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Resolution Of November 30, 2011, Of The Secretariat Of State For Telecommunications And The Information Society, Amending The Allocation Of Number 060 To The General Administration Of The State Information Service.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 30 de noviembre de 2011, de la Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información, por la que se modifica la atribución del número 060 al servicio de información de la Administración General del Estado.

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The General Administration of the State has the short number 060 for the provision of an administrative information service whose objective is the integration of all its telephone services. Through this number, the citizen is currently informed about various formalities and procedures, with specialization in the information related to public employment and the directory of the Administration. In addition, specialist information on personal documents (DNI and passports) and traffic (drivers and vehicles) has been provided since 2008. The current pricing model was defined according to a structure based on provincial care centers, which means that the users of the 060 service only pay the price of a provincial call.

By writing to this Secretariat of State, the Director General for the Impulse of the Electronic Administration, under the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, proposes the introduction of qualitative improvements in the attention of the citizen through the adoption of a new model of organization of the service that will allow to reach the objective of giving access to the entire General Administration of the State. In this respect, once the initial forecast of organizing the service from the attention of the calls in provincial nodes has been discarded, and articulated it is from the delivery of the calls in a single central node, requests that the price of Phone calls to 060 will be the one for the national calls. This will result in an improvement in the provision of the service without increasing public expenditure.

In view of this request, a new wording is given in this resolution to the attribution of number 060, made by Resolution of 15 April 1999, of the General Secretariat of Communications, according to the wording given by the Resolution of 14 March 2006, of the Secretariat of State of Telecommunications and the Information Society, on the modification of the short number attributed to the information service of the General Administration of the State.

The Regulation on markets for electronic communications, access to networks and numbering, approved by Royal Decree 2296/2004 of 10 December 2004, provides in point 1 of Article 30 that operators will be obliged to to implement the measures necessary to comply with the decisions taken by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade in the field of numbering, routing and naming. In particular, operators will be obliged to make, in the systems they operate, the necessary modifications to deal with and route communications efficiently when decisions are taken that involve changes in the plans of the numbering, routing or denomination, and where allocations, attributions or awards of such public resources are made. On the other hand, point 1 of Article 31 provides that calls made to the national telephone numbering ranges shall be made by the operators in the terms specified in the national telephone numbering plan. approved by the aforementioned Royal Decree, or in its implementing provisions. In addition, point 10.4 (a) of the Plan defines the short numbers attributed to services of social interest and establishes that such numbers must be enabled on all public telephone networks providing access to users.

Article 27 of that Regulation, in point 7 thereof, gives the Secretariat of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society the power to issue the resolutions necessary for the development of the plans. national numbering, routing, and naming.

Finally, Order ITC/30 8/2008 of 31 January, which gives instructions on the use of public numbering resources for the provision of short text message services and multimedia messages, indicates in Article 3 (2) and (8), that the numerical sequences identical to those belonging to the national telephone numbering plan which identify the end users of publicly available electronic communications services, may also be used to identify end users of message services, possibly determine the Secretariat of State of Telecommunications and the Information Society for the requirements for use where this is necessary for the proper functioning of the services.

This resolution has been submitted to the affected sectors. It has also been informed by the Telecommunications Market Commission.

In its virtue, I resolve to amend the Resolution of 15 April 1999, of the General Secretariat of Communications, for which the number 060 is attributed to the Information Service of the General Administration of the State, which is Worded as follows:

First. Attribution of public numbering resources.

1. The short number 060 of the national telephone numbering plan is attributed to the telephone information service of the General Administration of the State. This number may also be used for the provision by short text messages and multimedia messages of information services of the same nature or complementary to that of telephone information.

2. For the purposes referred to in point 10.4 (a) of the national telephone numbering plan, the service provided through the number assigned in the preceding paragraph is considered to be of social interest.

Second. Description of the service.

1. The telephone information service of the General Administration of the State is provided through a national call center.

2. The number 060 provides the user with a single telephone access to the General Administration of the State.

3. The minimum set of capabilities offered to the caller is as follows:

3.1 Information on services provided by the General Administration of the State and its description.

3.2 Attention to queries about the case handling status.

3.3 Receiving complaints and filing complaints.

3.4 Advice on the administrative treatment of the issues raised.

3.5 Receiving notices about incidents in the operation of public services.

3.6 Information about the telephone numbers of public, geographic and non-geographic attention of the departments, services, or units of the General Administration of the State.

3.7 Call transfers to other administrative dependencies of the General Administration of the State without interrupting the original call, maintaining its price and the other conditions.

4. Additional charging services are not provided through the 060 number.

Third. Conditions of use of the attributed number.

The general conditions of use of number 060 by the General Administration of the State are as follows:

1. The service provided will be open to all citizens without prior registration.

2. The service provided will not have a temporary character (for example, during certain campaigns), but will be continued over time.

3. If the service is not continuously available, i.e. 24 hours every day of the year, it will ensure the existence of easily accessible public information on the availability of the service and, during the periods of unavailability, store calls with information about the day and time that the service will be available again.

4. The service will provide users with hearing or speech disabilities with the facilities that enable their proper attention, taking into account their specific needs.

5. The lack of use for one year of the number attributed, or failure to comply with the requirements set out in this resolution, may result in the cancellation and making available of other services as provided for in the national plan of Telephone numbering.

6. The number 060 can be used as the caller of the caller line for outgoing calls and messages from the service partner, when such calls and messages are in the interest of the citizen.

7. Through the number 060, calls may be transferred to the information services of the Autonomous Communities when the type of assistance required by the caller is advised, or when requested, without interrupting the call. original, keeping its price and the rest of the conditions. For this purpose, the relevant agreements with the relevant Autonomous Administrations will be established.

Fourth. Pricing of calls and messages.

1. Phone calls to the number attributed will be billed for time.

2. The price of these calls may not exceed that corresponding to those submitted to the national geographic numbers, as indicated in the following table:


Maximum price to

From fixed network

From mobile network


Fixed-fixed ordinary call price on the national territory.

Price of regular mobile-fixed call in the territory national.

3. The price of messages sent to number 060 will not exceed the maximum price of the general short text message service between end users. Such a price cannot be invoiced to users until the corresponding services are provided by the General Administration of the State.

4. The messages sent from the number 060, if any, will always have a free character for the user receiving them. However, the Secretariat of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society may define specific procedures for the provision of non-free subscription services of interest to the population at the request of the General Administration of the State.

Fifth. Treatment by operators of phone calls and messages to the number attributed.

1. For the purpose of routing calls to the service centers and their treatment as provided for in this resolution, the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, once an agreement has been reached for the termination of calls with an operator of the telephone service available to the public to provide the service under the conditions set out in this resolution, shall make known, by means of a notice published in the "Official State Gazette", the name of such a designated operator, the date of commencement of the service and the geographical location of the care where the corresponding calls should be delivered. Once that notice has been published, the designated operator shall provide the Secretariat of State of Telecommunications and the Information Society with a descriptive technical memory of the functionalities of the termination service to be provided and the technical resources used, including those associated with the call transfers referred to in paragraph 2 3.7 and third paragraph 7.

2. After a maximum of two months from the publication of the date of commencement of the service referred to in the preceding paragraph, or from the date of publication of the service referred to in the preceding paragraph, the calls shall be made by all operators who provide the available telephone service to the public, under the conditions set out in this resolution.

3. Phone calls to number 060 will be routed to the appropriate care center as published in compliance with paragraph 1 of this section.

4. Telephone service operators available to the public will deliver telephone calls to the number 060 to the designated operator for termination at the interconnection points determined by the operator.

5. The routing by the operators of the mobile telephone service available to the public, short text messages and multimedia messages addressed to number 060, will be made effective two months after the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, after agreement with a storage and forwarding operator, makes public its decision to provide information services of similar nature or complementary to that of information telephone.

Sixth. Entry into force.

This resolution shall take effect from the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 30 November 2011.-The Secretary of State for Telecommunications and the Information Society, Juan Junquera Early.