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Order Edu/3498/2011, Of December 16, Amending The Order Eci/3858/2007, Of December 27, By Which Establish The Requirements For The Verification Of Official University Qualifications That Enable For The Exercise Of The P...

Original Language Title: Orden EDU/3498/2011, de 16 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Orden ECI/3858/2007, de 27 de diciembre, por la que se establecen los requisitos para la verificación de los títulos universitarios oficiales que habiliten para el ejercicio de las p...

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Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, in Articles 94, 95 and 97, establishes the professions of Professor of Secondary Education Obligatory and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Teaching of Languages as Professions regulated, the exercise of which requires to be in possession of an official Master's degree which it enables for the exercise of the teaching function and which complies with the conditions laid down in the Council of Ministers Agreement of 14 December 2007, published in the Official Gazette of the State of 21 December 2007.

Pursuant to the fourth paragraph of the said Agreement, it is for the Ministry of Education to establish the requirements for the objectives of the title and the planning of the teachings.

With this object, the Order ECI/3858/2007 of 27 December, establishing the requirements for the verification of the official university degrees that they enable for the exercise of the professions of Professor, was published Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teachings.

The experience and information obtained over the period of validity of that order advise to introduce some modifications in the same respect to the specialty of "Educational Orientation", given its peculiarity and the The fact that teachers in this field also perform other specific functions of guidance, other than direct teaching with the students.

On the other hand, dated July 3, 2010, the Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July 2010 was published, amending Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October establishing the ordination of university teaching officers. It is therefore necessary to make the necessary amendments to the order in order to bring it into line with the new rules.

The School Board of the State, the Council of Universities and the Education Conference have been issued by the State School Board.

By virtue of the above, I have:

Article 1. Amendment of the first provision of Order ECI/3858/2007 of 27 December 2007 laying down the requirements for the verification of official university degrees enabling the exercise of the professions of Professor of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teachings.

The first provision of Order ECI/3858/2007 is amended, being worded as follows:

" First. Requirements of the curricula leading to the obtaining of the Master's degrees which they enable for the exercise of the professions of Professor of Secondary Education, compulsory and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Teaching of Languages.

The plans of studies leading to the acquisition of the Master's degrees which they enable for the exercise of the professions of Professor of Secondary Education Obligatory and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Teachings of Languages, they must also comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, establishing the ordination of official university teaching and Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July, amending the Royal Decree Decree 1393/2007, the requirements regarding the Memory for the application for verification of titles officers, as listed in the Annex to this Order. "

Article 2. Amendment to the Annex to Order ECI/3858/2007, dated December 27.

One. The title of the Annex is amended as follows:

" Development of certain paragraphs of Annex I to Royal Decree 1393/2007, as amended by Article 21 of Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July 2010, as requirements to be verified by official titles enabling the exercise of the professions of Professor of Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teachings. "

Two. The following text is added after the title:

"The following paragraphs are developed in Annex I to Royal Decree 1393/2007, as amended by Article 21 of Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July 2010:"

Three. The text ' Paragraph 3 is replaced. Objectives "by the text" Paragraph 3. Competencies "

Four. The following shall

added after point 11 of paragraph 3:

" In the case of the Education Orientation specialty, the training received will also allow:

12. To know the psycho-pedagogical characteristics of the students in order to evaluate them and to issue the required reports.

13. Learn about the diversity of care measures that can be taken to provide the necessary advice in each case.

14. To analyze the organization and functioning of the center to coordinate the orientation, staff, academic and professional of the students in collaboration with the members of the school community.

15. Develop the skills and techniques needed to adequately advise families on the development and learning process of their children.

16. Identify the public services and community entities with which the center can collaborate and promote and plan, in collaboration with the management team, the necessary actions for better attention of the students. "

Five. After the table containing the curriculum, the following text is added:

" To the 'Education Orientation' craft, a specific curriculum will be up to you to include at least the following modules:



N. of ECTS

Skills to be acquired


Development, learning

and education.


Identify and assess the factors and processes that affect students ' learning ability and their school performance. Analyze, elaborate and review proposals for materials, situations and educational contexts based on the knowledge of these factors and processes and current learning and instruction theories

Processes and Educational Contexts.

Knowing the evolution of different guidance and advisory systems psychopedagogical. To analyze the relationships between the different educational contexts of the students and to design guidance and intervention strategies aimed at promoting their articulation and complementarity. Analyze the characteristics, organization and functioning of educational centers and assess the functionality of the processes and organs of management, participation and pedagogical and didactic coordination. To know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom. Know how to design the different planning documents of the Centre and to participate in the definition of the educational project, in the curricular development processes and in the general activities of the centre, taking into account criteria for improving the quality of the education, attention to diversity, prevention of learning and coexistence problems, and promotion of school success

Society, family

and education.

The scopes

of educational guidance and psychopedagogical counselling.


Knowing the curricular development processes and the elaboration of institutional plans to participate with the management teams and coordination bodies in their design and application. Coordinate the elaboration of the Tutorial Action Plan at the different levels of the educational system (Child, Primary, Secondary, FP and Baccalaureate) and, where appropriate, the Plan of Academic and Professional Orientation. To advise and collaborate with the faculty in the review and improvement of the teaching and learning processes and evaluation, and to put them into practice in case of imparting some subject matter of the curriculum. To advise and collaborate with the teachers and, in particular, with the tutors, in the accompaniment of the students in their processes of development, learning and decision-making. To guide students in their personal knowledge, in the progressive definition and adjustment of a life project, and in the adoption of academic and professional decisions, so that all this facilitates their employment insertion. To know, select, design and implement strategies and plans for information and career guidance for the transition to the labour market and employability. Apply mediation techniques for conflict management in order to improve the climate of coexistence in the Centers

The processes

of the orientation educational and psychopedagogical counseling.

Knowing and analyzing the characteristics, organization, and operation of guidance services educational and psychological counselling that operate at the different levels of the education system (Child, Primary, ESO, FP and Baccalaureate). Identify demands, establish objectives and participate in the design of intervention plans in accordance with the results of the institutional analysis of educational institutions and related systems. Collaborate in the establishment of collaborative work structures with teachers and other members of the school community, as well as with other professionals involved in educational institutions. Coordinate actions in the area or sector with all educational agents and other services, with particular attention to social, health and work services for coordinated intervention. To know and assess the techniques of psycho-pedagogical diagnosis. Evaluate the interventions made and derive changes to improve them. Know how to implement preventive programmes of socio-community scope. Know and use some basic digital tools for their usefulness in guiding and mentoring tasks and in developing the orientation of the counselor


and attention to diversity.

critically analyze the conceptual and ideological approaches to inclusion and social and educational exclusion. Identify barriers and facilitators of inclusive education in both the school and the rest of the contexts that influence the development and education of students. Design and launch, in collaboration with the school community, measures of attention to diversity that guarantee the presence, participation and learning of all students. Carry out psychopedagogical evaluations and, where appropriate, prepare diagnostic reports and school opinions for students with specific support needs. Identify specific educational support needs associated with disability, developmental disorders, learning difficulties, high capacity and socio-cultural factors. To design and implement, using the resources of the guidance system, support interventions for all the students that require it in the framework of the Plan of Attention to Diversity. Identify and plan the resolution of educational situations that affect students with different abilities and different learning rhythms

education innovation

and change management.

Identify and formulate problems This is a key issue in the field of research and development. Participate and collaborate in research and innovation projects aimed at the analysis and improvement of educational practices. Support the work of teachers ' team through collaborative work strategies and techniques and analysis of the teaching practice to enhance the work of teachers, especially based on ICT. Support the continuing training of teachers by providing conceptual and methodological tools for collective and critical reflection on their own practice. To promote and participate in the design of teacher training plans. Advise on the processes of quality assessment and the development of improvement plans. Know relevant and current research and innovations in the field of guidance and identify appropriate forums to disseminate the results of the same.

Practicum and Work

end of Master

Professional practices

on sector teams

or on instances


and psychopedagogical advice

in school centers

that impart any

of the teachings regulated in the LOE.


Acquire experience in the exercise of educational guidance and psycho-pedagogical counselling by crediting a good command of both written and oral expression professional skills required for this exercise. To analyze the school reality in which practices are carried out using the theoretical frameworks studied in the Master's degree. To plan, develop or evaluate an intervention plan in the field of educational guidance and psychopedagogical counselling. Identify possible areas for improvement of the intervention by arguing the theoretical foundations of the proposal and how it would be evaluated. Review their own experience and knowledge from the point of view of competencies acquired or developed during the practice of practicing practice.

Reflect these competencies, together with the acquired and developed in the rest of the subjects, in the Work end of Master's that compended the acquired training.

Single additional disposition. Recognition of Master's degrees corresponding to the specialty Educational Guidance.

Official Master's degrees corresponding to the specialty educational orientation, which accredit, by means of the corresponding verification process, the acquisition of the competencies listed in the annex of this order, shall be recognised as equivalent to the Master's degree which he enables for the pursuit of the profession of Professor of Secondary Education compulsory and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teachings in the field of guidance In accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1834/2008 of 8 November 2009, the the specialties of secondary teaching bodies are established. The assessment body established by the regulations of the relevant Autonomous Community shall regulate the verification process by establishing the conditions and the procedure for the verification process.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This order is of a basic standard and is dictated by the provisions of Article 149.1.18. and the third and third that attribute exclusive competence to the State to lay the foundations of the legal system of administrations. public and the statuesque system of officials and to regulate the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving academic and professional titles and laying down basic rules for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Entry into force

This order will take effect the day following your publication in the "Official State Bulletin".

Madrid, December 16, 2011. -Minister of Education, Angel Gabilondo Pujol.