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Order Fom / 3417 / 2011, Of 1 Of December, By Which Is Determines The Classification Of The New Stretch Ourense-Santiago Of Compostela Of The Line Of High Speed Madrid-Galicia And Of The New Station Of Vigo, On The Occasion Of Their Respective Put In I...

Original Language Title: Orden FOM/3417/2011, de 1 de diciembre, por la que se determina la clasificación del nuevo tramo Ourense-Santiago de Compostela de la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Galicia y de la nueva estación de Vigo, con motivo de sus respectivas puestas en se...

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Annex II to Order FOM/898/2005 of 8 April 2005 fixing the amounts of the railway charges set out in Articles 74 and 75 of Law 39/2003 of 17 November of the Railway Sector, classified in types and sub-types the lines of the General Interest Rail Network which were in service at the time and, in addition, Annex V classified the stations of that Network into different categories. The abovementioned Annexes were amended by Order FOM/3852/2007 of 20 December 2007 establishing Annex II that the classification of new tranches or railway lines in those types and sub-types shall be determined by ministerial order with reason for their respective putting into service. Likewise, the amended Annex V provides that the classification of the new railway stations will be determined by a ministerial order in order to be put into service. Also in these Annexes, the necessary forecasts are established to bring into effect the modifications that could result in the classification of the lines and stations currently in operation. Finally, the requirement that the corresponding administrative resolutions on these line and station classifications be published in the "Official State Gazette" is established.

The completion of construction and the imminent commissioning of the Ourense-Santiago de Compostela section of the Madrid-Galicia high-speed line and, on the other hand, the recent entry into service of the new station Vigo-Guixar and the demolition of the old one of Vigo-Urzaiz, it makes it necessary, in compliance with the provisions laid down in the aforementioned regulations, to proceed to classify the antedicos stretch and season.

In its virtue, at the request of the Railway Infrastructure Manager and after report of the railway companies concerned, I have:

First. Sort of line stretch.

In Annex II (Classification of railway lines) the following section is included with its corresponding type and subtype:

Stretch Ourense-Santiago de Compostela, new route, of the Madrid-Galicia high-speed line: Type A, subtype A. 1. (However, until the whole of the aforementioned line is taken into operation in UIC width, this section shall be considered as type A. 2).

Second. Rating of the stations.

In Annex V (Classification of the stations) the station of Vigo is replaced by the station of Vigo-Guixar, not modifying its category that continues to be category 2.


In application of the provisions of Annexes II and V, this order will be published in the "Official Gazette of the State".

Madrid, 1 December 2011.-Minister for Development José Blanco López.