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Royal Decree 1784/2011, Of 16 December, Two Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Agricultural Professional Family That Include In The National Repertoire Of Certificates Of Professionalism.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1784/2011, de 16 de diciembre, por el que se establecen dos certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Agraria que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30ª and 7th of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and provides that the State Employment Public Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update the certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish two certificates of professionalism of the professional agricultural family from the professional areas of Livestock and Agriculture and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification in the light of the professional competence required by the production activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003, previously cited.

With the entry into force of this royal decree, the new certificate of professionalism "Management and maintenance of agricultural machinery", which in it is established, replaces the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Tractorista, set out in Royal Decree 2002/1996 of 6 September, which is therefore repealed.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 16 December 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish two certificates of professionalism of the professional family Agrarian which are included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by Royal Decree 34/2008, January 18, by which certificates of professionalism are regulated, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Agrarian and are listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:

Professional family: Agrarian.

Annex I. Apiculture. Level 2.

Annex II. Management and maintenance of agricultural machinery. Level 2.

Article 3. Structure and content.

1. The content of each certificate of professionalism corresponds to the structure set out in the following paragraphs:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training qualifications will provide the effects of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those competition units set out in this royal decree.

Additional disposition first. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Additional provision second. Equivalences with previous professionalism certificates.

The equivalence to all effects of the following certificate of professionalism is declared:

Certificate of professionalism to be repealed

Equivalent certificate of professionalism

Royal Decree 2002/1996 of 6 September establishing the certificate of professionalism of Tractorista.

Handling and maintenance of agricultural machinery.

First transient disposition. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Second transient disposition. Modification of training plans and training actions.

In the training plans and in the training actions that are already approved, pursuant to Order TAS 718/2008, of 7 March, for which the Royal Decree 395/2007, of 23 March, which regulates the subsystem of the vocational training for employment, in the field of supply training and laying down the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies for their financing, on the date of entry into force of this royal decree, which include: training associated with the certificate of professionalism which is now being repealed, such training may be replaced which is associated with the new certificate of professionalism declared equivalent in the second additional provision, subject to the authorization of the Administration which approved it and provided that the requirements of the trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment set out in the certificate.

Transitional provision third. Low in the Specialty File.

The specialty corresponding to the certificate of professionalism repealed will cause low in the file of specialties from the nine months after the entry into force of this royal decree. During this period, this certificate shall remain valid for the purposes specified in this royal decree. In any event, the training actions linked to this certificate must be initiated before the end of the nine-month period.

Transitional disposition fourth. Request for the issue of the repealed certificates of professionalism.

1. Persons who, as provided for in the first transitional provision of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, have completed with a positive assessment the training associated with the certificate of professionalism which is hereby repealed, during the period of the same, they shall have a period of five years to request their expedition, to count from the entry into force of the present royal decree.

2. They may also apply for the issue within five years of completion with a positive assessment of the training of such a certificate of professionalism:

a) People who, having taken part of that formation during the actual decree that is now repealed, complete the same after their repeal.

b) Persons who undertake the training of this certificate of professionalism under the training plans and the training actions that are already approved at the date of entry into force of this royal decree, under the Order CAS 718/2008, dated March 7.

Transient disposition fifth. Provisional accreditation of centres

The training centres which at the entry into force of this royal decree were included in the registers of the competent and approved administrations to provide training in the field of training corresponding to the Certificate of professionalism, which is now repealed, will be considered as provisional accredited for the purposes of the imparting of the training action linked to the certificate of professionalism established in this royal decree and declared equivalent in the second additional provision, subject to the authorisation of the competent authority . This accreditation will have effect for one year from the entry into force of this royal decree and until the finalisation, if any, of the approved training action. After this period, in order to be able to provide training aimed at obtaining the certificate of professionalism established in this royal decree, the training centres must ask the competent authorities for their accreditation, which must comply with the requirements laid down in the certificate.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Royal Decree 2002/1996 of 6 September, for which the certificate of professionalism of Tractorista is established, is hereby repealed

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, 16 December 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Naming: Apiculture

Code: AGAN0211

Professional family: Agrarian

Professional area: Livestock

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

AGA546_2 Apiculture (Royal Decree 563/2011, April 20)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1800_2: Determine the type of operation and install the hive.

UC1801_2: Perform the hive handling operations.

UC1802_2: Get and condition the products from the hives.

UC1803_2: Perform honey and pollen packaging and storage operations.

General competition:

Perform the operations of the installation and management of the hive, obtaining and conditioning of the products of the hives, including the corresponding to the packaging and storage of honey and pollen, maintaining the facilities, equipment, necessary machinery and tools, under criteria of economic quality and cost-effectiveness, and in compliance with applicable regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention rules.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies of any size, public or private, both self-employed and employed, dedicated to beekeeping, following, where appropriate, instructions from the person responsible for the operation and being able to have a lower level of staff.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the agricultural sector, within the livestock sub-sector and in the area of beekeeping production, in the productive activities developed in: Production apiculture farms. Beekeeping and breeding holdings. Beekeeping holdings of pollination. Apiculture holdings classified as mixed. Companies engaged in the packaging and/or marketing of apiculture products. Marketing companies for products used in beekeeping. Interpretation centres, ethnographic or apiculture museums and companies carrying out environmental education work. Universities, institutes and other public or private entities related to research and experimentation in this sector.

Occupations and related jobs:

6204.1029 Beekeeper.

6204.1029 Bee-raising worker.

6204.1029 Qualified worker employed in apiculture holdings.

Qualified worker in the packaging and storage of apiculture products.

Monitor for outreach and tourism activities

Duration of the associated training: 410 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1800_2: Determination of the type of operation and installation of the hive. (80 hours)

MF1801_2: Hive handling. (130 hours)

-UF2009: Trashumancia and maintenance of the hives in the ship. (50 hours)

-UF2010: Production activities of the hives. (50 hours)

-UF2011: Health activities in the hives. (30 hours)

MF1802_2: Obtaining and conditioning the products of the hives. (110 hours)

-UF2012: Collection, extraction and storage of honey. (40 hours)

-UF2013: Collection, extraction and storage of pollen and other products from the hive. (40 hours)

-UF2014: Obtaining swarms, royal jelly and queens. (30 hours)

MF1803_2: Honey and pollen packaging and stored. (50 hours)

MP0427: An Apiculture Non-Labor Professional Practice Module. (40 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1800_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: determine the type of exploitation and suitability of the site for the implementation of the hive from the collection of information on the sector, the physical environment and the apiculture flora, under conditions of safety and in compliance with the applicable rules of application.

CR1 .1. Information on beekeeping activity (farm models, types of beehives, apiculture products, market, regulations, among others) is collected and analysed in order to determine the most appropriate exploitation model, depending on the activity productive, environment, and other conditioning.

CR1 .2. The data of the surrounding apiculture flora (variety, abundance and seasonality of the blooms) and cultures of the environment were recused to assess the ideal placement of the hive.

CR1 .3. The data of the physical environment (orography, access, water availability, altitude, among others) and the climatology (winds, areas of umbria, average temperature, among others) were recused to assess the ideal placement of the hive.

CR1 .4. The operating model is determined (type and number of hives, hives with or without livestock, hives with naked swarms, among others) depending on the personal situation and other conditions.

CR1 .5. The settlements for the implementation of the hives are sought and determined by establishing agreements, if necessary, with the owners of the farms.

CR1 .6. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the analysis of the beekeeping sector, the physical environment and the beekeeping flora are selected, managed, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR1 .7. The analysis operations of the beekeeping sector, the physical environment and the flora are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP2: Conditioning and preparing the land, depending on the availability and characteristics of the space for the installation of the hives, in security conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR2 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the conditioning and preparation of the land are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR2 .2. The service path is conditioned, if necessary and whenever possible, to facilitate access to the hive.

CR2 .3. The hive is protected, if necessary and whenever possible, by the installation of barbed wire, hedges, walls, among others, to prevent the entry of animals.

CR2 .4. The space intended to accommodate the settlement of the hives shall be broken down and, if necessary and whenever possible, to facilitate the work and prevent the fires.

CR2 .5. The bases for laying the hives are placed to isolate them from the soil, depending on the appropriate orientation, location chosen, among others.

CR2 .6. Drinkers are placed, if necessary, to prevent a possible lack of water.

CR2 .7. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the conditioning and preparation of the terrain are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR2 .8. The field conditioning and preparation operations are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations in force, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP3: Move and install the hives to place them in the appropriate place according to the objectives required in each case, following the established procedures, in conditions of safety and complying with the regulations application.

CR3 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the movement and installation of the hives are programmed in the space and time to provide for the human resources and necessary materials.

CR3 .2. The hives are indicated and prepared for shipment according to the objectives required, by closing piqueras, adjusting the cap of the hive, among others, avoiding the exit of the bees.

CR3 .3. Beehives with bees are loaded into the means of transport using the appropriate means (handrails, parihuels, hydraulic systems, among others) and are transported by making sure that there is no exit of bees.

CR3 .4. Beehives with bees are discharged from the means of transport and placed in the final place, in an appropriate manner, to prevent the accumulation of water and dirt.

CR3 .5. The piqueras and vents open, checking that no closed beekeeping is left and that the work process has been performed in an appropriate manner.

CR3 .6. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the work of moving and installing the hives are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR3 .7. The administrative procedures necessary for the movement of the hives, as well as guides, annotations in the book of exploitation, among others, are carried out.

CR3 .8. The operations for the removal and installation of the hives following the technical specifications, under security conditions and in compliance with the applicable rules of application.

Professional Context

Production media

Instrumental in orientation, agrimensura and topography (compass, GPS apparatus, tape, stakes, pull, cord, rule, escalimeter, map, plane, orthophotography, among others). Computer equipment and software. Binoculars. Machinery, tools and masonry material. Brushless equipment. Hives. Elements of the hives (funds, piqueras, breeding chambers, hikes, half-rises, tables, caps, ceilings, among others). Drinkers. Machinery, materials and equipment for the transfer of hives (vehicle, pen, wheelbarrow, meshes, among others). Tools for the management of hives (cogecuadros, smokey, lighter, spatula, light-up frames, brush, among others). Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the installation of the hive. Bases for hives. First aid kit. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s)

Products and results

Physical environment and beekeeping flora evaluated. Type of operation and location determined. Settlement. Hives moved and installed.

Information used or generated

Action protocols on the holding. Reports on the assessment of the beekeeping vegetation. Manuals and guides of the apiculture flora. Cartography. Climate studies in the area. Beekeeping bibliography. Studies and analysis of the beekeeping sector. Control tabs. Machine tools and tools for use and instructions. The company's occupational risk prevention plan. Applicable rules in force. Beekeeping legislation. Environmental regulations. Book of the apiculture exploitation. Annual calendar of blooms.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1801_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Carry out the transhumance of the hives to place them at the place of destination according to the objectives foreseen in the operation, following the established procedures, in conditions of safety and compliance with the application rules in force.

CR1 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the transhumance of the hives are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR1 .2. The transhumance period is determined according to the climatology, flowering state, among others, to place the hives at the appropriate time.

CR1 .3. The hives are indicated and prepared for shipment (closing of piqueras, adjustment of the lid, among others) according to the objectives of the holding, avoiding the exit of the bees and communicating, if necessary, their transfer to the responsible of the terrain.

CR1 .4. The hives are loaded and transported to the chosen location, making sure there is no exit of bees.

CR1 .5. The hives are unloaded from the means of transport and placed in the chosen place, avoiding the accumulation of water and dirt.

CR1 .6. The piqueras and vents open, checking that no closed beekeeping is left and that the work process has been performed in an appropriate manner.

CR1 .7. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the transhumance of the hives are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR1 .8. The transhumance operations of the hives are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP2: Provide food and water to the hives to support their performance, following the established procedures, under security conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR2 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the supply of food and water to the hives are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR2 .2. The smoker is used appropriately to facilitate the management of hives during food and water supply operations.

CR2 .3. The products used in the maintenance and stimulation feed are collected and stored under appropriate conditions until their use.

CR2 .4. The food is prepared, where appropriate, by reference to the type, composition and function of the objective to be achieved, among others.

CR2 .5. Maintenance power is performed in time and form, if necessary, to improve the activity of the hive or for its invert.

CR2 .6. The stimulation feed is performed in time and form, if deemed necessary, prior to the myelin or for the multiplication of the hives.

CR2 .7. The availability of water is periodically checked, and if necessary, supplied.

CR2 .8. Food monitoring is carried out (absence of pillage, checking of consumption level, replenishment, among others) by checking that the desired effects arise.

CR2 .9. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the supply of food and water to the hives are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR2 .10. The food and water supply operations to the hives are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP3: Multiply the hives and renew the queens for the maintenance and/or increase of the census of the beekeeping exploitation, applying the established techniques, in conditions of safety and complying with the current regulations.

CR3 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the operations of the multiplication of the hives and the renewal of queens are programmed in the space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR3 .2. The smoker is used in an appropriate manner to facilitate the management of the hives during the operations of the multiplication and renewal of queens.

CR3 .3. The hives are selected according to their state and fitness (meekness, productivity, abundance of breeding, vigor of the colony, cleanliness, little swarming tendency, among others).

CR3 .4. The naked swarms take advantage, relocating them to hives and tracking them.

CR3 .5. The selected hives are divided (simple division, multiple division, fan division, among others) for the formation of cores.

CR3 .6. Queens are renewed by introducing realeras, caged queens, among other procedures.

CR3 .7. Monitoring of the process of multiplication and renewal of queens (annotation of nuclei and mothers, absence of queens, defective queens, among others) is carried out to check the effectiveness of the same.

CR3 .8. The means, equipment, machines and tools used for the multiplication of the beehives and the renewal of queens are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR3 .9. The operations of the multiplication of the hives and the renewal of queens are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP4: Perform the maintenance of the hive to ensure the viability of the beekeeping operation, following the established procedures, under security conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR4 .1. The activities of the operation related to the maintenance operations of the hive are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR4 .2. The smoker is used in an appropriate manner to facilitate the management of the hives during the maintenance of the hive.

CR4 .3. The funds from the hives are cleaned and disinfected after the invert to prevent diseases.

CR4 .4. The stamped wax boxes are introduced into the breeding chamber to renew the wax.

CR4 .5. The hives are matched or balanced, depending on the status of the colony and its reserves, to facilitate its handling and increase its productivity.

CR4 .6. The elements of the hives (piqueras, excluitors, hikes, average rises, among others) are placed depending on the climatic conditions and the evolution of the same, to improve their performance.

CR4 .7. The hives are prepared for the invert (adjust volume, reduce piqueras, gather colonies, among others), taking into account the state of the colony and its reserves, to ensure its viability.

CR4 .8. The maintenance work of the hive (brushy, bounded, conditioning of the ground, among others) is carried out to facilitate the handling.

CR4 .9. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the maintenance of the hive are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR4 .10. The maintenance operations of the hive are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP5: Perform the necessary health care work to maintain the health status of the hives, following technical specifications, in safety conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR5 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the health works are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR5 .2. The smoker is used in an appropriate manner to facilitate the management of the hives during the health care work.

CR5 .3. The symptoms external to the hive (loss of flight, dead bodies, abnormal bees, among others) and internal (dead breeding, brood breeding, among others) are periodically checked to determine the health status of the same, and if necessary, performs the sampling according to the protocol established for submission to the laboratory.

CR5 .4. Prophylactic measures are applied in the hive (strong and homogeneous colonies, drift and pillage) to prevent the development of diseases.

CR5 .5. Treatment against varroosis is administered, in compliance with the time limits for use and deletion, following the health programme under veterinary supervision.

CR5 .6. Sick hives are flagged for follow-up, isolation in a hive-hospital, or if any, their decommissioning and disposal.

CR5 .7. Disease control measures other than varroosis are carried out and, where appropriate, products under veterinary supervision are administered.

CR5 .8. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the health works are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR5 .9. The health care operations necessary to maintain the health of the hives are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP6: Perform the maintenance of the hives in the ship to achieve optimal operation of the operation, following the established procedures, in safety conditions and complying with the implementing regulations in effect.

CR6 .1. The activities of the operation related to the maintenance operations of the hives in the ship are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR6 .2. The materials (wax, wires, among others) used in the maintenance operations of the hives on the ship are collected and stored in the appropriate conditions until their use.

CR6 .3. The identification code of the hives is marked in the new boxes in the warehouse or restored in the old ones, with an indelible mark, visible and legible for identification.

CR6 .4. The material of the hives (funds, bodies, caps, ceilings, among others) is restored (cleaning, brushing, repainting, bolting, among others) and disinfects to facilitate its conservation and prevent the contagion of diseases.

CR6 .5. The frames are wired and prepared for fixing wax sheets.

CR6 .6. The stamped wax is fixed in the frames by means of (spares, electrical fixative, among others) for the renewal of waxes in the hives.

CR6 .7. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the maintenance of the hives on the ship are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR6 .8. The maintenance operations of the hives in the ship are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational hazards and the manual of good environmental practices.

Professional Context

Production media

Machinery, materials and equipment for the movement of hives (vehicle, pen, wheelbarrow, meshes, among others). Handling tools (smokey, smoking bucket, spatula, light up frames, brush, among others). Hives. Elements of the hives (funds, piqueras, breeding chambers, hikes, half-rises, tables, caps, ceilings, among others). Queens of queens. Materials and equipment needed for food (feeders, drinking water, scales, among others). Materials and equipment for the fixing of the wax in the frames (espoela, electrical fixer, among others). Machines and equipment for the restoration of the hives in the ship. Material and equipment for the disinfection of hives (blowers, boilers, among others). Marking devices. Brushless equipment. Bases for placing hives. Water reservoirs. Deposits for waste. Standardized material for the shipment and collection of samples in beekeeping. Installations or ships used in the operation of the hive. Fire extinguisher. First aid kit. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Hives moved to a hive and fed. Multiplication of the hive performed. Colonies in proper maintenance condition. Managed hives for obtaining apiculture products. Restored hives. Maintenance of biodiversity through the pollination of wild species. Increase in agricultural production.

Information used or generated

Management, Healthcare and Food Program. Protocols for action on the holding. Protocols for the collection and dispatch of samples in beekeeping. Field manuals on disease identification. Distribution maps for apiculture diseases. Guides to apiculture flora. Road maps. Control tabs. Beekeeping bibliography: morphology of bees, types of hives, transhumance routes, management, health, products, among others. Machine tools and tools for use and instructions. Applicable rules in force. Beekeeping legislation. Environmental regulations. Business risk prevention plan for the company.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1802_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Collect the honey boxes for extraction, following criteria of maturity, hygiene, necessary reserves, in safety conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR1 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the collection of the appropriate honey boxes for extraction are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR1 .2. The beginning of the work of the case is communicated, if necessary, to the person responsible for the field.

CR1 .3. The smoker is used appropriately to facilitate the management of hives during honey harvesting operations.

CR1 .4. Honey boxes are selected and collected, handled appropriately to prevent inadvertent contagions.

CR1 .5. Selected tables or hikes are broken by (brushing, air, among others) for extraction.

CR1 .6. The honey boxes are taken to the place of transport or extraction and are replaced, if necessary, by other voids in the hives.

CR1 .7. Data on selected tables or hikes, among others, are recorded to control the meliferous performance of each hive.

CR1 .8. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the collection of the honey boxes suitable for extraction are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR1 .9. The collection operations of the appropriate honey boxes for extraction are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP 2: Extract the honey from the frames in craft or in the hive for subsequent packaging or storage, following the established procedures, under security conditions and complying with the applicable regulations.

CR2 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the extraction of honey from the paintings in the ship or in the hive are programmed in the space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR2 .2. The entry of bees at the site of the cassette is minimized to avoid pillaging.

CR2 .3. The pictures are broken down and the honey is extracted in the ship or in the hive, setting lots.

CR2 .4. The honey is stored in deposits and subsequently moved to the ship, in the case of field extraction.

CR2 .5. The honey samples are collected in accordance with the procedures laid down for their submission to the laboratory in order to analyse the quality parameters.

CR2 .6. Empty boxes are selected based on their status for storage or casting if necessary.

CR2 .7. The means, equipment, machines, tools and installations used in the work of extracting honey from the tables in the ship or in the hive are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR2 .8. The operations for the extraction of honey from the tables in the ship or in the hive are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational hazards and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP3: Store the honey in drums to achieve optimal conservation until packaging or marketing, respecting the traceability and the product lotting, in safety conditions and complying with the regulations of application.

CR3 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the storage of honey in drums are programmed in space and time to provide for the human resources and necessary materials.

CR3 .2. Honey from field or ship extraction is stored in drums, following the lotting to comply with traceability.

CR3 .3. The drums are skimmed, hermetically closed, palletized and stored until their wholesale sale while respecting the loty.

CR3 .4. The drums are catalogued and identify including the date of the cassette and the type of honey once analyzed.

CR3 .5. Environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, among others) of the drum store are controlled by acting on the regulatory system.

CR3 .6. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the storage of honey in drums are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR3 .7. The storage operations of the honey in drums are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational hazards and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP4: Collect the pollen from the hives for processing, storage and marketing, respecting the traceability and the lotting of the product, following the established procedures, in conditions of safety and complying with the applicable rules of application.

CR4 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the collection of pollen are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR4 .2. The cazapolen is placed without grating, at the entrance of the hive (piquera or vent) to habituate the bees to the presence of the same.

CR4 .3. The grid used for the collection of the pollen is placed in its definitive position by checking the entry of bees by the same inside the hives and, where appropriate, is removed to avoid the weakening of the hive according to the state of the same, pollen size, among other variables.

CR4 .4. The collection of the pollen is carried out with the appropriate means and with the periodicity required according to the climatology.

CR4 .5. The pollen collected is dried for subsequent dry storage or frozen storage, under appropriate conditions and taking into account the necessary parameters.

CR4 .6. The pollen is bred and sold to remove impurities and select the appropriate thickness.

CR4 .7. The extracted pollen is stored in drums or freezing bags, following the lotting, to meet traceability.

CR4 .8. Environmental parameters (humidity, temperature, among others) of the drum store are controlled by acting on the regulatory system.

CR4 .9. The pollen samples are collected in accordance with the appropriate procedures for submission to the laboratory.

CR4 .10. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the collection of pollen are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR4 .11. Pollen collection operations are performed taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP5: Collect and extract other products from the hives (wax, propolis and poison) for processing, storage and marketing, following established procedures, in safety conditions and complying with the application rules in force.

CR5 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the collection and extraction of other products of the hives (wax, propolis and poison) are programmed in the space and time to provide for the human resources and necessary materials.

CR5 .2. The smoker is used in an appropriate manner to facilitate the management of the hives during the harvesting and extraction of wax, propolis and poison.

CR5 .3. The wax collection operations (collection, casting, among others) are performed according to the established procedures for their subsequent storage.

CR5 .4. The propolis collection operations (placement of grids, collection, frozen, heavy, among others) are carried out according to the procedures established for their subsequent storage.

CR 5.5 The poison collection operations (extractor placement, collection, scraping, among others) are performed according to established procedures for their subsequent storage.

CR5 .6. The wax, propolis and/or venom samples are collected in accordance with the procedures laid down for dispatch to the laboratory.

CR5 .7. Wax, propolis and/or poison are stored in appropriate conditions until they are placed on the market.

CR5 .8. The means, equipment, machines, tools and installations used in the collection and extraction of other products of the hives (wax, propolis and poison) are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to specifications. techniques.

CR5 .9. The collection and extraction of other products from the hives (wax, propolis and poison) are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the good practice manual. environmental.

RP 6: Produce swarms, queens, and real jelly from selected hives for marketing, following technical specifications, in safety conditions and complying with current application regulations.

CR6 .1. The activities of exploitation related to the production of swarms, queens and royal jelly are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR6 .2. The smoker is used in an appropriate manner to facilitate the management of the hives during the production operations of swarms, queens and royal jelly.

CR6 .3. The hives to produce swarms, queens and royal jelly are selected according to the characteristics of the hive and the product to be obtained.

CR6 .4. The production operations of swarms (bare cores or swarms) are performed according to the methods of reproduction of the hives (simple division, multiple division, division in fan, among others).

CR6 .5. The production operations of queens are carried out following the methods of Doolitte, Miller, Alley, among others.

CR6 .6. Actual jelly production, collection, transportation, and storage operations are performed using the appropriate means.

CR6 .7. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the production of swarms, queens and real jelly are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR6 .8. The operations of production of swarms, queens and royal jelly are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational hazards and the manual of good environmental practices.

Professional Context

Production media

Hives. Cores. Hikes. Manual transport carts for hives and drums. Extractors. Deoperculators. Maturators. Pollen dryers. A grating of propolis. Poison extractor apparatus. Cerifiers. Vehicles and trailers. Pallet and drum transport systems. Transfer pumps. Deoperative banks. Centrifuges for the wax of operating. Decantation deposit. First aid kit. Storage facilities for the products of the hives. Shelving for storing materials. Fire extinguisher. Individual Protective Equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Honey of different types obtained. Pollen, wax, royal jelly, propolis, venom, naked swarms, nuclei, hives, queens and realeras obtained. Maintenance of biodiversity through the pollination of wild species. Increase in agricultural production.

Information used or generated

Catalog of use and maintenance of machinery. Catalogues of beekeeping material. Bibliography on products of the hive, breeding of queens and multiplication of the hive. Control tabs. Product analytics of the hive. Applicable rules in force. Beekeeping legislation. Environmental regulations. Business risk prevention plan for the company.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC1803_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: To collect and store the honey drums and dried pollen to achieve optimal conservation until the product is packaged, respecting the traceability and lotting of the product, following the established procedures, in security conditions and complying with the applicable rules of application.

CR1 .1. The activities of the holding related to the reception and storage of the drums of honey and dried pollen are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR1 .2. The containers are checked (internal lining, closing, among others) to check their suitability and perfect condition to ensure that they meet the optimum storage conditions.

CR1 .3. Storage space is organized for full use and management.

CR1 .4. The receptive drums are grouped and palletized in batches to maintain traceability of the origin.

CR1 .5. The samples of honey and desiccated desiccated pollen are collected in accordance with the established procedures, for dispatch to the laboratory in order to analyze the parameters of quality and presence of residues.

CR1 .6. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the reception and storage of the honey drums and dried pollen are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR1 .7. The reception and storage operations of the honey drums and dried pollen, while respecting the traceability and the lotting of the final product, are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP2: Acondition honey or pollen for subsequent packaging on the basis of quality criteria, respecting the traceability and lotting of the product, following the established procedures, in safety and complying with the applicable rules of application.

CR2 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the conditioning of honey or pollen are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR2 .2. Honey melts and filters to discard impurities based on quality criteria.

CR2 .3. The temperature and melting time of the honey are controlled to ensure the stipulated parameters.

CR2 .4. The pollen is sold and bred, checking its sieve to discard impurities based on quality criteria.

CR2 .5. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the work of conditioning honey or pollen are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR2 .6. The packaging of honey or pollen with respect to the traceability and the lotting of the final product is carried out in the light of the applicable legislation, including the environment, for the prevention of occupational risks, and on the basis of quality criteria and economic profitability.

RP3: To use honey or pollen on the basis of quality criteria, respecting the traceability and the lotting of the final product for storage, following the established procedures, under conditions of security and in compliance with the applicable rules of application.

CR3 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the packaging of honey or pollen are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR3 .2. Containers intended for the packaging of honey and pollen are collected and stored under appropriate conditions up to the time of packaging.

CR3 .3. The honey packaging temperature is controlled by acting on the regulatory system and the thermostat operation is reviewed so as not to accelerate the aging of the product.

CR3 .4. The packaging, labelling and packaging of the final product is carried out in compliance with the lotting and pointing to the date of preferential consumption.

CR3 .5. The samples of honey or pollen from the various batches are collected for shipment to the laboratory.

CR3 .6. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the packaging of honey or pollen are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR3 .7. The packaging operations of honey or pollen are carried out in the light of the applicable legislation, including the environmental legislation, for the prevention of occupational risks, and taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP4: Store honey or pollen packed for later distribution, respecting the traceability and lotting of the final product, following the established procedures, in safety conditions and complying with the application rules in force.

CR4 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the storage of honey or pollen are programmed in space and time to provide for the necessary human and material resources.

CR4 .2. The storage of the finished products is organized and carried out in order to take advantage of the space and using the appropriate means (manuals, palletizing, among others).

CR4 .3. The stored products are reviewed (check of the closure, state of the container, among others) periodically to ensure the optimal conditions until their sale.

CR4 .4. Maximum storage time is controlled, prior to distribution, in compliance with established protocols.

CR4 .5. Backward and forward traceability data are logged and saved to respond to potential eventualities.

CR4 .6. The means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the storage of honey or pollen are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR4 .7. The storage operations of honey or pollen are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP5: Perform the cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the facilities to ensure appropriate conditions for the packaging and storage of honey and pollen, following the technical specifications, under conditions of security and in compliance with the applicable rules of application.

CR5 .1. The activities of the exploitation related to the cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the facilities are programmed in space and time to provide for the human resources and necessary materials.

CR5 .2. Cleaning and disinfection operations in spaces and facilities are performed according to the programming throughout the process of packaging and storing honey and pollen.

CR5 .3. Parameter control operations (humidity, temperature, among others) are performed according to programming throughout the process of honey and pollen packaging and storage.

CR5 .4. The tightness control operations are performed according to the programming throughout the process of packaging and storing honey and pollen.

CR5 .5. Basic maintenance operations are performed according to programming throughout the process of honey and pollen packaging and storage.

CR5 .6. The operations of checking the efficiency and optimization of the performance of the machinery and utensils are carried out according to the programming throughout the process of packaging and storage of honey and pollen.

CR5 .7. The means, equipment, machines and tools used in the cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the installations are selected, handled, cleaned and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR5 .8. The operations of the cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the facilities are carried out taking into account the applicable regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational hazards and the manual of good environmental practices.

Professional Context

Production media

Materials and apparatus necessary for the preparation, packaging and storage of honey and pollen. Machinery used in the process (forklift, forklift, resistor, tracer pump, ripeners, packaging chain, among others). Appropriate facilities for the activities of packaging and storage of honey and pollen. Shelving. Drums for honey or pollen. Labeling. First aid kit. Honey and pollen storage and packaging facilities. Individual Protective Equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Honey and pollen from processed and packaged hives. Cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the facilities.

Information used or generated

Action protocols on the holding. Protocols and general hygiene plan for the packaging and storage of honey and pollen. Management, health and food program. Annual calendar of apiculture fairs and certamenes. Climate studies in the area. Control tabs. Bibliography on the packaging and storage of honey and pollen. Machine tools and tools for use and instructions. Applicable rules in force. Beekeeping legislation. Environmental regulations. Business risk prevention plan for the company.




Code: MF1800_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1800_2 Determine the type of operation and install the hive

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze different types of apiculture farms and select the most appropriate one on the basis of given conditions, using the information on the sector, the physical environment and the beekeeping flora collected.

CE1.1 Value and order the information about the area's beekeeping activity in importance.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the flora, climatology, and orography of the area of implantation of the hive.

CE1.3 Describe economically viable apiculture models.

CE1.4 Name the types of hives, their utilities, and their characteristics.

CE1.5 Citar existing apiculture products on the market.

CE1.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the operations of analysis of different types of beekeeping, as well as the procedures of selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.7 To cite the current application regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations, to the analysis operations of different types of beekeeping farms.

CE1.8 In a case and/or practical scenario with a proper analysis of different types of beekeeping:

-Collect all information on the beekeeping sector and the suitability of the implementation of a beekeeping farm.

-Develop an annual beekeeping calendar for the beehive implantation zone.

-Collect information regarding flora, climatology, orography, availability and ownership of the land.

-Make a relationship of potential apiculture settlements.

-Choose the exploitation model based on your personal and environment capabilities.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2: Perform field conditioning and preparation operations, applying the appropriate techniques according to the characteristics of the space and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 List the site's own conditioning and preparation activities.

CE2.2 Describe appropriate terrain preparation conditions (access and settlement) for the installation of the hive.

CE2.3 List possible animal entry risks and ways to prevent them.

CE2.4 Describe the work of clearing, raiding and preparing the land for the placement of the hives, taking into account the work to be done and the prevention of fires.

CE2.5 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the possible locations of the hives: orientation, appropriate inclination, economy of space, among others.

CE2.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the field conditioning and preparation operations, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE2.7 Citar the current application regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of conditioning and preparation of the land.

CE2.8 In a practical case properly characterized with conditioning and preparation of the land for the installation of the hives:

-Schedule activities.

-Conditioning the path.

-Protect the hive by installing wired, hedge, wall or other appropriate means.

-Disbrose, raid and prepare at different levels the space to accommodate the settlement of the hives.

-Orienting and placing the bases of the hives.

-Place the drinkers in the vicinity of the hive.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C3: Perform hive removal and installation operations, following established procedures and using the necessary equipment and media.

CE3.1 List your own hive removal and installation activities.

CE3.2 List the preparatory works for the beehives to be moved.

CE3.3 Describe techniques and procedures used in the work of loading, transporting and unloading the hives in the intended settlement.

CE3.4 Explain the tasks that are performed once the hives are unloaded, detailing all the details of the work.

CE3.5 List the means, equipment, machines, and tools used in the move and installation operations of the hives.

CE3.6 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of the removal and installation of hives.

CE3.7 In a practical case properly characterized in moving and installing the hives:

-Schedule activities.

-Point out and prepare the hives before loading in the means of transport (closing of piqueras and vents, cap adjustments, among others).

-Load and transport the hives to the chosen site.

-Download the transport media's hives and place them in the final place.

-Open piqueras and vents.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Physical environment and flora in the beekeeping sector

-Evolution of beekeeping throughout history:

-Traditional beekeeping

-Modern beekeeping

-Hive individuals:

-Social Organization

-Castes and Functions


-Biology and Lifecycle

-Taxonomy and races

-Beekeeping and the environment:

-Environment requirements and conditions


-Apiculture flora of interest

-Apiculture blooms calendar

-Hive products:

-Elaborated by bees

-Introduced by bees into the hive

-Exploitation models in beekeeping:

-Hive types

-Human, material and financial resources

-The beekeeping sector:

-Current Situation

-Future prospects

-Apicola Vocabulary

2. Conditioning and preparation of the site for the installation of the hive

-Hive location criteria

-Installing the hive:

-Settlement conditions



-Climatology (dominant winds, altitude, backrest, umbries and solanas)

-Bee pecoreo zone

-Debrocé of vegetation

-Land raid and drainage

-Indoor Colmenars

-Space required to place the hives.

-Hive Density

-Beehive Pool

-Separation between hives and lines

-Protection of hives:

-From predators


-Against Diseases

-Soil insulation

-Bee pecoreo zone:

-Study of flora and succession of blooms

-Suitability of the environment crops

-Other non-floral resources

-Basic water and food needs of the hives

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the field conditioning and preparation

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Moving hives

-Appropriate requirements and techniques for the movement of hives:

-Preparing for transport



-Download and install

-Criteria for placement of hives in the means of transport

-Precautions during the movement of the hives:

-Stress on bees

-Risk of drowning of bees

-Accidental bites during the removal and installation of the hives

-Take action in case of accident

-Choosing the appropriate time to move the hives:

-Horarios and duration of shipments

-Upcoming Florations and Expected Meles

-Pointing and methods of preparing the hives for the shipment

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the movement of hives

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

4. Application of the basic rules related to the determination of the type of operation and installation of the hive

-Legislation on transhumance

-Regulations on beekeeping and the installation of hives

-Quality and cost-effectiveness criteria for determining the type of operation and installation of the hive

-Applicable applicable rules

-Work risk prevention legislation

-Environmental standards

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1801_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associate to the Competition Unit:

UC1801_2 Perform the hive handling operations

Duration: 130 hours



Code: UF2009

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Carry out beehive transhumance activities, applying established techniques and procedures and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE1.1 List the activities specific to the transhumance of the hives.

CE1.2 Citar the main transhumance routes.

CE1.3 Describe the flowering periods of the different species of apiculture flora and the climatic conditions that affect it.

CE1.4 List the preparation activities of the hives for shipment in optimal conditions.

CE1.5 Describe the techniques and procedures of loading, unloading and placement of the hives at the place of destination (opening of piqueras, orientation and appropriate inclination, among others) in the operations of transhumance.

CE1.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the transhumance operations of the hives, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.7 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the transhumance operations of the hives.

CE1.8 In a practical case properly characterized in the transhumance of hives:

-Schedule activities.

-Determine the transhumance period.

-Point out and prepare the hives before the shipment.

-Communicate the movement of the hives to the person responsible for the land.

-Load and transport the hives to the chosen location, making sure there is no bee exit.

-Download the transport media's hives and place them in the chosen location.

-Open piqueras and vents, checking that no closed hive is left and that the work process has been performed appropriately.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2: Perform hive-keeping activities on ship, depending on their status, applying appropriate techniques and procedures, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 List the maintenance work of the hives on the ship.

CE2.2 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having the hives in good condition.

CE2.3 Explain the reasons for doing the jobs at the winter stop.

CE2.4 Describe beehive restoration techniques and procedures.

CE2.5 List the various means, equipment, machines and tools used in the maintenance work of the hives on the ship.

CE2.6 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the maintenance operations of the hives on the ship.

CE2.7 In a properly characterized case of keeping the hives on the ship:

-Schedule activities.

-Mark the identification code in the hives that need it, in a visible and readable zone.

-Perform the operations of restoring the material of the hives (cleaning, brushing, repainting, bolting, among others).

-Prepare the frames and set the stamped wax using the appropriate equipment.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Transhumance of hives

-Transhumance Bases:



-Routes in transhumance

-Human transhumance types

-transhumance techniques:

-Preparatory operations

-Complementary operations

-Hive transport:

-Vehicles and means of transport

-Handling in loading and unloading

-Transport of "closed" and "open" hives


-Equipment, machines and tools used in the transhumance of hives

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Maintenance and conservation of hives on ship

-Description and identification of maintenance work on the ship

-Election of the time

-Identification of hives

-Handling Identification

-Legal Identification

-Methods and techniques for restoring the elements of the hives:

-Cleaning and appropriate cleaning products


-Repainted and Products for Hive Painting


-Methods and techniques for the restoration of the frames, wire rod and wax fixation

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the maintenance of the hives in craft

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Application of the basic regulation related to the management of the hive

-Legislation on transhumance

-Healthcare legislation

-Regulations on the management of apiculture holdings

-Quality and cost-effectiveness criteria in the management of the hive

-Hive Management Regulations

-Work risk prevention legislation

-Environmental standards

-Applicable applicable rules



Code: UF2010

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP3, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform food and/or water supply operations to hives based on the needs and status of the hives, following appropriate procedures and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE1.1 List the activities of the food and/or water supply in the hives.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the products used in the feeding of the hives.

CE1.3 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the feeding of the hives, the differences between maintenance and stimulation, as well as the technique of use of the smoker during the operations of power.

CE1.4 Describe the basic physiological needs of bees in terms of their feeding.

CE1.5 Define the indicated procedure for the food supply.

CE1.6 Evaluate water needs and their contribution to the hive.

CE1.7 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the food and/or water supply operations, as well as the selection, handling and maintenance procedures.

CE1.8 Citar current enforcement regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to food and/or water supply operations to hives.

CE1.9 In a practical case properly characterized in providing food and/or water to the hives:

-Schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-Check the need for maintenance and/or stimulation food in the hives.

-Prepare the food using the appropriate procedures.

-Make the food contribution to the hives by avoiding spills that encourage pillage.

-periodically check the availability of water, and if necessary provide it appropriately.

-Evaluate the behavior of the hive before and after the food and/or water supply.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2: Apply methods for the multiplication of hives and the renewal of queens, taking into account the production status of the queens, applying the established techniques and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 Citar the activities of multiplication of the hives and renewal of queens.

CE2.2 Describe the criteria for the selection of hives for multiplication (meekness, productivity, cleanliness, among others).

CE2.3 Explain hive division techniques and procedures.

CE2.4 Explain the techniques and procedures for the renewal of queens.

CE2.5 Describe the tracking that we should do to the formed cores.

CE2.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the operations of the multiplication of the hives and the renewal of queens, as well as the procedures of selection, handling and maintenance.

CE2.7 Citar the current implementing regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of the multiplication of the hives and the renewal of queens.

CE2.8 In a practical case properly characterized by multiplication of hives and renewal of queens:

-Schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-To properly locate naked swarms in the hives.

-Select the hives based on their status and fitness.

-Split the selected hives.

-Refresh queens by introducing realeras, caged queens, among others.

-Log and control the process to be able to track each hive.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C3: Perform maintenance operations of a hive, applying appropriate techniques and procedures based on the characteristics and status of the hive, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE3.1 List the maintenance work of the hives in the hive.

CE3.2 Explain the elaboration of a beekeeping calendar and its conditioning (state of the hives, climatology, among others).

CE3.3 Describe the smoking technique of the hives and the types of fuels used.

CE3.4 Highlight the importance of cleaning and disinfecting the funds of the hives, as well as the renovation of the wax and its quality for the healing of the colony.

CE3.5 Describe the elements of the hive (excluding, hikes, average hikes, among others) as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their employment.

CE3.6 Citar factors that influence the management of hives (weeds, terrain, perimeter among others).

CE3.7 Explain the population dynamics of the hive and the importance of their balance.

CE3.8 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the hive maintenance operations, as well as the selection, handling and maintenance procedures.

CE3.9 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the maintenance operations of the hive.

CE3.10 In a case and/or practical assumption of the hive in the hive:

-Perform a beekeeping calendar and schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-Clean and disinfect the funds from the hives.

-Refresh the beeswax.

-Match or balance the hives based on the status of the colony.

-Place excluitors and hikes based on their performance.

-Prepare the hives for the invert taking into account its reserves and the climatology of the area.

-Maintain the hive in optimal conditions to facilitate the management of the hives.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Hive feeding

-Power goals




-Benefits and side effects

-Composition of the food

-Physiological needs of bees

-Maintenance and stimulation power

-Products for power and application techniques

-Evolution of the colony and results of the power

-Water needs and their contribution to the hive

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the feeding of hives

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Multiplication of the hive


-Natural Enjambrazon

-Artificial Enjambrazon

-Hive selection criteria

-Hive Division

-Hive division techniques and procedures

-Queens refresh

-Queens refresh techniques and procedures

-Tracking and Care

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the multiplication of the hive

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Keeping the hive

-Hive maintenance tasks

-Identifying tasks

-Description of tasks

-Apiculture Calendar

-Hive types:

-Advantages and drawbacks of different types of hives

-Hive elements and accessories:

-Benefits and drawbacks

-Hives smoked:

-Ahumors: Types

-Fuels: Features and Types

-Maintenance methods and techniques:

-Clean up funds

-Colocation of the hive elements (excluding, hikes, average hikes, among others)

-Introduction of wax

-Colony balance

-Preparing the hives for the invert

-Maintaining the hive environment

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in the maintenance of the hive

-Take action in case of accident

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

4. Implementation of environmental legislation in the apiculture sector

-Incidence of beekeeping activity in the environment

-Polinization, conservation and regeneration of plant covers

-Environmental indicators

-Waste generated by beekeeping activity

-Waste Management



Code: UF2011

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform sanitary work in hives, applying appropriate techniques and means based on symptoms and type of treatment.

CE1.1 List the activities of your health jobs.

CE1.2 Describe the main diseases of bees and their symptomatology.

CE1.3 Explain the importance of prophylactic measures in the hive.

CE1.4 Describe the treatment technique against varroosis.

CE1.5 Enunciate disease control and prevention measures.

CE1.6 Explain the procedures for taking samples from sick hives and sending them to the lab.

CE1.7 List the various means, equipment, machines and tools used in the sanitary work in the hives.

CE1.8 Citar the current application regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the sanitary work in the hives.

CE1.9 In a practical case properly characterized in performing sanitary work in hives:

-Schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-Check external symptomatology (loss of flight, dead bodies, abnormal bees, among others) and internal (dead breeding, brood breeding, among others) in hives.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Manage varroosis treatment.

-Point out and track, isolate, dismantle, and remove sick hives.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Health jobs in the hive


-Health Calendar/Program

-Chicken diseases

-Adult bee diseases

-Enemies of the hives

-Enemies of bees

-Syntomatology of the main diseases:

-parasitic diseases

-Infectious diseases

-Sample Collection Protocol

-prophylactic measures

-Control measures

-Preventive health

-Fight against varroasis:

-Chemical treatments

-Handling treatments

-Means, equipment, machines and tools used in sanitary work in the hive

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Beekeeping Biosafety

-Sampling. Protocol

-Action protocols against diseases

-Isolation of hives and hives

-Destruction or removal of sick hives

-Disinfection of the apiculture material

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Application of the rules related to notifiable diseases

-Mandatory declaration diseases

-Take action against a notifiable disease hotspot

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1802_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1802_2 Get and condition the products from the hives.

Duration: 110 hours



Code: UF2012

Duration: 40hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform honey harvesting operations by applying the necessary techniques according to criteria of maturity, hygiene, safety deadline with respect to treatments and forecast of reserves.

CE1.1 List the activities of the honey collection, as well as the activities prior to the cassette.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the appropriate boxes to be used in honey extraction.

CE1.3 Explain the criteria for leaving a certain volume of honey reserves in the colony and the selection of tables for collection.

CE1.4 Explain the techniques of use of the smoker and the different types of fuels used during the operations of the collection of honey boxes.

CE1.5 Explain the various methods of misusing the boxes.

CE1.6 Describe the traceability process that begins with this activity.

CE1.7 Explain the transport procedures of the hikes or tables to the extraction zone.

CE1.8 List the means, equipment, machines and tools required in honey collection operations, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.9 Citar applicable regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to honey collection operations.

CE1.10 In a properly characterized case of honey harvesting:

Schedule activities.

-Communicate the beginning of the work to the site responsible.

-Use the Smoker.

-Select, collect, and replace the honey boxes for extraction.

-Disabate the frames and hikes and transport them to the place of the cassette.

-Log the data relative to the performance of the hives.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2: Perform honey extraction operations, applying the appropriate techniques according to the type of extraction in field or craft, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 List your own honey extraction activities.

CE2.2 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the case on ship and in the field.

CE2.3 Describe the different techniques and utensils related to the unoperculation of the frames.

CE2.4 Describe the different techniques and utensils related to the use of extractors.

CE2.5 Explain the procedures for taking honey samples and sending them to the lab

CE2.6 List basic hygiene and traceability conditions in the case.

CE2.7 List the various means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the work of honey extraction, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE2.8 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to honey extraction operations.

CE2.9 In a properly characterized case of honey extraction:

-Schedule activities.

-Conditioning the place of cassette and storage.

-Unoperate the boxes.

-Extract the honey.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Store or merge empty boxes.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C3: Perform honey storage tasks in drums, applying the necessary techniques and taking care of established traceability control procedures.

CE3.1 List your own honey storage activities in drums.

CE3.2 Explain the maneuvers to be performed after the cassette for the storage of the honey.

CE3.3 List the optimal environmental conditions for the bidon stored.

CE3.4 Explain an example of a lotting for quality control and traceability in honey.

CE3.5 List the means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the work of storing honey in drums, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE3.6 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of honey storage in drums.

CE3.7 In a practical case properly characterized by storing honey in drums:

-Schedule activities.

-Store the honey after the cassette in drums.

-appropriately label traceability and quality control.

-Untie, close hermetically, and store the drums.

-Control storage environmental conditions (humidity, temperature, among others).

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Collection of honey boxes and extraction

-Criteria for evaluating the amount of honey stocks a colony needs

-Criteria for selecting the appropriate honey boxes

-Techniques and aparatage used in the mismatched

-Methods and conditions in the transport of frames to the place of extraction

-Techniques and conditions used in the extraction of honey from the tables:



-Extraction plant models

-Removing in mobile room

-Extraction in fixed room

-Application Techniques





-Trasiego pumps


-Small material. Knives, combs, brushes

-Facilities used in honey extraction


-Mobile. Trucks and meshes of coverage

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Storing honey in drums

-Techniques and conditions applied in the storage of honey

-Environmental parameters of the honey storage facility in drums:

-For packaging

-For wholesale

-Means, equipment, machines and tools and facilities used in the storage of honey in drums




-Bidon trucks

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Application of the basic rules related to the procurement and conditioning of the products of the hives

-Norms in the production of honey, pollen and other products from hives.

-Quality and cost-effectiveness criteria for obtaining and conditioning the products of the hives.

-Traceability of honey and the products of the hive.

-Honey quality standards.

-Job Risk Prevention Plan.

-Environmental legislation.

-Applicable applicable rules.



Code: UF2013

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform pollen collection and conditioning operations, applying appropriate techniques and procedures and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE1.1 List your own pollen collection and conditioning activities.

CE1.2 Describe the different prior management techniques required to promote pollen production.

CE1.3 List and describe the different types of caspoppies used.

CE1.4 List and describe techniques and apparatus used in pollen conditioning.

CE1.5 Describe the criteria to be followed when assessing the amount and periodicity of pollen extraction.

CE1.6 Explain possible dry and/or frozen pollen conditioning processes until storage.

CE1.7 Explain the procedures for taking pollen samples and sending them to the laboratory.

CE1.8 Describe the optimal storage conditions for dry and frozen pollen and basic hygiene and traceability conditions in both storage and procurement.

CE1.9 List the various means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the collection and conditioning of pollen, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.10 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to pollen collection and conditioning operations.

CE1.11 In a properly characterized case of pollen collection and conditioning:

-Schedule activities.

-Prepare and condition the place where the pollen is to be processed.

-Place the poppies in the hives without the grid.

-Place the grid.

-periodically remove the pollen as well as the grid.

-Acondition the pollen for subsequent processing: aventated, sifted, among others.

-Dry or freeze pollen for storage.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Store and label the pollen-freezing drums or bags.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2: Apply wax, propolis and poison collection and conditioning techniques, following established procedures and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 List your own wax, propolis, and poison collection and conditioning activities.

CE2.2 Describe the prior and necessary hive management maneuvers for the production of these products.

CE2.3 Describe the basic criteria and utensils in the frame refresh (wax production).

CE2.4 Describe the basic criteria and utensils in the production of poison and propolis.

CE2.5 Explain the possible conditioning processes for these products to their storage.

CE2.6 Describe the basic conditions of storage, hygiene and traceability in obtaining wax, propolis and poison.

CE2.7 Explain the procedures for taking samples of wax, propolis and venom and sending them to the laboratory

CE2.8 List the various means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the works of collection and conditioning of wax, propolis and poison, as well as the procedures of selection, handling and maintenance.

CE2.9 Citar the current application regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of the collection and conditioning of wax, propolis and poison.

CE2.10 In a practical case properly characterized in the collection and conditioning of wax, propolis and poison:

-Schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-Prepare the hives previously according to the product to be obtained.

-Place and condition the extraction systems (cerifier, grid, poison extractor, among others).

-Merge the wax and prepare the blocks for storage.

-Extract the propolis and conditioner it for storage.

-Extract and condition the poison for storage.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Obtaining pollen

-Preparing the colony for pollen production

-Production and obtaining pollen

-pollen quality criteria

-Pollen Conditioning




-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in pollen collection and extraction


-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Obtaining propolis and poison

-Preparation of the colony for the production of propolis or poison

-Production and obtaining of poison and propolis

-poison extraction methods

-Propolis extraction methods

-Conditioning and storage of propolis and poison

-Equipment, machines and tools used in the collection and extraction of propolis and poison


-Electrical estimators

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Obtaining wax

-Criteria for the renewal of wax in the colonies

-wax color

-Colony Fortress

-Celdilla Diameter

-Nappy life

-Nappy types.

-zangano Panal

-Workers ' Panal

-Production, obtaining and conditioning of wax

-Media, equipment, machines, tools:


-Cerifiers. Types:



-A gas

-Laminators/wax stamping

-Operation Centrifuge

-Press and molds

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s).



Code: UF2014

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Perform swarms, queens, and real jelly production operations, applying appropriate techniques and procedures, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE1.1 List the actual activities of swarms, queens, and actual jelly production.

CE1.2 Explain the preparatory management conditions of the hives to produce swarms, queens, or royal jelly.

CE1.3 Describe and value the advantages of using realeras, virgin queens or fecundated queens in the renovation of the hives.

CE1.4 Describe and value the various techniques and instruments used in the breeding of queens and the conditioning for transport.

CE1.5 Describe and value the various techniques and apparatus used in the production of cores.

CE1.6 Describe and value the various techniques and apparatus used in the production of real jelly.

CE1.7 Explain the basic conditions of storage, hygiene and traceability in obtaining the actual jelly.

CE1.8 List the various means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the production of swarms, queens and real jelly, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.9 Citar the applicable regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of production of swarms, queens and royal jelly.

CE1.10 In a case and/or practical assumption, properly characterized in the production of swarms, queens or real jelly:

-Schedule activities.

-Use the Smoker.

-Prepare the hives previously in order to obtain these products.

-Perform the operations of obtaining queens and/or realeras, as well as their conditioning for transport.

-Perform both nude and frame (core) swarms.

-Perform actual jelly fetch and storage operations.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.


1. Production of swarms

-Population Dynamics


-Processes in the production of swarms

-Natural Enambres

-Artificial swarms

-Preparation of the colony for the production of bare cores and swarms

-Division of colonies

-Naked swarms applications and applications

-Core types

2. Production and breeding of queens

-Preparing colonies

-Techniques and material for the translational

-Instrumental in artificial insemination

-Transport of Realms and Queens

-Jclassrooms and types

-Methodology of the introduction of realeras

-Introduction of fertilised queens

-Introduction of virgin queens


-Benefits and drawbacks of renovation with realways, virgin queens and fecundated queens

-Basic genetic selection notions

3. Obtaining actual jelly

-Preparing the colony for production

-Methods and apparatus used in production

-Quality criteria and conservation of the actual jelly

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in actual jelly production



-Queens breeding domes

-Actual jelly Extractors

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1803_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1803_2: Perform honey and pollen packaging and storage operations.

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform honey and pollen bidon reception operations, taking into account the traceability control procedures and established techniques.

CE1.1 List the activities of the reception and storage of honey drums and pollen.

CE1.2 Describe the optimal conditions that the drums must meet to store honey and pollen.

CE1.3 Explain space utilization and list the benefits of good product organization.

CE1.4 Explain the procedures for taking honey samples and pollen from sick hives and sending them to the lab.

CE1.5 List the necessary means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities in the operations of reception and storage of honey and pollen cans, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE1.6 Citar the applicable regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of reception and storage of honey and pollen cans.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized with reception and storage of honey and pollen cans:

-Schedule activities.

-Review the suitability and the perfect condition of the packaging.

-Organize the storage space for the honey and pollen drums.

-Group and palletize the batons in batch.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C2 Perform honey and pollen conditioning activities prior to packaging, applying the techniques and following established traceability procedures, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE2.1 List your own honey and pollen conditioning activities prior to packaging.

CE2.2 Explain the importance of maintaining the loty to ensure the traceability of the final product.

CE2.3 Explain the various means to melt honey and describe the association between the conditions of honey smelting (time and temperature) and the maintenance of quality parameters within the regulations.

CE2.4 List methods of filtering honey and pollen and associating them with the quality of the product.

CE2.5 List the necessary means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities in the pre-packaged honey and pollen conditioning operations, as well as the selection, handling and maintenance procedures.

CE2.6 Citar the current application regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention, and the quality criteria used in the operations of honey conditioning and pre-packaging pollen.

CE2.7 In a properly characterized case of honey conditioning and pre-packaged pollen:

-Schedule activities.

-Conditioning honey and pollen.

-Control the temperature and conditioning time of honey and pollen.

-Filter honey and pollen.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Carry out operations taking into account current legislation, including the environment, for the prevention of occupational risks and on the basis of quality criteria.

C3: Perform honey and pollen packaging operations, taking into account the established traceability and loty control procedures of the final product, and using the necessary equipment and means.

CE3.1 List activities related to honey and pollen packaging.

CE3.2 Explain the importance of keeping the containers that contain honey and pollen covered and isolated until the time of packing.

CE3.3 Describe how to control the temperature of honey packaging and associate it with the maintenance of quality parameters within the regulations.

CE3.4 Explain the correct way to complete the packaging of the final product, respecting the loty and pointing to the preferred consumption date.

CE3.5 Explain the sampling procedures of honey and pollen from each batch of packaging and their shipment to the laboratory.

CE3.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities in the operations of honey and pollen packaging, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE3.7 Citar the applicable regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, and the quality criteria used in the operations of honey and pollen packaging.

CE3.8 In a case and practice properly characterized with honey and pollen packaging:

-Schedule activities.

-Keep packaging in optimal condition until packaging.

-Heat the honey and control the process temperature.

-Turn on honey and pollen.

-Collect the samples and send to the lab.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Carry out operations taking into account current legislation, including the environment, for the prevention of occupational risks and on the basis of quality criteria.

C4 Perform packaged honey and pollen storage tasks by following traceability and loty control procedures of the final product.

CE4.1 List the activities of honey storage and packed pollen.

CE4.2 Citate the points to review in the final product.

CE4.3 Explain how to take advantage of space and media when storing the final product.

CE4.4 Describe how storage conditions and time affect the end product and set maximum storage time based on initial conditions.

CE4.5 Explain the importance of maintaining traceability and noting everything related to traceability.

CE4.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities in the storage operations of packaged honey and pollen, as well as the procedures for selection, handling and maintenance.

CE4.7 Citar the applicable regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention, to the operations of storing honey and pollen packaged.

CE4.8 In a properly characterized case of honey storage and packaged pollen:

-Schedule activities.

-Review end products.

-Organize space for storage of packaged honey and pollen.

-Control product traceability backwards and forwards.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C5 Perform cleaning, disinfection and environmental control operations of honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities, applying established techniques, parameters and procedures, and using equipment and media required.

CE5.1 List the activities of cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities.

CE5.2 Explain how to ensure cleanliness and general hygiene in spaces and facilities.

CE5.3 List and identify parameter control operations (humidity, temperature, among others).

CE5.4 Citar the tightness and maintenance control operations.

CE5.5 Describe the efficiency and optimization check operations of machinery and utensils.

CE5.6 List the necessary means, equipment, machines and tools in the cleaning, disinfection and environmental control operations of the honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities, as well as the proceduresdeselection, handling and maintenance.

CE5.7 Citar the applicable regulations, including the environmental and the prevention of occupational risks and the criteria of quality and economic profitability used in the operations of cleaning, disinfection and control The environment of the honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities.

CE5.8 In a duly characterized case of cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of the honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities:

-Schedule activities.

-Review cleaning and general hygiene in spaces and facilities.

-Perform the parameter controls that can influence the conditions of the end product.

-Schedule the tightness and maintenance control operations.

-Schedule the effectiveness and optimization of the performance of machinery and utensils.

-Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Carry out the operations taking into account the existing apiculture regulations, including the environmental one, for the prevention of occupational risks and taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability.


1. Receipt of honey or pollen cans

-Activities of the reception and storage of the honey or pollen drums

-Bidons: types, materials, measures, storage conditions, among others

-Organization of products:

-Space utilization techniques

-Taking of honey or pollen samples:

-Parameters to analyze

-Identifying the sample

-Materials and techniques to be used in sampling

-Cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of reception and storage facilities

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the reception of honey or pollen cans






-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

2. Honey and pollen conditioning

-Evolution of quality parameters for apiculture products based on conditioning conditions

-Cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of conditioning facilities.

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the conditioning of honey or pollen

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

3. Honey and pollen packaging

-Food handling

-Evolution of quality parameters for apiculture products based on handling and packaging conditions

-Cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of packaging facilities

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in honey or pollen packaging

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s)

4. Storage of honey and packed pollen

-Storage of apiculture products.

-Use and distribution of space and control of environmental conditions.

-Evolution of quality parameters for apiculture products based on storage conditions.

-Cleaning, disinfection and environmental control of honey storage facilities and packed pollen.

-Means, equipment, machines, tools and facilities used in the storage of honey and packed pollen.

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s).

5. Application of the basic regulation related to the packaging and storage of honey and pollen

-Legislation for the packaging and storage of honey and pollen.

-Quality and cost-effectiveness criteria for the packaging and storage of honey and pollen.

-Honey quality rule.


-Production and marketing standards for apiculture products.

-General hygiene plan for honey and pollen packaging.

-Work risk prevention rules.

-Environmental legislation. Applicable rules in force.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Ccode: MP0427

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Conditioning the settlement and installation of the hive

CE1.1. Collect information regarding flora, climatology, orography, availability and ownership of the land.

CE1.2. Select the possible apiculture settlements.

CE1.3. Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

CE1.4. Carry out the operations in compliance with the applicable implementing regulations, including the environmental and occupational risk prevention rules.

C2: Handle and maintain the hive.

CE1.1 Schedule activities.

CE1.2 Point out and prepare hives before shipment.

CE1.3 Load, transport and unload of the hives at the chosen location.

CE1.4 Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

CE1.5 Identify hives.

CE1.6 Maintain the material of the hives (cleaning, brushing, repainting, bolting, among others).

CE1.7 Prepare frames and set stamped wax using appropriate equipment.

CE1.8 Handle the Smoker.

CE1.9 Supply food and water to the hives.

Ce1.10 Repose Hives and Renew of Queens.

CE1.11 Refresh the wax of the hives.

CE1.12 Match or balance the hives based on the status of the colony.

CE1.13 Check external and internal symptomatology in hives.

CE1.14 Administer varroasis treatment.

CE1.15 Perform the activities in compliance with the applicable implementing regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention.

C3: Get and store the hive products.

CE3.1 Extract honey.

CE3.2 Extract pollen.

CE3.3 Extract actual jelly and other products.

CE3.4 Implanting the traceability of products obtained from hives.

CE3.5 Multiply swarms.

CE3.6 Perform the activities in compliance with the applicable implementing regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention.

C4: Swamp and preserve the products of the hive.

CE4.1 Review the suitability and the perfect condition of the packaging.

CE4.2 Collect samples and send to the lab.

CE4.3 Select, handle, and maintain media, equipment, machines, and tools.

CE4.4 Enhance honey and pollen.

CE4.5 Organize space for storage of packaged honey and pollen.

CE4.6 Review cleaning and general hygiene in spaces and facilities.

CE4.7 Perform operations in compliance with applicable application, including environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

C5: Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.


1. Settlement and installation of the hive.

-Collection of information regarding flora, climatology, orography, availability and ownership of the land.

-Selection of apiculture settlements.

-Selecting, handling and maintaining media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Application of environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

2. Management and maintenance of the hive.

-Activity programming

-Selection and preparation of hives prior to shipment.

-Hive transport

-Selecting, handling and maintaining media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Identification of hives.

-Maintenance of the hive material

-Preparation of frames and fixing of stamped wax using appropriate equipment.

-Managing the smoker.

-Supply of food and water to hives.

-Reposition of hives and renewal of queens.

-Renovation of the wax of the hives.

-Igualation or balance of hives depending on the status of the colony.

-Checking external and internal symptomatology in the hives.

-Treatment against varroasis.

-Application of environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

3. Obtaining and conditioning the products of the hives

-Removing the honey.

-Extraction of pollen.

-Extraction wax.

-Extraction of propolis and poison.

-Getting swarms, royal jelly, and queens.

-Application of environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

4. Honey and pollen packaging and storage

-Suitability and status of packaging

-Collection of samples

-Sending samples to lab

-Selecting, handling and maintaining media, equipment, machines, and tools.

-Honey and pollen packaging.

-Honey storage and packed pollen.

-Cleaning and general hygiene in spaces and facilities.

-Application of environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.


Formative Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation


Determining the type of operation and installation of the hive

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Level 3 professionalism certificates from the professional livestock area of the professional family Agrarian.

2 years

5 years


Hive Management

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Higher Technical of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Certificates Level 3 professionalism of the professional livestock area of the professional family Agrarian.

2 years

5 years


Getting and conditioning products from the Hives

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, or degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Level 3 professionalism certificates from the professional farming family's Livestock area.

2 years

5 years


Honey and pollen packaging and stored

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree or other degree Equivalent titles.

-Superior Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Level 3 professionalism certificates from the Professional Livestock Area of the Agricultural Professional Family.

2 years

5 years


beekeeping workshop.

Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

Multipurpose Aula.





beekeeping store.




5 Hectares

5 Hectares

Apiculture Lab.



Forming Space




Multipurpose Aula













Fincl *











Table_table_izq"> X

Forming Space

-purpose Aula.

-Pizarras to write with pen

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and Student

beekeeping workshop.

-Equipment and wax material:

× wax fundidor

× Operate and Press Centrifuge

× Stamped Cera

× wax Fixer

× Wax Stamper



Table_table_izq">-Pinzas lift frames


-Equipment and material for pollen:

× Trampas for pollen (cazapolen)

× Pollen Sector

-Equipment and material for propolis:

× Mallas for propolis

× Spatula and scratch

-Queens brood material








-Material for cleaning and disinfecting hives:

× Sublimators

× Sprayer

× Fumigator Backpack

× Burner

× Gas Lamparilla

-Minimum Carpentry Tools

Store apiculture.



-Fecundation cores




-Hive Carrebar




-Feeders for hives

-Extraction Room:

× Extractor

× Trasiego Pump

× Madurator

× Deoperator

× Resistance



-Bidon Carrebar

-Hive Transport Vehicle


-Tools for conditioning the settlement:

× Debris

× Aized

× Rakes

× Horks

× Level and Metric Tape

× Tenaces, chainsaw, saw and axe

-Packaging room (Envassadora and packaging)

-Temperature chamber for storing frames and drums

Finca *.

-10 hives

Apiculture Lab.




-Material breeding queens

-Cupolas, domes and cages



-Material for artificial insemination


-Panel for palinological classification of honey

-Material for takeover samples

-Botes, jars, bags, cartons





* Unique space not necessarily located in the training center.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Agricultural machinery handling and maintenance

Code: AGAU0111

Professional family: Agrarian

Professional area: Agriculture

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

AGA547_2 Management and maintenance of agricultural machinery (RD 563/2011 of 20 April).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1804_2: Handle and perform maintenance of drive and drive agricultural machines

UC1805_2: Handle and perform soil preparation equipment maintenance

UC1806_2: Handle and perform planting and planting equipment maintenance

UC1807_2: Handle and maintain equipment to perform cultural care

UC1808_2: Handle and maintain application equipment for fertilizer and plant protection products

UC1809_2: Handling and maintaining equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products

General competition:

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Productive Sectors:

Occupations and related jobs:

83211032 Tractorist.

83211032 Agricultural Trachtorist-manipulator.

83211010 Driver-engine farm machinery operator.

Gardening machinery operator.

Plant treatment machinery operator.

83211020 Harvester Handler

Requirements required for professional exercise:

Duration of the associated training: 630 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1804_2: Handling and maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines. (120 hours)

-UF2015: Handling of drive and traction farm machines (80 hours).

-UF2016: Maintenance of drive and traction farm machines (40 hours).

MF1808_2: Handling and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment and plant protection products. (120 hours).

-UF2017: Handling and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment (50 hours).

-UF2018: Management and maintenance of plant protection application equipment (70 hours).

-UF2019: Management and maintenance of farm product collection equipment (70 hours).

-UF2020: Handling and maintenance of equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products (50 hours).

MP0428: Non-working professional practice module for the management and maintenance of agricultural machinery (40 hours).

Linking with professional trainings:


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1804_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

CR1 .2 The hook is selected, mounted, and regulated according to the jobs to be performed to achieve a secure junction.

CR2 .2 The engine of the drive and traction agricultural machine is put into operation according to the chosen regime.



CR3 .4 The filters are controlled periodically, performing their cleaning and/or replacement in case they require it.

CR4 .2 Individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Tools and equipment for the preparation and maintenance of the drive and traction agricultural machines. Systems and coupling elements: tristrut and one point. Transmission trees (cardan axles). Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: battery charger, welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Regulatory software. Storage tanks for fuels and lubricants. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Drive and drive agricultural machines in optimal state of use. Preventive maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines. Basic repairs made. Handling of drive and traction agricultural machines with the required skill and safety.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Manual of instructions or of the operator of drive and traction agricultural machines. Workshop service manual for drive and drive agricultural machines. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Bibliography of agricultural machines for drive and traction. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Control book for maintenance of drive and drive agricultural machines.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1805_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

CR1 .4 Work procedures are selected, depending on the slope of the terrain, equipment, type of work, among others.


CR3 .2 The condition of the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the soil preparation equipment is checked to detect and correct, where appropriate, any deterioration or failure.

\expndtw-2 independent} {\expndtw-2} {\expndtw-2} {\expndtw-2} {\expndtw-2}

CR3 .6 The status of the active work items (grille, disk, among others) is checked to perform, if any, the substitutions due to breakages or wear.

CR4 .2 The individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Self-propelled machines for the preparation of the soil. Equipment for the work of the soil: rotocultors, equipment of defonde, plows of iron and disk, subsolators, gossip, cultivators, bleachers, rollers, asurboats, ahoyadores, among others. Equipment and elements for coupling and/or coupling. Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. Elements of equipment: bars, blades, strawberries, discs, springs, fuses, among others. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Prepared soil preparation equipment. Soil preparation work carried out. Maintenance of soil preparation equipment. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Directive machines. Instruction manual or floor preparation equipment operator. Manual of operation and maintenance of available soil preparation equipment. Workshop service manual for soil preparation equipment. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Bibliography of soil preparation equipment. Bibliography of agronomy, crops and agricultural machinery. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Soil preparation equipment maintenance control book.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1806_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

CR1 .2 Work procedures are selected according to the type of planting and planting, type and conditions of the soil, among others.

CR1 .4 The planting and planting teams are hooked to ensure their union.

CR1 .6 The transmission tree is mounted for fan (pneumatic seeding) or distributor disk drive (seeding).

CR2 .3 The separation between two consecutive past or the team's working width is adjusted with the markers of past (mechanical or foam) to ensure that the separation between the planting and planting lines is identical in all the field.

CR2 .7 The operation with seed-to-fly, online or monogran equipment and with planting or transplantation equipment is executed under the conditions set for the optimization of the work.

CR3 .1 The scheduled maintenance is performed according to the instruction manual or operator to maintain the planting and planting equipment under operating conditions.

CR3 .2 The condition of the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the planting and planting equipment is checked to detect and correct, where appropriate, any deterioration or anomalies.

CR4 .2 Individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Self-propelled machines for planting and planting work. Seeding equipment: centrifugal sowers, sower (gravity or pneumatic), monograne (mechanical or pneumatic) sowers, direct seeding sowers (chorrillo or monograne). Seeding equipment to fly, online, for planting trays and pots, among others. Planting equipment: potato planters, vineyard planters, among others. Herbaceous plant transplanters. Coupling and/or coupling systems and elements. Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. Elements of equipment: grills, discs, wheels, springs, sowings, blades of centrifugal discs, among others. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Ready planting and planting equipment. Transplantation, planting or planting work performed. Maintenance of planting and planting equipment. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Directive machines. Instruction manual or the planting and planting equipment operator. Manual of operation and maintenance of the planting and planting equipment available. Workshop service manual for planting and planting equipment. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Bibliography of planting and planting equipment. Bibliography of agronomy, crops and agricultural machinery. Bibliography on seeds, their identification, biology and storage. Bibliography of weeds and invasive species. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Control book for the maintenance of planting and planting equipment. Legislation on seed labelling. Seed records used (date, type, lots, provenance, among others) and installed plant (date, variety, previous treatments, source nursery, among others).

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC1807_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

} {\expndtw-1} {\expndtw-1} {\expndtw-1} {\expndtw-1} {\expndtw1

CR3 .6 The status of the active work items is checked to make adjustments and sharpening, or if any, replacements due to breakages or wear.

CR4 .2 Individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Self-propelled machines and equipment for carrying out cultural care. Equipment for the work of soil laboring with implanted cultivation: cultivators and plows between lines, intercepts, among others. Equipment that works on the plants to prune, to shed, to clarify the fruits, among others. Equipment that covers the soil or the plants, such as quilters or equipment for the placement of protective tunnels, among others. Equipment that acts on the surface of the soil: shredders, sweepers, among others. Systems and elements for coupling and/or engagement. Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. Replaceable parts of equipment: grills, discs, blades, cutting bars, among others. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Teams to perform prepared cultural care. Cultural tasks performed. Maintenance of equipment for carrying out cultural care. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Directive machines. Manual of instructions or of the operator of equipment for carrying out cultural care. Manual of operation and maintenance of equipment for making cultural care available. Manual of service of workshop of equipment for carrying out cultural care. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Bibliography of equipment for carrying out cultural care. Bibliography of agronomy, crops and agricultural machinery. Bibliography of weeds and invasive species. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Equipment maintenance control book for performing cultural care.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 2

Code: UC1808_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria


CR2 .3 The separation between past or the work width of the equipment is performed to maintain the homogeneity in the distribution of fertilizer on the plot.


CR3 .4 The operation with application equipment of plant protection products (sprinkler or sprayer-hydraulic, hydropneumatic, pneumatic or centrifugal-) is executed under the conditions established to optimize the work.

CR3 .5 The implementation of the plant protection application is checked to verify whether it responds to the expected conditions (product distribution) by making appropriate adjustments, if necessary.

CR4 .6 The status of the active work items (discs, stirrers, nozzles, among others) is checked to make adjustments, or where appropriate, the necessary replacements due to mismatches, breakages or wear.

CR5 .1 Individual protective equipment is selected and used according to the activity, complying with the safety and health regulations of the persons.

CR5 .2 The individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

CR5 .5 Consumables and waste are classified, stored and handled in accordance with the applicable regulations in force to avoid risks to the environment and people.

CR5 .7 Basic health care and first aid are applied in accordance with established protocols.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Chemical and organic fertilizer distribution equipment: solid, semi-solid, liquid or liquefied gases. Manure spreaders, purin vats, deposits with injection systems and/or incorporation into the soil. Abonds: centrifuges (of a disc, of two discs, pendulars), of gravity or pneumatic. Equipment for the application of plant protection products: hydraulic sprayers, hydraulics (atomizers), tires (nebulizers), sprinklers, among others. Elements of equipment for the application of plant protection products: nozzles, billets, manometers, among others. Elements of the fertilizer application equipment: discs, pallets, among others. Equipment for control and regulation of equipment. Cleaning equipment. Containers for the storage and transport of fertilizers and plant protection products. Coupling and/or coupling systems and elements. Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Fertilizer application equipment and plant protection products prepared. Fertilizers and plant protection products applied to crops. Deposits of fertilizer application equipment and clean plant protection products without the remnants of previous treatments. Operating nozzles. Maintenance of fertilizer application equipment and plant protection products. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Directive machines. Instruction manual or operator of equipment for the application of fertilizers and plant protection products. Manual of operation and maintenance of the application equipment of fertilizers and plant protection products available. Workshop service manual for fertilizer application equipment and plant protection products. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Food safety manuals. Vademecum of plant protection products. Warning station information. Bibliography of equipment for the application of fertilizers and plant protection products. Bibliography of agronomy, crops and agricultural machinery. Bibliography of weeds and invasive species. Bibliography of pests and diseases. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Regulations on safety at work and health care in the manufacture, placing on the market and use of pesticides and plant protection products, their employment limitations, safety deadlines and tolerable levels of waste. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Control book for the maintenance of fertilizer application equipment and plant protection products.

Competition Unit 6


Level: 2

Code: UC1809_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

CR2 .7 The operation with textile and other plant collection equipment (integral harvesters among others) is executed under the conditions established to optimize the work.

CR4 .7 The filters are controlled periodically to perform their cleaning and/or replacement in the event that they require.

CR4 .8 The electrical system, including lighting and signalling, is controlled to ensure its proper functioning.

CR5 .1 Individual protective equipment is selected and used according to the activity, complying with the safety and health regulations of the persons.

CR5 .2 The individual and collective security rules are respected while keeping the work area free of risks.

CR5 .5 Consumables and waste are classified, stored and handled in accordance with the applicable regulations in force to avoid risks to the environment and people.

CR5 .7 Basic health care and first aid are applied in accordance with established protocols.

Professional Context

Production media

Drive and drive agricultural machines. Equipment for the collection of fodder: mowers, conditioners, spinners, henchers, packers, lighting machines, pickers, among others. Grain and seed collection equipment: integral harvesters, mowers, spinners, trillators, packers, among others. Equipment for the collection of roots, tubers, rhizomes and bulbs: integral harvesters, deshors, starters, collectors, cleaners, among others. Fruit harvesting equipment: vendiators, platforms, vibrators, collectors, cleaners, among others. Equipment for the collection of textile and other plants. Equipment for the loading of agricultural products: loading shovel, tweezers, forks, staples, among others. Equipment for transport: trailers, among others. Hand tools: keys, pliers, tongs, hammers, screwdrivers, among others. Measuring equipment: gauge, gauge, micrometric screw, squadron, among others. Electrical equipment: welding equipment, esmeril, among others. Working banks. Hydraulic jack or elevator. Spare parts and accessories. Counterweights for ballast. Elements of the equipment: blades, cutting bars, discs, pulleys, straps, pinions, chains, among others. First aid equipment. Personal protective equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Crops and agricultural products collected, loaded and transported in optimum conditions for direct use, storage, processing or marketing, according to the quality and economic profitability provided. Equipment for the collection, loading and transport in optimal state of use as a result of appropriate periodic maintenance. Equipment for collection, loading and transport prepared for use. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to breakdowns.

Information used or generated

Pictograms and standard security symbols. Directive machines. Instruction manual or operator of equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products. Manual of operation and maintenance of equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of available agricultural products. Workshop service manual for collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products. Manual of good agricultural practice. First aid manual. Waste management manuals. Bibliography of equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products. Bibliography of agronomy, crops and agricultural machinery. Bibliography of mechanics and operations of collection, loading, unloading and transport. Bibliography of the agricultural workshop. Job plans. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Regulation on seeds and plants. Regulations for the Prevention of Occupational Risks. Applicable rules in force. Environmental regulations. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks. Parts of work. Control book for the maintenance of equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products.




Code: MF1804_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1804_2: Handle and perform maintenance of drive and drive farm machines.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF2015

Duration: 80 hours

Competition Referrer: This formative unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2 and to RP4 as referred to the preparation and handling of drive and traction agricultural machines

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in the preparation of drive and traction agricultural machines.

CE1.2 Describe different types of drive and traction agricultural machines.

CE1.3 Describe types and procedures for coupling between drive and traction agricultural machines and equipment.

CE1.4 Explain different types and procedures for the lastrate of agricultural machines.

CE1.5 Explain the procedure for mounting and coupling the transmission tree of the agricultural machines.

CE1.6 Explain the operation of the power grab of the drive and traction farm machine and the various options for use.

CE1.7 Citar the checkpoints of levels of the agricultural machines of drive and traction, describing the operations of action.

CE1.8 Citar pneumatic wheel types and enumerate characteristic pressures, describing the inflating process.

CE1.10 In a practical case properly characterised in the preparation of drive and traction agricultural machines:

-Choose, mount, and regulate the hook.

-Mount the transmission tree appropriately.

-Select and mount the ballast.

-Perform fuel refuelling.

-Check and correct the levels of lubricant, tire pressure, among others.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.2 List the performance of the diesel engine according to the operating system and the loads to which it is subjected (torque, power and specific consumption).

CE2.3 Describe the components of the movement's kinematic chain and explain the usefulness of the different groups that can constitute the gearbox.

CE2.5 Explain the operation of the hydraulic lift and the utility of each of the associated controls.

CE2.6 Indicate different mechanical traction options that can be adopted.

CE2.7 Indicate different embargoed electronics options that can be adopted.

CE2.9 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling of agricultural machines of drive and traction for the performance of a certain type of work:

-Choose the engine speed.

-Running the engine.

-Choose the position of the power grab and the operating system of the power.

-Choose the hydraulic lift control position.

-Choose the traction or electronic functions that are shipped with possible use.

-Choose the change group and forward march.

-Driving the drive and traction farm machine.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations

3) (3) (3) (3) (3), (3), (3), (3), (3), (3) and (4),

CE3.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling of drive and traction agricultural machines.

CE3.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE3.3 Describe the security features of the drive and traction agricultural machines.

the following are the reasons for the use of the following:

CE3.6 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling of drive and traction agricultural machines:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check the security elements of the machines.


1. Drive and traction agricultural machinery

-History and evolution:

-Utilities in the agricultural sector.

-Technology Innovations.



-Nominal power.

-Running bases, traction axles and steering systems.

-Adaptations (weight, width, height).

-Machine Utilities:

-Traction jobs.

-Jobs by force-taking.

-Work per drive with the oleohydraulic system.

-The operator manual or instruction book (contact point):

-Machine description.

-Correct and secure handling.


-Technical characteristics.

2. Operation of the diesel engine of the drive and traction agricultural machines

-Operating principles:

-Power transmission (flow and balance).

-Thermodynamic base.

-Operating times.

-Functional structure:

-Basic mechanical composition.

-The lubrication and cooling system.

-Air power supply and gas removal system.

-Fuel input system.


-Forces and moments.

-Strong pair or load and engine torque.

-Engine speed or revolutions.

-Maximum power and power developed.

-Operating curves (performance rendering):

-Engine pair.

-Power developed.

-Specific consumption.

-Fuel consumption and capabilities:

-Developed power (pair and speed).

-Usage functions.

-Engine pollution:

-Emission of contaminants.

-Fuel characteristics.

-Pollution reduction systems.

-Engine technical specifications.

3. Power transmission in the drive and traction agricultural machinery

-The motion's kinematic chain:

-Diesel engine.

-Embrague of the movement.

-Change boxes (synchronized groups, load groups, oleostatic groups, and "CVT").

-Conico-corona-differential group and its lock.

-Final reductions.

-Traction bases (pneumatic wheels).


-The traction power transmission:

-Movement to the traction bases (pair and speed)

-Weight on the traction axes.

-Running and skating losses (weight, traction rolling base surfaces, and work surface characteristics).

-Drive capacity (weight and movement in the drive axles).

-The ballast and weight distribution on the axes. Ballast elements.

-Performance in traction jobs and the skating index.

-The kinematic chains of the power outlets (tdf):

-Independent rollforward and synchronized (proportional to rollforward).

-Normalization of operating systems (540 and 1000).

-The movement couplings (load clutches).

-Change groups and economic positions.

-Standardisation of external axes.

-Performance in jobs per drive to the tdf axis

-The oleohydraulic system:

-General outline.

-The oleohydraulic pumps.

-The oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders, engines).

-Distributors (depending on the actuators).

-The tractor lift controls (depth, effort, mixed, floating, skating).

-The electrical and electronic system:

-General outline.

-The battery.

-The ISOBUS preinstallation.

-Emembarked electronics functions.

-Self-guided (controls and precision).

4. Controlling the work execution items

-The rolling bases (pneumatic wheels):

-Metal part: rim and disk (path width).

-Pneumatic part: The covers (impairments and failures).

-Air pressure on the tires (inflating process).

-The hook elements:

-The normalization of hooks.

-Hooks on a point.

-The tristrut hook.

-Hook techniques and procedures.

-Couplings to the axes of the power grab:

-Location and axis types.

-The motion transmission tree (telescopic bar, cardan and homocnetic joints, axle-binding sleeves).

-The coupling protection elements.

-Couplings to the oleohydraulic system:

-External exits and related distributors.

-Quick connections.

-Control controls.

-The use of the electrical and electronic system:

-Command panels (operator interaction).

-Usage functions.

-Operator control.

5. Operation of the drive and traction agricultural machinery

-The usage criteria:

-Security and health of people.

-Environmental protection.

-Good practices (quality and profitability of the job).

-The traction jobs:

-Power of traction (force and speed).

-Traction and ballast Anganche.

-Choosing the level of skating during work.

-Choice engine speed.

-Choice of forward march.

-Functions for traction jobs (double traction, differential locking, integrated functions).

-Jobs on the axis of the power grab:

-Power developed to the power-taking axis (demand for the driven machine).

-Coupling between the force-taking axis and the machine's receiver axis (mount).

-Choice of normalized regimes (540, 1000).

-Choosing the position of the change group (normal and economic).

-Jobs with the oleohydraulic system:

-oleohydraulic power (oil pressure and flow).

-Choosing the lift control position.

-Handling of oleohydraulic distributors.

-Connection of the couplings.

-Driving and drive machines.

-Daily work parts

6. Application of the safety regulations in the handling of the drive and traction agricultural machines

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents:

-Labor Risk Prevention Act.

-Other applicable provisions.

-Type approval regulations for tractors and equivalents.

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Technical inspection of vehicles on tractors. Verification points.

-Protection in driving positions:




-Ergonomics of the cabins:


-Interior environment


-Mands and instruments



-Pictograms and normalized security symbols.

-Road safety:




-Individual Protections (EPIs) and Collective.

-Risk prevention plans.



Code: UF2016

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4 in terms of maintenance of drive and traction farm machines.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.1 Citar information for the maintenance of the drive and traction agricultural machines contained in the manuals and technical documents.

CE1.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical elements, explaining replacement procedures and small repairs.

to a device for the use of said components.

CE1.4 List liquid and filter check and replace jobs.

CE1.5 List data to be logged in the drive and traction farm machine maintenance control book.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterised in the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical elements, subsating potential deterioration and breakdowns.

-Perform the structural elements grease.

-Perform liquid and filter replacement jobs.

-Perform basic repairs.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

C2: Apply standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental protection risks established in the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines.

CE2.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

for the purposes of the following:

CE2.4 Citar procedures for classification, storage and handling of consumables and waste that lead to the avoidance of risks to the environment and people.

CE2.6 In a practical case properly characterised in the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check the security elements of the machines.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use the maintenance machines and tools.


1. Materials and tools for the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machinery

-Fuels and lubricants:

-Fossil fuels and biofuels.

-Engine Lubricants.

-Lubricants of the oleohydraulic system.

-Other lubricants.



-Casting elements.

-Workshop tools and machinery.

-Operator manual or instruction book (indications).

2. Application of the basic safety regulations in the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machines.

-Labor Risk Prevention Act.

-Other applicable provisions.

-Action protocols.

3. Application of the basic environmental protection regulations in the maintenance of drive and traction agricultural machinery

-Mediombiental regulations

-Environmental risk prevention plans.

-Applicable provisions in relation to the pollution of the environment and waste management.

-Good environmental practices.

-Action protocols.

4. Maintenance operations of the drive and traction agricultural machinery

-Periodic maintenance (operator manual indications):

-Engine Lubricants.

-Lubricants of the oleohydraulic system.

-Other lubricants.


-Log in the maintenance control book.

-Daily Maintenance:

-Fuel load.

-Checking and correcting levels (liquids).

-Checking the covers (impairments, anomalies, air pressure).

-Deteriures and failures (correction or replacement).

-Take Action Protocol:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running activities according to risk prevention plan.

-Correction of more usual subsables in the workshop of the farm.

-Handling of maintenance waste.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1805_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1805_2: Handle and perform soil preparation equipment maintenance.

Duration: 80 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in each of the soil preparation equipment.

CE1.2 Explain the guidelines to be followed to select the drive and traction farm machines depending on the soil preparation equipment.

CE1.3 Citar the most frequent soil preparation equipment, explaining its operation and the selection criteria based on the work.

CE1.4 Describe different track gauge tuning techniques for required equipment.

CE1.6 List techniques for the coupling of soil preparation equipment to the drive and traction agricultural machine and explain the assembly of the transmission shaft to the receiver axis of the equipment.

CE1.7 Explain lastrate procedures to be used in soil preparation operations.

CE1.10 In a practical case properly characterised in the selection and conditioning of soil preparation equipment:

-Select the drive and traction farm machine, as well as soil preparation equipment among the available.

-Select the work procedures.

-Adjust the width of the track in the drive and traction agricultural machine, in any case that is necessary.

-Engulate and regulate soil preparation equipment by ensuring their attachment.

-Perform the ballast, if necessary.

-Mount the transmission tree in ground preparation equipment powered by the power-taking of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Check the hydraulic system and tire pressure on the equipment that carries them.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.3 Describe different soil preparation tasks and the objectives pursued (depth of work, buried remains, surface aggregates, among others).

CE2.4 List data to be logged in the work parts.

CE2.5 Indicating good agricultural practices relating to work with soil preparation equipment.

CE2.6 Explain basic aspects that affect the cost of soil preparation operations and their effectiveness.

CE2.8 In a practical case properly characterized in handling soil preparation equipment:

-Select the engine speed and forward gear of the gearbox.

-Select the operating position of the power grab and lift control of the drive and traction farm machine.

-Run the soil preparation operations.

-Register the operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

C3: Perform maintenance operations of soil preparation equipment, using the necessary equipment and means, and following the procedures set out in the technical documentation.

CE3.1 Citar information for the maintenance of soil preparation equipment contained in manuals and technical documents.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of soil preparation equipment.

CE3.3 Describe the steps to be taken to perform the tightening and/or adjustments of the structural elements in soil preparation equipment.

CE3.4 Explain the operation of mechanical safety elements (mechanical fuses, clutches, among others) in soil preparation equipment.

CE3.5 Point out the grease points of the structural elements of the soil preparation equipment.

CE3.6 Describe procedures for replacing active work items in soil preparation equipment.

CE3.7 List data to be logged in the maintenance control book of soil preparation equipment.

CE3.9 In a practical case properly characterised in the maintenance of a soil preparation equipment:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements and address possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the state of the structural elements of the equipment and make the necessary tightening and adjustments.

-Check the status of the security items on the computers and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Check the status of the active work items and if any, make the substitutions due to breaks or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of soil preparation equipment.

CE4.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security elements that the soil preparation equipment has.

following shall be used for the purposes of the following:

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in handling and maintenance of soil preparation equipment:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Soils as a support for the action of soil preparation equipment

-Soil Constitution:



-Mechanical soil behavior:

-Water content in the soil and states of consistency. Boundaries of Atterberg.

-Resistance to the breaking of a soil. Coulomb formula.

-Objectives of soil preparation work:

-Soil profile training for plant root support.

-Product Incorporation.

-Buried of harvest remains.

-Removing weeds.

-How to store soil moisture.

-Facilitate the germination and nascency of the plants.


-Effects of soil preparation jobs:

-Roture or/and flip at a depth of soil.

-Disintegration and mixing of soil components.

-Formation of soil surface topography.

-Soil compactness and work-sole training.


-Soil working techniques:

-Conventional working.

-Vertical working.

-Minimum working.

-Conservation working.

2. Selectingthesoil preparation teams

-Numeric classification of soil preparation equipment (ISO 3339).

-Power demands of ground preparation equipment (traction, rotary drive and oleohydraulic).

-Primary or deep-working Aperos

-Reja Arados and Aboard was for working with dump.

-Sparks for vertical work.

-Other deep-working tools: discs, defectors, subsolators, decomcompactors, among others.

-Secondary or superficial labor openings:

-Disk grades, for work with dump and soil mixing.

-Vibrocultors, for vertical floor work.

-Rollers and rolls, for compacting and surface surface configuration.

-Other surface-working tools: barbed grates, rolling stands, levelling boards, among others.

-Average depth of labor:

-Disk growers, for work with dump and soil mixing.

-Arm growers with grille, for vertical floor work.

-Other medium-depth working tools: Grower growers, disk growers, among others.

-Tractor strength-taking Aperos (tdf):

-Freters, for deep work with soil mixture.

-Rotative or rotocultor growers (vertical axis and horizontal axis).

-Other tdf-driven tools: rotating grades, alternative stands, cavers, among others.

-Aperuses for conservation work.

-Specific openings for other soil preparation work (janjators, surgs, ahoyators, among others).

-Combined openings and combination of tools.

3. Maintenance of soil preparation equipment

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, waste, tools and workshop machinery for use in maintenance on soil preparation equipment.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustment, replacement) of the operational security elements (fuses, clutches, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustments, replacement) of active work items (grills, blades, barbs, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the oleohydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment (cylinders, motors and oleohydraulics, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Basic maintenance (procedures and methods) of different soil preparation equipment (such as the arate of the floor, gossip, subsolator, growers, bleachers, rollers, among others).

-The maintenance control book for soil preparation equipment.

4. Preparation and handling of soil preparation equipment

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulation on the drive and traction machines used by soil preparation equipment:

-Rebirth of weights between the axes (regulation of the hook, weighed).

-Adjustment of track gauge (wheel axle separation, width of wheel covers).

-Regulation of soil preparation equipment (width and depth of work among others).

-Connection and throttling of the hook (of a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive machine's tdf shaft and traction and ground preparation equipment that requires tdf drive.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the soil preparation equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines:

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with soil preparation equipment:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realizing jobs with soil preparation equipment.

-Check the result of the operation against what is planned. Quality of the execution.

-Developed power (width and depth of work, type and conditions of work, speed of advancement).

-Estimate of the costs generated by the work.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Application of safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of soil preparation equipment

-Security and health of people:.

-Norms (Directive machines).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk plan.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1806_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1806_2: Handle and perform planting and planting equipment maintenance.

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Carry out selection and conditioning operations for planting and planting equipment, using the necessary equipment and means, and following the procedures set out in the technical documentation.

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in each of the planting and planting equipment.

CE1.2 Explain the guidelines to be followed to select the drive and traction farm machines based on planting and planting equipment.

CE1.4 List different techniques for the coupling of planting and planting equipment to the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as its regulation.

CE1.5 Explain methods of regulation of planting and planting equipment.

CE1.6 Describe the assembly of transmission trees owned by planting and planting equipment.

CE1.7 Describe the operation and inspection points of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

CE1.9 In a duly characterised case of selection and conditioning of planting and planting equipment:

-Select the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as planting and planting equipment.

-Select the work procedures.

-Engage and regulate planting and planting equipment by ensuring their attachment.

-Mount the transmission tree in the planting and planting equipment driven by the power-taking of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Regular planting and planting equipment based on planting or planting frames.

-Perform the mount of transmission trees.

-Mount different hydraulic, pneumatic or electronic connections.

-Adjust and check hydraulic systems, tire pressure, and foam level.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.1 Describe different plant organs that can be used in planting and planting equipment, in relation to their sensitivity to being damaged with management.

CE2.5 Define objectives pursued with the use of different planting and planting equipment (sowers, sowers, sowers, monograne planters, planters, transplantadotas).

CE2.6 Evaluate the results of the operation with the different planting and planting equipment.

CE2.7 List data to be logged into control tabs and work items.

CE2.11 In a practical case properly characterized in the management of planting and planting equipment:

-Load the seeds, plants or vegetative organs into the hoppers, reservoirs, or power platforms.

-Adjust the separation between the team's past or the width of work, planting and planting frame, incorporation depth, among others.

-Run seeding and planting operations according to the conditions set

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE3.1 Citar information for the maintenance of planting and planting equipment contained in manuals and technical documents.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of planting and planting equipment.

CE3.3 Describe the steps to be taken to perform the tightening and/or adjustments of structural elements in planting and planting equipment.

CE3.5 Point to the structural element oiling points.

CE3.7 Describe procedures for adjusting, sharpening or replacing soil breakage elements in planting and planting equipment.

CE3.8 List data to be logged in the planting and planting equipment maintenance control book.

CE3.10 In a practical case properly characterized in the maintenance of planting and planting equipment:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements and address possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the state of the structural elements of the planting and planting equipment and make the necessary tightening and adjustments.

-Check the status of the security items on the computers and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Check the status of the dosage, distribution and incorporation elements and break the soil, and make, where appropriate, the necessary adjustments.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of planting and planting equipment.

CE4.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security features of the planting and planting equipment.

a) the following: (a) the following: (a) the following:

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling and maintenance of planting and planting equipment:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Plant material for sowing and planting

-Similar or grains used for sowing (seeds and fruits among others):

-Anatomy, morphology and physiology.

-Germative capacity and pregermative treatments

-Presentation of the seeds and assessment of their quality.

-Plants for mechanized planting (herbaceous, woody):

-Plant structure.

-Presentation and assessment of their quality.

-Vegetative planting organs (tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, among others):

-Plant material for mechanized planting.

-Presentation and assessment of their quality.

2. Selection of planting and planting equipment

-Power demands of planting and planting equipment.

-Basic components:

-Dose system (flow proportional flow, others).

-Distribution system (severity, tire).

-System of incorporation to the soil (preparation and opening of the soil, deposition of the plant organ and fixation of the organ and clogging with the soil).

-Seed teams:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Shirt (gravity and pneumatic) Sembrers.

-Monogram (mechanical and pneumatic) Sembrers.

-Direct seeding Sembrers.

-Other seeding equipment (voleo, hydrosiching, among others).

-Combined seeding equipment (with subscriber, with work)

-Planting teams:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Transplanters for herbaceous plants (bare root and with cepellon)

-Planters for woody plants (bare root and with cepellon).

-Other planting equipment (tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, among others).

-Combined planting equipment (plastitransplantation and plastiplanters among others).

3. Maintenance of planting and planting equipment

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, waste, tools and machinery of use in the maintenance of planting and planting equipment.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustments, replacement) of the operational security elements (fuses, clutches, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustments, replacement) of active work items (grills, boots, disks, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the equipment (cylinders, motors and hydraulic hoses, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Basic maintenance (procedure and methods) of different planting and planting equipment (squirt seed, monograne seed, seed sowing, plant transplantation, plant planting plant, plant planting plant) woody, potato planter, among others).

-The maintenance control book for planting and planting equipment.

4. Preparation and management of planting and planting equipment

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulation on the drive and traction machines used by planting and planting equipment:

-Rebirth of weights between the axes (regulation of the hook, weighed).

-Adjustment of air pressure on pneumatic wheels.

-Adjustment of track gauge (wheel axle separation, width of wheel covers).

-Regulation of planting and planting equipment:

-Dosification (seed flow, line spacing, plant separation).

-Distribution (deposition depth).

-Incorporation to soil (soil preparation and opening elements, elements of buried).

-Seed drive system (metering wheel, change group, and dosing shaft).

-Regulation of the marker of past.

-Connection and throttling of the hook (of a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive and traction machine tdf axis and the planting or planting equipment that requires the drive of the tdf.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the planting and planting preparation equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines:

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with planting and planting equipment:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of planting and planting tasks.

-Check the result of the operation against what is planned. Quality of the execution.

-Developed power (working width and unit demand for planting and planting equipment).

-Estimate of the costs generated by the work.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Implementation of safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of planting and planting equipment

-People's health and safety:

-Norms (Directive machines).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk plan.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1807_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1807_2: Handle and maintain equipment for cultural care.

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in each of the teams to carry out cultural care.

CE1.2 Explain guidelines to be followed for selecting drive and traction agricultural machines based on the equipment for performing cultural care.

CE1.3 Citar different teams to carry out cultural care available on the market and explain the different work procedures related to them.

CE1.6 Describe the operation of the hydraulic systems, identifying their working conditions and the levels of consumable products with the operation.

CE1.9 In a practical case duly characterised in the selection and conditioning of the teams for cultural care:

-Select the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as the equipment for performing cultural care among the available.

-Select Job Procedures.

-Adjust the width of the track in the drive and traction agricultural machine, in any case that is necessary.

-Engulate and regulate teams to perform cultural care by ensuring their union.

-Mount the transmission tree in equipment for performing cultural care driven by the power-taking of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Check the hydraulic system and tire pressure in equipment.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

C2: Operate with equipment to perform cultural care, applying appropriate techniques and options according to the characteristics of the machines and the type of work.

CE2.2 Explain different regulations that can be done in teams to perform cultural care according to the team and the objective pursued with the work.

CE2.3 Define objectives pursued with the use of different equipment to carry out cultural care on the ground, either between lines or interplants (intercepts).

CE2.4 Define objectives sought with the use of different equipment to carry out cultural care on plants (pruning, dehating, clearing of fruits, among others).

CE2.5 Define objectives pursued with the use of different equipment to cover the soil or the plants (quilting, agro-tiles, protection tunnels, among others).

CE2.10 In a practical case properly characterized in the management of the equipment for cultural care:

-Perform the start of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Select the engine speed, power take position and lift control.

-Select the work march and start driving.

-Run cultural care operations.

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

C3: Perform equipment maintenance operations to perform cultural care, using the necessary equipment and means, and following the procedures set out in the technical documentation.

CE3.1 Citar relevant information for the maintenance of equipment to carry out cultural care contained in manuals and technical documents.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment for performing cultural care.

CE3.3 Describe the steps to be taken to perform the tightening and/or adjustments of structural elements in equipment for performing cultural care.

CE3.4 Explain the operation of the security elements of equipment to carry out cultural care.

CE3.5 Point to the greasing points of the structural elements.

CE3.6 Describe the procedure to be followed to perform the replacement of the active work items due to wear or tear.

CE3.7 List data to be logged in the team maintenance control book for cultural care.

CE3.9 In a practical case properly characterised in the maintenance of equipment for cultural care:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements and address possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the state of structural elements of the equipment and make the necessary tightening and adjustments.

-Check the security element status of the teams and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform the equipment structural elements.

-Check the status of active work items and, if applicable, make any substitutions due to breaks or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of equipment for carrying out cultural care.

CE4.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security elements that the teams possess to carry out cultural care.

a) the following: (a) the following: (a) the following: (a) the following:

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in handling and maintenance of equipment to carry out cultural care:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.

-Simulate the actions and protocols to be followed in relation to the safety and health of people and the protection of the environment


1. Cultural care

-Biological foundations of crops:

-Defining cultural jobs

-Herbaceous crops.

-Woody crops.

-Cultural work to the ground:

-weed control.

-Water control on the ground.

-Incorporation of products to the soil (fertilizers, amendments, plant protection, among others).

-Soil conformation (chivales, plateaus, among others).

-Cultural jobs to plants:

-Podes and Prepods.




-Control of curd and lightening of fruits.

-Other cultural jobs:

-Acked on the ground.

-Plant protection tunnels.

-Crop cover with crop tiles.

-Installation of temporary irrigation system.

2. Selection of the teams to carry out cultural care

-Power demands of the teams to perform cultural care.

-Equipment for performing cultural care on the ground:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Growers between lines (beaggers, scarifiers, aporters).

-Between lines (vins).

-Intercept teams.

-Locator Abonators

-Equipment for performing cultural care on plants:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Manual use equipment (scissors and short shears among others).

-Machining Equipment (blade cutting bars and disk equipment). Predators, fire-cutters, deshors, among others.

-Fruit rinsing equipment

-Teams to perform other cultural care:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Equipment for colocation placement.

-Equipment for tunnel formation.

-Crop placement equipment.

-Teams to finish off and form the ground.

-Equipment for placement of irrigation tape.

3. Maintenance of equipment for cultural care

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles or consumables, waste, tools and workshop machinery used in the maintenance of equipment for cultural care.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustments, replacement) of the operational security elements (fuses, clutches, among others).

-Maintenance (adjustments, replacement) of active work items (grills, blades, disks, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the equipment (cylinders, motors and hydraulic hoses, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Basic maintenance (procedure and methods) of different equipment for carrying out cultural care (cultivators between lines and binators, winemakers, intercepted equipment, locator abonds, pruning and pruning equipment, equipment for cutting and delaying, equipment for rinsing fruit, equipment for the placement of quilts, equipment for the formation of tunnels, equipment for the placement of agrotiles, equipment for the placement of irrigation tape, among others).

-Book of control of the maintenance of the equipment for carrying out cultural care.

4. Preparation and management of teams for cultural care

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulation on the drive and traction machines used by equipment to carry out cultural care:

-Rebirth of weights between the axes (regulation of the hook, weighed).

-Adjustment of air pressure on pneumatic wheels.

-Adjustment of track gauge (wheel axle separation, width of wheel covers).

-Regulation of equipment for cultural care:

-The depth of work in the teams that work the soil.

-Dosage on the locator abonds.

-Regulation of the cutting elements of the vegetation, and of the air flow and velocity in their case, in the pruning, debrated and dislocated equipment.

-Regulation on equipment for placement of quilting, tunnels, and agrotiles (width of work, compaction of the soil, covering of the edges of the plastic, among others).

-Connection and throttling of the hook (of a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the tdf axis of the drive and traction machine and the equipment for performing cultural care that require the actuation of the tdf.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the equipment to carry out cultural care, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines:

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with teams to perform cultural care:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of work with teams to perform cultural care.

-Check the result of the operation against what is planned. Quality of the execution.

-Developed power (demand for the power of the team to perform cultural care).

-Estimate of the costs generated by the work.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Application of the safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of the equipment to carry out cultural care

-People's health and safety:

-Norms (Directive machines).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk plan.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1808_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1808_2: Handle and maintain fertilizer and phytosanitary application equipment

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF2017

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Referrer: This formative unit corresponds to RP2 and RP1, RP4, and RP5 as referred to the handling and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Carry out selection and conditioning operations of fertilizer application equipment, using the necessary equipment and means, and following the procedures set out in the technical documentation.

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in each of the fertilizer application equipment.

CE1.2 Explain guidelines to be followed for selecting drive and traction agricultural machines, depending on the fertilizer application equipment.

CE1.3 Citar the most frequent fertilizer application equipment explaining its operation and selection criteria based on the work.

CE1.4 Explain the relationship between calibration parameters (dose, flow, width and speed) and the regulation of fertilizer application equipment.


CE1.7 Explain the handling and handling of fertilizers.

CE1.9 In a practical case properly characterised in the selection and conditioning of fertiliser application equipment:

-Select the drive and traction farm machine, as well as fertilizer application equipment among the available.

-Select Job Procedures.

-Load, mix and/or dilute fertilizers.

-Engulate and regulate fertilizer application equipment by ensuring their attachment.

-Mount the transmission tree in fertilizer application equipment powered by the power grab of the drive and drive agricultural machine.

-Set calibration parameters and regulate fertilizer application equipment.

-Check hydraulic systems, pneumatic, tire pressure, or foam level, when they exist.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.2 Describe the components of the dosing system (calibrated orifice, proportional to the advance) and the distributor system (gravity, centrifuge, tire).

CE2.3 Explain the relationship of the working width (separation between the past) with the homogeneity of the distribution of the fertilizer according to the distribution of the fertilizer by the different fertilizer application teams.

CE2.4 Describe different fertilization techniques according to the type of equipment and the products to be distributed.

CE2.5 Evaluate the results of the work done with different equipment for fertilisation and list the data to be recorded in the control sheets and parts of the work.

CE2.9 In a practical case properly characterized in handling fertilizer application equipment:

-Run Fertilizer Application Operations.

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

C3: Perform maintenance operations of fertilizer application equipment, using the necessary equipment and means, and following the procedures set out in the technical documentation.

CE3.1 Citar relevant information for the maintenance of fertilizer application equipment contained in the manuals and technical documents.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the fertilizer application equipment.

CE3.3 Describe the steps to be taken to perform the tightening and/or adjustments of the structural elements in fertilizer application equipment.

CE3.5 List data to be logged in the fertilizer application equipment maintenance control book.

CE3.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the maintenance of fertilizer application equipment:

-Check the condition of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment and repair possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the state of the structural elements of the equipment and make the necessary tightening and adjustments.

-Check the status of the security items on the computers and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Perform the cleaning of fertilizer application equipment.

-Check the status of active work items (centrifugal disks, among others) and, if necessary, perform replacements due to breakages or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment.

CE4.2 Explain individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security features of the fertilizer application equipment.

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Fertilizer products

-Classification and characteristics of fertilizer products:

-Composition. Active matter and other components (formulation).

-Organic Fertilizers (sprouts, purines, other organic fertilizers).

-Inorganic fertilizers (simple mineral fertilizers and compounds among others)

-Distribution of fertilizer products:

-Application dose and distribution homogeneity.

-Presentation of solid fertilizers. Granulometry.

-Fertilization in conventional agriculture and precision agriculture.

-Fertilizer management and management. Toxicity. Corrosion. Pollution

2. Selection of fertiliser application equipment

-Power demand for fertilizer application equipment.

-Basic components:

-Tolva and add-ons.

-Dose system: calibrated Orientation (adjustable section, agitator, conveyor belt). Flow proportional flow (volumetric dosing, change group, drive wheel).

-Distribution system (centrifuge, gravity, tire).

-Other systems (drive, hydraulic, pneumatic).

-Equipment types:

-Basic Constitution, purpose, form of use and expected result.

-Centrifugal abonators: From a disk. Two discs. Pendulars.

-Other abonds: Severity, Pneumatics.

-Manure spreaders.

-Cubas for slurry distribution.

-Equipment for the application of liquefied gases.

-Fertilizer Distribution by Equipment:

-Calibration parameters: Dose to be applied. Team flow. Width of work. Forward speed.

-Dose distribution homogeneity: Lines or surface (diagrams) of the distribution of the abonds. Diagrams accumulated by job width. Coefficients of variation.

-Application Regulations: Flow (hole size, drive regime, others). Forward speed.

-Fertilizer application costs:

3. Maintenance of fertilizer application equipment

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, waste, tools, and workshop machinery for maintenance use of fertilizer application equipment.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, replacing) of the operational security elements (fuses, clutches, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, replacing) work items (centrifugal discs, pallets, pendulum tubes, distributor rotors, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the oleohydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment, if any (cylinders, motors and latiguillos oleohydraulics, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Specific basic maintenance and cleaning (procedure and methods) of different equipment for the application of fertilizers (centrifugal abonds of a disc, two discs and pendulars, gravity-paying, pneumatic abonds, Manure spreaders, vats for distribution of slurry, equipment for the application of liquefied gases, among others).

-A control book for the maintenance of fertilizer application equipment.

4. Preparation and handling of fertilizer application equipment

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulations on drive and traction machines, if any, which are used by fertilizer application equipment (e.g. front-loading).

-Regulation of fertilizer application equipment (techniques and procedures):

-Dose system (size orifice size, agitator, conveyor belt speed, ratio of dose proportional to advance).

-Distribution system (system of the distributor element, height and inclination of the centrifugal discs, position of the pallets in the centrifugal discs, deflectors in their case, fall and distribution tubes, among others).

-Other systems (oleohydraulics, tires, among others).

-Connection and throttling of the hook (of a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive and traction machine tdf shaft and the fertilizer application equipment that requires tdf drive.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the fertilizer distribution equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines:

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with fertilizer application teams:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of fertilizer application.

-Check the result of the operation against what is planned. Quality of the execution.

-Power demanded and developed.

-Estimate of the costs generated by the application of fertilizers.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Application of safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of fertilizer application equipment

-People's health and safety:

-Norms (Directive machines).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Pollutant potential of fertilizers. Contamination by the application of fertilizers. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk plan.



Code: UF2018

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Referrer: This formative unit corresponds to RP3 and RP1, RP4, and RP5 as referred to the management and maintenance of the phytosanitary application equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.1 Citar the information of the manuals and technical documents used in each of the equipment for the application of plant protection products.

CE1.2 Explain guidelines to be followed for selecting drive and traction agricultural machines, depending on the application equipment for plant protection products.

CE1.4 Explain the relationship between the calibration parameters (dose, flow, width and speed) and the regulation of the application equipment for plant protection products.


CE1.6 Describe the components of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits that can be mounted in plant protection product application equipment.

CE1.7 Citar different types of hydraulic spray nozzles available and the criteria for selection and employment.

CE1.8 Explain the handling and handling of plant protection products.

the European Union,

CE1.10 In a practical case duly characterised in the selection and conditioning of plant protection product application equipment:

-Select the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as plant protection product application equipment among those available.

-Select Job Procedures.

-Load, mix and/or dilute plant protection products.

-Engulate and regulate plant protection product application equipment by ensuring their attachment.

-Set calibration parameters and regulate application equipment for plant protection products.

-Check hydraulic systems, pneumatic, tire pressure, or foam level, when they exist.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.


CE2.4 Describe the factors that may affect the homogeneous distribution of the product applied according to the equipment used.

CE2.5 Describe different application techniques for plant protection products according to the type of equipment and the products to be distributed.

CE2.10 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling of plant protection product application equipment:

-Run Plant Protection Product Application Operations.

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE3.1 Citar relevant information for the maintenance of plant protection product application equipment contained in manuals and technical documents.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that can be detected in the mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of the plant protection product application equipment.

of the Council

CE3.6 Describe procedures for replacing hydraulic spray nozzles due to wear or tear.

CE3.7 Describe procedures for replacing impaired regulation and control elements (gauges, valves, among others).

CE3.8 List data to be annotated in the control book for the maintenance of plant protection products.

CE3.10 In a practical case duly characterised in that the application of plant protection products is maintained:

-Check the condition of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment and repair possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the state of the structural elements of the equipment and make the necessary tightening and adjustments.

-Check the status of the security items on the computers and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Check the status of hydraulic spray nozzles and the elements of regulation and control in plant protection product application equipment and make their replacement, if necessary.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Check the status of the active work items (spray nozzles, among others) and, where appropriate, make the substitutions due to breakages or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of plant protection product application equipment.

CE4.2 Explain individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security features of the plant protection product application equipment.

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in handling and maintaining application equipment for plant protection products:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Plant protection products

-Classification and characteristics of plant protection products or pesticides:

-Control agents or application target (herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, among others).

-Pesticide hazards (toxicity to humans, environmental pollution, waste).

-Commercial presentation (solid to dilute in water, liquids to dilute in water, dust for dusting, granules for direct application, among others).

-Composition and information of the commercial product (active matter, excipients, dosage, utility, compatibility of mixtures, dangerousness for people and the environment).

-Management and management of pesticides (transport, storage, distribution).

-Distributed products (spraying, dusting, distribution granules).

-Distribution of plant protection products by spraying:

-Preparation of the product (concentration of the commercial product in the dilution water, quantity of commercial product to be applied per hectare).

-Spray-formed droplet populations (characterization).

-Types of spray (hydraulic or pressure, pneumatic, other).

-Transport of the drops formed to the target (gravity, tyre, others).

-Distributed product delivery:

-Volume or application dose (l/ha or kg/ha)

-Target or application surface (soil, leaves, other surfaces).

-Homogeneity of cast over surfaces (forward directions and perpendicular to advance).

-Product coverage level (surface impacts)

-Basic emergency actuations. Poisoning of people (first aid). Environmental pollution (punctual and diffuse).

2. Selection of plant protection application equipment

-Power demand for plant protection application equipment.

-Base components of a sprayer:

-Hydraulic system: Storage depot. Pump. Distributor (regulatory systems). Spray nozzles (sorting, normalisation, uses). Pipelines and filters. Add-ons.

-Support system. Chassis or supporting structure. Transport system (forms of coupling, supporting axes, among others). Distribution bars (in hydraulic sprayers).

-pneumatic system (if applicable): Fan equipment. Conductions. Baffles.

-Spray equipment:

-Hydraulic pulverizers or equipment for low crops: Constitution. Utility. Uses.

-Hydroneumatic or atomizer pulverizers: Constitution. Utility. Uses.

-Other sprayers (tires, centrifuges, among others). Constitution. Utility. Uses.

-Other Equipment for Plant Protection Application:

-Spolvorters: Constitution. Utility. Uses.

-Equipment for application of microgranules: Constitution. Utility. Uses

-Other equipment (for fumigation among others)

-Distribution of plant protection products in liquid form:

-Calibration parameters: Volume or application dose. Equipment flow (or nozzles). The team's working width (or nozzles). Forward speed.

-Ratio between flow and pressure of liquid to passage through a hole (spray nozzles).

-Regulation of hydraulic sprayers (distribution homogeneity): Distributor (working pressure). Horizontality and height of the distribution bar. Arrangement and orientation of spray nozzles. Nozzle flow test (graduated jar and timer) and cast (cast bench or water-sensitive papers).

-Regulation of hydropneumatic sprayers (distribution homogeneity): Distributor (working pressure). Arrangement and orientation of spray nozzles. Flow and orientation of the air outlets. Test of cast in height with water-sensitive papers.

-Regulation of other sprayers.

-Distribution of plant protection products from other plant protection equipment (non-sprayers).

3. Maintenance of plant protection application equipment

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, waste, tools and workshop machinery for maintenance use of plant protection equipment.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, replacing) of the control and control elements (gauges, valves, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, cleaning, replacing) work items (spray nozzles, filters, fan, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the oleohydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment, if any (cylinders, motors and latiguillos oleohydraulics, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Specific basic maintenance (procedure and methods) of different plant protection equipment (hydraulic sprayers, hydroneumatic sprayers, other sprayers, other application equipment) phytosanitary ..

-Programmed cleaning of the liquid circuits in the sprayers: At the beginning of the treatment campaign. At the end of an application. When changing the plant protection product. At the end of the treatment campaign.

-Maintenance control book for plant protection application equipment.

4. Preparation and management of plant protection application equipment.

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulations on the drive and traction machines, if any, which are used by the plant protection application equipment (e.g. front ballast).

-Regulation of spray equipment used in the application of plant protection (techniques and procedures):

-Homogeneity of the product to be distributed (agitation system).

-Distributor (job pressure).

-Bar distribution in hydraulic sprayers (height, stability).

-Spray nozzles (blockages of the outlet orifice and formation of liquid air streams).

-Air salings of the pneumatic system in hydroneumatic sprayers.

-Regulation of other plant protection application equipment.

-Connection and throttling of the hook (of a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive and traction machine tdf axis and the plant-protection application equipment that requires tdf actuation.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the plant protection equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines:

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with plant protection application teams:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of the phytosanitary application.

-Check the result of the operation against what is planned. Quality of the execution.

-Power demanded and developed.

-Estimate of costs generated by the application of phytosanitary.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Application of safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of plant protection equipment.

-People's health and safety:

-Regulations (Directive and supplementary rules).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Clean water deposits and commercial product transfer deposit.

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. (Directive machinery, Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides, supplementary rules). Pollutant potential of the plant protection plant. Contamination by the application of plant protection. Waste management. Reservoir rinse tank.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk plan.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1809_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1809_2: Handle and maintain equipment for the collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF2019

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Referrer: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP1, RP4, and RP5 as regards handling and maintenance of farm product collection teams.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.2 Explain the guidelines to be followed to select the drive and traction farm machines based on the collection equipment.

CE1.3 Citar the most frequent collection teams explaining their operation and the selection criteria based on the work.

CE1.6 Explain the operation of the hydraulic systems and their regulation for the activity.

CE1.7 List different types of tires, describing their characteristics and working pressure.

-Select the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as the agricultural product collection equipment among the available.

-Select Job Procedures.

-To engage and regulate agricultural product collection equipment, ensuring their union.

-Mount the transmission tree in agricultural product collection equipment driven by the power-taking of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Check the hydraulic system and tire pressure on the equipment.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.3 Explain different regulations that can be made in equipment for collecting agricultural products according to the equipment and the objective pursued.

CE2.4 Indicate the procedures to be followed to verify that the result of the collection operations meets the stated objectives.

CE2.5 List data to be annotated in work parts.

CE2.9 In a practical case properly characterized in the management of the agricultural product collection equipment:

-Check the connections (hook, power grab and hydraulic hoses if they exist) between the drive and traction farm machine and the non-automotive collection equipment.

-Select the work march, to achieve the desired forward speed, and start the operation.

-Run Agricultural Product Collection Operations.

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that are detected in mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of agricultural product collection equipment.

CE3.6 List liquid substitution works, filters and small repairs that can be performed at the workshop of the holding.

CE3.7 Describe the most important parts of the electrical system, including lighting and signalling.

CE3.8 List data to be logged in the Agricultural Product Collection Equipment Maintenance Control book.

CE3.10 In a practical case duly characterised by the maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements and address possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the status of structural items of equipment and make the necessary tightening and tuning.

-Check the security element status of the teams and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform liquid replacement, filter, and small repair jobs.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Check the status of the active work items and if any, make the substitutions due to breaks or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE4.1 List different personal protective equipment to be used in the handling and maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment.

CE4.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

CE4.3 Describe the security features of the agricultural product collection teams.

CE4.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the handling and maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment:

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Agricultural products liable to be collected by mechanical means


-Greens: Objectives. Process (mowing, collection).

-Heno: Objectives. Operations (mowing, conditioning, flipping and cordoned off, packed).

-Silo: Objectives. Operations (mowing, chopping, flipping and cordoned off, packed, lit).

-Grains and seeds (cereals, legumes, oilseeds, protein crops):

-Types (sizes, sensitivity to handling). Location and fixation on the plants.

-Operations: Siega. Desgranado. Separation-screening. Cleaning. Stored.

-Underground organs (roots, tubers, rhizomes and bulbs):

-Types (sizes, sensitivity to handling). Location and fixation to the plants.

-Operations (Air Part Separation). Boot and cordoned off. Cleaning. Stored.

-Other agricultural products collected with mechanical means:


-Dry fruit (hazelnut, walnut, chestnut, among others).

-Green fruit (tomato, pea, green beans, among others).

-Textile plants (cotton, hemp, flax, among others).

-Other products.

-Handling of agricultural products during collection. Times of collection. Product losses. Product quality losses.

2. Selection of agricultural product collection equipment

-Demand for the power of agricultural product collection teams.

-Uncomposed equipment and integral equipment (harvesters). Constitution and purpose.

-Integral grain cochechator (grains): Siega systems and plant collection. Transportation and emmouthful systems. Trite systems. Separation and screening systems. Cleaning systems. Storage system.

-Forage collection teams:

-Mowing equipment (alternative cutting bars, rotary mowers).

-Conditioning. Spinners. Flip-flops.

-Empacators. Wrapping. Autoloaders.

-Picators (automotive equipment, powered equipment).

-Equipment for the collection of roots, tubers, rhizomes and bulbs:

-Uncomposed equipment (deshors, starters, pickers, cleaners, loaders).

-Integral Cochechators.

-Fruit collection equipment:

-Decomposed equipment (collection platforms, vibrators, collectors, cleaners).

-Grape harvesters or harvesters.

-Other collection equipment (for textile, horticultural, other).

-Use of collection teams

3. Maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, waste, tools and machinery of use in the maintenance of the equipment for the collection of agricultural products.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, replacing) of the control and control elements (gauges, valves, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, adjusting, cleaning, replacing) work items (blades, crabs, pneumatic system, among others).

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the oleohydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment, if any (cylinders, motors and latiguillos oleohydraulics, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Specific basic maintenance (procedure and methods) of different equipment for the collection of agricultural products (whole grain harvester, fodder collection equipment, root collection equipment, tubers, Rhizomes and bulbs. Fruit harvesting equipment. Other collection equipment.

-Scheduled cleaning and maintenance of farm product collection teams at the beginning of the campaign, during the campaign and after the end of the work campaign.

-Book of control of the maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment.

4. Preparation and management of agricultural product collection equipment

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulations on the drive and traction machines, if any, which are used by the agricultural product collection equipment (e.g. front-loading).

-Regulation of agricultural product collection equipment (techniques and procedures):

-Height of work of the cut and collection elements.

-Operating system of the active work items.

-Other regulatory elements for each type of equipment.

-Connection and throttling of the hook in its case (from a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive and traction machine tdf axis and the agricultural product collection equipment that requires tdf actuation.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the collection equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines (depending on the equipment and working conditions):

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with agricultural product collection teams:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of the agricultural product collection operation.

-Check the outcome of the operation against the expected (product losses, product quality collected).

-The required and developed power (function of the developed job).

-Estimate of the costs generated by the collection of agricultural products.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Implementation of safety and environmental protection regulations in the management and maintenance of agricultural product collection equipment

-People's health and safety:

-Norms (Directive machines, Directive type-approval tractors and others).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Protection and conservation of the environment. Handling of consumables. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk prevention plan.



Code: UF2020

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Referment: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP1, RP4, and RP5 as regards handling and maintenance of farm goods, unloading and transport equipment.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

CE1.2 Explain the guidelines to be followed to select the drive and traction agricultural machines based on load, discharge and transport equipment

CE1.3 Citar the most frequent loading, unloading and transport equipment explaining its operation and the selection criteria based on the work.

CE1.6 Explain the operation of the hydraulic systems and their regulation for the activity.

CE1.7 List different types of tires, describing their characteristics and working pressure.

-Select the drive and traction agricultural machine, as well as the equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products among those available.

-Select Job Procedures.

-Mount the transmission tree in equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products driven by the power-taking of the drive and traction agricultural machine.

-Check the hydraulic system and tire pressure on the equipment.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE2.4 Indicate procedures to be followed to verify that the result of load, unload, and transport operations meets the marked objectives

CE2.5 List data to be annotated in work parts.

CE2.9 In a practical case properly characterized in handling equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products:

-Check the connections (hook, power grab and hydraulic hoses if they exist) between the drive and traction farm machine and the equipment used.

-Select the work or maneuver gear, to achieve a speed or maneuver, and start the operation.

-Run the operations of load, unload, and transport equipment for agricultural products.

-Record operation data in the work part.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.

CE3.2 List possible deterioration or anomalies that are detected in mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products.

CE3.6 List liquid substitution works, filters and small repairs that can be performed at the workshop of the holding.

CE3.7 Describe the most important parts of the electrical system, including lighting and signalling.

CE3.8 List data to be recorded in the control book for the maintenance of equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products.


CE3.10 In a practical case properly characterised in the maintenance of equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products:

-Check the status of mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic elements and address possible deterioration and breakdowns.

-Check the status of structural items of equipment and make the necessary tightening and tuning.

-Check the security element status of the teams and perform their replacement or adjustment, as appropriate.

-Perform liquid replacement, filter, and small repair jobs.

-Perform the engrase of the structural elements of the equipment.

-Check the status of the active work items and if any, make the substitutions due to breaks or wear.

-Anote the required data in the maintenance control book.

-Perform operations in compliance with applicable regulations.


CE4.2 Explain the individual and collective security rules to keep the work area free of risks.

-Choose the individual protection equipment required for the activity.

-Maintain the risk-free work zone.

-Check equipment security items.

-Classify, store, and manipulate consumables and waste.

-Use maintenance equipment and tools.


1. Agricultural products liable to be loaded, transported and unloaded with mechanical means

-Amendments and fertilizers:

-Abonos and products for solid form amendments (powder, granules).

-Abonos and amendments in form Semisolida to liquid (sprouts, purines).


-In green (whole plants, chopped and chopped plants).

-In hay (uncompacted, rectangular bales, round bales).

-In silo (round bales).


-Grains and seeds:

-Size and density.

-Sensitivity to deterioration.

-Agricultural waste (straw, plant remains).

-Underground organs (roots, tubers, rhizomes and bulbs):

-Size, shape, and density

-Sensitivity to deterioration.

-Other agricultural products (grapes, tomatoes, nuts, among others).

-Handling of agricultural products during loading, transport and unloading. Product losses. Product quality losses.

2. Selection of equipment for loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products

-Demand for the power of the equipment for loading, unloading and transporting agricultural products.

-Load and unload equipment:

-Automotive telescopic manipulators.

-Pala of the oleohydrualic actuation tractor (cakzo, pincer, comb, fork).

-Endless screws.

-conveyor belts.

-Equipment for the transport of solid products (closed boxes):

-Semi-dragged trailers.

-Dragged trailers (capacity, number of axes, and addressability thereof).

-Basculant trailers.

-Equipment for the transport of fodder:

-Auto-loader trailers.

-Platforms for transport of bales (straw and hay) and silage balls.

-Equipment for the transport of sprouts and slurry:

-Scatter trailers.

-Purin Cubas.

-Equipment for the transport, loading and unloading of other products:

-Trailers for bulk grapes.

-Trailers for the transport of products in standard pallets.

-Other transport equipment.

3. Maintenance of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products

-Team instruction book. Description and maintenance.

-Fungibles, tools and machinery of use in the maintenance of the equipment of collection of agricultural products.

-Maintenance of structural elements (greases, adjustments, tightening, among others).

-Maintenance (checking, tuning, replacing) of the control and control elements.

-Maintenance (deterioration and breakdown) of the oleohydraulic and pneumatic elements of equipment, if any (cylinders, motors and latiguillos oleohydraulics, pneumatic systems, pneumatic wheels, among others).

-Specific basic maintenance (procedure and methods) of different equipment of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products.

-Scheduled cleaning and maintenance of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products.

-Book of control of the maintenance of the equipment for loading, transporting and unloading of agricultural products.

4. Preparation and handling of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products

-Team instruction book. Preparation and handling.

-Regulations on drive and traction machines, where applicable, which use the equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products (e.g. hooks, ballast).

-Regulation of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products (techniques and procedures):

-Operating system for load and/or unload elements.

-Other regulatory elements for each type of equipment.

-Connection and throttling of the hook in its case (from a point, tristrut).

-Coupling of the drive and traction machine tdf axis and the agricultural product collection equipment that requires tdf actuation.

-Connection of the oleohydraulic actuators (cylinders and/or engines) of the load, transport and unloading equipment, from the drive and traction machine, if it incorporates them.

-Choice of operating conditions on drive and traction machines (depending on the equipment and working conditions):

-Engine regime.

-Advance March.

-Position of the control of the oleohydraulic lift.

-The position and speed of the tdf, if any.

-Position of the electronic functions, if any.

-Managing and evaluating work with equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products:

-Operations calendar (organization of the job).

-Realization of the operation of loading, transporting and unloading of agricultural products.

-Check the outcome of the operation against the expected (product losses, product quality collected).

-The required and developed power (function of the developed job).

-Estimation of the costs generated by the loading, transport and unloading of agricultural products.

-Work parties and incidents.

5. Application of safety and environmental protection regulations in the handling and maintenance of equipment for loading, transporting and unloading agricultural products

-People's health and safety:

-Norms (Directive machines, Directive type-approval tractors and others).

-Security devices and user information (pictograms and normalized symbols).

-Regulations on the movement of vehicles on public roads (width, lighting, signalling).

-Applicable environmental standards. Protection and conservation of the environment. Handling of consumables. Waste management.

-Regulations on the prevention of accidents.

-Good agricultural practices (application of quality criteria and profitability in the maintenance and handling of equipment).

-Risk Prevention Plan.

-Take Action Protocols:

-Choosing EPIs.

-Collective Protections.

-Running the jobs according to the risk prevention plan.

Methodological guidelines

The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0428

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform tractor jobs and work-to-traction tools:

CE1.1. Choose and incorporate required EPIs.

CE1.2. Hook the suspended and/or semi-suspended tools to the tractor.

CE1.3. Mount the hoses or hoses of the external oleohydraulic circuits of the tractor that feed the appero actuators.

CE1.4. Assess and modify the lasers incorporating the tractor

CE1.5. Regulate the hook to configure the tractor line-appero.

CE1.6. Regulate the abut for the work to

CE1.7. Run the traction work by combining, tractor engine speed, forward gears, tractor lift control position and other traction functions.

CE1.8. Assess the work of the job from a technical point of view.

CE1.9. Assess the efficiency of the work.

CE1.10. Assess the environmental impact of the work.

CE1.11. Annotate the work in the activities part.

C2: Perform work with tractor and power-driven implements (tdf):

CE2.1. Choose and incorporate required EPIs.

CE2.2. Hook the implements to the tractor.

CE2.3. Mount the driving hoses or hoses to form the external oleohydraulic circuits of the tractor that feed actuators of the implements.

CE2.4. Mount the transmission shaft that links the tdf axis of the tractor and the implement-receiving shaft and place the corresponding protections.

CE2.5. Regulate the elements of the implement submitted to the rotary drive.

CE2.6. Execute the work with implements to the tractor tdf by combining the tractor engine speed, forward gears and tdf operating position.

CE2.7. Assess the jobs that are performed from the technical point of view.

CE2.8. Assess the efficiency of the work.

CE2.9. Assess the outcome of the work from an environmental point of view.

CE2.10. Annotate the work in the activities part.

C3: Perform work with spray equipment:

CE3.1. Choose and incorporate required EPIs.

CE3.2. Hook the sprayers to the tractor.

CE3.3. Mount the driving hoses or hoses to form the external oleohydraulic circuits of the tractor that feed actuators of the sprayers.

CE3.4. Mount the transmission shaft that links the tdf axis of the tractor and the sprayer receiver shaft and place the corresponding protections.

CE3.5. Load with clean water the clean water reservoir and rinse tank.

CE3.6 Water load the spray tank.

CE3.7. Choose the calibration parameters.

CE3.8. Regulate the equipment vendor for working conditions.

CE3.9. Check the operation of the spray nozzles.

CE3.10. Regulate the distribution of liquid in the case of a hydraulic sprayer.

CE3.11. Regulate the distribution of liquid in the case of a hydroneumatic sprayer.

CE3.12. Add the commercial plant protection product to the water of the tank and start the system of agitation of the equipment.

CE3.13. Run the plant protection application by combining the tractor engine speed, forward gear, the operating position of the tdf and the working pressure of the plant protection liquid.

CE3.14. Assess the application of plant protection from a technical, economic and environmental point of view.

CE3.15. Clean up the equipment after application and assess the overall application management security for both people and the environment.

CE3.16. Annotate the work in the activities part.

C4: Perform the maintenance of the agricultural machinery on the holding:

CE4.1. Choose and incorporate required EPIs.

CE4.2. Organize in the agricultural nave, the machinery-tool used in the maintenance of the operating machinery.

CE4.3. Organize in the agricultural nave, the fuels, lubricants and parts of machinery required in a regular maintenance of the machines of the holding.

CE4.5. Perform the load of gasoil on the tractors used or automotive machines.

CE4.6. Make the lubrication of the machines that require it.

CE4.7. Replace mechanical elements of machines, by wear or adaptation to the work to be carried out, which are customary in their maintenance and use.

C5: Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center:

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Tractor handling with working tools that work in traction

-Choosing and using required EPIs.

-Hook of the tools to the tractor.

-Connection of the hoses of the external oleohydraulic circuits of the tractor.

-Checking and modifying, if necessary, the tractor's ballast.

-Regulation of the hook to configure the tractor line of the tractor.

-Regulation of the work depth of the apero.

-Regulation the width of the first groove.

-Choice of tractor engine speed, forward gears, lift control position and traction functions.

-Running the work of working and assessing its outcome.

-Annotation of the work in the activities part.

2. Tractor handling with force-taking implements (tdf).

-Choosing and using required EPIs.

-Hook of the implements to the tractor.

-Connection of the hoses of the external hydraulic circuits of the tractor.

-Placing the transmission tree and its protections between the tractor and implement.

-Regulation of the implement elements submitted to the rotary drive.

-Choice of tractor engine speed, forward gears, lift control and tdf operating position.

-Running the work with the tdf-driven implements and assessing their outcome.

-Annotation of the work in the activities part.

3. Plant protection with hydraulic and/or hydroneumatic sprayers.

-Choosing and using required EPIs.

-Hook of the equipment to the tractor.

-Connection of the hoses of the external hydraulic circuits of the tractor.

-Placing the transmission tree and its protections between the tractor and the equipment.

-Clean water load in the clean water reservoir and rinse tank.

-Water load and plant protection product in the equipment depot.

-Choosing the calibration parameters.

-Regulation of the equipment vendor for working conditions.

-Check the operation of the spray nozzles.

-Regulation of the distribution of liquid in a hydraulic sprayer.

-Regulation of the distribution of liquid in a hydroneumatic sprayer.

-Execution of the spray combining, tractor engine speed, forward gear, tdf operating position and working pressure of the plant protection liquid.

-Assessment of the application from a technical, economic and environmental point of view.

-Enjuging the field repository and cleaning the equipment after application completion.

-General assessment of application management from the point of view of person safety and environmental pollution.

-Annotation of the work in the activities part.

4. Maintenance of the agricultural machinery.

-Choosing and using required EPIs.

-Organization, in the agricultural nave, of the machinery-tool of use in the maintenance and use of the agricultural machines.

-Organization, in the agricultural nave, of the agricultural machinery parts used in the maintenance and usual use of the machines.

-Organization, in the agricultural ship, of the fuels and lubricants consumed by the agricultural machinery.

-Realization of the gasoil load on the tractors and automotive machine.

-Realization of the lubrication of the machines that require it.

-Replacing mechanical elements of agricultural machines that are customary in their maintenance and use.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

No accreditation


Handling and Maintenance of Machines Drive and traction farm.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomat, Engineer Technical, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technical of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Certificates of professionalism of Level 3 of the professional agricultural family of the Professional Area of Agriculture.

2 years

5 years


Managing and maintaining equipment soil preparation.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Architect Technical or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Top Technician.

-Level 3 professionalism certificates from the professional agricultural family of the Professional Area of Agriculture.

2 years

5 years


Managing and maintaining seeding and seeding equipment planting.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or Title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

-Technician Superior of the agricultural professional family.

-Level 3 professionalism certificates of the agricultural professional family of the Professional Area of Agriculture.

2 years

5 years


Handling and maintaining equipment for cultural care.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title corresponding or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technician the agricultural professional family.

-Certificates of Level 3 professionalism of the Professional Agricultural Area of the Professional Agriculture Area.

2 years

5 years


Managing and maintaining fertilizer and phytosanitary application equipment.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or the title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technical of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Certificates of Level 3 professionalism of the Professional Agricultural Area of the Professional Agriculture Area.

2 years

5 years


Handling and Maintenance of Equipment collection, loading, unloading and transport of agricultural products.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

- Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications.

-Senior Technical of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Certificates Level 3 professionalism of the professional family of the professional area of agriculture.

2 years

5 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils









Field *

2 Has


Forming Space

-purpose Aula.

-Pizarras to write with pen

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and Student


-Agricultural Tractors with Different Utilities

-Work Equipment traction

-planting and/or planting equipment

-Equipment for performing cultural care

-Fertilizer application equipment

-Plant Protection Application Team

- Collection Equipment

-Load and/or unload equipment

-Transport equipment

-Clean point with containers for temporary storage of waste

-Work with screw bank

-Power points

-Tool panel with turnkey keys, screwdrivers, pliers, tongs, Jaws, hammers, corks, scissors,

- Grinder



-Compressor with pneumatic gun and add-ons

-Basic welding equipment

-Portable Lamparas

-Spare Products Store

-Hyleohydraulic Cat

-Fuel Storage Equipment compliant

-Pump for gasoil and greaser

-Hydraulic and/or pneumatic cleaning

field .*

-Agricultural Finca with various crops

(*) The practice field can be rented or contracted for the various activities that need to be performed.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.