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Resolution Of December 20, 2011, By The Secretariat, Which Approves The Update Of The List Of Services Of The National Museum Of Anthropology.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 20 de diciembre de 2011, de la Subsecretaría, por la que se aprueba la actualización de la Carta de servicios del Museo Nacional de Antropología.

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In compliance with the provisions contained in Royal Decree 951/2005 of 29 July establishing the general framework for improving quality in the General Administration of the State, the proposal for a updating of the Charter of Services of the National Museum of Anthropology.

In view of the favourable report of the Agency for Evaluation and Quality of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, this Secretariat, in use of the powers assigned to it in Article 11 of the aforementioned Royal Decree, has resolved to approve the Charter of Services of the cited Museum which will enter into force the day after the publication of this resolution in the "Official State Gazette".

The printed text of the said Charter of Services, will be available in the premises of the Museum itself, in the Information Services of this Department, in the Integrated Offices of Attention to the Citizen, and in the headquarters Article 6.2 of Royal Decree 1671/2009 of 6 November 2009, for which the Law 11/2007, of 22 June, of Electronic Access of Citizens to the Services is partially developed, Public. The Charter of Services can also be accessed through the following Internet addresses: and

Madrid, December 20, 2011. -Subsecretary of Culture, Mercedes Elvira of the Tascon Palace.