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Resolution Of 5 December 2011, Of The Presidency Of The Superior Council Of Sports, Which Is Publishing The Statutes Of The Spanish Federation Of Badminton.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 5 de diciembre de 2011, de la Presidencia del Consejo Superior de Deportes, por la que se publican los Estatutos de la Federación Española de Bádminton.

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In exercise of the powers conferred by Article 10.2.b) of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, the Board of Directors of the High Council of Sport, at its meeting of 27 July 2011, has approved definitely the modification of the Statutes of the Spanish Federation of Badminton, authorizing their registration in the Register of sports associations.

In compliance with the provisions of article 31.7 of the Law of Sport and article 12.3 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations and the Register of Sports Associations, this Secretariat Status agrees:

Arrange for the publication of the Statutes of the Spanish Badminton Federation, contained in the Annex to this Resolution.

Madrid, 5 December 2011.-The President of the Superior Council of Sports, P.S. (Royal Decree 2195/2004, of 25 November), the Director General of Sports Infrastructures, Alfonso Luengo Álvarez-Santullano.


Statutes of the Spanish Badminton Federation


General provisions

Article 1. º

1.1 The Spanish Federation of Badminton, hereinafter FESBA, constituted on 29 December 1983, is a private associative entity of public utility, governed by Law 10/1990, of 15 October, of the sport; by the Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December, on Spanish sports federations, by the provisions in force of Spanish sports legislation, by these Statutes, their General Regulations and other rules of internal character that dictate in the exercise of their powers.

1.2 The FESBA has its own legal personality, full capacity to act for the fulfillment of its purposes, jurisdiction in the matters of its competence, possessing its own patrimony and lacking the spirit of profit.

1.3 The FESBA is affiliated with the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Badminton Europe (BE), whose Statutes it accepts and is obliged to comply within the Spanish legal order. It is also integrated in the International Olympic Committee (C.O.I.) and the Spanish Olympic Committee (C.O.E.).

1.4 The FESBA does not accept any discrimination, either by her or her members, by reason of birth, race, sex, opinion or any other personal or social conditions or circumstances.

1.5 The FESBA is based in Madrid, and its registered office on the Philippine Avenue, 26,


Article 2. º

2.1 The FESBA is made up of the regional badminton federations, as provided for in Article 9 of these Statutes, by clubs, athletes, referees and coaches.

2.2 Forman also departs from the federative organization, the managers and the legal or natural persons, promote, practice or contribute to the development of the sport of badminton.

Item 3.

3.1 The scope of the performance of FESBA in the development of its competences extends to the whole of the territory of the Spanish State.

3.2 The FESBA, has officially recognized a single specialty, badminton, whose practice is developed through a team test and five individual character tests (male and female individual, male doubles and women, and mixed doubles). The team test can be developed through the grouping of the different individual character tests in number and variable composition.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, FESBA will promote the sporting practice of any other specialty or test that has direct relation to the game of badminton, some of them of great recognition and expansion, such as the Beach, mini badminton, and other recreational activities, which could be officially recognised if the General Assembly so deems it appropriate, subject to prior authorisation, as appropriate, by the competent body.

Article 4. º

It is for the FESBA, as its own activity, the government, administration, regulation, organization and management of the sport of Badminton.

Consequently, it is proper to it:

a) To represent within the national territory the representation of the International and European Federations of badminton.

b) To provide the Spanish representation in the activities and competitions of international character held inside and outside the territory of the State, thus designating the athletes who must integrate any of the national teams.

c) Formar, holder, qualify the referees and coaches in the field of their competencies.

d) Vellar for compliance with the provisions governing.

e) Promote and organize sports activities aimed at the public.

f) Contreating the personnel necessary for the fulfillment of their purposes and the provision of their services.

g) In general, how many activities do not object, decrease, or destroy the social object for which it was constituted.

Article 5.

5.1 In addition to those referred to in the previous article as its own activities, FESBA exercises under the supervision and supervision of the Superior Council of Sports, the following administrative functions of an administrative nature:

(a) Qualify and organise, where appropriate, official activities and competitions at the State level.

For these purposes, the organisation of such competitions is understood as referring to the regulation of the general framework of these competitions, as set out in the relevant federal rules.

b) Act in coordination with the Autonomous Federations in the promotion of their sports modality throughout the national territory.

c) Design, develop and execute, in collaboration with the regional federations, the plans for the preparation of the high level athletes, as well as the designation of them.

d) Collaborate with the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the training of sports technicians.

e) Collaborate with the State Administration and the Autonomous Communities in the prevention, control and repression of the use of substances, prohibited pharmacological groups and non-regulatory methods in sport.

f) Organize or protect official international competitions held in the territory of the State.

g) Exercise sports disciplinary power, in the terms established in the Law of Sport, its provisions for development, the present Statutes and the General Regulation.

h) Exercise the control of grants to be assigned to the associated sports entities under the conditions set by the High Council for Sport.

i) To execute, as appropriate, the resolutions of the Spanish Sports Discipline Committee.

5.2 The FESBA, in respect of its associates, will perform the functions of guardianship, control and supervision that the sports legal system recognizes.

5.3 The acts performed by FESBA in the exercise of public functions of an administrative nature are subject to appeal to the Superior Council of Sports, whose resolutions deplete the administrative route.

Article 6.

6.1 The territorial organization of FESBA will be adjusted to that of the State in autonomous communities.

By virtue of such an organization, it will be made up of the autonomous regional federations in it.

6.2 How much the above paragraph determines is without prejudice to the provisions of the transitional provisions of these Statutes.

6.3 Where in an autonomous community there is no territorial federation of badminton or has not been integrated into the structure of the FESBA, it may be established in that Community, in coordination with the sports administration of the a territorial delegation, respecting in any case the autonomy of the State.

The representatives of these territorial delegations shall be elected in that Community according to democratic and representative criteria, provided that the sporting structure so permits, otherwise it shall be designated by the President of FESBA.


From Territorial Federations

Item 7.

7.1 The territorial federations are governed by the specific legislation of the autonomous community to which it belongs, by the general Spanish legislation, by its Statutes and Regulations, as well as by its own provisions of internal order.

7.2 In any case, the FESBA must be expressly recognized both the powers that are its own and the public administrative powers that correspond to it, in both cases, according to those established by the Law of the Sport, the Royal Decree on Spanish Sports Federations, these Statutes and their General Regulations.

Article 8. º

The federations of a regional level that have legal personality by way of provision or recognition of the rules of their respective autonomous communities, will adjust their statutory norms to these Statutes and they must comply with the regulations of the FESBA on the official competitions organised or tutored by it or which it delegates to them for in excess of their territorial scope, as well as in disciplinary matters as provided for in these Statutes.

The submission of the rules of the autonomous federations to those of the FESBA, will only be to those dictated in the field of their competences and according to the conditions of integration.

Article 9. º

9.1 Autonomous federations must be integrated into FESBA so that their members can participate in official activities and competitions at the state or international level.

9.2 The system of integration will consist of the formalization by each of the interested parties, of an agreement in this sense, adopted by the organ that, according to its Statutes, corresponds, that will be raised to the FESBA, with declaration (a) to ensure that they are subject to the conditions laid down in Article 3 (1) of the Directive, in particular to the extent to which they are subject to the conditions laid down in Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 12015

9.3 The integration produced will apply the following rules:

(a) The autonomic federations shall retain their legal personality, their own and differentiated assets, their budget and their particular legal status.

b) The presidents of the regional federations will be part of the General Assembly of the FESBA, showing the representation of those. In any case, only one representative shall exist for each of them.

c) The sporting disciplinary regime, in the case of official activities and competitions at the State level, will in any event be that provided for in the Law of Sport, in the Royal Decree approving the Sports discipline, in the present Statutes and in the General Regulation, regardless of the content of the provisions in force in the respective autonomous areas.

d) The autonomic federations, integrated in the FESBA, will hold the representation of this in their respective autonomous community.

9.4 There may be no territorial delegation of FESBA in the field of a self-governing federation when it is integrated into that federation.

Article 10. º

10.1 The autonomous federations integrated into FESBA will be able to provide, at the request of the FESBA, the necessary information so that it can know the programming and development of its sports activities, as well as its budget, always which is authorised by the competent collegiate body of each of them.

They will also move their statutory and regulatory norms, as well as the composition of their governing bodies, to FESBA.

Item 11.

11.1 The autonomous federations integrated into the FESBA will have to satisfy the quotas which, if necessary, establish the same for participation in competitions at the state level; and also those that could correspond to the the affiliation of entities and issue of licences.

11.2 Without prejudice to the independence and autonomy of the economic management of the autonomic federations, FESBA controls the grants received from or through it, and also those which they may correspond to the affiliation of entities and issue of licences in the same field.

Article 12. º

12.1 The FESBA, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 7 to 11 of these Statutes, recognises the following functions to the autonomic federations:

a) Represent the authority of FESBA in its territorial scope.

b) Promote, order and direct the Badminton, within its territorial scope, by exercising its own powers and those expressly delegated by FESBA.

c) Control, direct and develop the competitions within its autonomic scope.

d) Constitute the top immediate sports authority for its affiliated clubs and members.

12.2 The federations of regional autonomy, when they establish with the governing bodies of their autonomous communities agreements or agreements that affect matters of the competence of the FESBA, will specify the prior and express authorization from this.


Of the clubs

Item 13.

13.1 Sports clubs are the private associations consisting of natural or legal persons, which aim to promote one or more sporting modalities, the practice of the same, as well as the participation in sports activities and competitions.

13.2 All clubs must register in the corresponding Register of sports associations. The recognition for sporting effects of a club will be credited by the certification of this registration.

13.3 To participate in official competitions, sports clubs must register in advance in the respective federation. This registration must be carried out through the autonomous federations, when they are integrated into the FESBA.


Of the sportsmen

Article 14. º

14.1 For sportspersons to be able to participate in official state-wide activities or competitions, they must be in possession of a license, issued by FESBA, according to the following minimum requirements:

(a) Uniformity of economic conditions in each of the categories whose amount shall be fixed by the General Assembly.

b) Uniformity of content and data expressed according to different sports categories.

(c) The FESBA shall issue the licences after the application, after verification of compliance with the requirements laid down for such issue in its Statutes and Regulations.

14.2 The licences issued by the regional federations will enable such participation when they are integrated into the FESBA, are issued within the minimum economic conditions to be fixed by the that issue and communicate such an issue to the same.

For these purposes, the rating will take place once the federation of regional autonomy pays the FESBA the corresponding economic quota within the deadlines that it regulates.

The licences issued by the regional federations which, as provided for in the preceding paragraphs, enable participation in activities or competitions at the State level, shall record the data at least in the Spanish language, official of the State.

These licenses will reflect three economic concepts, namely:

(a) Mandatory sports insurance as referred to in Article 59.2 of the Law of Sport.

b) A quota for FESBA.

c) The quota for the autonomic scope federation.

The quotas corresponding to FESBA will be of equal economic value for each category, and will be fixed by your General Assembly.

14.3 The sports licenses referred to in the preceding paragraphs must always be processed through the autonomous regional federations integrated in the FESBA, or their delegations if they do not exist. They may be processed through an affiliated club or individually.

14.4 The licences of badminton school sportspersons issued by the various autonomous communities, will only enable them to participate in activities or competitions of a school nature, be it their regional or State, with the need for a federal license for participation in other activities or competitions at the territorial or state level.


Of FESBA organs


General provisions

Item 15.

They are FESBA organs:

A) Governance and representation:

1. The General Assembly and its delegated Commission.

2. The President.

B) Complementary and control:

1. The Board of Directors.

2. The Directorate-General and the General Secretariat.

3. The Audit and Control Committee.

C) Technicians:

1. The Sports Directorate.

2. The Event Address.

3. The National Committee of Referees.

4. The Area of training of technicians, coaches and referees.

D) Consultants:

1. The Board of Presidents of territorial federations.

2. The Legal Counsel

E) Federative justice and control:

1. The sports discipline judge.

2. The Anti-Doping Commission.

Item 16.

Are requirements to be a member of the FESBA organs:

1. Have a civil age majority.

2. Not being incapacitated to hold public office.

3. Have full capacity to work.

4. Not be subject to sports disciplinary sanction that you disable for it.

5. Not to be in the way of legal or statutory incompatibilities.

6. The specific ones that, for each case, if any, determine the present Statutes.

7. To be a member of the FESBA, by any of its estates.

Item 17.

17.1 All members of the federative collegiate bodies who are part of them by choice, shall have their term of office of four years, coinciding with the Olympic period in question and may, in any event, be reelected, except as provided for in Article 35.5 of these Statutes.

17.2 In the event that, in any event, they do not consume their term of office, those who fill the vacancies shall exercise the position for a time equal to that which is subtracted from the replacement of the replacement, which may not be presented to a new election until the Olympic period for which they were elected takes place.

Article 18. º

18.1 The sessions of the collegial organs of the FESBA will always be convened by its President, or at the request of the President, by the Secretary General; and they will take place when he so agrees and, of course, in the times which, where appropriate, determine the statutory or regulatory provisions.

18.2 The call of the collegiate bodies of the FESBA will be carried out within the terms that in each specific case provide for the present Statutes; in the absence of such foresight or in assumptions of special urgency, the call shall be made at least 40 and eight hours in advance.

18.3 The collegiate bodies of FESBA shall be validly constituted, on first call, when the absolute majority of their members is present, in the second, at least one third of them, and in third with whatever number of the present, which, in any case, should never be less than three.

This will be without prejudice to those specific assumptions in which these Statutes require a quorum of higher attendance.

18.4 Corresponding to the President to direct discussions with the authority of his office.

18.5 The agreements will be adopted by a simple majority of the assistants, except in the specific cases in which the present Statutes require a more qualified majority.

18.6 Of all sessions, the Secretary of the relevant organ shall take up the minutes.

18.7 The votes against the agreements of the collegiate bodies or the reasoned abstentions will exempt their holders from the responsibilities that may arise from their adoption.

Article 19. º

19.1 The rights of members of the collegiate bodies of the FESBA:

(a) Take part in the deliberations, freely expressing their views on how many issues are being dealt with or discussed in the sessions of their respective body and exercising their right to vote, stating, in their case, if they wish, the particular reason they issue.

b) To intervene in the federal tasks of the office or function that they perform, cooperating in the management of the organ to which they belong, if any.

c) Know the content of the minutes of the organ sessions they are a part of.

(d) Others to be established regulatively.

19.2 Are your basic obligations:

a) Concurrir, when formally cited for it, to meetings, unless they are prevented from reasons of force majeure.

b) To perform, to the extent of their possibilities, the tasks entrusted to them.

c) Collaborate loyally in the federal management by keeping the secret of the deliberations when it is needed.

Item 20.

20.1 Members of the Board of Directors and the Delegate Committee have a duty to act with loyalty to the Federation of which they are a party, under the following obligations:

a) Keep in secret how much data or information you receive in the performance of your office, not being able to use it for your own benefit, or to provide them to third parties.

b) Refrain from intervening in deliberations and votes on any matter in which they may have a particular interest.

c) Do not misuse the federal assets or use their position to obtain property benefits.

d) Do not take advantage of the business opportunities that you know in your condition as a member of the board and/or delegated commission.

e) Active participation in Board meetings-in your case-and in the tasks assigned to you.

(f) Opposition to agreements contrary to the Law, the Statute or the Federal Interest.

(g) In the interests of the proper participation of the various estates forming the Federations, the Board and/or the delegated commission, it shall mandatorily refer to the members of the assembly, at least one week before its conclusion, full photocopy of the audit opinion, annual accounts, memory and letter of recommendations. It shall also be available to its members within the same period of one week before, the corresponding accounting notes supporting such transactions and in any case whenever required by the regulatory conduit set.

20.2 With the independence of the criminal, civil and administrative responsibilities that generally enshrine the Spanish law, the members of the different organs of the FESBA are responsible, specifically, for the acts, resolutions or agreements adopted by that party, with the exception laid down in Article 18.7 of this order.

20.3 They are also, in the terms provided for in the general sports legislation, in these Statutes and in the Rules of Procedure, for non-compliance with the agreements of any of the federal bodies, general rules or Commission of the faults provided for in the federal disciplinary system.

Article 21. º

21.1 Members of FESBA organs will cease for the following reasons:

a) Expiration of the command period.

b) Emotion, in the cases where applicable, as no elective office.

c) Dimission.

d) Incapacity to prevent the performance of your office.

e) Incur any of the causes of incompatibility referred to in Article 16 of these Statutes.

f) Incompatibility, over-coming, of those established legally or statutorily.

21.2 Dealing with the President of FESBA will also be the motion of censure that must meet the following requirements:

(a) To be formulated by at least one third of the full members of the General Assembly, individually formalized by each of the proposers by means of original reasoned and signed writing, to which the copy shall be accompanied of the national identity document.

b) That it be constructive, for which a candidate should be proposed to the presidency of the FESBA, which, if the motion is successful, will occupy the position of President for the time that it will subtract him for fulfilling the replaced one.

c) To be approved by the absolute majority of the attendees, without, in any case, the vote by mail is admitted.

Once the motion of censure has been tabled, the session of the General Assembly to discuss it must be convened immediately and held within a period of no more than twenty days from the filing of the motion. This session will be extraordinary and the only item on the agenda will be the debate on the proposed censure motion.


Of the governing and representation bodies

Section 1 of the General Assembly

Item 22.

22.1 The General Assembly is the highest governing body and representation of FESBA.

22.2 It consists of a maximum number of 80 members, distributed as follows:

(a) The presidents of the autonomous regional federations integrated into the FESBA.

(b) Representatives of sports clubs, sportspersons, technicians and arbitrators in the proportion to the FESBA electoral regulation.

22.3 You will be able to attend the sessions of the General Assembly of FESBA, with a voice but without a vote, the outgoing President of the last term, as well as the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of honor.

22.4 The General Assembly will be able to meet in plenary or delegated commission.

Article 23. º

23.1 May be representatives of the sports club establishment in the General Assembly those who have participated in official activities or competitions of a state nature, as contemplated in the electoral regulation of FESBA.

23.2 The quality of the member of the General Assembly for the sports club will correspond to those who are elected, and their representation corresponds to the club itself as a legal person. For these purposes, the representative of the club shall be the president of the club, or the person whom the company officially designates.

Item 24.

24.1 They may be representatives of the athletes ' establishment in the General Assembly those who have participated in official activities or competitions of a state nature, as contemplated in the electoral regulation of the FESBA.

24.2 The quality of members of the General Assembly for the athletes ' standard will be for those who are elected and their representation corresponds to the athlete himself in his capacity as a natural person.

Item 25.

25.1 May be representatives of the assembly of arbitrators in the General Assembly who have acted as such in official state competitions as contemplated by the FESBA Electoral Regulation.

25.2 The quality of the member of the General Assembly for the assembly of arbitrators shall correspond to those who are elected, and their representation corresponds to the arbitrator himself in his capacity as a natural person.

Item 26.

26.1 They may be representatives of the technical staff in the General Assembly those who have acted as such, personally or through their athletes or clubs, in official activities or competitions State, as contemplated by the FESBA Electoral Regulation.

26.2 The quality of the member of the General Assembly by the technical staff will correspond to those who are elected, and their representation corresponds to the technical one as a natural person.

Item 27.

The vacancies that will eventually occur in the General Assembly will be covered, in each case, as contemplated by the FESBA Electoral Regulations.

Item 28.

28.1 The general requirements to be electors and eligible in the Ears that make up the General Assembly, will be the ones contemplated, in each case, in the electoral regulation of the FESBA.

28.2 For the purpose of regulating the regulations and requirements of Articles 23, 24, 25 and 26 of these Statutes, the FESBA Electoral Regulation shall define official state activities and competitions.

Item 29.

The election of representatives in the General Assembly of sports clubs, athletes, technicians and arbitrators shall be made by and among the members of the Assembly meeting the requirements of the General Assembly. FESBA Electoral Regulations and through the constituencies that, for each case, set this legislation.

Article 30. º

30.1 Corresponds to the General Assembly at a plenary meeting and with a necessary character:

a) The approval of the annual budget and its liquidation.

b) The approval of the sports memory.

c) Approval of the sports calendar.

d) The approval and modification of the Statutes.

e) The election and cessation of the President.

f) The choice, in the form determined by Article 32 of the present Statutes, of its Delegate Committee and its eventual renewal.

g) Approval of membership and processing fees for each season.

30.2 It is also up to you:

(a) The authorization, by absolute majority of the present, of the lien or disposal of the real estate of the FESBA.

b) The authorization, by absolute majority of the present, of the application or contracting of loans.

c) The approval, by an absolute majority of the present, of the remuneration of the office of President of the FESBA, as well as the determination of the economic amount to be collected, which will always be in charge of the resources of the FESBA.

d) The regulation and modification of official competitions.

e) The resolution of the proposals submitted to it by the Board of Directors or the assembly members themselves in a number not less than 20 per 100 of all of them.

f) The other powers that are contained in this order or that are governed by it.

30.3 They may be dealt with in the General Assembly, when there are reasons of special urgency, matters or proposals presented by the President or the Board of Directors up to forty-eight hours before the date of the session, provided that The absolute majority of the assistants is provided.

Item 31.

31.1 The General Assembly shall meet, in plenary session, once a year.

31.2 The other meetings shall be extraordinary and shall be held at the request of the President, by agreement of the delegated Commission adopted by a majority, or the request of at least 20 per 100 of the members of the General Assembly.

31.3 The General Assembly shall be convened by the President of the FESBA and shall be held at least 20 days in advance, except for the assumptions provided for in Article 18 of this order.

The notice must be attached to the order of the day, as well as the documentation concerning the matters to be dealt with, although the latter may be sent within ten days before the date of its conclusion, the urgency scenarios provided for in point 3 of the previous article of this order.

Section 2 of the Delegation of the General Assembly

Article 32. º

32.1 The Delegate Committee of the General Assembly is composed of nine members in proportional representation of the different Estamentos that make up the highest collegiate body of the FESBA.

32.2 One-third of the members will be responsible for the presidents of the regional federations, and their representatives will be elected by and among the members of that establishment in the General Assembly.

32.3 One-third of the members will be responsible for the sports club, and their representatives will be elected by and among the members of that establishment in the General Assembly.

32.4 The remaining third shall correspond to the Easts of sportsmen, technicians and arbitrators, and their representatives shall be elected by and among the members of these Wages in the General Assembly, as provided for in the Rules of Procedure. Election of the FESBA.

Item 33.

33.1 Corresponds to the General Assembly's Delegate Committee:

a) The modification of the sports calendar.

b) Modifying budgets.

c) Approval and modification of Regulations and Regulations.

33.2 Any modifications referred to in the previous paragraph may not exceed the limits and criteria established by the General Assembly, and the proposal on the same shall be for the President of the General Assembly. the FESBA or the Delegated Commission, where the latter is approved by a two-thirds majority of its members.

33.3 Compete also to the Delegate Commission:

a) The elaboration of a report prior to the approval of the budgets.

b) The monitoring of the sports and economic management of the FESBA, through the control of the preparation of the annual report on the memory of activities and the liquidation of the budget to be presented to the Assembly General.

(c) Establish the Electoral Regulation of territorial federations without legal personality, which shall, as far as possible, be adjusted to the rules of the Autonomous Communities and to the criteria governing the same issue in their own FESBA.

Article 34. º

34.1 The Delegate Committee shall meet at least once every four months on a proposal from the President, and its mandate shall coincide with that of the General Assembly.

34.2 Your call will, in any case, correspond to the President himself and must be made at a time of seven days, except in the case provided for in Article 18 of these Statutes.

Section 3 Of The President

Item 35.

35.1 The President of FESBA is the executive body of the FESBA and holds its legal representation.

35.2 Call and preside over the General Assembly, its Delegate Commission, the Board of Directors and the Committee of Presidents of Territorial Federations, implementing the agreements of all these bodies.

You also have the right to attend as many sessions are held by any federal organs and commissions.

35.3 They correspond, in general, and in addition to those that determine these Statutes and the Rules of Procedure, the functions not specifically entrusted to the General Assembly, its Delegate Committee, the Board of Directors and other bodies FESBA collegiates.

35.4 It will be chosen every four years, coinciding with the one held in the Summer Olympic Games, by free, direct, equal and secret suffrage, by the members of the General Assembly. Candidates, who will not be required to be a member of that body, must be submitted by at least 15 per 100 of those, and their choice will be made by the double-lap system, in the event of a first no candidate reaches the absolute majority of the votes cast.

Your choice will not be valid for your vote by mail.

35.5 While carrying out his or her term of office, the President shall not be able to hold any office in another federal body, except as provided for in the statutes, in any entity, association or club subject to federal or federation discipline. Spanish sports other than that of badminton, and it will be incompatible with the activity as arbiter or coach, continuing in possession of the license, if it has, that it will remain in suspense until it stops holding the presidency of the FESBA.

35.6 Will preside over the General Assembly, its Delegate Commission, the Board of Directors and the Committee of Presidents of Territorial Federations with the authority that is proper to its position, corresponding to the direction of the debates, with a vote of quality in case of a tie.

35.7 In cases of absence, disease or any other cause that temporarily prevents them from carrying out their duties, the President shall be replaced by the Vice-Presidents, in his order, failing them by the treasurer, and in the last instance by the senior member of the Board of Directors.

35.8 In the case provided for in Article 21.1. (a) of these Statutes, the Board of Directors shall convene elections to the governing bodies and representation of the FESBA constituting the Gestora Commission, as provided for in the Electoral Regulation, which after its approval by the Commission Delegated together with the corresponding timetable, it must be ratified by the Board of Directors of the Higher Sports Council.

If the President ceases for any other cause, the Board of Directors constituted in the Management Committee shall proceed in an identical manner, within a maximum period of twenty days, the process of choosing who has to replace the President, who shall be elected once he has been elected for a time equal to that of the President, being in addition to the application of the rule provided for in Article 17.2 of this order.


Of the complementary organs and control

Section 1 of the Board of Directors

Item 36.

36.1 The Board of Directors is the complementary collegiate body of government and representation, which assists the President, and who is responsible for the management of FESBA.

36.2 It shall be composed of the number of members to be determined by its President, all designated by the President, who shall also be responsible for their removal.

36.3 The Board of Directors shall, in any event, have a Deputy President, whose appointment shall be in person who has the status of a member of the General Assembly and the holder of the office shall replace the President in case of absence, disease and other analogues.

36.4 The President may appoint a Treasurer who will collaborate in the economic management of FESBA.

36.5 They are the competence of the Board of Directors:

a) Control the development and good end of official competitions.

b) Designate, on a proposal from the President, the national selectmen as well as the technical team.

c) Grant honors and rewards.

d) Determine the places of celebration of official activities and competitions.

e) Oversee in general the economic, administrative and technical performances of the FESBA, collaborating according to the instructions of the President in the specific subjects and subjects that it designates for each one of the members.

(f) Publish, by circular, the provisions dictated by the Board of Directors and the agreements it adopts in the exercise of its powers.

36.6 The members of the Board of Directors shall cooperate equally in the management which they are responsible for, and shall respond to it before the President himself, and in the terms provided for in Article 20. º of these Statutes.

36.7 Members of the Board of Directors will not be able to perform any duties in another Spanish sports federation.

36.8 The members of the Board of Directors who are not, at the time of the General Assembly, shall have the right to attend the sessions of the General Assembly, with a voice but without a vote.

36.9 The Board of Directors shall meet at least once every three months, or at the discretion of the President, to whom, in any event, shall be convened, as well as the determination of the business of the agenda for each session. The minimum period of call shall be forty-eight hours.

The agreements will be adopted by a majority, with the possibility of the President's vote being tied.

36.10 The members of the Board of Directors shall be specifically responsible for the acts, resolutions or agreements adopted before the General Assembly, which, if decided by the majority of two-thirds of those in full Member, may request his removal from the President of the FESBA.

Section 2 of the General Directorate and the General Secretariat

Item 37.

The Directorate-General and the General Secretariat are complementary and control bodies within the federative structure and with the following functions:

37.1 The Directorate-General is the administrative, economic and sports coordination body, appointed by the President and directly dependent on it, with the responsibility of the administrative organization of the FESBA together with the General Secretariat. It specifically corresponds to the following functions:

a) Coordination and management of all FESBA activities affecting the General Administration and Accounting Officer, the sports management, the area of events as well as the rest of the work areas of the FESBA.

b) Coordination and management of all FESBA activities affecting the General Administration and Accounting Officer, the sports management, the event area as well as the rest of the work areas of the FESBA, for its correct administrative, economic and sporting implementation.

c) Design, schedule, and budget execution.

(d) Inform the President, the Board of Directors and the Delegate Commission in the cases where it is required to do so.

e) Vellar for the exact fulfillment of the federative organ agreements.

f) Monitor the accounting of FESBA, balance sheets and budgets together with the General Secretariat.

g) Exercise the economic inspection of all federal bodies in coordination with the General Secretariat.

h) Exercise control of grants to be assigned to territorial federations in coordination with the General Secretariat.

i) In coordination with the General Secretariat, report to the General Assembly, its Delegate Committee, the President and the Board of Directors on matters that are subject to it or that it considers relevant to good order economic.

37.2 The General Secretariat will be appointed by the President and directly depending on the President, taking into account the administrative activity of the FESBA, specifically corresponding to the following functions:

a) Exorder the certificates of the acts emanating from the federative organs.

b) Inform the President, the Board of Directors and the Delegate Commission in the cases where it is required to do so.

c) Resolve the processing issues.

d) Exercise the head of staff at FESBA.

e) Vellar for the exact fulfillment of the federative organ agreements.

f) Sign communications and circulars.

g) Monitor the accounting of FESBA, balance sheets and budgets along with the Directorate General.

h) Exercise the economic inspection of all federal bodies in coordination with the Directorate-General.

i) Exercise control of grants to be assigned to territorial federations in coordination with the Directorate-General.

j) In coordination with the Directorate-General, report to the General Assembly, its Delegate Committee, the President and the Board of Directors on matters that are subject to it or that it considers relevant to good order. economic.

k) Propose the payments and charges, jointly holding with the President or the Treasurer if it exists, an authorized signature in the economic and banking documents.

37.3 The appointments of the Director General and the General Secretariat will be optional for the President of the FESBA, who, if he does not make such a designation, will be responsible for his own functions, and may delegate in people that you consider appropriate.

Item 38.

38.1 The General Secretariat shall exercise the functions of the Secretary-General of the Board of Directors with a voice but no vote, and shall take care of the formal and material legality of the Board's actions, check the regularity statutory, compliance with the provisions emanating from the regulatory bodies, as well as ensuring compliance with the principles or criteria of good federative governance.

38.2 Your employment relationship, if any, may be the special character of the senior management staff.

Section 3 of the Audit and Control Committee

Item 39.

39.1 The basic task of the Audit and Control Committee is to evaluate the accounting system and ensure the independence of the external auditor of the Federation.

39.2 The Committee shall be composed of four persons:

a) A Vice President.

b) The Secretary General.

c) The Director General.

d) Audit and internal control advisor, designated by the FESBA Board of Directors.


Of Technical Organs

Section 1 of the Sports Address

Article 40. º

40.1 The Sports Directorate is the technical organ of the FESBA to which the functions of coordination and supervision of the sports activities correspond.

40.2 Your responsibility will be designated by the President of the FESBA, responding to him and the members of the Board of Directors of the development and control of their actions in the subjects assigned to them.

40.3 The Sports Address will develop the following functions:

a) Realize the design and follow up of the federative technical plans.

b) Will oversee the planning, organization and development of Spanish participation in official activities and competitions at international level.

c) Plan and control the activities of high competition, both international and those carried out in the field of the national territory.

d) Head and supervise the different national selections.

e) Coordinate the operation of the various technical bodies of the FESBA.

f) In general, you will develop the technical functions that can be assigned to you by the governing bodies and representation of the FESBA.

40.4 Your employment relationship may be of special character for senior management staff.

Section 2. Of The Event Address

Article 41. º

41.1 The Event Directorate is the technical organ of FESBA, which will collaborate in the planning and execution of the sports activities, being directly responsible for the planning, coordination, execution and evaluation of all the competitions of a national and international nature to be held in the national territory.

41.2 Your Manager will be appointed by the President of the FESBA.

41.3 Your competencies and responsibilities will be derived from the needs of the technical-sports planning, who will respond to the governing bodies of the FESBA of its execution.

Section 3 Of The National Committee of Referees

Item 42.

42.1 The National Committee of Referees directly serves the functioning of the federative collective of arbitrators, and they correspond, with subordination to the President of the FESBA, the government, representation and administration of the functions attributed to those.

42.2 The chair of this Committee will be the one to be appointed by the FESBA.

42.3 The National Referees Committee will perform the following functions:

a) To technically classify the referees.

b) Propose candidates for international category umpires.

c) Set internal rules for this collective.

d) Propose the appointment of the referees who will lead the official state competitions.

e) Propose programs for updating and homogenizing the arbitration criteria.

f) Study and develop the National Committee of Referees

g) Collaborate with the training area of technicians, coaches and referees for the development of the levels and programs of the arbitral formation.

h) Other duties delegated by FESBA.

42.4 The National Committee of Arbitrators shall exercise sanctioning functions if only limited to the technical aspects of the arbitration.

42.5 The composition and working arrangements of the Committee shall be determined in a regulatory manner.

Section 4. From the training area of technicians, coaches and referees

Article 43. º

43.1 The Training Area will address, the demand for technicians, coaches and referees, and in general, will cover the needs of permanent training in all those areas that are required for the federative operation.

43.2 The Directorate of the Training Area will fall to the President of the FESBA.

43.3 Your functions will be as follows:

(a) Collaborate with the competent bodies of the General Administration of the State and the Autonomous Communities, for the training of technicians, coaches and referees in the sports modality of badminton and, in particular, the firm of agreements, in accordance with the legislation in force at any time.

(b) Promote and organise the training of the transitional period in accordance with the provisions of Order EDU/3186/2010 of 7 December 2010 on the curricular aspects, general requirements and effects of the sports training activities, referred to in the first transitional provision of Royal Decree 1363/2007 of 24 October 2007 or those which may be enacted from these dates, for the purpose of receiving the relevant authorisation administrative

c) Establish the training plan for the official teachings of the transitional period at all three levels

d) Establish, promote and organize exclusively federative formations according to the needs that the development of badminton requires.

e) Coordinate the training plans with the autonomous federations integrated in the FESBA and provide technical, teaching and administrative support required by these.

f) Promote and develop the preparation and publication of all teaching and updating materials for the collective of technicians, coaches and referees.

g) Promote and organize programs for the permanent update of the human resources required by the federative organization.

h) Other duties delegated by FESBA.

43.4 The structure, the units it comprises, and the operating system of the Training Area, shall be established in a regulated manner.


Of The Advisory Bodies

Section 1 of the Board of Presidents of Territorial Federations

Article 44. º

44.1 The Board of Presidents of Territorial Federations is an advisory and coordinating body of FESBA for the planning and development of badminton throughout the national territory.

44.2 You will know and report on the federative activity in all aspects.

44.3 Will be integrated by:

(a) Those who hold the presidency of all the federations listed in Article 6 of these Statutes or those who have a statutory replacement.

(b) The Presidents and Vice-Presidents of honor of the same.

c) Those that might be of interest to the development of their own functions.

44.4 The Board shall meet at the discretion of the President of the FESBA, who shall, in any event, always convene it at a time of not less than forty-eight hours in advance.

44.5 Your functions will be as follows:

a) Regulation of the Spanish Championship selections autonomic.

b) Collaboration for the realization of a calendar of activities in each season.

c) Study and approval of the distribution of aid to FFTT and clubs.

d) All those that are designated by the President of FESBA.

Section 2. Of Legal Counsel

Item 45.

45.1 The Legal Counsel is the permanent advisory body of FESBA, which is composed of Licensed Law Experts in Sport Law, appointed by the President of FESBA.

45.2 That body will act as an advisor to both the President and the bodies that make up the federal structure.

45.3 Such charges may be paid.


Of the Federal Justice and Control Bodies

Article 46. º

46.1 The Sports Discipline Judge is the body that holds the federative disciplinary authority and executes the application of the rules that in this matter are established statutorily and regulatively.

46.2 It shall be composed of one titular member and one alternate, Licensed in Law, appointed by the President of FESBA.

46.3 Your operating system will be determined regulatively.

Item 47.

47.1 The Anti-Doping Commission is the body that holds the authority and responsibility for the control of the prohibited substances and methods, as well as the application of the regulatory rules of its activity, without prejudice to the powers of the High Council of Sport and of the federal courts.

47.2 Your presidency will be on a member of the Board of Directors of the FESBA appointed by the President of the Board.

47.3 Its composition and operating system shall be determined by regulation.


Disciplinary regime

Article 48. º

The Spanish Badminton Federation in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention against Doping of UNESCO, in the anti-doping regulations of the International Federation, as well as in the World Anti-Doping Code, The Commission will be obliged to notify the Commission of Health and Drug Control and Monitoring of the penalties imposed by the Commission for infringements of doping material provided for in the Organic Law of 22 March. The European Commission, in its report on the protection of health and the fight against doping in sport, published a report on The website of the Superior Council of Sport as this is the organ of the disciplinary authority in the field of doping, being contrary to the Organic Law 15/1999 the subsequent processing of the published data, by any subject other than the Top Sports Council.

The publication shall contain only the data relating to the infringer, the sporting specialty, the infringement, the sanction imposed, and only where the substance consumed or the substance is absolutely essential. method used.

It will only be possible to publish sanctions that are firm on the administrative basis, and no such publication can occur before.

The maximum period during which the data may be published shall never exceed the time for the suspension or deprivation of the federal license.

The resolutions adopted in the procedures for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions for doping carried out by the Sports Discipline Committee of this Spanish Badminton Federation in their field of competence, will have to include the notification to the person concerned that, if a disciplinary sanction has been imposed, it shall be published on the Internet, in accordance with the terms set out in this provision and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Lee Organic 15/1999.

Article 49. º

49.1 The sports disciplinary regime is governed by the Law of Sport, by the Royal Decree on Sports Discipline, by the present Statutes and the federative regulation that develops them.

49.2 The control of doping referred to in Title VIII of Law 10/1990 of 15 October of the Sport, in the sports modality of badminton, will be governed by that Law, as amended by Law 53/2002, of December 30, of Measures Tax, Administrative and Social Order; Royal Decree 255/1996 of 16 February establishing the regime of infringements and penalties for the suppression of doping, as amended by Royal Decree 1642/1999 of 22 October 1999; the Ministerial order of 11 January 1996 laying down general rules for the implementation of the of doping controls; the Resolution of the High Council of Sport approving the list of prohibited substances and pharmacological groups and non-regulatory methods of doping in sport, which is in force, and the provisions Corresponding federatives.

Article 50. º

50.1 The scope of the federative discipline, in the case of activities or competitions at the state or international level, or affecting persons participating in them, extends to violations of the rules of the game and of the general sports rules, which are classified in the Law of Sport, in its development provisions and in the system itself of the FESBA.

50.2 The actions or omissions that during the course of the game violate, prevent or disturb their normal development are violations of the rules of the game.

50.3 Other actions or omissions that are contrary to what they determine, force or prohibit are violations of the general sports rules.

50.4 Such infringements will be sanctioned in accordance with the disciplinary regulations developed by FESBA, and its sanctions may always be subject to appeal.

50.5 For the imposition of sanctions and the review of sanctions after the corresponding appeal, the principles of the administrative procedure in force shall apply.

Item 51.

The FESBA exercises disciplinary authority over the people who are part of their own organic structure, about the clubs and their athletes, technicians and leaders; about the referees and, in general, about all those people or entities that, being attached to it, develop functions or exercise positions at the state level.

Item 52.

The exercise of disciplinary authority will be:

a) To the judges of the FESBA during the development of the competitions, subject to the provisions of the regulations in force.

b) To the judge of sports discipline of the FESBA, on all the persons who are part of its organic structure; the sports clubs and its athletes, technicians, referees and managers; and in general all those persons entities that are federated to develop corresponding sports activity at the state level.

c) To the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline, on the same persons and entities as the FESBA, on this same and its directors.

Item 53.

FESBA acts, by virtue of its powers, when infringements occur in activities or competitions at the state or international level.

Item 54.

In determining the liability arising from sporting offences, the federative disciplinary bodies shall comply with the reporting principles of the administrative sanctioning right.

Article 55.

55.1 The assessment of mitigating or aggravating circumstances shall require, where the nature of the possible sanction so permits, the congruent graduation thereof. Irrespective of the above, in order to determine the penalty applicable to disciplinary bodies, they may assess the other circumstances of the absence, such as the consequences of the infringement, the nature of the the facts or the concurrence in the defendant of singular responsibilities in the sports order.

55.2 No penalty may be imposed for actions or omissions that are not classified as an infringement, at the time of the occurrence, by the provisions at the time in force; nor can they be imposed corrective measures that are not established. as a rule prior to the perception of the action committed.

55.3 Only sanctions may be imposed under the file instructed to that effect, with an audience of the interested party and subsequent right to claim.

55.4 No double penalty may be imposed for the same facts, except where disciplinary rules establish as ancillary and only in cases where it so determines.

Article 56.

Violations and penalties will be classified as very serious, serious and minor.

Item 57.

57.1 The offences shall be prescribed at three years, at the year or in the month, in the case of very serious, serious or minor offences, and the limitation period shall be counted on the day following the commission of the offence.

The limitation period shall be interrupted by the initiation of the sanctioning procedure, but if the person or entity subject to the procedure is paralyzed for one month for reasons not attributable to the person or entity subject to the procedure, the time limit.

57.2 The penalties shall be imposed at three years, the year or the month, in the case of those relating to very serious, serious or minor infringements, beginning to count the limitation period from the day following that in which the (a) the decision by which the sanction was imposed, or from the fact that its compliance was broken if it had begun.

Article 58.

The decisions of the judge of sports discipline, will exhaust the federative procedure and against the same can be brought before the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline, within 15 working days, from its notification.

Article 59.

The organizers and owners of the sports facilities must ensure the necessary safety measures in the sports venues, according to the legally established effect.

Failure to comply with the requirements in this field will result in the requirements of liability and, where appropriate, the adoption of the appropriate disciplinary measures.


Acknowledgments and distinctions

Article 60. º

60.1 The General Assembly on a proposal from the Board of Directors or the Delegation of FESBA, may appoint President of honor to those former presidents who have exercised such a position for a minimum of two full terms.

60.2 The General Assembly on a proposal from the Board of Directors or the Delegation of FESBA, may appoint Vice Presidents of Honor to all the former presidents.

60.3 The Board of Directors of FESBA may recognize annually through its national awards or special awards the work of the different ESAs of the FESBA, entities, associations and other persons who have developed outstanding work.


From the economic regime

Item 61.

61.1 FESBA has its own wealth management and budget management regime.

61.2 The FESBA will not be able to approve deficit budgets, although, exceptionally, the Superior Council of Sports may authorize such a character.

61.3 The budget administration will be the one-off box principle, with its own revenue being devoted, as a matter of priority, to the expenditure of a federal structure.

61.4 The accounting will be adjusted to the rules of adaptation of the General Plan of Accounting to the Spanish sports federations that the Institute of Accounting and Audits of the Ministry of Economy and Finance develops.

61.5 In the first month of each year, the situation balance and the income and expenditure accounts, which will be raised to the Higher Sports Council for their knowledge, should be formalized.

61.6 Constituency FESBA revenue:

(a) The grants that public entities can grant.

b) Donations, inheritances, legacies, and prizes awarded to you.

c) The benefits of the sports activities and competitions that you organise, as well as the derivatives of the contracts you form.

d) Benefits that may arise from the perception of membership fees or licensing rights.

e) The fruits of your heritage.

f) The loans or credits you get.

g) The repayment fees for advances and loans that come and the proceeds of disposal of their assets.

h) Any other items that may be assigned to you by legal provision or by virtue of a convention.

Item 62.

The FESBA, as far as the economic regime is concerned, is subject to the following rules:

(a) It shall apply the economic benefits, if any, of the competitions it organises, to the development of its social object.

(b) You may tax and dispose of your real estate, take money on loan and issue securities representing debt or equity, provided that such legal businesses do not irreversibly commit their assets or social object.

In the case of real estate that has been financed, in whole or in part, with public funds from the State, its lien or disposal shall require the authorization of the Superior Council of Sports.

(c) may exercise, in addition, industrial, commercial, professional or service activities, and allocate its assets and resources to the same objectives, but in no case may it distribute benefits among its members.

(d) You may not commit multi-annual expenditure without the authorization of the High Council of Sports when the committed annual expenditure exceeds 10 per 100 of its budget and exceeds the term of office of the President.

This percentage will be reviewed annually by the Higher Sports Council.

e) It shall be submitted annually to financial and, where appropriate, management audits, as well as to limited review reports on the allocation of expenditure. These actions may be commissioned and supported by the Higher Sports Council.


From the documentary and accounting regime

Article 63.

They will in any case integrate the documentary and accounting regime of the FESBA:

(a) The book of registration of regional federations, which will reflect the denominations of the same, their registered office and the affiliation of those who hold positions of representation and government, with the express specification of the dates of the taking of possession and the cessation, where appropriate, of the persons concerned.

(b) The book of registration of clubs, in which the name, registered office and affiliation of the Presidents and members of their Boards of Directors shall be recorded, with the dates of the taking of possession and the cessation, if any, of the persons concerned.

(c) The book of minutes, including those of the meetings of the General Assembly, its Delegate Committee, the Board of Directors and the Committee of Presidents of Territorial Federations.

(d) Accounting books, which shall include both the assets and the rights and obligations, and the income and expenses of the FESBA.

e) Others that are legally enforceable.


From dissolution of FESBA

Item 64.

64.1 FESBA will be dissolved:

a) By the revocation of their recognition. If the conditions or motivations that gave rise to it disappeared, or the Board of Directors of the Higher Sports Council considers the failure of the objectives for which the federation was constituted, a procedure will be instructed addressed to the revocation of that recognition, with a hearing of the FESBA itself and, as the case may be, of the autonomous regional federations in it.

The Board of Directors of the High Council of Sport will decide, in a reasoned manner, on such a revocation and against its agreement to bring the relevant administrative resources.

b) By judicial resolution.

c) For the other reasons provided for in the general legal order.

64.2 In case of dissolution of the FESBA, its net worth, if any, will be applied to the performance of similar activities, determined by the Superior Council of Sports its specific destination, with what is fulfilled In Law 49/2002, of 23 December, of Tax Regime of non-profit entities and of tax incentives to patronage.


From the approval and modification of the Federative Bylaws and Regulations

Item 65.

The approval or reform of the FESBA Statutes will be in accordance with the following procedure:

(a) The process of modification, except where it is legally imperative, shall be initiated on a proposal, exclusively from the President of the FESBA or two-thirds of the members of the Delegation of the General Assembly.

b) The Board of Directors shall draw up and approve a project on the basis agreed by those bodies.

(c) The text, individually, shall be submitted to all members of the General Assembly, giving a period of not less than 15 days for the purposes of the amendments or suggestions which they consider to be relevant.

(d) The General Assembly shall be convened to whom it shall approve, which shall decide after discussion of the proposed text and the amendments, if any, submitted.

(e) After the relevant approval, it will be raised as agreed to the Superior Council of Sports, for the purposes provided for in article 10.2.b), of Law 10/1990, of October 15 of the sport.

f) Approved the new text by the Board of Directors of the Higher Sports Council, will be published in the Official Gazette of the State and will be entered in the Register of Associations concerned.

Item 66.

The approval or reform of the General Regulation of FESBA will follow the following procedure:

(a) The process of modification, except where it is legally imperative, shall be initiated on a proposal, exclusively, by the President or two-thirds of the members of the Delegation of the General Assembly.

(b) The federative technical bodies shall draw up the draft preliminary draft, on the basis agreed by those bodies.

(c) Concluded the draft, the text shall be submitted, individually to the members of the Commission Delegated, giving a period of not less than seven days for the purposes of the amendments or suggestions they consider to be relevant.

(d) The Delegated Commission shall be convened to whom its approval shall be decided upon after discussion of the proposed text and the amendments, if any, submitted.

(e) After the relevant approval, it will be raised as agreed to the Superior Council of Sports, for the purposes provided for in article 10.2.b), of Law 10/1990, of October 15, of the sport.

First transient disposition.

All autonomic federations of badminton are considered to be integrated into FESBA unless otherwise expressed, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of Article 9. of these Statutes.

Second transient disposition.

As long as the rules laid down in the first paragraph 1 of Royal Decree 1591/1.992 of 23 December on sports discipline are not adopted for the suppression of practices related to doping the tables of sanctions and infringements as well as the verification procedures provided for in the relevant federative regulations shall apply, in accordance with the international conventions resulting from the application.

Transient Disposition third.

The composition of the General Assembly of the FESBA and its Delegate Commission, and the renewal of its possible vacancies, will be the one contemplated in the current electoral regulation.

Consequently, the integration into these organs of the arbitration panel will not take place until the end of the current term of office of the General Assembly.

Fourth transient disposition.

As a consequence of the special situation of Ceuta and Melilla, which is derived from their request for autonomy, both will constitute, until there is a statement about it, a single territorial delegation of the FESBA, being its president. appointed by the Board of Directors of the Spanish Federation.

First disposition first.

The Statutes of the FESBA until now in force approved by the Board of Directors of the Superior Council of Sports on 20 December 2005 are repealed.

Final disposition second.

This Statute shall enter into force on the day following the notification of its approval by the Board of Governors of the High Sports Council, without prejudice to its subsequent publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Status.