 The status and operation of the bed and mattress are checked with the periodicity set out in the protocol.

CR 2.3 Open or closed free bed, as the case may be, is done using clean and dry lingerie, applying the technique indicated in the protocols and checking that it is prepared in conditions of immediate use.

CR 2.4 The bed occupied is made by making the necessary and essential mobilizations of the patient/user or the patient/user and according to the established protocols, avoiding causing harm and checking, once finished, The patient/user or patient/user position is the appropriate one according to the treatment plan and the status of the support elements and connections the patient/user or the patient/user carries (drains, serums, oxygen therapy) has been altered during the procedure.

CR 2.5 The final state of the bed is checked, verifying that it is clean, dry, wrinkle-free and in the appropriate position, depending on the needs and conditions of the patient/user or patient/user of the service assistance.

CR 2.6 The accessories required by the patient/user or the patient/user according to their needs and degree of dependence are installed and adjusted to preserve the established conditions of safety and comfort of the patient. same.

CR 2.7 The used clothing of the patient/user or the patient/user, bed linen and/or bathroom lingerie, is removed according to the established protocol, to ensure the maintenance of the sanitary conditions of the patient next environment.

RP 3: Perform patient/user or patient/user grooming or support operations, depending on the characteristics and degree of dependence of the patient/user, according to the intervention plan established to incorporate and/or preserve healthy living habits during their stay in institutions or at home.

CR 3.1 The patient/self-employed or self-employed user/user's toilet is provided by providing the necessary material and products, as well as comfortable clothing and footwear, suitable to the ambient temperature and time of the patient. year, ensuring the basic comfort aspects and checking the availability of the bathroom as well as the existence of safe elements.

CR 3.2 The patient/user/patient/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/non-patient/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/user/ body in accordance with the established protocol; checking that it is clean and dry, with particular attention to the skin folds and other areas of special risk and, verifying that the connections it can carry are integrated and in operation after the procedure.

CR 3.3 The motivation for patient/user or patient/user involvement in their grooming is promoted according to established self-care guidelines.

CR 3.4 The elimination of excreta in patients/users or patients/patients/patients is provided, providing the appropriate collection material for each case (cot, bottle, urine collector) and helping to put them in place for ensure the basic aspects of daily hygiene and comfort.

CR 3.5 The incontinence cases are addressed by placing specific diapers, prior to the patient/user's grooming or the dependent patient/user, according to the established protocol, in order to keep it clean and dry.

CR 3.6 The material for the collection of excreta of individual use for each patient/user or patient/user, such as cots and bottles, is emptied after each use, checking that it is kept clean and in state of use, always that is required.

CR 3.7 The change of the diuresis bag is performed, whenever necessary, prior to the authorization of the responsible for the nursing care plan, and with the precautions defined to prevent contamination of the system, applying the established protocol and noting, in the corresponding record sheet, the volume and characteristics of the urine so that they can be reviewed by the care plan officer and ensure the detailed monitoring of the state of the patient/user health or patient/user health.

CR 3.8 The removal of excreta from the patient/user or patient/user is recorded in the corresponding nursing control sheets, prior to the authorization of the responsible person, including time, quantity or volume, characteristics and incidences, so that they can be reviewed by the nursing care plan officer.

CR 3.9 The application of the hygiene care protocols of neonates and patients/pediatric users or pediatric patients/users is done in collaboration with the nursing team, checking that they are clean and dry, with special care of the body folds, mucous membranes, and other areas of special risk, such as umbilical cord, proceeding to properly hydrate the skin.

RP 4: Carry out control operations for possible contamination in the hospital environment, consultation, unit and/or service, according to the health and hygiene care plan, collaborating with other team members assistance.

CR 4.1 The disposal of waste derived from the sanitary activity, both organic and inorganic, is carried out in the containers allocated according to the established protocols.

CR 4.2 The barriers indicated in the prevention of pollution are applied, following the established regulations.

CR 4.3 The control of the visitation regime is performed according to the general rules of the center and to the one established for the patient/user or the patient/user in particular.

CR 4.4 Isolation techniques are applied according to established protocols, taking part in the control of possible cross-contamination.

CR 4.5 Physical barriers that hinder transmission of infection in those cases that are required are provided to the patient/user or patient/user family.

CR 4.6 The collection and transport of samples is carried out by observing the precise hygiene and safety conditions and the means established for each type of sample.

RP 5: Perform the cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of the material, instruments and equipment of the different queries, units and services.

CR 5.1 The material and instruments from the different units are received and recorded, classifying it according to its characteristics and verifying its state of cleanliness.

CR 5.2 The cleaning of non-disposable material and instruments, used in the medical consultation, is carried out by means of the specific technique according to its degree of soil, characteristics and type.

CR 5.3 The different batches of material are labeled, packaged, and sealed, according to the protocols established to proceed to the sterilization protocol, storage, as appropriate.

CR 5.4 Disinfection and sterilization of the non-disposable material and instruments used in the medical consultation, unit or service, is carried out by means of the specific techniques for each of them, verifying that each one of them the procedures used have been correct.

CR 5.5 The surgical material and instruments, once sterilized, are verified to be in conditions of use and are arranged or organized according to the instructions received and the intervention to be performed.

CR 5.6 The sterilization process is verified to have been performed with guarantees through the appropriate controls or indicators, physical, chemical, or biological.

CR 5.7 The sterilized material is recorded and distributed to the different units according to the requests received.

RP 6: Perform post-mortem care operations, collaborating with other members of the care team according to the protocols established in the institution or institution, and the regulations in force in each Autonomous Community.

CR 6.1 The carcass is isolated in the shortest possible time, according to established protocols, taking part in the control of possible cross-contamination.

CR 6.2 The washing of the carcass and the removal of all external elements are carried out to facilitate handling and conditioning procedures prior to the removal.

CR 6.3 Natural and counternatural holes are plugged with the precise means to avoid possible biological flows.

CR 6.4 The amorphous carcass is performed by ensuring established conditioning conditions prior to the transfer.

CR 6.5 The transfer of the deceased to the cadaver deposit is done in the shortest possible time to preserve the privacy of the deceased and companions, and to restore the daily activity of the environment that houses it.

CR 6.6 The family is provided with a space and time for the farewell, informing them of the procedure to be followed with respect to the formalities related to the death.

CR 6.7 Family contact with religious services is provided, if requested.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Toilet material. Lingerie. Sudario. Stretchers. Biombos. Diuresis bags. Drainage systems. Diuresis bottles. Wedges. Bathtubs. Showers. Swimming pools. Prevention and isolation equipment and tools. Waste disposal containers. Standard working protocols. Sanitary care registration sheets. Cleaning material. Disinfectants. Autoclave. Mini-autoclave. Ethylene oxide chambers. Poupinel oven. Aeration chamber. Packers. Sealants. Lingerie. Non-disposable instrumental and material. Physical, chemical and biological sterilization controls. Operating room clothes and lingerie. Waste disposal containers.

Products and results:

Patient/user or patient/user with hygienic care taken. Patient/user neat, monitored and patient/user neat, monitored. Amorphous corpse. Records made. Isolation techniques executed. Aseptic materials and instruments. Sterilized surgical instruments. Room in perfect conditions of order and cleanliness. Waste disposed of. Clean, disinfected and sterilized materials and instruments. Maintenance operations of the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the room or unit of the patient/user or patient/user, performed. Patient/user or patient/user bed, made. Patient/user or patient/user grooming performed. Operations to control possible contamination in the hospital environment, the consultation, unit and/or service, carried out. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of the material, instruments and equipment of the different consultations, units and services, carried out. Post-mortem care operations performed.

Information used or generated:

Treatment orders. Manual of procedures. Protocols for action. Protocols for cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation. Manual of procedures in isolation of rooms or units of patients/users or patients/users, transport of samples and disposal of waste. Technique of making the bed unoccupied and occupied. Waste disposal techniques.


Level: 2

Code: UC2256_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Perform operations linked to patient/user or patient/user exploration and data collection that enable the responsible person to assess the overall status of the patient/user.

CR 1.1 The material required for the patient/user/patient/user's exploration and observation is prepared according to the characteristics of the patient/user and/or the intended exploratory technique.

CR 1.2 The precise conditions and manoeuvres to carry out the collection of samples are communicated to the patient/user supplying the material to carry out the procedure autonomously, where appropriate.

CR 1.3 Samples are collected, using the appropriate material to the patient/user or patient/user characteristics, ensuring their identification and registration of the samples on the established support.

CR 1.4 The techniques of temperature measurement, respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure, are performed using the standard procedure of work, communicating to the person responsible for the care plan nursing, deviations detected and registering them on the appropriate support.

CR 1.5 Somatometric measurements are performed and recorded following the established acting protocol.

CR 1.6 The operations linked to obtaining the nutritional balance data of the patient/user or the patient/user are performed by noting the intakes and verifying that they are appropriate to the recommendations or prescriptions established in the nursing care plan.

CR 1.7 The patient/user or patient/user is involved in obtaining data from the water balance of the patient/user, the data relating to the liquid inputs and outputs are recorded, according to the established working protocol. and to the indications of the responsible for the nursing care plan, it is scrupulously observed that the patient's nutritional-nutritional balance is adequate.

CR 1.8 The operations linked to the obtaining of the patient/user or patient/user's water balance data are performed by recording the relative to the fluid inputs and outputs, according to the working protocol. established and to the indications of the person responsible for the nursing care plan, carefully observing the water-nutritional balance is adequate.

CR 1.9 Data obtained from the direct observation of the patient/user or the patient/user, who may indicate alteration of the general condition of the patient/user, are communicated to the care plan responsible and are recorded according to the to the established work protocol.

CR 1.10 Accurate materials, instruments and equipment for carrying out the scanning techniques are made available to the senior technical officer, as appropriate, according to the established work procedures.

CR 1.11 The techniques of instrumentation or support to the procedure to carry out the evaluation of the state of the oral health of the patients/users or of the patients/users of dental health services (technical Four and/or six hands) by the dentist or dental hygienist, are performed according to the standard protocols of work and established procedures, coordinating with the other members of the team.

RP 2: Reveal dental X-rays according to the specific technical protocol and established quality standards, supporting the dentist during the execution of the diagnostic procedure when required.

CR 2.1 The radiographic film that provides the optional or optional, is guaranteed to be adequate for the exploratory technique to be performed, of bite fin, apical, occlusal, among others.

CR 2.2 Personal and patient/patient/user/user radiation protection measures are applied throughout the process to ensure the required safety.

CR 2.3 The position of the patient/user or patient/user during the performance of the diagnostic test is guaranteed to be indicated for the type of scan and technique used.

CR 2.4 The dental radiography useful for the purpose of the invention is obtained at the end of the process of manual or automatic disclosure and drying, with a scrupulous respect for the preparation and handling of materials, as well as for the time set.

CR 2.5 Dental X-rays are archived and preserved according to the established working protocol and quality standards.

RP 3: Isolate the operative field, prior to the dental intervention, subsequently proceeding to the illumination and aspiration of the same during the medical act, as well as to the instrumental support required for character interventions preventive or therapeutic.

CR 3.1 The operative field is isolated by using the appropriate material: containment dams, cotton rolls and/or separators.

CR 3.2 The surgical vacuum cleaner is placed in the appropriate position within the operative field, in the patient/user or patient/user's oral cavity and is used in a way that does not hinder the intervention of the physician or the patient. optional and keep the field dry, previously and during dental surgery.

CR 3.3 Protective barriers, such as plastic bibs or paper napkins, are placed to prevent splashes that may impair the patient/user or patient/user's clothing.

CR 3.4 The techniques of instrumentation or support to the conservative, restorative, surgical or preventive procedure, precise to carry out the intervention by the dentist or dental hygienist, are carried out according to the standard working protocols and established procedures, coordinating with other team members.

RP 4: Administer medication according to the established care plan and the indications of the responsible parent.

CR 4.1 The medication prescribed to the patient/user or to the patient/user of the nursing service, is verified in the treatment and/or medical history sheet, with the data of parentage being checked prior to the administration of same.

CR 4.2 The administration of the medication to the patient/user or to the patient/user is performed orally, rectal or topical, according to the established care protocol, verifying that the process has been completed correctly.

CR 4.3 Information on the activities related to the administration of drugs and the possible incidences, is transmitted to the responsible for the nursing care plan and is recorded on the indicated support.

CR 4.4 The material needed to perform the intravenous therapy techniques is prepared by following the instructions of the nursing care plan responsible, so that it can proceed to its implementation according to the nursing care protocol.

CR 4.5 The patient/user or patient/user is informed and prepared appropriately for the administration of cleaning enemas.

CR 4.6 The cleaning enema is prepared and administered in accordance with the established work procedure, as well as the indications of the nursing care plan officer.

CR 4.7 The administration of the prescribed medication is recorded in the graph or nursing care sheet established for the purpose, to ensure continuity of the care procedure.

RP 5: Perform patient/user or patient/user preparation operations for shipment, ensuring that the conditions set for the shipment are met.

CR 5.1 The personal data contained in the transfer request are verified and contrasted with the patient/user or the patient/user and/or their companions.

CR 5.2 The communication of the information to the patient/user or to the patient/user and their relatives of the motive or causes of the shipment and the unit of destination, is carried out, in collaboration with the person responsible for the plan of care nursing, before proceeding to perform the same, to ensure the process of comprehensive care.

CR 5.3 The patient/user or patient/user preparation for the transfer is performed in accordance with the established procedure.

CR 5.4 The means and accessories used during the patient/user/user/user transfer procedure are verified to ensure the comfort and safety of the patient/user.

CR 5.5 The move is communicated to the patient/user or patient/user's receiving service in the time and form established by the care plan officer.

CR 5.6 The possible incidents about the transfer are communicated, according to the established protocol, to those responsible for receiving the patient/user or the patient/user in the units involved, of origin and destination, in collaboration with the care plan manager to ensure continuity of the care process.

RP 6: Mobilize the patient/user or the patient/user within their means, according to the specific protocol and/or the nursing care plan.

CR 6.1 The minimization of possible lesions or complications arising from long-standing periods is prevented by checking that the patient/user/user is as comfortable as possible and in the posture registered in the nursing care plan.

CR 6.2 The placement of the patient/user or patient/user in the technical aids is performed, following the specific instructions, in coordination with other members of the nursing team.

CR 6.3 The mobilization of the patient/user or patient/user is performed according to the mobilization protocols, adapting to their characteristics and the nature of their injuries or/and to the postural needs recorded in the nursing care plan.

CR 6.4 The installation of the patient/user or patient/user is performed in the dental chair at the beginning of the intervention, according to its physical conditions and specific characteristics, ensuring that the patient's position is conforms to the technical procedure to be performed.

CR 6.5 The verification that the patient/user/user is in the most appropriate posture to their functional deficit or specific needs, is performed by placing special care regarding the care of patients submitted to palliative care.

CR 6.6 Postural changes are performed periodically according to the prescription, care plan, or established procedure.

CR 6.7 Specific massages to stimulate the circulation of the patient/user or the patient/user and/or to reduce symptoms associated with periods of long immobilization are performed according to the standard working protocol and established nursing care plan.

CR 6.8 The patient/user or patient/user's process of deambulation is controlled or/and supported, communicating the possible incidences arising during the care plan responsible.

CR 6.9 The technical aids necessary for the transfer and/or the mobilization of the patient/user or the patient/user are guaranteed to be prepared, checking their condition and adapting to the personal conditions, informing them of the same.

RP 7: Perform activities for the maintenance and improvement of the functional capabilities of the patient/user or patient/user, applying local treatments of thermotherapy, cryotherapy and hydrotherapy, following the established technical protocols, in collaboration with specialised professionals and under the supervision of the Chief Technical Officer.

CR 7.1 The information about the technique to be applied is communicated to the patient/user or to the patient/user, according to the directions of the responsible person.

CR 7.2 The material for the local application of cold, dry or wet heat, is prepared by complying with the technical specifications and standard working protocols.

CR 7.3 Specific protocols for physical rehabilitation exercises or functional improvement to the patient/user or patient/user are performed in collaboration with the specialized personnel.

CR 7.4 Specific local treatments collected in the care plan, such as diathermia, ultrasound, laser, or motor stimulation plates, are applied to the patient/user or patient/user in collaboration with the patient. specialized personnel under the appropriate supervision.

CR 7.5 The applications of local cold and heat treatments are verified to meet the indications of the corresponding therapeutic prescriptions.

CR 7.6 The application of local treatment techniques for hydrotherapy is performed taking into account the conditions established for each of them, depending on the characteristics of the patient/user or the patient/user. and established care plan.

CR 7.7 Specific massages to stimulate patient/user or patient/user circulation are performed according to the established care plan.

RP 8: Distribute and/or review meals in health or social health institutions and at home, where appropriate, by facilitating or administering food, according to the characteristics of the patient/user or patient/user and the established nursing care plan or protocol.

CR 8.1 The food distributed to the patient/user or patient/user is verified to be in accordance with the established protocol or care plan.

CR 8.2 Solid and/or liquid foods are administered, in cases where patients/users or patients require specific support or assistance in the intake, depending on the needs of the patients and/or patients. verifying that the body posture is ideal for the procedure.

CR 8.3 Food intake of patients/users or patients/users who so require, is provided or supported according to the established working protocol.

CR 8.4 Intakes of patients/users or patients/users, it is found that it has been performed according to the established parameters and the possible incidences or deviations are communicated to the care plan manager, registering according to the protocol established by the care team.

CR 8.5 The feeding of neonates, infants and paediatric patients/users/paediatric patients/users is provided or facilitated, in accordance with their characteristics and the hygiene and nutrition measures established in the Nursing care protocol, carefully checking the nutritional-nutritional balance of the same.

CR 8.6 The materials for enteral feeding management are prepared to ensure the availability and operability thereof.

CR 8.7 The food to be administered by nasogastric tube is prepared, verifying that the physical conditions of the same are suitable for the procedure.

CR 8.8 The food is administered according to the protocols established in the nursing care plan, after verifying that the nasogastric tube is correctly placed, through the exploratory maneuvers indicated in the job protocol set.

CR 8.9 The possible local, metabolic and infectious complications arising from the administration of the food are identified, transmitting the appropriate observations to the nursing care officer, participating together with the rest of the team members, in the quality assurance of the assistance process.

RP 9: Perform and/or collaborate in the execution of first aid techniques, following established protocols and indications of the responsible senior.

CR 9.1 The existence of a vital urgency is communicated to the designated person in the specific emergency protocol, activating the action mechanisms programmed for each unit, consultation or service.

CR 9.2 The performance of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, in case of cardiorespiratory arrest, is performed by requesting assistance, according to the established protocol.

CR 9.3 The compression techniques required to stop or decrease blood loss apply to external bleeding, requesting assistance, according to the established protocol.

CR 9.4 The emergency care indicated in burns, freezes, electrical discharges, poisoning, bites and stings, are carried out by requesting assistance, according to the established protocol.

CR 9.5 The obstruction of the respiratory tract by ingestion of foreign bodies is relieved by performing expulsion maneuvers described in the protocols, requesting assistance support, according to the established procedure.

CR 9.6 The attention of the injured and the polytraumatized is carried out by the partial or total immobilization of the same and requesting assistance, according to the established protocol.

CR 9.7 Specific training techniques in life emergency drills are performed in the different units, consultations and services, following at all times the actions described in the protocols and the care plan of nursing.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Toilet material. Stretchers. Ice bags. Hot water bag. Bathtubs. Technical aids. Mobilization cranes. Containers. Infusion pumps. Power systems. Nebulizers. Team of cures. Medicines. Transport material. Serum equipment. Enteral and parenteral feeding equipment. Pneumatic tubes. Somatometry equipment. Scanning material. Hemostasis instrumental, cutting, surgery. Car of Paradas. Defibrillator. Equipment for enemas. Ambu. Cannulas. Respirators. Aerosoltherapy systems. Pulsiosimeter. Electrode bag. Infusion pumps. Monitors. Defibrillators. Vacuum systems. Oxygen therapy systems. Incubators. Prevention and isolation equipment. Radiographic film, x-ray revealed liquids. Software for the treatment of dental radiographic imaging. Hand instruments. Rotary instruments. Rubber dykes and staples. Surgical vacuum cleaner. Dental chair. Lighting lamps. Squideras. Surgical isolation equipment. Aspiration system. First aid equipment. Prevention protocols. History of nursing. Nursing books. Audiovisual media. Software. Surgical table/armchair dentistry; surgical equipment and instruments, suction probes; aspiration system. Phonendoscope. Thermometer. Container of punching material. Sterile and sterile gloves. Specific means and equipment for the prevention of risks and accidents.

Products and results:

Patients/Users or Patients/Users with Performed/Applied Care. Therapeutic techniques performed. Preventive techniques performed. Dental X-rays revealed. Patient or user monitored, fed, medicated, mobilized and treated in case of vital urgency. Records made. Nursing report done to discharge. Isolated and illuminated operative field. Operations related to the patient/user or patient/user's exploration and the collection of data. Revealed of dental X-rays. Operative field, prior to the dental intervention, isolated. Medication administration. Patient/user or patient/user preparation operations for their transfer, performed. Patient/user or patient/user within their means, mobilized or mobilized. Activities for the maintenance and improvement of the functional capabilities of the patient/user or patient/user, performed. Distribution and/or review of meals in sanitary or socio-sanitary institutions and in the home field. Preparation and administration of food to patients with special needs. Execution of first aid techniques.

Information used or generated:

Treatment orders. Manual of procedures. Technical sheets. Performance protocols specific to each technique/area or unit. Nursing charts. Patient/user or patient/user evolution sheet. Dental tokens. Clinical histories.


Level: 2

Code: UC2257_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP 1: Detect, in their field of competence, the main emotional and behavioral changes or habits that may appear in the different types of patients/users or patients/users and collaborate in the preparation of the to enable optimal progression of the care act before, during and after the care.

CR 1.1 The emotional manifestations of the patient/user or the patient/user of health services (concerns, anxiety, among others) are listened carefully to instill confidence and tranquility.

CR 1.2 The presence of behaviors with special characteristics in the patient/user or the patient/user of health services, in the interpersonal relationship, is detected according to their body manifestations coping with in a constructive manner.

CR 1.3 The degree of physical and intellectual autonomy of the patient/user or the patient/user is taken into account, in order to adapt the care process to their needs.

CR 1.4 The comfort and tranquility of the patient/user or patient/user during the care process is sought to maximize the degree of collaboration with the staff who attend to it.

CR 1.5 The early detection of symptoms that manifest the presence of a gender-based violence situation are communicated to those responsible for the care, applying the existing protocols of action in the field of health and safety. deriving patients who are victims of this type of violence towards existing specialized resources.

CR 1.6 The emotional needs expressed by the patient/user or the patient/user and their family members and/or observed by the optional staff, who require advice or specialized support, communicate to the staff responsible for the accurate care resource to be demanded.

CR 1.7 The behavior and/or behavior alterations of patients or users are recognized and communicated to the care or service plan officer.

CR 1.8 The kind treatment and technical advice is maintained at all times, to elderly or elderly patients and/or with possible loss of personal autonomy and difficulties in managing their treatment or daily living conditions.

CR 1.9 Cases of decreased patient/user or patient/user awareness level are identified by describing, communicating, and specifying the observed change to the responsible parent.

RP 2: To provide emotional support to the patient/user or patient/user, primary care tax, home, specialized or institutionalized, and to their next family environment, to promote their integration and well-being, collaborating with other members of the healthcare team.

CR 2.1 The reception of the resident or user of institutionalized centers is done at the time of their admission, participating in the welcome committee, according to the specific organization of the institution.

CR 2.2 The guiding information on the centre, the rules of coexistence and the use of the different dependencies and facilities, showing the different access routes and giving it a clear indication of how to put on, if necessary, in contact with the staff of the centre are communicated to the patient/user or to the patient/user and/or his/her family in order to promote their integration into the environment.

CR 2.3 The attention to the resident or user and their families is done in a cordial and personalized way, favoring their integration in the center.

CR 2.4 The accompaniment of the resident or user to his/her room, is done by helping him/her to settle, presenting, if necessary, to the roommates and familiarizing him with the facilities and the furniture, to favor his/her integration into the care environment.

CR 2.5 The use with the patient/user or the patient/user, of techniques that facilitate interpersonal communication and the understanding of the messages emitted, are performed especially in the case that they are presented sensory disabilities that hinder such communication.

CR 2.6 The positive dialogue in the interpersonal relationship with the patient/user or the patient/user is done by facilitating the recognition of the problems expressed and the constructive orientation towards possible pathways of satisfaction or solution of your needs.

CR 2.7 Family and social relationships of the patient/user or patient/user are provided using information, guidance, mediation, or social skills training strategies, as appropriate.

CR 2.8 Appropriate patient/user or patient/user behaviors are encouraged by using positive reinforcements.

CR 2.9 The active participation of the patient/user or patient/user in decision-making is encouraged by reinforcing the behaviors of change and learning.

CR 2.10 The integration into the daily activities of the resident or institutionalized user is carried out by accompanying and orienting himself and showing, at all times, an attitude of respect towards the companions, procedures and internal rules of the centre.

CR 2.11 The alternative activities of free time, are provided to the resident or user for the maintenance of hobbies and social relations, to enhance their self-esteem and the achievement of the greatest possible number of everyday behaviors autonomously to promote their integration.

RP 3: Understand the patient or terminal patient in collaboration with the rest of the care team, providing specific emotional support to enable a constructive experience of chronic and progressive disease.

CR 3.1 The emotional changes associated with degenerative, consumptive or aging processes are identified, recorded and/or communicated to the care plan responsible, to enable them to take action if appropriate.

CR 3.2 Personal attitudes and behaviors adopted toward the patient or patient and family show respect for their personal, cultural, and spiritual values throughout the disease process.

CR 3.3 Cases of decreased patient or terminal patient awareness level are identified by describing, communicating, and specifying the observed change to the responsible parent.

CR 3.4 The transmission to the patient or to the patient and the family members of the information regarding possible therapeutic options to alleviate the symptoms, in the process of continuous care, is carried out in collaboration with the person responsible superior.

CR 3.5 The intimacy and dignity of the patient or patient are respected, explaining clearly why the questions are asked.

CR 3.6 Patient or patient well-being is promoted through pain management techniques and maneuvers and other negative symptoms or experiences, under optional supervision.

CR 3.7 The emotional needs expressed by the patient or the terminal patient and/or observed by the professional or the professional, are communicated to the responsible superior person to mobilize the care resource precise.

CR 3.8 The help to the patient or the terminal patient and their family in the situations of understanding and acceptance of the process, is performed by providing emotional support that allows the decrease of the associated negative experiences, assisting them in the reproduction of specific relaxation techniques and stress containment.

CR 3.9 The contact of the user or the user with their spiritual representatives, is provided at the request of their own or the close relatives.

RP 4: Conduct health education activities aimed at patients, family members, and the community in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.

CR 4.1 Brochures and manuals with specific information on healthy attitudes and habits are delivered to the different patient groups or users or users, following the instructions received from the person above. responsible

CR 4.2 Specific health education activities aimed at small groups such as: education on healthy eating habits, oral health habits or adequate management of leisure and leisure time, adapting the level of information and the pedagogical material supporting the characteristics of the receivers are carried out by supporting the multidisciplinary team.

CR 4.3 The delivery of health education talks is carried out by participating with the multidisciplinary team in the resolution of doubts or satisfaction of demands for supplementary information by the assistants.

CR 4.4 The adoption of healthy lifestyle habits in daily life is encouraged among patients or users or users.

CR 4.5 The adequacy and effectiveness of the prepared materials and health education activities/programs are evaluated in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.

RP 5: Perform disease prevention and health promotion actions, participating in the process of information, counseling and instruction to patients/users and caregivers, within the scope of their competence, on self-care techniques appropriate to the personal situation of the user/patient, prior to the reinstatement to their sociofamiliar scope in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.

CR 5.1 Information on the basic standards of personal and food hygiene, especially with regard to hygienic habits or actions designed to avoid nutritional imbalances, poisoning and food infections communicates to the patient/user or to the patient/user and primary caregivers or caregivers.

CR 5.2 Training on techniques and manoeuvres that enable the use of personal hygiene and hygiene products and materials and in those aimed at generating a safe environment is transmitted to the patient/user or to the patient/user and primary caregivers or caregivers.

CR 5.3 Training in hygienic care techniques for removable dental prostheses, oral cavity structures, hair, nails and feet, in case they care for users who have impaired autonomy or situations of Health requiring special care in these areas, such as diabetes, circulatory deficiencies, among others, is transmitted to the primary caregiver.

CR 5.4 Training in the execution of specific techniques aimed at facilitating the mobilization of the patient/user or the patient/user, according to the established care plan, especially in cases requiring periods Prolonged immobilization, as well as in techniques of changing busy bed lingerie is transmitted to the primary caregiver.

CR 5.5 Training in the execution of specific techniques aimed at facilitating the mobility of the patient/user or the patient/user, according to the established care plan, especially in cases requiring assistance Specific techniques for deambulation or mobilization in the next environment is transmitted to the primary caregiver.

CR 5.6 Training in the execution of basic techniques of massage, cryotherapy and thermotherapy aimed at improving the comfort of patients/users or patients/users who need long periods of immobilization transmits to the caregiver or the primary caregiver.

CR 5.7 The specific health education activities of parents, such as: breastfeeding and artificial breastfeeding education, breast hygiene habits and healthy maternal eating habits, are carried out, in collaboration with other members of the multi-professional team.

CR 5.8 The training in the correct use of the products and materials for the performance of the hygiene and personal hygiene of the same is transmitted to the responsible of the child or the child.

CR 5.9 The observation and recording of the physical, emotional and social needs of the patient/user or patient/user and primary caregiver, as well as the family and environment situation, to sue and/or Mobilizing the precise support resources is done in collaboration with the multi-professional team.

RP 6: Promote the interpersonal relationships of patients/users or patients/users, boosting their participation in associations and aid groups.

CR 6.1 Possible harmful attitudes to the health of patients/users or patients/users are identified and communicated to the care plan responsible for demanding or mobilizing the precise support resources.

CR 6.2 Information on associations and aid groups related to their pathology or personal situation, as well as on the possibility of participation in aid groups, facilitating contacts and addresses of interest transmits to the health service user.

CR 6.3 Maintenance of hobbies, social relationships, and leisure activities, within the possibilities of your next environment, is supported and promoted so that the user maintains their usual living conditions.

CR 6.4 The use of simple relaxation techniques for the prevention and containment of stress is transmitted to the patient/user or to the patient/user and to his/her family in order to promote the rehabilitation process, under the monitoring of the responsible top person.

CR 6.5 Memory, attention and time-spatial orientation of the patient/user or patient/user is reinforced, through simple exercises that are reflected in the care plan established by the person responsible superior.

RP 7: To tend to the psychiatric care user, providing emotional support according to the plan provided by the superior specialist and/or the established care plan and in collaboration with the other team members assistance.

CR 7.1 The emotional support of the psychiatric patient or psychiatric patient is performed in collaboration with the rest of the team, showing empathy and understanding in the face of the symptomatology presented.

CR 7.2 The relaxation of the psychiatric patient or psychiatric patient is performed in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, with the control to stimulate.

CR 7.3 The expression of the mental health care user's thoughts and emotions is favored by helping them in the control of negative experiences, in collaboration with the care team.

CR 7.4 The techniques aimed at increasing and implementing positive behaviors in patients/users or in patients/users with psychic dysfunctions are performed in collaboration with the rest of the team, according to the protocol. set.

CR 7.5 The application of techniques aimed at minimizing possible altered behaviors is performed in collaboration with the rest of the team members and according to the established protocol.

CR 7.6 Activities to promote the socialization, dynamization and occupation of the patient/user or patient's free time/patient/user of psychiatric services are programmed and performed in collaboration with the rest of the team assistance, according to the established protocol.

Professional Context:

Production media:

Audiovisual Media. Software and software. Polls. Brochures and manuals for Health Education programs. Performance protocols.

Products and results:

Brochures. Manuals. EpS programs. Software. Knowledge of the emotional conditions of the patient/user or the patient/user. Assisted user or assisted user in terms of mental and social needs. Patient/motivated user/patient/user motivated to achieve healthy attitudes and habits. Effective communication of the user or user. Relaxed patient/user/relaxed user/user. Constructive interpersonal relations. Detection of emotional and behavioral changes or habits in patients. Emotional support to the patient/user or to the patient/user. Attention to the patient or the terminal patient. Design and implementation operations for health education programmes. Promotion of interpersonal relationships of users or users. Maintenance of the environment of the psychiatric patient or psychiatric patient. Attention to the user or psychiatric care user.

Information used or generated:

Care plan. Manual of procedures. Health education and health promotion programs. Community leisure resources and aid groups. Programs of occupational therapy, physical exercise and rehabilitation. Protocols of occupational therapy techniques and rehabilitation techniques. Prevention and health promotion techniques.


Level: 2

Code: MF2254_2

Associated with UC: Preparing the materials of the query, unit, and service, and process the health information

Duration: 240 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Relating the different types of clinical documentation with their applications, describing the channels of processing and handling of the same, as well as communication with other units, queries or services, depending on the type of the same or the health institution.

CE1.1 Interpret the citation documents, describing the structure of the documents and the codes to use, to perform the registration, specifying the mechanisms of circulation of the documentation in different institutions health.

CE1.2 List the personal identification items of the institution and the reference unit that need to be completed, as well as the citations or precise requests for additional testing of patients/users or patients/users.

CE1.3 Use the applications that health query management software has for health management and control.

CE1.4 Explain the meaning and structure of the patient/user or patient/user's clinical history, describing the logical sequence of "custody" of documents and the processing of diagnostic tests.

CE1.5 Develop the scheme of different health institutions, organically and hierarchically, describing their relationships and their dependencies, both internal and general, and the structure of the Spanish Health System.

CE1.6 Analyze the different internal standards manuals, identifying and describing those that refer to the development of your professional activity.

C2: Describe the characteristics of the patient/user's or patient/user's home/user identifying possible adaptations to provide a health service or an effective treatment plan.

CE2.1 Identify the composition of a psychosocial history.

CE2.2 Describe the home interview technique.

CE2.3 Perform the interview or questionnaire to know the suitability of the address and assess possible precise adaptations.

CE2.4 In a practical scenario relative to the characteristics of the patient/user's home or the patient/user, identify the intervening factors in the home care process.

CE2.5 Describe the adaptation measures of the housing and the necessary technical aids.

CE2.6 Describe the zonal position of the home with respect to the nearest health centers: primary care, specialized care, hospitals and social health centers closest to the home.

C3: Select the storage, distribution and stock control techniques of the material means that enable the proper functioning of a consultation, unit, cabinet or health or social care service, to patients or users.

CE3.1 Explain stock control methods and their applications for building material inventories.

CE3.2 Explain warehouse stock control documents, associating each type with the function that it plays in the organization of the warehouse.

CE3.3 Describe the applications that health query management software has for warehouse management and control.

CE3.4 In a health warehouse management scenario (query or service):

-Identify the replacement needs in accordance with the described scenario.

-Perform order orders, specifying the type of material and the agent or unit of supply.

-Enter the required data for stock control in the database.

-Specify the conditions for the preservation of the material and the medicinal products according to their characteristics and storage needs, taking into account the safety and hygiene plans.

C4: Apply the necessary technical procedures for the preparation and preservation of materials for dental use, obturation and printing pastes, which allow the use or direct application by the optional or the optional.

CE4.1 Describe the physico-chemical characteristics of the commonly used dental materials in dental consultations, describing their indications and preparation procedures.

CE4.2 Describe the preservation procedures of dental materials that allow you to maintain your quality and ensure your average life.

CE4.3 Explain the process of preparation of materials to be carried out, both in conservative dentistry and in the design of prostheses, prior to the request for dispensation by the optional or optional.

CE4.4 In a scenario of preparing dental materials:

-Identify the type or types of material that are required.

-Prepare the appropriate amounts and proportions of material.

-Mix, spatular and/or beat, both manually and mechanically, the components of the dental material, achieving optimal texture and fluidity, depending on the type of application performed.

-Perform the process of preparation of materials, in the time indicated to preserve the suitability of the material and its adaptation to the tissues where it is applied.

-Disthink the prepared material using the media suitable for the type of material.

C5: Characterize equipment and dental instruments by selecting the most appropriate

CE5.1 Describe the characteristics of the different equipment commonly used in a dental clinic, specifying the basic maintenance needs of each of them and the periodicity with which it should be performed.

CE5.2 Describe the hand dental instrument, its conditions of preparation and its application in the different operating techniques.

CE5.3 Describe the characteristics, utilities, maintenance, and management of the dental equipment and rotary instruments.

CE5.4 Explain the procedures for cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing specific material and dental instruments, describing the appropriate one according to the characteristics of each one of them and the use to which intended.

CE5.5 Explain the different log and log supports used in dental clinics, using the nomenclature used in dental anatomy.

CE5.6 In a practical assumption of assistance to the odontostomatologist:

-Prepare the medical history and check that you do not lack essential information.

-Develop the dental tab of the case submitted for study.

-Select and prepare the material that will be needed depending on the technique that you want to perform under the instructions of the optional or optional.

-Dispose of the dental equipment and the specific rotary instrument for the technique indicated according to the requirements of the optional or the optional, ensuring the level of cleanliness and sterilization of the same.

C6: Differentiate cleaning, disinfection and sterilization techniques that should be applied to materials and instruments of common use in healthcare for patients/users or patients/users of health services.

CE6.1 Explain the disinfection process, describing the methods to be used based on the characteristics of the materials used.

CE6.2 Describe the sequence of operations to perform the cleaning of the material means of clinical use.

CE6.3 List the criteria that allow the material to be classified according to its origin, in septic and non-septic.

CE6.4 Perform the sterilization process, describing the methods to be used, depending on the characteristics and composition of the instruments.

CE6.5 Explain the different methods of quality control of sterilization procedures.

CE6.6 In a scenario of hospital hygiene:

-Decide the appropriate hygiene technique to the case characteristics.

-Select media and cleaning products based on the technique.

-Apply the appropriate cleaning techniques to the type of material.

-Apply disinfection techniques.

-Apply sterilization techniques.

-Check the quality of sterilisation done.

C7: Determine hygienic-sanitary conditions to be met by a unit of inquiry, describing the methods and techniques to achieve them.

CE7.1 Describe the material and accessory media that integrate the queries and/or patient units, describing the function they perform in the same.

CE7.2 Describe lingerie, demonstrating preparation techniques for later use.

CE7.3 Describe and perform the cleaning procedures for stretchers and accessories.

CE7.4 Explain the sequence of operations and information to be transmitted to patients or users or users during the query.

C8: Develop budgets and detailed bills of health interventions and actions, relating the type of performance to the rate, according to the defined operating rules.

CE8.1 Explain the basic performance and performance of computer programs applied to budgeting and invoices.

CE8.2 List the tax rules to be met by this type of business documents.

CE8.3 In a billing scenario:

-Determine the items to be included in the document (quote or invoice).

-Perform the calculations required to determine the total amount and the correct breakdown, complying with the current tax rules.

-Confect the document, quote, or invoice, according to the defined assumption.

C9: Analyze the patient or patient unit discharge, following the unit or service criteria.

CE9.1 Identify the types of medical high by relating them to the cause that causes it:


-Improvement, or healing.


CE9.2 Explain the physical, psychological, and social needs of the patient or patient that is collected in the nursing report to the discharge.

CE9.3 Describe the recommendations or proposals that the members of the nursing team can make to the patient or the patient at the time of discharge, for the solution of possible foreseeable or susceptible problems appear.

C10: Identify the media and risk prevention protocols derived from healthcare facility activity.

CE10.1 Describe the different types of risks associated with health activity, classifying them appropriately and relating them to different units or services.

CE10.2 Identify individual protective equipment to be selected for each health activity, describing its maintenance and utilization conditions.

CE10.3 List of equipment and means of collective protection used in different areas of health activity: protection against radiological risks, protection against biological risks, protection against risks chemicals.

CE10.4 Interpret the meaning of the different signals used in the prevention of risks in health centers.

CE10.5 In a practical scenario on occupational accidents in an area of health activity:

-Develop the intervention scheme.

-Identify individual and collective protection measures to be used and mechanisms of use.

-Propose preventive measures and improvements to prevent repeat of the case given in the case.

CE10.6 In a practical assumption of assistance to the odontostomatologist in the treatment of a patient/user or a patient/user suffering from a communicable disease, local or general:

-Prepare and place the material by ensuring that as far as possible it is totally disposable.

-Provide the patient/user or the patient/user and the healthcare team that is going to treat it, the type of clothing and appropriate protective material, that prevents or hinders transmission.

-Apply on local oral and perioral lesions, which could act as a focus for the transmission of infectious-contagious diseases, the precise isolation and/or treatment measures that hinder cross-contamination.

C11: Identify the protocols and means associated with waste management.

CE11.1 Identify and describe the different types of waste that are generated as a result of health activity.

CE11.2 Describe the characteristics of the containers associated with the repository and subsequent management of each type of waste.

CE11.3 Explain the management protocols for the different types of waste generated as a result of the health activity.

CE11.4 Relate the different legal documents and records associated with waste management.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C2 with respect to CE2.4; C3 for CE3.4; C4 for CE4.4; C5 for CE5.6; C6 for CE6.6; C8 for CE8.3; C10 for CE8.3; C10 for CE10.5 and CE10.6

Other capabilities:

Take Responsibility for the work that you develop and achieve your goals.

Prove a good professional.

Maintain the work area with the appropriate degree of order and cleanliness.

Participate and collaborate actively in the team, getting used to the work rhythm.

Communicate effectively with the right people at every moment, respecting the channels established in the organization.

Interpret and execute work instructions.

Transfer information clearly, in an orderly, structured, clear and precise manner.

Act quickly in problematic situations and not just wait.


1. Health organisation in relation to health care auxiliaries

Historical evolution of health professions.

Structure of the healthcare system in Spain.

Current legal regulations related to the scope of this activity.

Levels of assistance and type of capabilities.

Organic and functional structures. Type of health institutions: public and private.

Public health. Community health. Health Indicators.

The nursing care process. Care plan.

Safety and hygiene rules applied in healthcare facilities.

Prevention of work risks.

2. Healthcare documentation in the care field

Clinical documentation: document types. Medical history. Central archive of Clinical Stories. Utilities and applications.

Non-clinical documentation: types of patient or patient-related documents, management and communication. Utilities and applications.

Health documentation fulfillment criteria.

Information circulation methods.

Legislation on data protection.

3. Treatment of information-documentation in the healthcare field

Documentation for buy-to-sell operations: order proposals. Albaranes. Invoices. Credit/Charge Notes. Legal requirements for completion. Arrangements for the application of VAT. Legislation on data protection.

4. Inventory and inventory management

Storage systems: advantages and disadvantages.

Healthcare material media classification: criteria.

Stock valuation methods.

Crafting store tokens.

Inventories: sorting and processing.

Safety and hygiene rules applied in health center stores.

5. Healthcare applications in the healthcare domain

Using warehouse management, billing, and economic management IT applications.

Using computer applications in the treatment of clinical and non-clinical documents.

6. Dental Materials

Escayolas. Fundamental principles. Types of plaster. Preparation techniques. Casting techniques. Setting and socket.

Printing materials: alginates, silicones, and others. Concept. Features. More frequent types. Extra-oral preparation techniques. Washing and preparing impressions for the laboratory.

Shutter materials: concept. Features. More frequent obturation materials. Techniques for the preparation and instrumentation of the materials. Insulation and polishing material.

endodontic materials and instruments.

periodontic materials and instruments.

Anesthesia material.

Material and surgical instrumentation. Surgical instruments. Surgical cements.

Orthodontic material and instruments.

Other materials.

7. Dental X-rays

Basic principles. Radiographic films.

Properties of dental radiographic films.

periapical, intraproximal and occlusal intrabucal radiographic techniques.

Front, side, and vertical radiographic techniques.

Revealed, fixed, and drying techniques for radiographic films.

Effects of ionizing radiation on the organism.

Radiological protection rules. Radiation protection elements.

The maintenance and archiving rules for X-rays.

8. Equipment and instruments for use in dental clinics

Teams. Constituent elements and functions. Principles of operation. Preventive maintenance. Hand and rotary instruments. Classification of elements and their indication. Principles of use.

9. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation of medical equipment and equipment

Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of dental equipment.

Cleansing of the sanitary material and instruments. Basic principles applied to the cleaning of the sanitary equipment and equipment. Disposable material and non-disposable material. Cleaning procedures: surgical material, plastic, metal and glass material, appliances and curiots. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of dental instruments. Verification criteria for the cleaning process.

Disinfection of sanitary equipment and equipment. Basic principles of disinfection, disinfectant, asepsis, antisepsis and antiseptic.

Disinfection and antisepsis: physical methods and chemical methods.

Classification of chemical disinfectants.

Sterilization: sterilization systems. Basic principles. Characteristics of the sterilization methods. Sterilisation controls. Distribution by area of sterilization service.

Waste management: sorting of waste.

Legal regulations applicable to waste management. Specific documentation relating to the management of waste.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

50 m² nursing workshop.

45 m² management classroom

45 M³ Dental Classroom

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Domain of knowledge and techniques related to the preparation of the materials of the consultation, unit and service, and processing of the health information, which will be accredited by one of the following forms:

-Academic training of Diplomacy, degree of equivalent degree or of other higher levels related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Accredited pedagogical competence in accordance with what is established by the competent administrations.


Level: 2

Code: MF2255_2

Associated with UC: Perform patient/user or patient/user hygienic conditioning activities and their environment, as well as healthcare equipment and materials

Duration: 210 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Precise the activities intended to perform the patient/user or patient/user's bodily hygiene.

CE1.1 Explain the general grooming of the patient/user or patient/user according to the degree of dependence:


-Partial dependency.

-Total dependency.

CE1.2 Describe the patient/patient/patient/user-encased patient/user grooming technique.

CE1.3 Explain the products, materials, and utensils that are commonly used in different personal hygiene techniques.

CE1.4 Assist the patient/user or the patient/user in the use of the excreta collection utensils and their subsequent elimination according to protocols.

CE1.5 Communicate the incidents that occurred during the execution of the techniques.

CE1.6 In a practical personal hygiene scenario:

-Select the material media to be used based on the assumption.

-Perform partial bath, total bath, hair wash, mouth and teeth techniques.

-Carry out the collection of excreta using the cradle and/or the bottle.

CE1.7 In a practical personal hygiene scenario, perform the patient/user or patient/user's grooming based on the needs and the degree of dependence of the patient, checking that it is clean and dry.

CE1.8 Describe the steps to be taken to ensure the maintenance of the connections that the patient/user or patient/user could take.

C2: Analyze the hygienic-sanitary conditions that the patient/user/user/user room must meet, describing the precise methods and techniques to achieve them.

CE2.1 Describe the conditions for order, cleaning, ventilation, luminosity and temperature to be met by the patient/user or patient/user room.

CE2.2 Identify pathologies that require special environmental conditions for sick people.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario about preparing a room for the patient/user or patient/user:

-Describe the optimal environmental conditions for the given given.

-Propose the tasks to be performed to achieve these environmental conditions.

C3: Describe the user/patient bed realization processes.

CE3.1 Identify the elements that make up the sanitary bed or adapted for users/patients subjected to long-standing periods.

CE3.2 In a scenario of patient/user or patient/user room maintenance and care:

-Prepare the bed linen needed to make different bed types.

-Maintain patient/user or patient/user room order.

-Perform preparation and bed opening techniques in their different modes: empty, occupied, surgical, or other.

CE3.3 Describe the technique to make a bed according to the different procedures, taking into account the characteristics of the patient/user or the patient/user, the precautions to be taken according to the pathology present, the existence of possible connections to external power, ventilation, drainage or other systems and whether it is a busy or idle bed.

C4: Analyze the isolation procedures, determining their specific uses in the control and prevention of hospital contamination.

CE4.1 Describe the characteristics of communicable diseases and list general prevention measures.

CE4.2 Explain isolation methods, indicating their applications in patients/users or patients/users.

CE4.3 Describe the principles to be met in relation to isolation techniques, depending on the unit/service and/or the status of the patient/user or the patient/user.

CE4.4 Describe the material means to use in the realization of the isolation techniques.

CE4.5 In an isolation scenario:

-Determine the appropriate procedure to the situation.

-Select the material media that is required.

-Perform hand washing techniques.

-Perform putting techniques: cap, gown, boot, gloves, or others.

-Explain appropriate physical barrier measures between family and patients/users or patients/users.

C5: To differentiate cleaning, disinfection and sterilization techniques that should be applied to materials and instruments, in healthcare to patients/users or patients/users in specialized healthcare services.

CE5.1 Explain the disinfection process, describing the methods to be used based on the characteristics of the materials used.

CE5.2 Describe the sequence of operations to perform the cleaning of the material means of clinical use.

CE5.3 List the criteria that allow the material to be classified according to its origin, in septic and non-septic.

CE5.4 In a practical scenario of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization techniques: perform the sterilization process, describing the methods to be used, depending on the characteristics and composition of the instruments.

CE5.5 Explain the different methods of quality control of sterilization procedures.

CE5.6 In a scenario of hospital hygiene:

-Decide the appropriate hygiene technique to the case characteristics.

-Select media and cleaning products based on the technique.

-Apply the appropriate cleaning techniques to the type of material.

-Apply disinfection techniques.

-Apply sterilization techniques.

-Recognize Fracked Empty parameters and processes and Flash and Container programs.

-Check the quality of sterilisation done.

-Recognize and apply different quality controls in sterilization

C6: Describe the technical requirements for performing "postmortem" care.

CE6.1 Define the process of application of "postmortem" care.

CE6.2 Explain the stages of performing the amorphous carcass.

CE6.3 In a scenario of "postmortem" care:

-Verify that the time elapsed between the "exitus" and the isolation of the corpse has been the least possible.

-Perform the amorphous carcass according to the protocols to the use.

-Communicate the cadaver to the tanatorium to carry out its shipment in the shortest possible time.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C1 with respect to CE1.6 and CE1.7; C2 with respect to CE2.3; C3 for CE3.2; C4 for CE4.5; C5 for CE5.4 and CE5.6; C6 for CE6.3.

Other capabilities:

Take Responsibility for the work that you develop and achieve your goals.

Maintain the work area with the appropriate degree of order and cleanliness.

Treat the patient or user or user with courtesy, respect and discretion.

Demonstrate interest and concern to satisfactorily address the needs of patients/users or patients/users of health services.

Participate and collaborate actively in the team, getting used to the work rhythm.

Communicate effectively with the right people at every moment, respecting the channels established in the organization.

Interpret and execute work instructions.

Transfer information clearly, in an orderly, structured, clear and precise manner.


1. Inpatient/home care unit

Structure of the nursing unit.

The patient/user/patient/user room. Material means that compose it. Environmental conditions.

The hospital bed/home: Bed types. Accessories. Types of mattresses. Bed linen.

Techniques to make a hospital bed/home: busy, idle and surgical.

Host and high patient processing.

2. Hygiene and grooming of the patient/user or patient/user in the healthcare setting

Grooming and washing of the patient/user or patient/user. Anatomic principles of skin and the basics of body hygiene. Skin disorders. Patient/patient/patient/patient/user/patient hygiene techniques: patient/user or patient/user wash, mouth hygiene, hair washing, external genital hygiene.

Hygiene techniques of the newborn or newborn. Umbilical cord control.

Placement techniques: the wedge and the bottle. Urine collectors.

Post-mortem care. Purpose and preparation of the corpse.

3. Principles of dietary and administration of meals to patients/users or patients/users

Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Alterations to the digestive system.

Food suitable for different physiological periods.

The balanced diet. Types.

Nutrition balance.

Most Common Therapeutic Diets.

Food administration techniques to patients/users or patients/users.

enteral feeding. Fundamental principles.

Nasogastric tube feeding management techniques.

Fundamental principles of parenteral feeding.

4. Prevention and control of infections and contamination in the healthcare environment

Immune and blood system. Antigen and antibody. Blood cells and plasma.

Immunity: Vaccine. Immune sera.

Etiology of nosocomial diseases.

Diseases susceptible to isolation.

Isolation procedures.

Hand-washing techniques.

Placement techniques: cap, mask, sterile gloves and sterile gowns.

Classification and management of biomedical waste.

Universal precautions.

Techniques for the collection, identification and transport of human biological samples.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

Multipurpose Classroom of at least 2 m² per pupil.

50 m² nursing workshop.

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Domain of knowledge and techniques related to the performance of the patient/user or patient/user's hygienic conditioning activities and their environment, as well as the sanitary material and instruments, which will be accredited by one of the following ways:

-Academic training of Diplomacy, degree of equivalent degree or of other higher levels related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Accredited pedagogical competence in accordance with what is established by the competent administrations.


Level: 2

Code: MF2256_2

Associated with UC: Apply specialized healthcare auxiliary care

Duration: 240 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Describe the operations required to facilitate the taking and collection of samples that serve the optional or optional for the patient/user or patient/user exploration and observation.

CE1.1 Prepare the material for exploration and observation based on the characteristics of the patient/user and the intended exploratory technique.

CE1.2 Describe the procedures for the collection and measurement of vital constants.

CE1.3 Describe the procedures for the collection and measurement of excreta and other diagnostic tests, using the appropriate material, depending on the sex and physical characteristics of the patient/user or the patient/user.

CE1.4 To record in the control graph the data obtained in the measurement of vital constants, excreta, income and discharges and somatometric data, explaining the importance of communicating to the superior important changes in the evolution of the chart.

CE1.5 Explain the importance of direct observation of the patient or patient, following established guidelines on the detection of signs and symptoms, as well as the importance of communicating to the immediate superior the presence of General state-altering signs.

CE1.6 Interpret clearly and accurately a medical order and the nursing care plan.

CE1.7 In a scenario of measuring vital constants:

-Select the means required to obtain the values of the vital constants to measure.

-Get real values of temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

-Confect the vital constant record chart.

CE1.8 Explain sample collection processes by specifying the means and techniques based on the type of sample to be collected:

-Define the different types of clinical waste by explaining the removal procedures.

-Describe the material means to be used based on the origin of the biological sample to be collected.

-Explain the technical sample collection procedures based on their source.

C2: Associate the medications with the various optional prescriptions describing the precise methods and techniques to prepare them and administer them orally, rectal and topical.

CE2.1 Explain the main risks associated with the drugs, depending on the type of drugs and the route of administration.

CE2.2 Explain the different types of medication sheets commonly used in healthcare facilities.

CE2.3 Different medications according to the route of administration.

CE2.4 List the materials needed for the preparation of a cleaning enema.

CE2.5 Describe the appropriate anatomic position for cleaning enema administration.

CE2.6 Explain the importance of properly maintaining the cold chain for termolabile medications.

CE2.7 In a convenient medication administration scenario:

-Prepare the appropriate material according to the route of administration.

-Check the prescription of the medication on the patient or patient's prescription sheet.

-Accommodate the patient/user or the patient/user in the appropriate posture.

-Manage your medications.

-Register on the protocol sheet, the administration of the medication, and the incidences that occurred during the administration of the medication.

C3: Determine activities that favor the maintenance and improvement of the functional capabilities of the elderly and institutionalized users, specifying the competencies and responsibilities of the different members of the team interdisciplinary.

CE3.1 Classify the specific techniques of gymnastics, massage, stretching and local treatments of thermotherapy, cryotherapy and hydrotherapy, specifying the indications of each one.

CE3.2 Describe the phases that make up each of the different techniques of gymnastics, massage, stretching and local treatments of thermotherapy, cryotherapy and hydrotherapy, as well as the responsibility and tasks of the auxiliary in each of them.

CE3.3 Describe the patient/patient/patient/user-encased mobilization procedures by specifying the criteria applied.

CE3.4 To analyze the mechanisms of production of pressure ulcers in the patient/user in the field, specifying the most common places of appearance and the techniques of prevention.

CE3.5 Describe the skin signs that make you suspect of a pressure ulcer.

CE3.6 Citar the patient/user or dependent patient/user support guidelines during their ambulation, indicating the procedures for moving the patient/user in different circumstances.

CE3.7 Indicate the appropriate posture in which the patient/user or patient/user should be placed under the circumstances of each case and according to the care plan.

CE3.8 List the different types of technical aids, necessary for the transfer and/or mobilization of the patient/user or dependent user, specifying the indicated in each case.

CE3.9 In a practical scenario of mobilization of an elderly/dependent user or an elderly/dependent user:

-Analyze what the specific circumstance is that prevents or hinders the mobility of the same.

-Determine the most appropriate technique for the move.

-Apply procedures established in the prevention of pressure ulcers.

-Choose the most appropriate technical help by using it correctly.

C4: Specify techniques of local treatment of thermotherapy, and hydrotherapy, stretching and specific rehabilitation, such as: diathermia, short wave or other, describing the usual technical protocols and the main indications of the same.

CE4.1 Describe the techniques of thermotherapy and hydrotherapy treatments.

CE4.2 Detailed the usual rehabilitation protocols in which you can assist the responsible superior, such as: application of diathermia, short wave, motor stimulation plates, laser or stretching techniques muscle.

CE4.3 In a practical scenario of applying local treatment techniques:

-Explain to the patient/user or patient/user the technique to be applied.

-Prepare the material needed for the local application of cold and heat by complying with the prescription.

-Perform specific stretching maneuvers.

C5: Analyze the isolation procedures, determining their specific uses in the control and prevention of infections in the patient/user or the patient/user of health services.

CE5.1 Describe the characteristics of communicable diseases and list general prevention measures.

CE5.2 Explain isolation methods, indicating their applications in patients (users or users with communicable diseases).

CE5.3 Describe the principles to be met in relation to isolation techniques, depending on the unit/service and/or the status of the patient/user or the patient/user.

CE5.4 Describe the material means to use in the realization of the isolation techniques.

CE5.5 In an isolation scenario:

-Determine the appropriate procedure to the situation.

-Select the material media that is required.

-Perform basic and surgical hand washing techniques.

-Perform putting techniques: cap, gown, boot, gloves, among others, taking care of protocols.

C6: Apply operations for the preparation and dispensing of dental instruments and the provision of support during bucodental performance.

CE6.1 Precise the process by which the patient/user is accommodated in the dental chair and conditioning in the prevention of stains or splashes.

CE6.2 Describe the absolute and relative isolation techniques of the dental operative field, listing the means necessary for each dental intervention.

CE6.3 Describe the different techniques that allow to maintain the tightness of the operative field, specifying the indications of each one.

CE6.4 Describe the operating techniques to "four" and "six hands", describing the tasks that are the responsibility of each of the team members.

CE6.5 In a practical assumption of assistance to odontostomatologist or odontostomatologist:

-Accommodate the patient/user or patient/user in the dental chair by placing the napkins to protect their clothing.

-Set the level of lighting required by the technique under the indication of the optional or optional.

-Disthink the necessary material and instruments in the time and form appropriate to the execution of the technique.

-Aspire and illuminate the operative field during the intervention of the optional or optional, taking into account protocols.

-Perform four-and six-hand aid techniques in various operative situations and at the request of the optional or optional.

-Provide the patient/user or the patient/user with the means to be rinsed after odontostomatological intervention or when the optional or optional is available.

-Help the patient/user or the patient/user to leave the dental chair, confirming previously that their conditions allow it without risk.

C7: Explain characteristics of radiographic film types used in the dental diagnostic equipment, specifying the appropriate one depending on the type of scan.

CE7.1 Explain the procedures for the revealed and archive of oral radiographic exposures and registers.

CE7.2 Choose the material elements needed to obtain radiographic records from the mouth, listing them according to the type of projection and anatomic zone examined.

CE7.3 Precise those circumstances that pose a greater risk to radiation exposure.

CE7.4 Explain the risks of radiation exposure arising from the failure to take appropriate protective measures.

CE7.5 Precise general and personal radio protection standards in dental/stomatological consultations, describing the necessary elements according to different types of dental X-rays.

CE7.6 Describe radiological scanning techniques by using computer equipment.

CE7.7 In a practical scenario of performing several dental X-ray projections:

-Indicate patients/users or patients/users the need to communicate certain circumstances that may affect the decision-making to perform a radiological examination, such as pregnancy or other, before submit to it.

-Select the type of film based on the proposed cases.

-Prepare the necessary positioners and auxiliary elements.

-Prepare and place on the model the protocolized radioprotection elements for each defined technique.

-Reveal, fix and dry a previously impressed radiographic film.

-Properly manage the software for the development, expansion, visualization and archiving of radiographic scans performed at the dental clinic.

-Make the identification, preservation, and archiving measures to be followed with different types of X-rays.

C8: Relate types of diets and methods and techniques of food administration based on the characteristics of the patient/user or patient/user and the protocol or care plan.

CE8.1 Describe the types of therapeutic diets, depending on the needs of the patient/user or patient/user: absolute, liquid, celiac, diabetic, or others.

CE8.2 Explain food management techniques: trays with solid and/or liquid food, by probe.

CE8.3 Describe the right anatomical position for food ingestion.

CE8.4 Describe pre-and post-food administration hygiene measures.

CE8.5 Record the intake of dependent or self-employed patients or users.

CE8.6 In a scenario of feeding a patient/user or a patient/user by mouth:

-Prepare the appropriate utensils: glass, cutlery, tray, napkins.

-Check the type of diet.

-Accommodate the patient/user or the patient/user in the appropriate posture.

-Manage food.

-Register on the protocol sheet, intake, and incidences during food administration.

CE8.7 In an enteral feeding scenario:

-Describe pre-and post-food sanitary hygiene measures.

-Describe the preparation of the feed to be administered by a nasogastric probe.

-Verify the placement of the nasogastric probe according to protocols.

-Place the patient/user or the patient/user in the position according to protocols.

-Explain proper administration of enteral feeding.

-Run food administration using a nasogastric probe.

CE8.8 Describe local, metabolic and infectious complications arising from enteral administration.

C9: Precise nursing care that is applied in the service of pediatrics and neonatology.

CE9.1 Describe the performance protocols for entry into the childhood and neonatology unit.

CE9.2 Detailed the special nursing care of the service.

CE9.3 Describe the different equipment, materials and instruments of the pediatrics and neonatology service.

CE9.4 Describe the vital constant-taking technique of the child or child and neonate or neonate.

CE9.5 Describe the hygiene and nutrition protocols of the neonate or neonate and the child or child.

CE9.6 Define the health care and follow-up of the child or child and neonate or neonate.

CE9.7 Describe the main components of the clinical history of the neonatology and pediatrics service.

CE9.8 Explain the different forms of breastfeeding and artificial breastfeeding.

C10: Apply emergency and first aid health techniques by determining the most appropriate depending on the situation.

CE10.1 Describe the existence of a vital urgency, and the mechanisms of action foreseen in a unit or service and explain techniques of Pulmonary Cardio Resuscitation (CPR), external, crashed and polytraumatised haemorrhages.

CE10.2 In practical scenarios for the application of emergency and first aid techniques:

-Apply emergency care to burns.

-Apply emergency care in freezes.

-Apply emergency care to electric shocks.

-Apply emergency care to poisonings.

-Apply emergency care in bites and bites.

-Apply emergency care in ingestion of foreign bodies.

CE10.3 Relate materials/equipment and use them in different emergency situations.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C1 with respect to CE1.7 and CE1.8; C2 with respect to CE2.7; C3 for CE3.9; C4 for CE4.3; C5 for CE.5.5; C6 for CE.6.5; C7 for CE7.7; C7 for CE7.7; C8 for CE8.6 and CE8.7; C10 for CE8.6 and CE8.7; C10 for CE10.2

Other capabilities:

Take Responsibility for the work that you develop and achieve your goals.

Demonstrate some autonomy in solving small contingencies related to their activity.

Participate and collaborate actively in the team, getting used to the work rhythm.

Communicate effectively with the right people at every moment, respecting the channels established in the organization.

Interpret and execute work instructions.

Transfer information in an orderly, structured, clear and accurate way.


1. Clinical exploration and nursing diagnosis

anatomophysiological principles of the cardiovascular and respiratory apparatus.

anatomophysiological principles of the urinary tract.

More common disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Most common alterations in the excretor system.

Precise anatomical positions for the medical examination of the patient/user or patient/user.

Surgical medical materials used in medical exploration.

Vital constants. Fundamental principles. Measurement technique of vital constants. Graphic record of the vital constants. Water balance.

2. Special areas: neonatology and pediatrics

Neonatology and Pediatrics Care. Characteristics of the newborn or newborn. The healthy child or the healthy girl: growth and evolutionary development of the healthy child or the healthy child. Child health programs. Vaccines. Power in the different stages. Food allergies. Disorders of food behaviour. The premature child or the premature child. Techniques for the preparation and administration of bottles. Most frequent pathologies in neonatology and pediatrics: fever and exanthemic diseases, seizures, childhood asthma, cardiovascular disorders, gastroenteritis. Incubators.

3. Patient/user/patient/user/user/user in the healthcare setting

anatomophysiological principles of support and movement.

Musculoskeletal system disorders.

Mobilization techniques.

Move Techniques.

Deambulation techniques.

Bodily mechanics.

Body Positions.

4. Administration of medicines to patients/users or patients/users

Principles of general pharmacology.

Pharmaceutical forms and drug classification.

Drug administration pathways. Fundamental anatomical-physiological characteristics of the areas used.

Drug preparation and administration techniques.

5. Local therapeutic prescriptions and joint mobilization techniques

Local cold and heat application techniques. Indications. Application techniques.

Hydrothermal techniques application procedure.

Techniques of mobilization of secretions in diseases of the respiratory system.

Specific massage techniques to promote venous and lymphatic circulation.

Stretching and joint mobilization maneuvers.

Specific rehabilitation techniques: diathermia, short wave, laser, ultrasounds, motor stimulation plates.

6. Instrumentation and aid procedures in dental interventions

Clinical documentation. Dental tab (Periodontogram). Medical history.

Conditioning in the chair. Sitting technique.

Surgical field isolation and preparation techniques.

Help procedures for the optional or optional in instrumentation techniques: exploration, Exodoncias. Tartrectomy, scraping and smoothing. Endodontics. Sealing of fissures. Seals. Prosthesis. Surgery. Implants. Orthodontics. Fluorations.

Placement of the technical staff during the intervention (4 and 6 hands). Coordination manoeuvres. Surgical field isolation maneuvers. Surgical field lighting maneuvers.

Dental Anesthesia Techniques: anatomical bases of the oral cavity. Function and properties of anesthetics. Classification of anesthesia types: local, topical and general. Anesthesia complications and accidents.


7. First aid in the healthcare field

Anatomical principles applied to first aid.

Emergency criteria and priority in trauma: burns, freezes; wounds and bleeding; fractures, sprains and luxations.

Adverse reactions to toxic, commonly used drugs, and/or poisons.

Cardiovascular emergencies (myocardial infarction, hypovolemic, anaphylactic, septic shock, among others). Respiratory emergencies (among others: acute lung oedema).

Neurological emergencies.

Vendages and immobilizations.

cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

Multipurpose Classroom of at least 2 m² per pupil.

50 m² nursing workshop.

45 m² dental laboratory.

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Domain of knowledge and techniques related to the application of specialized healthcare auxiliary care, which will be accredited by one of the following ways:

-Academic training of Diplomacy, degree of equivalent degree or of other higher levels related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Accredited pedagogical competence in accordance with what is established by the competent administrations.


Level: 2

Code: MF2257_2

Associated with UC: Provide emotional support to the patient/user or patient/user and intervene in health education programs and activities

Duration: 210 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria:

C1: Describe the evolution phases of the disease from the point of view of the patocrony, pointing out the main characteristics of each one.

CE1.1 Explain the phases of the disease process, describing the main characteristics of the disease from personal experience or experience of patient/user disease or patient/user of health services.

CE1.2 Describe the most common experiences associated with the process of becoming ill, such as anxiety, uprooting, devaluation, or lack of identity of the patient/institutionalized user or patient/user institutionalised.

CE1.3 Detailed the main mechanisms of psychological adaptation of the individual to the experience of disease.

C2: Recognize the psychological and evolutionary characteristics that make up the personality of the individual in the different stages of life, analyzing the circumstances that can cause dysfunctions of behavior in patients/users or patients/users who are in special conditions.

CE2.1 Describe the evolutionary stages that define the human personality development.

CE2.2 Explain the causes that generate anxiety, distress, and stress in patients/hospitalized users or patients/users hospitalized or under special conditions.

CE2.3 Identify the main needs that may arise in patients/users or in patients/users in a state of tension or anxiety, recognizing the importance of the expression of the same as a defense mechanism before anxiety.

CE2.4 Differentiate the main actions that address or avoid a problem or need, the most common defense mechanisms, and the consequences of them.

CE2.5 Describe the most common defense mechanisms for anxiety.

CE2.6 Describe the phases that occur in the patient-health relationship and what factors can alter this relationship.

CE2.7 Detect the manifestations of gender-based violence that are observed in the possible victims of this violence in the event of the provision of health care, for this reason or another.

C3: Describe psychological mechanisms of adaptation that can occur in the sick person, analyzing the dysfunctions of the behavior of higher incidence in patients/users or patients/users found in special conditions.

CE3.1 Explain the causes that generate anxiety, distress, and stress.

CE3.2 Describe the mechanisms of avoidance and decrease of stress.

CE3.3 Describe the phases that occur in the patient-health relationship and what factors can alter this relationship.

CE3.4 Explain the mechanisms of emotional support in terminal patients, with chronic or long-term illnesses, and the family.

CE3.5 Identify the main needs that may arise in terminal patients and their family in a state of tension or anxiety, recognizing the importance of the expression of the same as a defense mechanism to the anxiety.

CE3.6 Describe the phases of mourning.

CE3.7 Describe relaxation techniques and psychological support to decrease anxiety in an intervention, previously and during it.

CE3.8 Specify the explanations to be given to patients/users or to patients/users of health services after an intervention, in order to favor the postoperative process, depending on the type of technique applied.

C4: Analyze the psychological characteristics of the elderly or elderly and institutionalized patients/users/patients/institutionalised users, specifying the precise support techniques.

CE4.1 Identify changes that appear in aging and/or chronic and progressive processes, and that affect the attitude and behaviors of the user: biological, social and psychological aspects.

CE4.2 Identify the most common pathologies in the elderly that affect their ability to communicate and communicate.

CE4.3 Analyze the difference in nursing assistant functions in geriatric, mental and psychiatric health centers in relation to other care areas.

CE4.4 Explain the most appropriate way to relate to the user of a geriatric, mental or psychiatric health center, according to their psychological characteristics and their ability to communicate and communicate with others.

CE4.5 Describe the resident's moods and enunciate the anomalous reactions that can potentiate that sensation.

CE4.6 Explain what anxiety is, specifying the main etiological factors in geriatric residents or mental health care tributaries, describing the main mechanisms for avoiding or decreasing the same.

CE4.7 Describe the phases that occur in the relationship between the institutionalized resident and the health care provider, indicating which factors may alter that relationship.

CE4.8 In a practical assumption of relationship with elderly residents in geriatric centers:

-List the psychological variables to be observed in the resident.

-Facing different situations of relationship with residents with different pathophysiological and/or social characteristics.

C5: List the phases that make up the reception and user assistance resident in institutions, day centers and/or social and health centers, specifying the importance of each one.

CE5.1 Explain the importance of an adequate reception to the resident in the integration process in the center.

CE5.2 Precise the responsibilities of each member of the geriatric team in the admission and reception of the elderly person.

CE5.3 Explain the importance of maintaining an appropriate and personalized treatment with the elderly and/or resident and accompanying them.

CE5.4 Describe the process of installing the resident and/or old man in his/her room, specifying the role of the auxiliary in each of the phases of the room.

CE5.5 Precise the different situations that imply a deterioration in the personal autonomy of the patient/user or the patient/user, both at the motor and relational level, explaining the importance of the correct communication of same.

CE5.6 Precise the most appropriate way to relate to the resident, according to their psychological characteristics and their ability to communicate and relate to others.

CE5.7 Define the major neurological diseases of the elderly and elderly: alzheimer, senile dementia, decreased cognitive ability.

CE5.8 In a convenient relationship scenario with an institutionalized user or an institutionalized user:

-Detect situations involving a decrease in your personal autonomy and communicate them to the corresponding supervisor.

-To transmit to the resident, in a precise and clear way, all the information that is essential for the proper integration into the institution.

-Maintain appropriate communication and relationship with the resident to address their needs and needs for help.

C6: Analyze the importance of psychiatric patients or psychiatric patients keeping their free time occupied.

CE6.1 Describe the main activities to be performed with the psychiatric patient or psychiatric patient to occupy their free time.

CE6.2 Define how a primary care program is performed in mental health, valuing the importance of teamwork, coordination and synergy of efforts and interventions.

CE6.3 Describe the activities to be performed in home care in mental health.

CE6.4 Describe the activities to be performed in day centers, day hospitals in mental health.

C7: Analyze basic principles of psychology and psychiatry in relation to user care for geriatric, mental health, and/or psychiatric centers.

CE7.1 Define the concept of personality

CE7.2 Explain the stages of personality development and its different theories.

CE7.3 Explain personality defense mechanisms and their practical application.

CE7.4 Analyze which psychological circumstances may cause behavioral dysfunctions in people subject to special conditions.

CE7.5 Define the stimulation control and its components.

CE7.6 Identify the characteristic behaviors of the patient/user or the patient/user with eating disorder.

CE7.7 Describe the relevant patient or patient characteristics:

-manic-depressive or manic-depressive psychotics.

-Neurotic or psychopathic-neurotic psychotics.

CE7.8 Describe basic behavior therapy techniques.

CE7.9 Describe the differences and advantages of individual therapy and group therapy.

C8: Analyze psychological aspects in risk groups.

CE8.1 Explain the mental development of the child or child through play and drawing.

CE8.2 In a scenario of supporting risk groups:

-Explain the main psychological variables observed in a patient/user or a patient/health service user with HIV.

-Select the main psychological variables that are observed in people who are sick in their teens.

-Specify the fundamental psychological variables that are observed in mentally ill people of a genetic character.

-Classify the psychological variables that are observed in people who are ill with neoformative processes.

-Locate the psychological variables that are observed in toxic-dependent sick people.

-Recognize the psychological variables that are observed in depressed people.

CE8.3 Describe the phases of social skills training in support of various psychological therapies.

C9: Analyze the socio-cultural characteristics of specific population groups, specifying the actions required for compliance with health education programs.

CE9.1 Describe the indexes, rates, and statistical parameters used in demographics.

CE9.2 Describe the demographic and socio-cultural characteristics of the different population groups: indices, rates, and statistical parameters used in demography.

CE9.3 Explain epidemiological study types, methodology, and applications.

CE9.4 In a practical application of an epidemiological community health program:

-Describe application stages.

-Analyze scheduled performances.

-Adapt to the characteristics of the population.

-List the possible collectives to which you are heading.

CE9.5 Explain the methods and material means used in health education activities.

CE9.6 In a scenario of health information, relating to sociocultural characteristics of specific groups:

-Identify the activities to be performed.

-Select supporting materials based on the collective to which you are addressing.

-Simulate and exemplify to fellow transmission strategies of the health information described in the assumption.

Capabilities whose acquisition must be completed in a real workbench:

C4 with respect to CE4.8; C5 for CE5.8; C7 for CE7.7; C8 for CE8.2; C9 for CE9.4 and CE9.6.

Other capabilities:

Take Responsibility for the work that you develop and achieve your goals.

Prove a good professional.

Demonstrate cordiality, kindness, and conciliatory and sensitive attitude to others.

Treat the patient or user or user with courtesy, respect and discretion.

Transfer information clearly, in an orderly, structured, clear and precise manner.

Participate and collaborate actively in the team, getting used to the work rhythm.

Communicate effectively with the right people at every moment, respecting the channels established in the organization.

Demonstrate stress resistance, mood stability and impulse control.

Adapt to new situations or contexts.

Learn new concepts or procedures and effectively leverage training using acquired knowledge


1. General and evolutionary psychology fundamentals

Theories about personality development.

Evolutionary stages and their reference parameters: Neonatal. Childhood. Adolescence. Youth. Adulthood. Old.

Personal characteristics of people in general.

The mechanisms of personality defense.

2. Basic concepts of general psychology









3. Mental health: biomedical fundamentals for a specific health care tax user of mental health care

Mental health and its protection.

Basic concepts of Psychopathology. Introduction to mental illness.

Abnormal behaviors and mood disorders: aggressive behaviors, mood disorders, eating disorders, alcohol behavior, drug-dependent behavior, suicidal behavior.

Schizophrenic disorders. Organic mental disorders. Anxiety disorders. Somatoform disorders. Personality disorders.

Sleep disorders.

Sexual disorders.

Current models of psychiatric care. Nurse-patient relationship.

Psychiatric emergencies. Crisis and crisis intervention.

4. Occupational therapy techniques in geriatric, psychiatric, and social-health care centers for patients/users or dependent patients/users

Occupational Therapy. Workshops for the consolidation of intellectual and psychomotor capacities: memory, attention, concentration, verbal and non-verbal communication and psychomotricity. Leisure and leisure workshops. Interpersonal relationship workshops.

5. Geriatric, socio-health care, Mental Health, Psychiatric institutions

Institutions for valid and assisted residents.

Partial institutionalization. Units of day. Units at night.

6. Palliative care in degenerative diseases and terminal disease in the healthcare setting

Definition of degenerative and terminal disease.

Definition of palliative care.

Treatment of digestive, respiratory symptoms. Care of the mouth.

Pain control.

Food and nutrition in this typology of patients.

Patient and patient information.

Family and caregivers and caregivers.

7. Interpersonal relationships in healthcare

The healthcare institution.

The multidisciplinary team and their adaptation to changes.

Conditioning elements of group dynamics.

The role of each team member.

The role of the patient or patient.

The role of the family.

8. Healthcare communication process

Elements of the communication.

Verbal and non-verbal communication.

Methods and forms of communication in health and disease situations.

Factors that facilitate interpersonal communication.

Factors that interfere with communication.

Phases of the help relationship.

Attitudes of healthcare personnel in a relief relationship.

Instructions for oral communication of instructions.

9. Psychological status of patients and patients in special situations in the healthcare setting

Psychology of the cancer patient.

Psychology of the sick person with AIDS.

Psychology of the child or child and adolescent sick or sick.

Psychology of the terminally ill person.

Psychology of the person with a chronic-degenerative disease.

Etiology and conceptualization of violence on women.

Different manifestations of violence about women.

Factors that perpetuate violence over women.

Concept of gender-based violence: the cycle of violence. Victim-victim relationship: the domain. Consequences of gender-based violence.

Itineraries of victims of violence against women and institutions involved in the processes of violence against women: typology and characterization.

Victims ' rights.

Resources for the attention of women victims of violence. Protocols and Guidelines for Health Action in the Face of Gender Violence

10. Basic psychological support techniques in the healthcare field

Positive reinforcement.


Listen active.

Reinforcing self-esteem.


Strategies to achieve attitude changes.

Intervention in turmoil.

11. Education for Health (EPS) in the healthcare setting

EpS goals.

EpS types: Individual and group.

Audiovisual media and their application in education: television, video, slides.

Teaching resources in health education: information bases, generic programs.

Primary Care Programs.

Specialized Care Programs.

Tertiary care, specialized care programs.

Social Services Programs. Basic and Specific.

12. Community resources in the healthcare field

Self help associations.

Non-governmental organizations.

Community help devices.

Training context parameters:

Spaces and installations:

Multipurpose Classroom of at least 2 m² per pupil or pupil.

50 m² nursing workshop.

Professional or former trainer profile:

1. Mastery of knowledge and techniques related to the provision of emotional support to the patient/user or to the patient/user and intervention in health education programs and activities, which will be accredited through one of the forms following:

-Academic training of Diplomacy, degree of equivalent degree or of other higher levels related to this professional field.

-Professional experience of a minimum of 3 years in the field of competencies related to this training module.

2. Accredited pedagogical competence in accordance with what is established by the competent administrations.