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Resolution Of 27 December 2011, Of The General Directorate Of Labour, Which Is Recorded And Published The Agreement Of Extension Of The Iv General Collective Agreement Of Rebar.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 27 de diciembre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Trabajo, por la que se registra y publica el Acuerdo de prórroga del IV Convenio colectivo general de ferralla.

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Having regard to the text of the extension agreement of the IV Collective General Convention of Ferralla, Convention code number 99012395011999, which was signed dated September 15, 2011, by the National Association of Industries de Ferralla (Anifer) representing the companies in the sector, and the other by the trade unions MCA-UGT, FECOMA-CCOO and FI-CCOO representing the employees of the sector, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 90 (2) and (3) of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, recast text approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1995, March 24, and Royal Decree 713/2010, of May 28, on the registration and deposit of collective agreements and agreements.

This Work General Address resolves:

First. Order the registration of the said extension agreement in the corresponding Register of collective agreements and agreements with operation through electronic means of this Steering Center, with notification to the Negotiating Commission.

Second. Arrange for publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, December 27, 2011. -Director General of Labor, Raul Riesco Roche.


In Madrid, on 15 September 2011, at the headquarters of Anifer, Calle Dulcinea 10B, 28020 Madrid, the following are gathered together with the representations indicated, all of them members of the negotiating commission of the The current general agreement of ferralla, 2009-2011, in order to extend the validity of the said convention, as well as to establish the criteria for the salary increases of the years in which the present agreement is extended.

Business Representation: Anifer.

Don Eloy Alonso Fernandez.

Don Manuel Fernandez Alvarez.

Trade union representation:

Don Juan Carlos Barrero Mancha (MCA-UGT).

Don Pedro Alfaro Aragon (MCA-UGT).

Don José Luis Ruiz García (MCA-UGT).

Don José Manuel Pérez Martínez (FECOMA-CCOO).

Don Raul Montoya Gonzalez.


1. Extend the general agreement of the ferralla 2009-2011 for two years, (2012-2013).

2. Delegate to Don Alvaro Garrido Romero, or person in whom this delegate, to carry out the necessary formalities for the registration, deposit and publication of this agreement.

3. For the year 2012, the salary tables for that year, the agreed increase will be 1.5%, applying a review of 0.5% in case it exceeds the specified 1.5%.

4. For 2013, the agreed increase in salary tables will be 1.5% and the wage revision that will be agreed will be the excess of this percentage with a 3% cap on the final tables of 2012.

5. Pluses: Article 48 of the current convention is worded as follows: " A plus of assistance is established for the work, the monthly amount of which is shown in the salary tables, annexed to this agreement. The daily amount of such plus will be the result of dividing that monthly amount between 21 days. "

6. Article 49 of the current convention is worded as follows: " In compensation for the transport costs which the worker must undertake to attend his or her job, an extra-salary plus the daily amount shall be established on the basis of the result of dividing the monthly amount set into the convention's annexed tables between 21 days ".

7. Article 87 of this Convention is worded as follows: " The second cycle of training in the prevention of occupational risks in the sector is set up by job or by trade. The training contents of this cycle will be carried out in the same modality and duration as those laid down in the fourth general agreement of the construction sector. "

Without more issues to be dealt with and tested in compliance, they are signed by one person for each of the representations.