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Resolution Of November 30, 2011, Of The University Of A Coruña, That Errors Are Corrected On The 27 Of October 2011, Which Publishes Curriculum Of Master In Science Documentaries In The Digital Environment.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 30 de noviembre de 2011, de la Universidad de A Coruña, por la que se corrigen errores en la de 27 de octubre de 2011, por la que se publica el plan de estudios de Máster en Ciencias Documentales en el Entorno Digital.

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Once published the Resolution of 27 October 2011, from the University of A Coruña, for which the curriculum of Master's degree in Documentary Sciences in the Digital Environment is published (BOE No. 278, 18 November 2011), pages 121035 to 121036,

This Rectorate has resolved to order the publication of an error correction from that curriculum:

Paragraph 3. Content of the curriculum:

Module: Common and Required.

The Matter: Days on Current Trends.

Module: Files.

The four subjects that compose it:

Where he says: "Temporary Organization 1. 4th quarter", you must say: "Temporary Organization 2. 4th quarter".

A Coruña, November 30, 2011. -Rector, José María Barja Pérez.