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Royal Decree 1525/2011, Of 31 October, By Which Establish Three Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Mechanical Manufacture That Include In The National Repertoire Of Certificates Of Professionalism.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1525/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establecen tres certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Fabricación Mecánica que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, has updated, in line with the regulations mentioned above, the regulation of the certificates set out in the previous Royal Decree 1506/2003 of 28 November 2003 laying down the guidelines for certificates of professionalism, which have been repealed.

In that Royal Decree 34/2008, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010, the structure and content of the certificates of professionalism are defined, from the National Catalogue of the Professional Qualifications and the guidelines established by the European Union, and provides that the State Employment Public Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update the certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by real decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish three certificates of professionalism of the professional family Manufacturing Mechanics of the professional areas of Metallic Constructions and Mechanical Operations incorporate into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification, in the light of the professional competence required by the production activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and Annex II of the Royal Decree 1128/2003, cited above.

With the entry into force of this royal decree, the new certificate of professionalism "Soldering oxygenas and welding MIG/MAG" which in it is established, replaces the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Soldador de light metal structures, set out in Royal Decree 82/1997 of 24 January, which is therefore repealed.

With the entry into force of this royal decree, the new certificate of professionalism "Welding with coated electrode and TIG" which in it is established, replaces the certificates of professionalism of the occupation Welder of heavy metal structures, established in Royal Decree 87/1997, of January 24, and the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Solder of pipes and vessels of high pressure, established in Royal Decree 88/1997, of 24 of January, which, as a result, are repealed.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish three certificates of professionalism of the professional family Manufacturing Mechanics which are included in the National Directory of Professional Certificates, regulated by the Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Manufacturing Mechanics and are listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:

Professional family: ICA MANUFACTURING

-Annex I. Welding with coated electrode and TIG-Level 2.

-Annex II. Oxygen welding and MIG/MAG welding-Level 2.

-Annex III. Thermal treatments in mechanical manufacturing-Level 2.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of each professionalism certificate responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training qualifications will provide the effects of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those competition units set out in this royal decree.

Additional disposition first. Level of the certificate of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Additional provision second. Equivalences with previous professionalism certificates.

The equivalence to all effects of the following certificates of professionalism is declared:

Certificates of professionalism to be repealed

Equivalent professionalism

Royal Decree 82/1997, of 24 January, establishing the certificate of professionalism of the occupation Solder of light metal structures

and MIG/MAG welding.

Decree 87/1997, January 24, which establishes the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of heavy metal structures welding

Welding with coated electrode and TIG.

Decree 88/1997, of 24 January, establishing the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of pipe welding and high pressure vessels

First transient disposition. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Second transient disposition. Modification of training plans and training actions.

In the training plans and in the training actions that are already approved, pursuant to Order TAS718/2008, of March 7, for which the Royal Decree 395/2007, of March 23, is developed, for which the subsystem of training for employment, in the field of supply training and laying down the regulatory basis for the granting of public subsidies for their financing, on the date of entry into force of this royal decree, including training associated with the certificates of professionalism which are now repealed, the training may be replaced by the which is associated with the certificates of professionalism declared equivalent in the second provision, subject to the approval of the Administration which approved it and provided that the requirements of the trainers and the requirements are met minimum spaces, facilities and equipment set out in the certificate.

Transitional provision third. Low in the Specialty File.

The specialties corresponding to the certificates of professionalism repealed will cause low in the file of specialties from the nine months after the entry into force of this royal decree. During this period these certificates shall remain valid for the purposes specified in this royal decree. In any event, the training actions linked to these certificates must be initiated before the end of the nine-month period.

Transitional disposition fourth. Request for the issue of the repealed certificates of professionalism.

1. Persons who, as provided for in the first transitional provision of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, have completed with a positive assessment the training associated with one of the certificates of professionalism of which they are repealed, during the life of the same, they shall have a period of five years to request their expedition, to count from the entry into force of the present royal decree.

2. They may also apply for the issue within five years of completion with a positive assessment of the training of such certificates of professionalism:

a) People who, having taken part of that formation during the actual decree that is now repealed, complete the same after their repeal.

b) Persons who undertake the training of these certificates of professionalism under the training plans and the training actions that are already approved at the date of entry into force of this royal decree, by virtue of the Order TAS 718/2008, dated March 7.

Transient disposition fifth. Provisional accreditation of centres.

The training centres which at the entry into force of this royal decree were included in the registers of the competent authorities and approved to provide training in the training courses corresponding to one or more of the certificates of professionalism which are now repealed, shall be deemed to be provisionally accredited for the purposes of the distribution of training actions linked to the certificates of professionalism established in this royal Decree and declared equivalent in the second, previous provision authorisation from the competent authority. This accreditation will have effects for one year from the entry into force of this royal decree and until the completion, if any, of the approved training actions. After this period, in order to be able to provide training aimed at obtaining the certificates of professionalism established in this royal decree, the training centres must ask the competent authorities for their accreditation, which must comply with the requirements set out in the certificates.

Single repeal provision. Regulatory repeal.

The Royal Decree 82/1997 of 24 January, which establishes the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Sölder of light metal structures, Royal Decree 87/1997 of 24 January 1997, is hereby repealed. establishes the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Soldador of heavy metal structures and Royal Decree 88/1997, of 24 January, establishing the certificate of professionalism of the occupation of Solder of pipes and high pressure vessels.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This royal decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Naming: Welding with coated electrode and TIG

Code: FMEC0110

Professional Family: Mechanical Manufacturing

Professional Area: Metal Constructions

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

FME035_2 Welding (RD 295/2004 of February 20)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0099_2 Perform electric arc welds with coated electrode.

UC0100_2 Perform arc welds under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG).

General competition:

Perform electric arc welds with coated electrodes and arc welds under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG), according to specifications of welding procedures (WPS), with quality criteria, security and respect for the environment.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small enterprises, both for hire and self-employed, dedicated to the manufacture, assembly or repair of metal constructions, installations and products mechanical manufacturing.

Productive Sectors:

This certificate is located in the manufacturing, mechanical manufacturing and manufacturing industries sector in the manufacturing, assembly and repair area.

Occupations or related jobs:

7312.1145 Soldator by TIG

7312.1033 Oxicorter, by hand

7312.1015 Plasma Metal Cutter, by Hand

Welders and Oxycatchers

7312.1024 Thermal projection operators

7312.1118 Electrical arc welders, in general.

7312,1136 Solders by electrical resistance.

7312,1082 Pipe solders and high-pressure containers.

7312,1060 Heavy metal structure welders.

Duration of the associated training: 810 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0099_2: Electric arc welding with coated electrodes (400 hours):

● UF1640: (Cross-sectional) Interpretation of soldering planes (60 hours).

● UF1622: (Cross-sectional) Cutting processes and edge preparation (70 hours).

● UF1623: Welding with electrodes coated with sheets and carbon steel profiles with rutile electrodes (90 hours).

● UF1624: Welding with electrodes coated with sheets and carbon steel profiles with basic electrodes (90 hours).

● UF1625: Welding with electrodes coated with carbon, stainless steel structures and other materials (90 hours).

MF0100_2: Arco welding under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (370 hours):

● UF1640: (Cross-sectional) Interpretation of soldering planes (60 hours).

● UF1622: (Cross-sectional) Cutting processes and edge preparation (70 hours).

● UF1626: Carbon steel TIG welding (90 hours).

● UF1627: Stainless steel TIG welding (90 hours).

● UF1628: Aluminium and alloy TIG welding (60 hours).

MP0349: Non-working professional practice module for welding with coated electrode and TIG (40 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0099_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the equipment to proceed with the operation of welding, complying with the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CR1.1 Electrical equipment is properly connected to the network, the polarity is verified in the case of continuous current and the mass connection is firmly attached.

CR1.2 The electrode clamp and the mass connection are absent from any failure.

CR1.3 The welding parameters are regulated based on the materials to be welded and the electrode to be used.

CR1.4 Equipment and installations are monitored by controlling the operating parameters.

RP2: Prepare the elements to proceed to the welding operation, complying with the rules of the Prevention of Labor Risks and Environment.

CR2.1 The consumables are selected according to their functions and the materials to be welded by identifying themselves by their normalized nomenclature.

CR2.2 The edges to be joined are prepared according to the characteristics and dimensions of the materials to be welded, the consumable to be used and the welding procedure.

CR2.3 Consumables are handled and preserved correctly in the job.

RP3: Perform the welding operations according to specifications of welding procedures (WPS) complying with the standards of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks.

CR3.1 The WPS and the symbology of the welds to be performed are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.2 Preheat, post-warm, and past temperatures that apply to materials are those specified.

CR3.3 The welding sequence is the one specified and the equipment is controlled to operate successfully during the welding.

CR3.4 Welding is performed taking into account the characteristics of the materials that influence it and its compliance with the established quality requirements (dimensions, surface appearance, transition with the base metal, deformations ...).

Professional Context

Production media

Arc welding equipment with coated electrode. Welding positioners. Cats and tools of assembly. Welding tools: gages, brushes, piquettes, grinding machines, etc. Personal protective equipment. Lifting and transport equipment. Portable ovens and stoves. Visual inspection equipment: lanterns, mirrors, contour gages, thermal pencil, etc.

Products and results

Parts and assemblies joined by electric arc welding with coated electrode.

Information used or generated

Manufacturing plans. Welding standards. Standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment. Material catalogues and consumables. Instructions for maintenance of the equipment. Specifications of the coated electrode welding procedure.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0100_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the equipment to proceed to the welding operation in compliance with the standards of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks.

CR1.1 Electrical equipment is properly connected to the network, the polarity is verified in the case of continuous current and the mass connection is firmly attached.

CR1.2 The electrode and mass connection are absent from any failure.

CR1.3 The electrode holder is chosen based on the usable technique.

CR1.4 In the welding with alternating current the high frequency generator, or the pulse generator, is installed to solve the problem that presents the priming and stability of the arc.

CR1.5 The welding parameters are regulated based on the materials to be welded and the electrode to be used.

CR1.6 Equipment and installations are monitored by controlling the operating parameters.

RP2: Prepare the elements to proceed to the welding operation, complying with the rules of the Prevention of Labor Risks and Environment.

CR2.1 The consumables are selected according to their functions and the materials to be welded by identifying themselves by their normalized nomenclature.

CR2.2 The edges to be joined are prepared according to the characteristics and dimensions of the materials to be welded, the consumable to be used and the welding procedure.

CR2.3 Consumables are handled and preserved correctly in the job.

CR2.4 The finish or shape of the non-consumable electrode end avoids the risk of the electrical arc being unstable.

CR2.5 The input material basically has a chemical composition similar to that of the base material.

CR2.6 The face of the opposite junction to which it is welded is prepared to ensure the tightness of the root cord protection gas.

RP3: Perform the welding operations according to specifications of welding procedures (WPS) complying with the standards of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks.

CR3.1 The WPS and the symbology of the welds to be performed are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.2 Preheat, post-warm, and past temperatures that apply to materials are those specified.

CR3.3 The welding sequence is the one specified and the equipment is controlled to operate successfully during the welding.

CR3.4 Welding is performed taking into account the characteristics of materials that influence welding and their compliance with established quality requirements (dimensions, surface appearance, transition with base metal, deformations ...).

Professional Context

Production media

arc welding equipment, under protective gas, with non-consumable electrode. Welding positioners. Cats and tools of assembly. Welding tools: gages, brushes, piquettes, grinding machines, etc. Personal protective equipment. Lifting and transport equipment. Kilns. Visual inspection equipment: lanterns, mirrors, contour gages, thermal pencil, etc.

Products and results

Parts and assemblies joined by arc welding under protective gas with non-consumable electrode.

Information used or generated

Manufacturing plans. Welding standards. Standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment. Material catalogues and consumables. Instructions for maintenance of the equipment. Specifications of the arc welding procedure under protective gas with non-consumable electrode.




Code: MF0099_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0099_2 Perform electric arc welds with coated electrode.

Duration: 400 hours



Code: UF1640

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP3, as referred to the symbology of the welds.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the manufacturing, repair and assembly plans by determining the most appropriate procedure for welding and thermal projections, as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Interpret the different symbols used in the thermal projection.

CE1.3 Identify the characteristics of the welding operations according to the manufacturing plans of metal constructions.

CE1.4 Explain the characteristics that identify thermal projection operations in manufacturing planes.

CE1.5 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

-Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

-Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE1.6 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the projection process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Describe the zones to be masked.


1. Welding symbology.

-Types of welds.

-Soldeo positions.

-Types of joins.

-Preparing borders.

-Rules governing the welding symbolization.

-Parts of a welding symbol.

-Meaning and localization of the elements of a welding symbol.

-Types and symbolization of welding processes.

-Basic welding symbols.

-Supplemental symbols.

-Finish symbols.

-Position of the symbols in the drawings.

-Dimensions of welds and their enrollment.

-Complementary indications.

-Regulations and symbolization of coated electrodes.

-Practical application of welding symbol interpretation.

2. Regulations used in the welding planes and thermal projection.

-Classification and characteristics of graphical representation systems.

-Study of the views of an object in the drawing.

-Types of lines used in the planes. Name and application.

-Representation of cuts, details, and sections.

-The bounded on the drawing. Rules for bounded.

-More usual escalations. Use of the escalimeter.


-Croking of parts.

-Symbology used in the plans.

-Types of formats and boxes in the planes.

3. Graphic representation in welding and thermal projection.

-Representation of normalized elements.

-Graphical representation of profiles.

-Representation of materials.

-Representation of thermal and surface treatments.

-List of materials.

-Practical application of the interpretation of welding planes.



Code: UF1622

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2 as referred to the edge preparation.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the material, equipment, tools, instruments and work protections for manual and semi-automatic cutting of sheets and profiles, meeting the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE1.1 Identify the material according to its dimensions, thickness and quality according to the work instructions.

CE1.2 Define the specific tasks for each machine or computer.

CE1.3 In a practical, well-characterized, practical case of making a particular piece:

-Select the machines and equipment required to perform that task.

-Perform the maintenance of the machines according to the manual of the machines.

-Prepare equipment, machines, accessories, and auxiliary services to use under the required safety standards.

C2: Operate thermal cutting equipment (manual and semi-automatic), to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE2.1 Relate the different cutting equipment with the required finishes, describing the performance of the same.

CE2.2 Describe the various components that make up the thermal cutting equipment, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE2.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures set out in the plan for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

CE2.4 Relate, to each other, the different parameters of the cut procedure with the results to be obtained.

CE2.5 Operate cutting equipment, using the required personal and environment protections.

CE2.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE2.7 In a practical, well-characterized case, of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and thermal cutting equipment:

-Select the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters

-Check that the selected tools and tools are in optimal use conditions.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C3: Operate mechanical cutting equipment, to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.1 Relate the various mechanical cutting equipment, with the required finishes, describing their performance.

CE3.2 Describe the various components that make up mechanical cutting equipment, as well as the function of each one and their interrelationship in the whole

CE3.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures contained in the plan for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, due to the use of different mechanical cutting equipment.

CE3.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure and the results that are intended to be obtained.

CE3.5 Operate the different mechanical cutting equipment using the equipment and means of protection specified in the plan prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE3.7 In a practical, duly characterized, practical case of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and mechanical cutting equipment:

-Select the necessary cutting and useful equipment according to the characteristics of the required materials and finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters.

-Check that the selected tools and tools meet the optimal conditions of use.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C4: Operate automatic machines with numerical cutting control, to obtain sheets and profiles of shapes defined from the corresponding technical information, complying with the plan of prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE4.1 Identify the various components of the cutting equipment by relating them to the function they perform.

CE4.2 Describe the different cutting parameters and their influence on the process (speed, depth, progress, among others).

CE4.3 In a practical case of cutting and starting from the manufacturing plans:

-Analyze the technical documentation and plans to determine the process to be used.

-Operate the numerical control machines, using the protection equipment and means specified in the occupational and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Select necessary tools and tools, checking that they meet the optimal conditions of use

-Place and fix the plate or profile using the necessary fastening tools, so as to ensure the required accuracy and degree of finish.

-Introduce the CNC program on the machine and perform the simulation of the vacuum paths for verification of the machine.

-Position the points and reference surfaces of the sheet or profile.

-Adjust the machine parameters based on the process.

-Identify the dimensions and characteristics of the shapes to be obtained.

-Run the required operations, varying the parameters, to achieve the required quality.

-Check that the dimensions obtained are within "tolerance" and quality are required

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.


1. Safety in the cutting of sheets and metal profiles.

-Risk factors in the cut.

-Security and tampering rules in the court.

-Prevention measures: Use of individual protective equipment.

2. Cutting of sheets and profiles with oxycorte.

-Fundamentals and technology of oxyfuel.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual oxycorte equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases used in oxyfuel. Influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Operating techniques with oxyfuel:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual oxycorte process.

-Recrocesos from oxycorte.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Defects of oxycorte: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting sheets, profiles and tubes with oxyfuel.

3. Cutting of sheets and profiles with arcoplasma.

-Fundamentals and technology of the arcoplasma.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual arcoplasma equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases plasmagenes. Characteristics and influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Types and characteristics of electrodes and electrodes for the arcoplasma.

-Operating techniques with arcoplasma:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual arcoplasma process.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Effects of the arcoplasma: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting plates, profiles and tubes with arcoplasma.

4. Cutting of sheets and profiles by air.

-Use in the preparation of edges in welds and resented of defective parts.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements:

-Team components.

-Air-arc operating techniques:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to consider in the air arc process.

-Effects of the cut by arc air: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cut by arc.

5. Mechanical cutting of sheets and profiles.

-Mechanical cutting equipment:

-Types, features.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical mechanical cutting application.

6. Cutting machines with oxycorte and automatic plasma.

-Cutting machines by optical reading.

-Automated gantry machines with CNC.

-Main elements of an automatic installation:

-An optical system for tracking templates and planes (optical reading machine).

-Head or support for the simple or multiple carrier or slide holder.

-Manual, automatic, or integrated regulatory systems.

-A torch or torch height control system by electrical or contact probe.

7. Measuring, checking and checking in the cut.

-Tolerances: features to be controlled.

-Measure and check uses.

-Dimensional control of the final product: checking the adjustment to the marked tolerances.



Code: UF1623

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as regards electric arc welding with rutile electrodes.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the electric arc welding process with electrodes coated with sheets and profiles of carbon steel with rutile electrode, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Relate the electric arc welding process with electrodes coated with its main application, depending on the materials, economic criteria and quality, describing its possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding with coated electrodes, taking care of their applications.

CE1.3 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.4 Regular work variables, such as pressure, intensity, according to the requirements of the work to be performed.

CE1.5 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Environment applicable during the welding procedure.

CE1.6 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications are included for welding and with a requirement of a certain quality:

-Choose the most suitable process of welding within the possibilities and limitations of these, taking into account economic and quality criteria.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, current intensity, safety measures, waste collection, etc.), and with economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C2: Manual electric arc welding, with rutile electrode, sheets and profiles in all positions, in order to meet the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE2.1 Explain the transformations that occur during the manual electric welding process with rutile electrode, as well as the main features and defects that can have a weld and the main parameters which are involved.

CE2.2 Analyze the manual electrical welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the assembly, expressing their performance with the required materials and finishes.

CE2.3 Describe electrical welding procedures with rutile electrodes, pointing to their characteristics and main application in carbon steels.

CE2.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure with the results that are intended to be obtained (economic aspect, quality and prevention of occupational risks).

CE2.5 In a series of practical cases of welding of sheets and steel profiles, defined in a constructive plane of metallic construction, welding with rutile electrodes in all positions (welding with manual electric arc).

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the materials and thicknesses, with the required economic and quality criteria, verifying that the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, giving the required welding cords according to the thickness and the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Successfully feed the manual machines taking into account the properties of the materials.

-Apply the calculated preheating temperature, taking into account the characteristics of the material or the technical specifications.

-Evaluate the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Verify with templates or measurements the pieces obtained, correcting any defects.

-visually inspect the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

-Maintain the work area with the appropriate degree of order and cleanliness.

-Apply safety and occupational health rules by correctly using machine protections and individual means of protection.


1. Electric arc welding technology with coated electrodes.

-Electrical arc welding foundations with coated electrode

-Features of the manual tools.

-Basic electricity concepts and their application.

-Characteristics, applications and regulation of transformers and rectifiers used in arc welding.

-Types of junctions in the electric arc welding with coated electrodes

-Preparation of edges and stitch of the electric arc welding with coated electrodes

-Electric arc welding Cordons with coated electrodes

-Electrical arc welding voltages and voltages with coated electrodes

-Use of employees in junctions.

-Sequences and operating methods.

-Transformations of the materials.

-Power supply characteristics.

2. Electric arc welding technology with rutile electrodes

-Characteristics and weldability of carbon steels with rutile electrode.

-Input material:

-Classification of the rutile electrodes.

-Application rules (AWS and EN).

-Application of different types and sizes of electrodes.



-Knowledge of typical parameters of arc welding with rutile electrodes:

-Selecting electrode types and sizes.

-Electrical parameters (rectifiers, transformers, inverter).

-Start of the arc.

3. Electric arc welding equipment with coated electrodes.

-Elements that make up the arc welding installation with coated electrodes.

-Installation of equipment and auxiliary elements for electric arc welding with coated electrode.

-Control of the welding current, instruments to be used and validation of the measurement.

-Power sources for arc welding with coated electrodes.

-Primary and secondary circuits, primary protection.

-Control of the welding current, instruments to be used and validation of the measurement

-Relationship between arc voltage and the welding current.

-Devices for earth sockets, cables, and electrodes.

-First-level maintenance of arc-welding equipment with coated electrodes.

4. Operating procedures for welding with electric arc of sheets and profiles of carbon steel with rutile electrodes.

-Preparation of the joints to join: With chaflan, no chaflan. Edge and stitch preparation.

-Techniques in the positioning and distribution of cords: continuous and discontinuous cords. Penetration cords, padding and hairstyle.

-Parameters in electric arc welding with rutile electrodes.

-Operating techniques for welding with rutile electrode.

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Practical application of welding recesses with rutile electrodes, in all positions according to the rules l (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of sheet welding with rutile electrodes at inner and outer angles, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of chamless and chaflan with a rutile-to-ceiling electrode, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of profile-welding joints in "T", double "T", "H", "L" and "U", with rutile electrodes, in butt joints, with chaflan and no chaflan, angle and overlap.

5. Electrical arc welding defects with rutile electrodes.

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Typical effects of electric arc welds with rutile electrodes:

-Factors to consider.

-Causes and corrections.

6. Regulations for the Prevention of Labor and Environmental Risks in Electrical Arc welding with rutile electrodes.

-Safety and Hygiene Regulations in the electric arc welding with rutile electrodes.

-Risk assessment on electric arc welding with rutile electrodes.

-Individual protective equipment.

-Environmental management and waste treatments.



Code: UF1624

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as regards electric arc welding with basic electrodes.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the electric arc welding process with electrodes coated with sheets and carbon steel profiles with basic electrode, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Relate the welding process with electrodes coated with its main application, depending on the materials, economic criteria and quality, describing their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding with coated electrodes, taking care of their applications.

CE1.3 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.4 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Environment applicable during the welding procedure.

CE1.5 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-List the possibilities and limitations of the welding process.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, current intensity, safety measures, waste collection, etc. ..), and with economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C2: Manual electric arc welding, with basic electrode, sheets and profiles in all positions, in order to meet the specifications and standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CE2.1 Explain the transformations that occur during the manual electrical welding process with basic electrode, as well as, the main features and defects that can have a weld and the main parameters that intervenes.

CE2.2 Analyze the manual electrical welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the assembly, expressing their performance with the required materials and finishes.

CE2.3 Describe electrical welding procedures with basic electrodes, pointing to their characteristics and main application in carbon steels.

CE2.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure with the results that are intended to be obtained (economic aspect, quality and prevention of occupational risks).

CE2.5 In a series of practical cases of welding of sheets and steel profiles, defined in a constructive plane of metallic construction, welding with basic electrodes in all positions (welding with manual electric arc).

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the materials and thicknesses, as well as with the required economic and quality criteria, verifying that the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, giving the required welding cords according to the thickness and the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Successfully feed the manual machines taking into account the properties of the materials.

-Apply the calculated preheating temperature, taking into account the characteristics of the material or the technical specifications.

-Evaluate the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Verify with templates or measurements the pieces obtained, correcting any defects.

-visually inspect the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

-Apply safety and occupational health rules by correctly using machine protections and individual means of protection.


1. Electric arc welding technology with basic electrodes.

-Input material:

-Classification of basic electrodes.

-Application rules (AWS and EN).

-Application of different types and sizes of electrodes.



-Drying hot flashes.

-Maintenance stoves.

-Knowledge of typical arc welding parameters with basic electrodes:

-Selecting electrode types, sizes, and diameters.

-Amount of moisture in the coating.

-Nature of the coating and thickness.

-Electrical parameters (rectifiers, transformers, inverter).

-Start of the arc.

-Position of the weld.

2. Operating procedures for welding with electric arc of sheets and profiles of carbon steel with basic electrodes.

-Operations execution order: intensity adjustment, preheating if required, etc

-Preparation and design of the joints to be joined: With chaflan, without chaflan. Preparation of edges and stitch of joints.

-Cleaning in the preparation of the weld.

-Techniques in the positioning and distribution of cords: continuous and discontinuous cords. Penetration cords, padding and hairstyle.

-End of successive passes: scum hammering, cleaning, molling (if required).

-Parameters in electric arc welding with basic electrodes.

-Basic electrode welding operating techniques.

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Practical application of welding recesses with basic electrodes, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of sheet welding with basic electrodes at inner and outer angles, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of chamless flaps and with chaflan with basic electrode at the top, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of profile welding in "T", double "T", "H", "L" and "U", with basic electrodes, in butt joints, with chaflan and without chaflan, angle and overlap.

-First level maintenance of arc-welding equipment with electrodes coated with stainless steel.

3. Electrical arc welding defects with basic electrodes.

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Typical effects of electric arc welds with basic electrodes:

-Factors to consider.

-Causes and corrections.

4. Regulations for the Prevention of Labor and Environmental Risks in Electrical Arc welding with basic electrodes.

-Safety and Hygiene Regulations in the electric arc welding with basic electrodes.

-Risk assessment on electric arc welding with basic electrodes.

-Individual protective equipment.

-Environmental management and waste treatments.



Code: UF1625

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as regards welding with electrodes lined with complex carbon steel structures, as well as electrode welding coated with stainless steel and other materials.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the electric arc welding process with electrodes lined with carbon steel structures (assemblies and tubes), as well as stainless steel and other materials, determining phases, operations, equipment, and useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Relate the different welding processes with their main application, depending on the materials, economic criteria and quality, describing their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding, taking care of their applications.

CE1.3 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.4 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Workplace Risks and Environment applicable during the welding procedure.

CE1.5 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-List the possibilities and limitations of different welding processes.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, current intensity, safety measures, waste collection, etc.), and with economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Use the appropriate personal protective equipment at each stage of the preparation.

-Define the required quality controls.

C2: Manual electric arc welding, carbon steel structures (assemblies and tubes) in all positions, in such a way as to meet the specifications and standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

CE2.1 Explain the transformations that occur during the manual electric welding process with electrode, as well as the main features and defects that can have a weld and the main parameters that intervenes.

CE2.2 Analyze the manual electrical welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the assembly, expressing their performance with the required materials and finishes.

CE2.3 Describe electrical welding procedures with coated electrodes, pointing to their characteristics and main application in carbon steels.

CE2.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure with the results that are intended to be obtained (economic aspect, quality and prevention of occupational risks).

CE2.5 In a series of practical cases of welding of carbon steel structures, defined in a constructive plane of metallic construction, welding with electrodes lined in all positions (welding with electric arc) manual).

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, attending to materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as to economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the materials and thicknesses, as well as with the required economic and quality criteria, verifying that the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, giving the required welding cords according to the thickness and the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Successfully feed the manual machines taking into account the properties of the materials.

-Apply the calculated preheating temperature, taking into account the characteristics of the material or the technical specifications.

-Evaluate the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Verify with templates or measurements the pieces obtained, correcting any defects.

-visually inspect the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

-Maintain the work area with the appropriate degree of order and cleanliness.

-Apply safety and occupational health rules by correctly using machine protections and individual means of protection.

C3: Manual electric arc welding, with coated electrode, sheets, profiles and tubes of materials other than steel (cast iron, aluminium, copper, ...) and stainless steel in all positions, so that comply with the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE3.1 List the characteristics of the material and base materials.

CE3.2 Explain the transformations that occur during the manual electrical welding process with the electrode and main parameters involved.

CE3.3 Explain the rules for the use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.4 In a series of practical cases defined in a constructive plane of metallic construction welding with electrodes, plates, profiles and tubes of materials other than steel (cast iron, aluminum, copper, ...) and steel inoxidables in all positions (manual electric arc welding).

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure based on materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with quality and economic criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the materials and thicknesses, as well as the required economic and quality criteria, verifying that the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks are met.

-Prepare the edges, performing the cleaning by removing oxides and fats, and position the pieces to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, giving the required welding cords according to the thickness and the material used, achieving the required quality

-Successfully feed the manual machines taking into account the properties of the materials.

-Evaluate the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Verify with templates or measurements the pieces obtained, correcting any defects.

-visually inspect the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

-Apply safety and occupational health rules by correctly using machine protections and individual means of protection.


1. Electric arc welding technology with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures (assemblies and tubes).

-Features of manual and motorized tools for the preparation of welding joints.

-Characteristics and weldability of carbon steels with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures, influence of alloy elements, junction zones.

-Types of joins in carbon steel structures.

-Input material. Classification of the coated electrodes. Standards (AWS and EN). Conservation. Handling.

-Knowledge of typical parameters of the arc welding with coated electrodes.

2. Electric arc welding operating procedures with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures.

-Preparation of the joints to join: With chaflan, no chaflan. Preparation of edges and stitch in the arc welding with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures.

-Techniques in the positioning and distribution of cords in the arc welding with electrodes coated with a/c structures. Continuous and discontinuous cords. Penetration cords, padding and hairstyle ..

-Parameters in electric arc welding with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures.

-Electrical arc welding operating techniques with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures (assemblies and tubes)

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Practical application of welding of assemblies with coated electrodes, at external angle with penetration and cordons of recargüe, horizontal according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of assembly welding with internal and external angled electrodes, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of assembly welding with vertical ascending and descending electrodes, abutted without chaflan, according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of set welding with top-up, top-up, vertical-lined electrodes with chaflan, according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of assembly welding with top-to-top, outer-angle, and interior-coated electrodes, according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of unchamless set welding and with chaflan with butt-coated electrodes, in all positions according to standards (AWS and EN).

-Practical application of electric arc welding with electrodes coated with carbon steel tubes in all positions.

-First level maintenance of arc-welding equipment with electrodes coated with stainless steel.

3. Electric arc welding technology with electrodes coated with stainless steel and other materials.

-Welding foundations with electrodes coated with stainless steels and other materials: Cut and preparation of joints. Design of the joints. Cleaning in the preparation of welding.

-Knowledge of stainless steels for welding with coated electrodes:

-Classification and Designation.

-Resistance to corrosion.

-Low temperature Dureza.

-High-temperature properties.


-welded join zones.


-Characteristics and weldability of materials other than steels for welding with coated electrodes.

-Input material: Classification and identification of the coated electrodes. Standards (AWS and EN). Types of coatings. Conservation. Handling.

4. Electric arc welding process with electrodes coated with stainless steel.

-Preparation of the joints to join: With chaflan, no chaflan. Edge and stitch preparation.

-Techniques in the positioning and distribution of cords. Continuous and discontinuous cords. Penetration cords, padding and hairstyle.

-Parameters in electric arc welding with electrodes coated with stainless steel.

-Electrical arc welding operating techniques with coated electrodes: Strength adjustment. Puenteo. Execution of the weld.

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Practical application of welding with electrodes coated in stainless steel elements.

-First level maintenance of arc-welding equipment with electrodes coated with stainless steel.

5. Electric arc welding process with electrodes coated with materials other than steels and between similar materials.

-Preparation of the joints to join (with chaflan, without chaflan) in the welding with electrodes lined with materials other than the steels.

-Operatoria to be followed in the welding with electrodes coated with materials other than the steels in the different positions:

-Cords and operating techniques: Penetration, filling and combing. Deposit cords.

-Parameters in electric arc welding with electrodes coated in the welding of materials other than steels.

-Pressure and post-welding treatments on the welding with electrodes coated with materials other than steels.

-Practical application of welding with electrodes coated on elements of materials other than steels.

-First-level maintenance of arc-welding equipment with coated electrodes.

6. Electrical arc welding defects with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures, stainless steel and other materials.

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Typical effects of electric arc welds with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures:

-Factors to consider.

-Causes and corrections.

-Typical effects of electric arc welds with electrodes coated with stainless steel and other materials:

-Factors to consider.

-Causes and corrections.

7. Regulations for the Prevention of Labor and Environmental Risks in Electrical Arc welding with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures, stainless steels and other materials.

-Safety and Hygiene Regulations in the electric arc welding with coated electrodes.

-Risk assessment in electric arc welding with electrodes coated with carbon steel structures, stainless steel and other materials.

-Individual protective equipment.

-Environmental management and waste treatments.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units



Total duration in hours

of the training units

Remote training

Maximum Susceptible Hours

Formative Unit 1-UF1640








Formative Unit 4-UF1624






To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been passed the formative unit 1 and 2.

To access the formative unit 4 must have been passed the formative unit 1, 2, and 3.

To access the training unit 5 must have been passed the formative unit 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0100_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0100_2 Perform arc welds under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG).

Duration: 370 hours



Code: UF1640

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP3, as referred to the symbology of the welds.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the manufacturing, repair and assembly plans by determining the most appropriate procedure for welding and thermal projections, as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Interpret the different symbols used in the thermal projection.

CE1.3 Identify the characteristics of the welding operations according to the manufacturing plans of metal constructions.

CE1.4 Explain the characteristics that identify thermal projection operations in manufacturing planes.

CE1.5 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

-Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

-Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE1.6 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the projection process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Describe the zones to be masked.


1. Welding symbology.

-Types of welds.

-Soldeo positions.

-Types of joins.

-Preparing borders.

-Rules governing the welding symbolization.

-Parts of a welding symbol.

-Meaning and localization of the elements of a welding symbol.

-Types and symbolization of welding processes.

-Basic welding symbols.

-Supplemental symbols.

-Finish symbols.

-Position of the symbols in the drawings.

-Dimensions of welds and their enrollment.

-Complementary indications.

-Regulations and symbolization of coated electrodes.

-Practical application of welding symbol interpretation.

2. Regulations used in the welding planes and thermal projection.

-Classification and characteristics of graphical representation systems.

-Study of the views of an object in the drawing.

-Types of lines used in the planes. Name and application.

-Representation of cuts, details, and sections.

-The bounded on the drawing. Rules for bounded.

-More usual escalations. Use of the escalimeter.


-Croking of parts.

-Symbology used in the plans.

-Types of formats and boxes in the planes.

3. Graphic representation in welding and thermal projection.

-Representation of normalized elements.

-Graphical representation of profiles.

-Representation of materials.

-Representation of thermal and surface treatments.

-List of materials.

-Practical application of the interpretation of welding planes.



Code: UF1622

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2 as referred to the edge preparation.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the material, equipment, tools, instruments and work protections for manual and semi-automatic cutting of sheets and profiles, meeting the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE1.1 Identify the material according to its dimensions, thickness and quality according to the work instructions.

CE1.2 Define the specific tasks for each machine or computer.

CE1.3 In a practical, well-characterized, practical case of making a particular piece:

-Select the machines and equipment required to perform that task.

-Perform the maintenance of the machines according to the manual of the machines.

-Prepare equipment, machines, accessories, and auxiliary services to use under the required safety standards.

C2: Operate thermal cutting equipment (manual and semi-automatic), to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE2.1 Relate the different cutting equipment with the required finishes, describing the performance of the same.

CE2.2 Describe the various components that make up the thermal cutting equipment, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE2.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures set out in the plan for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

CE2.4 Relate, to each other, the different parameters of the cut procedure with the results to be obtained.

CE2.5 Operate cutting equipment, using the required personal and environment protections.

CE2.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE2.7 In a practical, well-characterized case, of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and thermal cutting equipment:

-Select the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters

--Check that the selected tools and tools are in optimal use conditions.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C3: Operate mechanical cutting equipment, to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.1 Relate the various mechanical cutting equipment, with the required finishes, describing their performance.

CE3.2 Describe the various components that make up mechanical cutting equipment, as well as the function of each one and their interrelationship in the whole

CE3.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures contained in the plan for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, due to the use of different mechanical cutting equipment.

CE3.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure and the results that are intended to be obtained.

CE3.5 Operate the different mechanical cutting equipment using the equipment and means of protection specified in the plan prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE3.7 In a practical, duly characterized, practical case of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and mechanical cutting equipment:

-Select the necessary cutting and useful equipment according to the characteristics of the required materials and finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters.

--Check that the selected tools and tools meet the optimal conditions of use.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C4: Operate automatic machines with numerical cutting control, to obtain sheets and profiles of shapes defined from the corresponding technical information, complying with the plan of prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE4.1 Identify the various components of the cutting equipment by relating them to the function they perform.

CE4.2 Describe the different cutting parameters and their influence on the process (speed, depth, progress, among others).

CE4.3 In a practical case of cutting and starting from the manufacturing plans:

-Analyze the technical documentation and plans to determine the process to be used.

--Operate the numerical control machines, using the protection equipment and means specified in the occupational and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Select necessary tools and tools, checking that they meet the optimal conditions of use

-Place and fix the plate or profile using the necessary fastening tools, so as to ensure the required accuracy and degree of finish.

-Introduce the CNC program on the machine and perform the simulation of the vacuum paths for verification of the machine.

-Position the points and reference surfaces of the sheet or profile.

-Adjust the machine parameters based on the process.

-Identify the dimensions and characteristics of the shapes to be obtained.

-Run the required operations, varying the parameters, to achieve the required quality.

-Check that the dimensions obtained are within "tolerance" and quality are required

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.


1. Safety in the cutting of sheets and metal profiles.

-Risk factors in the cut.

-Security and tampering rules in the court.

-Prevention measures: Use of individual protective equipment.

2. Cutting of sheets and profiles with oxycorte.

-Fundamentals and technology of oxyfuel.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual oxycorte equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases used in oxyfuel. Influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Operating techniques with oxyfuel:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual oxycorte process.

-Recrocesos from oxycorte.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Defects of oxycorte: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting sheets, profiles and tubes with oxyfuel.

3. Cutting of sheets and profiles with arcoplasma.

-Fundamentals and technology of the arcoplasma.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual arcoplasma equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases plasmagenes. Characteristics and influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Types and characteristics of electrodes and electrodes for the arcoplasma.

-Operating techniques with arcoplasma:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual arcoplasma process.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Effects of the arcoplasma: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting plates, profiles and tubes with arcoplasma.

4. Cutting of sheets and profiles by air.

-Use in the preparation of edges in welds and resented of defective parts.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements:

-Team components.

-Air-arc operating techniques:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to consider in the air arc process.

-Effects of the cut by arc air: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cut by arc.

5. Mechanical cutting of sheets and profiles.

-Mechanical cutting equipment:

-Types, features.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical mechanical cutting application.

6. Cutting machines with oxycorte and automatic plasma.

-Cutting machines by optical reading.

-Automated gantry machines with CNC.

-Main elements of an automatic installation:

-An optical system for tracking templates and planes (optical reading machine).

-Head or support for the simple or multiple carrier or slide holder.

-Manual, automatic, or integrated regulatory systems.

-A torch or torch height control system by electrical or contact probe.

7. Measuring, checking and checking in the cut.

-Tolerances: features to be controlled.

-Measure and check uses.

-Dimensional control of the final product: checking the adjustment to the marked tolerances.



Code: UF1626

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as regards carbon steel TIG welding.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) of carbon steel, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful, etc., based on economic and quality criteria, complying with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Analyze the different welding processes, relating them to their main use according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Analyze TIG welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE1.3 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding, taking care of their applications.

CE1.4 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.5 Describe the applicable safety and environmental standards during the welding procedure.

CE1.6 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications are included for welding and with a requirement of a certain quality:

-List the possibilities and limitations of different welding processes.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, current intensity, safety measures, waste collection, etc.), and with economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

-Define security and environmental standards that are required during the welding operation.

C2: Soldar with arc under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) sheets, profiles and tubes of carbon steel, in order to meet the specifications and standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CE2.1 List the main types of electrodes, gases, and input material, pointing to their characteristics and main use.

CE2.2 Explain the transformations that occur during the welding process with TIG, as well as the main parameters involved.

CE2.3 Relate the various TIG welding equipment and accessories with the required materials and finishes, expressing their performance.

CE2.4 In a practical case of TIG welding process of thin carbon steel sheets, defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of TIG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, "consumables", thicknesses, preheating temperature, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the team and install, checking that the security rules are met.

-Prepare borders and surfaces.

-Position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, applying the appropriate surgical technique to the thickness, position and type of attachment, with the required quality.

-Check the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.


1. TIG welding technology.

-TIG Welding Foundations with arc, under protective gas, with non-consumable electrode (TIG).

-Applicable rules.

-Gases of protection in TIG welding: Types, characteristics and applications. Function of inert gases employed in TIG welding

-Tunnels electrodes and input material for the TIG.

-Tunneling electrode:

-Characteristics and size.

-Selection and sorting.

-Output length of the nozzle.



-Knowledge and influence of parameters to be regulated in TIG welding.

-TIG welding advantages: Absence of slag. Positions Splash Base Material.

-Use of employees in junctions.

-Transformations of the materials.

-Controlled thermal treatment.

-Destructive and non-destructive testing.

-Welding of welding and possible particular TIG problems.

2. TIG welding equipment ..

-Installation, tuning and handling of the TIG carbon steel welding installation.

-Knowledge of the elements that make up the TIG welding installation:

-TIG welding equipment maintenance:

-Energy sources for TIG welding:

3. TIG welding operation process for carbon steel sheets and profiles.

-Characteristics and weldability of carbon steels. Zones of the welded join.

-TIG welding operating techniques steel to carbon based on the joints and positions.

-Types and characteristics of the normalized profiles.

-Preparation of TIG flaps of sheets and profiles of carbon steel.

-Cleaning techniques for carbon steel TIG welding chaffanes.

-Regulation of parameters in the TIG welding of sheet metal and carbon steel profiles.

-TIG welding stitch techniques of carbon steel sheets and profiles.

-Operating techniques for different positions: Penetration. Filling. Hairstyle, in the TIG welding of sheets and profiles of steel to the hair.

-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Cebate and Descending Techniques by welding with TIG sheets and carbon steel profiles.

-Laces, dispendings, and bites techniques.

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Perforations and rechipes in penetration when depositing filler.

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure sheets and profiles carbon steel with input material selected according to the base metal: Punted. Edge preparation. Resented. Padding of padding and hairstyle

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure sheets and profiles carbon steel in the positions: Horizontal. Cornisa. Vertical. Indoors

-Inspection of TIG welding of sheet and profile carbon steel:

-Visual Inspection ..

-Defects. Factors to consider for each of the defects. Causes and corrections of defects

-Tests used in TIG welding.

4. TIG welding operation process for carbon steel tubes.

-TIG welding operating techniques of carbon steel tubes according to the joints and positions: spacers to maintain adequate separation. Removal of defective welding by grinding.

-Preparation of chaflanesfor the TIG welding of carbon steel tubes.

-Chaflanes cleaning techniques for the TIG welding of carbon steel tubes.

-Regulation of parameters in the TIG welding of carbon steel tubes.

-Punting techniques for the TIG welding of carbon steel tubes.

-Operating techniques for different positions: Penetration. Filling. Hairstyle.

-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Cited and descending techniques welding with TIG carbon steel tubes.

-Laces, dispendings, and bites techniques.

-Presoldeo and post-welding treatments.

-Perforations and rechipes in penetration when depositing filler.

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure carbon steel tubes with input material selected according to the base metal: Punted. Edge preparation. Resented. Padding of padding and hairstyle

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure carbon steel tubes in the various positions.

-Inspection of TIG welding of carbon steel tubes:

-Visual Inspection ..

-Defects. Factors to consider for each of the defects. Causes and corrections of defects

-Tests used in TIG welding.

5. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the TIG welding of carbon steel.

-Risk assessment on the TIG carbon steel welding.

-Security rules and protection elements.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatments.



Code: UF1627

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 in the case of stainless steel TIG welding.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) of stainless steel, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful, etc., based on economic and quality criteria, complying with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Analyze the different welding processes, relating them to their main use according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Analyze TIG welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE1.3 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding, taking care of their applications.

CE1.4 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.5 Describe the applicable safety and environmental standards during the welding procedure.

CE1.6 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications are included for welding and with a requirement of a certain quality:

-List the possibilities and limitations of different welding processes.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, current intensity, safety measures, waste collection, etc.), and with economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

--Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

-Define security and environmental standards that are required during the welding operation.

C2: Soldar with arc under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) sheets, profiles and tubes of stainless steel, in order to meet the specifications and standards of Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CE2.1 List the main types of electrodes, gases, and input material, pointing to their characteristics and main use.

CE2.2 Explain the transformations that occur during the welding process with TIG stainless steel, as well as the main parameters involved.

CE2.3 Relate the various TIG welding equipment and accessories with the required materials and finishes, expressing their performance.

CE2.4 In a practical case of TIG welding process of thin sheets, of stainless steel, defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of TIG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, "consumables", thicknesses, preheating temperature, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the material and thicknesses as well as the required economic and quality criteria, checking that the safety standards are met.

-Prepare the edges and surfaces, position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, applying the appropriate surgical technique to the thickness, position and type of attachment, with the required quality.

-Check the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.


1. Stainless steel TIG welding technology.

-Precautions to prevent the overheating of stainless steel. Protective gases in the TIG welding: Types, characteristics and applications. Function of inert gases (Pure Argon, Helium, mixture of both)

-Knowledge and influence of the parameters to be regulated in the TIG stainless steel welding.

-Control devices for current intensity.

-High frequency ignition advantages of TIG stainless steel welding.

-Welding the welding and possible particular problems of the TIG stainless steel welding.

-Quality of the welds corresponding to the technical specifications for approval.

2. TIG welding operating process of stainless steel sheets and profiles.

-TIG operating techniques of sheets and profiles stainless steel depending on the type of joint and position.

-Types and characteristics of standard stainless steel profiles.

-Preparing the chaplains.

-Application of cleaning techniques for chaflanes and areas close to welding.

-Electrical parameter control techniques and protection gas flow.

-Techniques for splicing on the padding and hairstyle cords:

-Penetration Cords Deposit.

-Fill of padding cords.

-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Pre-and post-soldering treatments applied in the process of welding of sheets and profiles of stainless steel.

-Practical application of welding in different positions with the TIG procedure sheets and profiles stainless steel with input material selected based on the base metal.

-Practical application of stainless steel sheet welding with TIG procedure in different positions (1G, 2G, 3G, 4G).

-Practical application of recharging with TIG sheets and stainless steel profiles.

-Practical application of the TIG plates and stainless steel profiles with the TIG procedure.

-TIG welding inspection of stainless steel sheets and profiles:

-Visual Inspection ..

-Defects. Factors to consider for each of the defects. Causes and corrections of defects

-Tests used in TIG welding.

3. TIG welding operation of stainless steel tubes.

-TIG welding operating techniques of stainless steel tubes depending on the type of joint and position.

-Chaflanes cleaning techniques and areas close to welding.

-Electrical parameter control techniques and protection gas flow.

-Techniques for splicing on the padding and hairstyle cords:

-Penetration Cords Deposit.

-Fill of padding cords.

-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Pre-and post-soldering treatments applied in the process of welding of stainless steel tubes.

-Practical application of welding in different positions with the TIG procedure stainless steel tubes with input material selected based on the base metal.

-Practical application of stainless steel pipe welding with the TIG procedure in different positions:

-Practical recharging application with TIG arc of stainless steel tubes.

-Practical application of the TIG procedure with stainless steel tubes:

-Inspect of the TIG welding of stainless steel tubes:

-Visual Inspection ..

-Defects. Factors to consider for each of the defects. Causes and corrections of defects

-Tests used in TIG welding.

4. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the welding of TIG stainless steel.

-Risk assessment on the TIG stainless steel welding.

-Security rules and protection elements.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatments.



Code: UF1628

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP1, RP2, and RP3 in the aluminum and alloy TIG welding.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) of aluminum and alloys, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful, etc., based on economic and quality criteria, complying with the rules on the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE1.1 Analyze the different welding processes, relating them to their main use according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Analyze TIG welding equipment, describing the various components, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE1.3 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding, taking care of their applications.

CE1.4 Explain the welding parameters based on the process to be used and materials to be joined.

CE1.5 Describe the applicable safety and environmental standards during the welding procedure.

CE1.6 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications are included for welding and with a requirement of a certain quality:

-List the possibilities and limitations of different welding processes.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union that meets the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.), which meets economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

-Define security and environmental standards that are required during the welding operation.

C2: Soldar with arc under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) sheets, profiles and aluminium tubes and their alloys, in such a way as to meet the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational risks Environment.

CE2.1 List the main types of electrodes, gases, and input material, pointing to their characteristics and main use.

CE2.2 Explain the transformations that occur during the welding process with TIG, as well as the main parameters involved.

CE2.3 Relate the various TIG welding equipment with the required materials and finishes, expressing their performance.

CE2.4 Describe TIG welding procedures with different materials.

CE2.5 In a practical case of TIG welding process of thin sheets, profiles and aluminium tubes and their alloys, defined in a constructive plane of Metal Constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of TIG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, attending to materials, "consumables" and thicknesses, as well as to economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, depending on the type of material and thicknesses as well as the required economic and quality criteria, checking that safety standards are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions by applying the appropriate surgical technique to the thickness, position and type of attachment, with the required quality.

-Browse the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Demonstrate the quality of the welding according to the technical specifications.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying defects and causes that cause them.


1. Aluminium TIG welding technology and its alloys.

-Characteristics and weldability of the materials (Aluminium and its alloys).

-Zones of the welded join.

-Base material (aluminium and its alloys):


-Features and properties.

-Standard designation.

-Relation of electrodes and tungsten and the injection rods depending on the base material:

-Electrode end sharpening.

-Influence of the nozzle diameters on the protection and input of the cord.

-Knowledge and influence of the parameters to be regulated in the TIG welding of aluminium and its alloys:

-Dipper of the nozzle.

-Gas Flow.

-Input metal diameter, etc

-Checking the electrical parameters set with voltiamperimetric pinza.

-TIG welding advantages in aluminium and its alloys.

-Welding the welding and possible particular problems of the aluminum TIG welding and its alloys.

-Quality of TIG welding in other materials according to technical specifications of approval.

2. The TIG welding process of sheets and profiles in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-TIG welding operating techniques in aluminium materials and their alloys according to the joints and positions.

-Types and characteristics of the standard profiles in aluminium materials and their alloys ..

-Preparation of chaflanes for the TIG welding of aluminium and its alloys

-Edge-to-weld cleaning techniques: maximum efficiency time.

-Edge preparation rules.

-Regulation of parameters in TIG welding in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-Standard variants of the base material to be welded and cleaned.

-Layers and profiles stitch techniques in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-Punting rules and preparation of sheets and profiles in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-Operating techniques for the different positions in the aluminium TIG welding and its alloys:




-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Thermal treatments applied during the aluminum welding process and its alloys.

-Pre-and post-soldering treatments applied in the process of welding of sheets and profiles of aluminum and alloy materials.

-Practical application of welding on top, angle, and overlapping joints in a horizontal position.

-Practical application of welding on top-of-the-line joints and vertical angles.

-Practical application of butt-to-cap soldering:

-Practical application of floor-to-ceiling soldering and indoor angles.

-Practical application of aluminum profile welding in all positions.

-Inspection of TIG welding of aluminium sheets and their alloys:

-Visual inspection of aluminium TIG welds and their alloys.

-Defectology of the TIG aluminium welds and their alloys. Causes.

-Tests used in TIG welding.

-Factors to be taken into account for each of the defects in the aluminum TIG welding and its alloys.

-Causes and corrections of defects.

3. TIG welding operation of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-TIG welding operating techniques of aluminium tubes and their alloys according to the joints and positions.

-Preparation of chaflanes for the TIG welding of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys

-Chaflanes cleaning techniques for the TIG welding of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys

-Regulation of the parameters in the TIG welding of tubes.

-Chaflanes dotted techniques for the TIG welding of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-Operating techniques for the different chamlance positions for the TIG welding of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys:




-Intense to the diameters and welding processes.

-Tuning and sharpening determination of tungsten electrode.

-Thermal treatments applied to the pipe welding process in aluminum materials and their alloys.

-Pressure and post-welding treatments applied to the process of welding of tubes in aluminium materials and their alloys.

-Perforations and rechipes in penetration when depositing filler.

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure aluminium tubes and their alloys with input material selected on the basis of the base metal:

-Practical application of welding with the TIG procedure aluminium tubes and their alloys in different positions:

-Practical application of welding tubes to swells and flanges to tubes.

-Inspection of TIG welding of tubes in different materials:

-Visual inspection of TIG welding of aluminium tubes and their alloys.


-Tests used in the TIG welding of tubes.

-Factors to be taken into account for each of the defects in the aluminum TIG welding and its alloys.

-Causes and corrections of defects.

4. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the TIG welding of aluminium, copper and other alloys.

-Risk assessment on the TIG aluminium welding and its alloys.

-Security rules and protection elements.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatments.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units



Total duration in hours

of the training units

Remote training

Maximum Susceptible Hours

Formative Unit 1-UF1640








Formative Unit 4-UF1627






To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been passed the formative unit 1 and 2.

To access the formative unit 4 must have been passed the formative unit 1, 2, and 3.

To access the training unit 5 must have been passed the formative unit 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0349

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the manufacturing, repair and assembly plans of metal constructions, in order to determine the most suitable procedure for welding.

CE1.1. Identify the symbology that is related to the process.

CE1.2 Explain the defined process.

CE1.3 Define the required edges.

CE1.4 Collaborate on the determination of the time to mount the items.

C2: Participate in the performance of the cutting operations for the preparation of welding parts in compliance with the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE2.1 Select the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

CE2.2 Participate in the tuning of the equipment, selecting the usage parameters and checking that the selected tools and tools are in optimal conditions of use.

CE2.3 Intercoming in the execution of the cut with the required quality.

CE2.4 Apply standards for use, safety and hygiene during cutting operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

CE2.5 Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

CE2.6 Cooperate in the cleaning of the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

CE2.7 Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C2: Intervening in the realization of electric arc welding manually, with coated electrodes, sheets, profiles and tubes of carbon steel, stainless steel and materials other than steel, in all positions, in such a way as to meet the specifications and standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

CE2.1 Collaborate on the equipment and installation, taking care of materials and thicknesses, as well as the required economic and quality criteria, verifying that the standards of Risk Prevention are met Labour and the Environment.

CE2.2 To intervene in the resolution of the different types of union in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, giving the required welding cords according to the thickness and the material used, required quality.

CE2.3 Evaluate the result obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

CE2.4 visually inspect the obtained welds, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

C3: Intervening in the realization of the arc welding under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG) sheets, profiles and tubes of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and other alloys, in such a way that they are met the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE3.1 Collaborate on the setting up of the equipment and installation, taking into account the type of material and thicknesses as well as the economic and quality criteria required, verifying that the safety standards are met.

CE3.2 Intervening in the resolution of the different types of union in horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions by applying the appropriate surgical technique to the thickness, position and type of attachment, with the required quality.

CE3.3 Examine the result obtained and perform visual inspection of the obtained welds, identifying defects and causes that cause them.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE4.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE4.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Interpretation of welding planes.

-Interpretation of the symbology and specifications of the plane needed to perform the welding.

-Identification of the defined process.

-Identification of edges required for welding.

2. Cutting and preparing edges for welding.

-Interpretation of the symbology and specifications of the plane needed to perform the welding.

-Selection of the most suitable cutting equipment depending on the material to be cut and the required requirements.

-Puesta to the point of the cutting equipment. Tuning usage parameters.

-Selecting the protection equipment to use.

-Check the quality of the cut, with the appropriate verification instruments.

-Cleaning the cutting surface.

-Selection, identification of the components of the welding equipment.

-Procedure parameters.

-The welding equipment is up to the point.

-Selecting the protection equipment to use.

-Identification of defects produced during welding.

3. Performing the arc welding under protective gas with non-consumable electrode (TIG).

-Selection, identification of the components of the welding equipment.

-Procedure parameters.

-The welding equipment is up to the point.

-Selecting the protection equipment to use.

-Identification of defects produced during welding.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in scope

of the

unit of





Electrical arc welding with coated electrodes.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or the title of corresponding grade or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Technician Superior of the Professional Family of Mechanical Manufacturing.



Arco solder under protective gas with non-consumable electrode.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or corresponding degree title or other titles equivalent.

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Senior Technical Family of Professional Mechanical Manufacturing.

● Professional Level 3 Professional Area Certificate of Metal Construction Professional Family of Mechanical Manufacturing.

2 years

4 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils






Building Workshop





Forming Space





Multipurpose Aula




Metal Building Workshop








Forming Space

-purpose Aula.

-Pizarras to write with pen.

-Audio-visual equipment.


-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and Student chairs

Building Workshop.

-Alternate Sierra.

-Fixed Talent and portable.

-Portable Desbarberators.

-Grinding machines.

-Thermal cutting equipment: oxyfuel and plasma.

- Mechanical cutting equipment.

-Messes for cutting materials metal.

-Work banks.

-Regulable metal stools.

-Biombo screens to isolate the job.

-Machine to make chaflanes.

-Full electrical arc welding equipment with coated electrodes.

-Full TIG welding equipment.

-Consumables (basic electrodes, rutile, ...).

-Welding tables.

-Individual protective

build store.

-Metal Arrows Pera Tools.


-Gas bottle conveyor.

-Transport machinery appropriate for the movement of elements of metal constructs.

< Table_table_izq">-Materials (sheets, profiles, ...).

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Denomination: Oxygen welding and MIG/MAG welding.

Code: FMEC0210

Professional Family: Mechanical Manufacturing

Professional Area: Metal Constructions

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

FME035_2 Welding (RD 295/2004, February 20)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0098_2: Perform solders and thermal projections for oxygen.

UC0101_2: Perform arc welds under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG/MAG) and thermal projections with arc.

General competition:

Perform welds and thermal projections by oxygen, arc welds under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG/MAG) and thermal projections with arc, according to the specifications of the welding procedures (WPS), with criteria of quality, safety and respect for the environment.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small enterprises, both for hire and self-employed, dedicated to the manufacture, assembly or repair of metal constructions, installations and products mechanical manufacturing.

Productive Sectors:

This qualification is located in the manufacturing, mechanical manufacturing, manufacturing, assembly and repair industries sector.

Occupations or related jobs:

7312.1071 Oxygenator (oxyacetylenic)

7312.1127 Soldator by MIG-MAG

7312.1033 Oxicorter, by hand

7312.1015 Plasma Metal Cutter, by Hand

Welders and Oxycatchers

7312.1024 Thermal projection operators

7312.1051 Swelders of light metal structures.

7312,1042 aluminothermic welders.

Duration of the associated training: 670 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0098_2: Welding and thermal screening for oxygen (200 hours)

● UF1640: (Cross-sectional) Interpretation of Welding Planes (60 hours)

● UF1622: (Cross) Cutting and Edge Preparation Processes (70 hours)

● UF1672: Oxygen welding (70 hours)

MF0101_2: Arco welding under protective gas with consumable electrode (430 hours)

● UF1622: (Cross) Cutting and Edge Preparation Processes (70 hours)

● UF1673: MAG welding of carbon steel sheets (90 hours)

● UF1674: MAG welding of carbon steel structures (90 hours)

● UF1675: stainless steel and aluminum MIG welding (90 hours)

● UF1676: Welding with tubular wire (90 hours)

MP0358: Non-working professional practice module of Soldógis oxygenas and welding MIG/MAG (40 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0098_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the equipment to proceed to the welding and projection operations, complying with the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CR1.1 The blowers and hoses are clean and in good condition, are properly adjusted and the pressure of the gas from the bottles, or the feeding systems, is regulated, depending on the characteristics of the materials to be welded or projected.

CR1.2 Gas is supplied by connecting the hoses to the bottles or to the specific power systems for the type of welding or projection to be performed.

CR1.3 Equipment and installations are monitored by controlling the operating parameters.

RP2: Prepare the elements to proceed to the welding and projection operations, complying with the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CR2.1 The consumables are selected according to their functions and the materials to be welded and projected, identifying themselves by their standard nomenclature.

CR2.2 The surfaces on which to project are prepared according to the applicable technical specifications.

CR2.3 The edges to be joined are prepared according to the characteristics and dimensions of the materials to be welded, the consumable to be used and the welding procedure.

CR2.4 Consumables are manipulated and retained in the job position according to established instructions.

CR2.5 The supports for the elements to be welded or projected, ensure correct support and avoid subsequent deformations.

RP3: Perform the welding and projection operations according to specifications of welding procedures (WPS) or thermal projection, complying with the standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

CR3.1 The WPS and the symbology of the welds to be performed are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.2 The specifications and symbology of thermal projection operations are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.3 The nozzles are suitable for the work to be done, adjusting to the gas flow to obtain the desired flame.

CR3.4 Preheat, post-warm, and past temperatures that apply to materials are those specified.

CR3.5 The soldering or thermal projection sequence is the one specified, controlling the team working successfully.

CR3.6 The welding or thermal projection is performed taking into account the characteristics of the materials and their compliance with the established quality requirements (dimensions, surface appearance, transition with the base metal, deformations ...).

Professional Context

Production media

Soldeo equipment and thermal projection by oxygen. Welding positioners. Cats and tools of assembly. Welding tools: gages, brushes, piquettes, grinding machines, etc. Personal protective equipment. Lifting and transport equipment. Kilns. Visual inspection equipment: lanterns, mirrors, contour gages, thermal pencil, etc.

Products and results

Pieces and assemblies joined by oxygen welding. Parts and assemblies treated superficially by thermal projection by oxygen.

Information used or generated

Manufacturing plans. Welding standards and thermal projection. Standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment. Material catalogues and consumables. Instructions for maintenance of the equipment. Specifications for welding and thermal projection procedures.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0101_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the equipment to proceed with the operation of welding and projection in compliance with the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CR1.1 Electrical equipment is properly connected to the network, the polarity is verified in the case of continuous current and the mass connection is firmly attached.

CR1.2 The gun and the mass connection are absent from any failure and are selected based on the technique to be used.

CR1.3 The functions of the push and drag motors of the wire power unit are checked for proper operation.

CR1.4 In thermal projection, consumable power functions are checked for proper operation.

CR1.5 The welding and thermal projection parameters are regulated according to the materials to be welded and the technique to be used.

CR1.6 Equipment and installations are monitored by controlling the operating parameters.

RP2: Prepare the elements to proceed to the operation of welding and projection in compliance with the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment.

CR2.1 The consumables are selected according to their functions and the materials to be welded and projected, identifying themselves by their standard nomenclature.

CR2.2 The surfaces on which to project are prepared according to the applicable technical specifications.

CR2.3 The edges to be joined are prepared according to the characteristics and dimensions of the materials to be welded, the consumable to be used and the welding procedure.

CR2.4 Consumables are manipulated and retained in the job position according to established instructions.

RP3: Perform the welding and projection operations according to specifications of welding procedures (WPS) or thermal projection, complying with the standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

CR3.1 The WPS and the symbology of the welds to be performed are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.2 The specifications and symbology of thermal projection operations are interpreted according to the rules.

CR3.3 Preheat, post-warm, and past temperatures that apply to materials are those specified.

CR3.4 The soldering or thermal projection sequence is the one specified and the equipment is controlled to work successfully.

CR3.5 Transfer mode (arc spray, pulsed arc, globular arc or short arc or short arc) is the one specified in the welding or thermal projection procedure.

CR3.6 The welding or thermal projection is performed taking into account the characteristics of the materials and their compliance with the established quality requirements (dimensions, surface appearance, transition with the base metal, deformations ...).

Professional Context

Production media

Arc welding equipment under protective gas with consumable electrode. Thermal projection equipment. Welding positioners. Cats and tools of assembly. Tools: gages, brushes, piquettes, grinding machines, etc. Personal protective equipment. Lifting and transport equipment. Kilns. Visual inspection equipment: lanterns, mirrors, contour gages, thermal pencil, etc.

Products and results

Parts and assemblies joined by arc welding under protective gas with consumable electrode. Surface-treated parts and assemblies with thermal projection.

Information used or generated

Manufacturing plans. Welding standards. Standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment. Material catalogues and consumables. Instructions for maintenance of the equipment. Specifications of the welding and thermal projection procedure.




Code: MF0098_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UF0098_2: Perform solders and thermal projections by oxygenas

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1640

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP3, as referred to the symbology of the welds.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the manufacturing, repair and assembly plans by determining the most appropriate procedure for welding and thermal projections, as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Interpret the different symbols used in the thermal projection.

CE1.3 Identify the characteristics of the welding operations according to the manufacturing plans of metal constructions.

CE1.4 Explain the characteristics that identify thermal projection operations in manufacturing planes.

CE1.5 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

-Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

-Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE1.6 From a metal construction or construction plane:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the projection process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Describe the zones to be masked.


1. Welding symbology.

-Types of welds.

-Soldeo positions.

-Types of joins.

-Preparing borders.

-Rules governing the welding symbolization.

-Parts of a welding symbol.

-Meaning and localization of the elements of a welding symbol.

-Types and symbolization of welding processes.

-Basic welding symbols.

-Supplemental symbols.

-Finish symbols.

-Position of the symbols in the drawings.

-Dimensions of welds and their enrollment.

-Complementary indications.

-Regulations and symbolization of coated electrodes.

-Practical application of welding symbol interpretation.

2. Regulations used in the welding planes and thermal projection.

-Classification and characteristics of graphical representation systems.

-Study of the views of an object in the drawing.

-Types of lines used in the planes. Name and application.

-Representation of cuts, details, and sections.

-The bounded on the drawing. Rules for bounded.

-More usual escalations. Use of the escalimeter.


-Croking of parts.

-Symbology used in the plans.

-Types of formats and boxes in the planes.

3. Graphic representation in welding and thermal projection.

-Representation of normalized elements.

-Graphical representation of profiles.

-Representation of materials.

-Representation of thermal and surface treatments.

-List of materials.

-Practical application of the interpretation of welding planes.



Code: UF1622

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2 as referred to the edge preparation.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the material, equipment, tools, instruments and work protections for manual and semi-automatic cutting of sheets and profiles, meeting the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE1.1 Identify the material according to its dimensions, thickness and quality according to the work instructions.

CE1.2 Define the specific tasks for each machine or computer.

CE1.3 In a practical, well-characterized, practical case of making a particular piece:

-Select the machines and equipment required to perform that task.

-Perform the maintenance of the machines according to the manual of the machines.

-Prepare equipment, machines, accessories, and auxiliary services to use under the required safety standards.

C2: Operate thermal cutting equipment (manual and semi-automatic), to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE2.1 Relate the different cutting equipment with the required finishes, describing the performance of the same.

CE2.2 Describe the various components that make up the thermal cutting equipment, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE2.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures set out in the plan for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

CE2.4 Relate, to each other, the different parameters of the cut procedure with the results to be obtained.

CE2.5 Operate cutting equipment, using the required personal and environment protections.

CE2.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE2.7 In a practical, well-characterized case, of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and thermal cutting equipment:

-Select the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters

-Check that the selected tools and tools are in optimal use conditions.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C3: Operate mechanical cutting equipment, to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.1 Relate the various mechanical cutting equipment, with the required finishes, describing their performance.

CE3.2 Describe the various components that make up mechanical cutting equipment, as well as the function of each one and their interrelationship in the whole

CE3.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures contained in the plan for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, due to the use of different mechanical cutting equipment.

CE3.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure and the results that are intended to be obtained.

CE3.5 Operate the different mechanical cutting equipment using the equipment and means of protection specified in the plan prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE3.7 In a practical, duly characterized, practical case of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and mechanical cutting equipment:

-Select the necessary cutting and useful equipment according to the characteristics of the required materials and finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters.

-Check that the selected tools and tools meet the optimal conditions of use.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C4: Operate automatic machines with numerical cutting control, to obtain sheets and profiles of shapes defined from the corresponding technical information, complying with the plan of prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE4.1 Identify the various components of the cutting equipment by relating them to the function they perform.

CE4.2 Describe the different cutting parameters and their influence on the process (speed, depth, progress, among others).

CE4.3 In a practical case of cutting and starting from the manufacturing plans:

-Analyze the technical documentation and plans to determine the process to be used.

-Operate the numerical control machines, using the protection equipment and means specified in the occupational and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Select necessary tools and tools, checking that they meet the optimal conditions of use

-Place and fix the plate or profile using the necessary fastening tools, so as to ensure the required accuracy and degree of finish.

-Introduce the CNC program on the machine and perform the simulation of the vacuum paths for verification of the machine.

-Position the points and reference surfaces of the sheet or profile.

-Adjust the machine parameters based on the process.

-Identify the dimensions and characteristics of the shapes to be obtained.

-Run the required operations, varying the parameters, to achieve the required quality.

-Check that the dimensions obtained are within "tolerance" and quality are required

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.


1. Safety in the cutting of sheets and metal profiles.

-Risk factors in the cut.

-Security and tampering rules in the court.

-Prevention measures: Use of individual protective equipment.

2. Cutting of sheets and profiles with oxycorte.

-Fundamentals and technology of oxyfuel.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual oxycorte equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases used in oxyfuel. Influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Operating techniques with oxyfuel:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual oxycorte process.

-Recrocesos from oxycorte.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Defects of oxycorte: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting sheets, profiles and tubes with oxyfuel.

3. Cutting of sheets and profiles with arcoplasma.

-Fundamentals and technology of the arcoplasma.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual arcoplasma equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases plasmagenes. Characteristics and influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Types and characteristics of electrodes and electrodes for the arcoplasma.

-Operating techniques with arcoplasma:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual arcoplasma process.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Effects of the arcoplasma: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting plates, profiles and tubes with arcoplasma.

4. Cutting of sheets and profiles by air.

-Use in the preparation of edges in welds and resented of defective parts.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements:

-Team components.

-Air-arc operating techniques:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to consider in the air arc process.

-Effects of the cut by arc air: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cut by arc.

5. Mechanical cutting of sheets and profiles.

-Mechanical cutting equipment:

-Types, features.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical mechanical cutting application.

6. Cutting machines with oxycorte and automatic plasma.

-Cutting machines by optical reading.

-Automated gantry machines with CNC.

-Main elements of an automatic installation:

-An optical system for tracking templates and planes (optical reading machine).

-Head or support for the simple or multiple carrier or slide holder.

-Manual, automatic, or integrated regulatory systems.

-A torch or torch height control system by electrical or contact probe.

7. Measuring, checking and checking in the cut.

-Tolerances: features to be controlled.

-Measure and check uses.

-Dimensional control of the final product: checking the adjustment to the marked tolerances.



Code: UF1672

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 in terms of the thermal welding and projection operations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Define the welding and thermal projection processes by oxygenas, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, complying with the rules on the prevention of occupational hazards and the protection of the environment.

CE1.1 Relate the welding and projection processes with their main application according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, describing their possibilities and limitations.

CE1.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding and projection, taking care of their applications.

CE1.3 Explain the welding and projection parameters according to the process to be used and materials.

CE1.4 Describe possible complementary treatments for welding and projection.

CE1.5 Relate the possible defects of the weld and the projection with the cause-effects that produce them.

CE1.6 Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE1.7 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks applicable during the welding procedure.

CE1.8 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications for welding and with certain quality specifications:

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union that meets the standard characteristics of a weld (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.), which meets economic and quality criteria.

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

CE1.9 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications regarding thermal projection are included and with certain quality specifications:

-Set the most appropriate projection sequence according to the requirements of the finish, based on economic and quality criteria.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C2: Soldar with oxygen plates, profiles and tubes of different materials, in order to meet the specifications and standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Protection of the Environment.

CE2.1 List the characteristics of the gases used and the input materials.

CE2.2 Describe the oxygen welding procedures with different base and input materials.

CE2.3 Relate the oxygen welding equipment, with the required materials and finishes, expressing their performance.

CE2.4 Relate the different parameters of the welding procedure with the results that are intended to be obtained, economic, quality and safety aspects.

CE2.5 Analyze the oxygen welding equipment, describing the different components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the set, explaining the rules of use and conservation of the equipment.

CE2.6 Explain the transformations that occur during the welding process, as well as the main parameters involved, the main features and defects that such welding can have.

CE2.7 In a practical case of the process of welding of thin sheets, profiles and tubes of different materials, defined in a constructive plane of metallic constructions and without specifying applicable procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the team and install, checking that the security rules are met.

-Perform welding according to the type of attachment and position (horizontal, vertical and ceiling), using the number of welding cords suitable for the thickness, position and type of attachment, with the required quality.

-Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying "defects" and causes that cause them.

C3: Projected different metal and non-metallic materials with oxygen, in order to meet the specifications and standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environmental Protection.

CE3.1 Describe the main features and defects that a thermal projection can have.

CE3.2 Explain the rules for the use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.3 In a practical assumption of projection by oxygenas, defined in a constructive plane of Metallic Constructions and without specifying applicable procedure:

-Interpret the projection symbology.

-Identify the various components of the projection equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, attending to materials and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, by checking the standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

-Perform the projection, determining the number of past projection, taking into account the thickness to be applied and characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Evaluate the projected part and adjust the parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the projected part, identifying "defects" and causes that cause them.


1. Welding fundamentals.

-Internation rules.

-Most common internations rules.

-Concept of weldability.

-Classification, application and weldability of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

-Commercial dimensions of sheets, profiles, and tubes.

-Study of plastic deformation of metals.

-Types and characteristics of base metal and input metal.

-Thermal balance of the welding processes.

-Zones of the welded join.

-Cooling speed of the weld.


-Dilatations, contractions, deformations and stresses produced in the weld. Causes, consequences and correction.

-Types and application of post-welding thermal treatments

-Specifications of a welding procedure. Welding parameters to be taken into account.

2. Oxygen welding process.

-Characteristics of the oxygen welding equipment, description of the elements and accessories:

-Oxygen and acetylene bottles



-Anti-recoil valves



-Characteristics and properties of gases used in oxygen welding. Pressure and regulation of gases. Bottling of gases.

-Features and applications of different types of flame. Lighting, regulating and turning off the flame. Zones of the flame.

-Installation, tuning and handling of the oxygen welding equipment.

-First level maintenance of the oxygen welding equipment

-Variables to be taken into account in the oxygenation.

-Soldeo techniques for oxygen welding

-Selecting the welding parameters.

-Practical application of the oxygen-welding of sheets, profiles and tubes of carbon steel.

3. Inspection of welded joints.

-Inspection Codes and Standards

-Visual inspection before, during, and after welding

-Types and detection of internal and external welding defects. Causes and corrections.

-Non-destructive tests used for the detection of welding errors: types, description, technique, stages and development of each test. Interpretation of results.

-Use of each test for the location of different defects.

4. Process of thermal projection by oxygenas

-Fundamentals of thermal projection.

-Characteristics of the thermal projection equipment by oxygen. Description of items and accessories.

-Base metals and input metals.

-Preparing the surface to coat.

-Variables to consider in thermal projection

-Typical applications.

-Visual inspection. Defect detection and analysis.

5. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in welding and thermal screening.

-Techniques and protective elements. Risk assessment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatment.

-Legislative and regulatory aspects.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units



Total duration in hours

of the training units

Remote training

Maximum Susceptible Hours

Formative Unit 1-UF1640









To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been passed the training units 1 and 2.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0101_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0101_2: Perform arc welds under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG, MAG) and thermal projections with arc.

Duration: 430 hours.



Code: UF1622

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to the RP2 as referred to the edge preparation.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the material, equipment, tools, instruments and work protections for manual and semi-automatic cutting of sheets and profiles, meeting the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE1.1 Identify the material according to its dimensions, thickness and quality according to the work instructions.

CE1.2 Define the specific tasks for each machine or computer.

CE1.3 In a practical, well-characterized, practical case of making a particular piece:

-Select the machines and equipment required to perform that task.

-Perform the maintenance of the machines according to the manual of the machines.

-Prepare equipment, machines, accessories, and auxiliary services to use under the required safety standards.

C2: Operate thermal cutting equipment (manual and semi-automatic), to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE2.1 Relate the different cutting equipment with the required finishes, describing the performance of the same.

CE2.2 Describe the various components that make up the thermal cutting equipment, the function of each of them and their interrelationship in the set.

CE2.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures set out in the plan for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

CE2.4 Relate, to each other, the different parameters of the cut procedure with the results to be obtained.

CE2.5 Operate cutting equipment, using the required personal and environment protections.

CE2.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE2.7 In a practical, well-characterized case, of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and thermal cutting equipment:

-Select the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters

-Check that the selected tools and tools are in optimal use conditions.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C3: Operate mechanical cutting equipment, to obtain sheets and profiles of defined shapes, applying the plan of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.1 Relate the various mechanical cutting equipment, with the required finishes, describing their performance.

CE3.2 Describe the various components that make up mechanical cutting equipment, as well as the function of each one and their interrelationship in the whole

CE3.3 Identify the means of protection to be used and describe the security measures contained in the plan for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks, due to the use of different mechanical cutting equipment.

CE3.4 Relate to each other, the different parameters of the procedure and the results that are intended to be obtained.

CE3.5 Operate the different mechanical cutting equipment using the equipment and means of protection specified in the plan prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.6 Describe the typical "defectology" of the cutting process.

CE3.7 In a practical, duly characterized, practical case of manufacture of a given piece, defined in a plane of metal constructions and mechanical cutting equipment:

-Select the necessary cutting and useful equipment according to the characteristics of the required materials and finishing requirements.

-Point the team, selecting the usage parameters.

-Check that the selected tools and tools meet the optimal conditions of use.

-Run the cut with the required quality.

-Apply rules of use, safety and hygiene during court operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

-Clean the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

-Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C4: Operate automatic machines with numerical cutting control, to obtain sheets and profiles of shapes defined from the corresponding technical information, complying with the plan of prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE4.1 Identify the various components of the cutting equipment by relating them to the function they perform.

CE4.2 Describe the different cutting parameters and their influence on the process (speed, depth, progress, among others).

CE4.3 In a practical case of cutting and starting from the manufacturing plans:

-Analyze the technical documentation and plans to determine the process to be used.

-Operate the numerical control machines, using the protection equipment and means specified in the occupational and environmental risk prevention plan.

-Select necessary tools and tools, checking that they meet the optimal conditions of use

-Place and fix the plate or profile using the necessary fastening tools, so as to ensure the required accuracy and degree of finish.

-Introduce the CNC program on the machine and perform the simulation of the vacuum paths for verification of the machine.

-Position the points and reference surfaces of the sheet or profile.

-Adjust the machine parameters based on the process.

-Identify the dimensions and characteristics of the shapes to be obtained.

-Run the required operations, varying the parameters, to achieve the required quality.

-Check that the dimensions obtained are within "tolerance" and quality are required

-Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.


1. Safety in the cutting of sheets and metal profiles.

-Risk factors in the cut.

-Security and tampering rules in the court.

-Prevention measures: Use of individual protective equipment.

2. Cutting of sheets and profiles with oxycorte.

-Fundamentals and technology of oxyfuel.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual oxycorte equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases used in oxyfuel. Influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Operating techniques with oxyfuel:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual oxycorte process.

-Recrocesos from oxycorte.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Defects of oxycorte: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting sheets, profiles and tubes with oxyfuel.

3. Cutting of sheets and profiles with arcoplasma.

-Fundamentals and technology of the arcoplasma.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements that make up the installation of the manual arcoplasma equipment:

-Team components. Installation.

-Gases plasmagenes. Characteristics and influence of the gas on the cutting process.

-Types and characteristics of electrodes and electrodes for the arcoplasma.

-Operating techniques with arcoplasma:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to be taken into account in the manual arcoplasma process.

-Cutting speeds in relation to the material and the thickness of the pieces.

-Effects of the arcoplasma: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cutting plates, profiles and tubes with arcoplasma.

4. Cutting of sheets and profiles by air.

-Use in the preparation of edges in welds and resented of defective parts.

-Equipment characteristics and auxiliary elements:

-Team components.

-Air-arc operating techniques:

-Handling and tuning equipment parameters.

-Variables to consider in the air arc process.

-Effects of the cut by arc air: causes and corrections.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical application of cut by arc.

5. Mechanical cutting of sheets and profiles.

-Mechanical cutting equipment:

-Types, features.

-Basic maintenance.

-Practical mechanical cutting application.

6. Cutting machines with oxycorte and automatic plasma.

-Cutting machines by optical reading.

-Automated gantry machines with CNC.

-Main elements of an automatic installation:

-An optical system for tracking templates and planes (optical reading machine).

-Head or support for the simple or multiple carrier or slide holder.

-Manual, automatic, or integrated regulatory systems.

-A torch or torch height control system by electrical or contact probe.

7. Measuring, checking and checking in the cut.

-Tolerances: features to be controlled.

-Measure and check uses.

-Dimensional control of the final product: checking the adjustment to the marked tolerances.



Code: UF1673

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as referred to carbon steel sheet welding operations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the production, repair and assembly plans, determining the most appropriate procedure to allow the welding of steel sheets to carbon with arc under protective gas with consumable electrode (MAG), as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Explain the various welding characteristics that identify the MAG welding operations in metal construction manufacturing planes.

CE1.3 Building a constructive and/or assembly plan for employees in the most representative sectors of the metal construction sector:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined processes.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

C2: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with consumable electrode (MAG) of carbon steel sheets, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE2.1 Analyze the different MAG welding processes of carbon steel sheets, relating them to their main application according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE2.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the MAG welding of carbon steel sheets, serving their applications.

CE2.3 Explain the MAG welding parameters of carbon steel sheets depending on the process to be used and materials.

CE2.4 Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

CE2.5 Relate the possible defects of the weld with the cause-effects that produce them.

CE2.6 Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE2.7 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks applicable during the welding procedure.

CE2.8 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-Choose the most suitable process of welding within the possibilities and limitations of these, taking into account economic and quality criteria.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union, fulfilling the standard characteristics of good welding (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.), and with economic and quality criteria

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.


C3: Soldar with a low-carbon, consumable electrode (MAG) carbon steel plate, so that the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment are met.

CE3.1 Describe the MAG welding procedures of carbon steel sheets.

CE3.2 Relate the different MAG welding equipment and the different parameters of the procedure, with the results to be obtained, and the economic, quality and safety aspects.

CE3.3 Analyze the MAG welding equipment, describing the different components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the set, explaining the rules of use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.4 List the main types of input material, gas, pointing out its characteristics and main use.

CE3.5 Explain the transformations that occur during the process of welding of carbon steel sheets with MAG, as well as the main parameters involved, the main characteristics and defects that it can have Such welding.

CE3.6 In a practical case of the MAG welding process of carbon steel sheets, defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the MAG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate welding procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, checking that Labor Risk Prevention rules are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, using the number of welding cords depending on the thickness and characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying the defects and causes that cause them.


1. Welding symbology.

-Types of welds.

-Soldeo positions.

-Types of joins.

-Preparing borders.

-Rules governing the welding symbolization.

-Parts of a welding symbol.

-Meaning and localization of the elements of a welding symbol.

-Types and symbolization of welding processes.

-Basic welding symbols.

-Supplemental symbols.

-Finish symbols.

-Position of the symbols in the drawings.

-Dimensions of welds and their enrollment.

-Complementary indications.

-Regulations and symbolization of coated electrodes.

-Practical application of welding symbol interpretation.

2. Interpretation of welding planes

-Classification and characteristics of graphical representation systems.

-Study of the views of an object in the drawing.

-Types of lines used in the planes. Name and application.

-Representation of cuts, details, and sections.

-The bounded on the drawing. Rules for bounded.

-More usual escalations. Use of the escalimeter.

-Usage of tolerances.

-Croking of parts.

-Symbology used in the plans.

-Types of formats and boxes in the planes.

-Representation of normalized elements.

-Representation of materials.

-Representation of thermal and surface treatments.

-List of materials.

-Practical application of the interpretation of welding planes.

3. MAG welding technology.

-MAG welding foundations.

-Benefits and limitations of the process.

-Rules applicable to the process.

-Characteristics and weldability of carbon steels.

-Features and applications of transfer forms:

-Arco spray.

-Arc pressed.

-globular arch.

-Short or short arc.

-Rotable Arc.

-Protection Gases:

-Types of gases used, their characteristics and applications.

-Influence of the properties of the gas CO2 on the appearance of the weld.

-Influence of the properties of inert gases in the welding process.

-Gas flow rate for each welding process. Influence of the regulated flow.


-Types of threads used, their features and applications.

-Thread diameters.

-Specifications for threads according to regulations.

-Selection of the hylo-gas pair.

-Knowledge and influence of the main parameters to be regulated in the MAG welding: Polarity. Arc voltage. Current intensity. Diameter and feed speed of the yarn. Nature and flow of gas.

4. MAG welding equipment.

-Knowledge of the elements that make up the MAG welding installation: Current generator. Power unit of the yarn. Gas bottles CO2 and mixtures. Manorreductor-caudalimetro. Gas heater.

-Installation, tuning and handling of the MAG welding installation.

-MAG welding equipment maintenance:

-Fastening Uses.

5. MAG welding operating techniques of carbon steel sheets.

-Together forms: Preparation of the joints to be welded. Stitch-up techniques and standards.

-Selecting the transfer form.

-Regulation of the main parameters in the MAG welding of sheets: Polarity. Arc voltage. Current intensity. Diameter and feed speed of the yarn. Nature and flow of gas.

-Inclination of the gun according to the gasket and the position of the welding.

-Step forward in material input.

-Part-time distance.

-welding technique in the different welding positions.

-Distribution of different strands of penetration, padding and hairstyle.

-Presolding and post-welding treatments.

-Practical application of carbon steel sheet welding in different positions with solid yarn.

6. Defects in the MAG welding of carbon steel sheets.

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Tests used for error detection in MAG welding.

-Common defect types.

-Factors to consider for each defect.

-Causes and corrections of defects.

7. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the MAG welding of carbon steel sheets.

-Risk assessment on MAG welding

-Security rules and protection elements

-Using individual protection equipment

-Environmental management. Waste treatment.



Code: UF1674

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as referred to the welding operations of carbon steel structures.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the production, repair and assembly plans, determining the most appropriate procedure to allow the welding of steel structures to the carbon with arc under protective gas. with consumable electrode (MAG), as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Explain the various welding characteristics that identify the MAG welding operations in metal construction manufacturing planes.

CE1.3 Building a constructive and assembly plan for employees in the most representative sectors of the metal construction sector:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined processes.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

C2: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with consumable electrode (MAG) of structures (profiles and tubes) of carbon steel, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE2.1 Analyze the different MAG welding processes of carbon steel structures, relating them to their main application according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE2.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the MAG welding of carbon steel structures, serving their applications.

CE2.3 Explain MAG welding parameters of carbon steel structures depending on the process to be employed and materials.

CE2.4 Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

CE2.5 Relate the possible defects of the weld with the cause-effects that produce them.

CE2.6 Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE2.7 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks applicable during the welding procedure.

CE2.8 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-Choose the most suitable process of welding within the possibilities and limitations of these, taking into account economic and quality criteria.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union that meets the standard characteristics of good welding (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.).

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C3: Soldar with a low-carbon, consumable electrode (MAG) structures (profiles and tubes) of carbon steel, in order to meet the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE3.1 Describe MAG welding procedures of carbon steel structures.

CE3.2 Relate the different MAG welding equipment and the different parameters of the procedure, with the results to be obtained, and the economic, quality and safety aspects.

CE3.3 Analyze the MAG welding equipment, describing the different components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the set, explaining the rules of use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.4 List the main types of input material, gas, pointing out its characteristics and main use.

CE3.5 Explain the transformations that occur during the process of welding of carbon steel structures with MAG, as well as: the main parameters involved, the main characteristics and defects that can have such welding.

CE3.6 In a practical case of MAG welding process of carbon steel structures (profiles and tubes), defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the MAG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate welding procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, checking that Labor Risk Prevention rules are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, using the number of welding cords, taking into account the thickness and characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying the defects and causes that cause them.


1. MAG welding operating techniques of standardized carbon steel profiles

-Types and characteristics of the normalized profiles.

-Together forms:

-Preparing to weld junctions

-Punting techniques and rules

-Installation and basic maintenance of MAG welding equipment

-Installing the fastening tools

-Selecting the transfer form

-Regulation of the main parameters in the MAG welding of profiles: Polarity. Arc voltage. Current intensity. Diameter and feed speed of the yarn. Nature and flow of gas

-Inclination of the gun according to gasket and position of welding

-Step forward in material input

-Part-time distance

-welding technique in the different welding positions

-Distribution of different strands of penetration, padding and hairstyle

-Presolding and post-welding treatments

-Practical application of welding of steel profiles to carbon in different positions with solid yarn.

2. MAG welding operating techniques for carbon steel tubes

-Together forms:

-Preparing to weld junctions

-Punting techniques and rules

-Installation and basic maintenance of MAG welding equipment

-Installing the fastening tools

-Selecting the transfer form

-Regulation of the main parameters in the MAG welding of tubes: Polarity. Arc voltage. Current intensity. Diameter and feed speed of the yarn. Nature and flow of gas

-Inclination of the gun according to gasket and position of welding

-Step forward in material input

-Part-time distance

-welding technique in the different welding positions

-Distribution of different strands of penetration, padding and hairstyle

-Presolding and post-welding treatments

-Practical application of welding of steel tubes to carbon in different positions with solid yarn.

3. Defects in MAG welding of carbon steel structures

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Tests used for error detection

-Common defect types

-Factors to consider for each defect

-Causes and corrections of defects.

4. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the MAG welding of carbon steel structures

-Risk assessment on MAG welding

-Security rules and protection elements

-Using individual protection equipment

-Environmental management. Waste treatment.



Code: UF1675

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Referrer: This formative unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as referred to the stainless steel and aluminum MIG welding operations, and the arc thermal projection.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the production, repair and assembly plans, determining the most suitable procedure for making stainless steel and aluminium welding with arc under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG) and arc thermal projections, as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Interpret the different symbols used in the arc thermal projection.

CE1.3 Explain the various welding characteristics that identify the MIG welding operations in metal construction manufacturing planes.

CE1.4 Explain the arc thermal projection characteristics that identify the thermal projection operations with arc in manufacturing planes.

CE1.5 Building a constructive or assembly plan for employees in the most representative sectors of the metal construction sector:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined processes.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

CE1.6 Building a constructive and assembly plan for employees in the most representative sectors of the metal construction sector:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the projection process.

-Explain the defined process.

-Describe the zones to be masked.

C2: Define the MIG welding processes of stainless steel and aluminum and thermal projection with arc, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, in compliance with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE2.1 Analyze the different stainless steel and aluminum MIG welding processes and arc thermal projection, relating them to their main application according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning for its possibilities and limitations.

CE2.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the MIG stainless steel and aluminum welding and the arc thermal projection, catering to their applications.

CE2.3 Explain the MIG stainless steel and aluminum welding parameters and the arc thermal projection depending on the process to be employed and materials.

CE2.4 Describe possible complementary treatments for welding and thermal projection.

CE2.5 Relate the possible defects of the weld and the thermal projection with the cause-effects that produce them.

CE2.6 Explain the local treatments of stress relaxation in welding.

CE2.7 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks applicable during the welding procedure.

CE2.8 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-Choose the most suitable process of welding within the possibilities and limitations of these, taking into account economic and quality criteria.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union that meets the standard characteristics of good welding (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.).

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

CE2.9 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, in which no specifications concerning the projection are included and with a requirement of quality:

-List the capabilities and limitations of the projection process.

-Set the most appropriate projection sequence according to the requirements of the finish, based on economic and quality criteria.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C3: Soldar with arc under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG) stainless steel and aluminum, so that the specifications and standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment are met.

CE3.1 Describe the MIG welding procedures for stainless steel and aluminum.

CE3.2 Relate the various MIG welding equipment and the different parameters of the procedure, with the results to be obtained, and the economic, quality and safety aspects.

CE3.3 Analyze the MIG welding equipment, describing the different components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the set, explaining the rules of use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.4 List the main types of input material, gas, pointing out its characteristics and main use.

CE3.5 Explain the transformations that occur during the stainless steel and aluminum welding process with MIG, as well as: the main parameters involved, the main features and defects you may have Such welding.

CE3.6 In a practical case of stainless steel and aluminum MIG welding process, defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the MIG welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate welding procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, checking that Labor Risk Prevention rules are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, using the number of welding cords taking into account the thickness and characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality

-Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying the defects and causes that cause them.

C4: Projecting different metallic and non-metallic materials, so that the technical specifications and standards and the Environmental and Environmental Risk Prevention are met.

CE4.1 Recognize the main features and defects that a thermal projection can have.

CE4.2 Explain the rules of application and conservation of equipment.

CE4.3 In a practical case of thermal projection by arc, defined in a constructive plane of Metallic Constructions and without specifying applicable procedure:

-Interpret the projection symbology.

-Identify the various components of the projection equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, attending to materials and thicknesses, as well as to economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, by checking the standards of Occupational Risk Prevention and Environment.

-Perform the projection by determining the number of past projection, taking into account the thickness to be applied and the characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Evaluate a projected part and define which parameters should be adjusted if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of a projected piece, identifying defects and causes that cause them.


1. MIG welding technology.

-MIG welding foundations.

-Benefits and limitations of the process.

-Applications of the process.

-Analogies and differences between MIG and MAG.

-Rules applicable to the process.

-Base material on MIG welding: Stainless steel

-Classification and designation: autenitic, ferritic, martensitic and austeno-ferritic or duplex.

-Alloy components. Influence on weldability.

-Physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics, and their influence on welding.

-Main properties.

-Soldability of the steels according to their structure.



-Base material on the MIG welding: Aluminium:

-Classification and Designation.

-Alloy components. Influence on weldability.

-Physical, chemical and mechanical characteristics.

-Main properties.




2. MIG welding process for stainless steel.

-Together forms.

-Preparing the junctions to weld.

-Punting method and its execution process.

-Knowledge of the elements that make up the MIG welding installation for stainless steel.

-Stream Generator: Synergic machine.

-Thread power unit.

-inert gas bottles.


-Industrial Gases for reverse protection.

-Installation, tuning and handling of the MIG welding installation for stainless steel.

-First level maintenance of the welding installation.

-Fastening Uses.

-Types of inert gases used, their characteristics, applications and influence in the welding process.

-Types of gas mixtures used for the protection of the reverse side of the weld and its influence on the process.

-Types of threads used, diameters, designation, features, and applications.

-Transfer forms.

-Knowledge and regulation of the main parameters in the stainless steel MIG welding: Polarity of the current. Diameter of the yarn. Current intensity. Tension. Gas flow. Free length of yarn.

-Selection of input material.

-welding techniques in the different welding positions.

-Inclination of the gun according to the gasket and the position of the welding.

-Techniques for temperature control.

-Distribution of different strands of penetration, padding and hairstyle.

-Cleaning measures in the preparation, execution and finishing of the weld.

-Measures to prevent contamination and corrosion.

-Common defect types: Factors to be taken into account for each defect. Causes and corrections.

-Practical application of sheet welding, profiles, and stainless steel tubes with solid yarn.

3. MIG welding process for aluminum.

-Together forms.

-Rules on the preparation of chaflanes.

-Preparing the junctions to weld. Cleaning the edges.

-Punting method and its execution process.

-Knowledge of the elements that make up the installation of MIG welding for aluminum: Current generator: Synergic machine. Power unit of the yarn. Bottles of inert gas. Manorreductor-caudalimetro. Industrial gases for welding.

-Installation, tuning and handling of the MIG welding facility for aluminum.

-First level maintenance of the welding installation.

-Fastening Uses.

-Types of inert gases used, their characteristics, applications and influence in the welding process.

-Types of threads used, diameters, designation, composition, characteristics and applications. Forms of conservation.

-Transfer forms.

-Knowledge and regulation of the main parameters in the stainless steel MIG welding: Polarity of the current. Diameter of the yarn. Current intensity. Tension. Gas flow rate. Thread free length.

-Selection of input material.

-Soldeo techniques in the different welding positions.

-Inclination of the gun according to the gasket and the position of the welding.

-Distribution of different strands of penetration, padding and hairstyle.

-Final cleaning of the weld.

-Cleaning measures in the preparation, execution and finishing of the weld.

-Tests to which the weld cord is submitted.

-Most common defect types: Factors to consider for each defect. Causes and corrections.

-Practical application of sheet welding, profiles, and aluminum tubes with solid yarn.

4. Thermal projection process by arc.

-Fundamentals of thermal projection by arc.

-Characteristics of the thermal projection equipment per arc. Description of items and accessories. Conservation of equipment.

-Base metals and input metals.

-Preparing the surface to project.

-Variables to consider in thermal projection.

-Typical applications.

-Visual inspection. Defect detection and analysis.

5. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in MIG welding and thermal projection by arch.

-Risk assessment on the MIG welding and the arc thermal projection.

-Security rules and protection elements.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatment.



Code: UF1676

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3 as referred to the tubular wire welding operations.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information used in the production, repair and assembly plans, determining the most appropriate procedure to allow the use of arc welding under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG/MAG) with tubular wire, as specified.

CE1.1 Interpret the different symbols used in welding.

CE1.2 Explain the various welding characteristics that identify the welding operations with tubular wire in metal construction manufacturing planes.

CE1.3 Building a constructive and assembly plan for employees in the most representative sectors of the metal construction sector:

-Identify the symbology that is related to the welding process.

-Explain the defined processes.

-Inferde the required border preparation.

-Define the time to mount the elements.

C2: Define the arc welding processes under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG-MAG) with tubular wire, determining phases, operations, equipment, useful. etc., on the basis of economic and quality criteria, with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE2.1 Analyze the different welding processes with tubular wire, relating them to their main application, according to the materials, economic criteria and quality, and reasoning their possibilities and limitations.

CE2.2 Describe the characteristics of the different "consumables" used in the welding with tubular wire, serving their applications.

CE2.3 Explain the welding parameters with tubular wire depending on the process to be used and materials.

CE2.4 Describe possible complementary treatments for welding.

CE2.5 Relate the possible defects of the weld with the cause-effects that produce them.

CE2.6 Explain local stress relaxation treatments.

CE2.7 Describe the rules of use of the Prevention of Labor and Environment Risks applicable during the welding procedure.

CE2.8 Given a constructive plane of metallic construction, which does not include specifications concerning welding and with a requirement of quality:

-Choose the most suitable process of welding within the possibilities and limitations of these, taking into account economic and quality criteria.

-Determine the procedure for obtaining a union that meets the standard characteristics of good welding (preparation of edges, consumables, etc.).

-Set the most appropriate welding sequence according to the requirements of the manufacture to be performed.

-Identify necessary equipment, tools, tools, and materials.

-Define the required quality controls.

C3: Soldar with low-gas-protective gas (MIG-MAG) with tubular wire, so that the specifications and standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment are met.

CE3.1 Describe the welding procedures with tubular wire.

CE3.2 Relate the various welding equipment with tubular wire and the different parameters of the procedure, with the results to be obtained, and the economic, quality and safety aspects.

CE3.3 Analyze the welding equipment with tubular wire, describing the different components, the function of each of them and their interrelation in the set, explaining the rules of use and conservation of equipment.

CE3.4 List the main types of input material, gas, pointing out its characteristics and main use.

CE3.5 Explain the transformations that occur during the welding process with tubular wire, as well as, the main parameters involved, the main features and defects that can have such welding.

CE3.6 In a practical case of welding process with tubular wire, defined in a constructive plane of metal constructions, without specifying procedure:

-Interpret the welding symbology.

-Identify the various components of the welding equipment.

-Choose the most appropriate welding procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, depending on the materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as with economic and quality criteria.

-Point the equipment and installation, checking that Labor Risk Prevention rules are met.

-Prepare the edges and position the parts to be welded.

-Perform the welding in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, using the number of welding cords, taking into account the thickness and characteristics of the material used, achieving the required quality.

-Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

-Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying the defects and causes that cause them.


1. Tubular thread welding process (FCAW).

-Foundations of the process. Applications.

-Advantage of the use of the tubular thread.

-Base metals for the FCAW welding.

-Arc protection methods:

-gaseous protection.


-Tubular Threads:

-Types, features, and applications.

-Specifications according to AWS.

-Specifications according to EN.

-Parameters for thread selection.

-Protection Gases:

-The advantages and applications of CO2.

-Types and applications of gas mixtures.

2. Welding equipment with tubular wire.

-Elements that make up the installation of MIG/MAG welding with tubular wire: Power source. Power of the wire and control system. Torch and cable. Tubular electrode. Protection gas supply system (in processes with gaseous protection). Smoke extraction system.

-Installing, tuning, and handling the installation:

-With gaseous protection.

-With self-protection.

-First level maintenance of equipment and machinery.

3. Operating techniques for welding with tubular wire.

-Together forms:

-Preparing the junctions to weld.

-Punting techniques and standards.

-Regulation of the main parameters in the MAG welding with tubular wire: welding current. Arc voltage. Electrode extension. Speed of displacement. Flow of protective gas (in the system with gaseous protection). Speed of deposition and efficiency.

-Tilt and forward direction of the gun.

-gun-gun distance.

-welding techniques:

-With protection gas.

-With self-protection thread.

-Cleaning the slags.

-Generation of fumes. Methods for their decrease.

-Presolding and post-welding treatments

-Practical application of carbon, aluminum, and stainless steel sheet welding with tubular wire.

4. Defects in welding with tubular wire.

-Visual inspection of welds.

-Tests used for error detection.

-Common defect types.

-Factors to consider for each defect.

-Causes and corrections of defects.

5. Regulations for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks in welding with tubular wire.

-Risk assessment on the welding with tubular wire.

-Security rules and protection elements.

-Using individual protection equipment.

-Environmental management. Waste treatment.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units


Total duration in hours

of the training units

Remote training

Maximum Susceptible Hours

Formative Unit 1-UF1622







Formative Unit 4-UF1675






To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been passed the training units 1 and 2.

To access the formative unit 4 must have been exceeded the formative units 1,2 and 3.

To access the training unit 5 must have been passed the training units 1, 2, and 3.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0358

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the manufacturing, repair and assembly plans of metal constructions, in order to determine the most suitable procedure for welding.

CE1.1 Identify the symbology that is related to the process

CE1.2 Explain the defined process

CE1.3 Define the required edges

CE1.4 Collaborate on the determination of the mount time of the elements

C2: Participate in the performance of the cutting operations for the preparation of welding parts in compliance with the required technical specifications, quality standards and standards for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental.

CE2.1 Collaborate on the selection of the cutting equipment and the necessary tools according to the characteristics of the required materials and quality of finishing requirements.

CE2.2 Participate in the tuning of the equipment, selecting the usage parameters and checking that the selected tools and tools are in optimal conditions of use.

CE2.3 Intercoming in the execution of the cut with the required quality.

CE2.4 Apply standards for use, safety and hygiene during cutting operations, using the personal and environmental protections established in the workplace and environmental risk prevention plan.

CE2.5 Identify or, where appropriate, relate possible defects to the causes that cause them.

CE2.6 Cooperate in the cleaning of the cutting surface and verify that the dimensions of the pieces obtained are within "tolerance".

CE2.7 Clear the work zone, collecting the material and equipment used.

C3: Intervening in the realization of arc welds under protective gas with consumable electrode (MIG/MAG) sheets, profiles and tubes of carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum, with solid wire and tubular thread, complying with the the specifications and standards for the prevention of occupational hazards and the environment.

CE3.1 Identify the various components of the MIG/MAG welding equipment.

CE3.2 Participate in the selection of the most appropriate welding procedure within the possibilities and limitations of these, attending to materials, consumables and thicknesses, as well as economic and quality criteria.

CE3.3 Collaborate on the equipment and installation of the equipment, taking into account the type of material as well as the economic and quality criteria required, verifying that the standards of the Prevention of Occupational Risks are met.

CE3.4 Cooperate on the positioning of the parts to be welded.

CE3.5 Intervening in the resolution of the different types of union in the horizontal, vertical and ceiling positions, using the number of welding cords taking into account the thickness and characteristics of the material used, the required quality.

CE3.6 Evaluate the results obtained and adjust parameters if necessary.

CE3.7 Perform visual inspection of the welds obtained, identifying the defects and causes that cause them.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE4.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE4.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Interpretation of welding planes.

-Interpretation of the symbology and specifications of the plane needed to perform the welding.

-Identification of the defined process.

-Identification of edges required for welding.

2. Cutting and preparing edges for welding.

-Interpretation of the symbology and specifications of the plane needed to perform the welding.

-Selection of the most suitable cutting equipment depending on the material to be cut and the required requirements.

-Puesta to the point of the cutting equipment. Tuning usage parameters.

-Selecting the protection equipment to use.

-Check the quality of the cut, with the appropriate verification instruments.

-Cleaning the cutting surface.

3. Performing MIG/MAG welding.

-Interpretation of the symbology and specifications of the plane needed to perform the welding.

-Selection and identification of the components of the welding equipment.

-Puesta to the point of the welding equipment. Tuning usage parameters.

-Selecting the protection equipment to use.

-Identification of defects that could be produced during welding.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in scope

of the

unit of





Soldering and thermal screening for oxygen.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title corresponding or other equivalent titles.

● Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

● Senior Technical The Professional Family of Mechanical Manufacturing.

● Certificate Level 3 professionalism of the Professional Metal Building Professional Family Building Area.

2 years

4 years


Archery under protective gas with consumable electrode.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

< {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1}

\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1} {\expndtw1

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificate from the Professional Metal Building Professional Family of Mechanical Manufacturing.

2 years



Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula



Building Workshop



build store



Forming Space





Metal Building Workshop






Forming Space

-purpose Aula.

-Pizarras to write with pen.

-Audio-visual equipment.


-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and Student chairs

Building Workshop.

-Alternate Sierra.

-Fixed Talent and portable.

-Portable Desbarberators.


-Thermal cutting equipment: oxyfuel, plasma.

- Mechanical cutting equipment.

-Messes for cutting materials metal.

-Work banks.

-Regulable metal stools.

-Biombo screens to isolate the job.

-Machine to make chaflanes.

-Full oxygen welding equipment.

-Full MIG/MAG semi-automatic welding equipment.

-Full thermal projection equipment.

-Welding tables.

-Consumables (electrodes, ...).

-Individual protection

build store.

-Pera metal armaries tools.


-Gas bottle conveyor.

-Appropriate transport machinery for the displacement of metal constructs.

-Materials (sheets, profiles, ...)

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Denomination: Thermal treatments in mechanical manufacturing

Code: FMEH0110

Professional family: Mechanical manufacturing

Professional area: Mechanical operations

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

FME353_2 Thermal treatments in mechanical manufacturing (RD 1699/2007 of 14 December)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1266_2 Perform thermal treatments on metal products

UC0104_2 Prepare automatic process equipment and facilities for thermal and surface treatments in metal products.

General competition:

Perform thermal treatments on metal products, determining operational processes from type processes and technical information, preparing parts, operating equipment and installations, performing maintenance of First level of the same, verifying the characteristics of the products obtained and complying with the regulations of prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its activity in the production area of metal transformed small, medium or large enterprises, depending on some cases of top-level technicians. In large installations you can have operators in charge.

Productive Sectors:

Sector of metal transformed industries, in companies of: manufacture of metal products, construction of machinery and mechanical equipment, construction of motor vehicles and their parts, shipbuilding, construction of transport and manufacturing material for precision optical equipment, among others.

Occupations and related jobs

Operator of thermal treatments of metals and their alloys.

Equipment and facility preparer for treatment.

Duration of the associated training: 370 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1266_2: Metal heat treatment operations (210 hours)

● UF1834: Planning of thermal treatments in metal products. (40 hours)

● UF1835: Preparation of metal parts in thermal treatments. (50 hours)

● UF1836: Preparation of equipment and process control in thermal and thermochemical treatments. (90 hours)

● UF1837: Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in thermal treatments in mechanical manufacturing. (30 hours)

MF0104_2 (Transverse): Auxiliary systems in metal surface and thermal treatments. (120 hours)

● UF0598: Automatic regulation and control systems in metal treatments. (60 hours)

● UF0599: Systems programming in metal treatments. (60 hours)

MP0389: Non-working professional practice module for thermal treatments in mechanical manufacturing (40 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

The training established in the training unit UF1837 of the training module MF1266_2 of this certificate of professionalism, guarantees the level of knowledge necessary to obtain the qualification for the performance of the basic level of occupational risk prevention functions, in accordance with Annex IV of the Prevention Services Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 39/1997 of 17 January.


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1266_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Determine the process of heat treatment from established processes, parts of the piece and technical instructions, preparing their instruction sheets, establishing the sequence of operations and complying with the standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CR1.1 The technical information needed to perform the heat treatment, is obtained from the interpretation of the received technical documentation, collecting among other data:

-The process of making the piece (casting, forging, stamping).

-The shape and dimensions of the part to be treated and the treatment area.

-Treatment operations (preheating, heating, cooling).

-The equipment and installation to use.

-The bracket devices for the part.

-Treatment variables (temperatures, times, among others).

-The parts power system (conveyor belt, robots, among others).

-Safety and environmental standards.

CR1.2 The type of oven chosen is the one required by the treatment to be performed, the material of the piece and the temperature to be reached.

CR1.3 The duration and temperature of the heating is set according to the diameter, thickness of the part and composition of the material.

CR1.4 In the instruction sheets is detailed:

-Operations sequenced according to the process.

-The base material of the piece (steel, titanium, aluminum).

-The auxiliary tools (clamping, ceston type).

-The specifications of the base material of the part (shape, state, composition).

-The mechanical characteristics to be achieved (hardness, removal of internal tensions, increased machinability).

-The critical diameter of cylindrical parts in the template and work patterns.

-The heat cycle of the treatment to be performed (heating temperature, cooling rate).

-The batch of parts to be treated.

-The areas of the part to be masked.

-The instruction sheets are completed according to the requirements of the sector or company.

RP2: Prepare the metal parts for thermal treatment, applying the standards and technical specifications, complying with the standards of occupational and environmental risk prevention.

CR2.1 The pieces to be handled are verified and checked that they are the ones listed in the shipped parts listing.

CR2.2 Parts are handled appropriately to prevent damage, as required.

CR2.3 The surfaces of the parts and materials to be treated are prepared according to specifications and are free of grease, dirt, oxides and stains.

CR2.4 The parts are inspected to check that the condition of the material conforms to the required specifications (absence of cracks, cracks, slits).

CR2.5 The protection (partial, total, interior and exterior) of the parts of the parts is carried out according to the subsequent thermal treatment and the material of the piece, masking with bath of salts, surface treatment (cashed, tanning), ideal atmosphere, among others.

RP3: Prepare the equipment and facilities for thermal treatment, performing the first level maintenance of the equipment and facilities in your area, complying with the standards of occupational risk prevention and environmental.

CR3.1 Parts clamping devices are prepared considering:

-The disposition of the supports and useful to ensure the uniformity of treatment.

-The space between the pieces to ensure the free circulation of the heating and cooling means on the entire surface.

-The release of the zunchos and the separation of spirals by distenders of the plates and bands, the generatrices of the rolls parallel to the direction of entry in the middle of the off are available.

-The displacement of the automatic pusher in the trays and baskets.

CR3.2 Equipment and instruments (thermometers, pyrometers, automatic regulators) used for the control of parameters are located so that they do not suffer vibrations, are free of dust and that temperatures to be measured or support do not exceed the permissible values, ensuring that they are calibrated.

CR3.3 Furnaces, heating equipment, controlled atmosphere generators and cooling baths are prepared according to the technical specifications, depending on the treatment and composition of the material.

CR3.4 Electrodes are firmly held and changed when they are impaired.

CR3.5 The first-level maintenance for the operation of the treatment facility is performed taking into account the technical documentation, maintenance tabs and safety standards and includes:

-Unmount, clean, and mount the most relevant parts.

-Emptying of chemicals, keeping the container clean.

-Regeneration of the bathrooms.

-Removing raw materials and pollutants by following standards.

-Periodic refresh of the contents of the vats.

-Changing control elements in case of need (Detectors, race ends, thermocouples, electrovalves, valves, among others).

-Detection of malfunction or malfunction.

-Engrase and lubrication of specified parts.

-Replacing broken or worn out items.

-The communication to those responsible if it detects a breakdown that exceeds its attributions.

RP4: Control the process of heat treatment and, where appropriate, adjust the variables thereof, to obtain the mechanical characteristics specified in the technical documentation, complying with the risk prevention rules work and protection of the environment.

CR4.1 The inert atmosphere is controlled in order to prevent oxidation, decarburation or reduction of mechanical characteristics.

CR4.2 The heat cycle of the treatment is controlled by keeping the variables (temperature, time, speed) of the process within the established ranges, monitoring during the cycle the mechanical movements of the installation and the indicators (temperature, greases).

CR4.3 The emission of gases from the process is controlled to comply with safety and environmental protection regulations.

CR4.4 The instruments used in temperature control (thermometers, contact pencils, SEGER pyramids, radiation pyrometers, thermocouples, optical pyrometers, automatic regulators) are required according to the The characteristics of the treatment to be performed and before their use are ensured that they are calibrated.

CR4.5 The retention, transfer, furnace recovery, speed, or balance times are in compliance with those specified.

CR4.6 The means used for cooling is adapted to the temperature drop rate required by the treatment.

RP5: Verify the treated product in accordance with the established rules and procedures, to check compliance with the specifications of the manufacturing plane, complying with the standards of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

CR5.1 The technical specifications of the product are verified using specific instruments according to the characteristics to be measured by measurement.

CR5.2 The verification items are used by ensuring that they are calibrated.

CR5.3 The verification is performed according to the procedures set out in the rules.

CR5.4 The absence of defects such as: lack of penetration of the treatment; oxidation; decarburation; excess frailty; lack or excess of hardness; deformation; cracks; breaks of the treated pieces, is checked in the process of inspection.

CR5.5 The process is documented according to the requirements of the reference standard.

Professional Context

Production media

Induction ovens. Installations for thermal treatment of metal products. Gas and electric furnaces. Controlled atmosphere generators. Baths for cooling. Instruments for temperature control, hardness, penetration.

Products and results

Pieces treated by means of tempering, recomer, annealing, normalised, cementing, nitriding, sulfocyanation, solubilization/maturation, stabilized, precipitation hardening, tension relief, other

Information used or generated

Specific product or process standards related to thermal treatments (UNE, EN, ISO). Flat. Thermal treatment procedures. Manuals for the operation and maintenance of thermal treatment facilities. Safety and hygiene plans in the company. Standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks. Waste treatment.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0104_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Set up automatic treatment machines or installations, preparing and mounting the required mooring and accessories, according to the technical documentation and the characteristics of the system, complying with the standards of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CR1.1 The information for the configuration of machines or installations is obtained from the interpretation of the plans and technical specifications of the product or process (sequence of operations, useful employees, among others).

CR1.2 The useful and accessories (fastening elements) selected are those required by the process to be performed and by the manufacturer's specifications for use and assembly.

CR1.3 The assembly of the tools is done with the required tools, taking care of the cleaning of the supports and the good state of conservation and according to technical specifications (sequence, pairs of tightening, regulation), thus as the manufacturer's.

RP2: Schedule equipment (PLC and robots) or treatment facilities, depending on the work process and technical requirements.

CR2.1 The technical specifications of the program (displacements, speeds, mooring forces) are obtained by interpreting the technical documentation (drawings, process, manuals of use).

CR2.2 The program is performed according to the technical specifications of the process (sequence, fastening parameters, speeds) and has the appropriate syntax for the equipment to be programmed.

CR2.3 The interaction between the auxiliary mechanical system and the machine is performed at the right time, with the lowest possible dead time and with the maximum degree of utilization.

CR2.4 The program load of the robot or PLC and system operation is verified by simulating or performing a first cycle in a vacuum.

RP3: Operate the regulatory elements of automatic treatment facilities, in accordance with the established process and in compliance with the standards of occupational and environmental risk prevention.

CR3.1 The movements of the regulated elements (cylinders, tweezers, motors) are performed in the shortest time possible and according to the safety standards.

CR3.2 The regulated parameters (speed, flow, pressure, among others) conform to the technical specifications of the process and are within the limits allowed by the system specifications.

CR3.3 The variables (speed, force, pressure, acceleration, among others) are verified using instruments required and previously calibrated.

RP4: Perform the first level maintenance of automatic equipment and installations, according to the manual of technical instructions, complying with the standards of prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

CR4.1 The amenable elements are lubricated with the required periodicity.

CR4.2 The damaged or worn out elements are replaced safely and effectively by restoring normal operating conditions.

CR4.3 The verification, measurement, and control elements of the equipment and facilities are used according to requirements, ensuring that they are calibrated.

CR4.4 Equipment safety conditions (equipment grounding, equipment mass, equipment electrical connections, gas network connections, among others) are maintained according to regulations.

CR4.5 Operating failures and detected breakdowns whose repair exceeds their level of responsibility, are promptly communicated to the person responsible.

Professional Context

Production media

Facilities for thermal and surface treatment of metal products. Transport systems, forklifts and conveyor belts. Programming consoles. PLC's, robots and manipulators. Automation elements: electrovalves, cylinders, relays, among others.

Products and results

Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and synoptic schemes. Maintenance manuals. Process manuals for thermal and surface treatments. Standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

Information used or generated

Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and synoptic schemes. Maintenance manuals. Process manuals for thermal and surface treatments. Standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.




Code: MF1266_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1266_2 Perform thermal treatments on metal products

Duration: 210 hours



Code: UF1834

Duration: 40hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the technical information of the process of thermal and thermochemical treatment, identifying the properties of the treatment, determining the phases, operations of the process, means employed, the transformations that originate and the parameters to control.

CE1.1. Describe conventional documentation collection systems. CE1.2. Interpret the technical documentation for the control of the treatment to be developed.

CE1.3. Identify the symbology and standard elements, represented in the technical documentation.

CE1.4 Characterize different types of materials by describing their characteristics.

CE1.5. To relate the different types of thermal treatments with the modifications that result in the mechanical characteristics of the different metallic materials.

CE1.6 Describe the purpose and application of the cooling media (water, mineral oil, metals and molten salts, chain air, pressure air, sand, hot ash, among others), depending on the heat treatment.

CE1.7 Describe the types of thermal and thermochemical treatments, relating them to their purpose and application.

CE1.8 Describe the phases and operations of the thermal and thermochemical treatment process, depending on the properties and characteristics of the material to be treated.

CE1.9 Describe installations, fastening devices, and zones to be masked not to be treated, depending on thermal and thermochemical treatment

CE1.10 From the one-piece plane, the applicable standards and their technical specifications of a heat treatment (mettle, reed, annealed, normalized, among others):

-Get information about the shape and measures of the zone to be treated.

-Identify the type of material (steel, titanium, aluminum, ...), composition and characteristics (with help of tables).

-Identify the manufacturing process of the piece (casting, forging, stamping, machining).

-Identify the critical points specified in the plane.

-Recognize the technical specifications (surface to be treated, current density, current intensity, thickness, among others).

-Identify characteristics (hardness, toughness, elimination of internal tensions, increased wear resistance, increased machinability, ...), which should be achieved from treatment

-Resend phases and operations (preheating, heating, cooling) of treatment.

-Describe the equipment and installation to be used, taking into account economic conditions and treatment characteristics.

-Identify the power system to the installation (conveyor belt, robots, etc).

-Identify auxiliary tools (fastening devices, type of ceston, among others).

-Recognize the parameters (thermal cycle) that characterize the applicable treatment (heating temperature, heating time, cooling rate, among others).

-Set the parts of the part to be masked.

-Identify the cooling medium.

-Identify the batch of parts to be treated.

-Describe the rules of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment

-Draw up the instruction sheet and the work sheet relating to the type of heat treatment, where all aspects of the treatment to be performed are collected in an orderly and clear manner.

CE1.11 From the one-piece plane, the applicable standards and their technical specifications of a thermochemical treatment (cementing, nitriding, cyanuration, carbonituring, sulfinization):

-Get information about the shape and measures of the zone to be treated.

-Identify the type of material (steel, titanium, aluminum, ...), composition and characteristics (with help of tables).

-Identify the manufacturing process of the piece (casting, forging, stamping, machining).

-Identify the critical points specified in the plane.

-Recognize the technical specifications (surface to be treated, composition of the atmosphere, current intensity, thickness, among others).

-Identify characteristics (surface hardness, increased wear resistance, decreased friction confidant, gripage, ...). to be achieved from the treatment

-Resend phases and operations (preheating, heating, cooling) of treatment.

-Describe the equipment and installation to be used, taking into account economic conditions and treatment characteristics.

-Identify the inert atmosphere (helium, neon) set.

-Identify the power system to the installation (conveyor belt, robots, etc).

-Identify auxiliary tools (fastening devices, ceston type, etc).

-Recognize the parameters (thermal cycle) that characterize the applicable treatment (heating temperature, heating time, cooling rate, among others).

-Identify the degree of treatment penetration.

-Set the parts of the part to be masked.

-Identify the cooling medium.

-Identify the batch of parts to be treated.

-Describe the rules of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment

-Draw up the instruction sheet and the work sheet relating to the type of heat treatment, where all aspects of the treatment to be performed are collected in an orderly and clear manner.

C2: Analyze the verification plan of a thermal and thermochemical treatment process, aimed at determining the dimensions and characteristics of the treated products, based on the technical information.

CE2.1. Interpret the technical documentation for a feature control plan.

CE2.2. Relate the instruments and control to the magnitude they control, their field of application, and their precision of measurement

CE2.3 Describe the verification techniques used in the control of characteristics of the products subjected to thermal treatments.

CE2.4. Describe the calibration and maintenance techniques of the measuring instruments used in the control of characteristics.

CE2.5. Determine the fastening elements required to perform the verification, depending on the treatment and geometry of the part.

C3: Analyze the control plan for the characteristics and/or results of a thermal and thermochemical treatment process, using destructive and non-destructive testing, based on technical and regulatory information.

CE3.1 Relate the different destructive tests (ED) with the parameters and defects to be controlled, describing their foundation, application, and limitations.

CE3.2 Describe the instruments and machines used in the destructive tests (ED) and the employment procedure.

CE3.3 Describe the techniques used in non-destructive testing (ED).

CE3.4. Relate the different non-destructive tests (NDs) (penetrating liquids, magnetic particles, induced currents, conductivity, ultrasound, radiographic ...) with the parameters and defects to be controlled, describing their foundation, application and limitations.

CE3.5 Describe the instruments and machines used in non-destructive testing (END) and the employment procedure.

CE3.6 Describe the techniques used in the conduct of non-destructive (END) tests (penetrating liquids, magnetic particles, induced currents, conductivity, ultrasounds, radiographic ...).


1. Planning and organizing the process.

-Interpretation of plans and technical documentation for surface treatments.

-Relationship between views of an object.

-Element normalization and symbology.


-Possible views and required views (views, cuts, sections).

-Orthogonal (European and American) view rendering systems

-Croking of parts and schemas.

-Technical specifications

-Analysis of the job.

-Terminology used.

-Technical documentation.

-Phases of the job.

-Fases of heat treatments.

-Unit and serial jobs.

-Sort of phases and operations.

-Symbology and encoding.

-Feature Processes

-Assignment of machines and media.

-Types of ovens.

-Cool media.

2. Metrology.

-Appliances and measurement tools.

-King's foot, micrometers, and probes.

-Patterns, verification rules, and comparators.


-Measurement techniques.

-Length, angles, and tolerances.

-Forms and roughness

-Dimensional Metrology.

-Measurement unit systems.



-Concept and verification.

-The metrology lab.

3. Trials

-Destructive tests.

-Static mechanical properties tests:

-Hardness, traction and other tests



-Employees Teams

-Dynamic mechanical properties tests:

-Resistance, fatigue, and wear tests



-Employees Teams

-Technology tests:

-Folded. Purpose. Equipment used

-Embutid. Purpose. Equipment used

-Forges. Purpose. Equipment used

-Court. Purpose. Equipment used

-Punzoned. Purpose. Equipment used

-Non-destructive tests.

-Tests with penetrating liquids. Purpose. Regulations. Equipment used

-Tests with magnetic particles. Purpose. Regulations. Equipment used

-Tests with induced currents. Purpose. Regulations. Equipment used

-Inspection with ultrasounds. Purpose. Regulations. Equipment used

-X-ray inspection. Finality. Regulations. Equipment used

-Gamma-ray inspection. Purpose. Regulations. Equipment used



Code: UF1835

Duration: 50hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the properties that characterize light alloys and copper alloys, determine their applications and characteristics.

CE1.1 Determine the applications and features by identifying the properties.

CE1.2 Identify the properties of the alloys based on the variation of the content of the metals that make up the alloys.

CE1.3 Describe the crystalline structures that make up light alloys and copper alloys.

CE1.4 Analyze the influence of the alloy elements in the mechanical strength, toughness, ductility, fragility, etc.

CE1.5 Identify the characteristics of light alloys and copper alloys with respect to other materials of similar properties.

CE1.6 Define the industrial applications of lightweight alloys and copper alloys.

C2: Select the rich materials by identifying the main properties to meet and meet their characteristics.

CE2.1 Analyze the different structures that can have a iron-carbon alloy at different temperatures and concentrations.

CE2.2 Describe the mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties that possess the stable and meta-stable components of the iron-carbon diagram.

CE2.3 Determine the commercial ways that can be obtained on the market.

CE2.4 Describe the transformations that occur based on temperature, percentage of carbon, time, among others, using the Hierro-Carbon diagram.

CE2.5 Determine the temperatures of the critical points in the iron-carbon diagram and define the carbon content.

CE2.6 Identify the solidification lines of a iron-carbon alloy and describe the main constituents.

CE2.7 Determine the geometrical properties and resistant characteristics of different business forms.

C3: Perform the preparation operations of the parts to be processed, meeting the technical specifications required for cleaning and masking, quality standards and standards for the prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE3.1 Identify degreasing and cleaning operations and explain the properties of the different alkaline agent employees.

CE3.2 Relate the useful tools, tools and products needed for the preparation of parts according to the type of treatment.

CE3.3 Describe the removal systems of husks, oxides, and other impurities in the items to be treated.

CE3.4 Describe the different masking processes of the items to be treated.

CE3.5 Perform the preparation of a piece for heat treatment, starting from the plane of the part, the applicable regulations and the technical specifications of the manufacturing plans:

-Identify and characterize the base material of the piece (percentage of carbon, greater or less hardness that can be achieved, shape, position and critical parts in the curve of the "S").

-Check that the state of the piece material (absence of cracks, cracks, slits) is the right one.

-Determine the necessary preparation and operations of the part to be treated according to the type of material and the processing process.

-Perform the cleaning of the part (fats, oils, manufacturing spots among others).

-Perform the removal of husks, oxides, and other impurities from the part.

-Select and perform the protection (partial, total, interior and exterior) of the parts that are to be masked with salt bath, surface treatment (cashed, tanning), ideal atmosphere, depending on the Rear heat treatment and part material

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for security and risk prevention


1. Constitution and property of materials.

- Characteristics and properties of the materials.


-Chemical physical.


-Ferric materials and their alloys.



-Rail Aleations.

-Light alloys and copper alloys.

-Aluminium and its alloys.

-Titanium and its alloys.

-Magnesium and its alloys.



-Commercial forms.

-Barras, profiles, and stars.

-Alambres, sheets and ingots.

2. Structure, balance diagrams and characteristic curves of the materials.

-Atomic and crystalline structure.

-Structure of the atom.

-Setting up the crystal network.

-iron-carbon diagram.

-Substitute and interstitial solutions.

-Phase diagrams.

-Binary balance diagrams.


-Temperatures and hotspots

-TTT Curves.


-Treatment of steels.

3. Preparing the parts to be treated.

-Degreasing and cleaning.

-alkaline agents.

-Solvents and emulsifiers.

-Cleaning methods.


-Mechanical Decapate

-Mechanical preparation.

-Electrical preparation.


-Surface treatments.

-Electrolytic Decapate.

-Anodic attack.

-Unhusked and masked.

-Chemical Decapate.

-Electrolytic Decapate.


-Masked procedures.



Code: UF1836

Duration: 90hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Prepare the equipment and facilities, identifying the requirements indicated for the type of treatment, determining the implementation and implementation of the regulation and verification of the control parameters, complying with the rules on the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Describe the fundamental parts of a thermal and thermochemical treatment furnace.

CE1.2 Analyze optical and thermoelectric pyrometers by identifying their characteristics.

CE1.3 Identify the power-off system of an oven by reading and analyzing the process parameters.

CE1.4 Describe the characteristics of different types of atmosphere for heat treatment (nitrogen, ammonia, air, argon, among others) and their influence on the mechanical characteristics of the treated parts.

CE1.5 Describe the process of controlled atmosphere generation.

CE1.6 Classify the different cooling baths depending on the type of treatment.

CE1.7 Describe the auxiliary elements in a thermal and thermochemical treatment facility.

CE1.8 Describe first-level maintenance operations (greasing, cleaning, general assistance, among others) and the elements that require them (electrovalves, detectors, valves, among others).

CE1.9 Describe the most frequent abnormalities or alterations that may occur during the operation of treatment equipment and facilities

CE1.10 Perform the first level maintenance of the equipment and/or thermal treatment facilities, based on the technical documentation, maintenance records and complying with the rules of the Prevention of Occupational Risks and Environment:

-Regenerate toilets: emptying chemicals, removing raw materials and contaminants, disassembling and cleaning relevant parts, among others.

-Check that equipment and instruments (thermometers, pyrometers, automatic regulators) for parameter control are calibrated.

-Check the elements of the installation and replace in case of deterioration (the displacement of the automatic pushers of the trays and baskets, the attachment of the electrodes the elements of the installation (detectors, electrovalves, valves), .....).

-Monitor that thermocouples are located in the work zone, avoiding contact with racks, carts, or baskets that support parts.

-Control that the heating elements of the furnaces are isolated from the work zone (double chamber or other protection), to prevent direct radiation on any point of the load.

-Check the correct operation of power off (cooling) equipment

-Detect malfunction or malfunction.

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for safety and for the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.11 Perform the preparation of the equipment and/or thermal and/or thermochemical treatment facilities, from the part plane, the applicable regulations, the technical specifications, and complying with the rules of prevention Workplace Risks and Environment:

-Verify the status of equipment and facilities for performing thermal treatments.

-Select and adjust the control and control parameters depending on the treatment.

-Check the condition of the ovens, adjusting the parameters according to the treatment.

-Check the atmosphere of the oven, according to the specifications.

-Prepare the baths for cooling depending on the treatment and composition of the material

-Prepare controlled atmosphere generators according to technical specifications.

-Select the appropriate tools and supports for the treatment and check that they are in good condition.

-Perform the sketch of the auxiliary elements to use.

-Determine the quantities, positioning, handling and other characteristics of the auxiliary elements, taking into account the technical documentation of the parts to be processed.

-Check that the disposition of the media and useful is adequate to ensure the uniformity of the treatment.

-Verify that the space between the pieces is the one stipulated in the technical documentation to ensure the free circulation of the heating and cooling means on the entire surface

-Verify that large parts, especially cold sheets, are separated, suspended, or wired.

-Check that the sheets and bands in the form of rolls are released from their zunchos and separated their coils by suitable distenders, disposing of the generatrices of the rolls parallel to the direction of entry in the middle of the off.

-Schedule the complete automatic cycle of the treatment in the oven control cabin, according to the technical specifications.

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for safety and for the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

C2: Describe the different types of thermal treatments without chemical modification (mettle, reed, annealed, normalized,) and explain the variations of the properties and mechanical characteristics that occur in the same.

CE2.1 List properties and features that provide thermal treatments without chemical modification

CE2.2 Determine the time, temperature, and transformation curves of the temples, reined and annealed.

CE2.3 Explain structural changes of a material subjected to different types of mettle, reed and annealed.

CE2.4 Determine temperability or mettle penetration by hardness curves.

CE2.5 Relate the subcritical thermal treatments and the type of transformation that is performed.

CE2.6 Identify the type of martensitic transformation, the factors that affect the mettle, the types of mettle, the complete austenization, the incomplete austenization, the interrupted tempera, and the isothermic tempering.

C3: Perform different thermal treatments without chemical modification (mettle, reed, annealing), achieving the variations of properties and mechanical characteristics specified, applying the specifications and standards of Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment.

CE3.1 Classify and describe the type of heat treatment in steel parts and other ferric materials.

CE3.2 Identify the most common risks in the execution of different types of treatments.

CE3.3 Determine the industrial applications of different thermal treatments without chemical modification.

CE3.4 Relate the geometry of the part with the most appropriate type of heat treatment and its possible limitations.

CE3.5 Describe the most common typical defects that occur in the pieces that are subjected to heat treatment.

CE3.6 Perform different thermal treatments (mettle, reed, annealing), from the plane of the piece, the applicable regulations, the technical specifications and the part to be treated, complying with the specifications and standards Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment.

-Identify and determine the factors involved in the treatment process (composition of the alloy of the piece, the critical diameter in pieces (cylindrical, plugs), preheating temperature, temperature of heating, cooling speed, pre-heating time, heating and cooling time.

-Determine the areas to be treated, the temperature to be reached and its thermal cycle, meeting the technical specifications.

-Perform power and removal of parts to the installation, with maximum use.

-Control the course of the heat cycle of the treatment, keeping the variables (temperature, time, speed) of the process within the established ranges, monitoring during the cycle the mechanical movements of the installation and the indicators (temperature, greases).

-Control that the heating speed of the part is adequate to produce the same difference between the periphery and the core, in order to avoid high tensions.

-Use the instruments for temperature control (thermometers, contact pencils, SEGER pyramids, radiation pyrometers, thermocouples, optical pyrometers, automatic regulators) according to the characteristics of the treatment to be performed.

-Verify that the persistence, transfer, furnace recovery, speed, or balance times are those specified.

-Verify that the half used for cooling allows the temperature drop rate to be the one required by the treatment.

-Check the absence of defects in the treated part (lack of penetration, excess frailty, lack and excess of hardness, deformation, cracks, breakages ...)

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for safety and for the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

C4. Describe the thermochemical treatments (cementing, nitriding, cyanuration, carbonituring and sulfinization), recognizing the process variables and determining the properties and mechanical characteristics according to requirements.

CE4.1 Analyze the different means used to cool the pieces subjected to thermochemical treatments.

CE4.2 Identify the composition of a steel to be treated and determine the type of cement to be used.

CE4.3 List the properties and characteristics that different thermochemical treatments provide to a piece of a given material.

CE4.4 Identify surface structural changes that a material undergoes by subjecting it to a thermochemical treatment.

CE4.5 Select the most appropriate type of thermochemical treatment based on the depth of treatment, quality, economy and production.

CE4.6 Determine the time of the oven stay and the cooling rates.

C5: Perform different thermochemical treatments, from the part plane, the applicable regulations, the technical specifications and the part to be treated, complying with the specifications and standards of Risk Prevention Labour and the Environment.

CE5.1 Classify and describe the type of thermochemical treatment in steel parts and other ferric materials.

CE5.2 Identify the most common risks in the execution of different types of thermochemical treatments.

CE5.3 Determine the industrial applications of different thermochemical treatments.

CE5.4 Relate the geometry of the piece with the most appropriate type of thermochemical treatment and its possible limitations.

CE5.5 Perform a thermochemical heat treatment (nitriding, cementing, carbonituring, sulfacing, cyanide, ...), from the plane of the part, the applicable regulations, the technical specifications and the part that is must address, in compliance with the specifications and standards for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Environment.

-Identify and determine the factors involved in the process of thermochemical treatment (composition of the alloy of the part, cementitious agent or others, atmosphere and pressure of the oven, preheating temperature, heating temperature, cooling speed, pre-heating time, heating time and cooling medium).

-Determine the areas to be treated, the temperature to be reached and its thermal cycle, meeting the technical specifications.

-Perform power and removal of parts to the installation, with maximum use.

-Control the course of the heat cycle of the treatment, keeping the variables (temperature, time, speed) of the process within the established ranges, monitoring during the cycle the mechanical movements of the installation and the indicators (temperature, greases).

-Select the inert atmosphere (helium, neon) according to the specified technique established for the treatment to be performed, controlling its characteristics in the oven, in order to avoid oxidation, decarburation, reduction of the mechanical characteristics.

-Use the instruments for temperature control (thermometers, contact pencils, SEGER pyramids, radiation pyrometers, thermocouples, optical pyrometers, automatic regulators) according to the characteristics of the treatment to be performed.

-Verify that the persistence, transfer, furnace recovery, speed, or balance times are those specified.

-Verify that the half used for cooling allows the temperature drop rate to be the one required by the treatment.

-Check that the gas output complies with safety and environmental standards.

-Check the absence of defects in the treated piece (hardness, deformation, oxidation, decking, cracks, breakages .....)

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for safety and for the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

C6: Analyze the products submitted to thermal treatments by evaluating the results according to the technical documentation, regulations and procedures established, complying with the specifications and standards of Risk Prevention Labour and the Environment.

CE6.1 periodically calibrate the measuring equipment of your competence, according to calibration manual and established written procedures.

CE6.2 Determine the type of END test (penetrating liquids, ultrasonic magnetic particles, radiology), as well as the method, most appropriate to the type of defect that is to be detected.

CE6.3 Perform appropriate ED tests to ensure the hardness and fragility values according to variables determined in the technical documentation.

CE6.4 Perform appropriate tests to ensure the absence of superficial defects (cracks, breakages).

CE6.5 Verify and/or test several heat-treated parts, ensuring the quality and technical specifications of each of them.

-Determine the appropriate control techniques for the parameters to be checked.

-Select the instruments, machines, and equipment.

-Calibrate instruments, machines, and equipment.

-Perform verification and/or testing (ED or END), according to established regulations and procedures and in compliance with occupational and environmental risk prevention standards.

-Check the absence of defects in the treated piece (hardness, deformation, oxidation, decking, cracks, breakages ...)

-Analyze and interpret the results obtained.

-Determine the causes, impacts, and possible corrective measures to be taken based on the defect type.

-Identify and apply the measures to be taken for security and risk prevention.


1. Equipment used in thermal treatments.

-Facilities and equipment.

-Hornos. Classification. Effects of the atmosphere.

-Thermometry: Thermometers, Pyrometers, Registrars. Calibration procedures for thermometry equipment.

-Controlled atmosphere generators.

-Power off equipment.

-Point-to-point operations and preparation of different equipment and facilities.

-Use employees (baskets, supports, trays, and special tools). Representation by means of tools.

-Preparing the facilities. (Pressure adjustments, temperature, heating and cooling speed)

-Temperature and cooling control systems.

-First-level maintenance.

-Industrial electromechanical installations.

-Classification of maintenance jobs.

-Failure analysis sheets and work bonuses.

-Basic tools for operations.

-Detect of breakdowns.

2. Thermal treatments.

-Standards and technical specifications

-Foundation and object.

-Types of heat treatments.

-Temple, reed and annealed.

-Normalized and Bonified.

-Austpering and martempering.

-Processes of different heat treatments

-Subcritical thermal treatments.


-Control variables.

-Heating and cooling speed.

-Maintenance temperature and dwell time.

-Systems for identifying parts in processes.

-Detection and evaluation of defects.

-Types of defects.

-Defect detection and assessment systems.

3. Thermochemical treatments.

-Standards and technical specifications

-Foundation and object.

-Types of thermochemical treatments.






-Processes of different thermochemical treatments.

-Control variables.

-Composition of the steel to be treated.

-Warming speed.

-Maintenance temperature.

-Stay time.

-Cooling rate.

-Systems for identifying parts in processes.

-Detection and evaluation of defects.

-Types of defects.

-Defect detection and assessment systems.

4. Diagnosis of treated items.

-Fundamentals and object.

-Detection and evaluation of defects in thermal treatments.

-Insufficient Dureza.

-Excessive Fragility and Deformations.

-Griets and breakages.


-Measurement techniques.


-Geometric (fullness, rectitude, circularity, ....).

-Specials (layer thicknesses, coatings and temperatures, ...).

-Surface finish.

-Defect detection and assessment systems.

-Calibration techniques.

-Operating techniques for destructive testing (ED).

-Mechanical tests (hardness, traction, endurance, fatigue, wear and other)

-Technology tests (folding, drawing, forging, cutting, punching and other)

-Defect detection and assessment systems.

-Non-destructive testing (END) operating techniques (penetrating liquids, magnetic particles, induced currents, ultrasounds, X-rays, gamma rays)

-Defect detection and assessment systems.



Code: UF1837

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3 RP4, and RP5 for risk prevention.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze prevention and safety measures regarding the actions of the handling of installations and equipment, contained in the safety plans of companies in the sector.

CE1.1 Specify the aspects of prevention and safety regulations related to the risks arising from the handling of installations and equipment.

CE1.2 Identify and evaluate risk factors and associated risks.

CE1.4 Describe the requirements of the work areas and the procedures for their preparation, determining the specific occupational risks and their corrective actions.

CE1.5 Analyze first aid requirements in different accident scenarios.

CE1.6 Define the rights and duties of the employee and the company in terms of prevention and safety.

C2: Apply the security plan by analyzing the company's prevention, safety, and environmental protection measures.

CE2.2 Apply the action protocols to possible emergencies, such as:

-Identify people in charge of specific tasks.

-Report the disfunctions and the observed dangerous cases.

-Proceed to the evacuation of buildings according to established procedures, in case of emergency.

C3: Analyze the preventive measures to be taken for the prevention of risks and the application of environmental standards in thermal treatment processes.

CE3.1 Identify the risks and the level of danger posed by the manipulation of the mechanical manufacturing parts, the different tools, hand tools and facilities used in the processing industries thermal.

CE3.2 Describe the security elements of the installations and machinery, as well as the systems and clothing that must be used in the various operations to be performed in the thermal treatments of the parts.

CE3.3 From a practical scenario, properly characterized by the preparation, heat treatment, and subsequent processing operations to be performed:

-Determine the required security conditions in the preparation and commissioning operations of the machines.

-Set the security and precaution measures to be taken based on the specific rules and instructions applicable to the different operations.

CE3.4 Identify, select and classify waste products according to their hazard and environmental impact.


1. Basic concepts about health and safety at work

-Work and health.

-Professional risks.

-Risk factors.

-Consequences and damages derived from the job:

-Work accident.

-Professional illness.

-Other pathologies derived from work.

-Economic and operational impacts.

-Basic regulatory framework for occupational risk prevention:

-The labor risk prevention law.

-The prevention services regulation.

-Scope and legal bases.

-Health and safety directives at work.

-Public agencies related to health and safety at work:

-National agencies.

-Autonomous bodies.

2. General risks and their prevention

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.

-Risks associated with the working environment:

-Exposure to physical, chemical or biological agents.


-Risks derived from workload:

-Physical fatigue.

-Mental fatigue.

-Job dissatisfaction.

-Protecting workers ' health and safety:

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection.

-Accident types.

-Primary evaluation of the crashed.

-First aid.


-Emergency situations.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Support information for emergency action.

3. Prevention of specific risks in heat treatment

-Identify facility risks:





-Vent system.

-Security items on the machines.

-Contacts with corrosive substances.

-Toxicity and environmental hazard of fats, lubricants and oils.

-Collective protection equipment (those required by heat treatment).

-Individual protective equipment (safety boots, work diver, gloves, goggles, helmet, apron).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units




Total duration in hours

of the training units

Remote training

Maximum Susceptible Hours

Formative Unit 1-UF1834






Formative Unit 4-UF1837




To access the training units 3 and 2 must have passed the training unit 1.

The training unit 4 can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0104_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0104_2 Prepare automatic process of treatments

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF0598

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relating the auxiliary processes of thermal and surface treatments of metal parts (parts feeding, tools, emptying or filling of tanks, waste disposal, among others) with the phases, techniques and manual or automatic employee media.

CE1.1 Describe handling techniques, storage transport, among others, used in treatment processes.

CE1.2 Interpret the technical information that comes with an auxiliary process of metal parts treatments.

CE1.3 Identify and characterize the elements used in the automation of manufacturing processes.

CE1.4 Describe the media used for machine power automation (robots, manipulators, among others) by explaining the function of:

-Structural elements.

-Cinematic Chains.

-Compressors, hydraulic pumps.

-Control elements.

-Actuators (engines, cylinders, tweezers, among others).

-Information capers.

CE1.5 In a practical case of treatment of a metal part in which phases of material selection, machine feeding, treatment, storage, among others are contemplated:

-Develop process flow diagrams.

-Set an elementary process security system.

-Make a listing of the means required for process automation.

-Develop a report with the assessment of the adopted solution.

C2: Operate the pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical, programmable, inter alia, organs involved in the handling, transport and other operations of the processes of thermal and surface treatment of metals, acting on its elements of regulation and control, in terms of personal safety and environmental protection.

CE2.1 Describe the adjustable variables in the auxiliary processes of metal treatments (strength, pressure, speed, among others).

CE2.2 Relate the variables with the elements that act on the variables adjustable in the processes of metal treatments (tires, hydraulic, electrical).

CE2.3 Describe the techniques of regulation and verification of variables (force, speed, among others).

CE2.4 Respect the technical specifications of the various organs when necessary to perform manipulations on and with them.

CE2.5 Run the assembly and disassembly of actuators (hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical) in an orderly manner and using the appropriate means of an automatic handling system.

CE2.6 In a practical scenario where you have a system of handling, transport and power, in which there are hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical actuators:

-Regular the variables (force, pressure, speed, among others) for the different maneuvers of a manipulator.

-Verify the magnitudes of the variables with the appropriate instruments (gauges, rules, tachometers, dynamometers, among others).

-Perform first-level maintenance on handling, transport, and power systems.

-Describe the behavior of the different systems based on the requests to which they are submitted.

-Identify the risks that arise when operating with electrical, hydraulic, or pneumatic elements.

C3: List the applicable rules for ancillary systems in surface treatments by specifying the same.

CE3.1 Identify product and/or installation regulations.

CE3.2 Identify safety and health regulations, depending on the equipment, materials and process performed, as well as the Individual Protection Elements (PPE) required.

CE3.3 Identify environmental regulations according to the products used, as well as the waste generated.


1. Technical documentation of the automatic systems used in metal treatments.

-Element normalization and symbology.

-Classification of view rendering systems.

-Set Planes. Perspectives.

-Constructive Planes.

-Croquization and Schemas.

2. Characteristics of the automatic systems in the thermal and surface treatments.

-Description of the manipulation media.

-Media functions used for automation:

-Semiautomatic (electro-neutral-hydraulic) equipment.

-Structural elements.

-Compressors, hydraulic pumps.

-Automatic Equipment (manipulators, Robots).

-Cinematic chains.

-Control elements.

3. Regulation in the auxiliary processes used in metal treatments.

-Control parameters (force, pressure, speed).

-Regulatory Organ:




-Verification uses (gauges, rules, tachometers, dynamometers).

-Correction action (throttles, power limiters, quality limiters).

-First-level maintenance on the (handling, transport, and power).

4. Specific risks and their prevention .

-Risks in handling tools and equipment.

-Risks in handling systems and installations.

-Risks in the storage and transport of loads.



Code: UF0599

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Adapting control programs for automatic parts feeding systems and auxiliary operations of thermal and surface treatments of metal parts (handling and cooling, fluid supply, between other).

CE1.1 Relate the functions characteristic of the languages of PLCs and robots with the operations to be performed with the auxiliary equipment of treatments.

CE1.2 Describe the transmission and storage systems of information used in the programming of PLCs and robots.

CE1.3 In a scenario of feeding systems of metal parts treatments in which PLCs and robots are used respectively:

-Set the sequence of moves.

-Identify the variables to be controlled (pressure, force, speed, among others).

-Perform the corresponding flowcharts.

-Adapt the PLC control program and the robot.

-Adapt an alternative control program rather than a solution to a possible contingency.

C2: Control the response of automated systems by checking, by means of the necessary measurements, the work trajectories and the motion synchronism.

CE2.1 Describe the relationship between system parameters and response time.

CE2.2 Identify and characterize measuring devices.

CE2.3 Describe the units of measure used.

CE2.4 Use measurement and verification instruments with dexterity

CE2.5 In a scenario where an automated treatment process is available:

-Identify the variables to be controlled in the parts handling phases, among others, in which pneumatic, electrical, programmable and robot elements are involved.

-Measure the magnitudes of the different variables to different requests for a manipulation system.

-Regular the control elements, so that the process is developed within the tolerances set.

-Verify the paths of the moving elements and proceed with modification, if necessary.

-Optimize trajectories by avoiding unnecessary displacements.


1. Application of automated system programming in metal treatments.

-Functions of the languages of PLCs and robots.

-Managing programming instructions (robots, PLC's).

-Automated metal treatment systems (robots, manipulators)

-Elements of an automatic installation.

-Modifying programs.

-The elementary process security system.

-Adapting the alternate control program.

-Program Simulation.


2. Control of automated systems in metal treatments.

-Relation between parameters and response time.

-Measure appliances and their units.

-Handling measurement and verification instruments.

-Control and development within tolerances.

-Modifying the trajectories.

-Optimizing offsets.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

Total duration in hours

of the training units

Number of maximum hours susceptible to distance

Formative Unit 1-UF0598



formative 2-UF0599




The training units in this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0389

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Adapting control programs for automatic parts feeding systems and auxiliary operations of thermal and thermochemical treatments of metal parts (handling and cooling, fluid supply, between other).

CE1.1 Describe handling techniques, transport used in processes.

CE1.2 Identify the variables to be controlled in the parts handling phases, among others, in which pneumatic, electrical, programmable and robot elements are involved.

CE1.3 Interpret the technical information that comes with an auxiliary process.

CE1.4 Identify the elements used in the automation of manufacturing processes.

CE1.5 To observe the functions characteristic of the languages of PLCs and robots with the operations to be performed with the auxiliary equipment of treatments.

CE1.6 Assist in the execution of the assembly and disassembly of actuators in an orderly manner and using the appropriate means of an automatic handling system.

C2: Prepare thermal treatment equipment and facilities from the technical specifications of the product or process.

CE2.1 Recognize the main elements of a facility or equipment required to perform a thermal and surface treatment.

CE2.2 Determine equipment and facilities preparations by interpreting documentation and technical specifications of the process or product to be processed.

CE2.3 Run the previous cleaning and preparation processes of the furnaces depending on the fuel used and their construction (open-house, mufla, salt baths and others).

CE2.4 Perform prior work of preparation of cooling baths from the means used (water, oils or salts) according to the specifications of the thermal and surface treatment.

CE2.5 Adjust the control elements of the installations or equipment (command, regulation, position, levels, pressure and temperature) from the specifications.

C3: Perform treatment techniques to different parts, based on the technical documentation (type and characteristics of treatment to be performed) and the standards of the Prevention of Occupational and Environmental Risks.

CE3.1 Determine the characteristics and operating principles of the processing to be processed.

CE3.2 Identify furnace, bath and other conditioning (space, capacity, dimensions, etc)

CE3.3 Identify the needs to be met by the tooling (ease of loading, load capacity, etc.).

CE3.4 Prepare solutions from components and doses according to the technical documentation of the type of treatment.

CE3.5 Verify the processed product based on the data in the technical tab.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE4.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE4.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Control programs for automatic parts power systems.

-Sequence of moves.

-Identification of variables to be controlled (pneumatic, electrical, programmable and robot elements).

-Realizing flowcharts.

-Adaptation of the PLC control program and the robot.

-Adapting an alternative control program.

2. Installations and equipment.

-Elements of an installation.

-Pre-checks and operations.

-Hornos. Tuning and preparation.

-Bans of cooling. Tuning and preparation.

3. Execution of thermal treatments.

-Techniques used in parts preparation systems.

-Equipment and facilities checks and limitations.

-Mooring systems and placement of parts to be treated.

-Point-to-point and previous bathroom preparation jobs.

-Detection and evaluation of faults and defects.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.




Required Accreditation

Professional experience required in scope

of the

unit of




MF01266_2: Metal heat treatment operations.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other titles equivalent

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

● Manufacturing Family Senior Technician Mechanics

● Area Level 3 Professional Certificates Mechanical Manufacturing Professional Family Mechanical Production

2 years

4 years

MF0104_2: Auxiliary systems in metal surface and thermal treatments.

● Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other titles equivalent

● Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or degree degree or other equivalent titles.

● Level 3 Professionalism Certificates from the Professional Mechanical Production Family Mechanical Production Area

2 years

4 years


Forming Space

Surface m2

15 pupils






Thermal treatment and testing workshop



Forming Space








Forming Space



-Audio-visual equipment.

-network-installed PCs, projection canon, and internet.

-Specialty-specific software.

-Pizars to write with marker.

- Flip-chart.

-Classroom material.

-Table and chair for trainer.

-Messes and chairs for students

Taller of Thermal Treatments and Trials.

Workshop Teams:

-Work Banks.

-Bank screws.

Surface preparation teams.

Thermal treatment:


-Bimetallic Pirometer.

-Cuba for Baths.

-Circular heater plate.

-Aceites, sodium carbonate, caustic soda, alkaline silicates, phosphates, soap and synthetic detergents.

Test kits:





-Universal Machine

-Liquid Equipment penetrants.

-Equipment of induced currents.

-Magnetic particle equipment

Measurement and testing equipment:

-King's Pies.

-Micrometer Game centesimal.

-Milesimal digital micrometer set.

-Pattern block set.

-Verification Marbles.

- Graduated rules.


-Electronic Gramil with palpator.

-Comparative clocks.


-Prismas on V.

- Precision table with support.

-Comparator support.

-Micrometer support.

PLCs Drivers


Hydraulic pumps.

Actuators (engines, cylinders, tweezers)

Semi-automatic equipment (electro-neutral-hydraulic)


It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.