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Royal Decree 1531 / 2011, 31 October, Laying Down Twelve Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Computing And Communications That Are Included In The National Repertory Of Professional Certificates.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1531/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establecen doce certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Informática y comunicaciones que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in Article 3, that it is up to the Government, on a proposal from the current Ministry of Labor and Immigration, and prior to report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such ordination.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment carried out by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011, of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and the reform of active employment policies, deals with the occupational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the forms of vocational training in the field of employment-occupational training and continuing training-have been integrated. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training and the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of 19 June, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of the offers of vocational training and the evaluation and accreditation of the professional competences. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. In Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June, the Organic Law of 19 June establishes that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with official status and validity throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003, of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to it by Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November, constitutes the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of professional qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular and cumulative training offer associated with a unit of competence, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of an integrated training system, which are established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council of Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, which regulates certificates of professionalism as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, based on the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines established by the European Union, and establishes that the Public Service of State Employment, with the collaboration of the Centers of National Reference, will prepare and update the certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of persons who exhaust their protection for unemployment, the new contract for training and learning is regulated in which it is established that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure the contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish twelve certificates of professionalism of the professional family Informatics and communications of the professional areas of Development, Systems and Telematics and Communications and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification, taking into account the professional competence required by the productive activities, as set out in article 4.4 and in Annex II of the Royal Decree 1128/2003, previously mentioned.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree, the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System, and the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labor Affairs have been informed.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish twelve certificates of professionalism of the professional family Informatics and communications that are included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, for which the certificates of professionalism are regulated, modified by Royal Decree 1675/2010, of December 10.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Informatics and communications and are the ones below, whose specifications are described in the annexes that are indicated:


-Annex I. Making and Publishing of Web Pages. Level 2.

-Annex II. Operation of Computer Systems. Level 2.

-Annex III. Operation of Departmental Networks. Level 2.

-Annex IV. Operation in voice and data communications systems. Level 2.

-Annex V. First level maintenance in radio communications systems. Level 2.

-Annex VI. Database administration. Level 3.

-Annex VII. Management of voice and data networks. Level 3.

-Annex VIII. Application development with Web technologies. Level 3.

-Annex IX. Management and monitoring of alarms in communications networks. Level 3.

-Annex X. Departmental network administration and design. Level 3.

-Annex XI. Management of computer systems. Level 3.

-Annex XII. Administration and programming in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems. Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of each professionalism certificate responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism.

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism.

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism.

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of the trainers.

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment.

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in the following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) To be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

c) Be in possession of a certificate of level 1 professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a certificate of professionalism level 2 of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the educational administrations.

e) Having passed the test of access to the university for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and at a distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in teaching methodology for adult vocational training.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, from a graduate degree in the field of Psychology or Pedagogy, or from an official university degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the previous paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or of the professional titles of Didactic Specialization and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Enablement Master's Master's degree will be exempt for the exercise of the regulated Professions of Professor of Secondary and Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Official Language Schools.

c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as meeting the specific requirements set out for each certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and learning will be carried out, in the form of alternance with paid employment, in the terms foreseen in the regulatory development referred to in Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by the Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of people who exhaust their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance training.

1. When the training module includes distance learning, it must be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration that allow a systematized learning process for the participant who must meet the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. The training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Approved centres for your delivery.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of the trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment laid down in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out as an alternative to paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth additional provision of the Organic Law of 19 June 2002 on Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognised by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the overcoming of the professional modules of the professional training titles will take the effects of exemption of the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated to those units of competence established in the present royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of certificates of professionalism established in this royal decree will be determined within the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in the employment and the maintenance of the program of professional retraining of persons who exhaust their protection for unemployment, will be governed by the legal or conventional regulations in force at the date of the conclusion of the contract.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers attributed to the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the performance of constitutional duties; labor law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving academic and professional titles and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Treaty. Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Naming: Making and Publishing Web Pages.

Code: IFCD0110

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Development.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

IFC297_2 Garment and Publication of Web Pages (Royal Decree 1201/2007 of 14 September).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0950_2: Build web pages.

UC0951_2: Integrate software components into web pages.

UC0952_2: Publish web pages.

General competition:

Create and publish web pages that integrate texts, images, and other elements, using the appropriate language of brands and editors, according to specifications and conditions of "usability" given and to perform the procedures of installation and verification of the same on the corresponding server.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity on its own, as well as for others in companies or public or private entities of any size, which have an infrastructure of intranet, Internet or extranet networks, in the area of development of the IT department.

Productive Sectors:

It is located mainly in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: software development companies with web technologies; companies that have as business objective the marketing of services of analysis, design and construction of computer applications for infrastructures of networks intranet, Internet and extranet; companies or entities that use computer systems for their management.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Web Page Developer.

Web Page Maintainer.

Duration of the associated training: 560 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF0950_2: Building Web pages. (210 hours).

● UF1302: Creating web pages with the markup language. (80 hours).

● UF1303: Style sheet elaboration. (70 hours).

● UF1304: Elaboration of templates and forms. (60 hours).

MF0951_2: Integration of software components into web pages. (180 hours).

● UF1305: Programming with scripting languages on web pages. (90 hours).

● UF1306: Web page optimization and functionality testing. (90 hours).

MF0952_2: Web page publishing. (90 hours).

MP0278: Non-work professional practice module for Web Pages Making and Publishing (80 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0950_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform web pages to present information using web editing tools, following design specifications received.

CR1.1 The editing tool is installed and configured for use in the development of web pages, following the specifications received.

CR1.2 The wizards provided by the editing tools are identified and used to facilitate the creation of the pages, according to the technical specifications of the tool.

CR1.3 The elements provided by the editing tool are inserted and configured, using the options (menus, toolbars, controls) that you provide, according to the design specifications received.

CR1.4 The pages made are tested in web browsers to verify that they meet the functionalities specified in the design, as well as the "usability" and accessibility criteria defined by the organization, following established procedures.

CR1.5 The errors in the pages made are detected and corrected using the editing tool itself, to ensure compliance with the design specifications, according to quality criteria and test procedures of the organization.

CR1.6 The specific technical documentation associated with the tool is interpreted, if any, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Create web pages and retouch those already done using markup languages, according to design specifications received.

CR2.1 The elements provided by the markup language are used to present information on the web pages according to the design specifications received.

CR2.2 The type of content to be exposed (texts, images, tables, multimedia elements, links, among others) on the page is identified and the corresponding tags provided by the language are used, following the design specifications received.

CR2.3 The attributes and values of the elements are identified and adjusted to improve the layout, functionality, and layout of the page, according to the design specifications received.

CR2.4 The modifications to be made on the web page are identified and the corresponding labels, elements and attributes are used to adapt the page to the new changes, according to the design specifications received.

CR2.5 The pages made and modified are tested in web browsers to verify that they meet the functionalities specified in the design, as well as "usability" and accessibility criteria defined by the organization, according to established procedures.

CR2.6 Functional errors on the pages made are detected and corrected to ensure compliance with the development specifications according to the organization's procedures.

CR2.7 The page developed is documented for later use and modification following the patterns, regulations and procedures set out in the design.

RP3: Add functionality to web pages by creating interactive interfaces and other reusable elements, following the design specifications received.

CR3.1 Templates are created by defining the elements that compose them as well as the editable and uneditable regions and apply to the pages to adapt them to a predefined layout, following the design and development specifications received.

CR3.2 Form objects (text fields, list boxes, check boxes, and option buttons, among others) are identified and inserted into the pages, to interact with the data following design and development specifications received.

CR3.3 Style sheets are created to homogenize the appearance of pages and make them more attractive, according to design and development specifications received.

CR3.4 Layers are created to add behaviors within the web page, using the elements provided by the tool according to design and development specifications received.

CR3.5 The pages made are tested in web browsers to verify that they meet the functionality specified in the design, as well as "usability" and accessibility criteria defined by the organization, according to established procedures.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems. Office tools. Web editing tools. Current browsers, and new technological design. Brand languages. Scripting languages. Multimedia tools. Communication protocols. Web servers. Standards of "usability" and accessibility. Applications for Web site accessibility verification.

Products and results

Web pages made and verified. Interactive interfaces on web pages.

Information used or generated

Layout and specifications of the pages to be made. Operating manuals of the web editing tools. Job templates. Specifications of the corporate graphic design. Current legislation on intellectual property and copyright. Documentation associated with the developed pages. "usability" manuals. Quality standards and criteria for "usability" and accessibility defined by the organization. Documentation associated with the developed pages.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0951_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Interpret software components developed in client script languages, following specifications received.

CR1.1 The programming structures that make up the scripts are recognized in order to interpret the operating logic of the scripts.

CR1.2 The data types that are used in the scripts are identified to describe the values they store, taking into account the technical specifications of the language.

CR1.3 The input, output, and calculation operations that are performed in the scripts are differentiated to determine the process that was performed with the data according to the specifications received.

CR1.4 The elements and objects provided by the scripting language are identified to differentiate the functionality that they add to the scripts as per given specifications.

CR1.5 The event handlers provided by the dash language are identified, to detail the interactions that occur with the user according to given specifications.

CR1.6 The specific technical documentation associated with the scripting language is interpreted, if any, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Adjust software components already developed on web pages to add functionality to them, following specifications received.

CR2.1 The already developed components are searched and selected in collections of the organization or on the Internet, in order to integrate them in the pages according to the established procedure.

CR2.2 The functional specifications of the already developed components are interpreted, to be placed and configured within the page to be performed according to the established procedures.

CR2.3 The already developed components are adjusted and integrated into the pages, to include specific functionalities according to the established procedure.

CR2.4 The attributes and properties of the elements that form the already developed components are identified and modified, to fit the functionality of the page where it is to be integrated according to the specifications received.

CR2.5 The documentation regarding the modifications made on the web page in development, is done for its subsequent registration in accordance with the regulations of the organization.

RP3: Verify the integration of the software components in the web pages to ensure the fulfillment of the expected functionalities, according to the quality criteria of the organization.

CR3.1 Component integration tests are performed to verify the functionality of the page, based on functional specifications and the quality standards of the organization.

CR3.2 Pages with software components already developed are tested using a browser, to verify that it responds to the given specifications according to established procedures.

CR3.3 Integration errors are detected and corrected using the specified tools to ensure compliance with the functionality of the component within the page.

CR3.4 The integration test documentation is performed for subsequent registration, according to the organization's quality specifications and standards.

CR3.5 The use of already developed software components is performed, ensuring the integrity of the system and the distribution and standardization criteria of the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems. Office tools. Rapid development tools. Web editing tools. Current browsers, and new technological design. Internet search engines. Brand languages. Scripting languages. Software components already developed and/or distributed by computer companies. Web servers. Security systems. Communication protocols. Debugging and testing tools.

Products and results

Web pages with integrated components in operation.

Information used or generated

Application design and specifications. Software operating manuals. Manuals of the development tools used. Documentation of training courses. Exploitation documentation for the client environment. Technical support supports. Current legislation on intellectual property and copyright. "usability" manuals. Specifications of the corporate graphic design.

Documentation associated with the developed pages.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0952_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Manage the website, using transfer tools, to locate the pages according to the system administrator's specifications.

CR1.1 The website storage space is managed, to locate the folders and files that form it according to the specifications received.

CR1.2 The transfer tool is configured to create the connection to the web server, following the established procedure.

CR1.3 Files and folders are transferred and the links are redirected to their destinations, from the locale to the production system, to make the page on the website operational by using a process (manual or automatic) of redirection of hyperlinks, according to the specifications received.

CR1.4 The commands and commands provided by the tool are used to add, delete, modify, and update the folders and files on the website according to the specifications received.

CR1.5 The transferred folders and files are verified with the original files in the locale, to ensure the transfer according to the established procedure.

CR1.6 The process of transferring and updating information on the website is documented, for subsequent registration according to the procedures and regulations of the organization.

CR1.7 The specific technical documentation associated with the tools is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Test the functionality of the developed pages to ensure their operability and final appearance, according to the design and quality specifications of the organization.

CR2.1 The links, both between the developed and the external links, are checked to ensure that they go to the defined destination in each of the cases, according to established procedures.

CR2.2 The aesthetic aspect is checked to ensure that it is consistent with the format developed in the locale, according to the design criteria set by the organization.

CR2.3 The "usability" aspects of the developed pages are checked, to ensure that they have not changed with respect to the pages developed in the local environment, according to the quality and "usability" criteria set by the organization.

CR2.4 The transferred pages are checked, to ensure that the set continues to meet the design and quality specifications after the transfer according to established procedures.

CR2.5 The transferred pages are tested on different operating systems and with different browsers, to ensure their compatibility and functionality according to the specifications of the organization.

RP3: Disallow pages developed to be used by users, following the quality standards set by the organization.

CR3.1 The developed pages are integrated into the source system or website for which they have been manufactured, according to the specifications received.

CR3.2 The home page "home page" and all that are defined as externally linked, are linked by hyperlinks from the source system, to verify the relationships of all the pages that make up the site according to the specifications received.

CR3.3 Developed pages are published to expose your information, using manual or automatic procedures, in search engines and directories, according to pre-set availability criteria.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Page publishing tools. Transfer tools. Browsers. Internet search engines. Communication protocols. Debugging and testing tools. Web servers.

Products and results

Web pages, published and verified.

Information used or generated

Application design and specifications. Manuals for the use and operation of computer systems. Software operating manuals. Manuals for the publishing tools used. Documentation of training courses. Exploitation documentation for the client environment. Quality standards and "usability" criteria and accessibility defined by the organization-




Code: MF0950_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0950_2: Build web pages.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1302

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the elements provided by the markup languages and make web pages using these languages, taking into account their technical specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the structure of a written web page using markup languages, as well as the header and body sections of the document, to identify the parts that make it according to a specified layout.

CE1.2 Describe the labels and attributes that are used to format the document, as well as to present information in the form of a table and lists.

CE1.3 Describe the tags and attributes that are used to insert links and addresses, both within the web page and other documents and pages located at any destination.

CE1.4 Identify the types of formats of multimedia files, both audio and video, that are integrated into web pages.

CE1.5 Citate the tags and attributes that are needed to insert images and multimedia elements, as well as to create image maps based on the specifications received.

CE1.6 Explain the criteria of "usability" and accessibility to the contents of web pages, to allow a better quality of navigation and understanding of the users, taking into account defined criteria and standard norms of accessibility and "usability".

CE1.7 Create a web page that includes several frames for the presentation of other pages, following the design specifications received.

CE1.8 Perform web pages to present information with a markup language according to a specified design:

-Choose the labels to format the document.

-Mapping an image by creating multiple hotspots.

-Choose the marks to present the information in the form of lists and tables.

-Insert tags to scroll within the same page.

-Create tags to link to other documents and web addresses.

-Insert marks to present images, sounds, and videos.

-Specify labels to create frames and relate multiple pages.

-Insert the marks that allow program execution.

-Create layers to present information in different areas of the page.

-Identify multiple browsers and test the functionality of the page.

-Apply "usability" and accessibility criteria.

-Document the page made.

C2: Identify the features and functionality of the web editing tools, and use them in the creation of web pages, taking into account their development environments.

CE2.1 Identify the functions and features of the tools used for the editing of web pages, taking into account the technical specifications of the web pages.

CE2.2 Interpret the technical documentation provided by the editing tool, even if it is edited in the foreign language most frequently used in the sector, for use of help in the making of web pages, according to the technical specifications of the same.

CE2.3 Install and configure a web page editing tool, according to received specifications:

-Install the editing tool by following the technical specifications.

-Configure the tool for use.

CE2.4 Perform web pages with web editing tools, according to a specified layout:

-Identify the components that the tool provides to insert elements into the page.

-Configure the attributes and properties of the inserted elements.

-Test the page made using multiple web browsers.

-Correct any errors that arise in the processing of the page.

-Document the page made.


1. The language of brands.

-Features of the markup languages.

-Using labels.


-Text editors.

-Structure of a document created with markup language.

-Start of the file.






-Web browsers.

-Navigators text mode.

-The most used browsers.

-Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, etc.

-Display differences.

-Marks to format the document.

-Start and end marks.

-Appearance marks.

-Paragraph marks.

-Font and color marks.

-Sorted Lists.

-Links and routing.

-Creating a link.

-Link types.



-Links and navigation.

-Mark and Layers.


-Creating frames.

-Frame types.

-Situation of the frames.

-Setting up the frames.


-Layer definition.

-Creating layers.

-Using the layers.

2. Images and multimedia elements

-Insertion of images: formats and attributes.

-Include images on pages.

-Attributes of the images.

-Location properties of the images.

-Maps of images.

-Map definition.

-Creating a map with an image.

-Set different parts in the image.

-Link the different parts of the image.

-Inserting multimedia elements: audio, video, and programs.

-Features and properties of multimedia elements.

-Resources required for the operation of multimedia elements.

-Labels and properties for audio insertion.

-Labels and properties for video insertion.

-Labels and properties for program insertion.

-Audio and video formats.

-Description of audio formats.

-Description of video formats.

-Configuring the audio resources.

-Configuring video resources.


-The texts with movement.

-Using labels to include marquees.

-The marquees and the different browsers.

3. Accessibility and usability techniques

-Web accessibility, accessibility benefits.

-Definition of Accessibility.

-Applicability of Accessibility.

-Description of the benefits of Accessibility.

-Access facility.

-Improvements in navigation.

-Independence of browsers.

-Web usability, importance of usability.

-Definition of usability.

-Web-individual interaction.

-Applicability of usability.

-Usability resources.

-Applications to verify Web site accessibility (standards).

-Standards Web resources.

-Using the resources on the web pages.

-Check for accessibility on web pages.

-Design of usable web sites.

-Description of usable web sites.

-Study of the structure and design of usable websites.

-Adapting usable web sites.

-Use of usable Web sites.

4. Web editing tools

-Installing and configuring web editing tools.

-Functions and features.

-Description of the elements of the Web tools.

-Location of the elements of the web tools.

-Properties of the elements of the web tools.

-Tasks to do with a web editing tool.

-The markup language and web editing tools.



Code: UF1303

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3 as referred to in style sheets.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the features of style sheets to format web pages, and create style files according to a specified layout.

CE1.1 Identify the features and benefits provided by the style sheets to define the layout of the web pages according to the specified layout.

CE1.2 Describe the labels and attributes that are used to define styles for a page and for parts of it, taking into account design specifications.

CE1.3 Describe the syntax and attributes that are used to create styles, in order to create files with style declarations.

CE1.4 Link the pages of a website with a style file, to homogenize the appearance of the website according to received specifications.

CE1.5 Perform a file with style declarations to homogenize the format of a website, according to a specified layout:

-Identify the syntax to use to assign the style to the labels.

-Link the web pages to the style file.

-Test pages using multiple web browsers.

-Apply "usability" and accessibility criteria.

-Document the created file.

C2: Design, locate and optimize the contents of a website, to adapt it to the format of the website, to facilitate its management to the users and to optimize it according to a specified design.

CE2.1 Select the contents of the web page to match them to the format of the website according to the specifications received.

CE2.2 Locate and distribute the items to facilitate user management of the page.

CE2.3 Optimize web pages by taking into account their elements, content and their functionalities.


1. Style sheets in building web pages

-Functions and features.

-Style Description

-Using styles.

-The styles in the markup language.

-Styles with web editing tools.

-Style sheets and accessibility.

-Styles sheet adequation.

-Style types: embedded, linked, imported, online.

-Description of style types.

-Link an external style sheet to an HTML document.

-Embed a style within an HTML document.

-Import a style sheet from an HTML document.

-Import a style sheet, through a file with styles.

-Using and optimizing style types.

-Selectmen and style rules.

-Structure of the styles.

-Basic styles syntax.

-Using elements and pseudo elements.

-Using classes and pseudo-classes.

-Style attributes for fonts, color and background, text, and blocks (paragraphs).

-Description of the style attributes.

-Using the style attributes.

-Creating style files.

-Defining the style files.

-Creating generic style files.

-Adapting style files for different web pages.

2. Design, location and optimization of the contents of a website.

-Creating a functional document.

-Description of the objectives of the web page.

-Defining the functional elements of the web page.

-Description of each element.

-Design of the contents.

-Identification of information to be located on the web page.

-Selection of contents for each element of the page.

-Using the functional document for design specifications.

-Page types for the content location.

-Defining page types based on content and functionality.

-Selecting the page types for the web page.

-Using the functional document for page type specifications.

-Navigation specifications.

-Creating a page navigation map.

-Using the functional document to integrate the navigation map.

-Elements used for navigation.

-Defining the elements used to navigate.

-Using the functional document to specify the navigation elements.

-Making a user's guide.



Code: UF1304

Duration: 60 hours

Competition Referrer: This training unit corresponds to RP3 in terms of templates and forms.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Confect templates for web pages based on the design specifications received.

CE1.1 Describe the features that web templates offer in making pages with identical design.

CE1.2 Describe the utilities that web page editing tools offer to create templates, taking into account the technical specifications of the tool.

CE1.3 Create web templates with editing tools, according to a specified layout:

-Identify the editable and non-editable regions that make up the template.

-Insert the elements and assign the specified attributes.

-Apply "usability" and accessibility criteria.

-Apply a created template to a web page.

-Test the web page with the associated template using multiple web browsers.

-Document the template made.

C2: Create forms and integrate them into web pages to include interactivity in them, following functional specifications received.

CE2.1 Identify the labels and attributes that are used in the creation of the forms, taking into account the specifications of the markup language.

CE2.2 Describe the labels and attributes that are used to define the controls that form the forms based on the interactions to be handled.

CE2.3 Perform pages that incorporate forms to interact with the user, according to a specified layout:

-Identify the controls to be created and placed inside the form.

-Assign the specified properties to the inserted controls.

-Assign the properties to the form (action, method, and encoding type).

-Apply "usability" and accessibility criteria.

-Test the page and form using multiple web browsers.

-Correct any errors that arise in the processing of the page and the form.

-Document the page made.


1. Forms in the build of web pages


-The interactivity of the web pages.

-The variability of the data in the web page.

-Sending information to servers.

-Form elements and attributes.

-Description and definition of the elements of a form.

-Using fields and texts.

-Forms labels.

-Forms, columns, and rows of forms.

-Form controls.

-Description of the forms controls.

-Using action buttons.

-Deployable list usage.

-Using checkboxes.

-Using text fields.

-Forms and events. Accessibility and usability criteria in the form design.

-Pool of data.

-Form size equation (split on different pages).

-Identification of required fields.

-Logical sorting of the data request.

-Correct information to the user.

-Using error and commit pages.

2. Templates in building web pages

-Functions and features.

-Description of a web template.

-Elements of a web template.

-Structure and organization of template elements.

-Specify the modifiable zones of a template and fixed parts.

-Using templates.

-editable and uneditable fields.

-Define and create the fields that are susceptible to changes in a template.

-Define and create the non-modifiable fields in a template.

-Apply templates to web pages.

-The templates on the web.

-Searching for templates on the network.

-Adapting templates to web pages.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1302



Unit 2-UF1303






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0951_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0951_2: Integrate software components into web pages.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1305

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the programming structures and data types that are used in scripting, according to received specifications.

CE1.1 Describe the sequential, conditional, and iteration structures that are used to group and organize the actions of a program.

CE1.2 Recognize the syntax of the script language that describes programming structures in scripting, according to the technical specifications of the language.

CE1.3 Explain the data types that are used to represent and store the values of the variables in scripting, according to the technical specifications of the language.

CE1.4 Identify the operators that are used to make calculations and operations within a script.

CE1.5 Citar the instructions provided by the scripting language to perform data input and output operations, according to the technical specifications of the language.

CE1.6 Distinguished methods for running a script using multiple web browsers.

CE1.7 Interpret scripts that resolve a previously specified problem:

-Identify the type and use of the data declared within the script.

-Describe the programming structures used to organize program actions.

-Recognize the instructions provided by the scripting language used in the data manipulation, input, and output operations.

-Insert the script inside the web page using the appropriate tags.

-Test script functionality using a browser.

-Detect and correct syntax and execution errors.

-Document the changes made to the script.

C2: Distinguished the properties and methods of the objects provided by the scripting language, depending on the technical specifications of the language.

CE2.1 Explain browser objects, as well as their properties and methods, which are used to add functionality to web pages taking into account the technical specifications of the language.

CE2.2 Identify the predefined objects by the scripting language to handle new structures and utilities that will add new functionality to the pages, according to the technical specifications of the language.

CE2.3 Describe and identify document objects that allow interactivity to be added between the user and the script, as well as their properties and methods.

CE2.4 Describe the events that the script language provides: mouse, keyboard, focus, form, and load, among others, to interact with the user and relate them to the objects in the language.

CE2.5 Interpret scripts that add aesthetic effects to the presentation of pages:

-Identify the objects on which the aesthetic effects apply.

-Identify the properties and methods used to add the effects.

-Recognize the events used for performing the actions.

-Describe the function or effects functions by identifying the parameters of the function.

-Make changes to the script according to received specifications.

-Detect and correct syntax and execution errors.

-Document the changes made.

CE2.6 Interpret scripts in which data entries are validated for fields in a form:

-Identify the objects in the form that are validated within the script.

-Identify the properties and methods used to validate each entry.

-Recognize the functions provided by the scripting language used for data validation.

-Describe the events that are used in performing the actions.

-Describe the validation function or functions by identifying the parameters of the function.

-Make changes to the script according to received specifications.

-Detect and correct syntax and execution errors.

-Document the script made.

CE2.7 Interpret the technical documentation associated with the script language, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the integration of scripts.

C3: Identify already developed scripts that adapt to the specified functionalities and integrate them into the web pages according to the specifications received.

CE3.1 Locate and download the already developed component either from the Internet or from the collections indicated following the specifications received.

CE3.2 Identify the objects, their properties and their methods and functionality within the script already developed in order to fit them to the page where it will be integrated.

CE3.3 Identify the events included in the script to distinguish interactions with the user.

CE3.4 Describe the operating logic of the script by identifying the programming structures and the data with which it operates.

CE3.5 Integrate scripts already developed on a web page, to add specific functionalities according to the specifications received:

-Download the already developed component.

-Use a script editing tool.

-Modify the properties and attributes of the objects that make up the script to fit the received specifications.

-Check the availability of use of the script taking into account copyright and current legislation.

-Integrate the script to the previously indicated web page.

-Test the functionality of the resulting page using a browser.

-Correct the detected errors.

-Document the processes performed.


1. Programming methodology

-Programming logic.

-Description and use of logical operations.

-Sequences and parts of a program.


-Description of an ordinogram.

-Elements of an ordinogram.

-Operations in a program.

-Implementing elements and operations in an ordinogram.


-A pseudocode description.

-Creating the pseudo code.


-Description of objects.

-Functions of the objects.

-Objects of objects.

-Attributes of the objects.

-Creating objects.

-Examples of codes in different languages.

-Codes in structural languages.

-Codes in scripting languages.

-Codes in object-oriented languages.

2. Script language

-Language characteristics.

-Description of event-oriented language.

-Description of the interpreted language.

-The interactivity of the dash language.

-Relation of the script language and the markup language.

-Extension of brand language capabilities.

-Addiction of interactive properties.

-Script language syntax.

-Identifying tags within the markup language.

-Specifications and features of the instructions.

-Script language elements.





-Script language objects.





-Script types: immediate, deferred, and hybrid.

-Script within the body of the markup language.

-Executable when opening the page.

-Executable by an event.

-Script within the markup language header.

-Script within the body of the markup language.

-Running a script.

-Execution when loading the page.

-Execution after an event occurs.

-Running the procedure within the page.

-Run times.

-Execution errors.

3. Basic elements of the scripting language

-Variables and identifiers.

-Declaration of variables.

-Operations with variables.

-Data types.

-Boolean data.

-Numeric data.

-Text data.

-Null values.

-Operators and expressions.

-Assignment operators.

-Comparison operators.

-arithmetic operators.

-Bit operators.

-Logical operators.

-Character string operators.

-Special operators.

-Chain expressions.

-Arithmetic Expressions.

-Logical expressions.

-Object expressions.

-Control structures.

-IF statement.

-WHILE statement.

-FOR statement.

-BREAK statement.

-CONTINUE statement.

-SWITCH statement.


-Definition of functions.

-RETURN statement.

-Properties of the functions.

-Predefined functions of the hyphen language.

-Creating functions.

-The particularities of the functions in the dash language.

-Input/Output instructions.

-Description and operation of the input and output instructions.

-Data keyboard reading.

-Storage in variables.

-Screen printing of the result.

-PROMPT statement.

-DOCUMENT.WRITE statement.

-DOCUMENT.WRITE statement.

4. Developing scripts

-Development tools, utilization.

-Create scripts with text tools.

-Create scripts with web applications.

-Web resources for scripting.

-Error debugging: syntax and execution errors.

-Defining the types of errors.

-Write the source program.

-Build the source program.

-Correction of syntax errors.

-Correction of execution errors.

-Error messages.

-Functions to control errors.

5. Managing script language objects

-Object hierarchy.

-Description of objects in the hierarchy.

-Shared properties of the objects.

-Navigate the hierarchy of objects.

-Properties and methods of the browser objects.

-The top object Windows#.

-The navigator object.

-current URL (location).

-URL visited by the user.

-Contents of the current document (document).

-Title, background color, and forms.

-Properties and methods of the objects in the document.

-Document object properties.

-Examples of document properties.

-Document methods.

-Document write flow.

-Document open () and close () methods.

-Properties and methods of the form objects.

-Main properties of the form object (Name, action, method, target).

-Form object methods (submit, reset, get, post).

-Properties and methods of language objects.

-Document (type text, source color, background color, get elements of the current HTML document, page title).

-Windows (open).

-History (go).

-Locatiton (server).

-Navigator (name, version, and browser details).

6. The events of the scripting language

-Using events.

-Defining events.

-Actions associated with events.

-Hierarchy of events from the Windows object.

-Events on form items.

-Onselect (when selecting an item from a form).

-Onchange (when changing the status of a form item).

-Mouse events. Keyboard events.

-Mouse events.

-Onmousedown (when you click on a page element).

-Onmousemove (when you move the mouse over the page).

-Onmouseout (when exiting the area occupied by a page element).

-Onmouseover (when you enter the mouse pointer in the area occupied by a page element).

-Onmouseup (when the user dropped the mouse button that you previously clicked).

-Keyboard events:

-Onkeydown (when you press a user key).

-Onkeypress (when you leave a given time key).

-Onkeyup (when releasing the tight key).

-Focus events.

-onblur (when an element loses the focus of the application).

-onfocus (when an item on the page or window wins the focus of the application).

-Form events.

-Onreset (when you click on the reset button on a form).

-Onsubmit (when you click the submit form button).

-Window events.

-Onmove (when moving the browser window).

-Onresize (when resizing the browser window).

-Other events.

-Onunload (when you leave a page).

-Onload (when the page or images are finished loading).

-Onclick (when you click the mouse button on a page element).

-Ondragdrop (when dropping something that has been dragged on the page).

-Onerror (when a document or image cannot be loaded).

-Onabort (when loading an image, page or page).

7. Searching and analyzing scripts

-Search for specialized sites.

-Official pages.




-Boolean operators.

-Operation of the Boolean operators.

-Use in different search engines.

-Search techniques.


-Search definitions.


-Search refinement techniques.

-Using tabs.

-Using join elements.

-Reusing scripts.

-Free scripts.

-Code generalization.



Code: UF1306

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply test and component integration verification techniques on the web page to check functionality and usability parameters, according to specifications received.

CE1.1 Identify the phases involved in verifying component integration on pages.

CE1.2 Classify the different types of files to be integrated into the page, verifying the installation of the corresponding "plug-in" in the web browser.

CE1.3 Verify the integration of scripts already developed on web pages to test their functionality:

-Select multiple browsers.

-Define test environments.

-Identify the parameters to be verified.

-Document the processes performed.


1. Data validations on web pages

-Validation functions.

-Description of the functions.

-Utility utility.

-Implementation of the functions.

-Alphabetic, numeric, and date validations.

-Definition of validations.

-Validation code.

-Running the validation code.

-Verify forms.

-Data Identification.

-Implementation of the verification code.

-Checking the data entered by the user.

2. Special effects on web pages

-Work with images: replacement images and multiple images.

-Selection of images.

-Optimization of images.

-Implementing code with multiple images.

-Work with texts: aesthetic and movement effects.

-Creating enhanced and moving texts.

-Implementation of effects.

-Equation of effects to the web page.

-Work with frames.

-Where to use frames.

-Limitations of frames.

-Alternatives to frames.

-Work with windows.

-Creating multiple windows.

-Interactivity between multiple windows.

-Other effects.

-Effects with HTML.

-Effects with CSS.

-Layer effects.

3. Testing and verification on web pages

-Verification techniques.


-HTML Techniques.

-CSS techniques.

-Debug tools for different browsers.

-Utilities for HTML.

-Utilities for javascripts.

-Utilities for CSS.

-Utilities for DOM.

-Verifying script compatibility.

-Parameters for different browsers.

-Creating alternative code for various browsers.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1305



Unit 2-UF1306




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0952_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0952_2 Publish web pages.

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the resources available on the website and create the storage structure for publishing pages and their components.

CE1.1 Distinguished the security features and parameters of the file system of the Web site where the pages are to be published.

CE1.2 Classify the commands and commands of use possible, to perform the generation or modification of the storage structure on the website according to the instructions received.

CE1.3 In a practical case, where a web server is available, with access to a directory where we have permission to create, modify and remove elements, to create the storage infrastructure of the website following specifications received:

-Verify the directory access permissions.

-Create the elements of the storage structure according to the specifications received.

-Use the creation, modification, and removal commands of containers in the storage structure.

-Identify errors in creating and modifying elements in the storage system.

-Document the processes performed.

C2: Transfer the files to the publishing site, using the tools set according to specifications received.

CE2.1 Identify the functions and features of the tools used for file transfer, taking into account the functional specifications of the files.

CE2.2 Identify the commands and commands provided by the tool, to perform the transfer operations according to the specifications received.

CE2.3 Specify the possible settings of the transfer tool, to create the connection to the website according to received specifications.

CE2.4 Use the Transfer Tool, to keep the website updated as per specifications received:

-Add new pages and components to the website.

-Clear pages and components of the website.

-Update pages and components on the website.

-Document the tasks performed.

CE2.5 Interpret the technical documentation provided by the transfer tool, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the publication of web pages, according to the technical specifications of the same.

C3: Verify the transferred pages, taking into account quality and "usability" criteria to ensure their functionality.

CE3.1 Identify the test environments to be used for verification based on the specifications received.

CE3.2 Verify the browser runtime components (plug-ins) for the reproduction of special content on the web page, according to the specifications received.

CE3.3 Classify the characteristics to be verified in the browsers used in the market, to ensure the compatibility of the pages with the same, according to established specifications.

CE3.4 Verify the transferred pages, to ensure the functionality of the pages:

-Check that the aesthetic appearance of the pages meets the design and quality specifications set.

-Redirect the necessary links on the transferred pages.

-Identify potential hotspots in developed pages.

-Check that the links included in the pages meet the specifications.

-Document the processes performed.

C4: Expose pages developed in search engines and directories according to the prefixed availability criteria.

CE4.1 Identify and locate search engines and directories on the Internet to publish developed pages.

CE4.2 Identify and describe the descriptors that synthesize the content of the pages in order to be found by the search engines.

CE4.3 Give high pages published in search engines to expose the information contained in them:

-Select the search engines.

-Include descriptors on pages made using the appropriate labels.

-Use an automatic publishing application to publish the pages made.

-Manually publish pages that cannot be published with an automatic procedure.

-periodically verify the functionality of the published page.


1. Security features in the publishing of web pages

-Security on different file systems.

-Linux operating system.

-Windows operating system.

-Other operating systems.

-Access permissions.

-Access types

-Choosing the access type

-Implementing access

-Create, modify, and erase orders.

-Description of orders on different systems

-Implementing and checking the various orders.

2. File Transfer Tools

-Configuration parameters.

-Generic parameters.

-Specific parameters for different servers.

-Connecting to remote systems.

-Description of remote systems.

-Connection orders to remote systems.

-Operations and Commands/Orders to transfer files.

-Description of file transfer operations.

-Ways to transfer files.

-Phases for file transfer.

-Operations and Commands/Orders to update and remove files.

-Description of file update and cleanup operations.

-Phases for updating files.

-Phases for file deletion.

3. Publishing web pages

-Generic buskers.

-Include the page in multiple search engines.

-Google, Altavista, etc.

-Specialist buskers.

-Include the page in multiple search engines.




-By Categories.

-By keywords.

-Descriptors: keywords and standardized "metadata" systems.

-Definition of descriptors.

-The use of descriptors.

-Incorporation of descriptors on a web page.

-Automated publishing applications.

-Free applications.

-Embedded applications to free servers.

-Applications built into payment servers.

-Publish procedures.

-Organization of the information to be published.

-Location of the information to be published.

-Specifying the location of the different files.

-Phases to publish the web page.

4. Testing and verifying web pages

-Verification techniques.

-Verify based on quality criteria.

-Verify based on usability criteria.

-Debug tools for different browsers.

-Tools for Mozilla.

-Tools for Internet Explorer.

-Tools for Opera.

-Creating and using debug functions.

-Other tools.

-Browsers: types and "plug-ins".

-Description of add-ons.

-Add-ons for images.

-Add-ons for music.

-Video Add-ons.

-Add-ons for content.

-Virtual machines.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative module-MF0952_2



Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0278

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Create, retouch and integrate software components into web pages, according to the design specifications received by the company.

CE1.1 Confect web pages using the company's languages and development environments and according to the specifications received.

CE1.2 Add functionalities to the web pages according to the design specifications received.

CE1.3 Integrate and adjust software components on web pages according to the specifications received.

CE1.4 Verify the integration of components, as well as the operation of the pages, following the specifications and procedures of the company and the fulfilment of the criteria of usability and accessibility.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the company's procedures.

C2: Publish web pages according to system administrator specifications and business procedures.

CE2.1 Manage the website, using the organization's transfer tools, and according to the system administrator's specifications.

CE2.2 Perform the testing of websites and websites, in accordance with the procedures, design specifications and quality of the organization.

C3: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Creating web pages.

-Description of business procedures for creating, retouching, and integrating software components.

-Development environments and specific tools used in the enterprise.

-Corporate graphic design specifications.

-Sources of information used and generated.

-The usability and accessibility criteria defined by the organization.

-Documentation of the processes according to the procedures of the company.

-Organization's security and quality plans.

2. Publication of web pages.

-Description of business and security procedures in the publishing of web pages.

-Transfer tools and specific software used by the enterprise for publishing web pages,

-Documentation of the processes according to the procedures of the company.

3. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

* Required Professional Experience in the Scope of the Competition




MF0950_2: Web Page Construction.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications family level 3 professionalism certificate, Development area

1 year

3 years

MF0951_2: Integration of software components on web pages.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications family level 3 professionalism certificate, Development area

1 year

3 years

MF0952_2: Web page publishing.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications family level 3 professionalism certificate, Development area

1 year

3 years

* In the last three years.


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils











Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring armarium with patched panels, and network connection devices.

-Base, network, and web server software.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Office software.

-Web page software

-Software to create and modify images

-Printer and peripherals.

-Web editing tools.

-Server and client programming code editing tools.

-Debug and test tools.

-Page publishing tools.

-Transfer tools.

-Multimedia tools.

-Quick development tools.

-Current navigators.

-Text type navigators.

-Trademark languages. Scripting languages.

-Web servers.

-Applications for Web site accessibility verification.

-Internet users.

-Software components already developed and/or distributed by computer companies.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.




Code: IFCT0210

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Systems and telematics.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

IFC300_2 Information Systems Operation (Royal Decree 1201/2007 of 14 September).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0219_2: Install and configure base software on microcomputer systems.

UC0957_2: Maintain and regulate the physical subsystem on computer systems.

UC0958_2: Run administration and maintenance procedures on the base and client application software.

UC0959_2: Maintain the security of physical and logical subsystems on computer systems.

General competition:

Apply software and hardware management and software configuration procedures, as well as solve the incidents that can occur in the normal operation of the computer and monitor its performance and consumption, following specifications received.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity as an employed person, in companies or public or private entities of any size, that have computer equipment for its management, in the area of systems of the IT department.

Productive Sectors:

It is located mainly in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: companies or entities that use computer systems for their management; companies dedicated to the marketing of computer equipment and services; companies that provide technical assistance services; telecentres networks; in the various public administrations, as part of the organization's IT support.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

3812.1023 Technician on microcomputer systems.

System Operator.

IT Support Technician.

Duration of the associated training: 600 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF0219_2: (Cross) Installation and configuration of operating systems. (140 hours)

● UF0852: Installing and updating operating systems. (80 hours)

● UF0853: Exploitation of the functionalities of the microcomputer system. (60 hours)

MF0957_2: Computer system physical subsystem maintenance. (150 hours)

● UF1349: Physical subsystem maintenance and inventory. (90 hours)

● UF1350: Monitoring and incident management of physical systems. (60 hours)

MF0958_2: Software system logical subsystem maintenance. (150 hours)

● UF1351: Software management and operation of a computer system. (90 hours)

● UF1352: Monitoring and incident management of software. (60 hours)

MF0959_2: Maintenance of security on computer systems. (120 hours)

● UF1353: Monitoring of accesses to the computer system. (90 hours)

● UF1354: Backup and restore of information. (30 hours)

MP0286: Information Systems Operation non-work professional practice module (40 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0219_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform operating system installation processes for use in microcomputer systems, following specifications received.

CR1.1 The characteristics of the operating systems are classified, to decide the version to install and the type of installation, depending on the technical specifications received.

CR1.2 Operating system installation requirements are checked, to verify that there is sufficient resources and compatibility on the installation's target computer, following the established procedure.

CR1.3 The installation target team prepares to locate the operating system, enabling the infrastructure on mass storage devices, according to the technical specifications received.

CR1.4 The operating system is installed by applying the processes indicated in the installation manuals accompanying it, in order to obtain a computer equipment in a functional state, following the established procedure.

CR1.5 The operating system is configured for operation, within the specified parameters, following the established procedures and indicated in the technical documentation.

CR1.6 The utilities included in the operating system are installed for use, according to the technical specifications received.

CR1.7 Installation verification is performed to check the functionality of the operating system, by starting and stopping testing, and performance analysis, following established procedures.

CR1.8 The documentation of the performed processes is made and archived for later use, following the internal models established by the organization.

CR1.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Update the operating system to ensure its operation, following technical specifications received and organization procedures.

CR2.1 Base software versions, system add-ons, and device drivers are checked to ensure their suitability, following the established procedure.

CR2.2 The outdated versions of the base software, system add-ons, and device drivers are identified to proceed to update and ensure their functionality, following established technical specifications and procedures.

CR2.3 The add-ons and "patches" for the operation of the base software are installed and configured, indicating the system administrator to maintain security in the system, according to the established procedures.

CR2.4 Update verification is performed, to test the functionality of the operating system by starting and stopping tests, and performance analysis, according to established procedures.

CR2.5 The documentation of the processes performed is made and archived for later use, according to the rules established by the organization.

RP3: Explain the functionality of the microcomputer system through the use of base software and standard applications, taking into account the needs of use.

CR3.1 The functions and applications provided by the base software are identified for use, according to the instructions in the technical documentation and usage needs.

CR3.2 File system operations are performed using the interface provided by the operating system, following technical specifications and according to usage needs.

CR3.3 The configuration tools provided by the operating system are run to select options from the workbench, according to received specifications and usage needs.

CR3.4 Application execution processes are performed, to exploit the functions of each of them according to operational and functional needs.

CR3.5 The messages provided by the base software are interpreted, to control the operation of the microcomputer system by consulting manuals, documentation provided by the manufacturer and specifications given by the organization.

CR3.6 The procedures for the use and management of the peripherals connected to the microcomputer system, by the users, are performed to exploit their functionalities, following the technical documentation and procedures stipulated by the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment. Peripherals. Operating systems. Utilities and applications built into operating systems. Update versions of operating systems. Technical documentation associated with the operating systems. Free software.

Products and results

Computer equipment with installed and configured operating systems. Operating systems configured and operating. Logically organized computer equipment. Updated operating systems.

Information used or generated

Manuals and technical documentation of operating systems. Operating system upgrade manuals. Manuals for applications included in the operating system. Operating system installation, configuration, and upgrade reports. Safety and quality plan of the organization.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0957_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Check status and maintain physical device connections for use, following established procedures.

CR1.1 The operation of physical devices is checked using the appropriate tools and techniques under sufficient security conditions and according to established procedures.

CR1.2 The physical devices that are damaged, malfunction or underperforming are updated or replaced by the same or similar components that perform their same function and ensure their compatibility in the system to maintain the same function, according to established procedures.

CR1.3 The verification and verification tasks to ensure the connection of the physical devices are performed according to established procedures or according to the system administrator and always under sufficient security conditions.

CR1.4 The detected incidents are checked if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

CR1.5 The specific technical documentation associated with the devices is interpreted, if any, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Review and secure the fungible elements for the operation of the computer system according to established specifications and usage needs.

CR2.1 The fungible elements are checked, to ensure their compatibility and functionality using tools and techniques, according to established procedures and under sufficient security conditions.

CR2.2 Depleted, deteriorated or inserviceable fungible elements are replaced by other same or similar functions that perform their same function and ensure their compatibility with the system devices according to the established procedure, manufacturer's standards and under sufficient security conditions.

CR2.3 The operation of the computer system, with the fungible elements installed, is checked to ensure its operability, according to the established procedure.

CR2.4 The procedures for recycling and reuse of consumable materials are applied, in order to achieve environmental and economic objectives, according to environmental organization and specifications.

CR2.5 The detected incidents are checked if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use according to established procedures.

CR2.6 The specific technical documentation associated with the devices is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Monitor the performance of the physical subsystem by reporting detected incidents according to established specifications.

CR3.1 The monitoring tools are checked, to verify their operation, according to the procedures established by the organization.

CR3.2 The monitoring tools are used to detect possible failures in the operation of the physical devices of the system, following procedures established by the organization.

CR3.3 The monitored alarms and events are documented and their registration is archived, for later use, according to established procedures.

CR3.4 Measurement programs are run, to check the performance of physical devices, according to established procedures and usage needs.

CR3.5 The corrective actions set to respond to certain alarms and incidents are performed according to established procedures.

CR3.6 The detected incidents are checked if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

RP4: Control and review physical subsystem inventories to ensure their validity according to established procedures.

CR4.1 The inventories of the physical components of the system are checked, to ensure their validity, according to the rules of the organization.

CR4.2 Changes detected in the features, configuration, or situation of physical components are documented according to established procedures, to keep the inventory up to date.

CR4.3 Incidents detected on broken components, unauthorized configuration changes, unauthorized installation of components, or improper uses of components are documented and archived for later use according to established procedures.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment: components, peripherals, wiring and equipment for portable equipment, among others. Mid-range equipment ('minis ') and large ("mainframes"). Assembly and measurement equipment: assembly and disassembly tools, voltage meters, wiring tools. Fungible material for the operation of the system. Operating systems. Automatic inventorying software. Office tools. Monitoring software. Diagnostic software. Administration tools.

Products and results

Revised and updated inventories of the physical subsystem. A computer system with an optimal functioning physical subsystem and an adequate use of its resources.

Information used or generated

Inventory of the computer system. Technical documentation of the physical devices of the system. Technical documentation of the system-based software. Operation manuals of the monitoring software. Operating manuals of the inventory software. Technical documentation of manufacturers of consumables. Technical documentation for the diagnosis of the system and peripheral devices. Safety environmental standards and recommendations. Safety and hygiene standards at work. Reports of physical device maintenance incidents. Reports of maintenance incidents of fungible elements. Performance reports for the performance of the physical subsystem.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0958_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Maintain and check the update of user applications to ensure their operation, according to technical specifications and procedures of the organization.

CR1.1 Application software is installed to support the functional needs of users at the system administrator's indication and according to established procedures.

CR1.2 Unused application software is uninstalled to prevent misuse of storage space, according to established procedures.

CR1.3 Application software updates are made to maintain and refresh system functionality, according to technical specifications of the organization's manufacturer and standards.

CR1.4 The detected incidents are checked if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

CR1.5 Diagnostic processes are performed on computers where incidents have been detected using specific and remote management tools to solve or scale them in accordance with established procedures.

CR1.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Perform base software administration tasks to keep the computer system running, according to established procedures.

CR2.1 The physical and logical maintenance and cleaning of information media are carried out periodically, with the specific tools, to ensure their integrity and operation, according to established procedures.

CR2.2 The administration tasks for maintaining the base and application software configuration on client computers are performed according to established procedures and usage needs.

CR2.3 The peripherals connected to the client equipment are logically configured in the application software, for operation, according to established procedures and technical specifications.

CR2.4 The execution of administration tasks is performed using specific software tools that facilitate their execution, according to technical specifications and usage needs.

CR2.5 The execution of scheduled administration tasks is checked, to ensure its operation and periodicity, according to established procedures and usage needs.

CR2.6 The execution of programs or scripts is performed, indicating the administrator, and according to established procedures, to carry out administrative tasks, documenting the result obtained.

CR2.7 The detected incidents are checked to establish if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

CR2.8 The detected incidents are resolved or scaled, to proceed with their solution, according to established procedures.

CR2.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Monitor the performance of the base and application software, reporting the results obtained, according to established procedures.

CR3.1 The monitoring tools are checked, to verify their operation, according to the procedures established by the organization.

CR3.2 The monitoring tools are used to detect possible failures in the operation of the base software and application of the system, following procedures established by the organization.

CR3.3 The monitored alarms and events are documented and their registration is archived for later use, according to established procedures.

CR3.4 Software measurement programs are run, to check the performance of the processes, according to established procedures.

CR3.5 The corrective actions established, to respond to certain alarms and incidents are carried out, according to established procedures.

CR3.6 The detected incidents are checked, to establish if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

RP4: Control and review software inventories to ensure their validity and update, as per specifications received.

CR4.1 The inventory of the system's logical components is checked, to ensure its validity, according to the rules of the organization.

CR4.2 The changes detected in the version, configuration, or logical component situation are documented to keep the inventory up to date, according to established procedures.

CR4.3 The identifiers of the logical components subject to copyright are checked, to maintain control over the installed licenses, according to the current legislation.

CR4.4 The detected incidents about software malfunction, unauthorized configuration changes, unauthorized installation of components, or improper uses thereof are documented for later use, according to established procedures.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Information media: discs, tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, among others. Base software. Office-based applications. Application software. Monitoring software. Patches and updates. File compression software. Disk managers. Boot Managers. Administrative tools. Automatic inventorying software. Remote management tools.

Products and results

Revised and updated inventories of the logical subsystem. A computer system with a functioning logical subsystem.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation for the physical devices on the system. Technical documentation of the system-based software. Logical subsystem inventories. Operation manuals of the monitoring software. Operating manuals of the inventory software. Organization chart of the organization. Safety and quality plan of the organization. Safety environmental standards and recommendations. Current legislation on data protection and confidentiality of information. Administrative tools manuals. Base and application software maintenance incident reports. Performance reports for the performance of the logical subsystem.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC0959_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Review the accesses to the computer system, to ensure the application of the established procedures and the security plan, reporting the detected anomalies.

CR1.1 The monitoring tools, to plot the accesses and the system activity are checked to ensure their operation, according to the system security plan.

CR1.2 User connection trace files and system activity files are collected to locate the existence of unwanted access or activities.

CR1.3 The incidents detected in the system access are checked to establish if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use according to established procedures.

CR1.4 The changes detected in the user access control configuration to the system are documented, to keep the inventory up to date, according to established procedures.

RP2: Check the operation of established security mechanisms by reporting detected anomalies to persons of higher liability.

CR2.1 The access permissions of users to the system are checked, to ensure their validity, according to the system security plan.

CR2.2 User security policies are checked, to ensure their validity, according to the system security plan.

CR2.3 Anti-virus protection and malicious program systems are reviewed, in terms of their updating and functional configuration, to ensure the safety of the equipment, according to the procedures established by the organization.

CR2.4 The detected incidents are checked to establish if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use, following established procedures and reporting to the immediate superior.

CR2.5 Diagnostic processes are performed on computers where incidents have been detected using specific and remote management tools to solve or scale them in accordance with established procedures.

RP3: Back up, to ensure data integrity, according to established procedures and security plan.

CR3.1 Backup is performed to protect system data based on the periodicity, support, and procedure set forth in the system security plan.

CR3.2 The backups are verified, to ensure they are used, according to the procedures set out in the system security plan.

CR3.3 The storage of the backups, to prevent loss of information, is performed under the conditions and according to the procedure indicated in the system security plan and the recommendations of the manufacturer of the support.

CR3.4 The detected incidents are checked, to establish if they are registered, otherwise documented and recorded for later use, according to established procedures.

RP4: Verify that environmental and security conditions are maintained according to established plans, reporting possible anomalies.

CR4.1 The technical specifications of the devices are checked to ensure that manufacturers ' recommendations regarding environmental and safety conditions are met.

CR4.2 The location of physical equipment and devices is reviewed to ensure that the safety, space, and ergonomics requirements set by the organization are met.

CR4.3 The detected incidents are checked to establish if they are registered, otherwise they are documented and recorded for later use following established procedures and reporting to the immediate superior.

CR4.4 The corrective actions set to fix certain detected incidents are performed according to established procedures.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Information media. Base software. Office-based applications. Monitoring software. Software for the realization of backups. Antivirus software. Patches and updates. File compression software. Disk managers. Boot Managers. Administrative tools. Security tools and devices.

Products and results

System backups to prevent information loss. A computer system with a functioning logical subsystem. Computer system secured against access and unwanted actions. Computer system organized in environmental security conditions.

Information used or generated

Technical documentation for the physical devices on the system. Technical documentation of the system-based software. Operation manuals of the monitoring software. Operation manuals for security devices and tools. Organization chart of the organization. Safety and quality plan of the organization. Safety environmental standards and recommendations. Current legislation on data protection and confidentiality of information. Administrative tools manuals. Incident reports for system accesses. Incident reports of system security mechanisms. Reports of backup incidents.




Code: MF0219_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0219_2 Install and configure base software on microcomputer systems.

Duration: 140 hours.



Code: UF0852

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Classify the functions and features of the base software for the operation of a microcomputer system.

CE1.1 Describe the main architectures of microcomputer systems detailing the mission of each of the functional blocks that compose them.

CE1.2 Explain the concept of the operating system and identify the functions it performs in the microcomputer system.

CE1.3 Distinguished the elements of an operating system by identifying the functions of each of them, taking into account their technical specifications.

CE1.4 Classify operating systems and versions that are used in computer equipment detailing their main features and differences, according to technical specifications.

CE1.5 Identify the phases involved in the installation of the operating system by checking the requirements of the computer equipment to ensure the possibility of the installation.

C2: Apply installation and configuration processes for operating systems to activate the functionality of the computer equipment, according to specifications received.

CE2.1 In practical scenarios, properly characterized, the installation of an operating system on a computer equipment for its operation:

-Check that the computer equipment meets the requirements and has the necessary resources for the base software installation.

-Prepare the installation's target team by formatting and creating the partitions indicated in the specifications.

-Install the operating system by following the steps in the technical documentation.

-Configure the system with the indicated parameters.

-Install the utilities indicated in the specifications.

-Verify the installation by starting and stopping tests.

-Document the work done.

CE2.2 Identify the procedures that are used to automate the installation of operating systems on computer equipment of the same characteristics by using cloning software tools and other power-assisted installation tools.

CE2.3 In practical scenarios, properly characterized, the installation of an operating system on computer equipment with the same characteristics, according to specifications received:

-Prepare one of the computers to install the operating system and the indicated utilities.

-Install and configure the operating system by following the steps in the technical documentation.

-Install the utilities indicated in the specifications.

-Select the software tool to perform the cloning of computers.

-Proceed to obtain the installed system images for later distribution.

-Implement, by means of disk image management tools, those obtained in multiple teams of equal characteristics to the original to enable them to activate their functional resources.

-Perform boot and stop tests to verify the installations.

-Document the work done.

CE2.4 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the installation of the operating system.

C3: Update the operating system of a computer to include new features and solve security problems, based on technical specifications.

CE3.1 Identify the software components of an operating system capable of readjustment to perform your upgrade, taking into account your technical specifications.

CE3.2 Identify and classify the sources for obtaining update items to perform the operating system patch and update deployment processes.

CE3.3 Describe the procedures for updating the operating system taking into account the security and integrity of the information in the computer equipment.

CE3.4 In practical scenarios, properly characterized, perform the updating of an operating system for the incorporation of new functionalities, according to specifications received:

-Identify the components to upgrade from the operating system.

-Check software upgrade requirements.

-Update the specified components.

-Verify the processes performed and the absence of interferences with the other components of the system.

-Document the update processes.


1. Architectures of a microcomputer system.

-Functional schema of a computer.


-The central processing unit and its elements.

-Internal memory, types, and features.

-Input and output units.

-Storage devices, types, and features.




-Correspondence between Physical and Logical Subsystems.

2. Functions of the computer operating system.

-Basic concepts.


-The files.

-The system calls.

-The core of the operating system.

-The command interpreter.


-User interface.

-Resource management.

-File administration.

-Administration of tasks.

-Support service.

3. Elements of a computer operating system.

-Process management.

-Memory management.

-The Input and Output system.

-File system.

-Protection system.

-Communications system.

-Order Interpretation System.

-Command line.

-Graphical interface.

-System programs.

4. Current IT operating systems.

-Classification of operating systems.

-Free software.

-Features and use.


-Versions and distributions.

5. Installation and configuration of computer operating systems.

-Requirements for the installation. Hardware and software compatibility.

-Installation phases.

-Configuring the boot device in the BIOS.

-Formatting of disks.

-Partitioning of disks.

-Creating the file system.

-Configuring the operating system and devices.

-Installing and configuring utilities and applications.

-Installation types.

-Minimum installations.

-Standard installations.

-Custom installations.

-Facilities served or unattended.

-Network installations.

-Restoring an image.

-Verification of the installation. Start and stop tests.

-Installation and configuration documentation.

6. Physical replication of partitions and hard disks.

-Backup programs.


-The functionality and objectives of the replication process.

-Security and prevention in the replication process.

-Disk partitions.

-Partition types.

-Management tools.

-Image creation and deployment tools and system replicas:

-Information sources.

-Image deployment procedures and system replicas.

7. Updating of the IT operating system.

-Classification of update sources.

-Automatic update.

-Support and help centers.

-Update procedures.

-Updating operating systems.

-Updating software components.

-Critical components.

-Security components.


-Other components.

-Verification of the update.

-Update documentation.



Code: UF0853

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Use the applications that the operating systems provide, for the operation of the operating systems according to technical specifications.

CE1.1 Use the applications provided by the operating system describing its characteristics for the use and operation of the operating system, taking into account its technical specifications and functional needs.

CE1.2 Use the applications provided by the operating system for the disk organization and file system, according to the technical specifications received.

CE1.3 Use the accessibility options that current operating systems have, to set up accessible environments for people with disabilities, according to technical and functional specifications.

CE1.4 Configure workbench options using the tools and applications that the operating system provides, following specifications received and usage needs.

CE1.5 Describe the applications provided by the operating system for the operation of the functionalities of the peripherals connected to the system, according to the needs of use.

CE1.6 Classify messages and warnings provided by the microcomputer system to discriminate its importance and criticality, and apply response procedures according to given instructions.

CE1.7 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in operating the operating system.


1. Operating system utilities.

-Features and functions.

-Setting up the workbench.

-Administering and managing file systems.

-Management of processes and resources.

-Managing and editing files.

2. Disk organization and file system.

-The file system.



-Storage logical drives.

-Structures of the data.

-Folders or directories.


-File types.

-Folders and system files.

-Structure and configuration of the file explorer.

-File operations.


-Copy and move.

-Removal and recovery.

-Search for files.

3. Setting up accessibility options.

-Options for facilitating screen display.

-Use of narrators.

-Options for making keyboard or mouse use easier.

-Voice recognition

-Using visual and text alternatives for people with hearing difficulties

4. Configuration of the computer system.

-Setting up the workbench.

-Customizing the visual environment.

-Regional configuration of the team.

-Customizing basic peripherals.


-Print Manager.

-Device Manager.

-System protection.

-Advanced system configuration

5. Using the system tools.

-Disfragmented disk.

-Security Copies.

-Space release.

-Task programming.

-Restoring the system.

6. Process and resource management.

-System messages and warnings.

-System events.

-System Performance.

-Task Manager.

-System Log Editor.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF0852



Unit 2-UF0853




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0957_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0957_2: Maintain and regulate the physical subsystem on computer systems.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1349

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the physical components of the computer system detailing its connections and main performance and status indicators to obtain suitable operating parameters, according to established specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the types of physical components of the system by classifying them according to different criteria: functions and device types, among others.

CE1.2 Describe device connection technologies, expansion slots, and ports detailing the basic features to identify the capabilities of component interconnect with the system, according to technical specifications.

CE1.3 Describe the techniques and inventory tools used in the system to record physical components as well as changes in them according to the specified technical indications.

CE1.4 Identify the physical devices that form the system, to classify them and describe their functionality:

-Classify devices according to their typology and functionality.

-Recognize the indicators and the state of operation of the devices as indicated in the technical manual.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

-Check the record of the devices in the inventory and record the detected changes.

-Relate physical devices to their respective connectors.

C2: Manipulate the types of consumable material by associating the same to the physical devices, to ensure their functionality, according to technical specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the types of devices that use fungible material as part of their operating operation to apply control and replacement procedures according to technical specifications.

CE2.2 Classifying the types of consumable material based on criteria of manufacturer, function, duration, material, degree of reuse and possibility of recycling among others to identify the characteristics of the same.

CE2.3 Identify tasks and maintenance issues for each type of consumable material according to technical specifications of the associated documentation.

CE2.4 Explain how to manipulate the types of consumable materials to ensure safety and hygiene at work according to the specifications indicated in the technical documentation.

CE2.5 Describe the procedures for recycling and waste treatment of consumable materials to comply with environmental regulations.

CE2.6 Perform the manipulation of consumable material to replace or replace it, according to given specifications:

-Relate the consumable material to the corresponding physical devices, according to technical specifications of the device.

-Choose the consumable material for the device based on functionality and economics criteria.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, for use as help.

-Interpret the device signals about the consumable material as directed by the technical documentation.

-Install the fungible material on the device according to technical specifications.

-Test the device with the new fungible material.

-Apply the procedures for handling the established fungible material: insertion, extraction, handling for recycling and handling for the recharge of a fungible unit among others.

-Document the processes performed.

C ontinged

1. Components of a computer system.

-Computer systems.




-Structure of a computer system.

-The central system.

-The central processing unit.

-Functions and types.

-Purpose and operating scheme.

-Internal structure.

-Current microprocessors. Main features.

-Processor Architects: CISC AND RISC.

-The main memory system.

-Functions and types.

-Memory hierarchy.

-Main memory characteristics.

-Routing spaces and memory maps.

-The I/O system.

-Functions and types.

-I/O processors.

-I/O subsystem.

-Peripheral Controllers.

-Peripheral devices.

-Classification and types.

-Technical and functional characteristics.

-Communications subsystem.

-Communications processors.

-Physical elements of the communications network.

-Cross-Component Connection.

-Bus hierarchy. Classification.

-Routing. Types of transfer.

-Timing (synchronous, asynchronous, match cycle).

-Ports and connectors.

-Multiprocessor architecture.

-Operating features.

-Typology: MPP (Mass Parallel Processing) vs SMP (symmetric Multiprocessing).

-Scalable and distributed architectures.


-Benefits and drawbacks.

-Clusters, multiclusters, and GRID concepts.

-Diagnostic tools.

-Types of tools. Device detection.

2. The mass storage devices.

-Concepts about mass storage devices.

-Access time.


-Transfer rate, etc.

-Device types.

-Storage interfaces/connection technologies.

-Integrated device Electronics (IDE).

-Fibre Channel (FC)

-Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)

-Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS)

-Internet SCSI (iSCSI)

-Advanced storage architecture/architecture.

-Protection RAID disks.

-Storage networks.

-Storage Area Networks (SAN)

-Network Attached Storage (NAS).

-Logical Volume Manager (LVM).

3. Disk devices.

-Components of a disk storage subsystem.


-Hard disk drives.

-Power supply.


-LEDs, controls, and connector types.

-Diagnostic procedures.

-Diagnostic Indicators

-Diagnostic software tools.

-Diagnostic hardware tools.

-Updating or replacing components.

-Precautions for handling static-sensitive components.

-Replacing disk drives.

-Replacing other components.

-Check or verify the operation.

-Disk storage subsystem cabling.

-Basic hardware configurations.

-Storage managers.

-General concepts on Installation of mounting cabinets.

-Identification of components and description of indicators.

-Replacement or removal procedure for disk drives.

-Interconnection of components.


-ESD handling.

4. Tape storage devices.

-Basic tasks for an operator.

-On and off of rack mounted drives.

-Protect or enable write of cartridges.

-Caution in handling cartridges.

-Manually inserting and removing tape cartridges.

-Identification of defective cartridges.

-Cleaning the tape drives.

-Load from the initial program.

-Tasks with the system menu.

- Connect or disconnect drives online.

- View the configuration.

-Tape drives.

-Features and specifications.

-Components of a tape drive.

-A tape drive installation procedure.

-Message types for the tape and interpretation unit.

-Problem identification.

-Operator intervention procedures.

-The TapeAlert Standard.

-Control Panel and Indicators.

-Tape cartridges.

-Types of tape cartridges and features.


-External components and memory of a cartridge.

-Write Only Read Many Cartridges.

-Information, management and care.

-Cleaning procedures.

-Tape system.

-Bookstore tapes.

-Safety and environmental precautions.

-Main components of a tape library.

-The operator panel.

-Running a tape library.

-Automated mode.

-Manual mode. Tasks of an operator.

-Functional components of a frame in a tape library.

-Tape storage media.

-Modes and operating states of a tape library.

-Description of the controls and indicators in a tape library.

-Basic operating procedures to perform from the operator panel.

-Advanced operating procedures to be performed from the library manager.

-Operating procedures in manual mode.

-Operator actions against library failures.

-Virtualization on tape.

5. Consumable material of physical devices in a computer system.

-Types of devices that use fungible material.

-Classification of the fungible material.


-Royal Decree 833/88 of 20 July, approving the regulation for the implementation of the Law 20/1986, basic of toxic and dangerous waste.


-Labelling and packaging. Pictograms.


-European Waste Catalogue. Classification of fungible material.

-Security Data Sheets.

-Identification of hazards.

-First aid.

-Manipulation and storage.

-Other data.

-Reuse of the consumable material.

6. Point and line matrix printers.

-Security in the handling of matrix printers.

-Warnings and precautions. Symbology.

-Installation, maintenance, paper handling and printer handling instructions.

-Main components and their location.

-Types of interfaces.

-The dashboard.

-Printer Cintas.

-Colocation and/or replacement of tape cartridges.

-Manual and continuous paper feed.

-Printer management systems.

-Realization of print tests.

-Printer configuration.

-Search for errors and diagnostics.

7. Laser printers.

-Security in the handling of laser printers.

-Warnings and precautions. Symbology.

-Installation, maintenance, toner cartridge handling, printer handling, laser radiation, and ozone safety instructions.

-Main components and their location.

-Functional areas.

-Types of interfaces.

-The dashboard.

-Types of fungible material and its duration.

-Manual and continuous paper feed. Storage.

-Replacement of the consumable material.

-Operator responsibilities and tasks.

-Cleaning the printer.

8. Inkjet printers.

-Security in the handling of inkjet printers.

-Warnings and precautions. Symbology.

-Installation, maintenance, handling of ink cartridges and printer handling instructions.

-Parts of an inkjet printer.

-Cleaning the printer.



-Replacement of consumables.

-Check the status of the ink cartridge through the control panel, light indicators, or through the printer driver.

-Replacing ink cartridges.

-Replacing the maintenance box.

9. Inventory techniques in computer systems.

-Physical device inventory records.

-Life Cycle of an inventory.

-Information relevant to an inventory.

-Inventory techniques (passive, active scanning).

-ITIL Methodology.

-Computer system inventory software tools.

-Basic functions.


-Remote monitoring agent.

-Remote management agent

-Administration user interface.

-Device scanner

-Report Generation Module


-Configuring the agents

-Configuring device scanning

-Interpretation of reports.

-Basic use of an inventory software.



Code: UF1350

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Regular performance of physical devices using monitoring tools, following given specifications.

CE1.1 Detailed critical components that affect the performance of the computer system, to identify the causes of possible deficiencies in the operation of the equipment, according to technical specifications.

CE1.2 Explain the types of metrics used for testing and determining the performance of physical devices, according to technical specifications of the devices themselves.

CE1.3 Identify the configuration and performance parameters of the physical devices of the system to optimize the functionality and quality of the services performed by the computer equipment taking into account quality and performance parameters.

CE1.4 Describe the measurement tools of the physical performance and monitoring of the system, classifying the metrics available in each case, to apply the evaluation procedures in the elements of the computer system, according to the technical specifications received.

CE1.5 Apply physical performance measurement procedures using the tools indicated to verify that the functionality of the computer system is within preset parameters, according to given technical specifications.

CE1.6 Apply verification and failure detection procedures in event logs and performance alarms on physical devices for notification to the system administrator, following given technical specifications.

CE1.7 Perform performance evaluation of the physical devices of the system to check its functionality and operability, according to given performance specifications:

-Select the measurement tool according to given specifications or administrator indications.

-Run measurement procedures using the selected tool.

-Review the results obtained to verify that the measurements are within the normal parameters, acting according to established procedures in case of anomalous situations.

-Make configuration changes to the physical devices indicated according to received specifications.

-Record the configuration changes made to the inventory.

-Document the work done detailing the detected failed situations.

C2: Interpret the detected incidents and alarms in the physical subsystem and perform corrective actions for your solution according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Identify operational incidents produced by the physical devices that form the subsystem to classify the corrective actions to be applied according to the specifications received.

CE2.2 Explain strategies for detecting anomalous situations in subsystem operation.

CE2.3 Apply procedures for incident detection by using specific tools and controlling the activity indicators of the physical devices of the system taking into account the technical specifications of operation.

CE2.4 Apply established response procedures for resolution of detected incidents in the performance and performance of physical devices according to given specifications.

CE2.5 Perform corrective actions to solve the system's physical device malfunction, given the procedures to apply:

-Run measurement procedures using the selected tool.

-Check the connections of the devices.

-Compare the results of the measures with the expected results to check whether or not an incident occurred.

-Replace or update the component or device causing the breakdown by ensuring compatibility with the system.

-Run established response procedures against the incidents produced.

-Record the corrective actions in the inventory.

-Document the work done detailing the incident situations produced.


1. Introduction to evaluation and performance metrics.

-Definitions and basic concepts of performance evaluation.

-Information processing system.



-Critical resources and components of computer systems.

-Performance evaluation techniques.

-Measurement. Indices.

-Simulation. Workload.

-Analytic modeling.

-Reference systems.

-Performance metrics

-Network performance metrics.

-System performance metrics.

-Service performance metrics.

2. Monitoring and performance measurement techniques for physical devices.

-Representation and analysis of the results of the measurements.

-Performance of physical devices.

-Configuration and performance parameters.

3. Monitoring tools.

-Installation procedure for a monitoring platform.

-Technical requirements.

-General concepts related to monitoring.

-Network Management Protocols (ICMP, SNMP).

-Information repositories:

-CMDB (Configuration Management Database).

-MIB (Managed Information Base).

-Elements or instances to monitor.

-Instance types.

-Event types.

-The Services.


-User profiles.


-Architecture of a monitoring platform.

-Management Console.

-Components of a monitoring platform.

-Central server.

-Component Repository.

-Monitoring agents.

-Proxies, remote management.

-The monitoring console.


-Managing events, types, and actions.

-Other management types.

-Functionality to manage and monitor your infrastructure.

-Notification system.

4. Monitoring of physical devices.

-The IPMI standard.

-Monitoring tools on different platforms.

-Resource monitoring.

-Processor load.

-Free space on filesystems.

-Use of physical memory.

-Number of input/output operations.

-Number of open files.

-Printer monitoring.

-Monitoring other resources.

-Monitoring the use of network services.

-Email (SMTP, POP3).

-Open HTTP connections.

-Secure remote connections (SSH).

-Other services.

-Physical device configuration and performance parameters.

-Optimization of the cache.

-The size of the paging file.

-Memory size dedicated to the Java Virtual Machine.

-Other parameters.

-Defining active alarms, passive alarms, events, and alerts.

5. Management and monitoring models: Service Management according to ITIL

-Structure of processes in ITIL and the relationship between them.

-Responsibilities, functions, staffing levels, etc., from the User Service Center.

-User Service Center processes and procedures.

6. Diagnostic techniques for incidents and alarms of the physical subsystem.

-Classification of incidents and alarms for physical devices.

-System drops.

-Services not available.

-Automatic peripherals failure alerts.

-Disk space usage threshold.

-Other incidents and alarms.

-Strategies for detecting anomalous situations in subsystem operation.

-Incident and alarm diagnostic tools for physical devices.

-Methods set for solution incidents.

-Remote device management tools (virtual consoles, remote terminals, etc.)

-Incident Management Tools

-Record of incidents and their assessment.

-Temporary closure and final closure.

-Reject/Claim Incidents.

-Record time performance and Control of peak times.


Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1349



Unit 2-UF1350




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0958_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0958_2: Run administration and maintenance procedures on the base and client application software.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1351

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the software components of a computer system detailing its characteristics and configuration parameters, according to given functional specifications.

CE1.1 Citar software types to perform their classification according to purpose, functions and modes of execution among others, according to technical specifications of software manufacturers.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the software components of the system, distinguishing its functionalities, taking into account the technical specifications.

CE1.3 Explain and describe the types of user interfaces by discriminating against the main features of each user interface, according to the technical specifications of the systems used.

CE1.4 Identify the configuration elements of the software components to ensure the operation of the system, according to specifications received.

CE1.5 Perform the identification of system software components for use, according to given specifications:

-Operate with the software component user interface using the usual mechanisms for each type.

-Operate with the functional options of each software component according to the technical documentation.

-Identify the configuration of a software component according to established procedures.

-Check the record of a software component in the inventory and record the detected changes.

-Check software usage licenses taking into account copyright and current legislation.

C2: Install and update application software programs to provide functionality to users, following given specifications.

CE2.1 Perform the installation of application software components to add functionality to the system:

-Check the software installation requirements to be implemented on your system.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector using it.

-Verify that the software components use licenses comply with the current legislation.

-Perform component installation procedures.

-Configure the installed software components to use the peripherals and devices of the computer system.

-Perform software component uninstallation procedures, if necessary.

-Verify the processes performed and the absence of interferences with the other components of the system.

-Document the installation and uninstallation processes performed detailing the activities performed.

-Maintain the updated software inventory by recording the changes made.

CE2.2 List the main procedures for keeping the software up to date, according to the technical specifications of the software type and the manufacturer.

CE2.3 Describe the procedures, to apply an update, detailing the security issues in installing and updating software to maintain the functional parameters of the computer.

CE2.4 Perform application software upgrade on a system to reset to new needs:

-Identify the version of the software component to be updated and the compatibility conditions to be considered for the upgrade.

-Locate the updates, made available by the manufacturer, not yet implemented.

-Identify the "patches" and other code modules available to increase the functionality of the component or to correct inappropriate behavior.

-Verify and verify that the software components use licenses comply with the current legislation.

-Uninstall the components involved before applying any updates, as documented.

-Technique, established procedures and instructions from the administrator.

-Apply previously identified updates to the software component based on indications of the technical documentation, established procedures, and administrator indications.

-Configure the software component according to the specifications given after the upgrade.

-Verify that the software component has the desired functionality by performing operational tests.

-Document the update process detailing the incidents produced.

-Maintain the updated software inventory by recording the changes made.

C3: Apply administration procedures and maintain system operation within specified parameters, according to given technical specifications and usage needs.

CE3.1 Identify the administrative tools available in the system detailing their characteristics and uses, to perform the administration procedures.

CE3.2 Explain the types of physical media for information storage detailing the tasks for maintaining your data structures.

CE3.3 Describe the types of computer system administration tasks detailing their characteristics, execution modes and available mechanisms, for automatic execution taking into account the technical specifications.

CE3.4 Citar the maintenance techniques of the base and application software configuration that are needed to maintain system operability.

CE3.5 Perform administration tasks for system component maintenance, following given specifications:

-Select the administrative tool.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector using it.

-Apply established procedures for the maintenance of information media.

-Apply established procedures for the maintenance of the base and application software configuration.

-Configure and verify the operation of devices installed from the application software.

-Run and check the scheduling of automatic administrative tasks.

-Run administrative scripts and programs as instructed by the administrator.

-Document all applied procedures detailing the detected incidents.

-Maintain the updated software inventory by recording the changes made.


1. The Software in the computer system.

-Definition of "Software".

-Classification of the software.

-For the purpose.

-Depending on the functions,

-Depending on the mode of execution.

-System software and user software.

-Functions and features.

-User interfaces.

-Interface definitions.

-Features of an interface.

-Types of interfaces.

-Software component configuration items.

2. Procedures for installing software components.

-The software for managing and maintaining IT assets.

-Basic functions of an IT asset management and maintenance software.

-User management.

-Hardware and Software Inventory.


-Measurement of applications.

-Managing licenses.

-Software Distribution.

-Other functions.

-Requirements for a computer asset management and maintenance system.

-System components and requirements.

-Installation of components: parameters and configuration.

-Database Server.

-Client. Remote deployment tools.

-The system console.

-The Server Gateway.

-The Client Gateway.

-Installing and configuring the database.

-Applying specific configurations to clients, groups, and/or departments.

-User management.

3. The software inventory.

-Software logs and databases installed.

-Inventory software tools.

-Basic functions.

-The Software Inventory.

-Obtaining installed applications.

-Performing queries to the database.

-Generation of reports.

-License administration.

-Other operations.

4. Procedures for installing software components.

-Software licenses.


-License types: property, use, and distribution of the software.

-Major non-proprietary software licenses: GPL, BSD, MPL, EUPL.

-Copyright and current regulations.

-Installing and testing application software components.

-Identification of system requirements.

-Manufacturer documentation.

-Parameters and system configuration in the installation process.

-The Installation Process.

-Scheduled installations and remote installations.

-Configuring applications for peripheral access.

-Realization of tests.

-Software logs and databases installed.

-Tools for software distribution.

-Obtaining software distribution information.

-Performing queries to the database.

-Generation of reports.

-Software package administration.

-Creating and distributing packages.

-Programming for the deployment.

-Package publishing.

-Non-automated installations.

-Creating installers and command files.

-Other functions.

5. Software maintenance procedures.

-Software maintenance types.



-Objectives of a maintenance plan.

-Maintenance management procedures.

-Change control.

-Managing and responsible change requests.

-Application software update process.

-Similarities to the installation process.

-Verification of update requirements.

-Unused software uninstallation process.

-Software update process.

-Restoring the pre-upgrade software.

-Realization of tests.

-Database maintenance.

-Removing data, equipment, and users.

-Removing applications and programs.

-Exporting and importing data.

-Security Copies.

6. Administration procedures.

-Basic concepts about network system administration.

-The network operating system.

-Basic administration tasks.

-System environments, profiles, and properties.

-Administration of applications and processes.

-Drivers and hardware devices.

-Administration of processes, services, and events.

-Automate administrative tasks, directives, and procedures.

-More common administrative task types, features, and modes of execution.

-Administrative tools.

-Maintenance of the file system and information media.

-Types of physical media for information storage.

-Maintenance of removable media.

-Disfragmentation of disks.

-Compression of drives, folders, and files.

-Disk space release.

-Realization of data backup and recovery.

-Maintenance of the base and application software configuration.

-Administering network printers and print services.

-Installing and configuring local and network printers.

-Managing the jobs.

-Running automatic administrative tasks.

-Command line assistants and utilities.

-Scheduled task administration.

-Task programming.

-Running programs and administrative scripts.

-Types of command files.

-Contents of the command files.

-Assignment of command files.

-Remote management tools.



Code: UF1352

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the performance parameters of the base and application software using specific monitoring and measurement techniques and tools to verify the quality and functionality of the services provided by the computer system.

CE1.1 Explain the fundamentals of the software performance measure by detailing the techniques used to evaluate the functionality of the system.

CE1.2 Identify the configuration and performance parameters of the base and application software elements to monitor the system.

CE1.3 Describe the software performance measurement tools, classifying the metrics available in each case, taking into account the associated technical specifications.

CE1.4 Explain the monitoring and measurement techniques made by the tools to improve the performance of the base and application software, taking into account the associated technical specifications.

CE1.5 Apply verification and failure detection procedures in the event logs and performance alarms in the software, for notification to the system administrator, following given specifications.

CE1.6 Perform the performance measurement of base and application software to detect anomalous situations, following given specifications:

-Select the measurement tool as instructed by the administrator.

-Run measurement procedures using the selected tool.

-Review the results obtained to verify that the measurements are within the normal parameters, acting according to received indications.

-Document the work done.

C2: Identify the detected incidents and alarms in the logical subsystem to perform corrective actions according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Classify the incidents and alarms of operation and access produced in the software elements of the system to detect operating problems in the software.

CE2.2 Classify diagnostic tools to be used to isolate the cause that produces the alert or incident, taking into account the incident resolution procedures given.

CE2.3 Apply specified response procedures to address incidents detected in the operation of the base software and application, following the given instructions.

CE2.4 Apply corrective actions to address the malfunction of base and application software following specifications given:

-Identify incidents detected in the operation of the base or application software.

-Use diagnostic tools in case of software malfunction.

-Run established response procedures against the incidents produced.

-Use local or remote system management tools to resolve the incident.

-Document the work done detailing the incident situations produced.

-Maintain the updated software inventory by recording the incidents and changes made.


1. Techniques for monitoring and measuring the performance of software items.

-Basic concepts about performance evaluation and metrics.

-Configuration and performance parameters for software components.

-Base software configuration and performance parameters.

-Application software configuration and performance parameters.

-Software monitoring tools.

-Software performance measurement tools.

-The System Monitor.

-Basic concepts.

-The monitor interface.

-The configuration of the monitor.

-Performance logs and alerts.

-Performance monitoring utilities from the command line.

-Performance measurement procedure.

-Configuring performance monitoring.

-Method and frequency of monitoring.

-Components and monitoring aspects.

-Record the performance data.

-Selecting appropriate monitoring counters.

-Description of typical performance problems.

-Optimization, team testing, and troubleshooting strategies.

-Monitoring memory usage.

-Monitoring the processor activity.

-Monitoring the disk activity.

-Monitoring network activity.

-Monitoring the services available in the Operating System.

-Remote maintenance: tools and configuration.

2. The operations management platform.

-Security concepts for an operations management platform.


-Profiles, description, and scope.

-Base components of an operations management platform.

-The Operations Console.

-Description of Operations Console.

-Features and functions.

-Access to the console.

-Description of the modules in the administration modules.

-The monitors.

-The rules for obtaining data and its types.

-Incidents and alarms

-Identification of incidents and alarms.

-Classification of the severity.

-Resolution of incidents and alarms by performing tasks.

-Configuring notifications.


Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1351



Unit 1-UF1352




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0959_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0959_2: Maintain the security of physical and logical subsystems on computer systems.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1353

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the types of access to the computer system as well as the security mechanisms of the system describing its main features and common associated tools to ensure the use of system resources.

CE1.1 Describe the mechanisms of the access control system detailing the organization of users and groups to ensure the security of the information and functionalities supported by the computer equipment, according to the technical specifications.

CE1.2 Explain the procedures of systems for setting permissions and user rights, detailing their organization and associated administrative tools to organize security policies, according to the procedures established in the base software.

CE1.3 Classify common security mechanisms in systems detailing their objectives, characteristics, and associated tools to ensure the security of information and functionalities supported by computer equipment.

CE1.4 Identify system protection mechanisms against viruses and malicious programs to ensure your upgrade.

CE1.5 Identify the security mechanisms of the system to maintain protection for the system, according to specified operating procedures:

-Identify the users and groups defined in the system by operating with the administrative tools indicated in the given procedures.

-Locate, for each user, access permissions and associated security policies, operating with the administrative tools indicated in the given procedures.

-Verify that antivirus and protection applications against malicious programs are up-to-date.

-Check the registry of users and groups in the inventory, recording the detected changes.

C2: Interpret the monitoring traces of system accesses and activity by identifying anomalous situations, following given specifications.

CE2.1 List the mechanisms of the access and activity trace system for monitoring by detailing its scope of action, main features and associated tools.

CE2.2 Describe the incidents that occur in user and system activity access by classifying them by security levels to detect anomalous situations in those processes.

CE2.3 Identify the tools to extract the user connection trace files and the system activity files to facilitate your query and manipulation, according to your technical specifications.

CE2.4 Interpret the content of user connection trace files and system activity files to locate unwanted accesses and activities following the procedure indicated by the administrator.

CE2.5 In case studies, where you have trace files for the connection of users and system activity files, perform the analysis and evaluation of them to detect possible access and unwanted activities, according to given specifications:

-Identify the characteristics of a set of user registries by following the administrator's instructions.

-Locate a record of a given user and explain its characteristics.

-Extract and record failed situations relative to a user by following the administrator's instructions.

-Document the actions performed.

CE2.6 Distinguished the tools used for the diagnosis and detection of incidents both in local and remote application, for their management, solution or scaling of the same, according to given specifications.


1. IT security management

-Security objective.

-Terms related to computer security.

-Security management processes.

-Security management goals.

-Benefits and difficulties.

-Security Policy. The Organic Law of Personal Data Protection.

-Risk analysis.

-Resource identification.

-Identification of vulnerabilities and threats: external and internal attacker.

-Protective measures.

-Security Plan.

-Interrelation to other processes of information technologies.

-Physical security and logical security.

2. System logical security

-Access to the system and application software.

-User concept, account, user group, permissions, access control list (ACL).

-Security policies for users.

-User authentication:

-Definition and basic concepts.

-Strong and weak authentication systems.

-Biometrics authentication systems and other systems.

-Local, remote, and Single Sing-On access.

-Tools for user management.

-The directory service: basic concepts, protocols, and implementations.

-Directories: LDAP, X500, Active Directory.

-User and equipment administration tools.

-Basic administration of the directory service.

-Confidentiality and Availability of the information in the final user position.

-File systems and access control to them.

-Permissions and rights to files.

-User position security.

-Malicious software tipologia.

-Virus detection software and malicious programs.

-Antivirus, antispyware, firewall, antispam filters, etc.

-Data recovery and disinfection techniques affected.

-Remote incident management tools.

3. System activity and access monitoring procedures

-Objectives of monitoring and managing security incidents.

-Traces monitoring procedures.

-Identification and characterization of monitorizable or auditable aspects.

-Classification of events and incidents: system, application, security

-Traces monitoring mechanisms: system logs, user monitoring consoles

-trace log information.

-Techniques and monitoring tools.

-Techniques: mapping of logs, of events.

-Monitoring tools.

-Operating system own tools.

-Computer-based systems (HIDS).

-Network-based systems (NIDS).

-Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS).

-Monitoring reports.

-Collection of information.

-Analysis and correlation of events.

-Verification of the intrusion.

-Alarms and corrective actions

-Incident management organizations:

-Nationals. IRIS-CERT, esCERT.

-International. CERT, FIRST.



Code: UF1354

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply backup and restore procedures, verify their performance, and manipulate the storage media to ensure the integrity of the information in the computer system, according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Classify the different storage and data security means of the computer system for use in the copy processes according to established technical specifications.

CE1.2 Explain the procedures and tools for backing up and storing data from the computer system to ensure the integrity of the system information.

CE1.3 Explain the procedures and tools for restoring data from a computer system for the recovery of system information, according to the given specifications.

CE1.4 Explain the procedures and tools for verifying the backup and restoring data to ensure the reliability of the process according to the given specifications.

CE1.5 On a data storage system with multiple devices, back up to ensure data integrity, given procedures to follow:

-Select the storage device and tool to perform the copy.

-Perform the backup according to the periodicity and procedure specified, or to the administrator's indication.

-Verify that the copy is being performed.

-Label the copy made and proceed to storage according to the specified environmental, location and security conditions.

-Check and record detected incidents.

-Document the processes performed.

CE1.6 Perform backup restore to retrieve stored information, given procedures to follow:

-Select the tool to perform the restore according to the type and backup media performed.

-Perform the restore process according to the received indications.

-Verify the restore process by checking the destination of the restore process.

-Check and record detected incidents.

-Document the processes performed.

C2: Describe the environmental and safety conditions for the operation of physical equipment and devices that guarantee the operating parameters given.

CE2.1 Describe environmental factors that influence the location and conditioning of physical device spaces, fungible material, and information supports to fulfill device installation requirements, according to the technical specifications of the devices.

CE2.2 Identify the safety and ergonomics factors to be taken into account in the location of physical equipment and devices to guarantee the conditions of implantation of the devices, according to the technical specifications of the devices.

CE2.3 Check environmental conditions to ensure the situation of physical equipment and devices, according to the specified standards:

-Check that the location of physical devices, fungible material and information media comply with established standards and technical specifications.

-Check the location record for physical devices and fungible material in the inventory, recording the detected changes.

-Identify appropriate and inappropriate security and environmental conditions.

-Propose corrective actions to ensure safety and environmental conditions requirements.


1. Backups

-Backup types (total, incremental, differential).

-Backup copy service architecture.

-Storage media for backups.

-Tools for backing up.

-Basic functions.

-Configuring restore options and backups.

-Realization of backups.

-Restoring copies and verifying the integrity of the information.

-Performing backup and restore on remote systems.

2. The physical environment of a computer system.

-The computers and the environment: Fitness of the physical space.

-Location and conditioning of physical device spaces.

-Environmental factors.

-Safety and ergonomics factors.

-Location and conditioning of consumable material and information media.

-External agents and their influence on the system.

-Negative effects on the system.

-Creating the appropriate environment.

-Environmental conditions: humidity temperature.

-Industrial factors: dust, smoke, interference, noise and vibration.

-Human factors: functionality, ergonomics and quality of the installation.

-Other factors.

-Risk factors.

-Electrical security concepts.

-Installation electrical requirements.

-Electrical and electromagnetic disturbances.

-Static electricity.

-Other risk factors.

-The measuring devices.

-Corrective actions to ensure safety and environmental requirements.

-The Data Processing Center (CPD).

-Requirements and location of a CPD.

-External environment conditions.

-Factors affecting the physical security of a CPD.


-Physical security systems.

-Emergency and Evacuation Plan.

3. Regulations and regulations

-The ANSI/TIA-942-2005 standard.

-Security measures in the processing of personal data (RD 1720/2007).

-The security guide.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1353



Unit 1-UF1354




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0286

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Install and configure the base software according to the protocols and procedures established in the enterprise.

CE1.1 Identify the phases involved in the operating system installation by checking the computer equipment requirements.

CE1.2 Perform the installation, configuration and/or upgrade of the operating system, as well as the utilities, according to the specifications received and the client's needs.

CE1.3 Verify the operation of the equipment after the installation has been performed.

CE1.4 Use the applications that provide the operating systems for the operation of the same.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the company's procedures.

C2: Maintain and regulate the business computing system, as well as the safety of the subsystems, in accordance with established procedures and depending on the administrator of the system or person to whom you delegate.

CE2.1 Perform verification and verification tasks for the connections of the physical components of the system, as well as the equipment itself, by proceeding to its replacement or upgrade, in accordance with the procedures of the company or system administrator.

CE2.2 Replace the fungible elements at the request of the users or when indicated by an alarm, according to the procedures established in the company, subsequently verifying the operation of the equipment.

CE2.3 Collaborate on monitoring the performance of the physical and logical subsystem, running the measurement programs, under the supervision of the system administrator, informing you of the results obtained and collaborating, when necessary, on corrective measures.

CE2.4 Perform or review the system inventory, in accordance with the rules of the organization, noting the detected incidents for later use, in accordance with established procedures.

CE2.5 Perform diagnostic processes on client computers, as well as install and update user applications according to the system administrator and business procedures indications.

CE2.6 Collaborate on application and base software administration tasks by system administrator indication

CE2.7 Collaborate on checking the security mechanisms established by the company, as well as the access to the system, as well as, performing the backups, established in the procedures, or by indication of the system administrator.

CE2.8 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C3: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Installation, configuration and maintenance of microcomputer systems according to the company's procedures.

-Installing and configuring the base software.

-Participation in the installation and configuration of local area networks.

-Collaboration in installing, configuring, maintaining, and assisting the user of software packages according to business procedures.

2. Maintenance and security policies of the business computing system.

-Enterprise computer system architecture.

-Computer system operator functions.

-The system inventory and corporate applications.

-The monitoring platforms and the enterprise IT asset management and maintenance software.

-Operation procedures for physical subsystem maintenance.

-Organization logical maintenance procedures.

-The security policies of the organization.

-Backup and restore procedures.

3. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the field of the Competition

With accreditation

No accreditation

MF0219_2: Installation and configuration of operating systems.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications, Systems and telematics professional family level 3 Certificate of professionalism

1 year

3 years

MF0957_2: Physical subsystem maintenance on computer systems.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications, Systems and telematics professional family level 3 Certificate of professionalism

4 years


MF0958_2: Logical subsystem maintenance on computer systems.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications, Systems and telematics professional family level 3 Certificate of professionalism

4 years


MF0959_2: Maintenance of security on computer systems.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family of computer and communications, Systems and telematics professional family level 3 Certificate of professionalism

2 years

4 years

* In the last five, except MF0219_2 that will be in the last three years.


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils












Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring armarium with patched panels, and network connection devices.

-Base and network software.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Software for backups and recovery.

-Software for managing and maintaining IT assets: software for automatic inventory, application measurement, license management, software distribution, etc.

-Monitoring software.

-Diagnostic software.

-Administration tools.

-File compression software.

-Disk and boot managers.

-Diagnostic software.

-Software for connectivity testing.

-Remote management tools.

-Office software.

-Disk and/or tape storage subsystem.

-Matric, laser, and inkjet printers.

-Assembly and measurement equipment: assembly and disassembly tools, voltage meters, wiring tools.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Departmental Network Operation.

Code: IFCT0110

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Systems and telematics.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

IFC299_2 Departmental Network Operation (Royal Decree 1201/2007 of 14 September).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0220_2: Install, configure, and verify local network elements according to established procedures.

UC0955_2: Monitor local network communications processes.

UC0956_2: Perform connection processes between private networks and public networks.

General competition:

Perform procedures to ensure the connectivity offered by a departmental network, as well as access to the resources of the same, through the configuration and monitoring of the connection elements, the installation of the network software, the maintenance operation, the resolution of the detected problems or incidents, following established specifications.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity as an employee, in companies or public or private entities of any size, that have an infrastructure of intranet, Internet or extranet networks, in the area of systems and telematics of the IT department, or networks and communications.

Productive Sectors:

It is located mainly in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: public agencies and companies that for their size and organization need to have departmental networks; companies dedicated to the installation and maintenance of computer networks.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

3812.1023 Technician on microcomputer systems.

Local network operator.

Technical in telematic network operations.

Duration of the associated training: 530 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF0220_2: (Cross) Deployment of local network elements. (160 hours)

● UF0854: Installing and configuring the nodes of a local area network. (90 hours)

● UF0855: Verification and resolution of incidents in a local area network. (70 hours)

MF0955_2: Local network monitoring. (180 hours)

● UF1344: Installation of components and monitoring of the local area network. (90 hours)

● UF1345: Local area network maintenance and component upgrade. (50 hours)

● UF1346: Managing security on the local area network. (40 hours)

MF0956_2: Interconnection of private networks and public networks. (150 hours)

● UF1347: Installing and configuring private network interconnect nodes with public (90 hours)

● UF1348: Monitoring and resolution of incidents in the interconnection of private networks with public networks (60 hours).

MP0285: Department of Professional Non-Labor Practice of Departmental Networks (40 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0220_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Install and configure local network nodes and software to implement internal communications services, following established procedures.

CR1.1 The physical map of the network is interpreted to identify the elements that make up the local network, taking into account the specifications received.

CR1.2 Network equipment modules are installed to provide the specified connectivity characteristics according to the physical configuration indicated and following the established procedures.

CR1.3 Active network elements (routers and switches) are logically configured to implement services using software tools and techniques according to the specifications received.

CR1.4 The protocol and service management programs are installed and configured, to implement the internal communications services according to the technical specifications of the manufacturers and applying the established procedures.

CR1.5 Network node software is installed and configured to provide connectivity between those nodes according to the specifications received.

CR1.6 The installation and configuration processes of the local network devices are documented for registration using the formats indicated by the organization according to the established procedure.

CR1.7 The specific technical documentation associated with the software and the devices is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Verify the operation and operational parameters of the hubs and other interconnection devices in the network, to ensure the service they provide in accordance with established procedures.

CR2.1 The operation of the local network interconnection devices is checked, to verify the network operation using the specific hardware and software tools, according to the established procedures.

CR2.2 The status of the interconnect devices is checked, to verify that they are active and accessible by accessing them through the network management tools, according to established procedures.

CR2.3 Allowed and prohibited connection options are checked to ensure security of services, using specific tools according to the specifications received.

CR2.4 Access to network resources is checked to secure the service, following established procedures to verify that the allowed resources are accessed.

CR2.5 The configuration of the interconnection devices is verified locally and remotely, to ensure its functionality according to established procedures.

RP3: Configure communications protocols for network device integration, as instructed by the organization's administrator and operational specifications.

CR3.1 The values of the configurable parameters of the communications protocols are set, to integrate each node in the network according to the established procedures and following the routing and security policies of the organization.

CR3.2 The protocols associated with the installed network applications are configured on the servers, to support the services implemented according to the installation manuals and following the specifications received.

CR3.3 The routers and switches are configured to manage protocols and services according to specifications received and predefined work procedures.

CR3.4 The encryption software is installed and configured on the nodes in the network to be determined, according to the specifications received and procedures set to create virtual private networks.

CR3.5 The functional tests of the configuration of the communications devices are performed to ensure the conformity of the same with respect to the requirements set forth in the operational specification of the organization.

CR3.6 The protocol configuration is documented for registration, using the formats indicated by the organization according to the established procedure.

RP4: Manage the detected incidents on the network devices to correct or report them, based on the established protocols and the predefined take action procedures.

CR4.1 The incident notification systems are observed, to address possible alarms according to the operational and security procedures of the organization.

CR4.2 The location of the element in which the incident occurred, is performed by interpreting the information received and the technical documentation, to isolate the physical and logical problem, according to the technical documentation and protocols of the organization's performance against contingencies.

CR4.3 The symptoms reported by the user or the incident management systems are verified to obtain a diagnosis of the problem according to the technical documentation.

CR4.4 The detected and isolated incidence is diagnosed and its solution is proposed, to rehabilitate disrupted or impaired services, according to quality regulations and contingency plans.

CR4.5 The incidence that has not been isolated is reported to the level of responsibility for its management according to the protocols and procedures of the organization's contingencies.

CR4.6 The repair of the incident is performed with the appropriate tools and respecting the safety standards established by the organization.

CR4.7 The documentation of the detection, diagnosis and solution of the incident is made to record the same according to the protocols of the organization.

CR4.8 The status information of the incident is transmitted to the end user to complete the process of its management according to the organization's regulations.

Professional Context

Production media

Network Parsers. Cabling certifiers. Manual tools for electrical and mechanical work. Software tools for connectivity testing. Software tools for network item inventory control. Computers, printers and peripherals. Operating systems. Hubs, switches, routers. Network cards. Cables and connectors. Network client software. Network management software. Software that owns the network devices. Office tools. Map of the network.

Products and results

Communication equipment connected to the data lines. Local network installed and configured according to specifications. Inventory and descriptive record of physical network communications devices and their configuration.

Information used or generated

Map of the network. Inventory of the organization's hardware. Work orders. Network documentation. Installation manuals for the devices. Device configuration manuals. Operational specifications of the organisation. Quality manual. Standards and quality criteria of the organisation. Safety plan. Maintenance plan. Environmental regulations. Safety and hygiene regulations at work. Reliable and up to date network documentation.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0955_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the processes of monitoring the local network and verifying the communications parameters within the established functional limits, to ensure the absence of network traffic congestion, according to network management procedures and quality control of the organization.

CR1.1 Remote monitoring probes are installed and configured at the indicated network points to provide information to a centralized management platform, according to established procedures.

CR1.2 Network software agents are installed on the nodes to be managed, to provide information to a centralized management platform, according to established procedures.

CR1.3 The activity log files for the different services are collected, in order to maintain the storage and management resources under appropriate processing conditions, according to the organization's specifications.

CR1.4 The network management tool interface and alarm and alert selection filters are configured to optimize the notification and incident management processes, according to the security procedures established in the organization.

RP2: Apply the periodic and preventive maintenance processes of the devices of the local network, in order to guarantee the communications services within the parameters collected in the communications requirements of the organization.

CR2.1 The network map is updated by launching team discovery tasks from the management platform, to provide a real image of the network, according to the specifications received.

CR2.2 The network devices, both active and passive, are checked to observe possible deterioration or alterations according to established procedures.

CR2.3 The detected deficiencies, located through inspection processes, are remedied by putting in place the appropriate measures for their solution according to the established procedures and the quality and service standards of the organization.

CR2.4 The causes of the anomalous behavior of the devices of the network are identified, in order to proceed to their solution applying the established diagnostic methodology, using the hardware and software tools indicated and consulting the technical documentation according to the established procedures.

CR2.5 The established tests are performed using the tools indicated, to check that the security and configuration of the network are the ones according to the established policies and norms.

CR2.6 Test results are collected and documented for registration, using the formats indicated by the organization according to the established procedure.

RP3: Update the hardware and software components of the local network communications devices, to match their functionality to changes in technologies according to the organization's plans.

CR3.1 The communications equipment software is updated to adapt to new functionalities, according to specifications received and following the established procedure.

CR3.2 Communication equipment configurations are modified to change functionality or adapt them to new equipment introduced, following the procedures set by the organization's plans.

CR3.3 The actions performed on the devices are documented, to facilitate their monitoring using the formats indicated by the organization, according to the established procedure.

RP4: Apply physical and logical security procedures concerning local network communications devices to ensure access to services to authorized users according to the organization's security regulations.

CR4.1 The notifications for security alerts are served, to detect the occurrence of security incidents according to the specifications received.

CR4.2 The communications devices are reviewed, to ensure that their physical and logical access is controlled according to the given security specifications.

CR4.3 The audit files of the communications devices are collected, to detect any improper access following the indications of the security procedures.

CR4.4 The "network analysis" or any of its sections is carried out periodically or in the event of incidents, to observe the network traffic using specialized equipment and tools, according to the established security procedures.

CR4.5 The actions performed are documented, to facilitate their monitoring, using the formats indicated by the organization, according to the established procedure.

Professional Context

Production media

Network Probes (sniffers). Cabling certifiers. Manual tools for electrical and mechanical work. Software tools for connectivity testing. Network equipment inventory software tools. Computers, printers and peripherals. Operating systems. Hubs, switches and routers. Network cards. Cables and connectors. Network client software. Network management software. Network monitoring software. Remote monitoring probes (RMON). Software that owns the network devices. Office tools. Audit tools. Map of the network.

Products and results

Local network installed and configured according to specifications. Monitored local network. Map of the updated network. Updated inventory and descriptive record of the physical communications devices of the network and its configuration.

Information used or generated

Map of the network. Hardware and network configuration inventory. Work orders. Network documentation. Installation manuals for the devices. Device configuration manuals. Operational specifications of the organisation. Quality manual. Maintenance plan. Safety plan. Environmental and safety regulations and hygiene at work. Reliable and up to date network documentation.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0956_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Install the public and private network interconnect nodes to enable communication between the two, according to the organization's indications.

CR1.1 The requirements for the implementation of the device, as well as the communication lines with their corresponding interfaces, are checked for compliance with the compatibility conditions according to their technical documentation.

CR1.2 The interfaces and adaptation modules of the lines of communication are installed and verified, to proceed to their subsequent connection according to the requirements of the implementation of the communications device.

CR1.3 The device is installed and checked for parameters corresponding to electrical power, mechanical fastening and other, to ensure the delivery of the communications service, according to the specifications received.

CR1.4 The connections between the communications lines and the device are made, to ensure communication between the public and private network, according to the technical specifications and the indications that are related in the work order.

CR1.5 The installation work done is documented, to address the technical and administrative needs of the organization according to the specified protocols.

CR1.6 The specific technical documentation associated with the devices is interpreted, if any, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Configure communications protocols on network interconnect devices to ensure connectivity between the public and private network, according to organization specifications.

CR2.1 The configuration of the active communications equipment is created and modified to enable the coexistence and/or interconnection of virtual local networks through public networks.

CR2.2 The physical and logical configuration of external network connection routers is checked, using the appropriate tools to find out whether they are ready for connection or are missing some hardware or software components, according to established procedures.

CR2.3 The external interfaces of the routers are configured to provide connectivity to the outside as directed by the communications operator.

CR2.4 The interconnection devices are verified by testing the services, to ensure their functionality, according to the quality criteria and the communications plan of the organization.

CR2.5 The tasks performed are documented to cover the registration needs, according to the protocols of the organization.

RP3: Maintain network interconnect devices to ensure service continuity, according to the organization's communications plan.

CR3.1 Communications services are periodically checked to verify their continuity and performance, using network management tools according to technical specifications and quality criteria of the organization.

CR3.2 Alert and alarm systems are checked periodically, to ensure the delivery of communications services, according to the organization's communications plan.

CR3.3 The connectivity of devices to other networks is checked by performing functional tests, to verify the functionality of the devices, according to the procedures set out in the organization's operational specification.

CR3.4 The tasks performed on the interconnect devices are documented, to cover the registration needs according to the protocols of the organization.

RP4: Understand and manage incidents and alerts on the connectivity elements of the private network, to maintain the connection to the public network according to the organization's specifications.

CR4.1 Incident resolution requests and detected alerts are collected or redirected to the User Care Center, according to established procedures, to be aware of them and to be able to track, study and analyze them.

CR4.2 The symptoms listed in the incident and alert part are checked by performing initial tests to diagnose and locate the nature of the same by using the appropriate troubleshooting guide according to the established procedure.

CR4.3 The diagnosis and localization of the incident and alert and its resolution is performed to maintain the connection using the appropriate troubleshooting guide.

CR4.4 The addressed incidents and alerts are completed and closed in the incident management applications, so that the resolution flow continues and the user is notified in accordance with the established procedures.

CR4.5 The end of incident or alert report is performed in the normalized format, collecting enough information to update the incident history.

Professional Context

Production media

Active network assets. Wiring analyzers. Network management tools. Communications public line control tools. Sniffers. Manual tools for electrical and mechanical work. Software tools for connectivity testing. Office tools. Diagnostic tools. Firmware updates. Incident management applications. Map of the private network.

Products and results

routers, switches, and bridges installed correctly according to specifications. Incidents solved. Alerts generated by managed and managed network monitoring systems. Elements of interconnection of public and private networks maintained and operational.

Information used or generated

Work Orders. Parts of Incidents. Troubleshooting guides. Historical incident reports. Quality manual. Quality standards and criteria defined by the organisation. Technical reports on putting into service.




Code: MF0220_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0220_2: Install, configure, and verify local network elements according to established procedures

Duration: 160 hours



Code: UF0854

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Classify the communications elements that make up a local network, to identify the components that make up the physical map.

CE1.1 Explain the topologies of a local network taking into account existing architectures and technologies.

CE1.2 List the elements that can be found on the physical map of a local network based on the scope and network infrastructures used.

CE1.3 Describe each of the elements of a local network, taking into account its associated features and functionalities.

CE1.4 In a practical case of a local network already installed to elaborate its physical and logical map according to specifications received.

CE1.5 Identify the legal and technical regulations affecting the implementation of local networks according to the procedures given.

CE1.6 Interpret the technical documentation associated with the communication elements, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.

C2: Apply the installation and configuration procedures for local network nodes, as well as protocol managers and other programs that support communications services.

CE2.1 List and explain the characteristics of the protocols that are configured in a local network taking into account the technology and standards used

CE2.2 Explain the node routing system that is used in the local network based on the network technologies used.

CE2.3 In a scenario of installing and configuring the nodes in a network to implement internal communications services, according to received specifications:

-Interpret the technical documentation by identifying the elements that make up the installation.

-Identify the different network sockets of the nodes and their representation in the connection cabinet.

-Select the appropriate tools to perform the installation.

-Install the network adapters along with their corresponding controllers.

-Install and configure the network protocols to use according to the specifications received.

-Install and configure the various network services according to the specifications received.

-Document the activities performed.

CE2.4 Apply the specified configuration to the active elements (switches and routers), making use of specified procedures

CE2.5 Identify the legal and technical regulations that affect the implementation of local networks according to given specifications.

C3: Set the configuration of the parameters of the communications protocols on the nodes in the network, for integration into the network itself, following given procedures.

CE3.1 Identify the parameters of the communications protocols to be configured, their function, and their range of allowed values.

CE3.2 Interpret the specifications of a particular communication protocol configuration, taking into account the needs of node integration in the network and the implementation of the corresponding services.

CE3.3 List the procedure to follow to apply a default configuration to a network node.

CE3.4 Configure the different communications protocols according to given technical specifications.

CE3.5 Identify the configuration parameters of the protocols with transmission and encryption security features, for integration into secure networks taking into account the security criteria given.

CE3.6 Document the processes to be performed in the configuration of the protocols on the nodes of the local network according to given specifications.


1. Local area network architecture.

-Classification of networks based on the territory they cover.

-Characteristics of a local network.

-Local area network architecture.

-Basic topologies.

-Logical and physical topology.

-Method of cable access.

-Communications protocols.

-Most used local area network architectures.


-Standardization committees.

-Local area network standards.

-Common Telecommunications Infrastructure.

2. Elements of a local area network.

-Features and functions



-Network cards.

-Connectivity teams.


-Concentrators (Hubs).

-Switches (Switches).

-Enters (Routers).

-Gateways (Gateways).

-Bridges (Bridges).

-Wireless devices.

-Network operating systems.

-Transmission media.

-Copper media: Cables for braiding and coaxial.

-Optical media: Optical fiber cables.

-Wireless communications.

-The structured cabling.

-Structured cabling subsystems.

-TIA/EIA standards on structured cabling.

-UTP/STP Cable Standards.

-The physical and logical map of a local area network.

3. Protocols for a local area network.

-Introduction to the protocols.

-Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

-The physical level.

-Link level protocols.

-Logical link control (LLC) protocols.

-Medium access control (MAC) protocols.

-Contention protocols.

-Witness step protocols.



-Introduction to Ethernet.

-Ethernet and the OSI model.

-MAC Routing.

-Ethernet Trama.

-Ethernet technologies.

-Other link level protocols: Token Ring, FDDI, etc.

-Network level protocols.

-Internet Protocol (IP).

-Introduction to IP

-IP address.

-Address allocation.


-Other Network Level Protocols (IPX, etc)

-Physical and logical addresses.

4. Installing and configuring the nodes in the local area network.

-The communications cabinet.

-Communications cabinet items.

-A representation in the network outlet cabinet of the nodes.

-Installing network adapters and controllers.

-Installing and configuring more common network protocols.

-Characteristic parameters.

-Configuring the TCP/IP protocol.

-TCP/IP configuration items.

-IP address.

-Subnet mask.


-DNS server.

-WINS server.

-NetBIOS configuration.

-Assignment to a work group.

-Other protocols configuration procedure: SPX/IPX, etc.

-Configuring security

-Identity authentication.

-Data encryption.

-Systematic configuration procedures.

-Installing and configuring network services.

-Network access services.

-File service.

-Print services.

-Post Office.

-Other services.

-Procedure for applying configurations to routers and switches.

-Terminal emulation applications.

-Configuring terminal emulation applications.

-Applying configurations to routers and switches.



Code: UF0855

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply test and verification procedures for network connectivity elements and tools for these processes.

CE1.1 Explain the stages of a connectivity verification process on a local network.

CE1.2 List the tools used to verify connectivity in a local network, according to technologies implemented in local networks.

CE1.3 Explain the operational operation of network management tools to check the status of communications devices, taking into account the technical specifications of the tools.

CE1.4 In a practical case of a local network already installed, verify the permitted and prohibited connection options, as well as access to the shared resources, following a given procedure.

CE1.5 In a practical case of a local network already installed: document the test and verification processes performed, according to technical specifications.

C2: Understand the incidents of the communications elements of the local network, and proceed to your solution according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the incidents that occur in the communications elements of the local networks, according to the communications technologies employed and the elements involved with them.

CE2.2 List the procedures and tools used for incident detection of the communications elements of the local network, according to specifications of a defined contingency plan.

CE2.3 Describe the techniques and tools that are used to isolate and diagnose causes that have produced a reported incident on the network, as indicated in the contingency plan.

CE2.4 Explain the systematic incident resolution procedures of the communications elements of the local network, depending on the devices on which the incidents are detected.

CE2.5 In practical cases, properly characterized, solve simulated breakdowns within a local network, to proceed to its solution according to specifications received and following procedures given:

-Interpret the alarms generated by the incident detection system.

-Locate the element causing the incident.

-Resolve the incident by applying the preset procedures.

-Record the incident on the appropriate document.


1. Verification and testing of local area network connectivity elements.

-Verification and test tools.

-Verification and test tools for operating systems.

-TCP/IP commands.

-Obtaining the IP Configuration.

-Realization of connection tests.

-Interpretation of responses.

-Systematic verification and testing procedures for local network connectivity elements.

2. Types of incidents that can occur in a local area network.

-Link connectivity level incidents.

-Network level incidents.

3. Detection and diagnosis of incidents in local area networks.

-Diagnostic tools for communications devices in local networks.

-Incident management processes in local networks.

4. Check for twisted and coaxial pair cables.

-Cabling check tools categories.

-Parsers or cable testers.


-Braided pair cable check procedure.

-Open circuit.




-Split pair.

-Detection of telephone voltages.


-Ethernet port detection.

-Coaxial cable check procedure.

-Ethernet power detection procedure.

-Cable location procedures using tones.

5. Network level incident checking and solution.

-Check tools.

-Detecting problems related to:

-Long and short ranges.

-Excessive traffic.



-Configuring the Host.

-Name resolution.


-Connection to the http or proxy server.

-Connection to the mail server.

-Connection to the print server.


Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF0854



Unit 2-UF0855




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0955_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0955_2: Monitor local network communications processes.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1344

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe local network monitoring techniques and procedures according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the parameters that identify the performance of a local network, taking into account its architecture and support network technology.

CE1.2 List the hardware and software tools used in monitoring a local network taking into account its technical specifications.

CE1.3 Explain the operation of network management tools to obtain information about the traffic and performance of local network communications, according to technical specifications of the tools themselves.

CE1.4 Explain the process to be followed to monitor the traffic of a local network based on the topologies and network protocols implemented.


1. The network management.

-Definition, objective and evolution.

-Architecture and operation of a network management system.

-Components of a network management system.

-Organizational. Basic activities.


-Basic procedures for action: monitoring and monitoring.

-Features of a network management system.


-ISO functional areas of network management.

-Software tools included in network management systems.

2. Network monitoring.

-Types of monitoring information.

-Access to management information.

-Monitoring mechanisms: polling and notifications.

-Performance management.

-Performance indicators.

-Monitoring of performance indicators.

-Top tasks in performance management.

-Installing and configuring remote monitoring probes.

-Installing network software agents.

-Activity management files.

-Configuring the network management tool interface and alarm and alert selection filters

3. Management and control in communications protocols.

-Factors that determine the performance of a local network.

-Communications lines.

-Communications equipment.


-Traffic characteristics.


-Other factors.



-"Throughput" or capacity.

-Package/message length.

-Number of nodes.






-Level of redundancy

-Measurement tools.

-Features and operation of the main tools used in local networks: hardware, software and diagnostic and monitoring.

-Management protocols.


-Standards (TMN-"Tications Management Network").

-Comparison and protocol characteristics:

-CMIP (Common Managemente Information Protocol)

-SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

4. Procedures for Analysis of Communication Protocols in Local Networks.

-Protocol Analizers.

-Definition, uses, and types.

-Commercial protocol and free distribution protocols.

-The user interface.

-Application of filters for traffic capture.

-Capture filters

-Display filters.

-Network-level traffic analysis.



-Remote monitoring probes and intrusion detection.

-Definition and types.


-SNMP probes

-RMON probes

-Intrusion Detection (IDS). Definition.



Code: UF1345

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify anomalous behaviors of local network devices, and proceed to your attention and resolution by following given procedures.

CE1.1 Identify alarm notifications that report abnormal incidents and behaviors according to given preventive maintenance plans.

CE1.2 Describe the functions and properties of diagnostic and monitoring tools, used to isolate the cause of the incident according to the specifications of the tools themselves.

CE1.3 Describe the incident resolution procedures according to the preventive and periodic maintenance plan.

CE1.4 Describe the documentation procedures for corrective actions performed according to received specifications.

CE1.5 On a local network where simulated breakdowns on network devices have been characterized, to proceed to their solution according to given procedures:

-Identify the symptoms of the failing operation.

-Characterize it according to the effects produced.

-Formulate a hypothesis of the possible cause of the dysfunction.

-Describe the intervention plan to resolve the failure.

-Apply the described plan and correct the detected malfunction.

-Document the activities performed.

C2: Describe and perform the hardware and software upgrade processes for communications devices to ensure their integrity and reliability.

CE2.1 List the upgradeable components of communications devices by describing their features.

CE2.2 Identify the compatibility parameters of the components to be updated to ensure effectiveness in processes according to technical specifications of these components.

CE2.3 Describe the steps to be followed for updating communications device software, detailing the actions taken at each step and the software tools used.

CE2.4 Perform the replacement of communications device components to achieve a given configuration, following defined procedures.

CE2.5 Perform the software update of communications devices to achieve a given configuration, following defined procedures.


1. Configuration management.

-Objective of managing the configuration.

-Inventory management.

-Self-discovery tools.

-Combination with cabling management CAD tools.


-Managing the topology.

-Incident Management: TTS (Trouble Ticket Systems).

-Managing external providers.

-Change management.

-Other types of configuration management.

2. Fault management.



-Proactive management

-Preventive test management. Types of tests.

-reactive management: Incident lifecycle management.

-Monitoring and diagnostic tools.

-Common utilities.

-Monitoring systems.

3. Diagnostic procedures in local networks.

-Diagnostic tools, included in the operating system.










-Specialized diagnostic tools.

-Logical Analizers.

-Wiring Analyzers.

-Network Management Tools.

-General features of a network management system.

-Software tools included in network management systems.

-Most used network management tools/systems.

4. Updating the local area network communications devices.

-The communications cabinet.

-Communications devices.

-Hardware and software upgrade procedures for routers and switches.

-Updatable hardware components.

-Updating routers and switches configurations.

5. Graphical design tools and network documentation.

-Types and functions of graphical design tools and documentation for local networks.

-Need of network documentation.

-Problems with the documentation.

-Generic (office) tools.

-Specialized tools.



Code: UF1346

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Identify security alerts collected using management tools or inspect installations.

CE1.1 Describe the functions of a network management tool according to the specifications, the tool itself, and the network architectures and technologies implemented.

CE1.2 List security alerts that may appear on a local network, describing their manifestations.

CE1.3 Describe the characteristics of the alerts given high in management tools and the limits set, to be displayed in those tools according to technical specifications of the tool.

CE1.4 Locate the component and cause that triggered a security alert in a management tool, observing that tool and the affected teams following defined procedures.

CE1.5 Describe the types of alarms and their severity that can be detected with a management tool, taking into account the information provided by the tool and contingency plans given.


1. Management of security.

-Security management functions.

-Security cycle.



-Vulnerabilities and impacts.

-Risk analysis.

-Security costs.

-Security Policy.

2. Implementation of security services.

-Physical access control.

-Logical access control.

-Protection of information in transit.

3. Management of the security of the local network.

-Local network security factors.

-Local network security procedures.

-Risk management on the local network.

-Contingency plans.

-Remote monitoring probes and intrusion detection.

-intrusion detection systems (IDS).


-Detection (liabilities)/prevention (assets).

-Intrusion into the network or servers.

-intrusion detection tools (IDS).

-Alert and alarm notification tools in local networks.

-Monitoring Consoles.

-Notification Vies.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1344



Unit 2-UF1345






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0956_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0956_2 Perform connection processes between private networks and public networks.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1347

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the characteristics of public and private network interconnection devices by standards of communications technologies.

CE1.1 Explain the characteristics of the devices of interconnection of private networks with public networks to identify their functionalities according to the technologies and communications architectures used.

CE1.2 List the technologies used in networking, describing their characteristics to identify the characteristics of the integration of communications technologies according to their technical specifications.

CE1.3 Identify connection services, as well as their interrelationship and how to implement them in local network equipment for the provision of communications services, according to the technologies used.

CE1.4 Identify the interconnection services supported by the communications service providers to which the private network connects, describing the profiles of the services offered to assess the adequacy of these services, taking into account the functional specifications to be addressed.

C2: Apply procedures for the installation and verification of the devices for the interconnection of private and public networks according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Identify the parameters that make up the interconnection services with the public network according to the technical characteristics of the service itself and the interconnection device.

CE2.2 Identify, in the quality standard in force, the requirements corresponding to the interconnection with the public network.

CE2.3 Describe the interfaces that are used in the connection of private networks to public networks according to the typology of the networks used (connection devices and communications lines, among others).

CE2.4 Explain the safety regulations applicable to the installation of a device for the interconnection of private and public networks according to the technical characteristics of the devices to be installed and the environmental conditions of the installation itself.

CE2.5 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the installation and verification.

CE2.6 Install a private and public network interconnect device to support communications services, following specifications given:

-Interpret the team's technical documentation to verify compliance with pre-installation requirements.

-Install and connect the required adaptation modules using tools and follow the instructions given in the relevant technical documentation.

-Perform tests to verify the functionality of the installed devices.

-Record the activities performed in the team documentation.

C3: Configure the protocols and interconnection parameters of the link devices between private and public networks, following specified instructions.

CE3.1 Identify the configuration and interconnection management parameters of virtual private networks, on the link devices according to given configuration specifications.

CE3.2 Classify, according to their functions, the protocols used in the interconnection devices between private and public networks and identify the services that will be supported by them.

CE3.3 Describe the procedures and tools used to implement configurations in private network interconnection devices with public networks, so that communications services can be supported.

CE3.4 Explain the function and values of each of the parameters involved in the configuration of a link device according to the technical specifications of the device.

CE3.5 Implement a configuration on a pipeline device to support communications services, following specifications received:

-Interpret the work order to select, the configuration to be implemented.

-Load the selected configuration using the specified media.

-Verify that communication services between interconnected networks are enabled.

-Document the activities performed.


1. Networking of networks.

-Basic concepts about public networks.

-Pipeline services with the public network.

-Parameters: electrical power, mechanical fastening, others.

-Pipeline requirements. Quality regulations.

-Interfaces based on network typology.

-Security regulations.

-Architecture of a networking device.




-Routing concepts.

-Network segmentation.

-Routing algorithms.

2. Network interconnection devices.

-More common network interconnect interfaces.

-Local Area Interconnection (RAL)

-Extensive Area Interconnection (RAL-MAN or RAL-WAN)

-Features of network interconnect services.

-Technologies used.

-Identification of connection services.

-Interrelation of services.

-Implementation on local network equipment.

-Communications service providers.

-Pipeline services.

-Profiles of services.

3. Network interconnection protocols.

-Protocols used in the interconnection private and public networks.

-Classification according to its functions.

-Supported services.

-TCP/IP protocol stack.


-OSI Model.

-Levels. Description of each.

-Encryption. Virtual private networks.





-Virtual private network pipeline configuration and management parameters.

-Security mechanisms.

-Enmasquerade and redirection.

-Package filtering.




4. Procedures for the installation and testing of network interconnection devices.

-Physical and electrical safety regulations applicable to network interconnection devices.

-List of top rules.

-Highlights of each.

-Configuration load procedures on network interconnect devices.

-Upload by files.

-Modifying parameters.

-Firmware update.

-Local and remote connections for configuration.

-Verification procedures for communication services.



Code: UF1348

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Monitor and verify the operation of interconnection equipment with external networks using specific software tools.

CE1.1 Identify the functionalities and field of use of monitoring and monitoring tools and applications, depending on the characteristics of the interconnection equipment.

CE1.2 Explain the operating procedures of the monitoring tools according to the interconnection equipment to be monitored.

CE1.3 Select the monitoring tool based on the test to be performed and explain how to connect it according to given specifications.

CE1.4 Describe the established monitoring procedures to ensure the delivery of the services according to the operational specifications received.

CE1.5 In a practical scenario of monitoring interconnection equipment, according to specifications received and following instructions given:

-Select the monitoring tool.

-Connect the tool to the computer and configure it.

-Monitor equipment for traffic congestion and service failures.

-Compose a report with the activities performed and the results obtained.

C2: Solve the detected incidents on the private and public network interconnection devices, following a given instructions.

CE2.1 Describe the incidents that occur in the devices for the interconnection of private networks with public communications networks, according to information received from notification tools or other means.

CE2.2 Identify the procedures and tools used for incident detection, depending on the devices for the interconnection of private and public networks.

CE2.3 Describe the techniques and tools used to isolate and diagnose the causes that produce incidents, in devices for the interconnection of private and public networks according to given procedures and specifications.

CE2.4 Explain the systematic incident resolution procedures based on the specifications of a given contingency plan.

CE2.5 In practical scenarios, properly characterized, interpreted and resolved in interconnection devices with simulated dysfunctions, according to specifications received and following instructions given:

-Interpret the alarms generated by the incident detection system.

-Locate the element causing the incident.

-Resolve the incident by applying the specified procedures.

-Record the incident on the specified documentation.


1. Monitoring procedures in network interconnection devices.

-Monitoring tools on networking devices.



-Core functions.

-Tools and applications used. Features.

-Monitoring tests.

-Test Types.

-Selecting, connecting, and configuring the tool.

-Systematic monitoring procedures for network interconnection equipment.

-Elements to be monitored.

-Tools to use.

-Steps to follow.

-Results of the process.


2. Procedures for diagnosing breakdowns in network interconnection devices.

-Types of incidents in the interconnection of public and private networks.


-Local, remote.

-Teams affected.

-Impact on services.

-Services affected.



-Diagnostic and incident notification tools on network interconnect devices.

-Protocol Analizers.

-"help-desk" tools.

-Incident management procedures.

-Incident isolation and diagnosis.

-Techniques used.


-The contingency plans.

-Systematic incident resolution procedures.

-Incident management in ITIL.

-Organization of a center of attention to the user.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1347



Unit 2-UF1348




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0285

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate, in accordance with the instructions received, in the installation, configuration, commissioning, and maintenance of a local area network in accordance with the procedures established in the company.

CE1.1 Interpret the technical documentation associated with the communication elements.

CE1.2 Install and configure local network nodes, as well as protocol managers and other programs that support communications services in accordance with established procedures.

CE1.3 Apply the test and verification procedures for network connectivity elements using the necessary hardware and software tools.

CE1.4 Participate in the resolution of breakdowns in the local network, using the tools and procedures established by the company.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C2: Collaborate on the monitoring and interconnection of the local network with public networks, following the indications of the network administrator and established business procedures.

CE2.1 Collaborate on the installation of remote monitoring probes and network software agents, as well as on the network management tool interface configuration, according to the network administrator's indications.

CE2.2 Participate in the processes of periodic and preventive maintenance, the interconnection with public networks, as well as, in the updating of the hardware and software components of the communications devices of the local network.

CE2.3 Collaborate on the maintenance of network interconnect devices, addressing and managing incidents according to the business procedures and the network administrator's indications.

CE2.4 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C3: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Connectivity of the company's departmental networks.

-The hardware inventory of the organization.

-Operational specifications of the organization.

-Work parts and other business documentation.

-The maintenance plan.

-Quality criteria and procedures in the organization.

-Tools used in different business procedures.

-Local network implementation procedures in the enterprise.

-Business procedures for monitoring communication processes.

-Connection procedures for departmental networks to public networks.

2. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the field of the Competition

With accreditation

No accreditation

MF0220_2: Implementation of local network elements.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family IFC, Systems area and telematics certificate level 3 Professional family certificate

1 year

3 years

MF0955_2: Local network monitoring.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family IFC Level 3 Professional Family Certificate, Systems Area and Telematics

2 years

4 years

MF0956_2: Interconnecting private networks and public networks.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technician in the Computer and Communications family

● Professional family IFC Level 3 Professional Family Certificate, Systems Area and Telematics

2 years

4 years


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils












Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring armarium with patched panels and network connection devices: hubs, switches, and routers.

-Base and network software.

-Office software, internet tools.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Network Analizers.

-Wiring Analyzers/Certificators.

-Software tools for connectivity testing.

-Network item inventory control software tools.

-Printer and peripherals.

-Network management software.

-Network monitoring software.

-Remote monitoring probes (RMON).

-Audit tools.

-Communications public line control tools.

-Incident management applications.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Operation on voice and data communications systems.

Code: IFCM0110

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Communications.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

IFC301_2 Operation in Voice and Data Communications Systems (Royal Decree 1201/2007, dated September 14).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0960_2: Install, configure, and verify public network access equipment.

UC0961_2: Configure and maintain services on private telephone switching equipment.

UC0956_2: Perform connection processes between private networks and public networks.

General competition:

Install, configure functional parameters, and apply maintenance processes and operational testing of communications equipment, making connections between communications lines and systems that manage information traffic, to verify the performance and quality parameters of communications services, following specified procedures.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity as an employed person, in companies or public or private entities of any size, that have connection to public transport and data transmission networks, in the department of networks and communications.

Productive Sectors:

It is located mainly in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: public agencies and companies in any productive sector that for their size and organization need to manage voice and data networks.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Communications operator.

Field technician in communications.

Telephony equipment operator.

Duration of the associated training: 550 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF0960_2: Implementing communications network access teams. (210 hours)

● UF1863: Installing and configuring associated connectivity devices and services (90 hours)

● UF1864: Testing and verification of transport and transmission devices and associated connectivity services. (70 hours)

● UF1865: Operation and supervision of equipment and services. (50 hours)

MF0961_2: Maintenance of telephony services. (150 hours)

● UF1866: Installation and configuration of services in telephony equipment. (60 hours)

● UF1867: Preventive maintenance of telephone switching equipment and equipment. (50 hours)

● UF1868: Operation and monitoring of telephone switching equipment. (40 hours)

MF0956_2: (Transversal) Interconnection of private networks and public networks. (150 hours)

● UF1347: Installing and configuring private network interconnect nodes with public (90 hours)

● UF1348: Monitoring and resolution of incidents in the interconnection of private networks with public networks (60 hours)

MP0394: Operation non-working professional practice module in voice and data communications systems (40 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0960_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Install the data transport and transmission devices, to access public communications networks to enable connectivity resources, according to technical specifications and security regulations.

CR1.1 Installation requirements are verified prior to ensuring the operation of the communications device, according to the specifications of the technical documentation and the work orders received.

CR1.2 Security regulations apply in the process of installing the device to eliminate personal risks and ensure the result of the installation, according to the organization's specifications.

CR1.3 The interfaces and adaptation modules of the communication lines are installed and verified, to proceed to their subsequent connection according to the requirements of the implementation of the communications device.

CR1.4 The device is installed and the parameters corresponding to electrical power, mechanical fastening and others are checked to ensure the delivery of the communications service according to the specifications received.

CR1.5 The connections between the communications lines and the device are made to ensure their functionality according to the technical specifications and the indications that are related in the work order.

CR1.6 The installation work done is documented, to address the technical and administrative needs of the organization according to the specified protocols.

CR1.7 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Configure communications devices to tune connectivity services to the given requirements, based on the operational specifications provided.

CR2.1 The communications equipment configuration is performed, to enable connectivity services according to the specifications of the work order.

CR2.2 The configuration is loaded into the device, to define its functional parameters according to the technical specifications and the work orders received.

CR2.3 Remote communications device management tools are used to load and modify configuration parameters according to the operational needs of the organization.

CR2.4 The device's final tests are performed to verify that the services and operating parameters are required, according to the quality of service criteria of the organization.

CR2.5 The configuration and test processes of the communications device are documented to record the activities according to the protocols defined by the organization.

RP3: Perform the verification procedures of the data transmission and transmission devices, to ensure continuity in the provision of the communications services according to established procedures.

CR3.1 The connectivity and status of the equipment is verified, to ensure the delivery of the services according to the quality regulations of the organization and the parameters of service delivery contracted with the user.

CR3.2 The alternate routes and redundant elements are checked, to verify the availability of the alternate routes according to the organization's contingency plans.

CR3.3 The ability of the lines and functional parameters of the services are checked, to keep them within the pre-set levels according to the quality and service regulations of the organization.

CR3.4 Physical security parameters and access restrictions are verified, to prevent misuse of resources provided by communications devices according to the organization's security plan.

CR3.5 The verification and verification processes are documented in order to record the tasks performed, according to the protocols of the organization.

RP4: Manage and address the incidents in the service of the external network access devices to the organization, to correct them or report them according to the established protocols and the predefined procedures of action.

CR4.1 Incident notification systems are observed to detect possible alarms, depending on the operational and security procedures of the organization.

CR4.2 The location of the device in which the incident occurred is performed, by interpreting the information received and the technical documentation to isolate the physical and logical problem, taking into account the organization's contingency performance protocols.

CR4.3 The symptoms reported by the user or by the management tools, are verified to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the problem according to the technical documentation.

CR4.4 The detected and isolated incidence is diagnosed and its solution is presented, under the supervision of a superior, to rehabilitate disrupted or impaired services, according to quality regulations and contingency plans.

CR4.5 The incidence that has not been isolated is reported to the level of responsibility for its management according to the protocols and procedures of the organization's contingencies.

CR4.6 The repair of the incident to rehabilitate the services is performed with the specific tools and respecting the safety standards established by the organization.

CR4.7 The documentation of the detection, diagnosis and solution of the incident is made, to perform the registration of the same according to the protocols of the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer Equipment. Communications equipment (modems, routers, and FRAD (Frame Relay Access Device), among others). Transport and data transmission equipment. Computerised tools for connectivity testing. Office tools. Manual tools for electrical and mechanical work.

Products and results

Connection devices to installed external networks. Functional parameters on configured external network connection devices. External network connection devices maintained.

Information used or generated

Work Orders. Parts of Incidents. Technical documentation of external network connection devices. Historical incident reports. Functional verification plans. Maintenance plans. Quality manuals. Quality standards and criteria defined by the organisation. Safety regulations in electronic equipment installations. Technical configuration documentation. Technical reports on putting into service.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0961_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Implement services on the telephony team to enable functionality in the organization according to received specifications.

CR1.1 The sketches and diagrams of the telephone system are interpreted, to identify the structure of the same and the elements that integrate it according to the specified telephone network design.

CR1.2 Telephony services are implemented to provide functional support for the needs posed by technical specifications and the organization.

CR1.3 The components that are used for service enablement are installed to support the new functionality, taking into account the security regulations involved.

CR1.4 The verification of the installation of the components is performed, to ensure continuity and quality in the service implemented according to quality specifications of the organization.

CR1.5 The documentation relating to the activities carried out is completed for subsequent registration, according to the protocols of the organization.

CR1.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Configure the operational parameters of the services in the telephone switching team, to ensure the effectiveness and functionality in the delivery of the same according to established procedures.

CR2.1 The technical documentation of the switching equipment is interpreted, to identify the configuration parameters susceptible to manipulation according to technical specifications.

CR2.2 The configuration of the telephone switching equipment is performed to ensure the provision of the services arranged according to the communications requirements of the organization.

CR2.3 The operational tests of the services provided by the telephone switching equipment are performed to verify the parameters of service delivery according to the quality regulations and communications needs of the organization.

CR2.4 The documentation relating to the activities carried out is completed for subsequent registration, according to the protocols of the organization.

RP3: Atend and manage incidents in the telephone switching team, so that interruptions in the delivery of services do not occur or are the minimum possible, according to established procedures and protocols of action.

CR3.1 The periodic maintenance and monitoring processes of historical records of operations are performed to ensure the operation of the equipment according to the communications needs of the organization.

CR3.2 Processes to verify security and expected restrictions are performed to prevent improper use of telephony resources as per organization specifications.

CR3.3 Incident notification channels (user communication, management tools and alarm systems, among others) are enabled to perform the collection of information according to the security and quality specifications of the organization.

CR3.4 The reported incidence is confirmed to proceed with its solution by performing simulations and testing of the affected devices, according to the contingency performance protocols.

CR 3.5 The diagnostic processes are run to isolate the cause that has produced the reported incident, according to the organization's contingency performance protocols.

CR3.6 Incidences whose cause is not isolated or are not diagnosed are reported at the top technical levels for treatment according to the organization's contingency performance protocols.

CR3.7 The repair or replacement of the components or elements that produce the incident, is performed taking into account the safety and quality standards of the organization, in order to recover the operating parameters of the telephony services.

CR3.8 The documentation relating to the activities carried out, is completed for subsequent registration according to the protocols of the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Telephone switching equipment. Computerised instruments for programming telephone exchanges. Office tools.

Products and results

Telephone switching equipment installed. Functional parameters in configured telephone switching equipment. Operational and maintained telephone exchanges.

Information used or generated

Work Orders. Parts of Incidents. Technical documentation of telephone switching equipment. Historical incident reports. Functional verification plans. Maintenance plans. Quality manuals. Quality standards and criteria defined by the organisation. Escalation of communication of results and/or unforeseen events. Network configuration information signed by the telephony teams.

Technical configuration documentation. Technical reports on putting into service.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0956_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Install the public and private network interconnect nodes to enable communication between the two, according to the organization's indications.

CR1.1 The requirements for the implementation of the device, as well as the communication lines with their corresponding interfaces, are checked for compliance with the compatibility conditions according to their technical documentation.

CR1.2 The interfaces and adaptation modules of the lines of communication are installed and verified, to proceed to their subsequent connection according to the requirements of the implementation of the communications device.

CR1.3 The device is installed and checked for parameters corresponding to electrical power, mechanical fastening and other, to ensure the delivery of the communications service, according to the specifications received.

CR1.4 The connections between the communications lines and the device are made, to ensure communication between the public and private network, according to the technical specifications and the indications that are related in the work order.

CR1.5 The installation work done is documented, to address the technical and administrative needs of the organization according to the specified protocols.

CR1.6 The specific technical documentation associated with the devices is interpreted, if any, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Configure communications protocols on network interconnect devices to ensure connectivity between the public and private network, according to organization specifications.

CR2.1 The configuration of the active communications equipment is created and modified to enable the coexistence and/or interconnection of virtual local networks through public networks.

CR2.2 The physical and logical configuration of external network connection routers is checked, using the appropriate tools to find out whether they are ready for connection or are missing some hardware or software components, according to established procedures.

CR2.3 The external interfaces of the routers are configured to provide connectivity to the outside as directed by the communications operator.

CR2.4 The interconnection devices are verified by testing the services, to ensure their functionality, according to the quality criteria and the communications plan of the organization.

CR2.5 The tasks performed are documented to cover the registration needs, according to the protocols of the organization.

RP3: Maintain network interconnect devices to ensure service continuity, according to the organization's communications plan.

CR3.1 Communications services are periodically checked to verify their continuity and performance, using network management tools according to technical specifications and quality criteria of the organization.

CR3.2 Alert and alarm systems are checked periodically, to ensure the delivery of communications services, according to the organization's communications plan.

CR3.3 The connectivity of devices to other networks is checked by performing functional tests, to verify the functionality of the devices, according to the procedures set out in the organization's operational specification.

CR3.4 The tasks performed on the interconnect devices are documented, to cover the registration needs according to the protocols of the organization.

RP4: Understand and manage incidents and alerts on the connectivity elements of the private network, to maintain the connection to the public network according to the organization's specifications.

CR4.1 Incident resolution requests and detected alerts are collected or redirected to the User Care Center, according to established procedures, to be aware of them and to be able to track, study and analyze them.

CR4.2 The symptoms listed in the incident and alert part are checked by performing initial tests to diagnose and locate the nature of the same by using the appropriate troubleshooting guide according to the established procedure.

CR4.3 The diagnosis and localization of the incident and alert and its resolution is performed to maintain the connection using the appropriate troubleshooting guide.

CR4.4 The addressed incidents and alerts are completed and closed in the incident management applications, so that the resolution flow continues and the user is notified in accordance with the established procedures.

CR4.5 The end of incident or alert report is performed in the normalized format, collecting enough information to update the incident history.

Professional Context

Production media

Active network assets. Wiring analyzers. Network management tools. Communications public line control tools. Sniffers. Manual tools for electrical and mechanical work. Software tools for connectivity testing. Office tools. Diagnostic tools. Firmware updates. Incident management applications. Map of the private network.

Products and results

routers, switches, and bridges installed correctly according to specifications. Incidents solved. Alerts generated by managed and managed network monitoring systems. Elements of interconnection of public and private networks maintained and operational.

Information used or generated

Work Orders. Parts of Incidents. Troubleshooting guides. Historical incident reports. Quality manual. Quality standards and criteria defined by the organisation. Technical reports on putting into service.




Code: MF0960_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0960_2: Install, configure, and verify public network access equipment.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1863

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the data transmission and transmission devices, as well as the modules and interfaces connecting to the public voice and data communications lines.

CE1.1 Explain the functions of the data transmission and transmission devices and connection interfaces that are used for connection to public networks, according to technical specifications of the devices.

CE1.2 List the technologies used in the transport and transmission of data, taking into account the standards and associated protocols.

CE1.3 Citar the protocols that are used in data transmission, taking into account the lines and technologies used in the connection.

CE1.4 List the applicable standards for the interfaces of connection with public voice and data communications networks, explaining their mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural characteristics according to technical specifications of the elements used in said networks.

CE1.5 Explain the characteristics of the means of transmission that can be found in public voice and data communications networks, taking into account current technologies.

C2: Identify the installation, configuration, and deployment processes for voice and data communications devices, and apply them to integrate devices into public communications networks according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Explain the security regulations applicable to the installation of a voice and data communications device, according to technical specifications of the device itself.

CE2.2 Describe procedures for implementing configurations on voice and data communications devices.

CE2.3 Explain the function and values of each of the parameters involved in the configuration of a voice and data communications device, taking into account the technical specifications thereof.

CE2.4 Install voice and data communications devices, for the provision of communications services, according to given specifications:

-Interpret the technical documentation of the equipment, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the installation.

-Verify compliance with pre-installation requirements.

-Install and connect the required adaptation modules by making use of specific tools and following the instructions given in the relevant technical documentation.

-Perform tests to verify that the installed devices are working.

-Record the activities performed in the team documentation.

CE2.5 Perform configuration on a communications device, for deployment of a communications service, following specifications received:

-Interpret the work order to select the configuration to be implemented using the remote management tools and tools.

-Verify that the required communication services are enabled.

-Document the activities performed.


1. Network interconnection protocols.

-Protocols used in the interconnection private and public networks.

-Classification according to its functions.

-Supported services.

-TCP/IP protocol stack.


-OSI Model.

-Levels. Description of each.

-Encryption. Virtual private networks.

2. Public voice and data networks.


-Topologies voice networks: Malla, star ...

-Hierarchy voice networks: Internal, Local, Transit, International.

-Hierarchy/architecture data networks. Internet.

-Differences between public networks and private networks.

-Convergency voz/data. IMS, VoIP.

-Conmutation of circuits and packet switching.


-Current and future applications.


-Transmission and transport network architecture and topologies.

-Redundancy and route protection. Rings.

-Transmission Technologies: PDH, SDH, DWDM ...

-Transmission media: guided (electric, optical), not guided.

3. Data transmission.

-Data and signals.

-Transmission of native data.

-Voice Scanning: Most Common Procedure and Codecs (PCM, G.

-Measurement units.

-Definition of common units: Baudios, bps, Erlang concept.

-Transmission media.

-Unguided (wireless): radio transmission.


-Electrical wiring. Features.

-Optical fibers. Main features and technical principles of optical transmission.

-Undesired effects.

-Introduced by means: attenuation, noise, interference.

-Introduced by the system: Jitter, delay, wander.

4. Transmission equipment.

-Modems. Multiplexers. Concentrators.

-General description of functions and building blocks.

-Sections of the network where they are deployed.

-Supported interfaces: operational and management.

-Other devices (Communications Processors, Protocol Converters).

-General description of functions and building blocks.

-Sections of the network where they are deployed.

-Supported interfaces: operational and management.

5. Installation of the transmission equipment.

-Physical and mechanical installation of equipment (cabinets, fixations, distribution of wiring and environmental conditions, among others).

-Installation of frames, cabinets, and racks.

-General rules and supplier manuals.

-Environmental conditions check, according to system operational specifications.

-Food and associated security procedures.

-Auxiliary elements (uninterrupted power systems, air conditioning and batteries, among others).

-Rectifiers. Component functions and blocks. Dimensioned.

-SAIs. Component functions and blocks. Dimensioned.

-Batteries. Component functions and blocks. Dimensioned.

-Air conditioning. Thermal and sizing load.

-Safety regulations in electronic equipment installations.

6. Configuration of communications equipment.

-Unit and system functional tests.

-Configuring transport interfaces and services:

-Types of possible interfaces: E1/T1, E2/T2, ..., STM1, STM-4, STM-16, ..., electrical and optical

-Transport services.


-Configuration parameters for interfaces and services supported by the teams.

-Remote management tools: functional and operational features.

-Overview and functions.

-Supported protocols/interfaces: SNMP, CMIP.

-Graphical user interface. Functions that support and description of the interface.

-Other methods of operation. Command line.



Code: UF1864

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply test procedures for data transmission and transmission devices, using specific techniques and tools.

CE1.1 Identify the parameters to be tested, depending on the particular implementation of the data transmission and transport devices used.

CE1.2 Describe the testing techniques and tools used to verify the deployed communications devices, taking into account the characteristics of the devices.

CE1.3 Classify the test procedures to be applied, taking into account the particular application and the equipment involved.

CE1.4 Perform the deployment of communication transmission and transport devices, according to specified instructions:

-Identify the teams involved in the practical configuration.

-Identify the features of the installed equipment from your specifications, as well as the applicable test procedures.

-Discriminate the test parameters and procedures, as well as the order of execution.

-Interpret the results obtained and reason them.

-Document the activities performed.


1. Testing of installation of transmission equipment.

-Mechanical safety test procedures.

-Stability and leveling tests.

-Cooling/dissipation level tests.

-Resistance to vibrations.

-Cabling test procedures, power, electrical safety, and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility).

-Verification of electrical continuity and distribution.

-Electrical security status verification. Land.

-Electromagnetic compatibility (IEC regulations and product standards).

-Synchronism token test procedures.

-Verification of syncme signal generation/reception.

-Verification of continuity and distribution of the sync signal.

-Unit and system functional tests.

-Internal and external power functional tests. Functional and global unit level.

-Timing and clock signal distribution tests. Functional and global unit level.

-Internal connectivity (functional unit) and external (system level) and operational tests.



Code: UF1865

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Resolve the detected incidents in public communications network access devices, following given specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the equipment that presents problems and the source of information according to given specifications.

CE1.2 Apply information collection and analysis techniques for this, to accurately identify the incidence according to the specifications received.

CE1.3 Describe the incidents that occur in the installation and configuration of the access devices to the public communications networks, to identify the response procedures in each case as stipulated in contingency plans given.

CE1.4 Classify the system monitoring and incident notification tools, taking into account their role, typology and monitoring scope for use in incident management, as described in contingency plans and incident management.

CE1.5 Describe the techniques used to, from a reported incident, locate the broken device, according to contingency plans and response plans given.

CE1.6 Explain the systematic incident resolution procedures to recover communications service interruption situations, following specifications received.

Ce1.7 Solve simulated breakdowns in public network access devices, to ensure continuity and quality in the delivery of communications services, according to given specifications:

-Interpret the alarms generated by the incident notification system.

-List various devices used for incident notification.

-Locate the device causing the incident.

-Resolve the incident by applying the indicated protocols.

-Record the incident on the appropriate document.


1. Incidents on device for access to public networks.

-Regular incidents.

-Internal incidents.

-HW false.

-SW False.

-Internal configuration fallos/interconnect interfaces.

-External Incidents (attributable to Service Provider).

-Services Cade by the Service Provider.

-Incident management in public network access teams.

-Equipment management/monitoring systems.

-Overview. Principles of operation. Alarms.

-Functional blocks. Procedures for analysis and identification of faults.

-Failure recovery procedures. Examples and case studies.

-Escalates. Eventual contingency plans/business continuity.

-Incident management tools.

-Overview. Functionalities.

-Incident management/documentation procedures.

-Notifications and escalations (internal and/or Service Provider).

-Scaling (and tracking) procedure for unresolved issues. Documentation and monitoring.

-Equipment monitoring tools for the location and notification of incidents.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1863



Unit 2-UF1864






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0961_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0961_2: Configure and maintain services on private telephone switching equipment.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1866

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the characteristics of the telephony teams to identify the services supported by them, according to given functional specifications.

CE1.1 Describe the hierarchical and functional structure of telephone networks, depending on the scope and communications infrastructures used.

CE1.2 Explain the characteristics of a telephony system and the elements it consists of, according to the technologies available on the market.

CE1.3 Describe the signaling functions in telephony networks, according to the existing standard and standard systems.

CE1.4 List the types of switching subsystems and explain their operation, to identify the media for the services to be implemented according to given functional specifications.

CE1.5 Describe the services that a telephony system can provide based on existing technologies.

CE1.6 Explain the technologies involved in providing telephony services based on the communications infrastructure to be used.

CE1.7 Citar the criteria used in the selection of a telephony system from functional specifications of service delivery given.

C2: Install telephony services on telephone system equipment according to given technical and functional specifications.

CE2.1 Interpret a schema of a telephone system, identifying the elements that integrate it according to the existing technologies and media (elements and lines).

CE2.2 Describe the procedures for incorporating new telephony services into an existing system, from given specifications.

CE2.3 Install telephony services on a telephony team, based on the given functional specifications:

-Interpret the technical documentation of the equipment, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the installation.

-Verify compliance with pre-installation requirements.

-Install and connect the required modules by making use of specific tools and following the instructions given in the relevant technical documentation.

-Perform tests to verify that the installed devices are working according to the given specifications.

-Register the completed extensions in the team documentation.


1. Telephone networks.


-Topologies: Malla, star ...

-Levels: Internal, Local, Transit, International ...

-Network Types: Private (mono/multisite), virtual (Centrex), Public ...

-The switch subsystem.

-Technologies: TDM, IP, Mixtas, IMS ...

-Elements: Access, Switching, Call Handling, Pricing, Administration ...

-Services: Supplemental, Basic, Pricing, Value Added (Smart Network).

-The signaling subsystem.

-TDM signaling protocols: Network (N7), user (Q931 ...).

-IP/IMS Signalling Protocols: SIP, H. 323 ....

2. Telephone equipment.


-TDM: Description and services.

-Provided by the Terminal.

-Provided by the network.

-IMS: Description and services.

-Provided by the Terminal.

-Provided by the network.

-Switches/Call Servers.

-TDM Central.

-Centralites (IP/TDM).

-Description of the IMS concept.

-Multiline systems.



3. Telephone services.

-Definition and attributes of the basic service.


-The generic call scenario (s).

-Additional and charging services.

-Generic (TDM).

-Specific/Additional (IMS: presence, mobility, multimedia, ...).

-Quality of Service (QoS) indicators.

-Statistical counters.

-Treatment and reporting of statistics.

-Feedback-> Preventive Maintenance.

4. Procedures for configuring private telephone switching equipment.

-Configuring private switch switchboards.

-Numbering plans: internal, external, emergency, etc.

-List and description of available services.

-Configuration and parameters for the available services.

-Communications Notions via Man-machine/GUI (Graphical User Interface) command.

-Configuring voice packet switches.

-Procedures and diagnosis and management of breakdowns and incidents.



Code: UF1867

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Referer: This training unit corresponds to the RP3 for maintenance.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply the procedures for configuring and maintaining telephony services according to technical specifications.

CE1.1 Explain the procedures for configuring services by identifying the operational parameters of these.

CE1.2 Distinguished the parameters used in telephony services to perform the charging processes of the use of said services, according to given specifications.

CE1.3 Perform the verification of the configuration of the services and check for possible interactions and incompatibilities, according to given specifications.

CE1.4 Configure a new telephony service:

-Identify the modifications to be made to the telephone switching subsystem programming, based on the requests received.

-Reprogram the telephone switching subsystem using the procedures indicated in your technical documentation.

-Perform operational tests of the new service configured according to established procedures.

-Register the operations performed in the team's technical documentation according to the organization's procedures.


1. Procedures for configuring private telephone switching equipment.

-Configuring/customizing services.

-Configuring/customizing services.

-Configuration procedure (by service). Associated commands.

-Activation/Configuration Verification Procedures.


-Preventive maintenance.

-Detailed description of statistical counters.

-Analysis of statistical counters and associated reports.

-Corresponding tests.

-Changes/modifications of the services configuration.



Code: UF1868

Duration: 40 hours

Competition Referment: This training unit corresponds to RP3 as regards incident management.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Resolve the detected incidents in telephony services following the specifications received.

CE1.1 Describe the incidents that occur in telephony systems taking into account the services they offer.

CE1.2 Classify the tools for detecting and reporting incidents and monitoring telephony services, depending on their scope of monitoring, services and observed parameters.

CE1.3 Describe the techniques used to isolate and diagnose possible causes that cause incidents in the telephony services according to the type of the same.

CE1.4 Explain the systematic incident resolution procedures based on the type of incident and the service to which it affects.

CE1.5 Resolve simulated failures in telephony systems, following specifications received:

-Interpret the reported incident.

-Locate the element causing the incident.

-Resolve the incident by applying the indicated protocols.

-Record the incident on the indicated documentation.


1. Management procedures in the telephone switching subsystem.

-Test and verification procedures for the telephone switching subsystem.

-Procedures and tools for diagnosing and managing breakdowns and incidents.

-Diagnostic and breakdown management procedures and incidents.

-Alarm Surveillance Function: Concepts and related items.

-Analysis and diagnosis of alarm information.

-Documentation and follow-up of incidents: procedures and tools of trouble ticketing.

-Practical cases and examples.

-Resolution, verification and test procedures for breakdowns and incidents.

-Implementation of incident resolution procedures.

-Testing, verification, and final resolution. Documentation and monitoring.

-Scaling and tracking procedures for unresolved issues. Documentation and monitoring.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Unit training 1-UF1866



Unit 2-UF1867






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0956_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0956_2 Perform connection processes between private networks and public networks.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1347

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the characteristics of public and private network interconnection devices by standards of communications technologies.

CE1.1 Explain the characteristics of the devices of interconnection of private networks with public networks to identify their functionalities according to the technologies and communications architectures used.

CE1.2 List the technologies used in networking, describing their characteristics to identify the characteristics of the integration of communications technologies according to their technical specifications.

CE1.3 Identify connection services, as well as their interrelationship and how to implement them in local network equipment for the provision of communications services, according to the technologies used.

CE1.4 Identify the interconnection services supported by the communications service providers to which the private network connects, describing the profiles of the services offered to assess the adequacy of these services, taking into account the functional specifications to be addressed.

C2: Apply procedures for the installation and verification of the devices for the interconnection of private and public networks according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Identify the parameters that make up the interconnection services with the public network according to the technical characteristics of the service itself and the interconnection device.

CE2.2 Identify, in the quality standard in force, the requirements corresponding to the interconnection with the public network.

CE2.3 Describe the interfaces that are used in the connection of private networks to public networks according to the typology of the networks used (connection devices and communications lines, among others).

CE2.4 Explain the safety regulations applicable to the installation of a device for the interconnection of private and public networks according to the technical characteristics of the devices to be installed and the environmental conditions of the installation itself.

CE2.5 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the installation and verification.

CE2.6 Install a private and public network interconnect device to support communications services, following specifications given:

-Interpret the team's technical documentation to verify compliance with pre-installation requirements.

-Install and connect the required adaptation modules using tools and follow the instructions given in the relevant technical documentation.

-Perform tests to verify the functionality of the installed devices.

-Record the activities performed in the team documentation.

C3: Configure the protocols and interconnection parameters of the link devices between private and public networks, following specified instructions.

CE3.1 Identify the configuration and interconnection management parameters of virtual private networks, on the link devices according to given configuration specifications.

CE3.2 Classify, according to their functions, the protocols used in the interconnection devices between private and public networks and identify the services that will be supported by them.

CE3.3 Describe the procedures and tools used to implement configurations in private network interconnection devices with public networks, so that communications services can be supported.

CE3.4 Explain the function and values of each of the parameters involved in the configuration of a link device according to the technical specifications of the device.

CE3.5 Implement a configuration on a pipeline device to support communications services, following specifications received:

-Interpret the work order to select, the configuration to be implemented.

-Load the selected configuration using the specified media.

-Verify that communication services between interconnected networks are enabled.

-Document the activities performed.


1. Management procedures in the telephone switching subsystem.

-Test and verification procedures for the telephone switching subsystem.

-Procedures and tools for diagnosing and managing breakdowns and incidents.

-Diagnostic and breakdown management procedures and incidents.

-Alarm Surveillance Function: Concepts and related items.

-Analysis and diagnosis of alarm information.

-Documentation and follow-up of incidents: procedures and tools of trouble ticketing.

-Practical cases and examples.

2. Networking of networks.

-Basic concepts about public networks.

-Pipeline services with the public network.

-Parameters: electrical power, mechanical fastening, others.

-Pipeline requirements. Quality regulations.

-Interfaces based on network typology.

-Security regulations.

-Architecture of a networking device.




-Routing concepts.

-Network segmentation.

-Routing algorithms.

3. Network interconnection devices.

-More common network interconnect interfaces.

-Local Area Interconnection (RAL).

-Extended Area Interconnection (RAL-MAN or RAL-WAN).

-Features of network interconnect services.

-Technologies used.

-Identification of connection services.

-Interrelation of services.

-Implementation on local network equipment.

-Communications service providers.

-Pipeline services.

-Profiles of services.

4. Network interconnection protocols.

-Protocols used in the interconnection private and public networks.

-Classification according to its functions.

-Supported services.

-TCP/IP protocol stack.


-OSI Model.

-Levels. Description of each.

-Encryption. Virtual private networks.





-Virtual private network pipeline configuration and management parameters.

-Security mechanisms.

-Enmasquerade and redirection.

-Package filtering.




5. Procedures for the installation and testing of network interconnection devices.

-Physical and electrical safety regulations applicable to network interconnection devices.

-List of top rules.

-Highlights of each.

-Configuration load procedures on network interconnect devices.

-Upload by files.

-Modifying parameters.

-Firmware update.

-Local and remote connections for configuration.

-Verification procedures for communication services.



Code: UF1348

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Monitor and verify the operation of interconnection equipment with external networks using specific software tools.

CE1.1 Identify the functionalities and field of use of monitoring and monitoring tools and applications, depending on the characteristics of the interconnection equipment.

CE1.2 Explain the operating procedures of the monitoring tools according to the interconnection equipment to be monitored.

CE1.3 Select the monitoring tool based on the test to be performed and explain how to connect it according to given specifications.

CE1.4 Describe the established monitoring procedures to ensure the delivery of the services according to the operational specifications received.

CE1.5 Monitor interconnection equipment, according to specifications received and following instructions given:

-Select the monitoring tool.

-Connect the tool to the computer and configure it.

-Monitor equipment for traffic congestion and service failures.

-Compose a report with the activities performed and the results obtained.

C2: Solve the detected incidents on the private and public network interconnection devices, following a given instructions.

CE2.1 Describe the incidents that occur in the devices for the interconnection of private networks with public communications networks, according to information received from notification tools or other means.

CE2.2 Identify the procedures and tools used for incident detection, depending on the devices for the interconnection of private and public networks.

CE2.3 Describe the techniques and tools used to isolate and diagnose the causes that produce incidents, in devices for the interconnection of private and public networks according to given procedures and specifications.

CE2.4 Explain the systematic incident resolution procedures based on the specifications of a given contingency plan.

CE2.5 Interpret and resolve incidents on interconnect devices with simulated dysfunctions, according to specifications received and following instructions given:

-Interpret the alarms generated by the incident detection system.

-Locate the element causing the incident.

-Resolve the incident by applying the specified procedures.

-Record the incident on the specified documentation.


1. Monitoring procedures in network interconnection devices.

-Monitoring tools on networking devices.



-Core functions.

-Tools and applications used. Features.

-Monitoring tests.

-Test Types.

-Selecting, connecting, and configuring the tool.

-Systematic monitoring procedures for network interconnection equipment.

-Elements to be monitored.

-Tools to use.

-Steps to follow.

-Results of the process.


2. Procedures for diagnosing breakdowns in network interconnection devices.

-Types of incidents in the interconnection of public and private networks.


-Local, remote.

-Teams affected.

-Impact on services.

-Services affected.



-Diagnostic and incident notification tools on network interconnect devices.

-Protocol Analizers.

-"help-desk" tools.

-Incident management procedures.

-Incident isolation and diagnosis.

-Techniques used.


-The contingency plans.

-Systematic incident resolution procedures.

-Incident management in ITIL.

-Organization of a center of attention to the user.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1347



Unit 2-UF1348




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0394

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the installation, configuration, and verification of public network access equipment, private telephone switching equipment, as well as the interconnection of private networks with public networks, in accordance with the procedures established in the company.

CE1.1 Interpret the technical documentation associated with public network access equipment and private telephone switching equipment.

CE1.2 Collaborate on the installation, configuration, and verification of public network access and telephone switching communications devices, in accordance with business procedures.

CE1.3 Participate in public and private network connection processes by installing, configuring, and maintaining interconnection devices, in accordance with the organization's plans.

CE1.4 Manage and address service incidents in accordance with company-defined procedures and action protocols.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C2: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE2.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE2.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE2.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rate of the company.

CE2.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE2.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE2.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Connectivity of the company's voice and departmental data networks to public networks.

-The hardware inventory of the organization.

-Operational specifications of the organization.

-Work parts and other business documentation.

-The maintenance plan.

-Configuring the network of telephony equipment.

-Quality criteria and procedures in the organization.

-Tools used in different business procedures.

-Business procedures for implementing public network access equipment.

-Business procedures for configuring and maintaining services in telephone switching business teams.

-Connection procedures for departmental networks to public networks.

2. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the scope of the Competition





MF0960_2: Implementation of public network access equipment.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years

MF0961_2: Maintenance of telephony services.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years

MF0956_2: Interconnection of private networks and public networks.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years

* In the last five.


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils











Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring armarium with patched panels and devices for connecting to departmental networks and access to public networks.

-Base and network software.

-Office software, internet tools.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Communications teams (modems, routers, and FRAD (Frame Relay Access Device), among others).

-Transport and data transmission equipment.

-Informatized instruments for connectivity testing.

-Telephone switching teams.

-Computer tools for scheduling telephone exchanges.

-Network assets.

-Wiring Analyzers.

-Network management tools.

-Communications public line control tools.


-Software tools for connectivity testing.

-Diagnostic tools.

-Incident management applications.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: First-level maintenance on radio communications systems.

Code: IFCM0210

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Communications.

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

IFC362_2 First-level maintenance on radio communications systems. (Royal Decree 1701/2007 of 14 December 2007).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1210_2: Put into service and maintain local and metropolitan area wireless networks.

UC1211_2: Configure and service fixed and mobile network radio communications equipment.

UC1212_2: Maintain and resolve first-level incidents in fixed and mobile network radio communications systems.

General competition:

Perform the processes of local and metropolitan area wireless network implementation, and perform software installation, configuration and commissioning of radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks, performing preventive maintenance and first-level incident resolution, following established procedures.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies or public or private entities, of any size, both self-employed and employed, that have communications network infrastructure and offer communications services.

Productive Sectors:

It is mainly located in the communications sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: public bodies and companies in any productive sector that for their size and organization need to manage radio communications networks. Companies providing installation, maintenance and technical assistance services to radio communications networks. Communications operator and companies providing communications services.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Top-level maintenance operator on radio communications equipment.

Top-level maintenance operator in wireless communications networks.

Duration of the associated training: 580 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF1210_2: Service and maintenance of local and metropolitan area wireless networks. (180 hours).

● UF1847: Puesta en servicio de Redes Corwireless de Area Local y Metropolitana. (90 hours).

● UF1848: Monitoring and Maintenance of Local and Metropolitan Area Wireless Networks. (90 hours).

MF1211_2: Configuration and commissioning of radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks. (150 hours).

● UF1849: Puesta en servicio de los devicaciones y equipos de radiocommunications de Redes Fijas y Moviles. (90 hours).

● UF1850: Verifying the connection of fixed and mobile radio communications devices and equipment. (60 hours).

MF1212_2: First level maintenance of fixed and mobile network radio communications equipment. (210 hours).

● UF1851: Maintenance of fixed and mobile network radio communications devices and equipment. (80 hours).

● UF1852: Device and radio equipment alarm management for fixed and mobile networks. (50 hours).

● UF1853: Repair of devices and equipment for fixed and mobile radio communications. (80 hours).

MP0392: Non-industrial professional practice module for first-level maintenance in radio communications systems (40 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1210_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Configure the devices and equipment that are part of the wireless network of local or metropolitan area, to achieve optimal coverage, following specifications received and complying with established safety standards.

CR1.1 The devices and equipment of the local wireless network are placed and oriented to achieve optimal coverage, starting from the base infrastructure, following specifications received and complying with safety standards.

CR1.2 Wireless network adapters are assembled and connected on devices and equipment in the wireless network, using recognized drivers for each operating system and ensuring the non-existence of conflicts, following procedures and complying with established safety standards.

CR1.3 The configuration of parameters in access points is performed to enable communication between devices and equipment in the wireless network and local area networks, following established procedures.

CR1.4 The introduction of parameters into the subscriber's inner unit of a fixed link in metropolitan area networks is done using its configuration tools, following the instructions and specifications reflected in the high order.

CR1.5 The inventories of the devices and equipment, their configurations and the software that form the wireless networks of local and metropolitan area are elaborated and maintained to ensure their location and availability, following the rules of the organization.

CR1.6 The device and equipment configuration tests are performed to verify the connection to the access points or the base stations of the metropolitan network, following established procedures and complying with the safety standards.

CR1.7 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR1.8 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Perform testing and verification procedures for wireless network devices and devices in the local and metropolitan area to ensure network functionality and quality of service, following established procedures and safety standards.

CR2.1 Access points and antennas, in pre-network inspection procedures, are located in the test locations identified by the project, supplying electrical energy to them and configuring the basic parameters indicated, following the established procedure and complying with the safety standards.

CR2.2 The test and verification processes that may involve alterations in the service are performed in the schedules and in the way that minimize the impact on the service, following established procedures.

CR2.3 The connectivity and status of wireless network devices and equipment are verified to ensure the provision of services, following established procedures and complying with the quality regulations of the organization.

CR2.4 Physical security systems and access restrictions for installed equipment are checked to prevent unauthorized manipulations that may alter the service delivery parameters, following established procedures.

CR2.5 The screening measures in the estimated coverage areas are performed with the specific instrumentation and equipment, to check that they have the required quality of service and comply with established safety standards, following established procedures and taking into account the existence of both desired and interfering radio channels.

CR.6 The values of the samples taken are recorded together with other information to determine exactly the point and the time at which they have been carried out, according to the specifications of the work order.

CR2.7 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

RP3: Understand and resolve first-level incidents produced on local and metropolitan area wireless network devices and devices to maintain functionality, following established performance protocols.

CR3.1 Incident notification systems are observed to detect possible alarms according to the operational and security procedures of the organization.

CR3.2 The location of the radio frequency device and equipment in which an incident occurs and the nature of the device is identified by interpreting the information obtained through the user through functional tests and using measurement and diagnostic instrumentation.

CR3.3 The signal strength measurements in the wireless environment in which incidents are recorded are performed in passive mode (only reception) using the most appropriate instrumentation or applications in each case and applying the established security rules.

CR3.4 The configuration of fixed and/or mobile devices and equipment with problems to be associated with the wireless network is verified to check that it meets the set parameters.

CR3.5 The detected and isolated incidence is diagnosed and its solution is presented by determining its exact location to rehabilitate the interrupted services and following the established protocol of action.

CR3.6 The incidence that has not been achieved to isolate or to solve is reported to the level of higher responsibility for its management according to the protocols and procedures of the organization's contingencies.

CR3.7 The repair of the incident to rehabilitate the services is performed with the specific tools and applying the established security rules.

CR3.8 The activities performed are documented according to the internal models established by the organization, in order to record the information for later use.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer Equipment. Wireless communications equipment and devices. Field meter. Computerised tools for connectivity testing. Office tools. Wireless network adapters. Installation tools. Antennas, cables, connectors and accessories. Laptop with specific purpose software for all the frequency bands involved. GPS positioner, digital camera. Access points, network electronics and metropolitan network base stations. Internal and external fixed subscriber units of metropolitan networks. Mobile devices. Portable wireless and wired network testers. Elements of protection and security. RF power meters.

Products and results

Wireless network devices configured properly. Functional parameters on configured external network connection devices. Verified local and metropolitan area wireless network devices and devices. Wireless data networks with coverage extended to the interior of buildings. Wi-Fi networks for indoor and outdoor public access. Malladas wireless networks in local and metropolitan areas. Point-to-point (backhaul) wireless links in local and metropolitan area networks.

Scan measures in electromagnetic fields. First level support for network services and user devices.

Information used or generated

Technical configuration documentation and test technical reports of elaborate equipment. Work orders. Parts of Incidents. Technical documentation of devices. Historical incident reports. Functional verification plans. Testing protocols. Quality manuals. Quality standards and criteria defined by the organisation. Safety regulations in electronic equipment installations. Verification and verification reports. Described installation and basic parameter configuration procedures. IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, and 802.20 standards. Installation manuals for access points and base stations. Information about the installation of communications equipment and software. Regulations, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, ETSI). Documentation on safety standards and prevention of occupational risks. Documentation on WIFI security protocols.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1211_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Check the installation of radio communications devices and devices for fixed and mobile networks, as well as their connection to the associated radiant system, in order to verify that it conforms to the specifications received.

CR1.1 The specifications and technical documentation of radio communications equipment and devices to be put into service are recognized and interpreted in order to identify equipment and devices to be verified.

CR1.2 The installation of the transceiver and the radiant system is checked in order to preserve them in the face of possible installation failures, using specific tools and tools, following established procedures and complying with the safety standards.

CR1.3 The connections of the various radio communications devices and devices with the radiant system are verified to ensure their installation and subsequent operation, using specific tools, following established procedures and complying with the safety standards.

CR1.4 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

RP2: Install the software of the devices and radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks for putting into service, following the established procedures.

CR2.1 The software for radio communications devices and equipment is installed for operation using specific tools, following the established procedure.

CR2.2 The functionality of the various hardware components of radio communications equipment is verified using specific software tools, following established procedures.

CR2.3 The software version of radio communications devices and equipment is registered following the established procedure, to keep the version information used on all devices.

CR2.4 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format to maintain record and job tracking, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR2.5 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Configure mobile and fixed network radio communications devices and equipment in order to enable the communications link, following established procedures.

CR3.1 The specifications and technical documentation of radio communications equipment and devices are interpreted and consulted for subsequent configuration and commissioning, taking into account the functionality of each.

CR3.2 The specific parameters of the radio communications devices and devices of the fixed and mobile network are configured to enable the communication link, using the software tools specific to the parameter load, following the instructions indicated in the work order.

CR3.3 The configuration of the devices is verified using the tools and tools specified, to check its functionality, following the instructions given in the work order, reinitializing the device to load the configuration if necessary.

CR3.4 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR3.5 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP4: Perform the verification procedures for the connection of fixed and mobile radio communications devices and equipment, to ensure the functionality of the network, following instructions specified in the test protocol.

CR4.1 The communication between fixed radio communications devices is verified, following the procedures established by the organization, using the appropriate tools and tools, and complying with the established safety standards.

CR4.2 Communication between mobile radio communications devices is verified, following the procedures established by the organization, using appropriate tools and tools, and complying with established safety standards.

CR4.3 Exposure measures are performed to check that the radiation is not excessive, using the appropriate instrumentation and equipment, following the procedure established by the organization and complying with established safety standards.

CR4.4 The measures for checking the base station coverage area are performed to verify the estimates made in the project and the areas in which it is serviced, following the procedure established by the organization and complying with the established safety standards.

CR4.5 The integration tests of devices and equipment in the radio communications network are performed to verify their functionality, following established procedures and taking into account the quality criteria of the organization.

CR4.6 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks. Equipment for the measurement of specific parameters of radio communications of fixed and mobile networks. Tools specific to the measurement and load of parameters in the equipment and in the system. Internal use tools for the documentation of the processes performed. Software installation tools. Software tools for network management and services. Office tools. Instrumentation and equipment of measurement of exposure. Elements of protection and security. Laptops. Spectrum analyzers.

Products and results

Installation of verified radio communications devices and equipment. Radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks with its installed software. Radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks configured and verified.

Information used or generated

Project (or part of the project) of the radio communications system. Specifications and installation requirements for radio communications equipment. Regulations and standards. Quality criteria of the organization. Configuration procedures. Installation procedures. Test protocol. Documentation on safety standards and prevention of occupational risks. Safety regulations in electronic equipment installations. Manuals and technical specifications of radio communications equipment. Installation and verification reports. Test reports and errors. Measurement reports. Documentation on security protocols in fixed and mobile networks.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1212_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Carry out periodic maintenance of radio communications devices and devices for fixed and mobile networks, in order to ensure communications services within the quality parameters required by the organization, following established procedures.

CR1.1 The preventive maintenance procedures of the various radio communications system elements and equipment are interpreted to identify the tasks necessary to maintain the functionality of the system, taking into account the technical specifications of the system.

CR1.2 The visual alarm indicators presented by the hardware of the radio communications equipment are inspected to check the correct operation of the radio communications equipment, following the established procedure.

CR1.3 The wiring between radio communications equipment and other transmission systems, between the same and the power systems, as well as the associated radiant system are visually inspected to check that they have not suffered any deterioration that could lead to failures in the system, following the established procedure and complying with the safety regulations.

CR1.4 The visual inspection of the installation is performed to determine if there have been modifications in the environment of the same that have resulted in the appearance of possible obstacles that could disturb the intensity of the signal, following the established procedure.

CR1.5 The local management software applications of radio communications equipment are used to perform field measurements, checking whether there are significant variations on the values reflected in the test document of acceptance of the equipment in question, which could indicate a malfunction of some module of the radio communications equipment.

CR1.6 The ventilation units of the radio communications equipment are cleaned or replaced to ensure the operation of the equipment in the appropriate climatic conditions for its operation, in accordance with the established procedure and in compliance with the safety regulations.

CR1.7 The batteries of the equipment of the radio communications equipment and the associated power systems are verified or replaced to maintain their operation, following the established procedures and complying with the safety regulations.

CR1.8 Software updates for radio communications equipment are made to correct errors or add new functionality, following established procedures.

CR1.9 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, following the procedure established by the organization.

RP2: Understand the alarms presented by the hardware of the devices and radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks, and by the local management software thereof, to detect the origin of the anomaly, following specifications received.

CR2.1 The diagnosis of the incidence is performed in an appropriate time, using specific tools and instruments, following established procedures, complying with the safety standards and taking into account the technical documentation of each team.

CR2.2 The visual alarm indicators presented by each hardware module of the radio communications equipment are inspected to try to narrow down the modules that may be damaged, taking into account the critical aspects of the alarm they present.

CR2.3 The local management software applications of mobile and fixed network radio communications equipment are used, for additional information on the incidents presented by the different units that make up the equipment, and which show a breakdown or malfunction indication, according to the specifications received.

CR2.4 The local management software applications of mobile and fixed network radio communications equipment are used to perform field records to check whether the incident presented by the radio communications equipment corresponds to the actual failure of a unit, or is caused by an abnormal condition of propagation.

CR2.5 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, collecting the information for the update of the incident history, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR2.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Repair of fixed and mobile radio communications devices and equipment to maintain network functionality, following established procedures and action protocols.

CR3.1 The wiring associated with a radio communications equipment unit is checked to be correctly labeled, and if necessary is labeled, so that during replacement of the broken unit there are no errors of connection, following the established procedure and complying with the established safety standards.

CR3.2 The devices and radio communications equipment that are poorly functioning are adjusted using specific tools to return them to their optimal operation, with the required accuracy, following established procedures and complying with safety standards.

CR3.3 The code of the spare drives is identified to check that it is the same or that it is compatible with that of the unit to be replaced, as indicated in the technical documentation of the equipment.

CR3.4 The hardware configuration of the broken unit is queried in case it needs to be copied to the spare drive, following the established procedures.

CR3.5 The damaged units are replaced using specific tools that prevent the deterioration of the units in the replacement process, following the established procedure and complying with the safety standards.

CR3.6 The operation of the radio communications equipment, after the repair of the fault, is checked and verified that it conforms to the conditions reflected in the tests of acceptance of the specific equipment, using for this the indicators of alarms presented by the hardware of the equipment and the applications software of local management, following the established procedure.

CR3.7 The inventory of existing units is kept up to date after a breakdown, using the local management software applications of radio communications equipment, following the established procedure.

CR3.8 The activities performed, as well as the detected incidents, are documented in a standardized format for later use, collecting the information for the update of the history of equipment breakdowns, following the procedure established by the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Tools for electrical and mechanical work. Measuring instruments of electrical quantities. Software and Diagnostic Hardware. Power meter. Software for installation and utilities of radio communication equipment. Computers and peripherals. Multi-test equipment. Photo cameras. Software with specific programs of local management of radio communication equipment. Installation-specific tools. Copper cables, fiber optic cables, coaxial cables, and waveguides. Elements of protection and security. Laptops.

Products and results

Fixed and mobile radio communications equipment maintained. Reports of broken units. Installed unit inventory files. Backup files of the configurations of the radio communication equipment.

Information used or generated

Work Orders. Parts of breakdown description. Technical information of devices. Technical service manuals of the equipment to be maintained and repaired. Internal service sheets on team breakdown statistics. Historical incidents. Standards for personal safety and equipment and materials. Manual of procedures. Maintenance plans. Technical documentation of the manufacturers of radio communications equipment and radio systems. Radio station acceptance test protocol results document. Software update procedure document. Technical documentation of the radio communication equipment. Technical documentation of the feeding systems associated with the radio communication equipment. Installation manuals for radio communication equipment. Manuals of the local management programmes for radio communication equipment. Regulations, regulations and standards (UIT-R, UIT-T, National Frequency Attribution Table, Occupational Risks, Radiation ICNIRP, ETSI, ISO, CE). Documentation on security protocols in fixed and mobile networks.




Code: MF1210_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1210_2: Put into service and maintain local and metropolitan area wireless networks.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1847

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the features and features of devices and equipment in a local and metropolitan area wireless network for further configuration.

CE1.1 Describe the main features of the wireless technologies reference standards based on the rate of data transfer, coverage area scope, and typical application.

CE1.2 Define the functions and characteristics of devices and/or equipment in a wireless network of local or metropolitan area: access point, antennas, network adapter, subscriber interior unit, router, among others, for putting into service.

CE1.3 Explain the basic positioning and orientation techniques of devices and equipment in a wireless local area network for optimal coverage.

CE1.4 Describe the power supply techniques on twisted pair (PoE) for access points and recognize the limitations imposed by this medium.

CE1.5 Describe the techniques and inventory tools used in the network to perform the recording of devices and equipment that make up the network as well as their configurations and the changes produced.

CE1.6 Perform the identification of devices and equipment that form a local and metropolitan area network to classify and describe their functionality, following technical specifications given:

-Classify devices according to their typology and functionality.

-Recognize the indicators and the state of operation of the devices as indicated in the technical manual.

-Check the record of the devices in the inventory.

-Identify connections between devices and equipment.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

C2: Apply the configuration procedures of local and metropolitan area wireless network devices and devices for commissioning, following technical specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the configurable parameters of equipment and devices in a local and metropolitan wireless network.

CE2.2 Interpret the configuration procedures for computers and devices in a local and metropolitan area wireless network.

CE2.3 Use software tools and wizards for device and equipment configuration based on the technical and functional specifications.

CE2.4 Set up a wireless network with a single access point and local coverage inside a building to enable communication on it, following specifications given:

-Locate the elements in the network map and identify the functions they perform.

-Check that the location of the access point and that the network and power cables meet the set requirements.

-Determine from the information specified in the work order and the technical documentation of the access point, such as setting up a configuration session from a laptop.

-Set the configuration session to enter the basic configuration parameters (SSID, radio channel, keys, and encryption type), prioritizing the use of assisted menus (Wizard).

-Save the configuration and restart the access point.

-Create on a computer with wireless network adapter, a network connection with the SSID of the configured access point, enter the key and type of security encryption, verify that the association is produced.

-Register the equipment configurations in the inventory.

-Record the tasks performed by following prompts in the procedure guide.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

CE2.5 Perform the integration of computer and communications equipment into a wireless network inside a building with several access points already configured and installed to enable communication between the computers and the network, following specifications given:

-Locate the elements in the network map and identify the functions they perform.

-Classify the available network adapters (PCI, PCMCIA, USB, and MiniPCI, among others), each matching the requirements of the installation and the equipment to be integrated into the wireless network.

-Collect all available network adapter information and drivers for each operating system, as well as the software utilities that are required for your installation.

-Install the wireless network adapter, observing the established security and protection means and using the appropriate tools in each case.

-Introduce parameters that allow the association to the appropriate access point and are reflected in the work order by using the software tools of the installed network adapter or operating system.

-Apply the functional and operational test procedures of the installed device, verifying that the equipment is correctly associated with the wireless network.

-Register configuration and configuration software in the inventory.

-Record the tasks performed by following prompts in the procedure guide.

C3: Apply test and verification procedures to determine the connectivity of devices and equipment in the local and metropolitan area wireless network, following specifications.

CE3.1 Describe the test and verification procedures applicable to each device and equipment in the wireless network, depending on the technical specifications thereof.

CE3.2 Distinguished physical security systems and access restrictions for devices and devices in the network for application in testing and verification procedures.

CE3.3 Perform scan measures during a pre-implementation inspection process for a local or metropolitan area network, following specifications given:

-Identify the tools required to perform the measurements: laptop with wireless network adapter, network monitoring software, and test access point, among others.

-Employ the configured access point for the scan measures at the required location, following the standard procedures.

-Trim the user defined zones and log the signal levels as well as the signal/noise ratio for each indicated point.

-Detect during scan measures the possible existence of active channels used by colindant access points other than the test by scoring the busy channel and its signal level for further analysis.

-Determine the approximate boundaries of the coverage area for the access point under test, according to the standard employee and the work order specifications.

-To locate, if necessary, photographs of the same, the constructive elements or furniture that can be a potential impediment in the propagation of the radio signals and that are not contemplated in the instructions indicated is the process of inspection.

-Register the values in the order and format described by the instructions in the inspection process.

CE3.4 Verify the connectivity of equipment and devices in a wireless network already implemented from a local or metropolitan area to ensure its functionality, following specifications given:

-Identify the computers and devices in the network to verify.

-Recognize the test and verification procedure applicable to each device and equipment.

-Identify the impact on the service of the verification procedure to be applied.

-Test the appropriate equipment.

-Record the tasks performed by following prompts in the procedure guide.


1. Standards and components of local and metropolitan area wireless networks.

-Fundamental concepts of propagation and radiofrequency.

-Data Networks.

-Network Types according to the geographical scope

-Scope of Local and Metropolitan Area Networks.

-Network Topologies.

-Access Protocols.

-Wireless networks versus wired networks.

-Local area wireless networks.

-Classification, reference standards.

-802.11 standard: architecture, evolution, security.

-Local area network, HW, and SW devices and equipment:

-Network adapters. Classification: PCI, PCMCIA, USB, and MiniPCI, others.

-Access points, antennas, among others.

-Power supply over twisted pair (PoE). Limitations.

-Metropolitan area wireless networks.

-Classification, reference standards.

-802.16 Standard.

-Metropolitan Area Wireless Network Devices and Equipment:

-Subscriber unit.

-Base stations.



-Techniques and inventory tools.

2. Integration and configuration of local and metropolitan area wireless networks.

-The placement.

-Installation requirements.

-Location of access points

-Location of network elements

-Location of power sources.

-Configuring local area wireless networks.

-Configuring Parameters at the Access Point

-Configuration tools.

-Configuring security protocols and keys.

-Checking Access Point connectivity.

-Integration of computer and communications equipment.

-Adapter and driver installation processes.

-Network adapter parameter configuration tools.

-Test procedure for installed devices.

-Integrating teams into an existing network.

-Configuring metropolitan wireless networks.

-Configuring parameters for teams in a metropolitan network.

-Configuration tools.

-Testing of the equipment.

-Tests for network connections.

-Location and orientation of the antennas.

-Conflict resolution.

-Configuration particularities for different operating systems.

3. Test and verification operations on local and metropolitan area wireless networks

-Coverage Map.

-Basic procedures for exploration and coverage measures.

-Connectivity tests between devices and equipment.

-Network security tests.

-Monitoring and Monitoring the network.

-Management of utilities and specific instrumentation.

-Identification of obstacles or elements that affect propagation.

-Documentation of the measurements made and results obtained.



Code: UF1848

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the types and characteristics of the devices and equipment of the wireless networks of local and metropolitan area, and proceed to your solution according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Define the meaning of alarms and alerts for devices and equipment that form the wireless network of local and metropolitan area and the types of incidents that occur in them, to ensure the delivery of services.

CE1.2 Describe the techniques and tools that are used to isolate and diagnose the causes that have produced an incident, taking into account the symptoms detected in the wireless network and the information reported by the users to proceed with their solution.

CE1.3 Select and apply the diagnostic and repair procedures for the wireless network incident based on the affected device and equipment.

CE1.4 Fix an incident where a user equipment cannot be associated with a wireless network, following given specifications:

-Check from another reference team if it is possible to perform the association to determine if the failure occurs on the user end or the access point.

-Review the basic configuration parameters for the selected network connection on the user equipment.

-Check that the operating system correctly recognizes the wireless adapter and that there are no conflicts with other hardware devices.

-Verify that the network connection selected by the user is appropriate and that there are no other access points or networks that interfere with it.

-Check that the access point's light indicators are in the right state and that the unit is properly powered by the power supply.

-Check that the orientation of the antennas is adequate and that they are in good condition.

-Set up a configuration session using a direct wired connection and verify the basic access point configuration parameters.

-Restart the access point before retesting new association tests with it.

-Log the symptoms and record the procedure used.

-Record the tasks performed by following prompts in the procedure guide.


1. Diagnosis and resolution of first-level incidents in wireless networks in local and metropolitan areas.

-First-level fault diagnosis, localization and repair procedures.

-Diagnostic tools.

-Types of breakdowns in local and metropolitan area networks.

-Alarms and alerts.



-Antenna Orientation.

-Team Conexion.

-Conflicts between devices


-Protection and security measures.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1847



Unit 2-UF1848




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1211_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1211_2: Configure and service fixed and mobile network radio communications equipment.

Duration: 150 hours.



Code: UF1849

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Distinguished the functions of the devices and radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks as well as their connections, and perform the verification of the installation according to the given technical specifications.

CE1.1 List the radio technologies used in fixed and mobile radio communications networks, taking into account the standards and associated protocols.

CE1.2 Explain the functions of the devices and radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks, as well as the interfaces that are used for the connection between them, and from the same to the backbone network.

CE1.3 Citar the protocols used in fixed and mobile radio communications networks, according to the technologies used in the connection.

CE1.4 List the applicable standards for the connection interfaces of radio devices, including and with the backbone, explaining their data rate and functional characteristics.

CE1.5 Describe the techniques and tools used in the verification processes of the installation of the devices and equipment of the network of fixed and mobile radio communications.

CE1.6 Verify the installation of the equipment of a radio communications system, following specifications given:

-Identify the computers and devices that form the system to be verified.

-Identify the security rules to be met in the verification.

-Check the installation of the transceiver and the radiant system using specific tools and tools.

-Check the connection between devices and equipment and the radiant system using specific tools.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

C2: Apply software installation and configuration procedures for devices and radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks, for commissioning according to given specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the procedures for implementing the software and loading the configurations into the mobile and fixed network radio communications devices.

CE2.2 Explain the function and values of the main parameters involved in the configuration of the radio communications devices for fixed and mobile networks, taking into account the technical specifications of the devices.

CE2.3 Install the software for mobile fixed and mobile radio communications devices for further configuration, according to given specifications and following established procedures:

-Identify the software to install and the appropriate equipment.

-Install the software by following the procedure set using the specified tools.

-Register the version of the software to keep the team record up to date.

-Verify the functionality of the computer with the new software installed.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

CE2.4 Perform configuration on a fixed and mobile network radio communications device for the implementation of a communications service, according to given specifications and following established procedures:

-Identify the radio network equipment to be configured.

-Select the configuration to be implemented using the specified tools and tools.

-Perform the configuration in accordance with the established procedure.

-Verify that the required communication services are enabled.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

-Elements and technologies used in radio communications systems.

-Private mobile networks. Standards.

-Mobile phone networks, protocols, services and technologies.

-Access networks via radio in fixed land systems, classification and technologies.

-Related concepts.

-Top and top-down channel.




2. Components of fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

-Fixed radio network architecture.

-Fixed radio network devices and devices.





-Mobile radio network architecture.

-Mobile radio network devices and devices.





3. Commissioning of equipment in fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

-Put-in-service procedures.

-Installing the software on the computers.

-Updating the software inventory.

-Documentation of tasks, incidents, and test results.

4. Configuration of equipment in fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

-Parameters and configuration tools in fixed networks, operation and features. Testing of functionality.

-Parameters and configuration tools in mobile networks, operation and features. Testing of functionality.

-Document in the specified format the tasks performed, the incidents produced, and the test results.

5. Safety standards applicable to the putting into service of fixed and mobile radio communications equipment.

-Protection and security measures.

-Personal security rules in the job.

-Regulations and recommendations concerning exposure to radiation.



Code: UF1850

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply test and verification procedures on devices and radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks to ensure the functionality of the devices, according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the parameters to be tested, according to the particular implementation of the fixed and mobile network radio communications devices used.

CE1.2 Citar the techniques and test tools used to verify the radio communications devices of fixed and mobile networks implanted.

CE1.3 Classify the test procedures to be applied to verify the communication between the devices of the radio communications network, taking into account the equipment involved and its characteristics.

CE1.4 Describe the processes and tools that are used for both exposure and exploration measurement of the coverage area.

CE1.5 To cite safety regulations and recommendations regarding radiation exposure measures in radio communications systems to be met in the working environment.

CE1.6 Verify the putting into service of radio communications devices for fixed and mobile networks, according to specifications given and following the established procedures:

-Identify the teams involved in the practical configuration.

-Identify the features of installed equipment from your specifications, as well as applicable test procedures

-Discriminate the test parameters and procedures, as well as the order of execution.

-Apply the security regulations to the job.

-Perform the tests.

-Interpret the results obtained.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE1.7 Perform the exposure measurements following specifications received:

-Select the measure items to use.

-Identify and apply safety measures at work, as well as exposure to electromagnetic fields.

-Perform the exposure measures.

-Record the results of the measures and scale them to the top level.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE1.8 Perform coverage area scan measurements following received specifications:

-Select the measure items to use.

-Identify and apply security measures in both work and exposure.

-Perform coverage area scan measures.

-Record the results of the measures and scale them to the top level.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.


1. Test and verification operations in fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

-Identifying the computers and devices that make up the system

-Instrumentation, characteristics and application of measures, tools for the verification of the operation of the equipment.

-Verifying the installation of the system devices and equipment.

-Instruments for electromagnetic field measurements.

-Parameter measures.

-Measures on devices. Test procedures.

-Checking the connection between the equipment and the radiant system

-Checking the transceiver and radiant system installation.

-Record the results, the tasks performed, and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1849



Unit 2-UF1850




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1212_2

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1212_2 Maintain and resolve first-level incidents in fixed and mobile network radio communications systems.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1851

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the physical structure of the radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks, of the modules and of the units that form them, to facilitate the maintenance and replacement of damaged units.

CE1.1 Classify the types of fixed and mobile radio networks according to the technology and standards used and the function they perform.

CE1.2 Perform the block diagram of the various radio communications equipment that make up the fixed and mobile networks.

CE1.3 Explain the internal structure and functional blocks of the radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks, listing and describing the different functional parts thereof, according to the technology and standards.

CE1.4 Explain the technical characteristics and identify the parameters of each of the modules and units of a radio system of fixed and mobile networks according to technical specifications.

CE1.5 Describe service protection systems (redundant systems) in the face of breakdowns and/or potential propagation problems that the radio communications equipment of the fixed and mobile network incorporates.

CE1.6 Describe the type of mounting of the radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks identifying the subastidors and the units that form it.

CE1.7 Describe the physical structure of the fixed and mobile radio communications equipment from the documentation of the same:

-Describe the units of the different modules, relating the actual elements to the symbols that appear in the schema.

-Explain the type, characteristics, and functionality of the drives.

-Citar the functional blocks, explaining their typology and characteristics.

-Describe the variation in the parameters, characteristic of the units that form the equipment, making modifications to the same, explaining the relationship between the effects detected and the causes that produce them.

-Develop a report memory of the activities developed and obtained results, structuring them in the necessary sections for appropriate documentation of the same.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

C2: Apply preventive maintenance procedures to equipment and auxiliary systems for fixed and mobile radio communications, to ensure their operation and minimize or avoid service outages.

CE2.1 Recognize preventive maintenance procedures to apply to the various equipment of fixed and mobile radio communications networks.

CE2.2 Identify the power and ventilation systems of radio communications equipment, as well as the various auxiliary elements required, taking into account their functionality.

CE2.3 Perform preventive maintenance of a mobile network base station to maintain system service and functionality, following established procedures:

-Identify the different equipment and elements to be maintained.

-Meet established security rules.

-Perform visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring, the radiant system.

-Check and clean the ventilation units, and replace them.

-Check the batteries of the equipment and the power systems, and replace them.

-Perform software updates.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE2.4 Perform preventive maintenance of a mobile radio network controller to maintain system service and functionality, following established procedures:

-Identify the various elements to be maintained.

-Meet established security rules.

-Perform visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring.

-Check and clean the ventilation units, and replace them.

-Check the batteries of the equipment and the power systems, and replace them.

-Perform configuration backups.

-Perform software updates.

-Review occupancy level of hard drives, percentage of occupancy of transmission lines, and CPU.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE2.5 Perform preventive maintenance of a fixed radio network terminal to maintain system service and functionality by following established procedures:

-Identify the various elements to be maintained.

-Meet established security rules.

-Perform visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring.

-Check and clean the ventilation units, and replace them.

-Check the batteries of the equipment, and replace them.

-Perform configuration backups.

-Perform software updates.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE2.6 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Physical architecture of fixed and mobile radio communications networks

-Physical architecture of a fixed network radio communications system. Characteristic parameters.

-Physical architecture of a mobile network radio communications system. Characteristic parameters.

-Mobile radio network base stations.

-Internal structure and functional blocks.

-Mount types.

-Mobile radio network controllers.

-Internal structure and functional blocks.

-Mount types.

-Fixed radio network terminals.

-Internal structure and functional blocks.

-Units and modules that form them.

-Mount types.


-Types of antennas (arrays, omnidirectional, parabolic).

-Concept of polarization in the antennas.

-Service Protection Systems (redundancy).

1. Preventive maintenance operations of fixed and mobile radio communications equipment and devices

-Preventive maintenance procedures for auxiliary equipment and systems.

-Tools and tools for the assembly and adjustment of radio communications equipment.

-Base station maintenance, network controller, radio terminals, and antennas:

-Preventive maintenance of a base station.

-Identification of equipment and elements.

-Visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring, radiant system.

-Check and clean (if any replacement) of the ventilation units.

-Check the batteries of the equipment and the power systems, and replace them.

-Software updates.

-Process documentation, performed tasks, and incidents found in the specified format.

-Preventive maintenance for a mobile radio controller:

-Identification of the various elements to be maintained.

-Visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring.

-Check and clean (if necessary replace) the ventilation units, and if necessary replace them.

-Check the batteries of the equipment and the power systems, and replace them.

-Configuration security copies.

-Software updates.

-Review occupancy level of hard drives, percentage of occupancy of transmission lines, and CPU.

-Document the process, tasks performed.

-Preventive maintenance of a fixed radio network terminal.

-Identify the various elements to be maintained.

-Perform visual inspection of alarm indicators, power and connection wiring.

-Check and clean the ventilation units, and replace them.

-Check the batteries of the equipment, and replace them.

-Perform configuration backups.

-Perform software updates.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

-Power systems (rectifiers, batteries, and generators).

-Features and measures to be performed.

-Electrotechnical regulation.

-Disjunction and fuse characteristics.

-Power system cabling, ground-taking systems, relays.

-HVAC systems.

-Transmission media:

-Coaxial cables.


-Identification of connectors and cable types.

-Guiawave pressurization systems.

-Measurement instruments and procedures in radio communications equipment.

-Conditions for proper operation.

-Maximum curvature.

-Influence of upcoming electromagnetic fields.


2. Safety standards applicable to the maintenance of fixed and mobile radio communications equipment

-Protection and security measures.

-Personal security rules.



Code: UF1852

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify alarms, describe the types of devices and radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks, following given specifications.

CE1.1 Classify the first level alarms of devices and equipment of fixed and mobile radio communications, to facilitate the diagnosis of incidents taking into account the technical specifications.

CE1.2 Identify the incidents that produce the first level alarms in the devices and radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks, relating them to each unit, in order to detect possible operating anomalies.

CE1.3 Explain the systematic incident resolution and breakdown repair procedures to recover communications service interruption situations.

CE1.4 Citar the functionalities of local management software applications for use in the identification, treatment and resolution of alarms presented by radio communications equipment.

CE1.5 Perform alarm detection and resolution, following specifications received and established procedures:

-Inspect the visual indicators presented by radio communications equipment to locate the alarm.

-Interpret the documentation of the equipment, identifying the different functional blocks and characteristic parameters.

-Use local management applications to obtain information about the alarm and characterize it by the incident it produces on the network.

-Measure and interpret the signals and parameters of the radio communications equipment, making the necessary adjustments, according to the documentation thereof and using the appropriate instruments.

-Locate the device responsible for the breakdown, making the necessary modifications and/or replacements for this location with the prescribed quality, following standard procedures, in an appropriate time.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE1.6 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Diagnosis of first-level incident breakdowns in fixed and mobile radio communications networks

-Types of alarms and incidents.

-Diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures for each type of device.

-Diagnostic, treatment and alarm resolution tools. Centralized and local network management systems.

-Documentation of activities, incidents, and results in the specified format.



Code: UF1853

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Repair the first level breakdowns of radio communications devices and devices from fixed and mobile networks, following given specifications.

CE1.1 Describe the connection and the type of input and output signals of the units that form the radio communications equipment to avoid errors during the repair of the fault.

CE1.2 Classify the typical breakdowns of the radio communications equipment of fixed and mobile networks that have to do with the radio communications services.

CE1.3 Explain the systematic incident resolution and breakdown repair procedures to recover communications service interruption situations.

CE1.4 Perform the replacement of a broken unit, following the procedure set:

-Meet established security rules.

-Determine if it is necessary or not to cut the power of the unit to proceed to its replacement.

-Check cabling labeling to prevent connection errors after replacement.

-Select the appropriate tools for removing the cables attached to the drive as well as removing the unit from the subastidor.

-Verify the compatibility of the spare drive with the failed.

-Identify the hardware configuration of the drive to replace if appropriate, to configure the spare drive

-Insert the new drive.

-Verify the disappearance of the associated alarms at both the hardware level and the local management software level.

-Use the local management applications to verify the operation and update the inventory of the drives.

-Register the activities performed and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE1.1 Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Resolution of first-level breakdowns in fixed and mobile radio communications networks

-Types of faults in radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks.

-Incident resolution and breakdown repair procedures.

-Local and centralized applications to identify, treat and resolve radio communications equipment alarms.

2. Alarm detection and incident resolution.

-Inspect visual indicators to identify the type of alarm.

-Interpret the alarm with help from the technical documentation of the local computer and applications.

-Measure and interpret the signals and parameters of the equipment.

-Locate the device responsible for the breakdown.

-Modify and/or replace by making the necessary modifications and/or substitutions following the established protocol.

-Register the activities and results.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1851



Unit 2-UF1852






The training units must be exceeded in a correlative manner.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0392

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the service and maintenance of wireless networks in local and metropolitan areas, as well as in the configuration and commissioning of radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks and the maintenance and resolution of incidents in such systems, in accordance with the procedures established in the company.

CE1.1 Interpret the technical documentation associated with the computers and systems of the different types of networks.

CE1.2 Collaborate on the commissioning and maintenance of local and metropolitan area wireless networks in accordance with business procedures.

CE1.3 Participate in the configuration and commissioning of radio communications equipment for fixed and mobile networks, as well as in the resolution of the incidents associated with such systems, in accordance with the procedures and plans of the organization.

CE1.4 Collaborate, at its level, in the maintenance and repair of radio communications devices and devices for fixed and mobile networks, in accordance with business plans.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C2: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE2.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE2.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE2.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rate of the company.

CE2.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE2.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE2.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Maintenance in radio communications systems.

-The inventory of enterprise radio communications networks and systems.

-Operational specifications of the organization.

-The work items, incident parties, and other business documentation.

-The maintenance plan.

-Standards and quality criteria defined by the organization.

-Tools used in different business procedures.

-Business procedures for the service and maintenance of wireless networks in local and metropolitan areas.

-Business procedures for configuring and servicing fixed and mobile radio communications equipment.

-Maintenance, repair, and alarm management procedures for fixed and mobile radio communications devices and equipment.

-Test protocols.

2. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the scope of the Competition

With accreditation

No accreditation


Puesta in service and maintenance of local and metropolitan area wireless networks.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years


Configuring and putting into service fixed and mobile network radio communications equipment.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years


First level maintenance of fixed and mobile network radio communications equipment.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical Family of Computer and Communications.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate in the Communications area of the Professional Family of Informatics and Communications.

2 years

4 years

* For the last five years.


Forming Space

M² surface

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils

Aula Workshop on Radiocommunications



Formend Space








Forming Space


Aula Workshop on Radiocommunications

-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring Armarium with patched panels and network connection devices: hubs, switches, and routers.

-Base and network software.

-Office software, internet tools.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Printer and peripherals.

-Portable computer.

-Digital camera.

-Wireless communications devices and devices.

-Field Meter.

-Informatized instruments for connectivity tests.

-Wireless network adapters and antennas.

-Installation tools.

-Specific purpose software for all frequency bands involved (local and metropolitan area wireless networks).

-GPS Positioner.

-Access points, network electronics, and metro network base stations.

-Internal and external fixed subscriber units for metro networks.

-Mobile devices.

-Portable wireless and wired network testers.

-RF Power Meters.

-Fixed and mobile network radio equipment.

-Equipment for the measurement of specific parameters for fixed and mobile network radio communications.

-Tools specific software for measuring and loading parameters on computers and on the system.

-Software installation tools.

-Tools network and service management software.

-Instrumentation and exposure measurement equipment.

-Spectrum Analyzers.

-Measurement instruments for electrical measures.

-Software and Diagnostic Hardware.

-Power Meter.

-Radio equipment installation and utilities software.

-Multitest teams.

-Software with specific local radio communication equipment management programs.


-Installation-specific tools.

-Security and protection elements.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Database administration

Code: IFCT0310

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications

Professional area: Systems and telematics

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC079_3 Database administration (RD 295/2004 of 20 February and amendments RD1087/2005 of 16 September)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0223_3: Configuring and exploiting computer systems

UC0224_3: Configure and manage a database manager system

UC0225_3: Configure and manage the database

General competition:

Manage a database system, interpreting its design and structure, and adapting the model to the requirements of the database manager system (SGBD), as well as the configuration and management of the database at a physical and logical level, in order to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of the stored information.

Professional Environment:

Professional Scope

Develops your professional activity in the following areas:

-Medium and large enterprises or entities, dedicated to any productive sector, that have information systems for the management of their business processes.

-Small businesses, with the possibility to exercise as a self-employed professional.

-Companies that manage information systems for other organizations.

Productive Sectors

It is developed in productive sectors where there are companies that perform the following activities:

-Software development.

-Outsourcing of computer services.

-Technical consultancy in information systems.

-And in general companies or entities that use computer systems for their management.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs

Database Administrator

Data Mining (Data Mining) Technician

Organic Analyst

Duration of the associated training: 650 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0223_3: Operating systems and computer applications (170 hours)

● UF1465: Computers for databases (60 hours)

● UF1466: Storage Systems (70 hours)

● UF1467: Microcomputer and Internet applications for consultation and documentation generation (40 hours)

MF0224_3: Database manager system administration (200 hours)

● UF1468: Storage of information and introduction to SGBDs (50 hours)

● UF1469: SGDB and installation (70 hours)

● UF1470: Administration and monitoring of SGBDs (80 hours)

MF0225_3: Database management (200 hours)

● UF1471: Relational data bases and data modeling (70 hours)

● UF1472: SQL data definition and modification languages (60 hours)

● UF1473: Safeguarding and data security (70 hours)

MP0313: Database administration non-work professional practice module (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0223_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Adapt the logical configuration of the system for operation, according to the needs of use and within the directives of the organization.

CR1.1 System parameters that affect memory, processor, and peripherals are in compliance with usage needs.

CR1.2 The necessary devices and their control files are added or removed using the operating system utilities.

CR1.3 The team's logical connections are configured to access remote services within or outside the organization.

CR1.4 System parameters that affect ergonomics or ease of use are adjusted to improve the user's working conditions, within the organization's directives.

RP2: Organize the information in the file systems of the operating system and maintain its properties to facilitate the exploitation of the resources and ensure compliance with the directives of the organization.

CR2.1 Computer applications are organized with a structure and configuration that allow their use in optimal conditions.

CR2.2 Operating system user information is maintained in organized structures according to the capabilities of the system itself (files, directories, volumes, etc.) to facilitate access to such information and maintain homogeneity in the various teams in the organization.

CR2.3 The structure and configuration of the file system are kept available for use to prevent accidental failure and share information.

CR2.4 The information storage space is kept free of useless or outdated information to improve system performance and increase its lifespan.

RP3: Develop and transfer documents by using general purpose computing applications.

CR3.1 Ophimatic tools are used with the skill required to assist in the planning and documentation tasks of the works.

CR3.2 The exchange of information with other people is done using e-mail or electronic messaging systems to facilitate the flow of information and reduce costs and times when the nature of such information exchange allows.

CR3.3 The services available on the Internet, or other networks, are obtained, by means of the correct use of the necessary tools (navigation, forums, ftp clients, etc.), to facilitate the access to information necessary for the work.

RP4: Ensure the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the information you are responsible for and stored in the file system.

CR4.1 the stored information (data and software) can be returned to a state that allows its use at any time by, among other means, the backups.

CR4.2 Access to information is protected by the use of keys and other security measures set in the organization.

CR4.3 The means of protection against disasters or improper access (antivirus, firewalls, proxies, change management systems, etc.) are implemented and used in the systems that you are responsible for.

CR4.4 The system remains free of non-licensed software.

CR4.5 The internal rules of the organization and the current data protection legislation are met in the systems for which you are responsible.

CR4.6 The incidents are reported to the System Administrator to perform the appropriate tasks.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Office tools. File transfer and messaging services. Backup tools. Firewall, antivirus, and proxy servers. Change, incident, and configuration management tools.

Products and results

Operating system with optimal performance and proper utilization of your resources. Proper network connection within an organization. Operating system and configured and parameterized applications according to needs. Files with information according to the nature of the professional activity developed (programs, queries, text documents, spreadsheets, etc.) stored in appropriate physical support. Backups of information according to criteria of integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Information used or generated

Manuals for the use and operation of computer systems. Operating manuals for the associated software. Training course material. Systems for the support of computer applications. Technical support supports (telephone, Internet, messaging, forums, etc.)

Competition Unit 2

Naming: Configuring and managing a database manager system

Level: 3

Code: UC0224_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Initially install and parameterize the Database Manager System (SGBD) for startup, according to the technical specifications and characteristics of the downstream operation.

CR1.1 The operating system is adapted to the requirements of the SGBD according to the manufacturer's technical specifications.

CR1.2 The devices, processes, and physical space are configured according to the features of the SGBD, operating system, hardware, storage needs, and service requirements.

CR1.3 The data dictionary is created according to the SGBD specifications.

CR1.4 Cluster components, if applicable, are configured according to the SGBD, storage needs, and service availability policies.

CR1.5 Additional support utilities (backup, load, and data transformation, etc.) are integrated into the existing operating environment.

CR1.6 The graphical administrative tools and the command-line interface are used both with dexterity, for installation and parameterization tasks.

CR1.7 The responsibilities of local administrators are set individually in the case of multiple nodes.

CR1.8 In the case of distributed databases in which the SGBD is located on multiple nodes, the structure of each of the nodes is scheduled according to the BBDD that it is intended to contain.

CR1.9 In the case of distributed databases, the required parameters are set for distributed data management (transaction time limits, number of distributed transactions, establishment of links between databases, etc.).

RP2: Plan and perform administrative tasks of the Database Manager System to enable its optimal exploitation and according to established procedures.

CR2.1 The start and stop of the SGBD is due to the needs of the organization's use and maintenance policies.

CR2.2 Administrative tasks are scheduled according to the needs of the organization.

CR2.3 Administrative tasks are encoded by statement scripts or by using the SGBD's own tools.

CR2.4 Statement scripts are tested in a controlled environment, verifying the results before they are implemented.

CR2.5 Statement scripts are scheduled for execution according to the needs of the organization and interfering with the least possible on the operating system.

CR2.6 Operation procedures are documented for production use.

CR2.7 The data dictionary is used in those administrative tasks that require it, maintaining its integrity.

CR2.8 The data dictionary is kept up to date after changes to the structure of the SGBD and its integrity is preserved.

RP3: Monitor the indicators of the Database Manager System to evaluate the state of the system and the degree of compliance with the performance criteria, making the necessary adjustments for its optimization.

CR3.1 The database system performance criteria are set according to the general criteria of the organization and those set for each database.

CR3.2 The system prepares for monitoring using trace tools, log files, performance statistics, alert programming, and other monitoring elements.

CR3.3 System monitoring is performed during the most indicated time periods to obtain conclusions about its performance.

CR3.4 The operating system and physical devices are adjusted to improve performance and to correct the operating failures detected in the database system.

CR3.5 The SGBD is adapted to improve performance or to correct detected operating failures.

CR3.6 The databases are adapted to improve performance or to correct the detected operating failures.

CR3.7 Monitoring system information is used to analyze behavior trends and anticipate incidents and problems.

CR3.8 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

RP4: Advise on the acquisition and upgrade of the logical and physical systems associated with the Database Manager System that provide improvements to the system's capabilities.

CR4.1 The hardware and software are analyzed and valued for need and feasibility reports on potential improvements and upgrades to the SGBD.

CR4.2 New versions, updates, tools, and alternatives are evaluated to determine the suitability of your system deployment.

CR4.3 Release updates are scheduled and run in collaboration with affected areas and minimizing their effects on exploitation.

CR4.4 The corrective maintenance of the SGBD and associated tools is performed by applying the patches provided by the manufacturer.

CR4.5 Physical storage systems are configured and defined according to the needs and requirements of each SGBD.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Storage systems (RAID, SAN, and NAS). Cluster and backup centers. Database design tools. SGBD administration tools. Backup media. Office tools. Database manager systems. Data dictionaries (or catalog, or system tables). Data manipulation languages. Control languages and data definition. Log file management tools (log). Structured languages. Debugging tools. Change control tools. Task planners. Performance monitors.

Products and results

Operating system and configured and parameterized applications according to needs. Backups of the information according to criteria of integrity, confidentiality and availability. Queries for database manipulation interactively. Applications that manipulate the database through embedded code. Logical connections available to allow access to clients. Appropriate mechanisms for transaction recovery. Commissioning and operational maintenance of networked SGBD, either in isolation or in cluster. Programmes for the performance of administrative tasks. Activation of controls for proper management of the security of the SGBD. System performance traces available for analysis.

Information used or generated

SGBD Administration And Operation Manuals. Operating system installation manuals. Operating system operation manual. Organization chart of the organization. Knowledge about data communications networks. Safety standards (safety plan) and quality of the organization. Current legislation on data protection and confidentiality of information. Administrative tools manuals. Online help manuals. Technical assistance online.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0225_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform and modify the physical design of the databases from the previous logical design, adjusting it to the database's operating requirements.

CR1.1 The logical design is valued and adapted, if applicable, to the characteristics of the environment (number of users, volume of data, volatility, estimated data traffic, etc.) and the quality standards of the organization.

CR1.2 The tables, views, indexes, and other objects that are owned by a database manager are created by using DDL statements or administrative tools from the Database Manager System (SGBD).

CR1.3 The space allocation and physical constraints of the database are determined according to the defined logical characteristics and operating requirements.

CR1.4 In the case of distributed databases the information is fragmented according to the available fragmentation techniques (vertical, horizontal or mixed) and the established node structure.

CR1.5 In the case of distributed databases the necessary mechanisms are established to maintain the synchronization between them, guaranteeing integrity.

CR1.6 In the case of distributed databases, the distribution scheme of the fragments on the nodes is performed taking into account the logical organization of the database, the location of the applications, their access characteristics, and system characteristics on each node.

CR1.7 In the case of distributed databases, the replication scheme is established by ensuring the security and efficiency of the queries (fragmented, partially replicated and fully replicated databases).

CR1.8 The data dictionary is used in those database maintenance tasks that require it, maintaining its integrity.

RP2: Implement the access control policy on the database managers by following the organization's security rules and current legislation

CR2.1 The access control and activity policy is applied according to the organization's security rules and current legislation.

CR2.2 Security profiles are defined and maintained according to the security policy of the organization, by dashes of DCL statements and/or administrative tools.

CR2.3 The activity log is configured to track the activities performed by the users, and detect deficiencies in the access control systems.

CR2.4 Security policy implementation measures are documented in compliance with the organization's standards.

RP3: Schedule and backup, as well as data recovery if necessary, always subject to the organization's security rules.

CR3.1 The disaster recovery and recovery policy is defined and applied according to the organization's security rules and the requirements of each database.

CR3.2 The existing SGBDs in the backup center keep the information up to date so that it can be recovered in disaster cases.

CR3.3 The storage of the copies is monitored, checking that the organization's standards are met (fire-retardant cabinets, different physical location, etc.).

CR3.4 The backups are retrieved at the request of the data controller according to the rules of the organization.

RP4: Enable access to the Databases according to criteria of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

CR4.1 The initial data load is performed on the database and the result is contrasted with the original information to ensure consistency.

CR4.2 The connections required for access from clients are enabled according to the available networks and protocols.

CR4.3 The database has transaction recovery mechanisms enabled that ensure the integrity of the information when performing operations on the data.

CR4.4 The mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the information that is obtained and stored in the database (cryptography, checksum, signature algorithms, etc.) available in the SGBD are enabled.

CR4.5 The execution strategy and query optimization are set to minimize response times and data transfers over the network.

CR4.6 Database usage restrictions are specified and documented to ensure optimal performance.

CR4.7 Data is imported and exported with the available tools according to established procedures for the transfer of information between different databases or systems.

CR4.8 In the case of distributed databases the necessary mechanisms are established to maintain the synchronization between them, guaranteeing integrity.

CR4.9 In the case of distributed databases, the information replication mechanisms are established.

CR4.10 In the case of distributed databases, the integrity of the same is guaranteed by fulfilling the properties of the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and persistence of the transactions.

CR4.11 In the case of distributed databases, concurrency control is set to ensure the consistency of the Databases in a multi-user environment.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Storage systems. Cluster and backup centers. Database design tools. SGBD administration tools. Backup media. Office tools. Database manager systems. Data dictionaries (or catalog, or system tables). Data manipulation languages. Control languages and data definition. Log file management tools. Structured languages. Change control tools. Task planners. Performance monitors. Debugging tools. Query optimizers.

Products and results

Databases available for use. Backup copies in accordance with the schedule. Activity records in the database. Access profiles that are in line with the schedule. Connections in clients to access the DB. Configuring the mechanisms for transaction recovery. Copies of the database in backup center. Procedures for the import and export of data. Efficient query execution strategy that minimizes response times. Queries for database manipulation interactively. Logical connections available to allow access to clients. Appropriate mechanisms for transaction recovery. Commissioning and operational maintenance of networked SGBD, either in isolation or in cluster. Programmes for the performance of administrative tasks. System performance traces available for analysis.

Information used or generated

SGBD Administration And Operation Manuals. Operating system installation manuals. Operating system operation manual. Organization chart of the organization. Safety standards (safety plan) and quality of the organization. Current legislation on data protection and confidentiality of information. Administrative tools manuals. Online help manuals. Technical assistance online. Knowledge about data communications networks. Logical and physical designs of the Database. Log book of the backups. Operating manuals for existing databases.




Code: MF0223_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0223_3: Configuring and exploiting computer systems

Duration: 170 hours



Code: UF1465

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Defer the main components of a computer by indicating its functions and technical characteristics.

CE1.1 Explain the main components of a general purpose computer or server on the basis of its function and utility.

CE1.2 List and describe the elements of the motherboard of a computer recognizing its main functions.

CE1.3 Classify the main processor types based on your technology family, historical evolution, and most relevant features.

CE1.4 Classify and explain the peripherals and main input/output components of a computer by pointing to the function they perform in the system assembly.

CE1.5 List and sort the main commands in the low-level instruction set of a processor based on the function they are running.

CE1.6 In a series of practical scenarios for configuring microcomputer systems properly characterized by connection diagram and technical documentation:

-Identify the motherboard and recognize: the processor, the memory banks, locate the disks and diskette and CD/DVD drives, locate the /output connectors, and classify them by type.

C2: Analyze the core functions of a multi-user and multi-task operating system, recognizing and classifying the different types of existing operating systems.

CE2.1 Explain kernel, virtual core, and command interpreter concepts for an operating system.

CE2.2 Explain the different ways to route and store the file systems and file systems of an operating system and to structure the read and edit permissions.

CE2.3 Analyze the function of memory in the process of computer tasks and identify concepts related to it: central and expanded memory, virtual memory and paging and exchange.

CE2.4 List the different processor time-sharing policies implemented on the operating systems, identifying the impact of each of them on the process types.

CE2.5 Recognize and explain the functions of context changes, semaphores, job scheduler, and interrupt handlers in the operation of multi-user and multi-task operating systems.

CE2.6 Explain the different input/output mechanisms that an operating system handles based on resource management.

CE2.7 Classify operating systems and architectures by the different forms that have historically been used.

CE2.8 From a practical scenario of configuring a multi-user and multi-process computer system:

-Install different operating systems on the machine by identifying the important milestones in the process.

-Configure the paging and memory swap areas and recognize their impact on the system.

-Cause and interpret resource locks and their impact on system behavior.

-Create and organize files and file systems.

C3: Distinguished and analyze the configuration variables of an operating system, specifying its effect on system behavior.

CE3.1 List and explain the different types of logical devices used for the installation of services and applications.

CE3.2 Recognize and explain the core configuration parameters of the core of an operating system and its impact on system behavior.

CE3.3 Analyze the core services that run on an operating system and its influence and competence on resource management.

CE3.4 Describe the different ways to monitor and adjust the components of an operating system and analyze trends from the load state.

CE3.5 Map alarms sent by the previously implemented monitoring system and define events for resolution.

CE3.6 From a practical scenario by technical documentation of the installation and configuration of the operating system:

-Confect the file structure and file systems with user permissions.

-Drill down the processes started on the machine.

-Drill down the load status of: Disk Occupation, Memory Usage, Identify System Defined Networks, Install and Compile Different Hardware Component Device Handlers, Start System Monitors, and analyze data in real time and in aggregate mode.


1. Definition and identification of the main structure and components of a general purpose computer based on its function and utility


-Identification of different types of processors (CISC and RISC), as well as their different parts (Set of Instructions, Records, Counter, Unit-Logic, Interruptions).

-Enumeration and classification of the main instruction sets of an 8086 family processor.

-The advantages and disadvantages of the CISC and RISC models.

-RAM and xPROM Memories:

-Description of current RAM memory models and DDR, SDRAM differences.

-Description of xPROM memory models.

-Defining caches.

-Cache levels.

-Determining its importance in system performance.

-Valuation of memory by speed and storage unit cost.

-Input/Output interfaces:

-External devices.

-General numbering of more common interface types.


-Definition and description.

-Identification and location of mechanical disk parts.

-Classification of disks by their Input/Output interface.

-The advantages and disadvantages of different types of disks.

-Analysis of the SCSI disk and its interface.

-Solid state disk analysis and its advantages and disadvantages as a replacement storage medium for mechanical disks.

-SATA disk analysis and comparison with PATA disks.

-Families and processor types:

-Classification of processors ' families based on their compatibility with Intel's 8086 microprocessor (CISC and RISC).

-Classification and 64-bit processor models.

-The advantages and disadvantages of the different solutions of the main manufacturers.

-The history of Intel processors from the 8086 model to the Pentium family.

-Comparison with AMD.

-Power Processor. Advantages and types of peripherals.

-Classification by input or output peripherals.

-Introduction to the assembler language.

-Development of a scenario of identification and assembly of a computer, according to the guidelines indicated.

-Operating systems.

2. Functions and objectives of operating systems and memory management

-The operating system as the user/computed interface.

-The operating system as the resource administrator.

-An operating system's evolution facility.

-Memory management requirements (relocation, protection, sharing, logical and physical organization).

-Virtual memory concept.

-Paging concept.

-Paging incident on system performance.

-Description of memory management on Linux, Windows, and Solares systems.

3. File Systems



-Implementing file systems.

-Examples and comparison of file systems.

-File systems with journaling.

-File system security.

4. Identification and description of multi-process and multi-user concepts.

-Multiprocessor hardware.

-Types of operating systems for multiprocessor.


-Explanation of the user organization. Description of the different organizational models.

5. Logical partitioning and virtual cores.

-Concept of virtualization.

-The history of virtualization.

-Description and comparison of different virtualization implementations.

(full virtualization, paravirtualiation ...).

6. Applying configuration and system tuning techniques

-System performance. Enumeration, description, and interpretation of the main tools for observing resource consumption on in-memory, CPU, and disk systems on Windows, Linux, and Solaris.

-Examples of resolving high resource and competitive situations on Windows, Linux, and Solaris systems.

-Enumeration and description the main services processes running on Windows, Linux, and Solaris operating systems and their effect on the system assembly.

-Description of different accounting systems that allow you to set predictive models and trend analysis on Windows, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.

-Pre-production test plans. A description of different tools for performing load tests that affect CPU, Memory, and Input/Output on Windows, Linux, and Solaris operating systems.

-Making a test plan for the operating system.



Code: UF1466

Duration: 70hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and describe encodings and nomenclatures of computer elements according to the most widespread standardization criteria.

CE1.1 Describe and apply the regulations concerning the classification and classification of files and their required containers to facilitate the safeguarding and administration of system data.

CE1.2 Describe and employ standardized nomenclature regulations of machines, services, and applications required to facilitate administration tasks.

CE1.3 Recognize and apply the file migration and archive policies to be used in system storage management based on your need for further processing and resource usage efficiency.

CE1.4 In several scenarios and case studies properly characterized from servers connected to different TCP/IP communications networks:

-Generate a network and server IP address map

-Define and deploy a name server (DNS)

CE1.5 From a convenient convenient scenario of file system architecture:

-Analyze and explain the implemented structure.

-Identify the creation, validity, and last modification dates of a typical set of files.

-Identify authorized users to open and modify a characteristic set of files.

-Apply different data migration policies by analyzing their influence on space availability and process runtime.

C2: Distinguished the different types of storage used in multi-user operating systems, indicating their structure, characteristics, and modes of operation.

CE2.1 List and classify different storage systems based on their capacity, performance characteristics, and compatibility with the most extended operating systems.

CE2.2 Describe and classify the physical protection and recovery mechanisms of the information according to its mode of operation and performance.

CE2.3 List and analyze the volume pools, logical volumes, and format types that are defined and implemented on each operating system and volume manager.

CE2.4 Choose and use the logical volume management tools that are used for storage management on the basis of their operating mode and compatibility with the different operating systems.

CE2.5 Explain how it works and what value it brings to the operating system in parallel to multiple physical volumes.

CE2.6 List tape and cartridge storage systems and classify them by type of support, by manual or automatic management, and by their use in operating systems and applications.

CE2.7 In various scenarios and cases properly characterized by systems with external and internal storage and tape libraries:

-Document a physical/logical map of capabilities that you define: Physical volumes with their capacity, address and access mode, tape drives and their labels, implemented parity protections, and number of accesses to each volume.

-Define logical volumes and file systems with different sizes and structure.

-Install and configure a fault-tolerant access balancing system.

-Define parallel access to file systems and analyze the performance impact of systems using the operating system monitoring tools.

-Implement software volume mirroring with the logical volume manager and analyze its utility for operating system recovery.

C3: Apply techniques and procedures related to security of systems, communications networks, and data.

CE3.1 Explain the fundamental concepts of data protection and security policies and their relationship in the recovery and continuity of services and applications.

CE3.2 Explain the differences between physical and logical backups and their influence on operating systems, file systems, and databases.

CE3.3 Identify the main architectures of high availability of systems and components and analyze their advantages and weaknesses depending on each case.

CE3.4 Explain how firewalls, antivirus, and proxies work on communications network architectures.

CE3.5 Recognizes the technical and operational procedures used to ensure user access to services and applications with special interest in Internet-related architectures.

CE3.6 In a number of scenarios and case studies properly characterized by computer systems connected to communications networks:

-Implement backups of files and databases.

-Retrieve applications that use databases from physical and incremental backups and continuity specifications.

-Install and configure firewalls on servers that only allow access from the specified clients and protocols.


1. Organization and management of information

-File systems:

-Nomenclature and encoding.

-Storage hierarchies.

-Migrations and archiving of data.

-Logical and physical volumes:

-Partitioning concept.

-Partition table concept and MBR.

-Description of NAS and SAN storage systems. Comparison and applications. Comparison of iSCSI, FC, and FCoE SAN systems.

-Managing logical volumes. The LVM volume management system. Basic LVM usage guide.

-Parallel access.

-RAID protection. Comparison of different levels of RAID protection. Software or hardware RAID controller option mention: RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5 (Recovery of large disks with RAID 5), and RAID 6.

-Analysis of Safeguard policies:

-The unique points of failure, concept, and identification.

-Backup and backup types of copies.

-Physical and logical safeguard.

-Safeguard at block and file level.

-High Availability Concepts. Differences between cluster, grid, and load balancing.

-Data integrity and service recovery. Minimum guide to develop a business continuity plan. Recovery Point Objective (RTO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) concepts.

-Custody of security files. The problem of safeguarding and storing confidential data. Some implications Data Protection Organic Law (LOPD).

-Security Policy Analysis:

-Restricted access by user accounts. Ownership of the information.

-Single access identifier. Single Sign On (SSO) systems.

-Anti-virus protection.

-Security audits.

2. Development of different practical scenarios, duly characterised, in which they are analysed

-The effect of possible partitioning and disk access decisions as well as the implementation of a data safeguarding policy.

-The nomenclature policy of the different systems and the development of a network map to document it.

-Different file systems to study the selected nomenclature and the data access and modification of the files, as well as the permissions of the users of access to them.

-The migration of data between different systems.



Code: UF1467

Duration: 40hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Use the main types of office tools and services and applications associated with the Internet.

CE1.1 List and explain the main functions of the word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation editing.

CE1.2 Relate the main services associated with the Internet and classify them on the basis of their function and specificity.

CE1.3 Apply the functions of office tools and Internet services to the elaboration of properly structured and standardized technical documentation to facilitate the understanding and control of versions.

CE1.4 Use file transfer services for the exchange of information with the support services that the IT manufacturers publish on the Internet.

CE1.5 From a convenient scenario of microcomputer system with the possibility of Internet connection:

-Elaborate text documents, spreadsheets and presentations from a series of delivered models that require the use of different functionality of the tools in increasing difficulty.

-Configure the computer for your Internet access from the Service Provider specifications.

-Find and extract technical documentation and applications from different service providers on the Internet from a situation relationship.


1. Microcomputer and Internet applications

-Text Processors, Calculation Sheets, and Presentations Edition:

-User-level management and knowledge.

-Technical documentation processing techniques.

-Standard document formats. Structure of the information and metadata in the documents.

-The Wiki as a collaborative writing tool.

-Internet Usage:

-Knowledge of www. Browsers.

-Email, chat and forum systems. Rules of conduct apply in forums, chat and e-mail.

-File transfer. Explanation of user-level file transfer techniques and discriminating against those that provide security elements for both identification and encryption.

-Free software projects on the web. Identification of the sites to find them, where to download the software and how to contact the community.

-Version control systems.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible







Formative Unit 3-UF1467




To access the UF2 training unit, the UF1 training unit must have been exceeded.

The UF3 training unit can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0224_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0224_3: Configure and manage a database manager system

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1468

Duration: 50hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the fundamental information storage systems and determine the environments in which their deployment is appropriate.

CE1.1 Describe the fundamental logical systems of information storage. (Flat Files, Indexed Files, Direct Access Files, XML Files, Database Manager Systems)

CE1.2 Distinguished other advanced structured information storage mechanisms: Directories (LDAP), XML.

CE1.3 Distinguished the different types of existing SGBD: Jerarchists, in Network, Relational, Object Oriented, Documentary

CE1.4 Explain the main functions that a SGBD should perform.

CE1.5 Describe organizational levels in the standard architecture of an SGBD

CE1.6 Describe the core functional components that are part of a SGBD, both at the process and data structures level.

CE1.7 Distinguished features that differentiate each of the commercial SGBD types that exist (centralized, client/server, parallel, distributed)

CE1.8 Describe the user types that may need access to the SGBD: (Database administrator, data users, application users, network administrators).


1. Types of information storage

-Analysis and exemplification of different file information storage models:

-Sequential access files.

-Direct access files.

-Indexed access files.

-Calculated Routing Access Files (hash).

2. Storage in SGBD

-SGBD definition.

-Identification of various market SGBDs, from the oriented for Personal use to the professionals.

-Short description of the different user roles that are used by the SGBDs in general.

-Description of the functional elements of the SGBD.

-Numbering of the features and functions of an SGBD.

-Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of storing information in files to be done in a SGBD.

-Classification of the SGBDs based on the data model:


-Oriented to Objects.


-In network or CODASYL DBTG.

3. Other types of information stores


-Definition of XML.

-Comparison of XML storage with flat storage in files.

-Directory Services (LDAP):

-Definition of LDAP.

-Comparison of the storage of the information in an LDAP against an SGDB.



Code: UF1469

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Install the database system, determining and applying the appropriate SGBD configuration to the performance requirements raised.

CE1.1 Describe the fundamental logical components and physical file structure of the SGBD by distinguishing the different components as well as their physical location on the machine object of the installation.

CE1.2 Describe the optional and/or auxiliary logical components, as well as the existing dependencies between them and which condition their installation.

CE1.3 Describe the process to be followed to perform the installation of the SGBD, identifying the tools involved in that process.

CE1.4 List and describe the different support utilities that can be integrated into the SGBD environment.

CE1.5 Explain the configuration parameters involved in starting a SGBD.

CE1.6 Explain the particular configuration parameters of a distributed SGBD (data distribution, replication scheme, local structure of each node, local administration of each node)

CE1.7 In a scenario of installing and configuring a SGBD, given performance requirements to meet:

-Interpret the associated technical documentation provided by the SGBD manufacturer by identifying the configuration parameters of the SGBD.

-The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

-Identify all operating system parameters and features that affect the operation of the SGBD and configure them appropriately (changing variables, recompiling, etc.).

-Determine the appropriate settings for the SGBD configuration to optimize performance for the performance requirements.

-Perform the installation of the SGBD and apply the determined configurations.

-Configure the physical space according to the features of the SGBD and storage needs.

-Integrate the appropriate support tools, depending on the requirements set.

-Create and initially configure the data dictionary, depending on the requirements set.

-Configure remote access to the database, both from clients and from other processes running on the same server.

-Document the installation process followed and the configuration parameters applied.

CE1.8 In a convenient installation and configuration scenario of a distributed SGBD and given performance requirements to meet, special attention should be paid to:

-Set the structure for each of the nodes that contain a fragment of the database, depending on the fragmentation scheme used and the design requirements.

-Set the local administration parameters for each node, according to the design requirements.

-Configure the parameters for distributed management of data for distributed transactions.

-Configure the interconnect mechanisms of the different nodes


1. Database manager systems

-Introduction to the history and evolution of SGBDs.

-Numbering and description of the functions of the SGBDs.

-Classification of the SGBDs based on:

-Data Model.

-Number of users to which you service: single user and multiuser.

-Number of sites where the DB is distributed: centralized and distributed.

-Process management: multiprocess and multithreaded.

-Defining the architecture of a SGBD based on the three-layer model proposed by the ANSI-SPARC committee:

-Internal or physical level concept.

-Concept of the external or vision level.

-Concept of the conceptual level.

2. Data Dictionary


-Analysis of its structure.

-Justification of its importance as a fundamental element in the installation and maintenance of the database.

3. Analysis of the functional structure of the SGBD

-SGBD processes.

-File Manager.

-DML processor and compiler.

-The DDL compiler.

-Management of the DB.

-Managing connections and network.

4. Installing a SGBD

-Determination of an SGBD to be installed based on requirements raised in an assumption.

-Interpretation of the SGBD usage license documentation.

-Identification of technical documentation sources. Interpretation of the documentation required for the installation.

-Identification and verification of the required computer requirements for the installation as well as those of the operating system.

-Description of the configuration parameters required for the start up of the SGBD at both the SGBD itself and the environment in which it is installed.

-Selecting additional logical components that might be useful depending on the installation scenario.

-Determination of the ideal location and distribution of software, data and indexes within the computer.

-If the SGBD supports multiple operating systems and computer architectures, identify the advantages and disadvantages of selecting one or the other.

-Identifying the most common possible character sets and internationalization elements as well as the possible problems related to them.

-Performing a scenario of installing an SGBD (and process documentation) in which the relationships between the physical architecture of the computer and the logical parts of the SGBD are exposed.

5. Description of the communication mechanisms of the SGBD

-Configuring remote access to the database on at least one market SGBD.

-Description of the Client/Server communication with the SGBD.

-Identification of Client/Server access media differences: Sockets, Shared Memory, TCP/IP, etc.

-Identification of the main elements that provide interoperability to the SGDB: ODBC, JDBC, etc.



Code: UF1470

Duration: 80hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform and schedule administrative tasks appropriately, operating with the SGBD tools.

CE1.1 List and describe the common administrative tasks to perform in a SGBD: Safeguarding and recovery, database creation and maintenance, user management and access permissions, physical space management, cluster management, partitioning management, distributed database management, process management, manual and scheduled starts and stops, etc.)

CE1.2 List and describe the available graphical tools, according to the SGBD, for performing administrative tasks.

CE1.3 List and describe available commands, according to the SGBD, for performing administrative tasks in text mode.

CE1.4 Describe queue management and task scheduling techniques

CE1.5 Identify the tools available in the SGBD for task planning.

CE1.6 Explain the existing commands in the SGBD for task scheduling.

CE1.7 In a collection of practical assumptions that cover the most common database administration needs and availability of the organization's security plan and rules:

-Set an administrative task execution plan that meets the needs of the organization.

-Get the necessary information from the data dictionary, in those administrative tasks that require it.

-Start and stop the SGBD based on the organization's usage needs and maintenance policies.

-Perform the administrative tasks necessary to meet the needs of the organization, using graphical tools available or user commands, following the organization's rules and attempting to interfere as little as possible in the operation of the system.

-Check the results obtained from the execution of the administrative tasks, prior to their definitive implementation, by means of tests in a controlled environment.

-Modify the administrative tasks set to meet new requirements or to correct any malfunction.

-Document the administrative tasks established, the plan of execution of the same and the results they produce.

C2: Build statement scripts to automate administrative tasks.

CE2.1 Different script classes that can be developed in the database system

CE2.2 List the programming resources available in the system for the encoding, debugging, and execution of statement scripts (available script languages, compilers, and/or interpreters, development environments).

CE2.3 Describe the syntax of different aspects of a scripting language for statement script encoding

CE2.4 Describe basic structured development design techniques: Tables of frame structures,

CE2.5 Describe existing evidence types

CE2.6 Describe existing tools for code testing as well as the functionality they provide: trace, debug, execution plan, ...

CE2.7 In a collection of practical assumptions that cover the most common database administration needs and availability of the organization's security plan and rules:

-justifiably select the most appropriate scripting language for the automation of administrative tasks.

-Design the required modules and tests for each module

-Schedule the statement scripts needed to address the administrative tasks that require them, according to the needs of the organization and following the corresponding programming techniques.

-Check the results obtained from the execution of the scripts, prior to their definitive implementation, by testing in a controlled environment.

-Modify the scripts to meet new requirements or to correct any malfunction.

-Include the scripts developed in the administrative task execution plan.

-Document the encoded scripts, indicating the administrative tasks they automate and the results they produce.

C3: Apply system performance optimization and monitoring techniques.

CE3.1 List and describe the different techniques for system monitoring.

CE3.2 List and describe the available tools, according to the SGBD, for system monitoring.

CE3.3 Describe the mechanisms available in the SGBD for automatic query optimization and identify its advantages and drawbacks (SQL optimizers available, configuration parameters to identify query or update databases, index creation, caches, etc.).

CE3.4 List the usual parameters set as the goal of system optimization.

CE3.5 Describe the main techniques for query optimization in SGBD.

CE3.6 In a scenario of monitoring an SGBD, in which a series of pending problems of detection and correction will be artificially introduced, and the safety plan and rules of the organization are available:

-Set the database system performance criteria according to the general criteria of the organization and those set for each database.

-Prepare the system for monitoring, determining the appropriate technique to be used in each particular case.

-Evaluate the status of the system based on the results of the monitoring and the degree of performance of the performance criteria.

-Make adjustments to the SGBD required for performance improvement or for the correction of operating failures detected during monitoring.

-Perform operating system adaptations and physical devices involved to improve performance and/or correct operational failures detected during the monitoring of the SGBD.

-Discover behavior trends from information in monitoring systems, setting the administrative tasks necessary to anticipate incidents and problems.

-Documenting performance criteria and other parameters


1. Administration of the SGBD (all points should be seen at least with two different SGBDs classified)

-Analysis of the functions of the SGB administrator.

-Identification of the different types of users that relate to the SGBD as well as the main demands of these users.

-Identifying the most common administrative tasks to perform.

-Application on at least two current SGBDs classified differently:

-Creating a DB.

-Start and stops.

-Analysis of the query execution plan and its possible optimizations.

-Managing queues and processes.

-Identification and selection of administrative tools to allow for the most common administrative tasks.

-Numbering and description of the administrative tools available according to the SGBD.

-Development of a scenario where the administrative tasks previously viewed from different management tools are applied.

-Identifying and locating the mechanisms provided by selected SGBDs to plan administrative tasks:

-Defining the different task scheduling techniques.

-Use the SGBD planning tools to perform some of the most common administration tasks.

-Development of a practical scenario in which the most common administrative tasks are planned according to the needs of the organization.

2. Building scripts for the management of the SGBD and BBDD

-Classification of the types and determination of their advantages and disadvantages as well as their normal use of dashes:

-Simple Guions.

-Stored procedures.


-Determining the available programming languages that make it possible to build administrative scripts for the SGBD.

-Selecting a programming language and performing some administrative scripts that demonstrate the data types, control structures, and functional structures of the selected language.

-Identification and localization of the basic libraries available for the different programming languages available. Employment in some administrative script.

-Development of a series of practical assumptions that involve from language selection, script development to test, start-up, and script documentation to perform some of the administrative tasks previously viewed.

3. Monitoring and tuning the performance of the SGBD

-Identifying the factors and parameters that influence performance.

-Selecting the tools that enable SGBD monitoring:

-Logs from logs.

-Alert devices.

-Other monitoring elements of the SGBD.

-Optimisation of the physical memory availability of the computer based on the load requirements of the SGBD.

-Optimizing SQL queries and execution plans.

-Optimizing disk access and distribution of data in one or more physical disks based on the requirements of the SGB load.

-Anticipating possible scenarios based on data observed in monitoring and enumerating possible corrective measures:

-Development of a scenario for adjusting an unoptimized SGBD and its underlying elements to match the organization's criteria.

4. Description of distributed SGBDs

-Distributed SGBD Concept.

-Main advantages and disadvantages.

-Expected features in a distributed SGBD.

-Classification of distributed SGBDs according to the criteria of:

-Distribution of the data.

-Type of local SGBDs.

-Autonomy of the nodes.

-Description of components:

-Local processors.

-Distributed processors.

-Global dictionary.

-Enumeration and explanation of the DATE rules for distributed SGBD.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible







Formative Unit 3-UF1470




To access the UF2 training unit, the UF1 training unit must have been exceeded.

The UF3 training unit can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0225_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0225_3: Configure and manage the database

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1471

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1 with respect to data modeling

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Dominate conceptual fundamentals and relational database techniques.

CE1.1 Describe the concepts of the relational model.

CE1.2 Describe the basic operations of relational algebra.

CE1.3 Identify common data modeling techniques.

CE1.4 Identify correctly the elements that make up an Entity/relationship model as well as those present in the model extensions.

CE1.5 Describe common normal ways.

CE1.6 Describe the possible degree of normalization for a database, specifying the normalization procedures and the advantages and disadvantages they entail.

CE1.7 Describe the main elements and objects in the physical schema of a relational database.

CE1.8 Describe the mechanisms present in the physical model to ensure the integrity of the database: Referential integrity, assertions, triggers, unique keys, foreign ...

CE1.9 Describe the basic syntax of a data query language (DML) and establish its relationship to relational algebra

CE1.10 In a scenario where a logical layout is present:

-Identify entities that can be considered weak.

-Identify the degree of design normalization indicating which parts of the design are in the third normal way and which parts are not, as well as the specific degree of each part.

-Identify elements in the fourth and fifth normal forms or that are likely to be modified to achieve these normal shapes.

CE1.11 In a scenario where a completely denormalized logical layout is presented with a sufficient description of the elements present:

-Perform normalization to the first normal way.

-Perform normalization to the second normal way.

-Perform normalization to the third normal way.

-Perform normalization to the fourth normal way.

-Perform normalization to the fifth normal way.

CE1.12 In a scenario where a physical database with known information is available:

-Perform information extraction operations from a textual description of the information to be obtained and using the database query language and the known concepts of relational algebra.

-Perform information update operations from a textual description of the operation to be performed.


1. Relational databases

-A relational database concept.


-Concept of data models. Functions and subsystems (DDL and DML).

-Classification the different types of data models according to the abstraction level:

-Conceptual Data Models.

-Logical Data Models.

-Physical Data Models.

-Enumeration of the Codd rules for a relational system.

2. Analysis of the relational model and the elements that integrate it

-Concept of Relationships and their properties.

-Concept of Keys in the Relational Model.

-Relational algebra notions.

-Tuple relational calculation nodes to be able to solve basic practical exercises.

-Domain Relational Calculation Notions.

-Theory of normalization and its objectives:

-Concept of functional dependencies.

-Analysis and application of the different Normal Forms: 1. ª, 2. ª, 4. ª, 5. th normal form and the normal form of Obice-Codd.

-Advantages and disadvantages that justify a de-normalization of the tables in different scenarios.

-Development of different practical data normalization scenarios including data denormalization proposals.

3. Description and Application of the Entity-Relationship Model for Data Modeling

-Process of creating an entity-relationship diagrams and knowing how to apply it.

-Elements of:




-Diagram entity relationship understood as elements to resolve the gaps in the Simple Entity-Relation diagrams.

-Elements of:

-Strong and weak entities.

-Cardinality of relationships.

-Attributes in relationships.



-Developing various scenarios of modeling using relationship entity diagrams.

4. Object-oriented model

-Contextualization of the object-oriented model within UML modeling.

-Comparison of the class model with the relationship-entity relationship.

-Object diagram as a special case of the class diagram.

5. Distributed model and approaches to design

-Enumeration of the advantages and disadvantages of other models.

-Concept of fragmentation and its different types:




-Enumeration of fragmentation correction rules.

-Enumeration of data distribution rules.

-Description of data allocation and replication schemas.



Code: UF1472

Duration: 60 hours

Competition Referrer: This training unit corresponds to RP1 for data insertion, modification, and query and RP4 for transaction management.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the physical design of the Databases according to the design specifications

CE1.1 Explain the elements, objects, and physical storage structures available in a particular SGBD (Each SGBD has specific concepts for the physical storage structures: volumes, files, table spaces, data files, blocks, segments, etc.) to organize the information of the same into the storage resources of the Operating System.

CE1.2 Explain the relationship of the elements cited in the previous point with the elements of the physical schema: Tables, views, indexes.

CE1.3 Explain the practical consequences of establishing different organizations of physical storage structures.

CE1.4 Explain the different replication schemes of the information, its features and forms of implementation.

CE1.5 Detailed the different methods of information fragmentation (vertical, horizontal, or mixed) for distributed databases.

CE1.6 Describe the structure of the SGBD data dictionary that contains the database information.

CE1.7 In a practical scenario of performing the physical design of a BBDD and starting with the logical layout of the BBDD:

-Verify that the logical design conforms to the degree of normalization required by the set usage types, the quality standards of the organization, and the available resources, adapting it if necessary.

-Dimensional system storage needs and physical constraints according to logical design specifications (expected number and user characteristics, initial data volume, expected growth forecasts, volatility and data traffic)

-If necessary, select and apply the replication system of the most appropriate information according to the needs of the organization.

-Choose and implement the most appropriate transaction synchronization and recovery methods according to the needs of the organization and the requirements of the logical design.

-Set the concurrency control mechanisms best suited to the needs of the organization and the requirements of the logical design.

-In case of distributed databases:

-Select and apply the fragmentation scheme on the most appropriate nodes.

-To the logical characteristics of the database, the established node structure, the location of the applications, their access characteristics, and system characteristics on each node.

-Set the necessary mechanisms to maintain synchronization between them, ensuring the integrity of the entire database.

-Set the replication schema according to the needs of your organization (fragmented, partially replicated, and fully replicated databases

-Create the tables, views, indexes, and other objects of the database using DDL statements and/or SGBD administrative tools

-Document the resulting physical design as well as the actions taken for obtaining it.


1. Analysis of information storage objects and structures for different SGBDs

-Relation of these items to tables, views, and indexes.

-Consequences of selecting the different storage objects.

-Different methods of fragmentation of the information in particular for distributed databases.

2. Definition, manipulation, and control languages

-Basic concepts, notions and standards.

-Data definition language (SQL DDL) and application in current SGBD.

-Discrimination of existing elements in the SQL-92 standard of other existing elements in commercial databases.

-Create Statements: CREATE:




-Disparators or Triggers.


-Modification Statements: ALTER:




-Disparators or Triggers.


-Clear statements: DROP, TRUNCATE:




-Disparators or Triggers.


-Data manipulation language (DML SQL).

-Data queries: SELECT.

-Insertion of data: INSERT.

-Data Modification: UPDATE.

-Removing data: DELETE.

-Other data manipulation elements:



-Other items.

-Data Set Aggregation for Query: JOIN, UNION.


-Manipulation of the data dictionary.

-Notions about the storage of objects in relational databases.

-Notions about XML storage and retrieval in relational databases:

-Introduction of the SQL-2006 standard.

3. Transactionality and concurrency

-Fundamental concepts.

-Identifying concurrency problems:

-Lost updates.

-Non-repeatable reads.

-Fictitious Readings.

-Notions on Concurrency Control:



-Knowledge of the fundamental properties of transactions.




-Isolation (Isolation).


-Analysis of isolation levels:

-Read confirmed.

-Repeatable read.


-Development of a scenario where the relationship and implications between the logical data access and definition model and the physical data storage model are highlighted.



Code: UF1473

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Referrer: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP3, and RP4 for backups and encryption.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Maintain the security of access to databases by ensuring confidentiality.

CE1.1 Explain methods for defining access profiles

CE1.2 Explain the concepts available in the SGBD for the application of security policies (roles, login, users, groups, permissions, privileges, ...)

CE1.3 Describe the existing data protection legislation and the mechanisms of the SGBD to ensure compliance with it.

CE1.4 Describe principles on data protection

CE1.5 Describe people's rights

CE1.6 Identify tools to track user activity

CE1.7 List possible cryptographic mechanisms available in the SGBD: From data in the database and from communications

CE1.8 Describe the two large groups of cryptographic techniques: public key and private key (asymmetric or symmetric).

CE1.9 List problems that can be solved using cryptographic techniques: Authentication, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation.

CE1.10 In a practical scenario with a defined database schema and a specification of its use, determine the obligations in relation to the current regulations:

-Recognize the type of content according to current regulations (public or private ownership, type of information ...).

-Determine if the information is for purposes.

-Determine what the obligations are to meet according to the information available.

CE1.11 In a practical scenario, about a working BBDD, and starting with the organization's security plan and rules:

-Set the necessary database access profiles according to the characteristics of use given in the logical design, with the safety standards of the organization and respecting the current legality.

-Create and maintain security profiles defined by DCL statements and/or administrative tools.

-Create the database users by adapting them to the established security profiles.

-Configure the activity log to track the activities performed by users and detect deficiencies in access control systems.

-Document user-level security policy implementation measures.

C2: Ensure the safeguarding and recovery of information stored in databases according to the needs of each of them.

CE2.1 Describe the main possible failures in a database: failure of some physical media, logical failures: internal database failure, aborted processes, cancelled transactions ...).

CE2.2 Describe the main means that the SGBD provides for the recovery of logical failures and what their usefulness is in the context of a logical failure: Safeguards and available types, transaction log files, rollback spaces ...

CE2.3 Detailed the main features and forms of access to secondary storage media.

CE2.4 List and describe the different backup techniques (incremental, cumulative, and complete).

CE2.5 Identify the current legal regulations applicable to the planning of backup systems, depending on the different types of content stored.

CE2.6 Explain the operation of the connection mechanisms with remote backup servers for backup.

CE2.7 In a practical scenario, about a working BBDD, and based on the organization's security plan and rules:

-Define the backup and recovery policy to a disaster according to the organization's security rules, the requirements of each database, and the current legal regulations.

-Schedule the backup, calculating its costs, based on the organization's standards (features, timing, storage, time windows for batch execution, etc.).

-Calculate the resources required to run the schedule set on a given database

-Dispose appropriate procedures to implement copy planning using script and/or administrative tools.

-In case of a BBDD backup center, perform the necessary operations to keep the information that contains updated: Linked to the remote server, export and import data, etc.

-Retrieve backups in integrity conditions.

-Document the implementation of the backup plan, devices involved, and disaster recovery procedures.

C3: Export and import data from the Database by ensuring its integrity

CE3.1 Explain the mechanisms of import and export of possible data (Direct export of physical resources-Transportable table spaces, Archives, etc.-that make up the database to another similar SGBD, export and direct import by linking of databases, export and import of data through an intermediate structure).

CE3.2 Describe the available import and export tools in the specific SGBD by specifying the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, when their use is appropriate taking into account the performance considerations of each of them, the possibility of automation, the flexibility in terms of recognized data formats, and the power in the data transformation.

CE3.3 Describe the integrity verification tools of the structure of a database available in the SGBD.

CE3.4 Describe the possible consequences for the performance of imports and exports of data without log record, taking into account the opposition between performance and recovery considerations.

CE3.5 Describe the character set and other system internationalization mechanisms, to avoid problems in loading character, numeric, and non-decimal and date-type fields.

CE3.6 In a practical scenario, about a configured BBDD and a set of flat files and other databases with known structures:

-Determine the initial data load procedure in the BBDD for each data set. Set the tools to use and the mechanisms of initial index creation.

-Perform the initial data load by ensuring data integrity.

-If it is necessary to import data into the BBDD (from another BBDD or other source of information), select the most appropriate method to perform it according to the needs and rules of the organization.

-If it was necessary to export data from the BBDD (towards another BBDD or other information destination), select the most appropriate method and the data transformations required to perform it according to the needs and rules of the organization.

-Perform data transfer (import/export) according to the selected method and ensuring the integrity of the information.

-Perform basic high, low modification, and manual query operations on a functioning database.


1. Safeguarding and retrieving data

-Description of the different possible failures (both physical and logical) that can be raised around a database.

-Enumeration and description of the recovery elements with logical failures that contribute the main SGBD studied.

-Distinction of the different types of support used for data protection and its advantages and disadvantages in a backup environment.

-Concept of RAID and more commonly used levels in enterprises:


-Classification of RAID levels by their rebuild times.

-Remote data-safeguarding servers.

-Design and justification of a safeguard plan and a data recovery protocol for a business environment scenario.

-Data Safeguards Types:




-Defining the concept of the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and the Recovery Point Objective (RPO).

-Employment of the verification mechanisms of the integrity of the backups.

2. Distributed databases from a data distribution-oriented point of view and query execution

-Distributed SGBD definition. Main advantages and disadvantages.

-Expected features in a distributed SGBD.

-Classification of distributed SGBDs according to the criteria of:

-Distribution of the data.

-Type of local SGBDs.

-Autonomy of the nodes.

-Enumeration and explanation of the DATE rules for distributed SGBD.

-Replication of information in distributed databases.

-Query processing.

-Discomposition of queries and data localization.

3. Data security

-Data security concepts: confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

-Current legal rules on data:

-Personal data and the right to privacy.

-First, second, and third generation laws.

-Personal data protection law.

-The Data Protection Agency.

-General Data Protection Registry.

-Argument from a legal point of view the possible legal implications that a database administrator has to consider in your daily work.

-Security threat types:

-Accidents: human errors, software/hardware failures.

-Intent: direct and indirect attacks.

-Security policies associated with BBDD:

-User profiles.

-User privileges.

-User views.

-Encryptation of data.

-The DCL data control language.

-Numbering of the most common user roles in SGBD.

-Implementation on at least 2 SGDB.

-Tracking user activity:

-Numbering of the various tools available to track the activity of active users.

-Numbering of the various tools and methods to plot the activity of users from a forensic point of view.

-Employment of a tool or method to find out the activity of a user from a given moment.

-Employment of a tool or method to find out a user from certain activity in the database.

-Argument of the possible legal implications when monitoring the activity of users.

-Basic introduction to cryptography:

-Private or symmetric key techniques.

-Public key or asymmetric techniques.

-The cryptography applied to: Authentication, confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation.

-Cryptography mechanisms available in the SGBD for use in databases.

-Description of cryptographic mechanisms that enable data integrity to be verified.

-Description of cryptographic mechanisms that allow data confidentiality to be guaranteed.

-Database connection methods with cryptographic base.

-Development of one or more practical scenarios in which previously viewed security elements are applied.

4. Data Transfer

-Description of the tools for importing and exporting data:

-Importance of data integrity in export and import.

-Classification of tools:

-Hot Backups.

-Cold Backups.

-Shows an example of running an export and importing data.

-Migrating data between different SGBDs:

-Valuation of the possible disadvantages that we can encounter when transferring data between different SGBDs and propose solutions with intermediate data formats or other methods.

-Employment of some of the verification mechanisms for the transfer of data.

-Interconnect to other databases.

-Configuring remote access to the database:

-Enumeration of available Methods.

-Enumeration of the advantages and disadvantages.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1471



unit 2- UF1472



Formative Unit 3-UF1473




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0313

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Provide technical support on database system administration taras and their environment

CE1.1 Inventor the main equipment related to the database manager system at both hardware and software level.

CE1.2 Review the connection procedures between the different departments in their relationship to the database manager system.

CE1.3 Give technical support to the appropriate steering committees.

CE1.4 Know the data protection and recovery procedures.

CE1.5 Review various database schemas applied as well as the activity of the manager system.

C2: Analyze the suitability of database administration practices.

CE2.1 Analyze and verify the optimization of the underlying systems to the database manager as well as propose possible improvements.

CE2.2 Analyze and verify the operation of the database manager system and propose possible optimizations tailored to the needs of the job center

CE2.3 Evaluate and qualify the data recovery and recovery plan.

C3: Distinguished and analyze the configuration variables of an operating system, specifying its effect on system behavior.

CE3.1 Description of the different ways to monitor and adjust the components of an operating system to analyze trends from load status.

CE3.2 Alarm mapping sent by the previously implemented monitoring system and event definition for resolution.

CE3.3 Performing different functions related to installing and configuring the operating system.

C4: Recognize and describe encodings and nomenclatures of computer elements according to the most widespread standardization criteria.

CE4.1 Recognition and application of file migration and archive policies to be used in system storage management.

CE4.2 Generating network and server IP address maps and defining and implementing a name server.

CE4.3 Different assumptions related to file system architecture.

C5: To distinguish the different types of storage used in multi-user operating systems, indicating their structure, characteristics and modes of operation, with respect to the characterization of storage systems.

CE5.1 Apply techniques and procedures related to the security of systems, communications networks and data regarding the application of techniques and procedures related to computer security.

CE5.2 Install the database system, determining and applying the appropriate SGBD configuration to the performance requirements raised regarding the installation and configuration of a SGBD.

CE5.3 Perform and plan appropriately administrative tasks, operating with the tools of the SGBD, with respect to the realization and planning of the administrative tasks from the tools of the SGBD.

CE5.4 Apply system performance optimization and monitoring techniques, with respect to optimizing the performance of the SGBD.

CE5.5 Perform the physical design of the Databases according to the specifications of the logical design, with respect to the realization of the physical design of a database from the logical design of the same.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Inventorying hardware and software for the elements related to the database manager system

-Database server inventory.

-Inventory of SAN data storage systems.

-Inventory of data protection and recovery systems.

-Inventory of the database manager system client systems.

-Inventory of the communication system.

2. Review of the company's operating documents in relation to other departments

-Review of the documentation in relation to the system area.

-Review of the documentation in relation to the development area.

-Review of the documentation relating to the data exploitation client area.

3. Analysis of data protection and recovery plans

-Review and study of safeguard plans.

-Review and study of the business continuity plan.

-Contrast and proposal to optimize the safeguard and continuity plans.

4. Monitoring and analyzing the operation of the underlying operating system and database system

-Monitoring operations performed on the system from an operational point of view.

-Monitoring the operations performed on the system from the security point of view.

-Proposed actions to improve the performance of the manager system.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect for procedures and standards in the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Follow up on regulations for the prevention of occupational health risks and protection of the environment.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the field of the competency

MF0223_3: Operating systems and computer applications

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding Degree Title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding Degree Title or other equivalent titles.

1 year

MF0224_3: Administration of database manager systems

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding Grade Title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding Degree Title or other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF0225_3: Database management

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding Grade Title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding Degree Title or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Forming Space








Forming Space


-Audio-visual equipment

-PCs installed in network, projection canon and Internet

-Specialty specific software

-Rotuder-write Pizarras

- Flipcharts

-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

-Tools for mounting/dismantling

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Management of voice and data networks.

Code: IFCM0310

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Communications.

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC302_3 Management of voice and data networks (Royal Decree 1201/2007 of 14 September).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0228_3: Design the telematics network infrastructure.

UC0962_3: Integrate voice, data, and multimedia services.

UC0963_3: Manage and provide communications services to users.

General competition:

Define and monitor the procedures for installing, configuring, and maintaining the resources of a communications network to provide voice, data, and multimedia services to users and to integrate the resources offered by the transmission and switching systems.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity on its own, as well as for others in companies or public or private entities of any size, that have a communications network infrastructure with integrated voice and data services, in the department of networks and communications.

Productive Sectors:

It is located mainly in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: companies that have as business objective the marketing of voice and data communications services; companies or entities that use systems and equipment for transmission and switching for their management.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Communications Services Administrator.

Support technician in transmission and switching systems.

Duration of the associated training: 610 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF0228_3: (Transversal) Telematics Network Design (200 hours)

● UF1869: Market analysis of communications products. (90 hours)

● UF1870: Telematics network project development. (80 hours)

● UF1871: Preparation of the technical documentation. (30 hours)

MF0962_3: Integration of voice, data, and multimedia communications services. (180 hours)

● UF1872: Deployment and configuration of gateways. (90 hours)

● UF1873 Implementation and maintenance of communications systems for multimedia services and incident management. (90 hours)

MF0963_3: Administration of communications services for users. (150 hours)

● UF1874: Communications network infrastructure maintenance. (30 hours)

● UF1875: Management of resources, services, and communications network. (90 hours)

● UF1876: Customer care and client application installation. (30 hours)

MP0395: Non-working professional practice module for Voice and Data Network Management (80 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0228_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria:

RP1: Determine the topology configuration of network networking that adequately responds to project needs

CR1.1 System specifications accurately collect functional, technical and cost requirements and performance.

CR1.2 The system topology is determined by choosing a standard reference model that meets the requirements of the applications to be used (response time, quality of service, routing scheme, volume of data to be transferred, distances, access to other networks, etc).

CR1.3 Communication elements are valued taking into account the existing infrastructure and the state of the technology in the present as well as its possible short and medium term evolution

CR1.4 The topology and elements of the network are chosen according to the requirements of accessibility, confidentiality and integrity required by the user and the current regulations.

RP2: Analyze the connectivity capabilities of market communications teams to integrate them into a telematics networking infrastructure project

CR2.1 Communications equipment features and specifications are identified to determine their suitability for network design

CR2.2 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR2.3 The different physical means of transmission are differentiated by their technical characteristics and their suitability for use for different types of networks

CR2.4 The environmental requirements of the communications equipment (occupied surface, electrical consumption, heat dissipation, etc.) are contrasted with the possibilities of the installation.

CR2.5 The hiring and service conditions of the basic access to public networks offered by the telecommunications operators are reviewed and included in the specifications of the network design

CR2.6 The capabilities and features of communications hardware products and analog software products (routers, hubs, switches, VPN servers-virtual private networks-, firewalls, etc.) are known and compared for inclusion in the network design.

CR2.7 The implementation of communications software products is evaluated on different platforms and operating systems.

RP3: Determine the physical configuration of network networking by selecting the most appropriate equipment, devices, and software to project needs

CR3.1 The location of the network equipment and devices takes into account the conditions of ergonomics, safety and use of the available space.

CR3.2 The software components of the network infrastructure are chosen according to the system requirements and the capabilities required by the applications and specified above.

CR3.3 The cabling system and the type of support used for the local network are determined according to the distances between the different nodes of the system, the speed required for the transmission of the data and the environmental conditions.

CR3.4 Network devices and devices are selected according to the following criteria:

-The condition of approval of the same, both internally and externally, proposing for internal approval those elements whose use is essential.

-Compliance with prescribed technical and economic conditions.

-The security of supply and its availability within the agreed deadlines.

CR3.5 The system structure and block diagrams accurately reflect the structure of the system and the different elements that make it up.

RP4: Develop or monitor the elaboration of the technical documentation required for the execution of the data network installation and its subsequent maintenance.

CR4.1 The description of the installation accurately explains the characteristics and scope of the installation.

CR4.2 The technical documentation includes the necessary set and detail drawings and drawings, using the standardized symbology and presentation.

CR4.3 The relationship of materials, equipment and devices is performed using normalized coding and ensuring its internal and/or external acquisition.

CR4.4 The construction plans of the installation accurately collect the characteristics of the equipment for implantation (physical dimensions, location of devices and cards, coded identification of E/ S and wiring, etc.).

CR4.5 The network software and the system communication programs are sufficiently documented and allow the implementation and subsequent maintenance of the functions of the same.

CR4.6 The technical documentation conforms to the organization's standards and contains the necessary chapters for system installation and maintenance, including:

-Process to be followed in commissioning.

-Tests and adjustments to be made in the system start-up process.

-Parameters to be verified and adjusted.

-Stable Margenes of operation.

-Guidelines for performing preventive system maintenance.

Professional Context

Production media

Instruments for the realization of facility schemes (CAD/ CAM/ CAE programs). Technical documentation of manufacturers, in printed or electronic support. Project planning tools. Operator communications service configurators.

Products and results

Network design: blocks and block diagrams. Component memory. Network infrastructure maintenance guidelines. Verification and testing guidelines for components and equipment.

Information used or generated

Communications Infrastructure Security Policy. Installation manuals, reference and use of communications equipment. Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Information about communications equipment and software. Regulations, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, RFC-IETF). Technical documentation of projects and communication facilities. Time and pricing manuals for communications facilities.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC0962_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Define and apply the procedures for the implementation of gateways, which allow the integration of services to support functionalities according to specifications thereof.

CR1.1 The analysis of IP address maps and voice transmission lines and nodes is performed to verify the installation conditions of the gateway according to technical specifications of the system and description of the services to be integrated.

CR1.2 The characteristics of the communication lines, the environmental and power supply requirements, are determined to ensure the operation of the system according to standards of signaling and digitalization, technical specifications of the devices and environmental regulations.

CR1.3 The installation procedures for the hardware and software that will conform to the gateway are defined and documented for subsequent execution according to functional and technical specifications and criteria.

CR1.4 The gateway is configured to ensure the delivery of the services that will be supported by it, according to specific needs of the services and indications of the organization.

CR1.5 The functional and structural tests are performed on the gateway, to verify the delivery of the specified services according to the needs of the organization.

CR1.6 The security parameters of the gateway are set to verify access to the resources of the gateway and is performed by the default users, depending on the needs of the organization.

CR1.7 The documentation of the tasks that have been performed, is performed according to the protocols of the organization to fulfill the needs of the registry.

CR1.8 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Manage the incidences produced in the integration of the voice and data services, to obtain continuity in the delivery of the same, according to specifications of quality and conditions of criticality of the service.

CR2.1 The incidence detection channels are determined and the means for detecting and communicating the same to those in charge of their attention and management are enabled to proceed to their solution according to the protocols established by the organization.

CR2.2 The procedures for isolating and detecting incident-producing causes are set out in the contingency plan, to provide references to people in charge of problem management on the gateway according to the organization's protocols.

CR2.3 Incident management is organized by indicating the tools to be used and the procedures to be followed, as well as the incident escalation system, to ensure assistance team intervention with speed and quality criteria according to the organization's regulations.

CR2.4 Incident bulletins and associated documentation are tailored to control and manage intervention and solution processes according to the organization's protocols.

RP3: Define and apply procedures for the implementation and maintenance of communications systems for multimedia services, according to the quality specifications of the organization and the multimedia service itself.

CR3.1 The elements that make up the communications system for multimedia services are identified according to the needs specified for the establishment of the services.

CR3.2 The parameters of the communications lines are identified according to the needs specified for the establishment of the multimedia services.

CR3.3 The configuration of the specific protocols for the transmission of multimedia content is planned for implementation in the communications devices according to technical specifications and needs of the organization.

CR3.4 The procedures for installing and maintaining the hardware and software that will conform to the communications system for multimedia services are defined and documented for subsequent execution according to functional and technical specifications and criteria.

CR3.5 The functional parameters of the equipment that form the communications system for multimedia services are defined and configured to ensure the quality of the services according to specific needs of the same and indications of the organization.

CR3.6 Functional and structural tests are performed on communications system equipment for multimedia services to verify the delivery of the specified services according to the needs of the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Technical documentation of manufacturers, in printed or electronic support. Configuration and parameterization tools of the manufacturer's services. Tools for internal management, registration and administration of incidents. Computer and peripheral equipment. Communications equipment. Office tools. Monitoring and testing tools. Instruments of measures. Monitoring and management tools/applications. Lines of communication. Test terminals, telephones and computer equipment to test the service. Telephone switching equipment. "Call Managers".

Products and results

Network with voice, data, and multimedia communication services configured and running. Procedures for the implementation of defined gateways and multimedia services. Verification guidelines and periodic tests defined. Parameters configured on the communications lines. Managed and resolved incidents.

Information used or generated

IP address maps of the voice transmission lines and nodes. Specification of services that will support gateways. Quality parameters contracted by the customer. Quality regulations of the organization. Technical specifications of the devices and recommendations of the manufacturers. Environmental regulations and standards for signage and digitalization. Manuals for the use and operation of gateways. Manuals for the associated software. Technical documentation of manufacturers, in printed or electronic support. Information about the network configuration of the operator to which the gateway connects. IP information. Installation manuals, reference and use of communications equipment. Test Plan. Internal scaling procedure. Escalation procedure agreed with the client. Regulations, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, RFC-IETF). The result report of the installation. Performance reports. Act of acceptance by the client. Bulletins. Result report of the functional and structural tests. Listing of the parameters configured on the communications lines. Listing and interpretation of the configured alarms. Security report with default users by the organization. Plan of action against contingencies and levels of scaling.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0963_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Apply maintenance and update procedures on the network to provide and provide new communications services, taking into account the specifications received.

CR1.1 The map of the communications network is interpreted and the nodes are identified in it, to evaluate the state of the existing infrastructure and its resources according to the procedures of the organization.

CR1.2 Hardware and software updates are performed to keep the communications infrastructure up to date, following established procedures.

CR1.3 Updated updates are verified and functional tests are performed on the updated components to ensure the delivery of the services according to the organization's specifications.

CR1.4 The modifications and updates made are documented and reported, to fulfill the registration needs following the established procedures.

RP2: Provide and manage communications services to meet the needs of users, according to specifications received and quality criteria of the organization.

CR2.1 The communications services and the resources for their delivery are located to meet the requests made according to the procedures established in the organization.

CR2.2 The communications resources are assigned to the users, for the implementation of the requested services according to technical specifications and procedures stipulated in the organization.

CR2.3 Resources are allocated using specific software tools for the management and delivery of services, according to the organization's specifications.

CR2.4 The communications services monitoring processes are defined and executed, to verify the quality level in the delivery of the communications services according to the specifications of the organization.

CR2.5 The operational tests of the resources allocated to the services are performed to ensure the quality of the services according to the regulations of the organization.

CR2.6 The documentation of the executed processes is performed, to fulfill the registration needs using the tools and procedures established by the organization.

RP3: Manage voice and data communications resources to ensure functionality according to quality specifications.

CR3.1 Performance management systems are configured to analyze the performance and continuity of the services provided, depending on the service parameters contracted by the customer and the quality criteria of the organization.

CR3.2 The monitoring tools are configured to reproduce the alerts and alarms indicating failures or deterioration in the execution of the gateway services, depending on the customer's contracted capabilities and the quality specifications of the organization.

CR3.3 Device firmware and software updates are made to improve performance and fix performance problems, according to technical specifications of the devices and manufacturers ' indications.

CR3.4 The periodic verification processes are defined and performed, to ensure functionality and security in the delivery of the services according to the specifications of the organization.

CR3.5 Information on the use of communications system resources is recorded and analyzed to detect future deficiencies and management problems in quality or quantity according to the quality regulations of the organization.

CR3.6 The documentation of the tasks performed for the maintenance of the gateway is performed according to the protocols of the organization.

RP4: Understand and manage incidents and user complaints for the provided communications services, in order to ensure their capabilities.

CR4.1 The incidents and complaints received by the use of the communications resources are checked to proceed to their solution according to the procedures of the organization.

CR4.2 The incidents whose identification or solution cannot be performed, are communicated to the higher levels of responsibility for their resolution according to the procedures of the organization.

CR4.3 The documentation of the incidents, their verification and the corrective actions taken, are reflected in the corresponding bulletin for their registration and subsequent treatment according to regulations of the organization.

RP5: Install and configure applications on client terminal equipment to provide specific communications services, according to received specifications and quality criteria of the organization.

CR5.1 The features of the application to be installed are analyzed to ensure the functionality of the services that will be supported by it, according to technical specifications of the application, the terminal and quality criteria of the organization.

CR5.2 The client application is installed and tested to verify its functionality, following the documentation of the application provider and the terminal manufacturer.

CR5.3 The installed application is tested to ensure service delivery, as specified by the service provider.

CR5.4 The tests are documented and reported with installation errors or mismatches with respect to the specifications, in order to fulfill the registration needs according to procedures established by the organization.

CR5.5 The installation process is documented and the installation errors are reported, in order to fulfill the registration needs, according to procedures established by the organization.

CR5.6 The application user's guide is written for later distribution, following the service provider's style guide.

CR5.7 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Tools specific software for the management and delivery of services. Internal use tools for the documentation of the processes performed. Terminal with corresponding operating system. Voice and data line. Software tools for network management and services. Incident management software tools. Office tools. Communications equipment.

Products and results

Network, services, and resources maintained and updated. Incidents and complaints handled and addressed. Applications on installed and configured terminals.

Information used or generated

Map of the communications network. Specifications of the service provider. Organization procedures for recording modifications and updates. Quality regulations of the organization. Regulations and guidelines of the organization regarding procedures and tools to be used. Regulations and procedures for the management of incidents and complaints. Specifications and installation requirements for the application. Quality criteria of the organization. Terminal user guide and application installation guides. Service profiles and subscribers. Work orders. Network documentation. Service provision and configuration manuals. Hardware/software inventory of the communications network. Operational procedures of the organisation. Regulations and standards. Incident bulletins. Performance reports. Installation and verification reports. Test reports and errors. Application User's Guide. Update result reports. Inventory of available services and assigned profiles. Record of the updates.




Code: MF0228_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0228_3: Design the telematics network infrastructure.

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1869

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Defer the characteristics of the existing transmission media on the market

CE1.1 Reasoned the relationship between bandwidth and transmission speed.

CE1.2 Identify the characteristics of a product from its specifications

CE1.3 Describe the installation problem of a given means of transmission.

CE1.4 Classify the means of transmission according to the technical characteristics of their use in network facilities.

CE1.5 Detailed the influence of each transmission medium on the overall performance of the network.

CE1.6 Properly interpret the symbology and coding used commercially for the different means of transmission.

CE1.7 From a practical network design scenario:

-To study the market for the communications products needed for the design, consulting documentation on the Internet, specialized journals, catalogues of manufacturers, etc.

-Make several proposals based on economics and performance criteria.

C2: Explain existing levels in the TCP/IP protocol set.

CE2.1 Interpret the OSI reference model.

CE2.2 Describe the functions and services of each level of the OSI reference model.

CE2.3 Explain the TCP/IP architecture.

CE2.4 Set correctly correspondences between the TCP/IP architecture and the OSI reference model.

CE2.5 Successfully associate functions and services to each level of the TCP/IP architecture.

CE2.6 Describe the IP routing system.

CE2.7 Apply the IP routing system in the creation of subnets.

CE2.8 Describe the different routing protocols in IP networks: BGP, OSPF.

CE2.9 Describe TCP/IP architecture application-level protocols: ftp, http, SMTP, telnet, SNMP, etc.

C3: Explain the technical characteristics and operating mode of the different network interconnection equipment.

CE3.1 Classify the operation of network equipment with respect to the OSI reference model.

CE3.2 Describe the functions of the different interconnection devices.

CE3.3 Detailed the technical characteristics of the interconnection equipment to determine their influence over the network performance.

CE3.4 Analyze the different software alternatives with respect to the equivalent communications hardware products.

CE3.5 Describe the interconnection architecture by using VPN (Virtual Private Network, virtual private networks).

CE3.6 Properly interpret information that appears in communications product catalogs.


1. Introduction to communications and computer networks.

-Tasks for a telecommunications system.

-Communication through networks.

-Network Classification:

-Local Area Networks (LAN).

-Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN).

-Wide Area Networks (WAN).

-Protocols and protocol architecture.

-Definition and features.

-Functions of the protocols.

-The OSI reference model. Functions and services.

-The TCP/IP protocol architecture. Functions and services.

-Correspondence between TCP/IP and OSI.

-Regulations and Standards of Standardization. IETF. ISO. ITU. CT.

2. Principles of Data Transmission.


-Data flow: simplex, semi-duplex and duplex.


-Transmission modes: series, parallel.

-analog and digital transmission.

-Defining data, signals, and transmission.

-Acoustic spectrum.

-Analog and digital signals. Advantages and disadvantages.

-Data and Signals.

-Characteristics of analog and digital transmission.

-Benefits of digital transmission.

-Disturbances in the transmission.

-Attenuation and distortion of attenuation.

-Delay Distortion.

-Thermal noise.

-Intermodulation noise, crosstalk, impulsive noise.

-Effects of noise on a digital signal.

-Deciding and power of the signal. Signal-to-noise ratio.

-Channel capacity, signal bandwidth, transmission rate, error rate.

-Data encoding.

-Digital data encoding techniques.

-Analog data encoding techniques.



-Frequency division multiplexing (FDM).

-Time division multiplexing (TDM).

-Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM).


3. Guided transmission means.

-The twisted pair.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.


-Types of cables and categories. Bandwidth.

-Benefits and drawbacks

-The coaxial cable.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.


-Benefits and drawbacks.

-The optical fiber.

-The optical transmission system.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.

-Applications. Use of frequencies.

-Splice types. Advantages and disadvantages.

-Transmission media catalogs.

4. Wireless transmission means.

-Unguided transmission characteristics.

-Wireless transmission frequencies.


-Earth and satellite microwaves.

-Point-to-point link by satellite.

-Satellite multicast.



-Wireless propagation forms.

5. Data link control.

-Data link control functions.

-Protocol types.

-Line control methods.

-Error processing.

-Flow control.

6. Protocols

-Network interconnect protocols. IP Protocol.

-Internet and its organizations.

-IPv4 and IPv6 routing. Creation of subnets.


-Classification of routing methods.

-BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).

-OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

-Transport Protocol. TCP/UDP protocols.

-Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) protocol.

-User Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocol.


-NAT (Network Address Translation). Routing.

-Network security.

-General concepts.

-Secure communication properties.

-Cryptography. Types.



-Key distribution and certification.


-Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

-SSH (Secure Shell).



-Application Level Protocols.

-The client-server architecture.

-Client-server applications.

-HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

-FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

-SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

-TELNET (TELecommunication NETWORK).

-SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).


7. Network interconnection equipment.

-Network interconnect devices.

-OSI reference functions and model.

-Prstations and features.

-Routers. Level 3 switches.



-Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Servers.


-Influence on network capabilities.

-Environmental requirements of communications equipment.

-Network interconnect equipment product catalogs.

-Basic access to public networks.



Code: UF1870

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the features and requirements of a telematics network project based on the client's needs.

CE1.1 Identify sources of information.

CE1.2 Apply interview and information collection techniques.

CE1.3 Explain the problem of the feasibility study of a project.

CE1.4 Develop a user requirements document.

CE1.5 Sink the collected information.

CE1.6 From a practical assumption:

-Simulate an interview.

-Perform a requirements document.

-Perform a technical-economic feasibility study.

C2: Select a particular pipeline team for a network infrastructure

CE2.1 Justify the choice of interconnection equipment according to performance and economy criteria.

CE2.2 Describe the problem of the interconnection of local area networks.

CE2.3 Describe the problematic of the local area network network-wide area network.

CE2.4 Justify the choice between a hardware solution and other software according to performance criteria, economics, complexity and ease of administration.

CE2.5 Explain the influence of collision domains and IP domains on network performance.

C3: Design the network topology, including the transmission media and communications equipment best suited to the specifications received

CE3.1 About a scenario of designing a network:

-Draw the topology that meets the expected service quality, cost, and performance specifications.

-Choose the most appropriate transmission means for the network design according to the quality and expected cost criteria.

-Locate the interconnection equipment in the design so that the established quality criteria are met.

-Set the routing mode and its configuration, including any subnets that were required.

-Select the interconnection system with the wide area network according to the chosen topology and meet the agreed cost and effectiveness criteria.

-Set backup lines if needed.

-Use simulation programs to verify the performance of the design.

CE3.1 Perform the logical connection of the equipment taking into account its function and its security and location requirements.


1. Communications Networks

-Network classification.

-Switch networks.

-Conmutation of Circuits. Features.

-Packet Conmutation. Features.

-ATM and Frame Relay.

-Broadcast Networks.

-Bus networks.

-Ring networks.

-Star networks.

2. Local area networks (LAN).

-Definition and characteristics of a local area network.


-LAN protocol architecture.

-Physical level.

-Link level.

-Medium Access Control (MAC) sublevel.

-Logical Link Control (LLC) sublevel.

-IEEE 802 rules for LAN.

-Star Local Area Networks. Switched hubs.

-LAN-LAN connection.

-LAN-WAN connection.

-Design issues.

-Transmission medium.

-A product's characteristics from its specifications.

-Selection of the broadcast media.

-Installation of medium of transmission. Problematic.

-Influence of each transmission medium on the overall capabilities of the network.

-Symbology and commercial coding.

-The market for communications products.

-Connection equipment.

-Location in the design of the interconnection equipment.

-Set the routing mode and its configuration, including subnets.

-Select the interconnect system with the wide area network

-Backup lines.

-Network cards.

3. Structured cabling systems.


-Structured cabling system concept.

-Windows of normalization.

-Objectives of a structured cabling system.


-Description of a structured cabling system.

-Subsystems for cabling.

-Functional elements.

-Campus subsystem.

-Vertical wiring subsystem.

-Horizontal cabling subsystem.

-Job cabling.

-Interfaces of a wiring system.

-Categories and classes.

-Categories: definition and characteristics.

-Link and Channel classes: definitions and features.

-Classification of links and channels.

-Maximum channels and permanent links.

-General recommendations on the subsystems.

-Maximum distances for each subsystem.

-Types of cables and recommended uses.

-Plant distributors panels.

-User Tomas in the work area.

-Campus and buildings trunk cabling.

-Armen and equipment rooms. Main assets.

-Public and private networks in buildings.

-Electromagnetic compatibility.

4. The Telematics Project.

-Definition and objectives.

-The overall structure of a Telematics Project.

-Interview and information collection techniques.

-The study of technical-economic feasibility.

-The diagnostic report. Phases.

-Collection of information. The document user requirements.

-Information about the organization.

-Inventory of hardware and telecommunication services.

-Network Systems.

-Computer security.

-The Cabling System.

-Technical proposal.

-Computer system and telecommunication services.

-The Data Process Center and Network Systems (relocations, installations, etc.).

-Information security policy.

-Quality guidelines and their relationship with the company's telematics systems.

-Cabling System Proposal.

-Number of jobs (people) to consider in the system.

-Services to provide each of the jobs (voice, data, videoconferencing ...).

-Types and features of the cable to be used. Regulatory references.

-The level of performance required for cabling. Regulatory references.

-Security requirements.

-Cabling costs and their installation. Time manuals and facility prices.

-Maintenance procedures to apply.

-Action Plan.

-Conditions for running and running the system.

-Execution times for the tasks to be performed for the system startup. GANTT diagrams.

-System operating plan.

-Procedures references for system installation and configuration.

-Demand for complete documentation: design specifications, plans, schemas, installation and configuration guides, guarantees, and technical support.

-Resources available on the system.

-System security plan: system access, backup policies.

-System users (access rights, work areas, resources available).

-Documentation on installed applications.

-The development of the telematics project.

-Physical support and regulatory references on: structured cabling, Electromagnetic compatibility, fire protection.

-Physical and link levels (OSI 1 and 2) and regulatory reference for data transmission.

-Internetworking (OSI 3 and 4) and regulatory references.

-Systems and architectures (OSI 5, 6, and 7).

-End services: voice transmission, video conferencing, and baseband image transmission. Regulatory references.

5. Software tools.

-Tools for network simulation.

-Project Planning Tools.



Code: UF1871

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop the documentation required for project execution

CE1.1 Identify in the quality rule in effect the sections that apply to the network design process

CE1.2 Analyze a process related to the design activity by clearly identifying or setting:

-Input data to the process.

-The function associated with the process.

-Data or documentation generated in the process.

-Records and evidence generated.

-Relation to other processes.

-Metrics that can be applied and possible points of improvement.

CE1.1 Partir of the technical documentation for an existing project:

-Identify the location of the equipment.

-Identify the broadcast media used.

-Identify the network addresses used.

-Interpret the encoding of the interconnect equipment used.

CE1.1 Describe and differentiate the sections that make up a project, according to the current telecommunications regulations.

CE1.2 Confect, from the specifications formulated, a network plane that contains:

-The location of the equipment.

-The medium used.

-The network addresses used.

-Coding of interconnection equipment.


1. Quality management standard.

-Introduction to quality.

-Regulations and certifications.

-ISO 9001/2000 or equivalent.

-The Quality System of a company.

-Processes and procedures.

-Quality Plans.

-Records and evidence.



-Improvement and prevention of problems.

2. Implementation of a telematics network.

-Telecommunications standards.

-The R.D. 401/2003.

-Order CTE/1296/2003.

-The technical project to implement a telematics network.

-Structure and content.



-Study alternatives.

-Justification adopted solution.

-Calculations and hotspots.


-Condition specifications.

-General conditions.

-Technical descriptions.

-Execution conditions.

-Certification conditions.

-Administrative economic conditions.


-Execution and address.

-Final certification.

3. Preparation of the technical project documentation.

-CAD/CAM/CAE Programs.

-Realization of schemas and plans.

-Relation of materials, equipment and devices.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1869



Unit 2-UF1870






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0962_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0962_3: Integrate voice, data, and multimedia services.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1872

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the infrastructure of the communications network by identifying the elements that compose it for the provision of voice and data services, according to functional and technical specifications.

CE1.1 Identify and describe existing voice and data network architectures, to select communications elements to deliver voice and data services, according to specifications of the architectures themselves and of standardization and standardization of communications services.

CE1.2 Classify the techniques of transmission and multiplexing of voice and data channels in high speed links for the provision of communications services, according to specifications of communications operators and standardization and standardization bodies of communications services.

CE1.3 Explain the signaling and digitalization technologies of voice and data services, to identify the functionalities of the communications systems according to technical specifications of these services.

CE1.4 Describe the processes and elements of the communications network that are subject to legal regulations, and the requirements to be applied according to this regulation.

CE1.5 Analyze a communications infrastructure, with technical and functional specifications of the voice and data communications needs of an organization and infrastructure of interconnection lines and devices for the provision of communications services, according to mentioned specifications:

-Identify the elements of the network: equipment and lines of communication.

-Identify access to public networks.

-Perform a network map schema and synthesize the information.

-Apply the legal communications regulations to the processes and elements that are subject to it.

C2: Configure communications gateways to implement voice and data transmission and transmission services, addressing functional technical specifications and service requirements.

CE2.1 Distinguished voice and data transmission and transport services, identifying their configuration parameters according to given functional specifications.

CE2.2 Identify and describe the types and functions of communications gateways, to implement the integration of voice and data services according to technical specifications of the services themselves and the communications infrastructure.

CE2.3 Classify voice and data service integration technologies in order to identify their specific functions according to given functional specifications.

CE2.4 Identify the encryption and encryption mechanisms of the information, to implement the security system in the transmission and transport of data according to certain criteria and safety regulations.

CE2.5 Configure gateways using specific tools (terminal emulators, remote desktops, specific configuration programs, among others) according to given technical specifications.

CE2.6 Implement a gateway that supports the integration of voice and data transmission and transmission services for the provision of such services, based on functional specifications given:

-Distinguished the services to be implemented according to the needs reported.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it as an aid in the installation.

-Configure the protocols to provide the service.

-Perform tests to ensure the operation of the implemented services.

-Document the processes performed according to specifications.

CE2.7 Identify the actors involved in the provision of communications services, for the allocation of functional and legal responsibilities of each of them, taking into account the structure and functioning of the telecommunications market.

CE2.8 Classify the enterprise-wide communications services offered in the telecommunications market, assessing their functional characteristics according to given technical specifications.


1. Voice and data communications networks

-Elements of a communications network.

-Functional levels of a telecommunications network.

-Access network.

-Transport backbone.

-Distribution network.



-multiplexing techniques.

-Frequency division multiplexing.

-Multiplexing by time division.

-Statistical or asynchronous multiplexing.

-Switching, transport, and signaling functions.

2. Voice and data network architecture

-Access networks: guided and unguided.

-Access networks via copper: xDSL.

-Access networks via radio: WLL, MMDS and LMDS.

-Access networks via fiber-optic: HFC, PON, and CWDM.

-Troncal networks:

-MTA (Asynchronous Transfer Mode -ATM).

-JDP (Plesiocrone Digital Hierarchy -PDH).

-JDS (synchronous Digital Hierarchy -SDH).

-Structure of the frame.


-Advantages and disadvantages with respect to PDH.

-Information encryption and encryption mechanisms.

-Data transport security systems.

3. Communications services

-Voice services.

-Corporate and intelligent network services.

-Data services, IP services. IP telephony.

-Telematic and interactive services.

-Other value added services.

-Quality of Service (QoS) criteria.

-Control of delays and congestion.

4. Gateway implementation and configuration

-Gateway types and functions. Services they support.

-Hardware and software installation procedures that make up a gateway.

-Gateway installation conditions.

-Analysis of IP address maps.

-Analysis of the voice transmission lines and nodes.

-Configuration parameters.

-Service configuration parameters.

-Security parameters.

-Operator network configuration information.

-Configuration tools.

-Management protocols.

-Quality parameters in the service.

-Functional and structural tests.

-Commands for maintenance and troubleshooting.

-Environmental standards and standards for signage and digitalization.

5. Telephone switching equipment. "Call Managers".

6. Telecommunications market

-Telecommunications situation. Legal framework and standards bodies.

-Main services in the market.

-Agents in the telecommunications market.

-Manufacturers and suppliers.

-Service Providers.


-Profiles of the operators.

-Users. Rights of telecommunications users.



Code: UF1873

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Implement and maintain multimedia communications services based on the functional specifications received.

CE1.1 Distinguished the elements and functions that integrate the architecture for the implementation of multimedia communications services, before a given service implementation design.

CE1.2 Evaluate the technical characteristics of the equipment and communications lines that configure the multimedia system, to determine the degree of compliance of the given communication needs specifications, taking into account the multimedia data communications technologies.

CE1.3 Identify the configuration parameters of the protocols for their implementation in multimedia content communication equipment, according to functional and quality specifications of the services to be provided.

CE1.4 Implement a communications system to support multimedia services according to received specifications:

-Evaluate the devices, lines, and protocols that are used for system implementation as required.

-Define the configuration parameters and hardware and software installation processes of the devices and system protocols to ensure the functionality of the system.

-Describe system testing procedures to verify the functionality of the services provided.

-Document the processes performed according to specifications.

CE1.5 Elaborate hardware and software maintenance procedures for communications systems for multimedia services, taking into account the technical and functional specifications of the devices, lines and services to maintain.

C2: Define incident detection and management procedures in voice, data, and multimedia communications services according to quality specifications.

CE2.1 Describe features and functionalities of the tools used for incident detection and management, taking into account the specifications of service delivery.

CE2.2 Classify the incidences and establish the levels of severity, depending on the results obtained in the diagnostic procedures performed by specific tools, for the establishment of a contingency response plan in the communications services, according to specifications of the provision of services given.

CE2.3 Develop the action plans in the event of anticipated incidents, to provide a systematic process of solution to the personnel responsible for the same according to specifications of the delivery of services given.

CE2.4 Define the procedures for performing different types of incidents in the communications equipment of voice, data and multimedia services, in order to perform the tasks of detection and notification of the same according to specified contingency plans:

-Use the specific tools for incident detection.

-Isolate and diagnose incidents by using previously defined tools and processes.

-Proceed to the solution or escalation of the incident based on the results of the diagnostics performed.

-Identify the actors involved in the provision of services and the responsibility of each of them.

-Document the processes performed.


1. Multimedia communications services

-Media definition.

-Structure of a multimedia system.

-Multimedia standards.

-Architecture and elements of a multimedia services system: server applications and client applications.

2. Underlying technologies.

-Digital TV.

-Encoding Standards: MPEG-1,2,4

-Digital video broadcast standards: DVD-C for cable networks, -S, -T

-Elements that make up the digital TV network.

-The header.

-Transmission medium: satellite, cable network, terrestrial TV, IP network ...


-ADSL for multimedia services.

-Video over IP.

-IP multicast.

-IGMP Packages.

-DVB-IPI (IP video standardization).

-Video on demand.

-The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Standard. The streaming.

-Web Technologies.

3. Architecture of a video service on demand.

-Video servers.

-Content Distribution System (SDC.

-The Content Management System.

4. Protocols used in the transmission of video streams.

-UDP and TCP

-RTP (Real Time Protocol) and RTCP (Real Time Control Protocol).

-MPEG-2 Transport Stream.

-RTSP (Real Time streaming Protocol).

5. Implementation and maintenance of communications systems for multimedia services.

-Hardware and software installation and maintenance procedures.

-Communications line parameters.

-Defining and configuring the functional parameters of the computers.

-Configuring specific protocols.

-Test types: functional and structural.

6. Incident Management

-Types and features.

-Isolation and detection procedures.

-Internal, log, and incident management tools

-Monitoring and testing tools.

-Measures instruments.

-Monitoring and management tools/applications.

-Alarms. Interpretation.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1872



Unit 2-UF1873




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0963_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0963_3 Manage and provide communications services to users.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1874

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Maintain the infrastructure of the communications network, both hardware and software, taking into account the technical and functional specifications of the elements that form the network.

CE1.1 Describe the properties and characteristics of the switching and transmission elements of the communications network, to identify maintenance needs according to technical specifications.

CE1.2 Distinguished functions and characteristics of the hardware elements that form the network, to proceed to its update according to specified needs.

CE1.3 To distinguish the functions and features of the software from the network equipment, to proceed to its update.

CE1.4 Describe the access tools to the elements of the communications infrastructure, to perform software update operations and configuration of functional parameters according to the technical specifications of the equipment and the geographical possibility of access.

CE1.5 Classify the methods, techniques and tools used for performing corrective and preventive maintenance procedures in the communications network, according to technical details of the elements and lines of communication.

CE1.6 Update and configure elements of the communications network switching and transmission infrastructure to ensure the delivery of system services, following technical specifications given:

-Locate the switching and transmission elements in the communications network map to identify their characteristics.

-Identify the hardware items on which the upgrade procedures are to be performed.

-Perform software update and configuration tasks using remote control and management tools for communications network elements.

-Discriminate the test procedures to be applied based on the update and configuration operations performed on the communications network elements to verify the compatibility of the components and the reliability in the delivery of the services.

-Document the processes performed.


1. The infrastructure of the communications network.

-Network switching and transmission elements.

-Features and features of the hardware elements.

-Functions and features of the software elements.

2. Maintenance and updating of communications network switching and transmission elements

-Remote access and control tools, features.

-Corrective and preventive maintenance.



Code: UF1875

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Specify the procedures for maintaining and managing voice and data communications services, according to given technical and functional specifications.

CE1.1 Distinguished the performance parameters of voice and data services, to ensure the continuity and quality of the service provided, according to technical specifications of the communications infrastructure.

CE1.2 Identify the capabilities of communications network management tools, for monitoring voice and data services in terms of configuration, utilization and performance, security and fault management as required in the management of voice and data services.

CE1.3 Describe the functionalities of network management protocols for use in the configuration and monitoring of communications equipment, according to quality and continuity criteria in the provision of voice and data services.

CE1.4 Analyze the use and integration of communications resources by voice and data services, to make proposals to resize them according to the quantity and quality of communications services provided.

CE1.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform the tasks of maintaining the voice and data communications resources to ensure its functionality and service delivery:

-Identify the management tools to calibrate the effectiveness and performance parameters of the services according to criteria of quality and continuity of delivery of the services.

-Perform remote management tasks on communications teams using the corresponding network management tools.

-Perform hardware and software upgrade tasks for communications equipment according to technical specifications of network elements.

-Check the compatibility and absence of conflicts between updated devices and components to ensure service delivery in optimal quality and continuity conditions.

-Document the processes performed.

-Develop the periodic maintenance plan for communications equipment according to given functional specifications.

C2: Plan processes for monitoring the performance of resources and communications services, according to given technical specifications.

CE2.1 Classify the measurement systems of consumption and performance of the resources and services of the Communications system, according to existing standards and standards.

CE2.2 Identify the performance parameters of the services offered in the communications network, to ensure the pre-fixed quality levels in the provision of the services in given functional specifications.

CE2.3 Distinguished and use the specific tools and monitors that will allow the evaluation of the performance of the communications services, according to levels of quality and continuity of the delivery of the given service.

CE2.4 Plan the monitoring of the returns of the communications resources and services to assess the quality and continuity criteria in the provision of the same:

-Determine the metrics to use in the collection of information.

-Define the consumption and performance analysis parameters.

-Use the monitoring tools to verify that the consumption and yields are within the preset limits.

-Document the processes performed.

C3: Assign the communications resources to the users, to serve the requested services according to given specifications.

CE3.1 Classify the services that the communications network can provide to identify the functionalities that can be offered to users, taking into account the typology and architecture of the network.

CE3.2 Identify the relationship between the communications resources and the availability of a service, to ensure the provision of the service according to technical specifications of the elements and lines of the communications network and the functional details of the configuration of the service to be provided.

CE3.3 Evaluate the availability of sufficient resources to provide service to users, according to quality and continuity criteria in service delivery.

CE3.4 Assign resources and enable services to users using specific tools and differentiating their capabilities, according to the technical information of the tools themselves.

CE3.5 Document the allocation of resources and the enabling of services to users made according to given specifications.


1. Managing communications network resources and services

-Map of the communications network.

-Quality of Service.

-The Network Management Center, design, and resources involved.

-Relationship between resources and services.

-Tools for resource allocation: types and features.

-Monitoring and performance of services and resources.

-Classification of the measurement systems of consumption and yields.

-Performance parameters of the services offered on the network.

2. Managing communications networks

-Functional aspects of network management.

-Network management protocols.

-Tools for network management.

-Monitoring a communications network: types of incidents in service delivery, alert notification tools, and alarms.

-Centralized and distributed management.

-Management systems in telecommunication operators.

-The detection and diagnosis of incidents: specific tools.

-Software updates.

-Contingency plans.



Code: UF1876

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Understand the incidences produced in the allocation and use of communications services and resources, according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the meaning of the alarms and alerts of the elements that form the infrastructure of the communications network, to ensure the delivery of the services according to quality specifications in the same.

CE1.2 Identify and isolate the incidence from the symptoms detected in the communications network and the information reported by the users, to proceed to make the diagnosis using specific tools and techniques for detecting incidents in communications systems.

CE1.3 Apply the diagnostic and repair procedures for the incident on the communications network, following instructions given.

CE1.4 Distinguished the types of incidents in order to identify the causes that produce them, be the responsibility of the operator, the user or the service provider, taking into account the characteristics of the services and resources provided.

CE1.5 Atend and resolve alarms on a system where different types of incidents are simulated in the communications network to completely or partially interrupt a communications service, which responds to given functional specifications:

-Interpret the alarms produced by the communications elements.

-Isolate the causes that produce the incident and diagnose the possible solutions.

-Perform the solution or escalation of the incident according to the given procedure.

-Document the processes performed.

C2: Define communications application installation procedures on terminal equipment according to technical and functional specifications.

CE2.1 Identify the specific communications services for terminals offered by the communications operators, depending on the infrastructure used.

CE2.2 Classify the types of terminals in order to evaluate their performance, taking into account their functionalities, services that support and technical characteristics of the same taking into account the needs, requirements and specifications of the services to be implemented in them.

CE2.3 Implement and configure applications on terminals to enable specific services according to given functional specifications.

CE2.4 Verify that the functionality in the delivery of the communications service is given in the client terminal, in order to guarantee the quality levels.

CE2.5 Install applications and enable specific communications terminal services for the definition of the corresponding procedures, according to technical specifications of applications and terminals:

-Use client terminal simulators to perform pre-deployment and configuration tests for applications and services.

-Interpret the associated technical documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequently used foreign language in the sector, using it.

-Define application deployment processes as well as service configuration instructions.

-Test applications and services on different communications client terminals to determine compatibility parameters and ensure quality levels in service delivery.

-Document the processes performed.


1. Incidences produced in the allocation and use of communications services and resources.

-Alarms and alerts. Meaning.

-Specific tools and incident detection techniques in communications systems.

-Diagnosis and repair procedures for the incident.

-Incident types.

-Operator liability.

-User Incidents.

-Service Provider Incidents.

2. Installation of communications applications on terminal equipment.

-Communications terminals

-Types and features.

-Specific operating systems and programming languages for terminals.

-Terminal-specific services.

-Client, management, and configuration applications.

-Deployment and configuration of applications on terminals.

-Installed application and service tests.

-User Guide Redaction.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1874



Unit 2-UF1875






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0395

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Collaborate in the design of telematics networks and in the integration of voice, data and multimedia services, as well as in the administration of communications services for users, in accordance with the procedures established in the company.

CE1.1 Interpret the business technical documentation associated with the management of voice and data networks.

CE1.2 Design the telematics network infrastructure in accordance with the organization's procedures.

CE1.3 Integrate voice, data, and multimedia services by following established business procedures.

CE1.4 Manage and provide communications services to users according to the needs approved by the organization.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C2: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE2.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE2.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE2.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rate of the company.

CE2.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE2.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE2.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Management and voice and data networks

-Communications infrastructure security policy.

-Communications systems management systems.

-The network map of the communications systems.

-Business tools and tools for service checking.

-Inventory of services and connections.

-Standards and quality criteria defined by the organization.

-Tools used in different business procedures.

-Telematic network infrastructure design business procedures.

-Business procedures on integrating voice, data, and multimedia communications services.

-Business procedures on administration and provision of communications services to users.

2. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the scope of the Competition


Telematic network design.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or degree title corresponding to other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF0962_3: Integration of voice, data, and multimedia communications services.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or degree title corresponding to other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF0963_3: Administration of communications services for users.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or degree title corresponding to other equivalent titles.

2 years

* For the last five years.


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils











Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring Armarium with patched panels and network connection devices: hubs, switches, and routers.

-Base and network software.

-Office software, internet tools.

-Security and antivirus software.

-Printer and peripherals.

-Software for the realization of facility schemas (CAD/ CAM/ CAE programs).

-Project Planning Tools.

-Operator communications service configurations.

-Manufacturer's service parameterization and configuration tools.

-Internal, log, and incident management tools.

-Communications teams.

-Monitoring and testing tools.

-Measures instruments.

-Monitoring and management tools/applications.

-Test terminals, phones, and computer equipment to test the service.

-Telephone switching teams.

-"Call Managers".

-Tools specific software for the management and delivery of services.

-Tools network and service management software.

-Incident management software tools.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Developing applications with web technologies

Code: IFCD0210

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications

Professional area: Development

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC154_3: Developing applications with web technologies (RD 1087/2005, September 16)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0491_3: Develop software items in the client environment.

UC0492_3: Develop software elements in the server environment.

UC0493_3: Implement, verify, and document web applications in Internet, intranet, and extranet environments.

General competition:

To develop documents and software components that constitute computer applications in distributed environments using web technologies, based on an already elaborated technical design, in addition to the verification, documentation and implementation thereof.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies or public or private entities of any size that have an infrastructure of intranet, Internet or extranet networks, in the area of development of the IT department performing their work both self-employed and self-employed.

Productive Sectors:

It is present especially in the services sector, however it is found in all productive sectors since the activity counts as objective to distribute information both internally and externally to the organization in which the activity is being performed, in addition it is found in the following types of companies:

Software development companies with web technologies.

Companies that have as their business objective the marketing of services of analysis, design and construction of computer applications for infrastructure of networks intranet, internet and extranet.

Companies or entities that use computer systems for their management.

Occupations or related jobs:

3820.1017 Computer Application Programmers

3814.1010 Web Technicians

Web Programmer.

Multimedia Programmer.

Duration of the associated training: 590 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0491_3: Web programming in the client environment. (180 hours)

● UF1841: Making web documents using markup languages. (60 hours)

● UF1842: Developing and reusing software and multimedia components using scripting languages. (90 hours)

● UF1843: Application of usability and accessibility techniques in the client environment (30 hours)

MF0492_3: Web programming in the server environment. (240 hours)

● UF1844: Developing web applications in the server environment. (90 hours)

● UF1845: Access to data in web applications in the server environment. (90 hours)

● UF1846: Developing distributed web applications. (60 hours)

MF0493_3: Web application deployment in Internet, intranet, and extranet environments. (90 hours)

MP0391: Non-working professional practice module for web technology application development. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0491_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop static and dynamic documents with software programming tools to be processed in the client environment according to the specified design.

CR1.1 The static and dynamic documents to be performed are developed according to the specifications received from the design.

CR1.2 The coding of the documents is done taking into account the different development techniques, with language of trademarks and software development standards.

CR1.3 Software programming tools are used to achieve the encoding of documents without errors and documents to be processed in the client environment.

CR1.4 Errors in the documents made are detected and corrected using the debugging tools.

CR1.5 The developed documents are tested to verify that they meet the functionality specified in the design.

CR1.6 Documentation is done following the patterns, regulations, and procedures set out in the design.

CR1.7 The technical documentation of the software tools is interpreted as much if it is edited in Spanish or the official languages of the Autonomous Communities as if it is in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP2: Develop software components in the client environment that will enable the design objectives to be met according to the given specifications.

CR2.1 Component development is done according to the specifications received from the design.

CR2.2 The application logic is interpreted correctly by identifying the elements required to encode the components.

CR2.3 The coding of the components is performed using the different structured programming techniques and software development standards.

CR2.4 The software component code is developed by providing an interface in terms of usability, accessibility and ergonomics according to the design specifications and regulations of the organization.

CR2.5 Errors in the components made are detected and corrected using debugging tools.

CR2.6 The developed components are tested to verify that they meet the objectives specified in the design.

CR2.7 The documentation of the manufactured components is performed according to the patterns, regulations and procedures established by the organization.

CR2.8 The technical documentation of the software tools is interpreted as much if it is edited in Spanish or the official languages of the Autonomous Communities as if it is in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP3: Develop multimedia components with specific tools and languages to increase the functionality of the client environment elements according to design specifications.

CR3.1 The audio and video components are arranged according to the environment in which they are to be inserted, adjusting the output to the standard digital formats and taking into account performance specifications.

CR3.2 The graphic elements, illustrations or photographs, are replayed and adjusted to obtain an output in a standard format using specific tools and according to received specifications.

CR3.3 Animations incorporating multimedia elements are configured using scripting languages and other specific tools to meet the given design specifications.

CR3.4 The interactivity of the multimedia elements is developed with scripting languages and other specific tools according to instructions received.

CR3.5 The developed component is adapted to the accessibility, usability and ergonomics criteria established by the current regulations and the specifications of the organization and in accordance with the legislation concerning intellectual property and copyright.

CR3.6 The integration of multimedia elements into the client environment is verified to ensure product quality parameters according to the organization's regulations.

RP4: Use software components in the client environment already developed to include specific functionalities in the developing documents under current legislation.

CR4.1 The components already made are used as integrative elements in the development of new components, according to the technical design.

CR4.2 The documents are constructed using software components already developed according to the design specified and in accordance with the current legislation on intellectual property.

CR4.3 The software component is configured through its properties and methods to tailor its functionality to the needs of the user and the chosen client environment.

CR4.4 The tests and documentation to be carried out on software components have already been made, the standards defined in the technical design are set.

CR4.5 The use of already developed software components must ensure the integrity of the system.

CR4.6 System parameters that affect ergonomics or ease of use are adjusted to improve the user's working conditions, within the organization's directives.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Office tools. Tools: rapid development, layout, graphics and animation. Virtual machines. Current browsers, and new technological design. Brand languages. Scripting languages. Structured languages. Object-oriented languages. Communication protocols. Object-oriented development tools. Multimedia tools. Debugging and testing tools.

Software components already developed and/or distributed by computer companies. Web servers. Security systems. Database engines for use, in test environment.

Products and results

Static and dynamic documents whose content is source code to be interpreted. Graphical user interfaces. Documentation associated with the developed components.

Information used or generated

Application design and specifications. Global vision of the system to perform, deliver and exploit. Manuals for the use and operation of computer systems. Software operating manuals. Manuals of the development tools used. Documentation of training courses. Exploitation documentation for the client environment. Technical support supports. Current legislation on intellectual property and copyright (Copyright). Documentation associated with the developed components. Usability manuals. Job templates. Specifications of the corporate graphic design.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC0492_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop software components in the server environment that will allow you to meet the design goals according to the given specifications.

CR1.1 The software component code is developed using languages that enable the functionality indicated in the development specifications to be achieved.

CR1.2 The component is encoded using standard development techniques using design patterns to obtain, if possible, reusable elements and to achieve maximum portability according to the organization's regulations.

CR1.3 The component is encoded with the tools, format, and documentation of the code indicated in the programming regulations.

CR1.4 The component interface is clearly defined and documented, ensuring system integration.

CR1.5 The developed component is subjected to the required test batteries in a standardized runtime environment with the appropriate debugging tools to ensure proper operation according to the organization's quality and safety specifications.

RP2: Manipulate access interfaces to information stored in databases or other structures to integrate content into the logic of the web application according to the given specifications.

CR2.1 The components are developed including database connection functionality or other structures according to the given specifications and using development patterns for possible reuse.

CR2.2 Data is manipulated by means of the tools provided by the system according to design specifications.

CR2.3 Data manipulation and query are performed using standard data manipulation and definition languages according to design stipulations.

CR2.4 The connections to the database manager systems are configured by following the guidelines provided by the organization.

CR2.5 The developed components are tested to verify the functionality described in the design specifications and to ensure the integration of the same with the system components and other applications installed according to the quality regulations of the organization.

CR2.6 The tests and documentation to be carried out on software components have already been made, the standards defined in the technical design are cinched.

RP3: Use distributed services in other environments to integrate development capabilities according to established market standards.

CR3.1 The integration of other web services into the web application is used through the use of standard market technologies that allow information to be exchanged quickly, easily and transparently with the web application.

CR3.2 The management of information exchange between the web application in the server environment and another web service is performed using the corresponding access interfaces depending on the technology used.

CR3.3 Service searches are performed to obtain the appropriate functionality to the design specifications and integrate them into the web application.

CR3.4 The technical documentation of the web service used is interpreted both if it is edited in Spanish or the official languages of the Autonomous Communities as if it is in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Office tools. Development and debugging tools. Third-party components. Protocol managers. Communications lines. Web servers. Application servers. Database manager systems. File transfer tools (content synchronization). Virtual machines. Current browsers, and new technological design. Security systems. Change control tools.

Products and results

Source code for software components. Software component executable code. Static and dynamic documents whose content is source code to be interpreted. Components of the server layer. Documentation of the development.

Information used or generated

Global view of the system to be performed, delivered and exploited. Manuals for the use and operation of computer systems. Software operating manuals. Manuals for the programming languages used. Training course materials. Technical support supports. Defined technical design. Technical support supports. Job templates. Development documents for the components made.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0493_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Deliver and distribute the web application developed to be used by users according to established implementation plans and quality standards.

CR1.1 The development installation requirements for the client side and the server side are clearly expressed in terms of file system management and administration needs according to the application installation parameters of the organization.

CR1.2 The security levels of the users of the application are configured for proper use of the same according to the source: internet, intranet or extranet.

CR1.3 Installation packages are properly created and configured to be distributed according to the organization's implementation rules.

CR1.4 Application installation scripts and processes are created and configured according to the organization's implementation specifications.

CR1.5 The documentation for the application installation scripts and packages is performed according to the parameters of the organization.

CR1.6 The installation processes are verified and checked according to the quality standards of the organization.

RP2: Develop and maintain the documentation of the web application developed using documentation tools, according to established quality standards.

CR2.1 The documentation is written in accordance with the standards and documentation tools and according to the quality specifications established in the organization and assuming the appropriate ergonomics specifications.

CR2.2 Documentation generation tools are used to obtain appropriate products according to the documentation and quality standards of the organization.

CR2.3 The documentation is developed taking into account the version control and its subsequent update and maintenance according to the design specifications and development standards of the company guaranteeing the understanding.

RP3: Perform tests to verify the proper functioning of the developed software elements and ensure quality levels according to the design specifications that will allow the server environment and the client environment to be integrated into the system.

CR3.1 Test games and their scenarios are arranged and controlled for the performance of the tests according to the design specifications of the components and quality regulations of the organization.

CR3.2 The structural and functional tests of the components are performed with the data sets and the scenarios arranged according to the design specifications of the component and quality regulations of the organization.

CR3.3 The integration testing of the component and access to data and other services are performed according to functional specifications and the quality standards of the organization.

CR3.4 The documentation of the tests, both in terms of the preparation, execution and outcome of the tests, is performed according to the development specifications and quality regulations of the organization.

CR3.5 The tests are performed by monitoring the versions of the components in verification and the tests themselves.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Office tools. Content browsers. Structured languages. Object-oriented languages. Development tools. Web servers. Debugging and testing tools. Software component distributed by computer companies. Documentation tools.

Products and results

Test Programs. Test games. Evidence documents, certification, quality control, delivery and implementation among others. Application in production.

Information used or generated

Global view of the system to be performed, delivered and exploited. Manuals for the use and operation of computer systems. Software operating manuals. Manuals of the development tools used. Documentation of training courses. Server environment exploitation documentation, and integration documentation. Technical support supports. Job templates.




Code: MF0491_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0491_3 Develop software items in the client environment

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1841

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop documents using markup languages and software development standards.

CE1.1 Determine the different parts of a document created with markup language used for implementation.

CE1.2 Recognize the different software development techniques existing in the market to improve system integration and document processing according to the specified design.

CE1.3 Use appropriate marks to generate internal documentation in development according to design specifications.

CE1.4 In a practical scenario, in which you ask to make documents with a markup language that allow interaction with the user with specifications given:

-Write marks that allow changing the attributes of the text used.

-Write marks that allow the change of the color and image of the document background.

-Create marks for tables and lists.

-Create marks for links to other documents.

-Integrate brands that allow the inclusion of static or dynamic images, sounds, and videos.

-Integrate marks for frames to relate various documents.

-Integrate brands that allow program execution and client controls.

-Build forms to collect and validate user information.

-Design interactive maps to facilitate user accessibility.

-Plan special effects to be applied in the documents to be produced.

CE1.5 Enunciate general features for "stylesheets" to be applied in the documents to be produced according to the specified design.

CE1.6 Use marks to provide different styles to documents developed according to the specified layout.

CE1.7 Build documents using markup languages to allow the user to use mobile devices and specific media accessibility.


1. Web Design

-Web Design Principles.

-User-facing design.

-Target-oriented design.

-Implementation-oriented design.

-The web design process.

-Structure of a website and navigability.

-Structure and composition of pages.

-Compatibility with browsers.

-Differences between layout-oriented design and printing.

2. General markup languages

-Source of general markup languages: SGML and XML.

-General features of markup languages.

-General structure of a document with markup language.

-Metadata and process instructions.

-Character encoding. Special characters (escape).

-Labels or marks.




-Valid and well-formed documents. Schemes.

3. Markup languages for web page presentation

-HTML and XHTML history. Differences between versions.

-Structure of a document.


-Header elements.

-Document body elements.


-Color coding.

-Type Colors.

-Secure Colors.


-Headers. Hierarchy and structure of the content of a document.


-Alignment, spacing, and text indentation.

-Letter characteristics: types, sizes, and colors.

-Text tabs.

-Labels specific to the text markup. Logical styles.

-Hypertext links.

-Structure of a link: the internet address or URL.

-Link Styles.

-Differences between absolute and relative links.

-Internal links.

-Special links: email. Download links.

-Specific attributes: title, target, keyboard shortcuts, etc.


-Image formats.

-Image characteristics: size, title, alternative text.

-Links in images.

-Background images.



-Sort of lists.

-Anidation in lists.

-Other list types: definition lists.


-Basic structure.

-Table format: borders, alignment, size, etc.

-Format of cell content.

-Grouping of rows and columns.

-nested tables.

-Good practices in the use of tables.

-Marcos (frames).

-Creating frames.

-Advantages and drawbacks in the use of frames.

-Browser support.

-Frames formatting.

-Links between frame contents.

-nested frames.

-embedded frames (iFrames).


-Overview and use of forms.

-Elements of a form: text, buttons, etc.

-Form processing.

-Form formatting: keyboard shortcuts, edit order, groups, labels, etc.

-Specific elements for mobile technologies.

-Selection of brand language for mobile technologies.

-Style sheets on mobile devices.

-Disused items (deprecated).

-Bickering text.



-Other deprecated items.

4. Web Style Sheets

-Style sheet types: static and dynamic.

-Elements and structure of a style sheet.

-Creating style sheets.

-Application of styles.

-Waterfall style and application inheritance.

-Formatting pages by using styles.

-Structure of pages by styles.

-Design of styles for different devices.

-Good practice in using style sheets.



Code: UF1842

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Create software components using tools and scripting languages using structured development techniques.

CE1.1 In a scenario, where you are asked to create and maintain software components in your client environment using development tools and scripting languages, you have detailed design documentation:

-Create and archive software components.

-Modify and remove software components.

-Purge and verify the software components made.

CE1.2 Relate the functionality of the software component to develop with the standard structured development techniques to fulfill the functionality of the software component.

CE1.3 Formulate data structures and control flow using scripting languages according to the functionality of the software component to be developed.

CE1.4 Create appropriate procedures and functions for the functionality of the software component to be developed using scripting languages.

CE1.5 Document the software component developed according to design specifications.

C2: Create and manipulate multimedia components using scripting languages and specific tools.

CE2.1 Identify the standard formats of distribution and use of multimedia components, audio, video, illustrations, photographs, among others for integration into documents of the client environment.

CE2.2 Develop animations and interactivity in multimedia components using specific script languages according to given specifications.

CE2.3 Create or manipulate multimedia components using specific tools to match the contents to the formats indicated in the specifications received.

CE2.4 In a scenario where you have a web document, multimedia components, and final product design specifications:

-Analyze the formats of the original multimedia components.

-Make adjustments to the formats of the multimedia components to achieve the required performance parameters in the specifications.

-Develop the interactivity processes defined in the specifications.

-You will integrate the media components into the client environment document.

-Verify the integration and functionality of the components according to the design specifications.

C3: Select software components already developed according to their functionality to integrate into documents.

CE3.1 Analyze the requirements for using software components to be used by the document in the client environment.

CE3.2 Insert client application software components that will be used by the document in the client environment.

CE3.3 In scenarios, in which you ask to select already developed software components to integrate into document development tools and scripting languages from detailed design documentation:

-Integrate software components oriented to file management techniques on the server.

-Integrate software components that allow for error handling.

-Integrate software components to store dictionary-type information.

-Integrate software components to control and validate user-entered information.

-Integrate software components to display information about the file system on the server.

-Integrate software components to enable dynamic effects related to the document or device used.

-Integrate software components to use other functionality in the developed document.

-Verify that the functionality provided by the component matches the expected features and that there are no conflicts with the rest of the system components.


1. Web application architectures

-General outline.

-Layer architecture.

-Interaction between client and server layers.

-Client layer architecture.

2. Web browsers

-A browser architecture.

-User interface.

-Scan engine.

-Presentation engine.

-Auxiliary modules: persistence, network interface, script interpreter, presentation framework.

-Common usage navigators. Comparative.

-Security in browsers.

-Integration of applications in browsers. Adapters (plugins).

-Common adapters in different browsers.

-Configuring file types and adapters.

-Standards compliance.

3. Creating dynamic web content

-Programming Foundations.

-Constants, variables. Simple and structured data types.

-Expressions and statements. Basic operators.

-Flow control: sequential, loop, and conditional.

-Subprograms: procedures and functions. Bookshops.

-Parameter types.

-Calls to functions. Recursiveness.

-Object Orientation Notions: Classes and Objects. Inheritance.

-Main programming methodologies.

-Dynamic content development languages.

-Script languages. General characteristics.

-Script language comparison. Criteria for selecting a hyphen language.

-Virtual machines in browsers. Mini-applications (applets).

-Other languages for developing rich web applications (RIA).

4. General-use dash languages

-Integrating script languages into web browsers.

-Comparative and browser compatibility.

-Differences between versions.

-General structure of a program in a hyphen language.

-Variables and data types.



-Sentences. Nesting.

-Control and conditional structures.





-Local and global variables.

-Function libraries.

-Text manipulation.

-Basic functions for text manipulation.

-Introduction and validation of text.

-Lists (arrays).

-Creating basic arrays.

-Multidimensional arrays.

-Processing of arrays by loops.

-Standard data storage formats in scripting languages.


-Treatment of standard formats.

-Data dictionaries.


-Creating objects: methods and data structures.

-Object libraries.

-The web document model.

-Document structure.

-Navigating the properties of a document.

-Changing properties using scripting languages.

-Managing events.

-Event types.

-Techniques for event handling using scripting languages.

-Event handlers.

-Initial load events.

-Delegation and propagation of events.

-Error management.

-Error handling "No script languages enabled" (no script).

-Function error check-out.

-Capture of errors.

-Usage of breakpoints.

-Script language-specific uses.

-Multimedia integration using scripting languages.


-Special effects on graphic and text elements.

-Data grids.

-Subscription Channel Management (RSS).

-Description of asynchronous access techniques (AJAX).

-Using dash languages on mobile devices.

-Integrated environments (Frameworks) for development with scripting languages.

-Features of common usage environments. Comparative.

-Advanced editors.

-Code validation and debugging functionality.

-Techniques for code documentation.

-Additional utilities for dynamic content realization. Useful extensions of browsers.

-Specific development environments: development on mobile devices.

5. Multimedia content

-Media definition. Types of multimedia resources.

-Inclusion of multimedia content on web pages.

-Adapters for multimedia resources.

-Link to different resources from web pages.

-Incration of multimedia content.

-Web file formats. The MIME standard.

-Playback types. Streaming and progressive loading.

-Comparative of the treatment of multimedia content in different versions of page markup languages.

-Multimedia graphics.

-Graphic formats. Comparative.

-Image repositories.

-Chart types: photographs, vectorized images, and icons.

-Tools for graphical treatment. Filters and Image Treatment

-Conversion of graphic formats.


-Audio formats. Comparative.

-Audio producers. Insertion into web browsers.

-Link or insert of audio channels.

-Conversion of audio formats.

-Tools for sound treatment. Editing audio fragments.


-Video formats. Video and comparative quality.

-Video repositories.

-Video producers. Insertion into web browsers.

-Link or insert of video channels.

-Conversion of video formats. Optimization.

-Video editing tools. Creation of effects and composition.

-Multimedia animations.

-Principles of animation.

-Tools for creating animations.

-Animations formats.

-Inclusion on web pages.

-Good practices in the use of animations.

-Interactive elements.

-Creating interactive elements.

-Interactive Maps.

-Use environments.



Code: UF1843

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply usability and accessibility techniques in the development of user interfaces.

CE1.1 Distinguished and explain accessibility guidelines to the content of the documents produced to allow for better navigation and understanding of the users.

CE1.2 Distinguished and explain usability guidelines to content in the documents produced to enable better quality, effectiveness and user satisfaction.

CE1.3 In a practical scenario, in which software components and documents are asked to be created and maintained to apply accessibility and usability standards to improve their use.


1. Web accessibility

-Definition of web accessibility.

-Benefits and difficulties in the implementation of web accessibility.

-Standards and standards for web accessibility.

-Web accessibility regulatory agencies.

-Comparative of standards and standards.

-Guidelines for compliance with regulations and standards.

-Description of the main guidelines (images, links, video, etc.).

-Guidelines for accessible navigation.

-Description of the web accessibility compliance process.

-Technologies where accessibility is applicable.

-(X) HTML.






-Media playback.

-Other technologies.

-Tools for accessibility validation.

-Browser based.

-Using desktop applications.

-Using external web services.

-Evolution of accessibility. New trends.

2. Web usability

-Definition of usability.

-Importance of user-centric web design.

-Differences between accessibility and usability.

-Benefits and problems in the combination of accessibility and usability.

-Benefits and difficulties in the implementation of usable websites.

-Usability methods.

-User requirements analysis.

-Principles of conceptual design. User-oriented prototyping.

-Guidelines for the creation of usable websites.

-Evaluation of usability.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Unit training 1-UF1841



Unit 2- UF1842



Formative Unit 3-UF1843




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1 and to access the training unit 3 must have been exceeded the training units 1 and 2.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0492_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0492_3 Develop software items in the server environment

Duration: 240 hours



Code: UF1844

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Create software components with object-oriented development technologies.

CE1.1 In a scenario where you are asked to manage software components in your server environment using development tools and programming languages, with detailed design documentation:

-Create and archive software components.

-Modify and remove software components.

-Purge and verify the software components made.

CE1.2 Create objects, classes, and methods appropriate to the functionality of the software component to be developed using object-oriented programming languages.

CE1.3 Formulate data structures and control flow using object-oriented programming languages according to the functionality of the software component to be developed.

CE1.4 Document the developed software component.

CE1.5 In a scenario where you are asked to build software components using development tools and object-oriented programming languages from detailed design documentation:

-Integrate software content control components from documents located on the server to be used in the servlet-type client environment.

-Integrate file management into the software component to be developed.

-Integrate error management into the software component to be developed.

-Use server variables in the software component to develop to provide access to server properties.

-Integrate user session tracking and web application properties to develop in the software component to build.

-Create software components with the client application functionality to be used in the applet-type client environment.

-Create software components that can offer their functionality to other software components on the same server or other servers in the network.


1. The process of software development

-Software lifecycle models.

-Cascade (waterfall).



-En V.

-Component-based (CBSE).

-Quick Development (RAD).

-Benefits and drawbacks. Guidelines for the selection of the most appropriate methodology.

-Requirements analysis and specification.

-Requirements types.

-Models for requirements analysis.

-Requirements documentation.

-Validation of requirements.

-Requirements Management.


-Models for system design.

-Design diagrams. The UML standard.


-Implementation. General concepts of software development.

-Basic principles of software development.

-Software development techniques.

-Validation and verification of systems.


-Formal verification methods.

-Automated methods of analysis.

-Software tests.


-Functional tests (BBT).

-Structural Tests (WBT).

-Comparative. Guidelines for use.

-Test Design.

-Application environments.

-Systems Tests.

-Component tests.

-Automation of tests. Tools.

-Software testing standards.

-Quality of the software.

-Software quality principles.

-Metrics and software quality.

-Concept of metric and its importance in measuring quality.

-Key metrics in the software lifecycle phases.

-Standards for the description of the Quality factors.


-Other standards. Comparative.

-Common usage tools for software development

-Programming language-oriented editors.

-Compilators and linkers.

-Program Generators.


-Test and validation of software.

-Code optimizers.


-Software documentation generators.

-Managers and package repositories. Versioning and dependency control.

-Software distribution.

-Software update managers.

-Version control.

-Common-use integrated development (IDE) environments.

-Managing software development projects.

-Project planning.

-Project control.

-Project execution.

-Common usage tools for project management.

2. Object orientation

-Principles of object orientation. Comparison with structured programming.

-Information hiding.

-The abstract data type (ADT). Encapsulation of data.

-Step of messages.

-Object classes.

-Attributes, status variables, and class variables.

-Methods. Requirements and invariants.

-Exception management.

-Class aggregation.


-Creating and destroying objects.

-Call methods of an object.

-Visibility and use of state variables.

-References to objects.

-Persistence of objects.

-Memory optimization and garbage collection.


-Legacy concept. Superclasses and subclasses.

-Multiple inheritance.

-Abstract classes.

-Inheritance types.

-Polymorphism and dynamic binding.

-Guidelines for the correct use of inheritance.


-Library of classes. Scope of use of names.

-Benefits of using modules or packages.

-Genericity and overhead.

-Concept of genericity.

-Overload Concept. Types of overload.

-Comparison between genericity and overhead.

-Object-oriented development.

-Development languages oriented to commonly used objects.

-Development tools.

-Modeling languages in object-oriented development.

-Using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) in object-oriented development.

-Diagrams for modeling object-oriented systems.

3. Web architectures

-The web architecture concept.

-The layer model.

-Platforms for development on server layers.

-Web application server-oriented development tools.

-Types of tools.

-Extensibility. Installation of modules.

-Configuration techniques for development, preproduction, and production environments.

-Debug functionality.

4. Web application programming languages on the server side

-Features of the Web programming languages on the server.

-Types and characteristics of the commonly used languages.

-Server-oriented Interpreters.

-Client languages interpreted on server.

-Compiled languages.

-Criteria for choosing a web programming language on a server. Advantages and disadvantages.

-General features.

-Data types.


-Basic operators. Character string manipulation.

-Control structures. Loops and conditionals.

-Modules or packages.


-Library management (libraries).

-Managing the configuration.

-Configuring descriptors.

-Configuring files.

-Managing security.

-Identification, authentication, and authorization concepts.

-Techniques for session management.

-Error management.

-Error recovery techniques.

-Exception programming.

-Transactions and persistence.

-Access to databases. Connectors.

-Standards for database access.

-Managing the database access configuration.

-Access to directories and other data sources.

-Transaction programming.

-Components on server. Advantages and disadvantages in the use of component containers.

-Development models. The model view model.

-Model: Data access programming.

-View: Developing client applications. Events and user interface.

-Controller programming.

-Software documentation. Inclusion in source code. Documentation generators.



Code: UF1845

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop components that allow access to and manipulation of supported information in databases and other structures.

CE1.1 Create software components using specific objects or connectivity components to access information stored in databases and other structures.

CE1.2 Integrate SQL statements into software components to access and manipulate information located in databases.

CE1.3 In a scenario where you ask to build software components that access supported data in databases or other storage structures, you ask:

-Identify the elements and structures contained in a database.

-Use the necessary objects, connectors, and middleware in building the component to perform access to the supported data in the database or other structures as specified.

-Perform database-supported information manipulation and definition operations using the SQL language.

CE1.4 Determine the main features of an extended brand standard language for sharing information between software components and databases or other structures.

CE1.5 Integrate features of a standard markup language in the development of software components to share supported information in databases or other structures.


1. Data Models

-Concept of data. Life cycle of the data.

-Data types.




-Defining a conceptual model.


-Generic model.

-The relational model.


-Entities and entity types.

-Data items. Attributes.

-Relationships. Types, subtypes. Cardinality.

-Keys. Key types.

-Standardization. Normal shapes.

-Building the logical data model.

-Specifying tables.

-Defining columns.

-Key specification.

-Conversion to normal shapes. Dependencies.

-The physical data model. Data files.

-Description of the data files.

-File types.

-Access modes.

-File Organization.

-Transform a logical model into a physical data model.

-Tools for making data models.

2. Database Management Systems (SGBD)

-SGBD definition.

-Components of an SGDB. Structure.

-Storage management.

-Query management.

-Rules engine.

-SGDB Terminology.

-Administering an SGDB.

-The role of the DBA.

-Index management.


-Backup and replication of databases.

-Managing transactions in a SGBD.

-Transaction definition ..

-Components of a transaction system.

-Types of concurrency control protocols.

-Recovery of transactions.

-SGBD solutions.


-Oriented to objects.

-Oriented to structured data (XML).

-Data stores (datawarehouses).

-Criteria for commercial SGBD selection.

3. Database management languages. The SQL standard

-Description of the SQL standard.

-Creating databases.

-Creating tables. Data types.

-Defining and creating indexes. Primary and external keys.

-Links between databases.

-Managing records in tables.





-General structure of a query.

-Column selection. Obtaining unique values.

-Table selection. Links between tables.

-Conditions. Useful functions in the definition of conditions.

-Meaning and use of null value.

-Sorting the result of a query.

-Conversion, generation, and manipulation of data.

-Functions for character string manipulation.

-Functions for the manipulation of numbers.

-Date and time functions.

-Data conversion functions.

-Multiple queries. Joins (joins).

-Cartesian product definition applied to tables.

-Tables (joins). Types: inner, outer, self, equi, etc.



-Data pool concepts.

-Pool functions.

-Multi-column grouping.

-Grouping via expressions.

-Group filtering conditions.


-View concept (view).

-Criteria for the use of views.

-Creating, modifying, and deleting views.

-Updatable views.

-Advanced functions.

-Restrictions. Database integrity.


-Managing permissions on tables.

-Optimization of queries.

4. Common usage marking languages on the server side

-Origin and history of brand languages. The XML standard.

-XML features.

-Parts of an XML document: marks, elements, attributes, and so on.

-XML document syntax and semantics: valid and well-formed documents.

-XML structure.

-XML Schemas: DTD and XML Schema.

-XML-style sheets: the XSLT and XSL standard.

-Links: XLL.

-User Agents: XUA.

-XML-based standards.

-Page Presentation: XHMTL.

-Selecting XML elements: Xpath and XQuery.

-Electronic signature: XML-Signature and Xades.

-Encryption: XML-Encryption.

-Other common usage standards.

-XML Analysis.

-Analysis tools and utilities.

-XML parsing programming using server languages.

-Using XML in the information exchange.

-Parameter encoding.

-XML-based configuration files.



Code: UF1846

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Select and use distributed services for integration into the web application.

CE1.1 Identify the capabilities offered by distributed web services for integration into the application to be developed.

CE1.2 Specify the characteristics of the standard market protocols to be able to use web services in the application to be developed.

CE1.3 Select and use the most appropriate web services to be used in the web application based on the specified design.


1. Service-oriented distributed architectures

-General features of distributed service architectures

-The conceptual model of service-oriented architectures

-Messages based


-Services policies and contracts

-Security aspects in service-oriented architecture

-Data security

-Message security

-Access control. The RBAC model

-Communications security. Secure protocols

-Implementing service-oriented architectures using web technologies

-Common usage web services specifications: SOAP, REST, etc.

-Service definition languages: the WSDL standard

-Web Services Security Standards: WS-Security, SAML, XACML, etc.

-Implementing security on service-oriented architectures

-Basic cryptography concepts

-Cryptography types

-Certificate Entities

-Digital certificates. Features

-Digital identification and signature using digital certificates

-Data encryption

-Service Directories

-Directory Concept

-Benefits and drawbacks

-Distributed directories

-Service Directory Standards: UDDI

2. Programming Web services in distributed environments

-Software components for access to distributed services

-Defining services

-Automatic generation of services

-Programming different types of access to services

-Publish/Subscribe based services.

-Repository-based services

-Services accessible from user agents

-Service providers and consumers in server environment

-Tools for Web services programming


-Common usage frameworks and libraries.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1844



unit 2- UF1845



Formative Unit 3-UF1846




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1 and to access the training unit 3 must have been exceeded the training units 1 and 2.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0493_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0493_3 Implement, verify, and document web applications in Internet, intranet, and extranet environments

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Establish the application installation and distribution processes in different deployment scopes.

CE1.1 Determine the different phases, processes and IT technologies involved in the installation and distribution of the web application.

CE1.2 In scenarios, in which you are asked to install and distribute the web application in the Internet, intranet, and extranet scopes:

-Set the application installation and distribution requirements.

-Define the directory structure in the server environment to locate the documents and software components developed in the web application.

-Identify the resources affected by the development.

-Indicate the required services in the server environment in order to run the web application.

-Specify the appropriate configuration parameters in the server and client environment.

-Set the security parameters of the web application.

-Create and configure the installation packages appropriately.

-Verify the smooth operation of the installation and distribution process.

C2: Develop and maintain the web application documentation using documentation generation tools and controlling the versions.

CE2.1 Identify the different documentation generation tools and control of existing versions.

CE2.2 In a scenario where you are asked to elaborate and maintain the documentation of the web application evaluate what:

-The documents and software components have been documented according to the documentation and quality standards of the organization.

-The documentation is developed and updated taking into account version control.

-Documentation is made using the existing documentation tools in the business organization.

C3: Select and use test methods and games to verify the functionality and performance specifications of the web application.

CE3.1 Classify the different methods to be used to verify the proper functioning of the developed web application.

CE3.2 In a scenario where you are asked to verify the functionality and performance specifications of the web application using test sets, the following elements:

-Documents developed using markup languages in the client environment.

-The software components developed in the client environment using scripting languages.

-The usability and accessibility in the development of user interfaces in the client environment.

-The integration of software components already developed in the web application.

-Software components developed in the server environment using object-oriented programming languages.

-The software components for access to databases or other structures.

-Web services use of the web application.

-The performance of the server based on the web application developed and the number of users that are currently using that application.

-The optimization of the web application based on the parameters obtained in the validation of the tests.


1. Internet

-Brief history and origin of the Internet.

-Main services offered by Internet.

-World Wide Web.


-File Transfer (ftp).

-Other services.

-Internet technology.

-TCP/IP architecture. Comparison with OSI.

-Internet Protocols: TCP, UDP, SMNP, SMTP, etc.

-The HTTP protocol.

-TCP/IP networks.

-IP routing. Evolution.

-Domains. Domain hierarchy.

-Domain identification services: DNS.

-Scopes: Intranet, Internet, and Extranet. Security considerations. Firewall.

2. The World Wide Web

-Brief history of the World Wide Web.

-General Web architecture.

-Principles for designing web systems.

-Basic components of a web system.

-Division in layers.

-The web client.

-Basic hardware. Fixed and mobile devices.

-Common usage and Internet operating systems.

-Browsers. Features and benchmarking.

-Advanced functionality: extensions, specific applications, etc.

-Web servers.

-Common usage web servers.

-Basic features of a web server.

-Configuring web servers.

-Web server security.

-Advanced functionality: extensions, virtual servers, etc.

-Application servers.

-Application server concept.

-Features of the application servers.

-Comparative of common usage application servers.

-Configuring an application server.

-Security on application servers.

-Advanced functionality: scalability, load balancing, high availability concepts, etc.

-Database servers.

-Common-use Internet database servers.

-Basic characteristics of a database server.

-Advanced functionality: concepts of scalability, high availability, etc.

-Complementary servers in a web architecture.

-Mail servers. Features.

-Routing servers (DNS). Features.


-Directory servers. LDAP features.

-Messaging servers.

-Anti-virus servers, content filtering, etc.

-Other complementary servers.

-Hardware and software infrastructure for Internet servers.

-Cloud Services (Cloud).

-Types of services: infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and application as a service.

-Benefits and drawbacks of cloud infrastructure services.

-Comparative of common usage cloud infrastructure services.

3. Web Applications

-Evolution and types of computer applications.

-Terminal applications. Virtual terminal servers.

-Desktop applications.

-Client/server applications.

-Web applications.

-Benefits and drawbacks of application types. Comparative.

-Application development technologies.

-Features by application type.

-Comparative according to the type of application.

-Web development-specific technologies.

-Internet Portals. Features.

-Content managers: portals and documentaries servers.

-Multidevice content servers.

-Basic components in web portals. Portlets and other common use components.

-Characteristics and benchmarking of commonly used web portals.

4. Developing and deploying web applications

-Basic web application development models. The view-controller (MVC) model.

-Common usage web development tools.



-Web application development and testing policies.

-Development environment.

-Pre-production or testing environment.

-Production environment.

-Organization of resources in a web application.


-Style sheets.

-Configuration files.



-Component libraries (libraries).

-Other files.

-Security in a web application.

-Security levels. Standards.

-Concepts and techniques of identification, authentication and authorization or access control.

-Advanced identification and authentication. Digital certificates.

-Session concept. Conservation of sessions.

-Common usage systems for the preservation of sessions in web applications. Single Sign-on and Single Sign-out.

-Deploying web applications.

-Features of the deployment process.

-Defining the web application deployment process. Verification.

5. Verifying web applications

-Characteristics of a test process.

-Test Types.



-Integration with external systems.

-Usability and accessibility.

-Error detection. Black box testing.

-Security. Assessment of protection against the most common attacks.

-Performance. Load or stress tests. Statistics.

-Data integrity.

-Design and test planning. Strategies for common use.

-Privacy considerations. Testing with personal data.

-Automation of tests. Tools.

6. Version control


-General features.

-Version control types.



-Version control mechanisms

-Repositories. Management and administration.

-Changes ("check-in" or "commit"). Atomic operations

-Unprotection, deployment, or check-out types: unique and collaborative.

-Branching ("branching").

-Mergers ("merging").

-Tagged ("tagging").

-Baseline ("baseline").



-Conflict management.

-Good practice in version control.

-Common usage version control tools.



-Integrating version control into commonly used tools.

7. Web application documentation

-General features of the documentation. Importance in the software lifecycle

-Organization and basic document structure

-Managing document versions

-Documentation types.


-Architecture and design.


-User: tutorials, topics and glossaries.


-Documentation formats.


-Documentation in applications. Help formats.

-Online documentation. Wikis.

-Documentation standards.

-Documentation tools.

-Automatic generation of technical documentation.

-Code documentation.

-Good practice in documentation.

-Documentation updates.

-Collaborative documentation using wikis.

-Using multimedia tools. Video tutorials.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


MF0493_3 formative module



Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0391

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the analysis, design, and development of systems made with web technologies.

CE1.1 Collaborate on the analysis of web application development specifications in client and server environments.

CE1.2 Evaluate the compliance of the web systems with respect to the requirements set by the company.

CE1.3 Validate the use of technologies and standards in the realization of corporate web systems.

CE1.4 Collaborate on the development and maintenance of web applications.

CE1.5 Participate in the elaboration of different types of documentation (technical, user, tutorials, etc.)

CE1.6 Analyze the ability to use new tools to help improve the web application development process

CE1.7 Collaborate on defining or improving an organizational environment that facilitates coordination among different web application design, development, and administration work groups

C2: Collaborating on the usability and accessibility assessment of web systems

CE2.1 Investigate the use of new tools and services to facilitate the assessment of the usability and accessibility of web systems

CE2.2 Collaborate on the definition of the organization of the working groups responsible for the continuous maintenance of the usability and accessibility of the systems.

CE2.3 Participate in the performance of usability audits and accessibility according to the certification objectives established by the company.

C3: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Process for analyzing, designing, and developing web systems

-Web systems specification.

-Methods and tools for the analysis and design of web systems.

-Language selection criteria and web design and analysis tools.

-Corporate web development tools and environments.

2. Usability and accessibility in enterprise web environments

-Tools and services for the evaluation of web usability and accessibility.

-usability and accessibility certifications.

-Defining compliance tests.

-Organization of work groups for the maintenance of usability and accessibility standards.

-usability and accessibility control tables.

3. Web Systems Documentation

-Business documentation rules.

-Corporate documentation compliance processes.

-New tools in the development of documentation: collaborative documentation environments.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

MF0491_3: Web programming in the client environment

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year

MF0492_3: Web programming in the server environment

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year

MF0493_3: Implanting web applications in Internet, intranet, and extranet environments

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

1 year


Forming Space


Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils



Formend Space








Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment

-PCs installed in network, canon with projection, and Internet

-PC with server functions

-Specialty specific software

-Pizars to write with pen


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Managing and monitoring alarms in communications networks.

Code: IFCM0410

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications.

Professional Area: Communications.

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC364_3 Warning management and monitoring in communications networks (Royal Decree 1701/2007, dated December 14)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1216_3: Monitor the status and availability of the communications network and implemented services.

UC1217_3: Perform communications network configuration and control operations.

UC1218_3: Manage the quality of supported services over the communications network.

General competition:

Monitor and manage the communications network, resolving incidents in communications systems, reprogramming traffic routing and maintaining quality in services, following the specifications set by the organization.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies or public or private entities, both self-employed and employed, of any size, that have communications network infrastructure and offer communications services, in the departments of network supervision and support to clients.

Productive Sectors:

It is primarily located in the communications sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: Public or private companies that aim to provide communications services. Communications operators. Companies providing maintenance and monitoring services for communications networks.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Communication Network Incident Manager.

Communications network monitor.

Communications network quality monitor.

Duration of the associated training: 680 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units.

MF1216_3: Communications network monitoring and incident resolution. (240 hours)

● UF1854: Network monitoring and incident resolution. (90 hours)

● UF1855: User claims resolution attention. (70 hours)

● UF1856: Incident tracking and control. (80 hours)

MF1217_3: Reconfiguration and coordination of jobs over the communications network. (240 hours)

● UF1857: Communications network configuration. (90 hours)

● UF1858: Network inventory control. (80 hours)

● UF1859: Network job tracking and control. (70 hours)

MF1218_3: Quality management of services supported by the communications network. (120 hours)

● UF1860: Monitoring network performance and quality of services. (40 hours)

● UF1861: Performance management system administration. (40 hours)

● UF1862: Network quality reports and supported services. (40 hours)

MP0393: Non-work professional practice module for alarm management and monitoring in communications networks (80 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1216_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: Monitor the network through the display and treatment of the alarms presented by the communications equipment and transmission lines, to view their status and to locate operating failures, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.1 The map of the communications network is interpreted and the elements are identified in it, in order to evaluate its status according to procedures established by the organization.

CR1.2 The integration of the communications equipment on the network map is done to check and monitor them, preparing the list of equipment types and existing communications platforms, as well as the management tools of each system that are necessary, taking into account the communications systems that make up the network.

CR1.3 The communications network monitoring processes are defined and executed, to verify the status and availability of the services, taking into account the network equipment and following specifications of the organization.

CR1.4 The results of the execution of the monitoring processes are analyzed in order to identify the communications system that presents the alarm, following operational procedures established by the organization.

CR1.5 Monitoring tools are used to locate alarms in the communications system and identify affected communications equipment or transmission lines, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.6 The processes performed in the detection and identification of incidents derived from alarms are documented for later use, following the procedures established by the organization.

CR1.7 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Apply corrective procedures to resolve incidents arising from alarms presented by communications equipment and transmission lines, following the procedures established by the organization.

CR2.1 The remote and centralized monitoring tools of the different communications systems that form the network are used to obtain information about the failure or failure of the communications equipment and the transmission lines that constitute the system, taking into account the technical documentation of the systems.

CR2.2 The incidents in the communications equipment and transmission lines are diagnosed indicating the cause of the alarm and its solution is raised to restore the interrupted services, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.3 The severity of the failure or failure is valued to determine the impact on service delivery, taking into account the affected communications team, the services supported by it, and compliance with the service level agreements (SLAs) established by the organization with the clients.

CR2.4 The service level agreements (SLAs) established by the organization are known and decisions are made about the actions to be executed to solve the problem, having as their purpose the fulfillment of these agreements, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.5 The incidences detected in the communications equipment and transmission lines are resolved by systematically applying the procedures established by the organization, minimizing the impact on the provision of the rest of services and climbing to the level of higher responsibility those that have not been resolved, according to norms established by the organization.

CR2.6 The remote and central configuration tools or systems that are managed by the affected communications and transmission lines are used to resolve the incidents, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.7 The correction of the incident on the communications equipment or transmission line is verified by the conduct of the tests recommended by the organization and the verification of the disappearance of the alarm of the monitoring panel, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.8 The processes followed in the resolution of the incident are documented for later use, following the procedures established by the organization.

CR2.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Atender complaints from users received through customer support channels regarding the communications services provided by the organization, following the established procedure.

CR3.1 Claims that have to do with communications services, received through the Customer Service Center, are addressed and registered for treatment through the channels provided by the organization.

CR3.2 The permissions and access authorized to the services by the client to which the incident or claim corresponds, are checked in order to confirm that it is a client of the organization and a service contracted by it, and to avoid that they try to access clients not allowed, taking into account the rules of the organization on data protection.

CR3.3 The received user complaints are checked to see if they have any connection with any detected alarm in the network, assign it to them and continue their diagnosis, following established procedures.

CR3.4 Claims that do not correspond to any network alarm are diagnosed and analyzed, to know their typology and to proceed to their resolution using diagnostic tools and incident analysis, following the procedures established by the organization.

CR3.5 The resolution of the user claim is carried out by systematically applying the procedures established by the organization, climbing to the level of responsibility above those whose identification or solution cannot be carried out, following the protocols established by the organization.

CR3.6 The claims information, its verification and the corrective actions taken are documented for further processing, following the procedures established by the organization.

RP4: Track the detected incidents in the network and in the communications services, in order to have control of them, following the procedures of the organization established.

CR4.1 The organization chart and the functions of each of the departments in the organization are known to be able to assign the incident to the appropriate departments and to proceed with their solution, taking into account the rules of the organization.

CR4.2 The incident management tool is configured and maintained, so that it can be accessed by the organization's departments and external companies, according to the organization's operating procedures.

CR4.3 The tools for recording and tracking incidents are used to perform the control and assignment of the same to the corresponding departments, following the notification procedures established by the organization.

CR4.4 The service level agreements (SLAs) established by the organization are known and monitored, through the control of times in the resolution of the incidents, in order to obtain the satisfaction of the customers, taking into account rules of the organization.

CR4.5 Reports and periodic parts of detected alarms and complaints incidents are performed to assess the volume of network failures, resolution time, and the time of dedication of each of the departments involved in the resolution and detection of repetitive failures, according to the periodicity marked by the organization.

CR4.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Communications systems management systems. A network map videowall in which all communications systems are integrated. Equipment and tools for the verification of services. System of inventory of services. Internal use tools for the documentation of the processes performed. Incident management software tools. Alarm monitoring tools. Flow tools for tracking alarms. Office tools. Computer equipment.

Products and results

Integrated communications system equipment in the corresponding management system. Availability of the monitored network. Provision of supervised services. Monitoring of alarms and incidents. Customer complaints addressed. Failures and breakdowns in resolved communications equipment. An incident management tool maintained.

Information used or generated

Technical specifications for communications equipment. Documentation on the architecture of the network. Regulations, regulations and standards. Quality criteria of the organization. Organization Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Detection and isolation procedures for problems or failures. Technical documentation of network management systems and monitoring tools. Information about the network configuration. Technical documentation of the incident management and alarm flow tools. Legislation on data protection. Periodic reports of incidents of alarms and complaints. Record of actions to detect, isolate, assess and solve failures and breakdowns.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1217_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Make transient modifications in the configuration of the communications network equipment and systems, to continue to provide the service with any detected incidence, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.1 The received incident is isolated and the necessary jobs are determined to be performed on the network communications systems and systems to continue providing the service affected, taking into account the regulations of the organization.

CR1.2 The actions or actions established to continue to provide the service are executed following procedures defined by the organization, ensuring that the other services are not affected by these actions taken temporarily.

CR1.3 Changes made to equipment, communication systems, or transmission lines are temporarily performed for the reset of the affected service, returning to the original configurations or architectures after the incident has been resolved, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR1.4 The network and configuration software tools are used remotely to resolve incidents and make changes to the configuration of communications equipment, verifying the processes of the computer system that support the software, according to the specifications established by the organization.

CR1.5 The actions performed are verified and functional tests are carried out on the changes made, to ensure the delivery of the services, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.6 Actions on teams that require local displacement to perform the jobs are communicated to the first level maintenance departments to move to the site of the affected team, following the procedures set by the organization.

CR1.7 Actions and jobs are documented and reported to the manager responsible for the incident to fill in the registration and tracking needs, according to procedures established by the organization.

CR1.8 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP2: Control and review the inventory of connections between systems and communications equipment on which services are offered to customers, to keep data on equipment, systems and connections up to date, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.1 The network and communications services inventory system is configured and maintained to ensure its availability, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.2 Users and profiles are created to allow access and use of the inventory system to the different departments of the organization, following established procedures.

CR2.3 Data from interfaces, cards, channels, and lines, by which the services offered to clients by the organization are implemented, are recorded in the connection inventory for their control, following established procedures.

CR2.4 The data for the new services implemented is checked that they have been recorded in the inventory system of the company, to have that information centrally, following established procedures.

CR2.5 The inventory is kept up-to-date recording all modifications and updates made to the communications equipment that provide service, to fulfill the registration needs and following the procedures established by the organization.

CR2.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: To monitor and coordinate the actions and works carried out by other departments on the communications network, in order to guarantee the quality and availability of the services offered by the organization, following established procedures.

CR3.1 The hardware and software update work performed on the communications network is analyzed in order to identify the network part and the services affected by the performance, taking into account the technical specifications of the network.

CR3.2 The hardware and software update work to be performed on the communications network is coordinated and authorized, in order to minimize the impact of service outages during the same, following the procedures established by the organization.

CR3.3 The coordination of the jobs is done using specific software tools to make all the jobs recorded, according to the organization's specifications.

CR3.4 The contingency plans are interpreted and reviewed to ensure the rapid restoration of service to failures in the network, according to operating procedures of the organization.

CR3.5 People who perform the work on the network are authorized to follow the procedures established by the organization, so that the works are executed in compliance with the established safety standards.

CR3.6 Failure notifications sent by network equipment are deactivated on the item itself so that they do not report alarms to monitoring systems, according to established technical specifications.

CR3.7 The service recovery verification processes are performed to ensure the performance of the service, following the procedures established by the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Communications systems management systems. Equipment and tools for the verification of services. System of inventory of services. The inventory of connections. Network job control tools. Internal use tools for the documentation of the processes performed. Incident management software tools. Office tools. Operating systems. Computer equipment.

Products and results

Architecture and configuration changes to continue providing the service. Actions performed to reset the documented and registered service. Inventory system maintained and updated. Monitoring and coordination of actions on the network. Authorization of the software and hardware change jobs performed.

Information used or generated

Documentation of the jobs and procedures to be performed. Specifications of the communications equipment. Information about the network configuration. Inventories of communications equipment. Documentation on the architecture of the network. Regulations, regulations and standards. Quality criteria of the organization. Service Level Agreements of the organization. Technical documentation of the management systems. Quality of work regulations performed on the network. Contingency plans of the organization. Operating system user manuals.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC1218_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Monitor the performance of the communications network to ensure the quality of services, following established procedures.

CR1.1 The network services monitoring processes are defined and executed to verify the quality level in the delivery of the network, according to the organization's specifications.

CR1.2 The receipt of the statistical counters that make up the quality metrics and the consistency of these are monitored, so that they are available in the performance management system, following technical specifications.

CR1.3 The performance management systems configured according to the organization's requirements are used to check and monitor quality metrics.

CR1.4 Quality metrics are checked to ensure that they are within the established functional limits to verify the absence of traffic congestion or, otherwise, escalate to the level of higher liability, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.5 The detection of values of quality metrics above the values set by the organization is reported to the corresponding departments, following procedures established by the organization.

CR1.6 Information on the use of the communications network is documented and analyzed using specific tools, to detect future deficiencies and management problems in quality or quantity, following procedures established by the organization.

RP2: Manage performance management tools to ensure the processing of data collected from communications network elements, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.1 Performance management systems are used to program the receipt of statistical counters, and are configured to analyze the performance and continuity of the services provided, according to the service parameters contracted by the client and the quality criteria of the organization.

CR2.2 The counters of the communications equipment that make up the quality metrics are activated in the equipment to be sent, through files of preset format and with the programmed periodicity, to the performance management system, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.3 The quality metrics defined by the departments are interpreted and configured in the performance management system, from the counters or statistics collected from the network elements, according to the organization's specifications marked in the metrics identification.

CR2.4 Performance and alarm management systems are configured to generate the deterioration indicator alerts in the delivery of the services, according to the customer's contracted capabilities and the quality specifications of the organization.

CR2.5 The documentation of the quality metrics implemented is performed for later use, following procedures established by the organization.

CR2.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP3: Perform reports of the quality of the communications network and supported services to serve all areas of the organization that request it, using specific management system tools.

CR3.1 The query tools and scripts provided by the performance management system are selected and used to extract the information contained therein, according to technology specifications and the communications system manufacturer.

CR3.2 The query languages provided by the performance management systems are used to adapt the filtering and information extraction procedures, according to technology specifications and following the established procedure.

CR3.3 Data treatment tools are used to extract statistics from the network service, according to technical specifications and needs of the organization.

CR3.4 The content of the reports is designed in conjunction with the requesting department to have the information necessary to assess the quality of the network or that part of the network that interests it, taking into account the rules of the organization.

CR3.5 The reports are obtained with the data presentation and chart-making tools available by the organization, to meet the needs of the requesting department, taking into account the organization's rules.

CR3.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Communications systems management systems. Performance and alarm management software tools. Performance management system query languages and tools. Tools for the treatment of network-level statistics of communications equipment. Tools for internal use of quality reporting. Programming software tools. Internal use tools for the documentation of the processes performed. Office tools. Computer equipment.

Products and results

Monitoring the availability of statistics from communications equipment. Monitoring compliance with the quality metrics of the organization.

Information used or generated

Technical specifications for communications equipment. Technical documentation of the counters available in the communications equipment. Documentation on the architecture of the network. Regulations, regulations and standards. Quality criteria of the organization. Organization Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Technical documentation of the management systems. Technical documentation of the statistical treatment tools. Manual of the query language. Network quality reports.




Code: MF1216_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1216_3: Monitor the status and availability of the communications network and implemented services.

Duration: 240 hours



Code: UF1854

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the topologies of the various communications networks and the elements that form the network map to perform the monitoring and maintenance processes.

CE1.1 Explain the different types of communications networks depending on the technology and standard used.

CE1.2 Explain the communications systems that form each of the networks detailing the mission of each of them.

CE1.3 Describe communications equipment and the different interconnections between them by identifying the function of each of them, taking into account the technical specifications thereof.

CE1.4 Describe the communications protocols between the different teams identifying the mission of each of them, according to technical specifications.

CE1.5 Interpret a scheme of a communications network consisting of multiple systems and interconnected with other networks in order to identify each of the teams and interconnections that make up the network.

C2: Identify monitoring techniques and tools and integrate communications equipment on the network map, to monitor your status and detect possible alarms, following established procedures.

CE2.1 Classify the different existing network monitoring tools for each of the communications systems based on their monitoring scope.

CE2.2 Describe the techniques and protocols used to integrate communications equipment and/or systems into network maps, to check their functionality.

CE2.3 Classify the various types of alarms that can be produced in the communications systems of the network, taking into account the communications equipment that makes it and the services they offer.

CE2.4 Describe the types of filters and the correlation rules to be applied to the alarms of the communications equipment in such a way that the alarms they interest are represented in the network map, taking into account technologies and technical specifications.

CE2.5 Describe the techniques used to perform the monitoring processes of the network and the services it offers.

CE2.6 Integrate a communication team on the network map arranged by the organization to perform team monitoring on the system:

-Locate the position of the map to occupy based on its geographical location and functional characteristics.

-Identify the communication teams on the map to represent their pipeline.

-Perform the team definition tasks on the map, using the new element creation software applications, available by the platform itself where the map resides.

-Set the alarms to be sent from the communications team to the map, and choose the severity or severity of these

-Generate the updated listing of the existing equipment and platform types, and the system's own management tools.

-Document the integrated teams on the map to be taken into account in the monitoring process.

CE2.7 Monitor the communications network in which the teams are integrated in the network map, following procedures established by the organization:

-Use the monitoring tools.

-Identify the system elements that appear in the graphical interface of the monitoring tool.

-Run check-up processes to verify the network status and availability of the services.

-Analyze the check result to identify possible failures.

-Document the processes performed.

CE2.8 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.

C3: Describe the network and communication systems ' incident resolution techniques and procedures, and resolve them to ensure their operation, taking into account technical specifications.

CE3.1 Describe the functionalities and features of the remote and centralized monitoring tools of the different systems and communications equipment that form the network.

CE3.2 Classify the various types of alarms that can be produced in communications equipment based on components, technology, and standard.

CE3.3 Describe the techniques and processes used to make the diagnosis of the incident that produces the alarm in the equipment and services offered by the communications network.

CE3.4 Describe the techniques and processes used to resolve incidents in communications equipment, identifying the physical means or tools referenced in the resolution process.

CE3.5 Interpreting simulated alarms in communications networks or systems, according to given specifications:

-Select the affected communications system specific monitoring tool for information about the nature of the alarm.

-Access the monitoring tool.

-Handle a list of alarms: sort alarms by category, by date, by item type.

-Interpret the alarm reported by the monitoring tool.

-Identify the severity of the incident depending on the affected service and the type of communications equipment.

-Log comments on the alarms presented in the tool.

-Perform filters on the list of alarms (simple or chained).

CE3.6 Fix an incident derived from an alarm on a communications equipment or transmission line, following specifications given:

-Identify the causes of the incident: (if it was due to a failure of some hardware component, because of power, software failure, BBDD/file systems, among others).

-Check if the service level agreements can be in violation of the new incident.

-Handle the "logs" file systems of the communications equipment or the management system of these computers.

-Recreate the alarm again with the object that the identification of the cause is the correct one.

-Locate the physical or logical element or device causing the alarm.

-Identify the physical means and tools required for your resolution.

-Resolve the incident by applying the preset procedures.

-Perform tests to verify the failure correction.

-Check that the alarm disappears from the monitoring panel.

-Draw up the cause of the report to be taken to prevent it from happening again.

-Register the incident and the resolution process used.


1. Communications networks.

-Transmission media.

-Pairs Cables.

-Coaxial cables.


-Optical fibers.

-Communications equipment.

-Description and function.


-Transmission networks.

-PDH and SDH transmission networks.

-WDM networks and optical rings.

-Synchronization network.

-Fixed telephony circuit switching networks.

-Circuit switching techniques.

-Temporary and spatial switching matrices.

-Network architecture.

-Fixed telephony network topology.

-Telephone traffic.

-Senalization of telephony networks.

-User and Application Planes.

-ISDN. Basic access and primary access.

-Smart and Services Network.

-Cell mobile phone networks.

-Network architecture.

-Frequency Bands used by each of the technologies.

-General features of the radio system, physical and logical channels, radio access, and protocols.

-Network core architecture, evolution phases, interconnection with other networks and interoperability.

-Signalling network architecture and implemented protocols.

-Private mobile networks: network architecture.

-Radio access networks (LMDS, MMDS, UMTS, and WIMAX).



-Frequency Bands.


-Packet switching networks (Frame relay, ATM, IP, MPLS).

-Packet switching techniques.

-Topology of packet networks.

-Protocol tower.

-HDLC Protocols.

-LAN Protocols (Ethernet).

-Frame and Network Relay protocol.

-ATM network and protocol.

-Network and IP protocol.

-MPLS network and protocol.


-The routing plan in the different networks.

-Broadband networks.

-ADSL and VDSL access.

-FTTX access.

2. Network Management Systems

-Aspects that integrate network management (ISO).

-Managing failures.

-Accounting management.

-Configuration management.

-Performance management.

-Security management.

-Elements of a management system:



-Managed objects.

-Management Database (MIB).

-Management protocols.

-Architecture of the management systems.

-OSI management model.

-Internet Management Model.

-TMN Architecture.

-Network management models:




-Interfaces and communication protocols between the management system and the communications system teams that you are managing.

-Data Communications Networks (DCN) feature and standard protocols.




-Contributions from network management systems to the areas of maintenance, monitoring, operation, provision, planning, pricing and fraud.

-Requirements for a management system based on the communications system.

-Number of manageable network elements.

-Number of alarms that you are able to handle.

-Event storage potential.

-Graphical network representation capabilities and network elements.

-Response time.

-Failure management module.

-Failure detection and alarm generation,

-Cancellation of alarms.

-Applications for network monitoring and alarm mapping.

3. Monitoring techniques in communications networks

-Monitoring procedures depending on the type of network.


-SNMP probes.

-RMON probes.

-Question the network elements.


-Not intrusive.

-Command mode.

-Using the network equipment manager.

-Types of alarms presented by communications systems.

-Link failure alarms.

-Equipment failure alarms.

-Process failure alarm.

-Temperature/humidity alarm.

-Permanent alarms.

-sporadic alarms.

-Alarm mapping rules.


-Alarm pool.

-Enching alarms to root cause.

-Types of network maps and methods of interconnection of the fault management tools of each of the systems with the network maps.

-Network topological representation

-The representation of the network equipment and the elements that make it up.

-Interfaces and standardized agents for interconnection of management systems.

4. Diagnostic and troubleshooting procedures for alarms in communications networks and services

-More frequent alarm types presented by communications teams.

-Related to the transmission elements.

-Related to the switching elements.

-Related to applications.

-Diagnostic, localization and alarm techniques.

-Alarm monitoring tools on management systems.

-Commercial tools.

-Client-specific tools.

-Configuration tools for communications equipment in management systems and other possible tools.

-Automatic discovery of the network topology.

-Inventory and network configuration management.

-MIBs management.

-Network address management.

-Specific tools:

-Protocol Analyzer.

-Call Tracer.

-Remote monitoring probes.

-Elaboration of incident resolution procedures based on the alarms presented.

-Identifying the incident:

-Collection of events produced, prioritized by categories, date, item type, severity, affected service.

-Determining the severity of the incident.

-Filtering the information.

-Determination of symptoms.

-Map of the alarms presented.

-Identification of the failure.

-Take action procedure.

-Actions on network elements.

-Generation of incident reports.

-Escalate to the final resolution unit.

-Failure isolation.

-Resolution of the failure.

-Checking the validity of the solution on all major subsystems in the network.

-Record and documentation of the incident, with data from the detection and resolution of the problem.



Code: UF1855

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Solve incidents and complaints from users that affect the service provided by the organization, following given specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the systems on which the organization's user data is stored, and the services you have contracted to check for its existence.

CE1.2 Distinguished if the user's incidence or claim is by failure in the network or by configuration of the terminal or its access to the service, taking into account the technical specifications thereof.

CE1.3 Classify the various claims that a user can report, taking into account the services that can be offered.

CE1.4 Describe the characteristics and functionalities of the access terminals to the services provided by the communications networks.

CE1.5 Perform the treatment of an incident or claim of a service offered to clients, according to given specifications:

-Register the incident or claim to proceed with your treatment.

-Verify that the customer has the contracted service.

-Check the possible relationship between the incident or claim and the alarms presented in the network.

-Resolve the incident by applying the established procedures.

-Document the resolution process.


1. Monitoring the service in communications networks

-Service types offered by the operator based on the communications network and the technology.

-Voice services.

-Data services.

-Global service delivery architecture based on network type.

-Equipment used in the provision of services.

-Services platforms.

-Services management and administration items.

-Service monitoring model.

-Components of the physical architecture.

-Operation Systems (OS).

-Data Communication Networks (DCN).

-Workstations (WS).

-Mediation devices (MD).

-Network Elements (NE).

-Adapters (QA).

-Network monitoring types.

-Proactive monitoring.

-Reactive monitoring.

2. Customer complaints and inquiries.

-Management and treatment of incidents or claims of a service offered to clients.



-Mapping with network alarms.

-Resolution of the incident or claim.

-Documentation of the resolution process.

-Customer claims mapping procedures with alarms in the communications network.

-Root cause determination.

-Hierarchical complaints.

3. Tools for incident and claim management.

-Client data management tools and contracted services.



-Inventory and allocation data management tools.

-Bases of inventory data.

-Configuration data bases.

-Types and models of access terminals to services provided over the network.

-Operating System.




Code: UF1856

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the incident management tools and track alarm and claim incidents, following specifications.

CE1.1 Explain the features and functionalities of the incident management and tracking tools as a means of recording and delegating the incidents resulting from alarms and complaints, and controlling the service level agreements.

CE1.2 Describe the procedures for configuring and maintaining the incident tracking tools derived from alarms and complaints, taking into account technical specifications of the tool.

CE1.3 Recognize the information that can be extracted from this tool in order to be able to track the incidents and the attention time dedicated to each one.

CE1.4 Explain the functions of each of the departments that exist in the communications company to assign the incident produced in the network to the corresponding department.

CE1.5 Track detected incidents in the communications network, following specifications given:

-Identify and access the incident management tool.

-Configure the tool for access.

-Record the incident, with the information available in a first analysis.

-Assign the action to the responsible department.

-Make change of status of the incident, in order to check the different states for which a registered alarm can be (open, verification, attention, rejected, resolved, escalated, closed ...).

-Identify and monitor SLAs using the tool.

-Get regular reports and parts about the volume of network failures, resolution time, the time of dedication of each of the departments involved in the resolution processes, and the detection of repetitive failures.

CE1.6 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Warning and warning incident tracking procedures in communications networks

-Incident management tools.

-Opening procedure for an incident or claim.

-Unit allocation procedure responsible for resolution.

-A shutdown procedure for an incident or claim.

-Tools to allow coordination of tasks between departments

-The status query procedure for each of the open issues.

-Unit reassignment procedure responsible for the responsibility step of problem attention to another department.

2. Procedures for the preparation of follow-up reports to allow time for resolution of alarms and complaints to be collected.

-Service Level Agreement (SLA) Concept.

-Types of SLAs.

-Tracking parameters for an SLA.

-Resolution time allocation procedures to the departments involved.

-SLAs fulfillment reporting procedure.

-Report types

-Periods of reports.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1854



Unit 2-UF1855






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1217_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1217_3: Perform communications network configuration and control operations.

Duration: 240 hours



Code: UF1857

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the services supported by the communications networks to assess the impacts to work and actions performed on it.

CE1.1 Describe the hierarchical and functional structure of communications networks based on the scope, infrastructure, technology and standards used.

CE1.2 Explain the characteristics of each of the communications systems and the elements they consist of, taking into account the existing technologies in the market.

CE1.3 Describe the types of access, switching and transmission subsystems, and explain their operation taking into account the technology used.

CE1.4 Describe the signaling functions in the communications networks according to the existing standard and standard systems.

CE1.5 Describe the services that a communications network can provide based on the existing technologies and the communication systems it is composed of.

CE1.6 Relate the communications systems with the services it provides to ensure the delivery of the services, according to technical specifications of the communications equipment and transmission lines, and the functional details of the services provided.

C2: Handle the software utilities provided by the management system that allow you to connect to the network communications teams to perform actions on them, following specifications.

CE2.1 Identify the operating system commands that allow you to run the tools, scripts, or access systems to the communications equipment, as well as those commands that allow the scheduling of tasks and the connection to the elements of the network.

CE2.2 Explain the management network transmission technology, routing type, and scope checking procedures to the network element to ensure remote connection to the affected teams.

CE2.3 Connect to the management system and perform script execution and file collection operations sent by communications teams, using operating system commands and tools to resolve incidents:

-Connect and log on to the management system machine and recognize the shell or user interface.

-Navigate the directory system, identifying and managing user and group permissions, and perform directory and file creation and management operations from the user directory.

-Launch processes in background mode (background).

-Schedule deferred execution of tasks (crontable).

-Track the processes of the management system through the files sent by the communications teams.

-Generate new scripts by copying others and adapting them to the required task using an editor.

-Open session on other computers by remote connection over the TCP/IP protocol.

-Perform connectivity tests with other machines using TCP/IP commands and tools.

CE2.4 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.

C3: Identify the parameters and restoration techniques of the communications service, and apply configuration and connection changes to the systems in order to continue providing the service, following technical specifications.

CE3.1 Identify the configuration parameters of the communications equipment that have to do with the continuity of the service and its reset taking into account the technical specifications of the service and the equipment.

CE3.2 Describe procedures for the restoration of communications services by identifying the teams, systems and transmission lines involved, according to technical specifications.

CE3.3 Explain traffic protection systems in the communications network (redundant systems).

CE3.4 Describe the functionalities of the software tools of access to the communications equipment to make changes in the configuration of functional parameters and in the connection according to the technical specifications of the equipments and the geographical possibility of access.

CE3.5 Make configuration changes to reset the service that is provided over the simulated fault network of some equipment or any of its components, according to given technical specifications:

-Identify the modifications to be made to the architecture, connection, and configuration parameters of the communications equipment.

-Identify the access tools to the affected teams to make the configuration changes.

-Identify the corresponding maintenance departments and the actions to be performed if the modifications require displacement.

-Make the identified modifications by applying the procedures indicated by the technical documentation to perform each of these actions.

-Perform verification of service restoration and check for possible interactions with other services by changes made to the network.

-Document the operations performed and changes made to the initial configuration according to specified formats.


1. Networks and services of communications networks

-Communications networks.



-Features and capabilities.

-Services offered by communications networks.

-Network Services.

-Client Services.

-Operation of each of the networks according to the standards and the technology.

-Establishment of calls.

-Setting contexts.

-Setting up data connections.

-Virtual circuits.

-Permanent circuits.

-End services and applications implemented over each of the networks.

-Voice services.

-Data services.

-Global architecture for service delivery:



-Security architecture.

-Service Provision.

-Roaming service.

-Handover modes.

-Pricing modes.

1. Managing the communications network configuration

-The network management system.

-Features and functionality in configuration management.

-Configuration management module:

-Parameter changes.

-Collection of data about the configuration.

-Consistency of configuration data.

-Network update.

-Remote software load.

-Hardware change support applications.

-Managing tasks and scanning the network.

-Automated data collection on network inventory and status:

-Software and hardware versions of the different computers.

-Application software versions

-Storage of configuration data.

-Bases of inventory data.

-Configuration data bases.

-Management network.




-TCP/IP protocol stack.

-SNMP, CMIP, and CORBA standards protocols.

2. UNIX utilities on the network management system

-Connection and user environment on Unix operating system.

-Unix file system.

-File and directory management commands.

-User and group permissions.

-Running programs, modes:

-Background (background),

-Programming of running tasks in deferred (cron table).

-Adapting scripts by using a text editor (vi).

-TCP/IP protocol on Unix machines:

-IP routing.



-Telnet, FTP protocols.

3. Configuring communications network equipment

-Configuring communications equipment:

-Functional schema.


-Equipment configuration procedures.

-Configuring the transport network.

-Configuring the signaling equipment.

-Configuring circuit switching equipment

-Configuring package network equipment.

-Configuring the connection interfaces between the various computers that make up the communications network.

-Measure of signals from interfaces, buses, cables, and connectors.

-Queue theory for load sharing.

-Configuration tools for communications equipment on management systems.

-Redundant systems.

-Restore procedures for the affected communications services.

-Managing availability.

-Change in resource configuration.

-Storage of configuration data.

-Bases of inventory data.

-Configuration data bases.



Code: UF1858

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the network inventory system and the services it offers, and maintain it using proprietary inventory management tools, following technical and functional specifications.

CE1.1 Describe the functionalities and features of a network inventory system in order to recognize registration procedures.

CE1.2 Relate the different network and service data that you want to record with the different log fields that the system contains, and the actions that can be performed with each of them.

CE1.3 Define user access rules to the inventory system to ensure data processing security according to given specifications.

CE1.4 Interpret the procedures for recording and checking the data in the inventory system so that the information contained in it is reliable and updatable.

CE1.5 Perform inventory system information maintenance to have the data updated, according to given specifications:

-Configure the inventory system following the established procedure.

-Create system access users and profiles.

-Record the data regarding connections: interfaces, cards, channels, and lines in the inventory.

-Register the data for the services implemented on the network.

-Register all modifications that are made to the network equipment that provides services.

-Check that the data contained in the inventory system is updated.

-Document tasks performed according to specified formats.

CE1.6 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Communications Services Inventory Techniques

-Inventory software tools.


-Information storage system,

-User access.

-Tool access profiles.

-Maintenance and backup mechanisms.

-Log procedures for services and network components on which they are implemented.



Code: UF1859

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the specifications, details and scope of the works and actions on the communications network, and perform their coordination and follow up according to given specifications.

CE1.1 Describe the types of jobs and actions to be performed on the communications network on a scheduled basis.

CE1.2 Identify the affected services to the performance of the work or actions in order to assess the impact of the work.

CE1.3 Schedule the order of jobs when they match in time to avoid inconsistencies and failures in the network.

CE1.4 Describe the functionality and features of software tools for network registration and scheduling, depending on your technical specifications.

CE1.5 Coordinate the execution of jobs over the network, following specifications given:

-Identify the affected items and services in the job to run.

-Use the job scheduling software tools on the network.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.

-Authorize the execution of the jobs.

-Apply planned contingency plans before failure situations

-Deactivate the failure notifications of the affected teams.

-Perform service recovery processes after the job is run.

-Document tasks performed according to specified formats.


1. Job control procedures on the communications network

-Classification of jobs and actions performed on communications systems.

-Determining the risk of the job.

-Severity degree allocation of jobs.

-By the degree of difficulty.

-By the number of services and potential customers to be affected.

-By the time of the equipment outage or service.

-Schedule of time and phase relationship of jobs.

-Serial jobs.

-Parallel jobs.

-Contingency plans.

-Partial contingency plan.

-Total contingency plan.

-Track the completion of the jobs.

-Control points.

-Determination of the time of completion of the jobs.

-Back up procedure in case of failure to guarantee the service.

2. Software tools for recording and scheduling the work.

-Architecture and functionality of the job log tools.

-Architecture and functionality of the job log tools.

-Managing jobs.

-Creating a new scheduled job log.

-Close a scheduled job log.

-Modification and cancellation of a scheduled job.

-Verification of backups, of restore mechanisms.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1857



Unit 2-UF1858






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1218_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1218_3 Manage the quality of supported services over the communications network.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1860

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the performance measurement parameters of a communications network, and monitor the quality level of the services you provide following technical and functional specifications.

CE1.1 Explain the fundamentals of the measurement of network performance in order to monitor the quality of the services provided on this network.

CE1.2 Describe the systems and tools of measurement of the performance of a communications network, to classify the quality metrics available, taking into account technical specifications.

CE1.3 Explain the monitoring and measurement techniques performed by the performance management systems or tools, to know the state of use of the network and the services.

CE1.4 Describe the performance monitoring procedures of the communications network based on the technology and the standard of communications systems.

CE1.5 Describe the different types of statistics file format in order to apply the most appropriate method or procedure to query.

CE1.6 Relate the quality metrics used to measure network performance with the systems that are part of the communications network.

CE1.7 Interpret information from performance management systems to assess quality levels.

CE1.8 Monitor the quality of the services of a communications network to ensure its performance, following specifications given:

-Identify the quality metrics to be applied.

-Use the performance management tool to check metrics.

-Monitor the statistical counters that make up the quality metrics.

-Report the results of the health check to the relevant departments in case of detecting values above the established ones, in order that the circumstances that occurred to have those values do not reproduce again.

-Interpret information from performance management systems in their use in quality monitoring.

-Document the processes performed according to specified formats.

CE1.1 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Performance monitoring procedures for a communications network

-Types of counters available on communications equipment.

-Quality measures.

-End-to-end Service Level parameters.

-General Service Level parameters.

-Service Level (ANS).

-Objectives (informational).

-Traffic measures.

-Meaning and types of standardized quality metrics for the quality measurement of a communications network.

-Customer Service (CAC) related metrics.

-Average Time Wait.

-Average Response Time.

-Average Issue/Resolution Time.

-Number of calls serviced by service.

-Number of open warnings per service and type (provision or replacement).

-Number of closed warnings per service and type (provision or replacement).

-Ratio tickets/calls per service.

-Calls issued by service.

-Calls abandoned.

-Calls serviced within 10 seconds.

-CAC service report delivery deadline.

-Interactions Completed in CAC.

-Maximum time to call the user again with the status of incidents.

-Provisions/Repositions with formal closure and information in maximum 2 hours after the solution.

-Network Operation-related metrics:

-Number of repositions served (from CAC).

-Number of repositions served (not from CAC).

-Number of provisions served (from CAC).

-Number of provisions served (not from CAC).

-Percentage of open and closed repositions/provisions in current month.

-Calls issued by service.

-Interactions Completed in Operation.

-Interactions successfully dispatched in Operation.

-Critical incidents detected proactively.

-Repeated incidents (ten most repeated incidents) per service.

-Number of problems detected and logged by service.

-Repeated problems (ten more repeated problems) per service.

-Number of changes recorded per service.

-Changes rejected by service.

-% of changes implemented according to schedule.

-Services stop caused by changes.

-% of inventoried assets in the system.

-% Monitored Items.

-Number of incidents associated with lack of capacity.

-% of critical services that are monitored for availability

-Iteration of incidents.

-Operation Service Reporting Deadline.

-Metrics related to Quality Control and Service Control.

-ANS Reporting Deadline.

-Operation report delivery deadline.

-Updating the operational documentation.

-Continuous inventory update.

-The update frequency of the operational documentation library.

-Activity Tracking Reporting Deadline.

-Metrics related to the customer's perceived quality and satisfaction.

-Degree of satisfaction of the service officer.

-Degree of internal customer satisfaction.

-Degree of satisfaction of end customers.

-Network quality monitoring procedures.

-Service level agreements and service agreements and industry quality regulations.

-Statistics file formats.



Code: UF1861

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply tool or performance management system administration procedures to collect, treat, and store quality metrics and statistical counters for communications equipment, according to given technical and functional specifications.

CE1.1 Explain the functionalities and features of a performance management system based on the technology, network type and geographic scope it covers.

CE1.2 Identify the types of performance management systems based on the technology, the method of collecting the statistical counters of the communications equipment, and the method of storage of these counters and quality metrics.

CE1.3 Identify the performance management system configuration parameters to schedule the receipt of the statistical counters, their treatment, and storage.

CE1.4 Classify the different types of counters that can be activated on the computers depending on the communications system and the technology.

CE1.5 Relate the performance parameters that make up the quality metric with the counters available in the communications equipment based on the technology, in order to activate them.

CE1.6 Administer performance management tools to ensure data processing of communications network elements, according to given specifications:

-Configure the parameters for receiving and treating statistical counters.

-Activate the statistical counters on the corresponding communications equipment.

-Configure quality metrics.

-Configure the system to generate potential impairment alerts on service delivery.

-Document the processes performed according to specified formats.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the performance management system to enable the configuration and treatment of the counters, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.

C2: Apply filtering and information extraction procedures using specific query languages and tools provided by the performance management system to generate statistics that evaluate the quality level of the services.

CE2.1 Explain the features and functionalities of the performance management system information extraction and query tools.

CE2.2 Describe the features of the language that the management system provides in order to adapt existing information extractions, generating new queries that increase the functionality of the performance management system.

CE2.3 Extract and query information using the performance management system-specific query languages and tools:

-Select the tool to use.

-Identify the statements in the query language that will be used in the extraction of information.

-Identify sources of information for the creation of query and extraction procedures.

-Create procedures that allow you to copy and adapt queries for information retrieval.

-Retrieve and archive previously established query and extraction procedures to exploit system information.

-Document the processes performed according to specified formats.

CE2.4 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Performance Management System

-Performance management system architecture.

-Requirements for a network performance management system.

-Requirements for a network performance management system.

-QoS capability target setting.

-QoS capabilities check.

-Setting network capability targets.

-Checking network capabilities.

-Customer Service Quality Criteria.

-Network Element Capability Check.

-Data Integrity Check.

-Pipeline interfaces with performance management systems associated with communications systems.

-Activating and deactivating counters.

-Available tools and methods used.

-Methods of collecting the measures.

-Transfer of measures.

-Formats of the metric files.

-Granularity concepts, file measurement numbers, collection time for statistics.

-Storage of measures.

-Management procedures for the processing and storage of the measures.

-Commercial tools available for performance management.

2. Methods of extracting statistical information in the performance management system

-Data storage.

-Performance management system query languages.

-Statistical information query tools.



Code: UF1862

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the software tools for creating and publishing specific management system reports, and developing and publishing network and service quality reports, according to specified needs.

CE1.1 Identify the data sources available in performance management systems based on communications technology.

CE1.2 Determine the means of extraction of the information available in the management system and its correlation with information from external sources for the production of the requested reports.

CE1.3 Describe the functionality of the reporting tools specific to the communication of the same according to functional specifications.

CE1.4 Identify the reporting and reporting procedures according to the format and type of information to allow for their distribution according to the specified layout.

CE1.5 Develop network and service quality reports according to given specifications:

-Relate the requested information with the available data sources in the performance management systems based on the technology.

-Select the tool for data extraction.

-Extract and combine data using the statistics processing tool.

-Perform the report design using data presentation and charting tools.

-Publish the report using the specified tools.

-Document the processes performed according to specified formats.

CE1.6 Interpret the documentation inherent in the tools, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it.


1. Communications network quality reports

-Report Design.

-Reporting methods.

-Web Reports: Access, Presentation, Update.

-Reporting of voice traffic, signaling, transport traffic.

-Service Utilization Reports.

-Interpretation of report results, based on external events.

-Report publishing tools.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1860



Unit 2-UF1861




The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0393

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the monitoring of communications networks and implemented services, as well as in the performance of configuration and control operations of these networks and managing the quality of the services supported, in accordance with the procedures established in the company.

CE1.1 Interpret, among others, the business technical documentation associated with: technical specifications of the communications equipment; network architecture; regulations, regulations and standards; quality criteria of the organization; service level agreements of the organization (SLAs); network management systems and monitoring tools; network configuration; incident management and alarm flow tools.

CE1.2 Monitor the communications network and the services implemented in accordance with established business procedures.

CE1.3 Collaborate in the configuration and control operations of the communications network, following the procedures established by the organization.

CE1.4 Manage the quality of services supported by the communications network, following established business procedures.

CE1.5 Document the work done according to the business requirements and procedures.

C2: Participate in the company's work process, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE2.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE2.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE2.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received by trying to adapt to the work rate of the company.

CE2.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE2.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE2.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Management and monitoring of alarms in communications networks.

-Systems of management of communications systems used by the company.

-The network map of the communications systems.

-Business tools and tools for service checking.

-Inventory of services and connections.

-Standards and quality criteria defined by the organization.

-Tools used in different business procedures.

-Business procedures for monitoring the communications network and implemented services.

-Communications network configuration and control business procedures.

-Quality management business procedures for services supported by the communications network.

2. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

*Professional experience required in the scope of the Competition

MF1216_3: Monitoring the communications network and incident resolution

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other titles equivalents

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1217_3: Reconfiguration and coordination of works on the communications network.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1218_3: Monitoring network performance and quality of services.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

* For the last five years.


Forming Space

Surface m²

15 pupils

Surface m²

25 pupils











Forming Space



-PCs installed in network and Internet connection.

-Wiring armarium with patched panels and network connection devices: hubs, switches, routers, etc.

-Base and network software.

-Unix operating system.

-Office software, internet tools.

-Security and antivirus software.

-The communications systems management system.

-Teams and tools for service checking.

-Inventory tools.

-Incident management software tools. Alarm monitoring tools. Flow tools for tracking alarms.

-Network job control tools.

-Incident management software tools.

-Performance and alarm management software tools.

-Performance management system query languages and tools.

-Network-level statistics processing tools for communications equipment.

-Quality reporting tools.

-Tools programming software.

-Projection Canon.



-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for the trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students.

-Auxiliary furniture for classroom equipment.

* The appropriate equipment and software must be up to date.

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Administration and departmental network design

Code: IFCT0410

Professional family: Informatics and communications

Professional area: Systems and telematics

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC081_3 Departmental Network Administration and Design (RD 295/2004, February 20)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0228_3: Design the telematic network infrastructure. UC0229_3: Coordinate the implementation of the telematic network infrastructure. UC0230_3: Manage the telematics network infrastructure.

General competition:

Design the communications architecture of a medium or low complexity environment, monitor your deployment by following the project, and administer the resulting system, providing the necessary technical assistance

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops your professional activity in the following areas:

-Small and medium-sized enterprises that design and install telematics networks.

-Self-employed in the design and installation of telematics networks.

-In medium or large enterprises or entities, as part of the corporate network management and maintenance team.

Productive Sectors:

This is present in the sectors where processes are developed: Design and development of communication systems and associated facilities.

-Maintenance of telematics networks.

-Installing telematics networks.

-Using a corporate network to support the business process in any business sector.

Occupations or related jobs:

2723.1014 Network Designer

2721.1018 Network System Administrator

Telematics systems manager. Network and communications administrator. Local network and telematics technician. Network installation monitor. Technical in the design of telematic networks.

Duration of the associated training: 610 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0228_3: (Transversal) Telematics Network Design (200 hours)

● UF1869: Communications Products Market Analysis (90 Hours)

● UF1870: Telematics network project development (80 hours)

● UF1871: Technical documentation elaboration (30 hours)

MF0229_3: Managing telematics networks (120 hours)

● UF1877: Telematic network infrastructure deployment project planning (50 hours)

● UF1878: Execution of telematics network infrastructure implementation projects (70 hours)

MF0230_3: Telematic network administration (210 hours)

● UF1879: Pipeline and network services (70 hours)

● UF1880: Telematic network management (90 hours)

● UF1881: Troubleshooting on telematics networks (50 hours)

MP0396: Administration and departmental network design non-work practices module (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0228_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Determine the topology configuration of network networking that adequately responds to project needs.

CR1.1 System specifications accurately collect functional, technical and cost requirements and performance.

CR1.2 The system topology is determined by choosing a standard reference model that meets the requirements of the applications to be used (response time, quality of service, routing scheme, volume of data to be transferred, distances, access to other networks, etc).

CR1.3 Communication elements are valued taking into account the existing infrastructure and the state of the technology in the present as well as its possible short and medium term developments.

CR1.4 The topology and elements of the network are chosen according to the requirements of accessibility, confidentiality and integrity required by the user and the current regulations.

RP2: Analyze the connectivity capabilities of the market communications teams to integrate them into a telematics network infrastructure project.

CR2.1 The characteristics and specifications of communications equipment are identified to determine their suitability for network design.

CR2.2 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR2.3 The different physical means of transmission are differentiated by their technical characteristics and their suitability for use for different types of networks.

CR2.4 The environmental requirements of the communications equipment (occupied surface, electrical consumption, heat dissipation, etc.) are contrasted with the possibilities of the installation.

CR2.5 The hiring and service conditions of the basic access to public networks offered by the telecommunications operators are reviewed and included in the specifications of the network design.

CR2.6 The capabilities and features of the communications hardware products and the software products analog routers, hubs, switches, vpn servers-virtual private networks, firewalls, etc.) are known and compared for inclusion in the network design.

CR2.7 The implementation of communications software products is evaluated on different platforms and operating systems.

RP3: Determine the physical configuration of network networking by selecting the most appropriate equipment, devices, and software for the project's needs.

CR3.1 The location of the network equipment and devices takes into account the conditions of ergonomics, safety and use of the available space.

CR3.2 The software components of the network infrastructure are chosen according to the system requirements and the capabilities required by the applications and specified above.

CR3.3 The cabling system and the type of support used for the local network are determined according to the distances between the different nodes of the system, the speed required for the transmission of the data and the environmental conditions.

CR3.4 Network devices and devices are selected according to the following criteria:

-The condition of approval of the same, both internally and externally, proposing for internal approval those elements whose use is essential.

-Compliance with prescribed technical and economic conditions.

-The supply guarantee and its availability within the agreed deadlines

CR3.5 The system structure and block diagrams accurately reflect the structure of the system and the different elements that make it up.

RP4: Develop or monitor the elaboration of the technical documentation required for the execution of the data network installation and its subsequent maintenance.

CR4.1 The description of the installation accurately explains the characteristics and scope of the installation.

CR4.2 The technical documentation includes the necessary set and detail drawings and drawings, using the standardized symbology and presentation.

CR4.3 The relationship of materials, equipment and devices is performed using normalized coding and ensuring its internal and/or external acquisition.

CR4.4 The construction plans of the installation accurately collect the characteristics of the equipment for implantation (physical dimensions, location of devices and cards, coded identification of e/s and wiring, etc.).

CR4.5 The network software and the system communication programs are sufficiently documented and allow the implementation and subsequent maintenance of the functions of the same.

CR4.6 The technical documentation conforms to the organization's standards and contains the necessary chapters for system installation and maintenance, including:

-Process to be followed in commissioning.

-Tests and adjustments to be made in the system start-up process.

-Parameters to be verified and adjusted.

-Stable Margenes of operation.

-Guidelines for performing system preventive maintenance

Professional Context

Production media

Instruments for the realization of facility schemes (CAD/ CAM/ CAE programs). Technical documentation of manufacturers, in printed or electronic support. Project planning tools. Operator communications service configurators.

Products and results

Network design: blocks and block diagrams. Component memory. Network infrastructure maintenance guidelines. Verification and testing guidelines for components and equipment.

Information used or generated

Communications Infrastructure Security Policy. Installation manuals, reference and use of communications equipment. Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Information about communications equipment and software. Regulations, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, RFC-IETF). Technical documentation of projects and communications facilities. Time and pricing manuals for communications facilities.

Competition Unit 2

Denomination: Coordinate the implementation of the telematics network infrastructure.

Level: 3

Code: UC0229_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Control the implementation and maintenance of data networks by verifying that the schedule and conditions set in the overall execution plan are met.

CR1.1 The proposals included in the drafting of the systems testing and testing protocols, ensure the adequacy of the systems with the specifications of the project and the current electrotechnical regulations, with the following control parameters:

-Drivers are of the appropriate type, isolation and section.

-The identification of the drivers is the standard.

-The type and characteristics of the pipes are in line with the project.

-Electrical and signalling and control devices are approved.

-The resistance of the grounding is within the established margins.

-Tension drops are admissible.

-The firing of the protections in the face of potential failures is the prescribed

CR1.2 The various controls that are applied during the installation run are adjusted in time and shape to the overall execution plan.

CR1.3 The calibration of the measurement and test equipment is carried out in order to adjust them within the permissible limits, ensuring the reliability of the results obtained.

CR1.4 The procedure to be applied in the process of monitoring and monitoring the execution of the work is clearly explained.

CR1.5 The taking of accurate data on the state of the assembly or maintenance of the system allows to evaluate the progress of the work and its suitability with the established planning.

CR1.6 The incidents and deviations that have arisen during the process are communicated quickly enough and the causes of the incidents are explained.

CR1.7 The modifications to the system implementation are proposed in order to improve the operation of the system or the resolution of contingencies.

CR1.8 The proposed improvements and/or modifications are accompanied by a technical and economic evaluation of the improvements that will facilitate appropriate decision making.

CR1.9 The responses to incidents that may occur, on personnel or materials, are provided for in a contingency plan.

CR1.10 Work items are collected daily, ensuring that they collect in form and content the data necessary to track the schedule.

CR1.11 The modifications to be made in the planning of the implementation or maintenance of the system are permanently reflected in the production charts produced in this respect.

RP2: Monitor the installation of the wiring and the certification of the same according to the installation project and meet the established quality criteria.

CR2.1 The materials used in the installation conform to the project specifications.

CR2.2 The tools used in the installation are appropriate in each case to meet the established quality criteria.

CR2.3 The required pipes are performed according to the project and the mount plan.

CR2.4 The wired and connected are performed according to the schemas and drawings, solving the contingencies that arise.

CR2.5 The identification codes (numerical and/or color) of the cables and connectors are the standard ones.

CR2.6 The personal security conditions and the means and materials used are respected at all times, taking appropriate measures in case of incidents.

CR2.7 The program of modifications to be made at the appropriate time, informing and taking appropriate measures according to the standard procedure or more appropriate, optimizing the resources and minimizing the times of cutting and/or delay.

CR2.8 The modifications introduced during the assembly are recorded in the drawings and schemas to keep the documentation of the installation up to date.

CR2.9 Preventive maintenance operations are performed in accordance with established procedures.

CR2.10 The necessary operations (measurements, checks, etc.) for the detection of faults, breakdowns and/or incorrect operation of the system allow to accurately diagnose and locate the causes of the situation in an appropriate time.

CR2.11 Changes and/or improvements proposed in a system to repetitive failures of the system provide more secure and reliable operation.

CR2.12 The periodic reports and the daily parts accurately reflect the work done, the incidents that have arisen and the solutions adopted, allowing the updating and monitoring of the information about the implementation of the system.

CR2.13 The cables are tagged at both ends correctly identifying their sources and type.

CR2.14 The training and information of the staff in charge of the quality required in the execution of the work is carried out on an ongoing basis, giving the instructions and/or undertaking the necessary actions to this end.

RP3: Monitor the installation of network devices and devices according to the installation project and meet the established quality criteria.

CR3.1 The location of the equipment corresponds to the plans of the installation and respects the criteria of ergonomics, safety and use of space

CR3.2 The connection of the equipment to the electrical power is carried out according to the safety criteria and the regulations in force.

CR3.3 Installation of network equipment is performed, if possible, by placing them on racks while respecting manufacturers ' specifications and maintaining adequate ventilation

CR3.4 The attachment and connection of the equipment cables is performed according to functional criteria, maintaining correct labeling and allowing subsequent manipulation

CR3.5 Implementation is done by following the manufacturer's regulations and/or recommendations, and the organization's installation plans.

CR3.6 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction both if it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR3.7 The handling of the equipment in production takes place in the schedules and in the way that minimises the impact on the service.

CR3.8 The installation will be delivered by crafting a document that includes all significant detail.

CR3.9 The training and information of the staff in charge of the quality required in the execution of the work is carried out on an ongoing basis, giving the instructions and/or undertaking the necessary actions to this end.

RP4: Perform and/or monitor the testing required for basic operation testing of equipment and devices.

CR4.1 The functional testing of the physical installation of the communications system ensures compliance with the requirements set out in the implementation documentation.

CR4.2 The tests will be performed following the manufacturer's recommendations and the organization's test plan.

CR4.3 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR4.4 Failure or malfunction of part or all of the network equipment is detailed in reports that are referred to the manufacturer

CR4.5 Failure or malfunction of part or all of the network equipment brings its repair or replacement by another component or equipment

CR4.6 The verification of the characteristics of the materials used ensures the adequacy of the same in relation to the project specifications.

CR4.7 The testing and testing of the equipment is performed according to the established protocol or standard.

CR4.8 The results obtained in the testing and testing of equipment and materials are collected in the corresponding quality sheets, evaluated in the first instance, the corresponding report is issued and the system manager is informed of the established mode.

CR4.9 Connection and functional tests (at rest and activity) are performed according to the established protocol, and the necessary adjustments are made to achieve the prescribed specifications.

RP5: Develop the project closure technical documentation and train the management team to take over management of the installed infrastructure.

CR5.1 The verification and commissioning report of the communication system accurately collects the overall results of the tests performed and the acceptance of the test by the client.

CR5.2 The prepared documentation allows the management team to configure and operate the systems to obtain the expected and appropriate result.

CR5.3 The closing documentation includes the following sections:

-Installation diagrams and schemas.

-Component and equipment failure reports.

-Detailed maintenance plan for each of the components.

-Teams operation manual.

CR5.4 The training plan is developed with the aim of facilitating the administration of the network elements.

CR5.5 The training actions are delivered on the installation itself and with emphasis on the practical component.

Professional Context

Production media

Project management programs. Office tools. Graphical presentation of reports. Cabling certifiers. Network analyzers. Manual tools for the installation of communications infrastructures. Communications infrastructure equipment. Communications software support media. Copper and fiber optic cables. Parts of work. Communications racks

Products and results

Data networks installed. Planning and control documents for the execution of communications facilities. Monitoring reports and proposals/modifications of the facilities. Registered parts of work. Wiring installed and tagged. Technical documentation of closure. Training plan. Installed communications infrastructure equipment. Communications software installed. Individual tests executed.

Information used or generated

Installation, reference, and use of communications equipment manuals. Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Regulations, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, RFC-IETF). Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Information about communications equipment and software. Technical documentation of projects and communications facilities. Time and pricing manuals for communications facilities. Rates and conditions of operator communications services.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0230_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Configure the computers and devices in the data network infrastructure according to the layout set for your operation.

CR1.1 The configuration of parameters and definitions in the data network infrastructure teams is done individually with the values set in the design.

CR1.2 The sequence of configuration actions on the computers is performed in the order and mode that determines the manufacturer.

CR1.3 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction both if it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR1.4 The security and traceability of configuration parameters and definitions is guaranteed by the use of appropriate users and profiles or other means of identification.

CR1.5 Sensitive parameters that depend on the stability and availability of components and/or network equipment are protected using appropriate security measures.

CR1.6 Network equipment user names and passwords are chosen according to the criteria set out in the security policy, stored using applications and/or procedures that ensure their confidentiality and are delivered to the data network infrastructure administrators through a secure channel.

CR1.7 Remote access to data network infrastructure teams is done through applications that ensure system security against improper access.

CR1.8 Network equipment access control settings can only be modified from authorized points.

CR1.9 The configuration documentation must include all of the embedded values and the implicit topological definitions in graphical schema mode.

RP2: Verify and comprehensively test the elements of the data network infrastructure.

CR2.1 The verification and testing tools and techniques are used in the appropriate way to check the integrated operation of the network infrastructure.

CR2.2 The verifications are performed on the planned in the design stage and must include the following checks:

-End-to-end network continuity tests.

-Network infrastructure client application tests.

-Functional Verifications.

-Load tests.

CR2.3 The network software is verified in conjunction with the teams and using the appropriate techniques and tools.

CR2.4 The final verification and test documentation includes the activities performed and the results obtained.

RP3: Define and implement monitoring procedures for data network infrastructure elements for the operating phase, as well as perform their capacity planning.

CR3.1 Capacity planning and monitoring processes enable:

-Evaluate system capabilities.

-Estimate your performance over the medium term.

-Determine which system elements should be extended or replaced before they cause system performance degradation.

CR3.2 The selection of processes and components to be monitored is performed with availability criteria and load status.

CR3.3 The thresholds of the processes and components to be monitored are selected according to the required level of service and manufacturers ' specifications.

CR3.4 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is edited in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use

CR3.5 The expected alarms need to be related to each other to facilitate the analysis of the operators.

CR3.6 Different network element monitors that configure a particular service will be logically grouped to facilitate understanding by network operators.

CR3.7 Events are scheduled on the basis of alarms or alarm groups and run automatically whenever possible.

CR3.8 Alarms and events must be recorded so that they can be analyzed later.

RP4: Monitor and/or perform data network maintenance by adapting established preventive plans to the particularities of the installation.

CR4.1 The preventive maintenance of the system is carried out using the standard procedure and with the periodicity established in the design stage.

CR4.2 Physical transmission systems are kept minimizing signal loss levels and preserving continuity.

CR4.3 Maintenance actions are planned and performed by minimizing the impact on production by selecting appropriate procedures and schedules.

CR4.4 The tests after each maintenance action ensure the correct operation of the data network infrastructure.

CR4.5 The maintenance action record is performed according to criteria that facilitate the query and the traceability of incidents.

RP5: Understand the incidences, diagnosing the causes of dysfunctionality of the system and adopting, at its level, the necessary measures for the rapid and reliable restoration of the operability of the same.

CR5.1 The incidence check allows you to verify the symptoms listed in the breakdown part and specify the effect of the failure.

CR5.2 The diagnosis and location of the system failure is performed using the technical documentation of the network and the equipment, the necessary tools, specialized diagnostic software, protocol analyzers, the management tools that can incorporate the system (SNMP, RMON, etc.) and applying the corresponding procedure in an appropriate time.

CR5.3 The technical documentation is interpreted with correction whether it is published in Spanish, in the own language of the Autonomous Community or in the technical language of customary use.

CR5.4 The adjustments of the replaced devices and/or equipment are performed according to the established design, with the required accuracy, following the documented procedures.

CR5.5 Functional tests, final adjustments, reconfiguration of parameters, software load, and, if necessary, recommended reliability tests are performed systematically, following the procedure specified in the system documentation.

CR5.6 The breakdown or incident repair report is performed in the normalized format that allows you to collect the information for the incident repository update.

Professional Context

Production media

Software configuration tools. Network routing plan. Fault diagnosis software. Corporate office applications. Graphical presentation of reports. Network analyzers. Communications infrastructure equipment. Communications software support media. Copper and fiber optic cables. Monitoring tools. Incident management/help-desk applications. Applications for secure storage and/or transmission of information. Random password generators. Programs for remote configuration of communications equipment.

Products and results

Communications infrastructure configured according to customer specifications. Assistance to the user. Performance reports and improvement proposals. Data networks installed. Planning and control documents for the execution of communications facilities. Monitoring reports and proposals/modifications of the facilities. Installed communications infrastructure equipment. Communications software installed. Integrated tests executed. Monitored networks with alarms and events.

Information used or generated

Communication System Deployment Plan. Communications equipment installation manuals. Company rules on customer service. Quality guide. Maintenance plan. Installation manuals, reference and use of communications equipment. Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Information about communications equipment and software. Technical documentation of projects and communications facilities. Telecommunications regulations Monitoring reports.




Code: MF0228_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0228_3: Design the telematics network infrastructure.

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1869

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Defer the characteristics of the existing transmission media on the market

CE1.1 Reasoned the relationship between bandwidth and transmission speed.

CE1.2 Identify the characteristics of a product from its specifications

CE1.3 Describe the installation problem of a given means of transmission.

CE1.4 Classify the means of transmission according to the technical characteristics of their use in network facilities.

CE1.5 Detailed the influence of each transmission medium on the overall performance of the network.

CE1.6 Properly interpret the symbology and coding used commercially for the different means of transmission.

CE1.7 From a practical network design scenario:

-To study the market for the communications products needed for the design, consulting documentation on the Internet, specialized journals, catalogues of manufacturers, etc.

-Make several proposals based on economics and performance criteria.

C2: Explain existing levels in the TCP/IP protocol set

CE2.1 Interpreting the OSI Reference Model

CE2.2 Describe the functions and services of each level of the OSI reference model

CE2.3 Explain TCP/IP Architecture

CE2.4 Set correctly correspondences between the TCP/IP architecture and the OSI reference model.

CE2.5 Successfully associate functions and services to each level of the TCP/IP architecture

CE2.6 Describe the IP routing system

CE2.7 Apply the IP routing system in the creation of subnets

CE2.8 Describe the different routing protocols in IP networks: BGP, OSPF.

CE2.9 Describe TCP/IP architecture application-level protocols: ftp, http, SMTP, telnet, SNMP, etc.

C3: Explain the technical characteristics and operating mode of the different network interconnection equipment.

CE3.1 Classifying the operation of network equipment with respect to the OSI reference model

CE3.2 Describe the functions of the different interconnection devices.

CE3.3 Detailed the technical characteristics of the interconnection teams to determine their influence over network capabilities

CE3.4 Analyze the different software alternatives with respect to the equivalent communications hardware products.

CE3.5 Describe the interconnection architecture by using VPN (Virtual Private Network, virtual private networks).

CE3.6 Properly interpret information that appears in communications product catalogs.


1. Introduction to communications and computer networks.

-Tasks for a telecommunications system.

-Communication through networks.

-Network Classification:

-Local Area Networks (LAN).

-Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN).

-Wide Area Networks (WAN).

-Protocols and protocol architecture.

-Definition and features.

-Functions of the protocols.

-The OSI reference model. Functions and services.

-The TCP/IP protocol architecture. Functions and services.

-Correspondence between TCP/IP and OSI.

-Regulations and Standards of Standardization. IETF. ISO. ITU. CT.

2. Principles of Data Transmission.


-Data Flow: Simpleness, Semi-Duplex, and Duplex.


-Transmission modes: series, parallel.

-analog and digital transmission.

-Defining data, signals, and transmission.

-Acoustic spectrum.

-Analog and digital signals. Advantages and disadvantages.

-Data and Signals.

-Characteristics of analog and digital transmission.

-Benefits of digital transmission.

-Disturbances in the transmission.

-Attenuation and distortion of attenuation.

-Delay Distortion.

-Thermal noise.

-Intermodulation noise, crosstalk, impulsive noise.

-Effects of noise on a digital signal.

-Deciding and power of the signal. Signal-to-noise ratio.

-Channel capacity, signal bandwidth, transmission rate, error rate.

-Data encoding.

-Digital data encoding techniques.

-Analog data encoding techniques.



-Frequency division multiplexing (FDM).

-Time division multiplexing (TDM).

-Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM).


3. Guided transmission means.

-The twisted pair.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.


-Types of cables and categories. Bandwidth.

-Benefits and drawbacks

-The coaxial cable.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.


-Benefits and drawbacks.

-The optical fiber.

-The optical transmission system.

-Constructive features.

-Transmission characteristics.

-Applications. Use of frequencies.

-Splice types. Advantages and disadvantages.

-Transmission media catalogs.

4. Wireless transmission means.

-Unguided transmission characteristics.

-Wireless transmission frequencies.


-Earth and satellite microwaves.

-Point-to-point link by satellite.

-Satellite multicast.



-Wireless propagation forms.

5. Data link control.

-Data link control functions.

-Protocol types.

-Line control methods.

-Error processing.

-Flow control.

6. Protocols.

-Network interconnect protocols. IP Protocol.

-Internet and its organizations.

-IPv4 and IPv6 routing. Creation of subnets.


-Classification of routing methods.

-BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).

-OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

-Transport Protocol. TCP/UDP protocols.

-Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) protocol.

-User Datagram Protocol (UDP) protocol.


-NAT (Network Address Translation). Routing.

-Network security.

-General concepts.

-Secure communication properties.

-Cryptography. Types.



-Key distribution and certification.


-Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

-SSH (Secure Shell).



-Application Level Protocols.

-The client-server architecture.

-Client-server applications.

-HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

-FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

-SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

-TELNET (TELecommunication NETWORK).

-SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).


7. Network interconnection equipment.

-Network interconnect devices.

-OSI reference functions and model.

-Prstations and features.

-Routers. Level 3 switches.



-Virtual Private Networks (VPN) Servers.


-Influence on network capabilities.

-Environmental requirements of communications equipment.

-Network interconnect equipment product catalogs.

-Basic access to public networks.



Code: UF1870

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the features and requirements of a telematics network project based on the client's needs.

CE1.1 Identify sources of information.

CE1.2 Apply interview and information collection techniques.

CE1.3 Explain the problem of the feasibility study of a project.

CE1.4 Develop a user requirements document.

CE1.5 Sink the collected information.

CE1.6 From a practical assumption:

-Simulate an interview.

-Perform a requirements document.

-Perform a technical-economic feasibility study.

C2: Select a particular pipeline team for a network infrastructure

CE2.1 Justify the choice of interconnection equipment according to performance and economy criteria.

CE2.2 Describe the problem of the interconnection of local area networks.

CE2.3 Describe the problematic of the local area network network-wide area network.

CE2.4 Justify the choice between a hardware solution and other software according to performance criteria, economics, complexity and ease of administration.

CE2.5 Explain the influence of collision domains and IP domains on network performance.

C3: Design the network topology, including the transmission media and communications equipment best suited to the specifications received

CE3.1 About a scenario of designing a network:

-Draw the topology that meets the expected service quality, cost, and performance specifications.

-Choose the most appropriate transmission means for the network design according to the quality and expected cost criteria.

-Locate the interconnection equipment in the design so that the established quality criteria are met.

-Set the routing mode and its configuration, including any subnets that were required.

-Select the interconnection system with the wide area network according to the chosen topology and meet the agreed cost and effectiveness criteria.

-Set backup lines if needed.

-Use simulation programs to verify the performance of the design.

CE3.2 Perform the logical connection of the equipment taking into account its function and its security and location requirements.


1. Communications Networks

-Network classification.

-Switch networks.

-Conmutation of Circuits. Features.

-Packet Conmutation. Features.

-ATM and Frame Relay.

-Broadcast Networks.

-Bus networks.

-Ring networks.

-Star networks.

2. Local area networks (LAN).

-Definition and characteristics of a local area network.


-LAN protocol architecture.

-Physical level.

-Link level.

-Medium Access Control (MAC) sublevel.

-Logical Link Control (LLC) sublevel.

-IEEE 802 rules for LAN.

-Star Local Area Networks. Switched hubs.

-LAN-LAN connection.

-LAN-WAN connection.

-Design issues.

-Transmission medium.

-A product's characteristics from its specifications.

-Selection of the broadcast media.

-Installation of medium of transmission. Problematic.

-Influence of each transmission medium on the overall capabilities of the network.

-Symbology and commercial coding.

-The market for communications products.

-Connection equipment.

-Location in the design of the interconnection equipment.

-Set the routing mode and its configuration, including subnets.

-Select the interconnect system with the wide area network

-Backup lines.

-Network cards.

3. Structured cabling systems.


-Structured cabling system concept.

-Windows of normalization.

-Objectives of a structured cabling system.


-Description of a structured cabling system.

-Subsystems for cabling.

-Functional elements.

-Campus subsystem.

-Vertical wiring subsystem.

-Horizontal cabling subsystem.

-Job cabling.

-Interfaces of a wiring system.

-Categories and classes.

-Categories: definition and characteristics.

-Link and Channel classes: definitions and features.

-Classification of links and channels.

-Maximum channels and permanent links.

-General recommendations on the subsystems.

-Maximum distances for each subsystem.

-Types of cables and recommended uses.

-Plant distributors panels.

-User Tomas in the work area.

-Campus and buildings trunk cabling.

-Armen and equipment rooms. Main assets.

-Public and private networks in buildings.

-Electromagnetic compatibility.

4. The Telematics Project

-Definition and objectives

-The overall structure of a Telematics Project.

-Interview and information collection techniques.

-The study of technical-economic feasibility.

-The diagnostic report. Phases.

-Collection of information. The document user requirements.

-Information about the organization.

-Inventory of hardware and telecommunication services.

-Network Systems.

-Computer security.

-The Cabling System.

-Technical proposal:

-Computer system and telecommunication services.

-The Data Process Center and Network Systems (relocations, installations, etc.).

-Information security policy.

-Quality guidelines and their relationship with the company's telematics systems.

-Cabling System Proposal.

-Number of jobs (people) to consider in the system.

-Services to provide each of the jobs (voice, data, videoconferencing ...).

-Types and features of the cable to be used. Regulatory references.

-The level of performance required for cabling. Regulatory references.

-Security requirements.

-Cabling costs and their installation. Time manuals and facility prices.

-Maintenance procedures to apply.

-Action Plan:

-Conditions for running and running the system.

-Execution times for the tasks to be performed for the system startup. GANTT diagrams.

-System operating plan.

-Procedures references for system installation and configuration.

-Demand for complete documentation: design specifications, plans, schemas, installation and configuration guides, guarantees, and technical support.

-Resources available on the system.

-System security plan: system access, backup policies.

-System users (access rights, work areas, resources available).

-Documentation on installed applications.

-Telematics project development

-Physical support and regulatory references on: structured cabling, Electromagnetic compatibility, fire protection.

-Physical and link levels (OSI 1 and 2) and regulatory reference for data transmission.

-Internetworking (OSI 3 and 4) and regulatory references.

-Systems and architectures (OSI 5, 6, and 7).

-End services: voice transmission, video conferencing, and baseband image transmission. Regulatory references.

5. Software tools.

-Tools for network simulation.

-Project Planning Tools.



Code: UF1871

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop the documentation required for project execution

CE1.1 Identify in the quality standard in effect the sections that apply to the network design process.

CE1.2 Analyze a process related to the design activity by clearly identifying or setting:

-Input data to the process.

-The function associated with the process.

-Data or documentation generated in the process.

-Records and evidence generated.

-Relation to other processes.

-Metrics that can be applied and possible points of improvement.

CE1.3 Item from the technical documentation of an existing project:

-Identify the location of the equipment.

-Identify the broadcast media used.

-Identify the network addresses used.

-Interpret the encoding of the interconnect equipment used.

CE1.4 Describe and differentiate the sections that make up a project, according to the current telecommunications regulations.

CE1.5 Confect, from the specifications formulated, a network plane that contains:

-The location of the equipment.

-The medium used.

-The network addresses used.

-Coding of interconnection equipment.


1. Quality management standard.

-Introduction to quality.

-Regulations and certifications.

-ISO 9001/2000 or equivalent.

-The Quality System of a company.

-Processes and procedures.

-Quality Plans.

-Records and evidence.



-Improvement and prevention of problems.

2. Implementation of a telematics network.

-Telecommunications standards.

-The R.D. 401/2003.

-Order CTE/1296/2003.

-The technical project to implement a telematics network.

-Structure and content.



-Study alternatives.

-Justification adopted solution.

-Calculations and hotspots.


-Condition specifications.

-General conditions.

-Technical descriptions.

-Execution conditions.

-Certification conditions.

-Administrative economic conditions.


-Execution and work address

-Final certification.

3. Preparation of the technical project documentation.

-CAD/CAM/CAE Programs.

-Realization of schemas and plans

-Relation of materials, equipment and devices.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units


Total duration in hours of the training units

No. of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF1869



Unit 2-UF1870






The training units must be overcome in a correlative way.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0229_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0229_3 Coordinate the implementation of the telematics network infrastructure.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1877

Duration: 50 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3 in the planning.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze project technical documentation for network implementation and maintenance, identifying the information needed to plan the processes that are required.

CE1.1 Describe the technical documentation that is included in the network mount and maintenance projects, describing the information that it contains.

CE1.2 Indicate the different types of drawings or schemas that make up the graphical documentation of a project.

CE1.3 Identify and interpret the regulations and regulations to be used in the planning of network projects.

CE1.4 Explain the parts, equipment and elements that make up the networks (cabling network, wireless networks, telematics communication equipment, private telephone exchanges, terminals, and others).

CE1.5 In a practical scenario, based on the technical documentation that defines the project to implement and maintain a network, properly characterized, identified and described:

-The location of the voice and data communications equipment.

-The means and tools required to apply the processes.

-The power distribution system and protection elements.

-Envelopes, frames, cabinets, and wiring elements.

-The forced ventilation and special feeding systems.

-The type of pipes and their distribution in plants, horizontal and vertical distribution.

-The characteristics of the wiring and connection of the elements.

-The identification and signalling systems of drivers, connectors, user takes and equipment present in the installation.

C2: Apply planning, scheduling, and monitoring techniques in network implementation and maintenance processes.

CE2.1 Explain different project planning and programming techniques and tools (GANTT, PERT and CPM), the rules to be applied when applying them, and indicating the usefulness of each one.

CE2.2 Analyze the various components that make up the cost of the network implementation and maintenance processes.

CE2.3 From a practical assumption, conveniently characterized by the technical documentation that sets the required specifications:

-Set the phases of the implementation and/or maintenance process.

-Uncompose each of the phases in the various operations that compose it.

-Determine the equipment and facilities required to run the process.

-Calculate the times of each operation.

-Identify and describe the critical points in the process.

-Represent the task sequences using GANTT diagrams and network diagrams.

-Determine the appropriate human and material resources.

-Perform the cost estimate.

CE2.4 Explain how a workload chart is set, analyzing resource allocation and timing.

CE2.5 List and describe the most relevant job scheduling techniques.

CE2.6 Describe the concept of the unit of work and explain the procedure for its definition.

CE2.7 From a practical scenario of the implementation and/or maintenance of a network, sufficiently characterized by technical documentation including, at least, the plans and schemes of the network, the start and end dates, the processes used, the human resources and the available means of production, as well as the work schedule, the timing of the maintenance and the supply of products and equipment:

-Determine milestones for each of the main phases of the job.

-Set the workload on the different jobs, balancing the loads.

-Identify, by name or standard code, the materials, products, components, tools and equipment required to undertake the various operations involving the implementation and/or maintenance of the system.

-Generate the information you define: The provisioning, media, tools, and tools and intermediate "stocks" required.


1. Basic concepts and organizational aspects of project development

-Project definition and characterization.

-Identification and description of the concepts involved (client, objectives, scope, time, quality, cost, risk, team, project manager, users ...).

-Short description of the tars and objectives of the different phases of the life cycle of a project.






-Identification of critical success factors.

-Description and comparison of different business organization models.

-Functional organization.

-Organization by projects.

-Matric Organization.

-Organization of human resources in project groups.

-Explanation of the project manager figure.

-Description and comparison of different models of leadership exercised by the project manager.

-Identification and description of the characteristics of a high performance project team.

2. IT tools and documentation management in project development

-Text processors, spreadsheets, and presentation editors.

-Identification of open source and commercial diagramming utilities.

-Identification of open source and commercial software tools for project management.

-Technical documentation processing techniques.

-Reporting and operating manuals.

-Structure of the information to be transmitted.

-Making textual and visual guides for operational manuals.

-General recommendations on identifying, organizing files, and managing their versions.

3. The documentation for the telematics network infrastructure implementation project

-Explanation of the purpose of the documentation that makes up a project.

-Identification of documents common to any project.

-Reference to UNE 157001 "General criteria for project development".


-Description and purpose of memory.

-Content and structure analysis.

-Examplifying different types of documents attached to memory.


-Description and purpose of the plans.

-Identification and description of the different types of planes and their characteristics.

-Condition specifications.

-Description and purpose of the specification.

-Analysis of their legal and contractual importance.

-Description and characterization of the different types of specifications: general conditions, special technical requirements and special administrative clauses.


-Identification and description of budget items: measurements, unit prices, decomposed prices and budget.

-Development of a practical scenario where from the technical documentation that defines the project of implantation and maintenance of a network, properly characterized, identified and described:

-The location of the voice and data communications equipment.

-The means and tools required to apply the processes.

-The power distribution system and protection elements.

-Envelopes, frames, cabinets, and wiring elements.

-The forced ventilation and special feeding systems.

-The type of pipes and their distribution in plants, horizontal and vertical distribution.

-The characteristics of the wiring and connection of the elements.

-The identification and signalling systems of drivers, connectors, user takes and equipment present in the installation.

4. Scope definition: Identification of phases and tasks of a telematics network infrastructure implementation project

-Defining project objectives





-Description of different methods for obtaining information about the job.

-Analysis of the project documentation.

-Individual and group interviews.

-Meetings with experts.

-Scope definition techniques: Work Decomposition Structure (EDT).

-Explanation of the concept and purpose of the EDT.

-Description of its hierarchical structure.

-Examplification of documents models from EDT.

-The character of the work packages.

-Identification and comparison of top-down, bottom-up and storm-of-ideas strategies.

-Examplying different types of documents that pick up the scope of a telematics network infrastructure implementation project.

5. Project planning and management techniques

-Gantt chart analysis


-Analysis of its advantages and limitations.

-Indication of the type of projects for which it is appropriate.

-Analysis of the Critical Route Method (CPM) and the Program Review and Evaluation Technique (PERT).

-Description and features.

-Comparison between the 2 methods.

-Advantages of techniques based on graph theory.

-Explanation of the basic principles.

-Construction of the graph.

-deterministic and probabilistic allocation of tasks durations.

-Calculation of times.

-Calculation of holguras and critical path.

-Run Calendar.

-Optimisation of time and cost.

-Planning for a telematics network infrastructure implementation project.

-Deccomposition on tasks.

-Explanation of the objectives of the decomposition process in tasks.

-Description of the process.

-Identifying task analysis techniques: decision tables, connectivity diagrams, decision flow diagram, bar chart ...

-Best practice recommendations.

-Model document ejemification: task list, description of a task ...

-Sequencing of tasks.

-Identification and comparison of different types of dependency between tasks: primary, secondary and external.

-Identifying the different types of precedence relationships between tasks.

-Defining the milestone concept.

-Description of different sequencing techniques: Gantt diagram and techniques based on graph theory: PERT (Technical Review and Evaluation of Programs) and CPM (Method of the Critical Route).

-Estimate of durations.

-The duration definition of a task.

-Recommendations on estimating durations.

-Identification of estimation procedures.

-Ejemification of documents result of the durations estimate

-Estimation and allocation of resources.

-Defining and exemplifying different types of human and material resources.

-Description of problems and solutions in resource allocation.

-Examplifying documents resulting from the resource allocation.

-Cost estimate.

-Examplication of different types of costs.

-Explanation of the opposite relationship between duration and cost.

-Examplification of documents result of the cost estimate.


-Explanation of the concept and objectives of the programming.

-Description of different programming techniques: Gantt diagram and techniques based on graph theory: PERT (Technical Review and Evaluation of Programs) and CPM (Method of the Critical Route).

-Identification and description of the phases of the programming process: time chart construction, cost analysis and verification and adjustment.

-Description of different types of adjustments: duration of tasks, project duration, resource allocation, costs per task ...

-Development of a convenient scenario conveniently characterized by the technical documentation that sets the required specifications, in which I know:

-Set the stages of the implementation and/or maintenance process.

-Uncompose each of the phases in the various operations that compose it.

-Stop the necessary equipment and installations to run the process

-Calculated the times of each operation.

-Identify and describe the critical points of the process

-Representational task sequences using Gantt diagrams and network diagrams

-End adequate human and material resources

-Realize the cost estimate

-Development of a practical scenario for the implementation of a network conveniently characterized by technical documentation that includes at least the plans and schemes of the network, the start and end dates, the processes used, the human resources and the available means of production, as well as the work schedule, the planning of the supply of products and equipment, in which I know:

-Stop milestones for each of the main phases of the job

-Set the workload on the different jobs, balancing the loads.

-Identify, by name or standard code, the materials, products, components, tools and equipment required to undertake the various operations involving the implementation and/or maintenance of the system.

-Generate the information you define: the supplies, media, tools and tools and the intermediate "stocks" required.



Code: UF1878

Duration: 70 hours

Competition referent: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 in respect to execution and to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop/modify intervention protocols for service and network maintenance.

CE1.1 In several practical scenarios, duly characterized, for the development of service and network maintenance protocols, achieve that:

-The problems identified in the application of the procedure to be elaborated/amended are sufficiently justified and explained in the standard document.

-The definition of the solution of the new procedure is preceded by the tests and tests necessary to ensure the most suitable solution according to the procedure to be improved.

-The resulting process takes into account the optimization of the material and human resources required for its application.

-Proposals for changes to be made are clearly justified, specified and collected in the relevant document, in a satisfactory way to resolve the deficiencies of the procedure.

-The new procedure collects, in the standard format, the most relevant aspects for its application, among others:

-Phases to follow in the application of the procedure.

-Textual and graphic description required.

-Tests and adjustments to be made.

-Means to be used.

-Parameters to be controlled.

-Personal safety standards and equipment and materials to be applied.

-Expected and/or foreseeable results.

-People who must intervene.

-Standard document to be filled in.

C2: Perform, with precision and security, measures in the different elements that make up the networks, using the appropriate instruments and auxiliary elements and applying the most appropriate procedure in each case.

CE2.1 Explain the most relevant characteristics, the typology and procedures of use of the measuring instruments used in the field of the networks, depending on the nature of the magnitudes to be measured and the type of technology used.

CE2.2 Apply the appropriate measurement procedures for the measurement of parameters (crosstalk, attenuation, loss of return, and others) required for the certification of structured copper and fiber optic cables in the different categories and standard classes.

CE2.3 Apply the appropriate measurement procedures for the measurement of electrical measures required in the implementation and maintenance of networks (stresses and electrical intensities, impedance, ground resistance, and others).

CE2.4 In the analysis and study of different practical cases of measures in simulated networks, where different elements of different types are involved and depending on the nature of the signals to be measured:

-Select the measuring instrument and the most appropriate auxiliary elements according to the type and nature of the magnitudes to be measured and the precision required.

-To properly handle the different measuring devices according to the characteristics of the magnitudes to be measured.

-Measure the signals and states of the equipment and devices used, properly operating the instruments and applying, with the required security, the standard procedures.

-Interpret the measures performed, relating the states and values of the measures measured with the corresponding reference, pointing out the differences obtained and justifying the results.

-Develop a report-memory of the activities developed and results obtained, structuring it in the necessary sections for an adequate documentation of the same (description of the process followed, means used, schemes and plans, functional explanation, measures ...).

C3: Diagnose breakdowns in networks, identifying the nature of the breakdown (physical and/or logical), applying the most appropriate procedures and techniques in each case.

CE3.1 Classify and explain the typology and characteristics of the physical breakdowns presented in the networks.

CE3.2 Classify and explain the typology and characteristics of the logical breakdowns presented in the networks.

CE3.3 Describe the general techniques and specific technical means necessary for the location of physical faults in the networks.

CE3.4 Describe the general techniques and specific technical means necessary for the location of faults of a logical nature in the networks.

CE3.5 Describe the general process used for the diagnosis and location of physical and/or logical failures in the networks.

CE3.6 In various scenarios and/or simulated, properly characterized, case studies for the diagnosis and location of network breakdowns:

-Interpret the system documentation, identifying the different functional blocks and specific components that compose it.

-Identify the symptoms of the breakdown by characterizing it for the effects it produces.

-Make at least one hypothesis of the possible cause that can produce the fault, relating it to the symptoms (physical and/or logical) that the system presents.

-Perform an intervention plan on the system to determine the cause or causes that cause the breakdown.

-Locate the element (physical or logical) responsible for the breakdown and perform the replacement (using similar or equivalent components) or modification of the element, configuration and/or program, applying the required procedures and at an appropriate time.

-Perform the checks, modifications and adjustments of the system parameters according to the specifications of the technical documentation of the system, using the appropriate tools, that allow for their application in each case.

-Develop a report-memory of the activities developed and results obtained, structuring it in the necessary sections for proper documentation of the same (description of the process followed, means used, measures, functional explanation and schemes).

C4: Apply techniques and procedures to ensure safety and quality in the process of network implementation and maintenance.

CE4.1 Identify the contents of a quality plan relating to the product or process and the quality standards and standards in force.

CE4.2 Describe the assessment criteria for control characteristics.

CE4.3 Explain the structure and contents of the guidelines and control reports.

CE4.4 From a practical scenario of implantation and/or maintenance of a network, defined by its technical specifications, process, technical means and human resources, timing:

-Analyze the system specifications to determine the quality characteristics that are controlled.

-Set the control phases of the system deployment.

-Apply control guidelines, determining the required procedures, devices and instruments.

-Develop the information and data collection tabs to be used.

-Compose reports of non-compliance in accordance with established procedures.

CE4.5 Identify the contents of a safety plan, relating them to the product or process and to the current safety regulations and regulations.

CE4.6 From a number of assumptions describing different work environments related to network implementation and maintenance:

-Determine the specifications of security and protection media and equipment.

-Develop technical documentation showing the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of emergency, adjusting to current legislation.

-Develop procedures and guidelines to be followed to act with adequate security.

-Compose reports of non-compliance in accordance with established procedures.

C5: Develop and impart training plans on implementation, maintenance, and network management procedures.

CE5.1 Define precisely the elements that must contain a technical training plan for a work team.

CE5.2 List and explain different techniques for the diagnosis of training needs for technical content of a group of people

CE5.3 Explain precisely the differences that exist between the different types of content that should appear in a technical training plan: conceptual, procedural and actitudinal.

CE5.4 Describe different techniques and training methods for the technical training of groups of people.

CE5.5 In a practical scenario that is characterized for the training of a group of people in a specific technique, procedure or team, to develop a multimedia presentation that serves as support for the exhibition of contents; at least it must contain the following elements:

-Presentation Guion, duly structured.

-Appropriate quality graphic elements.

-Explanatory texts attached to the charts.

-Effects appropriate to the presentation sequence.

-aesthetic care of the contents.

-Multimedia elements supporting the presentation.

CE5.6 In a well-practiced scenario for the training of a group of people in a specific technique, procedure or team, to develop and impart, in a simulated way in the learning environment, a training program, at least, with the following characteristics:

-Realization of diagnosis and individualized recording of learning needs.

-Accurate elaboration of the objectives to be achieved in the established time.

-Selection of contents and their typology according to the objectives and with the nature of the same.

-Preparing teaching-learning activities in the appropriate format, including the operational process, resources, and methodology to be used.

-Establishment of sequencing in the development of content and activities.

-Preparation of activities, procedures and instruments for the assessment of learning.

-Development of the simulated impartition in time and form, explaining carefully the actions that supposedly would be carried out in real situation.


1. Project monitoring and control

-Explanation of the concepts tracking and control.

-Comparison of planned, actual and scheduled plans.

-Analysis and description of follow-up and control activities.

-Detailed assignment of tasks.

-Communication to the project team.

-Tracking tasks.

-Incident management: impact analysis, solution proposal, incident record.

-Change requirements management: change request, request analysis, solution approval, effort estimation, and solution planning, change log.

-Cost tracking.

-Examplication of different types of documents product of monitoring and control.

2. Elaboration of intervention protocols in the implementation and maintenance of networks

-Description and characterization of the standard operating procedure concept.

-Identification and brief description of the different phases of the procedures.

-Preparing the documentation.

-Listing the required activities and their sequence.

-Elaboration of the flowchart.

-Document development.

-Review and verification.






-Description and exemplification of format models of operating procedures.

-Analysis of typologies and characteristics of network implementation procedures.

-Analysis of typologies and characteristics of the networking procedures: tests, checks and records.

-Analysis of typologies and characteristics of network maintenance procedures: preventive and corrective.

-Examplification of different intervention protocols in the implementation and maintenance of networks.

3. Electrical supply systems. Features, measures, and measures

-Identification and characterization of the different types of electrical supply facilities.

-Measures of electrical measures.

-Definition and measurement units of the most common electrical quantities: tension, intensity, impedance, ground resistance.

-Description of different measurement devices.

-Description and comparison of different electrical protection elements:


-Magnethermic switch.

-differential switch.


-Uninterruptible Power Systems (SAI).

-Common disturbances in the supply of electrical energy.

-Comparison and selection criteria for different types of systems technologies SAI: offline/standby, interactive, double conversion/online, ferro-resonants.

-Low voltage Etronics Regulation.

4. Local area network certification procedures

-Regulatory references:

-Structured Cabling: ISO 11801 and UNE EN 50173.

-Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): UNE EN 50081 and 50082.

-Fire protection: IEC 331, IEC 332, IEC 754, IEC 1034.

-IEC 61935: Cabled certification.

-Structured cabling system.

-Description of its hierarchical structure: horizontal wiring and vertical wiring.

-Identification and encoding of panels and rosettes.

-Analysis of the characteristic parameters of a transmission medium.

-Wire map (Wire map).

-Length (length).

-Attention (insertion loss).

-Return loss (return loss).

-Propagation delay.

-crosstalk-related parameters: NEXT, FEXT, PS-NEXT, PS-FEXT.

-Parameters related to the noise signal ratio (SNR): ACR, ELFEXT, PS-ACR, PS-ELFEXT.

-Analysis of the cabling certification regulations.

-Characterization of the different categories/classes.

-Description of the functionality and criteria for using measuring instruments.

-Distinction between permanent link and channel.



-Analysis of the certification procedure.

-Rules to be taken into account.

-Calibration of the certifier instrument.

-Parameters to certify.

-Documentation of the results.

-Short description of the ICT (Common Telecommunications Infrastructure) regulations.

-Developing practical measurement scenarios where I know:

-Select the measuring instrument and the most appropriate auxiliary elements according to the type and nature of the magnitudes to be measured and the precision required.

-properly connect the different measuring devices according to the characteristics of the magnitudes to be measured.

-Midas the signals and states of the equipment and devices used.

-Operate the instruments properly and, with the required security, apply the standard procedures.

-Interpret the measures performed, relating the states and values of the measures measured with the corresponding reference, pointing out the differences obtained and justifying the results.

-Develop a report-memory of the activities developed and results obtained, structuring it in the necessary sections for an adequate documentation of the same (description of the process followed, means used, schemes and plans, functional explanation, measures ...).

5. Diagnosis and solution of physical and logical breakdowns in the network infrastructure

-Analysis of physical breakdowns.

-Description and characterization of different types.

-General techniques and specific technical means used in their location.

-Analysis of logical breakdowns.

-Description and characterization of different types.

-General techniques and specific technical means used in their location.

-Identification and analysis of the different phases of the process of diagnosis and solution of breakdowns.

-Defining the problem.

-Description of the problem.

-Setting possible causes.

-Test the most likely causes.

-Verification of the actual cause.

-Planning of the interventions.

-Check the repair.


-Description and exemplification of the use of cause/effect diagrams (Ishikawa) in problem solving.

-Description of the functionality and criteria for using diagnostic hardware tools.


-Cabling tester.

-Generator and tone locator.

-Temporary domain reflectometer.

-Cabling certificate.

-Description of the functionality, criteria of use and exemplification of diagnostic software tools.

-Network Monitor.

-Protocol Analyzer.

-TCP/IP utilities: ping, traceroute, arp, netstat.

-Development of assumptions and/or simulated practical cases, properly characterized, for the diagnosis and location of faults in a network, in which I know:

-Interpret the system documentation, identifying the different functional blocks and specific components that compose it.

-Identify the symptoms of the breakdown by characterizing it for the effects it produces.

-Make at least one hypothesis of the possible cause that can produce the fault, relating it to the symptoms (physical and/or logical) that the system presents.

-Perform an intervention plan on the system to determine the cause or causes that cause the breakdown.

-Locate the element (physical or logical) responsible for the breakdown and perform the replacement (using similar or equivalent components) or modification of the element, configuration and/or program, applying the required procedures and at an appropriate time.

-Realize the checks, modifications and adjustments of the system parameters according to the specifications of the technical documentation of the system, using the appropriate tools, that allow for their application in each case.

-Develop a report-memory of the activities developed and results obtained, structuring it in the necessary sections for an adequate documentation of the same (description of the process followed, means used, measures, functional explanation and schemes).

6. Quality management in the project

-Quality definition and characterization.

-Reference to current quality standards.

-Project management.

-From the project product.

-Identification and description of the processes involved.

-Quality planning.

-Quality assurance.

-Quality control.

-Quality control techniques.


-Control diagrams.

-Histograms (Pareto diagrams).

-Identification of computer tools for quality management.

-The quality plan.

-Definition and objectives.

-Reference to the current security rules.

-A distinction between quality plan and quality system.

-Criteria to be adopted to ensure quality.

-Preparing, reviewing, accepting, and updating the quality plan.

-Identifying the contents of the quality plan.

-Description of the assessment criteria for the control characteristics.

-Simplified examples of formats for presentation of quality plans.

-Development of a practical implementation scenario and/or maintenance of a network, duly characterized by its technical specifications, process, technical means and human resources and planning, in which I know:

-Analyze the system specifications to determine the quality characteristics under control.

-Set the control phases of the system deployment.

-Apply control guidelines, determining the required procedures, devices and instruments.

-Develop the information and data-taking tabs to be used.

-Redacten reports of non-compliance in accordance with established procedures.

7. The security plan in the execution of telematics network infrastructure implementation projects

-Definition and objectives.

-Reference to the current security rules.

-Criteria to be adopted to ensure security.

-Identifying the contents of the security plan.

-Identification of computer tools for the application and monitoring of a security plan.

-Development of assumptions describing different work environments related to the implementation and maintenance of networks where I know:

-Stop the specifications of security and protection media and equipment.

-Prepare technical documentation showing the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of emergency, in accordance with current legislation.

-Elaborate procedures and guidelines to be followed to act with adequate security.

-Redacten reports of non-compliance in accordance with established procedures.

-Identification and description of techniques and tools for the diagnosis of training needs.

-Job job analysis.

-Task analysis.

-Skills inventory.

-Performance evaluation.

-Direct observation in the post.


-Structured or open interviews.

-Using the different techniques of targeted discussion: brainstorming, forum, panel discussions, panels ...

-Technical tests for certain competencies.

-Analysis of the development of training objectives.

-Characterization of training objectives: observable, achievable, concrete and measurable.

-Basic description of the skills-based training model.

-Identification of criteria to consider in the elaboration of objectives.

-Ejemification of competency-based training objectives.

-Identification and analysis of the phases of the content development process.

-Capacity analysis.

-Selection of contents: conceptual, procedural and actitudinal.

-Types of formats and contents.

-Content Organization.

-Description of teaching-learning methodologies based on competencies.

-Skills-based teaching-learning characterization.

-Samplemification of methodologies.

-Description of presentation and content presentation techniques.

-Description of multimedia presentation processing techniques.

-Analysis of the evaluation of learning.

-Form of evidence of performance.

-Identification of realization criteria.

-Identification and description of different types of formats and contents.

-Identification of different tracking records of the training process.

-Development of a practical scenario that is characterized for the training of a group of people in a specific technique, procedure or team, in which a multimedia presentation is developed that serves as support for the exhibition of contents, including at least the following elements:

-Presentation Guion, duly structured.

-Appropriate quality graphic elements.

-Explanatory texts attached to the charts.

-Effects appropriate to the presentation sequence.

-aesthetic care of the contents.

-Multimedia elements supporting the presentation.

-Development of a practical scenario that has been properly characterized for the training of a group of people in a specific technique, procedure or team, in which a training program is developed and delivered, simulated in the learning environment, in which I know:

-Perform diagnosis and individualized recording of learning needs.

-accurately elaborate the goals to achieve in the time set

-Select the contents and their typology according to the objectives and the nature of the contents.

-Prepare teaching-learning activities in the appropriate format, including the operational process, resources, and methodology to be used.

-Set sequencing on content and activity development

-Prepare activities, procedures and tools for the assessment of learning.

-Develop the simulated impartition in time and form, explaining carefully the actions that would supposedly take place in real situation.

-Identification and description of the phases of the telematic network infrastructure reception process.

-Provisional receipt and warranty period.

-Final receipt.

-Project settlement.

-Identification and description of project closure tasks.

-Transfer of knowledge.

-Project formal end statement.

-Report on costs and economic shutdown.

-Archiving the project management documentation.

-Inclusion in the project inventory.

-Project assessment: lessons learned.

-Examplification of different types of documents used in project closure.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative Unit 1-UF1877



Unit 2- UF1878




To access the UF2 training unit, the UF1 training unit must have been exceeded.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0230_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0230_3 Manage the telematics network infrastructure.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1879

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Successfully and effectively implement communications software products on different platforms

CE1.1 Explain the function of DNS and DHCP services and their components.

CE1.2 Explain the functions of a proxy server and its usual business implementations, highlighting whether it offers firewall, NAT, or cache services.

CE1.3 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using a software router versus a hardware router

CE1.4 In a scenario:

-Install and configure a DNS service, including Dynamic DNS and the DHCP service for DNS.

-Install the DHCP service, creating a scope and configuring address and reservation ranges.

-Verify the operation of the installed services.

CE1.5 In a scenario:

-Install a proxy server.

-Configure the different options: NAT, cache, firewall.

CE1.6 In a scenario:

-Install and configure using a computer.

-Verify the operation of the router equipment according to the routing requirements.

C2: Set the configuration of the interconnection equipment best suited to the needs of the installation.

CE2.1 Explain the different configurations that can be made with stackable hubs.

CE2.2 Explain the different ways to isolate level 2 and 3 traffic from the OSI model between different LANs.

CE2.3 Describe the problem of the occurrence of loops when interconnecting LANs by means of bridges.

CE2.4 Explain the operation of the Spanning Tree algorithm.

CE2.5 Explain the different ways to configure a VLAN.

CE2.6 On a practical assumption:

-Configure a VLAN by port pool on a single switch.

-Configure a VLAN per port pool on two switches.

-Configure a VLAN by MAC address pool.

-Verify if defined VLANs meet the requirements raised

CE2.7 On a practical assumption:

-Configure the route table of a router.

-Verify if the route tables are correct for the required routing.

-Define the access control list.

-Set the DHCP configuration, if the router allows.


1. TCP/IP protocol.

-TCP/IP architecture. Description and functions of the different levels:

-Physical level.

-Network access level.

-Internet Level.

-Transport level.

-Application level.

-Analysis of data transmission: encapsulation and desencapsulation.

-Correspondence between the reference model for the open systems pipeline (OSI) and the TCP/IP architecture.

-IP network definition.

-Ejemplification of demonstrative TCP/IP network implementations of the wide variety of these.

-Description and characterization of the IP protocol: no connection, not reliable.

-Analysis of IP datagram format.

-Description and characterization of the TCP protocol: connection-oriented, reliable.

-TCP segment format analysis.

-Enumeration and exemplification of different routing levels: physical addresses, logical addresses, ports, application specific (URL, email).

-Analysis of IPv4 addressing.

-Structure of an IP address.

-IP address classes.



-Public and private addresses.

-Reserved and restricted addresses.

-Routing and subnetwork issues.

-Variable-length subnet masks (VLSM).

-IPv6 Mention as the evolution of IPv4.

-Explanation of the use of ports and sockets as a multiplexing mechanism.

-Description and operation of the ARP physical address resolution protocol.

-Explanation of its purpose and operation.

-ARP message types.

-ARP table.

-Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) and BOOTP.

-The use of ARP commands on Windows and Linux systems.

-Description and operation of ICMP.

-Explanation of your goals.

-ICMP message types.

-Ejemification of ICMP commands on Windows and Linux systems.

-Description and operation of the network address translation protocol (NAT).

-Explanation of its objectives and operation.

-Examplifying NAT usage scenarios.

-NAT types: static and dynamic.

-Reverse or Target NAT (DNAT).

-Port address translation (PAT).

-NAT configuration ejemification on Linux systems with iptables.

-Description and uses of UDP.

-Comparison between UDP and TCP.

-Short description and function of some application-level protocols: SNMP, DNS, NTP, BGP, Telnet, FTP, TFTP, SMTP, HTTP, and NFS.

2. Application-level services.

-Domain Name Service (DNS) protocol analysis.

-Examplifying the different levels of routing: physical addresses, logical addresses, ports, application-specific (URL, email).

-The need, objectives, and characteristics of DNS.

-Description of the hierarchical DNS structure.

-Server types: primary, secondary, and cache.

-Explanation of the delegation of authority. Subdomains.

-Numbering of the SOA, NS, A, CNAME, and MX record types.

-Examplification of the name resolution process.

-Description and elements of the DNS client/server architecture.

-Reverse DNS lookup.

-Examplifying DNS commands on Windows and Linux systems.

-Implementation of Domain Name Service (DNS).

-Developing a scenario where you can display the installation and configuration of a DNS server on a Linux system using the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), creating a scope, and configuring address and reservation ranges.

-Configuring client teams for name resolution.

-Description and operation of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

-Objectives and operation.

-Description and elements of the DHCP client/server architecture.

-Description of IP address allocation methods: static, automatic, and dynamic.

-Range concepts, exclusions, concessions and reservations ..

-Enumeration of the parameters that are configurable by DHCP.

-Examplifying the configuration assignment process with DHCP.

-Comparison between the DHCP and BOOTP protocols.

-Implementation of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

-Installing a DNS server on a Linux system.

-Developing a scenario where the installation and configuration of a DNS server on a Windows system is displayed.

-Developing a scenario where the installation and configuration of a DNS server on a Windows system is displayed, including Dynamic DNS and the DHCP service for DNS.

-Configuring DHCP client teams.

-Description and operation of a proxy server.

-Explanation of the generic concept of proxy.

-Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using proxy servers.

-A transparent proxy concept.

-Description and operation of a web-caching proxy server.

-Reverse proxy.

-Enumeration of proxy servers for other services: NAT, SMTP, FTP.

-A comparison of operating mode and capabilities between a proxy server and a firewall.

-Identification and comparison of commercial and open source proxy servers, highlighting whether they offer firewall, NAT, or cache services.

-Implementing a proxy service.

-Developing a scenario where the installation of a cache proxy is displayed, configuring the different options: NAT, cache, firewall.

3. Configuration of interconnection equipment.

-Repeaters (Hubs).

-Analysis of your influence on the collision and broadcast domains.

-Enumeration of different uses.

-Explanation of the segmentation technique and its advantages.

-Bridges (Bridges).

-Analysis of your influence on the collision and broadcast domains.

-Enumeration of different uses.

-Bridge ejemplification by interconnecting equal and/or different 802.x networks.

-Characterization of a transparent bridge and description of the Spanning Tree protocol.

-Characterization of a remote bridge.

-Switches (Switches).

-Analysis of your influence on the collision and broadcast domains.

-Comparison of different types of switching: Cut-Through, Store-and-Forward and Fragment-free Switching ..

-Comparison between switches and bridges.

-Mention to level 3 and 4 switching.

-Enumeration of different uses.

-Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs).

-Explanation of concept and operation.

-A truncation VLAN concept.

-Analysis of your influence on the collision and broadcast domains.

-Analyze the benefits of VLAN usage.

-Description and comparison of static and dynamic VLANs.

-Description and comparison of the VLANs definition techniques port pool and MACs pool.

-Description of link aggregation (Link trunk) and tagging.

-Enumeration of different recommended and non-recommended uses.

-Wireless access points.

-Identification and comparison of different 802.11 standards.

-Description and comparison of the infrastructure and ad-hoc modes of operation.

-Identification and description of the main security risks.

-Explanation of technologies and recommendations for good security practices in WiFi networks.

-Development of a scenario where they are revealed.

-Different ways of connecting to the switch for your configuration.

-VLANs definition techniques by port pool (on one or more switches) and MACs pool.

-Enters (Routers).

-Ejemification of routing and non-routing protocols.

-Analysis of your influence on the collision and broadcast domains.

-The structure of the routing table.

-Comparison of different construction modes of routing tables: Hardware state, static and dynamic.

-Analyze the advantages and limitations of static routing.

-Description of CIDR as an improvement in IP address handling.

-Comparison between the two basic routing techniques: distance vector and link status.

-Definition of administrative distance, metric, and convergence.

-Numbering of the objectives of the routing protocols.

-Description of the characteristics and comparison of the inner and outer types of routing protocols.

-Explanation of characteristics and criteria of use of different routing protocols: RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP.

-Explanation of unicast, broadcast, and multicast concepts.

-Installing and configuring a router on a Linux system using an open source software product.

-Description of the advantages and disadvantages of using a software router versus a hardware router.

-Development of a practical scenario with the following basic configuration and management techniques:

-Different ways to connect the router to its initial configuration.

-Configuring static routing and default route.

-Defining access control lists (ACLs).

-Setting the DHCP configuration, if the router allows it.



Code: UF1880

Duration: 90 hours

Competition referent: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Implement monitoring and alarm procedures for the maintenance and improvement of network performance.

CE1.1 Explain the function of management message exchange protocols.

CE1.2 Associate the parameters that define the operation of a network component to a monitoring procedure to measure its values.

CE1.3 To distinguish equipment that can be monitored according to its operational importance.

CE1.4 Schedule monitoring procedures to have the least impact on network operation.

CE1.5 Employ management and monitoring protocols (SNMP/RMON) to determine the operational status and load of each element in the network.

CE1.6 Employ programs to monitor active services on network elements.

CE1.7 Translate the values of the parameters of a component of the network into the level of capabilities that the component is offering.

CE1.8 From a practical assumption:

-Employ network traffic and utilization profiles to determine how network usage will evolve.

-Analyze the results obtained by the monitoring in order to propose modifications.

C2: Apply preventive maintenance procedures defined in the technical documentation

CE2.1 Interpret an operation manual from a network component manufacturer to perform its proper maintenance.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario:

-Distinguished those teams that can update their firmware.

-Locate the appropriate firmware update.

-Perform the firmware update.

-Verify the operation of the updated equipment.

CE2.3 Chart a schedule of maintenance operations according to an established maintenance plan.

CE2.4 Apply the quality plan established for the performance of the quality audit.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario:

-Perform a traffic capture using a traffic analyzer.

-Analyze the capture performed and determine the variations with respect to the normal operating parameters.

-Propose, if necessary, a solution justifying the response.


1. Network life cycle

-An explanation of the life cycle of a network using the PDIOO model as a reference.

-Description of the tasks and objectives of the different phases.






2. Network administration

-Explanation of the concept of network management as the set of phases operate and optimize the PDIOO model.

-Basic best practice recommendations.

-Maintain an organization (NOC) responsible for network administration.

-Monitor the network to ensure levels of service in the present and future.

-Control, analyze, test, and record changes in the network.

-Maintain and ensure network security.

-Maintain a record of incidents and requests.

-Overview and understood processes.

-Managing the configuration.

-Managing availability.

-Capacity management.

-Security management.

-Incident management.

-The network operations center.

-Explanation of their functions.

-Managing the configuration.

-Explanation of the objectives.

-Enumeration of the activities.

-Business and Open Source tool identification and comparison.

-Managing availability.

-Explanation of the objectives.

-Enumeration of the activities.

-Capacity management.

-Explanation of the objectives.

-Enumeration of the activities.

-Managing security.

-Characterization of information security as a guarantee of its availability, integrity and confidentiality.

-Explanation of the objectives of the security management.

-Reference and explanation of the control objectives included in control 10.6 of the ISO27002 standard.

-Enumeration of the activities.

-Basic best practice recommendations.

-NIDS intrusion detection systems (Nessus, SNORT).

-Business and Open Source tool identification and comparison.

-Incident management.

-Explanation of the objectives.

-Enumeration of the activities.

3. Network management protocols

-Explanation of the conceptual framework.

-Entities that participate in management.

-Data structures used.

-Communication protocols.

-Infrastructure and architecture components.

-Manager entity.

-Managed devices.

-Management protocols.

-Standards groups.



4. Simple network administration protocol (SNMP) analysis

-SNMP targets and features.

-Description of the architecture.

-Managed devices.


-Administration system.

-Basic commands.




-Cross operations.

-Administration Information Base (MIB).

-Explanation of the concept.

-hierarchical organization.

-Explanation of the TRAP concept.

-Comparison of versions.

-Use of uses.

5. Network Remote Monitoring (RMON) specification analysis

-Explanation of SNMP limitations and the need for remote monitoring in networks.

-RMON character.

-Explanation of the benefits provided.

-Description of the server client architecture in which you operate.

-Comparison of versions indicating the layers of the TCP/IP model in which each one operates.

-Use of uses.

6. Network monitoring

-Classification and exemplification of the types of monitoring tools.


-Active monitoring of availability: SNMP.

-Passive monitoring of availability: NetFlow and Nagios:

-Performance monitoring: cricket, mrtg, cacti.

-Identification criteria for the services to be monitored.

-Criteria for planning the monitoring procedures so that they have the least impact on network operation.

-Network administration protocols.

-Examplification and open source and commercial tool comparison.

7. Network performance analysis

-Planning for performance analysis.


-Recipients of the information.


-Indicators and metrics.

-Explanation of the concepts.

-Identification of network performance indicators.

-The nominal and effective capacity of the channel.

-Using the channel.

-End-to-end retard.

-Delay Scatter (jitter).

-Loss of packets and errors.

-Identifying system performance indicators.


-Memory, CPU utilization and load.

-Using input/output devices.

-Identification of service performance indicators.


-Response time.


-Examples of measurements.

-Trend analysis and corrective measures.

-Developing a scenario where they are displayed.

-The use of network traffic and utilization profiles to determine how their use will evolve.

-The analysis of the results obtained by the monitoring in order to propose modifications.

8. Preventive maintenance

-Definition and preventive maintenance objectives.

-Managing maintenance stops.


-Analysis of the need.

-Maintenance window planning and agreement.

-Realization reports.

-Explanation of the relationship between preventive maintenance and quality plans.

-Examplification of maintenance operations indicated in the manufacturer's specifications of different types of communications devices.

-The firmware of the communications devices.

-Definition of the firmware concept.

-Explanation of the need for update.

-Identification and description of the phases of the firmware update process.

-Basic best practice recommendations.

-Development of incident resolution scenarios where it is exposed.

-Applying the selection criteria for teams that can update their firmware.

-The location of updated firmware versions.

-The firmware update.

-Checking the correct operation of the updated equipment.



Code: UF1881

Duration: 50 hours

Competition referent: This training unit corresponds to the RP5

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Solve the incidents that occur with the diagnosis of the breakdowns and perform their repair in the appropriate time and with the level of quality expected.

CE1.1 Define a sequence of operations to be performed to resolve a problem

CE1.2 Identify the tools available in the protocol used according to their purpose (ping, traceroute, etc).

CE1.3 Choose the specific diagnostic tools based on the operation to be performed.

CE1.4 Use traffic probes to detect failures in the communications service.

CE1.5 Discover intermediate network nodes using specific applications.

CE1.6 Use the procedures set by the manufacturer to determine the cause of the incorrect operation of a computer.

CE1.7 Discriminate the faults that occur in the network infrastructure by differentiating those belonging to the local network or the extensive area network.

CE1.8 In an incident scenario:.

-Interpret the technical documentation of the teams involved.

-Interpret the project's technical documentation.

-Choose the diagnostic tools based on the problem.

-Estimate the magnitude of the problem to define the performance.


1. Incident Management

-Definition of the concept of incident.

-Numbering of the objectives of incident management.

-Identification and description of the activities.





-Initial diagnosis.


-Research and diagnosis.

-Resolution and recovery.


-Explanation and exemplification of the process flow.

-Examplification of indicators and metrics.

-Basic best practice recommendations.

-Incident management systems.

-Description of the functionalities.

-Examplification and comparison of open source and commercial tools.

2. Incident resolution

-Identification and analysis of the different phases of the incident resolution process.

-Defining the problem.

-Description of the problem.

-Setting possible causes.

-Test the most likely causes.

-Verification of the actual cause.

-Planning of the interventions.

-Check the repair.


-Description and exemplification of the use of cause/effect diagrams (Ishikawa) in problem solving.

-Description of the functionality and criteria for using diagnostic hardware tools.


-Cabling tester.

-Generator and tone locator.

-Temporary domain reflectometer.

-Cabling certificate.

-Description of the functionality, criteria of use and exemplification of diagnostic software tools.

-Network Monitor.

-Protocol Analyzer.

-TCP/IP utilities: ping, traceroute, arp, netstat.

-Development of incident resolution scenarios where it is exposed.

-The interpretation of the technical documentation of the teams involved.

-The interpretation of the project's technical documentation.

-The choice of diagnostic tools based on the problem.

-The estimate of the extent of the problem to define the performance.

-Developing incident resolution scenarios where a traffic capture is performed using a traffic analyzer.

-Analyze the capture performed and determine the variations with respect to the normal operating parameters.

-Propose, if necessary, a justified solution.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible








Formative Unit 3-UF1881




To access the training unit UF2 must have been passed the training unit UF1.To access the training unit UF3 must have been passed the training unit UF2.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0396

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Collaborate in the design of departmental telematic networks, including the means of transmission and the communications equipment most appropriate to the specifications received.

CE1.1 Be present in the Customer Requirements Take Interview.

CE1.2 Perform a requirements document proposal.

CE1.3 Make a proposal for a technical-economic feasibility study

CE1.4 Make a network topology proposal that meets the expected service quality, cost, and performance specifications.

CE1.5 Propose the most appropriate means of transmission for the design of the network according to the criteria of quality and expected cost.

CE1.6 Propose the location of the interconnection equipment so that the established quality criteria are met.

CE1.7 Collaborate in setting the routing mode and its configuration, including any subnets that were required.

CE1.8 Participate in the selection of the interconnection system with the wide area network according to the chosen topology and meeting the agreed cost and effectiveness criteria.

CE1.9 Study the convenience of setting backup lines.

C2: Analyze the technical documentation of the project to implement and/or maintain a departmental telematic network, identifying the information necessary to participate in the planning of the processes that are required.

CE2.1 Identify and describe:

-The location of the voice and data communications equipment.

-The means and tools required to apply the processes.

-The power distribution system and protection elements.

-Envelopes, frames, cabinets, and wiring elements.

-The forced ventilation and special feeding systems.

-The type of pipes and their distribution in plants, horizontal and vertical distribution.

-The characteristics of the wiring and connection of the elements.

-The identification and signalling systems of drivers, connectors, user takes and equipment present in the installation.

C3: Develop proposals for planning, programming and monitoring the implementation and/or maintenance of a departmental telematics network based on the technical documentation of the project that establishes the necessary specifications.

CE3.1 Propose the phases of the implementation and/or maintenance process.

CE3.2 Make a proposal of decomposition of each of the phases in the different operations that compose it.

CE3.3 Propose the necessary equipment and facilities to run the process.

CE3.4 Propose the times of each operation.

CE3.5 Identify and describe the critical points in the process.

CE3.6 Propose task sequencing using Gantt diagrams and network diagrams.

CE3.7 Propose adequate human and material resources.

CE3.8 Make a cost estimate proposal.

CE3.9 Determine milestones for each of the main phases of the work.

CE3.10 Propose the workload in the different jobs, balancing the loads.

CE3.11 Identify, by name or standard code, the materials, products, components, tools and equipment required to undertake the various operations involving the implementation and/or maintenance of the system.

CE3.12 Generate the information you define: the supplies, media, tools and tools and the intermediate "stocks" required.

C4: Diagnose and locate faults in a network.

CE4.1 Interpret the technical documentation of the project and the teams involved.

CE4.2 Identify the symptoms of the breakdown by characterizing it for the effects it produces.

CE4.3 Propose the possible cause that can cause the breakdown, relating to the symptoms (physical and/or logical) that the system presents.

CE4.4 Propose an intervention plan in the system to determine the cause or causes that cause the breakdown.

CE4.5 Try to locate the element (physical or logical) responsible for the breakdown and collaborate in the replacement (using similar or equivalent components) or modification of the element, configuration and/or program, applying the required procedures and in an appropriate time.

CE4.6 Collaborate on the checks, modifications and adjustments of the system parameters according to the specifications of the technical documentation of the system, using the appropriate tools, that allow for their application in each case.

CE4.7 Develop a proposal for a report-memory of the activities developed and results obtained, structuring it in the necessary sections for an adequate documentation of the same (description of the process followed, means used, measures, functional explanation and schemes).

C5: Apply techniques and procedures to ensure quality in the process of network implementation and maintenance.

CE5.1 Analyze system specifications to propose quality features submitted to control.

CE5.2 Propose the control phases of the system implementation.

CE5.3 Collaborate on the application of control guidelines, proposing the required procedures, devices and instruments.

CE5.4 Draw up draft reports and proposals for data-taking tokens to be used.

CE5.5 Draft draft non-compliance reports in accordance with established procedures.

C6: Collaborate in the configuration of network interconnect teams.

CE6.1 Review VLAN configurations. Detect the type of cluster: by single-switch ports, by ports on two switches, by MAC address pool.

CE6.2 Verify if defined VLANs meet the requirements raised

CE6.3 Collaborate on the route table configuration of a router.

CE6.4 Verify if the route tables are correct for the required routing.

CE6.5 Propose the access control list

CE6.6 Collaborate in the DHCP configuration, if the router allows it.

C7: Develop network evolution proposals based on needs.

CE7.1 Employ network traffic and utilization profiles to determine how network usage will evolve.

CE7.2 Analyze the results obtained by the monitoring in order to propose modifications.

C8: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE8.1 behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE8.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE8.3 To diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE8.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE8.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE8.6 Respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Design of departmental telematic networks.

-Requirements document redaction.

-Study of technical-economic feasibility study.

-Network topology design.

-Selection of the broadcast media.

-The location of the pipeline equipment.

-Defining the routing mode.

-Selecting the interconnect system with the wide area network.

2. Planning, programming and monitoring in the implementation and maintenance of departmental telematic networks.

-Processing phases of the process.

-Job Decomposition Structure.

-Estimate of the times of each operation.

-Identification and description of the critical points in the process.

-Sequencing tasks using GANTT diagrams and network diagrams.

-Selection of human resources and appropriate materials.

-Cost estimate.

-Determination of milestones for each of the major phases.

-Assignment of the workload.

-Standard nomenclature of materials, products, components, tools and equipment.

-Definition of supplies, means, tools and tools and "stocks" required.

3. Measurement in the elements of the departmental telematic networks.

-Selection and connection of the measuring instrument.

-Realization of measurements.

-Interpretation of the measures taken.

-Reporting of the results.

4. Diagnosis and location of breakdowns in a network.

-Identification of breakdown symptoms.

-Formulation of hypotheses about possible causes of breakdowns in relation to the observed symptoms.

-Determination of causes.

-Identification and replacement of elements responsible for breakdowns.

-Adjustment of configurations and/or programs responsible for breakdowns.

-Making intervention reports.

5. Quality in the process of network implementation and maintenance.

-Quality Plan Analysis

-Determination of quality characteristics under control.

-System implementation control phases.

-Non-compliance report redaction.

6. Network interconnect equipment configuration.

-VLANs configuration.

-Configuring route tables and routers access control lists.

7. Security in the process of network implementation and maintenance.

-Respect for specific regulations and regulations on safety and hygiene.

-Identification of risks in developed facilities and activities.

-Use of security and personal protection and equipment.

-Use of equipment, instrument and component protection media and procedures.

8. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

MF0228_3: Telematic Network Design

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF0229_3: Management of telematics network implementation

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF0230_3: Telematics Network Administration

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Forming Space








Forming Space


-Audio-visual equipment

-PCs installed in network, projection canon and internet

-Rotuder-type writing-boards

-Classroom material

-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Office of office simulation software

-Network simulation software

-Network devices and devices: switches, routers, wireless access points, ...

-Transmission media.

-Testers, certifiers, ...

-Equipment Enracing Armies

-PC-type computers with windows and linux operating systems

-Network Services

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Information Systems Management

Code: IFCT0510

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications

Professional area: Systems and Telematics

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC152_3 Computer Systems Management (RD 1087/2005, September 16)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0484_3 Manage the hardware devices on the system.

UC0485_3 Install, configure, and administer the base and application software of the system.

UC0486_3 Secure Computer Equipment

General competition:

Configure, administer, and maintain a hardware and software-level computing system, ensuring the availability, optimal performance, functionality, and integrity of the system's services and resources.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in companies or entities of a public or private nature of any size in the area of systems of the IT department.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in all sectors of the business fabric given its feature of transectoriality that survives the need of the organizations to treat and manage their information be in the sector that they are. It is also present in the following types of companies:

Companies or entities of any size that use computer systems for their management and that can be framed in any productive sector.

Companies dedicated to the marketing of computer equipment.

Companies that provide technical assistance services.

Occupations or related jobs:

2721.1018 Network System Administrator

System Administrator.

Computer Manager.

Duration of the associated training: 500 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0484_3: Hardware administration of a computer system (120 hours).

● UF1891: Dimensions, install, and optimize hardware (70 hours)

● UF1892: Managing growth and environmental conditions (50 hours)

MF0485_3: Software administration of a computer system (210 hours)

● UF1893: Software installation and parameterization (90 hours)

● UF1894: Software maintenance (70 hours)

● UF1895: Audits and Business Continuity (50 hours)

MF0486_3: (Cross) Security in computer equipment (90 hours).

MP0398: Informatics Systems Management Non-Work Professional Practices Module (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0484_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Develop and maintain inventory of the physical components of the system to ensure its location and availability according to the organization's standards.

CR1.1 The hardware and physical components of the system are correctly identified and exhaustively listed for current availability.

CR1.2 The hardware inventory is described in detail to report the characteristics, current configuration, exact situation, and status of each device according to the rules of the organization.

CR1.3 New acquisitions, changes in hardware, or configuration are modified in the inventory to keep it up to date.

CR1.4 The hardware installation documentation is detailed and referenced in the generated documentation and is conveniently saved for later use.

CR1.5 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP2: Analyze and parameterize hardware devices, monitor and evaluate their performance to optimize system operation and propose modifications or improvements according to existing functional needs.

CR2.1 The monitoring techniques or tools to be used are selected according to the characteristics of the system to optimize its operation.

CR2.2 the selected monitoring techniques or tools are used with skill in preparing the system for monitoring, obtaining performance statistics, alerts schedules and other monitoring elements.

CR2.3 The system performance criteria are set according to the general arrangements established by the manufacturer, and the individuals established by the organization to obtain adequate monitoring.

CR2.4 The data produced from the monitoring is collected and presented in a clear and concise way by the use of rendering techniques.

CR2.5 The performance representation of the system generated by monitoring is analyzed to locate possible losses or performance degradations and propose the necessary modifications.

CR2.6 Physical devices are parameterized to improve performance and correct the detected operating failures in the system.

CR2.7 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP3: Implement and optimize high availability hardware solutions to ensure and ensure system protection and recovery against unforeseen situations under the planned contingency plan.

CR3.1 Hardware installation and configuration incidents are resolved by consulting technical documentation and technical assistance services.

CR3.2 Verification of installing and configuring physical devices and their drivers for mass storage and backups. It is performed in such a way that it can be checked according to the standards and standards of quality and safety established by the organization.

CR3.3 The management of repair or replacement of damaged hardware components is performed in accordance with the technical specifications of the system and following the installation procedure set out in the technical documentation provided by the manufacturer and the organisation's implementation plans.

CR3.4 The verification of the replaced components is performed to ensure proper operation according to the standards and safety standards established by the organization.

CR3.5 The integrity of the information and the continuity in the operation of the system are guaranteed during the resolution of problems or mismatches, taking the necessary preventive safety measures and activating the possible alternative operating procedures.

CR3.6 The original information and backups are restored and updated for the system to re-enter operation following the established security protocol.

CR3.7 The storage of the copies is monitored, checking that the security standards set by the organization are met.

CR3.8 The redundant servers and other high availability systems are implemented correctly according to manufacturer specifications and organization rules.

CR3.9 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP4: Plan the extensions and growth of the system by proposing new configurations to assume future increases in the workload or users according to the operating needs.

CR4.1 The hardware is analyzed and valued for reports of possible future needs, as well as the feasibility of possible upgrades and upgrades.

CR4.2 Organization reports about future increases in workload or number of users are analyzed appropriately using techniques that are tailored to the situation.

CR4.3 The system is represented by mathematical and analytical modeling tools to analyze the new added loads.

CR4.4 Data obtained through mathematical modeling and system simulation are analyzed to determine whether the new charges are acceptable.

CR4.5 The physical devices available on the market are evaluated to propose the most appropriate to the system and to ensure the absorption of the workload posed.

CR4.6 The implementation of new devices is planned and implemented minimizing its effects on the operation of the system, optimizing the performance of the system and adapting the technology according to the evolution of the market.

RP5: Define appropriate environmental and security conditions to avoid disruptions in the delivery of system services as per manufacturer's specifications and the organization's security plan.

CR5.1 The technical specifications of the devices and the overall safety plan of the organization are properly understood and interpreted for the adequacy of the system.

CR5.2 The environmental requirements and electrical power conditions of the physical devices are established and contrasted with the possibilities of the installation to avoid incidents and interruptions in the service.

CR5.3 The conditions of ergonomics, safety, and use of the available space are established for the correct location of physical equipment and devices.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Operating systems and configuration parameters. Software tools for inventory control. Diagnostic software tools. Physical devices for mass storage and backups (RAID, SAN, and NAS). Media for backups. Log file management tools (log). Diagnostic, security and restoration software. Technical documentation. Backup tools. Change, incident, and configuration management tools. Performance monitors, Uninterrupted power systems. Analytical modeling tools. System performance analysis tools.

Products and results

Inventory and descriptive record of the physical devices on the system and their configuration. Operating computer system with optimal performance and adequate utilization of its resources. Proper connection of the system to a network within an organization. System expansion and growth reports.

Information used or generated

Hardware inventory. Technical specifications for the installation of devices. Technical information of the equipment. Documentation or manuals for the use and operation of the system. Documentation on the security rules configuration for the installation. Maintenance plan. Relationship of Incidents. Recommendations for the maintenance of manufacturers and support technical support. Product catalogs hardware, suppliers, prices. Legislation on data protection and intellectual property, business rules on data confidentiality. Safety and hygiene regulations.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC0485_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Install and configure the server operating system to ensure system functionality as required by the organization.

CR1.1 The server operating system is installed by following the procedures and indicated in the technical documentation.

CR1.2 The verification of operating system components and device drivers is performed by starting and stopping tests, and using verification and diagnostic software tools, so that you can verify that the components are recognized and enabled and no conflicts appear as provided by the organization.

CR1.3 Operating system parameters are configured to ensure system integrity and reliability according to the organization's security plan.

CR1.4 The configuration of network parameters is set to connect the server according to the system network design and the organization's security and quality standards and standards.

CR1.5 The different groups and users are created to allow system utilization according to the needs of the organization and the system security plan.

CR1.6 Required updates to the server operating system are effectively performed, ensuring system integrity, the suitability of the system, and following the organization's security rules.

CR1.7 The relevant details of the installation, as well as the incidents during the process, are reflected in the documentation, according to the procedure established by the organization.

CR1.8 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP2: Develop and maintain system software inventories to ensure their location and availability according to the rules of the organization.

CR2.1 The software and its versions are listed in a comprehensive manner to maintain an inventory of the applications and operating systems available on the system.

CR2.2 The current configuration of the base and application software is clearly and fully documented and documented to facilitate recovery efforts in case of failures.

CR2.3 Installed software information is listed in relation to each user to allow control of non-permitted application installations.

CR2.4 The number of installations, their situation and identification are controlled by each software product to carry out comprehensive control of licenses in compliance with the current legislation on intellectual property.

CR2.5 System users access privileges to software resources are logged for access control, according to the system security plan and the data laws in place.

CR2.6 Automatic inventory applications are used to keep information about the system software up to date.

RP3: Install and configure corporate applications to address user capabilities according to the organization's deployment plan.

CR3.1 The installation of the corporate software is carried out effectively by ensuring the integrity of the system, meeting the requirements established by the organization and following what is indicated in the technical documentation.

CR3.2 The verification of the operation of the software in the system as a whole is performed according to the safety and quality procedures established by the organization and the manufacturer itself.

CR3.3 Corporate software is configured with appropriate parameters according to the system security plan and the needs of the organization.

CR3.4 The necessary updates to the corporate software are carried out effectively, ensuring the integrity of the system, the suitability of the system, and following the safety standards of the organization.

CR3.5 The relevant details of the installation, as well as the incidents during the process, are reflected in the documentation, according to the procedure established by the organization.

CR3.6 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP4: Develop the user support plan, coordinating technical support and maintenance personnel to ensure the use of the functions of the computer system.

CR4.1 The guidelines for installing, configuring, and maintaining base and application software in user positions are documented in a comprehensive manner.

CR4.2 The resolution of common problems relating to hardware and network devices in user positions is documented in a comprehensive manner.

CR4.3 User assistance is planned by applying the communication techniques, the action protocols established by the organization and following the policies of security and data protection in force and quality of service.

CR4.4 The training of users in the different tools and equipment to be managed is planned to be performed in an assisted and gradual manner, ensuring their complete adaptation to the environment.

CR4.5 Assistance procedures are organized to ensure their maximum availability to the requirement of advice and attention from users.

RP5: Configure and administer system resources to optimize performance based on application exploitation parameters.

CR5.1 The performance metrics to use are set to specify the performance attributes to consider.

CR5.2 The performance analysis techniques to use are set to obtain system performance parameters.

CR5.3 The check programs to use are set to obtain system performance parameters.

CR5.4 The models that represent the system are performed to obtain performance parameters for the system.

CR5.5 The system simulation systems are configured to obtain parameters for the performance of the system.

CR5.6 The system performance parameters obtained are analyzed to locate potential conflicts and determine the hardware devices that can be reconfigured, removed, or added.

CR5.7 Hardware components are reconfigured, removed, or added according to the analysis performed for application performance improvement.

RP6: Plan for backup and recovery of backups to maintain adequate levels of data security according to the needs of use and within the organization's directives.

CR6.1 The backup copy system architecture is designed to take into account the requirements of the computer system.

CR6.2 Back-up procedures and the levels of these copies are scheduled based on the server's needs, back-up times, recovery times, required storage spaces, and the validity of the copy history.

CR6.3 Verification tests of backup copies are performed and their functionality is verified based on the quality specifications of the organization.

CR6.4 The planning of the media identification and storage system is performed according to the quality specifications of the organization.

CR6.5 The documentation of the procedures for obtaining and verifying backup copies as well as the contingency plans and the resolution of incidents is made according to the regulations of the organization.

RP7: Audit system resource utilization to ensure optimal performance based on operating plan parameters.

CR7.1 The audit plan with the required functional tests and completion periods is implemented in a way that ensures optimal system performance.

CR7.2 Incident checking is performed to verify, specify, and minimize negative effects on the system.

CR7.3 The diagnosis and location of unwanted functions is performed using the necessary equipment and tools, and the corresponding corrective procedure is applied in an appropriate time.

CR7.4 The audit report is performed in the normalized format that allows you to collect the information required for the incident repository.

CR7.5 The technical documentation is interpreted correctly whether it is edited in Spanish or in the official languages of the Autonomous Communities or in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer and peripheral equipment. Server operating system software. Corporate application software. Base and application software updates and patches. Device drivers. Security and antivirus tools. Performance monitors. Systems modeling and simulation tools. Automatic inventorying tools. Office tools. Tools for managing and performing backups.

Products and results

Operating system and configured and parameterized applications according to needs. Software inventory and system application configuration. Backups. Installation, configuration, and incident documentation documentation for the system-based software. Installation, configuration, and incident documentation for corporate application software. Application installation and configuration guides and base software for support personnel. User assistance and training plan. Backed up, archived, and documented backups.

Information used or generated

Operating system installation manuals. Operating system operation manual. Application installation manuals. Backup completion operation manuals. Safety standards (safety plan) and quality of the organization. Administrative tools manuals. Online help manuals. Technical assistance online. Plans for the operation and implementation of the organisation. Legislation on data protection and intellectual property, business rules on data confidentiality.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0486_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Apply security policies to improve the protection of servers and end user equipment according to the needs of security use and conditions.

CR1.1 The implementation plan of the organization's computer system is analyzed by checking that it incorporates the necessary information related to procedures for the installation and updating of equipment, backups and detection of intrusions among others, as well as references of possibilities of use of the equipment and restrictions of the same and protections against attacks of viruses and other unwanted elements.

CR1.2 The access permissions of the users to the different system resources are determined by means of the corresponding tools according to the Implementation Plan and the security of the computer system.

CR1.3 The access to the servers is done by ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the connection according to the security rules of the organization.

CR1.4 User policies are analyzed by verifying that circumstances such as uses and restrictions assigned to equipment and users, permitted and restricted network services, and areas of responsibility due to the use of computer equipment are reflected.

CR1.5 The security policy is transmitted to users, ensuring their correct and complete understanding.

CR1.6 The tasks performed are properly documented according to the procedures of the organization.

CR1.7 The information affected by the data protection legislation is intended to verify that the authorized users comply with the requirements indicated by the regulations and the channels of distribution of this information are documented and authorized according to the safety plan.

RP2: Configure servers to protect them from unwanted access according to the needs of use and within the organization's directives.

CR2.1 The location of the server on the network is in a protected and isolated zone according to the organization's security regulations and implementation plan.

CR2.2 The services offered by the server are activated and configured by disabling unnecessary according to the organization's security regulations and implementation plan.

CR2.3 The access and permissions to the server resources by the users are configured according to the purpose of the server itself and the security regulations of the organization.

CR2.4 The system's activity and incident recording mechanisms are activated and the analysis procedures for such information are enabled.

CR2.5 The additional modules of the server are analyzed based on their functionalities and security risks that involve their use, reaching a compromise solution.

CR2.6 The authentication mechanisms are configured to provide security and integrity levels in the user connection in accordance with the organization's security regulations.

CR2.7 User roles and privileges are defined and assigned by following the instructions in the organization's security regulations and operating plan.

RP3: Install and configure firewall on computers and servers to ensure security against external attacks according to the needs of use and within the organization's directives.

CR3.1 The firewall topology is selected based on the deployment environment.

CR3.2 The hardware and software elements of the firewall are chosen taking into account economic and performance factors.

CR3.3 Firewalls are installed and configured according to the level defined in the security policy.

CR3.4 Filtering rules and logging and alarm levels are determined, configured, and managed according to needs dictated by the organization's security regulations.

CR3.5 Firewalls are verified with test games and are checked to exceed the specifications of the organization's security regulations.

CR3.6 The firewall installation and upgrade and the performance procedures with the same are documented according to the organization's specifications.

CR3.7 Registration systems are defined and configured for review and study of potential attacks, intrusions, and vulnerabilities.

Professional Context

Production media

Corporate office applications. Password strength checkers. Port probes. System log file parsers. Firewall. Specific and/or general purpose equipment. Personal or server firewall. Authentication systems: weak: user-based and password-based and robust: based on physical devices and biometric measurements. Communication programs with cryptographic capabilities. Secure remote administration tools.

Products and results

Implementation plans reviewed according to organization directives. Network services audit reports for computer systems. Map and design of the corporate firewall topology. Firewall installation and configuration guide. Activity report detected in the firewall. Map and design of the backup copy system. Planning for backing up the backup copies. Backup copy realization report. Regulations for the elaboration of the firewall design. Development of a security operative in line with the security policy.

Information used or generated

Telematics Infrastructure Security Policy. Installation, reference, and firewall usage manuals. Information on local and extensive area networks and public and private communication systems. Information about communications equipment and software.

Standards, regulations and standards (ISO, EIA, UIT-T, RFC-IETF). Inventory record of the hardware. Check record with the security measures applied to each computer system. The topology of the computer system to protect.




Code: MF0484_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0484_3: Manage the hardware devices on the system.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1891

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the hardware components of the system by distinguishing its features and detailing installation parameters and procedures.

CE1.1 Analyze and explain the fundamentals of the physical architecture of a computer system by specifying the different parts that make it up.

CE1.2 List and define the functions performed by each of the hardware components of a computer system explaining its characteristics.

CE1.3 Classify according to its typology each of the hardware components of a computer system based on its characteristics, utility and purposes.

CE1.4 Detailed the technical characteristics and procedures for installing and configuring the hardware components of a computer system according to specifications of the given functionalities.

CE1.5 Distinguished and explain the types of physical devices and possible communication techniques among the different hardware components of a computer system, describing its main characteristics and typology.

CE1.6 Define and classify the different types of peripheral devices based on their purpose, describing the different techniques used to perform the communication with the same and the technologies available in input/output controllers.

CE1.7 Identify and classify the different physical devices available to connect the system through a communications network.

CE1.8 From a convenient hardware device identification and registration scenario:

-Classify a collection of hardware devices based on different criteria: purpose, suitability for a system and compatibility among others.

-Operate with inventorying tools by comprehensively recording the features of the hardware devices under study.

-Document the installation of physical devices detailing the procedures, most frequent incidents, and parameters used.

C2: Select and apply device performance monitoring procedures and techniques to adjust configuration parameters and ensure the absence of conflicts.

CE2.1 List and define the performance metrics commonly used to measure the performance of a system.

CE2.2 Characterize and analyze the main monitoring procedures and techniques used to measure the performance of a system.

CE2.3 Apply the selected techniques and tools to achieve optimal performance and determine the status of the system by analyzing performance measurement results and indicating whether it is saturated, balanced, or underutilized.

CE2.4 Graphically perform system performance based on data obtained from monitoring.

CE2.5 Analyze the alarms obtained in monitoring and describe the main configuration problems related to known hardware devices explaining the most common solutions.

CE2.6 In a series of scenarios for monitoring and tuning systems:

-Select the performance metrics to use based on system needs.

-Get measurements of system performance using with dexterity the tools necessary to carry it out.

-Analyze the measurements obtained, documenting and presenting them to facilitate decision making about the system.

-Configure the required system parameters to meet performance requirements.

-Reconfigure the system depending on the alarms obtained in the measurements.

-Indicate and document the limitations that exist in attempting to improve the capabilities of a system.

C3: Integrate and implement hardware devices that ensure continuity in the provision of services and data security.

CE3.1 Identify the different hardware solutions available to ensure continuity of system operation, describing its main features and configurations

CE3.2 Define the different hardware solutions available to ensure system recovery in the face of unforeseen situations, describing their main features and configurations.

CE3.3 Identify data protection and security policies and their relationship to the recovery and continuity of services and applications according to the IT security regulations.

CE3.4 In a practical scenario, implement and configure solutions to ensure continuity of system operation, given prerequisites:

-Analyze the system to determine the needs and disposition of uninterrupted power systems.

-To properly install the power units and voltage stabilizers, while respecting the technical characteristics of the appliances and complying with the safety standards in the workplace.

-Parameterize and monitor the installed devices, adapting them to the system to guarantee their total compatibility, optimal operation, control and management of the same.

-Perform an intervention and activation plan for possible alternative mechanisms

-Document the installation of physical devices detailing the procedures, most frequent incidents, and parameters used.

CE3.5 In several scenarios for implementing and configuring system recovery solutions to unforeseen situations, given security requirements to be met:

-Install and configure a backup local server that ensures immediate recovery of operation in cases of main server drop.

-Install and configure disk arrays solutions to increase system failure tolerance.

-Install and configure a cluster system based on its typology to increase the reliability and productivity of the system.

-Perform an intervention and activation plan for possible alternative mechanisms.

-In the face of a possible failure to locate the hardware devices responsible for it, and establish the necessary procedures for its repair or replacement.

-Properly configure the replaced devices by following the steps set in the defined intervention plan.

-Document the installation of physical devices detailing the procedures, most frequent incidents, and parameters used.

-comprehensively document the steps to be taken for system recovery after an unexpected situation has occurred.

-Plan and test to verify the suitability of the implemented solutions, making the necessary improvements and adjustments to achieve optimal operation.


1. Sorting and inventorying the hardware

-Identify and classify the hardware:

-Know the different types of hardware as intended.

-Know the architecture of servers and PCs.

-Defer components by identifying their functions.

-Classify components according to characteristics, utility, and purpose.

-Install and replace components in a computer system, based on the manufacturer's documentation and the organization's rules.

-Set hardware connectivity:

-Different the different communication buses in a computer system.

-Distinguished the different types of connectivity to the peripheral devices.

-Identify the different types of connectivity and connectivity technologies between the hardware elements that make up the architecture of a platform for the delivery of a service.

-Establish connectivity between PCs and/or servers.

-Connect servers with external storage equipment.

-Design the connection with backup equipment.

-Set the Internet connection.

-Choose and install the most appropriate input/output driver according to the intended purpose.

-Document and inventory hardware:

-List the teams detailing components, status, and location.

-Documenting configurations and parameterizations.

-Document the connectedness.

-Label the hardware.

-Maintain inventory:

-Act with the ups, downs, and modifications.

-Audit the inventory.

2. Monitor performance

-Design monitoring:

-Distinguished the different types of monitoring according to their purpose. Design external monitoring to ensure system availability and design monitoring for system capacity management.

-Select techniques or tools based on hardware features.

-Define parameters to monitor. Know the usual parameters to monitor.

-Monitor CPU, RAM, and system disks.

-Monitor connectivity.

-Monitor services.

-Select the items to be monitored and the warning thresholds according to the procedures defined by the organization.

-Set the alerts: Configure alerts for service unavailability and configure alerts to ensure proper capacity management according to the procedures defined in your organization.

-Monitor the system:

-Get performance statistics.

-Successfully interpret the graphical usage reports.

-Diagnose system status:

-Analyze performance: Compare the values obtained with the system usage history and locate the system bottlenecks.

-Propose improvements.

-Evaluate the feasibility of replacing or extending the hardware elements that cause bottlenecks, for other top-performing performance that meet the same function.

-Evaluate design alternatives to the architecture that best match the performance needs of the system.

-Optimize parameterization to implement better performance:

-Review the system BIOS configuration.

-Review the manufacturer's documentation for new firmware versions that achieve better performance.

3. Design and implement fault-tolerant architectures

-Install the hardware elements of the system based on the manufacturer's specifications and the rules of the organization.

-Verify the correct operation of the system after installation.

-Design the system fault tolerance points:

-Define and implement power failure tolerance.

-Define and implement disk failure tolerance, and connectivity.

-Know the backup and failback procedures defined in the enterprise:

-Externalize and safeguard copies according to the procedures in the organization.

-Provide backup technicians with the media that contains the copies required for the service restore.

-Install and configure the hardware architecture required for the backup system installation.

-Know architectures that allow for greater fault tolerance:

-Know the concept of clustered systems.

-Design and implement the hardware architecture required for the installation of a cluster. Implement the hardware architecture required for the installation of a database cluster.

-Know the concept of network-balanced systems.

4. Diagnose and resolve breakdowns

-Consult the manufacturer's documentation and internal documentation of the organization, as well as the technical assistance service of the manufacturer, or third parties with whom the organization has a maintenance contract, in search of the origin and resolution of incidents.

-Use the diagnostic and documentation tools provided by the manufacturer.

-Schedule and execute the repair according to the manufacturer's documentation and internal procedures.

-Plan and execute the repair by ensuring the integrity of the information, and minimizing the impact on service availability:

-Implement the mechanisms defined in the organization to maintain the service while replacing or repairing.

-Replace or repair the broken down component according to the manufacturer's specifications.

-Verify the correct operation of the system after replacement of the broken components.

-Reset the normal operation of the service.

-Understand and interpret existing service recovery plans in the enterprise appropriately.



Code: UF1892

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and evaluate the devices available on the market to propose hardware implementations that improve the performance and capabilities of the computer system.

CE1.1 Identify, evaluate and classify existing hardware devices in the market, according to evolution and typology, using commercial catalogues, technical documentation, specialized journals or any other method or support.

CE1.2 Identify parts of a computer system, typically susceptible to causing bottlenecks and productivity degradations.

CE1.3 Explain the trends of technological evolution in the common physical devices of a computer system in order to propose improvements in it.

CE1.4 In a scenario of successful system growth planning correctly characterized, given estimates of possible workload or user increases:

-Analyze expected and future workloads, characterizing them appropriately.

-Implement new workloads, integrating them into the system to observe possible effects on the system's performance.

-Analyze the performance parameters obtained after you submit the system to the new workloads.

-Plan and execute the deployment of new hardware devices needed to support new workloads and minimize their effects on the system.

-exhaustively document the results of the evaluation of the system submitted to new loads and propose, in a reasoned manner, changes in the current configuration or new hardware implementations.

C2: Apply safety and environmental conditioning procedures to ensure the integrity of the system and the appropriate environment according to the specifications and requirements of the systems to be installed.

CE2.1 List and describe the main environmental and environmental factors to be taken into account in the proper installation of computer equipment, to establish precautions that can avoid or lessen its effect.

CE2.2 List and describe the main environmental and environmental factors that can degrade the functioning of a communications network, to establish precautions that can prevent or lessen its effect.

CE2.3 Interpret the technical specifications of the devices and the security plan to match their installation and physical location by achieving optimal performance of the devices.

CE2.4 Evaluate the installation of the electrical network by ensuring that its capacity and the available equipment are adequate to connect all hardware devices and that the performance of these devices is optimal.

CE2.5 In a scenario of installing computer equipment:

-To locate the computer equipment respecting the environmental conditions of temperature and humidity recommended by the manufacturers.

-To locate computer equipment respecting the recommended ergonomic and occupational safety conditions.

-Check that the computer equipment installation environment is free of smoke, dust, or any other environmental disturbance.

-Document the location characteristics of the computer equipment, detailing the procedures, the most frequent incidents, and the parameters used.

CE2.6 In a scenario of verifying the security of the computer system:

-Ensure user manipulation of equipment so that initial temperature and humidity conditions are not varied.

-Ensure the handling of equipment by users by checking that the security regulations are respected.

-Check the performance of backup copies, ensuring the suitability of the frequency, support and information safeguarded.

-Document the security incidents found for subsequent correction.

-Interpret the system security plan, extracting the security procedures to apply.


1. Managing growth

-Schedule the extensions. Sizing up future growths:

-Extraordinary of the measurements of the platform in production.

-Simulate with mathematical models the expected new loads.

-Evaluate whether the expected new loads are assumed on the current platform.

-Analyze the market for the hardware solutions that you offer:

-Know the product catalog of top manufacturers.

-Select the most appropriate product.

-Identify the different types of hardware correctly.

-Know the price orientations.

-Razor the proposal by balancing the technical and economic component.

-Locate market prescribers:

-Use the comparative reports to support the choice of hardware.

-Use trend reports to support the choice of hardware.

-Run the extensions by ensuring the highest availability of the service.

2. Set the appropriate environmental conditions

-Know the environmental factors that may affect the operation of the installation:

-Identify the factors that affect computer equipment.

-Identify the factors that affect communications.

-Properly interpret the environmental needs of the hardware.

-Identify environmental critical parameters for the correct operation of hardware: Set temperature, humidity, and pressure measurements, and set measurements of noise, vibration, and electromagnetic fields.

-Review hardware manufacturers ' specifications.

-Set parameter usage ranges for the equipment.

-Check industrial supply quality:

-Check the electrical installation: Check that the capacity of the electrical installation meets the expected values of consumption and check the connection of the equipment to circuits filtered by SAIs.

-Check the cooling installation: Review the specifications of the cold conditioning and check that it meets the expected cooling requirements based on the technical specifications of the hardware equipment.

-Design the location of the equipment in the room:

-Design the distribution.

-Choose the location of the different hardware hardware.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible









To access the formative unit 2 must have passed the formative unit 1

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0485_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0485_3: Install, configure, and administer the base and application software of the system.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1893

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Specify and apply installation and configuration procedures for base and application software according to the operating needs of the computer system.

CE1.1 Explain the suitability of different types of operating systems for different types of systems and purposes.

CE1.2 Identify and describe the different phases to be followed in the software installation in a computer system.

CE1.3 Identify and explain the main operating system configuration parameters for device management, memory management, process management, and file system management.

CE1.4 Recognize and describe the main application software configuration parameters for proper system resource utilization.

CE1.5 Automate and schedule tasks on your system by making scripts.

CE1.6 In several scenarios for installing and configuring an operating system on a computer system:

-Install the operating system software thoroughly documenting the process, the incidents that occurred, and the parameters used.

-Properly configure the operating system parameters referred to the memory system, indicating the organization to follow and the use of advanced management techniques.

-Properly configure the operating system parameters for task execution: job scheduling, synchronization mechanisms, and resource allocation.

-Properly parameterize the input/output system by checking the optimal operation of the peripheral devices.

-Organize the file systems by creating the necessary structures for the correct operation of the system.

-Configure operating system parameters so that the system security plan specifications are met.

-Verify the operation of the operating system and devices involved in the system, ensuring configuration of its controllers and the absence of conflicts using the necessary diagnostic software.

-Set and configure the operating system network parameters to ensure and ensure the integrity of the data and system reliability by following the organization's security and quality plan at all times.

-Enable user organization and configuration according to the organization's security needs and plan.

-Update the server operating system by ensuring system integrity, data, and organization security plan.

-Document the operating system configuration detailing the parameters used.

-Properly interpret the organization's security plan to implement the measures specified in it according to computer security regulations.

CE1.7 In several scenarios for installing and configuring application software on a computer system:

-Install the application software thoroughly documenting the process, the incidents that occurred, and the parameters used.

-Configure application software parameters that refer to using system resources so that the impact on the system's performance is minimized.

-Configure the application software parameters so that the system security plan specifications are met.

-Verify the operation of the application software and devices that make up the system, ensuring the configuration of its controllers and the absence of conflicts using the necessary diagnostic software.

-Update application software by ensuring system integrity, data, and organization security plan.

-Document the configuration of the application software detailing the parameters used.

-Properly interpret the organization's security plan to implement the measures specified in it according to computer security regulations.

C2: Identify the software components of the system by distinguishing their features and detailing parameters.

CE2.1 Analyze and enumerate the different types of operating systems, specifying their most important characteristics.

CE2.2 Classify and describe the different types of applications and software components explaining their main features, functions, and purpose.

CE2.3 Identify the functions performed by an operating system installed on a computer system.

CE2.4 Explain the legal requirements relating to intellectual property to be taken into account in the installation of software on the system.

CE2.5 From a software registration and identification scenario of a computer system:

-Classify a collection of installed software based on different criteria: purpose, suitability for a system and compatibility among others.

-Operate with inventory tools by recording the features of installed software in a comprehensive manner.

-Check the number and location of installed licenses of applications protected by intellectual property laws for correct compliance.

-Check installed applications to check for non-existence of illegal software.

-Register and control access privileges to users ' applications according to the security plan and data protection laws in place.

-Document the installation of the software detailing the procedures, most frequent incidents and parameters used.


1. Software

-Know and understand what the software is, and what it is for.

-Distinguished software, firmware, and hardware.

-Identify the different types of software.

2. Operating Systems

-Understand the definition and utility of operating systems:

-List the functions of an operating system.

-Know the historical evolution of the operating systems.

-Distinguished the different components of an operating system.

-Understand process management.

-Distinguished the different types of file systems.

-Know the input/output systems.

-Know the use of drivers for hardware management.

-Distinguished the usual parameters to be configured and their typical values.

-Know the usual services and their purpose.

-Know the utility of users and user groups, as well as those of regular use.

-Identify the different types of operating systems, describing their functions and structure.

-Classify operating systems:

-Classify operating systems by purpose.

-Classify operating systems according to their degree of implementation.

-Single-user and multi-user operating systems.

-Monotarea and multitask operating systems.

-Distributed operating systems.

-Real-time operating systems.

-Know the policies defined in the organization, application to the operating system installation.

-Install and parameterize operating systems:

-Make pre-installation preparations.

-Collect the necessary drivers.

-Define the type of file system to use, selecting it from among the possible alternatives, based on the needs of the intended use.

-Define the values of the usual parameters to be configured.

-Install the operating system, configuring the hardware with the appropriate drivers, to ensure proper system operation:

-Manually install the operating system.

-Unendably install the operating system.

-Automatically install the operating system.

-Clone servers.

-Configure the network.

-Check the correct installation of the operating system by starting and stopping tests, and diagnostic tools.

-Update the operating system.

-properly understand and use the operating system management tools, commonly used:

-Know and use the user and group management tools.

-Know and use file system permission management tools correctly.

-Know and use network diagnostic and configuration tools correctly.

-Know and use service management tools correctly.

-Know and use system-based system-based monitoring tools correctly.

-Securize the system based on the defined rules:

-Set the initial user and group configuration.

-Configure the permissions on the file system.

-Configure the permissions in the configuration log.

-Set the permissions on the network configuration.

-Review and uninstall or disable unnecessary services.

-Document the installation:

-Register the process and the incidents you have had, as well as the measures taken for your resolution.

-Drill down the values of the set parameters.

3. Application software

-distinguish between different types of application software based on their use:

-Learn about the different office packages that are commonly used.

-To distinguish the different functionalities that are able to lend the collaborative tools.

-Know the need for service covering ERP software.

-Know the need for service covering CRM software.

-Know the policies defined in the organization, of application in the choice and installation of the application software:

-Check the installation authorization.

-Properly use the allowed application lists.

-Register the installation performed.

-Install the application software, based on the manufacturer's recommendations, and the organization's security rules:

-Check software requirements prior to installation.

-Follow the installation instructions given by the manufacturer.

-Update the application software.

-Check the proper operation of the application software.

-Deploy bulk and unendably application software.

4. Automations

-Know the different programming languages that are commonly used for task automation:

-Distinguished the native environment of each programming language.

-Use an appropriate editor for code development.

-Develop small scripts for running maintenance tasks:

-Know the different most common usage programming languages that can be used on each operating system.

-Know the commands and structures of scripting languages.

-Properly use the query documentation of scripting languages, to facilitate the correct writing of the code.

-Schedule scripts for the execution of maintenance tasks.

-Select the most appropriate programming language based on the requirements of the task to be automated and the operating system on which it is to be run.

-Configure the automatic execution of the task on the operating system:

-Set the most appropriate time and frequency.

-Configure execution on the system by checking its correct execution, and results.

-Use automation tools.

5. Inventory of sw

-Identify the reasons for the need to inventory.

-Properly select the parameters to be inventoried in a system.

-Manage licenses:

-Inventing purchased licenses.

-Inventing installed licenses.

-Perform a license purchase plan based on the estimated growth and licensing models of the software used.

-Manage inventory tools:

-Properly use inventory tools to extract reports of licenses in use, and of purchased licenses.

-Keep the inventory up to date.

-Use automatic inventory tools.

-Inventor the base and application configuration.

-Update the list of applications allowed per user.



Code: UF1894

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP4, and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Plan support for users by ensuring maximum availability and documentation of the corresponding tasks.

CE1.1 Define the objectives of a technical assistance and user support plan.

CE1.2 Explain the main advantages and features of remote assistance techniques to users through the services and tools available in the system.

CE1.3 List and describe the most common problems related to the implementation of software in user positions.

CE1.4 List and describe the most common problems relating to hardware and network devices in user positions.

CE1.5 Establish base and application software installation, configuration, and maintenance procedures in user positions.

CE1.6 In several practical user support planning scenarios in a properly characterized system:

-Set assistance procedures based on the systematic annotation of the problems identified to the support staff.

-exhaustively document the most common problems relating to system software resources.

-exhaustively document the most common problems relating to system hardware resources.

-Plan the training for the adaptation of the staff to the work tools.

-Set up and operate properly with remote user assistance tools.

C2: Analyze the system using simulation and modeling techniques to optimize performance.

CE2.1 Define the simulation concept by explaining the advantages of using this technique as well as its possible applications in different areas.

CE2.2 Explain the need for system representation through models for further study.

CE2.3 Identify and properly characterize the steps to be taken to simulate a system.

CE2.4 In a practical simulation scenario of a properly characterized computer system:

-Formulate the goals to be achieved through the simulation of the system.

-Analyze system features and build a model of the system using available modeling tools.

-Build a simulation model according to the defined objectives and the model obtained, using the available simulation tools.

-Run the simulation model by thoroughly documenting the data obtained.

-Analyze the results of the simulation by extracting the system's malfunction or problem points.

-Adjust system configuration to fix detected problems and optimize performance.

-Document the simulation processes detailing the objectives, models and results obtained.


1. Maintenance plans

-Know the utility and functions of maintenance plans:

-Keep the software up to date.

-Manage the antivirus.

-Forming users on the maintenance tasks they need to perform.

-Optimize the file system.

-Design, develop, and document the maintenance plan:

-Design proactive maintenance.

-Document the reactive maintenance.

-Manage frequent problems:

-Locate and document common problems.

-Resolve cases of frequent problems.

-Give media users to fix frequent problems by their own means.

-Attend the root cause of the common problems.

-Use knowledge acquired with experience:

-Query the knowledge databases according to the rules established in the organization.

-Update the knowledge database with new information derived from maintenance activities.

-Understand the user:

-Register user requests, setting a correct prioritization in your resolution.

-Inform the user of the resolution status of your request and the estimated resolution time of the request.

-Forth the user in the appropriate procedures and channels for the service request and incident notification, as well as in the possible solutions to be applied to the occurrence of frequent problems.

-Upgrade the system, keeping it up-to-date in versions appropriate to the capabilities required by needs, and system security requirements:

-Update the operating system.

-Update your applications.

-Parse the operating system.

-Parching the applications.

2. Optimizing the use of resources

-Check the adequacy of system performance to the needs of your organization:

-Select the parameters to be measured to check system performance.

-Set the required monitoring to measure system performance.

-Graphically reintroduce system performance, interpreting it, and establishing whether or not to fit the needs of the organization.

-Propose the improvements required for performance increment.

-Use modeling tools to predict system performance based on system load increment forecasts.

-Perform load tests to check the scalability of the system and its adequacy to the present and future needs of the organization:

-Select the appropriate tools for performing load tests based on the services to be provided.

-Design and implement the load test plan.

-Perform load tests without causing service availability problems on the system in production.

-Represent and interpret the result of the load tests.



Code: UF1895

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP6 and RP7.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and define backup and backup copy performance policies based on the security specifications.

CE1.1 Classify the different types of backup copy systems, based on the support used, in the supported topology or architecture and systems (file, disk partition, and database among others).

CE1.2 Describe backup copy levels by explaining the differences between them.

CE1.3 Associate the policy of making copies to the systems involved, justifying the decisions and complying with the current regulations regarding the protection of personal data.

CE1.4 From a scenario where information storage systems scenario is given in an organization's operating plan:

-Estimate the volume of information to be copied per unit of time.

-Identify storage areas of the media used for backup copies.

-Schedule authorized access to media.

-Keep recording information about the contents, versions, and location of the data files.

-Arrange the inventory of storage media and stored files.

-Verify that backup copies receive the same level of security as the original files.

C2: Apply audit procedures using appropriate techniques and tools to ensure the operating parameters of the computer system.

CE2.1 List and explain the objectives to be met by enabling system audits.

CE2.2 Classify according to priority, system events and applications that can be audited for the maintenance of the optimal system operation.

CE2.3 Determine, for each event detected, the need to take corrective actions, establishing the same in the affirmative case.

CE2.4 In a scenario of applying audit procedures to a properly characterized system:

-Set audit policies appropriately so as not to overload system operation and affect their performance.

-Select a list of events to audit that provide useful information: service startup and detection, resource access, connection and user disconnection, application events, and system events.

-Set the required corrective actions associated with the detected events.

-Apply and integrate the available tools into the system according to the established audit plan.

-Set alarms to highlight the detection of priority or critical events.

-Operate with the tools available for audit planning, definition, and implementation.

-Analyze audit records by extracting information about the operation and status of the system for performing the audit report.

-Interpret system technical documentation and audit tools.


1. Backup copies

-Type the data according to your copy needs.

-Different the different types of copies, distinguishing the differences between full, incremental, and differential copies, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each one, and the most common combinations of them.

-Set correctly the retention periods in accordance with the company's security rules, with the needs according to the data type, and with the current legislation.

-Size backups:

-Set the full copy size according to the data to be copied and the estimated occupancy on the copy device.

-Set the size of the copies based on time, according to the copy policy to be used.

-Set the organization's copy policy:

-Define the copy plan by indicating each type of copy to be performed, the programming time, the copy window, the retention period.

-Review the adequacy of the copy policy to the rules of the organization, as well as the current legality.

-Propose the most appropriate media and copy devices based on the needs of your organization:

-Know the different possible alternatives for the copy devices.

-Razor the best fit of each alternative to the needs of the organization.

-Perform backups according to the procedures and policies in place in the organization:

-Implement and configure backups.

-Schedule and run the backups.

-Verify backups by restoring, documenting restore times and the result obtained.

-Manage the media life cycle:

-Safeguard copy media, keeping them in optimal condition for preservation.

-Externalize the copies.

-Destroy the media after its useful life cycle in accordance with the company's safety standards, ensuring the impossibility of extracting information from them.

-Recovery plan documentation:

-Design the steps to be taken for the complete restoration of a system in production.

-Document the restores to be performed for the reset of a system in production, after a major problem.

2. Current legislation

-Know the current laws related to data processing:

-Current legislation on the protection of personal data.

-Current legislation in the field of electronic commerce.

-Existing legislation on the protection of intellectual property.

-List the main points to consider.

3. Alternatives to copies

-Distinguished between data protection, and service availability.

-List the alternatives to ensure service availability:

-Design cluster alternatives.

-Design alternatives based on external storage.

-Design alternatives based on image copies.

-Indicate the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives to ensure the availability of the service over the backups.

4. Audit plans

-Describe the objectives of the audit plans:

-Distinguished between audits for their type and application (performance, security, continuous improvement, usage optimization)

-Describe the auditor's profile.

-Audit the system:

-Design the audit plan.

-Use audit tools.

-Document the audit result.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1893



unit 2- UF1894



Formative Unit 3-UF1895




To access the training units 2 and 3 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Training units 2 and 3 can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF0486_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0486_3: Securing Computer Equipment

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the organization's deployment plans to identify the elements of the system involved and the levels of security to implement.

CE1.1 Identify the structure of an implementation plan, explaining the contents of each section.

CE1.2 Distinguished the systems that may appear in the implementation plan, describing the security features that they implement.

CE1.3 Describe the security levels listed in the implementation plan, associating them with the access permissions for their implementation.

CE1.4 In a scenario where you are asked to analyze the implementation plan and its impact on the system:

-Determine the systems involved in the implementation plan.

-Analyze the security requirements for each system.

-Describe the security measures to be applied to each system.

-Meet the forms for the declaration of personal data files.

C2: Analyze and implement the physical and logical access mechanisms to the servers according to security specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the characteristics of the physical access control mechanisms, explaining their main functions.

CE2.2 Expose the trace mechanisms, associating them with the server operating system.

CE2.3 Identify the logical access control mechanisms, explaining their main features (passwords, IP port filtering among others).

CE2.4 In a scenario of implementing a server according to specifications given:

-Determine the physical location of the server to ensure its functionality.

-Describe and justify physical security measures to be implemented to ensure system integrity.

-Identify additional modules or applications to implement the level of security required by the server.

-Determine the threats to which the server is exposed, assessing the risk they pose, given the context of the server.

-Determine the permissions assigned to users and user groups for system utilization.

C3: Evaluate the function and need for each running service on the server according to the security specifications.

CE3.1 Identify the usual services in an organization's computer system, describing its mission within the computer and communications infrastructure.

CE3.2 Identify and describe the services required for the operation of a server, depending on its mission within the organization's computer system.

CE3.3 Describe the threats of running services, applying the most restrictive permissions, which guarantee their execution and minimize the risk.

CE3.4 In a convenient deployment scenario of a server with a set of services running with a mapping to a given operating plan:

-Indicate the relationships between that server and the rest of the organization's computer system.

-Extract the security requirements applicable to the server from the implementation plan.

-Determine the minimum services required for system operation.

C4: Install, configure, and administer a server firewall with the required features according to security specifications.

CE4.1 Classify the types of firewalls, network and local, hardware and software, packages, and application, describing their main features and features.

CE4.2 Describe the filtering rules of a server firewall, explaining the main parameters.

CE4.3 Explain the trace format of a server firewall, reflecting the relevant security information.

CE4.4 From a scenario of installing a server firewall on a local and remote access scenario:

-Determine the security requirements of the server.

-Set the server relationships to the other computers in the computer system.

-Develop the list of access rules to implement on the server.

-Compose a test plan for the implemented firewall.

-Run the test plan, writing the necessary corrections to correct the detected deficiencies.


1. Commonly accepted general criteria on the security of computer equipment

-Risk management-oriented security model related to the use of information systems

-Relation of the most frequent threats, the risks involved, and the most frequent safeguards

-Most common security technologies and safeguards

-Managing IT security as a complement to safeguards and technology measures

2. Business Impact Analysis

-Identifying business processes supported by information systems.

-Assessing the requirements of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of business processes

-Determining the information systems that support business processes and their security requirements

3. Risk Management

-Applying the risk management and exposure process for the most frequent alternatives

-commonly accepted methodologies for identification and risk analysis

-Applying controls and safeguard measures to obtain a risk reduction

4. Security implementation plan

-Determining the existing security level of the systems versus the required based on the security requirements of the business processes

-Selection of safeguard measures to cover the security requirements of information systems.

-Guide to the elaboration of the implementation plan for the selected safeguards

5. Personal data protection

-General principles of personal data protection

-Infractions and penalties provided for in current legislation on the protection of personal data

-Identification and registration of files with personal data used by the organization.

-Elaboration of the security document required by the current legislation in the field of personal data protection

6. Physical and industrial security of the systems. System logical security

-Determining physical security perimeters

-More frequent physical access control systems to the organization's facilities and to the areas where the computer systems are located

-Security criteria for the physical placement of computer systems

-Exposure of more frequent elements to ensure the quality and continuity of the electrical supply to the computer systems

-Air conditioning and fire protection requirements applicable to computer systems

-Preparation of the physical and industrial security regulations for the organization.

-Most frequently used file systems

-Setting the access control of computer systems to the organization's communications network.

-Configuring user directory policies and directives

-Setting access control lists (ACLs) to files

-Managing high, low, and user modifications and the privileges that are assigned

-Security requirements related to user access control to the operating system

-Weak, strong, and biometric user authentication systems

-Relation of the operating system audit records required to monitor and monitor access control

-Making access control regulations to computer systems

7. Service Identification

-Identification of protocols, services, and ports used by information systems.

-Using open services and port analytics tools to determine those that are not required

-Using communications traffic analysis tools to determine the actual usage of the information systems for the various protocols, services, and ports

8. System robustness

-Modification of the default users and passwords of different information systems.

-Configuring password and privilege management directives in the user directory

-Removing and closing expendable tools, utilities, services, and ports

-Configuring information systems to use secure protocols where possible

-Updating computer systems security patches

-Protecting information systems from malicious code

-Secure management of communications, shared folders, printers, and other shared system resources

-Monitoring the security and proper use of information systems.

9. Firewall implementation and configuration

-Relation of different types of firewalls by location and functionality

-Security criteria for network segregation in the firewall using DMZ/DMZ

-Using Virtual Private Networks/VPNs to establish secure communications channels

-Defining cut rules in firewalls

-Relation of the firewall audit records required to monitor and monitor their correct operation and security events

-Setting firewall monitoring and testing

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours capable of distance




Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.


Code: MP0398

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the hardware components of the system by distinguishing its features and detailing installation parameters and procedures.

CE1.1 Detailed the technical characteristics and procedures for installing and configuring the hardware components of a computer system according to specifications of the given functionalities.

CE1.2 Define and classify the different types of peripheral devices based on their purpose, describing the different techniques used to perform the communication with the same and the technologies available in input/output controllers.

CE1.3 Identify and classify the different physical devices available to connect the system through a communications network.

C2: Apply safety and environmental conditioning procedures to ensure the integrity of the system and the appropriate environment according to the specifications and requirements of the systems to be installed.

CE2.1 Interpret the technical specifications of the devices and the security plan to match their installation and physical location by achieving optimal performance of the devices.

CE2.2 Evaluate the installation of the electrical grid by ensuring that its available capacity and equipment are adequate to connect all hardware devices and that the performance of these devices is optimal.

C3: Plan support for users by ensuring maximum availability and documentation of the corresponding tasks.

CE3.1 Define the objectives of a technical assistance and user support plan.

CE3.2 List and describe the most common problems related to the implementation of software in user positions.

CE3.3 List and describe the most common problems relating to hardware and network devices in user positions.

CE3.4 Establish installation, configuration, and maintenance procedures for base and application software in user positions.

C4: Analyze and define backup and backup copy performance policies based on security specifications.

CE4.1 Classify the different types of backup copy systems, based on the support used, in the supported topology or architecture and systems (file, disk partition, and database among others).

CE4.2 Describe backup copy levels by explaining the differences between them.

CE4.3 Associate the policy of making copies to the systems involved, justifying the decisions and complying with the current regulations regarding the protection of personal data.

C5: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE5.1 behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the workplace.

CE5.3 Undertake with diligence the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the work center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Putting into production of new systems

-Review the system installation documentation and suggest possible improvements to the system installation documentation.

-Installing servers in accordance with the rules of the organization.

-Installing application software on the servers.

-Uninstall deprecated services.

-Setting server-level security on the installed servers.

-Design and configure the monitoring of installed systems.

-Configuring the system audit according to the rules of the organization.

-Inventory of new systems put into production.

-Configuring installed systems backups.

2. System monitoring and performance

-Review of the performance monitoring and capacity monitoring documentation for systems in production.

-Review of the electrical and environmental monitoring documentation of systems in production.

-Review of the audit documentation for the systems in production.

-Systems behavior in production based on expected future workloads.

3. Service users

-Review of support documentation for corporate users.

-Attention to corporate users.

-Improvements to the procedures and documentation of care for users.

4. Backup and restore of service

-Review of the organization's backup documentation.

-Production server recovery procedures on test kits, and document the results, proposing improvements to these procedures and/or copy policies.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Training Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

MF0484_3: Hardware administration of a computer system

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Software administration of a computer system

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years

MF0486_3: Computer Security

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles.

2 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

















Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment

-PCs installed in network, canon with projection and internet

-Specialty specific software

-2 Rotuder-write Pizarras


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils



-Cold conditioning


-Servers installed in network

-External storage equipment

-Backup Devices

-Backup software

-Monitoring software

-Connection to the management classroom network


It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Administration and programming in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

Code: IFCT0610

Professional Family: Informatics and Communications

Professional area: Systems and Telematics

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

IFC363_3 Administration and programming in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems. (RD 1701/2007, of 14 December)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1213_3: Install and configure enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

UC1214_3: Manage enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

UC1215_3: Perform and maintain software components in a client relationship management and business resource planning system.

General competition:

Perform the installation, configuration, and administration processes in enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management systems (ERP-CRM systems: Enterprise Resource Planning-Customer Relationship Management), making the necessary adjustments by programming software components, following design specifications, in order to support the organization's business rules, and ensuring its operation within the company's organizational parameters.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in the area of computer systems and development of companies or public or private entities, both for own account, and for others, of any size, that have systems of planning of enterprise resources and management of relations with clients (ERPCRM systems).

Productive Sectors:

It is mainly located in the services sector, and mainly in the following types of companies: companies that use integrated systems of business resource planning and customer relationship management for their management, or those that lend to these consulting services, and that can be framed in any productive sector.

Occupations or related jobs:

Administrator of enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

Developer of software components in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

Duration of the associated training: 680 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1213_3: Installing and configuring enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems. (150 h)

● UF1882: Installing operating systems and data managers on ERP-CRM systems (30 hours)

● UF1883: Installing ERP-CRM systems (90 hours)

● UF1884: Data storage on ERP-CRM systems (30 hours)

MF1214_3: Administration of enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems. (210 h)

● UF1885: Operating system administration on ERP-CRM systems (90 hours)

● UF1886: Data manager administration on ERP-CRM systems (90 hours)

● UF1887: Security operations on ERP-CRM systems and data warehouse (30 hours)

MF1215_3: Creating and maintaining software components in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems. (210 h)

● UF1888: Data maintenance and query operations (90 hours)

● UF1889: Software component development on ERP-CRM systems (90 hours)

● UF1890: Software component development and queries within the data warehouse system (30 hours)

MP0397: Non-Work Professional Practices Module for Administration and Programming in Business Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management Systems. (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1213_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP 1: Install and configure the operating system and data manager for the implementation of enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems (ERP-CRM systems), following technical specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 1.1 The characteristics of the server computers that will contain the operating system and the data manager are proposed to be installed, taking into account that they meet the installation requirements of the ERP and CRM systems.

CR 1.2 The selected operating system is installed and configured to host ERP-CRM systems, following specifications received, consulting manuals and following manufacturer's guides.

CR 1.3 The selected data manager is installed and configured to host ERP-CRM systems, following specifications received, consulting manuals and following manufacturer's guides.

CR 1.4 The operating system and data manager parameters are adjusted and configured to ensure the integrity and reliability of the system, following the guidance of the manufacturer's manuals and guides.

CR 1.5 The installation and configuration tests of the operating system and the data manager are performed to verify its functionality, following specifications received and according to implementation needs.

CR 1.6 The relevant details of the installation and the test of the operating system and the data manager, as well as the incidents produced during the process, are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 1.7 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP 2: Install and configure the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) for further adaptation to the company's particularities and exploitation, following technical specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 2.1 The ERP system software is installed and configured on the servers for operation, following the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines and the advice of the experts or consultants.

CR 2.2 The access services environment for customers decided by the organization is installed and configured so that users can work with the ERP system, following product guidelines and recommendations and the policies of the organization.

CR 2.3 The ERP system's remote support infrastructure is installed and configured so that the maintenance company can perform such support, according to the agreed conditions and protocols and the organization's security policy.

CR 2.4 The components transport tools between development, test and exploitation environments, in ERP systems, are configured to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 2.5 The installation and configuration tests of the ERP system are performed to verify its functionality, following specifications received and according to the needs of the implantation.

CR 2.6 The relevant details of the installation and testing of the ERP system, as well as the incidents produced during the process, are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 2.7 The associated specific technical documentation, where appropriate, is interpreted in the foreign language of most frequent use in the sector.

RP 3: Install and configure the Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) for further adaptation to the company's particularities and exploitation, following technical specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 3.1 The server computer on which the CRM system is installed is configured to host it, following technical specifications and product guides.

CR 3.2 The CRM system software is installed and configured on the servers for operation, following the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines and the advice of the experts or consultants.

CR 3.3 The products to provide connection service and customer access decided by the organization is installed and configured, so that users can work with the CRM system, following the product guidelines and recommendations and the policies of the organization.

CR 3.4 The CRM system's remote support infrastructure (router, communications line) is installed and configured so that the maintenance company can perform such support, according to the agreed conditions and protocols and the organization's security policy.

CR 3.5 The tools for remote assistance are implemented and configured so that the maintenance company can perform technical support, according to the agreed conditions and protocols and the organization's security policy.

CR 3.6 The component transport tools between development, test and exploitation environments, in CRM systems, are configured to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 3.7 The installation and configuration tests of the CRM system are performed to verify its functionality, following specifications received and according to the needs of the implantation.

CR 3.8 The relevant details of the installation and testing of the CRM system, as well as the incidents produced during the process, are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 3.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP 4: Install and configure the data warehouse system (data warehouse) on ERP-CRM systems for operation, following technical specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 4.1 The server computer on which the data store is installed is configured to host it, following technical specifications received and product guides.

CR 4.2 The data warehouse system software is installed and configured on the servers for operation, following the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines and the advice of experts or consultants.

CR 4.3 Component transport tools between development, test and exploitation environments in data warehouse systems are configured to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, following specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 4.4 The installation and configuration testing of the data warehouse system is performed to verify its functionality, following technical specifications and implementation needs.

CR 4.5 The relevant details of the installation and test of the data warehouse system, as well as the incidents produced during the process, are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 4.6 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment. Hardware equipment required for the installation of a business resource planning, client relationship management, and data warehouse system. Communications infrastructure. Operating system software and its installation and configuration tools. Database software and its installation and configuration tools. Installation Software for each of the systems: ERP, CRM, data warehouse and other horizontal modules. Remote assistance software tools. Transport software tools.

Products and results

ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems installed and configured, ready to be tailored to the company's particularities by coding components.

Information used or generated

Operating system and data manager installation guides and manuals. Guides and installation manuals for the various ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Installation manuals for other business management modules. Implementation plan and documentation guidelines for the organization. Elaborate documentation on the installation and configuration of the implanted systems.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1214_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP 1: Administer the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) to maintain and ensure its operation, according to the criteria established by the organization and the recommendations of the product manufacturer.

CR 1.1 The operating system and data manager administration tasks, on which the ERP system is installed, are performed to keep them in optimal condition, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 1.2 The customer access service decided by the organization is managed and maintained so that users can work with the enterprise resource planning system, following product guidelines and recommendations and the organization's security policies.

CR 1.3 The ERP system monitoring tools are used for the detection of processes that overload and collapse the system, following specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 1.4 Data extraction processes and other background processes are monitored and tracked, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 1.5 The detected or reported incidents are resolved to maintain the stability of the ERP system, according to the documentation and following the instructions received, provided that these exist and correspond to the organization; in another case they are scaled to the manufacturer or to the contracting company and are registered to manage the maintenance contract.

CR 1.6 The system saturation control tools and data manager access delay times are managed to refine and optimize the operation of the ERP system, according to technical specifications and needs of the organization.

CR 1.7 The new components and software elements of the ERP system are transported between the different development, test and operating environments, executing specific procedures and monitoring them, to maintain the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, following technical specifications and needs of the organization.

CR 1.8 The processes performed as well as the incidences produced in the administration are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 1.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP 2: Administer the Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) to maintain and ensure its operation, in accordance with the criteria established by the organization and the recommendations of the product manufacturer.

CR 2.1 Products to provide connection and access service for customers decided by the organization is managed and maintained so that users can work with the CRM system, following product guidelines and recommendations and the organization's security policies.

CR 2.2 The CRM system monitoring tools are used for the detection of processes that overload and collapse the system, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 2.3 Data extraction processes and other background processes are monitored and tracked, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 2.4 The CRM system administration tools are managed to facilitate the administration of all the elements that make up the CRM system, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 2.5 The detected or reported incidents are resolved to maintain the stability of the CRM system, following the documentation and the instructions received, provided that these exist and correspond to the organization; otherwise they are scaled to the manufacturer or the contracting company and are registered to manage the maintenance contract.

CR 2.6 The system saturation control tools and data manager access delay times are managed to refine and optimize the operation of the CRM system, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 2.7 The new components and software elements of the CRM system are transported between the different development, test and operating environments, executing specific procedures and monitoring them, to maintain the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, according to technical specifications and needs of the organization.

CR 2.8 The processes performed as well as the incidences produced in the administration are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 2.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP 3: Manage the data warehouse to maintain and ensure its operation, according to the criteria established by the organization and the recommendations of the product manufacturer.

CR 3.1 The operating system and data manager administration tasks on which the data warehouse system is installed are performed to keep them in optimal condition, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 3.2 The customer access service decided by the organization is managed and maintained so that users can work with the data warehouse system, following product guidelines and recommendations and the organization's security policies.

CR 3.3 The data warehouse system monitoring tools are used for process detection that overloads and collapses the system, according to technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 3.4 Data extraction processes and other background processes are monitored and monitored, following established guidelines and procedures.

CR 3.5 The detected or reported incidents are resolved to maintain the stability of the data warehouse system, according to the technical documentation and following the instructions received, provided that these exist and correspond to the organization; in another case they are scaled to the manufacturer or the contracting company and are registered to manage the maintenance contract.

CR 3.6 The system saturation control tools and data manager access delay times are handled to refine and optimize the data warehouse system operation, according to technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 3.7 The new components and software elements of the data warehouse system are transported between the different development, test and operating environments, executing specific procedures and tracking them, to maintain the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 3.8 The processes performed as well as the incidences produced in the administration are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

CR 3.9 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

RP 4: Perform security procedures on ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems to ensure controlled access and data integrity, addressing the needs of the organization.

CR 4.1 Data backup operations on ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems are performed to prevent their loss, following established procedures and addressing the policy established by the organization.

CR 4.2 The creation and management of users, roles and profiles is done to address requests related to access to ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems and to their different modules, following specifications received and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 4.3 The components that are accessed from the CRM are configured to ensure that they can only access them who must, following the established guidelines and procedures and taking into account the security policy of the organization.

CR 4.4 Data using the ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems subject to the Data Protection Act (LOPD) are identified and reported to the security department to take the necessary steps, following established procedures.

CR 4.5 The processes performed as well as the incidents produced are reflected in the documentation to keep track of the work done, following the procedure established by the organization.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment. Operating systems and databases. ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. User administration tools and permission management to resources in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems. Performance control tools in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Process monitoring tools in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Memory usage monitoring tools in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Storage device management monitoring tools in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems. Preoperating stress test tools in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

Products and results

ERP, CRM, and integrated data warehouse systems managed and operating correctly. Performance of ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems appropriate to the operating parameters. ERP, CRM, and secure data warehouse systems and integrated into the access and use of resources.

Information used or generated

Operating manuals. Operating system and data manager administration manuals. Manuals and administration guides for the various ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Documentation guidelines for the organization. Plan of operation of the organisation. Manuals of the monitoring tools. Graphics and performance analysis. Access listings and user restrictions. Incident report. Protocol for action against incidents. Current legislation on data protection.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC1215_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP 1: Perform data dictionary maintenance and query operations in enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems (ERP-CRM systems) for the extraction and subsequent processing of information, following established design specifications.

CR 1.1 The data dictionary objects and their relationships are created and maintained using the tools provided by the ERP-CRM systems, following the received design specifications and regulations imposed by the organization.

CR 1.2 The tools and languages of consultation and manipulation provided by the ERP-CRM systems are used to extract information contained therein, following the specifications received, according to their characteristics and complying with the current legislation on data protection.

CR 1.3 Access to data managers is done to extract information using the tools and languages provided by the ERP-CRM systems, following the specifications received and the characteristics of the same.

CR 1.4 The tasks performed are documented for registration and subsequent use, following rules of the organization.

RP 2: Create and maintain software components to manipulate and load information into enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management systems (ERP-CRM systems), using the provided languages and tools, following established design specifications.

CR 2.1 The tools provided by ERP-CRM systems are used to handle data and generate forms and listings, following technical specifications and addressing usage needs.

CR 2.2 Language programming elements are used to create components that handle the data contained in ERP-CRM systems, following technical specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

CR 2.3 Processes for automating data extractions (batchs inputs) are created using the tools and languages provided by the ERP-CRM systems, following the specifications received and the characteristics of them.

CR 2.4 Software components are maintained and modified to add new functionalities to ERP-CRM systems, according to system exploitation needs.

CR 2.5 The software components manufactured or modified are checked to demonstrate the added or modified functionality in ERP-CRM systems, complying with the organization's regulations.

CR 2.6 The software components created on ERP-CRM systems are documented for registration and subsequent use, adjusting to the rules of the organization.

RP 3: Develop components and queries within the data warehouse system to store and collect information (data mining), according to established design specifications.

CR 3.1 Information structures (cubes, multicubes) and their relationships are defined to store the corporate information of the data warehouse system and facilitate its manipulation, following technical and design specifications, in compliance with the organization's standards.

CR 3.2 The data sources that make up the data warehouse system are managed to make them available, according to needs and in compliance with the organization's security rules.

CR 3.3 Data extractors on the data warehouse system are generated and integrated to extract the necessary information efficiently, following technical specifications, according to the rules of the organization and complying with the current data protection legislation.

CR 3.4 The infosources on the data warehouse system are generated for the extraction of data from the external system by defining the communication structure, transfer and transfer rules, following technical specifications, according to the rules of the organization and complying with the current legislation on data protection.

CR 3.5 Software components are created to collect data warehouse system and source system information using query and manipulation languages, following technical specifications and complying with current data protection legislation.

CR 3.6 The software components created and the queries made are documented for registration and subsequent use, following the rules of the organization.

CR 3.7 The associated specific technical documentation is interpreted, where appropriate, in the most frequent foreign language in the sector.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer equipment. Operating systems and data managers. ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Tools and languages for querying and manipulating data in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems.

Products and results

Query components, forms, and listings for obtaining and manipulating data in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems. Components for data extraction in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems.

Information used or generated

Operating system and database operating manuals. Operating manuals for the various ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Language manuals and tools for information manipulation in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems. Documentation guidelines for the organization. Plan of operation of the organisation. Documentation of developed components. Current legislation on data protection.




Code: MF1213_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1213_3: Install and configure enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1882

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify procedures and install the operating system on which the data manager and the ERP-CRM system are to be implemented, identifying the required parameters and using software tools, according to implementation models and using installation and configuration manuals.

CE1.1 Identify hardware characteristics related to physical sizing of ERP-CRM systems, according to technical specifications.

CE1.2 Distinguished the functions and features of the operating system on which the ERP-CRM system is to be installed to decide the options that arise during your installation using product manuals.

CE1.3 Describe the operating system configuration parameters required for the implementation of the ERP-CRM system, according to the type of implementation.

CE1.4 Define the characteristics of the file system structure required for the ERP-CRM system installation, structuring them according to the data manager and the system that will subsequently be installed.

CE1.5 In practical cases, properly characterized, perform the installation and configuration of the operating system on which the data manager and the ERP-CRM system are subsequently installed, following manuals and installation guides:

-Perform the installation of the operating system software.

-Configure and adjust parameters using tools and running configuration scripts.

-Size the file system.

-Create the basic operating system access user.

-Perform the test to verify the functionality of the installation.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the installation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it in the installation and configuration.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

C2: Identify procedures and install the data manager to implement the ERP-CRM system, identifying the required parameters and using software tools, according to implementation models and using installation and configuration manuals.

CE2.1 Distinguished the functions and characteristics of data managers in ERP-CRM systems to decide the options that are presented during their installation, using diagrams and diagrams.

CE2.2 Describe the data manager configuration parameters for the implementation of the ERP-CRM system, taking into account the type of implementation.

CE2.3 Identify the containers and other components of the data manager architecture to be created or modified for the implementation of the ERP-CRM system, taking into account the type of implementation.

CE2.4 In practical cases, properly characterized, installed and configured of the data manager on which the ERP-CRM system is subsequently to be implemented, following manuals and installation and configuration guides:

-Perform the installation of the data manager software using wizards.

-Run database creation scripts.

-Configure and adjust parameters using tools and running configuration scripts.

-Create the basic data manager access user for ERP system management.

-Perform the test to ensure the functionality of the installation.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the installation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it in the installation and configuration.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.


1. Operating systems on ERP-CRM systems

-Types of operating systems and differences.

-Different types of operating systems

-Differences between operating systems

-Description and features.

-Minimum requirements for installing an ERP/CRM system

-Technical specifications required for an ERP and CRM system

-A hardware scheme for a team that can host ERP and CRM systems.

-Hardware schema required according to technical specifications.

-Peripherals that can be connected.

-Network and connection systems in a client/server structure

-Operating system configuration parameters: definition and types.

-Defining the operating system configuration parameters.

-Defining users on the operating system.

-The storage system: drives and structure.

-Setting the storage units of the information on the computer.

-Partition of the hard disk.

-Formulas and tables for the sizing of equipment and operating systems on which to install an ERP and CRM.

-Setting and sizing file system.

-Operating system installation processes to support ERP and CRM systems

-Installing the operating system.

-Configuring and tuning the required parameters in the operating system.

-Realization of tests that verify the different functionalities.

-Documentation of the processes performed.

2. Data manager systems on ERP-CRM systems

-Data managers, types, and features.

-Definition different types of data managers.

-Defining the characteristics of the data manager systems.

-Architecture and components of a data manager system.

-Defining different database systems

-Data Architecture Definition: Set entities, relationships, and properties.

-Installation processes for a data manager to host ERP and CRM systems.

-Installing a data manager system.

-Creating access users to the data manager system.

-Realization of tests that verify the different functionalities.

-Documentation of the processes performed.

-Data manager configuration parameters.

-Defining the configuration parameters for a data management

-Different types of parameters



Code: UF1883

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the functionality and configuration parameters and install the ERP system for further operation, following implementation models and using installation and configuration manuals.

CE1.1 Distinguished the general features and functions of ERP systems to decide the options that are presented during your installation, using diagrams and diagrams.

CE1.2 Identify the different components and modules of an ERP system: financial, sales and purchases, among others, to add the different functionalities to it, defining different types of implementation.

CE1.3 Recognize the configuration parameters of the ERP system to adjust its operation, taking into account the different models of implementation according to economic sector and type of exploitation.

CE1.4 Distinguished access services for clients and their configuration parameters, for the connection of users to the ERP system.

CE1.5 Identify the configuration parameters required to install the remote support framework, based on the features of this service.

CE1.6 Recognize the necessary elements that allow the connection of the ERP system to other systems, according to implementation types.

CE1.7 Explain the system of transport of components of ERP systems, between different development, test and operating environments, to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, according to technical specifications.

CE1.8 In practical cases, properly characterized, perform the installation and configuration of an ERP system for operation, following the manuals and installation and configuration guides:

-Perform the installation of the ERP system software using wizards and taking into account the different modules to be implemented.

-Install the required patches for operation.

-Configure and adjust ERP system parameters, using and running system-provided configuration scripts and tools.

-Install and configure the access services environment for clients.

-Install and configure the remote support framework.

-Configure the transport of objects between different environments

-Perform tests to verify the operation with the operating system and the data manager.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the installation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it in the installation and configuration.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

C2: Specify the functionality and configuration parameters and install the CRM system for further operation, following deployment models and using installation and configuration manuals.

CE2.1 Distinguished the general functions and features of CRM systems to decide the options that are presented during your installation, using diagrams and diagrams.

CE2.2 Identify the various components and modules of a CRM system (mobility and call center, among others) to add the different functionalities to it, defining different types of implementation.

CE2.3 Recognize the configuration parameters of the CRM system to adjust its operation, distinguishing implementation models according to economic sector and type of operation.

CE2.4 Distinguished access services for clients and their configuration parameters, for the connection of users to the CRM system.

CE2.5 Identify the configuration parameters required to install the remote support framework, based on the features of this service.

CE2.6 Recognize the necessary elements to make the connection of the CRM system with the ERP system, to obtain the data that it needs.

CE2.7 Explain the system of transport of components of CRM systems, between different development, test and operating environments, to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, according to technical specifications.

CE2.8 In case studies involving the installation and configuration of a CRM system for operation, following manuals and installation and configuration guides:

-Perform the installation of the CRM system software using wizards and taking into account the different modules to be implemented.

-Install the required patches for operation.

-Configure and tune CRM system parameters using and running system-provided scripts and configuration tools.

-Install and configure the access services environment for clients.

-Install and configure the remote support framework.

-Configure the transport of objects between different environments.

-Perform tests to verify the operation of the installation and configuration.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the installation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it in the installation and configuration.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.


1. Architecture and features of an ERP system

-Organization of a company.

-Realizing the organization diagram of a company.

-Relational model: entities, relationships, and properties.

-Defining the needs of an enterprise and adaptability within the ERP.

-Defining company departments and functionalities of each department.

-Defining the ERP system modules and connecting them.

-The basic module, operational functionalities.

-Setting configuration parameters and master tables common to the different ERP modules within the industry to which the enterprise belongs.

-Client/server architecture

-Minimum client machine requirements

-Minimum requirements for the server machine.

-Defining client-server connections in an ERP system.

-Setting the communication between client and server.

2. Modules of an ERP system

-Features of the functional modules of an ERP system.

-Setting the characteristics of each ERP module.

-Setting tables and configuration parameters for each module.

-Description, typology, and interlinking between modules.

-Connection between the different modules of an ERP.

-Traceability and procedures to be implemented between different modules.

-Getting reports and statistics about the information in each module.

-Interpretation and obtaining the information stored in the database of each module.

-Tools used to obtain this information, report generators.

-Bussiness Intelligence tools.

3. ERP system installation processes

-ERP system configuration parameters.

-Defining configuration parameters to adjust the operation of the ERP.

-Defining master tables, description, typology, and usage.

-Other modules, features, and installation.

-Connection of ERP to other programs.

-ERP system access services.

-Defining users of an ERP and its profiles or features.

-Configuration parameters for user access, menu permissions.

-Updating the ERP system and applying updates.

-Installing the software for an ERP.

-Updating different versions of an ERP.

-Setting up the parameters for the operation of the ERP.

-Documentation of the processes performed.

4. Development environments

-Development, testing, and exploitation environments

-Defining development environments for testing and operating the ERP.

-Verification and validation of the tests performed.

-Installing and configuring the transport system.

-Information exchange systems in the different ERP modules.

5. Architecture and features of a CRM system

-Organization of an enterprise and its external relations, electronic business characteristics (e-business).

-Company organization diagram.

-Relational model: entities, relationships, and properties.

-The basic module, operational functionalities.

-Setting common configuration parameters and master tables to the different CRM modules within the industry to which the enterprise belongs.

6. Modules of a CRM system

-Characteristics of the functional modules of a CRM system, typology, inter-module interconnection.

-Setting the characteristics of each CRM module.

-Setting the tables and configuration parameters for each module.

-Getting reports and statistics about the information in each module.

-Interpretation and obtaining the information stored in the database of each module.

-Tools used to obtain this information, report generators.

7. Installation processes for a CRM system

-CRM system configuration parameters.

-Defining configuration parameters to tune the operation of the CRM.

-Defining master tables, description, typology, and usage.

-Other modules, features, and installation.

-Connecting the CRM with other programs.

-Access services to the CRM system.

-Defining users of a CRM and its profiles or features.

-Configuration parameters for user access, menu permissions.

-Updating the CRM system and applying updates.

-Installing the software for a CRM.

-Updating different versions of a CRM.

-Configuring the parameters for the operation of the CRM.

-Documentation of the processes performed.

8. Development environments

-Development, testing, and operating environments on CRM systems

-Defining development environments for testing and operating the ERP.

-Verification and validation of the tests performed.

-Installing and configuring the transport system.

-Information exchange systems in the different ERP modules.

-Remote Technical Assistance

-Remote technical assistance in the ERP system: Installation and configuration.

-Remote technical assistance in the CRM system: Installation and configuration.



Code: UF1884

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the functionality and configuration parameters and install the data warehouse system on ERP-CRM systems for further operation, following deployment models and using installation and configuration manuals.

CE1.1 Distinguished the general functions and features of the data warehouse systems in ERP-CRM systems to decide the options that arise during your installation, using diagrams and diagrams.

CE1.2 Identify the various components and modules of a data warehouse system in ERP-CRM systems to add the different functionalities to it, defining different types of implementation.

CE1.3 Recognize the configuration parameters of the data warehouse system in ERP-CRM systems to adjust its operation, according to the installation guide.

CE1.4 Recognize the necessary elements that allow the connection of the data warehouse system with the ERP system, for obtaining data.

CE1.5 Explain the system of transport of components between the different development, test and operating environments and the data warehouse system, to initiate the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, according to technical specifications.

CE1.6 In practical cases, properly characterized, perform the installation and configuration of a data warehouse system within ERP-CRM systems for further operation, following the manuals and installation guides:

-Perform the installation of the data warehouse software using wizards and taking into account the different modules to be implemented.

-Install the required patches for operation by following prompts in the installation guides

-Configure and adjust parameters for data warehouse, ERP, and CRM systems, running configuration scripts, and using system-provided tools, following installation and configuration guides.

-Test the connection and flow of data between the data warehouse system and the ERP and CRM systems.

-Configure the transport of objects between different environments.

-Perform tests to ensure the functionality of the installation.

-Interpret the documentation inherent in the installation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it in the installation and configuration.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.


1. Data warehouse systems (data warehouse) on ERP-CRM systems

-Architecture and features of data warehouse systems on ERP-CRM systems.

-Defining the functionality and general features of a data warehouse system.

-Realization of schemas and diagrams.

-Use and benefits of data warehouse systems in your enterprise.

-Connection between a data warehouse system and the ERP.

-Data store system components and modules.

-Identifying the components and modules of a data warehouse system.

-Defining the data store system functionality.

-Description of different implementation types.

2. The installation processes for the data warehouse system.

-Data store system configuration parameters.

-Defining parameters, types, and characteristics.

-Adjustment of operation within the sector to which the company belongs.

-Updating the data store system and applying updates.

-Installing the data warehouse software.

-Updating different versions.

-Configuring the parameters for operation.

-Documentation of the processes performed.

3. Data warehouse system connections to ERP and CRM systems:

-Features and configuration parameters.

-Defining the parameters that allow the connection of a data warehouse system to an ERP or CRM.

-Development, testing, and operating environments on data warehouse systems: installation and configuration of the transport system.

-Defining development environments for testing and operating the data warehouse system.

-Setting the information transport system between development environments and the data warehouse system.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Unit 1-UF1882



Unit 2- UF1883



Formative Unit 3-UF1884




To access the training units 2 and 3 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1214_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1214_3: Manage enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems.

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1885

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the configuration parameters and maintenance operations of the operating system and the data manager on ERP-CRM systems, and perform the administration tasks to ensure its operation, following technical specifications and usage needs.

CE1.1 Identify the main configuration parameters that affect the performance of the operating system and the data manager according to the use needs of the ERP-CRM systems.

CE1.2 Recognizes the main operating system and data manager configuration parameters for storage device management, memory management, and file system management.

CE1.3 Monitor processes, events, and performance of the operating system and data manager, using specific software tools, according to the needs of use in ERP-CRM systems.

CE1.4 Manage the physical and logical elements of the storage of the operating system and the data manager to detect and solve possible failures in the capacity of the same, using specific software tools, according to the needs of use in the ERP-CRM systems.

CE1.5 Identify events and alarms from the operating system and data manager on which ERP-CRM systems are installed to proceed to resolution or scale them to the top level, documenting the starting situation and procedures performed.

CE1.6 In a practical case, properly characterized, perform an administration of the operating system and the data manager, following technical specifications received:

-Use specific tools to detect the free size in the storage system.

-Use specific tools to view and control the data manager and operating system load.

-Configure and adjust operating system parameters.

-Create users and authorization permissions.

-Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the administration.

-Document the tasks performed using specified formats.

C2: Identify the processes of the various ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, monitor them and resolve the incidents that occur to maintain the functionality and performance of the system, following technical specifications and according to usage needs.

CE2.1 Describe the parameters of ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems that influence their performance, according to technical specifications.

CE2.2 Describe the main processes of ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems and the features of monitoring tools to track them.

CE2.3 Use the tools that evaluate the performance of ERP and CRM systems to detect code and performance problems among others and correct them, following the technical specifications received.

CE2.4 Detailed monitoring and incident detection procedures in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems to proceed with resolution or scaling to the top level, following the indications of the technical management manuals and specifications received.

CE2.5 In a practical case, properly characterized, resolve incidents in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, following technical specifications given:

-Analyze the detected symptoms.

-Recognize the affected performance parameters.

-Identify the processes involved that should be monitored using the appropriate tools.

-Use the administrative manuals to collect the information needed for your solution.

-Fix incidents using the appropriate procedures, or scale them to the top level.

-Verify system operation, after the incident has been resolved.

-List and quantify system performance improvements obtained after applying actions for this.

-Describe the back-back procedures in anticipation that the changes do not produce the desired effect.

-Document the operations performed on the system in order to be applied if the circumstances are replayed, according to specified formats.

CE2.6 In a convenient, properly characterized case of Telephony-Computer Integration (CTI) in which the CTI administration tool does not appear to users of the CRM system that need it:

-Verify that the communications server and the CTI driver are installed and running.

-Verify the communications configuration parameters, especially those that reference the maximum number of active communications sessions per agent.

-Verify that there are no orphaned communications sessions (active on server but no user connected for that agent).

CE2.7 In a practical case, properly characterized, simulating, using preoperating stress generation tools, low performance, a failure to execute one or more processes, and a 100% occupancy of the server's memory, over an ERP system:

-Capture the basic performance data (number of processes running, percentage of memory used per process) using performance tools.

-Analyze the data obtained by sorting, sorting, grouping, and charting.

-Verify that your environment meets the hardware and software requirements determined by the manufacturer.

-If the loss of performance or failure is reproducible, determine the steps to reproduce it and do so without other connected users to know what element causes the problem.

-If the loss of performance or failure is not reproducible, increase the trace levels of the server components and wait for the loss to occur again to determine its causes and reproduce it voluntarily.

-Document the performed tasks and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE2.8 In a convenient, properly characterized case, where a web client is used to connect to a CRM system and where the browser does not produce an appropriate response:

-Verify that your environment: browser versions, installed patches, additional software, and other hardware requirements meet the requirements of the product.

-Log the date and time when the error occurred to verify later in the machine error log that no other critical errors occurred than this might have occurred.

-Enable the available diagnostic mechanisms to determine the CPU occupancy, memory occupancy, and other values for successive occasions when the error is returned.

-If the error is reproducible, determine if it occurs with the standard application or only in the "custom" configured application by the developers. If the error occurs only with the configured application, try to turn off different parts of the configuration performed to detect the source of the error.

-If the error is not reproducible, increase the trace levels of the server components and wait for the error to occur again to determine its causes and reproduce it voluntarily.

-Document the performed tasks and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

CE2.9 Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the administration.


1. Operating system administration on ERP-CRM systems

-Operating system configuration parameters in ERP, CRM systems: definition, typology, and usage.

-Identifying configuration parameters that affect the performance of the Operating System (OS).

-Configuring and using the parameters

-Managing memory and OS files

-Configuring users and permissions to work on the OS

-Software tools for monitoring system processes, events and performance, and for storage management.

-Process monitoring to establish OS yields.

-Using specific software tools to measure OS performance.

2. Operating system events and alarms.

-Sending warning alarms to a problem in the operating system.

-Identification of alarms.

-Classification and solution of problems.

-Tracks and confirmation files for the processes performed. (logs).

-Process documentation performed.

-Verification that the processes have been performed.

-Features and types.

-Software tools used for alarm control and process identification.

3. Operating System Incident Management

-System Tracks (logs).

-Document tasks performed.

-Document incidents produced.

-Incidents: identification and resolution.

-Set mechanisms to plot the operating system and locate incidents or errors in the system.

-Determine causes of errors produced and possible solutions.

4. Administering data manager on ERP-CRM systems

-Data manager configuration parameters in ERP and CRM systems: definition, typology, and usage.

-Defining configuration parameters

-Configuring users and permissions for managing a data manager.

-Tools for managing storage and monitoring database processes, events, and performance.

-Using software tools to monitor processes and set yields in the database.

-Detection and solution of faults.

5. Data manager events and alarms on ERP-CRM systems

-Sending warning alarms to the data manager.

-Alarm identification.

-Classification and solution of problems.

-Tracks and confirmation files for the processes performed. (logs)

-Process documentation performed

-Verification that the processes have been performed.

-Features and types.

-Software tools used for alarm control and process identification.

6. Maintenance management in ERP and CRM systems

-ERP and CRM systems processes.

-Defining the functionalities of an ERP system.

-Define processes in an ERP and CRM system

-Parameters of systems that influence performance.

-Defining the parameters with which to study the performance of the ERP system.

-Performance monitoring and monitoring tools:

-Detail of incident detection and monitoring processes.

-Defining performance-evaluating tools.

7. Transportation of components between development, test, and operating environments on ERP-CRM systems

-Version control and management of the different environments.

-Defining ERP development environments

-Minimum requirements for ERP system implementation

-Architecture of the different environments according to the operating system.

-Defining the model, view, controller architecture on which the ERP screens and processes will be based.

-The information exchange system between different environments: features and elements involved.

-Defining the data model on which the database will be based.

-Communication protocols between ERP and other devices

-Hardware required to perform data exchange.

-Errors in transport execution: types and solution.

-Setting methods to plot the software used to reproduce errors.

-Error documentation found during development and troubleshooting

8. Data extraction processes in ERP and CRM systems

-Features and functionalities.

-Defining tools to access the database

-Getting reports and sorting information stored in ERP and CRM to help decision making.

-Execution procedures.

-Incident resolution; execution traces.

-Setting methods to plot the software used to reproduce errors.

-Error documentation found during development and troubleshooting



Code: UF1886

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the operation and manage the system of transport of objects and components between different development, test and operating environments, to maintain the flow of modifications and their verification before being released for use by the end user, according to technical and functional requirements.

CE1.1 Describe the physical and logical architectures of the ERP, CRM, and data warehouse development, test, and development environments to identify the needs of transportation management.

CE1.2 Explain the characteristics of the transport tools between development, test and exploitation environments in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, taking into account technical and functional specifications.

CE1.3 Describe the component step procedures developed between development, test, and exploitation environments in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems using the specific tools of these products.

CE1.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, manage the transport of components between development, test and operating environments in ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, following technical specifications:

-Identify the components involved in the transport.

-Identify possible incompatibilities between components.

-Relate the versions in each environment (development, test, and exploitation) of the product or the developed components.

-Use the transport tools.

-Verify the syntax of the component and possible transport results.

-List the steps to be taken to perform the transports between the environments.

-Verify component transport summaries and their possible results.

-Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the administration.

-Document the performed tasks and the incidents produced according to specified formats.

C2: Describe the operation and periodically launch data extraction procedures that feed data on ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems to maintain the current information, following technical specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the physical and logical architecture involved in data extraction procedures in ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

CE2.2 Describe data extraction procedures (batch inputs) between ERP and CRM systems, and data warehouse; CRM and data warehouse; and CRM and ERP, identifying and executing extractors for data collection.

CE2.3 Interpret traces (logs) obtained after the launch of data extraction procedures on the system to verify or detect incidents in execution.

CE2.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, perform data extraction between ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, following specifications received:

-Prepare data extraction processes (batch inputs) following the specifications received.

-Launch the data extraction procedures.

-Observe traces (logs) and interpret results.

-Run the data store extractors and display the produced logs.

-Identify and correct any incidents that occur in the extraction process.

-Documenting performed tasks and incidents produced by specified formats


1. Maintenance management in data warehouse

-Processes of the data store systems.

-Defining the data structure

-Defining the process structure

-Process Integration

-Parameters of systems that influence performance.

-Defining configuration parameters

-Optimizing software resources and run times

2. Performance evaluation

-Performance evaluation and monitoring tools: features and functionalities.

-Defining the functionalities that you want to evaluate.

-Defining tools to evaluate the performance of the ERP system.

3. Troubleshooting the data store

-System Tracks (logs).

-Defining systems to plot the processes between ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

-Incidents: identification and resolution.

-Defining processes to identify incidents, control, and resolution

-Documentation of the tasks and incidents performed.

4. Transport of components between development, test, and exploitation environments in data warehouse

-The information transmission system.

-Features in data transmission

-Tools involved in data transmission, parameter configuration.

-Development environments.

-Defining development, testing, and exploitation environments

-Managing transport between development, testing, and operating environments

5. Transport execution errors

-Error types

-Verifying the syntax.

-Identification of incompatibilities between components.

-Error documentation found.


-Using manuals for troubleshooting

-Documentation of the solutions provided

6. Data extraction processes on data warehouse systems

-Features and functionalities.

-Definition of the structure that intervenes in the data extraction processes.

-Treatment of information and transformation of this data to facilitate decision making.

-Interpretation of results.

-Execution procedures.

-Defining data extraction procedures between ERP, CRM systems, and the database.

7. Incidents in the data extraction process

-Execution Tracks.

-Setting traces to study incidents

-Incident resolution

-Solution and incident documentation.



Code: UF1887

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify techniques and tools to ensure customer access and information integrity, and manage the security of ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, following established technical specifications.

CE1.1 Detailed the features of the access channels to ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

CE1.2 Determine the modules or components of the ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems required to allow access through the possible channels.

CE1.3 Describe the procedures for monitoring the access channels to the ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems to observe their status and performance.

CE1.4 Create users, groups, roles, privileges, and authorization profiles to ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems, to ensure access to and work for users, according to given specifications.

CE1.5 Interpret the backup plan and perform its execution to ensure the integrity of the ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

CE1.6 Describe the necessary measures to be taken to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of information stored and manipulated within ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, taking into account existing data protection legislation.

CE1.7 In a practical case, properly characterized, manage client access to ERP, CRM and data warehouse systems, following technical specifications given:

-Identify the possible access channels according to the requirements.

-Configure the modules or components required to create the client connection.

-Configure connections between the ERP system, CRM and data warehouse, and a mobile system.

-Create authorization profiles and users.

-Associate profiles with users.

-Verify the operation of the connection performed and the created and associated users and profiles.

-Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a help in the administration.

-Document the performed tasks and the incidents produced according to specified formats.


1. ERP system security, CRM and data warehouse

-Systems access channels.

-Defining the features and methods of access to an ERP system

-Ways to ensure data integrity and confidentiality: Security protocols

-Compliance with the LOPD specifications

-Control attempts to access a system successfully and failed.

-Managing allocations in CRM systems.

-Creating service assignment rules.

-Assigning business processes to services.

2. User management

-Creating users

-Business Division in Job Roles

-Defining job profiles

-Assigning users into profiles.

-Permissions by menu and by company

-Customizing the ERP processes according to the configured user profiles.

-Parameterization of the ERP modules to the different configured profiles.

3. Backups

-On-line/off-line security copies

-Different backup systems

-Hardware elements required to perform the copies

-Validate that the copies are successful by obtaining logs.

-Mirror mirrors

-Synchronizing programs and data about another identical server (mirror)

-Restoring the system and copies

-Facing a problem with the main equipment restore copy system.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1885



unit 2- UF1886



Formative Unit 3-UF1887




The training units for this module can be programmed independently

Access criteria for students

They will be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree that regulates the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this annex accompanies.



Code: MF1215_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1215_3: Perform and maintain software components in a client relationship management and business resource planning system.

Duration: 240 hours



Code: UF1888

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify data dictionary objects and keep them using languages and tools provided by ERP-CRM systems, following the defined design specifications.

CE1.1 Explain the characteristics and elements that make up the data model used in ERP and CRM systems, according to the established design specifications.

CE1.2 Identify the types of objects and structures that make up the ERP-CRM system data dictionary.

CE1.3 Describe the mechanisms that guarantee the integrity of the data contained in the data dictionary: primary key, foreign key and referential integrity, among others, according to the data model and the logical system design.

CE1.4 Describe the features and functionalities of the languages and tools provided by the ERP-CRM system used for the creation of objects and data structures.

CE1.5 Create objects and data structures, as well as their relationships using languages and tools provided by the ERP-CRM system, according to the system data model.

CE1.6 In a convenient, properly characterized case, involving maintaining data dictionary objects following a specified logical design and data model:

-Identify the objects that make up the logical layout.

-Identify the objects to be modified.

-Identify the relationships between the objects.

-Perform maintenance operations using the tools and languages provided by the ERP-CRM system.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

C2: Create queries, reports, and forms using the languages and tools provided by the ERP-CRM system to extract and present information from them, following the design specifications.

CE2.1 Describe the features and functionalities of the query languages provided by the ERP and CRM systems used for the extraction of information, according to their technical specifications.

CE2.2 Describe the characteristics of the tools provided by the ERP-CRM system to extract and present the information from these, according to their technical and functional specifications.

CE2.3 Explain the characteristics of the forms and reports, identifying the types and elements that compose them for their elaboration according to the specifications received.

CE2.4 Present information extracted from the ERP-CRM system in forms and reports using tools provided by those and following technical specifications received.

CE2.5 In a convenient, well-characterized case, that involves extracting information from ERP and CRM systems using query languages and tools specific to them, following specifications received:

-Identify the sources that contain the information to be extracted.

-Perform data extraction operations using the query language.

CE2.6 In a practical case, properly characterized, create forms and reports to present information following a specified design:

-Identify the sources that contain the information to be extracted.

-Identify the presentation format and the items to be used according to the report or form to be produced.

-Develop the report or form using the tools provided by the ERP-CRM system.

-Test the functionality of the report or an elaborate form

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

CE2.7 Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a development aid.


1. Data models in ERP-CRM systems

-Data models types and features.

-Data model characteristics.

-Defining the data model.

-Relational model, definition of mechanisms that ensure referential integrity.

-Defining tables.

-Connection between tables.

2. Data design.

-Defining objects and data structures, features.

-Defining the elements that make up the database design.

-Defining relationships between the elements.

-Creating, modifying, and deleting objects and data structures.

-Database maintenance.

-Performing operations between tables that ensure the creation, modification, and deletion of records between the tables defined in the model.

3. Definition of data types.

-Definition, data types, and semantic characteristics.

-Defining data types to be used in the data model.

-Defining constants and variables in the data model.

-Extension of data model in ERP and CRM systems.

-Defining tables on the system.

-Defining fields in the configured tables, setting primary keys and sort indexes.

-Defining the relationships between the configured tables.

4. Data dictionary on ERP-CRM systems

-Data dictionary objects.

-The functionality of the set programming language.

-Definition of libraries, classes, and methods of the programming language.

-Tools for creating and maintaining the data dictionary.

-Defining documentation tools

5. Screen layouts

-Defining data collection screens.

-Tools for table and maintenance design

-Configuring data entry screens

-Maintenance creation tools.

-Configuring tools to create data tables.

6. Query operations

-Agile search tools for the user

-Defining the functionality of the query protocols

-Configuring search screens

-Setting search criteria for strings or numbers

7. Forms and reports on ERP-CRM systems


-Features of forms and reports

-Search for standard tools to help obtain information.

-Exporting information to other systems, for example, Excel.

-Report architectures, report elements.

-Specifications for report design.

-Tools for creating forms and reports.

-Developing a report generator for information collection

8. Access to information

-Accesses using ODBC devices.

-Defining the ODBC protocol

-Using queries in SQL language

-Graphics generation



Code: UF1889

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify programming techniques and make software components to modify or add functionalities to the ERP-CRM system using tools and programming languages provided by these systems, following the design specifications.

CE1.1 Describe techniques, standards, recommendations, and component development procedures in ERP-CRM systems using technical specifications.

CE1.2 Identify query optimization techniques to improve performance in access to large volumes of information in ERP-CRM systems.

CE1.3 Use the grammar, syntax and semantics of the programming language provided by the ERP-CRM system for the creation and maintenance of software components, following technical specifications.

CE1.4 Identify and use the tools provided by the system to perform and maintain software components, following technical and functional specifications.

CE1.5 Identify and create the data extraction software components in the ERP-CRM system using the provided languages and tools, following technical specifications

CE1.6 Explain the methods for using application programming interfaces (APIs) provided by the ERPCRM system, which allow the development of components from other languages, following functional and design specifications.

CE1.7 In a scenario that involves creating components to manipulate the information contained in the ERP-CRM system, following design specifications received:

-Identify the source of the data to be handled.

-Develop the component using the language provided by the ERP-CRM system.

-Optimize the queries made in the component.

-Verify and debug the component made to ensure they perform the required functionality

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

CE1.8 In a convenient, well-characterized case, create components to perform data extractions between ERP and CRM systems, following design specifications received:

-Identify and define transactions and their possible types.

-Explain and perform the process of transferring data between ERP and CRM systems.

-Describe possible automatic data entry mechanisms in ERP and CRM systems.

-Develop the component using the language provided by the ERP-CRM system.

-Verify and debug the developed component to ensure it performs the required functionality

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

CE1.9 Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a development aid.


1. Techniques and standards for component development

-Functional specifications for component development.

-Query optimization techniques and access to large volumes of information.

2. The language provided by ERP-CRM systems

-Language features and syntax.

-Declaration of data. Programming structures.

3. Definition of programming languages.

-Language statements.

-Development environments and development tools in ERP and CRM systems.

4. Definition of the database.

-Defining the database and table structure of an ERP system.

5. Functional analysis

-Division of ERP activities in module

-Traceability between modules

6. Programming in ERP and CRM systems

-Generation of data extraction programs between systems (batch inputs).

-Extracts of information contained in ERP-CRM systems, data processing.

7. Basic function library

-Defining functions

-Defining function libraries (APIs)

8. Documentation

-Functional analysis documentation.

-Documentation for libraries and functions.

9. Testing and debugging a program

-Validation of programs.

-Error handling.



Code: UF1890

Duration: 30 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Specify the structures and develop components for the manipulation and collection of data warehouse system information in ERP-CRM systems, following technical and functional specifications.

CE1.1 Identify the types of information structures (cubes, multicubes), as well as their necessary relationships to store information in the data warehouse system, according to technical specifications.

CE1.2 Identify the data sources that are used to load the data warehouse system, following design specifications.

CE1.3 Explain the mechanisms that are used to create information extractors in the data warehouse system, following technical and functional specifications.

CE1.4 Create software components to extract information from the data warehouse system using query and manipulation languages provided by it, following specifications received.

CE1.5 In a scenario that involves collecting information in a data warehouse system:

-Create the information structures-cubes and multicubes-and their relationships by following design specifications.

-Identify and prepare data sources.

-List the steps for loading the data into a data warehouse system and describe the load system logs.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

CE1.6 In a practical case, properly characterized, extract information contained in the data warehouse system, following specifications received:

-Identify data sources.

-Perform extractors using the language provided by the data store system.

-Define the communication structure, transfer, and transfer rules for data extraction.

-Run the information extractors.

-Document procedures performed according to specified formats.

CE1.7 Interpret the inherent documentation, even if it is edited in the most frequent foreign language in the sector, using it as a development aid.


1. Loading Data

-Scanning the Information Structures, Cubes, and Multicube data warehouse system.

-Identifying types of information structures and their relationships to store information.

-Data load processes to the data store system.

-Identifying data sources for the data load.

-Creating software components to extract information from a data warehouse system.

2. Data extraction (data warehouse)

-Tools for loading and extracting data from data warehouse systems.

-Mechanisms that are used for data extraction

-Structures of information to meet the needs of the company.

-Creating data extractors.

-Obtaining information from internal or external sources.

-Clustering, transforming, and homogenizing information for further study

3. Information gathering tools

-Display and broadcast tools.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Units

Total duration in hours of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible


Formative unit 1-UF1888



unit 2- UF1889



Formative Unit 3-UF1890




To access the training units 2 and 3, the training unit 1 must have been exceeded, as this constitutes the knowledge base of the module.


Code: MP0397

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Provide technical support in the installation and configuration of the operating system and data manager for the implementation of enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems (ERP-CRM systems).

CE1.1 Identify the technical features required on the server computers so that they can host the installation of the ERP and CRM systems.

CE1.2 Provide technical support in the installation and configuration of the operating system and data manager, following specifications received and according to implementation needs.

CE1.3 Provide technical assistance in the installation of ERP, CRM, and data manager systems, following the specifications indicated for their adaptation to the needs of the organization

C2: Participate in the process of managing ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

CE2.1 Collaborate on the administration tasks of the operating system and the data manager, ensuring access to the data warehouse with the following tools:

CE2.2 Collaborate on the monitoring and optimization of the operation of the ERP-CRM systems, following the specifications and according to the needs of the organization.

C3: Use software components to query, manipulate, and load information on ERP, CRM, and data warehouse systems.

CE3.1 Perform data extraction and query operations on the data warehouse system.

CE3.2 Handle Software Components for Form Generation and Listed on ERP-CRM Systems

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE4.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE4.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the workplace.

CE4.3 Undertake with diligence the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE4.4 Integrate into the production processes of the workplace.

CE4.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Installing the Operating System

-Defining functional requirements

-Disk capacity

-RAM Memory

-Disk drives, partitions

-Communication Protocols

-Installation procedures.

-Installing on Windows environments

-Installing in Linux environments

-Interpretation of commands.

-Resource control

-Virtualization of systems

-S.O. installation processes to support ERP and CRM systems

-Identifying the required features on a server to host the ERP and CRM systems installation.

2. Installing the data manager system

-Defining the architecture and components of the data manager system.

-Data manager installation processes for hosting ERP and CRM systems.

-Application of the data manager configuration parameters.

-Modifying the "tuning" elements of a database.

-Identification of the usual BBDD on the market.

3. Installing the ERP system

-Identifying the characteristics of the organization of a company.

-ERP system installation processes.

-Technical assistance procedures in Remote.

4. Installing CRM systems

-Identifying the characteristics of an organization's organization and its external relationships.

-CRM system installation processes.

-Technical assistance procedures in Remote.

5. Installing the data storage system

-Identifying the model of the entity's database.

-Data storage system installation procedures.

-Technical assistance processes in Remote.

6. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the workplace.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels established in the job center.

-Adequation to the work rate of the company.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Formative Modules

Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

MF1213_3: Installing and configuring business resource planning and client relationship management systems

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1214_3: Administration of enterprise resource planning and client relationship management systems

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF1215_3: Creating and maintaining software components in enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management systems

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils



Formend Space








Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment

-Network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet

-Specialty-specific software

-Rotuder-write Pizarras


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

It should not be interpreted that the different learning spaces identified must necessarily be differentiated by means of closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the corresponding industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and will respond to measures of universal accessibility and safety of the participants.

The number of units that must be available for the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces, will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if necessary, to attend to the higher number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.