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Resolution Of 20 Of December Of 2011, Of The Address General Of Work, By Which Is Records And Publishes Them Records Where Is Approve The Modifications Of Level Wage And Definitions Of Several Categories Professional, As Well As The Creation D...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 20 de diciembre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Trabajo, por la que se registra y publica las actas donde se aprueban las modificaciones de nivel salarial y definiciones de varias categorías profesionales, así como la creación d...

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Having regard to the text of the minutes where the changes in the salary level and definitions of several professional categories are approved, as well as the creation of new ones, corresponding to the second half of 2007 and to the arbitration carried out by the Provincial Labour Inspectorate to the valuation of the second half of 2007 of the company National Factory of Currency and Timbre-Royal Mint (Convention code number 90002052011987), minutes that were subscribed on 20 July and 7 November 2011 by the Joint Commission of Valuation of which they form Representatives of the Directorate of the Company and the Committee of Enterprise representing the entity and the employees of the same to which the favourable report issued by the Ministries of Economy and Finance and the Policy Territorial and Public Administration (Executive Committee of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Remuneration), in compliance with the provisions of Law 39/2010 of 22 December 2011, of the State Budget for 2011, and in accordance with the Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law on the Statute of Workers, Recast Text adopted by Real Legislative Decree 1/1995 of 24 March, and Royal Decree 713/2010 of 28 May on the registration and deposit of collective agreements and agreements of work,

This Work General Address resolves:


Order the registration of these Acts in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements working through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Commission Negotiator with the warning to the same of the mandatory compliance of the Law 39/2010, of December 22, of the General Budget of the State for the year 2011, with the execution of those Agreements.


Arrange your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, December 20, 2011. -Director General of Labor, Raul Riesco Roche.

Final Act

Address Representatives:

Dona Azucena Boat Rodrigo.

Don José Jesús Pereira Fernández (advisor).

Workers ' representatives:

Don Antonio Santiago Morales.

Don Daniel Sierra Quiles (advisor).

In Madrid, on 20 July 2011, the members of the Joint Committee on Valuation are meeting, drawing up this final report, which sets out the results of the assessment of the jobs in the field. Second half of 2007.

Posts valued or reviewed at the request of the departments.

Posts that do not go up level:

Operational Staff.

Head of Team for Torque, Counted, Packaged, and Currency Inuse. Currency: 9.

Torculo, Tend, Packaging, and Currency Inuse. Currency: 8.

Special Acunations and Currency Packaging Helper. Currency: 6.

Chief Machine Officer Machine Cutting and Faging Machine. Timbre: 9.

Officer 1. First Team Head, Serial Machine-Hot Stamping. Value Documents: 10.

Official 2. Serial Machine-Hot Stamping. Value Documents: 8.

Reviewed posts per claim of their occupants.

Newly Created Posts:

Technical Staff:

Laboratory Analysis and Process Technician. Engineering, R & D + i and Laboratories: 12.

Subalternate Staff:

Value Document Store. Value Documents: 8.

Positions that go up level.

Technical Staff:

Eyeliner. Maintenance: 12.

Librarian. Museum: 11.

Administrative Staff:

Secretary of the Middle Level. Several Departments: 10.

Official 1. Administrative with English. Several Departments: 10.

Posts that do not go up level.

Administrative Staff:

Official 1. Accounting. Economics and Finance: 10.

Operational Staff:

Official 2. Mics Maintenance Featured. Maintenance: 8.

Post not valued for no change of functions.

Regarding the job of Officer 2. Administrative. Library. Museum, there is agreement not to value the job because there is no change of functions.

Reviewed posts by claim of their occupants with no agreement on any factor.

The following job position has not been valued for no agreement on whether or not the claim submitted implies a review of the assessment of the claim, as reflected in the daily minutes:

Microcomputing Operator-Programmer. Information Systems.

According to the article 9. of the current Collective Agreement, the position of work at issue will be submitted to arbitration, agreeing that it is the Provincial Labour Inspectorate who will carry out it, accepting both representations of the report issued by the Inspectorate. The position is:

Microcomputing Operator-Programmer. Information Systems.


Posts that are integrated into categories in the Convention.

Studied the functions performed by the Secretary of the Middle Level, belonging to the Card Area of the Department of Printing, it has been proven that they are integrated in the category of Official 1. 10).

Studied the functions performed by the Department of the Paper Factory's Department of the Middle Level, it has been proven that they are integrated into the category of 1st Administrative Officer, however, they will be maintained their category in the terms set out in the Joint Committee's minutes of 125.

Studied the functions performed by the 1st Administrative Officer with English, belonging to the Product Area and Development of the Department of the Paper Factory, it has been proven that they are integrated in the category of Officer 1. Administrative with English-French (level 10).

Studied the functions performed by the Official 1. Administrative Department with English, one belonging to the Sales Area of the Commercial Directorate and one to the Directorate of Engineering, R & D + i and Laboratories, has been proven to be integrated In the category of the Secretary of the Middle Level, however, it is agreed to refer to the Joint Commission the proposal to maintain the category of Official 1. Administrative with English to these two persons.

New build category.

Laboratory Analysis and Process Technician.

Value Document Store.

Person relationship and effect date.

The relationship of the staff affected by this review and the dates of application is published internally in the FNMT-RCM's work centers.

All valuations will be applied once the mandatory ministerial authorization is obtained and published in the Official Gazette of the State as an integral part of the Collective Agreement and with the effects of the dates of application. cited above.

Torculo, counted, packaged, and inuse machines.

It is the operator who, with full knowledge of the machines in charge, has as mission the torculado and engraving of songs of discs, packaging and inuse of metallic coin. The product must be supplied, the required control data must be recorded, the feed must be changed, the machine elements must be adjusted, the checks laid down for the product must be carried out on the basis of the ancillary systems, including control and safety systems, and making all necessary adjustments to the object of the product complying with the required conditions. For which you will perform the following functions:

Supply of the product and auxiliary materials, power, programming and preparation of the machines. Attention to correct operation during the process by resolving any interference that may occur and making the necessary adjustments.

Torculado, engraving, bagging, embossed, retracting, packaging, packaging, opening bags and cartridges and demonetized in accordance with established standards, being responsible for a correct quality and production.

Qualitative and quantitative verification of production by periodic verifications.

Record, manually or by bar code reader, the required control data, alerting the Team Manager of the detected anomalies, and completing all the forms required for your work.

Performing the work changes, of recording of songs and cleaning of all the elements of the machines and their area of action, as well as the entertainment and resolution of the small breakdowns, helping the staff of Maintenance on repairs whenever required.

Special minting and currency packaging helper.

It is the operator who, with elementary knowledge of the assigned machines and under the supervision of his immediate superior, collaborates in the minting of commemorative coins and medals. The invention also relates to the washing of spellings, the opening of bags or cartridges, and the packaging of commemorative medals and coins, which are encapsulated, stoned and packaged, manual or mechanical, in accordance with the requirements of the product. finished. For which you will perform the following functions:

Preparation, regulation and supply of the cospeles cleaning machine, carrying out quantitative and qualitative control of the same.

Provisioning, preparation, loading and removal of speles on the machines you are assigned to, collaborating with Officers 1. on preparing and adjusting them.

Preparation of the product and auxiliary materials, encapsulated and manual stout, checking that each of the elements that make up the set meets the conditions required being the one responsible for obtaining a correct one quality and production.

Packaging, sealing and identification of the product, checking that both quantitatively and qualitatively meets the requirements required.

Currency power in automatic packaging machine monitoring the continuity of the flow of coins on the conveyor belt.

Checking the quantity, type and weight of the coin bags, welding and labeling them if necessary.

Preparing and starting the bag or cartridge opening machine, making the precise adjustments based on the work to be done, solving the incidents that occur.

Fulfillment of all control forms required for your work.

Help Officers 1. in the tasks assigned to you, repair of breakdowns and replacement of spare parts, as well as maintenance personnel in repairs whenever required. Cleaning all machine elements and their area of action.

Officer 1. 1st team serigrapia-hot stamping machine team.

It is the operator who, with full knowledge of his profession and capacity for coordination, conducts all kinds of serigraphy machines and hot stamping, and must make the necessary preparations and adjustments of all his/her elements, in order to carry out any type of work according to the requirements of finished product. For which you will perform the following functions:

Preparing the position and machines, supplying and preparing raw and auxiliary materials, mounting and adjusting the frame and checking the voltage, alignment and cleaning of the screen, reviewing and checking the emulsion. Assembly and adjustment of dies according to the characteristics of the work. It shall also carry out the thread and splice of the coils. Connection and adjustment of ancillary systems including control and security systems.

Start of the machines, taking responsibility for the spin, solving the incidents that occur during the same and making the necessary adjustments to obtain a correct quality and production.

Connecting the system of artificial vision and framing, making the necessary adjustments.

Extracting the sactor's pliegos by verifying the stamping, in accordance with established guidelines, carrying out marked inspections and checks and completing the control forms and defects required.

The theoretical-practical training of the staff in charge and coordination of the staff of the endowment, assigning and supervising the tasks carried out on the machines in charge and the replacement of any one of them, in case required, during breaks established throughout the day.

Realization of all the reports that are required for your work.

Performing the work and cleaning changes of all the elements of the machines and performance zone; as well as the entertainment thereof, grinding scrapes and performing maintenance, greases and entertainment the grinding machine. Troubleshooting small breakdowns by assisting maintenance personnel in repairs whenever required.

Analysis technician and lab processes.

It is the middle or assimilated in the required specialty that, with full knowledge of their profession, autonomy and responsibility, has as mission the analysis of substances and behavior of materials or products by means of the appropriate techniques, both for the F.N.M.T.-R.C.M. and for external companies. It shall carry out the taking and processing of the samples, assembly and disassembly of instruments in the cases where it is required, preparation of the tests, performance of the samples by appropriate physical, chemical or physico-chemical techniques. interpretation of results, all in accordance with established rules and procedures and using the English language if necessary. It will also carry out the development of new test procedures and monitoring of the quality system. For which you will perform the following functions:

Take and coding representative samples according to established standards, making sample-pattern if necessary. Preparation of measurement equipment, samples, products, solutions, reagents and other materials for use in the analysis.

Selection of the appropriate technique to the product type and requirements of the test, preparation, testing, calibration and adjustment of the equipment taking the necessary measures if necessary.

Establishment of new test procedures or improvement of existing ones, determining the objectives and conditions of the same and detailing the procedure, equipment, method of evaluation, mathematical treatment and mode of expression required to obtain the results in the appropriate manner.

Execution of the test, comparing the results obtained, and studying the deviations that might occur.

Interpretation of graphs, performance of calculations and statistical treatment appropriate to the test, in order to express the results in the form and units required, analyzing the results, and proposing solutions to the problems that are raised.

Calibration of the equipment that is in charge according to the established program, determining the optimal procedure and performing the operations that are required in order to determine the uncertainty of the measurement equipment. Drawing up certificates, managing the system of calibrations and introducing data into the software available to you.

Conducting assessments for external bodies, recompiling the sample if necessary and executing the tests that are required to determine the validity of the test or to detect possible fakes.

Conducting tests to detect the possibilities of handling the products, approval of suppliers and control of the already approved products.

Participation in the monitoring of the quality system and the corresponding audits, as well as in the interlaboratory comparison program, proposing solutions to the deviations that might occur.

Study of raw materials, auxiliaries and products, in order to determine their characteristics and propose possible solutions to the problems posed by their use in the production processes.

Collaboration with other areas of the FNMT-RCM in the development of new testing equipment and techniques.

Custody of test patterns and those samples that require it. Packaging and labelling of products in accordance with current regulations.

Proposal, to your immediate superior, for any improvements you deem appropriate.

Realization of all the reports that are required for your work. Completion and archiving of all documentation.

Elemental maintenance of the assigned equipment, replacement of consumables and spare parts, performing minor repairs and informing your immediate superior of the need to perform major repairs.

Value document store.

It is the subaltern that, with full knowledge of its mission, has as its mission the reception, control and delivery of the remittances of manufactured banknotes, in the strong boxes of the F.N.M.T.-R.C.M. and in the joint safe with the Bank of Spain, as well as the reception, control and delivery of goods or products in the warehouses of your Department, all according to the established norms and following the guidelines marked by the corresponding command or command. For which you will perform the following functions:

Reception, storage, control and delivery of the remittances of tickets that enter the safe of the F.N.M.T. -R.C.M., according to the established norms. Control and distribution of the thousands of replenishment, making the necessary inputs and outputs for quality control.

Reception, control and delivery, in accordance with the established rules, of the remittances of banknotes in the joint safe of the F.N.M.T.-R.C.M. and the Banco de España, seeing how many operations the staff of this organization perform.

Generation, verification, signature, if applicable, and distribution of documentation relating to each consignment. Resolution of incidents that occur and sealed from safes and security cabinets.

Qualitative and quantitative verification of goods, as well as verification, where appropriate, that the standards of concerted quality are met in the external aspect of the goods. Loading, unloading, sorting, placing and transporting manually or using any type of transport-lift machine, observing the safety standards established and reflecting in printed, control or computer terminal books, the data relating to inputs, outputs and stocks, being responsible for its correct storage and control.

Preparation and delivery of goods and products, carrying out their spot, packaging, filling, plasticizing, labeling, flapping and franking using the auxiliary machines required for this purpose.

Inventory realization, by counting and checking stocks with the amounts indicated in the computer terminal or control printed.

Entertainment and resolution of minor breakdowns or replacement of machines or equipment in charge, assisting maintenance personnel in repairs, as long as required.


It is the middle or assimilated in the required specialty that, with full knowledge of its profession, autonomy and responsibility, has entrusted the realization of the necessary works for the preparation of projects, thus as the review of those others presented by other departments of the Factory and external companies, all under the coordination and supervision of their immediate superior, should use the English language if necessary. For which you will perform the following functions:

Project study and development of all types of calculations, measurements and lifting of plans, using standard tables of resistance, power, structures, etc., as well as computer tools translate all the constructive details that serve for the total execution of the project, according to the established norms, and must be able to reframe and direct assemblies and works according to the project, when necessary.

Elaboration and review of projects submitted for and by external companies or other departments of Factory, informing of their feasibility or convenience in accordance with the specifications of technical conditions and proposing, if appropriate, a more favourable alternative. Management of graphical design and data management tools and calculations for the elaboration of all types of projects.

Supervision of the work and training of the outlines of the 1st when they collaborate with him in the development of their functions, guiding them and solving the doubts that they could present to them.

Handling and managing documentation related to your profession.

Making reports, setting the datapool, interpreting the results, and drawing conclusions, where appropriate, proposing any modifications you deem appropriate.


It is the medium in the required specialty that, with full knowledge of its profession, autonomy and responsibility, has as its mission the management of the Library of the F.N.M.T.-R.C.M. It must guard, catalog and order the bibliographic material entrusted to its care, carrying out the acquisitions that come and the control of the loans made, as well as giving advice and information on topics of its competence to the people who request it, being the responsible for the care and custody of the bibliographic heritage of the F.N.M.T.-R.C.M. perform the following functions:

Classification, cataloging, valuation, coding and recording of the bibliographic material of the F.N.M.T. -R.C.M., ordering it in the places established for each matter. Maintaining and updating the database that you have.

Control of the material transferred to the staff of the F.N.M.T. -R.C. M, for its reading or consultation, for which it will complete a record of exit-entry, carrying out the follow-up of the publications not delivered in the period of loan.

Control of publications to be circulated by the Departments, managing the corresponding revisions.

Information on specific topics or publications, making the necessary arrangements or consultations to facilitate the advice required. Dissemination of funds and news from the library.

Request and purchase of new publications, through purchase, exchange or interlibrary loans.

Administrative management of your work, distributing and monitoring the work done by the staff who collaborate with him in his/her duties. Completion of surveys and performance of the reports required for your work.

Mid-level secretary.

It is the administration that with full knowledge of its profession, autonomy and responsibility, has the Secretariat of a Department or Service. You will need to receive, select, register, distribute and fill in the documentation you receive and generate in it, organization of the administrative work, preparation of reports, typing, attention of visits and calls telephone, maintenance of the agenda of your Superior and all the administrative and control tasks entrusted to you, using the Spanish and English languages. For which you will perform the following functions:

Receiving, selecting, recording, distributing and completing all documentation affecting your Department or Service, as well as your file and custody.

Drafting and typing of the documentation entrusted to you by applying the established rules and procedures. Completion and verification of print and/or control documents.

Introduction, obtaining or modifying data using the computer tools available to you. Elaboration, updating, verification and control of files or information generated in computer or documentary support.

Organization and realization of the administrative and control tasks assigned to you. Travel management according to needs. Control of gifts, material, etc. Confection, control and management of order requests, work orders, etc.

Attention to visits and phone calls, scoring or contacting directly with your superior, depending on people or topics to be dealt with, if necessary you will have to accompany those visits to other dependencies. Informs customers based on the products and/or services of their Department. Attention to auditors, providing the necessary information.

Maintenance of your top agenda according to the rules received, for which you will issue daily in order to schedule it as indicated, later communicating the result of your efforts. Preparation and organization of meetings.

Preparing reports, collecting and/or restructuring the documentation and information required. Preparation of all types of documentation for handling files, contracts, certifications, budgets, etc.

Distribution and supervision of the work of the staff who collaborate with him in his duties, guiding them and solving the doubts that may be presented to them.

Acting as secretary at meetings that affect your Department or Service for which you are required, taking notes and drafting the relevant report or report.

Official 1. Administrative with English.

It is the administrative one who, with full knowledge of his profession, autonomy and responsibility, has a certain service in charge. The organisation and control of the administrative work, precise calculations, processing and management, personal or telephone attention, drafting, typing, checking and reporting, correspondence and printed using the Spanish and English languages, in order to carry out the work entrusted in accordance with the controls, established rules or indications of a superior, he shall also act as secretary in the meetings of those committees that affect your Department for which you are required. For which you will perform the following functions:

Organization and control of the work entrusted to, by means of precise calculations, to obtain the established controls of: Production, accounting, purchases, sales, invoicing, payroll, social insurance, stock, etc., always in function of existing legislation, established rules or indications of a superior.

Processing and management of labor, commercial, administrative or any other nature entrusted to it by: personnel of the F.N.M.T. -R.C.M., official agencies and external companies, and must be moved to the If necessary, resolving any incidents that occur.

Implementation of specific administrative procedures related to FNMT: personnel, costs, invoicing, budgets, customers and suppliers, requests for orders, expeditions, training, purchases and sales of material and miscellaneous machinery and services, hiring, etc.; completion of forms in order to carry out the work carried out in accordance with the controls, rules or indications of their superior.

Making reports, setting up the data pool, interpreting the results, and obtaining conclusions, where appropriate, proposing any modifications you deem appropriate.

Writing and typing of the documentation entrusted to you by applying the rules of security and confidentiality established, completed and checking printed or control documents, as well as their registration, organisation, distribution, archiving and custody, while maintaining the established rules of action.

Direct or inverse translation of all types of documentation using the English language.

Personal, telephone or other means to give or obtain information about any matter related to your service, in order to obtain the precise data for your management, solving the incidents that occur. Attention to auditors, providing the necessary information. Organisation of meetings and presentation of presentations.

Introduction, obtaining or modifying data using the computer tools available to you. Elaboration, updating, verification and control of files or information generated in computer or documentary support.

Distribution and supervision of the work of the administrative staff who collaborate with him in his duties, solving the doubts that may be presented to them.

Final Act.

Address Representatives:

Dona Azucena Boat Rodrigo.

Don José Jesús Pereira Fernández (advisor).

Workers ' representatives:

Don Antonio Santiago Morales.

Don Daniel Sierra Quiles (advisor).

In Madrid, on 7 November 2011, the members of the Joint Committee on Valuation are met, drawing up this final act, where the outcome of the job assessment for the second part is collected. 2007 semester, which was submitted to the Provincial Labour Inspectorate.

Reviewed posts by claim of occupants:

Technical Staff.

Regarding the job role of the Microcomputer Operator-Programmer. Information Systems, the arbitrator indicates that changes introduced in the post do not involve variation of functions, so it is not appropriate to value it.