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Royal Decree 1690 / 2011, 18 Of November, Which Establishes The Title Of Artist Fallero Superior Technical And Construction Of Scenery And Fix Their Minimum Educations.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1690/2011, de 18 de noviembre, por el que se establece el título de Técnico Superior Artista Fallero y Construcción de Escenografías y se fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas.

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Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, provides in Article 39.6 that the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, will establish the qualifications corresponding to the vocational training studies, thus as the basic aspects of the curriculum for each of them.

The Organic Law of 19 June, of the Qualifications and of Vocational Training, establishes in Article 10.1 that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. Establishment and after consultation of the General Council of Vocational Training, the certificates and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Qualifications, shall be determined. Professionals.

Law 2/2011, of 4 March, of Sustainable Economy, and the Organic Law 4/2011, of 11 March, complementary to the Law of Sustainable Economy, amending the Law of the Organic Law, of the Qualifications and of the Vocational training, and 2/2006, of Education, have introduced an ambitious set of legislative changes necessary to stimulate and accelerate the development of a more competitive, more innovative economy, capable of renewing the productive sectors The Commission has been able to make the most of its work in the field of quality.

Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011 provides for the general management of vocational training of the educational system and defines in Article 9 the structure of vocational training qualifications, based on the catalogue National of Professional Qualifications, guidelines set by the European Union and other aspects of social interest.

On the other hand, this royal decree in Article 7 gives the professional profile of these titles, which will include general competence, professional, personal and social skills, qualifications and, where appropriate, the (a) the national catalogue of vocational qualifications included in the titles, so that each degree will, at least, incorporate a complete vocational qualification, in order to ensure that the qualifications of vocational training respond effectively to the needs demanded by the productive system and the personal and social values that enable democratic citizenship to be exercised.

This regulatory framework makes it necessary for the Government, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, to establish each of the titles which will form the catalogue of titles of vocational training of the educational system, its minimum teaching and other aspects of academic management which, without prejudice to the competences conferred on the educational authorities in this field, constitute the basic aspects of the curriculum which ensure a common and ensure the validity of the securities, in compliance with the provisions of Article 6.2 of the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

For these purposes, it is appropriate to determine for each title their identification, their professional profile, the professional environment, the prospective of the title in the sector or sectors, the teaching of the training cycle, the correspondence of the professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption, and the basic parameters of the training context (minimum spaces and equipment, qualifications and specialties of teachers and their equivalent to (a) the Court of Justice, after consulting the Autonomous Communities, as provided for in the Article 95 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education.

Also, in each title, the access to other studies and, where appropriate, the modalities and subjects of baccalaureate that facilitate the admission in case of competitive concurrency, the convalidations, exemptions and equivalences and, where appropriate, information on the requirements for the professional exercise, in accordance with the legislation in force.

In order to facilitate the recognition of credits between higher technical qualifications and the teachings leading to university degrees and vice versa, in the higher education courses the equivalence of each professional module with European ECTS credits, as defined in Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September, establishing the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees official character and validity throughout the national territory.

Thus, the present royal decree, as provided for in Royal Decree 1147/2011, of 29 July, establishes and regulates, in the basic aspects and elements mentioned above, the title of vocational training of the educational system of Superior Technical Artist and Construction of Sceneries.

A regulatory standard has been used to establish state bases in accordance with the Constitutional Court, which admits that "exceptionally" the bases can be established by regulatory standards in certain assumptions, as is the case in the present case, when "is an essential complement to ensure the lowest common denominator laid down in the basic legal standards" (thus, inter alia, in SSTC 25/1983, 32/1983 and 48/1988).

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the Autonomous Communities have been consulted and the General Council of Vocational Training, the School Council of the State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have issued a report. Territorial and Public Administration.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education and prior deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting on 18 November 2011,



General provisions

Article 1. Object.

This royal decree aims to establish the title of Superior Technical Artist and Construction of Scenery, with official character and validity throughout the national territory, as well as its corresponding minimum teachings.


Identification of title, professional profile, professional and prospective title of the title in the sector or sectors

Article 2. Identification.

The title of Top Technician and Scenography Construction is identified by the following elements:

Denomination: Failed Artist and Stage Construction.

Level: Higher Grade Professional Training.

Duration: 2,000 hours.

Professional Family: Arts and Crafts.

Concerning the International Standard Classification of Education: CINE-5b.

Level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education: Level 1 Technical Superior.

Article 3. Professional profile of the title.

The professional profile of the title of Superior Technical Artist and Construction of Scenery is determined by its general competence, its professional, personal and social competences, and by the relationship of qualifications of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

Article 4. General competence.

The general competence of this title is to develop the technical project of live shows, faults, fogueres and other events, as well as to organize and supervise the plant and cream, the production, elaboration, assembly and finishing of sets, decorated, ninots, tools and machinery, applying artistic criteria and complying with regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, handling of hazardous or fragile materials and safety in public spectacles.

Article 5. Professional, personal and social skills.

The professional, personal and social competencies of this title are as follows:

(a) To elaborate the technical project of the construction of decorated, scenic, daring, faults and other elements, valuing the artistic criteria and technical and economic feasibility from the sketches and plans contributed by the artistic team or the client.

b) Make the plan for building and assembling the decoration, utility and faults, marking time, needs and resources.

c) Determine, monitor and perform the elaboration of supporting elements, assembly and coupling, in carpentry, of the structure of decoration and faults, established in the project or technical documentation, having in account for the distribution of volumes, the supporting surface and the distribution of caloric loads and monitoring and compliance with public performance safety standards.

d) Organize, monitor, and perform the modeling and carving processes, appropriate to the base material determined in the technical project.

e) Organize, monitor and perform the molding and assembly of the figures, pieces and ornamental elements of decoration, utility and faults, appropriate to the base material determined in the technical project.

f) Organize, supervise and perform the processes of artistic finishes (paintings and protectors, rotations and ornamentation) of scenery and faults in order to obtain the expressive and artistic effects of volume and color defined in the project.

g) Organize and select the elements of use, gardening, upholstery, furniture and daring in general, adapting them to the needs of the environment of the scene.

h) Perform and coordinate the assembly, disassembly and maintenance of decoration, utility, stage machinery and fault plant, appropriate to the technical project and the assembly plan in order to obtain the effects defined expressive and artistic.

i) Oversee and make changes in use, scenic machinery and special effects during the performance of the live show, according to lists or technical scripts with foot marking (text, actions, point in a passage and music, among others) or the ruler's instructions.

(j) Adapting to new employment situations, keeping up to date the scientific, technical and technological knowledge related to their professional environment, managing their training and existing resources in learning throughout life and using information and communication technologies.

k) Solve situations, problems or contingencies with initiative and autonomy in the field of their competence, with creativity, innovation and spirit of improvement in the personal work and in that of the team members.

l) Organize and coordinate work teams with responsibility, monitoring the development of the work, maintaining fluid relations and assuming leadership, as well as providing solutions to group conflicts that present.

m) Communicate with their peers, superiors, clients and persons under their responsibility, using effective communication pathways, transmitting the appropriate information or knowledge and respecting the autonomy and competence of the persons involved in the scope of their work.

n) Generate safe environments in the development of your work and that of your team, monitoring and applying the procedures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, as established by the regulations and objectives of the company.

n) Monitor and apply quality management procedures, universal accessibility and "design for all", in the professional activities included in the processes of production or delivery of services.

o) Perform basic management for the creation and operation of a small business and have an initiative in its professional activity with a sense of social responsibility.

p) Exercise your rights and fulfill the obligations arising from your professional activity, in accordance with the laws in force, actively participating in economic, social and cultural life.

Article 6. Relationship of qualifications and competence units of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications included in the title.

Full professional qualifications:

a) Construction of decoration for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisuals ART523_3 (Royal Decree 145/2011, of February 4), which comprises the following units of competence:

UC1706_3: Define the stage conditions for the construction of live show, event and audiovisual performances.

UC1707_3: Develop the constructive technical project of decorated for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisual.

UC1708_3: Plan and monitor the construction of decorations for live show scenery, events and audiovisual.

UC1709_3: Perform the construction of structures and decoration mechanisms for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisual.

UC1710_3: Perform ornaments and perform the decoration finishes for the performance of live shows, events and audiovisual.

b) Scenic machinery for the live show ART524_3 (Royal Decree 145/2011, of February 4), which comprises the following competition units:

UC1711_3: Participate in setting the stage project for the live show.

UC1712_3: Plan and manage the machinery project for a live event or show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution.

UC1713_3: Perform assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of machinery equipment and stage elements for a live event or show under changing operating conditions.

UC11714_3: Serve tests and functions by managing machinery equipment and staging elements under changing operating conditions.

c) Utility for the live show ART526_3 (Royal Decree 145/2011, of February 4), comprising the following competition units:

UC1711_3: Participate in setting the stage project for the live show.

UC1719_3: Plan and manage the utility project for a live event or show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution.

UC1720_3: Perform assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of utility equipment for a live event or show, under changing operating conditions.

UC1721_3: Serve tests and functions by managing the equipment and elements of the utility under changing operating conditions.

Article 7. Professional environment.

1. The people who obtain this title exercise their activity in the field of live entertainment and theatre, in audiovisual and film shows, in the organisation of stands, fairs, theme parks and other leisure activities, as well as in the organization of traditional shows of glitches and foguers and other popular parties.

2. The most relevant occupations and jobs are as follows:

-Performer artist.


-Gaiemaker artist.

-Head of workshop for the construction of a set of live and audiovisual show scenery and other cultural and leisure spaces.

-Scenery decoration builder specializing in wood carpentry.

-Scenery decoration builder specializing in metal carpentry.

-Technical builder of ornaments and finishes of scenery of live and audiovisual show scenery and other cultural and leisure performances.

-Scenery decoration builder.

-Audio-visual show decorator.

-Ambientator of audiovisual show decorations.

-Coordinator of audiovisual show construction.

-Carpany or of the decoration of audiovisual shows.

-Responsible for machinery in live shows.

-Telar machine.

-Scenario machine.

-Stand Monter.

-Responsible for use in live shows.

-Scene utility.

Article 8. Prospective of the title in the sector or sectors.

Educational administrations will take into account, when developing the corresponding curriculum, the following considerations:

(a) The construction of scenery in the field of live shows and audiovisual activities has developed an area of expert staff that has become detached from traditional professions and requires a more specialised training, integrating knowledge of information and communication technologies and various techniques and procedures for the development of support elements and corporate objects.

b) The diversification, complexity and quality requirements of the elements of daring and use of live and audiovisual shows, as well as the need to investigate in the styles, fashions and trends of different times and places, they enhance an improvement in the training of specialized professionals.

c) The construction of scenic machinery, decorated and stage structures for shows are highly diversified in terms of their forms, styles and constructive techniques, requiring professionals to acquire a a set vision for its determination, elaboration and assembly.

d) The organization of events, fairs, stands and other promotional and leisure activities requires professionals with greater opportunities to create spaces and organize the work due to the enormous diversification and the high the number of such activities, as a means of attracting customers and users for business activities or for the promotion of the activities of public bodies.

e) In recent years, there has been an hatching of theme parks, for leisure and cultural purposes, which require professionals to cover activities related to the definition of stage, organization of the production of structures, figures and mechanisms and the assembly thereof, which obtain products with sufficient quality and the appropriate attractiveness so that the potential customers feel motivated by the shows and the attractions offered.

f) The great creativity achieved over the last few decades by the Artists Falleros, foguerers and artists gaiateros, in the popular shows of the Autonomous Community of Valencia, who have sought inspiration in very diverse styles and sources (public art, comic, sculpture and contemporary painting, among others), requires an adaptation of the traditional techniques of work and the incorporation of new techniques and procedures that improve the quality and the works performed.

g) The artistic recognition acquired by many of the fallen artists, claimed by the inventive and quality of their works, has caused their expansion to other sectors of the live show and organization of events, which requires a knowledge of the techniques associated with the scenic tramoya needed to be incorporated as expert professionals in the construction of the stage in these sectors of activity.

(h) To the two aspects mentioned above, I try to respond to the parliamentary agreement of 17 March 2009, which was adopted unanimously by the Congress of Deputies, which provided for the preparation of a training It will "recognize and secure the future of a profession dedicated especially to the construction of faults and bonfires, but whose competences are also applied in other fields of work".


Formative cycle teachings and basic context parameters

Article 9. General objectives.

The general objectives of this training cycle are as follows:

a) To make technical and literary memories of faults, as well as elements of relief, analyzing the artistic and technical characteristics of the conceptual currents of the decoration for the elaboration of technical projects of Construction of decoration.

b) Draw sketches, drawings, illustrations and vignettes, using computer-aided design programs and applying the regulations and techniques required for the development of technical design projects, ornaments and figures.

c) Represent the structural elements and systems of decoration and faults, applying the relevant calculation procedures and the established regulations to define the structure of the decoration, stage machinery and faults.

d) To estimate, compare and assess the cost of items, equipment and labor, consulting the technical documentation to prepare the budget for the project of construction of decorations and faults.

e) Define the characteristics of the technical materials and equipment, assessing the needs and functions, to plan the construction and assembly of the decoration of audiovisual, spectacles, events and faults.

f) Determine the plan of construction and assembly of decorated, useful, scenic machinery and faults, valuing the needs of technical personnel, to analyze the functional organization, the processes, the times and the tasks of the different phases, activities and sectors.

g) To monitor the procedures, deadlines and qualities established in the construction processes, applying monitoring and contingency resolution techniques and safety regulations, for the production of Decoration and fault structures.

h) Sequencing and characterizing processing, assembly and adjustment operations of woodworking elements in wood or metal, analyzing the phases of the technical project, to determine and monitor their assembly in the workshop or in the space of installation of the decoration or failure.

i) Evaluate the adequacy of the material and technical resources, determining and controlling their availability according to the defined work plan, for the elaboration of supporting elements, assembly and coupling, in carpentry, the structure of decorations and faults.

j) Establish the criteria for the assembly, dismantling and storage of technical equipment and scenic elements, valuing the work, for the elaboration of the elements of structures of decoration and faults.

k) Develop, assemble and fix support and coupling elements, applying carpentry techniques in wood, metal and synthetic materials, as well as textile or wood-lined techniques, for the construction of the structure of decorations and faults.

l) Draw models of figures, pieces and ornamental elements, analyzing decorative styles and using computer-assisted design programs, for the molding and carving of elements of decoration, utility and faults.

m) Monitor and apply modeling and molding techniques, valuing the characteristics of the materials and tools used, for the reproduction of ornaments and figures of decoration, use and faults.

n) Perform object sizes, applying different techniques suitable to different materials, for the elaboration of ornaments and figures of decorated, useful and faults.

n) Monitor and organize the finishing works, valuing techniques and the materials used, for the elaboration of ornaments and figures of decorated, useful and faults.

o) Evaluate decorative patterns of furniture and decorative complements, gathering information and elaborating small research, to define scene setting in shows and failures.

p) Elaborate drawings of the location of elements of daring or use, analyzing the technical scripts and the librettos, for the setting of the audiovisual scene or live shows.

q) Organize the work of mounting of decoration and faults, analyzing plans of assembly and applying the appropriate techniques, for the achievement of the objectives defined in the technical project of assembly, disassembly and maintenance of decorated, used, stage machinery and fault plant.

r) Monitor the performance of the assembly, location and fixed work of the elements constituting the decoration and faults, applying equipment management techniques, for the realization of the assembly operations, disassembly and maintenance of decoration, utility, stage machinery and fault plant.

s) Determine the techniques of preservation and storage of reusable elements of the decoration and faults, analyzing the characteristics, the materials and the appropriate products, to control their state and maintenance.

t) Monitor the preparation and fault-making work, analyzing the assembly plans and safety plans, to achieve artistic objectives defined in the project or in the cream.

u) Oversee and perform the actions of movement of the scenic machinery, analyzing the scenic characteristics of the libretto and the techniques of the machinery or tramoya, to obtain the effects defined in the changes of decorated during the performance of the live show.

v) Monitor and locate the atrezo, analyzing the scenographic documentation, to effect the changes of use during the performance of the live show.

w) Analyze and use learning resources and opportunities related to the scientific, technological and organizational evolution of the sector and information and communication technologies to maintain the spirit of updating and adapting to new work and personal situations.

x) Develop the creativity and the spirit of innovation to respond to the challenges presented in the processes and in the organization of work and personal life.

and) Making decisions based on the variables involved, integrating knowledge of different scope and accepting the risks and the possibility of error in the same, to face and solve different situations, problems or contingencies.

z) Develop leadership, motivation, monitoring, and communication techniques in group work contexts to facilitate the organization and coordination of work teams.

aa) Apply communication strategies and techniques, adapting to the contents that will be transmitted, to the purpose and the characteristics of the receivers, to ensure the effectiveness in the communication processes.

ab) Assess situations of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection, proposing and implementing personal and collective prevention measures, in accordance with the applicable regulations in the work processes, for ensure secure environments.

ac) Identify and propose the necessary professional actions, to respond to universal accessibility and "design for all".

ad) Identify and apply quality parameters in the work and activities carried out in the learning process, to assess the culture of evaluation and quality and to be able to monitor and improve procedures quality management.

ae) Use procedures related to entrepreneurial, entrepreneurial and professional-initiative culture, to perform the basic management of a small business or undertake a job.

af) Recognize your rights and duties as an active agent in society, taking into account the legal framework that regulates social and working conditions, to participate as a democratic citizen.

Article 10. Professional modules.

1. The professional modules of this training cycle:

(a) They are developed in Annex I to this royal decree, complying with the provisions of Article 10 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011.

b) These are the following:

1127. Technical design of scenery and faults.

1219. Production planning.

1238. Organization of the production of scenic structures and machinery.

1239. Organization of the production of corporate figures and ninots.

1240. Organization of the production of use.

1241. Failure plant organization.

1242. Organization of the decoration assembly.

1243. Setting and service of shows.

1244. Project of construction of scenery and faults.

1245. Training and employment guidance.

1246. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

1247. Training in job centres.

2. The educational administrations will establish the corresponding curricula, respecting what is established in this royal decree and in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the Royal Decree 1147/2011, of July 29, for which the ordination is established general vocational training of the educational system.

Article 11. Spaces and equipment.

1. The spaces necessary for the development of the teachings of this formative cycle are those set out in Annex II of this royal decree.

2. The spaces will have the necessary and sufficient surface to develop the teaching activities that are derived from the learning outcomes of each of the professional modules that are taught in each of the spaces. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The area will be established on the basis of the number of people occupying the training space and should enable the development of learning activities with the ergonomics and mobility required within the same.

b) They should cover the spatial need for furniture, equipment and auxiliary work instruments.

c) They must respect the spaces or safety surfaces required by the machines and equipment in operation.

d) Respect the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, the regulations on safety and health at the workplace and how many other rules are applicable.

3. The established training spaces may be occupied by different groups that heal the same or other formative cycles, or educational stages.

4. The various identified learning spaces should not necessarily be differentiated by closure.

5. The equipment included in each space must be the necessary and sufficient to guarantee to the students the acquisition of the learning outcomes and the quality of the teaching. In addition, they must meet the following conditions:

(a) The equipment (equipment, machines, etc.) shall have the necessary installation for its proper operation, comply with the safety and risk prevention rules and with the other applicable standards.

(b) The quantity and characteristics of the equipment must be based on the number of persons registered and enable the acquisition of the learning outcomes, taking into account the evaluation criteria and the content that are included in each of the professional modules that are delivered in the referenced spaces.

6. The competent authorities shall ensure that the spaces and equipment are adequate in quantity and characteristics for the development of the teaching and learning processes resulting from the learning outcomes of the modules. and thus ensure the quality of these teachings.

Article 12. Teachers.

1. The teaching of the vocational modules which constitute the teaching of this training cycle corresponds to the teaching staff of the Secondary Teaching Body, the Secondary School Teachers 'Corps and the Teachers' Body. Professional Training Technicians, as appropriate, of the specialties set out in Annex III A) of this royal decree.

2. The qualifications required for access to the aforementioned teaching bodies are, in general, those laid down in Article 13 of Royal Decree 276/2007 of 23 February, approving the entry, access and acquisition of the new specialties in the teaching bodies referred to in the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, and the transitional admission regime is regulated, which refers to the transitional provision of the said law. The qualifications equivalent to those before these same effects are, for the various specialties of the faculty, those listed in Annex III B) of the present royal decree.

3. The teaching staff shall be assigned the teaching competence of the professional modules specified in Annex III A) of this royal decree.

4. Specialist teachers must meet the general requirements for admission to the public teaching function set out in Article 12 of Royal Decree 276/2007, of 23 February, for which the entry regulation is approved, and the acquisition of new specialties in the teaching bodies referred to in the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May of Education, and the transitional system of admission to which the transitional provision is referred to is regulated law.

5. In addition, in order to ensure that the needs of the processes involved in the professional module are met, it is necessary for the specialist faculty to accredit at the beginning of each appointment a professional experience recognized in the relevant labour field, duly updated, of at least two years of professional practice in the four years immediately preceding the appointment.

6. For the teachers of the centres of private ownership or of public ownership of other administrations other than the educational ones, the required qualifications and the necessary requirements, for the delivery of the professional modules The title, are those included in Annex III C) of the present royal decree. In any case, the lessons to be taught to the qualifications mentioned shall be required to cover the objectives of the professional modules and, if those objectives are not included, in addition to the certification, they must be accredited by means of "certification", a work experience of at least three years in the sector related to the professional family, carrying out productive activities in companies that are implicitly related to learning outcomes.

7. The competent authorities shall ensure that the teachers providing the professional modules comply with the specified requirements and thus ensure the quality of these lessons.


Accesses and links to other studies, and correspondence of professional modules with the competition units

Article 13. Preferences for access to this training cycle in relation to the forms and subjects of baccalaureate courses.

They will be given preference to access this training cycle who have completed the high school of Arts.

Article 14. Access and linkage to other studies.

1. The title of Top Technician Performer and Construction of Scenery allows for direct access to cure any other formative cycle of higher grade, in the conditions of admission that are established.

2. The title of Superior Technical Artist and Construction of Scenery allows direct access to the teachings that are conducive to the undergraduate degrees, in the conditions of admission that are established.

3. The Government, heard by the Council of Universities, shall, as a rule, regulate the recognition of claims between the qualifications of the higher technical vocational training and the degree of university teaching. In order to facilitate the validation regime, in this royal decree, 120 ECTS credits have been allocated among all the professional modules of this training cycle.

Article 15. Validations and exemptions.

1. Those who have passed the vocational training and guidance module or the professional business module and entrepreneurial initiative in any of the training cycles corresponding to the securities established under the Law Organic 2/2006, of 3 May, of Education, will have validated these modules in any other formative cycle established under the same law.

2. Those who have obtained the accreditation of all the units of competence included in the title, by means of the procedure laid down in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of 17 July of recognition of the professional skills acquired by work experience, may validate the vocational training and guidance module provided that:

-Credit at least one year of work experience.

-Be in possession of the accreditation of the training established for the performance of the basic level functions of the preventive activity, issued in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, by the The Regulation of the Prevention Services is approved.

3. In accordance with Article 39 of Royal Decree 1147/2011 of 29 July 2011, the total or partial exemption of the vocational training module in the workplace may be determined by correspondence with the work experience, provided that an experience related to this training cycle is established in the terms provided for in that Article.

Article 16. Correspondence of professional modules with the units of competence for their accreditation, validation or exemption.

1. The correspondence of the units of competence with the professional modules which form the teaching of the title of Technical Superior Performer and Construction of Scenery, for their validation or exemption, is determined in Annex IV A) of this royal decree.

2. The correspondence of the professional modules which form the teaching of the title of the Higher Technical Artist and Construction of Scenery with the units of competence, for their accreditation, is determined in Annex IV B) of this royal decree.

Additional disposition first. Title reference in the European framework.

Once the national qualifications framework has been established, in accordance with the European recommendations, the corresponding level of this qualification will be determined in the national framework and its equivalent in the European framework.

Additional provision second. Distance offering of this Title.

The professional modules that form the teachings of this training cycle can be offered at a distance, provided that it is guaranteed that the students can achieve the learning outcomes of the same, according to the provisions in the present royal decree. To this end, the educational authorities, within the scope of their respective powers, shall take the measures they deem necessary and shall give the precise instructions.

Additional provision third. Equivalent qualifications and links with vocational training.

The training established in this royal decree in the vocational training and guidance module enables the training to carry out professional responsibilities equivalent to those required by the basic level activities in the prevention of occupational risks, as set out in Royal Decree 39/1997 of 17 January, which approves the Prevention Services Regulation, provided that it has at least 45 teaching hours.

Additional provision fourth. Regulation of the exercise of the profession.

The title established in this royal decree does not constitute a regulation of the exercise of a regulated profession.

Additional provision fifth. Equivalences for the purposes of teaching in the selective entry procedures in the Professional Training Technical Teachers ' Corps.

The title of Technical Superior or Specialist Technician is declared equivalent to those required for access to the Technical Teachers ' Body of Vocational Training, when the title has been used as an interim teacher in schools. public in the field of the administrative authority, in the field of teaching to which it intends to access and for a minimum period of two years before 31 August 2007.

Additional provision sixth. Universal accessibility in the teachings of this title.

1. In the field of their respective competences, the educational authorities will include in the curriculum of this training cycle the elements necessary to ensure that the persons who are cured develop the competences included in the curriculum in "design for all".

2. They shall also take the measures they deem necessary to enable this student to access and to pursue that training cycle under the conditions laid down in the final provision of Law 51/2003 of 2 December 2003. equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.

Single repeal provision. Repeal of rules.

All provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed to be opposed to the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is of a basic standard, under the powers conferred on the State by Article 149.1.1. and 30. of the Constitution.

Final disposition second. Implementation of the new curriculum.

The educational administrations will implement the new curriculum of these teachings in the 2012-2013 school year.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 18, 2011.


The Minister of Education,



Professional Modules

Professional Module: Technical Design of Sceneries and Faults.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 16

Code: 1127

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Performs the stage technical memory and the literary memory of the fault, defining characteristics and composition criteria.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The artistic and technical characteristics of the conceptual currents of the decoration of the scenery have been analyzed.

b) The cultural, organizational, artistic and technical characteristics of faults and their evolution have been analyzed.

c) The artistic and technical characteristics of public art have been analyzed.

d) The stage structure of stage and audiovisual performances has been valued.

e) Analyses and audiovisual scripts have been analyzed, identifying styles of shows and historical context.

f) Technical-artistic conditions of faults and bonfires adapted to the categories, spaces and economic possibilities have been defined.

g) Technical-artistic conditions of scenic projects have been defined, valuing their possibilities of adaptation to different spaces and contexts.

2. It elaborates projects of decoration, faults and bonfires, as well as sketches, illustrations and other decorative elements, applying, with skill, the techniques and the necessary tools.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The constitutive parts of the decors and the constitutive scenes of the fault have been analyzed, producing the supporting literary documentation.

b) We have analyzed sketches of decorations, samples of textures and materials, valuing combinations and expressive achievements.

c) Fault scenes have been developed, using drawing techniques and procedures precisely.

d) Sketches of sets, scenes and details of faults have been drawn, valuing the results and proposing adaptations according to operating conditions.

e) Sketches of armed and corporeal decorated with characteristic details have been drawn, using three-dimensional rendering techniques.

f) The constituent parts of the scenic machinery have been analyzed, valuing their relations with the scenic conception of the representation.

g) Sketches of finishing details have been drawn, using the techniques and materials according to the established procedure and highlighting the expected artistic achievements.

h) Color tones have been defined from trials and tests, according to artistic intent, to obtain the defined artistic results.

3. Elaborates drawings of the structure of decoration and faults, applying drawing techniques and valuing their location and proportions.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Frame-decorated structures have been drawn indicating the type of frame, armed, and lined.

(b) Decorated Practices have been drawn indicating the carras, mischievous, arnillas, boards and tabics, legs and turning points, among others.

c) Irregular practicables have been drawn indicating material and platform materials.

d) drawings of complete corporeal decoration have been drawn with delimitation of magnitudes (loads, shots and others).

e) Structure and fault plant drawings have been drawn, valuing their location and other aspects and indicating the shots and fireplaces, the junction points and the ballast points.

f) The introduction of the elements and principles of "design for all" in determining structures has been valued.

4. It defines process of construction of decoration, based on the technical documentation, valuing the spaces of exploitation and applying the regulations of prevention of occupational risks.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Armed decorated construction processes have been defined, determining the composition of canvases.

b) Construction processes for corporeal decorations have been defined, determining the composition of storage, according to the practicables and frames defined.

c) Construction processes of fault and bonfire carpentry have been defined, determining the sequence of elaboration.

d) Base building processes, large volumes and scenes of decorations and faults have been defined.

e) The materials to be used in the construction of decoration have been defined, valuing the qualities and their suitability to the constructive or artistic requirements.

f) The materials to be used in the construction of faults have been defined, assessing their suitability for the stability and the defined shots.

g) The tools to be used in the construction of decorations and faults have been defined, valuing their performance and availability.

h) Risks have been defined in the construction of decorations, faults and bonfires, analyzing the information of history of shows and failures.

i) Preventive measures have been defined, applying the established legislation.

j) The techniques to be used for the construction of the decoration, faults and bonfires, according to the project and the defined processes, have been defined.

k) The deadlines are defined according to the production plan, valuing the availability of the defined media and processes.

5. It elaborates project budgets for fault construction, bonfires and decorations, analyzing the value for money of the materials and applying negotiation techniques with the clients.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The breakdown of the project of decorated, faults and bonfires has been carried out, identifying the costs by particular groups and details.

b) The materials and tools budget has been made, valuing the availability of resources.

c) The construction budget for the decors and faults has been made, according to unit times and costs.

(d) The specification or contract of production of the decoration has been drawn up, applying the legislation in force.

e) Negotiating techniques have been used with the client or production team, demonstrating respect and professionalism and valuing the confidence generated.

f) The calculation of personnel costs has been carried out, taking into account collective agreements and the situation of the labour market.

g) The calculation of tax charges has been carried out, applying the legislation and regulations in force.

h) The calculation of the execution costs of the decorated according to the job plan and the breakdowns has been performed.

i) The value-for-money ratio study has been carried out, justifying its adequacy to the needs of the project.

Duration: 150 hours.

Basic contents:

Crafting technical memories:


-Technical-technical fault conditions.

-Technical-artistic conditions of scenery.

-Currents and evolution of the stage decoration.

-The feature of the organization, history and evolution of faults and bonfires.

-General and specific stage structures, according to type of show.

-Failed structures. Fault literary memory.

-Public art.

-Audio-visual and librettos.

-Types and styles of shows and events. Genres, time and historical context.

-Dramaturgy and staging of a staging.

Elaboration of decoration projects, faults and bonfires, sketches, illustrations and other illustrative elements:

-Armed or Italian decorated.

-Corporate or French decorum.

-Parts of the scenic space, pits and looms.

-Scenic equipment.

-Graphic representation techniques for drawings and details.

-Structure of the fault.

-Literary memory of faults.


-Creations by the Gaiateros artists.

-The development of scenes from the fault.

Elaboration of drawings of decoration and fault structures:

-Graphic representation techniques for drawings and details.

-Structure of the stage scenario.

-Armed decorated structure.

-Corporate decoration structure.

-Set structures and audiovisual dishes.

-Forrading of the scenery.


-Bases, shots, and fault fireplaces. Calculation of volume loads and caloric loads.

Defining decoration build processes:

-Functional organization of decorated construction jobs.

-decorated build processes:

Plotting, cutting, and assembling.

Composition of canvases for armed decorations.

Composition of trastres for corporeal decorations.

-Failure building processes.

-Occupational health.

-Public show security.



-Elaboration of material and technical listings.

-Making material characteristics.


-Decorated production costs.

-Negotiation techniques.

-Pay tables,

-Collective agreement.

-Social security.

-Tax legislation.

-Storage costs.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the technical design function of the stage and the fault.

The technical design feature includes aspects such as:

-The elaboration of technical memories of scenic projects.

-The elaboration of the literary memory and illustration of the fault.

-The definition of decoration and fault construction processes.

-The determination of human and material means.

-Making budgets.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The definition of stage and fault projects, with their corresponding technical documentation, budget and contract proposal.

-Making graphic material to document the project and define the production processes.

-The definition of the specifications by identifying the features of the installation and the location of the equipment at the client's request.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (w), (x), (y), (aa) and (ab) of the training cycle, and (a), (j), (k) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Elaboration and documentation of different research on history, styles and models of decoration, scenery and faults.

-Analysis of scripts and librettos of live and audiovisual shows.

-Elaboration of stage projects and faults, accompanied by the literary and graphic documentation.

-Elaboration of sketches, illustrations and vignettes, applying different techniques, materials and supports.

-Elaboration of sets of sets, cutting and details, applying technical drawing techniques, with manual or digital means.

-Realization of volume load and caloric load distribution calculations.

-Elaboration of breakdowns and budgets.

Professional Module: Production Planning.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 7

Code: 1219

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It defines the characteristics of the materials for a project of design faults and bonfires, interpreting the technical documentation and assessing the quality and quantity needed according to the volume of construction.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The volume of the construction and its various parts has been calculated from the interpretation of the technical documentation.

b) The types and quantities of timber and derived products to be used in construction have been determined, valuing standard presentations, quality and strength according to location in the final assembly.

c) The types and quantities of metal materials for the construction of the project have been determined, assessing weight and strength according to the defined stability.

d) The types and quantity of fabric elements for telons, cycloramas and lined with the decoration have been determined, assessing their resistance, clothing technique and behaviour in the face of the painting.

e) The types and quantities of materials for modeling and carving have been defined, valuing their density, weight, and commercial presentation.

f) The types and quantities of materials for molding have been determined, valuing the quantity of reproductions that can be performed and the techniques to be used in the manufacture of ninets, utility pieces and ornaments. faults, bonfires and decorations.

g) The types and quantities of paint material have been determined, assessing the surfaces to be covered, the finishes to be performed, and the quality and application specifications of the manufacturers.

h) The volume of waste of the materials used has been calculated, valuing the reuse procedures to reduce production costs.

i) Tests and tests have been conducted on the given materials, assessing their suitability for the constructive project.

2. It determines the needs and characteristics of the technical staff for the construction of faults, bonfires and stage sets, valuing the budget and available resources, and applying the sectoral regulations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The process has been timed and quantified, using computer tools.

b) The breakdown of tasks and their duration has been carried out, adjusting the number of operators and optimizing deadlines.

c) External procurement needs have been set according to workload, functions to be performed, and technical and artistic requirements.

d) The functions of the technicians and artists and the relationships between them (director, stage, producer, regidor and others) have been analyzed.

e) The various sectoral conventions and existing legislation have been analysed.

3. Defines the fault construction plan, bonfires and decorations, valuing the available resources and the execution times of the phases and tasks planned.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The time distribution table has been elaborated, defining the sequence of production activities according to the set deadlines.

b) The breakdown of techniques, procedures, materials, equipment and work tools has been developed, assessing the execution times for tasks and finishing qualities and preparing the technical documentation.

c) The management, distribution and maintenance of production workshops has been defined, adapting it to the current regulations.

d) Preventive measures have been identified in the work procedures, analysing the existing risks and the rules for the prevention of occupational risks.

e) Procedures for sourcing and availability of materials, tools and work equipment have been determined, organizing the necessary spaces and defining the measures and materials for their conservation.

f) The aesthetic and technical variations in the work plans have been defined, evaluating the materials used and the indications of the creative departments.

g) Support for the implementation of the quality plan has been developed, identifying the indicators and the implementation procedures.

h) The equipment and tool maintenance plan has been developed, analyzing the technical specifications and defining the tasks according to the timing of the production.

4. Defines the mount plan, evaluating location locations, and determining the installation sequences.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The adaptations of canvases and storage to the representation surface have been determined.

b) The preparation of the elements of the sets and faults has been determined, as well as the logistical conditions for their transfer, according to volumes, availability and cost.

c) The mount order has been defined, valuing the structure of the decoration and the fault, and determining the order of unloading and placement of the parts.

d) The sketch or assembly plane has been drawn up, determining the sequence and marking indications for the assembly of decoration, machinery, use, fault and bonfires.

e) The auxiliary mounting elements have been determined, valuing the volumes of the pieces and the structure of the decoration or the fault or bonfire.

f) The elements of decoration and ornamentation of faults have been defined, valuing the artistic information and artistic effects to be obtained.

g) In situ maintenance and repair guidelines for the decoration, failure or bonfire have been defined, valuing the necessary materials and tools and organizing the work spaces.

h) The security conditions of the mounted decoration have been defined, valuing the rules of public shows and the specific of each space or enclosure.

i) Security conditions have been defined during cream, establishing the security perimeter from the calculation of the caloric charges and according to safety and civil protection regulations.

5. Determines and monitors the storage spaces for stackable and reusable materials and elements of faults, bonfires, decorations, stage machinery, and use, analyzing the characteristics of the materials and the appropriate products.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The material sourcing and provisioning system has been defined in relation to the planning performed, monitoring the replacement needs.

b) The calculation of the optimal and security stocks has been performed, valuing the conditions of the offer and the sequencing of the tasks.

c) The location and marking of the materials has been defined, applying the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and assessing availability, ease of location and use of space.

d) The stock control procedure has been determined, managing and preparing the documentation, and performing the periodic inventory.

e) The method of storing and storing stackable and reusable elements has been verified, valuing the characteristics of the materials and their availability.

Duration: 60 hours.

Basic contents:

Defining the characteristics of materials for a stage project:

-Calculation of build volumes.

-Maderas for the construction of decorations and faults.

-Properties of metal materials for the construction of decoration. Resistance and uses.

-Tels and flexible materials. Uses in decorations and faults.

-Size materials: properties and commercial presentation.

-Materials for molding.

-Materials for finishes.

-Material regulations according to sector.

-Criteria and procedures for the reuse of materials.

-Material tests: classification, techniques, and resources.

Determining the needs and characteristics of technical personnel:

-Defining production times.

-Task breakdowns by productive phases.

-Work teams functions, relationships, and procedures.

-Structure of the decoration building department:

Functional Organization charts.

Organization optimization criteria for spaces.

-Organization of work equipment in faults and bonfires.

-Service Outsourcing: Existing offering based on scope and selection criteria.

-Specific labor legislation.

Defining the build plan:

-Media elaboration for the calculation and allocation of times.

-Technical breakdown by phases, qualities, and production objectives.

-Organization of the production spaces.

-Regulations on production spaces, according to sectors.

-Job Risks.

-Organization of the provisioning. Documentation.

-Analysis of artistic criteria: concreteness in productive activities.

-Quality treatment.

-Equipment and tool maintenance plans.

Defining the mount plan:

-Mount and dismount processes:

Order to mount canvases and storage.

Marking of the parts.

-Elements involved in logistics.

-Technical and artistic criteria for the setting of the decoration.

-Criteria for the definition of the mounting of fault and bonfire ornamentation.

-Maintenance on site.

-Security in rendering spaces.

-Caloric intensity calculations and prevention procedures.

Store management:

-Reusable items. Selection criteria and types.

-Provisioning systems.

-Stock management:

Optimal and security stocks.

Control and Inventory.

-Material classification systems.

-Organization of the storage spaces.

-Implementing the regulations on hazardous and flammable substances in storage.

-Parts and materials preservation procedures.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the production planning function.

The production scheduling function includes aspects such as:

-The selection of work materials, according to sector and productive phase.

-The selection of work equipment and tools, according to material and productive phase.

-The breakdown of phases, tasks, and production times, according to work teams.

-The organization of the production spaces.

-The definition of the phases and tasks of mounting and dismounting.

-The definition of the site conditions.

-The study of risks and the determination of prevention measures.

-Organization of materials and reusable.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The selection and organization of material resources.

-The selection or outsourcing of work equipment, according to productive needs.

-Making the production plan.

-Making the mount and unmount plan.

-The processing of the fault plant.

-Managing the stocks and the warehouse.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (d), (e), (f), (j), (s), (w) and (ab) of the training cycle, and (b), (j), (k) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Study and calculation of production materials, according to needs, qualities and commercial presentation.

-Selecting the work teams.

-Elaboration of plans, organizational charts, or other means of defining phases, tasks, and work times.

-Elaboration of production plans, according to the type of work and the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks.

-Elaboration of assembly and disassembly plans under changing operating conditions.

-Elaboration and treatment of warehouse and stock information.

Professional Module: Organization of the production of stage structures and machinery.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 16

Code: 1238

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Evaluates and controls the fulfillment of the deadlines, qualities and work of elaboration of supporting elements, assembly and coupling, in carpentry, of the structure of decoration and faults, interpreting the technical documentation and evaluating the quality and adequacy of the materials to be used.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The quantity, form and finish of the pieces to be produced has been defined, carrying out the calculation of weights, resistances, stability and behaviour in relation to the fire of the materials used in the construction of structures of support and latching elements and faults and bonfires and value their location in the assembly.

b) The quantity, form and type of work to be carried out on the lined elements (fabrics, linolees, plastic sheets and others) of decorated and scenic machinery has been defined, assessing the uses and effects defined in the project.

c) The elements and techniques of joining, assembling and fixing the different elements of the structure of the scenery or of the fault or bonfire have been defined, preparing the technical documentation.

d) The sequence of cutting, assembling and lined tasks has been established, valuing the availability of the machines and tools and the shape and size of the carpentry pieces.

e) Compliance with the procedures, production times, and final result has been verified in the layout, cutting, assembly, and lined operations of the structures, justifying the modifications made.

f) Compliance with the equipment and tool maintenance plan has been verified, justifying its availability for cutting, fixing, and assembly tasks.

2. It elaborates elements of support and coupling of structures of decoration, faults and bonfires, applying woodworking techniques in wood, metal and synthetic materials and evaluating the production.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The calculations of level cotches for the manufacture of figures of wood in volume, from models or sketches, have been carried out, verifying the points of curvature and union, and the assembly of the pieces.

b) The face and the edge of each piece have been determined according to their characteristics (arrangement in the set, visible faces and defects, among others).

c) The layout of the parts has been carried out, using conventional symbology (position and paired, calls and others) and the measuring, marking and tracing tools, and assessing the correction of the measures drawn and the optimal use of the raw material.

d) The maintenance and commissioning operations of the cutting and machining machinery have been performed, carrying out the necessary tests for their precise and safe use.

e) The cutting of the parts has been performed according to the defined procedure, assessing the quality of the finish and proposing corrective measures.

f) The turning and carving operations have been performed, applying the defined techniques, using the tools and the work equipment accurately and assessing the finish according to the defined effect.

g) The curving procedures have been applied, with manual or mechanical means, performing the calculations and verifying the shape of the part.

h) The classification and marking of the parts for assembly has been monitored, assessing the compliance and attachment of the coupling and assembly zones.

3. It assembles and fixes elements of support and latching in wood of the fault structures and bonfires, applying the defined procedures, using the tools with precision and security and valuing the stability.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The sequence of mounting of each structure or volume in wood has been defined, producing reference graphic material and justifying modifications in the assembly to ensure stability.

b) The central and upper caballete of the fault or bonfire have been mounted, preparing and assembling the supporting elements (feet, beds and others), and assessing the conditions of the aplomb and the squadron and the load distribution.

c) The stability of the structure has been verified, valuing the correct location of the pieces of easel, auxiliary parts and coupling elements to ensure the stability of the parts during the fault plant and bonfires.

d) The adequacy of the range of the structures to the conditions of the cream has been evaluated, according to the volume of the fault or bonfire and the material used.

e) The assembly of ribs and rings on the structure and the fixed of the vareta, in figures in volume of wood, has been carried out, verifying the curvature and the volume obtained.

4. It assembles and fixes the storage and building elements of the decoration and the scenic machinery, applying the defined procedures and assessing the stability and the safe use of the decoration.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Decorated storage rooms have been mounted, applying the defined procedures and assessing the stability of the assembly.

b) The procedures for the maintenance and preparation of the welding tools have been performed, replenishing the components and the welding materials and verifying their operation.

c) Soldering techniques have been applied for the binding of metal elements, verifying the strength and stability of the assembled assembly.

d) The assembly of decorated vans elements and their decorative elements, according to type, applying assembly procedures and fixed in carpentry.

e) The box and assembly of hinges, locks, pomos, slips and locks have been performed using the materials and tools with precision and safety, and applying the measures to prevent the disframing and guarantee its use practicable.

f) The stage machinery elements have been mounted, applying the defined procedures and assembling the moving elements.

g) The practicable use of the passable elements of the decoration has been verified, assessing the distribution of weights, their resistance and the scenic effect obtained.

h) The supported elements have been mounted, using the appropriate material for fixing and verifying their strength.

i) The mechanisms and their movement elements have been mounted for the movement of the stage or parts thereof, adjusting their operation, according to the technical specifications and the defined effects, and checking the measures for their operation. safe use.

5. It assembles and sets textile and similar elements, applying foraging, upholstery and finishing techniques in fabric or wood or other materials for the construction of decoration.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The position and dimension of textile or other materials has been defined, determining the procedures for binding and fixing and assessing the effects obtained.

b) The techniques of patting and cutting have been applied for the fixing of the lined textile pieces.

c) Textiles have been fixed, according to base material, position and use of the piece, avoiding roughness or landslides.

d) Parts have been assembled by taping techniques on different materials and bases, checking the support, fixing and rematting of the obtained structures.

e) The rigid elements of foraging of the stage have been fixed, according to the type of surface to be covered and the position of the part in the decoration.

f) The techniques and effects to be obtained in the application of finishes have been defined, preparing the color palette according to criteria of color management, contrasts, design harmony and application order

g) Finishes have been applied by textured, painted and tinted in the elements of the decoration, making the preparation of the base material and using the tools and materials with precision.

(h) The effects obtained by the application of the finishing techniques have been monitored and assessed, according to distance and position with respect to the spectator, the illumination received and the colour effects used (degraded, light and shadow), proposing modifications and improvements.

6. It evaluates risks and complies with the standards of occupational and environmental risk prevention during the performance of assembly tasks of decorated structures, valuing the working conditions and identifying the associated risks.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The occupational and environmental risks, as well as the level of hazard, associated with the activity to be performed using the implementing rules, have been determined.

b) Protection and action plans have been designed and implemented for the most common risk situations.

c) All staff involved have been made aware of the importance of compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

d) The precautionary measures outlined in the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and in the technical documentation of the equipment during the execution of works have been monitored and taken.

e) The individual and collective protection measures to be taken in the various operations have been planned and adopted to avoid risk factors of a personal nature.

f) The work area preparation activities, prior to the execution of operations, have been supervised and carried out, assessing the order, cleaning and maintenance of the facilities and equipment as a factor of risk prevention.

g) Related hygiene rules at work with the physical and mental consequences of their non-compliance.

h) A system of selective collection and disposal of waste has been implemented and respected, as well as procedures for the storage and handling of dangerous products.

Duration: 150 hours.

Basic contents:

Monitoring the production of support, assembly, and hook elements in carpentry:

-Presentation and shapes of wood.

-Parts Get Processes:

Wood cutting and cutting processes.

Plot and cut processes.

Finish processes.

-Shape Planes, cut planes, and join planes.

-Calculation of resistors, weights and stability of materials.

-Behavior of wood parts in the face of fire.

-Calculation of lined element coating surfaces.

-Get join systems processes.

-Process and time control.

-Tools and equipment maintenance operations.

Crafting support and hook elements:

-Cots calculation.

-Plotting the parts.

-Cutting and machining parts.

-Torneate and size.

-Marked for mounting.

-Tests: compliance and attachment of the coupling and coupling elements.

-Plot, cut and mark quality criteria.

Assembly and fixation of the supporting elements and latching of faults and bonfires:

-Definition of the fault structure.

-Determination of stability conditions.

-Mounting of the easels.

-Assembly of parts and ninots structures.

-Making assemblies and counterweights.

-Shooting stability and control tests.

-Mounting of figures by stranding technique.

Assembly and fixation of the supporting elements and the coupling of scenery and decoration:

-Join systems.

-Mount of racks, storage, and canvases.

Mounting of mobile frames (doors, windows, racks and balconies, among others): Herrading and assembly procedures. Decorative elements.

-Mounting metal structures:


Junctions and acples.

Quality control.

-Assembly of the scenic machinery elements:


Mobile and mechanisms.

Supported elements.

Coupling of engines and articulated elements.

-Stability and performance tests.

Assembly and fixing of lined elements (textiles, woods and the like):

-Scenic Draperia.

-Defining lined elements.

-Textiles attachment procedures.

-Rigid element fixation procedures.

-Styles and upholstery techniques.


Techniques: textured, painted, tinted.

Ensemble assessment of the effects with the decoration.

Assessment and prevention of occupational risks:

-Comparative analysis of the occupational accidents of the different sectors.

-Identification of accident hazards and their most frequent causes.

-Identification of current regulations.

-Risk prevention: Active security measures applicable to each situation.

-Security items:

Functions and use of individual protective equipment.

Equipment Emergency Protections and Stops.

-Order rules and work zone cleanup.

-Psychosocial risk factors.

-Instruments to improve job security:

Organizational aspects.

Personal interventions.

Attitudes of top technician Performer Fallero and stage construction.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the function of organizing the assembly of decoration and fault structures.

The function of organizing the assembly of decoration and fault structures includes aspects such as:

-The definition of the structure and the supporting elements of decoration and faults.

-The definition of the decorated lined elements.

-Making fault structures and ninots.

-Processing of trastrooms and decorated structures.

-The elaboration of practicables, mobiles and supported elements of the scenic machinery.

-Fixing the lined elements.

-The assessment of the effects obtained.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The monitoring of the work of drawing up support elements of the structure of the decoration and faults.

-The elaboration of the supporting elements and the latching of decorations and faults.

-Assembly of trastres and decorated canvases.

-Assembly of fault structures and ninots.

-The assembly of the elements of the scenic machinery.

-The placement and setting of case-lined elements.

-The determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (h), (i), (k), (r) and (w) of the training cycle, and the powers (c), (j), (k), (l), (m) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Organization and monitoring methods and systems.

-Defining decoration and fault structures.

-Elaboration of shape, cut, and join planes.

-Application of techniques and procedures for drawing, cutting and marking of pieces in wood, with different techniques.

-Assembly of storerooms, canvases, and elements of scenic machinery.

-Assembly of fault structures and ninots.

-Application of welding techniques and assembly of metal structures.

-Patting, cutting and fixing of textile elements for the lined and upholstered elements of the decoration.

-Assessment and determination of occupational risk prevention measures.

Professional Module: Organization of the production of corporate figures and ninots.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 11

Code: 1239

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Draws models and cutting plans of ninews, figures, pieces and ornamental elements, analyzing decorative styles and elaborating three-dimensional view marking instructions.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The cartoon style for faults and bonfires has been defined, interpreted the literary and technical documentation and valuing the intent of the clients or plaintiffs of the service.

b) The finishing style has been defined, according to artistic and period criteria, of the corpora figures of decorated and useful, interpreting the technical and artistic documentation of the scenic project.

c) The technique and detail of the drawing has been defined and applied, valuing artistic intentionality and the production plan.

d) The representation has been provided and broken down according to the defined level of detail and technical complexity.

e) The production technical documentation for the elaboration of the figure or part has been elaborated.

2. Monitors and applies modeling techniques for nineas, figures, and objects in porthbread and cardboard, using the tools with precision and security and valuing the volume and final effect that you want to obtain.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The quantity and hardness (density and thickness) of the material is defined from the detail to be obtained and the volume of the figure or part.

b) The procedure for extracting the volume of ninots, figures and pieces has been determined, valuing performance, time and artistic result.

c) The cutting and assembly process has been monitored, valuing the obtained cotas, the accuracy of the cut, and the concretion of the assembly symbology used.

d) Volume was extracted using carving techniques, precisely applying the tools and getting the defined volumes and details.

e) The ninot or figure armazoned has been supervised, valuing the fit and the ninot or figure-holding procedure.

f) The techniques, tools and work procedures have been defined to prepare the figure and apply the finishes, valuing the texture and the volume effects.

g) The final finish has been verified, according to the degree of detail defined, to avoid defects, buffets and landslides.

h) The misfits located on the surface of the piece or figure have been corrected, applying specific procedures and assessing the adequacy of the finish obtained.

i) The stability of the ninot, piece or figure and the incorporation of the elements of assembly, fastening and transport have been verified, conducting tests, checking holes and correcting deviations.

3. Monitors and applies carving techniques for the construction of decoration figures and objects of use in diverse materials, using the tools with precision and security and valuing the volume and final effect to be obtained, according to the defined model.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The volume has been extracted, using debastate or cutting and assembly techniques and valuing the hardness of the carving material and the volume to be obtained.

b) The technique of carving and the tools to be used has been determined, valuing the mechanical strength and the quality of the base material.

c) The maintenance and preparation tasks of the tools have been performed, according to the production plan and the selected technique.

d) The technique of carving has been applied, interpreting the volumetry of the models and the three-view markings of the technical documentation, correcting deviations and assessing the volume effects obtained.

e) The procedures for polishing and finishing of the part have been supervised, valuing the result obtained according to the procedure and the tools used, the expressiveness achieved and the techniques and materials of painting employees.

4. He values techniques and artistic currents for painting and finishing figures and for decorated and bonfires, proposing corresponding adaptations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The evolution of the styles and techniques of execution of faults and bonfires has been analyzed, valuing the changes produced according to the type of material used and the styles of caricature.

b) The currents of external architectural styles, coatings and terminations have been characterized, most frequently used in the field of spectacle, valuing their historical evolution and local differences and national.

c) Architectural interiors of frequent use in the entertainment sector have been analyzed, analyzing the spatial distribution of rooms and rooms, the materials and elements of separation and decoration of walls and walls, according to local and national eras and varieties.

d) The styles of furniture of spaces of frequent use have been analyzed in the world of the show, according to local and regional eras and varieties, valuing the materials, the constructive techniques, the textures, the colors and the finishes.

e) Research on artistic currents and models for stage and fault finishes has been documented and preserved, using different documentation and archival procedures.

5. Monitors and performs the painting of ninots and elements of decoration and faults, interpreting the technical documentation and valuing the expressive effects in relation to the set of the fault, bonfire or decoration.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The shapes, particular details, colors, and light effect and depth have been defined, valuing the expressive result of the figure.

b) The procedure for drawing and drying has been defined, determining tools and materials and calculating time.

c) The uniformity and correction of the paint bottoms cut has been checked.

d) The procedures and techniques of painting have been defined, determining the tools and materials, according to the base surface and the expressiveness of the ninot or figure.

e) The painting technique has been applied, using precisely the tools, respecting the drying times for successive layers, assessing the effect achieved and correcting the deviations.

f) Protective materials (varnishes, flame retardants, and others) have been applied, according to the base material, the enhanced effects and the weather protection.

g) The expressive and artistic result obtained has been verified, applying the necessary tests.

Duration: 100 hours.

Basic contents:

Drawing of models and cutting planes of nineas, figures, pieces and ornamental elements:

-Cartoons: styles and color treatment.

-The tradition and evolution of the cartoon on the fault.

-Age study of scenery and use for shows:

Selection of styles according to time and artistic intent.

Selection of the cartoon model.

Constructive analysis.

-Despieces and detail drawings.

-Work with exempt or embossed figures.

-Color studies for small and large volumes.

-Constructive Planes.

Porespan and cardboard modeling:

-Selection of materials and work tools.

-Detach and calculation of cotas.

-Manual and mechanical court.

-Assembly and assembly of the part or ninot.

-Talla and volume ready.

-Correction and artistic use of defects.

-Assembly of auxiliary elements.

-Stability tests.

Size of ninots, figures, and objects:

-Size materials.

-Removing the volume: By Devastated and by Assembly.

-Size techniques.

-Size tools.

-Polished and finished procedures.

Techniques and currents of the application of finishes in faults, bonfires and scenery:

-Pictorial styles.

-Styles and evolution of architectural structures in the scenery: architectural analysis and color analysis.

-Indoor and outdoor coatings: historical evolution. Materials, colors and textures.

-Color tests.

-Elaboration and documentation of studies and research.

Application of finishes:

-Color detail study drawings.

-Express resources.

-Preparing the base materials.

-Painting techniques: oil and plastic.

-Base and fund treatment.

-Application of gold and polychrome.

-Application of aging.

-Application of material imitation textures.

-Drying processes.

-Rectification of faults.

-Application of protectors.

-Express analysis.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the functions of organizing the production of body elements and ninots.

The organization function of the production of body elements and ninots includes aspects such as:

-The drawing of figures of figures, ninots and body objects.

-The elaboration of body figures by cardboard and porespan modelling.

-Making body figures per size.

-Selection of finishes for figures and parts.

-The application of finishes on corporate figures or ninots.

-Collaboration in the selection of personnel.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The definition of the shape, structure and finishes of corporate figures and ninots, determining constructive processes.

-The elaboration of the artistic and technical documentation for the construction of the figures.

-The elaboration of pieces, corpora or ninots, exempt or in relief, using different materials.

-The application of finishes with different materials and techniques, highlighting the effects of color, light and expressiveness of the obtained figures.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (l), (m), (n), (n), (t), (y), (ac) and (ad) of the training cycle, and (d), (f), (j), (k), (l) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Styles and forms of representation and caricature of the characters.

-Elaboration of drawings of cutting and details of figures in different degrees of concretion.

-Color studies.

-Figure production planes.

-Modeling of corporate figures and ninots in porthons and cardboard.

-Modeling and carving on different materials (wood, plaster and others).

-Application of oil paints.

-Application of plastic paints.

-Application of coatings and protectors.

Professional Module: Organization of the production of the utility.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 11

Code: 1240

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It defines elements of use in a scenography, characterizing currents and styles and determining the construction procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The currents have been characterized in the use of spectacles, justifying their use in different scenic assemblies.

b) Different models of composition and fixation of elements of carteleria in spectacles have been analyzed, justifying the aesthetic and montage of their use.

c) Research on artistic currents and models for show-use ornamentation has been documented and preserved, using different documentation and archival formats.

d) The techniques that should be used in the ornamentation of shows, according to treatment and time of elaboration of the materials used, have been defined.

e) The production technical documentation has been developed, identifying proportions, sectioning, and joins of the models or figures provided.

2. Organizes and applies different molding techniques for different types of materials, valuing the number of productions to be performed and the level of detail defined.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The volume has been elaborated by the application of live or inert material, using the tools accurately and obtaining the defined level of detail.

b) The sectioned has been defined with its volume calls for the elaboration of the mold, valuing the complexity and volume of the ornament or ninot.

c) The quantity and plasticity of the materials and tools for the production of the mould according to the fate of the figure and the accuracy of the reproduction has been determined.

d) The mold to be performed has been determined, valuing the quantity of reproductions and the quality of reproduction.

e) The mould has been developed with its external structure, following the established procedures to ensure its stability and ease of manoeuvre, the assembly of the parts, the fitting with fidelity to the model and applying the drying procedures according to the type of material.

f) The cardboard has been prepared and applied, using the tools and applying layers and drying according to the defined procedure.

g) The figure for finishes has been reviewed, preparing the joins and performing the paste recesses and repasts, according to the established procedures.

h) The procedure for storing and preserving the molds has been monitored, according to the procedures defined.

3. Monitors and elaborates objects of use in metal and plastic, applying the techniques for their treatment and valuing their adaptation to different representations.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The composition, structure and joints of the piece have been defined, determining the working and finishing techniques.

b) The volume or iron has been obtained by means of casting or drawing and cutting procedures, verifying the adequacy of the characteristics of the metal.

c) The preparation of the base material has been performed according to defined procedure.

d) The pieces have been sculpted or chiseled, obtaining the defined finishing level and using the tools accurately, avoiding the necessary ones.

e) Parts have been assembled, using welding points or pressure-binding procedures, valuing the attachment and stability of the assembly.

f) The piece has been treated for preparation for the finishes, following the defined procedures (polishing, brightening and cleaning, among others).

g) The maintenance operations of the tools and tools have been performed, according to established procedure.

h) The final finish has been verified based on the criteria set out in the technical project, assessing the introduction of modifications or improvements.

i) Waste treatment and space cleaning procedures have been applied, following the defined protocols.

4. Monitors and performs the painting, aging and finishing of the elements of the use, using the techniques defined and justifying the results obtained.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The artistic currents for painting and finishing of useful elements have been valued, according to epochs and styles.

b) Techniques have been applied to achieve material imitation textures and stucture, using the paint tools with safety and precision.

c) Material aging techniques have been applied, valuing the quality of the effect obtained.

(d) Control and supervision of the use of the use elements has been carried out, justifying the quality of the finishes obtained and proposing modifications of the clothing.

e) Measures have been applied for the preservation and transport of the use elements.

5. Monitors and elaborates cartelery elements, according to ornamentation or defined setting, using the design and design tools with dexterity and valuing the effect obtained.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The style and shape of the poster has been determined, valuing the information to be transmitted and the effect to be obtained.

b) Figures and combinations of color have been defined, depending on the decoration, fault, or space defined.

c) The content, structure, and typography of the text has been defined, adjusting the information to the defined effects.

d) The sketches and tests performed, assessing the modifications they have to make.

e) The defined composition has been elaborated, using computer tools or drawing manuals.

f) The location of the billboard in the decoration or fault has been verified, taking into account perceptual and artistic criteria.

g) The final finish has been verified based on the criteria set out in the technical project, assessing the introduction of modifications or improvements.

Duration: 100 hours.

Basic contents:

Defining fault ornamentation, bonfires, and utility elements:

-Styles and evolution of utility objects.

-Study of objects according to genres and shapes in live shows.

-Treatment of objects in the fault.

-molding processes.

-Cartelery analysis.

-Graphical representation of ornamental elements.

Crafting items by molding:

-Material treatment.

-Elaboration of the models.

-Sectioning of parts.

-Terrajas and other traditional systems.

-Job with cast cast. Materials and procedures.

-Work with repeating molds.

-Secado and Extraction of Figures.

-Preparation of cardboard and pastes.

-Retpast and carving of joints and surfaces.

-Join procedures.

Elaboration of metal and plastic utility elements:

-Behavior of metal and plastic materials.

-Object Trucage.

-Work tools: uses and maintenance.

-Model elaboration.

-Casting techniques.

-Lost wax molde.

-Join procedures.

-Plotting and cutting of metal and plastic plates.

-Sculptural techniques with plates.

-Metal and plastic relief techniques.

-Metal treatments and finishes.

Monitoring and processing of paints, aging and finishing:

-Study of use-piece finishes: styles and epochs.

-Figuring in scenery.

-Treatment of color.

-Application of aging: according to type of painting and according to materials and time.

-Effects analysis.

-Application of protectors: in front of the weather and facing blows and deterioration.

Crafting the billboard on different media:

-Cartelery studies.

-Treatment of physical and psychological elements in the determination of the message and composition.

-Composition and elaboration of figuration and color: shapes and colors.

-Composition and elaboration of the text.

-Cartelery distribution criteria.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the function of organizing the production of use.

The organization function of the utilery production includes aspects such as:

-The study of commonly used genera and object forms in various media.

-Drawing drawings, drawings, and models for molding.

-Making molds, according to materials, quantity of representations, and level of detail.

-Making parts in inert or living plastic materials.

-Processing of parts in plastic materials and metals.

-Cartelery processing.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The definition of the workpieces to be worked out, determining work styles and processes.

-The selection and treatment of materials suitable for the manufacture of the objects of use.

-Processing by molding of parts and objects of use, in different materials.

-Making materials from metal and plastic plates.

-The processing of billboards for representation.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (l), (m), (n), (n), (o), (x), (ac) and (ad) of the training cycle, and (e), (f), (j) and (k) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The objective analysis of different genres and live or audiovisual representations.

-The elaboration of cutting drawings and drawings of production and assembly of objects of use.

-Making models and models in different materials.

-The application of molding techniques in, and on, different materials.

-The obtention of sculptural elements, in relief or in plane, on metal or plastic plates.

-Application of relief techniques on metal.

-The application of finishes on different materials.

Professional Module: Organization of the fault plant.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1241

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Defines the ornamentation of a fault or bonfire, evaluating the artistic results and preparing the assembly documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The styles and ornamental compositions of the faults have been analyzed, valuing the variations and contributions achieved throughout the evolution of the faults.

b) Sketches and drawings have been developed defining the composition of the ornamentation, according to the characteristics of the faults and the result to be obtained.

c) Work materials and techniques have been defined for the elaboration of the pieces of the ornamentation.

d) The workspace has been organized during the site for the realization, in situ, of the elements of the ornamentation and the maintenance operations of the fault.

e) The style and distribution of the fault line has been determined, according to defined literary memory.

f) Work procedures have been defined for the location and assembly of the ornamentation during the plant.

2. Organizes the logistics for the fault plant, verifying the requirements of the current legislation on the transport and unloading of goods and determining the steps to be taken.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Load volumes have been defined, determining the means and transport procedures to be used, in accordance with current legislation.

b) Load, stowage and load protection procedures have been determined, identifying resources and machinery.

(c) The procedures and procedures necessary for the procurement of means of transport have been identified, in accordance with current legislation.

d) The conditions of loading and unloading have been identified in public spaces, in accordance with current legislation, identifying the procedures to be performed.

e) The sequence, times, and loading and unloading spaces of the plant have been defined, taking into account the required permissions and the available space and the technical documentation has been developed.

f) The failure mounting plan has been developed, determining the load and suspension means for the assembly and identifying the procurement procedures for the equipment.

g) Human means have been determined for the loading, unloading and monitoring of the material for the plant, according to the assembled plan.

3. Organizes and monitors the storage and transport of the fault elements, identifying the safety measures of the parts and the rules for the prevention of occupational hazards.

Assessment Criteria:

a) It has been verified that vehicle and carrier documentation meets the requirements set out in the legislation.

b) The loading, stowage and protection procedures of the parts have been checked, verifying the protective measures, the anchorages and the stability of the load.

c) Compliance with traffic rules has been verified during freight transport, avoiding mishaps and modifying unforeseen routes.

d) The availability and operability of the load and unload media has been checked.

e) Download procedures have been monitored, checking for the damage caused, the disassembly of beds and anchorages, and the stability of the stacked elements, according to the plan.

f) Compliance with the protection and security measures of the downloaded material has been verified.

4. Performs the failure assembly, applying the intended procedures and proposing unforeseen modifications.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The management of the site permissions and location documentation has been monitored.

b) The timing and coordination criteria of the mounting equipment have been determined.

c) Leadership has been exercised during assembly, delivering orders with clarity and precision and coordinating work actions.

d) The central body has been placed, leveled and weighed, verifying the attachment, the aplomb and the exact location.

e) The mounting of high zones and parts (joints, assemblies, moving machinery) has been monitored, verifying consistency, strength and stability.

f) Joins, assemblies, and faults have been verified, applying the established techniques and procedures.

g) The placement of children and scenes has been performed, following the defined sequence and applying the security and risk prevention measures.

h) The location of the carteleria and elements of the setting is monitored, according to the plan established, verifying the effects obtained and making the justified modifications.

5. It evaluates risks and complies with the standards of occupational and environmental risk prevention during the performance of plant tasks, assessing working conditions and identifying the associated risks.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The occupational and environmental risks, as well as the level of danger associated with the activity to be performed, have been determined, interpreting the implementing rules.

b) Protection and action plans have been designed and implemented for the most common risk situations.

c) The staff involved have been aware of the importance of compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

d) Compliance with the precautionary measures, as outlined in the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and in the technical documentation of the equipment, has been monitored during the execution of work.

e) The individual and collective protection measures to be considered in the various operations to avoid risk factors of a personal nature have been foreseen and adopted.

f) The preparatory work of the work area prior to the execution of the operations has been supervised and carried out, assessing the order, cleaning and maintenance of the facilities and equipment as a prevention factor

g) Related hygiene rules at work with the physical and mental consequences of their non-compliance.

h) A system of selective collection and disposal of waste has been implemented and respected, as well as procedures for the storage and handling of hazardous products.

Duration: 50 hours.

Basic contents:

Fault ornamentation and bonfires:

-Evolution and styles of fault ornamentation.

-Constructive study.

-Organization of the on-site production workshop: workspaces and prevention standards.

-Evolution of the billboard on the fault.

-Assembly and failure join processes.

Organization and monitoring of plant logistics:

-Heavy and hazardous material load procedures.

-Transport legislation for heavy and hazardous materials.

-Elaboration of the load and unload plan.

-Preparing the mount plan.

-Means of traction and suspension of loads for mounting.

-Organization of the work teams.

Preparing items for storage and transport:


-Stage and anchor procedures.

-Load protection elements during storage and transport.

-Determining the transport path.

-Organization of the drive and suspend media.

-Unmount the load.

-Stack conditions.

Failure mount:

-Central body assembly.

-Installing and assembling the top elements.

-Join procedures.

-Localization and repair of damage.

-Mounting phases of the billboard and ornamentation.

-Maintenance operations during the site.

-Effects study: modifications derived from environmental conditions.

Assessment and prevention of occupational risks:

-Comparative analysis of the occupational accidents of the different sectors.

-Identification of accident hazards and their most frequent causes.

-Identification of current regulations.

-Risk prevention: Active security measures applicable to each situation.

-Security items:

Functions and use of individual protective equipment.

Equipment Emergency Protections and Stops.

-Order rules and work zone cleanup.

-Psychosocial risk factors.

-Instruments to improve job security:

Organizational aspects.

Personal interventions.

Attitudes of top technician Performer Fallero and stage construction.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the fault plant organization function.

The fault plant organization function includes aspects such as:

-Organization of work teams.

-The determination of the transports and the loading and unloading procedures of the fault elements.

-Monitoring the load, protection, and security procedures of the downloaded items.

-Mount and install the fault.

-Maintenance of the fault to the cream.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-Monitoring the logistics of the failure mount, defining and monitoring media and work teams.

-The organization of the failure assembly, including ornamentation and billboard, defining processing and maintenance processes.

-Performing the mount activities.

-The determination and supervision of occupational risk prevention procedures in the handling and transportation of heavy and hazardous materials.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (q), (r), (x), (y), (z), (aa) and (ab) of the training cycle, and (h), (k), (l), (m) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Organization of work teams.

-Elaboration of failure mount and logistics plans.

-Analysis of the legislation concerned: heavy and dangerous goods, vehicles and drivers of special transport and others.

-Monitoring load and unload media.

-Assembly of a scale fault, including ornamentation and billboard.

-Application of maintenance and repair techniques for the fault, applying different materials and techniques.

Professional Module: Organization of the decoration assembly.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 11

Code: 1242

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Monitors the logistics of the assembly and disassembly of the decoration, verifying the means used, and disposing of the elements for the assembly of the decoration or scenery.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The ability and stability of the transports have been verified, defining the anchors, clamping points, and stowage measures of the loaded items.

b) The documentation of the vehicles and drivers has been checked, verifying their legality for the work to be carried out and resolving the contingencies.

c) The deposit of the elements of the decoration has been controlled, verifying the availability and the order of unloading, according to the established assembly plan, applying the legislation on use and safety in public spaces and preparing the relevant documentation.

d) The availability and stability of the auxiliary means for lifting and assembling the parts has been verified, preparing instructions for use during assembly.

e) The assembly space distribution has been performed, ensuring the safe and efficient compliance of the defined tasks.

2. Performs the assembly of decoration in the workplace (scenarios, sets of filming, studies, temporary assemblies and permanent assemblies of sets for theme parks and others), applying the defined procedures and assessing the effects obtained.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The workspace has been determined, defining the operation and location zones of machinery and complying with prevention regulations.

b) The preparation and maintenance operations of the assembly machinery have been performed, according to defined procedures.

c) The fixing and anchoring of the supported elements has been performed, verifying the grid structure of the stage and the availability of the load means.

d) Stating and canvases have been performed, using the defined tools and checking the stability of the set.

e) The installation of practicables, mobile elements and mechanisms has been performed, following the established procedure.

f) Stability tests have been performed, verifying compliance with safety standards during the intended use of the facilities.

g) The adequacy of the decoration has been proven during the tests and tests, according to defined effects, proposing alternatives and modifications.

3. Monitors and maintains the decorated and staged scenery, according to the time of exposure and the materials used, defining the work processes, the materials and tools to be used and assessing the suitability of the appearance and function previously defined.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The procedures and sequence of maintenance operations have been defined, analyzing the most frequent flaws.

b) Disperfect, detached, faults and breakages of the elements of the decoration have been located, valuing the scope and the replacement time.

c) Work orders have been developed, determining the techniques, materials, and tools for their repair.

d) On-site maintenance or repair operations have been performed, using the tools accurately.

e) The operations performed have been verified, checking the restoration of the appearance and functionality of the damaged parts.

4. Monitors the installation of audiovisual equipment, effects machines and other electrical power machinery, performing the distribution of the installation and determining the measures of protection of the connection and the devices, according to the regulations security.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The distribution of the machines, engines and connection elements has been defined according to the indications received and the technical documentation is being prepared.

b) The processes of making and supporting screens, cycloras and other projection resources have been defined, according to the materials and information of the show handled.

c) The location and protection elements of audiovisual and computer equipment have been determined, according to the needs of the show and the risk prevention rules.

d) The installation of the box and the protectors of the motors, transformers and wiring of the electrical power equipment has been supervised, as shown in the plan.

e) The operation of the audiovisual and computer media has been monitored, verifying the performance of the operation maintenance operations.

5. It evaluates risks and complies with the standards of occupational and environmental risk prevention during the performance of plant tasks, assessing working conditions and identifying the associated risks.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The occupational and environmental risks, as well as the level of danger associated with the activity to be carried out, have been determined using the implementing rules.

b) Protection and action plans have been designed and implemented for the most common risk situations.

c) All staff involved in the importance of compliance with occupational and environmental risk prevention standards have been made aware.

d) Compliance with the precautionary measures, as outlined in the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and in the technical documentation of the equipment, has been monitored during the execution of work.

e) The individual and collective protection measures to be considered in the various operations to avoid risk factors of a personal nature have been foreseen and adopted.

f) The preparatory work of the work area prior to the execution of the operations has been supervised and carried out, assessing the order, cleaning and maintenance of the facilities and equipment as a prevention factor

g) Related hygiene rules at work with the physical and mental consequences of their non-compliance.

h) A system of selective collection and disposal of waste has been implemented and respected, as well as procedures for the storage and handling of hazardous products.

Duration: 100 hours.

Basic contents:

Assembly and Assembly Disassembly Logistics:

-Transport media selection.

-Estimating and protecting the load elements.

-Defining the load and unload order.

-Public-path load-deposition regulations.

-Monitoring load and lift media.

-Organization of space.

-Determination of the unmount procedures and sequence.

Assembly of decorations in the scene or location of the scenery:

-Preparation and maintenance operations of the on-site assembly machinery.

-Structure and components of the galleries and the theater comb.

-Structure of the loom.

-Fixing and stability of supported elements.

-Fixing and assembling storage and canvases.

-Installing practicables and mobiles.

-Stability and lighting tests.

-Applying security regulations in public rendering spaces and shows.

Decorating maintenance:

-Assessment of causes of deterioration.

-Defining maintenance operations.

-Maintenance procedures.

-Maintenance of supporting elements and mechanisms.

-Defining parts and materials reworking processes.

-Elaboration and fulfillment of maintenance documentation: work orders and maintenance tokens.

-Monitoring the quality of jobs.

Monitoring power installations assembly:

-Power facilities Planes.

-Electrical components.

-Engine and transformer maintenance operations.

-Wiring and wiring the connections.

-Boxing and protective processes.

-Processing and fixing procedures for chromaquis, screens, and other projection elements.

-Testing of electrical equipment and installations.

Assessment and prevention of occupational risks:

-Comparative analysis of the occupational accidents of the different sectors.

-Identification of accident hazards and their most frequent causes.

-Identification of current regulations.

-Risk prevention:

-Active security measures applicable to each situation.

-Security items:

Functions and use of individual protective equipment.

Equipment Emergency Protections and Stops.

-Order rules and work zone cleanup.

-Psychosocial risk factors.

-Instruments to improve job security:

Organizational aspects.

Personal interventions.

Attitudes of top technician Performer Fallero and stage construction.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the training required to perform the organization and monitoring function of the decoration assembly.

The organization and monitoring function of the decoration assembly includes aspects such as:

-Making plans and documentation for assembly and disassembly of decorations.

-The determination or hiring of the means of transport and freight.

-The elaboration of the elements of protection of audiovisual and computer media during the representation.

-The assembly of storage, canvases, and decoration elements.

-Maintenance during exposure or representation.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The definition of the conditions, means and equipment of cargo and transport, valuing the measures of stowage and protection of the transported elements.

-The execution of the assembly tasks of the decoration elements, applying procedures for fixing and assembling storage, canvases and supported elements.

-The monitoring of power facilities or those used during representation, defining and preparing protective elements.

-Maintenance of the decoration during operation, defining the operations to be performed and applying the defined procedures.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (i), (j), (q), (r), (z) and (ab) of the training cycle, and (h), (k), (l) and (n) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-Making load and transport plans.

-Making assembly and disassembly sequences of decorations.

-The in situ organization of workspaces.

-The assembly of the elements of the decoration and tests of stability and security.

-Analysis of the most frequent deterioration causes in decorations.

-The determination and application of maintenance and repair procedures.

-The monitoring of electrical installations of spaces of representation and the elaboration of elements of projection and protection of installations and equipment.

-The determination and enforcement of security measures during load, mount, and dismount operations.

Professional Module: Ambient and show service.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 7

Code: 1243

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Evaluates decorative and furniture and decorative accessories, analyzing images, descriptions, librettos and other decoration materials and scene setting and inferring the styles, needs, materials and techniques used in its composition.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The local styles, epochs and varieties of the time of representation have been analyzed, based on the literary and technical information.

b) Images and descriptions of period interiors have been analyzed, determining the styles of furniture and decoration.

c) Images and descriptions of period exteriors have been analyzed, determining the styles of furniture and decoration for the setting of decorations.

d) Object technical classification tokens have been developed, detailing their stylistic and technical characteristics and valuing their production or rental possibilities.

e) The documentation of the furniture and accessories of a decoration or scene has been elaborated, identifying its location and use during the representation or exploitation of the decoration.

2. It sets the scene of the scenery of live shows, audiovisual or fixed installations, audiovisual or live show, analyzing technical and artistic information of shows and defining the style and the working procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) It has been valued, from sketches and illustrations or archival documentation, the use of certain objects and add-ons to set the scene.

b) The availability of the objects of the setting has been analyzed, identifying the acquisition arrangements and valuing the modifications according to the established budget.

c) The construction processes of the object have been defined, determining the procedures, materials and tools to be used and preparing the technical documentation.

d) The assembly sequence and the on-site location of the furniture and decoration objects have been determined, analyzing the distribution of the zones of passage and movement.

e) The plane of assembly and disassembly of the elements of the atmosphere has been elaborated, using the symbology of location and proper use to the show.

f) Measures to protect the elements of the use of the use of the equipment have been defined, assessing their exposure to weathering and unforeseen events.

3. It defines the use-atreth and machinery movements, interpreting the script or libretto, applying the security rules and adapting to the available space.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The stage movements have been defined, determining the feet or marks to favor the naturalness of the movement and the continuity of the function.

b) Scenario mutations and utilery changes have been defined, determining their realization at replacement times or during rendering.

c) Machinery movements have been defined on the stage, performing the calculations of amplitude, speed and height, according to the characteristics of the scenic space.

d) The use of effect machines has been defined, valuing and limiting them during rendering.

e) The sequence of changes and substitutions of unexpected machinery has been determined, valuing the continuity of the show.

f) The sequence of disassembly and storage of the machinery and the utility has been determined.

g) Safety standards for actors and operators have been determined, interpreting the documentation on passing zones and the specifications of the machinery used.

4. Supervises and performs the actions of the movement of the scenic machinery, valuing the effects obtained and complying with the regulations of occupational risks.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The location and operation of the machinery has been monitored, verifying the operation and making the necessary repairs.

b) Machine tasks and operations have been distributed among the team, instructing on the movements to be performed and the feet and marks to follow.

c) Machinery has been operated with the established sequence and procedure, avoiding unplanned interruptions or accelerations.

d) Changes of machinery have occurred in intermediate or in sight, according to the established sequence, acting with naturalness before the public.

e) Disassembly of the machinery elements has been performed, placing them in the established places to facilitate their reinstatement to the work and facilitate the deambulation.

f) Safety and prevention standards established for actors, staff and the public have been respected.

g) The machinery notebook has been developed, recording incidents and operations performed.

5. Monitors and locates the atrezo, and makes the changes of use, analyzing the scenographic and technical documentation and assessing the effects obtained.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The placement and attachment of furniture and decoration objects has been supervised, checking the effects obtained on the work or representation of the objects and the layout of those to be used in the changes.

b) In situ maintenance and repair operations of the atrezo elements have been performed, defining the procedures to be used and the changes of the objects.

c) The distribution of change, motion, and daring effects has been performed, taking into account the feet or marks to be followed.

d) The changes of daring without public or to the sight and operations of the mechanisms of effects of use, according to the sequence and the established procedure, have been carried out, acting with naturalness before the public.

e) The substitution of objects was performed due to lack of disposition or breakage, during representation, according to the defined procedure.

f) Safety and prevention standards established for actors, staff and the public have been respected.

g) The utility notebook has been developed, recording the incidents and operations performed.

Duration: 60 hours.

Basic contents:

Characterization of schools and streams of scenery and scenery:

-Currents and styles of setting.

-Efew and styles in the evolution of furniture, decoration and domestic work.

-Time Study.

-Bocetos and illustrations of period ambientation.

-Treatment of period studies documentation.

Scenery setting:

-Ambientation mount Planes from dash or libretto.

-Selecting location spaces and fixing methods.

-Furniture and decoration finishes.

Wood finishes.

Metal Finishes.


-Determination of mount and dismount sequences.

-Indoor or weather protection measures.

Definition of scenic and useful machinery movements:

-Motion rendering Planes.

-Movements in the theatre: distance, height and amplitude.

-Definition of machinery movements.

-Mutations and effects on the scenario.

-Displacements and mechanisms for use and daring.

-Determination of feet and marks for the realization of movements.

-Mount and dismount sequence.

Machine service during rendering:

-Giratory scenarios: operation types and procedures.

-Lift machinery. Technical specifications.

-Offset machinery.

-Machinery of effects.

-Electromechanical maintenance and commissioning of machinery.

-Operation of the machinery.

-Organization of the teams during the service of the function or representation.

-Fulfillment of the machinery notebook.

Dare service during rendering:

-Preparing and maintaining the elements of the use-daring.

-Offset mechanisms and effects during rendering.

-Maintenance operations.

-Location of elements during rehearsals and representation.

-Organization of the teams during representation.

-Sequence and unmount procedures.

-Making the use-of-the-box notebook.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training to perform the function of setting and service of shows.

The function of setting and service of shows includes aspects such as:

-The study of indoor and outdoor environments.

-The definition of element elements.

-The definition of the movements and use of the scenic machinery.

-The definition of the location and the use-atrezo movements.

-The service of theatrical functions or performances.

The professional activities associated with this function apply to:

-The definition of the objects and resources of furniture, decoration and household furniture, identifying the requirements of the script or script and preparing the technical documentation.

-The definition of the movements of the scenic and useful machinery, organizing the human and material resources for their concretion in the scenario or representation.

-The service of scenic machinery in tests, functions and representations, preparing, operating and dismantling the machinery.

-The service of use-atrezo in essays, functions and representations, monitoring the movements and disassembling the elements.

The formation of the module contributes to achieving the general objectives (s), (p), (u), (v), (x), (y) and (z) of the training cycle, and (g), (i), (k), (l) and (m) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The elaboration of studies and research on period and show setting.

-The determination of the elements of the setting and the elaboration of the technical documentation.

-The definition of stage movements of machinery and use-atrezo, analyzing scripts and librettos.

-The organization of machinery and utility movement equipment.

-The location and organization of the machinery and utility elements-atrezo.

-Maintenance, assembly and disassembly of machinery and utility elements-atrezo.

Professional Module: Design and fault construction project.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1244

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies needs of the productive sector, relating them to type projects that can satisfy them.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Companies in the sector have been classified for their organizational characteristics and the type of product or service they offer.

b) Type companies have been characterized by indicating the organizational structure and functions of each department.

c) The most demanding needs have been identified for businesses.

d) The foreseeable business opportunities in the sector have been valued.

e) The type of project required to respond to expected demands has been identified.

f) The specific characteristics required in the project have been determined.

g) Tax, labour and risk prevention obligations and their conditions of application have been determined.

h) Possible grants or grants have been identified for the incorporation of the new production or service technologies being proposed.

i) The work script to be followed for project elaboration has been developed.

2. Designs projects related to the competencies expressed in the title, including and developing the phases that compose it.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Information has been collected regarding the aspects to be addressed in the project.

b) The technical feasibility study of the same has been performed.

c) The phases or parts that make up the project and its content have been identified.

d) The objectives that are intended to be achieved have been established, identifying their scope.

e) The material and personal resources required to perform it have been provided.

f) The corresponding economic budget has been made.

g) Financing needs have been identified for the implementation of the project.

h) The documentation required for your design has been defined and elaborated.

i) The aspects that need to be controlled to ensure the quality of the project have been identified.

3. Schedules project execution, determining the intervention plan and associated documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Activities have been sequenced by ordering them based on the needs of their development.

b) The resources and logistics required for each activity have been determined.

c) The permissions and authorization needs to perform the activities have been identified.

(d) The procedures for the performance or performance of the activities have been determined.

e) The risks inherent in the execution have been identified, defining the risk prevention plan and the necessary means and equipment.

f) The allocation of material and human resources and run times have been planned.

g) The economic assessment has been made which gives an answer to the conditions of its implementation.

h) The documentation required for the execution has been defined and elaborated.

4. Defines the procedures for monitoring and control in project execution, justifying the selection of variables and instruments used.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The procedure for evaluating activities or interventions has been defined.

b) Quality indicators have been defined to perform the assessment.

c) The procedure for evaluating incidents that may arise during the performance of the activities, their possible solution and registration has been defined.

d) The procedure has been defined to manage potential changes to resources and activities, including the system of logging them.

e) The documentation required for the evaluation of the activities and the project has been defined and elaborated.

f) The procedure for the participation of users or clients in the assessment has been established and the specific documents have been prepared.

g) A system has been established to ensure compliance with the project specification, when it exists.

Duration: 25 hours.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module complements the training established for the rest of the professional modules that integrate the title into the context analysis, project design and execution organization functions.

The context analysis function includes the subfunctions of information collection, needs identification, and feasibility study.

The design function of the project aims to establish the general lines to respond to the needs raised, concreting the relevant aspects for its realization. Includes the project definition, intervention planning, and documentation subfunctions.

The execution organization function includes the activities programming, resource management, and intervention monitoring subfunctions.

The professional activities associated with these functions are developed in the performing arts sector and will fail.

The formation of the module is related to the overall objectives of the cycle and the professional, personal and social competencies of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable you to achieve the objectives of the module are related to:

-Running team jobs.

-The responsibility and self-assessment of the work done.

-Autonomy and personal initiative.

-The use of information and communication technologies.

Professional Module: Training and Employment Guidance.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 5

Code: 1245

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. It selects job opportunities, identifying the different insertion possibilities and learning alternatives throughout life.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of lifelong learning has been assessed as a key factor for employability and adaptation to the demands of the production process.

b) The professional-professional itineraries related to the professional profile of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Scenery have been identified.

c) The skills and attitudes required for the professional activity related to the profile of the title have been determined.

d) The main fields of employment and labour insertion have been identified for the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Sceneries.

e) The techniques used in the job search process have been determined.

f) Self-employment alternatives have been foreseen in the professional sectors related to the title.

g) The assessment of personality, aspirations, attitudes and self-training has been performed for decision-making.

2. Applies team work strategies, valuing their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the goals of the organization.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The advantages of teamwork in work situations related to the profile of the top technician Performer Fallero and Scenography Construction have been valued.

b) Work teams that can be created in a real job situation have been identified.

c) The characteristics of the effective work equipment against the ineffective equipment have been determined.

d) The necessary existence of diversity of roles and opinions assumed by members of a team has been positively valued.

e) The possible existence of conflict between members of a group has been recognized as a characteristic aspect of organizations.

f) The types of conflicts and their sources have been identified.

g) Procedures for conflict resolution have been determined.

3. It exercises rights and meets the obligations arising from industrial relations, recognising them in the different employment contracts.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic concepts of the right of work have been identified.

b) The main bodies involved in the relations between employers and workers have been distinguished.

c) The rights and obligations arising from the employment relationship have been determined.

(d) The main modalities of recruitment have been classified, identifying the measures to promote recruitment for certain groups.

e) The measures established by the current legislation for the reconciliation of work and family life have been assessed.

f) The causes and effects of the modification, suspension and extinction of the employment relationship have been identified.

g) The receipt of salaries has been analyzed, identifying the main elements that integrate it.

h) Different collective conflict measures and conflict resolution procedures have been analyzed.

i) The working conditions agreed in a collective agreement applicable to the sector related to the title of Superior Technical Artist and Construction of Scenery have been determined.

j) The defining characteristics of new work organization environments have been identified.

4. It determines the protective action of the Social Security system in the face of the various contingencies covered, identifying the different classes of benefits.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The role of Social Security has been valued as an essential pillar for improving the quality of life of citizens.

b) The various contingencies covered by the Social Security system have been listed.

c) Existing regimes have been identified in the Social Security system.

d) The obligations of employer and employee within the Social Security system have been identified.

e) A worker's contribution and the fees for a worker and employer have been identified in a simple case.

f) Social Security system capabilities have been classified, identifying requirements.

g) Possible legal unemployment situations have been determined.

h) The calculation of the duration and amount of a basic contributory level unemployment benefit has been performed.

5. It evaluates the risks arising from its activity, analyzing the working conditions and the risk factors present in its work environment.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The importance of preventive culture has been valued in all areas and activities of the company.

b) Work conditions have been linked to the health of the worker.

c) Risk factors have been classified in the activity and the damage resulting from them.

d) The most common risk situations have been identified in the work environments of the top technician Performer Fallero and Scenography Construction.

e) Risk assessment has been determined in the company.

f) Working conditions have been determined with significance for prevention in work environments related to the professional profile of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Sceneries.

g) Types of professional damage have been classified and described, with particular reference to accidents at work and occupational diseases, related to the professional profile of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction Sets.

6. Participates in the development of a risk prevention plan in a small business, identifying the responsibilities of all the actors involved.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The principal rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention have been determined.

b) The different forms of prevention management in the company have been classified, depending on the different criteria laid down in the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

c) Forms of representation of workers in the company in the field of risk prevention have been determined.

d) Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks have been identified.

e) The importance of the existence of a preventive plan in the company that includes the sequencing of actions to be carried out in case of an emergency has been assessed.

f) The content of the prevention plan has been defined in a work center related to the professional sector of the top technician Performer and Construction of Sceneries.

g) An emergency and evacuation plan for a company in the sector has been planned.

7. Applies prevention and protection measures, analyzing the risk situations in the work environment of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Sceneries.

Assessment Criteria:

(a) The techniques of prevention and individual and collective protection that must be applied in order to avoid damage to their origin and to minimize their consequences should they be unavoidable.

b) The meaning and scope of the different types of security signage has been analyzed.

c) Action protocols have been analyzed in case of emergency.

d) The techniques for the classification of injuries have been identified in case of emergency where there are victims of varying severity.

e) Basic first aid techniques have been identified which must be applied at the site of the accident to different types of damage and the composition and use of the kit.

(f) The requirements and conditions for the monitoring of the health of the worker and their importance as a preventive measure have been determined.

Duration: 50 hours.

Basic contents:

Active job search:

-Valuation of the importance of permanent training for the work and professional trajectory of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Scenery.

-Analysis of personal interests, skills and motivations for the professional career.

-Identification of the training itineraries related to the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Scenery.

-Definition and analysis of the professional sector of the top technician Performer Fallero and Construction of Scenery.

-Job search process in industry companies.

-Learning and employment opportunities in Europe.

-Job search techniques and instruments.

-The decision-making process.

Conflict management and work teams:

-Methods for resolving or deleting the conflict. Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of team work for the effectiveness of the organization.

-Equipment in the performing arts sector and fail according to the functions they perform.

-Participation in the work team.

-Conflict: features, sources, and stages.

Job Contract:

-The right of the job.

-Analysis of the individual labor relationship.

-Work contract modes and procurement promotion measures.

-Rights and duties arising from the employment relationship.

-Modifying, suspending, and extinguishing the work contract.

-Representation of workers.

-Analysis of a collective agreement applicable to the top technical professional scope Performer Fallero and Construction of Scenery.

-Benefits for workers in new organizations: flexibility and social benefits, among others.

Social Security, Employment and Unemployment:

-Structure of the Social Security System.

-Determination of the principal obligations of employers and workers in the field of social security: affiliation, ups, downs and contributions.

-Unemployment-protected situations.

Professional risk assessment:

-Valuation of the relationship between work and health.

-Risk Factor Analysis.

-Risk assessment in the company as a basic element of preventive activity.

-Risk analysis linked to security conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to environmental conditions.

-Risk analysis linked to ergonomic and psycho-social conditions.

-Specific risks in the performing arts sector and fallers.

-Determination of the possible damage to the health of the worker that can be derived from the identified risk situations.

Planning for risk prevention in the enterprise:

-Rights and duties in the field of occupational risk prevention.

-Managing prevention in the enterprise.

-Public bodies related to the prevention of occupational risks.

-Planning for prevention in the enterprise.

-Emergency and evacuation plans in work environments.

-Making an emergency plan in a company in the sector.

Application of prevention and protection measures in the enterprise:

-Determination of individual and collective prevention and protection measures.

-Action protocol in an emergency situation.

-First aid.

Pedagogical guidelines.

This professional module contains the necessary training for the student to be able to insert himself and develop his professional career in the sector.

The formation of this module contributes to achieving the general objectives w), z), aa) and ab) of the training cycle, and the competencies j), l), m), n) and p) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of information sources on the education and labour system, in particular with regard to companies.

-The conduct of guidance and dynamic tests on the personality and the development of social skills.

-Preparation and realization of curriculum vitae (CV) and job interviews.

-Identification of labor regulations affecting workers in the sector, management of the most commonly used contracts, and comprehensive reading of collective agreements of application.

-The fulfillment of salary receipts of different characteristics and other related documents.

-The analysis of the Law on the Prevention of Labor Risks, which allows you to evaluate the risks arising from the activities carried out in your productive sector and to allow you to collaborate in the definition of a prevention plan for a small business, as well as in the preparation of the necessary measures for its implementation.

Professional Module: Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 4

Code: 1246

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Recognizes the capabilities associated with the entrepreneurial initiative, analyzing the requirements derived from the jobs and the business activities.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The concept of innovation and its relationship with the progress of society and the increase in the well-being of individuals have been identified.

b) The concept of entrepreneurial culture and its importance as a source of job creation and social welfare have been analyzed.

c) The importance of individual initiative, creativity, training and collaboration as essential requirements to succeed in entrepreneurial activity has been valued.

d) The capacity of initiative has been analyzed in the work of a person employed in a small and medium-sized enterprise related to the construction of decorations and faults.

e) The development of an entrepreneur's entrepreneurial activity that starts in the performing arts sector, faults and bonfires has been analyzed.

f) The concept of risk has been analyzed as an inevitable element of all entrepreneurial activity.

g) The concept of entrepreneur and the requirements and attitudes required to develop business activity have been analyzed.

h) The business strategy has been described, relating it to the objectives of the company.

i) A particular business idea has been defined, in the field of performing arts and fallers that serves as a starting point for the elaboration of a business plan.

2. Defines the opportunity to create a small business, assessing the impact on the performance environment and incorporating ethical values.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic functions that are performed in a company have been described and the system concept applied to the company has been analyzed.

b) The main components of the general environment surrounding the company have been identified, in particular the economic, social, demographic and cultural environment.

c) The influence on the business activity of customer relations, with suppliers and with competition, as main members of the specific environment has been analyzed.

d) The elements of the environment of a pyme in the performing arts sector, faults and bonfires have been identified.

e) The concepts of enterprise culture and corporate image and their relationship to business objectives have been analyzed.

f) The phenomenon of corporate social responsibility and its importance as an element of the business strategy has been analyzed.

g) The social balance of a company related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires has been developed and the main social costs incurred by these companies, as well as the benefits, have been described. social they produce.

h) They have been identified, in companies related to the construction of stages, faults and bonfires, practices that incorporate ethical and social values.

i) A study of the economic and financial viability of an SME related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires has been carried out.

3. Carries out activities for the establishment and implementation of a company, selecting the legal form and identifying the legal obligations associated with it.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The different legal forms of the company have been analyzed.

b) The degree of legal liability of the owners of the company has been specified, depending on the legal form chosen.

c) The tax treatment established for the different legal forms of the company has been differentiated.

d) The formalities required by the legislation in force for the formation of a company have been analyzed.

e) A thorough search has been carried out for the different types of aid for the creation of companies related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires in the reference location.

(f) The business plan has been included in the business plan as regards the choice of legal form, economic-financial feasibility study, administrative procedures, aid and grants.

g) Existing external administrative advice and management pathways have been identified when starting an SME.

4. Performs administrative and financial management activities of an SME, identifying the main accounting and tax obligations and completing the documentation.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The basic accounting concepts, as well as accounting information recording techniques, have been analyzed.

(b) The basic techniques for the analysis of accounting information, in particular as regards the solvency, liquidity and profitability of the company, have been described.

c) The tax obligations of a company related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires have been defined.

d) Tax rates have been differentiated in the fiscal calendar.

e) The basic commercial and accounting documentation (invoices, albarans, order notes, currency letters, cheques, among others) has been completed for a performing arts and death pyme and the circuits have been described that the documentation runs through the company.

f) The main banking finance instruments have been identified.

g) All of the documentation cited in the business plan has been included.

Duration: 35 hours.

Basic contents:

Entrepreneurial Initiative:

-Innovation and economic development. Main characteristics of the innovation in the construction of scenery, faults and bonfires (materials, technology and organization of production, among others).

-Key factors for entrepreneurs: initiative, creativity and training.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as employees of a pyme related to performing arts, faults and bonfires.

-The performance of entrepreneurs as entrepreneurs in the performing arts sector, failures and bonfires.

-The entrepreneur. Requirements for the exercise of business activity.

-Business Plan: the business idea in the field of performing arts, faults and bonfires.

The company and its environment:

-Basic business functions.

-The enterprise as a system.

-Analysis of the general environment of a pyme related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires.

-An analysis of the specific environment of a pyme related to the construction of stages, faults and bonfires.

-Relationships of a stage construction pyme, faults and bonfires with its surroundings.

-Relations of a small and medium-sized construction industry, failures and bonfires with society as a whole.

Creating and starting a business:

-Enterprise Types.

-Taxation in companies.

-Choosing the legal form.

-Administrative formalities for the formation of a company.

-Economic viability and financial viability of an SME related to the construction of sets, faults and bonfires.

-Business plan: choice of legal form, study of economic and financial viability, administrative procedures and management of grants and grants.

Administrative function:

-Concept of basic accounting and notions.

-Analysis of accounting information.

-Business tax obligations.

-Administrative management of a set of stage, fault and bonfire construction companies.

Pedagogical guidelines:

This professional module contains the necessary training to develop the own initiative in the business field, both towards self-employment and towards the assumption of responsibilities and roles in employment.

The formation of the module contributes to the achievement of the general objectives (x), (ac), (ad), (ae) and (af) of the training cycle, and (j), (n) and (o) of the title.

The lines of action in the teaching-learning process that enable the objectives of the module to be achieved will be about:

-The management of sources of information on the performing and failing arts sector, including the analysis of ongoing sector innovation processes.

-The realization of cases and group dynamics that allow understanding and valuing the attitudes of entrepreneurs and adjust the need for them to the service sector related to the performing arts processes and fallers.

-The use of administrative management programs for industry SMEs.

-The completion of a business plan project related to performing and failing performing arts activities and including all aspects of a business start-up, as well as the justification for their responsibility social.

Professional Module: Job Center Training.

Equivalence in ECTS credits: 22

Code: 1247

Learning results and evaluation criteria.

1. Identifies the structure and organization of the business by relating them to the type of service it provides.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The organizational structure of the company and the functions of each area of the company have been identified.

b) The structure of the company has been compared to the existing business organizations in the sector.

c) The service characteristics and the type of clients have been related to the development of the business activity.

d) Work procedures have been identified in the development of service delivery.

e) The necessary competencies of human resources have been valued for the optimal development of the activity.

f) The suitability of the most frequent broadcast channels in this activity has been assessed.

2. He applies ethical and work habits in the development of his professional activity, according to the characteristics of the job and with the procedures established in the company.

Assessment Criteria:

a) They have been recognized and justified:

-The required personal and temporary availability in the job.

-Personal attitudes (punctuality and empathy, among others) and professionals (order, cleanliness and responsibility, among others) necessary for the job.

-Atitudinal requirements for the prevention of risks in professional activity.

-The aptitude requirements regarding the quality of the professional activity.

-The attitudes related to the work team itself and to the hierarchies established in the company.

-Attitudes related to the documentation of activities performed in the workplace.

-The training needs for the insertion and reinsertion of work in the scientific and technical field of the good work of the professional.

b) The rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the fundamental aspects of the Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks of Application in Professional Activity have been identified.

c) Individual protective equipment has been put in place according to the risks of professional activity and company standards.

d) An attitude of respect to the environment has been maintained in the developed activities.

e) The job or the area corresponding to the development of the activity has been organized, clean and free of obstacles.

f) You have been responsible for the assigned work, interpreting and fulfilling the instructions received.

g) Effective communication has been established with the responsible person in each situation and with team members.

h) It has been coordinated with the rest of the team, communicating the relevant incidents that are presented.

i) The importance of their activity and the need to adapt to changes in tasks has been assessed.

j) You have taken responsibility for the application of the rules and procedures in the development of your work.

3. It collaborates in the definition of the scenery and its productive processes, participating in the meetings and works of the artistic and technical teams and proposing alternatives.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The genre, style, and time of the show have been identified from reading the script or libretto.

b) A proposal of the artistic team, sketches and illustrations of detail of the show or fault have been elaborated, valuing the quality of the result obtained.

c) It has been involved in the elaboration of the literary memory of the fault, contributing solutions and expressive resources.

d) The definition of constructive processes, human resources and material resources for the production of the show or the fault has been involved, drawing up the defined technical documentation.

e) Negotiation with suppliers and customers has been performed under the conditions established by the company.

f) Technical documentation of the production, section, part or appearance of which has been made responsible has been developed.

g) The calculation of materials for the production of the part, figure or detail of the scenery or fault has been performed, defining its quality conditions for the work to be performed and estimating the surplus and the patterns reuse.

h) Drawings and drawings have been drawn up for the assembly and dismantling of the aspects of which it is responsible, defining the sequence and the working procedures.

i) Material and reusable stock and storage control activities have been carried out, applying the established organisational criteria and completing the relevant documentation.

4. Performs the tasks of production entrusted, monitoring and operating the machines and tools accurately and applying the established rules and procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) Maintenance of machinery and work tools has been performed.

b) The work of drawing, marking and cutting in wood for the development of structures of decoration and faults has been carried out, applying the appropriate procedures and respecting the rules of prevention.

c) The assembly and lined work of structures and elements of the decoration have been carried out, according to the type of material, using the appropriate techniques and valuing the results obtained.

d) Carton and porespan modelling techniques have been applied, under the conditions laid down, for the elaboration of the decoration, the use or the fault, valuing the effects obtained and providing constructive solutions.

e) Parts have been produced by molding, interpreting the technical documentation, and working out the defined molds.

f) Decoration, fault and use finishing techniques have been applied, according to defined procedures and effects, providing solutions to improve the result obtained.

g) The result obtained from a piece, figure or part of the scenery or fault has been verified, analyzing the constructive processes, checking the absence of defects, faults and taras and applying the corrective measures.

5. Performs the assembly and disassembly tasks of the decoration, and at the fault plant, collaborating with the work teams and contributing to the safety and success of the representation of said plant and the cream.

Assessment Criteria:

a) The documentation and permission procedures have been performed, fulfilling the time and form requirements.

b) It has been involved in the tasks of stowage, protection of the loading and unloading of the materials of the scenery or failure, valuing the performance of the sequence and the established procedures.

c) Plans have been developed for mounting and dismounting of sets and failures of the part of the work and of the equipment responsible for determining the assembly sequence and safety standards.

d) It has been involved in the ornamentation of the fault, determining the constructive and mounting processes.

e) The set of stage and fault mounting tasks have been performed, applying the defined procedures and acting with autonomy and responsibility.

f) The maintenance operations of the stage or failure have been performed, using the appropriate on-site techniques, depending on the material and the procedure defined.

g) It has been integrated into the stage and fault-plant assembly workgroups, performing the tasks entrusted and operating the machines and tools with precision and security.

6. Performs the tasks of the service of tests and functions in different types of representations, applying the defined procedures.

Assessment Criteria:

a) It has been involved in the definition of the setting of the scenery, providing information and constructive solutions for the objects of ambition.

b) It has been involved in the determination of the movements of scenic and useful machinery in a scene or set of scenes, set or decorated of the show, identifying the means and resources to perform them.

c) A work team has been directed in the handling of stages of scenic machinery and movements and effects of use-atrezo, during an essay, coordinating and directing the work team.

d) The assembly and dismantling of the stage and use machinery has been carried out, following the established procedure and proposing modifications and proposals for improvement.

e) The movement of the scenic machinery has been performed, according to defined procedures, operating the machinery with safety and precision.

f) The change and movement of the elements of the use-atrezo have been carried out in a representation, following the established procedure and demonstrating appropriate attitudes in the changes to the public.

Duration: 220 hours.

Pedagogical guidelines

This professional module contributes to completing the competencies of this title and the overall objectives of the cycle, both those that have been achieved in the educational center, and those that are difficult to achieve in it.




-purpose Aula





Teacher's specialties with teaching assignment in the professional modules of the training cycle of Superior Technician and Construction of Sceneries


Teacher Speciality

1127. Design and fault technical design.

● Specialist Professor.

1219. Planning the production.

● Specialist Professor.

1238. Organization of the production of stage structures and machinery.

● Specialist Professor.

1239. Organization of the production of corporate figures and ninots.

● Specialist Professor.

1240. Organization of the production of the utility.

● Specialist Professor.

1241. Fault plant organization.

● Specialist Professor.

1242. Organization of the decoration assembly.

● Specialist Professor.

1243. Show setting and service.

● Specialist Professor.

1244. Stage and fault construction project.

● Specialist Professor.

1245. Job training and guidance.

● Training and Employment Guidance.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers

1246. Enterprise and entrepreneurship.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

● Secondary Teaching Catedratics.

● Secondary Teaching Teachers


Equivalent to teaching effects



Secondary Teaching Teachers.

● Training and Employment Orientation.

-Diplomat in Business Sciences.

-Diplomate in Labor Relations.

-Diplomated in Social Work.

-Diplomat in Social Education.

-Diplomat in Public Administration and Management


Required to impart the professional modules that make up the title for the centers of private ownership, from other administrations other than the educational one and guidelines for the educational administration



1245. Training and employment guidance.

1246. Enterprise and entrepreneurial initiative.

-Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent degrees for teaching purposes


Correspondence of the accredited units of competence in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June, with the professional modules for their validation

Accredited Competition Units

Convalidable Professional

UC1706_3: Define the staging conditions for the construction of live show, events, and audiovisual decorations.

UC1707_3: Develop the constructive technical project decorated for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisual.

UC1711_3: Participate in the setting of the staging project for the live show.

1127. Design and fault design design

UC1708_3: Plan and monitor the construction of decorations for live performance, events and audiovisual scenery.

UC1712_3: Schedule and manage the machinery project for a live event or show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution.

1219. Production Planning

UC1709_3: Perform the construction of structures and decoration mechanisms for the staging of live shows, events, and audiovisual.

UC1712_3: Schedule and manage the machinery project for a live event or show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution.

1238. Organization of the production of stage structures and machinery

UC1710_3: Perform ornaments and perform the decoration finishes for the performance of live shows, events and audiovisual.

1239. Organization of the production of corporate figures and ninots.

UC1719_3: Plan and manage the utility project for a live event or show in changing conditions Operating by coordinating and monitoring its execution.

1240. Organization of the production of utility

UC1713_3: Perform assembly, disassembly and maintenance of machinery equipment and stage elements for an event or show live under changing operating conditions.

UC1720_3 Perform the assembly, disassembly and maintenance of the utility equipment for a live event or show, under changing operating conditions

1242. Organization of the decoration assembly

UC1714_3: Serving tests and functions by managing machinery equipment and staging elements under changing operating conditions.

UC1721_3: Serve tests and functions by managing the equipment and elements of the utility under changing operating conditions.

1243. Setting and service of shows

Note: the persons registered in this training cycle who have accredited all the units of competence included in the title, in accordance with the procedure established in Royal Decree 1224/2009 of recognition of the professional skills acquired by work experience, will have the professional module validated " 1241. Failure plant organization ".


Correspondence of professional modules with the competency units for their accreditation

Outmatched Professional Modules

Accreditable Competition

1127. Design and fault technical design.

UC1706_3: Define the stage conditions for the construction of live performance, events and audiovisual performances.

UC1711_3: Participate in the establishment of the project the scenery for the live show

1219. Production planning.

UC1708_3: Plan and monitor the construction of decorations for live show, events and audiovisual scenery.

UC1712_3: Schedule and manage the machinery project for a live event or show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution

1238. Organization of the production of scenic structures and machinery.

UC1709_3: Perform the construction of structures and mechanisms of decoration for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisual.

UC1712_3: Plan and manage the machinery project for an event or live show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring its execution

1239. Organization of the production of corporate figures and ninots.

UC1710_3: Make ornaments and perform the decoration finishes for the scenery of live shows, events and audiovisual.

1240. Organization of the production of use.

UC1719_3: Plan and manage the utility project for an event or live show under changing operating conditions by coordinating and monitoring execution.

1242. Organization of the decoration assembly.

UC1713_3: Perform assembly, disassembly and maintenance of machinery equipment and stage elements for an event or live show in changing operating conditions.

UC1720_3 Perform assembly, disassembly, and maintenance of utility equipment for a live event or show, under changing operating conditions.

1243. Show setting and service.

UC1714_3: Serving tests and functions by managing machinery equipment and staging elements under changing operating conditions.

UC1721_3: Serve tests and functions by managing the equipment and elements of the utility under changing operating conditions