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Order Eha/3524/2011, Of 13 Of December, On Delegation Of Inspection Of The Tax On Economic Activities.

Original Language Title: Orden EHA/3524/2011, de 13 de diciembre, sobre delegación de la inspección del Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas.

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Article 91 (3) of the Recast Text of the Local Law Regulatory Law, approved by the Royal Legislative Decree of March 5, establishes the possibility of delegating the inspection of the tax on Economic activities, as provided by the Minister of Economy and Finance, in the City Councils, Provincial Deputies, City Councils, Autonomous Communities, and other Local Entities Minor recognized by the Ministry of Finance. Laws, that request it.

Article 18 of Royal Decree 243/1995, of 17 February, for which rules for the management of the Tax on Economic Activities are given and the delegation of powers in matters of censal management of the tax is regulated, provides that applications must be submitted by 1 October of the immediate year preceding the year in which they are to take effect, and that the delegation will take effect by Order of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance published in the Bulletin State officer ' before the start of the calendar year in which the delegation is to become effective.

After the deadline to submit the requests, the received requests should be resolved.

In its virtue, I have:

Article 1. Delegation of the inspection of the Tax on Economic Activities to Aytamentos.

The delegation of the inspection of the Tax on Economic Activities is granted, with the limits and conditions set out in the Order of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, of 10 June 1992, for which the delegation and collaboration in the inspection of the Tax on Economic Activities, and with effect from January 1, 2012, to the following Councils:

-Chiloeches (Guadalajara).

-Forcarei (Pontevedra).

-Grinon (Madrid).

-Isora (Tenerife) Guide.

-La Pobla de Vallbona (Valencia).

-Loeches (Madrid).

Article 2. Delegation of the Economic Activities Tax Inspection to Diputations.

The delegation of the Inspection of the Tax on Economic Activities is granted, with the limits and conditions set out in the Order of 10 June 1992, and with effect from 1 January 2012, the following Deputations:

Gerona Diputación:

For the Ayndalls of:



Ourense Diputación:

For the Ayndalls of:


-Valdeorras Carballeda.





-Viana do Bolo.

-Limia Xinzo.

Diputación de Tarragona.

For City Hall:


Article 3. Delegation of the Economic Activities Tax Inspection to the Autonomous Community.

The delegation of the Economic Activities Tax inspection is granted, subject to the limits and conditions set out in the Order of 10 June 1992, and with effect from 1 January 2012, to the following Community Stand-alone:

Principality of Asturias:

For City Hall:


Article 4. Waiver of the delegation of the Tax Inspection on Economic Activities of the City Council.

It is accepted, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 (a) of the Order of 10 June 1992, and with effect from 1 January 2012, the waiver submitted by the following City Council:

-Valdes (Asturias)

Article 5. Waiver of the delegation of the inspection of the Tax on Economic Activities of Diputations.

It is accepted, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 (a) of the Order of 10 June 1992, and with effect from 1 January 2012, the waiver submitted by the following Diputations:

Valencia Diputación:

For the Ayndalls of:

-Patriarch of the Patriarch




Saragossa Diputación:

For City Hall:

-Ebro Osera

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This Order shall enter into force on 1 January 2012.

This Order may be brought before the National Court for a period of two months from the day following that of its publication.

Madrid, December 13, 2011. -Vice President of the Government of Economic Affairs and Minister of Economy and Finance, Elena Salgado Méndez.