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Royal Decree 1519 / 2011, On 31 October, Establishing Seven Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Agrarian Professional Family Which Are Included In The National Repertory Of Professional Certificates.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1519/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establecen siete certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Agraria que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in Article 3, that it is up to the Government, on a proposal from the current Ministry of Labor and Immigration, and prior to report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such ordination.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment carried out by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011, of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and the reform of active employment policies, deals with the occupational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the forms of vocational training in the field of employment-occupational training and continuing training-have been integrated. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training and the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of 19 June, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of the offers of vocational training and the evaluation and accreditation of the professional competences. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. In Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June, the Organic Law of 19 June establishes that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with official status and validity throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003, of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to it by Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November, constitutes the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of professional qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular and cumulative training offer associated with a unit of competence, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of an integrated training system, which are established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council of Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, based on the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines established by the European Union, and establishes that the Public Service of State Employment, with the collaboration of the Centers of National Reference, will prepare and update the certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of persons who exhaust their protection for unemployment, the new contract for training and learning is regulated in which it is established that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure the contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the agricultural professional family of the professional areas of Gardening, Livestock, Forestry and Agriculture and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification, taking into account the professional competence required by the productive activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003, cited above.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System, and the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labor Affairs have been informed.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the professional family Agrarian that are included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by Royal Decree 34/2008, of January 18, for which the certificates of professionalism are regulated, modified by Royal Decree 1675/2010, of December 10.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Agrarian and are listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:

Professional family: AGRARIAN

-Annex I. Basic dressage of the horse. Level 2.

-Annex II. Florist activities. Level 2.

-Annex III. Production of seeds and plants in nursery. Level 2.

-Annex IV. Herrado of equines. Level 3.

-Annex V. Floral art and management of florist activities. Level 3.

-Annex VI. Management of seed and plant production in nursery. Level 3.

-Annex VII. Management of forest exploitation. Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of each professionalism certificate responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism.

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism.

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism.

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of the trainers.

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment.

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in the following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) To be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

c) Be in possession of a certificate of level 1 professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a certificate of professionalism level 2 of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the educational administrations.

e) Having passed the test of access to the university for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and at a distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in teaching methodology for adult vocational training.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, from a graduate degree in the field of Psychology or Pedagogy, or from an official university degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the previous paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or of the professional titles of Didactic Specialization and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. Also exempt are those who credit the possession of the Enabling Master's Degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the Professor of Secondary Education, Professional Training and Official Language Schools.

c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as meeting the specific requirements set out for each certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and learning will be carried out, in the form of alternance with paid employment, in the terms foreseen in the regulatory development referred to in Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by the Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of people who exhaust their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance training.

1. When the training module includes distance learning, it must be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration that allow a systematized learning process for the participant who must meet the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. The training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Approved centres for your delivery.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of the trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment laid down in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out as an alternative to paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth additional provision of the Organic Law of 19 June 2002 on Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognised by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the overcoming of the professional modules of the professional training titles will take the effects of exemption of the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated to those units of competence established in the present royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of certificates of professionalism established in this royal decree will be determined within the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of persons who exhaust their protection for unemployment, will be governed by the legal or conventional regulations in force at the date of the conclusion of the contract.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers attributed to the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the performance of constitutional duties; labor law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving academic and professional titles and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Treaty. Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,





Code: AGAN0110

Professional Family: Agrarian

Professional Area: Livestock

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

AGA344_2 Basic horse dressage (R.D. 108/2008, February 1)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1080_2: Dominate basic horse riding techniques.

UC1122_2: Unbrave foals.

UC1123_2: Domar foals to string.

UC1124_2: Perform the initial mount of foals.

General competition:

To manage the equine cattle during its brill and basic dressage in order to achieve the correct physical and mental state and the correct disposition of the same, for its subsequent initiation in each of the disciplines or equestrian modalities, taking into account animal welfare criteria and prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in private companies, both self-employed and foreign, or public, of any size, related to the breeding, training, dressage, riding and exhibition of equines.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the field of animal husbandry and services associated with this type of livestock, in the following productive activities: Equine cattle farms. Companies and entities associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational, sports and therapeutic activities (hypotherapy). Training centers, dressage and equine cattle training. Deposits of public or private stallions and mares. Pupilage, rest and recovery centres for equine cattle. Service companies related to the equine sector.

Occupations or related jobs:

6209.1051 Horse breeding worker.

5893.1035 Jobs for foal dressage on equine farms.

5893.1035 Employee dressage in training centers and equine cattle training.

5893.1035 Jobs for foal dressage in pupilage, rest and recovery of equine cattle.

5893.1035 Jobs for the doma of foals at stud stops, selection and testing centres and mares, both public and private.

Employee in Industry-Related Service Companies

5893.1035 Horses and/or horse trainers

Duration of the associated training: 620 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1080_2 (transverse): Basic horse riding techniques (180 hours)

• UF0833: Installations and equipment (40 hours)

• UF0834: Physical condition and fitness of the horse for the ride (60 hours)

• UF0835: Horse riding (80 hours)

MF1122_2: Potros (90 hours

MF1123_2: Pother to string (120 hours)

• UF1410: Contact of the foals with the working means to the rope (40 hours)

• UF1411: Work from foals to string (80 hours)

MF1124_2: Potros initial (150 hours)

• UF1412: Contact of the foal with the Jinete (30 hours)

• UF1413: Work to the rope of the colt with rider (40 hours)

• UF1414 :Loose colt's Mount (80 hours)

MP0300: Non-work professional practice module for basic horse Doma (80 hours)




Level: 2

Code: UC1080_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Select and place the main equipment used during the riding of a horse, to facilitate such work and to avoid the improper use of the same.

CR1.1 The elements that make up the horse's mounting equipment are identified and carefully examined prior to placement, checking their good state of use.

CR1.2 The mounting equipment is placed on the horse after checking that it is clean and ready for it.

CR1.3 The mounting equipment is individually adapted to each animal by checking that it is complete, that it conforms to its anatomy and that it is suitable in each case.

CR1.4 The grazes and/or wounds that in some animals cause certain elements of the mounting equipment are foreseen and avoided, complementing the same with the existing protections for each case.

CR1.5 The elements that make up the mounting equipment are checked that they are positioned so that they can be individually actuated without hindering the use of any other element of the equipment.

CR1.6 The placement and testing of equipment used during the riding of a horse is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and in compliance with animal protection standards on livestock farms.

RP2: Examine the physical conditions, character and aptitudes of the horse before it is mounted, to predict the animal's behavior during the time.

CR2.1 The horse to be mounted is examined before in your box, warning of possible physical anomalies that prevent you from properly performing such activity.

CR2.2 The character of the horse is evaluated by observing its behavior during the tasks of approaching it and placing the mounting equipment.

CR2.3 The animal is moved to the hand before it is moved to the animal to assess its physical-animic movement, as well as its aptitude for mounting, checking that it accepts and adapts to each of the elements that make up the mounting equipment.

CR2.4 The results obtained after the observation and assessment of the conditions and aptitudes of a horse prior to its mounting, are recorded and communicated to the person who is required to be taken into account in the future, together with the indications expressed by the rider once the animal is mounted.

CR2.5 The examination and assessment of the physical conditions, character and aptitudes of the animals, prior to their mounting, is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and in compliance with animal protection standards in livestock farms.

RP3: Montar horse with balance and release to the different airs, both on track and off the same, using the appropriate techniques in each case.

CR3.1 Unmounted gear is performed, when accurate, leading to the right-hand horse and keeping it at a safety distance.

CR3.2 The action of climbing and lowering of the horse is always done in an ideal place and using the most appropriate technique in each case, seeking the safety of rider and horse at all times and executing it in an orderly and calm manner.

CR3.3 The rider once mounted looks for his correct position in the chair with the animal stopped, checking and ordering the reins and other mounting equipment before undertaking the movement that always starts at the step, increasing the intensity of the work progressively and alternating the same with short and intermittent stops until obtaining adequate concentration and submission of the animal.

CR3.4 The transitions between the different airs (step, trot and gallop) are performed in an orderly manner and in a staggered manner so as not to force the animal to make sudden efforts between them, ordering the changes of direction of the march and the stops and providing sufficient space to perform them without sudden, applying the appropriate aids in each case.

CR3.5 The rider corrects the disobedient and/or vices that the horse presents during the ride, entrenching his position in the chair and responding quickly to the indiscipline of the animal using the appropriate technique in each case.

CR3.6 Natural or artificial obstacles (doors, gates, ditches, among others), when the situation requires them to be overcome on horseback if possible or leading to the same of the right hand, maintaining an attitude of calm, security and self-confidence at all times.

CR3.7 The techniques of mounting without stirrups and franking of small jumps (understanding for small jumps, those that do not exceed 0.80 m) are realized, provided that the levels of the horse's dressage allow them to be carried out in safety conditions.

CR3.8 The duration and intensity of the mounted work are determined by the rider, taking into account the general characteristics of the horse and the end for which it is mounted, always trying to make the return to the calm progressive, seeking the relaxation and physical recovery of the animal, caressing it and awarding it in word when the work performs it correctly.

CR3.9 The horse stop is done by stopping the animal in any terrain and circumstance, always keeping the safety conditions.

CR3.10 The horse's riding is always carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and in compliance with animal protection standards on livestock farms.

Professional Context

Production media

Horses of different race, sex and age. Run blocks, individual boxes. Areas of work and covered fish. Repair and jump bars. Handling and mounting equipment and equipment (block heads of different sizes, branches, guindfins, head of work, serretones, fillets, sketches, cinchuelos, sweatpants, saddle, reins, work protectors, fustas, trills, among others). Local for saving handling and mounting material (guadarnes). Systems for the identification of livestock.

Products and results

Domain of basic riding techniques.

Information used or generated

Regulatory regulation of the activity. Internal control parts or states. Horse riding manuals. Control tabs.



Level: 2

Code: UC1122_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the section of the recría foals to begin the work of approaching and recognizing them.

CR1.1 The recrage foals of sufficient age to be bluster are selected individually, checking that they have an acceptable overall state to perform such activity.

CR1.2 The material and facilities to be used for the section and subsequent mooring of the foals, are chosen and reviewed in advance, depending on the number and characteristics of the animals.

CR1.3 The foals selected for the brave are removed from the rest of the piara, in the places indicated to begin the approach to them.

CR1.4 The approach to the foals is carried out in a progressive and calm manner, warning them of our presence and avoiding shocks and other uncomfortable situations for the animals.

CR1.5 The first handles of the foal tied are performed so as to initially assess the character and level of prior amansation of the animal.

CR1.6 The materials used in the section, mooring, approach and recognition of the foals, to the completion of the works are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated.

CR1.7 The section of the recría foals and their subsequent approach and recognition, is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the regulations set and respecting the standards of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

RP2: Perform the placement and adaptation work to the foals of the different materials and equipment used for their posterior dressage.

CR2.1 The status and characteristics of the materials and equipment to be used with the foals, are recognized, reviewed and checked to ensure that they are indicated in each case.

CR2.2 The status and characteristics of the materials and equipment to be used with the foals, are recognized, reviewed and checked to ensure that they are indicated in each case.

CR2.3 The placement of the different equipment to the foal is done in the appropriate places and so that the animal becomes progressively acquainted with them before proceeding to their movement.

CR2.4 The mechanical means that exist for the movement of the foals in freedom, are always used prior learning of the animals to such forms of work and under the continuous surveillance by the trainers.

CR2.5 The optimal adaptation of the foals to the work equipment is always checked prior to the movement of the animals on hand.

CR2.6 The animals are checked, asean and returned to the places indicated, once the work of placement and adaptation of equipment has been completed.

CR2.7 The materials used for the placement and adaptation of equipment, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated at the end of the same.

CR2.8 The placement and adaptation of the different materials and equipment to the foals are carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk prevention plan, environmental regulations and respecting animal protection standards in livestock farms.

RP3: Perform the work of walking and accepting the foals of the orders they receive from their coach.

CR3.1 The places where the hand-hand rides are carried out are checked so that they can be performed properly and with the corresponding dressage equipment.

CR3.2 The first hand-to-hand movements are performed in collaboration with another person who helps in the cases that is needed.

CR3.3 The aids given to the colt follow the proper handling techniques, ensuring both the confidence and the acceptance of the leadership of the coach.

CR3.4 The foals are selected for the initial dressage to the rope when they accept the received orders and move perfectly to the hand.

CR3.5 The animals are checked, asean and returned to the places indicated after the work of the walk and the training of the same.

CR3.6 The materials used for the help in driving the animals are used rationally and only in the necessary cases.

CR3.7 The materials used for the work of walking and subjecting the animals, are reviewed, cleaned and stored at their completion in the places indicated.

CR3.8 The work of walking and acceptance of the foals of the orders received by their trainers, are carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the norms of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

Professional Context

Production media

Others of different race, sex and age. Run blocks, individual boxes. Material and equipment for handling, working and cleaning animals (heads of different sizes, branches, guindfins, heads of work, bells, serretones, fillets, sketches, cinchuelos, sweatpants, saddle, reins, work protectors, fustas, trills, brushes, bruzas, almohazas, showers ...). Mechanical means for the work of the animals. Automatic skier and shearing scissors. Local to store the handling, work and cleaning material of the cattle (guadarnes). Systems for the identification of livestock.

Products and results

Pother bluster following quality criteria.

Information used or generated

Workout and work manuals to the rope and double rope. Technical information sheet for the operation of different equipment and materials. Regulation of the activity. Internal control parts or states. Control tabs. Regulations on occupational, environmental and animal welfare risks.



Level: 2

Code: UC1123_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the contact-taking of the foals with the working media, to optimize the process of dressage to the rope following the established protocols.

CR1.1 Circles, picaderies, or work tracks are chosen and prepared to have the right conditions.

CR1.2 The work material is chosen and checked to suit the characteristics of the working areas to achieve the proper control over the animals.

CR1.3 The colt is familiarized with the work area before starting the same to facilitate the process.

CR1.4 The coach applies voice aids to the foal on the ground to establish a link with the animal.

CR1.5 Initial work is always performed at the step and at reduced intervals of time to make it easier for the animal to properly assimilate the instructions.

CR1.6 The contact of the animal with the means of work always ends with walks of the right to achieve its relaxation.

CR1.7 Animals are reviewed, asean, and returned to the indicated places after the contact with the working media has been completed.

CR1.8 The materials, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated at the end of the contact with the animals.

CR1.9 The contact of the animal with the means of work is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the standards of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

RP2: Start the task of dressage to the rope of the foals with the help of an auxiliary to facilitate the learning of the same avoiding unnecessary risks.

CR2.1 The coach performs all the work of dressage to the rope, relying on an auxiliary, until the foal treats them properly to avoid damage, defenses and vices in the animal.

CR2.2 The work on the rope starts always by insisting on step-outs and stops until the animal performs it correctly.

CR2.3 The work on the trot and the gallop alternate with the step until the correct transitions between them, always ending with a relaxed stop of the animal and changes in the direction of rotation every certain working time.

CR2.4 The changes in the direction of rotation of the animal are always made after the stop and taken from the same to the center of the installation, caressing it in advance to start the movement again.

CR2.5 The work on the rope is done accompanied by the help of the voice and other materials to facilitate the learning of the foal.

CR2.6 The works to the rope end up looking for the return to the progressive calm of the animal, accompanied by walks of the right-hand.

CR2.7 The animals are checked, asean, and returned to the indicated places after the work is finished.

CR2.8 The materials, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated upon completion of the work.

CR 2.9 The tasks of dressage to the rope of the foals with the help of an auxiliary are carried out, complying with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the norms of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

RP3: Perform the tasks of dressage to the rope of the foals without the help of an auxiliary, to perfect the teachings improving the physical condition of the animals.

CR3.1 The work to the rope of the foals without the help of an auxiliary, in the times determined by the coach, always begins at the step maintaining an adequate cadence in the movement of the animal.

CR3.2 The work on the trot and the galloper, and the transitions between them are performed in the periods of time and rhythms established by the coach.

CR3.3 The duration and level of effort of the works are adapted to the characteristics of the animal and the environment in which they are developed.

CR3.4 The works on the rope end up looking for the progressive return to the calm of the animal accompanied by right-hand walks.

CR3.5 The animals are checked, asean, and returned to the indicated places after the work is finished.

CR3.6 The materials, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated after the work is finished.

CR3.7 The tasks of dressage to the rope of the unauxiliary foals are carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the regulations set and respecting the standards of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

Professional Context

Production media

Others of different race, sex and age. Run blocks, individual boxes. Closed circles to give rope, working tracks and covered fish. Material and equipment for handling, work and cleaning of animals (heads of different sizes, bells, ramales, guindfins, heads of work, serretones, fillets, sketches, cinchuelos, sweatshirts, saddle, reins, work protectors, fustas, trills, brushes, bruzas, almohazas, showers ...). Mechanical means for the work of the animals. Local to store the handling, work and cleaning material of the cattle (guadarnes). Systems for the identification of livestock.

Products and results

Pothers tamed to the string according to quality criteria.

Information used or generated

Technical tab for the operation of different equipment and materials. Regulation of the activity. Internal control parts or states. Control tabs. Regulations on occupational, environmental and animal welfare risks.



Level: 2

Code: UC1124_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the contact of the foal stopped with the rider to get the animal used to the weight of the animal, using the appropriate procedures and techniques.

CR1.1 The colt is working on the rope for as long as it takes to mount it, in the same place where the rider is going to proceed.

CR1.2 The rider is supported for the first time on the back of the foal using other people and/or means that hold the animal and provide him with help to mount.

CR1.3 The rider performs the action of mounting and disassembling the colt in a soft and repetitive manner, helping other people and/or means, supporting in the beginning only the weight of the body, without going up completely on the animal until it admits it without opposing resistance.

CR1.4 The seat on the chair is performed when the rider considers the foal ready, taking into account slow movements that do not disturb the animal.

CR1.5 The rider naturally sits on the chair and looks for the support of the stirrups and the reins gently and without taking any action with them, trying to make his legs and hands come into contact with the colt in a progressive and smooth manner so that the animal gets used to it.

CR1.6 The rider speaks and caresses the colt throughout the process to gain his confidence by constantly observing the animal's expressions and reactions.

CR1.7 The animals are checked, asean, and returned to the indicated places after the work has been completed.

CR1.8 The materials, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated after the work has been completed.

CR1.9 The contact point of the foal stopped with the rider is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the standards of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

RP2: Work the colt to the rope with rider, to get the animal used to the actions of the same using the appropriate procedures and techniques.

CR2.1 The rider mounted on the foal that is fastened by a helper to the rope, orders the latter to move it slowly through the chosen place, when foal and rider are ready.

CR2.2 The rider leaves control of the animal to his assistant, worrying only to maintain the balance and to accompany the natural movement of the animal while observing it, talking to him and caressing him.

CR2.3 To the foal that admits without problems to the rider during the ride, the length of the rope is lengthened and encouraged to move to the step on a circle, starting the rider to gently apply the action of the hands and legs on the animal when it walks firmly forward without protesting.

CR2.4 The rider is progressively doing with the control of the animal at the pace, repeatedly insisting at the stop, immobility and return to the passage of the same in a calm, orderly way and without changing direction.

CR2.5 The helper that keeps the animal to the rope, helps the rider to pull the colt out when he orders it, leaving control of the animal progressively to the rider.

CR2.6 The rider works at the moment and on the trot under the watchful eye of his assistant, insisting on correctly performing the transitions between the two airs as well as the stop and immobility of the animal, drawing, with the help of his assistant, the animal to the gallop when he believes it prepared and always from the trot.

CR2.7 The changes in direction and direction of the march begin to teach the animal to the passage, under the watchful eye of the auxiliary and applying the aids following the same procedures.

CR2.8 The rider speaks and caresses the colt during all the work of mounting to the rope to gain his confidence, constantly observing the expressions and reactions of the animal.

CR2.9 The animals are checked, asean and returned to the places indicated once the work has been completed to the rope with rider.

CR2.10 The materials, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated upon completion of their use.

CR2.11 The work of the colt to the rope with rider is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the norms of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

RP3: Mounting the loose foal in the appropriate places, to perfect the basic dressage of the same using the appropriate procedures and techniques.

CR3.1 The rider is mounted on the foal at the appropriate place for it and following the most appropriate procedure for each animal.

CR3.2 The correction of the position and placement of the rider are always carried out with the animal stopped and before starting any movement with it.

CR3.3 The work of mounting on the track is programmed for each animal in an orderly and progressive manner, taking into account the conditions of the medium.

CR3.4 The foals are performed by performing the forced transitions between each of the movements and disposing of the stops necessary for the animal's rest, making the changes in direction and direction of the march using the same procedure and giving the animal sufficient space to perform them.

CR3.5 The rider looks for the correct placement and attitude of the foal during the work by the firm and disciplined application of the aids, repeating the incorrect movements and rewarding the animal with the relaxation and caresses when doing well.

CR3.6 The conflicts presented during the mount of the foal are solved by the rider using the appropriate techniques in each case and achieving the confidence and acceptance of the aids by the animal.

CR3.7 The work of mounting the foals at liberty ends, when possible, followed by walks that serve for a correct and relaxed return to the calm of the animals, checking, roasting and returning them to the places indicated once these works have been completed.

CR3.8 The materials used for the mounting of the foals free, are reviewed, cleaned and stored in the places indicated at the end of their use.

CR3.9 The work of mounting the loose foal is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the plan of prevention of occupational risks of the company, the environmental regulations and respecting the standards of protection of the animals in the livestock farms.

Professional Context

Production media

Others of different race, sex and age. Run blocks, individual boxes. Closed circles to give rope, working tracks and covered fish. Material and equipment for handling, work and cleaning of animals (heads of different sizes, bells, ramales, guindfins, heads of work, serretones, fillets, sketches, cinchuelos, sweatshirts, saddle, reins, work protectors, fustas, trills, brushes, bruzas, almohazas, showers ...). Mechanical means for the work of the animals. Personal protective equipment for riders (helmets and back guards among others) Local to keep the material handling, work and cleaning of the cattle (guadarnes). Systems for the identification of livestock.

Products and results

Pothers mounted with the basic dressage performed according to quality criteria.

Information used or generated

Technical tab for the operation of different equipment and materials. Regulation of the activity. Internal control parts or states. Control tabs. Regulations on occupational, environmental and animal welfare risks.




Code: MF1080_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1080_2: Dominate basic horse riding techniques.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF0833

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and describe the facilities and materials used for the riding of a horse

CE1.1 Describe the characteristics of the installations used for the riding of a horse, pointing out the possible works to be carried out in each of them.

CE1.2 Describe the types of materials that are commonly used to make the different parts of the track, pointing to their layout.

CE1.3 Different elements that can be included inside a mounting track, explaining the usefulness of each one.

CE1.4 Citar the works of conditioning and maintenance of the facilities used to mount a horse, as well as the means and materials used for its realization.

CE1.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the facilities used for the riding of a horse.

C2: To point out the tasks in the processes of choice and placement of the horse riding equipment and, in a practical case, to place the same one according to the characteristics of the animal and the work that will be carried out.

CE2.1 Define the characteristics of the elements that make up the horse riding equipment, explaining the functions they perform.

CE2.2 Describe the specific handling of the animal by the rider for placement and adaptation of the mounting equipment.

CE2.3 Citar the manner of placement of each of the elements that make up the mounting equipment, citing the logical order to follow.

CE2.4 Point out the horse's body areas prone to grazes and wounds caused by the rock of the mounting equipment, indicating the measures to be taken to avoid them.

CE2.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the placement and adaptation of the equipment.

CE2.6 In a practical case of placement of the mounting equipment to a horse, duly characterized:

-Successfully perform team review, cleanup, and organization.

-Perform the horse review before placing the mounting equipment.

-Place and adapt the equipment to fit a horse suitable for the type of mount to be performed with it.

-Place the necessary protections to prevent grazes and injuries to the horse during its mounting.


1. Installations for horse riding


-External Pists.

-Picaderies covered.

-Walk zones.

-Minimum features and requirements for:



-Soil quality.





-Media for mounts:

-Reference points (letters).


-Jump bars.



-Conditioning and maintenance media:




-Irrigation equipment.

-Security equipment.

2. Equipment for horse riding

-Features, mounting, and unmounting:

-Mounted heads.


-Ries to mount.

-Special Cordages and Rendages.


-Mount Sillas.

-Estribos and stirrup actions.



-Cross and back protectors.

-Foot and hand protectors.

-helmet protectors (campaigns).

-Work Vendas.



-How to store and clean equipment:

-Conservation, cleaning and maintenance techniques.

-Products and materials for cleaning and maintenance.

3. Regulatory application related to installations and equipment of assembly


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory-regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Animal welfare.



Code: UF0834

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the physical conditions of a stopped and moving horse, valuing its fitness for the ride.

CE1.1 Define the important physical failures that prevent the riding of a horse.

CE1.2 Locate injuries and/or wounds on a stopped horse that can cause disabling of the horse to be mounted.

CE1.3 Identify cushions on a moving horse that disadvise the ride.

CE1.4 Define the factors that determine the physical state of a horse after its observation in motion, differentiating those that show its fitness to work it mounted.

CE1.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the examination of the physical conditions of a horse for its riding.

CE1.6 In a practical case where the physical conditions of a horse are evaluated for mounting:

-Examine a stopped horse, discarding malformations, injuries and/or wounds that it disadvises.

-Observe the movement of a horse to the pass and the trot, discarding some kind of lameness that makes it difficult to move.

-Work the rope on a horse valuing its physical state.

C2: Identify the character of a horse, evaluating it to predict the behavior of the animal during its time.

CE2.1 Citar the factors that determine the state of the animals of a stopped and moving horse, indicating the different situations that influence it.

CE2.2 Describe the behavior patterns that a horse displays in your box during the placement of the mounting equipment, which define the particularities of the character.

CE2.3 Citar the factors that manifest an incorrect acceptance and adaptation of the horse to the mounting equipment, identifying the protocol to follow for its correction in each case.

CE2.4 Explain the usual behavior of a horse during its riding, describing the situations that may alter it.

CE2.5 Recognize cases of disobedient and vice of the horse mounted, identifying the correction techniques used in each case.

CE2.6 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the examination of the character and fitness of a horse for its riding.

CE2.7 In a practical case where you evaluate the character and fitness of a horse to be mounted:

-Get closer and examine the horse's attitude to our presence in your box.

-Evaluate the response of the horse during the placement of the mounting equipment.

-Evaluate the response of the horse during its handling.

-Move on hand a horse that has been placed on the mounting equipment, valuing its state of mind and the acceptance and adaptation of the animal to it.


1. Physical study of the horse

-Exterior of the species:

-Body regions:


-Common effects and taras.

-Study of Aplomes



-Skin, layers, and hairs:



-Hair integrity.

-Important physical alterations:




-Common injuries and injuries.


-Signs and symptoms.



-Physical condition:

-Study methods.


2. Character and equine behavior

-The usual behaviour and ways of life of the horse:



-Factors that define the character and state of the horse.

-The usual behaviour of the mounted horse.

-Mounted horse disobedient and vices:


-Identification of correction techniques.

3. Application of the rules relating to the examination of the physical conditions, character and fitness of a horse for its assembly


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory-regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Animal welfare.



Code: UF0835

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the techniques used to mount a horse with release.

CE1.1 Defer the natural sequence of movements of a horse to the pass, trot and gallop, explaining the mechanics of each one of them.

CE1.2 Citar the fundamental concepts of the natural movement of the horse, defining the meaning each one of them.

CE1.3 Identify the main artificial airs and vicissitudes of the mounted horse, differentiating them between them.

CE1.4 Describe the techniques that exist to get on horseback, indicating which is the most advisable in each case.

CE1.5 Define the position of the rider in the chair as well as the placement of his hands and legs during the ride to the three airs.

CE1.6 Distinguished the aids with which the rider counts for the mount and the modes of application during the same.

CE1.7 Citar the methods used to control the horse in the face of the disobedient and/or vices that it can present mounted.

CE1.8 Explain the techniques to be used in riding without stirrups, as well as for the realization of small jumps (up to 0.80m) on horseback.

CE1.9 Describe the techniques that exist to get off the horse, indicating which is the most advisable in each case.

CE1.10 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to horse riding.

C2: Mount the animal by moving to the different air with correction and applying the correct techniques in each case.

CE2.1 Control the horse of the right hand, and get its immobility to climb in it in safety conditions.

CE2.2 Upload the horse with skill and efficiency, avoiding danger situations.

CE2.3 Montar to the three airs, adopting a correct position in the chair and applying with release the aids.

CE2.4 Make the transitions between the different airs (step, trot and gallop), acting gently and looking for naturalness in the response and movements of the horse.

CE2.5 Make changes of pace, direction and direction of the gear during the mounting, ordering the movements to the horse with enough prior and performing them with sufficient amplitude.

CE2.6 Overcome barriers, doors, gates, ditches and any other type of similar difficulty that stands in the way, mounted on horseback or disassembled with the horse of the right-hand man in your case.

CE2.7 Perform, in safety conditions, the horse riding without stirrups, demonstrating sufficient technical mastery.

CE2.8 Make the jump of small obstacles (up to 0.80m) in track and/or in the field, in safety conditions, demonstrating to possess sufficient technical mastery.

CE2.9 Make changes in direction, direction and rhythm of the horse gear, with the right precision and rhythm.

CE2.10 Respond to the disobedient and/or vices of the horse, acting quickly and decisively.

CE2.11 Stop the horse using the appropriate aids at the desired place and time, regardless of the circumstances surrounding it.

CE2.12 Down the horse with skill and efficiency, avoiding danger situations.

CE2.13 Perform the work of the assembly taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.


1. Locomotion and Motricity on the Horse

-Study of the position of the horse at station (stopped).

-The natural airs on the horse:

-Study of the movement of the horse to the pass.

-Study of the movement of the horse to the trot.

-Study of horse movement to gallop.

-Fundamental concepts of the horse's natural movement:








-The artificial andres of the horse mounted.

2. Application of horse riding techniques

-Methods of control of the horse of the right to climb it.

-Techniques to climb the horse.

-Techniques to get off the horse.

-Techniques to achieve the correct balance and position of the rider during mounting.

-Rider application techniques by the rider:



-Mount techniques for performing:

-Exit to step.

-Stop and immobility.

-March rate changes.

-Changes in direction and direction of the march.

-Transitions between airs.

-Small obstacles (up to 0.80 m).

-Superation of doors, gates, ditches and other artificial barriers.

-Techniques for the correction of disobedient and vices of the mounted horse.

3. Application of the rules related to horse riding activities


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total number of hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF0833



Unit 2-UF0834






To access the formative unit 3 must have been exceeded the formative units 2 and 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1122_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1122_2: Fetch from foals.

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize, by studying their behavior, foals prepared to be bluster, and describe the tasks of approach, section and mooring of the same.

CE1.1 Describe the factors that show us that a colt is in a position to be bluster according to the usual protocol.

CE1.2 Citar the different installations, materials and equipment used for the section and subsequent mooring of the foals, indicating the needs according to the number and characteristics of the same.

CE1.3 Explain the protocol to be followed to perform the approach and section of a colt without bluster in security conditions.

CE1.4 Different types of behavior that a colt can have when being tied for the first time, indicating the possible risks.

CE1.5 Describe the handling to be performed with the foals to tie them for the first time, indicating the precautions to follow to ensure the integrity of the animal and the personnel handling it.

CE1.6 Define the protocol to be followed in order to perform the recognition of a foal section for its debave, citing the points of special observation.

CE1.7 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the approach and recognition of the foals for their development.

CE1.8 In a case and/or scenario of foal debave:

-Perform the approach and section of a colt.

-Perform the mooring and handling of a foal.

-Recognize a foal section by valuing its character and level of amansation.

C2: Choose the materials and equipment needed to carry out the brash of the foals, citing which are the appropriate places and techniques for placement.

CE2.1 Citar the characteristics of the different materials and equipment used to effect the bravel of the foals, explaining for what they are indicated and the modes of use each one.

CE2.2 Describe the guidelines to be followed for the placement and adaptation of the equipment for the safety of a foal.

CE2.3 Point out what are the body areas of the animals most likely to be damaged by the equipment of the braves, explaining how such damage can be avoided.

CE2.4 Identify the spaces and facilities suitable for carrying out the placement and adaptation of the equipment to the foals, reasoning the reasons for this choice.

CE2.5 Distinguished the different mechanical means used to work the foals with the teams of braves, explaining their modes of use.

CE2.6 Explain the tasks to be performed with the foals for adaptation to the media and facilities that are used to move them with the equipment of the brave, indicating the precautions to follow in each one.

CE2.7 Citar the modes of cleaning, storage and storage of the equipment used for the disposal of the foals, as well as the products, means and materials used for this purpose.

CE2.8 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to materials and equipment for foals.

CE2.9 In case of a practical case of placement and adaptation of the equipment from the brash to a foal:

-Perform the cleaning and pre-screening of an animal that will be placed on the equipment.

-Make the assembly and disassembly of the different equipment used for the braves of the foals.

-Place and adjust the appropriate debris equipment to a particular animal.

-Leave the animal in perfect condition for rest after the placement and adaptation of the equipment.

C3: Citar the tasks to be done with the braves foals to get them to submit to the orders they receive from their training, describing the techniques and procedures used for this.

CE3.1 Describe the conditions to be met by the spaces used for the walk and other movements of the foals on hand, indicating the characteristics of these spaces.

CE3.2 Recognize the cases in which aid of auxiliary personnel is needed to move the foals, avoiding risks for the animal and the personnel that handle them.

CE3.3 Explain the techniques used to drive the right-handed foals without the help of auxiliary personnel under security conditions.

CE3.4 Citar the equipment used to facilitate the driving of the foals, explaining the ways of using them.

CE3.5 Identify the disobedient and vices of the foals during their right-hand movements, explaining the appropriate ways of action in each case.

CE3.6 Identify signs that demonstrate that a foal is moving without difficulty on hand, evaluating the same to deduce if it is ready for its initial dressage.

CE3.7 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the handling and movement of the braves.

CE3.8 In a case and/or practical case of movement of a colt at hand:

-Drive the animal with release at a predetermined rate.

-Get the moving animal to maintain the necessary distance from us and to stop and resume the march during the walk to our will.


1. Characteristics of the brave foals

-General morphology: exterior.

-Description and identification of the different body regions of the foal.

-Different layers and hairs in the foals.

-Identification of defects and taras in foals.

-Identification of body zones sensitive to the cracks and wounds caused by the equipment of the braves in the foals.

-Potros behavior during the brash:

-Modes of life and behavior of the foals at large.

-General character of the foals without bluster.

-Attitude and usual reactions of the foal during the mudslide.

-Abnormal drivers and foal vices during their brash:


-Correction techniques.

2. Paragraph, mooring and amansing of the spout foals

-Protocols for the desbrave foals section:

-Techniques for the individual section.

-Techniques for collective sections.

-Approach techniques to the brash foals:

-The use of the voice.

-Methods of approach to foals.

-Methods of positioning the head to the foals.

-Materials for attachment and tie-up of the brash foals:

-Types of strings, musketons, rings and chains.

-Unbrave foal mooring techniques:

-Protocol for the approach of the foal to the mooring area.

-Nudos for foal mooring:


-Performing techniques.

-Recognition of the brash foals:

-Protocol for physical examination.

-Protocol for character assessment.

-Amansing techniques for the brash foals:

-Methods for the handling and cleaning of the foals.

-Methods for moving and moving the moored colt:

-Grip and lift of limbs.

-Side and settlement displacement or square of the foals.

3. Use of facilities, means and equipment for the disposal of foals

-Minimum characteristics and requirements of the facilities required for the disposal of foals in each of its phases:

-Blocks running.



-Ramaleo and ride zones.

-Mechanical means for movement of foals during the brash:

-Main types and characteristics.

-Use and maintenance modes.

-Equipment for the brash of the foals:

-Features, mounting, and unmounting:

-Potted heads.




-Placement, adaptation, and modes of use.

-Cleaning, storage, and storage:

-Cleaning materials and products.

-Cleaning and conservation techniques.

-Spaces and storage modes.

4. Movement of the brash foals on hand: ramaleo

-Individual driving techniques for foals.

-Group driving techniques for foals.

-Valuation of the branch level of the foals:

-Disobedience and vices of the foals during ramaleo:


-Correction techniques.

-The use of auxiliary aids during ramaleo:

-Application cases and procedures.

-Signs that demonstrate the level of enough debris in a foal.

5. Application of the legislation related to the activities



-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Total Number of Module Hours

No. of Maximum Susceptible Hours of Distance

MF1122_2 Formative Module



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1123_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1123_2: Domar foals to string.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1410

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: List the spaces necessary for the work of the foals to the rope, citing the main characteristics of each one of them.

CE1.1 Citar which are the facilities to be used to facilitate the initiation of the work to the rope of the foals, as well as the reasons that advise its use.

CE1.2 Distinguished the main features of the facilities that are used to facilitate the teaching of the work to the rope to the foals.

CE1.3 Describe the tasks of conditioning and maintenance of the facilities used for the dressage to the rope of the foals.

CE1.4 Citar which are the appropriate places to prepare and place the work equipment to the rope.

CE1.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the spaces used to work the foals to the rope.

C2: Identify the equipment used for the work of the foals to the rope, differentiating the particularities of each one of them.

CE2.1 Identify the different elements that make up the work equipment to the rope of the foals, citing the main characteristics of each of them.

CE2.2 Distinguished for each of the elements that make up the dressage equipment to the rope of the foals, explaining their modes of use.

CE2.3 Recognizes the order of placement and removal of the elements that make up the dressage equipment to the rope of the foals, in order to perform these tasks in accordance with quality criteria.

CE2.4 Explain the techniques of placement and adaptation of each of the elements that make the dressage equipment to the rope of the foals, citing the precautions to be taken into account to perform them in safety conditions.

CE2.5 To indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the placement and adaptation of the dressage equipment to the rope of the foals.

CE2.6 In a practical scenario of preparing a colt for your work to the rope:

-Place the equipment into the foal following the appropriate order.

-Adapt the equipment to the physical characteristics of the animal.

-Rate the need to add protections to the work equipment that prevent wounds and grazes to the foal, and place them if necessary.

-Check that the animal is moved with release and naturalness once the work equipment has been placed and adapted.

C3: Explain and, in a practical scenario, perform the tasks of familiarizing the foals with the spaces and work teams.

CE3.1 Describe the protocol to be followed to carry out the adaptation of the foal to the places and work equipment, citing the precautions to be taken into account to perform these tasks in safety conditions.

CE3.2 Citar which are the resources of the coach to establish a link of authority with the animal prior to the beginning of the work.

CE3.3 Identify what are the symptoms that evidence a poor adaptation of the foal to the spaces and/or work teams, describing the protocol to be followed in these cases.

CE3.4 Distinguished which are the signs that show that the colt is familiar with the workplaces, evidencing that he is ready to start at the job to the rope.

CE3.5 To indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the adaptation of the foals to the spaces and work teams.

CE3.6 In a practical scenario of familiarizing a colt with the spaces and work equipment to the rope:

-Organize the work track to make the contact of the animal with all the elements that make it up.

-Drive the foal to the work track and enter it.

-Achieve that the colt approaches and recognizes all the elements that make up the work track without getting out of work.

-Get the animal to stand or walk from the right hand to our will all over the work track.

-Alarm the string or guide to the foal so that it will separate slightly from us, gently using the necessary elements (fustas, trills, etc.) so that it does not turn and stop walking.

-Encourage the colt to scroll down the entire track by lengthening the step as far as possible,

-Get the colt to stop and return to step by using the voice and other help elements.

-To make the foal approach us once it has stopped by luring it with soft pulls of the string and with the voice.

-To caress the colt when he is next to us and get him to walk from the right-hander to the work track.


1. Facilities for the work to the rope of the foals

-Circles, closed tracks and cutlery covered:

-Minimum features and requirements.

-Conditioning and maintenance work.

-Prevention and security measures for use.

-Spaces for equipment placement and adaptation:


-Features and modes of use of their elements:

-Anillas or mooring points.


-Security Mosquetons.

-Security conditions.

2. Handling of work equipment to the rope of foals

-Features, mounting, and unmounting:

-Block heads.





-Long Guindfins.

-Mount Sillas.


-Refrain actions.





-Protectors for cinches.

-Cross and back protectors.

-Hand and foot protectors.

-helmet protectors (campaigns).

-Work Vendas.

-Long Fustas.


-Placement, adaptation and modes of use of each of the elements that make up the work equipment to the rope of the foals.

-Cleaning, storage and storage of work equipment to the rope of the foals:

-Cleaning materials and products.

-Cleaning and conservation techniques.

-Spaces and storage modes: organization of the guadarnes.

3. Identification of the conduct of the foals during the contact with the working means to the rope

-Common behaviors.

-Cases of abnormal behavior:

-Evaluation and Identification of Reasons.

-Correction methods.

4. Application of the regulations related to the activities of contact of the foals with the means of work to the rope


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.



Code: UF1411

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the tasks of the initial work to the rope of the foals with the help of auxiliary personnel, specifying the handling that is performed of the animals at each moment.

CE1.1 Describe the reasons why the help of auxiliary personnel for the beginning of the work to the rope of the foals is essential, pointing out the needs of spaces and equipment to carry out such activity.

CE1.2 Explain the handling technique used by the coach to move and stop the foal with the help of an auxiliary, acting in security conditions.

CE1.3 Describe the management techniques used by the coach to work at the three airs (step, trot and gallop) and make the transitions between them with the help of an auxiliary, meeting the quality criteria of the job.

CE1.4 Indicate the means used by the coach to communicate with the foal and to demand help from his or her assistant.

CE1.5 Distinguished the tasks performed by the auxiliary staff during the work to the rope of the foals, specifying the moments in which they are needed.

CE1.6 Describe the normal development sequence of a working session to the rope of the foals with the help of an auxiliary, pointing out the precautions to be taken into account at every moment to be carried out in safety conditions.

CE1.7 Identify signs that demonstrate that a colt is ready to work on the rope without the help of an auxiliary.

CE1.8 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to work tasks to the rope of the foals with the help of an auxiliary.

CE1.9 In a practical scenario of working a colt's rope with the help of an auxiliary:

-Take control of the animal, and work it in a circle to the three airs (step, trot and gallop) all the way through the necessary transitions and demand the aids corresponding to the auxiliary.

-Exercise auxiliary, providing the necessary collaboration to the training system at the necessary time.

C2: Describe the tasks that are performed to work the rope to the foals without the help of auxiliary personnel, differentiating the management guidelines in each situation.

CE2.1 Citar the possible risks and disadvantages of working the foals to the rope without the help of an auxiliary, defining the precautions to be carried out to avoid the same.

CE2.2 Describe the normal development sequence of a working session to the rope of the foals without the aid of an auxiliary, specifying the appropriate intensity and duration in each case.

CE2.3 Describe the handling technique used by the coach to move and stop the foal without the help of an auxiliary, performing these actions safely.

CE2.4 Explain the handling techniques is used by the coach to work the foal at the three airs (step, trot and gallop) and make the transitions between them without the help of an auxiliary.

CE2.5 Indicate the means used by the coach to communicate with the foal and create a link of authority over it.

CE2.6 Recognize, and cite the protocol of action in the face of the occurrence of physical problems and fatigue in the foals during the development of a working session to the rope.

CE2.7 Identify signs that show that a colt works properly to the rope without the help of an auxiliary, evidencing that he is ready to work the rope with rider.

CE2.8 Indicating the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to work tasks to the rope of the foals without the help of an auxiliary.

CE2.9 In a practical scenario of working a colt's rope without the help of an auxiliary:

-Drive the animal right up to the working track.

-Stop the colt in front of us and reposition the team before starting the job.

-Start the job at step with the colt moving it in circles to both hands.

-Work the colt all over the track to the three airs (step, trot and gallop) making the necessary transitions for it.

-Stop in front of us at the foal after the job is finished, and approach it to caress it.

-I recommend the team to finish the job and remove the right-hander from the track.


1. Planning the work session to the rope of the foals.



-Normal job sequence.

-Study of the physical condition of the foal during the development of a working session to the rope.

-Methods of identifying physical and/or health problems.

-Methods of identifying symptoms of tiredness.

-Study of the level of training and submission of the foal.

-Methods of evaluating the behavior of the foal during the working session to the string.

-Methods of evaluating the responses of the foal to the orders it receives from its training.

-Identification of evident signs of lack of disposition and concentration of the foals during work to the rope.

-Calculation of work times and rhythms: factors that condition it.

-The condition of the animal.

-The influence of the terrain conditions.

-The influence of weather conditions.

-Other conditioning factors.

-Valuation of the work session to the string.

-Factors that determine the ability of the foal to move to a higher level of dressage.

2. Application of the working techniques to the rope of foals.

-Methods for string handling.

-Methods of work of the foals to:




-Performing techniques for step-trot-gallop transitions.

-Stop performance techniques and change the direction of the colt's gear.

-Vicians and disobedient of the foals during the work to the rope.


-Correction techniques.

-The stimulation of the foals.

-Motivation methods for the job.

-Reward modes for foals.

3. Employment of aid for the control of the foals during their work to the rope

-The help of the auxiliary.

-Situations that require the help of the auxiliary.

-The auxiliary performance protocol in each situation.

-The help of the voice:

-Voices and control sounds that are commonly used.

-The adequacy of the tone of voice to different situations.

-The use of artificial aids:

-Long fuse: indications and modes of use.

-The tralla: indications and modes of use.

4. Application of the rules related to the activities of dressage to the rope of the foals


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total number of hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1410



Unit 2-UF1411




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1124_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1124_2: Perform the initial mount of foals.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1412

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the characteristics of the spaces that are used to make the contact of the foal stopped with the rider, listing the criteria to be considered for the choice of the same.

CE1.1 Indicate what type of spaces are the most suitable for this task, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages that arise from its use.

CE1.2 Citar the minimum conditions to be met by this type of facilities, listing the necessary equipment for its use.

CE1.3 Specify the conditioning tasks of these spaces to facilitate the performance of this type of work.

CE1.4 Explain the precautions to be taken into account by the personnel who are inside such facilities during the development of the activity, to ensure that it is carried out in security conditions.

CE1.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the spaces used to carry out the contact of the foal with the rider.

C2: Describe the preparation tasks of the foal, prior to the contact with the rider, citing the necessary equipment to carry out this activity.

CE2.1 Explain what are the observations that we must make of the colt to check that it is in a position to be started in the mount.

CE2.2 Describe the equipment needed to start the colt on the mount, as well as its indications and placement modes.

CE2.3 Citar precautions to be taken into account during the adaptation of the mounting equipment to the foal, pointing out the mandatory cases of placement of protection to the animals.

CE2.4 Distinguished the symptoms that signal to us that the colt is not comfortable with the mounting equipment, citing the cases in which his review is advised.

CE2.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the preparation of the foal to carry out the contact with the rider.

CE2.6 In a practical case of preparing a foal to be mounted:

-Tar the colt at a location indicated for recognition.

-Recognize the foal, identifying if they exist, physical problems that prevent it from being mounted.

-Place the mounting equipment to the foal, adapting it to the physical characteristics of the foal and to the work to be done with it.

-Drive the colt to the place where it is going to be mounted, checking that it accepts the mounting equipment and moves naturally with the

C3: Explain the tasks performed to perform the contact of the foal stopped with the rider, specifying in each case the handling performed with the animals.

CE3.1 Citar must be the position and attitude adopted by the auxiliary with respect to the foal on the working track prior to the rider approaching them.

CE3.2 Explain the technique used by the rider to warn the colt of his presence, getting the animal to get used to his standing ground.

CE3.3 Describe the handling of the foal that the auxiliary performs, facilitating the learning tasks of the same to the rider to climb, remain briefly mounted and come down from it.

CE3.4 Explain the technique used by the rider to carry his weight progressively over the foal, getting the animal to allow it to remain mounted on it.

CE3.5 Describe the technique used by the rider to reassure the colt and get used to the movements of his legs and hands on him, while he remains mounted.

CE3.6 Explain the technique used by the rider to gently lower the foal, once it accepts no problems to be mounted.

CE3.7 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the contact of the foal stopped with the rider.

CE3.8 In a practical case of contact of the foal stopped with the rider:

-Act auxiliary, handling the right-hand colt during the learning tasks of the foal to which the rider rises, remains briefly mounted and comes down from it.

-Act as a rider with the foal standing on the track, climbing, remaining mounted and repeatedly lowering the animal, until it shows that it accepts to be mounted without difficulty.


1. Recognition of spaces and facilities for the contact of the foal stopped with the rider

-Blocks and boxes:

-Structure and minimum conditions for employment in this type of work.

-Benefits and drawbacks arising from their use.

-Prevention and security measures.

-Picadero, work tracks, and other spaces:

-Adaptation for the activity.

-Benefits and drawbacks arising from their use.

-Prevention and security measures.

2. Preparing the foal for mounting

-Pre-mount colt recognition:

-Study of the general impression of the physical state of the colt at station:

-Valuation of your general conformation according to your race, sex and age.

-Valuation of body development: status of meats and musculation.

-Study of the overall impression of the physical state of the moving colt:

-Valuation of your move to step.

-Valuation of your movement to the trot.

-Warning and interpretation of signs and obvious symptoms of lameness.

-Study of diseases, injuries and/or injuries that discourage the practice of mounting with a foal.

-Equipment for the initial mounting of the foals.


-Main Features.

-Indications of your specific use.

-Placement and adaptation protocol.

-Precautions during tuning:

-Protection of equipment sensitive to the friction of equipment.

-Adjustment checking methods.

-Signs that reveal a bad adaptation and adjustment of the equipment.

3. Contact of the foal stopped with the Jinete

-The acting protocol of the auxiliary staff.

-Positioning and fitness with respect to the foal.

-Animal specific handling.

-The rider's acting protocol.

-Approach techniques and direct contact with the foal.

-Techniques to climb the foal.

-Techniques to remain mounted on the foal.

-Techniques to get off the colt.

-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory-regulated actuations concerning:

-prevention of occupational risks.

-livestock welfare.



Code: UF1413

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the usual development of an initiation session of the foals on the mounted rope, specifying the characteristics of the facilities used for these tasks.

CE1.1 Explain what is the normal development of a complete session of work to the rope of a mounted foal, specifying the planning work of the same and the basic rules of action of the staff that manages the livestock in each of its phases.

CE1.2 Indicate which conditions should gather the environment in which these spaces are located to facilitate the normal development of a work session.

CE1.3 Describe the characteristics of the enclosure and the soil indicated for this type of installations, as well as the ways of conditioning and maintaining them.

CE1.4 Specify the need, and in your case the distribution, of the different materials that we can find within these workplaces.

CE1.5 Citar the precautions to be taken into account by the personnel who, leave, enter or pass near those spaces when they are occupied by the auxiliary, the foal and the rider, to allow the work in safety conditions.

CE1.6 Indicating the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the facilities used for the initiation of the foals in the work to the mounted rope.

C2: Define the performance protocol of the auxiliary during the work to the rope of the mounted foal, specifying the handling performed by the animal at each moment.

CE2.1 Explain the handling that the auxiliary makes of the colt inside the track, until the moment the rider is ready to ride it.

CE2.2 Describe what kind of help the rider lends to the rider to make it easier for the rider to mount.

CE2.3 Explain the maneuver that the auxiliary executes to facilitate the initiation of the movement of the foal mounted to the passage through the work track.

CE2.4 Define how the auxiliary interprets each of the orders the rider transmits to the foal while in motion, explaining the specific handling of the animal in each case.

CE2.5 Explain the maneuver that the auxiliary executes to facilitate the return to the calm of the colt and get it to stop by remaining immobile.

CE2.6 Describe what kind of help the rider provides to help you get off the colt.

CE2.7 To indicate the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the performance of the auxiliary during the work to the rope of the mounted colt.

CE2.8 In a practical working case to the rope of a foal with rider:

-To exercise auxiliary during the development of a full session of work, attending at all times to the indications of the rider and handling the colt to the rope with release and security.

C3: Describe the techniques used by the rider to start the colt on the rope, explaining how he transmits the orders to the animal in each case.

CE3.1 Explain what the rider's way of communicating with your assistant is to order something or demand your help.

CE3.2 Describe the actions that the rider performs to climb the colt and put it into motion on the work track.

CE3.3 Explain how the rider acts to get the colt to increase or decrease the pace of the march in each of its natural airs, making the right transitions between them.

CE3.4 Describe the actions the rider performs to get the colt to stop and to get down from it.

CE3.5 Citar the most common cases of vices and disobedient of the foals during their initiation to the rope, describing the protocol to be followed by the rider in each case.

CE3.6 Indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the techniques used by the rider to start the colt on the rope.

CE3.7 In a practical case of working to the rope of a foal with rider:

-Act as a rider, directing at all times the working session and riding the colt with balance and serenity.


1. Developing the working session of rope-mounted foals



-Usual sequence.


-Programming of the work session.

-Facilities conditioning.

-Preparing teams.

-Identification and recognition of foals.

-Basic rules for the performance of the auxiliary and the rider.

-Channels and methods of communication.

-Basic accident prevention and safety measures.

-Action protocol in case of accident.

2. Use of spaces and facilities for the initiation to the mount of the foals

-Covered pickings and outdoor tracks:

-Minimum dimensions.

-Characteristics, distribution, and maintenance of:



-Auxiliary material.

-Benefits and drawbacks arising from their use.

-Prevention and security measures.


-Factors to consider when choosing your enclave.

-Ideal environment features.

-Security recommendations for personnel who enter or leave such facilities or move next to them.

3. Application of the specific handling techniques for the work to the rope of the mounted foals

-Specific handling of the foals by the auxiliary:

-Technical for fastening and control of the stationary foal.

-Technique for the help of the rider to climb the foal.

-Technical for movement mounted foal control.

-Technique for the return to calm and detention of the colt after the job.

-Specific handling of the foals by the rider:

-Techniques to climb the foal.

-Techniques to initiate the movement of the foals and to increase or decrease the pace of the march of the foals.

-Techniques to achieve stop and immobility of foals.

-Techniques to get off the foals.

-Techniques of correction of vices and disobedient of the foals.

4. Application of the rules related to the work to the rope of the mounted foals


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory-regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.



Code: UF1414

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the preparation tasks of the foal prior to its release to be mounted, analyzing the need for material or auxiliary personnel so that this activity can be developed.

CE1.1 Citar the conditions that a installation must gather in order to be able to mount a loose colt inside it, listing the factors that discourage its use.

CE1.2 Explain which types of jobs it is advisable to perform with the foals previously to be released for their mounting, indicating the means and personnel required for this.

CE1.3 Describe methods that are used to calm and reassure the animal before it is released to be mounted

CE1.4 Indicate what the physical and animal state of the foal should be before proceeding to its release to be mounted, identifying the situations that discourage the beginning of such activity.

CE1.5 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the preparation of the foal to be mounted on the loose.

C2: Citar the general rules of performance of the rider and his possible helpers during the session of a loose colt, determining the precautions to be taken into account in order to avoid incidents.

CE2.1 Explain how the rider plans and directs the first sessions of the loose colt's mounting, defining the causes or reasons that cause to reflect on the need to maintain or not a helper at the foot of the track

CE2.2 Point out what kind of indications and warnings the rider should dictate to his assistant before performing the loose colt's mount, explaining the way he has to communicate with him.

CE2.3 Determine what the rider's overall attitude should be with respect to the colt when he rides it loose the first few times, listing the main risk factors he faces

CE2.4 Determine what are the main missions of the helpers that are kept on track during the mounting sessions of the loose foals, to ensure the safety of the rider.

CE2.5 Explain what the attitude and position of the track assistant should be in order to be able to assist the rider as soon as possible.

CE2.6 List possible cases in which the assistant on foot should intervene alerted or not by the rider, describing their mode of action in each one of them.

CE2.7 Indicating the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the general rules of performance of the rider and his possible assistants during the session of a loose colt.

C3: Explain which techniques the rider uses to mount a loose colt, defining the application protocol for each of them.

CE3.1 Describe the technique used by the rider to climb the foal by his own means, pointing out the risks that exist and the precautions to take into account in these cases to avoid accidents.

CE3.2 Point out what actions the rider performs once mounted before starting to move to the foal, to ensure that the animal is ready and that its position in the chair is correct.

CE3.3 Explain the technique to be used by the rider to achieve that once mounted on the animal, the appropriate contact with him is maintained, getting him to start the march to the step calmly.

CE3.4 Describe the methods used by the rider to get the foal to always walk in a straight line, preventing it from getting out of the way the rider leads.

CE3.5 Define which technique the rider uses to get the colt to vary the direction and/or direction of the gear when ordered.

CE3.6 Explain how the rider acts so that the colt increases or decreases the pace of the march, achieving that it moves to its three natural airs (step, trot and gallop) correctly performing the transitions between them.

CE3.7 Point out the technique used by the rider to ensure that the foal stops and remains immobile in the place to be determined, preventing it from moving in any direction until it is ordered.

CE3.8 Describe the technique used by the rider to lower the colt by his own means, pointing out the risks that exist and the precautions to take into account in these cases.

CE3.9 Indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the techniques used by the rider to mount a loose colt.

CE3.10 In a practical assumption of mounting a loose colt:

-Upload the foal without help and make it remain immobile until ordered.

-Work the colt all over the track with the three airs performing the right transitions in each case.

-Perform changes in direction and direction of the march, ordering them with enough prior to take the necessary spaces and perform them without sudden.

-Perform stop and stop exercises at step, achieving the immobility of the foal between them.

-Get down from the foal without help keeping control of the animal at all times.

C4: Recognize the mounted dressage level of a foal, valuing its qualities and determining whether it is ready to start in a particular equestrian activity.

CE4.1 Citar which are the references to be taken into account to determine the level of dressage of a mounted foal, classifying them according to their importance.

CE4.2 List the reasons that reflect that a foal has not acquired the basic dressage sufficient to be safely mounted, disadvising its initiation in other equestrian activities.

CE4.3 Explain what qualities are valued in each case when choosing a foal to continue training in a particular equestrian activity.

CE4.4 Point out what are the attitudes to highlight in a foal during its mounted dressage, which promote its validity to start in one or several equestrian activities at the same time.

CE4.5 In a practical case of observing a working session of a loose mounted colt:

-To study the behavior of the animal, valuing its character and predisposition to work.

-Observe the responses of the foal to the orders it receives from the rider, determining the level of submission the animal has acquired.

-To study the movements performed by the foal, valuing the naturalness and quality of the same.

-Make a critical judgment of the work of the mounted foal, determining if the foal has acquired the level of dressage sufficient to initiate it in any equestrian activity.


1. Preparing the foal to mount it loose

-Review of:

-The colt:

-Physical health check modes.

-Animated state check modes.


-General status check protocol.

-Recognition of required equipment.

-Review of the necessary prevention and security measures.

-Factors and situations that prevent the mounting of the loose colt.

-Relative to the animal.

-Relatives to staff.

-Relatives to equipment and facilities.

-Techniques that are applied for pre-heating and preparation of the foal for mounting.

-The usual sequence of a loose colt's mounting session.

2. Performance of the rider and his assistants during a riding session of a loose colt.

-Channels and methods of communication between the rider and his helpers foot to earth.

-Main indications and warnings of the rider towards his assistants.

-The rider's overall attitude to the first loose colt mounts:

-Identification of hazardous situations.

-Action modes in situations of risk.

-General attitude of the helpers foot to ground during the mounting of the loose colt.

-Main missions.

-Proper position on the track.

-Reaction modes to the different hazard situations.

3. Application of the techniques for mounting loose foals.

-Techniques to climb the colt without help.

-Techniques to contact the colt and balance his seat on it.

-Guide techniques for mounted foals:

-Methods for guiding the foals in a straight line.

-Methods for changing direction and direction of the march.

-Methods to increase or decrease the pace of walking, trotting and galloping, making the right transitions between the air.

-Techniques for making stops and stops at the end of the foal.

-Techniques used to achieve the immobility of the foal once stopped.

-Techniques to get off the colt without help.

4. Assessment of the level of dressage and the qualities for the mounted work of the foals

-Parameters that determine the dressage level of a colt:

-Refers based on conduct and attitude during work.



-Refers based on the execution of basic dressage exercises.



-Motives that reflect an insufficient basic dressage in the mounted foals.

-Valuation of the qualities and aptitudes of the foals for mounting.

-Study of general fitness for the assembled work.

-Study of the qualities that demonstrate aptitude for a specific equestrian activity.

5. Application of the rules relating to the mounting of the loose foal


-State, autonomic, and local.

-Regulatory-regulated actuations concerning:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Livestock welfare.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total number of hours of training units

Maximum number of hours susceptible to distance

Unit 1-UF1412



Unit 2-UF1413





To access the formative unit 3 must have been exceeded the formative units 2 and 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0300

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the debrave of the recry foals, complying with the protocol of the holding.

CE1.1 Review the installations, equipment and equipment used for the disposal of the foals, verifying that they are in good condition.

CE1.2 Participate in the selection and identification of the foals to be bluster, checking their general condition.

CE1.3 Make the approach and mooring of the foals, valuing their character and level of amansation that they have.

CE1.4 Recognize the foals, identifying in their case signs or symptoms evident of injury or disease.

CE1.5 Clean and clean the foals before proceeding to the placement of the equipment, using the appropriate techniques and means.

CE1.6 Make the placement of the equipment to remove the foals, acting in accordance with the indications of the personnel who are directing those tasks

CE1.7 Auxiliary the personnel of the holding in the handling and control of the foals during the training of the foals.

CE1.7 Collaborate on the collection, cleaning and management of the facilities and equipment used in the equipment, complying with the standards of the farm.

C2: Participate in the tasks of contact of the foals with the means of work to the rope of the animals, collaborating with the personnel of the exploitation in the preparation and execution of the same.

CE2.1 Acondition the circles, stings or tracks used for the work to the rope of the foals, using the means provided by the holding.

CE2.2 Drive from right to a foal to the work track, ensuring that it recognizes all the elements that compose it and becomes familiar with them.

CE2.3 Move the colt to the step to move around the track, requesting help in cases where necessary.

CE2.4 Check the adaptation of the foal to the equipment and facilities used for the dressage to the rope, assessing their reactions and behavior within them.

CE2.5 Review and roast the colt after the session of adaptation to the working means to the rope, leaving the animal in perfect condition for its rest.

CE2.6 To collaborate in the collection, cleaning and management of the facilities and equipment used for the adaptation of the foals to the working means to the rope, complying with the protocol of the exploitation.

C3: Collaborate on the work of dressage to the rope of a foal, performing the handling of the animal or acting as auxiliary as directed.

CE3.1 Auxiliary the staff of the holding who performs the work to the rope of the foals, acting according to their indications.

CE3.2 Valoring the need for an auxiliary to work a particular colt to the cord, requesting help in cases that is accurate after checking the level of learning of the animal.

CE3.3 Start the work to the rope of a foal, insisting on step-out exercises and stops until the animal performs them correctly.

CE3.4 Practice changes in the direction of walking from the colt to the rope, always with the animal at step or stop.

CE3.5 Work the colt to the rope to the trot and gallop, insisting on the correct realization of the transitions between airs.

CE3.6 Finish the work to the rope of a colt, attempting the progressive return to the calm and relaxation of the animal.

CE3.7 Rate the level of dressage and the psycho-physical condition of a foal after you work it to the cord, determining if it is ready to start it.

C4: Perform the placement of the mounting equipment to a foal, adapting it and adjusting it to the characteristics of the animal.

CE4.1 Review the equipment prior to placement, ensuring that it is complete and in good condition.

CE4.2 Observe the stopped colt, verifying that it has no injuries or injuries that do not advise placing any element of the equipment.

CE4.3 Check the need to place protections that prevent grazes and injuries to the animal.

CE4.4 Place the complete mounting equipment, adjusting it to the morphology of the foal.

CE4.5 Pass the right-hand colt with the mounted mounting gear, making sure it moves naturally.

C5: Participate in the work of mounting a foal, collaborating with the staff of the farm during the execution of the same.

CE5.1 Perform the helper tasks to make it easier for the rider to contact the stopped colt.

CE5.2 Act as a rider, applying the appropriate techniques to make contact with a foal stopped with the help of an auxiliary.

CE5.3 Rate the level of training and the psycho-physical condition of a foal after making the contact-mounted contact, determining if it is ready to start it on the job to the mounted rope.

CE5.4 Collaborate on the work of mounting a colt to the rope, riding the animal or acting as an auxiliary applying the necessary techniques in each case.

CE5.5 Evaluate the job to the mounted rope that performs a foal, determining if it is ready to be mounted loose.

CE5.6 Schedule and perform the mounting of a loose colt, using the appropriate means and applying the necessary techniques in each case.

CE5.7 Value as a rider the work done by a particular colt, assessing his abilities and skills for the ride.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Clear from the recry foals

-Conditioning of the facilities.

-Identification of the animals.

-Assembly, disassembly, placement and adaptation of livestock management equipment.

-Approach, mooring and amansing of the foals.

-Ramaleo of the foals.

-Review and recognition of foals.

-Cleaning, maintenance and storage of equipment.

2. Contact of the foals with the working means to the rope.

-Conditioning of the facilities.

-Familiarization of the foals with the means of work.

-Valuation of the level of adaptation of the foals to the means of work.

3. Dressage to the rope of the foals.

-Schedule the work session.

-Starting the job with step-outs and stops.

-Changes in the direction of the march during work.

-Realization of work to the trot and gallop with transitions between airs.

-Relaxation of the relaxation and return to the calm of the foals after work

-Valuation of the physical condition and the level of dressage of a colt to the rope.

-Estimate of the need for help of auxiliary personnel.

4. Handling of the mounting equipment of the foals.

-Assembly and disassembly of mounting equipment.

-Placement and adaptation of the mounting equipment.

-Cleaning, maintenance and storage of the mounting equipment.

5. Ride the foals.

-Contact of the foal stopped with the rider.

-Planning a working session of a rope mounted colt.

-Planning a working session of a loose mounted colt.

-Preparation of the foal to be mounted to the rope.

-A string of a colt to the string.

-Preparation of the foal to be mounted loose.

-A loose colt's Monta.

-Correction of vices and disobedient of the mounted foal.

-Evaluation of the capabilities and aptitudes of a colt for the ride.

6. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the COMPETITION

With accreditation

No accreditation


Basic techniques of mounting to horse

-Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technician in the professional families of physical and sports activities and Agrarian.

-Certificate of Professional Level 3 Professional families of physical and sports activities and Agrarian.

1 year

3 years


Potros ' Delete

-Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Certificate of Professionalism level 3 of the Professional Agricultural Family Livestock Area.

1 year

3 years


Pother-to-string Doma

-Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Superior Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

-Professional Agricultural Family Livestock Professional Area Level 3 Certificate

1 year

3 years

MF1124_2: Initial post-foals

-Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

-Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

-Top Technical of the Agrarian Professional Family

-Professional Agrarian Family Livestock Professional Area Level 3 Professional Certificate

1 year

3 years


Forming Space



Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

Multipurpose Aula









Formative Space



























Forming Space


-purpose Aula

-Pizarra to write with marker

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.


-Equine cattle handling material:




-Cadenas with carabiner.

-Adjustable Serrets.


-Special Rendages.





-Protectors for feet and hands.

-Protectors for helmets.

-Work Vendas.


-Dorso Protectors.

-Pans and sweatshirts.

-Complete mount sils.




-Material for cleaning and maintaining equine livestock handling equipment:


-Winners for atalages.

-Cleaning Sponges.


-Oils and fats for cleaning and preserving leather.

-Material for the review and identification of equine cattle:

-Microchip readers.

-Tabs to complete graphical reviews.

-Personal protection material:

-Work gloves.

-Security Boots.

-Mount Helmets.

-Other protections for the development of the foal mount activity.

Internal Facilities for Equine Livestock

-Blocks run with messes and mooring points for animals.

-Individual boxes for animals with:




-Mooring point.

-Picadero covered in 40 meters 20 meters.

Exteriors for equine cattle

-40-meter-20-meter work track.

-Circles to give string.

-Automatic Caminator.

-Showers zone.


-Sestiles and/or Verderas.

Due to the characteristics of the facilities and equipment necessary for the course, it must be developed in an equine livestock holding that meets the requirements laid down in the certificate of professionalism and has different races, sex and age.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.


I. Identification of the certificate of professionalism

Naming: Florist Activities

Code: AGAJ0110

Professional family: Agrarian

Professional area: Gardening

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

AGA457_2 Florist activities (RD 715/2010, May 28)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1468_2: Coordinate and perform the activities of florist companies.

UC1469_2: Perform floral compositions.

UC1470_2: Perform compositions with plants.

UC1471_2: Sell and report on florist products and services.

General competition:

Coordinate and perform the activities of florist and floral service companies, carry out ornamentation projects, as well as sell and report on florist products and services.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in the areas of creation and elaboration of compositions and ornamentations with flowers and plants, and of marketing and distribution of them, in florist and floral services companies of any size, both self-employed and self-employed, depending, in their case, functionally and hierarchically of a superior and being able to have at their personal level lower level.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the wholesale and retail trade sector of flowers and plants, in the following productive activities: Floristeria establishments. Floral service companies. Garden centres. Department of florist of large surfaces. Companies distributing flowers and natural and artificial plants. Decoration companies with floral services. Funeral companies with floral services. Events organization companies with floral ornamentation service. Commercial establishments with decoration department and shop window.

Occupations or related jobs:

5220.1121 Florist-dependent

6120.1073 Worker in garden centers

3142.1054 Technician in flowers and/or gardening

Florist Officer/Officer

Florist Commercial

Duration of the associated training: 480 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1468_2: Coordination and execution of the activities of florist companies. (100 hours).

• UF1745: Organization of cleaning and maintenance of facilities, equipment, machines and tools of a flower shop (30 hours).

• UF1746: Organization and realization of the activities of the workshop, the warehouse and the delivery service (40 hours).

• UF1747: Realization and assembly of storefronts and exhibitions in the sales room of a flower shop (30 hours).

MF1469_2: Realization of floral compositions. (150 hours).

• UF1748: Realization of floral compositions in containers and tied (50 hours).

• UF1749: Elaboration of funeral and memorial floral compositions (30 hours).

• UF1750: Realization of bridal compositions (30 hours).

• UF1751: Realization of floral compositions for Christmas and other specific campaigns (40 hours).

MF1470_2: Realization of compositions with plants. (100 hours).

• UF1752: Realization and maintenance of compositions with natural plants (30 hours).

• UF1753: Realization and maintenance of compositions with flowers and/or artificial and/or preserved plants (30 hours).

• UF1754: Realization of decorations and/or environment in large spaces (40 hours).

MF1471_2: Sales and information techniques for florist products and services. (90 hours).

MP0371: Non-working professional practice module for florist activities (40 hours)




Level: 2

Code: UC1468_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Coordinate the operations of cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, equipment, machinery and tools of the florist so that they are in optimal conditions of use, employing the personnel necessary to carry out the activity.

CR1.1 The tasks of cleaning and maintaining facilities, equipment, machinery and tools are coordinated, so that they do not interrupt the productive activity, so that they are in conditions of use during the working day, applying the rules that determine the direction of the company.

CR1.2 The collection and removal of waste generated as a result of the work activity is controlled, in order to be carried out in accordance with the procedures and means designated for this purpose.

CR1.3 The equipment and machinery maintenance plan is applied to prevent breakdowns, taking into account the corresponding instructions and maintenance manuals.

CR1.4 In the case of detecting anomalies in equipment, machinery or tools, it is communicated to the staff of the higher category.

CR1.5 Cleaning and maintenance operations for facilities, equipment, machinery and tools are organized in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and environmental protection regulations

RP2: Coordinate and perform the activity of the florist workshop according to each moment and situation, taking into account the available resources, for the best development of the daily work.

CR2.1 The daily tasks of the workshop are organized according to the availability of human and material resources.

CR2.2 The materials, raw materials and processed products received are reviewed, observing the quality of the materials and detecting possible deterioration, checking the optimum condition for their use and sale.

CR2.3 The materials necessary for the daily work are prepared and, if necessary, are acquired according to the instructions of the staff of the higher category.

CR2.4 The orders are organized to be performed in order of preference, workload and following criteria of the staff of the higher category.

CR2.5 The order is monitored by following the instructions in the sales form in which you specify the characteristics of the sales form, the price and other details of interest.

CR2.6 The quality of the finished work and products is controlled according to the aesthetic and economic criteria marked by the management, prior to its sale or delivery to the public.

CR2.7 The quality in the delivery service in the establishment and/or distribution in its case, of the works elaborated in the workshop of the florist, is controlled by checking that these correspond with the orders of orders and deliveries.

CR2.8 The daily workshop work is done in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP3: Carry out warehouse control operations by applying the criteria set by the company management to control the stock

CR3.1 Stocks are controlled to have information about their availability and, where applicable, to perform their replenishment.

CR3.2 The usual orders for provisioning are made according to the needs and according to the criteria set by the management.

CR3.3 The albaran that accompanies the materials, raw materials or processed products received is compared with the corresponding order and are checked units, prices and possible discounts.

CR3.4 The defective or non-price-adjusted items, quantity and/or quality are claimed from the supplier, making, where appropriate, the return or replacement of the same, prior notice to the staff of the superior category.

CR3.5 The instructions for the storage of materials, raw materials and processed products are transmitted and their compliance is controlled, taking into account criteria of durability, use and optimization and profitability of space.

CR3.6 The inventory is performed in the format dictated by the address and on the set date.

CR3.7 Warehouse control is performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP4: Organize the showroom to optimize sales, taking into account the available assortment, the seasonality of the demand and the commercial campaigns, and applying technical and practical criteria, and following the guidelines established by the management.

CR4.1 The cut flower, floral compositions and ornamental greens that are exposed daily in the sales room, are monitored with the frequency necessary to control their cleaning and conditioning and, if necessary, perform their replacement.

CR4.2 Flowers and flower compositions exposed to the public for sale are reviewed to check that they conform to the quality criteria set by the company.

CR4.3 Products prepared for sale are placed on the basis of aesthetic and functional criteria.

CR4.4 Plants and compositions with plants exposed to the public for sale are reviewed to verify that they are clean, covered by their irrigation needs and, if necessary, perform their replacement.

CR4.5 Plants and compositions with plants exposed to the public for sale are reviewed to check that they conform to the quality criteria set by the company.

CR4.6 Product labeling and service fees are controlled by verifying that they are set.

CR4.7 Products in exhibitors and shelves are regularly reviewed to keep them in optimal selling conditions, replenishing stocks when the situation requires.

CR4.8 The organization of the showroom is performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk prevention plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP5: periodically set up shop windows for commercial purposes, applying technical and aesthetic criteria, and taking into account the commercial campaigns, the seasonality of the demand and the indications of the staff of the higher category.

CR5.1 Space is measured taking into account the non-floral elements that integrate it.

CR5.2 The storefront is unmounted and is mounted following the sketch and indications of the top-rated staff.

CR5.3 The products and elements displayed are controlled periodically to verify that they are in perfect presentation conditions, replaying when necessary.

CR5.4 The storefront non-floral setting and decorative add-ons are installed according to the instructions received by the senior staff.

CR5.5 The lights, engines, water, or other elements of the storefront are monitored periodically.

CR5.6 The window assembly is performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's workplace risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP6: Perform the control operations of the delivery services and the service of plant maintenance, following the criteria of the company, in order to guarantee the quality of the same.

CR6.1 The loading and conditioning operations of the products in the delivery vehicle are controlled.

CR6.2 The cast is controlled, taking into account possible modifications that arise.

CR6.3 The plant maintenance service and compositions are controlled, analyzing the information received by the personnel who do so, taking the precise corrective measures.

CR6.4 Home services are verified to check that the programs and schedules marked by the top category staff are met.

Professional Context

Production media

Tables and counters. Cold room. Bookshelves and exhibitors. Florist machinery. Specific gardening and florist tools. Flowers and plants, natural and artificial. Telephone. Personal computer. Paper. Paintings, pens. Tapes. Rapias. Containers. Decorative materials. Auxiliary materials. Fabrics. Ropes. DIY tools. Electrical equipment. Luminonic material. Tape metric. Envelopes. Cards. Fax. Email.

Products and results

Control of cleaning and maintenance of facilities, equipment and tools. Controlled establishment in all its departments. Exhibition of final products in perfect presentation conditions. Commercially attractive storefronts. Control of delivery services, attention to the public and maintenance of plants.

Information used or generated

Albaranes. Delivery notes. Parts of work. Invoices. Decoration and interior magazines. Styling books, floral decoration and interior design. Flat. Sketches. Sales forms. Promotional material. Machinery maintenance books. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks. Guides and street plans. Inventory.



Level: 2

Code: UC1469_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Make floral compositions in containers and hand tied, using any type of plant and non-vegetable material, applying the specific assembly techniques and the artistic cannons to each one of them, for sale and other commercial or promotional purposes.

CR1.1 The supports, containers, bases and structures are selected according to the composition to be performed and prepared or sent to prepare the corresponding personnel, applying the specific assembly techniques.

CR1.2 The flowers, plants and natural or artificial elements to be used in the elaboration of floral compositions are selected, in quantity and quality, according to the characteristics and budget of the work to be carried out.

CR1.3 The elaboration technique is applied according to the floral composition to be performed, taking into account the form of creation chosen.

CR1.4 The style and shape of composition are applied according to the occasion or destination, the concrete demand and the final location.

CR1.5 Floral compositions are performed with color, proportion, shape, and compositional style.

CR1.6 The floral compositions are packaged, wrapped, conditioned and/or presented, when required, with aesthetic criteria and technical accuracy.

CR1.7 The elaboration of floral compositions is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP2: Run decoration projects with flowers, applying the established techniques, to perform the ornamentation of large spaces and certain stays, for sale and other commercial or promotional purposes.

CR2.1 Project sketches and/or plans are interpreted with the support of the senior staff.

CR2.2 The floral compositions that form part of a decorative floral project are located and, where appropriate, are made "in situ" coordinated by senior staff or as part of a work team.

CR2.3 The flower compositions for large spaces are performed with the specific installation techniques for large scale assemblies.

CR2.4 The ornamentation of large spaces and stays, which does not require a project, is carried out taking into account the availability of raw materials, according to the time of year, the demand for the clientele and the purpose for which it is decorated.

CR2.5 The ornamentation of large spaces and stays determined is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP3: Make bridal compositions for sale by applying the specific assembly techniques and the necessary artistic cannons to each.

CR3.1 The physical characteristics of the person, as well as the type of wedding, are analyzed.

CR3.2 The sketches of bridal compositions are performed.

CR3.3 The raw materials are selected taking into account the temporality, color, aesthetics and preferences of the clientele.

CR3.4 The material needed for the production of different types of bridal classes and supplements is prepared according to the implementing technique to be used.

CR3.5 The different bridal classes are performed, once the style has been determined, applying the form of creation and technical assembly, depending on the floral and non-floral materials, fashions, trends and taste of the clientele.

CR3.6 The bridal compositions (light, headgear, diadem, car ornament, among others) are made by applying the techniques of assembly and specific aesthetic criteria.

CR3.7 The floral ornamentation of the bridal vehicle is performed with the type, model and color knowledge, applying the installation techniques.

CR3.8 The bridal bouquet and accessories are prepared for transport and delivery, avoiding deterioration and delays.

CR3.9 The bridal compositions are made in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP4: Perform funeral and memorial floral compositions for sale by applying the specific assembly techniques and the necessary artistic canyons to each.

CR4.1 The containers and bases with symbolic shapes are selected according to the accepted budget and the preferences of the clientele.

CR4.2 The raw materials are selected taking into account the temporality, color, aesthetics and preferences of the clientele.

CR4.3 The material needed for the preparation of funeral and memorial floral compositions is prepared (punctured, wired, tied, among others) according to the execution technique to be used.

CR4.4 The funeral or memorial floral composition (crown, heart, cross, bouquet, palm, among others) is made by choosing the style, shape, color, proportion, materials and plant elements depending on the destination, temporality and preferences of the clientele.

CR4.5 Tape and card dedications are made using established techniques and systems for labeling or printing, checking that customer specifications are met.

CR4.6 Funeral or memorial floral compositions are performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP5: Make floral compositions related to traditions, popular festivals, religious acts and special dates, applying the specific assembly techniques and the necessary artistic canons to each one, taking into account the particularities of each event, for its exhibition and/or sale.

CR5.1 The character and nature of the relevant traditions, parties and onomastics are analyzed.

CR5.2 The allegorical compositions and ornaments are made with the precise techniques and taking into account the demand of the clientele, the budget and the availability of raw materials and materials.

CR5.3 The style and shape of the composition are applied, depending on the occasion and the final location.

CR5.4 Allegorical floral compositions are performed taking into account color, proportion, shape, and compositional style.

CR5.5 The decoration of elements or pieces, such as religious steps, parade floats, scenarios, among others, is carried out on the basis of, where appropriate, the sketches previously carried out and approved by the clientele.

CR5.6 The ornaments and compositions of advent and Christmas are made, taking care of the local traditions, with the specific techniques for each one of them.

CR5.7 The decoration works and the elements of decoration and assembly of Christmas trees are carried out taking into account the specific techniques, color and compositional style.

CR5.8 The ornaments of large spaces with Christmas compositions are installed with the specific techniques for each of them.

CR5.9 Floral compositions related to traditions, popular festivals, religious acts and special dates are performed and installed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

Professional Context

Production media

Natural, dry and fabric flowers. Ornamental green cutting. Bases and containers. Decorative raw materials. Auxiliary materials. Florist tools: scissors, knives. Florist machinery: entutorator, stem cleaner, tape printer, among others.

Products and results

Compositions with flowers and natural and/or artificial elements. Florist ornaments with flowers in large spaces.

Information used or generated

Publications on flower poscosecha. Book of Creation of Floral Art. Publications of floral compositions. Books and catalogues of decoration and interior design. Flower conservation manuals. Catalogues of flowers and plants marketed. Catalogues of materials and raw materials. Internal documentation. Delivery notes. Sketches and blueprints. Specialist journals. Order sheets. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks.



Level: 2

Code: UC1470_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Make compositions with natural plants for sale, using any type of plant and non-vegetable material, applying the specific assembly techniques and the artistic cannons to each one.

CR1.1 The supports, containers, bases and structures are selected according to the composition to be performed and prepared or sent to prepare the corresponding personnel, applying the specific assembly techniques.

CR1.2 The species and variety of the plants is chosen according to their shape, their type of development, texture, color, proportion, similar physiological requirements and characteristics of the composition, their location and destination.

CR1.3 The plants and natural elements to be used in the preparation of the compositions are selected, in quantity and quality, according to the characteristics and budget of the work.

CR1.4 The substrate and drain for the composition are selected and contributed to the chosen container according to the needs and characteristics of the plants.

CR1.5 The compositions are made by applying the appropriate and specific technique for each of them.

CR1.6 The compositions with individual plants and plants are packaged, wrapped, conditioned and/or presented, when required, with aesthetic criteria and technical accuracy.

CR1.7 The preparation of compositions with natural plants is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP2: Make compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants, for direct sale to the public, using any type of plant and non-vegetable material, applying the specific assembly techniques and the artistic canons to each of them for their creation.

CR2.1 The supports, containers, bases and structures are selected according to the composition to be performed and prepared or sent to prepare the corresponding personnel, applying the specific assembly techniques.

CR2.2 The plants and natural or artificial elements to be used in the preparation of the compositions are selected, in quantity and quality, according to the characteristics and budget of the work.

CR2.3 The technique of making the composition is selected according to the characteristics of the composition.

CR2.4 The compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants are reviewed to check that they conform to the quality criteria established by the company.

CR2.5 The manufacture of compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

CR2.6 Making compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants is performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations

RP3: Run decoration projects with natural and/or artificial plants, applying the established techniques, to perform the ornamentation of large spaces and specific stays.

CR3.1 The rooms or spaces to be decorated are analyzed, studying its dimensions and architectural style.

CR3.2 Project sketches and/or drawings are interpreted.

CR3.3 The compositions with plants that are part of a decorative project are located and, where appropriate, run "in situ", coordinated by senior staff or as part of a work team.

CR3.4 The plant compositions for large spaces are performed with the specific installation techniques for large scale assemblies.

CR3.5 The ornamentation of large spaces and certain stays, which do not require a project, is carried out taking into account the availability of raw materials, according to the time of year, demanded by the clientele and the purpose for which it is decorated.

CR3.6 The ornamentation of large spaces and stays determined is carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP4: To technically advise the public on the characteristics, needs and maintenance of natural, preserved or artificial plants for optimal development and conservation.

CR4.1 Information about different plant species and varieties, their scientific and common names, their availability in the market, their origin and basic care, is clearly and accurately transmitted.

CR4.2 The advice on current and future care of artificial and/or preserved plants, as well as on the physiological and environmental requirements of natural plants and compositions, is done in a simple and concrete way.

CR4.3 The identification of the most common pests and diseases is carried out and, where appropriate, is reported on the rules for the use of plant protection products and fertilizers permitted in florists.

CR4.4 The advice is made on the basis of regulations on the application of plant protection products and environmental protection.

Professional Context

Production media

Natural, dry and fabric plants. Bases, containers. Land and substrates. Decorative raw materials. Auxiliary materials. Plant protection products. Flower shop and gardening tools: scissors, knives, pallet.

Products and results

Compositions with plants and natural and/or artificial elements. Florist ornaments with plants in large spaces. Advice to the public on the direct sale of plants.

Information used or generated

Books on plant care. Publications on compositions with plants. Books and catalogues of decoration and interior design. Catalogues of flowers and plants marketed. Catalogues of materials and raw materials. Catalogues of plant protection products. Studies on plants and their relationship with the human being. Internal and external plant maintenance records. Specialist journals. Sketches and blueprints. Internal documentation. Delivery notes. Order sheets. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks.



Level: 2

Code: UC1471_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Inform the clientele in all matters concerning the products and services offered in the flower shop to meet their needs.

CR1.1 Public attention is provided by providing clear and accurate information, and following the criteria marked by the address.

CR1.2 The needs of the customers are identified and reported on the products and services available that best meet their requirements, using the precise techniques, and being able to recommend alternatives of purchase.

CR1.3 Auxiliary means of sale, such as catalogs of any kind and on any medium, are handled with knowledge of their content.

CR1.4 In the orders, in-person or not, the conditions of sale and different alternatives are reported, proceeding to close the operation and its subsequent shipment or collection by the customers.

CR1.5 The status of labels, posters, labels and other supporting materials is checked, making sure that the legal regulations and procedures established by the company are respected.

RP2: Perform the sale of the products and services available through the different marketing channels, taking into account the company's performance plans and objectives.

CR2.1 Personal image is taken care of, so that it complies with the internal rules of the company in terms of clothing and physical presence, among others.

CR2.2 The oral and written expression, as well as the protocol treatment, are taken care of.

CR2.3 The prices of the products and/or services are calculated taking into account the variables that enter into the final price, following the criteria marked by the address.

CR2.4 The orders to send to another locality to which it is not served from the establishment itself, are processed according to the guidelines of the management and the regulations of the companies of floral transmission used, informing in detail to the customers of the procedure used.

CR2.5 The charges received through any commercial channel are recorded in the corresponding forms, recording the necessary data for its correct execution and making a copy of it to the customers.

CR2.6 The original of the order form is processed according to the date of delivery and the type of order, either to the workshop or to the staff of higher category.

CR2.7 The recovery operations are performed with the means that the company has enabled, depending on the channel used, guaranteeing its reliability, security, accuracy and providing the documents supporting the purchase.

CR2.8 The tonnage and lock-out, in the absence of senior staff, is performed by squaring the box and referring the documents and vouchers to the person responsible for the accounting.

CR2.9 The sales operations performed by the company's personnel in charge are controlled to conform to the parameters marked by the address.

CR2.10 When the requested service type or operation to be performed exceeds the assigned competencies, the higher category staff is used.

RP3: Carry out the actions of the customer tracking service and attend to suggestions, complaints and complaints according to established procedures, to maintain customer loyalty and improve the quality image of the company.

CR3.1 The post-sales monitoring process is carried out by maintaining the relationship with the customer in order to offer a quality service and achieve its loyalty, following the channels established by the company.

CR3.2 Customer contact is maintained at designated dates (onomastics, birthdays, among others) using the customer management tools and the media and channels of communication planned by the company.

CR3.3 The necessary information to manage the complaint, claim or suggestion to be made, is kindly collected from the person concerned.

CR3.4 The response to a claim is provided to the person who performs it immediately, giving the precise explanations for the correct interpretation of the message, or requesting a waiting period if superior staff should be consulted, trying to avoid unnecessary delays.

CR3.5 Complaints or complaints are addressed by adopting a positive and safe attitude, showing interest, facilitating the agreement and applying the criteria that the company has established.

CR3.6 The laws and rights of consumers apply to complaints and complaints.

CR3.7 Claims and complaints are collected and channeled as a source of information for further analysis by the company.

Professional Context

Production media

pens. Paper of notes. Calculator. Stamp of establishment. Computer equipment and software. Electronic agendas. Point of sale terminals. Cash registers. Fixed and mobile phones. Fax. Labelling and coded equipment.

Products and results

Information and sales of florist products and services. Pipeline of orders to the corresponding sections. Attention to potential claims. Cash tonnage in the absence of senior staff. Stock control at the point of sale. Receipt and transmission of orders. Control of billboards, labelling and promotional material. Collection of sales transactions (heel, credit cards and cash). Resolution of incidents related to the sale. Quality control of the service provided in the sale. Optimal transmission of the company image. Fidelized clientele.

Information used or generated

Purchase tickets. Claims sheets. Tags. Box book. Delivery notes. Sheets and order orders. Internal documentation of the company. Catalogs on different media. Brochures. Posters. Dictionary. Invoices. Albaranes. Home delivery forms. Price listings and offers. Floral transmission manuals. Use and care manuals for plants and flowers. Technical information and use of the products and services offered. Company's website and email. Specialist journals. Advertising media of the company and the sector. Credit/debit cards. Regulation on trade. Regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection. Regulation on consumption and data protection.




Code: MF1468_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1468_2: Coordinate and perform the activities of florist companies.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1745

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Organize the cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, equipment, machines and tools of a florist, describing its optimal conditions of use and the efficient forms of organization of these operations.

CE1.1 Describe the operations of cleaning and maintenance of the infrastructure of the flower shop.

CE1.2 Describe the cleaning and maintenance operations of machines, equipment and tools used in the florist.

CE1.3 Identify the types of waste generated as a result of the work activity.

CE1.4 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the organization of the cleaning and maintenance of the infrastructure, equipment, machines and tools of the florist.

CE1.5 In a practical case of organizing the cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, equipment, machines and tools of the florist:

-Distribute cleaning and maintenance tasks in the day.

-Organize the collection and removal of waste according to the procedures and means designated for this purpose.

-Maintain equipment and machinery according to the corresponding manuals, communicating the possible anomalies for repair or replacement.

-Apply in the cleaning and maintenance of the facilities, equipment, machines and tools the plan of prevention of occupational risks and the regulations of protection of the environment own of a florist.


1. Flower shop installations

-Workshop and warehouse zone: functionality and features.

-Exhibition and sales area: functionality and features.

-Fridges maintenance of flowers: classes and characteristics.

-Other dependencies (offices, common usage zones, among others).

2. Use of machinery, equipment and tools in florist installations

-Storage and exposure equipment (shelves, counters, display cases, among others).

-Means of transport (delivery vehicles, trucks, among others).

-Features and uses.

-Machinery for the conditioning of raw materials (machine for sling, cleaning of stems, among others).

-Features and uses.

-Personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves, masks, among others).

-Features and uses.

-Tools (silicone gun, drills, shut down, scissors, among others).

-Features and uses.

3. Cleaning and maintenance of the plant, machinery, equipment and tools of the flower shop

-Cleaning the infrastructures.

-Cleaning the workshop and warehouse zone: features.

-Sales zone cleanup and storefronts.

-Cleaning products and utensils: features and instructions for use.

-Maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools.

-Replacement and replacement of consumables (printer and dataphone paper, ink cartridge, crown printer tape, among others)

-Most frequent failures and failures in operation.

-Waste generated during the activity.

-Classification according to its typology.

-Waste management (collection system and frequency).

-Planning for cleaning and maintenance tasks during the workday.

-Elaboration of task schedules.

-Risks related to cleaning (electrical risk, ergonomic risks, contact with chemicals, among others).

-Maintenance-related risks (electrical risk, ergonomic risks, thermal risk, among others).

-Risks related to infrastructure (environmental conditions in the workplace, ergonomic risks, among others).

-Pollution-related risks (solvents, aerosols, among others).



Code: UF1746

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP3, and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Organize and perform the activities of a florist workshop, describing these activities and enunciating organizational methods.

CE1.1 Explain the different tasks of a florist workshop.

CE1.2 Identify the quality, packaging and presentation, among other criteria, of the raw materials and materials received.

CE1.3 Describe the complete procurement and purchase process of raw materials and materials needed for the daily workshop work.

CE1.4 Describe the different maintenance, labeling and location conditions in the workshop of raw materials, materials and products.

CE1.5 Expose the criteria of quality, aesthetic and economic, of raw materials, materials and elaborated products.

CE1.6 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the operations of a workshop of florist.

CE1.7 In a practical case of organizing the florist workshop tasks:

-Organize the loading and unloading of raw materials, materials and products.

-Check the quality criteria for raw materials, materials and products received.

-Distribute the daily work of the workshop based on the human and material resources available.

-Arrange in time and shape the orders in order of preference and volume of work.

-Apply in the organization of the workshop tasks the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks of a florist.

CE1.8 In a practical case of execution of the florist workshop tasks:

-Handle the received orders following instructions from the sales form.

-Transcribir the texts, cards and messages that accompany the orders.

-Fill in the forms, delivery notes, albarans, vouchers, and any other document of everyday use in the workshop.

-Control the quality of the final products and the delivery service and/or delivery in the florist.

-Apply in the execution of the workshop tasks the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks of a florist.

C2: Organize the storage of materials, raw materials and typical products in florist by identifying the operations used.

CE2.1 Identify the raw materials, materials and products usually present in the warehouse of a flower shop, controlling the stock level.

CE2.2 Citar the main production and/or acquisition zones of raw materials and the usual distribution channels.

CE2.3 Identify each of the documents necessary for the fulfillment and receipt of orders and explain their processing.

CE2.4 Describe the protocol to be followed in the cases of complaints to companies providing for the receipt of products, raw materials or defective materials, prices that are not consistent with the orders or other possible contingencies.

CE2.5 List the criteria for the storage of raw materials and materials.

CE2.6 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the organization of the warehouse.

CE2.7 In a practical case properly characterized as an organization of a florist warehouse:

-Perform inventory to control stocks.

-Preview the materials and raw materials needed to develop the daily work.

-Order supplies of raw materials and materials.

-Check that the content of the delivery notes and delivery notes matches the orders made.

-Handle claims for raw materials or materials that do not fit the order.

-Control the storage of raw materials, materials and products received by applying the durability and use criteria and optimizing the space.

-Apply work and environmental risk prevention measures in the warehouse organization.

C3: Control the service delivery service by ensuring the quality of the service.

CE3.1 Relate the complete protocol of an order from your request to delivery.

CE3.2 Control that the documentation required for the delivery (delivery note, apbaran, among others) is duly completed.

CE3.3 Check the loading and proper placement of the order in the transport vehicle.

CE3.4 Define the distribution path by controlling the modifications that arise.

CE3.5 Control the information resulting from the shipment (signed delivery notes).


1. Organization of tasks in the workshop of florist

-Tasks of the florist workshop.

-Organization of the installations.

-Distribution of workshop tasks (human resources, materials, work volumes, among others).

-Loading and unloading of raw materials and materials.

-Raw materials of the flower shop.

-Identification of flowers, plants and cutting greens (family, gender, species and variety).

-Production, procurement, and distribution channels.

-Duration and forms of storage.

-Availability during the year.

-Types and manufacturing characteristics of florist materials.

-Recients (glass, ceramics, basket, clay, among others).


-Auxiliary materials (wires, raisies, among others).

-Decorative materials (tapes, pins, candles, wrapping paper, among others).

-Process of acquisition of raw materials and materials of the florist.

-Production and acquisition zones.

-Distribution channels.

-Quality, aesthetic, economic, packaging and presentation criteria.

-Maintenance, tagging, and location conditions in the workshop.

-Documents generated in the workshop: features, functions and content.

-Purchase and sales forms, delivery notes, delivery notes, among others.

2. Storage of raw materials and materials in the flower shop

-Warehouse characteristics.

-Realization and receipt of orders.

-Control and documentation required for processing (delivery sheets, delivery sheets, among others).

-Classification of raw materials and materials.

-Managing claims to suppliers (receipt of defective products).

-Inventory types: purpose and characteristics.

-Stock control.

-Specific stores.

3. Delivery and delivery service at home.

-Formas of placing an order (in-person, telephone, Internet, among others).

-Order Forms:

-Types and features (in-store delivery, home delivery, floral transmission, among others).

-Order sorting systems (by day and hour, by delivery date, among others).

-Message processing (calligraphy, spelling and grammar) in: cards, tapes, among others.

-Organization of the internal form.

-Home delivery routes:

-Organization of the cast based on the circumstances.

-Delivery-specific materials.

-Load and location of orders in the vehicle: requirements.

-Requirements required to provide a quality service according to the UNE 175001-5 standard.

-Processing of personal data. Regulations in force.

4. Implementation of measures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the tasks of the workshop, the warehouse and the control of the delivery and delivery service at home.

-Risks related to the loading and location of orders in the vehicle (ergonomic risks, falling objects in handling, falls to the same level, falls at different levels, among others

-Risks related to the tasks of the workshop and warehouse (ergonomie risks, punctures and cuts, strikes against objects, handling of loads, overefforts, postural risks, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (waste generation).



Code: UF1747

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Make efficient the assembly of storefronts and exhibitions in the sales room of the flower shop for commercial purposes, defining the aesthetic and functional criteria used.

CE1.1 Identify possible zones of exposure in florist.

CE1.2 Citar the most common set-ups in the set of shop windows and florist sales rooms.

CE1.3 Identify the main commercial campaigns in florist.

CE1.4 Relate applicable aesthetic and functional criteria in the staged mounts.

CE1.5 Interpret sketches for the shop window assembly and the florist sales zone.

CE1.6 Describe the process of quality control and monitoring of the items exposed and the implementation of the corresponding corrective measures.

CE1.7 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the tasks of assembly of storefronts and sales room of a flower shop.

CE1.8 In a convenient case of storefront assembly and exhibitions in the sales room of a flower shop:

-Analyze and measure the available space for mounting.

-Install the non-floral decoration and decorative add-ons that are part of the assembly.

-Locate the items to be exposed following aesthetic and functional criteria as well as corresponding sketches.

-Perform cleaning, labeling, rate, irrigation, replenishment, and conditioning control of items that are part of the storefront and sales zone.

-Apply work and environmental risk prevention measures in the showroom assembly and sales hall.


1. Assembly of storefronts for commercial purposes.





-aesthetic criteria (lighting, color, furniture, auxiliary elements, among others).


-Planning phases for the realization of storefronts.

-Interpretation of sketches (scales, measures, proportions, among others).

-Auxiliary elements (labels, thematic posters, price posters, among others).

-Commercial campaigns

-Traditional (local parties).

-Theme (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, among others).

-Mount of storefronts

-Mount techniques.

-Realization sequence.

-Cleaning and maintenance (irrigation needs, product replacement, among others).

2. Assembly of the florist sales area

-Sales zone.



-Product implementation and exposure criteria.

-Hot and cold zones.

-Promotions, seasonal and permanent products.

-Inner and outer zones.

3. Implementation of measures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the assembly of storefronts and internal exhibitions.

-Risk of falling to the same level, electrical risk, falls of objects of manipulation, ergonomic risks, among others.

-Pollution-related risks (energy expenditure, waste generation, cleaning products, solvents, among others).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


unit 1-UF1745



unit 2- UF1746



Formative Unit 3-UF1747




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1469_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1469_2 Perform floral compositions.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1748

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform floral compositions of different typology in containers and tied, identifying and describing the materials, assembly techniques and artistic canons for the preparation of such compositions.

CE1.1 Describe the uses and customs of use of natural flowers.

CE1.2 Identify materials and raw materials, natural and artificial, and their physical characteristics, as well as supports, structures, bases and containers and their different applications.

CE1.3 Select the amount of cut flowers and greens that are used for different composition assumptions.

CE1.4 Classifying flowers, cutting greens, and other materials and raw materials according to degree of openness, color, texture, character, size and shape, for application in different compositions.

CE1.5 Describe the different techniques, styles and artistic canons in the elaboration of floral compositions according to the occasion or destination, the concrete demand and the final location.

CE1.6 Describe the different shapes and techniques for packaging and presenting floral compositions and unworked products.

CE1.7 To cite the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks, related to the performance of compositions with flowers.

CE1.8 In a practical case properly characterized in the manufacture of different types of natural floral compositions, in containers or tied:

-Select, from among the dice, the materials and natural raw materials, according to the composition to be carried out and taking into account their qualitative, quantitative and aesthetic suitability.

-Select and prepare the media, containers, bases, or structures according to the composition to be performed.

-Make the composition by applying the established techniques and artistic canons, adjusting to the required results and the time available.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.

CE1.9 In a practical case of flower packaging or floral compositions, properly characterized:

-Select the texture, color, and form of wrapping.

-Select the wrap size and compositional style.

-Perform the wrapping, packaging and presentation of the composition in time and with the appropriate techniques.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.


1. History of the use of natural flowers.

-Uses, customs, fashions and evolution.

-Ancient Greece and Rome.

-Middle Ages.

-Baroque, Renaissance and Classics.

-Art-deco and Postwar.

-End of the 20th century and present.

2. Use of raw materials, materials and supplements for making compositions in containers and tied.

-Raw materials. Uses and applications.

-Types: cut flower, cut greens, natural supplements (branches, roots, among others).

-Features: degree of openness, color, texture, character, size and shape.

-decorative materials. Uses and applications.

-Cintas (synthetic, fabrics, fibers, among others).

-Velas. Features.

-Accessories (marine shells, pearls, pens, pins, among others).

-Auxiliary materials. Uses and applications.

-Alambres (technical and decorative).

-Plant material (wicker, roots, bamboo, among others).

-Non-vegetable material (metal bars, plastic, methacrylate, among others).

-Strapping and fastening material (raisings, ropes, sanson tape, adhesive tapes, among others).

-Material for the introduction of stems (sponges, kenzan, grilles).

-Other materials (pin-holder and fix, flora-tape, among others).

3. Application of artistic and aesthetic concepts in floral art.

-Symmetry and asymmetry.

-Styles tests.

-Forms of movement and physical forms.



-Color theory.

-Geometric shapes.

-Volume, depth, and perspective.


-Bocetage. Basic foundations of clothing.

4. Manufacture of floral compositions in containers and bound

-Introduction of stems into a container.

-Specific cuts.

-Method of attachment.

-Depth of introduction and stability.


-Radio and parallel techniques.

-Formas of tethered according to material, style and composition development.

-Stability of the different bound.

-Risks related to the preparation and wrapping of floral compositions in containers and tied (ergonomic risks, risks of cuts or punctures with objects or tools, risks of falling at the same level, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (waste generation, water waste, among others.

5. Presentation of compositions in containers and tied.

-Wrap materials (papers, cellofes, cartons, boxes, alternative materials).

-Specific materials (staples, scissors, pins, wires, among others).

-Forms and wrapping styles.






Code: UF1749

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop different types of funeral and memorial compositions, describing the process and the techniques applied.

CE1.1 Describe uses and customs of the use of flowers at funerals, funeral and other religious or civil commemorative events.

CE1.2 Identify the raw materials available in the market at each time of the year for funeral and memorial floral compositions.

CE1.3 List techniques and bases used for funeral floral compositions.

CE1.4 Describe the styles and trends of the funerary compositions with the artistic techniques and criteria applied to each one of them.

CE1.5 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks, related to the operations of realization and transport of funeral and memorial floral compositions.

CE1.6 In a practical case properly characterized in carrying out funeral compositions:

-Select the most suitable containers and bases for the composition to be made.

-Select floral and non-floral raw materials based on the availability of these materials and aesthetic criteria.

-Make a sketch of the decoration to show the shape, technique and materials.

-Make the composition efficiently and apply the techniques of punctured, wired and/or tied as required.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.

CE1.7 In a practical case of tape making:

-Select the print or tag out technique.

-Select the type of tape to use.

-Transcribe the text to the tape and check its spelling and match with the custom note.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.


1. Flower at funerals, Sepelios and other commemorative acts.

-Uses and customs.

-Symbology in funeral art and in commemorative events (religious, civil, among others).

-Funeral protocols (procedure to be followed in relation to funeral and memorial compositions).

2. Use of raw materials and specific materials for funeral and memorial compositions.

-Raw materials

-Court greens (family, gender, and species)

-Cut flowers (family, gender and species)

-Specific Materials

-Crowns of crowns (natural, artificial, among others).

-Certain forms (cross, heart among others).

-Specific media and media.

-Cintas and dedications (types, printing techniques, tag-out and placement).

3. Preparation of funeral and memorial compositions

-Processing techniques

-Types: wired, entutorship, sponge introduction, among others

-Profiles and Proportion.

-Head. Types, placement and fixation.

-Funeral and memorial comppositions.

-Types (cross, heart, among others).

-Styles (forms of creation and composition.

-Realization of sketches.

-Risks related to the preparation of funeral and memorial compositions (ergonomic risks, postural risks, punctures and cuts, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (waste generation, water waste, use of non-biodegradable bases, among others).



Code: UF1750

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop different types of bridal compositions describing the process and the techniques applied.

CE1.1 Describe uses and customs of the use of flowers in wedding celebrations.

CE1.2 Feature the bridal bouquet taking into account the suit and style of the couple.

CE1.3 List the current features of each type of bridal event.

CE1.4 Describe the different assembly techniques, containers, bases, and wrapping of bridal compositions.

CE1.5 Identify the raw materials available on the market at each time of the year, intended for bridal compositions.

CE1.6 Describe the different styles of floral compositions for decoration and installation techniques in vehicles, altars and/or spaces for wedding celebrations.

CE1.7 Describe styles and trends of classes for wedding celebrations, silver weddings, among others, with the artistic techniques and criteria applied to each one of them.

CE1.8 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the realization of all kinds of bridal compositions.

CE1.9 In a practical case of performing different types of bridal classes properly characterized:

-Select and prepare the material according to the established class.

-Perform a bouquet sketch to show the shape, technique, size and materials.

-Carry out the field in time and form by applying the established artistic techniques and canons.

-Prepare the bouquet for delivery and transportation.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.

CE1.10 In a practical case realization of bridal compositions:

-Identify the most outstanding physical characteristics of the space/element to be decorated: room, altar, vehicle, among others.

-Perform a sketch of the space/element decoration to show the shape, size, technique and materials.

-Select and prepare the material needed for the ornamentation.

-Perform the ornamentation by applying the techniques and specific aesthetic criteria.

-Apply occupational and environmental risk prevention measures for the performance and location of the composition.


1. Customs and fashions related to bridal compositions throughout history.

-Costeasements, fashions and trends.

-Types of bridal events (religious and civil).

-Bridal protocols (procedure to be followed in relation to the bridal compositions).

2. Use of raw materials and specific materials in bridal compositions


-Raw materials.

-Flowers and greens of cuts (family, gender, species, seasonality and treatments).

-Auxiliary Materials

-Alambres (technical and decorative).

-Pegaments and tape.

-Specific support (bridy, gala-clip, auto-corso, among others).

-decorative materials.

-decorative tapes.

-Accessories (pearls, crystals, dry materials, structures, pens, among others).

-Wedding Cestas.

-Supports and containers (crystals, chandeliers, among others).

-Bridal compositions processing techniques



-Introduction of stems.

-New trends.

3. Manufacture of bridal compositions.

-Bride Ramos.

-Formas of creation, types of classes, and styles.

-Wedding types, styles and characteristics of the couple (physical appearance and character, costumes, among others).

-Proportion and color.

-Preparation of material, preparation and preparation.


-Ambientation of bridal spaces. Features

-Meeting rooms (table types, architectural styles).

-Churches, civil institutions, among others.


-Bridal supplements.

-Adornos for vehicles. Types and elaboration.

-Adornos of companions (diplus, bracelets, meadows, headdresses, garlands, among others).

-Risks related to clothing, transport and placement of bridal compositions (falls, cuts, ergonomic risks, punctures, postural risks, punctures and cuts, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (waste generation).



Code: UF1751

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop sketches and make floral compositions related to special events of a traditional, local, regional or national character and specific commercial campaigns, describing the process and the techniques applied.

CE1.1 Describe uses and customs of the use of flowers in traditions, parties, relevant onomastics and special events and list these events and dates.

CE1.2 Identify the raw materials available on the market at each time of the year for floral compositions related to special events.

CE1.3 List techniques and bases used for floral compositions related to special events.

CE1.4 Describe styles and trends of floral compositions related to special events and the techniques and artistic criteria applied to each of them.

CE1.5 Explain the specific techniques for the ornamentations of large spaces with Christmas compositions, decoration and assembly of Christmas trees and Christmas and advent compositions.

CE1.6 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks, related to the operations of execution of floral compositions related to special events.

CE1.7 In a practical case of making compositions for special ornaments and their installation:

-Choose the characteristic symbolic elements for the job.

-Perform the sketch of the element or piece to be decorated (religious step, float, scenario, among others), based on the availability of raw materials and materials.

-Make the composition by applying the specific techniques according to the traditions or fashions.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.

CE1.8 In a practical case of making compositions for holiday and warning ornaments and their installation:

-Choose the characteristic symbolic elements for the job.

-Perform the sketch of the element or part to be decorated with regard to the availability of raw materials and materials.

-Make the composition by applying the specific techniques according to the traditions or fashions.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.


1. Most relevant customs and parties in the sector

-Specific dates (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Day of Day, Easter, among others).

-Local and regional traditions (Fallas de Valencia, Corpus, San Jordi, Pilar Day, among others)

-Advent and Christmas. Historical and socio-cultural evolution.

2. Use of raw materials and specific materials for Christmas and special events.

-Raw materials

-Specific cut flowers, plants and greens (family, gender and species)

-Availability during the year based on usage dates

-Specific materials. Features, usage, and storage

-Bases and containers for special events (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Fun, among others).

-Add-ons (candles, ribbons, theme ornaments, Christmas trees, among others).

3. Application of the main styles, techniques, artistic criteria and trends in floral compositions related to special events

-Major compositional styles



-Specific techniques (tied in garlands, warning crowns, vane placement, among others)

-Artistic Criteria

-Color Theory


-Proportion and balance

-Acent, emphasis and light point


-Current modes

-Innovative materials

-Symbology of the characteristic elements used in the thematic compositions (crosses, crowns, hearts, among others)

-Bocage (interpretation and realization)

3. Preparation of Christmas compositions

-Christmas compositions with flowers and/or natural and/or artificial plants in containers and tied

-Christmas warning and garland coronas

-Christmas Tree Assembly and Decoration (materials, trends and manipulation, among others)

-Large spaces holiday decoration (facades, storefronts, shopping centers, among others

-Risks related to the preparation of Christmas compositions

-Material transfers, ergonomic risks, electrical risk and falls to the same and different levels, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (energy expenditure, waste generation, water waste, aerosols and paints, solvents, among others).

4. Making compositions for special events

-Decoration of religious steps

-Decorations holding techniques

-Religious symbology

-Positive (traditional and innovative) styles

-Decoration of scenarios for traditional and local parties





-Decoration of facades in public or private buildings

-clamping techniques depending on the element to be decorated

-Auxiliary elements (elevators, ladders, among others)

-Tools (drills, pliers, hammers among others)

-Development-related risks for special events

-Material transfers, ergonomic risks, electrical risk and falls to the same and different levels, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (energy expenditure, waste generation, water waste, aerosols and paints, solvents, among others).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1748



Unit 2- UF1749



Formative Unit 3-UF1750



Formative Unit 4-UF1751




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1470_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1470_2 Perform compositions with plants.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1752

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform and analyze the maintenance of different types of compositions with natural plants, describing the techniques of assembly and artistic cannons applied.

CE1.1 Classify plants per family, gender, species, variety, origin and physiological requirements and examine the most important characteristics of each plant: leaf texture, limbo, apex, contour, color, proportion, among others.

CE1.2 Identify natural indoor and outdoor plants based on their availability in the market, describing the basic care according to their state of development.

CE1.3 Citar the different compositional styles in the works with plants and classify the forms of planting and growth of the indoor and outdoor plants.

CE1.4 List and describe the most common pathologies of natural plants.

CE1.5 Analyze and describe plant protection products and household fertilizers that are used to accelerate growth and combat pathologies of indoor and outdoor plants.

CE1.6 List the different applications of the compositions with plants.

CE1.7 List the main organic and inorganic elements involved in a composition with plants, observing textures, colors, shapes and sizes.

CE1.8 Classify by size and textures the containers, bases and structures, for the elaboration of compositions with natural plants.

CE1.9 Describe the different artistic styles and canons in the elaboration of compositions with natural, artificial and/or preserved plants, depending on the occasion or destination, the concrete demand and the final location.

CE1.10 Classify substrates and drains for natural indoor and outdoor plants.

CE1.11 List and describe the different textures and colors of papers, fabric, among others and the possible ways to package and/or wrap natural plants individually and in composition.

CE1.12 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks, related to the performance of plant compositions, as well as the regulations on the application of plant protection products for domestic use.

CE1.13 In a practical case of making compositions with natural plants of interior properly characterized:

-Select container, quantity of natural indoor plants to be used, and organic and inorganic complement elements.

-Select the substrate and drain for indoor plants.

-Select compositional style, proportions, textures, colors, shapes, and sizes for making the composition.

-Make the composition by applying the established techniques and artistic canyons and selected materials according to the result and time required.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the performance of compositions.

CE1.14 In a properly characterized case, package plants in individual presentation and natural plant compositions:

-Select the texture and color and form of wrapping.

-Select the wrap size and compositional style.

-Perform wrapping, packaging and presentation of the composition in time and with the appropriate techniques.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.


1. Raw materials, containers, bases and structures in the composition of plants Classification of indoor and outdoor plants

-Family, gender, species

-Textures and color

-Characteristics of the leaves (limbo, apex, contour, among others).

-Ornamental value


-physiological requirements

-Riego (frequency, quantity, among others)

-Light Needs


-Nutrition (more common fertilizers used in florist).

-Pathologies and more common anomalies of natural plants.

-Characteristics and treatment.

-Rules for the application of plant protection products for domestic use.

-Organic elements

-Structures (wickets, junks, bamboo, among others).


-decorative stones (marmoline, clay, among others).

-Inorganic elements

-Decorative Gel.

-Artificial stone.

-Structures (metallic, plastic, among others).

-Crop substrates and drainage material.

-Types (interior, exterior, cactus, orchids, among others).

-Features (density, permeability, moldability, among others),

-Use of substrates as plant sustenance and/or decorative value.

-Abonos features and uses.

-Types (orchids, cactus, flowering plants among others).

-Types of wrap (protective and decorative).

-Paper, cellophane, bags, cardboard, among others.

-Cintas, raisies.

-Tels and alternative materials.

-Decorative Supplements (pin, dolls, among others

-Application of techniques.

-Container types: Usage and maintenance characteristics.

-Wicker, bamboo, ratam, among others.

-Barro and terracotta.


-Glass and glass.




2. Use of artistic and aesthetic concepts.

-Formas of creation (decorative, vegetative, among others).

-Color theory (harmonies and contrasts).


-Symmetry and asymmetry.

3. Preparation of compositions with natural plants.

-Realization sequence.

-Selection of plants based on final location.

-Recinents, drains and substrates suitable for the composition to be performed.

-Compositive style (depending on place, material, consumer preference)

-Artistic canons (color, texture, proportion, shapes and sizes).

-Risks associated with the production and packaging of compositions with plants (ergonomic risks, cuts, punctures, among others).

-Pollution-related risks (waste generation, water waste, improper use and management of plant protection products, among others).



Code: UF1753

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform and maintain different types of compositions with flowers and/or artificial and/or preserved plants, describing their characteristics, assembly techniques and applied artistic canons.

CE1.1 Describe drying systems.

CE1.2 List and select the tools by shapes and sizes that are used in the compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants.

CE1.3 Differing and contrasting different containers, bases, and structures for making compositions with artificial and/or preserved plants.

CE1.4 Classify flowers and artificial plants and/or preserved by shapes, sizes, textures and colors for later employment in composition.

CE1.5 Citar the different compositional styles in the works with flowers and artificial and/or preserved plants.

CE1.6 Describe the different techniques applied in the preparation of compositions with preserved and artificial plants taking into account the containers, bases, structures and plant elements and not complementary plants.

CE1.7 List and describe the different textures and colors of papers, fabric, among others and the possible ways to package and wrap flowers and artificial plants and/or preserved individually and in composition.

CE1.8 Analyze and describe the causes of the deterioration of artificial and/or preserved and the ways to restore their aesthetics

CE1.9 Citar the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks, related to the performance of natural plant compositions artificial and/or preserved.

CE1.10 In a practical case of making compositions with flowers or artificial and/or preserved plants:

-Select Canister, Quantity of Plants, and Elements of Organic and Inorganic Add-ons.

-Select compositional style, proportions, textures, colors, shapes, and sizes for making the composition.

-Make the composition by applying the established techniques and artistic canons adjusting to the time and the required results.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the performance of compositions.

CE1.11 In a practical case properly characterized, individually package plants and/or compositions of preserved or artificial plants:

-Select the texture and color and form of wrapping.

-Select the wrap size and compositional style.

-Perform the wrapping, packaging and presentation of the composition with the appropriate techniques.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.


1. Drying systems in natural materials

-Dry and preserved technique.

-Natural dry.

-Secado with chemical application.


-Application of dyes.

-Flowers and artificial/preserved plants. Uses, customs and applications.

-Types: fabric, paper, latex, and plastic.

-Features: color, texture, character, size and shape.

-decorative materials. Uses and applications.

-Cintas (synthetic, fabrics, fibers, among others).

-Solid water

-decorative stones

-Ramas, roots, bamboo, raffia, moss.

-Accessories (corals, pearls, pens, pins, among others).

-Auxiliary materials. Uses and applications.

-Alambres (technical and decorative).

-Non-vegetable material (metal bars, plastic, methacrylate, among others).

-Tapping and fastening material ("Tape", ropes, sanson, adhesive tapes, among others).

-Material for the introduction of stems (specific sponges, kenzan, grilles).

-Other materials (pin-holder and fix, among others).

-Tools, features, and usage.


-Hot silicone pistol.

-Electrical tools (drill, stapler, draught saws, among others).

-Pruning and fabric scissors.


-Startups, bases and structures, use and application.

-Glass and glass.


-Metal (copper, zinc, brass).

-Plastics (decorative and technical).

-Mimbre and wood.

2. Application of artistic and technical concepts in the preparation of compositions with flowers and/or artificial and/or preserved plants

-Artistic concepts

-Symmetry and asymmetry.

-Styles tests.

-Forms of movement and physical forms.



-Color theory.

-Geometric shapes.

-Volume, depth, and perspective.


-Clothing techniques

-Introduction of stems

-Aated (radial, parallel)

-New Trends

-Sequence of material realization and selection.

-Flowers and/or Plants based on final location.


-Specific cuts.

-Method of attachment.

-Depth of introduction and stability.

-Artistic Canons

-Maintenance of preserved flowers and plants

-Impaired causes

-Cleaning systems

-Environmental conditions (humidity, luminosity, among others)

-Maintenance of artificial flowers and plants

-Cleaning of leaves and stems (specific products).

-How to store containers, bases, and structures.

3. Presentation of artificial and /or preserved compositions.

-Wrap materials (papers, cellofes, cartons, boxes, alternative materials).

-Specific materials (staples, scissors, pins, wires, among others).

-Forms and wrapping styles.




-Papiroflexia technique.

-Risks related to the preparation and wrapping of compositions (ergonomic risks, risks of cuts or punctures with objects or tools, risks of thermal contact, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (use of non-biodegradable materials, generation of waste, aerosols and paints, among others).



Code: UF1754

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Make compositions for the ornamentation of large spaces with flowers and/or natural plants and complements describing the techniques applied and describing and interpreting, where appropriate, the documentation of the decoration project.

CE1.1 Describe uses and customs of the use of natural and artificial flowers for interior and exterior decorations.

CE1.2 Analyze dimensions, architectural style, lighting and possibilities to perform, in a given room, the ornamentation with natural plants.

CE1.3 Perform the sketch of space or room ornamentation, taking into account the availability of raw materials and the limitations imposed by the given space, the type of event and the time of the year.

CE1.4 Identify the parts of a large space decoration project.

CE1.5 Describe the most appropriate natural flowers and plants, supplements, bases or containers and the most appropriate technical systems for each type of space, event or celebration.

CE1.6 In a practical case of ornamentation with flowers and natural plants of spaces following a given project:

-Interpret project plans and raise non-floral decorative elements and compositions with flowers and plants.

-Quantify the amount of flowers and/or natural plants, bases, structures, etc., necessary for the "in situ" compositions.

-Perform in situ and efficiently the compositions of flowers and/or natural plants included in the project that so require.

-Apply the measures of prevention of occupational and environmental risks to their realization.

CE1.7 In a convenient case of space ornamentation that does not require a project:

-Analyze the space or room by studying its dimensions and architectural style.

-Make the sketch of the compositions of flowers and/or plants for ornamentation of the space or room, attending to the availability of raw materials and the limitations imposed by the specific space, the type of event and the time of year.

-Repose the compositions of flowers and/or plants and form of location thereof.

-Perform the "in situ" sketch compositions.

-Apply occupational and environmental risk prevention measures for their performance and location.


1. Decoration project with flowers and plants.

-Parts of a project

-Study of the space to be decorated (architectural style, lighting, dimensions, among others).

-Boceto and planes.

-Lists of external materials and services.


-Processing sequence.


2. Use of raw materials, materials and tools in decorations and environment of large spaces.

-Raw materials.

-Flowers and cutting greens (family, gender and species).

-Rooted plants (family, gender and species).

-Plant supplements (branches, roots, bamboo, bark, among others).


-Specific startups (glass, ceramics, metal, among others).

-Media (chandeliers, arcs, columns, among others).

-Plant and non-vegetable structures (wicker, bamboo, iron, among others).

-Clamping Elements (wires, flange, string, technical tapes, among others).

-Conservation systems (sponges, test tubes, cotton, among others).

-Decorative Supplements (thematic elements).

-Tools and auxiliary elements.

-Knife, prune scissor, fabric scissor, tenaza.

-Hammer, drill, calar saw, silicone gun.


-Escalera, scaffold.

-Carretilla, elevator.

-Personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves, among others).

3. Decoration or setting of large spaces

-Sequence of material realization and selection.

-Compositional style.

-Bocetaje (flat and flat flat).

-Raw materials and materials.

-Recakes, supports, and auxiliary materials.

-Compositions "in situ" (order, cleaning, protective measures, among others).

-Risks related to the performance and location of compositions of large spaces (ergonomic risks, cuts, overefforts, cargo handling, falls at different levels, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (energy expenditure, waste generation, water waste, among others).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible








Formative Unit 3-UF1754




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1471_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1471_2 Sell and report on florist products and services.

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the sale of a product or service of the florist, describing the services and products offered in the company.

CE1.1 Analyze and describe the forms of attention to the clientele and protocol, as well as the personal image that is required for the attention of the public.

CE1.2 Describe the products that can be developed in a florist workshop and the services that can be offered to the clientele according to the occasion or event for which it is intended.

CE1.3 Describe the standards and types of services that are offered to flower-transmission companies.

CE1.4 Identify and describe the most commonly used catalogues and sales manuals in florist.

CE1.5 Citar the most frequent channels of entry of orders into a florist, and the protocol to follow in each case.

CE1.6 Identify and describe the most common compositions of a florist on a catalog or sales manual.

CE1.7 Citar the necessary requirements so that a service of florist to the customers can be provided taking into account the norms established by the company.

CE1.8 List and recognize the different means of payment and collection: cash, credit, debit or credit card, heel, point of sale terminal (POS), cash register, among others.

CE1.9 In a practical case perform the sale of a product for home delivery:

-Handle the different catalogs and manuals (on paper or computerized).

-Oriented the clientele on the purchase request.

-Transcribir the text of the card or envelope that accompanies the order, checking its spelling and matching with the order note.

-Meet the necessary data for the corresponding order albaran.

-Archive, annotate, or cursing the order according to the time it has to be served.

-End the sale operation by calculating the corresponding amount of the order considering the target.

-Issue proof of payment: receipts, among others.

C2: Calculate the final price and complete the sale process up to the tonnage or checkout, describing the process of valuation of a finished product.

CE2.1 Citar the different natural and non-natural elements that can be part of a composition of flowers or plants, the units of measure in which they are usually offered to the public and their estimated average price.

CE2.2 Distinguished the different presentations and qualities in which flowers and plants are usually found on the market.

CE2.3 Analyze and describe the different forms of marketing and distribution channels of flowers and plants more common in florist.

CE2.4 In a practical case, calculate the final price of a composition and make its labeling:

-Determine and calculate the amounts to be used and the amount of each main element of the composition.

-Identify and value the necessary auxiliary elements that are part of the composition.

-Rate the time needed for your clothing.

-Calculate the final price of the product taking into account all the variables involved in its composition.

-Label and roll out according to the legal regulations and procedures defined by the company.

CE2.5 In a practical case perform the box and lock down:

-Register cash entries, cash payments, heel entries, sales on credit.

-Records revenue in bank accounts.

-Register vendor payments per day.

-Record miscellaneous expenses.

-Meet the corresponding box part.

C3: Make a basic budget of the most common floral elements for different social events, defining the necessary operations to advise and market a floral decoration service.

CE3.1 List the premises, establishments or spaces whose decoration is most commonly demanded in a flower shop.

CE3.2 Describe the architectural styles and quote the most frequent spaces where to place the floral compositions, analyzing the ornaments applied to them.

CE3.3 Describe the different floral decoration possibilities of a scenario.

CE3.4 In a practical case of making a basic budget for a social act:

-To investigate the intentionality of the supposed clientele in terms of the size of the ornamentation to be performed and to act according to it.

-Determine the styles of the most appropriate floral compositions and their location in the room or space where the event is to be developed.

-To advise the supposed clientele on the possibilities of ornamentation of other spaces in the environment to decorate.

-Report on the different models of protocol classes, advising on the most appropriate according to the style, personality and indumentaria of the person to whom it is intended.

-Develop a budget on the basic items to be hired.

CE3.5 In a practical case of making a basic budget for a bridal celebration:

-Collect information from the supposed clientele regarding the size of the ornamentation to be performed and the type of celebration.

-Determine the style of the most appropriate floral compositions and their location in the room or space where the celebration is to be developed.

-To advise the supposed clientele on the possibilities of ornamentation of other spaces in the surroundings to decorate (hall of hotel, domicile, garden, swimming pool, vehicle, restaurant, door of the church, among others).

-Report on different models of bridal classes, advising on the most appropriate according to the style, personality and clothing of the person to whom it is intended.

-Offer the different floral supplements that can be used in wedding celebrations (diplus, canastillas, meadows, car ornament, among others).

-Develop a budget on the basic items to be hired.

C4: Perform customer tracking processes and apply conflict and claim resolution techniques following established criteria and procedures.

CE4.1 Explain the significance and importance of after-sales services in business processes.

CE4.2 Describe customer loyalty methods using the intended media (email, postal mail, messaging, gift, among others)

CE4.3 Identify the nature of conflicts and claims and the techniques to prevent them.

CE4.4 Define the procedures for documenting complaints and complaints so that they allow their analysis and resolution.

CE4.5 Set formulas to resolve complaints or complaints with a positive and assertive attitude that facilitates the agreement with the client.

CE4.6 To know the current regulations regarding the defense of consumers and users.

CE4.7 In a practical case based on defined conflicts, propose options for responding to the demands, complaints or complaints of the clientele, and carefully selecting the appropriate ones.


1. Services and products offered in the flower shop

-Raw materials (flowers, plants, and cut greens)

-Commercial species. Quality standards, units and sales seasons.

-Requirements of rooted plants.

-Subscribers and phytosanitary requirements.

-preservative products and flower conservation techniques.

-Made products (bridal compositions, funeral homes, among others).

-Add-ons (ceramic, basket, etc.).

-Decorative materials (tapes, candles, among others).

-Auxiliary materials (vegetable and non-vegetable).

-Services in florist.

-Home delivery.

-Maintenance of home plants.

-floral transmission.

-Transmission systems.

-Operation of the main transmission networks.

-Catalogs and manuals (types, uses, and purposes).

-On paper.


-Products offered in catalogs.

2. Customer support

-Client types

-Motives and types of purchase (per boost, planned, among others)

-Sales steps (start, target, among others)

-Sales channels. Types and features:




-Self Service.

-Take Action Protocol:

-Forms (types and contents, apbaran, order notes, received, among others).

-Data request (recipient, dates, product, among others).

-Fulfillment of forms.

-Internal order management (tracking systems).

-Payment Justicizer (box ticket, receipt, among others).

3. Calculation of final prices in the sales process

-Elements of a final product:

-Raw materials.

-Materials and Add-ons.

-Price calculation systems (labor, business margins, among others).

-Indirect taxes (VAT, IGIC, among others),

-Gross and net prices.

-Final Price.

4. Identification of different payment and collection means

-Payment media (uses and features):


-Debit and credit cards.

-Checks, letters, and notes.

-Receipts and transfers.

-Collection systems and cash operations (types, uses, and features):


-Cash register.


-Cash book (entry and exit, revenue and expenses, charges and payments).

-Partial, total, and box lock.

5. Customer loyalty and conflict resolution and claims

-Fidelization methods:

-Marketing strategies (discounts, gifts, offers, among others).

-Forms of communication (e-mail, postal mail, courier, gift, among others).

-Criteria and procedures to follow:

-After-sales services.

-Claim plates (natural and/or non-natural materials).

-Claims sheets (format, fulfillment).

-Action protocols for a claim.

-Causes and treatment of objections.

6. Application of the regulations in the products and services in the flower shop

-UNE 175001-5 rule:

-Quality requirements (courtesy, credibility, among others).

-Quality control of the service process.

-Customer satisfaction control.

-Internal quality control (uniformity, personal appearance, among others).

-Regulations on protection of personal data.

-Trade rules (opening hours, holidays, labelling, among others).

-Consumer regulations rights and obligations.

-Local legislation on trade and urban waste.

-Collective Agreement for Trade in Flowers and Plants.

-Regulations on occupational health, risk prevention.

-Environmental regulations.

-Legal aspects of the sale.

7. Building basic budgets

-Collection of information through personalized interview with the clientele.

-Project budget technical document (personal data, place, schedules, units, among others).

-Calculation of the processing cost.

-End Budget Issue (Forms and Presentation).

8. Implementation of measures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks related to the selling and information techniques of florist products and services.

-Risks related to the sale process (ergonomic risks, falls to the same level, electrical risks, ergonomic risks, among others).

-Risks related to pollution (waste generation, energy expenditure, waste paper, among others).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF1471_2



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0371

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Organize and perform the activities of the workshop and the warehouse of the flower shop

CE1.1 Organize the collection and removal of waste.

CE1.2 Organize the loading and unloading of raw materials, materials and products.

CE1.3 Check the quality criteria for raw materials, materials and products received.

CE1.4 Fill in documents of everyday use in the workshop (forms, delivery notes, albarans, vouchers, among others).

CE1.5 Check that the content of the delivery notes and delivery notes matches the orders made.

CE1.6 Control the storage of raw materials, materials and products received by applying the durability and use criteria and optimizing the space.

C2: Make compositions with flowers and/or natural, artificial and/or preserved plants.

CE2.1 Select flowers, plants, and cut greens.

CE2.2 Select and prepare the media, containers, bases, or structures according to the composition to be performed.

CE2.3 Apply artistic techniques and royalties.

CE2.4 Perform the wrapping, packaging and/or presentation of the composition.

CE2.5 Print funeral tapes (manual or printed).

CE2.6 Control the quality of the final products and the delivery service and/or delivery in the florist.

C3: Perform ornamentation with flowers and natural plants of large spaces and/or storefronts.

CE3.1 Prepare, following the instructions received, flowers and/or natural plants, bases, structures, etc., necessary for the compositions.

CE3.2 Make "in situ" the compositions of flowers and/or natural plants included in the project that so require.

C4: Advising and selling florist products

CE4.1 Handle the different catalogs and manuals.

CE4.2 Orienting the clientele on the purchase request.

CE4.3 Fill in the necessary data the corresponding order albaran.

CE4.4 Archiving, annotating or cursing the order according to the time it has to be served.

CE4.5 Atender claims by completing the required documentation.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE5.1 behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the workplace.

CE5.3 Undertake with diligence the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Organization of workshop activities and florist warehouse

-Organization of waste collection and removal.

-Organization of the loading and unloading of raw materials, materials and products.

-Checking the quality criteria for raw materials, materials and products received.

-Fulfillment and check forms, delivery notes, albarans and vouchers.

-Storage control of raw materials, materials, and products received

2. Compositions with flowers and/or natural, artificial and/or preserved plants.

-Selection of flowers, plants and cutting greens.

-Selection and preparation of media, containers, bases or structures.

-Application of artistic techniques and royalties.

-Realization of the wrapping, packaging and/or presentation of the composition.

-Printing of funeral tapes (manual or printed).

-Control of the quality of the final products and the delivery service and/or delivery in the flower shop.

3. Ornamentation of large spaces and/or storefronts with flowers and natural plants

-Preparation of flowers and/or natural plants, bases and structures necessary for the compositions.

-"in situ" Realization of the compositions of flowers and/or natural plants included in the project.

-Selection and location of decorative elements and/or products in the storefront.

4. Advice and/or sales of florist products

-Handling of different catalogs and manuals.

-Customer orientation about the purchase request.

-Fulfillment of the order albaran.

-Order course.

-Claims attention.

5. Integration and communication in the job center

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the COMPETITION

With accreditation




Coordination and execution of the business activities of florist companies

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Senior Technical of the Professional Family Trade and Marketing

• Certificate of Level 3 Professionalism of the Professional Family Gardening Area of the Agricultural Professional Family

• Professional Family Sales and Marketing Professional Area Level 3 Professional Sales Certificate

1 year

3 years


Realization of floral compositions

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Professional Agrarian Family Gardening Area Level 3 Professional Certificate

1 year

3 years


Realization of compositions with plants

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Professional Agrarian Family Gardening Area Level 3 Professional Certificate

1 year

3 years


Sales and product information and services

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Senior Technical of the Professional Family Trade and Marketing

• Certificate of Level 3 Professionalism of the Professional Family Gardening Area of the Agricultural Professional Family

• Professional Family Sales and Marketing Professional Area Level 3 Professional Sales Certificate

1 year

3 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Florist Workshop



Florist store





















Forming Space




-Audio-visual Equipment


-Classroom Material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

-Specialty-specific software

-PCs installed in network, projection canon, and Internet

Florist Workshop

-Pizarra to write with a marker.

-First aid kit.



-Work tables.

-Sierra de calar.



-Containers for waste management.

Florist store

-Cold Chamber (15 m3).



-Armario closed.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.


I. Identification of the certificate of professionalism

Naming: Production of seeds and plants in nursery.

Code: AGAU0110

Professional family: Agrarian

Professional area: Agriculture

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

AGA460_2 Seed and plant production in nursery. (RD 715/2010, May 28)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1479_2: Perform plant propagation operations in nursery.

UC1480_2: Perform plant and tepe crop operations in nursery.

UC1481_2: Perform seed production operations.

UC0525_2: Control pests, diseases, weeds, and physiopathies.

UC0526_2: Handle tractors and mount agricultural installations, performing their maintenance.

General competition:

Perform the operations of propagation and cultivation of plants in nursery, as well as seed production, controlling plant health, managing equipment, machines and tools, under quality criteria and respecting the current regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small companies, public and private, both self-employed and employed, dedicated to the production of seeds and plants in nursery, depending on their case, functionally and hierarchically, of a superior and being able to have their personal position of inferior level.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the agricultural sector, within the subsectors of plant propagation and seed treatments for reproduction, in the following productive activities developed in: public and private nurseries. Seed-producing companies. Companies producing tepes. Plant marketing companies, tepes and seeds. Companies that perform jobs in height in the trees. Public inspection and control bodies for the production of plants and seeds. Research and experimentation institutions in agriculture and forestry.

Occupations or related jobs:

6120.1073 Worker in garden centers

6120.1039 Urban park conservation worker, historical and botanical gardens

6120.1028 Jarmoney in general

6120.1062 Plant culture worker for cut flower

6120.1095 Viverist.

6120.1095 Worker in nurseries, in general.

6120.1040 Qualified self-employed worker in orchards, nurseries and gardens.

Qualified worker employed in orchards, nurseries and gardens.

Skilled worker in plant propagation in nursery.

Skilled worker in nursery plant cultivation.

Specialist worker in seed and fruit harvesting.

Qualified worker in seed production.

Phytosanitary product applicator.

6110.1027 Injerker.

Agricultural Trachtorist-Manipulator.

Duration of the associated training: 580 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1479_2: Propagation of plants in nursery. (80 hours).

MF1480_2: Plant and Tepes cultivation in nursery. (100 hours).

• UF1596: Crop of plant material and lawns in nursery. (70 hours).

• UF1597: Management of facilities and expedition of nursery plants. (30 hours).

MF1481_2: Seed production. (80 hours).

MF0525_2: (Transverse) Phytosanitary Control. (120 hours).

• UF0006: Determination of the health status of plants, soil and facilities and choice of control methods. (60 hours).

• UF0007: Application of plant, soil and plant plant protection control methods. (60 hours).

MF0526_2: (Cross) Mechanization and Agricultural Facilities (120 hours).

• UF0008: Facilities, conditioning, cleaning and disinfection. (70 hours).

• UF0009: Maintenance, preparation and handling of tractors. (50 hours).

MP0372: Non-work professional practice module for seed and plant production in nursery. (80 hours).




Level: 2

Code: UC1479_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Obtain plant material by means of seeds for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR1.1 The materials necessary for the production of plant material by means of seeds (seeds, trays, substrates, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until they are used to achieve optimal conservation.

CR1.2 The soil or substrate is prepared (mixture, refined, among others) before sowing to favor the germination of the seeds.

CR1.3 The seed is subjected to pregermative treatments (immersion, scalding, scarified, desalted, humidified, stratified, among others) to eliminate lethargy.

CR1.4 Manual and mechanized seeding operations are executed by applying the conditions of depth, seeding density, coverage, distribution and homogeneity established in the crop programming.

CR1.5 Seat and post irrigation, padding and other germination-friendly operations are executed in accordance with crop programming to improve germination efficiency

CR1.6 The counting of the ascency and the reposition of marks, if any, is carried out to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR1.7 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the production of plant material by means of seeds are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR1.8 The operations of obtaining plant material by means of seeds are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP2: Obtain vegetable material by cutting and stackling for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR2.1 The material needed for cutting and stackling (cuttings, staquillas, rooting hormones, trays, substrates, among others) is collected and stored in the required conditions up to its use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR2.2 The soil or substrate is prepared (mixture, refined, milling, winged, among others) before the implantation of the cuttings to favor the rooting.

CR2.3 The staquillas and cuttings are separated from the parent plant by applying the techniques and methods that ensure the quality and viability of the multiplication material.

CR2.4 The trimming of leaves, desfoliating, defloring and other operations of preparation of the cuttings and staquillas are performed to facilitate the rooting.

CR2.5 The cuttings and staquillas are located in the culture medium applying the depth and density conditions established in the culture programming.

CR2.6 The mark count is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR2.7 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in cutting and stackling are selected, handled and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR2.8 The cutting and stackling operations are performed taking into account the current regulations, the job risk prevention plan, the good environmental practice manual, the quality criteria, and completing the required parts of the work.

RP3: Obtain plant material by means of a set for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 The materials needed for the cushioning (rooting hormones, ribbons, plastics, substrates, tutors, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until they are used to achieve optimal conservation.

CR3.2 The soil or substrate is prepared (mixture, refined, milling, winged, among others) before the low-lying to favor the emission of roots.

CR3.3 Outbreaks intended for high acode are selected and prepared (leaf cuttings, desfolate, desphlorated, cut, etiolated, bagging of the root emission zone, among others), stimulating rhizogenesis.

CR3.4 Outbreaks for low acode are selected and prepared (leaf cuts, desfolate, desphlorated, cut, ettiolated, among others), stimulating rhizogenesis (by rajado, horning, anillado, among others) and subsequently by adding the strains, in order to promote the emission of new roots.

CR3.5 The plants from acode are separated from the mother plant, once the root is rooted and are classified according to their root development, to decide their destination to be placed on the market or to be reinforced if they are deficient.

CR3.6 The seedlings intended for reinforcement are planted at the depth, density and distribution established in the cultivation program.

CR3.7 The mark count is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR3.8 The equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the coupling are selected, handled and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR3.9 The operations are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP4: Obtain plant material by grafting for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR4.1 The materials needed for grafting (barbs, yolks, veneers, gums, tapes, grafts, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until they are used to achieve optimal conservation.

CR4.2 The parent plants are selected following instructions received to obtain the most appropriate plant material.

CR4.3 The plant materials needed for grafting are separated from the donor plant following instructions received to ensure the quality of the propagating material.

CR4.4 The preparation of the graft pattern or carrier (cut, defolate, entutectorate, cuts, clefts, among others) prior to the implantation of the graft and according to the conditions or requirements of each species, is performed to achieve a maximum level of success in the welding.

CR4.5 The grafts are conditioned (cleaning, sharpening, beveling, defoliating, unfloured, among others) prior to implantation to facilitate their placement and welding on the pattern.

CR4.6 The grafts are performed according to the requirements of each species with the meticulous and asepsy necessary to prevent the entry of pathogens and ensure their viability.

CR4.7 The mark count is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR4.8 The equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the grafting are selected, handled and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR4.9 The operations of grafting are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP5: Get plant material by means of ice and kill division for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR5.1 The materials necessary to carry out the multiplication of plants from ice or kill division (hijuelos, phytorregulators, antiperspirants, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until they are used to achieve optimal conservation.

CR5.2 The soil or substrate is prepared (mixture, fertilisation, filling of containers, among others) before the implantation of the hyjuelos, foliar embryos and small plants obtained by division of kills to achieve the necessary conditions of rooting.

CR5.3 Mothers are cared for and stimulated by removing leaves or separating roots, among others, to promote their reproductive capacity by conditioning them for the production of leaf ice and embryos.

CR5.4 Obtaining hyjueles, foliar embryos and the killing division are carried out by applying the techniques and methods that guarantee the root of the material obtained.

CR5.5 The hyjuelos, foliar embryos and the small plants obtained by the division of mata are prepared (cut of leaves, desfoliated, defloured, hormonated, among others) and are planted to the depth, density and distribution established in the program of cultivation.

CR5.6 The mark count is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR5.7 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the production of ice sheets, foliar embryos and the killing division are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR5.8 The operations to obtain hijueles, foliar embryos and the killing division are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP6: Obtain plant material by means of stems or specialized roots for cultivation or marketing according to technical criteria, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR6.1 The materials needed to obtain plants from stems or specialized roots (bulbs, stolones, corms, rhizomes, tubers, trays, substrates, pots, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until their use is achieved to achieve optimal conservation.

CR6.2 The soil or substrate is prepared (mixing, refining, milling, filling containers, among others) prior to placement of the stems or specialized roots to achieve the necessary conditions for rooting.

CR6.3 Specialist stems or roots are obtained from the parent plant following instructions received to ensure the quality of the propagating material.

CR6.4 The specialized stems or roots are prepared (cleaning, cutting, hormone treatment, among others) and are implanted in the depth, density and location established in the work program.

CR6.5 The mark count is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR6.6 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the multiplication from stems or specialized roots are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR6.7 The multiplication operations from stems or specialized roots are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

Professional Context

Production media

Containers, trays and pots. Hand tools: pruning shears, grafting knives, sawdust, brushes, layas, hoes, among others. Materials for the management and conservation of seeds. Tutors. Mixers for the manufacture of substrates. Equipment for the distribution of fertilizers. Sowing machines and equipment. Grafting. Agricultural tractors, tools, motor vehicles and motor vehicles. Aporter. Propagation equipment and tables: rooting and seedling. Plants for the hardening of plants. Irrigation and fertigation equipment. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Thermometers, hygrometers and pH-metros. Computer equipment. Cold rooms. Greenhouses and umbracles.

Products and results

Plant material obtained through sexual reproduction and in perfect conditions for cultivation or marketing. Plant material obtained by means of asexual reproduction techniques and in perfect conditions for cultivation or marketing.

Information used or generated

Soil and climatology information. General and specific botanical literature on the species to be used. Bibliography on the vegetative and sexual reproduction of plants. Soil analysis. Cultivation programmes. Manuals for the use of irrigation systems and subscribers. Manual of good environmental practices. Commercial catalogues of plant species and their characteristics. Seed catalogues. Hormone catalogues. Catalogues of substrates and fertilizers. Container catalogues. Catalogues of infrastructure material for acclimatisation and hardening. Catalogues for the use and maintenance of machinery and tools. Environmental regulations. The company's occupational risk prevention plan. Annual production plan. Work orders. Parts of work. Control and monitoring tabs.



Level: 2

Code: UC1480_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform preparation of the culture and post-laboratory means to facilitate the development of the plant, in accordance with the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR1.1 The materials necessary for the preparation of the culture medium and post-laboratory (substrates, plastics, quilting materials, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until their use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR1.2 The sampling of the culture medium is performed according to the protocols established for subsequent submission to the laboratory.

CR1.3 The subsoling, leveling, depeding, rolling, refining and other operations used in soil preparation are carried out according to the programming of the crop, in order to achieve the necessary conditions for the roots.

CR1.4 The plow, beetle, beaded, solarisation and other post-working operations, are executed according to the work schedule and following the established protocols.

CR1.5 The mixtures for the preparation of substrates are performed according to received instructions.

CR1.6 The equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the preparation of the culture medium and post-laboratory are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR1.7 The preparation of the culture and post-laboratory environment is carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP2: Perform the transplantation operations using the technique that favors the development of the plant to ensure its viability, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR2.1 The materials needed for transplantation (plant material, containers, substrates, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until they are used to achieve optimal conservation.

CR2.2 The extraction, repon, and leghold conditioning and balancing of the aerial part with the root system are performed, following instructions received and according to the work plan.

CR2.3 The transplant is carried out following instructions received to ensure the viability of the transplant.

CR2.4 Irrigation, application of antiperspirant products and other plant conditioning operations or seedlings transplanted after the transplant operation, is performed, following instructions received, to minimize the percentage of marras.

CR2.5 The post-transplant mark count is performed to evaluate the operational effectiveness, following the established protocol.

CR2.6 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in transplant operations are selected, managed and maintained, in accordance with technical specifications.

CR2.7 Transplant tasks are performed taking into account the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP3: To perform cultural tasks of tutoring, pinzado, clarified, among others, according to the programming of the cultivation and the existing technical and biological conditions, for the improvement of the quality and performance of the same, in conditions of safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 The materials needed for cultural work (tutors, tapes, ropes, wires, substrates, containers, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until their use is achieved to achieve optimal conservation.

CR3.2 The state of development of the plant is observed to inform the superior technician about the ideal state for the realization of the different cultural operations.

CR3.3 The tutoring, pinched, rinsing, and other cultural operations are performed according to the instructions received and according to the programming of the culture.

CR3.4 The tick count after the various cultural operations is performed to evaluate the operational efficiency, following the established protocol.

CR3.5 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in cultural work are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR3.6 The cultural tasks are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP4: Perform pre-implanted grass production operations or "tepes", following the parameters established to obtain a final quality product, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR4.1 The materials required for the production of tepes (seeds, substrates, cuttings, crop blankets, fertilizers, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until their use is achieved to achieve optimal conservation.

CR4.2 The crop support blankets, on which the substrate is to be applied, extend over the area to be sown, fixing them to the ground if necessary.

CR4.3 The substrate on which the planting or planting is to be performed is mixed and applied using the assigned thickness.

CR4.4 The planting or planting is done according to the cultivation program.

CR4.5 The irrigation, subscriber, siegas and other cultural tasks of the pre-implanted grass cultivation or "tepes" are carried out according to the established programming.

CR4.6 The start or removal of the pre-implanted lawn plates is done by following the cultivation programming and the established instructions.

CR4.7 The root system, as well as the percentage of germination, rooting and uniformity of the extracted tepes, are observed to detect possible deficiencies in the crop and in the final product obtained and to be able to establish the different quality ranges and discard deficient items.

CR4.8 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in pre-implanted grass production operations or "tepes" are selected, handled and maintained, in accordance with technical specifications.

CR4.9 Pre-implanted or "tepes" production tasks are performed taking into account the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP5: Perform the application of fertilizers according to the dosage and forms established according to the crop programming to meet the needs of the plants and improve the soil structure, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR5.1 The different types of fertilizers used within the culture cycle are collected, stored and, where appropriate, conditioned to their use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR5.2 Taking samples of water, soil, and leaves is done by following established protocols for subsequent shipment to the laboratory.

CR5.3 The background subscriber is applied to maintain and improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, placing it at the appropriate depth according to the culture programming.

CR5.4 Foliar supply fertilizers, by means of irrigation or in a localized manner, are applied according to the programming of the crop, and where appropriate, instructions received.

CR5.5 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in fertilisation operations are selected, managed and maintained, in accordance with technical specifications.

CR5.6 The fertilisation work is carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP6: Use the irrigation systems according to instructions received, to achieve the optimal development of the crop and a rational use of the water, according to the established programming, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR6.1 The regulation and parameterization (doses, irrigation times, frequencies or interruptions, among others) of the irrigation systems is performed, taking into account the cultivation program and following the instructions received.

CR6.2 The elimination of physical barriers that hinder the circulation of water in the soil, recolocation of emitters and other operations that facilitate the efficiency of irrigation are carried out according to the work program.

CR6.3 The operation of the different irrigation systems and facilities is verified by reporting, where appropriate, any defects or anomalies in their effectiveness and performance.

CR6.4 The irrigation systems are used and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR6.5 The tasks related to the use of irrigation facilities are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP7: Use the environmental control systems according to instructions received, to achieve the optimal development of the crop, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR7.1 The regulation and parameterization (temperature, humidity, luminosity, among others) of the environmental control systems (greenhouses, tunnels, among others), is carried out on the basis of the cultivation program, the incidence of atmospheric factors and following the instructions received.

CR7.2 The operation of different environmental control systems (greenhouses, tunnels, among others) is verified to report possible defects or anomalies in their performance or performance.

CR7.3 Environmental control systems are used and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR7.4 The tasks related to the use of environmental control are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP8: Carry out the packing, labelling and conditioning of orders of plants and tepes for their expedition and transport, following processes that guarantee the required characteristics of the product and instructions received, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR8.1 The material needed for packing, labeling and conditioning of plant and tepes is carried out and stored in the required conditions until use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR8.2 Order, conditioning and labeling training operations are performed, following the work schedule according to the commercial purpose of the different units and/or items.

CR8.3 The packing and preparation of orders for shipment in transport elements (pallets, box-pallets and carrys "Danish cars"), is carried out following instructions received, minimizing the length of stay of the packaged products.

CR8.4 The different orders are grouped according to the expeditions and the labeling, following the instructions received to facilitate and expedite the loading and unloading operations.

CR8.5 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the packaging, labelling and packaging of plant and tepe orders, are selected, handled and maintained, in accordance with technical specifications.

CR8.6 The packaging, labelling and packaging of plant orders and tepes are carried out in the light of current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and the completion of the required parts of the work.

Professional Context

Production media

Containers, trays and containers. Hand tools: shovels, layas, hoes, among others. Material for cleaning and maintenance of machinery and tools: wire brushes, among others. Tutors. Torting machines. Tethers. Manual cutting tools: one-and two-handed scissors, cut-outs, among others. Mixers for the manufacture of substrates, containers, packers, packers and senders. Pallets, box-pallets and carrys "Danish cars". Abonds. Mechanical tools: battery or electrical scissors. Tractor or tractor and tools: bars, among others. Culture sheets for tepes. Tepes cutting and extraction machinery. Irrigation and fertigation equipment. Irrigation accessories: PVC, PE and brass, irrigation emitters. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Thermometers, hygrometers and pH-metros. Computer equipment. Cold rooms. Greenhouses, umbracles and warehouses. Environmental control systems.

Products and results

A culture medium and substrates prepared to receive the plant and promote its development. Transplant operations and subsequent cultural care. Preimplanted or tepes produced. Plants paid. Regulated irrigation and environmental control systems and operating in an appropriate manner to the needs of the crop. Orders of plants and tepes prepared for their expedition and transport.

Information used or generated

Soil and climatology information. Botanical bibliography. Literature on the type of plant material and possible transplantation techniques in each case. Protocols for transplantation. Safety manuals and operation of machinery and equipment. Manuals of Tepes cultivation techniques. Subscriber base programmes and fertigation. Cultivation programmes. Performance data tables of different credit formulas. Catalogues of substrates and fertilizers. Pruning and pinched handbooks. Performance tables of different grass formulas. Container catalogues. Annual production plan. Work orders. Parts of work. Control and counting tabs. Manuals for the use of irrigation systems and subscribers. Soil analysis. Catalogues of infrastructure material for acclimatization and hardening of plants. Manual of good agricultural practices. Current occupational risk plan. Environmental regulations on the treatment of organic waste and packaging.



Level: 2

Code: UC1481_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Collect fruits and seeds in height and soil, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation, to obtain reproductive material, maintaining safety conditions and attending to the work schedule.

CR1.1 The materials, tools and equipment necessary for the collection in height and in soil of fruits and seeds (harnesses, hulls, ropes, Swiss bicycle, gloves, combs, rods, macaques, scissors, sweepers, blowers, among others) are collected and stored in the required conditions until their use.

CR1.2 The equipment required for high-level jobs (trep and displacement between cups, rappel, among others) is inspected to check the proper status of its components.

CR1.3 The deteriorated equipment in the work in height is used to maintain the reliability and safety of the work material.

CR1.4 Jobs in height (trep and displacement between cups, rappel, among others) are programmed by inspecting and signaling the tree or the work zone to detect possible situations of risk.

CE1.5 The trepa, rappel and other equipment used in the work in height, are placed and installed in the tree or work area, checking that they are well adjusted to work safely.

CR1.6 The trep to the tree, rappel, displacements in the cup and other works in height are performed safely and conveniently, attending to the work schedule.

CR1.7 The harvesting in height and soil of fruits and seeds are carried out by applying the appropriate techniques and means, depending on the individuals (trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants) and selected and/or authorized populations and the times established in the work program.

CR1.8 The equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the collection in height and in the soil of fruits and seeds are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR1.9 The work of harvesting in height and in soil of fruits and seeds are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP2: Prepare the batches of fruits and seeds for transport and storage taking into account their characteristics and requirements, to maintain the viability of the seeds until their processing, cleaning and selection, in conditions of quality and safety, and complying with the current regulations.

CR2.1 The material necessary for the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds (containers, labels, among others) is kept and stored in the required conditions until its use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR2.2 The preparation of batches of fruits and seeds is carried out for their transport and/or storage according to their nature following instructions received and informing the superior technician of possible incidents prior to their entry into the warehouse.

CR2.3 Lots of fruits and seeds are labelled according to the items collected in field, before proceeding to their transport.

CR2.4 The work of unloading and storing lots of fruits and seeds is carried out in compliance with the technical specifications of each species (type of container, temperature, environmental humidity, storage time, among others) until processed.

CR2.5 The storage process is reviewed to avoid possible incidents.

CR2.6 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the transport of fruit and seed lots are selected, managed and maintained, in accordance with technical specifications.

CR2.7 The transport and storage of fruit and seed lots are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP3: Perform cleaning, selection and conditioning of lots of fruits and seeds for storage, following the requirements of each lot and instructions received, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR3.1 The material needed for the cleaning, selection and conditioning of batches of fruits and seeds is carried out and stored in the required conditions until its use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR3.2 The trite, sifting and aventate of the batches of dried fruits is carried out according to the technical specifications of each species (criba light, time and intensity of trite, intensity of aventate, among others) and following instructions received.

CR3.3 The unpolished of the batches of fleshy fruits is performed according to the technical specifications of each species (criba light, revolutions and wash intensity, among others) and following instructions received.

CR3.4 Lots of clean seeds are processed by densimetric or selectable equipment until the quality indicated in the technical specifications of each species is achieved and following instructions received.

CR3.5 The calibration and coating of seed lots (pildorado, pelletized, coating, among others) are carried out using the equipment and technical specifications taking into account the species, characteristics of the batches and instructions received.

CR3.6 The sampling of each batch and its subsequent shipment to the laboratory is carried out in accordance with the established protocols, in order to control the quality of the samples.

CR3.7 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the cleaning, selection and conditioning of fruit and seed lots are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR3.8 The cleaning, selection and conditioning of the fruit and seed lots are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP4: Perform storage of batches of seeds processed in the various warehouses and cold storage rooms to achieve optimal conservation, following instructions received, according to the established programming, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with the current regulations.

CR4.1 The material needed for the storage of seed lots is carried out and stored in the required conditions until use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR4.2 Warehouses and chambers for storing seed lots are conditioned (regulation and parameterization), following instructions received.

CR4.3 The batches of clean, selected seed and the appropriate moisture content are packaged and preserved in the various warehouses and chambers according to the technical specifications of each species.

CR4.4 The control of seed batch inputs and outputs from the various warehouses is done by completing the corresponding parts and following instructions received.

CR4.5 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the storage of seed lots are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR4.6 The storage tasks of seed lots are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

RP5: Prepare seed orders for marketing, following the instructions received, in quality and safety conditions, and complying with current regulations

CR5.1 The material needed for the preparation of seed orders is carried out and stored in the required conditions up to its use to achieve optimal conservation.

CR5.2 Received orders are reviewed for possible incidents.

CR5.3 The materials, products made for direct sale and the rest of the raw materials, are classified according to their nature, destination and typology.

CR5.4 The warehouses and cameras for the storage of orders are conditioned following instructions received.

CR5.5 Packaging machines are calibrated taking into account the type of seed, storage and transport conditions, following instructions received.

CR5.6 The heavy, storage and training of seed orders is done following instructions received.

CR5.7 The packaging and labelling of seed orders is carried out taking into account the conditions of transport and storage with rigor and thoroughness.

CR5.8 Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the preparation of seed orders are selected, managed and maintained, according to technical specifications.

CR5.9 Seed order preparation work is carried out taking into account the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, the criteria of quality and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

Professional Context

Production media

Bags, sacks and big-bags. Boxes, trays, pallets, palots, macaques, doors and baskets. Farts, canvases, brooms and brushes. Compasses. GPS. Climbing and rappel equipment. Staircases and lifting platforms. Equipment for collection of fruit in height. Hand tools: knives, pruning scissors, among others. Gloves, combs, rods and pertigas. Vibrators, blowers, vacuum cleaners, sweepers, trillators, avowers, manual and mechanical cribators, selectors, densimetric tables, desalinators. Cold rooms. Flotation tanks and washing machines. Humidifiers, dehumidifiers and drying trains. Equipment for the pildorado, pelletized and coating of seeds. Weights, scales and scales. Packers. Labeling. Warehouses. Transport machinery. Seed sanitary control systems. Teams for the control of germination and quality of seeds. Tractor and tools. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Computer equipment. Environmental control systems.

Products and results

Fruits and seeds collected. Batches of processed fruit and stored ready for processing. Lots of clean and healthy seeds located in the different chambers and warehouses according to the specifications. Orders for seeds prepared for marketing.

Information used or generated

Botany and flora manuals. Topographical maps and GPS. Mass mapping and seed copies. Catalogue of plant species and their characteristics. Information on climatology and meteorology. General and specific botanical bibliography on the production and seed management of the species to be produced. Instructions for handling environmental control systems. Commercial catalogues of materials and equipment for forestry work in the field. Relations of seed-producing areas. Catalogues for the use and maintenance of machinery. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks and legislation in the field of seed and environmental production. Seed legislation. Parts of work. Seed legislation.



Level: 2

Code: UC0525_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Determine the health status of plants, soil and facilities, to take appropriate measures.

CR1.1 Sampling units are indicated on the ground using the established protocol.

CR1.2 The monitoring and detection systems for plant protection problems are applied correctly and at the appropriate time.

CR1.3 Auxiliary fauna, pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, weeds, and more frequent physiopathies are determined and quantified.

CR1.4 The agents responsible for the most frequent damage are identified according to their biological, morphological and environmental characteristics.

CR1.5 Samples affected by unidentified agents are prepared and sent to the appropriate laboratory or plant-pathological station in accordance with appropriate standards.

RP2: Determine, in cases of more frequent damage, methods for sanitary control of plants, soil and facilities, taking into account good agricultural practices.

CR2.1 Climate data, as well as information from warning stations, are properly analyzed and updated.

CR2.2 The incidence of pests, diseases, weeds and physiopathies is determined according to the established protocol.

CR2.3 The control, physical, chemical, biological or cultural methods are chosen, taking into account food safety factors, in accordance with the company's occupational risk prevention plan, safety regulations on the use of pesticides, and the manuals of good agricultural and environmental practices.

RP3: Apply the methods of plant protection of pests, diseases, weeds and physiopathies in plants, soil and facilities, following the established technical specifications, properly handling machinery and tools.

CR3.1 The vehicles, machines, and tools used in the application of control methods are reviewed by performing the necessary maintenance operations.

CR3.2 The machines and tools are correctly regulated taking into account the type of control to be performed.

CR3.3 The products are mixed according to the procedures recommended by the manufacturer and the current regulations.

CR3.4 Safety devices on plant protection machines and control equipment are checked to check that they are working properly.

CR3.5 Plant health controls are carried out with the product, dose and timing established according to recommended technical specifications.

CR3.6 The protection equipment required for the job is maintained and used correctly following the manufacturer's instructions.

CR3.7 Plant health controls are carried out taking into account food safety factors, in accordance with the company's occupational risk prevention plan, safety regulations on the use of pesticides, and the manuals of good agricultural and environmental practices.

Professional Context

Production media

Pest and disease detection equipment: lupas, traps, baits. Pheromones. Equipment for the application of plant protection products, both self-propelled and traction: hydraulic sprays, hydraulics (atomizers), tyres (nebulizers), centrifugal, thermoneumatics, sprinklers. Control equipment for the application of plant protection products. Drive and traction means: tractors, thermal and electric motors. Equipment for equipment calibration and control. Cleaning equipment. Agrochemical and biological plant protection products, containers for storage and transport. Pesticides for use in the environment and food. Personal protective equipment.

Products and results

Integrated control of the pests and herbs of crops and food facilities in such a way as to ensure the production without risk to people and the environment.

Information used or generated

Safety at work and health regulations on manufacturing, placing on the market and use of pesticides and plant protection products, their employment limitations, safety deadlines and tolerable levels of waste. Field tabs. Weather maps for timely treatments. Manual of plant protection products. Harmonised Community authorisation system for the marketing and use of products. Manual of good environmental practices. Food safety manuals. Tabs with information about date, duration, performance, and incidents of the operations performed.



Level: 2

Code: UC0526_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Keep tractors and traction equipment for preservation in perfect state of use, following technical specifications.

CR1.1 The workshop is ordered to optimize the space, and the access to tools and work equipment, for its immediate use.

CR1.2 Tractors and traction equipment are reviewed and controlled at the intervals indicated in the maintenance manuals.

CR1.3 The assembly/disassembly, welding, basic repair and machining operations are performed with the appropriate equipment and tools and with the required accuracy.

CR1.4 The maintenance of tractors, machines, equipment and tools is carried out taking into account the company's occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP2: Prepare and handle tractors and traction equipment for use in scheduled operations/operations and for public transit.

CR2.1 Tractors are managed taking into account the work to be performed, controlling their operation, handling, accuracy and with the established work rate.

CR2.2 The tractor and the machines are conveniently coupled and marked, complying with the circulation code and the complementary regulations concerning the circulation of agricultural vehicles by public roads.

CR2.3 The tasks and handling performed with the tractors, traction equipment and other tools are executed according to the specific safety standards for each of them.

CR2.4 The preparation and handling of tractors and traction equipment is carried out taking into account the company's occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

CR2.5 Basic health techniques and first aid apply quickly in the event of an accident.

RP3: Install and maintain crop protection and forced systems, using the appropriate materials to the medium, the production system and following the technical specifications.

CR3.1 The terrain is leveled using machines and materials suitable for the type of installation and the production system of the company.

CR3.2 The structure of the protection systems is installed according to the technical, economic and productive specifications of the company.

CR3.3 The covers of the protection systems are placed according to the technical requirements and at the appropriate time.

CR3.4 The installation and maintenance of protection systems is carried out taking into account the company's occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

RP4: Install and maintain irrigation systems, following the technical and economic specifications of the project, to ensure optimal crop development.

CR4.1 The most appropriate irrigation system is installed using the precise technical means taking into account the ground clearance, the soil characteristics and the water table.

CR4.2 The operation of the irrigation system is verified, replacing the damaged or worn elements.

CR4.3 Installation and maintenance is carried out taking into account the company's occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

CR4.4 Water collection, driving and lifting systems are installed according to the technical requirements established for the selected irrigation system.

RP5: Perform the conditioning, cleaning, disinfection, disinsation and deratization of the premises and facilities, following the plan previously established.

CR5.1 The premises and facilities are cleaned, disinfected, dislocated and disapproved with the appropriate frequency, products and procedures, checking that they are fit for their next use, according to established protocols.

CR5.2 The cleaning, disinfection, disinfecting, and deratization equipment are prepared according to the work to be performed and following the work instructions.

CR5.3 The cleaning, disinfection, disinfecting, and deratization products are selected and applied with the appropriate technique and the indicated doses.

CR5.4 The electrical installation, water supply and air conditioning systems of the installations are verified, checking their condition and correct operation.

CR5.5 The conditioning and cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization of the premises and facilities is carried out taking into account the company's occupational risk prevention plan and the manual of good environmental practices.

Professional Context

Production media

Facilities covered for cultivation: greenhouses, acclimatisation and hardening tunnels, microgreenhouses, padded tunnels. Structural support materials for greenhouses. Plastics. Wires. Irrigation equipment: pumping and distribution systems (pumping groups, griferia, sockets, filters, goalkeepers, sprinklers, pipes, pipe couplings, valves and manometers). Fertigation equipment. Product stores in suitable health conditions, drying and ventilation facilities, cold installations, humidity and temperature meters. Cleaning equipment.

Tractors and traction equipment, self-propelled and operated ground work machines, more frequent tools for coupling and/or coupling. Equipment and tools for the maintenance and repair of tractors and traction equipment, such as: workbenches, lifting and displacement deposits, tool sets, welding equipment, drilling machines, hydraulic jacks, grease equipment, compressor and storage for the storage of fuels and lubricants. Spare parts and accessories.

Products and results

Machinery in optimal state of use as a result of adequate periodic maintenance. Facilities and warehouses in good condition and in conditions so that they can achieve the production potentially possible. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to the application of preventive measures and replacement of elements and organs at the appropriate time.

Information used or generated

Facility and warehouse plans. Facility assembly manuals. Service and workshop manuals for tractors, machines and equipment and technical information on work performance. About the possibilities and limitations of the machines to be used. On maintenance processes for tractors and traction equipment and installations. Labor and Environmental Risk Regulations. Code of Circulation and Supplementary Regulations. Manual of good environmental practices. Food safety manuals. Tabs with information about date, duration, performance, and incidents of the operations performed. Regulation on organic production.




Code: MF1479_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1479_2: Perform plant propagation operations in nursery.

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Get plants of different species by propagation by seeds, applying the techniques of sexual reproduction that correspond according to the species to be reproduced and the available means.

CE1.1 Describe the specific collection and storage techniques and procedures for each type of seed for the production of plants, according to the species.

CE1.2 Citar the general rules of handling, collection and storage of the different types of non-vegetable materials used in the production of plants by seed propagation.

CE1.3 Describe the methods of preparation of the culture medium that allow and favor the development of the seed, and identify the criteria for selection of materials, tools and machinery suitable for each case.

CE1.4 Identify and describe the most appropriate pregermative treatments for each type of seed.

CE1.5 List the different methods of sowing, both manual and mechanized and recognize the criteria of selection of the same according to the species to be reproduced,

CE1.6 Citar the different equipment and material means applicable to each type of sowing.

CE1.7 Enunciate the various cultural works of support for sowing and germination, and recognize the conditions of application according to the cases.

CE1.8 Define the control procedures for nascency and tick counting, and the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE1.9 In a properly characterized, plant-based case for seed propagation:

-Copy and store the material needed to carry out seed reproduction under the conditions required up to its use.

-Perform the mixture, refining and other operations for soil preparation or substrate prior to sowing.

-Perform the pregermative treatments of the seed (immersion, scalding, scarified, desalted, humidified and stratified, among others).

-Run manual and mechanized seeding operations.

-Run seat and rear irrigation, padding and other germination-friendly operations.

-Carry out the control and reorder of marras in your case.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C2: Get plants of different species by cutting and stackling, applying the corresponding asexual reproduction techniques according to the species to be reproduced and the available means.

CE2. Describe the general rules for handling, collection and storage of the different types of non-vegetable materials used in asexual propagation by cutting and stackling in the nursery.

CE2.2 Detailed procedures for the preparation of the culture medium, which favor the rooting of the plant, according to the requirements of each species, and identify the criteria for the selection of materials, tools and machinery suitable for each case.

CE2.3 Identify the criteria for the selection of mother plants and their conditioning.

CE2.4 Describe the criteria for the selection of cuttings and staquillas, and the separation procedures of the mother plant.

CE2.5 Describe the preparation and conditioning procedures of cuttings and staquillas to optimize the rooting rate.

CE2.6 Expose the methods of collection and storage of the plant material used in asexual propagation by cutting and stackling in the nursery.

CE2.7 Describe the processes of implantation of cuttings and staquillas in the culture medium.

CE2.8 Recognize the root control and root counting procedures using the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE2.9 In a practical case, duly characterized, of rooting of cuttings or staquillas:

-Copy and store the material needed for the cutting and stashing in the required conditions until its use.

-Make the mixture, refined, milling, winged and other operations for the preparation of the culture medium before the implantation of the cuttings.

-Separate the staquillas and cuttings of the mother plant.

-Perform preparation operations of the cuttings and staquillas, such as leaf trimming, defoliating, unfloured, and others.

-Install the cuttings and staquillas in the culture medium.

-Carry out the mark count.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C3: Get plants of different species by means of high or low levels, applying the techniques of asexual reproduction that correspond according to the species to be reproduced and the available means.

CE3.1 Citar the general rules of handling, collection and storage of the different types of non-vegetable materials used in the production of plants by means of asexual propagation by high or low levels.

CE3.2 Citar the various forms of soil preparation in low lying, and list the appropriate materials, tools and machinery for each case.

CE3.3 Describe the treatment of low-coupled production strains.

CE3.4 Expose the high acode process, describing the selection of shoots and zone of roots, the anillado, and other complementary works.

CE3.5 Expose the low-rate process, describing the selection and conditioning of the buds, the ring, the horde, and other complementary works.

CE3.6 Explain the process of separation of the plant from the mother plant, identifying the criteria of quality and fitness for marketing or reinforcement.

CE3.7 Expose the methods of collection and storage of the plant material used in asexual propagation by means of acode.

CE3.8 Describe the root control and marking procedures and the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE3.9 In a practical, duly characterized case, of a given species,:

-Copy and store the necessary materials for the cushioning (rooting hormones, ribbons, plastics, substrates, tutors, among others).

-Perform the refining, mixing, milling, alloying and other operations for the preparation of the soil or substrate before the low.

-Select and prepare the high-bed shoots (leaf cutouts, defolate, unfloured, cut and eked, bagging of the root emission zone, among others).

-Select and prepare low-bed shoots (leaf clipping, defolate, unfloured, cut, ettish, among others).

-Separate from the mother plant and plant the plants from acode.

-Classify the plants separated from the mother plant to decide their destination for marketing or reinforcement in case of being efficient.

-Planting the seedlings intended for reinforcement and perform the tick count and register them.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C4: Apply asexual reproduction techniques by grafting, depending on the species to be reproduced and available means.

CE4.1 Identify and describe plant tissues involved in the formation of graft welding.

CE4.2 Citar the general rules of handling, collection and storage of the different types of non-plant materials used in the production of plants by means of asexual propagation by grafting.

CE4.3 Explain the criteria for the selection of donor plants according to the characteristics of the graft.

CE4.4 Expose the separation and conditioning procedures of plant material from the donor plant.

CE4.5 List the methods of preparing the pattern to receive the host, depending on the type of graft.

CE4.6 Describe the procedures for the collection and storage of the plant material used in asexual propagation by grafting.

VE4.7 Expose the most appropriate grafting techniques to each species, taking into account the phenological conditions.

CE4.8 Citar the procedures for control of the welding of grafting and counting of marks and of the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE4.9 In a practical case, duly characterized, of performing a graft:

-Copy and store the materials necessary for grafting (barbs, yolks, veneers, hormones, gums, ribbons, grafts, among others).

-Select the parent plants to obtain the most appropriate plant material.

-Separate from the donor plant the plant materials necessary for the grafting.

-Perform the trimming, defoliating, entutectorate, cuts, slits and other operations used for the preparation of the graft pattern or graft before the implantation of the graft.

-Acondition grafts (cleaning, sharpening, beveling, defoliating, unfloured, among others).

-Make grafts following the requirements of each species.

-Perform the flag count and register them.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C5: Get plants of different species through ice, killing and killing of foliar embryos, among others, applying the techniques of asexual reproduction that correspond according to the species to be reproduced and the available means.

CE5.1 Citar the general rules of management, collection and storage of the different types of non-plant materials used in the production of plants by means of asexual propagation by hijuelos, division of kills and foliar embryos, among others.

CE5.2 Expose the techniques of preparation of the culture medium that favor the development of plants obtained by hijuelos, division of matas and foliar embryos, among others, and identify the appropriate materials, tools and machinery for each case.

CE5.3 Describe the treatments for the care and conditioning of the mother plants to carry out the production from ice, division of kills and foliar embryos, among others.

CE5.4 To cite the procedures for obtaining and conditioning plant material for the vegetative reproduction by hijuelos, division of matas and foliar embryos, among others.

CE5.5 Describe the procedures for the collection and storage of the plant material used in asexual propagation by means of ice and kill division.

CE5.6 Citar the techniques necessary to move the plant material used for the vegetative reproduction by hijuelos, division of matas and foliar embryos, among others.

CE5.7 Expose the control procedures for rooting plants obtained by hijuelos, division of matas and foliar embryos, among others, and the use of the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE5.8 In a practical case, duly characterized, of reproduction by hijuelos, division of mata and foliar embryos, among others, of a given species:

-To copy and store the materials necessary to carry out the multiplication of plants from ice sheets or killing division (hijuelos, foliar embryos, small plants, trays, phytorregulators, antiperspirants, pots and substrates, among others).

-Make the mixture, fertilisation, filling of containers and other operations used for the preparation of the culture medium before the implantation of the hyjuelos, foliar embryos and small plants obtained by division of kills.

-Conditioning parent plants to boost their reproductive capacity.

-Get hyjuelos, foliar embryos and the small plants obtained by the division of mata (cut of leaves, desfoliated, unfloured, horrid, among others).

-Conditioning and planting the ice sheets, foliar embryos and the small plants obtained by the division of mata (cut of leaves, desfoliated, unfloured, horrid, among others).

-Perform the flag count and register them.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C6: Get plants of different species by means of stems and specialized roots, applying the techniques of asexual reproduction that correspond according to the species to be reproduced and the available means.

CE6.1 Citar the general rules of handling, collection and storage of the different types of non-vegetable materials used in the production of plants by means of asexual propagation by stems and specialized roots.

CE6.2 Detailed the techniques of soil preparation and mixing of substrates that favor the rooting of plants obtained by division of stems and specialized roots, selecting the appropriate materials, tools and machinery for each case.

CE6.3 Describe the selection criteria and the process of conditioning of the mother plants for the vegetative propagation by means of division of stems and specialized roots.

CE6.4 Expose the methods of splitting stems and specialized roots from the mother plant.

CE6.5 Citar the conditioning techniques of the fragments of stems and specialized roots.

CE6.6 Describe the collection and storage strategies of the plant material used in asexual propagation by means of stems and specialized roots.

CE6.7 Mention the transfer systems to the culture medium of the fragments of stems and specialized roots.

CE6.8 List the root control procedures of plants obtained by specialized stems and roots, and the most appropriate recording methods (in tokens or digital, among others).

CE6.9 In a practical case, duly characterised, of a reproduction by means of stems or specialised roots of a given species:

-To copy and store the materials necessary to carry out the multiplication of plants from stems or specialized roots (bulbs, corms, rhizomes, tubers, hormones, trays, substrates, pots, among others).

-Make mixing, refining, milling, filling of containers and other operations used for the preparation of the culture medium before placement of the stems or specialized roots.

-Get the specialized stems and roots from the mother plant.

-Conditioning and planting the specialized stems or roots (cleaning, cutting, hormone treatment, among others).

-Prepare and implant the specialized stems or roots.

-Perform the flag count and register them.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.


1. Basic aspects of plant botany and ecophysiology


-Keys and other botanical identification processes.

-Description and identification of the most frequent nursery plants.

-Organography and physiology of species and varieties of most frequent use in nursery.

-Basic aspects of crop ecophysiology.

2. Preparation of the culture medium for the propagation of plants

-Soil types.





-Protocols for the collection of soil samples.

-Soil preparation techniques for plant propagation.



-Types of tasks

-Machinery and equipment

-Fertilization: principles and techniques.

-Drenages: types and materials

-Postwork: purpose and techniques.

-Components for the manufacture of substrates: peat, coconut fibre, compost, sands, other components

-Characteristics of substrates: physical stability, density, aeration, others.

-Preparation of substrates.

-Equipment and machinery for the preparation of substrates.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

3. Reproduction of plants by seed

-Sexual reproduction in plants.

-Features, objectives, advantages and disadvantages.

-Formation and maturation of seeds and fruits.

-Types of seeds and fruits.

-Dispersion of seeds and fruits.

-Germination: features and phases.



-Pregermative treatments of seeds.

-Methods and techniques: types of containers, substrates, seed distribution systems, dosage and depth of sowing and protection systems.

-Tracking and sowing care: germination control systems, post-germative treatments, and climate variable control

-Materials, tools, equipment, installations and machinery.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

4. Plant vegetative reproduction

-The asexual reproduction of the plants:

-Features, objectives, advantages and disadvantages.

-The asexual multiplication organs.

-Species suitable for vegetative reproduction.

-Vegetative multiplication techniques:

-Mother plant selection criteria and conditioning.

-Selection of material and application of techniques: stackling and cutting, high and low, grafted, killing and separation of ice, obtaining of foliar embryos, and division of stems and specialized roots.

-Control of environmental parameters.

-Materials, tools, installations and equipment used in asexual reproduction.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF1479_2



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1480_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1480_2 Perform plant and tepe crop operations in nursery.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1596

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 and RP5 as regards the preparation of the culture medium, transplantation, cultural work, production of lawns and fertilization.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare different culture media and execute post-labor operations, following the programming and quality and safety criteria.

CE1.1 Describe the materials used in the preparation of the culture medium.

CE1.2 Identify materials used in post-labor operations.

CE1.3 Define the conditions of collection and storage of materials used in the preparation of culture media and in post-laboratory operations.

CE1.4 Specify the techniques and methods of sampling for soil analysis.

CE1.5 Describe operations and equipment, machinery, and tools used in soil preparation.

CE1.6 List the post-working operations as well as the equipment, machinery and tools used for this purpose.

CE1.7 Point out the main components involved in the mixture of substrates.

CE1.8 Define the operations of the basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the preparation of the culture medium and post-laboratory.

CE1.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of a preparation of the culture medium and post-laboratory:

-Select, collect and store the materials required for such preparation and post-work.

-Take the samples from the culture medium.

-Prepare a substrate by making the mixture of different components.

-Perform soil preparation.

-Perform the post-job operations.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C2: Perform transplants with different techniques, meeting the established quality criteria.

CE2.1 Identify the materials used in the preparation of the culture medium and define suitable storage and storage conditions.

CE2.2 Describe the work done to the plant before the transplant.

CE2.3 Specify the transplantation steps and techniques.

CE2.4 Point out operations to be performed immediately after transplantation.

CE2.5 Indicate the procedure to follow for the mark count.

CE2.6 Describe the operations of basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and transplantation tools.

CE2.7 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of a transplant in nursery:

-Select the materials needed for such a transplant by carrying out the collection and storage.

-Make plant conditioning prior to transplantation.

-Use the appropriate transplant techniques for each type of plant.

-Carry out the operations immediately after the transplant: irrigation, tutoring, among others.

-Make the mark count.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C3: Perform, with meticulous, tutored, pinched, clarified and other work in nursery crops.

CE3.1 Identify the materials used for the cultural work of the nursery plant and define the ideal conditions for collection and storage.

CE3.2 Describe the different states in which the nursery plants can be found, relating them to the cultural tasks to be carried out in them.

CE3.3 List the cultural tasks of repon, tutoring, pinched and clarified, among others, and the appropriate techniques to carry them out.

CE3.4 Indicate the procedure to be followed for the count of marras after the application of the cultural tasks.

CE3.5 Describe the operations of the basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the cultural work of plants in the nursery.

CE3.6 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of carrying out cultural tasks in nursery plants:

-Select the materials needed to perform repon, pinched, tutoring and rinsing operations among others, and carry out their collection and storage.

-Recognize the state of development of plants by linking it to the appropriate cultural work in each case.

-Make the reptile, pinched, tutoring and rinsed among others, applying the most convenient technique.

-Make the mark count according to the established protocol.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C4: Cultify pre-implanted lawn or tepes, following proper techniques.

CE4.1 List the materials used for the production of tepes (seeds, substrates, cuttings, crop blankets, fertilizers, among others), and define the ideal conditions for collection and storage.

CE4.2 Describe the placement and immobilization systems of the crop support blankets.

CE4.3 Citar techniques and steps to be followed for the mixing and distribution of substrates.

CE4.4 Indicating the planting and planting techniques of cespitous species to form tepes.

CE4.5 Specify the cultural tasks of the cultivation of tepes in nursery (irrigation, subscriber, harvest, among others).

CE4.6 Describe the techniques of starting or removing the pre-implanted lawn plates.

CE4.7 Indicate the procedure to be followed to detect possible deficiencies in the crop, which influence the final quality.

CE4.8 Describe the basic preventive maintenance operations of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the production of tepes.

CE4.9 In a case and/or practical scenario, duly characterized, production of tepes:

-Select the materials needed to produce tepes, seeds, substrates, cuttings, crop blankets, fertilizers, among others, and carry out their ideal storage and storage.

-Place and immobilize the crop blankets with the appropriate means.

-Mix and distribute the culture substrates.

-Perform planting or planting, applying the most appropriate technique in each case.

-Apply risks, subscribers, siegas, among other tasks.

-Make direct observation of the crop to detect possible deficiencies.

-Perform the tepe extraction jobs.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C5 Fertilizer crops in nursery, following the established programming and applying the recommended techniques.

CE5.1 Identify the different types of fertilizers used in the nursery and define suitable storage and storage conditions.

CE5.2 Describe the sampling protocols for water, soil, and foliar samples.

CE5.3 List techniques for correctly applying fertilizers to the soil.

CE5.4 To indicate the techniques of application of foliar fertilizers, fertigation and localized application.

CE5.5 Describe the basic preventive maintenance operations of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in fertilisation.

CE5.6 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of fertilization in nursery:

-Collect soil, water and foliar samples for analysis.

-Select fertilizers and fertilizers and carry out their proper storage and storage.

-Incorporate fertilizers to the ground using the appropriate equipment and media.

-Apply fertilizers to foliate, by fertigation and in a localized manner, by means of the correct technique.

-Perform planting or planting by applying the most appropriate technique in each case.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.


1. Culture medium for nursery plants

-Components for the production of the plant culture medium in nursery.

-Physical, chemical and biological characteristics.

-Preparation of the culture medium: working, making mixtures, amendments and fertilization, disinfection and others.

-Equipment and machinery.

-Filling and filling containers.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

2. Transplant techniques

-The development of cultivation.

-Pre-transplant operations: rules for the conditioning of plant material, according to their nature.

-Container types according to:




-Types of techniques according to:

-Target (container or soil)

-root state (bare root, cepellon)

-Transplant forms (mechanized or manual)


-Auxiliary materials used in transplant operations.

-Pre-transplant cultural labors.



-Cultural post-transplant labors

-Marras Count and Reorder Techniques




-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

3. Growing tepes

-Species and varieties of cespituses

-Soil preparation for the cultivation of tepes.

-Tepes culture methods and techniques.

-Siembra: methodology and types.

-Planting of cuttings.



-Cultural operations specific to the cultivation of tepes: siega, escarified.

-Extraction of tepes.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.



Code: UF1597

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6, RP7 and RP8 in terms of the use of irrigation and environmental control systems, and the performance of order conditioning.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Regulate nursery plants, with appropriate means and techniques, and making rational use of water.

CE1.1 Identify the different equipment and irrigation systems most used in nurseries.

CE1.2 Describe the factors on which the regulation and parameterization of irrigation systems depends.

CE1.3 Indicate the factors that influence the greater or less efficiency of irrigation systems and their control.

CE1.4 List the steps in the check for defect detection or failure in the different irrigation systems.

CE1.5 Describe the basic preventive maintenance operations of irrigation equipment and systems.

CE1.6 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of irrigation in nursery:

-Regular different parameters of the irrigation system (dose, frequency, time, among others).

-Make the necessary adjustments in the irrigation network to improve its efficiency.

-Run the irrigation and check the proper functioning of the different systems and facilities.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C2: To manage the environmental control equipment of the greenhouses according to the conditions required in each situation.

CE2.1 Identify the different environmental control systems used in nurseries.

CE2.2 List environmental factors (light, temperature, humidity, among others), which we can regulate and parameterize.

CE2.3 Describe the operation of greenhouses, umbracles, tunnels, and other environmental control systems.

CE2.4 Describe the basic preventive maintenance operations of irrigation equipment and systems.

CE2.5 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of management of environmental control facilities:

-Regular different parameters of the environmental control systems, such as luminosity, humidity, temperature, among others.

-Handle and check the proper functioning of different environmental control systems such as greenhouses, tunnels, among others.

-Perform basic maintenance of environmental control systems.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C3: Conditioning plants and tepes for their expedition and transportation, and use the means to ensure their proper reception.

CE3.1 Identify the various materials for the labelling, packaging and conditioning of plants and tepes and define the ideal conditions for storage and storage.

CE3.2 List the protocols that are followed for order, conditioning, and labeling training.

CE3.3 Describe different packaging systems and order preparation, such as pallets, Danish cars, bax-pallets, among others.

CE3.4 Precise ways to group orders to streamline loading and unloading operations.

CE3.5 Citar the basic preventive maintenance operations of equipment, machinery, tools and tools, used in the conditioning of plants and tepes.

CE3.6 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of packing, labeling and conditioning of plants or tepes:

-Select the materials to be used in the conditioning.

-Embalar and prepare orders with the most appropriate system, depending on the means of transport, and loading and unloading.

-Carry out basic preventive maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards and occupational risk prevention, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.


1. Use of facilities, machinery and equipment in the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.

-Nursery types:




-Distribution of spaces and elements that make up a nursery:

-Playspace and production spaces: benches, tunnels, hot tables, others

-Irrigation Systems

-Environmental control systems (thermal screens, ventilation systems, humidification systems, heating systems)

-Maintenance and management of machines, tools and equipment present in a nursery for the production of plants and tepes.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

2. Issuing orders for plants and tepes

-Plant quality parameters and tepes.

-Materials for the packaging and expedition of plant material.

-Packaging and preservation procedure for plant material.

-Store, transport and aviate of the expedition material.

-Systems, methods, and expedition techniques.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible









The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1481_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1481_2 Perform seed production operations

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Collect fruits and seeds in natural populations and in crop fields, both in height and in the soil, following the programming and safety criteria.

CE1.1 Identify the different materials, machinery, tools and tools necessary for the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds.

CE1.2 Describe the use and management of the main materials, machinery, tools and tools necessary for the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds.

CE1.3 Define the optimal and deteriorated states of the equipment required for the jobs in height.

CE1.4 Describe the most common risk situations in jobs in height.

CE1.5 Esquematize how to place, install, and adjust work equipment at height in trees or work zones to perform the activity safely.

CE1.6 Classify the appropriate techniques and means used in the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds, according to the individuals, the selected and/or authorized populations and the epochs.

CE1.7 Describe the management and technical maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the collection in height and in soil of fruits and seeds.

CE1.8 List the essential data that must be included in the parts of the work required by the companies in the sector.

CE1.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of collection in height and in soil of fruits and seeds:

-Select the materials for the collection in height and on the ground, making the collection and storage.

-Inspect the state of the equipment required for jobs in height, discarding the one that is not in good condition.

-Place and install the equipment used in the jobs in a tree or work area, checking that they are well adjusted to work safely.

-Perform jobs in height in a safe and convenient way.

-Carry out height and soil collections of fruits and seeds according to the individuals (trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants), selected and/or authorized populations and the times established in the work program.

-Select, manage and maintain equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the collection of fruits and seeds in height and soil.

-Run the above tasks by applying the environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability and completing the required parts of work.

C2: Prepare lots of fruits and seeds for transport and storage, following the current regulations and quality and safety criteria.

CE2.1 Identify and enumerate the necessary material for the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds.

CE2.2 Define the necessary conditions for collecting and storing lots of fruits and seeds that guarantee optimal conservation.

CE2.3 Describe the preparation of batches of fruits and seeds for transport and/or storage.

CE2.4 Identify the data needed to correctly label the items collected in field.

CE2.5 Successfully fill out batches of fruit and seed batches prior to their entry into storage.

CE2.6 Describe the technical tasks of unloading and storing each plant species until processing.

CE2.7 Define the parameters to be controlled to avoid possible incidents during the storage process.

CE2.8 Describe the management and technical maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the transport of fruit and seed lots.

CE2.9 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of a transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds:

-Select the materials required for such transport and storage, making use of storage and storage.

-Prepare lots of fruits and seeds for transport and/or storage.

-Successfully label the items collected in field.

-Download and store each plant species according to your needs.

-Control possible incidents during the storage process.

-Select, manage and maintain equipment, machinery, tools and tools during the transportation of the items collected in field.

-Run the above tasks by applying quality and profitability standards, environmental safety, occupational risk prevention, and completing the required parts of work.

C3: Carry out the cleaning, selection and conditioning tasks prior to storing each batch of fruits and seeds.

CE3.1 Identify equipment, machinery, tools and tools necessary for the cleaning, selection and conditioning of fruits and seeds.

CE3.2 Describe the processes of trite, sifting and drying of nuts.

CE3.3 Specify the process of unpolishing of the fleshy fruits.

CE3.4 List the different methods used in the processing of clean seeds.

CE3.5 Explain the different seed calibers that exist for different groups of plant species.

CE3.6 Define the different types of coating that exist for the main seeds collected.

CE3.7 Describe how samples from each batch of seeds should be taken to be sent to the lab and be able to establish their quality.

CE3.8 Detailed management and technical maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the cleaning, selection and conditioning of fruits and seeds.

CE3.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, cleaning, selecting and conditioning fruit and seed lots for storage:

-Select the materials needed to clean, select and fit the different batches of fruits and seeds, making their collection and storage.

-Perform the trite, sifting and aventate of the lots of nuts.

-Carry out the unpolished of the batches of fleshy fruits.

-Process the batch of clean seeds by means of densimetric or selectable equipment until the quality indicated in the technical specifications of each species is achieved.

-calibrate the seed lots according to the technical specifications of each species.

-Box the seeds using different methods (pildorado, pelletized, coating ...).

-Take samples from different batches of seeds to be sent to the lab.

-Select, manage and maintain equipment, machinery, tools and tools necessary to clean, select and condition the batches of fruits and seeds.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety standards, occupational risk prevention and quality criteria and economic profitability.

C4: Store the batches of processed seeds in different warehouses and cold storage rooms, following the established programming.

CE4.1 Identify equipment, machinery, tools and tools needed for good seed conservation.

CE4.2 Describe the processes of regulation and parameterization of the warehouses and chambers for the ideal storage of seed lots.

CE4.3 Define the optimal moisture content for the conservation of seed lots and the techniques used to correct it.

CE4.4 List the most common types of packaging in the storage of seeds and their main characteristics.

CE4.5 To indicate the conservation characteristics of the different warehouses and chambers and the different techniques used for each species.

CE4.6 List the essential data that must have a control portion of the entries and outputs of seed lots from the different stores and chambers.

CE4.7 Describe the technical handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools necessary for the storage of seed lots.

CE4.8 In a case and/or practical scenario, duly characterized, of storing seed lots:

-Select the materials needed for the storage of seeds, making their collection and storage.

-Conditioning stores and chambers for the storage of seeds.

-Make lots of clean, selected seed and with the ideal moisture content.

-Regular the conditions for the conservation of each batch of seeds in the various warehouses and chambers, following the technical specifications of each species.

-Successfully fill in the input and output parts of seed lots from the different stores and chambers.

-Select, manage and maintain necessary equipment, machinery, tools and tools in the storage of seed lots.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C5: Prepare seed orders for marketing, following established programming.

CE5.1 Identify equipment, machinery, materials and tools necessary for preparing seed orders for marketing.

CE5.2 List the minimum data to be included in seed orders.

CE5.3 Contrasting order data with existing data on the labels of stored seed lots.

CE5.4 Describe the process to be done to transform seed batches into orders for sale.

CE5.5 Describe the conditions that warehouses and cameras must have for storing seed orders.

CE5.6 Define the most important calibration parameters used in packaging machines, taking into account the type of seed and storage and transport conditions.

CE5.7 Identify based on a protocol the data to be controlled in the heavy, packaging, labeling and storage of the seed orders destined for the sale.

CE5.8 Describe the technical handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the preparation of seed orders.

CE5.9 In a case and/or practical scenario, duly characterized, of preparing seed orders for marketing:

-Select the materials needed for the preparation of seed orders, making their collection and storage.

-Review received orders to analyze possible incidents.

-Classify raw materials and orders for sale according to their nature, destination and typology.

-Conditioning warehouses and cameras for order storage, following technical instructions.

-Calibrate the packaging machines, taking into account the type of seed and the storage and transport conditions.

-Pesar the seed orders for marketing.

-Swamp and label seed orders, taking into account transport and storage conditions.

-Store the order of seeds prepared for marketing, following technical instructions.

-Select, manage and maintain equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the preparation of seed orders for marketing.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.


1. Harvesting of fruits and seeds in height and in soil

-Fruit and seed characteristics.

-Main types of fruits:



-Efew and fruit and seed collection zones.

-Methods and techniques of soil collection.

-Methods and techniques of collection in height.

-Senalization of height jobs.

-Trepa techniques: ascent and descent.

-Rappel Techniques

-Displacement in the cup: anchors and movements.

-Risk and job security situations.

-Tools, equipment and materials needed for the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

2. Preparation and conditioning in the field of batches of harvested fruits and seeds

-Formation of fruit and seed lots.

-Pool criteria.

-Batch cleaning and conditioning.


-Materials to use

-Transport in field:

-Techniques and conditions.

-Materials and machinery to be used.

-Download and storage techniques.

-Processing and selection methods.

-How to store during storage:


-Incidents and failures.

-Health conditions of fruits and seeds.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

3. Conditioning for the dispatch of seed lots and orders

-Dry fruit conditioning techniques and methods:




-Carnous fruit conditioning techniques and methods:


-Basic seed cleanup operations:

-Separation principles.



-Separation by length.

-Seed calibration techniques.

-Operations to coat seeds:




-Take seed samples to take to the lab.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

4. Installations, machinery and equipment for the storage and processing of seeds



-Regulatory and parameterization processes.

-Organization of spaces and tasks.

-Types of containers used in seed conservation.


-Conservation of seeds

-Deterioration and aging of seeds


-Equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in seed conservation.

-Preparing seed orders.

-Seed calibration parameters.

-Order sorting methods.

-Heavy techniques and order packing.

-Equipment, machinery, materials and tools used in order preparation.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Total duration in hours of the training units

Maximum hours susceptible of distance

Formative module-MF1481_2



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0525_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC0525_2 Control pests, diseases, weeds, and physiopathies.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF0006

Duration: 60 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the health status of plants, soil and facilities to characterize a starting position.

CE1.1 Describe and recognize the most frequent useful fauna, valuing its presence to minimize the performances.

CE1.2 Describe and recognize parasitic agents, non-parasitic agents, herbs, nutritional deficiencies, diseases and physiopathies most frequent damage to plants, soils and premises, as observed.

CE1.3 In a case and/or scenario of application of surveillance and detection of health problems in plants, soil or facilities:

-Apply the preset protocol, pointing to the sampling units in the field according to the instructions received in plane or sketch.

-Perform samples and samples with the appropriate techniques and materials, correctly determining and quantifying the auxiliary fauna, pests, diseases, weeds and physiopathies observed.

-Identify parasitic agents, auxiliary fauna, pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, weeds and more frequent physiopathies, taking into account their biological, morphological and environmental characteristics

C2: Select the methods of control and prevention of pests, diseases and physiopathies in plants, soil and facilities appropriate to each situation, taking into account good agricultural practices.

CE2.1 Describe environmental and climatic factors affecting parasites and pathogens in the area.

CE2.2 Interpret the information of weather and warning stations conveniently.

CE2.3 List and correctly describe the methods of cultural, biological, physical and chemical control and prevention of pests, diseases and physiopathies.

CE2.4 Successfully describe plant protection products, using up-to-date technical and economic information.

CE2.5 Describe the safety and environmental protection measures to be taken into account in the choice of plant health control methods.

CE2.6 On appropriate terrain and from the necessary information of a plant health problem:

-Determine possible control methods to be used by handling appropriate technical documentation and taking into account the manuals of good agroenvironmental practices.


1. The enemies of the plants and the damage they produce.

-General characteristics of diseases.

-Concept of disease

-Plant Parasitism: fungi and fanerogames. Symptoms and identification.

-Definition of bacteria. Diseases caused by bacteria.

-Syntomatology and identification.

-Virus definition. Diseases produced by viruses. Symptoms and identification.

-General characteristics of pests.

-Concept of plague.

-Pest produced by vertebrate animals.

-Plagas produced by arthropods (insects, mites, myripods).

-Plagas produced by worms.

-Plagas produced by molluscs.

-General characteristics of physiological changes.

-Concept of physiological alterations.

-Classification of the causative agents.

-Atmospheric agents.

-Contaminating Agents.

-Cultural techniques.

-biotic agents.

-biotic agents. Classification: environmental and climatological factors (action of light, temperatures, snow and hail), derivatives of soil (water, structure, fertilizers and pH).

-Muestreos: croquis, sampling units, techniques to be used, sample size, location of counting points, materials and equipment, tokens and graphics.

-Realization of counts and samples with appropriate techniques and materials.

-Identification of parasitic agents, external fauna, pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, weeds and more frequent physiopathies.

2. Methods of pest control.

-Physical methods:

-Barriers (meshes, plastics, etc.)

-Chromotropic Trampas.

-Disinfection of soils (solarization, water vapor, etc.).

-Cultural practices:


-Abonado and amendments.

-Riego and drain.



-Crop rotation.

-Use of resistant varieties and transgenic plants.

-Chemical fight:



-Techniques used.

-Integrated control.




-Techniques used.

-Authorized products.

-Pools for integrated treatment in agriculture (ATRIAS).

-Pools for integrated production in agriculture (APIs).

-Biological fight:


-Auxiliary or natural enemies (parasites, predators and microorganisms).

-Collection and release of natural enemies.

-Biological forms.

-Use of pheromones in biological control.

-Disinfection of soils (biofumigation).

-Legislative measures:



-Plant health passport.

3. Plant protection products: Active and prepared substances, interpretation of labelling and safety data sheets



-Active Matter.

-Ininert ingredient.




-Interpretation of the label of the plant protection product:


-Authorized crops.

-Recommended doses.


-Security deadline.

-Other data.

-Classification of pests according to:

-Agents on which they operate.

-Chemical group to which you belong.

-Site behavior.


-Mode of action.

-Transport and storage of plant protection products.

-Preparing plant protection products for your application:






Code: UF0007

Duration: 60 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply plant protection control methods in plants, soil and facilities, following established technical specifications, handling machinery and tools appropriately.

CE1.1 Describe the machines and tools used in agrochemical and biological treatments and their management.

CE1.2 Explain the operations of maintenance of use, basic repairs and simple adaptations in machines and tools used in the methods of plant protection.

CE1.3 Describe the regulation and adjustment of equipment, machines and tools used in the application of agrochemical and biological control methods.

CE1.4 Describe the preparation, dosage and product mix according to the procedures recommended by the manufacturer.

CE1.5 Explain the different modes of application of plant protection methods.

CE1.6 Indicating what safety and environmental protection measures need to be taken in the application of agrochemical and biological treatments.

CE1.7 Given a case and/or scenario of application of a biological, physical or chemical control and prevention method of pests, diseases and physiopathies:

-Identify the elements and function of the drives, machines and tools used in the application of agrochemical or biological treatment.

-Make the machinery and tools to be used.

-Get in your case, and regulate the machine or equipment based on the required work variables.

-Prepare the bales or powders according to the procedures recommended by the manufacturer and the current regulations.

-Operate with the machines used, achieving the required rhythms and qualities of work.

-Successfully clean machines, equipment and material used.

-Collect waste or byproducts from the application and washing process.

-Check that the machinery is in perfect condition for your next job.

-Perform previous operations by taking appropriate measures to prevent occupational risks, environmental protection and food safety.


1. Machinery for the application of pesticides: types, conservation and regulation.

-Methods of application of plant protection products.

-Disinfection and disinfection and deratization of facilities.

-Application equipment: operation of different types.

-Main machines and equipment.

-Classification: sprinkles, sprayers, atomizers, fumigators, nebulizers.

-Preparation, mixing and application of plant protection products.

-Operation procedures.

-Preparation, regulation and calibration of machinery and equipment of treatments.

-Puesta to dot.

-Preparation of bales or powders. Application of the same.

-Collection of products or byproducts from the application process

-Cleaning, maintenance, and equipment reviews.

-Application practices.

-Practical case development exercises.

-Disposal of waste.

-Removing empty containers.

2. Good practice and prevention of risks related to plant health control.

-Risks arising from the use of plant protection products for health:

-The operator exposure level.

-Hazard of plant protection products for health.

-Waste of plant protection products: risks to third parties.

-Intoxications and other harmful effects on health.

-Preventive measures and applicator protection.

-Practice of phytosanitary protection.

-First aid.

-Risks arising from the use of pesticides for the environment:


-Waste of plant protection products.

-Pollution of the medium.

-Mitigation measures.

-Principles of traceability.

-Good environmental practices in plant health practice (waste management, empty containers, etc.).

3. Basic regulations related to the control of pests, diseases, weeds and physiopathies

-Work-health relationship.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Regulations affecting the use of plant protection products.

-Infractions and sanctions.

-Agricultural social security.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Unit 1-UF0006



Unit 2- UF0007




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0526_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC0526_2 Handle tractors and mount agricultural installations, performing their maintenance.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF0008

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the installation and maintenance of protection and forced crop systems, applying the measures of prevention of occupational risks.

CE1.1 Explain the utility and operation of the facilities and their control and control devices.

CE1.2 Identify and describe different crop protection and forced installations.

CE1.3 Select and describe the greenhouses, tunnels and quilts depending on the climatology of the area and the type of crop.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the land, materials and means for the construction of installations of different types of protection.

CE1.5 Interpreting plans of crop protection facilities.

CE1.6 Describe the operations included in the process of building protection and forced crops.

CE1.7 Describe the maintenance operations of the protection and forced installations.

CE1.8 Describe the measures of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection that should be considered in the installation and maintenance of systems of protection and forced for the crops.

CE1.9 Given a case and/or scenario of structure installation and cover for the properly identified crop protection and protection:

-Level the field using machines and materials suitable for the type of installation and the production system of a company.

-Install the structure according to the technical, economic and productive specifications of the company.

-Place the covers of the protection systems according to the technical requirements and at the appropriate time.

-Maintain protection and forced installations.

-Perform previous operations with dexterity, achieving the required rhythms and qualities of work and applying the measures of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

C2: Perform the installation and maintenance of the irrigation systems, with the appropriate techniques and the required skill, to ensure optimal development of the plants.

CE2.1 Explain the different types of waterings.

CE2.2 Explain the utility and operation of the facilities and their control and control devices.

CE2.3 Describe the components of irrigation systems.

CE2.4 Explain the tuning to be carried out before the start or stop of an installation.

CE2.5 Describe the measures of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection that should be considered in the installation and maintenance of irrigation systems.

CE2.6 Given a case and/or practical assumption of irrigation facilities:

-Mount and disassemble irrigation elements: pipes, valves, filters and other simple elements in installations.

-Set to point for startup, the different elements of the installation.

-Perform the installation stop and start.

-Perform installation operation checks.

-Perform previous operations with dexterity, achieving the required rhythms and qualities of work and applying the measures of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

C3: Conditioning the premises and agricultural facilities to ensure the correct conditions of use.

CE3.1 Identify the appropriate cleaning, disinfection, disinfecting, and deratization products for the facilities.

CE3.2 Relate the appropriate equipment for the operations of conditioning, cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization.

CE3.3 Describe in a basic way the electrical installation, the water supply and the air conditioning systems of the facilities.

CE3.4 Describe the safety measures to be taken in the operations of conditioning, cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization of the facilities.

CE3.5 Given a case and/or scenario of properly characterized facilities:

-Identify areas and elements that require special conditioning and hygiene.

-Identify foreseeable problems (accumulation of residues, dirt, (obturations, infections, parasites, deterioration of elements).

-Select equipment and products for cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization necessary for the required work, taking into account food safety regulations, occupational hazards and environmental protection.

-Prepare the selected equipment and cleaning products.

-Verify the electrical installation, water supply and air conditioning systems of the facilities, checking their condition.

-Perform previous operations with dexterity, achieving the required rhythms and qualities of work and applying appropriate safety and environmental protection measures.


1. Installations.

-Inverters, tunnels and quilts: Function.



-Materials used.



-Install and mount.

-Control and automation devices.

-Basic components in water and electricity installations: irrigation.



-Irrigation facilities: hydraulic pumps, pipes, canals, irrigation systems; special parts, irrigation head; ferriirrigation systems; sprinklers; localized irrigation emitters; control elements, measure and protection of the irrigation system; automatism.

-Electrical installations in the agricultural holding: lines of low and high voltage; lines of lighting and three-phase; elements of protection and measurement; replacement of simple elements.

-Components and conditioning in agricultural facilities: ventilation, air conditioning and environmental conditioning installations: heaters and gas installations; wetters and fans; forced conditioning.

-Facilities for storage and conservation of crops, fruits, vegetables and forest products: granaries, silos and multipurpose warehouses; cold and pre-effrigeration chambers.

-Equipment for the cleaning and disposal of agricultural waste: Equipment and cleaning equipment.

-Components, regulation and maintenance.




-Manual and automatic washing machines.

-Pressure cleaning equipment.



-Selection of tools and tools for maintenance to be performed in each case.

-Run repairs accurately.

-Check the correct operation of the machinery after maintenance work.

-Disposal of waste products and by-products of maintenance work.

2. Conditioning of installations.

-Products and equipment for cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and de-ratization.

-Description of electrical installations, water supply and air conditioning systems.

-Identification of zones and elements requiring special conditioning and hygiene.

3. Prevention of workplace risks in facilities.

-Recognition of the most common risks and hazards at the facility.

-Hazardous mechanisms of the facilities.

-Workshop: Secure use of tools and equipment.

-Regulations and Signals.

-Personal protection measures.

-Choice of personal protective equipment: protection of the respiratory tract.

-Eye protection.

-Protection of the skull.

-Protection of the ears.

-Protection clothing. Protection of the hands.

-Protection of the feet.

-Preservation of the environment in the use of facilities.

-Handling and disposal of waste and waste materials in equipment and plant maintenance. Regulation of occupational and environmental risks at the premises.

-Organic production regulations.

-First aid and emergency citations: basic principles of first aid.

-Types of body damage and first aid.

-Actuations in case of fires.



Code: UF0009

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the maintenance of tractors and traction equipment for preservation in perfect state of use, following the required technical specifications.

CE1.1 adequately describe the types of tractors and other traction equipment.

CE1.2 correctly describe the components and operation of tractors and traction equipment.

CE1.3 Relating the basic physical principles (strength, work, power, speed) with the technical characteristics and the performance of the agricultural machines.

CE1.4 Analyze the main maintenance operations and their frequency in the tractors and traction equipment used in the operation.

CE1.5 Explain the most important features of tools, implements, spare parts and materials used in the maintenance of tractors and traction equipment.

CE1.6 Describe the measures of prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection that must be taken into account in the maintenance of tractors and traction equipment.

CE1.7 In a case and/or practical assumption of maintenance of tractors and/or traction equipment used on the holding:

-Order and select the tools, tools, and materials needed for each operation.

-Run the use maintenance operations, correctly interpreting the indications for a maintenance program.

-Run basic repairs and simple adaptations, performing assembly/disassembly and welding operations with the appropriate equipment and tools and with the required accuracy.

-Identify those breakdowns to be repaired in a specialized workshop.

-Operate the selected tools with dexterity.

-Check the correct operation of the machine after maintenance.

-Register in a maintenance journal the operations performed and the observed incidents indicating the time to repeat the operation.

-Remove the waste or maintenance byproducts.

-Perform previous operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C2: Operate with tractors and traction equipment in the scheduled operations/operations and in the circulation through the public roads, applying the measures of prevention of occupational risks.

CE2.1 Describe the drive mechanisms and handling of tractors, traction equipment and tools.

CE2.2 Describe the procedures for the adjustment and adjustment of the equipment according to the working conditions.

CE2.3 Describe the measures of prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the management of tractors and traction equipment used in the operation.

CE2.4 Given a case and/or scenario of handling tractors and traction equipment:

-Identify the drive elements and their function

-Determine the correct work variables (speed, power request, reglages and regulations, tours, and work circuits).

-Senalize conveniently, the tractor, traction equipment or tool complying with the circulation code, relating to circulation by public roads.

-Dock in your case, and regulate the machine or equipment based on the required work variables.

-Operate the tractors and traction equipment by means of the required rhythms and qualities of work.

-Perform first aid techniques in the simulation of an accident.

-Perform previous operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.


1. The tractor and traction equipment.



-Components and operation.

-Prstations and applications.

-Engine: distribution and admission system.

-Engrase system.

-Cooling system.

-Power system.

-Hydraulic system.

-Transmission system.


-Equipment and conditioning Engancha.



-Electrical system.

-Driving position and cabins.

-The power and its use in tractors and traction equipment: physical bases of power and yields.

-Power types in tractors.

-Harnessing power: power of traction, power-taking and hydraulic system.

-Technical importance of mechanization and its relationship with other means of production.

2. Basic maintenance and repair of tractors and traction equipment used on the holding.

-Maintenance of machines and tools used on the holding.

-Technical-economic repercussions on the performance of work, breakdowns, fuel consumption, useful life of the machines and their components.

-The first level maintenance program for tractors and traction equipment used on the holding.

-Maintenance operations.

-Intervention rate.

-Recambios and implements required.

-Control of maintenance operations.

-Operations journal.

-Identification of breakdowns to repair in specialized workshop.

-The farm workshop.

-Workshop teams.

-Workshop operations.


-Preparation and maintenance operations of the workshop teams. Assembly and disassembly of parts and components.

-Basic machining and welding: electric welding.

-Welding equipment.

-Types and applications.

-Materials for the maintenance and repair of machines and tools used on the holding.

-Lubricants: Features. Classification and applications.

-Fuels: Features. Types. Storage. Gasoil. Other fuels.

-Other repair and maintenance materials: ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rubber, plastics, ceramics and others.

-Field level using appropriate machinery as well as materials.

-Placement of protection system covers.

3. Prevention of occupational risks in agricultural machinery.

-Recognition of the most common risks and hazards in agricultural machinery.

-Tractors: Tractor dump protection.

-Precautions in the use of the tractor to avoid dumps.


-Safety standards in the handling and driving of the tractor.

-Regulations and Signals.

-Personal protection measures.

-Preservation of the environment in the use of tractors and traction equipment.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible









The training units 1 and 2 for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0372

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform sexual and asexual reproduction operations of nursery plants.

CE1.1 Run manual and mechanized seeding operations.

CE1.2 Get and condition staquillas and stem plant cuttings.

CE1.3 Select and prepare the acode shoots.

CE1.4 Separate from the mother plant and plant the plants from acode.

CE1.5 Make grafts following the requirements of each species.

CE1.6 Get hyjuelos, foliar embryos and small plants obtained by division of mata (cut of leaves, desfoliated, unfloured, horny, among others).

CE1.7 Get the specialized stems and roots from the mother plant.

CE1.8 Acondition and plant specialized stems or roots (cleaning, cutting, hormone treatment, among others).

CE1.9 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C2: Perform cultivation operations on nursery plants.

CE2.1 Perform the preparation of the culture medium.

CE2.2 Use the appropriate transplant techniques for each type of plant.

CE2.3 Perform the repon, pinched, tutoring and rinsing among others, applying the most convenient technique.

CE2.4 Perform planting or planting, applying the most appropriate technique in each case.

CE2.5 Apply credits using the appropriate equipment and media.

CE2.6 Apply fertilizers to foliate, by fertigation and in a localized manner, by means of the correct technique.

CE2.7 Run the irrigation and check the proper functioning of the different systems and facilities.

CE2.8 Handle and check the proper functioning of the different environmental control systems such as greenhouses, tunnels, among others and perform their basic maintenance.

CE2.9 Embalar and prepare orders with the most appropriate system, depending on the means of transport, and loading and unloading.

CE2.10 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C3: Collect and process seed batches for marketing.

CE3.1 Carry out height and soil collections of fruits and seeds, depending on the individuals (trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants), selected and/or authorized populations and the periods established in the work program.

CE3.2 Prepare fruit and seed lots for transport and/or storage and labeling.

CE3.3 Process the batches of clean seeds until the quality indicated in the technical specifications of each species is achieved.

CE3.4 Enable lots of clean, selected seed and the ideal moisture content.

CE3.5 Classify raw materials and orders for sale based on their nature, destination and typology.

CE3.6 Envasar and label seed orders, taking into account the conditions of transportation and storage.

CE3.7 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C4: Perform the necessary phytosanitary treatments, using the appropriate mechanical means and following the current regulations.

CE4.1 Prepare the bales or powders according to the procedures recommended by the manufacturer and the current regulations.

CE4.2 Operate with the machines used, achieving the required rhythms and qualities of work.

CE4.3 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C5: Perform installation and maintenance of installations

CE5.1 Maintain protection and forced installations.

CE5.2 Mount and disassemble irrigation elements: pipes, valves, filters and other simple elements in installations.

CE5.3 Perform the installation and stop of the installation.

CE5.4 Perform the installation performance checks and make the necessary adjustments.

CE5.5 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C6: Handle and maintain tractors and traction equipment.

CE6.1 Run basic repairs and simple adaptations.

CE6.2 Identify those breakdowns to be repaired in a specialized workshop.

CE6.3 Regular the machine or equipment based on the required work variables.

CE6.4 Operate with tractors and traction equipment achieving the required or expected work objectives.

CE6.5 Perform the above operations by applying the measures of occupational risk prevention and environmental protection.

C7: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the working environment.

CE7.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE7.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE7.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE7.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE7.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE7.6 Respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Reproduction of plants

-Applying seeding methods and techniques

-Follow up and control the seeding.

-Use of vegetative propagation techniques: stackage and cutting, high and low collection, grafting, killing and separation of ice cells, obtaining foliar embryos, and division of stems and specialized roots.

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

-Development of the capabilities needed to integrate successfully into companies in the sector.

2. Cultivation by transplant techniques

-Preparation of the culture medium.

-Execution of pre-transplant operations.

-Application of techniques according to destination, root state, forms of transplantation and others.

-Application of cultural tasks

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

3. Management and maintenance of nursery plant machinery and facilities

-Management of environmental control systems (thermal screens, ventilation systems, humidification systems, heating systems).

-Maintenance and management of machines, tools and equipment present in a nursery for the production of plants and tepes.

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

-Development of the capabilities needed to integrate successfully into companies in the sector.

4. Collecting and issuing orders for seeds, plants and tepes

-Applying collection methods and techniques

-Formation of fruit and seed lots.

-Storage, transport and avivership of the dispatch material

-Realization of basic cleaning, selection and conditioning operations.

-Application of discharge, storage and conservation techniques.

-Preparation of packaging and labeling.

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

-Development of the capabilities needed to integrate successfully into companies in the sector.

5. Application of phytosanitary control methods

-Realization of damage counts and sampling.

-Identification of parasitic agents, external fauna, pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, weeds and more frequent physiopathies.

-Interpretation of the label of the plant protection product.

-Storage of plant protection products.

-Preparation, mixing and application of plant protection products.

-Regulation and calibration of machinery and equipment of treatments.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment.

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

-Development of the capabilities needed to integrate successfully into companies in the sector.

6. Handling, maintenance and repair of tractors and traction equipment.

-Maintenance of machines and tools used on the holding.

-Handling and maintenance of tractors and traction equipment.

-Identification of breakdowns.

-Application of the corresponding occupational risk prevention rules.

-Application of Good Environmental Practices in the production of seeds and nursery plants.

-Development of the capabilities needed to integrate successfully into companies in the sector.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the COMPETITION





Propagation of Plants in Nursery.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Professional Agrarian Family Gardening Area Level 3 Professional Certificate

1 year

3 years


Plant and Tepes cultivation in nursery.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Certificate of Level 3 Professionalism in the Professional Agricultural Family Gardening Area.

1 year

3 years


Seed production.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Certificate of Level 3 Professionalism in the Professional Agricultural Family Gardening Area.

1 year

3 years


Plant control.

• Agricultural Engineer or Montes Engineer or other equivalent titles

• Licensed in Biology.

• Agricultural or Forestry Technical Engineer or other equivalent titles

• Senior Technician in Management and Organization of Agricultural Enterprises.

• Certificate of Professional Level 3 in the professional gardening area of the professional family.

1 year

3 years


Mechanization and

agricultural facilities

• Agricultural Engineer or Montes Engineer or other equivalent titles

• Licensed in Biology.

• Agricultural or Forestry Technical Engineer or other equivalent titles.

• Senior Technician in Management and Organization of Agricultural Enterprises.

• Certificate of Professional Level 3 in the professional gardening area of the professional family.

1 year

3 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula



Nave of gardening



Gardening Workshop







2,000 approx.

3,000 approx.

* A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

































practices *






Forming Space

-purpose Aula

-Audiovisual Equipment.

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students




Nave of gardening

-Machinery and tools for the production of seeds and plants in nurseries.

-Machines and tools for the maintenance of the work machinery.

-Workshop banks


-Electrical installation

-ventilation system


-drain network

-Means for fire extinguishing

-Closed space for storage of plant protection products that complies with current legislation.

-Quick-firing shower with wash-eye.


Gardening Workshop




-Equipment and workshop tools

-Deposit for waste

-Fuel deposits and lubricants

-vent sitemas

- Workshop Banks


-Individual protective equipment

-Closed Armaries

-First aid kit





-Environmental control system

*Outlands for

-Irrigation Mouth

-Implanted Plant Elements



-Irrigation System

-Electrical Intalation

* A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.


I. Identification of the certificate of professionalism

Naming: Equine Herrings

Code: AGAN0210

Professional Family: Agrarian

Professional Area: Livestock

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

AGA349_3 Equine Herrings (RD 108/2008 of 1 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1136_2: Perform the preparation and finishing operations of the equine herrading.

UC1137_2: Perform helmet, forged, retrofit, and placement of horseshoes and other herding materials in equines.

UC1138_3: Determine the application of orthopedic and/or therapeutic herrings in equines.

General competition:

To perform the care and preparation of the hull, and the basic, orthopedic and therapeutic tools in equines, assessing the need for them, based on criteria of functionality, animal welfare, prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in private companies, both self-employed and foreign, or public, of any size, related to the breeding, training, dressage, riding and exhibition of equines.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the field of animal husbandry and services associated with this type of livestock, in the following productive activities: Equine cattle farms. Companies and entities associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational, sports and therapeutic activities (hypotherapy). Training centers, dressage and equine cattle training. Deposits of public or private stallions and mares. Pupilage, rest and recovery centres for equine cattle. Service companies related to the equine sector.

Occupations or related jobs:

Equine livestock aid, in general.

7321.1020 Equine cattle herder, in general.

Worker in service companies related to the animal husbandry sector.

Duration in hours of the associated training: 710 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units

MF1136_2: Equine herrading preparation and finish. (170 hours)

• UF1514: Auxiliary operations prior to herrading. (70 hours)

• UF1515: Deherrading and preparation of the hull. (50 hours)

• UF1516: Termination and finish of the herrading. (50 hours)

MF1137_2: Helmet, forged, retrofit and placement of horseshoes and other equine herding materials. (360 hours)

• UF1517: Programming and valuation of the herrado. (90 hours)

• UF1518: Cut and balance the hull. (90 hours)

• UF1519: Forging and adaptation of horseshoe. (90 hours)

• UF1520: Colocation of horseshoe and other materials. (90 hours)

MF1138_3: Determination of orthopaedic and/or therapeutic herrings in equines. (140 hours)

• UF1521: Orthopaedic and corrective Herrings in horses. (80 hours)

• UF1522: Therapeutic Herrings in Equines. (60 hours)

MP0324: Equine herrading non-labor professional practice module. (40 hours)




Level: 2

Code: UC1136_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Choose and dispose of the necessary means for the preparation and finishing of the herrado, assuring the minimum conditions of comfort and safety for the worker and the animal.

CR1.1 The existing information in the market on the different types of tools and hardware is collected and studied in order to obtain useful references for the work.

CR1.2 Tools and equipment are selected based on the type of animal and the work technique.

CR1.3 The tools and the equipment are prepared, always placing them in a preferred place and accessible for use and keeping them at all times in perfect state of use.

CR1.4 The workspace is chosen in such a way that it is accessible to the animal and the herrer, it is provided with the necessary elements to effect the equino tie and meets the necessary conditions to perform the work of herrading.

CR1.5 The choice and arrangement of the means necessary for the preparation and finishing of the herrading are carried out in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP2: Drive the equine using the necessary means and hold it in place to facilitate the development of the various tasks to be performed on their helmets.

CR2.1 The equine is used with caution to the place chosen for its herrading, complying at all times with the safety guidelines.

CR2.2 The physical and character conditions of the equine are examined during the handling and driving of the equine to the place of work to predict the behavior of the animal in the different phases of the herrado.

CR2.3 The equine is covered in the chosen location using the means and techniques necessary to prevent accidents and damage to the animal in case it tries to get rid of its tether.

CR2.4 The collaboration of an assistant to facilitate the work with animals difficult to herrar, is determined in order to sustain the limbs and to reassure the equine avoiding the violence in its handling.

CR2.5 Equine driving and fastening are performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP3: Perform the deriveting, raised from the horseshoe and cleaning of the sole and ring of the animal's hull, using the tools that facilitate the preparation of the same for its subsequent cut and balance.

CR3.1 The work of deriveting, raised from the horseshoe and cleaning of the sole and ranilla, are carried out following a routine marked by the conditions in which the equine is found, seeking the tranquility of the animal and avoiding the use of violence.

CR3.2 The helmet is cleaned of elements that hinder and impair the action of the tools on it.

CR3.3 The operation of lifting the rivets is performed with the deremachator trying not to damage the wall of the hull.

CR3.4 The lifting of the horseshoe is carried out with the necessary techniques and means, avoiding damaging the hull and producing pain to the animal.

CR3.5 The excess sole is removed by the blade, the legra or other secure tools, returning the ring to its normal dimensions, removing the loose pieces or not presenting a healthy appearance and avoiding damaging the living tissues throughout the process.

CR3.6 The debris of discarded material is removed from the workplace, as they are produced, by depositing them in the places destined for the effect.

CR3.7 The deriveting, raised of the horseshoe and cleaning of the sole and ring of the hull are carried out complying with the norms of prevention of occupational risks and the specifications of animal welfare established.

RP4: Perform the necessary operations to obtain correct completion and finishing of the herrado, using the tools and materials indicated for each activity.

CR4.1 The nails are thoroughly embedded inside the horseshoe claveras, using precisely the hammer to nail on the heads of the same.

CR4.2 The spikes of the nails are cut horizontally with the tenaza or other secure tool matching them in height and depositing the remains of cut nails in the places established to the effect.

CR4.3 The niches to house the rivet of each nail are opened with the notches of notches a few millimeters below the output of the same, ensuring that the depth is adequate for the size of the rivet.

CR4.4 The nail foil is folded by the rivet tenaza or with the hammer and the hammer, housing it in the corresponding niche.

CR4.5 The rivet is tightened in the niche by hitting it with the hammer repeatedly to funnel it, so that it does not overhang the surface of the wall of the hull and fasten the head of the nail with the mouth of the tenaza or the tas.

CR4.6 The entrench of the rivet is done by the mouth of the tenaza or the tas, performing a safety blow on each nail if applicable.

CR4.7 The surface of the wall is passed with the scotine and/or lime below the rivets to remove any remaining cutting, trying not to weaken the rivets, nor to eliminate the perioplic varnish above them.

CR4.8 The animal, after finishing the work of herrading, moves to the step and/or trot to check the general mobility of the same after the herrado.

CR4.9 The animal, after completion of the final mobility check job, moves to house it in place and conditions to be determined by the person responsible for it.

CR4.10 The herrading works are economically valued taking into account the characteristics of the same.

CR4.11 The completion and finishing operations of the herrading are performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP5: Secure the disposal of waste originating during the herding to avoid any accident and possible environmental contamination.

CR5.1 Organic waste is separated from the inorganic at the end of the herrading process.

CR5.2 The different types of waste originated are deposited in the containers established for the purpose, taking care that the place of work is in optimal conditions.

CR5.3 The disposal of waste originating during the herrading is carried out in compliance with the standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Professional Context

Production media

Block heads, ramals. Unclavator, metal brush, nylon hammer, tongs, legions, blades, universal tongs, extractor tongs, scotines, notch blades, rimace tongs, nail hammer. Gloves and protective boots. Mandil. Tripod. Cart/toolbox. Waste containers.

Products and results

Equine ready to be boiled. Equino herrado.

Information used or generated

Catalogs of material and tools. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Animal protection regulations. Bibliography related to the herrading of equines.



Level: 2

Code: UC1137_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Make the choice and preparation of the equipment, tools and materials needed to carry out the basic, orthopaedic and therapeutic herrading of equines.

CR1.1 The existing information in the market on the different types of tools and hardware is collected and studied in order to obtain useful references for the work.

CR1.2 Tools and equipment are selected on the basis of the type of animal and herrado to be performed.

CR1.3 The tools, materials and equipment are prepared, placed in a preferred and accessible place and kept in perfect state of use.

CR1.4 The workspace is chosen to be accessible to the animal and to the herrer, ensuring that it is provided with the necessary elements to effect the equine tie and that it is adapted for the performance of all the works corresponding to the different types of herrading.

CR1.5 The choice and provision of the means necessary to carry out the various types of herrading are carried out in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP2: Observe the general condition of the helmets, the possible alterations and the aplomb of the equine before the herding to determine the type of work to be performed and once finished the same, to evaluate the work done.

CR2.1 The terrain for observation is intended to be a smooth, hard and unobstructed surface, which allows the entire extremity to be displayed and in which the animal can be moved in a circle and/or in a straight line.

CR2.2 Helmets, possible alterations and aplomb of the animal are observed in season and in motion so as to allow us to gather enough information to be able to make the cut that requires the helmet.

CR2.3 The characteristics detected during the observation of the hulls, possible alterations and aplomb are noted conveniently to take them into account in later phases.

CR2.4 The aplomb is observed when the balance and the herrading are finished to take corrective action if necessary.

CR2.5 The horse observation is performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP3: Run the aplomado operation to obtain a helmet as adapted as possible to the animal's limb functionality, using the necessary tools.

CR3.1 The removal and cleaning of the ring is reviewed and completed, if necessary, leaving the hull clean and in the best conditions for its trimming.

CR3.2 The hull wall is trimmed with the tool indicated in each case, facilitating as much as possible the functionality of the limb.

CR3.3 The wall of the hull on its solar face is precisely chosen and consistent with the previous cut of the same, eliminating the irregularities that arise, leaving it flat and balanced.

CR3.4 The box to hold the horseshoe tab that needs it, is accurately performed on the most appropriate part of the hull.

CR3.5 The wall of the hull on its dorsal face is chosen by leaving it clean of irregularities and/or possible malformations, respecting and seeking its balance and functionality.

CR3.6 The aplomb of equine helmets is performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP4: Perform the selection and adaptation operations of the horseshoe to the hull, using the appropriate tools and equipment.

CR4.1 The material, type and size of the horseshoe to be placed is selected depending on the activity of the animal and the size and specific characteristics of the hull.

CR4.2 The mechanical horseshoes are precisely adapted to the shape and specific characteristics of the hull, working it in hot, using the fragua, the equipment and tools necessary for it.

CR4.3 The horseshoe is placed on the surface of the hull by means of the tools indicated for it, making sure that its temperature and the contact time is due to the ability to make a good marking on the surface of the wall without producing an injury to the living tissues of the hull.

CR4.4 The horseshoe is cooled by immersing it in a container with water to be able to manipulate it in the following stages of the herrading, making sure before its manipulation that it has been totally cooled.

CR4.5 The edges of the horseshoe are beveled by the corresponding tools to improve their functionality and prevent possible injury or the start thereof during the locomotion of the animal.

CR4.6 The selection and preparation of the horseshoe to be adapted to the animal's hull are carried out in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP5: Carry out the forging operations of a horseshoe, using the specific equipment and tools.

CR5.1 The material on which to work is selected depending on the type and size of the horseshoe to be forged, the activity of the animal and the size and specific characteristics of the hull.

CR5.2 The measurements and shape of the hull are precisely taken to forge the horseshoe according to the values noted.

CR5.3 The pleat chosen for the forging of the horseshoe is cut to the selected measure by means of a shear, radial, cortacallos or any other adapted procedure.

CR5.4 The cut-out plate is heated, using a gas or coal frwater, to give it the shape required by the hull.

CR5.5 Claveras are drilled to the measurement of the chosen nail head using an appropriate stamping hammer.

CR5.6 The contraclavas are opened, by a pin pointer, taking care that they do not stick to the bottom of the clavera.

CR5.7 The deformations caused by the opening of the claveras are eliminated, taking care not to close the corresponding clavera.

CR5.8 The tab or tabs that require the horseshoe are extracted from the horseshoe material, taking care not to reduce the width of the table too much.

CR5.9 The flattening and finishing finish of the horseshoe is done by taking care not to leave lumps or burrs that could damage their perfect adaptation to the hull.

CR5.10 The forging of the horseshoe is carried out in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks.

RP6: Safely perform the horseshoe diving, using the nails that best suit the type of helmet and horseshoe.

CR6.1 Nails are chosen based on the hull and type of horseshoe, taking into account the length, thickness and type of head.

CR6.2 The horseshoe is placed on the hull in a centered way, trying to make the calluses equidistant from the middle lagoon of the ranilla.

CR6.3 The first two nails are precisely placed, trying to get them to a height of approximately 1/3 of the hull total, bending or cutting the excess shank and avoiding placing the hand on the nail path.

CR6.4 The good position of the horseshoe is verified with respect to the contour of the hull, correcting it if necessary.

CR6.5 The pests, in the horseshoes thus shaped, will be bridged, if necessary, by light hammer blows that must start at their base and finish at the tip, provided the position of the horseshoe is correct.

CR6.6 The rest of the nails, in a number determined by the hull, are nailed in the order most appropriate to the type and position of the horseshoe, avoiding placing the hand on the path of the nail.

CR6.7 The excess spike of each nail is folded or cut immediately after the dive.

CR6.8 The horseshoe diving is performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP7: Carry out, by means of the necessary equipment, the precise operations for the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other fittings of the hardware, indicated by the specialist.

CR7.1 The materials and tools required for the performance of orthopaedic and therapeutic herrings are prepared and ordered prior to their use.

CR7.2 The horseshoes are modified and adapted, using the appropriate techniques and tools in each case, for the subsequent application of ramplons, cones, protective plates and other accessories of the herrado.

CR7.3 The hull is conditioned and prepared for the subsequent application of the materials indicated in the orthopaedic and therapeutic herrings.

CR7.4 The therapeutic and orthopaedic herrings specified by the specialist are performed by applying the appropriate techniques for each case.

CR7.5 The hardware and materials, which are not nailed, are attached to the helmet with adhesives, using the most appropriate technique for each case and type of material.

CR7.6 The silicones, polyurethanes and other synthetic materials for the reconstruction of the hull are applied by specific techniques.

CR7.7 The templates, plastic horseshoes and other shock absorbers are placed using the techniques indicated in each case.

CR7.8 The residues resulting from the application operations of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements are deposited in the appropriate containers.

CR7.9 The precise operations for the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements are performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP8: Carry out the work of annotation, control and scheduling of the work, to obtain adequate monitoring of the animals and to optimize the performance of the work.

CR8.1 The main data concerning the animal and the work done are recorded after the herrading is finished.

CR8.2 The jobs are reviewed at the completion of each stage of the herrading to, if any, take the necessary corrective measures.

CR8.3 The work is economically valued taking into account the time and material used and the type of herrading performed.

CR8.4 Equine data taken in field is recorded and completed in any detail that is considered relevant for proper monitoring of the animal.

CR8.5 The next herrading is programmed taking into account the characteristics of the animal, its activity and the herrado performed, and the date is communicated to the animal responsible.

Professional Context

Production media

Block heads, ramals. Bequeers, blades, nylon hammer, cutting tongs, universal tongs, extractor tongs, scotines. Forging material: tongs of forging, taws, forging hammers, metal brush, gas or coal frwater and accessories, anvil. Buckets. Hammer stamping for claveras, slotted hammer, pointer, pin, pin for the claveras, tongs for applying the hot horseshoe, beveling machine, drill, screw, nail hammer, pistols for silicones and reconstructors, silicones, reconstructor resins, glues, thermal gun, milling machine (Dremel), latex gloves, goggles, gloves and boots, mandil, tripod, cart/tool box, and wide adhesive tape. Nails. Pletins. Herrings:

basic, orthopedic, therapeutic. Accessories of the herrado: vidias, ramplones, insoles, among others. Means of transport for materials and equipment. Containers for the waste.

Products and results

Equine with aplomb helmets. Equine herrado in a basic, orthopaedic and/or therapeutic form, prepared for completion and finishing.

Information used or generated

Catalogs of material and tools. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Animal protection regulations. Control and follow-up tabs on the work. Bibliography related to the herrading of equines.



Level: 3

Code: UC1138_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Determine the need to apply orthopaedic tools in animals with problems in their locomotor apparatus, by observing the same and the analysis of the available information, and choosing, if necessary, the type of herrading and the techniques indicated.

CR1.1 The information provided by the caregiver and/or responsible for the work of the animal is collected in terms of background, current activity and anomalies in the locomotion of the animal.

CR1.2 The observation of the animal is carried out by applying different techniques (bending, extension, among others) in season and moving on surfaces of different hardness so that it allows us to obtain sufficient information to determine the necessity of an orthopaedic herrado.

CR1.3 The information obtained from the observation is recorded for subsequent use.

CR1.4 The need to apply braces is valued considering the data previously collected.

CR1.5 The orthopaedic herrading and the techniques indicated to alleviate or correct the effects of the existing alteration are chosen based on the information available.

CR1.6 The type of orthopaedic herrading as well as the technique to be used accurately communicate to the herrer who will execute it.

CR1.7 The assessment of the need to apply orthopaedic herrings is performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP2: Determine the therapeutic herrading most suitable for the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian, as well as the materials and techniques to be applied in each case.

CR2.1 Observation techniques are chosen taking into account the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian.

CR2.2 The observation of the animal is performed taking into account the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian, so that it allows us to obtain sufficient information for the choice of therapeutic herrading to be applied.

CR2.3 The choice of therapeutic herrading and of the materials and techniques indicated for the existing pathology, taking into account the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian, the updated information on the different types of materials and the one collected after the observation of the animal.

CR2.4 The type of therapeutic herrading as well as the technique to be used accurately communicate to the herrer who will execute it.

CR2.5 Animal observation works are performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP3: Monitor the execution and final result of the therapeutic herrado prescribed by the veterinarian and the recommended orthopaedic herding, assessing the possibility of taking the necessary corrective measures, if any.

CR3.1 The execution of the orthopaedic or therapeutic herrading is controlled to fit the indications determined by the specialist.

CR3.2 The equine, after the indicated herrado, is observed in season and in motion to appreciate the changes obtained, valuing the possibility to complement it.

CR3.3 The result obtained in the therapeutic herrings performed is transmitted to the veterinarian, who will decide the treatment to be applied.

CR3.4 The work done and its consequences is communicated to the animal responsible along with the treatment chosen by the veterinarian, to organize the next interventions.

CR3.5 The review of the execution of the herrading prescribed by the veterinarian and the final result thereof are performed in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

RP4: Carry out the tasks of annotation, control and programming of the evaluation and control work of the herrados and/or orthopaedic and therapeutic applications, to carry out the monitoring of the animals and to optimize the performance of the work.

CR4.1 The main data concerning the animal and the work done are recorded after the work has been completed.

CR4.2 The equine data is recorded by completing the annotations collected in the field in any detail that is considered relevant for proper monitoring of the animal.

CR4.3 The revisions of the herrings and/or orthopaedic and therapeutic applications are programmed taking into account the characteristics of the animal, the activity thereof and the work performed.

CR4.4 The animal responsible is informed of the date of the next review of the herrings and/or orthopaedic and therapeutic applications so that it has everything necessary for it.

CR4.5 The work of herded and/or orthopaedic and therapeutic applications is budgeted taking into account the characteristics of the same.

Professional Context

Production media

Head, branch, trills, tweezers and probe probe, legra, infrared thermometer, navicular test. Camera, video camera, computer and computer equipment. X-ray viewer.

Products and results

Determined need for orthopaedic herrings. Type and technique of selected orthopaedic herrading. Selected therapeutic herrading type and technique. Monitored orthopaedic and/or therapeutic Herrings.

Information used or generated

Clinical history of the animal. Parts and/or control states for control of aplomb and herrado. Veterinary diagnosis. Radiography. Catalogues of orthopaedic and/or therapeutic materials and horseshoes. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Animal protection regulations. Control and follow-up tabs on the work. Bibliography related to the herrading of equines.




Code: MF1136_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1136_2 Perform equine herrading preparation and finishing operations

Duration: 170 hours



Code: UF1514

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the evolution of the herrado through history.

CE1.1 Citar the handling of the hulls in the historical period prior to the discovery of the horseshoe and its historical reasons.

CE1.2 Argument of the historical reasons that originated the appearance of the horseshoe.

CE1.3 Explain the evolution of horseshoe to our day.

CE1.4 Define the different techniques for the management of equine helmets.

CE1.5 Explain the differences between French and English herding schools.

CE1.6 Define the current situation of the herrado in Spain and Europe.

C2: Recognize the different parts of the exterior of the equines, describe the anatomy of the hull and explain its basic physiology.

CE2.1 Describe the outer parts of the body of an equine, the layers and characteristics of the major races using the specific technical terminology.

CE2.2 Describe the outer parts of the equine hull using the specific technical terminology.

CE2.3 List internal parts of the equine hull using the anatomical terms in each case.

CE2.4 Technically explain the operation of the unwound hull and the impact of the herrading on it.

CE2.5 List the criteria used to assess the functionality of the equine foot.

CE2.6 In an equine-morphological identification scenario of an equine:

-Point to the representation of an equine the different external parts of your body.

-Identify the outer parts of the hull from the hull of an equine.

-Recognize on a sagittal cut of the hull of an equine the internal parts thereof.

-Rate the functionality of an equine foot, explaining the criteria used.

C3: Define the parts and materials of the horseshoe and the nail.

CE3.1 Demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the parts of the horseshoe used for the basic herding.

CE3.2 Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the materials from which a horseshoe may be manufactured, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

CE3.3 Specify the characteristics that a correct factory horseshoe must possess.

CE3.4 Describe the parts and characteristics of the nail, as well as the qualities to be gathered by the material.

C4: Explain the management of the equine taking into account the etology of the species and carry out the driving, holding it and handling its extremities in a practical way.

CE4.1 Describe the safety and animal welfare standards for the approximation, management and driving of the equine.

CE4.2 Evaluate the behavior patterns of an animal during the approach in the stable, the handling and driving of the animal to the workplace, to provide for its general behavior in the different phases of the herrado.

CE4.3 Explain the means and techniques used in the tying and driving of equines, to achieve effective management and prevent accidents and damage to animals in case they try to get rid of their tether.

CE4.4 Explain the proper way to handle, during the process of the herding, the horses and foals.

CE4.5 Define the criteria that require sedation, by the veterinarian, in animals that are difficult to herrar.

CE4.6 To indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the driving and the attachment of the equine.

CE4.7 In a practical case where the approximation, handling and driving of the equine is assessed and the equine's attachment to the place chosen to perform the herrading:

-Approximate and approach the equine in the place of stablemate following the established safety standards and the techniques indicated.

-Drive the equine from the place where it is to the workplace.

-Evaluate the behavior of the horse during the approach and the driving of the horse.

-Atar the equine safely to prevent accidents.

-Check the need for the veterinarian to host the horse in order to be herraded.

-Handle the extremities of the horse, simulating the process of herding, in the cases of being treated as an adult horse, a foal or a resabated horse.

-Perform the driving of the equine, the attachment of the same to the place chosen to perform the herrading, and the management of its extremities taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C5: Recognize and describe the tools, equipment and place necessary for the preparation and finishing of the herrado and maintain the same in good conditions of use.

CE5.1 Describe the characteristics of the main tools and materials of herrado and the usefulness of each one of them.

CE5.2 Define the criterion of choice of tools and equipment according to the type of animal and the work technique.

CE5.3 Citar the way to distribute each of the tools and equipment to be used in the work, as well as the minimum maintenance conditions of each one.

CE5.4 Define the ideal conditions of the horseshoe.

CE5.5 To indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks, related to the choice and disposition of the necessary means for the preparation and finishing of the herrado.

CE5.6 In a practical case of choice and provision of the means necessary for the preparation and finishing of the herrading:

-Choose the workspace to perform the herrading.

-Make the choice of tools and equipment depending on the type of animal and the work technique.

-Perform the maintenance of the tools that require it.

-Distribute each of the tools and the work teams.

-Make the choice and provision of the means necessary for the preparation and finishing of the herrado, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.


1. History of the herrading of equines.

-Historical history of the current equine herrading:

or History until the discovery of horseshoe

o Evolution of the horseshoe

-Evolution of different equine herrading techniques:

or English and French Schools

o Handling the helmet without horseshoe

-Current situation in Spain and in the rest of Europe of the herrado of equines.

2. Exterior of the equines.

-Outer Conformation of Equines:

o Outer parts of the head.

or Outer parts of the body.

-Layers and hairs

-differential characteristics of the main equine breeds

3. Anatomy and physiology of the equine foot.

-Hull Anatomy:

or outer parts of the equine foot

or Internal Anatomy of the equine foot:

▪ Huese

▪ Ligaments and tendons

▪ Cornea box features (helmet).

▪ The growth of the helmet

▪ The foot damper apparatus

▪ Vascularization

or Differences Between Previous and Later Feet

-Healthy foot rating:

or Scale of functionality

-Functional mechanism of the unwound equine foot.

-The influence of the herrading on the functioning of the equine foot.

4. Management and driving of equines.

-Ethology and psychology of the horse:

or the evolution of the horse

or Living Conditions

o The senses of the horse

or Education and Learning

-Animal approach and control techniques in different situations.

-Placement and use of different materials and equipment for the driving and handling of the animal foot to the ground.

-Animal tying and fastening techniques for your herrading:

or The Adult Horse

or Potros Handling

or The Resabated Horse

5. Handling of materials and tools in the horseshoe.

-The hardware tools:

or Models and qualities

or Conservation and Maintenance

-The horseshoe:

or Parties

or Types and Materials

or Tallas

or Characteristics of a good factory horseshoe

-The nail:

or Features

or Types and equivalences

or Tallas

-The horseshoe:

or Features

or Minimum Conditions

6. Application of the Regulations related to the auxiliary operations prior to the herrading.

-Environmental protection.

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Animal welfare.



Code: UF1515

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the working techniques in the deriveting and raised of the horseshoe of the animal's hull, and demonstrate how to carry it out in a practical case of preparation for the herrading.

CE1.1 Describe the routine to be followed in the work of deriveting and lifted from the horseshoe of the hull.

CE1.2 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the deriveting and lifting of the horseshoe.

CE1.3 In a practical case of deriveting and lifting of the horseshoe of the hull of an equine:

-Clean the hull of elements that make it difficult and damage the action of the tools on it.

-Perform the operation of lifting the rivets with the deremachador, trying not to damage the wall of the hull.

-Lift the horseshoe with the necessary techniques and means, avoiding damaging the hull and producing pain to the animal.

-Withdraw from the workplace the remains of discarded hull and materials, as they are produced, depositing them in the places indicated for it.

-Perform the above operations taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks.

C2: Describe the working techniques in the cleaning of the sole and the ring of the animal's hull, and demonstrate how to carry it out in a practical case of preparation for the herrading.

CE2.1 Describe the routine to be followed in the cleaning work of the sole and ring of the hull.

CE2.2 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the cleaning of the sole and ranilla.

CE2.3 In a practical case of cleaning the sole and the ring of the hull of an equine:

-Clean the hull of elements that make it difficult and damage the action of the tools on it.

-Remove the excess sole by the blade or the legra, returning the ring to its normal dimensions, removing the loose pieces or not presenting a healthy appearance and taking care not to damage the living tissues throughout the process.

-Withdraw from the workplace the remains of discarded hull and materials, as they are produced, depositing them in the places indicated for it.

-Perform the above operations taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks.


1. Equine Desherrading

-Desherraded-specific techniques:

or Safe Positions for the Herrer.

or Opening the rivets.

or Lifting of the horseshoe.

2. Preparing the helmet for trim and balancing

-Specific techniques for cleaning the sash and the sole of the equines hull:

or Using the Lega

or Using the blade

3. Application of the Regulations related to the processes of equine deherrading.

-Environmental protection.

-Prevention of work risks

-Animal welfare.



Code: UF1516

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the completion phases of the herrading, and in a practical case perform the riveting and finishing thereof using the tools indicated in each operation.

CE1.1 sequentially describe the completion phases of the herrading.

CE1.2 Explain the techniques applied in the riveting of the nails and in the finish of the herrado.

CE1.3 Evaluate the rivet and completion of the herrado, depending on the quality of the herrading.

CE1.4 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the riveting and finishing of the horseshoe.

CE1.5 In a practical case of herrading in an equine:

-Hit the heads of the nails to funnel them thoroughly into the claveras of the horseshoe, using with precision the hammer to nail.

-Cut the spikes of the nails horizontally with the tenaza, trying to match them in their height and depositing the remains of cut nails in the places indicated for it.

-Open the niches with the notches blade, to accommodate the rivet of each nail a few millimeters below the output of the same, ensuring that the depth is adapted to the size of the rivet.

-Double the nail foil using the rivet tenaza or the tenaza and hammer, housing it in the corresponding niche.

-Hit the rivet with the hammer repeatedly to funnel it well into the niche, so that it does not overhang excessively on the surface of the wall of the hull, simultaneously holding the head of the nail with the mouth of the tenaza or the tas.

-Strengthen the rivet by the mouth of the tenaza or the tas, applying a safety blow on each nail if applicable.

-Review the surface of the wall with the scotine and/or lime below the rivets to remove any remaining cutting, trying not to weaken the rivets, nor to eliminate the perioplic varnish above them.

-Pass with the lime or choose the silver thread, or perform it in the event that it had not been done in a previous phase.

-Drive the animal, once the herrading work is finished, to house it where and how it is determined.

-Evaluate the rivet and completion jobs taking into account the characteristics of the rivet jobs.

-Deposit the different types of waste originating at the end of the herrading process in the appropriate containers for the same, taking care that the place of work remains in the initial conditions.

-Perform the finishing and finishing operations of the herrado, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C2: Define the criteria for the disposal of waste originating during the herrading in a safe manner, in order to avoid any accident and possible contamination.

CE2.1 Different organic waste from inorganic generated during the herrading process.

CE2.2 Identify the types of containers established for the deposit of the waste originating during the herrading and detail the conditions in which the place of work should remain after the latter.

CE2.3 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection related to the disposal of waste originating during the herding.


1. Completion and finishing of the equine herrading

-Specific equine herrading techniques

or Nail Remachate

or Herrading Fases

or Herrading Finish Assessment Criteria

2. The disposal of waste and waste from the herrading of equines

-Treatment and disposal of waste and waste generated in the equine herding process.

or Waste produced in a normal hardware

or Other types of waste

3. Application of the Regulatory Regulations related to the processes of finishing the herrading of equines

-Environmental protection

-Prevention of work risks

-Animal welfare

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units



Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1514








The formative units in this module must be taught by following the set sequence.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1137_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1137_2 Perform helmet aplomb, forged, retrofit, and placement of horseshoes and other herding materials in equines

Duration: 360 hours



Code: UF1517

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP8.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the anatomy and physiology of the extremities of the equines, the biomechanics of their movement and the way of acting with the herrado to ensure the functionality of the animal.

CE1.1 Describe the anatomy of the previous and subsequent extremities of the equines.

CE1.2 Explain the sequence of movement of the equines in their different airs and the impact of the morphological differences in the locomotion of the same.

CE1.3 Precise the differences in functionality between the anterior and posterior extremities and helmets of the equines.

CE1.4 Explain how the different skeletal characteristics of the extremities affect the locomotion of equines.

CE1.5 Citar the main muscles, tendons and ligaments of the extremities that intervene in the locomotion of the equines and how they intervene in the movement of the same.

CE1.6 Explain the different types of hard taras that the equine limb can present.

CE1.7 Explain the different types of soft taras that the equine limb can present.

CE1.8 Indicate how the herrading affects the locomotion of the animal.

CE1.9 In a practical case of moving horse observation:

-Perform the general observation of the different airs explaining and analyzing possible anomalies, irregularities or influences of their morphology in the resulting general movement.

-Collect the information needed to accurately analyze the intervention needs in the different phases of the herrading.

C2: Describe the methods and places used for the observation of the aplomes of the equines before and after their herding and carry it out in a practical case.

CE2.1 Explain which are the correct aplomes in an equine and the defects you can present in them, explaining the consequences of each of them.

CE2.2 Define the procedure indicated for the observation of the animals ' aplomb, as well as the conditions to be met by the chosen place to make such observation in each case.

CE2.3 In a practical case of observing the aplomb of an equine:

-Make the observation of the animals ' aplomb in season and in motion, taking into account the standards of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

-Collect sufficient information after observing the equine aplomb to be able to make the cut that requires the helmet.

C3: Describe the phases of a complete herrading.

CE3.1 Explain all phases involving the completion of a complete herding.

CE3.2 Define the characteristics of a well-adapted herrading.

CE3.3 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks to be observed during all phases of a complete herding.

C4: Define the essential characteristics of the materials, equipment, tools and accessories of the herrado needed and distribute them in an orderly way in the space chosen to perform the basic, orthopaedic and therapeutic herrado of equines.

CE4.1 Drill down the tools used in each of the herrading phases.

CE4.2 Describe the different types and models of horseshoes and nails and their specific application in each case.

CE4.3 Argument of the selection of the materials, equipment, tools and accessories of the herrado according to the type of animal, activity of the same and type of herrado to be performed.

CE4.4 Explain the differences between the specific herrings for each equestrian discipline.

CE4.5 To cite the differences between the operations performed in a basic herrading, an orthopaedic herding and a therapeutic herding.

CE4.6 To indicate the standards of prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the choice and disposition of the necessary means for the realization of the herrado.

CE4.7 In a practical case of choice and provision of the means necessary for the realization of any type of herrading:

-Make the selection of tools and equipment according to the type of animal, activity of the same and work technique.

-Choose and dispose of the necessary means to perform the herrado, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C5: Describe the necessary technical means and the way to annotate, program and control the herrading tasks to track the animal and optimize the performance of the work.

CE5.1 Explain the type of data to be logged after the wound is finished.

CE5.2 Describe the details that are considered relevant for proper monitoring of the animal and which should be completed later.

CE5.3 Explain how to program the next herrading, taking into account the recommended time interval between jobs, the road map and the place of its realization.

CE5.4 Describe the criteria that apply for the review of the quality of the work to the completion of each stage of the herrading.

CE5.5 Describe the protocol to be followed for the communication to the animal responsible of the date and disposition of the necessary means for the realization of the next herrado.

CE5.6 In a scenario of performing a herrading:

-Perform the review of the quality of the work at the completion of each stage of the herrading of an equine.

-Economic value of the work done taking into account the characteristics of the work.


1. Anatomy and physiology of the extremities of the equines. Biomechanics of his movement.

-anatomical terms.

-Anatomy of the previous and subsequent extremities of the equines.

or Osteology

o Muscles and tendons

-Biomechanics of the extremities of the equines.

o The airs of the horse

o The horse in motion

-More frequent pathologies of the extremities of the equines.

or Hard Taras

or Soft Taras

2. Assessment of the conformation and aplomb of equines

-Aplumes of the anterior and later extremities of the equines.

or The Front Balance.

or The horizontal balance.

o The sagittal balance.

-Conforming effects.

or On the front plane

or On the horizontal plane

or In the sagittal plane

-Movement disorders.

-Method of observing the aplomb.

or Appropriate Place

or Soil Type

or Observer Position

or Aires

3. Stages and characteristics of the herrading of equines

-Append rating.

-Cut and balance.

-Selection and adaptation of the horseshoe to the hull.

-Cold and hot herring: advantages and disadvantages.

-Clavado of the horseshoe.

-Characteristics of a well-adapted herrading.

-Fundamental differences between basic hardware, orthopaedic and therapeutic hardware.

4. Application of the different types of equine herrading

-Specific Herrings for different equestrian disciplines.

or Careers

or Troons

or Hunting

or Jump

or Polo

or Equestrian Tourism

or Tyre

or Raid

or Doma

or Western

or Mulos and donkeys

-The sports herrado, other materials.

o Herrados write down.

or Unsliding Herrings.

-Other Herrading Add-ons:

or Ramplons and Vidias.

or Templates

or Chemical Materials

5. Scheduling of equine herrading work

-Protocol of monitoring and control in the herrading of equines.

-Data to be considered.

-Communication and collaboration between caregiver, veterinarian and herrador.

-Programming and intervals between herrings.

-Individual sheets.



Code: UF1518

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the procedure and technique used in the trimming and balancing of the helmets in the equines with normal aplomb.

CE1.1 Define the optimal conditions to be met by the removal and cleaning of the equine hull ring in the event that a horseshoe is subsequently applied.

CE1.2 Explain the differences to be taken into account in the event that you leave the helmet barefoot.

CE1.3 Describe the shape of use of the scotine on the face of the helmet.

CE1.4 Explain which is the most appropriate part of the helmet to make the tab box in case it is needed and the correct way to do it.

CE1.5 Define the criterion to be used to choose irregularities and/or possible malformations in the dorsal face of the equines ' hull, respecting and seeking their balance and functionality.

C2: Explain the differences in the technique used for the cut and balance of the hull in case the horse does not have good aplomb.

CE2.1 Explain the criterion to be used in the cut of the hull depending on the aplomb of the limb of the animal.

CE2.2 Explain the differences between adaptation and deformation of the hull.

CE2.3 Detailed how to act upon an adaptation of the cornea box.

CE2.4 Detailed how to act upon a corneal box deformation.

CE2.5 Explain why you should not try to modify the member's aplomb by acting on the helmet.

C3: Explain the care of the foals ' helmets since birth.

CE3.1 Describe how long bone growth occurs.

CE3.2 Explain the differences between the extremities of an adult equine and those of a foal.

CE3.3 Describe the proper handling of the foal for examination and manipulation.

CE3.4 Explain how to perform a complete examination of the foal aplomb.

CE3.5 Describe the care to be applied to the foals ' helmets and the frequency of the foals, explaining the reasons.

C4: In a practical case, perform the trimming and balancing of the helmets of an equine.

CE4.1 Successfully perform the removal and cleaning of the ring in case it is necessary, leaving the hull clean and in the best conditions for the cut of the wall using the appropriate criterion depending on whether to place a horseshoe or leave to leave barefoot.

CE4.2 Cut the wall of the hull with the tool indicated in each case, facilitating as much as possible the functionality of the limb.

CE4.3 Choose the wall of the hull on your face, solar precisely and consistently with the previous cut of the same, eliminating any irregularities that may arise to leave it flat and balanced.

CE4.4 accurately perform on the helmet the box to hold the flange of a horseshoe that will need it and in the right place.

CE4.5 Choose the wall of the helmet on your dorsal face leaving it clean of irregularities and/or possible malformations, respecting and seeking its balance and functionality.

CE4.6 Make the cut and balance of the helmets, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.


1. Techniques in cutting the helmet.

-Application of the helmet trim technique to place a horseshoe.

or Suela

or Barras

or Ranilla

or Pared

-Application of the helmet trim technique to leave the helmet barefoot.

or Suela

or Barras

or Ranilla

or Pared

2. Helmet balancing techniques

-The rear-end balance

-The medial-medial balance

-Balance in the horizontal plane (rotations)

-The vertical balance of the hull (flex)

-Modification of the helmet trim technique in the case of horses with bad aplomb

Or helmet trim depending on the member's aplomb.

or Differences between helmet adaptation and helmet deformation.

3. Care of the helmets in the foals.

-The growth of long bones.

-Potro handling.

-The Potro Exam

or Details to consider.

or Frequency

-The care of the foal helmets.

or Cenos



Code: UF1519

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4, RP5, and RP7 as far as the application of orthopedic and therapeutic hardware is concerned.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the tasks of selecting and adapting the horseshoe to the hull and carrying them out in a practical case using the appropriate tools and equipment.

CE1.1 Define the criterion for the selection of the material, type and size of the horseshoe according to the activity of the animal and the size and other characteristics of the hull.

CE1.2 Citar the adaptation operations to be performed on the horseshoe before proceeding to the diving of the same.

CE1.3 Indicate the conditions of placement of the horseshoe on the surface of the hull so that a good mark can be made on the surface of the wall without producing an injury to the living tissues of the hull.

CE1.4 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the selection, forging, and preparation of the horseshoe to adapt it to the animal's hull.

CE1.5 In a practical case of selecting and adapting the horseshoe to the hull:

-Select the material, type and size of the horseshoe to be placed depending on the activity of the animal and the size and other characteristics of the hull.

-accurately adapt the mechanical horseshoes to the shape and other characteristics of the hull of an equine, working it in hot and using the water, tools and equipment necessary for it.

-Place the horseshoe on the surface of the animal's hull by means of the corresponding tools, making sure that its temperature and application time are adequate to make good marking on the surface of the wall, without producing an injury to the living tissues of the hull.

-Cool the horseshoe by immersing it in a container with water to be able to manipulate it in the following stages of the herrading.

-Bisellar the edges of the horseshoe (silver thread) using the precise tools.

-Make the selection and adaptation of a horseshoe to a given hull, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare related to the selection, forging and adaptation of the horseshoe to the hull.

C2: Describe the forging operations of a normal horseshoe and carry them out in a practical case using the right tools and equipment.

CE2.1 Explain the reasons for deciding to forge a horseshoe.

CE2.2 Expose the criteria that are shuffled when selecting a certain material to forge a horseshoe.

CE2.3 Describe the different procedures used to calculate the measure to be used for the forging of the horseshoe, and explain what the student uses and why.

CE2.4 Detailed the different operations performed during the forging of a complete horseshoe.

CE2.5 Explain the safety standards for proper handling of the gas or coal forge

CE2.6 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational risks related to the forging of horseshoe.

CE2.7 In a practical case of horseshoe forging:

-Select the forged material.

-Decide the type and size of the horseshoe to be elaborated.

-Calculate the correct measures to be taken by the plate depending on the measures and shape of the hull.

-Cut by means of a procedure adapted to the calculated measure.

-Heat the pleat by the gas or coal frwater

-Drill down the claveras by means of the stamping hammer more suited to the heads of the chosen nails.

-Open the counter-chains, using a pin pointer.

-Remove any packages that may have appeared as a result of the opening of the claveras, taking care not to close them.

-Remove the pests that require the horseshoe, using any of the existing procedures.

-Flatten and give the finishing finish to the horseshoe so that no lumps or burrs are left.

-Perform the forging of a horseshoe taking into account the rules of occupational risk prevention.

C3: Describe the forging operations of a therapeutic horseshoe and carry them out in a practical case using the right tools and equipment.

CE3.1 Explain the reasons for deciding to forge a therapeutic horseshoe.

CE3.2 Expose the criteria that are considered when selecting a certain material to forge a therapeutic horseshoe.

CE3.3 Detailed the differences between the forging of a normal horseshoe and a therapeutic.

CE3.4 Explain how to perform a welding with the electrical welding.

CE3.5 Explain how to perform a weld with the fragua.

CE3.6 To indicate the rules of prevention of occupational risks related to the forging of therapeutic horseshoe.

CE3.7 In a practical case of forging a particular therapeutic horseshoe:

-Select the forged material.

-Decide the size of the horseshoe to be elaborated.

-Calculate the correct measures to be taken by the plate depending on the measures and shape of the hull.

-Cut by means of a procedure adapted to the calculated measure.

-Heat the pleat by the gas or coal frwater

-Drill down the claveras by means of the stamping hammer more suited to the heads of the chosen nails.

-Open the counter-chains, using a pin pointer.

-Remove any packages that may have appeared as a result of the opening of the claveras, taking care not to close them.

-Soldering the possible metallic elements, by means of electric welding or forging.

-Form the horseshoe according to the selected therapeutic horseshoe model.

-Remove the pests that require the horseshoe, using any of the existing procedures.

-Flatten and give the finishing finish to the horseshoe so that no lumps or burrs are left.

-Perform the forging of a therapeutic horseshoe taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks.


1. Forges from earlier and later horseshoes.

-Tools and equipment for the horseshoe forging.

or Yvil

or Tenaces

or Marters

or Cortafríos

or Stampers and ranurators.

-Procedures for calculating the length of the plate from the equine hull.

-Forged phases of a previous and later basic horseshoe.

2. Safe handling of the fragua

or The Gas Forge

or The Coal Forge

3. Forging of orthopaedic and therapeutic horseshoes for equines.

-Choice of materials.

or Iron

or Aluminium

-Manufacture of different types of orthopaedic and therapeutic horseshoes and modification of factory horseshoes.

or Naughty Strings

or Egg Herrings

or Heart Herrings

or Other types of horseshoes

or Modifications about factory horseshoes

4. Welding procedures.

or Electrical Soldering

or Soldering with the Forge

5. Application of the Regulatory Regulatory related to the forging and adaptation of the horseshoe

-Environmental protection

-Prevention of work risks

-Animal welfare



Code: UF1520

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP6 and RP7.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the hull-related accidents that may arise during the herrading of the equines and the treatment to be applied in each case.

CE1.1 Identify the different phases of the equine herrading in which hull-related accidents may occur.

CE1.2 Explain helmet-related accidents that may arise in the herding of an equine.

CE1.3 Detailed the treatment to be applied in each of the explained cases.

CE1.4 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to accidents that may arise in the herding of horses.

C2: Describe the different defective helmets that can be found in the equine and explain its herrading.

CE2.1 List the different groups to which a defective helmet may belong.

CE2.2 Explain the most important defective helmets in each group.

CE2.3 Detailed the type of herrading to be performed in each case.

C3: In a practical case, securely nail the horseshoe to the equine by using the nails that fit the characteristics of the hull and the same.

CE3.1 Choose the nails according to the hull and type of horseshoe according to its length, thickness and type of head.

CE3.2 Place the horseshoe on the hull in a centered manner, ensuring that the calluses are equidistant from the middle lagoon of the ranilla and the pests in its place.

CE3.3 Clavar the first two nails with precision, ensuring that they leave at a height of approximately 1/3 of the total of the hull, bending or cutting the excess shank and avoiding placing the hand on the path of the nail.

CE3.4 Verify the good position of the horseshoe with respect to the contour of the hull, correcting it if necessary.

CE3.5 Bridar, in the case necessary the pests, in the horseshoes thus shaped, by light hammer blows that must start at their base and finish at the tip, provided that the position of the horseshoe is correct.

CE3.6 Clavar the rest of nails, in a number determined by the hull, following the order most appropriate to the type and position of the horseshoe, avoiding placing the hand on the path of the nail.

CE3.7 Bend or cut the spigot left over from each nail immediately after diving.

CE3.8 Perform horseshoe diving in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.

C4: Explain the techniques applied in orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements.

CE4.1 Explain the different techniques and tools used in the adaptation and modification of the horseshoes for the subsequent application of ramplons, cones of the same, protective plates and other accessories of the herrado.

CE4.2 Describe the conditioning and preparation of the hull for the subsequent application of the materials indicated in the orthopaedic and therapeutic fittings.

CE4.3 Citar the materials and tools necessary for the performance of orthopaedic and therapeutic herding.

CE4.4 Explain the technique and the type of adhesive most appropriate for the pasting of horseshoes and other supports to the hull, used in orthopaedic and therapeutic herding.

CE4.5 Describe the technique of applying silicones, polyurethanes and other synthetic materials for the reconstruction of the hull, used in orthopaedic and therapeutic tools.

CE4.6 Detailed the form of application of templates, plastic horseshoes and other shock absorbers, used in orthopaedic and therapeutic fittings.

CE4.7 Describe the correct handling of chemical or potentially polluting residues that originate in the process of therapeutic or corrective herrings.

CE4.8 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements.

C5: Carry out, in a practical case and using the necessary equipment, the precise operations for the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements, indicated by the specialist.

CE5.1 Modify and adapt the horseshoes, using the appropriate techniques and tools in each case, for the subsequent application of ramplons, cones of the same, protective plates and other accessories of the herrado.

CE5.2 To condition and prepare the hull for the subsequent application of the materials indicated in the orthopaedic and therapeutic herrings.

CE5.3 Perform the therapeutic or orthopaedic herrado specified by the specialist applying the appropriate techniques for each case.

CE5.4 Paste the hull with adhesives and materials that do not go diving, using the most appropriate technique in each case and type of material.

CE5.5 Apply by means of specific techniques silicones, polyurethanes and other synthetic materials on the hull.

CE5.6 Place the templates, plastic horseshoes and other shock absorbers using the techniques indicated in each case.

CE5.7 Depository in appropriate containers the waste resulting from the application operations of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements.

CE5.8 Perform precise operations for the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other herrading supplements complying with the standards of occupational risk prevention and established animal welfare specifications.


1. Application of horseshoe diving techniques

-Key Order

-Exceptions to the diving order

-Positioning the nail to nail

2. Techniques for the application of orthopaedic, therapeutic and other equine herrading supplements

-Orthopaedic Herrings: horseshoes, materials and application techniques.

-Therapeutic Herrings: horseshoes, materials and application techniques.

-Templates, resins and silicones: types, uses and applications.

or Leather Templates

or Plastic Materials Templates

or Dental Siliconas

or Polimethylmethacrylates Resins

or Polyurethanic Resins

-Rebuilding the hull wall.

-Hospital plate.

or Indications

or Manufacturing

or Commercial

3. Accidents in the herrading of equines

-Herd by cut.

-The sole burn.



-Clevo arrimado.

-Depressed Helmet.

-Helped Casco.

-Sitting Herrings.

-Casco very lowered.

4. Herrado of defective equine helmets

-Cascos with proportion defects.

or Bigfoot

or Small Foot

or unequal Pies

-Helmets with conformation defects.

or Pallmitigate Pie

or Full Pie

or Staked Pie

-Cascos with aplomb defects.

or Left Cascade

or Stevado Casco

or Pie traversed

-Cascos with constitution defects.

o Talon riding

or Low Talons

or Huidized Talons

or Pinza Largo

or Topino,

-Helmets with defects in the quality of the cornea

or fatty pie

or Fine Pie

or Unportilled Pie

or Pie with eños

5. Regulatory application related to the placement of horseshoe and other materials

-Environmental protection

-Prevention of work risks

-Animal welfare

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1517



-UF1518 Training Unit








The training units 3 and 5 for this module can be programmed independently.

The rest of the formative units must be imparted by following the set sequence, (to access the formative unit 4, the formative units 1, 2, and 3 must have been exceeded).

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1138_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1138_3 Determine the application of orthopaedic and/or therapeutic herrings in equines.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF 1521

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP3, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the general anatomy of the equines and explain the functioning of the different systems and devices that regulate the life of these animals.

CE1.1 Define the physiology of the different systems and apparatus that regulate the life of the equines.

CE1.2 Describe with anatomic terms the conformation of the complete skeleton of an equine.

CE1.3 Explain how different skeletal characteristics affect the locomotion of equines.

CE1.4 Citar the main muscles, tendons and ligaments that intervene in the locomotion of the equines and how they intervene in the movement of the same.

C2: Describe how to identify and locate a limp in the equines and the different alterations and pathologies of the extremities of the equines.

CE2.1 sequentially explain the protocol for locating and identifying a limp.

CE2.2 Describe how to use the digital extension device and how to use the information provided.

CE2.3 Explain the skeletal alterations that occur in the equines, their biomechanical repercussions and the consequences in the locomotion of the same.

CE2.4 Explain tendinitis, their different types, symptoms, and treatments.

CE2.5 Detailed the rehabilitation process indicated for the different types of tendinitis.

CE2.6 Explain the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis, the causes that may predispose in the equines and the symptoms they present.

CE2.7 Describe the way to identify an arthrosis in the member of an equine and the type of herrado most indicated for this pathology, explaining the reasons.

CE2.8 Explain where a sparavan is located and the type of herrado most indicated for this pathology.

C3: Explain the different skeletal alterations that young horses can present and their corrections by means of orthopaedic or corrective herding.

CE3.1 Describe the age limits to which we can act to modify the potros of the foals.

CE3.2 Explain malformations that may appear in the foals in the sagittal, front, and horizontal planes.

CE3.3 Describe the different types of corrective herrings that can be used against deformations in the foals in the sagittal, front and horizontal planes.

CE3.4 Explain all the complementary measures that can be applied against the deformations in the foals in the sagittal, front and horizontal planes.

CE3.5 Detailed the different types of materials that can be used in the corrective tools of the foals, with its advantages and disadvantages.

C4: Define the different types of orthopaedic herding and how to apply them in equines with certain problems of aplomb and/or locomotion.

CE4.1 Citar the information to be provided by the caregiver and/or responsible for the animal's activity in order to determine the need for an orthopedic herding.

CE4.2 Define the conditions of the place and the procedure to observe the animal in a way that allows to collect enough information to be able to decide the need for an orthopaedic herder.

CE4.3 Explain the different materials used in the realization of the different orthopedic herding.

CE4.4 Explain the different techniques used in the performance of the different orthopedic herding.

CE4.5 List the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the observation of the animal for the assessment of the need for the application of an orthopaedic herrading.

CE4.6 In a practical case of assessing the need for application of an orthopaedic herrading:

-Collect the information provided by the caregiver and/or responsible for the animal's activity in terms of antecedents and anomalies in the equino locomotion.

-Observe the animal in station and in motion, on hard and/or soft surface, making circular and straight line movements so that sufficient information can be gathered.

-Record the information obtained from the observation that might be useful.

-Determine, based on the data previously collected, the type of orthopaedic herrading indicated for the case presented.

-Perform animal observation, taking into account the standards of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C5: Explain how to perform the monitoring and programming of a special herding.

CE5.1 Explain how to perform control of a special heron, to fit a particular prescription or veterinary diagnosis.

CE5.2 Explain how to perform the evaluation and follow up protocol in a special herding.

CE5.3 Detailed the characteristics to be gathered by the control tab for a special herrading.

CE5.4 Explain the annotation tasks of a special herrading.

CE5.5 Define the most appropriate intervals between the special herrings and explain the reasons.

CE5.6 Explain the collaboration and communication that must exist between caregiver, veterinarian, and herrer.

CE5.7 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the supervision and programming of an orthopaedic and/or therapeutic herding.

C6: In a practical case, perform the review of the execution of a special herrading and the end result of it, valuing the possibility of complementing it.

CE6.1 Control the application and execution of special herrading elements to fit a particular veterinary prescription or diagnosis.

CE6.2 To observe again the equine in season and moving on an adequate surface, to appreciate the changes obtained on its locomotion, after the realization of the chosen herrado.

CE6.3 Rate the result obtained and the possibility to supplement it to inform the specialist veterinarian.

CE6.4 Log and control the work done to be able to track the animal, making an individual history of it.

CE6.5 Define the most appropriate interval between the herrings for the treated case and explain the reasons.

CE6.6 Communicate the animal responsible for the work done and its consequences along with the treatment chosen by the veterinarian and organize an upcoming intervention.

CE6.7 Indicating the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the review of the execution of the herrado prescribed by the veterinarian and the final result thereof.


1. Anatomy and physiology of the main systems and apparatus of the equine organism. The skeleton of the equines.

-Cardiovascular system.

-Respiratory apparatus

-digestive tract.

or Nutrition

or The Teeth

-The skeleton

-The muscle system

2. Pathologies of the locomotor apparatus of the equines and their herrado.

-Identification and location of a limp.

or Protocol

or Flexion Test

or Digital Extension Appliances

-Different alterations and pathologies of the equine members.

or Tendinitis

or Arthritis and Artrosis

or Reaches

3. Correction of the aplomb in the foals by the herding.

-Techniques for modifying the aplomb in the foals, limits and age.

or In the sagittal plane

or On the front and horizontal planes

o Types of orthopaedic and corrective herrings in the foals.

4. Programming and control of special herrings

-Monitoring and control protocol in the special herrading.

-Data to be considered.

-Communication and collaboration between caregiver, veterinarian and herrador.

-Programming and intervals between special herrings.



Code: UF1522

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the different pathologies of the hull of the equines and the type of herrading to be applied in each case.

CE1.1 Explain the different pathological alterations of equine helmets, their types, causes and symptoms.

CE1.2 Describe the measures to be taken to prevent each of the explained cases.

CE1.3 Detailed the type of herrading to be applied in each of the explained cases.

CE1.4 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the herding of the different pathologies of the horse's helmet.

C2: Define the different types of therapeutic herrings and their indication for the treatment of the different pathologies that may appear in the members and/or helmets of the equines, choosing the most appropriate in a practical case.

CE2.1 Choose the observation techniques taking into account the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian.

CE2.2 Citar the information to be provided by the caregiver and/or responsible for the activity of the animal in order to determine the need for a therapeutic herding.

CE2.3 Determine the conditions of the place and the procedure to observe the animal in a way that allows the collection of sufficient information to be able to decide the need for a therapeutic herrading.

CE2.4 Indicate the different types of therapeutic horseshoes existing as a treatment for a given pathology, explaining its advantages and disadvantages.

CE2.5 Explain the different materials used in the performance of the different therapeutic herrings.

CE2.6 Indicate the rules for the prevention of occupational and animal welfare risks related to the observation of the animal for the selection of the therapeutic herrado indicated to the diagnosis issued by the veterinarian.

CE2.7 In a practical assumption of a given pathology present in the equine:

-Select the criterion of observation suitable for the pathology of the animal according to the pathology diagnosed by the staff empowered to do so.

-To choose the therapeutic herrado and the materials and techniques suitable for the pathology present in the animal, taking into account the veterinary diagnosis, the updated information on the different types of materials and the collected after the observation of the animal.

-accurately communicate to the herrer that the work will be carried out the specifications and characteristics of the materials and techniques to be applied.


1. Pathologies of the hull of the equines and their treatment with the herrado.

-Pathological alterations of equine helmets.


or Causes

or Types

or Localization

or Treatment


or Types

or Treatment


or Queracelle

or Ranilla Cancer

-Navicular syndrome.

or Causes

or Symptoms

or Early Phase

or Chronic Phase

or Treatments


or Aguda

or Chronicle


or Transversal

or Longitudinal

-Disease of sole, ranilla and bars, etc.

or Hallcantilever

or Gabros

or Scars

Or Helmet Contusion

or Callosity

or Osification of the Alar Cartilage

or Fracture of the third phalanx.

2. Therapeutic Herrings.

-Therapeutic Herrings.

or Groups

or Indications

-Other materials.

or Siliconas

or Resins and Adhesives

-Handling of the helmet barefoot.

or Advantages and drawbacks.

or Treatment of different pathologies.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Unit of training 1-UF1521



Unit 2-UF1522




To access the training unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0324

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the auxiliary operations prior to the herrading.

CE1.1 Choose the appropriate workspace to perform the herrading.

CE1.2 Select tools and equipment based on the type of animal, activity of the same and work technique.

CE1.3 Perform the maintenance of different equipment and tools.

CE1.4 Perform the approximation, handling and driving of the equine and the attachment of the equine to the place chosen to perform the herrading

CE1.5 Check the need to use a helper that supports the tips and facilitates the work.

CE1.6 Observe the aplomb and the marches and decide the action to be taken in the presence of a pathology in the equine.

CE1.7 To determine, if necessary, the orthopaedic or therapeutic herrading and the appropriate materials and techniques, or the eventual deherrading, for the pathology present in the animal, taking into account the veterinary diagnosis, the updated information on the different types of materials and the collected after the observation of the animal.

CE1.8 Carry out the auxiliary operations prior to the herrading taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C1: Carry out all phases of the herrading of an equine.

CE1.1 Lift the rivets with the deremachator trying not to damage the wall of the hull.

CE1.2 Lift the horseshoe by avoiding damaging the hull and producing pain to the animal.

CE1.3 Remove the excess sole by the blade, the legra or other secure tools, returning the ring to its normal dimensions, removing the loose pieces or not presenting a healthy appearance and taking care not to damage the living tissues throughout the process.

CE1.4 Make the cut and balance of helmets to place a horseshoe, or to keep it unwound.

CE1.5 Choose the wall of the hull on your face, solar precisely and consistently with the previous cut of the same, eliminating any irregularities that may arise to leave it flat and balanced.

CE1.6 Make precise in the helmet the box to hold the flange of a horseshoe that will need it.

CE1.7 Choose the wall of the helmet on your dorsal face leaving it clean of irregularities and/or possible malformations, respecting and seeking its balance and functionality.

CE1.8 Select and adapt the horseshoe to the hull or forge it, from pletina, to the middle and shape of the hull.

CE1.9 Place the horseshoe on the surface of the animal's hull by means of the corresponding tools, making sure that its temperature and application time are adequate to be able to make good marking on the surface of the wall, without producing an injury to the living tissues of the hull.

CE1.10 Bisellar the edges of the horseshoe using the precise tools.

CE1.11 Clavar securely the horseshoe to the equine.

CE1.12 Perform the completion of the herrading on an equine.

CE1.13 Driving the animal, once the herrading work is finished, to house it where and how it is determined.

CE1.14 Depository the different types of waste originating from the completion of the herrading process in the appropriate containers for the same, taking care that the place of work is in the initial conditions.

CE1.15 Evaluate the execution of a herrading and the end result of it, valuing the possibility of complementing it.

CE1.16 Economic value of the work performed taking into account the characteristics of the same.

CE1.17 Carry out all operations of the herrading of an equine taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C2: Perform an orthopaedic, therapeutic and/or application of other herrading supplements.

CE2.1 Modify and adapt a horseshoe using the appropriate techniques and tools, for the subsequent application of ramplons, cones of the same, protective plates and other accessories of the herrado.

CE2.2 To condition and prepare a helmet for the subsequent application of the materials indicated in the orthopaedic, therapeutic and other accessories of the herrado.

CE2.3 Prepare the pre-determined materials and the necessary tools, for the realization of an orthopaedic and/or therapeutic herrading and the application of other accessories of the herrado.

CE2.4 Perform a therapeutic and/or orthopaedic herrading and apply other indicated herrading supplements, using appropriate materials and techniques.

CE2.5 Perform the correct handling of chemical or potentially polluting residues originating in the process of therapeutic or corrective herrates, depositing them in the appropriate containers.

CE2.6 Perform the indicated therapeutic or corrective herrado, taking into account the rules of prevention of occupational risks and animal welfare.

C3: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.


1. Execution of the auxiliary operations prior to the herrading.

-Choosing the place for the herrading

-Selecting tools based on the type of herrading

-Maintenance and care of tools

-Handling the gas forge

-Management and driving of equine livestock

-Valuation of horse aplombs and spots

-Valuation of possible interferences in the air of the horse

2. Equine Herrings

-Equine Desherrading

-Cut the helmet for the herrado

-Adapting the horseshoe to the hull

-Forging a horseshoe

-Horseshoe's Clavado

-Termination of the Herrado

-Herrading Assessment

-Treatment and disposal of waste and waste generated in the equine herding process.

3. Equine special Herrings

-Realization and adaptation of special horseshoes

-Preparation of the hull for the application of resins and other materials.

-Preparation of resins and other complementary materials.

-Realization of orthopaedic/therapeutic herrading.

4. Integration and communication in the job center

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the COMPETITION

If you have accreditation

If no accreditation is

MF1136_2: Preparation and finishing of the herrado of equines

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional Livestock Family of the Agricultural Professional Family.

2 years

3 years

MF1137_2: Helmet, forged, retrofit and placement of horseshoes and other equine herding materials

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Higher Technician of the Agricultural Professional Family.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional Livestock Family of the Agricultural Professional Family.

2 years

3 years

MF1138_3: Determination of orthopaedic and/or therapeutic herding in equines

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years

Essential titration


Forming Space


Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula



Forking and Herrading Workshop








(*) Unique space not necessarily located in the training center




Multipurpose Aula




Forging and Herrading Workshop













Center_table_body "> X

Forming Space


-purpose Aula

-Pizarra to write with marker

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

Forging and Herrading Workshop

-Forja material:

-Yunques of at least 25 kg. with foot

-fixed propane gas forges

-electric arc welding

-wide band sanding

-narrowband lire-sharpening

- Bank drill

-bank jaws

-pletina of different measures

-Forja Tool Equipment:

-forge tenaza


-pin pointer



-Herage Tool Equipment:







-cutting tenaza


-nylon hammer

-nylon hammer

-tool box

-tool box

-tool box

-Sharpening Stones

-Material and Herrage Tool:


-finnegan angle compas

-disk radial

-dremel milling machine

-portable ovens for herrar

-portable feet with feet

-trailer for the transport of the material

- Protection and personal security material:

-Work gloves

-safety shoes

-protective glasses.

Equine Herrading Store

-Different models and all sizes

-Clavos of different measures

-Pletine of different measures

-Resins and silicones.


-Ramplons and vidias.

-Freezers containing slaughterhouse parts for practices and dissections.

Equine Livestock Exploitation

-Animals of different breed, sex and age

-roofing Herradery and with cement floor for herrar several horses at a time.

-Outer Track

-Rope Circle

-Space for Aplomb and Praise

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools that are specified with the equipment of the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary to attend to a higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: AGAJ0208

Professional Family: Agrarian

Professional area: Gardening

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

AGA461_3 floral art and management of florist activities (RD 715/2010, 28 May 2010)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1482_3: Organize the florist activities.

UC1483_3: Design floral art compositions and ornaments.

UC1484_3: Perform innovative compositions and special floral art ornaments and supervise the work of the flower shop.

UC1485_3: Manage sales and service to the public in florist.

General competition:

To program and direct the activities of florist companies, as well as to design, perform and evaluate innovative compositions and special ornaments with flowers and plants, in addition to supervising the works of ornamentation.

Professional environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in the areas of creation and elaboration of compositions and ornaments with flowers and plants, and of marketing and distribution of them, in florist and floral services companies of any size, both self-employed and self-employed.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the wholesale and retail trade sector of flowers and plants, in the following productive activities: Floristeria establishments. Floral service companies. Garden centres. Department of florist of large surfaces. Companies distributing flowers and natural and artificial plants. Decoration companies with floral services. Funeral companies with floral services. Events organization companies with floral ornamentation service. Companies with department or cabinet of decoration and shop window. Hospitality companies with floral ornamentation service.

Occupations or related jobs:

2220.1010 Plastic arts and/or design workshop master

5220.1121 Florist-dependent

5210.1023 Plant and/or Commerce section loaded

5210.1034 Store Charge

Florist Warehouse Manager

Florist Workshop Master/s

Official/Senior Florist

Duration of the associated training: 600 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1484_3: Realization of special floral art compositions and ornaments and supervision of florist workshop works (190 hours)

• UF0275: Use of raw materials and materials in the preparation of compositions (50 hours)

• UF0276: Making compositions in florist (90 hours)

• UF0277: Monitoring and coordination of work on the elaboration and finishing of floral compositions, decorations and environment (50 hours)

MF1483_3: Design of floral art compositions and ornaments (180 hours)

• UF0278: Creation of floral art compositions and ornaments designs (90 hours)

• UF0279: Assessment of the economic viability of new florist products and services (60 hours)

• UF0280: Setting the corporate image of a florist (30 hours)

MF1482_3: Organization of florist activities (110 hours)

• UF0281: Programming and coordination of the purchase, logistics, production and services of florist (50 hours)

• UF0281: Organization of human resources in florist (30 hours)

• UF0283: Programming of promotional actions in florist (30 hours)

MF1485_3: Managing the sale and service of the public in florist (80 hours)

MP0065: Non-working professional practice module for floral art and management of florist activities (40 hours)




Level: 3

Code: UC1482_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Schedule and purchase external services, using existing channels, depending on the supply needs, available supply, market prices and the quality of products, raw materials and materials, to optimize the profitability of the flower shop.

CR1.1 Service procurement and contract calendars are made on the basis of sales forecasts for florist and market offering.

CR1.2 The purchase of raw materials and materials is programmed according to the flowering times, the availability of the market and distribution channels, seeking the highest profitability, in accordance with the policy of purchases of the florist.

CR1.3 The purchase of raw materials and materials is carried out in accordance with the criteria of the programming and adjusting them if necessary.

CR1.4 The replacement and purchase, if any, of tools and equipment is performed according to the needs and information received from the staff in charge.

CR1.5 The hiring of external services is carried out on the basis of commercial reasons and value for money, seeking the highest profitability, according to the policy of the florist.

CR1.6 Purchase prices are negotiated with supplier companies, taking into account quantities, qualities, delivery times and payment systems.

CR1.7 The inventories of materials, raw materials and products are monitored periodically.

RP2: Manage the human resources of the florist in the framework of its responsibility, depending on the activities to be carried out, the availability and qualification of the personnel, to meet the objectives of the company.

CR2.1 The schedules, holidays, permits, among others, of the florist staff in charge are programmed, organized and controlled.

CR2.2 The work and tasks of the florist are distributed according to the qualifications, attitudes and skills of the staff.

CR2.3 The activities and functions of staff in each florist department are controlled to effectively meet the company's goals.

CR2.4 The florist staff at your expense is controlled to meet the standards set by the company and, if applicable, instructions are given for your correction.

CR2.5 The advice to staff on the processes and procedures of the florist is carried out, monitoring its compliance.

CR2.6 The information on the contracts of the florist agreements is made, indicating the rights and obligations of the workers.

CR2.7 The information to your staff on safety and health regulations is made on the rules contained in the company's occupational risk prevention plans.

CR2.8 Monitoring compliance with environmental protection regulations is performed.

RP3: Organize and supervise the logistics, production process and services of the florist company applying innovation and improvement systems, for optimal use of human, material and technical resources.

CR3.1 Order reception and storage is organized according to the type of purchase, quantities, volumes, location space and available personnel.

CR3.2 The distribution of products, materials and raw materials is coordinated in order to meet the needs of each of the outlets, workshops, workplaces or warehouses of the company.

CR3.3 The reception, storage and maintenance of raw materials and products that require their location in a refrigeration room is monitored.

CR3.4 The integral quality of the products for sale that do not come from the workshop of the florist and the services of the company is verified assuring the level marked by the company.

CR3.5 The activities of the establishment are distributed by departments, according to the available personnel and are adapted to the specific needs of the activity, assigning objectives and times of realization.

CR3.6 The delivery service is programmed and monitored according to the human resources and means available, taking into account the delivery schedule and the type of service.

CR3.7 The plant maintenance service is programmed and monitored based on the availability of qualified personnel, technical means and needs of the company or person requesting the service.

CR3.8 The incidents, techniques or management, arising or raised during the daily activity are resolved within the framework of their competencies.

RP4: Organize the commercial promotion actions of the florist, applying the specific techniques for each of them, with the objective of increasing the sales and transmitting the image of the company.

CR4.1 The statistics and historical purchases and sales are elaborated, analyzed and compared for application in the programming of thematic commercial campaigns or when the occasion requires it.

CR4.2 The commercial promotion actions of the florist company are organized, implemented and supervised, taking into account the commercial purposes, the allocated budget, the scope, the target audience and the temporality of each action.

CR4.3 The human and technical resources required for the development of each promotional action are coordinated.

CR4.4 Promotional actions are valued and analyzed prior to their launch to the market and possible deviations from the stated objectives are corrected.

CR4.5 The products, raw materials and materials needed for the commercial campaigns developed within the establishment, are prepared and/or purchased, contracting the necessary external services in their case.

CR4.6 The decoration of storefronts and exhibition and sale areas of the establishment is programmed and supervised, depending on the thematic commercial campaigns.

Professional Context

Production media

Personal computers. Management software. Phones. Fax. Other means of telecommunications. Camera and video camera. Transport vehicle. Cold room. Tables and counters. Bookshelves and exhibitors. Florist machinery. Specific gardening and florist tools. Flowers and plants, natural and artificial. Tapes. Rapias. Containers. Decorative materials. Auxiliary materials. Fabrics. Ropes. DIY tools. Electrical equipment. Luminonic material. Tape metric. Envelopes. Cards.

Products and results

Scheduled and realized purchases. Coordinated staff. Logistics, production and management of controlled services. Promotional campaigns in implanted florists. Procurement of external services. Scheduled and supervised window decoration. Products, materials and raw materials distributed conveniently. Organization of commercial promotion actions of the flower shop.

Information used or generated

List of supplier companies. Price listings. Catalogues. Management manuals. Accounting documents. Guides. Databases. Company manuals. Promotional material. Internal rules. Specialist journals. Labour regulations. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks. Information on fairs, congresses, videos and audiovisual documentation. Sales reports. Quality regulations. Publications on marketing and advertising. Parts of work.



Level: 3

Code: UC1483_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Design innovative compositions and floral art ornaments for marketing, exhibition or other special demands applying different creative solutions, as well as new techniques, materials and raw materials.

CR1.1 The sketches of the new floral art compositions are made after the analysis of styles, forms of creation, sizes, techniques, colors, availability of materials and raw materials and the functionality of the new product or composition.

CR1.2 The raw materials and materials used in the new designs are used, observing their physiognomy, movement and character.

CR1.3 Non-vegetable structures and supports for use in compositions are designed and economically valued.

CR1.4 The prototype or model of each floral art composition, is performed, and is experienced with, to assess its viability and acceptance.

CR1.5 Innovative orders are designed and valued based on the proposals and requirements marked by who requests the service

CR1.6 The floral art ornaments of large spaces, special decorations for events, traditions, popular festivals and religious acts, among others, are designed and valued according to the specific conditions and characteristics of each case.

CR1.7 The experimental compositions are designed for potential commercialization.

CR1.8 The design of floral art compositions is performed in compliance with the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP2: Report the commercial viability of new designs of floral art compositions and new services to assess their acceptance in the market.

CR2.1 The final price and profit margin of a new product are calculated by applying, where appropriate, the corrective measures necessary to achieve a higher rate of acceptance in their exit to the market.

CR2.2 Subjective assessments of new floral art creations by the public are obtained by displaying them in storefronts, in the exhibition area, or elsewhere.

CR2.3 The new services and the new floral art compositions, innovative or not, are presented in work sessions and public demonstrations gathering the opinion and taste of the public about them.

CR2.4 The works and innovative compositions are contrasted with the opinion of professionals from the sector and other specialists, valuing possible contributions for their subsequent application.

CR2.5 The relevant changes in the innovative composition are made after the assessment of the opinions received.

RP3: Implement and maintain the company's style by monitoring artistic, technical and quality aspects of the production process of the compositions and ornaments, to transmit the corporate image of the same.

CR3.1 The image that the compositions and ornamentations of the establishment transmit is studied by collecting and analyzing data on the same.

CR3.2 The company's image adapts to new trends and fashions, if necessary.

CR3.3 The creative developments and technical innovations experienced and accepted are transmitted to the staff in charge for their application in the usual compositions.

CR3.4 New techniques, materials, raw materials, shapes, colors, among others, and their application in the usual compositions are transmitted to the staff in charge.

CR3.5 The new services related to the compositions and ornamentation or improvements in which they are already offered, are transmitted to the staff in charge.

CR3.6 The compositions are monitored to verify that they are adapted to the corporate image contrasting the technical, artistic and quality levels of the same.

Professional Context

Production media

Personal computers. Floral design programs. Design material: pencils, pens, paper, among other material. Calculation programs. Raw materials, materials, tools, machinery and florist products.

Products and results

Raw materials and materials (flowers, plants, sponges, ornamental greens, among others). New products and services designed and applied. Designed floral art compositions and ornaments. Artistic style of the products and services of the supervised company. Special floral art ornaments in large spaces. Commercial viability of new designs studied. Corporate image applied.

Information used or generated

Studies on trends in florist and consumer habits. Publications on the creation of floral art. Publications of floral compositions. Publications on compositions with plants. Books and catalogues of decoration and interior design. Studies on plants and flowers and their relationship with the human being. Flower conservation manuals. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks. Catalogues of flowers and plants marketed. Catalogues of materials and raw materials. Internal documentation. Sketches and blueprints. Manuals and books of artistic creation.



Level: 3

Code: UC1484_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Make innovative and special compositions, with the usual techniques or with new techniques developed, for marketing.

CR1.1 The materials and raw materials, bases, supports and/or structures are selected according to the artistic and technical criteria established in the design.

CR1.2 The innovative compositions and special ornaments that so require are made according to the original design and based on artistic and technical criteria, in order to comply with the quality cannons marked by the company.

CR1.3 The artistic and technical criteria required to make innovative compositions apply.

CR1.4 The technical problems encountered during the creation of the innovative floral art compositions are solved by applying the necessary measures.

CR1.5 The final sale price of the compositions and/or special works is established taking into account the cost of the materials, raw materials, technical complexities and time spent in their preparation.

CR1.6 Innovative and special compositions with flowers and/or plants are performed in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations.

RP2: Monitor the work of the workshop and perform, in those that require it, the finishing of the same for its commercialization.

CR2.1 The compositions that can be made by the staff in charge are allocated for their preparation.

CR2.2 Materials and raw materials, bases, supports and/or structures are monitored by checking that they follow the artistic and technical criteria set out in the design.

CR2.3 The preparation of the compositions is monitored, applying, where appropriate, the necessary adjustments to correct the possible deviations from the initial design and budget.

CR2.4 The final presentation of the workshop's work (compositions and products for sale) is monitored to verify that its finishing and presentation are in conformity with the standards and quality fees marked by the company.

CR2.5 The final presentation and finishing of the products for marketing are made if necessary.

CR2.6 The workshop's work is monitored by verifying that the specifications set out in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations are met.

RP3: To direct decoration and ornamentation works with flowers and/or plants of large spaces and rooms, and in cases of difficulty to perform them, to meet the demand.

CR3.1 Human resources, execution times, purchase of materials, raw materials, tools and equipment are programmed to meet the conditions and deadlines set in the project.

CR3.2 The decoration works with flowers and/or plants in large spaces and rooms are valued taking into account the human and material resources.

CR3.3 The decoration works with flowers and/or plants in large spaces and rooms are organized taking into account the human and material resources.

CR3.4 The work of decoration and ornamentation of special difficulty are carried out taking into account the variables that establish the clientele and the spaces to decorate.

CR3.5 The work is directed, taking into account the guidelines and conditions established by the company and the project.

CR3.6 The work carried out by the staff in charge or by the staff outside the company is monitored by checking that they comply with the technical, artistic criteria and specific conditions established.

CR3.7 The assembly and disassembly of elements is programmed to coordinate work teams, assigning responsibilities and tasks.

CR3.8 The end result of the ornamentation work is analyzed and valued for future applications, archiving the corresponding graphical documentation.

CR3.9 The decoration and ornamentation works with flowers and/or plants of large spaces and stays determined are carried out in compliance with the specifications laid down in the company's occupational risk plan and environmental protection regulations

Professional Context

Production media

Natural, dry and fabric flowers. Ornamental green cutting. Natural, dry and fabric plants. Bases and containers. Land and substrates. Decorative raw materials. Auxiliary materials. Florist tools. Florist machinery. Design material.

Products and results

Innovative compositions with flowers and natural and/or artificial elements made. Floral art ornaments in large spaces. Supervision of works, end products and services elaborated in the workshop or carried out by another section of the establishment. Innovative works of decoration with flowers and plants.

Information used or generated

floral art creation books. Publications on compositions with plants. Books and catalogues of decoration and interior design. Studies on plants and their relationship with the human being. Flower conservation manuals. Catalogues of flowers and plants marketed. Catalogues of materials and raw materials. Internal documentation of the florist company. Sketches and blueprints. Specialist journals. Regulations on environmental protection and the prevention of occupational risks.



Level: 3

Code: UC1485_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Understand the public in person, by phone or by any other means, providing the necessary information about the queries made to facilitate the sale.

CR1.1 The attention to the public of the florist is done, offering clear and orderly information, demonstrating knowledge and professional skills.

CR1.2 The needs of the clientele are identified and determined the products and/or services that can satisfy you, using techniques of questions and active listening.

CR1.3 The information needed to attend to the public is being collected, handled personally, or channeled to the corresponding staff.

CR1.4 Customer's personal data are requested to be included in the database and, where appropriate, access to the information available in the company, taking responsibility at all times for compliance with the current data protection regulations.

CR1.5 The information about the products and services to be provided to the public, is obtained from the tools that the company has available (manuals, catalogues, electronic agendas, computer science, among others) or, if necessary, turning to the corresponding personnel, in an agile way and demonstrating security.

CR1.6 The time required to attend a service that requires the preparation of a study, sketch and/or budget is communicated to the person requesting it and, where appropriate, a date is proposed to provide the required information.

CR1.7 Sales and/or services budgeted and accepted are contractually closed for subsequent execution or delivery.

RP2: Manage the sales and service delivery process of the commercial department, monitoring the elements involved in it, to optimize the operation of the florist company.

CR2.1 The attention paid to the client by the staff in charge is supervised, ensuring compliance with the criteria set by the company.

CR2.2 The charges received through any commercial channel (in-person, telephone, online, video-conferencing, etc.) are managed for execution, checking that the information and documentation is complete and complies with the company's rules.

CR2.3 The amount of the box, as well as the material needed for the sales (electronic means of payment, talonaries, albarans, among others), are checked at the beginning of the day verifying its availability.

CR2.4 Florist products and services and their corresponding sales prices, as well as catalogues, are reviewed periodically, updating, if any, according to the company's criteria.

CR2.5 Florist products and services, as well as information on the website or virtual store, as well as any other advertising support, are reviewed, following company criteria.

CR2.6 Sales room replenishment is monitored so that no fault occurs, when required, the timely purchase order.

CR2.7 Cash tonnage and closure is performed, detecting possible deviations, responsible, if any, of those made by the staff in charge and acting according to the protocols established by the company

CR2.8 The sale of products and services to credit is managed for later collection according to the protocol established by the company

RP3: Manage the complaints and complaints of the florist's clientele by determining the lines of action to improve the quality of the service.

CR3.1 The behavior of the staff in charge of a complaint or complaint is monitored, verifying that it acts in accordance with the established rules.

CR3.2 The lines of action to follow for the attention of the suggestions, complaints or complaints of the clients are determined by applying the policies of the company.

CR3.3 Special complaints or complaints are addressed by adopting a positive and safe attitude, showing interest and presenting alternatives that facilitate the agreement, according to the criteria that the company has established and applying the current regulations.

CR3.4 The incidents that may arise in the post-sale process in the florist are resolved within the framework of their responsibility, applying the corrective measures that the company has established.

CR3.5 The way and time to resolve a claim in the florist is determined according to the established procedure, taking into account the characteristics of each case, recommending, when necessary, the formalization and/or presentation of the same to other instances.

CR3.6 The information provided in a complaint is made by specifying the mediation and arbitration mechanisms and the necessary documents to be submitted for the processing and verification of the basis of the complaint (claim sheet, invoice, budget, box ticket, among others).

CR3.7 Claims and complaints are collected and channeled as a source of information for further analysis and evaluation by the company and improvement of the quality of the service.

CR3.8 Consumer legal standards apply to complaints and complaints of special relevance.

RP4: Report to the management of the sales activities of the florist, transmitting the suggestions and conclusions demanded to improve its operation.

CR4.1 Information about new products and services obtained by different channels is processed and analyzed, to determine the trends in demand and to make it easier for the corresponding staff

CR4.2 The reports and analyses of the public attention data, the process of selling and providing services and complaints and complaints are made and regularly referred to the management.

CR4.3 Staff training is proposed to the management, depending on the needs of the promotion and the new demands of products and services.

CR4.4 The modifications aimed at optimizing the quality of the service are transmitted to avoid future complaints and complaints.

CR4.5 The suggestions on promotional activities to be carried out by the company are transmitted to the management.

Professional Context

Production media

Personal and peripheral computers. Software applicable to the florist. Video conferencing equipment. Media and file materials. Pens. Paper of notes. Calculator. Stamp of establishment. Electronic agendas. Point of sale terminals. Cash registers. Fixed and mobile phones. Fax. Labelling and coded equipment.

Products and results

Good communication with customers and florist staff. Clientele of the information and advice florist on goods and services. Procedure protocol of the florist company applied correctly. Quality of the products and services of controlled florist. Human resources of the organized florist. Complaints and complaints managed.

Information used or generated

Catalog of products offered by florist. Price listings and flower shop offers. Web page. Warehouse tabs. Inventories. General marketing plan. Publications and databases of the sector. Quality regulations in force. Regulation on the protection of consumers and users. Regulation on data protection. Regulation on the prevention of occupational hazards and the protection of the environment. Trade rules. Databases. Daily sales reports for the florist. Reports on the sector, prices, trends, trends, preferences of the public and customers, competition and others. Annual improvement plan. Reports and analyses on sales activities.




Code: MF1484_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1484_3 Perform innovative compositions and special floral art ornaments and supervise the work of the flower shop.

Duration: 190 hours



Code: UF0275

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, as regards raw materials and materials used in the preparation of compositions, as well as the forms of creation and order applied to floral art.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the different raw materials and materials used in the preparation of innovative and special compositions, as well as the concepts applied to floral art.

CE1.1 Identify species and varieties of flowers, cut greens and plants usually marketed in florist.

CE1.2 Recognize the morphological and physiological characteristics, colors, textures, shapes, movements, among others, of the raw materials used in florist.

CE1.3 Recognize the manufacturing characteristics, colors, textures, shapes, movements, among others, of the materials used in florist.

CE1.4 Recognize the forms of creation and the forms of order artistic concepts applied to floral art.


1. Flowers, cutting greens and plants used in compositions

-Taxonomic classification:





-Classification according to characteristics:



-Use (interior, exterior, cut flower and/or cut green).

-Origin (climate zone).

-Elaboration of flower calendars, cutting greens and plants marketed throughout the year.

-Morphology and physiology of flowers, cutting greens and plants.

-Flower maintenance techniques, cutting greens and plants.

2. Materials for floral and/or plant compositions

-Startups and bases: manufacturing, style and application features.

-Barro and ceramics.




-Plant materials.


-Alternative materials.

-Technical materials: features and use.


-Materials to tie (traditional and innovative).

-Materials for inserting stems.

-Other fastening and protection materials.

-Decorative materials: manufacturing, application and effect characteristics.



-Papers and other wrappers.

-Tels and fabrics.

-Alternative materials.

-Flowers and dried and artificial plants:

-dried flowers (species, specific characteristics and drying techniques).

-Flowers and artificial plants (manufacturing materials).

-Flowers and lyophilized or preserved plants (characteristics).

-Use of flowers and non-natural plants.

3. General Teaching of Creation in floral art Concepts of art in floral art

-Order Forms.

-Formas of Creation.


-Physical Forms.




-Geometric and free.











-Color Theory:





-Other factors.

-Growth point position or vegetative point.

-Number of growth points.



Code: UF0276

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1, as referred to the preparation of compositions

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop innovative and special compositions, analyzing and describing the methods of creating the florist and applying the techniques of floral art.

CE1.1 Describe the assembly and execution techniques applied to innovative compositions and special ornaments.

CE1.2 Identify measures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks to be carried out.

CE1.3 In a case and/or practical case, properly characterized in performing floral art compositions with innovative or special creative criteria:

-Interpret the sketch.

-Collect materials and raw materials to be used according to the sketch.

-Make the innovative and special compositions according to the original design.

-Apply in the elaboration of the techniques of composition and creation, taking into account the growth of the plants, opening of the flowers, aesthetics, stability, among other criteria.

-The above tasks are carried out taking into account the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.


1. Techniques for assembling and executing compositions and ornaments

-Clothing techniques:

-Introduction of stems (sponges, kenzan, free structures, among others).

-Aated (radial, parallel, cross-linked, among others).

-Alternative and innovative techniques.

-Paste techniques.

-Wiped and lined techniques.

-Techniques and means for the preservation of floral compositions.

-Use and manufacture of conventional and innovative supports and structures (floral and non-floral):

-Media (metal, wood, among others).

-Composition style.


-Construction and frame-holding techniques.

-Confect supports and structures with different materials and media.

2. Elaboration of classical and contemporary compositions and special ornaments

-Compositions on containers, media, and/or structures:

-Styles, forms of creation, color, proportion, dynamic, and static, among others.

-Organization of materials and raw materials.

-Realization of compositions in containers and other supports, applying the different techniques and concepts of floral composition.

-Compositions tied:

-Techniques, styles, forms of creation, proportion, among others.

-Preparation and performance of tied compositions, applying the different techniques and concepts of floral composition and using the specific materials.

-Mortuary Compositions:

-Coronas of different forms of creation and techniques and other mortuary and commemorative floral works (cross, shovel, among others).

-Design of classic and contemporary mortuary works.

-structuring and carrying out mortuary and commemorative crowns and other mortuary works of different types and styles, applying different techniques and concepts of the general teaching of creation.

-Bridal Comppositions:

-Classic bride Ramos of new trends and other floral accompaniment for weddings.

-Creation and realization of classic bride classes and new trends and bridal compositions, accessories for companions and ambientation, applying the different techniques and concepts established.

-Compositions with rooted plants:

-New trends in composition with rooted plants.

-Choice of materials and raw materials according to environmental or design requirements.

-Application of floral creation techniques and concepts.

-Design and performance of compositions with rooted plants.

-Special and/or thematic Ornamentations:

-Spaces and occasions of different characteristics.

-Technical, stylistic and cultural needs in the ornamentation of special spaces.

-Interpretation of a sketch for an ornamentation.

-Application of the general teaching of creation the artistic concepts in floral art and in the design and forecast of materials and human resources for the planning of a thematic ornamentation (churches, halls of celebration, events, among others).

-Organization and performance of compositions for special spaces, applying the different techniques and concepts of floral composition.

-Application of standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection related to the assembly and execution of compositions.



Code: UF0277

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply supervision procedures in the preparation and finishing of floral compositions and, in a case and/or practical case, properly characterized, supervise the work and make the necessary modifications to adjust to the established guidelines.

CE1.1 Monitor the tasks of staff and work teams during the process of making compositions.

CE1.2 Monitor product quality, materials and raw materials.

CE1.3 Monitor the match of the composition with the approved model or sketch or in your requested order case.

CE1.4 Review the artistic canons, color, shape, materials used, execution time, among other criteria, of the floral composition.

CE1.5 Make modifications, if necessary, of the final presentation and finish of the product.

CE1.6 Control during the execution of the work the compliance with the standards in the field of prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment.

C2: Coordinate and supervise the work of decoration and/or setting of spaces with flowers and plants, analyzing and describing the applied techniques.

CE2.1 Identify the most important architectural and landscape styles throughout history.

CE2.2 Analyze and explain the concepts of space, volume and lighting applied to floral decoration.

CE2.3 Explain the different techniques of setting used in the decoration of spaces with flowers and plants.

CE2.4 Identify the parts of a project that includes decoration with flowers and/or plants.

CE2.5 Describe the programming process and the phases for its application.

CE2.6 Identify measures for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks to be carried out.

CE2.7 In a case and/or practical case, properly characterized in the elaboration of a decoration work with flowers or plants of a space:

-Make a sketch of the ornamentation, taking into account the space, the architectural and environmental style of the place to decorate.

-Schedule jobs based on time, human resources and available materials or project.

-Rate the job taking into account the programming done.

-Coordinate human resources, florist teams and external personnel for the work.

-Monitor the execution of the work by controlling compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.


1. Identification of architectural and landscape styles

-Architectural styles:

-Sacras Edifications.

-Profane Edifications.

-Furniture at different times.

-Landscape styles:



-North America.

-South America.

-Ancient Egypt.

-Contemporary gardening.

-Evolution of garden design throughout history.

-The color in the landscaping.

2. Concepts applied to floral decoration

-Three-dimensional spaces.

-Volumes in proportion to floral decorations (interior and exterior).


-Types (natural and artificial).


-Influence of lighting in colors and textures.

-Analysis of a space or event under criteria of volume, depth and illumination for its decoration and/or setting.

-Redaction of a floral decoration project:

-Project Justification.

-Croquis and sketches.

-Photo documentation.


-Interpretation of sketches and/or decoration projects:

-Project parts that include decoration or floral setting.

-Project contents related to decoration or floral setting.

-Programming of the processing process:



-Means of transport.

-Other factors.

-Running a floral decoration project:

-Adaptation to the budget (materials, labor, among others).

-Project realization times.

-Application of the standards of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection related to the decoration and floral atmosphere.

3. Coordination of a work team and monitoring of the compositions to be performed

-Choice and instruction of staff and/or work teams according to the tasks to be performed.

-Assessment of the time required for job execution.

-Assignment of tasks to appropriate personnel.

-Fulfillment of job control printouts.

-Coordination, demonstration and explanation of tasks.

-Checking the understanding of the instructions by the work team.

-Methods and means of reviewing quantities and qualities of materials and raw materials.

-Frequency of comparison with the model or sketch.

-Verification of the time spent.

-Checking of artistic canons (color, proportion, form, among others).

-Justification of the job in the job control printouts.

4. Modification of final presentation and product finishes

-End-aspect assessment parameters and finish checking:



-Employment of the material.

-Levels of explanation to staff in the justification of the modifications of the work done.

-Modification and justification of the finished work.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible







Formative Unit 3-UF0277




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been exceeded the training units 1 and 2.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1483_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1483_3 Design floral art compositions and ornaments

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF0278

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Create designs of compositions and ornaments of floral art according to the different compositional styles, forms of artistic creation, techniques, raw materials and materials.

CE1.1 Identify and describe the main artistic styles related to the history of art and decorative arts and their different decorations.

CE1.2 Describe the main raw materials, techniques, technology and tools used in the plastic activities.

CE1.3 Identify and describe artistic styles, forms of creation, fashions and trends established in floral art and their different applications.

CE1.4 Describe the design techniques applied in floral art compositions and ornaments.

CE1.5 Explain the guidelines to follow in the making of the sketch of a design of a composition of floral art or ornamentation of a space.

CE1.6 Describe the tools of new technologies for graphic and artistic drawing, as well as those that are used by show hand to outline compositions and decoration projects.

CE1.7 Describe conventional and innovative non-floral structures and supports and, in a case and/or practical case, perform several sketches of innovative structures and supports, describing composition style, fastening technique applied to each one and functionality.

CE1.8 Identify occupational and environmental risk prevention measures related to the design and performance of experimental floral art prototypes.

CE1.9 In a case and/or practical case, properly characterized in designing an innovative composition of floral art, ornamentation of large spaces or special decorations for events:

-Hand out the necessary sketches of the composition to show all its parts and characteristics.

-Select the natural, dry and/or artificial materials and raw materials to be used, taking into account their qualitative, quantitative, aesthetic and functional suitability.

-Select the media, containers, bases, or structures to use.

-Rate and design applying techniques, compositional styles and forms of artistic creation that cater to the given premises.

-Build the prototype or composition model based on the sketch made.

-Perform the above actions taking into account the measures of occupational risk prevention.


1. History of art and decorative arts

-Artistic styles: from Prehistory to Contemporary Art.

-Floral compositions throughout History: from the Greeks to the present.

-Modes and trends in floral art and its application.

2. Design techniques applied in floral art compositions and ornaments

-Techniques for the elaboration of sketches:

-Graphic drawing (scales, flat types, most used views).

-Artistic drawing (pencil, plumille, watercolor, among others).

-Criteria used in sketch design:

-Using the color

-Composition forms.

-Space, perspective, and depth.

-Symmetry and asymmetry.


-Balance, movement and rhythm.

-Acent, emphasis and light point.

-Useful for drawing sketches:

-Handled drawing.

-New technologies.

-Plastic activities in floral art:

-Raw materials (clay, metal, wood, among others).




-Making sketches of conventional and innovative structures and supports (floral and non-floral) according to:

-Composition style.


-clamping techniques.

-Making sketches by hand based on:

-Historical style.

-Architectural style.

-Characteristics of a defined space.

3. Manufacture of prototypes or models of floral compositions

-Interpret the sketch by analyzing all the parts and characteristics of the composition.

-Select the raw materials and materials needed, taking into account their qualitative, quantitative, aesthetic and functional suitability.

-Choose the media, containers, bases, or structures to use.

-Build the prototype or composition model based on the sketch.

-Apply established occupational risk prevention and environmental protection measures.



Code: UF0279

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Evaluate the economic viability of new products and/or florist services, analyzing the factors that determine their acceptance in the market.

CE1.1 Citar the phases to implement new products and/or services of florist in the market.

CE1.2 Describe methods for the economic valuation of new products and/or services, taking into account profitability margins.

CE1.3 Identify methods of obtaining information from the public in the face of new services or products designed.

CE1.4 Explain the different techniques of exposure of florist products and promotion of new services.

CE1.5 Describe the organizational methods of a public demonstration for the presentation of a new service or product.

CE1.6 Explain the methods of analysis of the information collected in demonstrations, surveys and other means, as well as the strategies to follow that are derived from this analysis.

CE1.7 In a case and/or practical assumption, with the introduction of an innovative floral art composition on the market:

-Calculate the final price of the composition.

-Apply survey models or pick-ups of opinions on the new composition.

-Perform a demonstration, for commercial or promotional purposes, of the composition.

-Apply the relevant changes to the innovative composition after the assessment of the information collected.


1. Market deployment of new products and/or services

-Market deployment phases:

-Market segment choice.

-Selection of the distribution channel.

-Calculation of the final price of the product.

2. Presentation of the product.

-Analysis of the impact of the product on the market.

-Market segmentation:

-Segmentation Criteria

-Client databases.

-Economic valuation methods:

-Types of costs (raw materials and materials, labor, general expenses, financial cost, taxes, among others).

-Cost calculation (fixed and variable costs).

-Profit margin.

3. Presentation of new products and/or services

-Product exposure techniques and promotion of new services:


-Broadcast channels (radio, print, television, buzoneo, among others).

-New technologies (e-mail, Web, among others).

-Phases for public demonstrations organization:

-Choosing the location.

-Determination of the required logistics.

-Selection of attendees or type of audience.

-Economic assessment of the demonstration.

-Analysis of the impact of the new product and/or service on the market:

-Means for the collection of information (questionnaires, surveys, interviews, among others).

-Study of the collected information.

-Determining the viability of the product and/or service from the information collected

-Modification of products and/or services based on the analysis performed.

-Planning and organizing a public demonstration for commercial or promotional purposes.

-Assessment of the viability of a product and/or service on the market based on the results obtained after its presentation.



Code: UF0280

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Set the corporate image of a flower shop, taking into account the artistic, technical and quality aspects of the products and services of floral art.

CE1.1 Define the concept of corporate image in florist.

CE1.2 Describe the design elements, the production processes (compositions and ornaments, among others) that transmit the image of the company.

CE1.3 Describe the forms of image integration and florist style in the products and services offered.

CE1.4 Explain the forms of transmission to staff of the style criteria related to florist products and services.

CE1.5 Identify the corporate image broadcast media used in florist.

CE1.6 In a case and/or practical scenario, with the implementation and supervision of the corporate image of a flower shop:

-Analyze the corporate image of a company applied to floral compositions and ornaments.

-Refresh, if necessary, the image style of the floral compositions and ornaments.

-Define the application techniques of the corporate image.

-Transmit the style criteria related to floral compositions and ornamentation.

-Check that products and services conform to the corporate image.


1. Defining the corporate image of a florist

-Concepts associated with the corporate image (color, uniformity, style, among others).

-Media for the dissemination of the corporate image (logos, billboards, stamps, among others).

-Production process design elements:


-Product termination.

-Decorative items.

-Delivery mode.

-Creating a corporate image for a florist:

-Analysis of the company's characteristics.

-Choosing the style.

-Selection of broadcast media.

-Implanting the corporate image.

-Evaluation of the result.

2. Integrating the corporate image

-Corporate image integration forms:

-Design of compositions.

-Presentation of storefronts.

-Delivery vehicles.

-Other forms of integration.

-Transmission methods to staff of style criteria:

-Importance of the corporate image.

-Integration of personnel into the corporate image.

-Identification of personnel with products and/or services.

-Motivation and involvement of staff.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF0278



unit 2- UF0279



Formative Unit 3-UF0280




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1482_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1482_3 Organize Florist Activities

Duration: 110 hours



Code: UF0281

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Schedule the purchase of materials, raw materials and products, and the hiring of external services, describing the process and the conditions under which it is performed.

CE1.1 Relate and describe raw materials and materials that supply a flower shop.

CE1.2 Describe the flower and plant markets, indicating the typology of the producing and intermediary companies.

CE1.3 Explain the main distribution channels for raw materials, materials and products.

CE1.4 Describe pricing systems for raw materials, materials, products, and services offered to florist.

CE1.5 Analyze stock replenishment and stock control systems commonly used in florist.

CE1.6 In a case and/or practical assumption, with the characteristic performance of a florist shopping schedule:

-Analyze the inventory of the florist.

-Analyze the historical buying and selling and the demand curves of the florist.

-Perform procurement and procurement programming based on each department's work forecast, inventory, and demand curves.

C2: Coordinate the logistics, production and services of the florist company by analyzing and describing the different systems of optimization of resources.

CE2.1 Identify products, raw materials and materials that can be stored and storage requirements for optimal preservation and maintenance.

CE2.2 Describe the systems of organization and distribution of materials, raw materials and products in the different departments of the florist.

CE2.3 Describe systems of optimization of the production process of the florist according to workload, times, personnel, objectives, among others.

CE2.4 Describe the process of quality control and supervision of the items exposed, orders, works performed and services provided by florist.

CE2.5 Describe the plant maintenance system in florist, listing the cultural tasks to be performed.

CE2.6 In a case and/or practical assumption of the organization and supervision of the plant maintenance service:

-Assign qualified staff for plant maintenance.

-Perform the planning and scheduling of the plant maintenance service according to the different variables.

-Monitor plant maintenance.

CE2.7 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized in receiving, processing and delivery of orders:

-Analyze the characteristics of a custom before its elaboration.

-Assign the assignment of the order to the department and/or person concerned.

-Monitor the order before your expedition.

-Schedule the route for delivery of the order taking into account human, technical and/or needs and delivery times, among other variables.


1. Provision, procurement and procurement of services

-Realization of commercial orders.

-Materials, raw materials and florist products.

-Operation of flower and plant markets (international, national and local).

-Distribution and provisioning channels:

-Producing companies.

-Intermediate companies.

-Groups and shopping centers.

-Fairs and shopping events:

-Types of fairs (international, national, local).



-Purchase and price negotiation techniques.

-Payment and purchase financing systems (change letter, pay, check, among others).

-Purchase, sales and demand curves.

-External services associated with the activity:

-Types of external services (accounting management, delivery service, floral transmission, among others).

-Managing external services.

-Types of service contracts.

-Shopping programming.

-Programming of external service procurement.

2. Storage, stock replenishment and stock control

-Product storage, raw materials and materials:

-Techniques for the protection and conservation of inputs.

-Organization and distribution of departments (workshop, warehouse, among others).

-Handling of stocks:

-Types of stocks (minimum stock or safety stock, seasonal stock, among others).


-Stock control software.

-Inventory types.

-Stock valuation methods (LIFO method, FIFO method, among others).

-Calculation of stocks and simple replacement systems.

-Inventory assessment.

-Interpretation and management of historical buying, selling and demand curves.

3. Optimization of production processes

-Organization of work on marked dates:

-Festivals and other special dates (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, All Saints Day, among others).

-Specific materials.

-Distribution of the workspace.

-Associated services (delivery service, flower transmission, among others).

-Programming of production processes:

-Forecast of production needs (personnel, media, workspace, among others).

-Optimizing available resources.

-Production timing.

-Making forms and worksheets.

-Programming and monitoring of requested jobs or jobs:

-Analysis of the job characteristics.

-Assignment of the order to the appropriate department or personnel.

-Supervision of the order prior to dispatch.

-Programming of the delivery route.

-Home Plant Maintenance Service:

-Documents related to the maintenance of plants (control of albarans, worksheets, among others).

-Plant maintenance contracts (requirements and features).

-Plant maintenance service planning and planning (personnel, materials, products, among others).

-Monitoring maintenance jobs.

-Quality Control:

-Quality control systems for the product and service provided.

-Application of UNE Standard 175001-5.



Code: UF0282

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a plan for the organization of human resources in a florist by analyzing the different departments, functions and tasks to be performed.

CE1.1 Differentiate the departments and jobs of a florist and its functions within the organization's organization chart.

CE1.2 Describe the main tasks performed by the staff of the florist and its sphere of competence.

CE1.3 Identify control systems and the quality standards of the florist company applied to the personnel of the company.

CE1.4 List the methods of control and resolution of incidents arising during the activity of florist.

CE1.5 Describe scheduling systems for labor calendars, schedules, and holidays for florist personnel.

CE1.6 Describe systems for the distribution of jobs and tasks to the staff according to their competence profile.

CE1.7 To issue regulations on labor contracts, workers ' rights and obligations, and on the prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment applicable to florist companies.

CE1.8 In a case and/or practical assumption of the organization and coordination of the florist staff:

-Preview the required personnel based on their qualification to develop a defined job.

-Perform a work schedule by contemplating various situations within the florist and holiday periods among other variables.

-Develop a staff organization and coordination template for florist.


1. Organization chart of the companies of the florist sector

-Departments of a florist company:

-Purchasing Department.

-Sales Department.

-Human Resources Department.

-Florist workshop.

-Plant Maintenance Department.


-Other departments.

-Jobs and associated tasks.

2. Regulations on human resources

-The Florist Sector Collective Agreement:

-Types of labor contracts (workday, duration, among others).

-Professional categories in the sector.

-Labor rights and obligations (faults and penalties).

-Pay system (salary tables, incentives, among others).

-Vacations, permissions, and licenses.

-Workers ' Statute.

-Supplementary legislation:

-Prevention of occupational risks.

-Environmental protection.

3. Human resource optimization systems and methods

-Distribution of the day, holidays and permits.

-Elaboration of work calendars.

-Organization and coordination of personnel:

-Staff forecast required.

-Qualification of the staff.

-Distribution of tasks.

-Elaboration of work schedules.



Code: UF0283

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Schedule promotional actions, describing the commercial pro-motion systems and techniques applied to the florist and taking into account the corporate image.

CE1.1 List the different promotional techniques applicable to florist.

CE1.2 Describe the flower and plant consumption market.

CE1.3 Describe the application, uses, advantages and disadvantages of different advertising and promotional media.

CE1.4 Citar the different moments, times and seasons that can be applied to a promotional campaign.

CE1.5 Citar the various external services or companies that are likely to be engaged in promotional campaigns.

CE1.6 Analyze different promotional campaigns: their objectives and the results achieved.

CE1.7 Describe product exposure techniques in storefronts and florist sales zone.

CE1.8 In a case and/or practical assumption, with the use of a promotional action of a florist product:

-Make commercial action proposals for the product.

-Rate the selected business shares.

-Schedule promotional actions over time.

-Schedule the product exposure and the window and sales zone setting.

-Monitor the setting of a storefront or exhibition area with the selected commercial promotion.

-Analyze historical promotional campaigns in florists.


1. Commercial promotion systems and techniques

-Flower and plant markets: consumption statistics.

-Planning for commercial promotions:



-Corporate image.

-Legal aspects.

-Promotional materials.

-Moments, times and seasons.

-Other aspects to consider.

-Promotional instruments:

-Concourses and draws.

-Discount coupons.



-Other instruments.

-Evaluation of promotional campaigns.

2. Advertising and promotional media

-Promotional campaigns:





-Advertising media:

-Media types.

-Benefits and drawbacks.

-External services (advertising agencies, graphic design, among others).

-Merchandising techniques in the enterprise:


-Distribution of the spaces.

-Presentation of the products.

-Other techniques.

3. Exposure of products in storefronts and areas of sale

-Theme for storefronts:

-Special dates.


-Modes and Trends.

-Other topics.

-Design of storefronts setting:



-Customer movement sense.

-Public flow.

-Lighting techniques.

-Planning and scheduling of the work of setting.

-Choosing the items and products to expose.

-Realizing the design of a storefront, scheduling the jobs and running them.

-Assessment of the business outcome of the storefront.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative Unit 1-UF0281



Unit 2- UF0282



Formative Unit 3-UF0283




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1485_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1485_3 Manage Sales and Service Service in Florist

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyse the techniques of public attention in the application of products and/or services, and in a teaching-learning context apply them to meet the demands of the same.

CE1.1 Define the concept "client" in the field of management in florist.

CE1.2 Expose the main theories regarding consumer or consumer behavior.

CE1.3 Identify and describe the main characteristics of the clientele to be collected.

CE1.4 Describe different methods of customer loyalty.

CE1.5 List the sales and attention techniques to the public.

CE1.6 Describe the tools available in the florist company to inform and attend to the public about products and services.

CE1.7 Describe possible strategic attitudes to maintain during the sale process.

CE1.8 Describe conclusion techniques to successfully complete a business interview.

CE1.9 In a case and/or practical scenario duly characterized in conducting a commercial interview:

-Understand the person or persons concerned by providing clear and accurate information.

-Use question and active listening techniques to identify customer needs.

-Collect customer data and enter it into the database.

-Classify the customer typology or client type of the case.

-Show the clientele catalogs, manuals, Web page, among others.

-Make arguments to help the sales conviction.

-Close the deal formally by committing budget, design, or finished product delivery dates.

C2: Organize the operation of the commercial department of florist by defining the processes and techniques used.

CE2.1 Point out the basic procedures to be taken into account to monitor the public's attention to the public.

CE2.2 Describe the management techniques of the florist orders for correct execution and delivery within the stipulated time.

CE2.3 Explain the methods for performing the box and box closure.

CE2.4 Explain the different methods of payment, spot, deferred sale, credit, among others.

CE2.5 Explain the methods of valuation of the products and services of the florist, taking into account the materials and raw materials used, the processing time among other parameters.

CE2.6 Explain the procurement and control techniques of the merchandise in the sales and exhibition room.

CE2.7 In a case and/or practical scenario with the supervision of a product catalog for use in florist:

-Perform an index with the main product groups that are offered in florist.

-Choose a model representative of the different styles or forms of composition within each group.

-Reasoned the price rate for that catalog

-Make the necessary modifications to the monitored catalog.

CE2.8 In a case and/or a practical scenario of management of the operation of the commercial department of a flower shop:

-Check the cash envelope and the presence of talonaries, albarans, among others.

-Review and update sales prices for catalogs and products and services for sale.

-Review the company's Web page and other advertising media.

-Verify the documentation that accompanies a custom.

-Monitor the sales room replenishment.

-Monitor and perform cash operations in your case.

-Perform the box and lock box.

C3: Solve complaints and complaints by analyzing their causes, extracting information from them, and describing the techniques applied in their management.

CE3.1 List the typology of the most frequent complaints or complaints in florist.

CE3.2 Describe the basic criteria to be applied by florist personnel to a complaint or complaint.

CE3.3 Explain conflict resolution techniques to a complaint or complaint.

CE3.4 Describe the different mechanisms of mediation and arbitration and the documentation handled in the handling of complaints and complaints.

CE3.5 Analyze the techniques for the subsequent assessment of complaints and complaints.

CE3.6 In a case and/or practical scenario with a proper resolution of a complaint or complaint:

-Report to the client or client of their rights and how to deal with the complaint or complaint.

-Apply conflict resolution and objection techniques.

-Determine whether the complaint or complaint can be resolved at the time and, if applicable, set deadlines for its resolution.

-Make a report on the complaints or complaints collected.

C4: To report on the sales activity of the flower shop describing the main information and control systems and analyzing the factors that influence the commercial management and the optimization of the sales.

CE4.1 Explain the methods of reporting trends in demand trends for new products and services.

CE4.2 Describe how you can report on the work parts and other documentation generated during the work (delivery notes, invoices, machinery maintenance books, among others).

CE4.3 Describe the quality management documents of the florist (Annual Plan of Improvements, Procedures, among others).

CE4.4 Analyze the possible use of new techniques and technologies that arise from the emergence of new products and services.

CE4.5 List the sources of information, internal and external that affect the company.

CE4.6 Define and classify the main items that constitute production and sales costs in a florist.

CE4.7 In a duly characterized case and/or scenario, conduct a report of the commercial activity of a flower shop, including, among others, the data on public attention, the process of selling and providing services and complaints and complaints.


1. Attention to the public in florist

-Customer concept.

-Customer and consumer tipologies.

-Buying and communication behaviors (in-person, telephone, among others).

-Sales and care techniques to the public:

-Receiving the client.

-Analysis of client needs.

-Arguing techniques.

-Pricing techniques.

-Sales closing forms.

-Farewell techniques.

-Seller's personal image and behavior.

-Customer motivation techniques.

-Strategies for telephone attention.

-Methods and customer loyalty systems.

-Commercial interview.

-Complaints and complaints management:

-Types of complaints and complaints (regarding purchased goods or services, sales personnel, or store policy).

-Conflict resolution techniques.

-Claims sheets.

-Consumer arbitration system.

-Consumer rights.

-Post-sales assistance.

-Managing and completing trade guarantees.

-Simulation of the customer support process.

-Realization of business interviews.

-Resolution of a complaint or complaint.

2. Operation of the commercial department

-Techniques used in commercial department processes:

-Order management techniques (processing order forms and worksheets).

-Box and lock tonnage methods.

-Payment systems (spot, deferred sale, credit, among others).

-Purchase finance modes.

-Item and product rating:

-Associated cost types.

-Cost calculation.

-Calculation of gross margin.

-Calculation of unit costs.

-Calculation of returns.

-Control of the operation of the commercial department of florist:

-Box-out and documentation required.

-Review prices and update catalogs.

-Monitor order sheets and worksheets.

-Asisate showroom and sales area.

-Perform tonnage and box closure.

-floral transmission networks:

-System operation.

-Agent types.

-Mechanisms used.

-Applicable rules.

-Elaboration and structuring of a catalog of florist, setting the price rates of the items.

3. Management and control of commercial activity

-Management of florist activity: calculation of costs.

-Basic accounting:

-Basic accounting concepts (heritage masses, accounts, among others).

-Interpret balance sheets and profit and loss accounts.

-Management software.

-Labor Relations:

-Personal concepts of staff.


-Social Security.

-Types of labor contracts.

-Insurance hiring.

-Basic tax concepts:

-Tributes classes.

-Indirect taxes (VAT rates, IGIC, among others).

-Financing the activity:

-Funding sources.

-Negotiation with financial institutions.

-Types of credits.

-Financial management of the company.

-Grant management.

-Creating a company:

-Types of companies (autonomous, limited companies, labor companies, among others).

-Business association and business association forms.

-Types of formalities before public administrations (Finance, Social Security, local authorities, among others).

4. Legislation applicable to the activity


-Personal data protection regulations.

-Regulations on the protection of consumers and users.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Regulations on environmental protection.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF1485_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0065

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare and perform floral compositions and decoration of a space, with flowers or plants

CE1.1 Perform and develop the sketch of the ornamentation, taking into account the space, the architectural and environmental style of the place to decorate.

CE1.2 Analyze the material and material needs of the work to be performed.

CE1.3 Schedule and coordinate work on the basis of time, human resources and available materials or project and/or budget.

CE1.4 Make a programming of purchases of the necessary materials and raw materials and collect the materials and raw materials to be used according to the sketch.

CE1.5 Perform and monitor innovative and special compositions according to the original design, applying creative criteria.

CE1.6 Apply in the elaboration the techniques of composition and creation, taking into account the growth of the plants, opening of the flowers, aesthetics, stability, among other criteria.

C2: Monitor the plant maintenance service.

CE2.1 Assign qualified personnel for plant maintenance.

CE2.2 Perform the planning and scheduling of the plant maintenance service according to the different variables.

CE2.3 Monitor Plant Maintenance.

C3: Organize receipt, processing, and delivery of orders.

CE3.1 Analyze the characteristics of a custom before its elaboration.

CE3.2 Assign the order to the department and/or person concerned.

CE3.3 Monitor the order before your expedition by checking the accompanying documentation.

CE3.4 Schedule the route for delivery of the order taking into account human, technical and/or delivery needs and schedules, among other variables.

C4: Perform a promotional action for a florist product.

CE4.1 Make commercial action proposals for the product.

CE4.2 Rate the selected business shares.

CE4.3 Schedule product exposure and showcase and sales zone setting.

CE4.4 Monitor the setting of a storefront or exhibition area with the selected commercial promotion.

C5: Run a business interview.

CE5.1 Advise the person or persons concerned by providing clear and accurate information.

CE5.2 Use question techniques and active listening to identify customer needs.

CE5.3 Collect customer data and enter it into the database.

CE5.4 Show customers catalogs, manuals, Web page, among others.

CE5.5 Make arguments to help the sales conviction.

CE5.6 Closing the agreement formally committing budget, design, or finished product delivery dates.

CE5.7 Make a report of the commercial activity of a flower shop, including, among others, data on public attention, improvements in the process of sale, service delivery and complaints or complaints.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Supervision and realization of floral compositions and decoration of a space with flowers or ` plants

-Performing a sketch

-Specifying the materials and raw materials required for the performance of a decoration

-Programming of the jobs to be performed (time, human resources, and available materials, among others)

-Making and monitoring innovative compositions by applying creative criteria

2. Organization of plant maintenance, order and office florist orders.

-Distribution of tasks and personnel for plant maintenance

-Planning and scheduling plant maintenance

-Monitoring the plant maintenance service

-Identify different types of orders and orders

-Order distribution in the florist workshop according to characteristics

-Monitoring the order and its documentation.

-Programming of the delivery route

3. Realization of a promotional action and interview for commercial purposes in the flower shop.

-Choosing a promotional action (date, theme, among others).

-Programming of window and sales room setting.

-Running a promotional action (cost, materials, objectives, among others).

-Monitoring the selected promotional action.

-Structure of the interview

-Advice from a customer about offered products or services

-Using question and active listener techniques

-Presentation of manuals and catalogs

-Realizing customer reports and customer service enhancements

4. Integration and communication in the job center

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the COMPETITION

MF1484_3: Realization of special floral art compositions and ornaments and supervision of florist workshop jobs

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or degree of corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1483_3: Design of floral art compositions and ornaments

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1482_3: Organization of Florist Activities

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1485_3: Management of the sale and service of the public service in florist

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Florist Workshop



Florist store























Forming Space


-Pizars for writing with a marker.

-Audiovisual equipment.

-network installed PCs, projection cannon, and Internet.


-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Specialty specific

Florist Workshop




-Sierra de calar.

-Tape machine machine.


-The cash register.


-Point-of-Sale (POS) Terminal.

Florist store

-Cold Chamber (15 m3).

-Armario with key for plant protection products for domestic use and fertilizers.


It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to a higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.


I. Identification of the certificate of professionalism

Naming: Managing seed and plant production in nursery.

Code: AGAU0210

Professional family: Agrarian

Professional area: Agriculture

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

AGA464_3 Management of seed and plant production in nursery. (RD 715/2010, May 28)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1492_3: Manage plant propagation operations in nursery.

UC1493_3: Manage the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.

UC1494_3: Manage seed production.

UC1132_3: Manage farm machinery, equipment and facilities.

General competition:

Organize and supervise the production of seeds and plants in nursery, managing the material and human resources available, applying quality criteria and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations, including environmental and occupational risk prevention.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small companies, public and private, both self-employed and employed, dedicated to the production of seeds and plants in nursery according to the planning established, following, in their case, instructions, of the person responsible for the production, and being able to have their personal position of inferior level.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the agricultural sector, within the subsectors of plant propagation and seed treatments for reproduction, in the following productive activities, developed in: Public and private Viveros. Seed-producing companies. Seed treatment companies for reproduction. Companies producing tepes. Plant marketing companies, tepes and seeds. Companies that perform jobs in height in the trees. Public inspection and control bodies for the production of plants and seeds. Research and experimentation institutions in agriculture and forestry.

Occupations or related jobs:

6120.1017 Encharged or agricultural foreman of orchards, nurseries and gardens, in general.

Nursery manager, in general.

Plant propagation manager in nursery.

Plant crop in nursery.

In charge of gathering seeds and fruits in height.

Seed Production Manager.

Plant, tepes, and/or seed shipment warehouse manager.

Duration of the associated training: 540 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1492_3: Managing plant propagation operations in nursery. (90 hours).

MF1493_3: Management of plant cultivation and tepes in nursery. (140 hours).

• UF1371: Management of plant production and tepes in nursery. (80 hours).

• UF1372: Coordination of plant management and expedition of plants and tepes in nursery. (60 hours).

MF1494_3: Managing seed production operations. (90 hours).

MF1132_3 (Transverse): Management of agricultural holding machinery, equipment and facilities (180 hours).

• UF0390: Agricultural installations, machinery and equipment. (50 hours).

• UF0391: Basic repairs, supervision and organization of a workshop. (50 hours).

• UF0392: Organization and management of the agricultural enterprise. (80 hours)

MP0373: Non-working professional practice module for seed and plant production management in nursery. (40 hours)




Level: 3

Code: UC1492_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Organize and supervise the processes necessary for the propagation by seed of plants in nursery, making, where appropriate, the programming of the crop, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and regulations in force.

CR1.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the processes necessary for the propagation by seed of plants in nursery is elaborated, if necessary, according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR1.2 The collection, conditioning and control of stock of materials (trays, substrates, plastics, quilting materials, among others) is organized and supervised to fulfill the established production program and to be able to carry out an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR1.3 The preparation of the soil or substrate (refined, padded, solarisation, among others) before sowing is monitored to verify that they are carried out with the appropriate means and techniques.

CR1.4 Seat and rear irrigation, padding and other germination-friendly operations are monitored to favor the success of the reproduction.

CR1.5 Manual and mechanized seeding operations are monitored, taking into account working methods and times, to schedule early care.

CR1.6 Reports referring to the process, results and incidences of propagation by seed of plants in the nursery are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR1.7 The relevant information on propagation processes by plant seed in nursery was collected for analysis.

CR1.8 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in propagation operations by plant seed in nursery is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR1.9 The propagation operations by seed of plants in nursery are organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP2: Organize and supervise the processes necessary for the vegetative propagation of plants in the nursery, making, where appropriate, the programming of the crop, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR2.1 The achievement of the programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the processes necessary for the vegetative propagation of plants in nursery is elaborated, if necessary, according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR2.2 The collection, conditioning and control of stocks of complementary materials (trays, substrates, hormones, among others) is organized and supervised for an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR2.3 Mother plants are replenished based on current record control and analysis of results from previous campaigns.

CR2.4 The preparation of the soil or substrate (refined, padded, solarisation, among others) before sowing is monitored to check that they are carried out with the appropriate means and techniques.

CR2.5 The operations of separating, obtaining, conditioning and preserving the propagation plant material (hyjuelos, varas or sprouts, patterns and grafts, staquillas, bulbs, rhizomes, among others) are monitored to achieve their ideal development or reproductive success according to the technical recommendations received.

CR2.6 The operations of collecting and grafting, planting of ice and plants obtained by division of kills, cuttings, staquillas and stems or specialized roots, are controlled and supervised to ensure their ideal development.

CR2.7 The operations of vegetative propagation of plants in nursery by in vitro multiplication are performed, collaborating with a higher level.

CR2.8 Reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the vegetative propagation of plants in the nursery are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR2.9 The relevant information about the processes of vegetative propagation was recused for analysis.

CR2.10 The selection, management and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the vegetative propagation of plants in the nursery is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.11 The operations of vegetative propagation of plants in the nursery are organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP3: Coordinate the necessary human resources in plant propagation operations in nursery, for optimization based on their objectives and established activities.

CR3.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set taking into account the default activities.

CR3.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR3.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR3.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR3.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the objectives set.

CR3.6 The embedded staff is technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR3.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR3.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Containers, trays and pots. Hand tools: pruning shears, grafting knives, sawdust, brushes, layas, hoes, among others. Materials for the management and conservation of seeds. Tutors. Mixers for the manufacture of substrates. Equipment for the distribution of fertilizers. Sowing machines and equipment. Grafting. Agricultural tractors, tools, motor vehicles and motor vehicles. Aporter. Propagation equipment and tables: rooting and seedling. Plants for the hardening of plants. Irrigation and fertigation equipment. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Thermometers, hygrometers and pH-metros. Computer equipment. Cold rooms. Greenhouses and umbracles.

Products and results

Programming of the crop done. Organized and supervised sexual reproduction operations. Operations of organised and supervised asexual multiplication. Plant material obtained in perfect conditions for cultivation or marketing. Scheduled jobs. Reports issued. Basic maintenance operations of checked machines, equipment and tools. Material acquisition programs. Disposal of managed waste.

Information used or generated

Soil and climatology information. General and specific botanical literature on the species to be used. Bibliography on the vegetative and sexual reproduction of plants. Soil analysis. Collation tables for evaluating soil analysis. Manuals for the use and maintenance of agricultural machinery, tools, motor vehicles, motor vehicles, equipment for the distribution of fertilizers, machines and equipment for sowing, irrigation systems, among others. Manual of good environmental practices. Commercial catalogues of plant species and their characteristics. Seed catalogues. Catalogues of substrates and fertilizers. Container catalogues. Catalogues of infrastructure material for acclimatisation and hardening. Catalogues of garden plants and forest applications (trees, shrubs, herbaceous, cut flowers). Catalogues and price lists of nursery plants. Specific environmental legislation. Current legislation on safety and specific legislation on the spread of protected species. Environmental regulations on waste treatment. Annual production plan. The company's occupational risk prevention plan. Work orders. Control and monitoring tabs. Information material on fairs and certamenes. National and European legislation on plant production and marketing. Reports on procedures and incidents. Market research. Report of national and international trends in the plant market.



Level: 3

Code: UC1493_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Organize and supervise the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-laboratory to achieve the objectives of quality and efficiency marked, verifying that the established safety conditions are met, and current regulations.

CR1.1. The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the work of preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-laboratory work is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR1.2 The collection, conditioning and stock control of the different fertilizers used within the cultivation cycle is organized and monitored for an optimal assessment of the short and medium term supply needs.

CR1.3 The sampling and preparation operations of the culture medium, as well as the post-laboratory operations are programmed and monitored in accordance with the established protocols.

CR1.4 The development status of the crop, the arvense vegetation and the soil tempero are monitored to define deadlines in the crop programming.

CR1.5 The adjustment of the product dosage in the subscriber equipment is performed and monitored to avoid economic losses.

CR1.6 The substrate mixture is organized and monitored to achieve good homogenization and effectiveness.

CR1.7 The reports referring to the process, results and incidents of the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-work are elaborated and transmitted to the hierarchical person.

CR1.8 The relevant information about the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-laboratory work was collected for analysis.

CR1.9 The selection, management and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-laboratory environment is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR1.10 The operations of preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-working environment are programmed and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP2: Organize and supervise the transplantation operations to ensure the development of the plants, following criteria of economic profitability and commercial purposes of the product, verifying that the established safety conditions are met, and current regulations.

CR2.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the transplantation operations to ensure the development of the plants is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR2.2 The collection, conditioning and stock control of the different materials used within the crop cycle is organized and monitored for an optimal assessment of short and medium term supply needs.

CR2.3 The determination of the plant's maturity status, in which the transplant must be performed, is performed to detail it within the culture programming.

CR2.4 The use of the appropriate transplantation technique to the typology of the plant material and the nature of the crop, is monitored to correct possible defects so that they can condition the development of the crop.

CR2.5 The conditioning procedures of transplanted plants and protocols for the transplantation of field-grown specimens are selected and monitored to avoid economic losses.

CR2.6 The reports referring to the process, results and incidences in the transplantation operations to ensure the development of the plants are elaborated and transmitted, in their case to the hierarchical responsible.

CR2.7 The relevant information about transplant operations was recused for analysis.

CR2.8 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in transplant operations is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.9 Transplant operations are managed taking into account the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP3: Organize and supervise the cultural tasks of the tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others, to perform each crop, establishing methodologies and parameters to be applied in them, for the improvement of the quality and performance of the same, checking that the established safety conditions are met, and current regulations.

CR3.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the cultural tasks (tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others) to be applied to each crop is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and of the available resources.

CR3.2 The collection and conditioning of the stock of materials (tutors, tapes, ropes, wires, substrates, containers, among others) necessary to carry out the cultural operations to be applied to each crop is organized and supervised for an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR3.3 The techniques used in the cultural operations of tutoring, pinching, rinsing, repaving, among others, are defined to detail them in the programming of the crop, and its application is monitored to correct possible defects.

CR3.4 The reports referring to the process, results and incidents in the cultural work (tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others) to be applied to each crop are elaborated and transmitted, if necessary, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR3.5 The relevant information on cultural tasks (tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others) was recited for analysis.

CR3.6 The selection, management and maintenance of the machinery, equipment and tools in the cultural tasks to be applied to each crop is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks that its use entails.

CR3.7 The cultural operations to be applied to each crop are organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP4: Organize and monitor operations that result in pre-implanted turf production or "tepes" setting parameters for obtaining a viable end product after extraction, verifying that the established security conditions are met, and current regulations

CR4.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the operations carried out by the production of pre-implanted grass or "tepes" establishing parameters that make it possible to obtain a viable final product after extraction is elaborated according to the objectives to be achieved and the resources available.

CR4.2 The collection and conditioning of stocks of materials (seeds, substrates, fertilizers, cuttings, among others) necessary for the production of "tepes", is organized and supervised for an optimal evaluation of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR4.3 Seed mixtures are made using the selected varieties and percentages to achieve the desired end product.

CR4.4 The extended support blankets, soil preparation and application of the substrate as well as other planting and/or planting operations are monitored to ensure that they are performed in accordance with established culture and programming protocols.

CR4.5 Irrigation and other cultural tasks (subscribers, siegas, among others) are monitored to check that they are in line with the established programming.

CR4.6 The start-up or removal of the pre-implanted lawn plates is monitored to check that it adapts to the culture programming and established quality protocols.

CR4.7 The reports referring to the process, results and incidents of the operations carried out by the production of pre-implanted grass or "tepes" are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical person.

CR4.8 Relevant information about pre-implanted turf production operations or "tepes" was recused for analysis.

CR4.9 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the operations carried out by the production of pre-implanted grass or "tepes" is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks associated with its use.

CR4.10 Pre-implanted or "tepes" turf production operations are scheduled and monitored taking into account current regulations, the risk prevention plan

RP5: Organize and supervise the actions necessary to verify the health status of the crops by programming and monitoring the necessary control methods, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR5.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the application of phytosanitary treatments and control of the sanitary state of the crops, is elaborated following technical recommendations and according to the objectives to be reached and of the available resources.

CR5.2 The collection and conditioning of the stock of materials (inputs, among others) needed in the application of plant protection treatments and control of the sanitary state of the crops, is organized and supervised for an optimal assessment of the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CR5.3 The application of the plant protection treatments is organized and monitored by verifying that its performance is adapted to each health situation, characteristics of the crop and soil and climatic conditions.

CR5.4 The control actions of the health of the crops are carried out under economic criteria to make the exploitation profitable.

CR5.5 The reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the application of plant protection treatments and the management of the maintenance of equipment are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible and following technical recommendations.

CR5.6 The relevant information about the actions needed to verify the health status of the crops was collected for analysis.

CR5.7 The selection, management and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools used in the application of plant protection treatments is monitored, following technical recommendations, to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR5.8 The operations for the application of plant health treatment and control of the health of the crops are organized, following technical recommendations and taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP6: Coordinate and supervise the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and the environmental control facilities of the nursery to adapt them to the needs of the crop, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR6.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities to adapt them to the needs of the crop is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and of the available resources.

CR6.2 The operation of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control systems is monitored.

CR6.3 The operations of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control systems are programmed.

CR6.4 The rules and instructions for the use of different systems and installations of irrigation, environmental control and fertigation are established and verified their compliance, in order to optimize the use of the same.

CR6.5 The parameters relating to the supply of irrigation (doses, times of irrigation, frequencies), environmental control (hours of light, temperatures, optimal levels of humidity) and fertigation (type of subscriber, dose, frequencies) are defined to adapt them to the characteristics of the crop, establishing the necessary initial modifications, throughout the crop cycle.

CR6.6 Reports relating to the process, results and incidents of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities, are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR6.7 The relevant information on the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control facilities for nurseries was collected for analysis.

CR6.8 The maintenance of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control systems is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimise the risks involved in its use.

CR6.9 The operations related to the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities, are coordinated and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP7: Organize and supervise the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition, defining techniques and processes that guarantee the initial characteristics of the product after the time of transport, as well as organizing the expeditions, verifying that the conditions of quality and safety established, and current regulations are met.

CR7.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, days and frequency of loading and unloading among others) of the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition defining techniques and processes that guarantee the initial characteristics of the product after the time of transport, is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and of the available resources.

CR7.2 The collection and conditioning of the stocks of materials necessary for the conditioning of plants and tepes, is organized and supervised for an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR7.3 The items of plants or tepes that are received in the warehouses for the preparation of orders, are checked to conform to the typology, quality and quantity reflected in the order sheets.

CR7.4 The methodology and protocols to be used in the labeling, conditioning and packaging of orders are defined and monitored, verifying that the commercial and quality requirements of the product are adjusted.

CR7.5 Order expeditions are organized to set the load order, minimizing the elapsed time from packing to loading.

CR7.6 Transport routes are scheduled to optimize transportation costs and service all customers.

CR7.7 The emission of the road transport card (CMRs) and transport control documents is monitored to avoid errors.

CR7.8 The reports referred to the process, results and incidents of the conditioning of plants and tepes for their shipment orders (date and time of delivery agreed, status of the goods delivered, among others), defining techniques and processes that guarantee the initial characteristics of the product after the time of transport, are elaborated and transmitted, in their case to the hierarchical one.

CR7.9 The relevant information about plant conditioning processes and tepes for their expedition was recused for analysis.

CR7.10 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition, is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks that its use entails.

CR7.11 Plant conditioning operations and tepes for their expedition, are organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP8: Coordinate the necessary human resources in the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery, for optimization according to their objectives and established activities.

CR8.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set taking into account the default activities.

CR8.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR8.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR8.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR8.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the objectives set.

CR8.6 The embedded staff is technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR8.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR8.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Containers, trays and containers. Hand tools: shovels, layas, hoes, among others. Material for cleaning and maintenance of machinery and tools: wire brushes, among others. Tutors. Torting machines. Transplant machines. Tethers. Manual cutting tools: one-and two-handed scissors, cut-outs, among others. Mixers for the manufacture of substrates, containers, packers, packers and senders. Pallets, box-pallets and carrys "Danish cars". Abonds. Mechanical tools: battery or electrical scissors. Tractor or tractor and tools: bars, among others. Culture sheets for tepes. Tepes cutting and extraction machinery. Irrigation and fertigation equipment. Irrigation accessories: PVC, PE and brass, irrigation emitters. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Thermometers, hygrometers and pH-metros. Computer equipment. Cold rooms. Greenhouses, umbracles and warehouses. Environmental control systems. Metallic fabric for making leghold, jute mesh. Hopper and machinery for the preparation of seed mixtures.

Products and results

Elaborate action programs. Scheduled jobs. Reports issued. Material acquisition programs. Disposal of managed waste. Basic maintenance operations of checked machines, equipment and tools. Preparation of the programmed and supervised culture, fertilisation and post-laboratory method. Preparation of the plant (tutoring, pinched, rinsed, among others) programmed and supervised. Preimplanted or tepes produced. Scheduled and supervised transplant operations. Irrigation, fertilisation and programmed and supervised environmental control. Health status of plants and tepis verified. Plants paid. Orders of plants and tepes prepared for their expedition and transport.

Information used or generated

Soil and climatology information. Botanical bibliography. Literature on the type of plant material and possible transplantation techniques in each case. Protocols for the transplantation of specimens. Manuals for the operation and safety of machines in macetators, sowers. Computer equipment and applications for stock control and management of production means. Literature on the type of plant material and possible transplantation techniques in each case. Safety manuals and the operation of tractors and hydraulic or entrained tools. Manuals of Tepes cultivation techniques. Subscriber base programmes and fertigation. Performance data tables of different credit formulas. Catalogues of substrates and fertilizers. Pruning and pinched handbooks. Performance tables of different grass formulas. Container catalogues. Annual production plan. Work orders. Control and counting tabs. Manuals for the use of irrigation systems and subscribers. Soil analysis. Catalogues of infrastructure material for acclimatization and hardening of plants. Manual of good agricultural practices. Current occupational risk plan. Environmental regulations on the treatment of organic waste and packaging.



Level: 3

Code: UC1494_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Organize and supervise the harvesting of fruits and seeds in height and soil, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation, to achieve optimal performance of the same, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR1.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the collections in height and in soil of fruits and seeds, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and of the available resources.

CR1.2 The collection, conditioning and control of stocks of materials, tools and small equipment needed in the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds (harnesses, hulls, sweepers, blowers, among others) is organized and supervised to fulfill the established program and to be able to carry out an optimal assessment of the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CR1.3 The appropriate techniques and means applied to each case-trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants-are monitored, to make the collection profitable and to guarantee the quality of the product.

CR1.4 The cleaning and maintenance of safety equipment (harnesses, helmets, musketons, slings, ropes, stirrups, vagas, among others) necessary for the harvesting of the fruits, is programmed and reviewed to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks that its use entails.

CR1.5 The reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the collections in height and soil of fruits and seeds, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation, are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR1.6 The relevant information about (suppliers and contact with suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, emails, reports and production summaries of the last years, phytosanitary studies, among others) was recused for analysis.

CR1.7 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the height and soil collections of fruits and seeds, is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR1.8 The harvesting operations in height and in the soil of fruits and seeds, are organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP2: Organize and supervise the transport and storage of the batches of fruits and seeds according to technical specifications to optimize their subsequent processing, cleaning and selection, verifying that the conditions of quality and safety established, and current regulations are met.

CR2.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the transport and storage of the batches of fruits and seeds following technical specifications to optimize their subsequent processing, cleaning and selection is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR2.2 The collection, conditioning and control of stocks of materials necessary for the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds is organized and supervised to fulfill the established program and to be able to carry out an optimal assessment of the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CR2.3 The labelling is revised according to the items collected in the field before being transported in order to meet the commercial, processing or subsequent use requirements.

CR2.4 The entry control of the fruit and seed lots to the warehouse is monitored, following the technical specifications, to maintain the quality of the product and to meet the commercial, processing or subsequent use requirements.

CR2.5 The tasks of unloading and storing the batches of fruits and seeds are programmed and directed to meet the technical specifications of each species (type of container, temperature, environmental humidity and storage time up to processing, among others), to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks that its performance entails.

CR2.6 The time, fuel, and other expenses derived from transportation are organized and controlled under work efficiency criteria.

CR2.7 Reports referring to the process, results and incidents of transport and storage of fruit and seed lots, following technical specifications, to optimize their subsequent processing, cleaning and selection are elaborated and transmitted, if necessary, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR2.8 Relevant information about (suppliers and contact with suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, emails, reports and production summaries of the last few years, phytosanitary studies, among others) was collected for analysis

CR2.9 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the transport and storage of fruit and seed lots, is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.10 The operations of transport and storage of fruit and seed lots, are organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP3: Organize and supervise the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, to ensure the performance, quality and conservation of the same, checking that the established safety conditions are met, and current regulations.

CR3.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the tasks of cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, to ensure the performance, quality and conservation of the same are elaborated having according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR3.2 The collection, conditioning and control of stocks of materials needed for the cleaning, selection and conditioning of fruit and seed lots is organized and supervised to meet the established program and to be able to make an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR3.3 The seed and fruit processing operations are monitored to check that they are in compliance with the job plans.

CR3.4 The calibration of the densimetric equipment is monitored to achieve the qualities indicated in the technical specifications of each species and lot.

CR3.5 The sampling operations of each batch of seeds to control the quality are programmed and monitored that are performed according to the established protocols.

CR3.6 The work of the cleaning and selection phases of the seeds is monitored to make the production profitable and to have traceability.

CR3.7 The reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, to ensure the performance, quality and conservation of the same are elaborated and transmitted, if necessary, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR3.8 The relevant information on lots of fruits and seeds (suppliers and contact with them, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, emails, reports and production summaries of the last years, phytosanitary studies, among others) was collected for analysis.

CR3.9 The selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, are monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR3.10 The operations of cleaning and selecting lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, are managed taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP4: Organize and supervise the storage of seed lots in the various warehouses and cold storage rooms to achieve optimal conservation until they are placed on the market, verifying that the quality and safety conditions established, and current regulations are met.

CR4.1 The programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the tasks of storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold rooms until their marketing is elaborated according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CR4.2 The collection, conditioning and stock control of materials needed for the storage of seed lots is organized and supervised to meet the established program and to be able to perform an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CR4.3 The conservation of batches of seeds processed under conditions of low environmental humidity is monitored, following the specifications of each species, to ensure their quality and maintenance.

CR4.4 The packaging of clean, selected and dry seeds in the various warehouses and chambers is organized and controlled, according to the technical specifications of each species, under economic criteria of profitability.

CR4.5 The control of seed batch inputs and outputs from the various stores is coordinated to verify that the corresponding parts are completed according to the given specifications and instructions.

CR4.6 The equipment and machines required for the storage of seed lots are chosen with the aim of ensuring the efficiency of the work and minimizing the risks associated with its use.

CR4.7 The reports referring to the process, results and incidents in the storage of seed lots in the various warehouses and cold rooms until they are marketed, are elaborated and transmitted, where appropriate, to the hierarchical responsible.

CR4.8 The relevant information on seed lots (suppliers and contact with them, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, emails, reports and production summaries of the last years, phytosanitary studies, among others) was recused for analysis.

CR4.9 The selection, handling and maintenance of the machinery and equipment for storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold rooms until they are placed on the market, is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use. The operations of storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold rooms until they are marketed, are coordinated taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

RP5: Coordinate the necessary human resources in seed production, for optimization according to its objectives and established activities.

CR5.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set by taking into account the default activities.

CR5.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR5.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR5.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR5.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the objectives set.

CR5.6 The embedded staff is technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR5.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR5.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Bags, sacks and big-bags. Boxes, trays, pallets, palots, macaques, doors and baskets. Farts, canvases, brooms and brushes. Compasses. GPS. Climbing and rappel equipment. Staircases and lifting platforms. Equipment for collection of fruit in height. Hand tools: knives, pruning scissors, among others. Gloves, combs, rods and pertigas. Vibrators, blowers, vacuum cleaners, sweepers, trillators, avowers, manual and mechanical cribators, selectors, densimetric tables and desalinators. Cold rooms. Flotation tanks and washing machines. Humidifiers, dehumidifiers and drying trains. Equipment for the pildorado, pelletized and coating of seeds. Weights, scales and scales. Packers. Labeling. Warehouses. Transport machinery. Seed sanitary control systems. Teams for the control of germination and quality of seeds. Tractors and tools. Personal protective equipment (EPIs). Computer equipment. Environmental control systems. Harnesses, ropes, safety nets, helmets, insurers and blockers. Stitching and sealing. Lupas, hygrometers and thermometers.

Products and results

Work-in-high-level programs. Elaborate action programmes. Scheduled jobs. Monitored warehouse. Operations for cleaning and selecting lots of coordinated fruits and seeds. Reports issued. Transport and storage of lots of supervised fruit and seeds. Materials and equipment of climbing and rappel in perfect condition of maintenance. Acquisition of scheduled material. Controlled production costs. Disposal of managed waste. Basic maintenance operations of checked machines, equipment and tools.

Information used or generated

Botany and flora manuals. Manuals for the use and maintenance of work equipment in height. Topographical maps and GPS. Mass mapping and seed copies. Catalogue of plant species and their characteristics. Information on climatology and meteorology. General and specific botanical bibliography on the production and seed management of the species to be produced. Instructions for handling environmental control systems. Commercial catalogues of materials and equipment for forestry work in the field. Relations of seed-producing areas. Catalogues for the use and maintenance of machinery. Plan for the prevention of occupational risks and legislation in the field of seed and environmental production. Seed legislation. Seed legislation. National catalogue of forest species materials for the production of identified, selected and controlled reproduction materials.



Level: 3

Code: UC1132_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Schedule the daily and periodic maintenance of agricultural facilities, machinery and equipment, according to the work plan.

CR1.1 The cleaning, disinfection, disinsation and deratization of the facilities, machinery, equipment, useful and agricultural areas is programmed by establishing the procedures to be applied.

CR1.2 Equipment and tools for cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization are monitored by checking that they are in perfect condition for operation and use.

CR1.3 The maintenance of the first level of the machinery, equipment and agricultural facilities in the short and medium term (cleanings, greases, changes of oils and filters, among others) is programmed taking into account methods, times of work and planning of the phases of the same.

CR1.4 Worksheets are elaborated, updated, and ordered according to the maintenance schedule.

CR1.5 Maintenance of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment is organized in compliance with the corresponding manuals and administrative obligations, optimizing costs and times.

RP2: Control the operation and use of the machinery, equipment and facilities of the agricultural holding, in order to avoid excessive deterioration and unnecessary risks.

CR2.1 The correct operation of machinery and equipment is verified by checking that it meets the approval criteria.

CR2.2 The facility review is organized and monitored by checking that they are fit for the required use, taking the necessary steps otherwise.

CR2.3 The hygiene and cleanliness of facilities, equipment, utensils and handling personnel are monitored according to established protocol, detecting possible anomalies and taking the necessary preventive or corrective measures.

CR2.4 The procedures to be applied for the periodic control of agricultural machinery, equipment and facilities are established by following the manuals and maintenance plans.

CR2.5 The objective criteria for the correct use of agricultural equipment, machinery and equipment are established, following the manuals and plans of use, and the compliance with them is monitored.

CR2.6 The use of machinery, equipment, tools and facilities is controlled by avoiding the deterioration of the machinery, equipment, and non-compliance with the rules for the prevention of occupational risks, establishing corrective measures if necessary.

CR2.7 The use of agricultural equipment and machines is recorded through a daily part of work that indicates operating times, consumption and interruptions produced and its causes.

CR2.8 The machinery that has to circulate through public roads is monitored by checking that it complies with the provisions of the Circulation Code.

CR2.9 Fire extinguishing equipment, both in the installations and in the agricultural machinery that require them, are reviewed, ensuring the correct disposal for their immediate use and verifying their correct signage.

RP3: Organize a workshop, for the maintenance and basic repairs of the agricultural machinery and equipment, taking into account the available means and operations to be carried out.

CR3.1 The collection of workshop materials is programmed to perform the maintenance and repair operations planned, taking into account the quantity and characteristics of the workshop materials.

CR3.2 The workshop is organized so that its equipment and tools are in due conditions for its immediate use.

CR3.3 Supply and material expense operations are performed in accordance with previously elaborated calculations.

CR3.4 The "stock" of materials, tools and spare parts is verified, assessing the short and medium term supply needs.

CR3.5 The storage and storage conditions of materials, tools and tools of the workshop are monitored by checking that they are ideal.

CR3.6 Supply and supplier technical information is recorded and updated.

CR3.7 The received material is reviewed by checking that it corresponds to the requested material and that its status and operation is correct.

CR3.8 The actions taken at the workshop are supervised to be carried out in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and, in the event of non-compliance, the necessary instructions are given to correct the situation.

RP4: Monitor, following the established program, preparation, maintenance, repair, and point-in-place operations of agricultural equipment, machinery, and equipment to ensure that the equipment is in perfect state of use

CR4.1 The tools, tools and equipment used in the preparation and maintenance of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment, as well as their operational status, are monitored by checking that they correspond to those indicated in the maintenance manuals and work instructions.

CR4.2 The response to emergency situations is coordinated by assessing the severity, stopping the work (if necessary), communicating the contingency and applying the corresponding plan.

CR4.3 The protection and security measures that must be taken in each case are enforced as regards the means and the people.

CR4.4 The technical documentation and other available information sources are ordered, updated and analyzed to determine the extent of possible breakdowns or failures and to produce a performance report.

CR4.5 The operations to be carried out in a specialized workshop are identified by differentiating them from those that can be carried out in the exploitation.

CR4.6 The replacement work of the broken elements and parts is verified to be performed with the appropriate material and following the correct working procedures and safety measures.

CR4.7 The cost of the basic repairs carried out in the workshop itself is determined and recorded to be incorporated into the technical-economic report of the machinery.

CR4.8 The operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and development of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment are monitored according to the program established in the manual of operation and workshop, verifying that they are carried out in time, means and form.

CR4.9 The operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and development of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment are monitored to be carried out in compliance with the measures for the prevention of occupational risks in the environmental regulations of waste management.

RP5: Develop reports of acquisition or replacement of machinery, equipment and agricultural tools to cover the objectives of the farm taking into account technical and economic criteria.

CR5.1 A periodic record of the operating times of the agricultural machinery is established including the materials consumed (diesel, oil) and the breakdowns produced.

CR5.2 A comparison between usage costs and service offerings at market prices is done periodically to assess the convenience of using own or rented equipment.

CR5.3 The acquisition/replacement of agricultural equipment and machinery is proposed when significant differences between actual costs and forecasts are assessed or when breakdowns prevent the systematic implementation of the established work programme.

CR5.4 The technical and economic documentation available on agricultural machines and equipment on the market is analyzed to make the replacement report for which they are amortized, obsolete or unprofitable.

CR5.5 An economic technical report including technical characteristics, performance, purchase price, and cost of use is made for the establishment of the procurement plan by whom it corresponds.

RP6: Coordinate and control the human resources necessary for the maintenance and repair of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment, according to the objectives and activities established to optimize these resources.

CR6.1 The assignment of the works and the operating guidelines are programmed taking into account the nature of the activities to be performed and the qualification of the people available for the group to execute the operations entrusted with the highest efficiency and the lowest cost.

CR6.2 Staff are technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR6.3 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified, valued and integrated into a report that facilitates the solution of these problems.

CR6.4 Reports and parts of the work to be developed are set to control work hours, performance and costs, and evaluate the results of the activities performed.

CR6.5 The work is monitored to check compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks, and if not, giving the necessary instructions for its correction.

Professional Context

Production media

Agricultural machinery, equipment and facilities. Machines for transport, loading and unloading. Tools and implements. Spare parts. Workshop equipment and instruments for maintenance and repairs. Agricultural structures and facilities. Manuals on processes for the maintenance of agricultural installations, equipment and machinery.

Products and results

Agricultural machinery and facilities at optimal use. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to the application of preventive measures and replacement of elements and organs at the appropriate time. Workshop for the repair and maintenance of a properly managed agricultural machinery park.

Information used or generated

Service and workshop manuals for machines, agricultural facilities and equipment, and technical information on benefits and work capabilities. Reports of requirements for the purchase or replacement of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies. Possibilities and limitations of the agricultural machinery, facilities and equipment to be used. Processes for the maintenance of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Code of the Circulation. Worksheets. Regulation on waste.




Code: MF1492_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1492_3: Manage plant propagation operations in nursery.

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Establish the criteria for the organization and control of the processes necessary for the production of seed of plants in nursery, depending on the programming, the techniques and the procedures to be used.

CE1.1 Describe the process and schedule the operations necessary to perform the sexual propagation of nursery plants (calendar of daily activities, among others), identifying their production objectives.

CE1.2 Citar rules for the collection, conditioning and control of stocks of non-plant materials, which will be used in the propagation of nursery plants by means of seeds (trays, substrates, plastics, quilting materials, among others).

CE1.3 Expose the rules for the collection, conditioning and control of stock of plant material that will be used in the propagation of nursery plants by means of seeds.

CE1.4 List and define the techniques used in the preparation of the soil or substrates, and in the organization of the work, as well as the post-laboratory operations (refined, padded, solarisation, among others), for the sexual reproduction of nursery plants.

CE1.5 Expose the importance of seat and post irrigation, and other operations favoring germination.

CE1.6 Describe manual and mechanized seeding operations, explaining different methods and relating them to work times.

CE1.7 List the different types of parts and reports referring to the process of sexual reproduction of the nursery plants, as well as the results obtained and the incidences.

CE1.8 Identify the different types of information sources relevant to the process of production and marketing of nursery plants obtained by sexual reproduction (suppliers, catalogues, journals and technical publications, offers, customer and supplier databases, market reports, among others).

CE1.9 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools used in the propagation of nursery plants by means of seeds.

CE1.10 To cite the regulations related to the production processes of nursery plants by means of seeds, as well as the criteria of economic profitability.

CE1.11 In a practical case properly characterized by propagation of nursery plants by means of seeds:

-Develop the programming of the processes necessary for the sexual multiplication of nursery plants (calendar of daily activities, among others).

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and control of stock of materials.

-Monitor soil or substrate preparation, as well as post-labor operations favoring germination.

-Monitor manual and mechanized seeding operations.

-Collect relevant and relevant information on production and marketing operations, and report on the process.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C2: Establish the criteria for the organization and control of the processes necessary for the production of nursery plants by vegetative propagation, depending on the programming, the techniques and the processes to be used.

CE2.1 Describe the process for the elaboration of the programming of the operations necessary to carry out the vegetative propagation of nursery plants (calendar of daily activities, among others), identifying their production objectives.

CE2.2 Citar the rules for the collection, conditioning and control of stocks of non-plant materials, which will be used in the vegetative propagation of nursery plants (trays, substrates, plastics, quilting materials, among others).

CE2.3 Identify the needs of parent plant replacement, based on current recording control and analysis of the results of previous campaigns.

CE2.4 Citar and describe the operations of in vitro culture and separation, obtaining, conditioning, storage and conservation of the plant material of propagation (hijuelos, varas or sprouts, staquillas, patterns and grafts, accodos, bulbs, rhizomes, among others).

CE2.5 List and define the techniques used in the preparation of the soil or substrates and in the organization of the work, as well as the post-laboratory operations (refined, quilted, solarisation, among others), for the vegetative reproduction of nursery plants.

CE2.6 Describe the multiplication and production operations of plant material for the vegetative reproduction of nursery plants.

CE2.7 List the different types of parts and reports referred to the asexual reproduction process of the nursery plants, as well as the results obtained and the incidences.

CE2.8 Identify the different types of information sources relevant to the process of production and marketing of nursery plants obtained by vegetative reproduction (suppliers, catalogues, journals and technical publications, offers, customer and supplier databases, market reports, among others).

CE2.9 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools used in the vegetative propagation of nursery plants.

CE2.10 Citar the regulations related to the processes of vegetative production of nursery plants, as well as the criteria of economic profitability.

CE2.11 In a practical case properly characterized in obtaining nursery plants by vegetative propagation:

-Develop the programming of the processes necessary for the vegetative propagation of plants in nursery (calendar of daily activities, among others).

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and control of stock of materials.

-Direct the replacement of mother plants based on current recording control, and analysis of results from previous campaigns.

-Monitor the separation, procurement, conditioning, storage and conservation operations of propagation plant material.

-Monitor soil or substrate preparation, and other post-laboratory operations.

-Perform in vitro multiplication operations.

-Control and monitor the multiplication and production operations of plant material.

-Collect relevant and relevant information on production and marketing operations, and report on the process.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C3: Develop a program of human resources organization in the operations of propagation of nursery plants, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE3.1 Describe the methods for making the establishment plan and internal procedures of a nursery plant production company.

CE3.2 Explain the possible responses in the organization of human resources, to different types of emergency situations, depending on their severity.

CE3.3 List and define different types of conflicts that may arise between the human resources of a nursery plant production company, and their possible solutions.

CE3.4 Identify the human resource selection techniques of a nursery plant production company.

CE3.5 List the motivation strategies of the staff of a nursery plant production company.

CE3.6 Describe the different performance and cost control procedures in the implementation of a human resources team of a nursery plant production company.

CE3.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the elaboration of a program of human resources organization:

-Design the company's internal operating system and procedures, and response strategies to potential emergency situations.

-Distribute and assign the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Identify the conflicts and problems encountered in the performance of the work, taking the necessary steps for your solution.

-Apply human resource selection techniques.

-Use human resource motivation techniques.

-Develop reports and work items, including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

C4: Coordinate the necessary human resources in the propagation of plants in nursery, following optimization criteria according to the objectives and activities established.

CE4.1 List and sort, by order of priority, the jobs and operating guidelines based on the default activities.

CE4.2 Identify the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the job and raise various solutions.

CE4.3 Synthesis the plan for the prevention of occupational risks and adapt the work to its compliance.

CE4.4 Define the requirements of the jobs and identify the qualifications of the personnel that correspond to these requirements.

CE4.5 List the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives can be achieved.

CE4.6 Describe the technical advisory protocol to be received by the staff incorporated in relation to the job to be filled.

CE4.7 Define the tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources according to economic criteria and profitability.

CE4.8 Identify the data of the working parties (working hours, performance and personnel costs) for the analysis of the profitability of the activities carried out.

CE4.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of coordination of the human resources needed in the production of seeds:

-Distribute the jobs and operating guidelines, taking into account the default activities.

-Identify, assess and provide solutions to the problems posed by the staff, the means of production and the type of work done.

-Check that the work is in compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and if not, give the necessary instructions for its correction.

-Distribute human resources by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

-Distribute and assign each worker the tasks and responsibilities so that the stated goals can be met.


1. Plant botany and ecophysiology


-Keys and other botanical identification processes.

-Description and identification of the most frequent nursery plants.

-Organography and physiology of species and varieties of most frequent use in nursery.

-The reproductive cycles of the plants.

-Basic aspects of crop ecophysiology.

-Weather Notions.

2. Scheduling plant propagation operations

-Evaluation and quantification methods:

-From human resources.

-From material means.

-Programming and optimization techniques:

-Design of targets.

-Analysis of productive flows.

-Forecast calculation.

-Calendars and production forms.

-Programming computer tools.

3. Preparation of the culture medium for the propagation of plants

-Soil types.





-Protocols for the collection of soil samples.

-Soil preparation techniques for plant propagation:



-Types of tasks

-Machinery and equipment










-Components for making substrates:


-Coconut Fiber



-Other components

-Characteristics of the substrates:

-Physical stability




-Preparation of substrates.

-Equipment and machinery for the preparation of substrates.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

4. Reproduction of plants by seed

-Sexual reproduction in plants:

-Features, objectives, advantages and disadvantages.

-Formation and maturation of seeds and fruits.

-Types of seeds and fruits.

-Dispersion of seeds and fruits.

-Germination: features and phases.



-Pregermative treatments of seeds.

-Methods and techniques (types of containers, substrates, seed distribution systems, dose and depth of sowing and protection systems).

-Follow up and care for sowing (sampling and other germination control systems, post-germative treatments, and control of climate variables).

-Materials, tools, equipment, installations and machinery.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

5. Vegetative reproduction of plants

-The asexual reproduction of the plants:

-Features, objectives, advantages and disadvantages.

-The asexual multiplication organs.

-Species suitable for vegetative reproduction.

-Vegetative multiplication techniques:

-Mother plant selection criteria and conditioning.

-Selection of materials and application of techniques (stacky and cutting, high and low, grafted, killing and separation of ice, obtaining of leaf embryos, and division of stems and specialized roots).

-The multiplication in Vitro (treatment of the clonal material of reproduction, techniques, materials and equipment).

-Control of environmental parameters.

-Application of sampling and result tracking techniques.

-Materials, tools, installations and equipment used in asexual reproduction.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

6. Organization of personnel in seed production operations.

-Notions about sociology in the world of work.

-Planning and organizing the job:

-Assignment of tasks.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Advice to staff.

-The motivation in the job:

-Promotion and promotion systems.

-Production by incentives.

-Company loyalty techniques.

-Hierarchy and responsibility.

-Conflict resolution.

-Group Dynamics.

-Organization of actions in case of emergency and evacuation.

-Managing and monitoring tasks:

-Analysis of work items.

-Reporting and annual summaries.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF1492_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1493_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1493_3 Manage the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.

Duration: 140 hours



Code: UF1371

Duration: 80 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4 and RP5 in terms of monitoring the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization, post-laboratory, transplantation, cultural tasks of tutoring, pinching, rinsing, repon, plant health among others, and the production of grass in tepes.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Control the preparation of the culture medium, fertilisation and post-laboratory, following quality and efficiency criteria.

CE1.1 List the principles for the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-laboratory, following criteria of quality and efficiency.

CE1.2 Expose the methods of organization and supervision for the collection, conditioning and control of stocks of the different fertilizers in order to schedule supply in the short and medium term.

CE1.3 Describe the sampling operations, the preparation of the culture medium and the post-laboratory operations, following the established protocols.

CE1.4 Define and enumerate the criteria for the production of the crop programming according to its development, the arvense vegetation and the soil tempero.

CE1.5 Define the product dosing process on the subscriber team to carry out its monitoring.

CE1.6 Describe the organization and monitoring of the substrate mixture.

CE1.7 Specify the protocol for the elaboration and transmission of the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-laboratory, to the hierarchical responsible.

CE1.8 Detailed the process that takes place to gather relevant information about the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-work.

CE1.9 To point out the techniques that guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks, the selection, management and maintenance of the machinery, equipment and tools in the preparation of the culture medium, fertilization and post-work.

CE1.10 Citar the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability in the operations of preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-laboratory.

CE1.11 In a properly characterized practical scenario of preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-laboratory environment:

-Schedule the preparation of the culture medium, sampling, fertilization and post-laboratory, following quality and efficiency criteria.

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and stock control of the different fertilizers.

-Schedule the crop according to its development, the arvense vegetation and the soil tempero.

-Perform product dosing on the subscriber equipment.

-Organize and monitor the mixture of substrates.

-Develop and transmit reports to the hierarchical officer.

-Collect relevant information.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools.

-Run the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability, and completing the required parts of work.

C2: Organize and supervise transplant operations, following criteria of economic profitability and the commercial purpose of the product.

CE2.1 Detailed the programming technique according to the objectives to be achieved and the resources available in the transplantation operations, to ensure the development of the plants.

CE2.2 Expose the methods of organization and supervision for the collection, conditioning and control of stocks of the different materials used within the crop cycle, in order to evaluate the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CE2.3 Detailed, within the programming of the crop, the state of maturity of the plant in which the transplant must be performed.

CE2.4 List the most appropriate transplantation techniques to the typology of the plant material and the nature of the crop.

CE2.5 Define the conditioning procedures of transplanted plants, as well as the protocols for the transplantation of field-grown specimens.

CE2.6 Specify the protocol for the elaboration and transmission of the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the transplant tasks, to the hierarchical person.

CE2.7 Detailed the process that takes place to gather relevant information about transplant operations, for further analysis.

CE2.8 Point out the techniques that guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks, the selection, management and maintenance of the machinery, equipment and tools in the transplantation operations.

CE2.9 Citar the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during the operations of transplantation.

CE2.10 In a properly characterized practice of transplants:

-Schedule transplant operations and operations.

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and stock control of different materials

-Detailed, within the culture programming, the maturity status of the plant.

-Monitor transplant techniques.

-Select and monitor the conditioning procedures of transplanted plants.

-Develop and transmit to the hierarchical officer the reports referred to the process.

-Collect relevant information about transplant operations.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in transplant operations.

-Meet and enforce the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during transplant operations.

C3: Control the cultural tasks of the tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others, with the objective of improving the quality and performance of the same.

CE3.1 Expose the steps to be taken to develop the programming, according to the objectives to be achieved, the cultural tasks (tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others).

CE3.2 Name the methods of organization and supervision of the collection and conditioning of stocks of materials (tutors, tapes, ropes, wires, substrates, containers, among others), as well as short and medium term supply needs.

CE3.3 Define, detail and monitor the application of techniques in cultural operations of tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

CE3.4 Specify the protocol for the elaboration and transmission of the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the transplant tasks, to the hierarchical person.

CE3.5 Detailed the process that is carried out for the collection of relevant information on the cultural tasks of the tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

CE3.6 To point out the techniques that guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks, the selection, management and maintenance of the machinery, equipment and tools used in the operations of tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

CE3.7 Citar and describe the current regulations and the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability of application to the tasks of tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

CE3.8 In a properly characterized case of tutoring, pinched, rinsed, repicated, among others:

-Schedule the work of tutoring, pinched, rinsed, repicated, among others.

-Organize and monitor the collection and conditioning of material stocks, as well as short-and medium-term supply needs.

-Define, detail and monitor the application of techniques in cultural operations of tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

-Elaborate and transmit, to the hierarchical officer, reports referred to the process.

-Collect relevant information about tutoring, pinched, clarified, repicated, among others.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of the machinery, equipment and tools used.

-Meet and enforce the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

C4: Control the production operations of grass "tepes" complying with the current regulations, quality criteria and safety conditions.

CE4.1 Expose the process to be followed to schedule pre-implanted or "tepes" turf production operations.

CE4.2 List the methods of organization and supervision for the collection and conditioning of stocks of materials (seeds, substrates, fertilizers, cuttings, among others) necessary for the production of "tepes", in order to assess the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CE4.3 Define the protocols for the realization of seed mixtures using the selected varieties and percentages.

CE4.4 Describe the extended operations of support blankets, soil preparation and application of the substrate, as well as other planting and/or planting operations, in accordance with the protocols and the cultivation programming.

CE4.5 Detailed the irrigation techniques and the other cultural tasks (subscribers, siegas, among others), in order to be able to verify that they conform to the programming and established criteria.

CE4.6 Define the boot or extraction operations of the pre-implanted lawn plates so that they comply with the culture programming and established quality protocols.

CE4.7 Specify the protocol of elaboration and transmission, the hierarchical responsibility, of the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the operations carried out by the production of pre-implanted grass or "tepes".

CE4.8 Detailed the process that takes place to gather relevant information about the operations of the pre-implanted grass production or "tepes" for further analysis.

CE4.9 To point out the techniques that guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks of use of the machinery, equipment and tools used in the operations of production of pre-implanted turf or "tepes", as well as their selection, handling and maintenance.

CE4.10 Citar and describe the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during the operations of production of grass pre-implanted or "tepes".

CE4.11 In a properly characterized case of pre-implanted grass production or "tepes".

-Schedule pre-implanted or "tepes" turf production operations.

-Organize and monitor the collection and conditioning of stocks of materials (seeds, substrates, fertilizers, cuttings, among others)

-Monitor and perform the seed mixes.

-Monitor the correct spread of support blankets, soil preparation and application of the substrate, as well as other planting and/or planting operations.

-Monitor irrigation and other cultural tasks (subscribers, siegas, among others).

-Monitor the start or removal of the pre-implanted lawn plates.

-Elaborate and transmit, to the hierarchical officer, the reports referred to the process.

-Collect relevant information about grass production operations.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools used in pre-implanted grass production operations.

-Meet and enforce the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during the pre-implemented grass production operations or "tepes".

C5: Monitor the health status of crops, programming control methods, according to the pre-established safety and quality standards.

CE5.1 Describe the process of controlling the health status of crops, following technical recommendations.

CE5.2 Expose the methods of organization and supervision for the evaluation, collection and conditioning of stocks of materials in the control of the sanitary state of the crops, and for the calculation of the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CE5.3 Describe the techniques of application of plant protection treatments following criteria of correct application and efficiency.

CE5.4 Specify the protocol of elaboration and transmission, the hierarchical responsibility, of the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the operations that carry the sanitary control of the crops.

CE5.5 Detailed the process that is carried out to gather relevant information on the health status of the crops for further analysis.

CE5.6 To point out the techniques that guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks of use of the machinery, equipment and tools used in the operations of plant protection, as well as their selection, handling and maintenance.

CE5.7 Citar and describe the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during the operations of sanitary control of the crops.

CE5.8 In a properly characterized practical scenario of sanitary control of crops:

-Schedule the control of the health status of crops and the application of plant protection treatments.

-Organize and monitor the collection and conditioning of material stocks.

-Monitor the application of plant protection treatments.

-Develop and transmit reports that refer to the process.

-Collect relevant information about the health status of crops.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools used in the health control of crops.

-Meet and enforce the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability during the operations of sanitary control of the crops.


1. Preparation of the culture, fertilization and post-laboratory environment.

-Soil types, properties:




-Protocol for the collection of soil samples.

-Soil preparation techniques for field culture.


-Classification and types.


-Rules for the preparation of mixtures.

-Storage and preservation of components and mixtures.

-Post-working techniques and their purpose.



-Application (background paid, paid by foliar, among others).

-Standards for application of fertilizers.


-Equipment and machinery for the preparation of the culture medium, framed and filled with containers.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs)

2. Plant transplantation in nursery

-Fases of the crop.

-Pre-transplant operations:

-Standards for the conditioning of plant material, according to their nature.

-Materials and Infrastructures:

-Type of containers.

-Storage area.



-Types (a container, machining, field, among others).

-Methods and techniques used in transplant operations.

-Post-transplant operations:

-Immediate cultural labors to transplant.

-Count techniques.

-Factors that influence the percentage of marks.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

3. Cultural tasks in the cultivation of plants in nursery.

-Cultural Labors on the Airside:

-Tutors: technique, purpose.

-Pinched and clarified: manual technique, purpose.

-Mechanical painting: techniques.

-Chemical arclareo: techniques.

-Reped in field: technique, purpose.

-Machinery, equipment, tools used in the cultural work of the cultivation of plants in nursery.

-Count techniques.

-Factors that influence the percentage of marks.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

4. Production of tepes

-Species and varieties of major cespitous plants.

-Soil preparation.

-Types of substrates and crop blankets.




-Planting of cuttings.

-Cultural operations specific to the cultivation of tepes (irrigation, subscriber, harvest, escing, extraction, among others).

-Tepes production methods and techniques.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

5. Phytosanitary control of crops

-Major crop pests and diseases.

-Techniques for the control of pests and diseases.



-Crop health program.

-Control systems for the application of plant protection treatments.

-Regulations on the storage and use of plant protection products.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).



Code: UF1372

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6, RP7 and RP8 in terms of the management of environmental control, irrigation and fertigation, and the conditioning of plants and tepes, as well as the coordination of human resources.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Control the use of irrigation systems, fertilisation and environmental control facilities under conditions of quality and safety in accordance with current regulations.

CE1.1 Identify the optimal conditions of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities to adapt them to the needs of the crop and schedule the operations according to the available resources.

CE1.2 Recognize the operation of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control of installations.

CE1.3 List possible operations to be carried out with irrigation, fertigation and environmental control systems for programming.

CE1.4 Identify the necessary standards for the correct use of different systems and facilities for irrigation, environmental control and fertigation.

CE1.5 Describe the parameters related to the supply of irrigation (doses, times of irrigation, frequencies), environmental control (hours of light, temperatures, optimal levels of humidity) and fertigation

CE1.6 Specify the elaboration and transmission protocol to the hierarchical reporting officer on the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control facilities for nurseries.

CE1.7 Citar and describe the maintenance work of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control that guarantee their efficiency.

CE1.8 List and cite the operations related to the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities, as well as the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

CE1.9 In a practical scenario of control of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control of installations:

-Schedule the timing of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control, among others, according to the needs of the crop, the objectives to be achieved and the resources available.

-Monitor the operation of irrigation, fertigation and control systems.

-Establish and verify compliance with the standards and instructions for the correct use of different systems and facilities for irrigation, environmental control and fertigation, to optimize their use.

-Define the parameters related to the supply of irrigation (doses, irrigation times, frequencies), environmental control (light hours, temperatures, optimal humidity levels) and fertigation (type of subscriber, dose, frequencies), adapt them to the characteristics of the crop and establish the necessary initial modifications, throughout the crop cycle.

-Develop and transmit reports related to the process, results and incidents of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control of the facilities.

-To collect and analyze relevant information on the use of irrigation systems, fertigation and environmental control facilities for nurseries.

-Monitor the maintenance of irrigation, fertigation and environmental control systems.

-Apply the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

C2: Control the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition, as well as organize the expeditions, checking that the conditions of quality and safety established, and the current regulations are met.

CE2.1 Define the steps to be followed in the programming of the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition in order to guarantee the quality and the resources available.

CE2.2 Expose the methods of organization and supervision for the evaluation, collection and conditioning of the stocks of materials needed for the conditioning of plants and tepes in order to assess the needs of supply in the short and medium term.

CE2.3 Mention the process of checking the items of plants or tepes received in the warehouses for the preparation of orders.

CE2.4 Define the methodology and protocols to be used in the labeling, conditioning and packaging of orders, adjusting to the commercial and quality requirements of the product.

CE2.5 Explain order expedition procedures and how to set the load order, thus minimizing the elapsed time from packing to loading.

CE2.6 Analyze possible transport routes to target to optimize costs and meet services.

CE2.7 Describe the transport control documents.

CE2.8 Specify the elaboration and transmission protocol to the hierarchical reporting officer on the process, results and incidents of plant conditioning and tepes for their expedition

CE2.9 Detailed the process that is carried out to gather relevant information about the processes of plant conditioning and tepes for their expedition.

CE2.10 List the steps to be taken for the selection, handling and maintenance of machinery, equipment and tools in the conditioning of plants and tepes for their expedition,

CE2.11 Expose the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

CE2.12 In a properly characterized practical condition of plant conditioning and tepes for your expedition:

-Schedule the conditioning of plants and tepes

-Organize and monitor the collection and conditioning of material stocks

-Check the items of plants or tepes that are received in the warehouse for order preparation.

-Use the methodology and protocols to the labeling, conditioning and packaging of orders, adjusting to the commercial and quality requirements of the product.

-Set the load order to minimize the elapsed time from packing to load

-Analyze possible transport routes to destination.

-Describe the necessary transport control documents.

-Elaborate and transmit to the hierarchical officer reports on the process and results.

-Collect relevant information about plant conditioning processes and tepes for their expedition.

-Select, manage and maintain machinery, equipment and tools used in plant conditioning.

-Apply the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

C3: Coordinate the necessary human resources in seed production, following optimization criteria according to the objectives and activities established.

CE3.1 List and sort, by order of priority, the jobs and operating guidelines based on the default activities.

CE3.2 Identify the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the job and raise various solutions.

CE3.3 Synthesis the job risk prevention plan and adapt the work to its compliance.

CE3.4 Define the requirements of the jobs and identify the qualifications of the personnel that correspond to these requirements.

CE3.5 List the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives can be achieved.

CE3.6 Describe the technical advisory protocol to be received by the staff incorporated in relation to the job to be filled.

CE3.7 Define the tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources according to economic criteria and profitability.

CE3.8 Identify the data of the working parties (working hours, performance and personnel costs) for the analysis of the profitability of the activities carried out.

CE3.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of coordination of the human resources needed in the production of seeds:

-Distribute the jobs and operating guidelines, taking into account the default activities.

-Identify, assess and provide solutions to the problems posed by the staff, the means of production and the type of work done.

-Check that the work is in compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and if not, give the necessary instructions for its correction.

-Distribute human resources by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

-Distribute and assign each worker the tasks and responsibilities so that the stated goals can be met.


1. Use of facilities, machinery and equipment in the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.








-Irrigation Systems:



-Environmental control systems:

-Heating systems

-humidification systems

-Vent systems

-Thermal screens


-Machinery, tools and equipment present in a nursery for the production of plants and tepes.

-Maintenance and management of machines and equipment of a nursery intended for the production of plants and tepes.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

2. Plant order conditioning and tepes.

-Elements for the packaging and expedition of plant material.

-Procedures and techniques for packaging and preserving plant material.

-Order dispatch store:

-General operation.

-Store, transport and aviate.

-System of expedition in Danish cars "carrys".



-Quality of plants and tepes.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

3. Organization of staff in the cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.

-Notions about sociology in the world of work.

-Planning and organizing the job:

-Assignment of tasks.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Advice to staff.

-The motivation in the job:

-Promotion and promotion systems.

-Production by incentives.

-Company loyalty techniques.

-Hierarchy and responsibility.

-Conflict resolution.

-Group Dynamics.

-Organization of actions in case of emergency and evacuation.

-Managing and monitoring tasks:

-Analysis of work items.

-Reporting and annual summaries.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible









The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1494_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1494_3 Manage seed production.

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Organize and supervise the harvesting of fruits and seeds in natural and growing populations, both in height and in the soil, following the programming and safety criteria.

CE1.1 Describe the guidelines for the implementation of the programming of the harvest of fruits and seeds in natural and growing populations, both in height and in the soil, according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

CE1.2 To describe the process of collection, conditioning and control of stocks of materials, tools and small equipment necessary for the collection of fruits and seeds in height and soil, and to cite the organization of the needs of supply in the short and medium term to fulfill the established program.

CE1.3 Describe the appropriate techniques and means in the harvesting of fruits and seeds in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.

CE1.4 Define the program of cleaning and maintenance of the necessary safety equipment for the collection of fruits and seeds, which guarantee the efficiency of the work and the minimization of the risks that its use entails.

CE1.5 To analyze the relevant data to be included in the reports referring to the process, results and incidences of the collections in height and soil of fruits and seeds, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation.

CE1.6 Identify important information to be analyzed to improve production processes (suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of the last years, phytosanitary studies, among others).

CE1.7 Describe the handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds.

CE1.8 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of collection in height and in soil of fruits and seeds:

-Schedule the harvest in height and soil of fruits and seeds, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation.

-Organize and monitor the necessary materials, tools and small equipment, making their collection, conditioning and stock control.

-Monitor the appropriate techniques and means used in the harvesting of fruits and seeds in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.

-Schedule the cleaning and maintenance of security equipment.

-Develop the reports related to the process, results and incidences of the collections in height and soil of fruits and seeds, both in natural populations and in fields of cultivation.

-To collect and analyse important information about suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the collection of fruits and seeds, in height and in soil.

-Organize and supervise the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C2: Establish a plan for the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds, according to the criteria of quality and safety established.

CE2.1 Identify the elements that should be taken into account to develop a schedule (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds, to optimize their subsequent processing, cleaning and selection.

CE2.2 Describe how the collection, conditioning and control of stocks needed for the transport and storage of batches of fruits and seeds should be organized and monitored, in order to comply with the established program and to be able to carry out an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CE2.3 List the necessary data for an optimal identification of the labels of the items collected in field, before proceeding to their transport.

CE2.4 Citar the types of expenses incurred by the transport, arguing the criteria for their control and organization, for the efficiency of the work.

CE2.5 Describe the process of controlling the entry of lots of fruits and seeds to the warehouse that guarantees the quality of the product and caters to the commercial, processing or later use requirements.

CE2.6 List and describe the tasks of unloading and storing the batches of fruits and seeds according to the technical specifications of each species (type of container, temperature, environmental humidity and storage time up to processing, among others)

CE2.7 Expose the way to execute a report referring to the process, results and incidences of the transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds, to optimize their subsequent processing, cleaning and selection.

CE2.8 Identify important information to be analyzed to improve transport and storage processes (suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others).

CE2.9 Describe the handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the transport and storage of fruit and seed lots.

CE2.10 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of transport and storage of lots of fruits and seeds:

-Develop a schedule (calendar of daily activities, among others), depending on the objectives to be achieved and the resources available.

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and stock control of the required materials, and short-and medium-term supply needs.

-Review the labeling of items collected in field before proceeding to their transportation.

-Organize and control, under criteria of work efficiency, the times, fuels and other expenses derived from transportation.

-To control the entry of batches of fruits and seeds to the warehouse, guaranteeing the quality of the product and taking into account the commercial, processing or later use requirements.

-Schedule and direct the unloading and storage of the batches of fruits and seeds, following the technical specifications of each species (type of container, temperature, environmental humidity and storage time up to processing, among others).

-Develop reports related to the process, results, and incidents, and transmit it to the hierarchical officer.

-To collect and analyse important information about suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Organize and supervise the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C3: Apply the cleaning and selection guidelines for fruit and seed lots, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, following the safety criteria and current regulations.

CE3.1 Escorch the programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning.

CE3.2 Describe how the collection, conditioning and control of stocks, necessary for the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds for the implementation of the established program should be organized and monitored, and to be able to carry out an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CE3.3 Define the processing operations of fruits and seeds.

CE3.4 List the steps to be taken to calibrate the densimetric equipment used in the cleaning and selection of fruits and seeds.

CE3.5 Describe the operations required to perform a sampling capable of controlling the quality of the seeds of each batch.

CE3.6 Identify the work of the cleaning and selection phases of lots of fruits and seeds.

CE3.7 Summarize the way to make a report referring to the process, results and incidences of the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning, to ensure the performance, quality and conservation of the same.

CE3.8 Identify important information to be analyzed to improve the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds (suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others).

CE3.9 Describe the handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning.

CE3.10 In a case and/or practical assumption, duly characterized, of cleaning and selection of lots of fruits and seeds, as well as their pre-storage conditioning:

-Develop a schedule (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the cleaning and selection tasks, as well as their preparation prior to the storage of lots of fruits and seeds, according to the objectives to be reached and the resources available.

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and control of stock of materials, and calculate the short-and medium-term supply needs.

-Monitor fruit and seed processing operations to check that they are in compliance with the job plans.

-Schedule and monitor the sampling of each batch of seeds to control their quality.

-Monitor the work of the phases of the cleaning and selection of the seeds.

-Develop a report that refers to the process, results, and incidents, and transmit it to the hierarchical officer.

-To collect and analyse important information about suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used in the cleaning, selection and conditioning of lots of fruits and seeds.

-Organize and supervise the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C4: To put into operation a program of the storage and handling of seed lots in the various warehouses and cold storage rooms, in order to achieve optimal conservation until they are placed on the market, according to quality and safety criteria.

CE4.1 Escorch the programming (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the tasks of storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold chambers until they are placed on the market.

CE4.2 Describe how the collection, conditioning and control of stocks needed for the storage of seed lots should be organized and monitored, in order to meet the established program and to be able to make an optimal assessment of the supply needs in the short and medium term.

CE4.3 Define the conservation conditions for seed lots of the most relevant species.

CE4.4 Citar the different tasks of packaging of the clean, selected and dry seeds in the various warehouses and chambers for the different species more relevant.

CE4.5 Citar the characteristics that the parts of inputs and outputs of seed lots of the stores and cold chambers must have.

CE4.6 Describe the necessary equipment and machines for the storage of seed lots.

CE4.7 Sintetetize the way to carry out a report referring to the process, results and incidences in the tasks of storing seed lots, in the various warehouses and cold chambers until they are placed on the market.

CE4.8 Identify important information to be analyzed to improve the storage of seed lots in the various warehouses and chambers (suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of the last years, phytosanitary studies, among others).

CE4.9 Describe the handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools used for the storage of seed lots in the various warehouses and cold stores until they are placed on the market.

CE4.10 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold storage rooms until they are placed on the market:

-Develop a schedule (calendar of daily activities, among others) of the tasks of storing seed lots in the various warehouses and cold rooms until they are placed on the market.

-Organize and monitor the collection, conditioning and stock control of required materials and calculate short-and medium-term supply needs.

-Monitor the conservation of seed lots of each species.

-Organize and control the packaging of clean, selected and dry seeds in the various warehouses and chambers.

-Coordinate the control of entries and outputs of seed lots from the various stores and chambers.

-Select the equipment and machines required for seed batch storage.

-Develop a report that refers to the process, results, and incidents, and transmit it to the hierarchical officer.

-To collect and analyse important information about suppliers, catalogues, offers received, information on negotiations, reports and production summaries of recent years, phytosanitary studies, among others.

-Monitor the selection, handling and maintenance of equipment, machinery, tools and tools.

-Organize and supervise the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

C5: Coordinate the necessary human resources in seed production, following optimization criteria according to the objectives and activities established.

CE5.1 List and sort, by order of priority, the jobs and operating guidelines based on the default activities.

CE5.2 Identify the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the job and raise various solutions.

CE5.3 Synthesis the job risk prevention plan and adapt the work to its compliance.

CE5.4 Define the requirements of the jobs and identify the qualifications of the personnel that correspond to these requirements.

CE5.5 List the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives can be achieved.

CE5.6 Describe the technical advisory protocol to be received by the staff incorporated in relation to the job to be filled.

CE5.7 Define the tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources according to economic criteria and profitability.

CE5.8 Identify the data of the working parties (working hours, performance and personnel costs) for the analysis of the profitability of the activities carried out.

CE5.9 In a case and/or practical case, duly characterized, of coordination of the human resources needed in the production of seeds:

-Distribute the jobs and operating guidelines, taking into account the default activities.

-Identify, assess and provide solutions to the problems posed by the staff, the means of production and the type of work done.

-Check that the work is in compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and if not, give the necessary instructions for its correction.

-Distribute human resources by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

-Distribute and assign each worker the tasks and responsibilities so that the stated goals can be met.

-To technically advise the staff incorporated in the aspects related to the job to occupy.

-Organize and control the tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

-Develop reports and work items that evaluate the results of the activities performed.


1. Sexual reproduction


-Phases of sexual reproduction.


-Phases of flowering (induction and initiation and realization).

-Influence of the photoperiod and temperatures.

-Classification of plants according to their flowering.


-Autogamy and alogamy.

-Different types of cross-pollination (hydrophilic, anemorow, and entomophyll).

-Fecundation and fructification.

2. Biological seed analysis

-Anatomy and maturation of seeds.


-Factors that condition it (environmental factors and biotic factors)

-Phases: Initiation and mobilization of reserves.

-Vigor and viability of the seeds.

-Sleep or latency:


-Causes that produce it.

-Latency types.

-Pregermative treatments to break the latency.

-Seed analysis:

-Object of the analyses.

-Purity analysis.

-Determination of moisture content.

-Test or germination test.

-Feasibility analysis.

-Appreciation of vigor.

3. Programming of the harvest of fruits and seeds in height and soil

-Fruit and seed characteristics.

-Main types of fruits:



-Efew and fruit and seed collection zones.

-Planning for fruit collection

-Methods and techniques of soil collection.

-Height collection methods and techniques:

-Senalization of jobs in height.

-Trepa: ascent and descent.


-Displacement in the cup: anchors and movements.

-Risk and job security situations.

-Tools, equipment and materials needed for the collection in height and soil of fruits and seeds.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

4. Preparation and conditioning of fruits and seeds

-Fruit and seed batch training:

-Pool criteria.

-Batch cleaning and conditioning.


-Materials to use.

-Transport in field:

-Techniques and Conditions

-Materials and machinery to be used.

-Download and storage techniques.

-Dry fruit conditioning techniques and methods:




-Carnous fruit conditioning techniques and methods:


-Basic seed cleanup operations:

-Separation principles.



-Separation by length.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

5. Storage, conservation, health status and pest control and seed diseases.



-Regulatory and parameterization processes.

-Organization of spaces and tasks.

-Planning for seed storage.

-Seed types for conservation:



-Deterioration and aging of seeds.

-Types of containers used in seed conservation.

-Main Warehouse Pest:



-Top seeds diseases:




-Warehouse pest control:

-Biological control.

-Plant health treatments.

-Disease control:

-Prevention methods.

-Biological control.

-Plant health treatments.

-Quarantines and inspections.

-Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs).

-Related basic rules.

6. Marketing of sexual reproductive material

-Seed market

-Marketing requirements:

-Record of varieties (Register of Commercial Varieties and Register of Protected Varieties)

-Official quality parameters (germination and purity)

-Seed categories:

-Parental material.

-Prebase seed.

-Base seed.

-Certified seed.

-Standard seed.

-Seed certification:

-Certification in Spain

-Certification in the EU

-Certification in the OECD

7. Organisation of staff in seed production operations.

-Notions about sociology in the world of work.

-Planning and organizing the job:

-Assignment of tasks.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Advice to staff.

-The motivation in the job:

-Promotion and promotion systems.

-Production by incentives.

-Company loyalty techniques.

-Hierarchy and responsibility.

-Conflict resolution.

-Group Dynamics.

-Organization of actions in case of emergency and evacuation.

-Managing and monitoring tasks:

-Analysis of work items.

-Reporting and annual summaries.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF1494_3



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1132_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1132_3 Manage farm machinery, equipment and facilities.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF0390

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the state and operation of the machinery, equipment and facilities of an agricultural holding and control their use in a practical case.

CE1.1 Describe the operation of agricultural facilities, machinery and equipment by specifying the benefits to be provided, depending on the work plan.

CE1.2 Identify and describe the devices for regulation and control of machinery and equipment.

CE1.3 Define the technical criteria used to assess the correct operation of the machinery, equipment and facilities according to the work to be performed and the characteristics of the equipment.

CE1.4 Explain the correct way to use machinery, equipment and facilities according to manuals and usage plans.

CE1.5 Analyze the causes that result in equipment operating failures, whether they are incorrect use, careless regulation, inadequate maintenance, wear, obsolescence, or others, indicating possible solutions. CE1.6 To describe the rules for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection in the management of agricultural machinery, equipment and facilities.

CE1.7 Describe basic health care and first aid techniques.

CE1.8 In a case and/or practical assumption from well-characterized machines, equipment, or agricultural facilities:

-Monitor the machinery, installation or equipment verifying that it meets the technical specifications and regulations in force for its use and valuing the level of performance and performance at work.

-Identify failures in the state and operation of the equipment components.

-Determine possible corrections and improvements for the correct development of the job.

-Register the data for the tokens and daily parts of the work, indicating operating times, consumption and interruptions produced and their causes.

CE1.9 In a case and/or scenario of control of good use of a machinery, installation or agricultural equipment:

-Control that in the process of actuation of the various functions of the equipment the indications of the manufacturer are followed.

-Control that the use is appropriate to the characteristics of the machinery, installation, or handling equipment and the work it does.

-Basic health care and first aid techniques are applied quickly in the event of an accident.

-Control the records of the daily parts of the work, indicating the times of operation, consumption and interruptions produced and its causes.

-To monitor compliance with the standards of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection, in the controlled operations, in the event of non-compliance, the necessary instructions are given to correct the situation.

C2: Identify the maintenance operations of the machines, equipment and agricultural facilities for optimal operation of the machines and schedule their execution according to the production plan.

CE2.1 Describe the main machines, equipment and facilities and their characteristics.

CE2.2 Sequentially describe the maintenance operations of agricultural machines, equipment and installations.

CE2.3 Relate each maintenance operation indicating the necessary equipment for its realization.

CE2.4 Describe the rules for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental preservation in the operations of maintenance of agricultural machinery, equipment and installations.

CE2.5 List the journals and work items required for the control and incidents of maintenance operations.

CE2.6 Given a case and/or practical case of machinery, facilities and mechanical equipment of an agricultural holding, perfectly defined:

-Update and order the technical documentation of the machinery, installations and agricultural equipment related to its characteristics and maintenance.

-Schedule the cleaning, disinfection, disinsation and deratization of the facilities, machinery, equipment, tools and areas, establishing the procedures to be applied and checking that they are ready for their operation.

-Develop a complete program of the operations of checking the state of the machinery, installation or equipment prior to its use indicating the periodicity of the various maintenance operations in which an execution schedule is included, determining the performance of the operations at the appropriate time.

-Determine the preparation and set up operations and their periodicity indicating the appropriate equipment to perform such operations.

-Graphically structure the maintenance program for quick interpretation.

-Develop documentation to record the work of machinery, facilities and equipment for proper control.


1. Agricultural installations

-Types of agricultural facilities.

-Components of agricultural installations.

-Temperature, humidity, light, etc..

-ventilation, air conditioning and environmental conditioning installations:

-Calefactors and gas installations.

-Humectors and fans.

-Forced conditioning.

-Storage and storage facilities for crops, fruits, vegetables and other products:

-Graneros, silos and multipurpose warehouses.

-Components, maintenance and operation of water and electricity facilities:

-Water installations.

-Irrigation facilities.

-Power installations

-Components, maintenance, and operation of:





2. Review, cleaning and disinfection of agricultural facilities

-Facilities review and diagnosis:

-Technical documentation: features and maintenance.

-Tables and equipment for measuring and reviewing installations.

-Maintenance operations calendar. Graphics.

-Safe and clean procedures in using installations:

-Hazardous mechanisms of the facilities.

-Caution zones.

-Hazard Senalization.

-Safe procedures in the use of agricultural facilities.

-Facilities and personal protection elements:

-Design of facilities to avoid risks.

-Hazardous mechanism protections.

-Technical characteristics of the components of installations, prevention of breaks, breakdowns and accidents.

-Protective clothing. Special protections.

-Common cleaning, disinfection and conditioning equipment and products in agricultural facilities:

-Components, regulation and maintenance.


-Manual and automatic washing machines.

-Pressure cleaning equipment.


-Cleaning products.

-Facilities for the use and disposal of waste.

3. Agricultural machinery. Components and operation

-Types, components, regulation and adaptations of agricultural machinery.

-Review and diagnosis of the operation of agricultural machinery:

-Sequence of maintenance operations.

-Maintenance operations calendar. Graphics.

-Operation and application of agricultural machinery control and control devices:

-Agricultural machinery security devices.

-Tables and equipment for measuring and checking machinery.

-Use and control of mechanized operations.

-Programming of operations and control of the results of the mechanized work.

-Field machinery utilization variables.

-Transport operations

-Regulations and conditions of movement on public roads.

-Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the preservation of the environment in the maintenance operations of agricultural machinery and equipment.

-Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the management of agricultural machinery and equipment.

4. Basic regulations relating to the maintenance and operation of agricultural installations

-First aid and emergency situations.

-Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the preservation of the environment in the maintenance operations of agricultural facilities.

-Standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection in the management of agricultural facilities.



Code: UF0391

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, RP5 and RP6 as regards machinery, equipment and facilities of the agricultural holding.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the requirements of an agricultural workshop to cover the maintenance needs and basic repairs of the machinery and facilities of an agricultural holding and in a practical case organize the workshop.

CE1.1 List and analyze the necessary technical documentation for the provision and organization of a workshop.

CE1.2 Describe the necessary equipment, tools, implements, spare parts and materials in the workshop, to perform the operations of repair and maintenance of the farm and agricultural machinery.

CE1.3 Indicate zones and spaces of a workshop for the correct location of equipment, spare parts and materials, to optimize time and means in the tasks to be performed.

CE1.4 To point out the procedures to be followed in the proper management of the waste generated in the workshop in compliance with the environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations in force.

CE1.5 Valoring and managing the acquisition of the workshop machinery, tools, spare parts and different material according to maintenance and repair needs, with economic and quality criteria.

CE1.6 Describe the working conditions and personal protection to meet the standards of occupational risk prevention in the workshop.

CE1.7 Given a case and/or assumption of a workshop for repair and maintenance of a machinery park of a properly characterized agricultural holding:

-Distribute the areas of the workshop, the disposal of equipment and tools, spare parts and materials necessary for maintenance or repair with efficiency and safety.

-Calculate the quantities and times for the supply of spare parts, implements and materials according to the planning established.

-Manage the acquisition of spare parts and other materials.

C2: Relating the operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and development of the machinery, equipment and agricultural installations and in a practical case to carry out the control of the same.

CE2.1 Order, update, and analyze technical documentation and other available sources of information to determine the extent of possible breakdowns or failures.

CE2.2 Identify the most frequent types of breakdowns in agricultural equipment, differentiating those that need specialized workshop from those that can be solved on the farm.

CE2.3 Describe procedures, methods, and guidance times for preparation, maintenance, repair, and point-to-point operations.

CE2.4 Describe rules for the prevention of occupational risks and preservation of agricultural equipment and facilities.

CE2.5 Given a case and/or practical assumption of mechanical installations and equipment of a perfectly defined agricultural holding:

-Identify the breakdowns, repairs, points and maintenance of the machinery to be carried out in a specialized workshop, differentiating them from those that can be carried out in the operation with basic operations.

-Elaborate repair orders, work parts, diagnostic tables, and the necessary technical documentation for the correct organization of the work.

-Organize the operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and set-up, depending on the technical and human resources available.

-Verify that preparation, repair, and point-in-time operations are performed in good time, media, and form in compliance with the program established in the workshop and operation manuals.

-Make the necessary checks on the finished work operations.

-Register the information obtained in the reviews for your treatment and assessment, using computer media, if necessary.

-Calculate the costs of the preparation, maintenance, repair and set up work on the holding.

-Check that all operations are performed in compliance with the rules

of occupational risk prevention and environmental waste management regulations, giving the necessary instructions to correct the situation, in case of non-compliance.

C3: Indicating the need for the purchase or replacement of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies in line with the production and profitability plan and the preparation of the relevant technical report.

CE3.1 Identify the necessary equipment and machines in an agricultural holding, depending on your production plan.

CE3.2 Analyze the technical capabilities and features of machinery, equipment, and tools taking into account:

-The required work capabilities for the operations planned in the production plan.

-The characteristics of the zone, which influence the possibilities of mechanization.

-Cost and time costs for different alternatives for acquisition, rental or shared ownership.

CE3.3 Analyze the technical and commercial documentation on equipment and machines to be purchased.

CE3.4 Describe the technical/economic criteria to acquire, renew or dispose of machines and equipment at the right time.

CE3.5 Given a case and/or practical assumption of an agricultural holding with a properly characterized production plan:

-Select the necessary tractors and traction elements, equipment, tools, machines and installations.

-Set the teams you want to rent, share, or have exclusive.

-Schedule the appropriate time for the acquisition based on the production plan.

-Rate commercial offers for the acquisition of a team.

-Propose improvements in the use, renovation or acquisitions of the machinery park.

-Submit technical reports for the acquisition, renovation or disposal of equipment and installations on an agricultural holding.

C4: Specify the human resources required in the preparation, maintenance, repair and development of agricultural facilities, machinery and equipment to ensure adequate returns, and coordinate them in line with established objectives and activities.

CE4.1 Identify the necessary equipment and machines in an agricultural holding, depending on your production plan.

CE4.2 Identify the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the job and determine possible solutions.

CE4.3 Describe the different performance and cost control procedures of the activities performed.

CE4.4 In cases and/or practical scenarios for the organization of human resources:

-Coordinate the response to emergency situations by assessing the severity, stopping the work (if necessary), communicating the contingency and applying the corresponding plan.

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Management of agricultural machinery.

-Mechanization needs.

-Work skills required by the teams.

-Dimension and number of required equipment.

-Technical characteristics.

-Commercial offer rating.

-Adaptation of the machinery park to the agricultural holding.

-Machinery park for an agricultural holding.

-Equipment replacement, waste, or incorporation criteria

-Incidence in the rest of the machinery park

-Incident on cost per production unit.

2. Agricultural workshop and simple repair of breakdowns.

-Dimensioning of a workshop.

-Teams for a workshop.

-Description, operation, care and preparation.

-Materials for repair and maintenance.

-Programming and review of workshop operations.

-Diagnosis of breakdowns

-Repair procedures.

-Repair checks.

-Repair estimates and budgets

-Safety and hygiene in repair shops and maintenance operations.

-Storage and disposal systems for respectful workshop waste

with the environment.

3. Prevention of occupational risks in agricultural installations and machinery

-Basic concepts about health and safety at work.

-Basic regulatory framework on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Specific regulations for the prevention of occupational risks for the operation of agricultural installations and machinery.

-General risks and their prevention.

-Specific risks in the agricultural sector and its prevention.

-Personal protection measures.

-Safe and clean procedures in:

-Using machinery and installations

-The handling and storage of toxic and dangerous products

-The preservation of the environment.

-Basic risk prevention management elements.

-Public bodies related to safety and health at work.

-The basic organization of preventive work.

-Collection, processing and archiving of the documentation.



Code: UF0392

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6, in terms of organization and management of the agricultural holding.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: To analyze and control the procedures for the implementation and organization of a company in the sector, in accordance with the current legislation and the basic administrative procedures related to the development of the activities and the technical and economic management of the company.

CE1.1 Identify and select the needs and sources of economic, legal, environmental and regulatory information that affect the sector to provide the necessary data for the study, decision making and normal operation of the company.

CE1.2 Relate and organize the regulations governing the constitution and implementation of an agrarian company, as well as the documentation required and timely procedures in time and form before the public bodies to initiate the agricultural activity according to the legal requirements.

CE1.3 Confect a file with the information collected and updated, for further analysis and decision making.

CE1.4 Develop reports where the conclusions of the information analysis are collected and the objectives to be achieved.

CE1.5 Develop a general plan of activities based on previously established objectives, indicating the development phases of the plan according to the priorities and coordinating the periodicity of the activities.

CE1.6 Determine the needs of human, material, financial and technical resources taking into account the resources of departure.

CE1.7 Carry out an economic viability plan for the activities of the company and provide for the costs of activities, limitations or contingencies that may be presented, determining the expected costs of these activities and valuing the marketing channels.

CE1.8 Analyze the different legal forms and the possibility of partnership for joint management and common use of means of production.

CE1.9 Organize and process the necessary documentation for the application of economic aid, insurance and services contracting, taking into account the guidelines on national agricultural policy and the European Union.

C2: Manage the material, economic and human resources, optimizing the allocation of the same according to the general objectives of the company and organize the technical-economic documentation necessary for the development of the activities.

CE2.1 Determine the productive orientation of the company to develop the activities that allow to achieve the objectives established according to the agronomic limitations and means available.

CE2.2 Set the operating guidelines by organizing the job and assigning functions.

CE2.3 Rate the available financial resources, grants or available aid and the needs of foreign funding to manage purchases and service leases, deciding the most convenient acquisition and payment system.

CE2.4 Manage staff recruitment taking into account current labour law and the company's overall objectives for the development of the activities set out.

CE2.5 Develop an investment plan by valuing the profitability of the investments according to the characteristics of the activities to be developed.

CE2.6 Develop the tax calendar with the company's tax and legal obligations and check that the documentation provided is correct.

CE2.7 Establish the accounting control of the most appropriate company that allows the internal management of the company and generates the necessary information to optimize the organization and exploitation of the resources, as well as the decision-making based on economic reasoning and management business criteria.

CE2.8 Describe the economic concepts related to the agricultural holding and have the capacity to draw up the general characteristics of a holding and to carry out initial inventories.

CE2.9 Define the parameters that delimit the agrarian exploitation and its productive process, analyzing in a comparative way in search of the best organization of the productive system.

CE2.10 Register information for your treatment and cost assessment by using management computer media.


1. The agricultural enterprise and its environment, legal forms

-Legal-economic concept of agricultural enterprise.

-The economic activity of the company.

-Land tenure regime.

-Applicable legislation.

-Societies and associations in the agricultural sector.

-Agricultural Cooperatives

-Agricultural processing companies (SAT).

-Producer Organization.

-National and regional Community legislation implementing the sector.

-Techniques and procedures for obtaining information.

2. Functions and objectives of the agricultural enterprise

-Constitution and startup

-Public aid.

-The Community Agricultural Policy (CAP).

-The schedule:

-Schedule processing.

-Plan types.

-Investment analysis:

-General concepts.

-Factors to be taken into account in an investment analysis.


-Financing types.

-Funding sources.



3. Administrative and personnel management

-Administrative documentation.

-Management of forms and forms.

-The employment relationship.

-Hiring modes.

-Collective agreements in the sector.

-Social Security and other benefits.

-Monitoring and organization of personnel.

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice and supervision of staff.

-Agricultural and operating insurance.

-Service provision.

4. Accounting and agricultural tax management

-Accounting by gross margins.

-Cost calculation:

-General concepts.

-Fixed and variable costs.

-Direct and indirect costs.


-Types of redemptions.

-Non-economic factors that can influence costs.

-Interpretation and analysis of results.

-Decision making.

-Use of enterprise management software and information processing.

-Accounting and registration books.





-Profit and loss account.

-Net Margin.

-Agricultural Taxation.

-Tax calendar and formal obligations.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance




Unit 2-UF0391





The training units 1, 2, and 3 for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0373

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Manage the sexual and asexual reproduction operations of nursery plants.

CE1.1 Monitor soil or substrate preparation, as well as post-labor operations favoring germination.

CE1.2 Monitor manual and mechanized seeding operations.

CE1.3 Monitor the separation, procurement, conditioning, storage, and conservation operations of propagation plant material.

CE1.4 Monitor soil or substrate preparation, and other post-laboratory operations.

CE1.5 Perform in vitro multiplication operations.

CE1.6 Control and monitor the multiplication and production operations of plant material.

CE1.7 Distribute and assign the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives are met.

CE1.8 To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

CE1.9 Check that the work complies with the job risk prevention plan, and if not, give the necessary instructions for its correction.

C2: Manage plant growing operations and tepes in nursery.

CE2.1 Schedule the preparation of the culture medium, sampling, fertilization and post-laboratory, following quality and efficiency criteria.

CE2.2 Perform product dosing on the subscriber equipment.

CE2.3 Organize and monitor the mixture of substrates.

CE2.4 Schedule and supervise the tasks and operations of transplantation, tutoring, pinched, rinsing, repaving, among others.

CE2.5 Select and monitor the conditioning procedures of transplanted plants.

CE2.6 Schedule pre-implanted turf production operations or "tepes".

CE2.7 Monitor and perform seed mixtures as well as extended support blankets, soil preparation and substrate application and other planting and/or planting operations.

CE2.8 Control irrigation and other cultural tasks (subscribers, siegas, among others) and track the start or extraction of the pre-implanted lawn plates.

CE2.9 Schedule control of the health status of crops and the application of plant protection treatments.

CE2.10 Monitor the application of plant protection treatments.

CE2.11 Comply and enforce the current regulations, the occupational risk prevention plan, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

C3: Coordinate the handling of facilities and the expedition of plants and tepes in nursery.

CE3.1 Monitor the operation and maintenance of irrigation, fertigation and control systems.

CE3.2 Schedule the conditioning of plants and tepes.

CE3.3 Check the items of plants or tepes that are received in the warehouse for order preparation.

CE3.4 Set the load order to minimize the elapsed time from packing to the load.

CE3.5 Distribute and assign the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives are met.

CE3.6 Technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

CE3.7 Apply the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, the manual of good environmental practices, and the criteria of quality and economic profitability.

C4: Perform the management of seed production operations.

CE4.1 Monitor the appropriate techniques and means used in the harvesting of fruits and seeds in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants and develop work calendars.

CE4.2 Organize and supervise the above tasks by applying environmental safety and occupational risk prevention standards, as well as quality criteria and economic profitability.

CE4.3 Review the labeling of the items collected in field before proceeding to their transportation and perform control of the entry of lots of fruits and seeds to the warehouse.

CE4.4 Schedule and direct the discharge and storage of the batches of fruits and seeds, following the technical specifications of each species (type of container, temperature, environmental humidity and storage time up to processing, among others).

CE4.5 Monitor the processing operations of fruits and seeds, and take samples from each batch of seeds to control their quality.

CE4.6 Monitor the conservation and packaging of seed lots of each species.

CE4.7 Distribute and assign the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives are met.

CE4.8 To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

C5: Manage agricultural facilities, machinery and equipment, and coordinate basic repairs and the organization of a workshop.

CE5.1 Monitor machinery, installation, or equipment, identifying anomalies in the state and operation of the equipment components, and determining possible corrections and improvements for the correct development of the work.

CE5.2 Determine the preparation and set up operations and their periodicity indicating the appropriate equipment to perform such operations.

CE5.3 Manage the acquisition of spare parts and other materials.

CE5.4 Develop repair orders, work parts, diagnostic tables, and the necessary technical documentation for the correct organization of the work.

CE5.5 Perform the required checks on finished work operations.

CE5.6 Check that all operations are carried out in compliance with the standards of occupational risk prevention and environmental waste management regulations, giving the necessary instructions to correct the situation, in case of non-compliance.

CE5.7 Propose improvements in the use, renovation or acquisitions of the machinery park.

CE5.8 Distribute and assign the tasks and responsibilities of each worker, so that the stated objectives are met.

CE5.9 Technically to advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment.


1. Sexual and asexual reproduction of nursery plants.

-Preparation of the soil or substrate and the post-laboratory operations favoring germination.

-Manual and mechanized Siembra.

-Separation, obtaining, conditioning, storage and conservation of propagating material.

-Soil or substrate preparation, and other post-laboratory operations.

-In vitro multiplication operations.

-Control and monitoring of plant material multiplication and production operations.

-Assignment of workers ' tasks and responsibilities.

-Application of labor risk prevention regulations

2. Cultivation of plants and tepes in nursery.

-Preparing the culture medium, sampling, fertilisation and post-work,

-Dosification of products in the subscriber equipment.

-Realization of the substrate mixture.

-Transplant operations programming, tutoring, pinched, rinsed, repicated.

-Selection of the conditioning procedures of the transplanted plants.

-Programming of pre-implanted turf production operations or "tepes".

-Monitoring of seed mixtures as well as extended support blankets, soil preparation and application of the substrate and other planting and/or planting operations.

-Control of irrigation and other cultural tasks

-Boot or extraction of pre-implanted lawn plates.

-Programming of the control of the health status of crops and the application of plant protection treatments.

-Application of labor and environmental risk prevention regulations

3. Plant handling and expedition of plants and tepes in nursery.

-Operation and maintenance of irrigation, fertigation and control systems.

-Plant conditioning and tepes programming.

-Plant item or tepe check-in check for order preparation.

-Setting the load order,

-Assigning workers ' tasks and responsibilities

-Application of labor and environmental risk prevention regulations

4. Seed production management.

-Appropriate techniques and means in the harvesting of fruits and seeds in trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants.

-Labelling of the consignments collected in field before proceeding to their transport and control of the entry of lots of fruits and seeds to the warehouse.

-Programming of the unloading and storage of the batches of fruits and seeds.

-Fruit and seed processing operations and sampling of each batch of seeds to control their quality.

-Conservation and packaging of seed lots of each species.

-Assigning workers ' tasks and responsibilities

-Application of labor and environmental risk prevention regulations

5. Management of agricultural installations, machinery and equipment.

-Detection of failures in machinery, installation, or equipment,

-Preparing and set up machinery and equipment

-Managing the acquisition of spare parts and other materials.

-Fulfillment of repair orders, work items, diagnostic tables, the checks required in the finished work operations.

-Assignment of workers ' tasks and responsibilities.

-Application of the regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

6. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency


Managing plant propagation operations in nursery.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Managing the cultivation of plants and tepes in the nursery.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Managing seed production operations.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Managing the agricultural farm's machinery, equipment, and facilities.

• Agricultural Engineer or Montes Engineer or other equivalent titles

• Licensed in Biology or other equivalent title.

• Diplomacy, Agricultural or Forestry Technical Engineer or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Forming Space

Nave of gardening


Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils









gardening practices



* Not necessarily located in the training center

Formative Space






























Forming Space




-Vent system

-Heavy machinery and tools

-Light agricultural machinery

-Gardening tools

-Individual protective equipment

-Trep teams





-Audio-visual Equipment


-Classroom Material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils




Gardening workshop




-Workshop equipment and tools

-Repository for Waste

-Fuel and Lubricant Deposits

-Vent Sitemas

-Workshop Banks


-Individual Protection Equipment

-First Aid Botiquin

-Digital Camera

-Video Camera and

*Gardening Invernery



-Environmental control system

-Growing Messes


-Irrigation mouth

-implanted plant elements

- Closing


-Irrigation System

-Electrical Intalation

-Garden Equipment and

* A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.


I. Identification of the certificate of professionalism

Naming: Managing Forest Pages

Code: AGAR0110

Professional Family: Agrarian

Professional area: Forestry

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

AGA462_3 Forest harness management (RD 715/2010 of 28 May)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1486_3: Organize and monitor inventory and natural habitat tracking operations.

UC1487_3: Manage logging logging.

UC1488_3: Manage non-logging forest leverage.

UC0730_3: Manage the machinery, equipment and facilities of the forest exploitation.

General competition:

Organize and supervise the activities necessary for the use of forest products, managing the material and human resources available, applying criteria of quality, economic profitability and sustainability of the natural environment, minimizing the impact on the environment and respecting the current regulations, especially the environmental and the prevention of occupational risks.

Professional Environment

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small companies, public or private, both for hire and self-employed, dedicated to the forest exploitation, according to the planning established, following, if necessary, instructions from the person responsible for the production, and being able to have at his personal level lower level.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the agricultural sector, within the forest subsector, in the following productive activities developed in: Forest farms. Forest exploitation companies.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

314.1022 Forest Technician

Forest manager or foreman

Responsible for Forest Advantage Companies

Duration of the associated training: 630 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units

MF1486_3: Organization and monitoring of natural habitat inventory and tracking operations. (100 hours)

• UF1681: Previous actuations for inventory and natural habitat tracking (40 hours)

• UF1682: Realization of animal censuses (30 hours)

• UF1683: Realization of vegetation inventories (30 hours)

MF1487_3: Management of logging logging. (160 hours)

• UF1684: Planning for logging (40 hours)

• UF1685: Organization and control of the apet, processed and grouping of trotae (60 hours)

• UF1686: Organization and monitoring of the forest (60 hours)

MF1488_3: Management of non-timber forest leverage. (180 hours)

• UF1687: Organization and supervision of the descorche (40 hours)

• UF1688: Resign Organization and Monitoring (40 hours)

• UF1689: Organization and monitoring of fruit harvesting, edible mushrooms marketed, plants and other forest products (50 hours)

• UF1690: Organization and monitoring of the use of natural pastures and biomass (50 hours)

MF0730_3: (Cross-sectional) Management of the forestry machinery, equipment and facilities. (110 hours)

• UF0703: Operation and use of machines, equipment and forestry facilities (30 hours).

• UF0704: Maintenance of forest machinery, equipment and facilities (50 hours).

• UF0705: Replacement of machinery, equipment and forestry tools (30 hours).

MP0363: Non-working professional practice module for Forest Advantage Management (80 hours).




Level: 3

Code: UC1486_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Get, from maps, plans and orthophophotographs, the data necessary to organize the operations of inventory, monitoring and management of the ecosystems.

CR1.1 The different paths between points of the medium, as well as the orientation in it, are performed by interpreting maps, plans and orthotphotographs to choose the one that best suits the work to be carried out.

CR1.2 The distances between map points, orthotortophotography or plane are calculated, both graphically and numerically, and using different means (rule, escalimeter, curvimeter, among others).

CR1.3 The surfaces and slopes are calculated by applying the most appropriate method to produce a result within the required degree of precision.

CR1.4 The vaguadas, dividing, hydrological basins, cut and other accidents of the terrain are located on the map or plane to invent the forest system, interpreting the relief from the level curves.

CR1.5 The paths, paths and other constructive elements are identified on a map, ortho-photography or plane to take into account in the inventory, monitoring and management of the ecosystems.

CR1.6 The longitudinal profiles of marked paths on the map are drawn, adjusting the horizontal and vertical scales to the needs of the representation, to analyze the relief and to anticipate the difficulties of displacement.

CR1.7 The characteristic points of interest and milestones are identified and referenced by their coordinates both in the field and in the cabinet.

CR1.8 The means, apparatus, equipment and tools used in the operations of inventory, monitoring and management of the ecosystems are selected, managed and maintained according to technical specifications.

CR1.9 The work of taking the necessary data in the organization of the operations of inventorization, monitoring and management of ecosystems, are carried out taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP2: Organize, monitor, and, where appropriate, perform wildlife inventory work for sustainable management.

CR2.1 The daily activity is organized, interpreting the protocols of action provided and the information available on the work area, and providing the necessary material means, to obtain the required data.

CR2.2 The points, paths, or sampling plots are located according to the method required to perform the inventory.

CR2.3 The fauna inventory work is monitored following established protocols, according to the type of inventory, so that the data is taken accurately and accurately.

CR2.4 The reports on the different species and the status of their populations are elaborated, from the data taken in field or by visual estimation, for the orderly and sustainable management of the same.

CR2.5 The selection, management and maintenance of the media, equipment, machines and tools used in the work of the wildlife inventory is monitored, and where appropriate, to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.6 The work of the fauna is organized, supervised and, where appropriate, taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP3: Organize, monitor and, where appropriate, perform work on vegetation inventory for sustainable management.

CR3.1 The daily activity is organized, interpreting the provided acting protocols and available information on the work zone, and previewing the necessary material means, to obtain the field data required by the inventory.

CR3.2 Sampling points are located according to the method required to perform the inventory.

CR3.3 The inventory plot is reposed, in accordance with the required method.

CR3.4 The physical media and the vegetation inventory data for your sustainable organization are monitored in accordance with the established protocols, according to the type of inventory, so that the required measurements are made with accuracy and precision.

CR3.5 The species, frequency, density and percentage of coating or vegetation coverage is obtained from the data taken in field or aerial photography, producing reports from them.

CR3.6 The selection, management and maintenance of the media, equipment, machines and tools used in the work of the vegetation inventory is monitored, and in this case it performs to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks that its use entails.

CR3.7 The work of the vegetation is organized, supervised and, where appropriate, taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP4: Coordinate human resources, necessary for the operations of inventorization and natural habitat monitoring, for optimization according to its objectives and established activities.

CR4.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set taking into account the default activities.

CR4.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR4.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR4.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR4.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the stated objectives.

CR4.6 The embedded staff is technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR4.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR4.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Off-road vehicles and trailers. Binoculars, telemetry, telescopes. Clisimeters, clinometers, compasses, GPS devices and Total Stations. Cartography. Measuring devices: rules, escalators, curvimeters and planimeters, forcipolas and manual and electronic hipsubmitres, bark calibrators, survey hammers, among others. Field-and-bit rework and stereoscope for the calculation of ages. Stakes, jalons, ropes and chains. Herbal presses. Maps, drawings and orthotphotographs. Electronic agendas. Radio communication equipment. Mobile phones. Computer equipment and software. Digital camera. Individual Protective Equipment (PPE ' s). First aid equipment and equipment.

Products and results

Geo-referenced points and relief interpreted on the map and on the ground. Localized points, localized inventory plots, reposed and measured. Sampling and inventory data logged. Mapped vegetation. Presence, density and frequency of tested animal and plant species. Census of completed animals.

Information used or generated

Plant and animal field guides. Track and sign guides. Recordings with songs of birds. Catalogues of material and instruments of dasometry and ecological studies. Catalogues of forest species. Manuals on forest inventory, on the mapping and sampling of vegetation and on animal census. Specific protocols for vegetation inventories and animal censuses. Record books and inventory control and tracking. Manuals for the use and maintenance of tools and equipment. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Manual of basic sanitary techniques and first aid. Occupational Risk Prevention and Safety Plans plans. Quality and technical-economic criteria. Environmental regulations. Current legislation on security and specific legislation. Labour regulations. Specific rules.



Level: 3

Code: UC1487_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Set up the necessary jobs to perform the logging, considering the existing conditions and what is established in the project or technical plan.

CR1.1 The daily tasks are organized by interpreting the technical projects and plans of logging.

CR1.2 The difficulties of execution of the intended works are detected and prevented according to the relief, the characteristics of the soil, the state and distribution of the roads and the nature of the spontaneous vegetation described in the project or technical plan.

CR1.3 The material resources required for the performance of the daily work are determined from the analysis of the objectives set in the project or technical plan and the recognition of the terrain.

CR1.4 The sequence of daily jobs is set to optimize its execution, both technically and economically, within the expected execution period.

CR1.5 Environmental prevention measures that affect forest exploitation are interpreted and incorporated into the programming of the work, in order to implement them in compliance with the environment.

CR1.6 The work required to carry out the logging operations is established taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP2: Organize and control the work of stoning, processing of trees and grouping of trotae to achieve good use of the wood, checking that the conditions of quality and safety established, and current regulations are met.

CR2.1 The plot is acknowledged by checking in situ the existence of particularly dangerous areas to take into account in the organization of the work of stoning and processing of the wood.

CR2.2 The sacs are reposed by interpreting the planes and the conditions of the medium.

CR2.3 The in situ pointing of the trees to be used is checked.

CR2.4 Jobs are valued economically, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR2.5 The work of stoning and processing is controlled by checking that the appropriate techniques and means are used for each case and that good use is made of the wood, taking the appropriate measures if not.

CR2.6 The classification and grouping of trotches is controlled to achieve the highest performance of the wood.

CR2.7 The work of stoning, processing and grouping of trotae is economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR2.8 The selection, handling and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the operations of tree and tree processing and assembly of trotae is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.9 The work of stoning and processing of trees and grouping of trotae are organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP3: Organize and supervise the work of wood products to produce the least possible damage to the wood and the mountain, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR3.1 The plot is acknowledged by checking in situ the existence of particularly dangerous areas to take into account in the organization of the work of wood wood.

CR3.2 The status of the saca paths is checked and, if necessary, its conditioning is monitored.

CR3.3 Jobs are valued economically, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR3.4 The techniques of unforest are selected according to the accessibility, size of the shaft or troza and the equipment and machine available.

CR3.5 The drag and/or load and transport work are controlled by checking that the appropriate techniques are used for each case and the damage to the unwrapped wood and the ecosystem is minimized, taking the appropriate measures if not.

CR3.6 The stacking works at the loading point are controlled and it is proven that the wood is separated by qualities and is prepared to be loaded in the trucks, taking the appropriate measures if not.

CR3.7 The type of treatment of the by-products is selected according to its characteristics, the machines and equipment available and the intended destination.

CR3.8 The works are controlled and it is proven that the mountain is in good condition for the performance of subsequent tasks according to the established criteria, taking the appropriate measures if not.

CR3.9 The work of unforest, stacking and treatment of by-products is economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR3.10 The selection, handling and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the operations of unforest, stacking and treatment of by-products is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR3.11 Work is organized and supervised, taking into account the current regulations, the plan for the prevention of occupational risks, taking into account the criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP4: Coordinate and control human resources, necessary in the operations of timber exploitation, to ensure appropriate returns, in function of the objectives and activities established.

CR4.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set taking into account the default activities.

CR4.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR4.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR4.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR4.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the stated objectives.

CR4.6 The embedded staff is technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR4.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR4.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Machinery for the stoning and processing: chainsaws, harvesters. Machinery and equipment for the production of tractors, self-loaders, agricultural tractors with a means of drawing, tractels, cables, cable cars and other hair. Machines and means for the use of by-products: splinters, brushers, packers of forest residues. Machinery for the opening and maintenance of road and forestry tracks: bulldozer, compactor, motor-drive, among others. Auxiliary equipment for the stoning and processing (knock-down levers, axes, self-winding tape, among others). Individual Protective Equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Apeo, processed, unforest and waste treatment scheduled and organized. Fustes and/or trotae classified in the loading point duly controlled. Duly processed and controlled forest residues. Reposed routes and in good state of use. Work for the repose and maintenance of scheduled and controlled sacs.

Information used or generated

Mapping. Catalogues of forest species. List of job prices. Project or technical plan of use. Manuals for the use and maintenance of machinery and equipment. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Manual of basic sanitary techniques and first aid. Occupational Risk Prevention and Safety Plans plans. Quality and technical-economic criteria. Environmental regulations. Current legislation on security and specific legislation. Labour regulations. Specific rules.



Level: 3

Code: UC1488_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Organize and control the work of descorche to obtain cork minimizing the damage of the cork, checking that the conditions of quality and safety established, and current regulations are met.

CR1.1 The difficulties of making use of the cork are provided for interpreting the project of management or technical plan of the alcornocales and considering other conditions that may affect it.

CR1.2 The trees to be removed are selected taking into account economic, environmental and technical criteria that do not compromise their vitality.

CR1.3 The time of descorche is determined taking into account the vegetative state of the tree and the weather and regulations in force.

CR1.4 The drill and access operations of the ring and the alcornocales are organized and supervised to facilitate the work.

CR1.5 The operations of descorche, sorting, stacking, measuring, and deforest are organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to achieve a sustainable exploitation of the cork.

CR1.6 Reports referring to the work of cork and cork nocorch are performed and transmitted, if appropriate, to whom it corresponds.

CR1.7 Discorche works are valued economically, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR1.8 The selection, handling and maintenance of the machines and equipment used in the operation of the operation is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR1.9 The work of descorche is organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, based on criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP2: Organize and supervise the resination operations to obtain miera minimizing the damage of the pine trees, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR2.1 The difficulties of making use of the miera are foreseen by interpreting the project of management or technical plan of the pinar and considering other conditions that may affect it.

CR2.2 The pine trees are selected taking into account economic, environmental and technical criteria that do not compromise their vitality.

CR2.3 The resination, collection, measurement, and unforest operations of the extracted miera are organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to achieve a sustainable exploitation of the pinar.

CR2.4 Reports referring to the work of the pinar's resination and performance are carried out and transmitted, if appropriate, to whom it corresponds.

CR2.5 Resination works are economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR2.6 The selection, handling and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the resination operations is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR2.7 The work of resination is organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, based on criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP3: Organize and control the works of harvesting of fruits, wild edible fungi, plants and other marketable forest products to take advantage of them in a sustainable way, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR3.1 The technical references and prescriptions of management projects or technical plans relating to the use of fruits, seeds, fungi, plants and other marketable forest products are interpreted to understand the objectives and provide for the difficulties of realization.

CR3.2 The use of pineapples, chestnuts and other fruits and seeds is organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to perform it within the economic profitability margin and without damaging future productions.

CR3.3 The species, location, phenotypic characteristics and, if applicable, the ripening state of the fruits and seeds are checked to obtain quality forest material.

CR3.4 The extraction, cleaning, handling and storage of forest reproductive material are organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to prevent their deterioration and facilitate their use.

CR3.5 The collection of aromatic, medicinal and ornamental florist materials is organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to ensure their performance at the optimum time and according to the technical requirements of the use.

CR3.6 The collection of the most common wild edible fungi marketed in the area is organized and monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to meet the conditions of collection and ensure a sustained use of the resource.

CR3.7 The collection, capacity and transport of fruits, seeds, fungi, plants and other forest products are monitored by verifying that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to preserve their quality, produce reports and estimate yields.

CR3.8 The works of harvesting fruits, seeds, fungi, plants and other marketable forest products are economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR3.9 The selection, handling and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the operations of harvesting fruits, seeds, fungi, plants and other marketable forest products is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR3.10 The works of harvesting fruits, seeds, fungi, plants and other marketable forest products are organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, based on criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP4: Organize and supervise the work of harnessing and managing natural grasslands to improve their condition over time, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR4.1 The overgrazing and degradation of the grasslands are detected in the light of the load capacity indicators.

CR4.2 The adequacy of the livestock type and the grazing method are valued, reporting on possible changes that would improve the condition of the grassland.

CR4.3 Deject-sharing operations are organized and monitored to improve the structure and fertility of soils.

CR4.4 Fertilization and Amended Operations are organized and monitored by checking that appropriate techniques are used in each case to improve grassland productivity.

CR4.5 The brushy and tree regeneration works are organized and monitored by checking that appropriate techniques are used in each case to improve the condition of the grassland.

CR4.6 Grassland management projects or technical plans are interpreted to understand their objectives and provide for the difficulties of implementation.

CR4.7 The work of improving the pasture is economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR4.8 The selection, management and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the improvement operations of the grassland is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR4.9 The work of improving the pasture is organized and supervised taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, based on criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP5: Control and verify the work of obtaining forest biomass, for its orderly use, verifying that the conditions of established quality and safety are met, and current regulations.

CR5.1 The plant material to be cut and/or unbossed is determined by giving the appropriate instructions for extraction by differentiating it from the one that will remain on the mount.

CR5.2 The difficulties of making use of the forest biomass are foreseen in the project of management or technical plan and considering other conditions that may affect it.

CR5.3 The amount of plant material to be removed, including stumps and roots, is calculated to determine stocks.

CR5.4 The work of harnessing the forest biomass is economically valued, determining the needs of material and human resources to give in advance the cost of the same.

CR5.5 The work of harvesting the forest biomass is monitored by checking that the appropriate techniques are used in each case to verify their performance according to the project or technical plan.

CR5.6 The selection, management and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the operations of forest biomass exploitation is monitored to ensure the efficiency of the work and to minimize the risks involved in its use.

CR5.7 The work of harnessing the forest biomass is organized and controlled taking into account the current regulations, the plan of prevention of occupational risks, based on criteria of quality and economic profitability, as well as respecting the environment and the specific regulations of the activities to be carried out.

RP6: Coordinate and control human resources, which are needed in non-timber forest exploitation operations, to ensure appropriate returns, in line with established objectives and activities.

CR6.1 The distribution of the jobs and the operating guidelines are set by taking into account the default activities.

CR6.2 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified and valued for their solution.

CR6.3 Jobs are verified to check compliance with the job risk prevention plan, and otherwise, giving the necessary instructions for correction.

CR6.4 The distribution of human resources is made by adapting the characteristics and qualifications of people to the requirements of the jobs.

CR6.5 The tasks and responsibilities are distributed and assigned to each worker, so that the group executes and finishes operations in compliance with the stated objectives.

CR6.6 Staff are technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR6.7 The tasks and operations of coordination and control of human resources are organized and controlled under economic and cost-effectiveness criteria.

CR6.8 The reports and parts of the work to be developed are established by controlling the hours of work, performance and costs, and evaluating the results of the activities carried out.

Professional Context

Production media

Measurement teams: line foot, fit, Roman, scale, tapes, among others. Computer equipment, electronic book. Software for the development of budgets. Machinery and equipment used in non-timber use. Equipment for sampling of forest material. Individual Protective Equipment (PPE ' s).

Products and results

Budgets for the various jobs performed. Use of cork, myera, fruit and seed harvesting, wild fungi, plants and other marketable forest products, management of grassland and use of biomass made, programmed and controlled.

Information used or generated

Projects and technical plans for non-timber use. Forest inventory. Mapping of the terrain covered by the work. Information on soils, climatology, botany. Price listings for non-timber use works. Catalogues for the use and maintenance of tools, equipment and machinery. Technical information on machines and equipment. Parts and statings. Foliar analytical, of soils. Information on land and fertilizer analysis. Catalogues of forest reproductive material, forest species, fertilizers and machinery, tools and equipment. Wild mushroom guides. Protected species guides for plants and fungi. General and specific botanical literature on the species in the area. Good practice manuals. Current legislation on security and specific legislation on non-timber use. Traffic code and supplementary rules. Manual of basic sanitary techniques and first aid. Occupational Risk Prevention and Safety Plans plans. Quality and technical-economic criteria. Environmental regulations. Current legislation on security and specific legislation. Labour regulations. Specific rules.



Level: 3

Code: UC0730_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Schedule the daily and periodic maintenance of forest facilities, machinery and equipment, according to the work plan.

CR1.1 The cleaning, disinfection, disinsation and deratization of the facilities, machinery, equipment, forestry tools is programmed to establish the procedures to be applied.

CR1.2 Equipment and tools for cleaning, disinfection, disinterment and deratization are monitored by checking that they are in perfect condition for operation and use.

CR1.3 The maintenance of the first level of the machinery, equipment and forestry facilities in the short and medium term (cleanings, greases, changes of oils and filters, among others) is programmed taking into account methods, times of work and planning of the phases of the same.

CR1.4 Worksheets are elaborated, updated, and ordered according to the maintenance schedule.

CR1.5 The maintenance of forest installations, machinery and equipment is organized in compliance with the corresponding manuals and administrative obligations, optimizing costs and times.

RP2: Control the operation and use of the machinery, equipment and facilities of the forest exploitation, in order to avoid excessive deterioration and unnecessary risks.

CR2.1 The correct operation of machinery and equipment is verified by checking that it meets the approval criteria.

CR2.2 The facility review is organized and monitored by checking that they are fit for the required use, taking the necessary steps otherwise.

CR2.3 The hygiene and cleanliness of facilities, equipment, utensils and handling personnel are monitored according to established protocol, detecting possible anomalies and taking the necessary preventive or corrective measures.

CR2.4 The procedures to be applied for the periodic control of the machinery, equipment and forestry installations are established in accordance with the manuals and maintenance plans.

CR2.5 The objective criteria for the correct use of forest installations, machinery and equipment, are established, following the manuals and plans of use, and the compliance with them is monitored.

CR2.6 The use of machinery, equipment, tools and facilities is controlled by avoiding the deterioration of the machinery, equipment, and non-compliance with the rules for the prevention of occupational risks, establishing corrective measures if necessary.

CR2.7 The use of forest equipment and machines is recorded through a daily part of work that indicates operating times, consumption and interruptions produced and its causes.

CR2.8 The machinery that has to circulate through public roads is monitored by checking that it complies with the provisions of the Circulation Code.

CR2.9 Fire extinguishing equipment, both in the installations and in the forest machinery that require them, are reviewed, ensuring the correct disposal for their immediate use and verifying their correct signage.

RP3: Organize a workshop, for the maintenance and basic repairs of the forestry machinery and equipment, taking into account the available means and operations to be carried out.

CR3.1 The collection of workshop materials is programmed to perform the maintenance and repair operations planned, taking into account the quantity and characteristics of the workshop materials.

CR3.2 The workshop is organized so that its equipment and tools are in due conditions for its immediate use.

CR3.3 Supply and material expense operations are performed in accordance with previously elaborated calculations.

CR3.4 The "stock" of materials, tools and spare parts is verified, assessing the short and medium term supply needs.

CR3.5 The storage and storage conditions of materials, tools and tools of the workshop are monitored by checking that they are ideal.

CR3.6 Supply and supplier technical information is recorded and updated.

CR3.7 The received material is reviewed by checking that it corresponds to the requested material and that its status and operation is correct.

CR3.8 The actions taken at the workshop are supervised to be carried out in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and, in the event of non-compliance, the necessary instructions are given to correct the situation.

RP4: Monitor, following the established program, the operations of preparation, maintenance, repairs and set-ups of the facilities, machinery and forestry equipment, to ensure that the equipment is in perfect state of use.

CR4.1 The tools, tools and equipment used in the preparation and maintenance of forest installations, machinery and equipment, as well as their operational status, are monitored by checking that they correspond to those indicated in the maintenance manuals and work instructions.

CR4.2 The response to emergency situations is coordinated by assessing the severity, stopping the work (if necessary), communicating the contingency and applying the corresponding plan.

CR4.3 The protection and security measures that must be taken in each case are enforced as regards the means and the people.

CR4.4 The technical documentation and other available information sources are ordered, updated and analyzed to determine the extent of possible breakdowns or failures and to produce a performance report.

CR4.5 The operations to be carried out in a specialized workshop are identified by differentiating them from those that can be carried out in the exploitation.

CR4.6 The replacement work of the broken elements and parts is verified to be performed with the appropriate material and following the correct working procedures and safety measures.

CR4.7 The cost of the basic repairs carried out in the workshop itself is determined and recorded to be incorporated into the technical-economic report of the machinery.

CR4.8 The operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and development of forest installations, machinery and equipment are monitored according to the program established in the manual of operation and workshop, verifying that they are carried out in time, means and form.

CR4.9 The operations of preparation, maintenance, repair and development of forest installations, machinery and equipment are monitored to be carried out in compliance with the measures of prevention of occupational risks, environmental regulations and waste management.

RP5: Develop reports of acquisition or replacement of machinery, equipment and forestry tools to cover the objectives of the farm taking into account technical and economic criteria.

CR5.1 The periodic recording of the operating times of the forest machinery is established including the materials consumed (diesel, oil) and the breakdowns produced.

CR5.2 The comparison between usage costs and service offerings at market prices is done periodically to assess the convenience of using own or rented equipment.

CR5.3 The acquisition/replacement of forest equipment and machinery is proposed when significant differences between actual costs and forecasts are assessed or when breakdowns prevent the systematic implementation of the established work programme.

CR5.4 The technical and economic documentation available on forest machines and equipment on the market is analyzed to make the replacement report for which they are amortized, obsolete or unprofitable.

CR5.5 The economic technical report including technical characteristics, performance, purchase price and cost of use is made for the establishment of the procurement plan for which it corresponds.

RP6: Coordinate and control the human resources necessary for the maintenance and repair of forest installations, machinery and equipment, in accordance with the objectives and activities established to optimize these resources.

CR6.1 The assignment of the works and the operating guidelines are programmed taking into account the nature of the activities to be performed and the qualification of the people available for the group to execute the operations entrusted with the highest efficiency and the lowest cost.

CR6.2 Staff are technically advised on the job-related aspects of the job.

CR6.3 The problems raised in terms of work, personnel and means of production are identified, valued and integrated into a report that facilitates the solution of these problems.

CR6.4 Reports and parts of the work to be developed are set to control work hours, performance and costs, and evaluate the results of the activities performed.

CR6.5 The work is monitored to check compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks, and if not, giving the necessary instructions for its correction.

Professional Context

Production media

Machinery, equipment and forestry facilities. Machines for transport, loading and unloading. Tools and implements. Spare parts. Workshop equipment and instruments for maintenance and repairs. Forest structures and facilities. Manuals on maintenance processes for forest installations, equipment and machinery.

Products and results

Forest machinery at optimum utilization status. Reduction of mechanical and incident problems due to the application of preventive measures and replacement of elements and organs at the appropriate time. Technical reports on the viability of the forestry machinery. Technical reports of costs and benefits. Workshop for the repair and maintenance of a properly managed forest machinery park.

Information used or generated

Service and workshop manuals for forestry machines and equipment and technical information on benefits and work capabilities. Possibilities and limitations of the forest machinery to be used. Processes for the maintenance of forest installations, machinery and equipment. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Code of the Circulation and Supplementary Regulations. Worksheets.




Code: MF1486_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1486_3 Organize and Monitor Natural Habitat Inventory and Tracking Operations

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1681

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1 and RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and interpret the information contained in the maps, plans and orthotphotographs, necessary in the inventory, monitoring and management of the ecosystems.

CE1.1 Describe the procedure of using graphical and numerical scales and explain the level of accuracy that is reached.

CE1.2 Explain the difference between the North and the magnetic North and the relationship between the two.

CE1.3 Explain the representation of the relief through maps and/or planes with level curves.

CE1.4 Compare topographic maps and orthotphotographs, contrasting the information provided by both.

CE1.5 Describe the necessary means, apparatus, equipment and tools in the operations of analysis and interpretation of maps, plans and orthotphotographs.

CE1.6 Identify the occupational risks and describe the preventive measures to be taken, as well as the environmental protection measures, the criteria of quality, economic profitability and respect to the current regulations, which must be taken into account in the operations of analysis and interpretation of maps, plans and orthotphotographs.

CE1.7 In a practical case, duly characterized, of analysis and interpretation on a map, topographic plane and/or oriented orthophotography:

-Interpret the symbology represented in the legend.

-Calculate the declination and the cote of different points, the natural and reduced distances and the slope between them, as well as the surface of a given plot.

-Identify points from their geographical coordinates and UTM, and given a point determine their coordinates.

-Determine the existing rumbos between pairs of different points using sexagesimal and centesimal degrees.

-Delimit a hydrological basin by differentiating between vaguadas and dividing lines and drawing its boundaries.

-Draw a longitudinal profile, adjusting the horizontal and vertical scales.

-Mark the possible routes between two points, considering the maximum allowable slopes and providing for the difficulties of access and displacement.

-Select, manage, and maintain media, appliances, equipment, and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C2: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of inventorization and monitoring of the natural habitat, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE2.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE2.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE2.3 Describe the different performance and cost control procedures of the activities carried out.

CE2.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Cartographic interpretation of natural habitat

-Measurement units used in topography:

▫ Length Units.

▫ Angular units.

▫ Surface units.

▫ Volume units.

▫ Unit Conversion.

-trigonometric calculations:

▫ Seno.

▫ Cosine.

▫ Tangentent.


▫ Types.

▫ Transformations.

▫ Appliances and measuring equipment.

-Planes, aerial photographs, orthotphotographs, orthophotoplanes:

▫ Features.

▫ Interpretation.

-Unlevels, slopes, natural, geometric and reduced distances.

-Represented Representation System, application to relief interpretation:

▫ Cots.

▫ Level Curves.

-Numeric and graphic scales.

▫ Interpretation.

▫ Calculations

-Most used normalized scales and visual perception limit.

-Coordinate systems:

▫ Geographic.

▫ Cartesian.

▫ Polars.

▫ U.T.M.


▫ Astronomical North and Magnetic North.

▫ Magnetic Decline.

▫ Field forms:

▫ Level Curves.

▫ Dividlines.

▫ Vaguadas.

-Trace of roads.

-Longitudinal profiles:

▫ Horizontal and vertical escalations.

▫ Realization.

-Symbology and legends.

-Stereoscopic view of the relief in aerial photographs.

-Measure used in mapping.

-Individual protective equipment (PPE ' s).

2. Staff management in the inventory and natural habitat monitoring work

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice to staff.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Performance estimation and control

-Analysis of work parts and reporting.



Code: UF1682

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of animal census work, implementing action protocols and establishing guidelines for their supervision and/or implementation.

CE1.1 Identify the animal species of the ecosystems covered by the census work.

CE1.2 Explain the position and population dynamics of animal species within the ecosystem.

CE1.3 Identify the traces and traces of the various animal species under census.

CE1.4 Distinguished between the different sampling techniques of terrestrial and aquatic animals, and explain the advantages and limitations of each one.

CE1.5. To list in order the steps taken in the field work for the census of terrestrial and aquatic animals, explaining its meaning, protocols of action used and the techniques employed.

CE1.6 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of the equipment, equipment and tools used in the work of the fauna census.

CE1.7 Identify occupational risks and describe the preventive measures to be taken, as well as environmental protection measures, quality criteria, economic profitability and in respect of current regulations, which must be taken into account in animal census operations.

CE1.8 In a practical case, duly characterised, of carrying out animal census work:

-Analyze cartographic and other information available, provide for the necessary means, and predict the difficulties that the work might condition.

-Locate the sampling units (plots, transects, among others) of the census using the means and information available and appropriate to the case (GPS devices, with cartography, orthotphotographs, among others).

-Senalize the sampling units as appropriate (plots, transects, among others).

-Georreference the position of the sampling units.

-Recognize the species to be censured (sexes, development stages, among others).

-Recognize traces and signals of the species to be censored.

-Complete census statistics on paper or in electronic books and report with the data obtained (presence, density, abundance, sex, health status, among others).

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C2: Operate with the equipment and equipment used in the production of animal censuses using the necessary techniques in each case.

CE2.3 Interpreting the instructions of the apparatus and equipment used in the production of animal censuses

CE2.4 Recognize the sources of error in the management of tools, apparatus and equipment used in the production of animal censuses

CE2.6 In a case, duly characterized, of the use of apparatus or equipment for the production of animal censuses:

-Select the devices and equipment to be used according to the data to be taken and their degree of precision according to the objectives pursued.

-Monitor, and where appropriate, the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools

-Choose the sampling technique to be used

-Choose the method of carrying out the census according to the species and the objectives to be achieved.

-The data obtained in the measurements and counts, as well as the corresponding geographical references and annotations, will be returned to the computer or electronic book.

-Position representative points in the field with GPS for tracking and control

-To carry out the above tasks by adopting measures to prevent occupational risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current norm.


1. Census of animals

-General concepts on Ecology applied to the animal census

-Identification of animal species to be censored:

▫ morphological characteristics of the species

▫ Recognition of traces and tokens.

-Characterization of individuals within the species:

▫ Sex

▫ Development Stadios

▫ Health Status

-Sampling techniques for the census of land and inland aquaculture animals:

▫ Types: Simple, Systematic, Stratified, Random.

▫ Characteristics of the sampling techniques

-Method of census of land and inland aquaculture animals:

▫ For detectability.

▫ By Captureability

-Obtaining basic sample parameters for land and aquaculture animal census: continental:

▫ Population Densities

▫ Abundance Indexes

▫ Percentage of sampling.

-Repose of sample plots

− Individuals localization techniques

− Data collection and storage:

▫ Field States.

▫ Electronic Librets.

2. Use of equipment and equipment in censuses

-Teams and observation media:

▫ Types: binoculars, telescopes, catalexes, among others

▫ Features of these teams

▫ Equipment and media handling

-Equipment and positioning means:

▫ Types: compasses, global positioning systems (GPS), altimeters, total station, among others.

▫ General features of these media

▫ Equipment and media handling

-Signage and marking equipment and means:

▫ Signage and marking means: rings, crotals, tapes, veneers, among others.

▫ Features and use of signage and marking media

▫ Tools for Placement and Markup

-Capture media and equipment:

▫ Types: networks, trap, among others.

▫ Features and use of these capture media

-Electrical fishing equipment:

▫ Types.

▫ Features.

-Equipment and means for distance measurement:

▫ Types: telemetry, distance, total station, tapes, among others.

▫ Features and operation.

-Individual protective equipment (PPE ' s) in census work.

3. Implementation of the regulations in census and animal species monitoring work

-Regulations on the census of animal species.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Environmental legislation.

-Quality standards.

− Regulations on labour matters.

− Specific legislation.



Code: UF1683

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of work of vegetation inventory, implementing protocols of action and establishing the guidelines for their supervision and/or realization.

CE1.1 Describe the ecosystems and species under inventory.

CE1.2 Explain the physical media's data-taking procedures.

CE1.3 Describe the steps that are followed in the field work for the inventory of the vegetation, explaining its meaning, protocols of action used and the techniques employed.

CE1.4 Distinguished among the different types of vegetation inventory and explain the advantages and limitations of each one.

CE1.5 Explain the repose procedures of the different types of plots of vegetation inventory.

CE1.6 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of the equipment, equipment and tools used in the work of the vegetation inventory.

CE1.7 In a practical case, duly characterized, of vegetation inventory:

-Analyze cartographic and other information available, provide for the necessary means, and predict the difficulties that the work might condition.

-Locate inventory plot centers, progressing with compass and clisimeter or clinometer, and with GPS devices, and helping with mapping and spelling.

-Repose circular, square, and rectangular plots of different sizes.

-Cartograph the position of the trees inside the plots.

-Recognize the species to be invented and measure in them different dasonomical parameters: height, normal diameter, basic area, among others.

-Complete inventory of paper inventory or electronic booklets and reports with the data obtained.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C2: Operate with equipment and equipment used in the inventory and monitoring of plants using the necessary techniques in each case.

CE2.1 List the main equipment and equipment used in the inventory and monitoring of plants, specifying their function and usefulness during the performance of these works.

CE2.2 Different parts and components of equipment and equipment used in the inventory and monitoring of plants and explain their function.

CE2.3 Interpret the instruction manuals for equipment and equipment used in plant inventory and monitoring and compare the performance of different models or brands.

CE2.4 Recognizes the sources of error in the management of tools, devices and equipment used in the inventory and monitoring of plants and explain their correction.

CE2.6 In a case, duly characterised, of the use of equipment or equipment for the inventory, measurement and monitoring of plants:

-Perform measurement heights and tree diameters.

-Measure distance between trees and basic areas.

-Take the basic areas measures and bark thicknesses.

-Extract wood tarugos and estimate ages and growths.

-Measure distances and surfaces.

-The data obtained in the measurements and counts, as well as the corresponding geographical references and annotations, will be returned to the computer or electronic book.

-Position points with GPS.

-Select, handle, and maintain measuring devices and equipment (tapes, forcipliers, relascope, tapes, distance meters, calibrators, survey hammers, hipsubmitters, Pressler sweeps, Total Station, and GPS, among others).

-Monitor, and where appropriate, the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.


1. Plant inventory

-General concepts on Ecology applied to plant inventory

-Identification of plant species to be invented: morphological characteristics

-Characterization of individuals within the species:

▫ Vegetative Stadium

▫ Health Status

-Plant inventory sampling techniques:

▫ Types: Simple, Systematic, Stratified, Random.

▫ Characteristics of the sampling techniques

-Getting basic sample parameters for inventory:

▫ Population Densities

▫ Abundance Indexes

▫ Percentage of sampling.

-Forest inventory:

▫ Localization

▫ Repose of the sampling units.

-Data collection and storage:

▫ Field States.

▫ Electronic Librets.

2. Use of equipment and equipment in plant inventory

-Equipment and means for distance measurement:

▫ Types: Cintas metricas.Telemeters. Distance, Total Station,

G.P.S., among others.

▫ Features and handling

-Equipment and means for measuring tree heights and terrain slopes

▫ Types: Relascoses, hipsomemeters, clisimeters, clinometers, among others.

▫ Features and operation.

-Equipment and means for measuring tree diameters:

▫ Types: Forcipolas and diametric tapes, among others

▫ Features and handling

-Equipment and means for measuring the thickness of bark and wood rings:

▫ Types: Pressler bar, cortezas gauge, poll hammer, among others

▫ Features and operation

-Equipment and positioning means:

▫ Types: compasses, global positioning systems (GPS), altimeters, total station, among others.

▫ General features of these media

▫ Equipment and media handling

-Equipment and signalling and plant marking means:

▫ Signage and marking media: tapes, paintings, brands, among others.

▫ Features and use of signage and marking media.

▫ Tools and utensils for placement and marking.

-Herbalization and Herbal Preservation Procedures and Equipment.

-Individual protective equipment (PPE ' s) in inventory work.

3. Application of the rules in inventory and monitoring of plant species

-Regulation on the inventory of plant species.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Environmental legislation.

-Quality standards.

-Labor regulations.

-Specific legislation.

Methodological guidelines

Distance learning

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible








Formative Unit 2-UF1683




To access the formative unit 2 or 3 must have passed the formative unit 1

Training units 2 and 3 do not need to be sequential.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in article 4 of the royal decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family that accompanies this annex.



Code: MF1487_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1487_3: Manage logging exploiters

Duration: 160 hours



Code: UF1684

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of wood harvesting work, specifying the actions to be carried out according to the technical plan and taking into account the conditions that affect the development of the same.

CE1.1 Describe the different parts that make up a project or technical plan for the use of wood, explaining the meaning of each one and its contents.

CE1.2 Interpret the points that make up the technical specifications and/or the license to use it, assessing its impact on the development of the work.

CE1.3 Interpret the plans of the project or technical plan for logging timber.

CE1.4 Analyze the different documents of the timber forest harvesting budget.

CE1.5 Interpreting the environmental impact legislation affecting the work of timber harvesting, explaining its meaning and its consequences for the execution of the works.

CE1.6 Explain the methods used to estimate the performance of work in forest exploitation.

CE1.7 In a practical case duly characterised by a project of timber harvesting duly characterised:

-Take information relating to the relief, soil, access and vegetation, once the terrain has been observed.

-Interpret the information contained in the project or technical plan.

-Apply the environmental impact statement to the organization and control of the jobs.

-Use the information obtained to predict the difficulty of carrying out the work.

-Develop a calendar of performances.

-Preview the performance of the job.

-Determine material resource needs.

-Prepare the budget for the jobs to be performed.

C2: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of management of forest logging, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE2.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE2.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE2.3 Describe the different performance and cost control procedures of the activities carried out.

CE2.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Technical projects and plans for timber harvesting

-Main harvester and processing types:

-Technical and operational characteristics (basic criteria for machine choice).

-Drag roller types.

-Programming computer system.

-Measurement system of lengths and diameters.

-Cutting System:

▫ Chain Sierra.

▫ circular Sierra.

▫ Blades.

-Uncut and unmapped elements.

-Hydraulic system.

-Security items.

2. Maintenance

-Items to review and periodicity of revisions:

▫ Hydraulic system: lashes, levels.

▫ Engrase points.

▫ Sharp, trim, and grease the cutting elements.

▫ Light and acoustic devices.

▫ System oiling and cooling.

▫ Traction system.

▫ Review of fire extinguishers.

-Common Averages, causes that cause them, maintenance and repair of small breakdowns.

-Tools, equipment and spare parts required.

-Puesta to dot.

-Incident Parties.



Code: UF1685

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Set the criteria for organization and control in the operations of the apec, processing of trees and the grouping of trotae, specifying the criteria of quality and sustainable forest management.

CE1.1 Indicating the different techniques of stoning and processing of trees to perform an effective and safe work.

CE1.2 Explain the techniques and methods of classification and grouping of trotae according to quality criteria and their destination in the industry.

CE1.3 Describe the techniques and methods of reposing of the saca routes from the information obtained in the plans and the direct observation in the field.

CE1.4 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of the equipment, equipment and tools used in the work of stoning and processing of trees and the grouping of tatters.

CE1.5 Identify occupational risks and describe the preventive measures to be taken, as well as environmental protection measures, quality criteria, economic profitability and in respect of current regulations, which must be taken into account in the operations of trees and tree processing and the grouping of trotres.

CE1.6 In a practical case properly characterized by the work of stoning, processing of trees and the grouping of tatters:

-Recognize the plot to organize the work.

-Assign the tasks.

-Repose the sacs.

-Organize and supervise the work of stoning, processing and grouping of trotae.

-Determine the resource needs required to perform the jobs within the pre-set deadlines.

-Monitor the work done and propose solutions when required.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of machines, equipment and tools.

-Run the previous tasks by taking risk prevention measures. working, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.


1. Organisation of the stoning and processing and grouping of shreds

-Tree Apo:

▫ Techniques.

▫ Teams.

▫ Machines used.


▫ Techniques.

▫ Processing equipment.

▫ Machines used.

-Pool and classification of troups:

▫ Quality criteria.

▫ Teams.

▫ Media used.

-Determination of the sacs:

▫ Repose and Conditioning.

-Techniques and means used.

-Job risks in the apet and processing of trees and preventive measures.

-Performance of the apey and processed equipment:

▫ Unit cost.

▫ Global costs.

-Maintenance of machines and equipment used.

2. Application of the rules in the work of stoning, processing and grouping of tatters

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Environmental legislation.

-Environmental impact and corrective measures.

-Quality standards.

-Labor regulations.

-Specific legislation.



Code: UF1686

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Determine the key aspects of wood products, organizing and supervising these tasks.

CE1.1 The different techniques for the production of wood products that minimize impacts and damage to wood.

CE1.2 Explain the techniques of conditioning and opening of forest roads or sacs to realize a safe and efficient forest.

CE1.3 Describe the classification and stacking techniques of wood products in the cargo.

CE1.5 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of the equipment, equipment and tools used in the work of wood products.

CE1.6 Identify occupational risks and describe the preventive measures to be taken, as well as environmental protection measures, quality criteria, economic profitability and in respect of current regulations, which must be taken into account in the operations of wood products.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized by the work of wood-based products:

-Recognize the plot to locate especially dangerous areas and organize the work of the forest.

-Check the status of existing sacs and whether it is necessary to organize and monitor your conditioning.

-Organize and monitor the opening of new ways of getting needed.

-Select the techniques of unforest that are best adapted to the different accessibility conditions, the size of the shaft and the equipment and machine available.

-Determine the resource needs required to perform the jobs within the pre-set deadlines.

-Estimate yields and make budgets for the jobs to be performed.

-Monitor the work of unforest, stacked at the point of loading and treatment of by-products and propose solutions when required.

-Develop the information and management documents (work and production parts, statistics, reports) and analyze them.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of machines, equipment and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.


1. Organization of the wood and wood dusting:

-Techniques and methods, equipment and means used.

-Forest paths and sacs:

▫ Opening and conditioning techniques.

▫ Machines used.

-Means and materials for the asserted.

-Maintenance of the unforest equipment: check of revisions.

2. Organization of the stacking of wood and wood

-Wood and Full Side:

▫ Criteria according to quality and targets.

▫ Techniques.

▫ Media used.

-Cubication and marking of stone and wood piles and lennas:

▫ Techniques.

▫ Materials for marking.

3. Organisation of the treatment of wood by-products

-Types of by-products and targets.

-By-product treatment techniques:

▫ Empacado.

▫ Triation.

▫ Astilled.

▫ Quema.

4. Application of the regulations in the work of the unpacking and stacking of wood and the treatment of by-products

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Environmental legislation.

-Environmental impact.

-Corrective measures.

-Quality standards.

-Labor regulations.

-Specific legislation.

Methodological guidelines

Distance learning

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1684



Unit 2-UF1685







The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in article 4 of the royal decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family that accompanies this annex.



Code: MF1488_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC1488_3 Manage non-logging forest leverage

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1687

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the specialized RP1 and RP6

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of non-timber forest harvesting, specifying the actions according to the technical plan and taking into account the conditions that affect the development of the same to be carried out.

CE1.1 Describe the different parts that make up a project or technical plan for non-timber use, explaining the meaning of each one and its contents.

CE1.2 Interpret the points that make up the technical specifications and/or the license to use it, assessing its impact on the development of the work.

CE1.3 Interpret project plans or technical plan.

CE1.4 Analyze the different budget documents.

CE1.5 Interpreting environmental legislation affecting the work of non-timber exploitation, explaining its meaning and its consequences for the execution of the work.

CE1.6 Explain the methods used to estimate the performance of work in non-timber forest exploitation.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized by a non-timber forest harvesting project:

-Take information relating to the relief, soil, access and vegetation, once the terrain has been observed.

-Interpret the information contained in the project or technical plan.

-Determine the environmental regulations applicable to the use.

-Use the information obtained to predict the difficulty of carrying out the work.

-Develop a calendar of performances.

-Preview the performance of the job.

-Determine resource needs.

-Prepare the budget for the jobs to be performed.

C2: To determine the key aspects of the development, organizing and controlling these tasks, in accordance with the different techniques that allow to obtain cork in a sustainable way.

CE2.1 Explain the most relevant aspects of the biology and the ecology of the cork.

CE2.2 Describe the different types of cork according to their qualities, their main defects and the factors that influence both.

CE2.3 Explain how the descorche coefficient is determined and its application in the use.

CE2.4 Describe the different phases of the use of cork in the mounds of cork, explaining its objectives, techniques, procedures and material means used in each and the risks to the survival of the trees.

CE2.5 Describe the environmental, anatomical, physiological and morphological factors (of the tree and cork) that limit or impede the work of descorche, explaining how to proceed in each case.

CE2.7 Identify occupational risks and describe the preventive measures to be taken, as well as environmental protection measures, quality criteria, economic profitability and in respect of the current rules, which must be taken into account in the operation of the operation.

CE2.7 In a practical case properly characterized by a cork-cut work:

-Determine the progression of the pela according to the relief of the mountain.

-Select the cork trees to be uncorking according to economic, environmental and technical criteria.

-To estimate the resources required to perform the break within the preset period.

-Rate if the weather conditions are appropriate to uncork without risk to the tree.

-Monitor the measurement of the extracted cork.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools.

-Preview possible emergency situations and evacuation procedure.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C3: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of management of non-timber forest exploitation, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE3.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE3.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE3.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Projects and technical plans for the descorche

-Project interpretation and technical plans:

▫ Memory.

▫ Technical condition attachments.

▫ Work units and budgets.

▫ Planes: types, characteristics, interpretation.

▫ Attachments to memory.

-Study of infrastructure needs.

-Material and human resources needs.

-Calculation of the budget for the execution of the utilization.

-Security and Risk Prevention Plan.

-Major negative environmental impacts of forest exploitation.

-Calendar of actions.

2. Scorch of cork oaks

-Ecology and alcornoque biology:

▫ Corcho training.

▫ Maturity.

▫ Choice of plants to uncork.

-Cork Morphology:

▫ Features: layers, porosity, color, health status.

▫ Defects and Damage: stains, tummy, breakage.

-cork Calities:

▫ Factors that determine quality.

▫ Classification by qualities.

-Extraction of the cork:

▫ Environmental factors.

▫ Space-temporary organization of cork utilization.

▫ Discorche Coefficient.

▫ Rajado of the cork.

▫ Measurement and calculation of the extracted cork.

▫ Elaboration of Fardos.

▫ Transport and stacking of farts.

-cork applications and utilities:

▫ Commercial Calibers.

-Tools and equipment for the uncorché:

▫ Identification and relationship to the job to be performed.

▫ Description.

▫ Maintenance.

▫ Handling.

3. Management of staff in the work of descorche

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice to staff.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Analysis of work parts and reporting.



Code: UF1688

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the specialized RP2 and RP6

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of non-timber forest harvesting, specifying the actions to be carried out according to the technical plan and taking into account the conditions affecting the development of the same.

CE1.1 Describe the different parts that make up a project or technical plan for non-timber use, explaining the meaning of each one and its contents.

CE1.2 Interpret the points that make up the technical specifications and/or the license to use it, assessing its impact on the development of the work.

CE1.3 Interpret project plans or technical plan.

CE1.4 Analyze the different budget documents.

CE1.5 Interpreting environmental legislation affecting the work of non-timber exploitation, explaining its meaning and its consequences for the execution of the work.

CE1.6 Explain the methods used to estimate the performance of work in non-timber forest exploitation.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized by a non-timber forest harvesting project:

-Take information relating to the relief, soil, access and vegetation, once the terrain has been observed.

-Interpret the information contained in the project or technical plan.

-Determine the environmental regulations applicable to the use.

-Use the information obtained to predict the difficulty of carrying out the work.

-Develop a calendar of performances.

-Preview the performance of the job.

-Determine resource needs.

-Prepare the budget for the jobs to be performed.

C2: To determine the critical points and relevant aspects of the operations of the resination and the obtaining of the harvest and to specify the guidelines and techniques that allow to obtain the harvest in a sustainable way.

CE2.1 Explain the most relevant aspects of the biology and ecology of the resin pine.

CE2.2 Describe the different phases of the use of the miera, explaining its objectives, techniques, procedures and material means used in each and the risks to the survival of the trees.

CE2.3 Describe the environmental factors, and the physiological and morphological factors of the pine trees that limit or impede the use of the miera, explaining the way to proceed in each case.

CE2.6 In a practical case properly characterized by resination work:

-Set the boundaries of each resination kill.

-To estimate the resources required to complete the work of resination within the preset period.

-Monitor the measurement of the extracted mime.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C3: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of management of non-timber forest exploitation, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE3.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE3.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE3.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Projects and technical plans for the resination

-Project interpretation and technical plans:

▫ Memory.

▫ Technical condition attachments.

▫ Work units and budgets.

▫ Planes: types, characteristics, interpretation.

▫ Attachments to memory.

-Study of infrastructure needs.

-Material and human resources needs.

-Calculation of the budget for the execution of the utilization.

-Security and Risk Prevention Plan.

-Major negative environmental impacts of forest exploitation.

-Calendar of actions.

2. Organization of the work of resination

-Ecology and biology of the pine tree:

▫ Physiological state.

▫ Maturity.

▫ Choice of plants to reside.


▫ physiological and/or morphological factors.

▫ Environmental factors.

▫ Methods and techniques.

▫ Quantity Limits to Resign by Tree.

▫ Space-temporary organization of resin utilization.

-Miera quality:

▫ Commercial factors that determine it.

▫ Applications.

▫ Miera Utilities.

-Phases of the resination job:

▫ Choice of trees.

▫ Desrone or unmapped.

▫ Placement of the staple and pot.

▫ Remondie.

▫ Handling and calculation of the extracted mime.

▫ Tree wound healing.

-Tools and Equipment for Resination:

▫ Identification and relationship to the job to be performed.

▫ Description.

▫ Maintenance.

▫ Handling.

3. Management of staff in the work of resination

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice to staff.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Analysis of work parts and reporting.



Code: UF1689

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the specialized RP3 and RP6

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of non-timber forest harvesting, specifying the actions to be carried out according to the technical plan and taking into account the conditions affecting the development of the same.

CE1.1 Describe the different parts that make up a project or technical plan for non-timber use, explaining the meaning of each one and its contents.

CE1.2 Interpret the points that make up the technical specifications and/or the license to use it, assessing its impact on the development of the work.

CE1.3 Interpret project plans or technical plan.

CE1.4 Analyze the different budget documents.

CE1.5 Interpreting environmental legislation affecting the work of non-timber exploitation, explaining its meaning and its consequences for the execution of the work.

CE1.6 Explain the methods used to estimate the performance of work in non-timber forest exploitation.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized by a non-timber forest harvesting project:

-Take information relating to the relief, soil, access and vegetation, once the terrain has been observed.

-Interpret the information contained in the project or technical plan.

-Determine the environmental regulations applicable to the use.

-Use the information obtained to predict the difficulty of carrying out the work.

-Develop a calendar of performances.

-Preview the performance of the job.

-Determine resource needs.

-Prepare the budget for the jobs to be performed.

C2: To establish criteria of organization and control in the activities of harvesting fruits, wild edible fungi, plants and other marketable forest products, that allow a sustainable use of them.

CE2.1 Identify species and varieties of fruits, more common fungi, plants and other marketable forest products in the region, and explain the most relevant aspects of their biology and their ecology.

CE2.4 Describe the techniques of extraction, cleaning, handling and storage of forest reproductive material.

CE2.5 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools used in the work of harvesting fruits, more common fungi, plants and other marketable forest products.

CE2.7 In a practical case properly characterized in the collection of fruits, fungi, plants or other marketable forest products:

-Identify the material to be collected and, in the case of collection of Forest Material of Reproduction, the feet with the indicated phenotype.

-Check the status of the material to be collected as it will be used later.

-Estimate the resources required to complete the job within the preset deadline.

-Monitor the measurement of the collected products.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C3: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of management of non-timber forest exploitation, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE3.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE3.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE3.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Technical projects and plans for the collection of fruits, edible mushrooms marketed, plants and other forest products

-Project interpretation and technical plans:

▫ Memory.

▫ Technical condition attachments.

▫ Units of work and budgets

▫ Planes: types, characteristics, interpretation.

▫ Attachments to memory.

-Study of infrastructure needs.

-Material and human resources needs.

-Calculation of the budget for the execution of the utilization.

-Security and Risk Prevention Plan.

-Major negative environmental impacts of forest exploitation.

-Calendar of actions.

2. Harvesting of fruits, edible mushrooms marketed, plants and other forest products

-Biology and ecology of pinonero pine, chestnut and other forest plants whose fruits or seeds are used.

-Biology and main applications of the aromatic, medicinal and ornamental plants of the biogeographical zone.

-Fenology and harvest time of the main commercial forest species.

-Collection zones and choice of parent trees.

-Anatomy of the main fungi of the biogeographical zone.

-Use of fruits, fungi, plants and other marketable forest products:

▫ Goal of leveraging.

▫ Epoch.

▫ Technical and procedures used.

-Use phases:

▫ Collection.

▫ Extract.

▫ Cleaning.

▫ Storage.

▫ Transport.

-Tools and equipment for collection:

▫ Identification and relationship to the job to be performed.

▫ Description.

▫ Maintenance.

▫ Handling.

3. Management of staff in the works of fruit harvesting, edible mushrooms marketed, plants and other forest products

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice to staff.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Analysis of work parts and reporting.



Code: UF1690

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4, RP5, and specialized RP6

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a program of non-timber forest harvesting, specifying the actions to be carried out according to the technical plan and taking into account the conditions affecting the development of the same.

CE1.1 Describe the different parts that make up a project or technical plan for non-timber use, explaining the meaning of each one and its contents.

CE1.2 Interpret the points that make up the technical specifications and/or the license to use it, assessing its impact on the development of the work.

CE1.3 Interpret project plans or technical plan.

CE1.4 Analyze the different budget documents.

CE1.5 Interpreting environmental legislation affecting the work of non-timber exploitation, explaining its meaning and its consequences for the execution of the work.

CE1.6 Explain the methods used to estimate the performance of work in non-timber forest exploitation.

CE1.7 In a practical case properly characterized by a non-timber forest harvesting project:

-Take information relating to the relief, soil, access and vegetation, once the terrain has been observed.

-Interpret the information contained in the project or technical plan.

-Determine the environmental regulations applicable to the use.

-Use the information obtained to predict the difficulty of carrying out the work.

-Develop a calendar of performances.

-Preview the performance of the job.

-Determine resource needs.

-Prepare the budget for the jobs to be performed.

C2: To determine the actions in the area of organization and supervision of the work of the use of the natural pastures according to the different techniques that allow to improve their condition over time.

CE2.1 Identify the species of greatest pascicola interest by explaining their foraging value by relating them to the main types of pasture.

CE2.3 Identify the livestock breeds in the area, in particular indigenous breeds, and explain relevant aspects of their behaviour under extensive grazing conditions.

CE2.8 In a practical case properly characterized in the use and improvement of grassland:

-Rate the conservation status of the pasture.

-Collect information on the type of livestock, herd structure and grazing method used and propose improvements, if necessary.

-Estimate the resources required to complete the job within the preset deadline.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C3: Determine the relevant aspects of forest biomass procurement, establishing guidelines for the control of the work and proposing actions to improve processes for greater sustainability of the environment.

CE3.1 Describe the characteristics of the forest biomass and relate it to its different destinations.

CE3.3 Describe the basic characteristics and maintenance of the equipment, equipment and tools used in the work of natural grassland management and management.

CE3.5 In a practical case properly characterized in the use of biomass:

-Collect information about the type of biomass to be used.

-Select the techniques and means necessary to make the use.

-Estimate the resources required to complete the job within the preset deadline.

-Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

-Monitor the handling and maintenance of appliances, equipment and tools.

-To carry out the above tasks by taking measures to prevent work risks, minimizing environmental impacts, taking into account criteria of quality and economic profitability, and respecting the current regulations.

C4: Develop a program for the organization of human resources in the processes of management of non-timber forest exploitation, according to the objectives and activities established.

CE4.1 Explain possible responses to emergency situations based on their severity.

CE4.2 Expose the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE4.4 In a practical case properly characterized in the development of a human resources organization program:

-Set the distribution of the required jobs so that the set goals and operating guidelines are met.

-Distribute and assign tasks and responsibilities for each worker, so that the stated goals are met.

-To technically advise team personnel on the job-related aspects of the job.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance, and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify problems that have arisen in jobs, personnel, and means of production by taking the necessary steps for your solution.


1. Projects and technical plans for the use of natural pastures and biomass.

-Project interpretation and technical plans:

▫ Memory

▫ Technical condition attachments.

▫ Work units and budgets.

▫ Planes: types, characteristics, interpretation.

▫ Attachments to memory.

-Study of infrastructure needs.

-Material and human resources needs.

-Calculation of the budget for the execution of the utilization.

-Security and Risk Prevention Plan.

-Major negative environmental impacts of forest exploitation.

-Calendar of actions.

2. Use and improvement of extensive natural pastures

-Biology and ecology of natural grasslands.

-Classification and distribution of the main types of extensive natural pasture.

-Main indigenous species for pasture in the biogeographical province.

-Main indigenous livestock breeds of the biogeographical province.

-Economic, ecological and social importance of extensive natural pastures.

-The grazing system:

▫ Components.

▫ Operation.

-grazing types.

-Grass management.

-Load capacity and overgrazing indicators.

-Operations to be performed for pasture improvement:

▫ Controlled Quemas.

▫ Sizing or hydrosioning.

▫ Fertilization.

▫ Amendments.

▫ Bias.

▫ Desvoices.

▫ Regeneration and control of the tree.

-Techniques, procedures and means used in the work of improving the pasture.

-Tools, machines and equipment for the use and improvement of pasture:

▫ Identification.

▫ Description.

▫ Maintenance.

▫ Handling.

-Organization of the works of exploitation and improvement of natural pastures.

3. Harnessing forest biomass

-Forest biomass:

▫ Types of materials used.

▫ Characteristics of those materials.

-Treatment of biomass according to destination:

▫ Scrub or shredding.

▫ Astilled.

▫ Empacado.

-Techniques, procedures used.

-Tools, machines and equipment for the use of biomass:

▫ Identification.

▫ Description.

▫ Maintenance.

▫ Handling.

-Organization of the work of harnessing the forest biomass.

4. Management of staff in the work of harnessing natural pastures and biomass.

-Staff needs.

-Assignment of jobs.

-Organization of the job.

-Advice to staff.

-Monitoring and control of the job.

-Estimate and control of yields.

-Analysis of work parts and reporting.

Methodological guidelines

Distance learning

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1687



unit 2- UF1688



Formative Unit 3-UF1689



Formative Unit 4-UF1690




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in article 4 of the royal decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family that accompanies this annex.


Naming: Management of the forest exploitation machinery, equipment, and facilities

Code: MF0730_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the competition unit:

UC0730_3: Manage the machinery, equipment and facilities of the forest exploitation.

Duration: 110 hours



Code: UF0703

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the state and operation of the machinery, equipment and facilities of a forest holding and control their use in a practical case.

CE1.4 Explain the correct way to use machinery, equipment and facilities according to manuals and usage plans.

CE1.5 Analyze the causes that result in the failure of the equipment to function, be it incorrect use, careless regulation, inadequate maintenance, wear, obsolescence or other, indicating the possible solutions.

CE1.8 Control the state of operation of forest machines, equipment or installations:

-Identify failures in the state and operation of the team components.

-Register the data of the tokens and daily parts of the work, indicating operating times, consumption and interruptions produced and its causes.

CE1.9 Control the good use of a machinery, installation or forestry equipment:

-Control that in the process of actuation of the various functions of the equipment the indications of the manufacturer are followed.

-Control the records of the daily parts of work, indicating the times of operation, consumption and interruptions produced and its causes.


1. Forest installations

-Types of forest facilities:

▫ Riego.

▫ Drain.

▫ Water points.

▫ Other installations.

-Components of forest facilities.

-Operation of forest facilities.

-Control and throttling devices.

-Review and diagnosis of installations.

-Tables of technical parameters of the equipment and means for the review of installations.

-Review and diagnosis of installations.

-Variable regulation systems such as: temperature, humidity, light among others.

-Equipment and cleaning, disinfection and conditioning products most used in forest installations.

-Facility security devices.

2. Use of the forestry machine and equipment

-Types of machines, tools and equipment used in different forestry tasks:

▫ Machines and tools for field preparation.

▫ Plant and plant machines.

▫ Unbrozaded and splinter machines.

▫ Motosaws.

▫ Stackers.

▫ Forest processors.

▫ Wood-conveyor-cutters.

▫ Skidders.

▫ Autochargers.

▫ Machines and equipment for phytosanitary treatments.

-Machines and Equipment Components:

▫ Security devices.

▫ Drive mechanisms.

▫ Control and Control Devices.

-Operation and applications of forestry machinery and equipment.

-Tables and measuring equipment for the revision of machinery.

-Use and control of mechanized operations.

-Review and diagnosis of the operation of forestry machinery and equipment.

-Machinery transport operations:

▫ Circulation rules.

▫ Traffic conditions by public roads.

-Field machinery utilization variables.

-Programming of operations and control of the results of the mechanized work.



Code: UF0704

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1. RP3, RP4 and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the maintenance operations of the machines, equipment and forestry facilities for optimal operation of the machines and schedule their execution according to the production plan.

CE1.1 Describe the main machines, equipment and facilities and their characteristics.

CE1.2 They will sequentially describe the maintenance operations of the forest machines, equipment and installations.

CE1.3 Relate each maintenance operation indicating the necessary equipment for its realization.

CE1.5 List the journals and work parts required for the control and incidences of maintenance operations.

CE1.6 Schedule the maintenance of machinery, installations and mechanical equipment of a forest exploitation:

-graphically structure the maintenance program for rapid interpretation.

-Design documentation to record the work of machinery, facilities and equipment for their proper control.

C2: Identify the requirements of a workshop to cover the maintenance needs and basic repairs of the machinery and facilities of a forest exploitation and in a practical case organize the workshop.

CE2.7 Organising the workshop of a forest exploitation:

-Manage the acquisition of spare parts and other materials.

C3: Relate the preparation, maintenance, repair and development operations of the forestry machinery, equipment and facilities and in a practical case to carry out the control of the same.

CE3.1 Order, update and analyze the technical documentation and other sources of information available to determine the extent of possible breakdowns or failures.

CE3.3 Describe the procedures, methods and guidance times for the preparation, maintenance, repair and development operations.

CE3.5 Control maintenance, repair and commissioning operations of plant, machinery and mechanical equipment of a forest exploitation:

-Design repair orders, work parts, diagnostic tables and the necessary technical documentation for the correct organization of the work.

-Verify that preparation, repair, and point-in-time operations are performed in the correct time, media, and form.

-Perform the necessary checks on the finished work operations.

C4: Specify the human resources required in the preparation, maintenance, repair and development of forest facilities, machinery and equipment to ensure adequate returns, and coordinate them in line with established objectives and activities.

CE4.1 Identify the various problems or conflicts that may arise during the work and determine possible solutions.

CE4.3 Organising and coordinating human resources:

-Establish the distribution of the required jobs in order to meet the objectives set and the operating guidelines.

-Develop reports and parts of the work including time control, performance and costs to evaluate the results of the activities performed.

-Identify the problems encountered in the works, personnel and means of production taking the necessary measures for their solution.


1. Organisation of the forest workshop

-Description, operation, care and preparation.

-Dimensions and distribution of the workshop spaces.

-Teams for a workshop:

▫ machining.

▫ Welding.

-Materials for repair and maintenance:

▫ Implements.

▫ Recambios.

▫ Consumables.

▫ Other materials.

-Techniques for the diagnosis of breakdowns.

-Repair and check procedures for them.

-Valuation and repair budgets.

-Safety and hygiene in repair shops and maintenance operations.

-Storage and disposal systems for environmentally friendly workshop waste.

2. Maintenance, repair and tuning operations.

-Diagnosis of breakdowns.

-Repair procedures:

▫ machining operations.

▫ Welding jobs.

-Equipment required for each operation.

-Field machinery utilization variables that improve performance.

-Job efficiency.

-Sequential job sorting.

-Programming of operations and control of the results of the work.

-Ordinary preventive conservation of facilities and machinery:

▫ Conditions.

▫ Procedures.

-Ordinary corrective storage of basic facilities, machinery and equipment:

▫ Conditions.

▫ Procedures.

-Extraordinary annual conservation plan:

▫ Elaboration.

▫ Execution.

-Equipment and tools for maintenance:

▫ Types.

▫ Features.

-Implants and materials:

▫ Features.

-Fiches and maintenance records.

-Valuation and maintenance budgets and maintenance budgets.

-Safety and hygiene in repair shops and maintenance operations.

-Storage and disposal systems for environmentally friendly workshop waste

3. Prevention of occupational risks.

-Basic concepts about safety and health at work: risk factors.

-Professional risks.

-Work accidents.

-Professional diseases.

-Personal protection measures and EPIs.

-Basic regulatory framework on the prevention of occupational risks. Specific regulations for the prevention of occupational risks for the operation of forestry machinery.

-General risks and their prevention.

-Specific risks in the forestry sector and its prevention.

-Personal protection measures.

-Safe and clean procedures in the use of facilities, handling and storage of toxic and dangerous products, preservation of the environment.

-Basic risk prevention management elements.

-Public bodies related to safety and health at work.

-The basic organization of preventive work.

-Collection, processing and archiving of the documentation.



Code: UF0705

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: To indicate the requirements for the acquisition or replacement of machinery, equipment and forestry tools according to the production and profitability plan and to prepare the corresponding technical report.

CE1.1 Identify the necessary equipment and machines in a forest holding, according to its production plan.

CE1.2 Analyze the technical performance and characteristics of machinery, equipment and tools taking into account:

CE1.3 Analyze the technical and commercial documentation on equipment and machines to be purchased.

CE1.4 Describe the technical/economic criteria to acquire, renew or dispose of machines and equipment at the right time.

CE1.5 Develop a technical report for the acquisition, renovation or disposal of equipment and installations on a forest exploitation:

-Select tractors and traction elements, equipment, tools, machines and facilities required.

-Set the teams you want to rent, share or have exclusive.

-Schedule the appropriate time for the acquisition based on the production plan.

-Rate commercial offers for the acquisition of a team.

-Propose improvements in the use, renovation or acquisitions of the machinery park.


1. Reporting for the acquisition, renovation or disposal of machinery, equipment and installations

-Machinery park in the forest company.

-Replacement, waste, or incorporation criteria for machines and equipment.

-Analysis of technical information about equipment and machines.

-Commercial offerings.

-Machinery Park Improvement Plan:

▫ Renewal.

▫ Acquisition.

▫ Dismissed.

▫ Rental.

-Programming of the appropriate time of acquisition.

2. Economic assessment of the acquisition or renovation of installations, equipment and machinery

-Guidelines for making small budgets:

▫ Market prices.

▫ Budgeting.

-Valuation of operating costs of forest enterprises ' facilities, equipment and machinery.

-Cost assessment of the work of the maintenance operations of forest enterprises ' facilities, equipment and machinery.

-Valuation of commercial offers for the purchase of equipment.

Methodological guidelines

Distance learning

Formative Unit



Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF0703



Unit 2-UF0704





The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0363

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Organize animal census jobs

CE1.1 Develop the work plan from the cartographic and other information available, provide for the necessary means and predict the difficulties that could condition the work.

CE1.2 Locate and signalize census sampling units using available and appropriate means and information.

CE1.3 Georreference the position of the sampling units.

CE1.4 Monitor animal census work and propose solutions when required.

C2: Organize the Vegetation Inventory

CE2.1 Develop the work plan from the cartographic and other available information, provide for the necessary means and predict the difficulties that could condition the work.

CE2.2 Localize and reframe inventory plots of various sizes, progressing with compass and clisimeter or clinometer, and with GPS devices, and helping with cartography and ortho-photographs.

CE2.3 Cartograph the position of the trees inside the plots.

CE2.4 Monitor vegetation inventory work and propose solutions when required.

C3: Organize the works of apey, tree processing, and die clustering

CE3.1 Determine the resource needs required to perform the jobs within the pre-set deadlines.

CE3.2 Organize the repose and conditioning of the sacs.

CE3.3 Coordinate the apee and processed jobs.

CE3.4 Develop reports after analyzing parts and statistics.

CE3.5 Monitor the work of stoning, processing and grouping of shreds and propose solutions when required.

CE3.6 Check that machinery and equipment are used according to their characteristics and the work for which they have been designed, following the manufacturer's instructions.

C4: Schedule the work of the wood products and treatment of the by-products obtained.

CE4.1 Recognize plot to locate especially dangerous areas

CE4.2 Study the resource needs required to perform the jobs within the pre-set deadlines.

CE4.3 Check the status of the pull paths and organize and monitor your conditioning.

CE4.4 Select the techniques of unforest that best adapt to the conditions of accessibility, size of the shaft or troza and of the equipment and machine available.

CE4.5 Monitor the work of unforest, stacking and treatment of by-products and propose solutions when required.

CE4.6 Analyze information and management documents (work and production parts, statistics, reports).

CE4.7 Check that machinery and equipment are used according to their characteristics and the work for which they have been designed, following the manufacturer's instructions.

C5: Control the state and operation of forestry machinery, equipment and installations, as well as their use

CE5.1 Verify that the forestry machinery, equipment and installations comply with the applicable technical and regulatory specifications.

CE5.2 Check the status and operation of machinery, equipment and forest installations, detecting possible anomalies.

CE5.3 Register in tokens and daily parts of work the working times, consumption and interruptions produced and their causes, leading to a control of the same.

CE5.4 Check that machinery, equipment and installations are used according to their characteristics and the work for which they have been designed, following the manufacturer's instructions.

CE5.5 Monitor compliance with the applicable workplace risk prevention and environmental protection rules.

C6: Organize a workshop for the maintenance and repair of forest machinery, equipment and facilities and coordinate their operation

CE6.1 Distribute the areas of the workshop, machinery, equipment, tools, spare parts and materials necessary for maintenance and repair operations.

CE6.2 Establish the quantities and times for the purchase of spare parts, implements and other materials according to the planned work plan.

CE6.3 Differentiate the breakdowns, repairs, set up and maintenance operations to be carried out in the workshop of the holding, of which they have to be carried out in a specialized workshop.

CE6.4 Develop the documentation required for the organization of the jobs.

CE6.5 Organize the preparation, maintenance, repair and tuning operations based on the technical and human resources available.

CE6.6 Verify that the jobs are performed in correct time and form, making the necessary checks on finished operations.

CE6.7 Register maintenance and repair operations performed at the workshop for further treatment and assessment.

C7: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE7.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE7.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE7.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE7.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE7.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE7.6 Respect at all times measures for the prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment.


1. Animal census planning

-Choosing the sampling technique for the census of land and inland aquaculture animals.

-Choosing the census method.

-Obtaining basic sample parameters.

-Repose of sample plots.

-Localization of individuals through different techniques.

-Data collection and storage.

-Handling of equipment and equipment used in censuses.

2. Plant inventory planning

-Identification of plant species to be invented and characterization of the individuals within the species.

-Choosing the plant inventory sampling technique.

-Obtaining basic sample parameters for inventory.

-Data collection and storage.

-Handling of equipment and equipment used in plant inventories.

3. Planning the apet, processing and grouping of trotae

-Selection of the work technique.

-Choice of equipment and machines used.

-Repose and condition of the sacs.

-Performance of the equipment.

-Maintenance of machines and equipment used.

4. Planning of the unforest and treatment of byproducts.

-Choosing the technique, equipment and machines to use.

-Cubication of stone trees and wood and wood piles.

-Monitoring of the work of unpacking and treating by-products

5. Control of forest machinery, equipment and installations

-Assessment of the state and functioning of forestry machinery, equipment and installations.

-Assessment of the status and operation of security devices.

-Use of machines, equipment and installations.

-Work control, operating times, consumption and interruptions of machines and equipment.

-Compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

6. Organisation of the forest management workshop

-Organization of the spaces and elements of a workshop for the maintenance and repair of forest machines, equipment and installations.

-Management of the workshop stock.

-Planning of the work and allocation of material and human resources.

-Organization and coordination of human resources.

-Monitoring and recording maintenance and repair operations performed at the workshop.

7. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the COMPETITION


Organization and monitoring of inventory and natural habitat tracking operations.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year


Managing logging logging.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year


Managing non-logging forest leverage.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year


Managing the forest exploitation machinery, equipment, and installations.

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula



management workshop



Forest Fincl *

10 Has Approx.

10 Has Approx.




* A singular space not necessarily located in the training center.

Formative Space




























Forming Space




-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

-Table and chairs for the teacher

-Table and chairs for students

-Specialty-specific software

-PCs installed in network, projection canon, and internet

management workshop

-Todoterrain vehicle and trailers.

-Equipment for censuses: Prismatics, Telemeters, telescopes, among others

-Equipment for inventories: Clisimeters, clinometers, forcipolas and manual and electronic hipsubmitres, Pressler's bit, bark calibrators, survey hammers, Relascope and field stereoscope and drill bit for the calculation of ages Relascope and stereoscope of field and bit for the calculation of ages, among others.

-Field measurement devices: compasses, metric tapes, levels, altimeters, GPS devices, and Total Stations.

-Cabinet-measure appliances: rules, escalators, curvimeters, angles and planimeters conveyors,

-Tools and means of signage and marking: rings, crotals, tapes, sheets, Stacks, pulls, strings and chains, among others.

-Teams and capture media: networks, trap-traps, among others.

-Electrical fishing equipment.

-Herbal presses.

-Mapping: Maps, planes, and orthophotos.

-Media: Radio receivers and receivers,-Mobile phones.

-Electronic Agendas and Computer and Computer Programs

-Photo Camera

-Individual Protection Equipment (PPE ' s).

-First aid equipment and equipment.

-Harvester simulator and forest autoloader.

-Machinery for the apet and processing: chainsaws

-Machinery and media for the production of:, agricultural tractors equipped with means for drawing, tractels, cables

-Auxiliary equipment for the apet and processing

-Measurement equipment: line foot, fit, Roman, scale, tapes, among others.

-Machinery and equipment used in non-timber use of the zone.

-Forest material sampling equipment.

-Machines for transport, loading and unloading.

-Apos and implements. Spare parts.

-Equipment and workshop tools for maintenance and repairs. Forest structures and facilities.

-Manuals on maintenance processes for forest installations, equipment and machinery.


-Storage of products and materials.


-Fincing with trees of different species and sizes.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.