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Royal Decree 1532 / 2011, On 31 October, Establishing Seven Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Wood, Furniture, And Cork Which Are Included In The National Repertory Of Professional Certificates.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1532/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establecen siete certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Madera, mueble y corcho que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and establishes that the State Employment Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the professional family Wood, furniture and cork in the professional areas of production carpentry and furniture, Installation and Furnishing and processing of wood and cork and which will be incorporated into the National Directory of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification, taking into account the professional competence required by the activities production, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to Royal Decree 1128/2003, Cited above.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the professional family Madera, furniture and cork that are included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by the Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional family Wood, furniture and cork and are the ones listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

-Annex I. Obtaining sheets, plywood and rechinks-Level 2.

-Annex II Manufacture of particle board and wood fibres-Level 2.

-Annex III. Wood preparation-Level 2.

-Annex IV. Assembly and installation of wood constructions-Level 2.

-Annex V. Installation and furnishing projects-Level 3.

-Annex VI. Organization and production management in furniture and carpentry industries-Level 3.

-Annex VII. Planning and management of manufacturing in wood and cork industries-Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of each professionalism certificate responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism.

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism.

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism.

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers.

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment.

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training qualifications will provide the effects of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those competition units set out in this royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Naming: Obtaining sheets, plywood, and rechinks

Code: MAMA0110

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho

Professional area: Transformation of wood and cork

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAM213_2 Getting sheets, plywood and rechinks (RD 1228/2006, October 27)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

UC0678_2: Get veneer from roll wood.

UC0679_2: Get decorative chapeados from sheet metal.

UC0680_1: Elaborate plywood, curvy, and rechred panels

General competition:

Extract sheet from wood and make plywood, curved and rechested boards from the sheet metal obtained, with the required quality and in the established safety conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Exercises its activity in the field of small, medium and large companies, usually employed, dedicated to obtaining veneer, plywood and curving board and rechapados of wood.

Productive Sectors:

Manufacture of plywood and plywood.

Manufacture of coated plywood boards.

Occupations or related jobs

7820.1022 Wood Furniture Chapter.

8144.1011 Wood-rolled manufacturing operator.

8144.1053 Operator of plywood/plywood manufacturing machines.

Wood sheet cutter machine operator.

Layers and timbers classifier machine operator.

Intercalator machine operator-wood veneer.

Wood veneer-canter machine operator.

Bending machine operator (manufacturing wood products).

8333.1015 Lift truck driver in general.

Drying of wood.

Duration of the associated training: 320 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0432_1: (Transverse) Handling of loads with forklift trucks. (50 hours)

MF0678_2: Layer obtention processes. (120 hours)

• UF1292: Preparation of the roll wood to get veneers (30 hours)

• UF1293: Obtaining sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat (60 hours)

• UF1294: Cutting, drying and sorting wood sheets (30 hours)

MF0679_2: Decorative Chapeate Get Processes. (30 hours)

MF0680_1: Elaboration of plywood, curved, and rejected boards. (40 hours)

MP0275: Non-work professional practice module for sourcing sheets, plywood and rechinks (80 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

The training provided in the MF0432_1 (Transversal) Training Module "Handling of loads with forklift trucks" guarantees the level of knowledge necessary to obtain the performance of the Lift truck driving functions in accordance with the provisions of RD 1215/1997 of 18 July.


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0432_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Properly interpret movement orders of materials and products for loading or unloading in order to store, supply, dispatch, or any other movement in the logistics flow.

CR1.1 The materials and products object of movement are identified, verifying the matching of the same with the written or verbal orders received.

CR1.2 The material or product is accepted only if the load unit does not exhibit any apparent deformations or damage and, if detected, communicate to the immediate responsible.

CR1.3 The means of transport (conventional, retractable, manual or electric truck, stacker among others) are selected according to the load, operations and conditions in which they must be performed.

CR1.4 In case of error detection or non-compliance of the load immediately communicates with the service officer.

RP2: Successfully handle the products and load units for further handling, following the procedure instructions or orders received.

CR2.1 The various means of handling are used according to protocol, following the rules of prevention of occupational risks and respecting the environment.

CR2.2 In each load unit or handled product it is checked that its external appearance is in accordance with the established protocol.

CR2.3 The loads extracted, by unstowage or unstacked, from high areas are immediately lowered to the ground level before performing manoeuvres to avoid risks (truck rollover, accident risk for the operator and for personnel in the environment, damage facilities, among others).

CR2.4 The load is properly deposited in the allocated space or alveolo (shelf or floor level), placing the wheelbarrow straight with respect to the shelf or load stacked with the mast in a vertical position.

RP3: Handle auto or manual trucks, following established procedures, observing environmental labor risk prevention standards.

CR3.1 The operator correctly uses load handling equipment according to the specific security information received.

CR3.2 In charge movements, the nominal load capacity of the truck is always respected, or its residual capacity in case an implement is mounted.

CR3.3 The disposition and location of the load and its retention, in case of use of implements, prevents any unanticipated or unsafe movement.

CR3.4 The displacements are carried out by means of marked circulation and, if possible, separated from the pedestrian traffic, respecting the signalling arranged for safe driving.

CR3.5 The operator handles the wheelbarrow using, at all times, the individual protective equipment and the seat belt or the restraint system, under conditions of sufficient visibility and making use, where necessary, of the warning and warning signs.

CR3.6 The pending path is backtracked, not making changes of direction over the slope.

CR3.7 The wheelbarrow is handled in conditions of proper visibility and otherwise such displacement is reversed, making use of the acoustic and light warning signals.

CR3.8 The operator observes, in all situations, the obligation not to carry out the carriage of people on the wheelbarrow.

CR3.9 The wheelbarrows are parked in the assigned and authorized zones, the contact key is removed, and the handbrake is actuated.

RP4: Perform first-level maintenance of self-driving or manual-traction trucks, ensuring compliance with the minimum safety and health requirements for their use.

CR4.1 The elements arranged for safe driving and handling such as brakes, tyre condition, lifting system, lack of leakage of hydraulic or fuel liquid, acoustic and visual signals, between others, are reviewed in the established periods.

CR4.2 The technical revisions established in the current legislation on the constructive conditions of the equipment for their safe use, are known in the scope of their attributions, and the defaults are communicated to be subsated.

CR4.3 First-level maintenance is performed by taking into account the technical documentation and procedures established by the company.

CR4.4 Detected breakdowns, especially those that may affect safe operation and handling, determine equipment stoppage and communication to the immediate superior for repair.

RP5: Perform the loading or unloading of materials and products in accordance with the instructions received and, where appropriate, under the supervision of a responsible person.

CR5.1 The amounts to be delivered or received are verified according to the delivery or receipt order respectively.

CR5.2 The goods are handled using the appropriate means, in order to avoid alterations or damage.

CR5.3 In each load unit it is checked that the packaging, containers or containers that protect the goods are in good condition, notifying, if necessary, the person responsible for the damage due to bad condition or breakage.

CR5.4 The placement of the loads on the external means of transport is performed by ensuring the integrity of the same, and its internal location is effected according to the instructions received.

RP6: Transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines, as well as removing the waste generated from production processes to the areas planned for that purpose.

CR6.1 The order of output/delivery of materials, components or supplies is received according to established procedures and is interpreted to prepare the same according to the instructions received.

CR6.2 The transport of raw materials is carried out using the established means, in the areas authorized to do so, in an appropriate manner and at the moment, in order to avoid dysfunctions in the production.

CR6.3 The waste generated is transported with the prior authorisation, in which it is established that they have received, where appropriate, appropriate treatments to avoid contamination of the environment or health risks.

CR6.4 The generated waste is safely transferred and deposited in the locations or areas planned to prevent environmental contamination.

RP7: Adopt the established safety measures for the prevention of occupational and health risks in workers.

CR7.1 In the activities that require it, according to the job risk prevention plan, the required individual protective equipment is used.

CR7.2 The manual handling of load units is performed in a way that complies with the regulatory provisions laid down on this subject, to avoid the risk of back-to-back injuries, among others.

CR7.3 Protection equipment is kept in perfect state of use.

CR7.4 Driving and handling loads is always done, taking into account the potential risks to third parties.

CR7.5 The parking areas of the wheelbarrows are maintained and clean of materials or items that may pose risks to driving.

RP8: Collaborate on stock control, transmitting the load movement information that you perform.

CR8.1 The information that is transmitted accurately collects the manipulated load units.

CR8.2 Data information is transmitted in digital form using portable equipment, or in written support established by the company.

CR8.3 The generated information is provided at the time that is set by the person responsible or according to the rules of the company.

Professional Context

Production media

Self-handling, electric or thermal trucks with the nominal load capacity required. Manual forklifts. Portable data transmission equipment. Bar code readers and others. Containers and pallets. Shelves suitable for the type of loads. Goods of different origin and nature.

Products and results

Load units handled, transported, stowed, or stacked

Information used or generated

Used: Regulations that develop the law on the prevention of occupational risks, establishing the minimum health and safety requirements. Ministerial orders approving the regulations for manual handling of cargo, as well as, those of self-handling trucks. Orders for movement of goods, goods, transport and/or internal supply. Coding of materials and products. UNE Standards. Documentation issued by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work or other public or private.

Generated: Documents written and in digital support for control of movement and transport of materials and products.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0678_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the wood to facilitate the production of sheet metal, as set out in the production plan.

CR1.1 The tuning of the cutting and vaporization machines is done by adjusting the sharpening and tension of the saw, the feeding speed, the situation of the trots in the car and the temperature of the vaporizer.

CR1.2 The conditions of the wood vaporized and the tools used in the cutting, are suitable for the wood to be processed, being in perfect state of maintenance.

CR1.3 Take advantage of, in obtaining medians or quarterons, the vein characteristic of each piece following the established production plan.

CR1.4 The medians or quarterons obtained, are processed in the vaporization or stout chambers during the established time.

CR1.5 The maintenance operations of use and replacement of the cutting elements of the carriage saw, and the renovation of the water of the equipment of the tatters and the vaporized chambers, are carried out according to the technical documentation, company instructions and safety and health standards, achieving a perfect state of operation.

CR1.6 The procedure established for the application of the application of the procedures for the application of the procedures for the implementation of the procedures for the implementation of the procedures for the preparation of medium-sized and quarteron, vaporization, stout and maintenance of use safety, occupational health and the environment.

RP2: Unroll the prepared trots to get veneers, following the established production plan.

CR2.1 The cutting elements and the execution parameters of the blades are fixed according to the characteristics of the material and the type of product to be obtained, verifying their condition.

CR2.2 The machines for unwinding wood are set to point, adjusting the angle and inclination of the blade, the pressure bar situation, the speed of the claws and the situation of the trots in the claws according to the characteristics of the material and product to be obtained.

CR2.3 The manual or automatic placement of the die is done by centring it and holding it with the clutches or device set.

CR2.4 The cut that is made, meets the criteria of use, according to the characteristics of the material, and is according to the production plan.

CR2.5 The procedure for unwinding the trotae is applied in a way that allows the process to be carried out in compliance with safety, health and environmental standards.

CR2.6 The storage of the veneer is performed without any breakages or deformations, respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CR2.7 Maintenance of use of machines and auxiliary media is carried out in such a way as to enable the manufacturing program to be met by avoiding stops.

RP3: Prepare the ideal conditions to extract sheet metal, to the flat or rotating, from the prepared parts, as set out in the production process.

CR3.1 The cutting elements and the execution parameters of the blades are fixed according to the characteristics of the material and the type of product to be obtained by verifying their status.

CR3.2 The sheet metal, flat or rotating machines are set to the point by adjusting the angle and inclination of the blade, the position of the pressure bar, the speed of the claws and the situation of the tatters in the claws, according to the characteristics of the material and the product to be obtained.

CR3.3 The manual or automatic placement of the die on the sheet metal removal equipment is made by centring and holding it with the clutches or device set.

CR3.4 The cut that is made, meets the criteria of use, according to the characteristics of the material, and is according to the production plan.

CR3.5 Parts positioning and turning is performed according to the cutting program, adapting production to the work plan.

CR3.6 The procedure for obtaining sheet metal or sheet metal, which is applied, allows the process to be carried out in compliance with safety, health and environmental standards.

CR3.7 The storage of the veneer is performed without any breakages or deformations and respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CR3.8 Maintenance of use of machines and auxiliary media is carried out in such a way as to enable the manufacturing program to be met by avoiding stops.

RP4: Perform the preparation of the equipment needed to run the shearing and drying of the sheets obtained, as set out in the production plan.

CR4.1 The relative temperature and humidity of the dryer and the feed speed are adjusted depending on the material to be processed, verifying the correct state of the cutting elements.

CR4.2 The use of the material is maximum in each machine, and the characteristics of the plate are respected, according to the production plan.

CR4.3 The flow of materials in the chain of work is done, so that it avoids jams, transporting the waste for its splinter and recycling.

CR4.4 The maintenance of use of machines and auxiliary media is carried out in such a way that it allows the manufacturing program to be met by avoiding stops.

CR4.5 The procedure established for shear and drying is applied, so that the process can be performed in compliance with safety, health and environmental standards.

RP5: Perform the work of classified dry sheet, following the rules established and used in the production process.

CR5.1 The classification and grouping of the veneer is done, by species, size and characteristics, in batteries to facilitate their storage or transport.

CR5.2 The grouping, marking, and packaging of parts is performed according to technical characteristics and according to the production plan.

CR5.3 The maintenance of use of machines and auxiliary media is carried out in such a way that it allows the manufacturing program to be met by avoiding stops.

CR5.4 The procedure established and carried out, for the classification of the sheets, allows the process to be carried out, respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

Professional Context

Production media

Wood on roll. Carriage saw. Vaporized or stucco chamber. Parts centrepiece. Unwinding: Chapa to the flat. Rotary plate. Shears. Sheet metal dryers. Splinters. Classification useful.

Work products or results

Unwound or flat-rolled or dry-rolled or dry-and-by-products (cylindrical, curros, tips, splinters) for the crushing, cogeneration, and other industries.

Information used or generated

Production orders, technical manuals, classification manuals, product entry statistics. Statistics

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0679_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the necessary machines and tools, to run the marketry operations, by dialing, cutting and decorating the different pieces, according to the job plan.

CR1.1 The selection of wood veneers, is performed considering the technical and visual characteristics (color, drawing, vetoes), rejecting the ones not suitable for the composition to be made.

CR1.2 The preparation of the templates, tools, and tools for marking is accomplished by verifying its correct status.

CR1.3 The tuning of the machines and tools for the draught is done considering the highest level of sharpening of the tools and cutting tools.

CR1.4 The choice of tools and tools is performed considering the characteristics of the cuts to be made, the material to be cut and the type of work.

CR1.5 The draught of the various parts of the assembly is done with the appropriate machines and the care not to produce burrs or splashes.

CR1.6 The tintando of the figures is done with the appropriate products and means, for its shading.

CR1.7 Marqueteria operations are performed according to safety, health and environmental standards.

RP2: Perform the stitching and pasting of sheets to compose the drawing with its different pieces.

CR2.1 The composition is made by the conjunct of the sheets, considering the vetoing, the numbering of the sheets and the excess to be used.

CR2.2 The composition is made, by placing and fixing with adhesive tape the figures on the holes of the previously heated wooden sheets, for later pressing on the element to be decorated.

CR2.3 The definitive binding between the different elements that make up the composition is accomplished by the passage of the adhesive tape.

CR2.4 Junting and pasting operations are performed according to safety, occupational health, and environmental standards.

Professional Context

Production media

Templates. Shears. Calators. Sheet stitching. Portable sanders. Tape and join elements.

Products and results

Cutting-edge sheet compositions prepared for pressing

Information used or generated

Production Orders. Drawings of marquetteries. Product entry statistics, technical manuals. Templates.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 1

Code: UC0680_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the composition to piece the sheets together according to the production plan.

CR1.1 The preparation of the veneer is done, in a way that meets the criteria of use, according to its characteristics and according to the production plan.

CR1.2 The cutting elements and the execution parameters of the blades are fixed according to the characteristics of the material to be machined, verifying that their condition is correct.

CR1.3 The components of the adhesives (resin, hardeners, additives and other elements) are received by checking that they are in quantity and quality with the requested or established, registering and storing, or rejecting in the case that they do not meet the required levels.

CR1.4 The adhesive or bonding material of the sheets is selected according to the composition to be obtained and the material type to be joined and prepared according to the specifications of the manufacturer.

CR1.5 The parameters of the joining machine (forward speed, calderin temperature, pressure, temperature, race-end situation) are regulated according to the composition to be made and the type of wood to be joined.

CR1.6 The procedure established for the preparation of the sheets that is carried out, allows the process to be carried out in compliance with the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

RP2: Perform material and equipment preparation operations, to perform manufacturing of plywood boards

CR2.1 The components of the adhesives (resin, hardeners, additives and other elements) are received by checking that they are in quantity and quality with the requested or established, registering and storing, or rejecting those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR2.2 Adhesives are selected based on the type of composition and the material to be attached, preparing according to the technical specifications.

CR2.3 The parameters of the strainer and the press (separation of the rollers from the strainer, speed of advancement, temperature of the plates, pressure of the plates, press time, situation of the final of the race) are regulated depending on the product you want to obtain.

CR2.4 The sizing of the pieces is done by considering the characteristics of the material to be joined and the appropriate environmental and occupational health conditions.

CR2.5 The cast that is chosen is suitable for making curved boards and does not present deformations.

CR2.6 The established procedure for preparing and obtaining the boards allows the process to be carried out in compliance with the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

RP3: Perform the necessary checks to obtain plywood or rechapated boards, as set out in the production process.

CR3.1 The periodic check of the "gelling" times of the filling liquid is performed to meet the established values and reject those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR3.2 The assessment and testing is done by periodic sampling, the moisture of the sheets and the support and allows the specified limits to be met and to reject those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR3.3 The check of the situation of the sheets and the boards, between the plates of the press is carried out according to the plan of production.

CR3.4 The cooling and curing of the boards is performed, depending on the conditions of the local.

CR3.5 The established procedure for preparing and obtaining the boards allows the process to be carried out in compliance with the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

RP4: Check the job parameters set to finish the plywood board with the required quality in the manufacturing program.

CR4.1 The work parameters of the squadron (type of tooth, cutting angles and speed) and of the gauge (type and size of the grain, type of support, speed of advancement), are fixed according to the characteristics of the material to be processed by verifying the correct state of the cutting elements.

CR4.2 The flow of materials in the work chain prevents jams, it is proven, so that the transport of the waste for its jaded and recycled is developed in an ideal way.

CR4.3 The quality of the boards produced is controlled periodically, separating or rejecting parts that do not conform to the manufacturing schedule.

CR4.4 The procedure established and applied for the squadron, allows the process to be carried out in compliance with the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

Professional Context

Production media

Chapas. Adhesives. Roller strainer. Adhesive preparer. Hot plates press. Curvar press. Cooler. Squadron. Sectionator. Gauge

Products and results

Rejected boards. Plywood board. Curved plywood and by-products for the crushing, cogeneration and other industries.

Information used or generated

Production orders, technical manuals, classification manuals, product entry statistics. Product exit statistics.




Code: MF0432 _1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the basic conditions for handling materials and products for loading or unloading in relation to their nature, status, quantities, protection and means of transport used.

CE1.1 Recognize the documentation or instructions that must accompany the goods under load, unloading or moving in their logistic flow.

CE1.2 List the different forms of packaging and/or protective packaging used that contain the materials and products, relating them to their nature and conservation status.

CE1.3 Recognize the methods of measurement and calculation of loads for proper handling.

CE1.4 List the various internal and external means of transport, their basic conditions of use, as well as their relation to the loads they manipulate.

CE1.5 In a load handling scenario:

-Recognize and interpret the documentation presented on different media.

-Identify whether the packaging or packaging type is correct.

-Observe if the load meets the expected dimensions and weight according to the overall work environment.

-Recognize if the selected handling equipment is appropriate to the load.

C2: Classify and describe the different types of palletizing, relating them to the form of constitution of the load to be transported.

CE2.1 Identify the basic ways to constitute the load units.

CE2.2 Explain the conditions to be met by packaging or packaging to constitute the load unit.

CE2.3 Identify and classify the different types of palettes and explain the fundamental applications of the palettes.

CE2.4 Explain the variations in the load weight performance mobilized, depending on the utilization of the available volume according to the shapes of the products or their packaging.

CE2.5 In a practical case of handling materials and products properly characterized:

-Interpret the information provided.

-Locate the physical situation of the load.

-Check that packaging, packaging, as well as materials or products meet security conditions.

-Check that the selected small metal container or palette type is best suited for handling and transporting the load unit, under security conditions.

C3: Interpreting and implementing regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and the health of workers.

CE3.1 Recognize the risks arising from manual handling of loads: object falls, contusions, lifting positions, repetitive overefforts, fractures, musculoskeletal and other injuries.

CE3.2 Recognize the risks arising from the management of automatic machines and traction or thrust, such as: entrapments, cuts, overefforts, repetitive positional fatigue, torsions, vibrations, noise, gases, and others.

CE3.3 Distinguished individual protection equipment (E.P.I.) types appropriate to each risk.

CE3.4 Identify action measures in emergency situations.

CE3.5 Before a simulated load, transport and download scenario, perfectly defined:

-Identify the most appropriate personal protective equipment.

-Recognize the risks derived from load handling.

-Identify the risks arising from the transport, the stow/esestiba, stacked/off load.

-Detailed possible emergency situations that may be presented.

C4: Interpret the symbology used in the environment and transport paths.

CE4.1 List the duties, rights and rules of conduct of persons handling and transporting loads.

CE4.2 Identify the mandatory signals and information boards that reference the load, as well as other information symbols to be carried by the cart.

CE4.3 Identify and interpret the normalized signals to be defined by specific areas of work, those reserved for pedestrians and others located on the roads, and to act in accordance with the limitations of the warehouse in case of handling indoors.

CE4.4 Identify the light and acoustic signals to be carried by the wheelbarrows, relating them to their standard typology and location.

C5: Identify the elements of the intended machines for safe driving, as well as the first-level maintenance operations.

CE5.1 Interpreting the controls, systems and elements of driving and handling, as well as fuel indicators, battery charge level, and others included in the control board of the vehicle. forklift.

CE5.2 Interpret the instructions in the maintenance manual, the operations that correspond to a primary level of the maintenance manual.

CE5.3 Identify those anomalies that, affecting safe driving or handling, must be communicated for immediate repair and may cause the forklift to be stopped.

CE5.4 In a scenario where the wheelbarrow charges anomalies:

-Detect failures.

-Identify those that have their possible origin in manufacturing or maintenance defects.

-Determine if there are breakdowns whose repair exceeds their responsibility and must be the object of communication to whom it corresponds.

-Perform maintenance operations that correspond to your level of responsibility.

C6: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account security, risk prevention and signalling measures workbench.

CE6.1 Localize the situation of the driving and operation controls of the wheelbarrows, the function each performs and the control indicators.

CE6.2 Classify and identify the different basic types of wheelbarrows, relating them to their applications (horizontal, tractor, push, vertical mast lift, tiltable, and other) and load capacity, taking into account the elevation height, the distance from the centre of gravity of the load to the heel of the fork or the use of implements.

CE6.3 Explain the basic conditions for the stability of the loads and the possibilities of the rollover in maneuver, relating them to:

-Systems and devices for holding and lifting the load.

-Carklift and load load centers

-Job floor status.

CE6.4 Drive self-propelled and manual forklift trucks, performing braking, parking, reversing and downslope manoeuvres, and perform the same operations with the maximum permissible load.

CE6.5 Collect load units by introducing the fork to bottom under the pallet and perform the lift and tilt maneuver of the mast backwards, respecting the size and height of the load to facilitate visibility.

CE6.6 Driving self-propelled and manual trucks with load, controlling the stability of the same, respecting the signs of circulation, using acoustic or light signals when necessary and performing maneuvers of braking, parking, reversing and descent in slope, when required by the movement and the deposit of the same, with safety and avoiding occupational hazards

CE6.7 In a scenario of load handling, in a corridor bounded by shelving, of width equal to the length of the counterbalance truck, increased in the length of the load and 0.4m of safety margin:

-Perform approach operations to the location where you must perform the stowage or esestiba of a palletized load unit at third height.

-Perform 90º spin maneuver for stowage and desestiba.

-Stay in front of the alveolo destined for the load (or its desestiba) in a single maneuver.

-Use, if necessary, the side offset for the operation.

c7: List the basic conditions for transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines.

CE7.1 Identify the basic forms of preparation and transportation of raw materials and products to constitute the load units.

CE7.2 List the basic additional precautions to take into account, in the case of transport and elevation of dangerous loads (corrosive or flammable chemicals, harmful to health, explosives, pollutant, between other).

CE7.3 Recognize established rules for fire, deflagrations, and evacuation procedures.

CE7.4 Relate the types of wheelbarrows and their characteristics, with possibilities for use in special industrial environments (explosive industries, chemical industry and others).

C8: Meet the support established by the company, the documentation generated by the load movement.

CE8.1 Describe the most common information contained in the most common albarans and formats used as media.

CE8.2 Identify the main features of the media or equipment that are commonly used to collect load movement information.

CE8.3 Describe the possibilities of information transmission, by digital means.

CE8.4 In a practical scenario of data transmission by digital media, properly characterized:

-Handle a portable data transmission equipment.

-Transmit the information from the load and unload movements performed.


1. Handling and transport of goods.

-Internal logistic flow of loads and services. Socio-economic importance.

-Storage, supply and dispatch of goods.

-Community and Spanish rules on handling of goods.

-Prevention of occupational hazards and safety measures in the transport of goods.

-Internal and external means of transport of the goods. Basic conditions.

-Symbology and signalling of the environment and means of transport: Placas, luminous, acoustic information signals.

-Load unit. Measurement and calculation of loads.

-Documentation that accompanies the goods.

-Documentation that generates load movement. Digital transmission.

2. Packaging and palletizing of goods.

-Types of packaging and packaging.

-Packaging conditions for product protection.

-Conditions of packaging for the safe transport of products.

-Types of paletizations. Applications according to types of goods.

-Conditions to be met by the load units.

-Precautions and measures to be taken with dangerous loads.

3. Trucks for the transport of goods.

-Classification, types and uses of wheelbarrows; handbooks and automotoras: thermal motors, electric motors.

-Main elements of different types of wheelbarrows:

▫ Driving elements.

▫ Control indicators for the cart.

▫ Acoustic and visual signals from the wheelbarrows.

-Basic maintenance and incorrect operating indicators.

4. Wheelbarrow handling and driving.

-Guideline axis.

-Access and drop of the truck.

-Use of retention systems, cab, seat belt.

-Commissioning and stopping the wheelbarrow.

-Circulation: displacement speed, path, nature and floor status etc.

-Maniworks. Braking, parked, reversing, descent into slope.

-Accelerations, mismanoeuvres.

-Maniworks of loading and unloading.

-Elevation of the load.

5. Loading and unloading of goods.

-Load stability. Notions of balance.

-Leverage Act.

-The load severity center.

-Loss of wheelbarrow stability.

-Eviation of transverse or longitudinal dumps.

-Dynamic and static behavior of the loaded cart.

-Incorrect placement of the load on the wheelbarrow. Overload.

-Modes of placing the goods on the shelves.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module







Code: MF0678_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0678_2: Get veneer from roll wood.

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1292

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the characteristics of the wood with the possibilities of obtaining plate and the associated preparation.

CE1.1 Differentiate and recognize the main types of national, European and tropical wood.

CE1.2 Recognize the most traditional figures obtained from the woods (water, magnifying glass, verruga, palm, mesh, cathedral, diamond, moketa) through the various cutting systems.

CE1.3 Discriminate the main systems of cubication, using measuring instruments.

CE1.4 Recognize and distinguish the main defects and diseases from the woods.

CE1.5 Different the main properties of the woods.

CE1.6 Select the wood based on the type of veneer to be obtained.

CE1.7 Perform the conditioning of the wood in terms of humidity by regulating the optimum level.

C2: Perform the sawing and vaporization of the woods.

CE2.1 Define the main types of cart saws.

CE2.2 In a practical case, properly characterized, put in use and tools in the machines making the adjustment of the parameters (saws, discs, cutting angles, depth), choosing the tools in good condition storage and sharpening and mounting the necessary security devices.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, assign the parameters (dimension, speed, alignment) to the different machines according to the technical data and type of machining, checking them by means of tests start up.

CE2.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, the machining is performed by obtaining sawn parts with the required characteristics respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE2.5 Recognize the vaporizer and stout systems.

CE2.6 In a practical, well-characterized, well-characterized, regular and assign the correct humidity to each type of wood.

CE2.7 In a practical case, properly characterized, carry out the maintenance of use in saws, vaporizers and stovators, collecting it in the corresponding tab, where elements and operations are identified to be carried out.


1. Characteristics of the timbers for obtaining sheets

-Types of timbers used to obtain sheets.

-Measurement and control systems for volumes and humidity.

-The effects of the timbers that influence the collection of sheets.

-Wood properties and their relationship to the veneer systems.

-Wood storage and conditioning systems for obtaining sheets.

2. Sizing, sawing, Vaporing and cooking of shreds for obtaining sheets


-Dimensions of trotae and trotae sectors.

-Detection and removal of metals in roll wood.

-Uncut technology.

-Tronked technology.

-Hacks cutting systems.

-Trojan sawing technology (parameters).

-Obtaining medium and quarter-ons.

-Machines and equipment used:

▫ Description

▫ Features

▫ Benefits

-Cut-out use:

▫ Cintas

▫ saw disks

-Cocido and vaporization of shreds:

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques and methods.

-Cooked and vaporized equipment:

▫ Types

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ Maintenance

-Treatment times according to the species and the diameter of the troza

3. Safety, occupational and environmental health in facilities for the preparation of roll wood for the production of sheets

-Safety and Health Standards applied to the processes of preparing the roll wood to obtain sheets

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the various processes of preparing the roll wood to obtain sheets.

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the processes of preparing the roll wood to obtain sheets.

-Treatment of waste generated in roll-wood preparation operations to obtain veneers



Code: UF1293

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the different sheet metal removal procedures with the input and output material.

CE2.1 Describe the various veneer removal procedures, advantages and drawbacks and applications.

CE2.2 List the spaces required for sheet metal removal in the various procedures.

CE2.3 Define the extracted products and their qualities.

CE2.4 Explain the importance of the veneer extraction process in the wood and furniture sector as a whole.

C2: Extract continuous veneer by wood unwinding, in properly characterized practical assumptions.

CE2.1 Regular tools and tools on the machines by adjusting the parameters (cutting angles, depth), checking the good condition of the blades and mounting the necessary safety devices depending on the characteristics of the material and the type of product to be obtained.

CE2.2 Place the die, manually or automatically by centring it and holding it with the appropriate claws or device.

CE2.3 Check that the cut is appropriate, depending on the characteristics of the material that is unrolled and the product to be obtained.

CE2.4 Check the correct transport, cutting and storage of the sheets avoiding breakages or deformations and keeping the expectations of the production plan.

CE2.5 Apply the necessary safety and occupational health standards, minimizing the possibility of accidents and the possibility of production chain breakage.

CE2.6 Perform a usage maintenance on the machine, controlled by the corresponding tab, identifying items and operations to be performed.

C3: Extract sheet metal and rotating sheet metal.

CE3.1 In a practical case, properly characterized, put in tools and tools in the machines by adjusting the parameters (cutting angles, depth), selecting the blades in good condition of conservation and sharpening and mounting the required security devices.

CE3.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized: assign the parameters (dimension, speed, alignment) to the machine according to the technical data and type of sheet to be obtained, checking its implementation.

CE3.3 In a practical case of obtaining sheet metal of a given species, duly characterized, dimensions of the die and thickness of the product, calculate the parameters characteristic of the unwinding:

-vaporized time and temperature.

-Blade angles, pressure bar situation, peripheral speed of the die, speed of advancement of the blade holder carriage and variation of the number of revolutions of the unwinding.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, to obtain the plate by the different procedures, respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform on the machine a maintenance of use, controlled by the corresponding tab, identifying elements and operations to be performed.


1. Obtaining sheets by unwinding and by rolling out the paper


-Techniques and systems.

-Unroll teams:

▫ Types:

or Manuals and Automated

or Special to obtain decentralized rotating sheet.

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ Maintenance.

-Positioning and centering of the stumps.

-Unwrap parameters:

▫ Cutting and blade angles,

▫ Pressure bar situation,

▫ Peripheral speed of the die,

▫ Advance speed of the blade carrier cart

▫ Variation of the number of revolutions in the unwinding.

2. Obtaining sheets by cutting to the flat


-Technique and systems.

-Flat-to-flat equipment:

▫ Types:

or Manuals.

or Automated.

▫ Description.

▫ Operation.

▫ Maintenance.

-Positioning of stumps or sectors of shreds.

-Flat-to-flat parameters:

▫ Cutting Angles

▫ Depth

▫ Advance speed of the table and/or piece of roll wood.

3. Safety, occupational and environmental health in facilities for obtaining sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat

-Safety and Health Standards applied to obtaining sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the various processes obtaining sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the process of obtaining sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat

-Treatment of waste generated in the production of sheets by unwinding and cutting to the flat



Code: UF1294

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Operate with the shear and drying equipment, in duly characterized practical scenarios.

CE1.1 Place tools and tools on the machines by adjusting the parameters (cutting angles, depth), selecting the tools in good condition of conservation and sharpening and mounting the necessary devices security.

CE1.2 Assign the parameters (dimension, speed, alignment) to the shearing based on the technical data and type of machining, checking it through the commissioning tests.

CE1.3 Perform a usage maintenance on the shearing, controlled by the corresponding tab, identifying items and operations to be performed.

CE1.4 Assign the parameters (input speed, temperature, humidity, and air speed) in the drying tunnel.

CE1.5 Perform in the drying tunnel a use maintenance, controlled by the corresponding tab, identifying elements and operations to be performed.

CE1.6 Perform shear and drying while respecting safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

C2: Apply quality criteria to the classification of dry sheets, in duly characterized practical assumptions.

CE2.1 Recognize the main defects of the sheets (color, splinters, different thicknesses).

CE2.2 Classify the veneer according to its type of vetoing (natural, wavy, stripes).

CE2.3 Classify sheets based on their dimensions.

CE2.4 Appillar the sheets by maintaining the output order of the extraction.

CE2.5 Embaling the sheets according to the composition to be made and the requirements of the client.


1. Cutting and drying of sheets

-Wood chaps

▫ Definition.

▫ Dimensions.

▫ Formats.

▫ Quality:

or Defects and Failures.

or Classification Rules.

▫ Sheets Moisture Content:

or Measurement

or Specifications

-Spanish and European standards for wood veneers.

-Cut from unrolled sheets and sheets to the flat:

▫ Purpose.

▫ Layers Classification Parameters

or Quality

or Dimensions

or Humidity content.

-Classification control equipment and systems:

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ Maintenance

-Industrial and manual online cutting equipment:

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ Maintenance

-Industrial and manual online sheets and equipment:

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ Maintenance

-Layers stacker pickers.

-Plate Bobinate.

-Secado of wood sheets:

▫ Purpose.

▫ Technique.

▫ Parameters

or Temperature and Relative Air Humidity

or Power Speed.

▫ Control techniques for sheet metal dryers.

▫ Measure of moisture content.

▫ Teams:

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance

2. Classification, repair and stacking of sheets


▫ Purpose.

▫ Parameters

or Quality

or Dimensions

▫ Auto-classification teams

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance

▫ Media.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Teams and tools.

▫ Repair products:

or Types

or Preparing

or Application

-Moving and transporting sheets:

▫ Teams and Media:

or Types,

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance.

-Appling and making sheet packs:

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques and equipment used.

3. Safety, occupational and environmental health in cutting, drying and grading of wood veneers

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in cutting, drying and sorting wood sheets

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in cutting, drying and sorting wood sheets

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the cutting, drying and sorting of wood sheets

-Treatment of waste generated in the cutting, drying and sorting operations of wood sheets

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Standard 10



Formative Unit 3-UF1294




To access the training units 2 and 3 must have passed the training unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0679_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0679_2: Get decorative chapeados from sheet metal.

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the preparation and composition processes of the marquetry.

CE1.1 Relate the different phases of the markup processing process with the products and means used.

CE1.2 Recognize the types of sheet metal that are more used in the manufacture of marquetteries and their main properties and characteristics.

CE1.3 Recognize the different styles of the furniture and the most common marquetteries applied in each of them.

CE1.4 Relate the machines, tools, and instruments used in the making of marquetteries.

CE1.5 Understand the risks involved in the handling of materials and instruments used in the marking composition.

CE1.6 Analyze the elements and processes that influence the quality of the materials, the products, and the process of making sheet metal and marquetry compositions.

C2: Prepare the sheets for your shearing and draught.

CE2.1 Describe the process of cyzalside preparation and plate draught, indicating its purpose.

CE2.2 Describe the operation and maintenance of use of the different machines and useful handbooks to be used in the shearing and heating of sheets for compositions.

CE2.3 In properly characterized practical assumptions, identify defects in veneers (stains, crooked fiber, moisture, uneasiness, holes, buttoned), rejecting those that do not meet the required conditions.

CE2.4 Draw marquetry compositions, indicating the types of sheets to be used for each piece.

CE2.5. In properly characterized practical assumptions, group the different pieces of the composition with the same contour or plate and make templates for obtaining them.

C3: Cizallar and heat the sheets to make the compositions, in properly characterized practical assumptions.

CE3.1 Choose cutting tools (shearing leaves and draught saws) that meet the conditions of sharpening and conservation status, and install them on the machines using the tools and equipment needed.

CE3.2 Perform the shearing shearing, following the marks and drawn on them, placing the stops of the machines in the indicated position, making the sound and optimized thereof.

CE3.3 Group the different sheets to perform their draught, marking the contours with the help of templates, making the draft sheet or sheet.

CE3.4 Perform the main basic maintenance operations of the shearing and caladora saw (grease, cleaning).

CE3.5 Rate the risks involved in handling materials and instruments used for the shearing and draught of sheets.

C4: Perform the composition of sheets and marquetry for rechaption.

CE4.1 Describe the process of making sheet metal and marquetry compositions.

CE4.2 Describe the operation and maintenance of use of the different machines and useful handbooks to be used in the manufacture of sheet metal and marquetry compositions.

CE4.3 Relating applicable decoration processes

to the pieces for making marquetry compositions, identifying the materials used, utensils and their preparation.

CE4.4 In properly characterized practical assumptions, decorate pieces by tinting or shading in sand bath, preparing the necessary products and obtaining the desired appearance.

CE4.5 Describe the different types of materials used for the union of sheets to make compositions, identifying the equipment and tools to use, process to perform and its implications with subsequent processes (sanding, plating and finishing).

CE4.6 In properly characterized practical assumptions, the sheet of sheets for making compositions without embedding of marquetry, taking into account the vetoing, the numbering of sheets and the surplus to be used and with the appropriate technical means.

CE4.7 In properly characterized practical assumptions, assemble the pieces that make up the marquetry, placing the bottom on the hollows of this, the different pieces, making sure of its correct positioning and placing material Adhesive to fix the piece in its definitive situation.


1. Preparation of the marquetry and its components

-Marqueteria chaps:

▫ Identification.

▫ Features.

▫ Defects and Failures.

-Adhesives and complementary materials:

▫ Description.

▫ Applications.

-Marquetry sheet uses.

▫ Furniture:

or Furniture Styles and their influence on the marquee drawings.

▫ Carpentry elements:

or designs-usual compositions

-Drawing and marking of marquetry compositions.


▫ Elaboration

▫ Materials used.

-Techniques and processes for preparing marquetry sheets.

-Layers Cizalside:

▫ Techniques.

▫ Processes.

▫ Teams.

-Layer Caling:

▫ Techniques.

▫ Processes.

▫ Teams.

-Quality control of materials.

2. Composition of sheets and marquetteries

-Types of compositions.

-Composition of marquetry.

▫ Description.

-Layers Junting:

▫ Techniques.

▫ Processes.

▫ Teams.

▫ Products.

▫ Materials used.

-Decoration of marquetry pieces:

▫ Tinted.

▫ Sombreto.

-Other veneer decoration processes.

-Quality control of compositions.

3. Safety, occupational and environmental health in facilities for obtaining decorative chapeate.

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in obtaining decorative chapeate

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in obtaining decorative chapeate

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to obtaining decorative chapeate

-Treatment of waste generated in obtaining decorative chapeados

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours capable of distance


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0680_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0680_1: Elaborate plywood, curvy, and rechred panels

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the products obtained with the processes followed, machinery, equipment and materials involved.

CE1.1 Describe the main manufacturing processes.

CE1.2 Classify the main products that are obtained according to: the layout of the sheets, the type of sizing, the manufacturing system and its destination.

CE1.3 Recognize and regulate the main parameters of the machinery used in the process of making boards.

CE1.4 Analyze the dimensions and conditions that need to gather the workspaces related to safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE1.5 Recognize the qualities of the boards according to their technical and superficial characteristics.

C2: Select and prepare the adhesive based on the sheets to be attached and the required properties on the boards.

Ce2.1 Recognize the main types of adhesives, their properties and applications (resins, hardeners, additives).

CE2.2 Prepare the adhesive and its components depending on the type of board to be manufactured.

CE2.3 Perform periodic pH controls, "pot" time, and adhesive "gelling".

C3: Apply the adhesive using mechanical means.

CE3.1 Distinguished the main types of board sizing, its features and applications.

CE3.2 Assign the parameters (speed, temperature, pressure, type of queue, alignment) to the strainer and put it to the point based on the technical data, type of board to be obtained and type of wood.

CE3.3 In properly characterized practical assumptions, perform the sizing of the different sheets that make up the board.

CE3.4 In properly characterized practical assumptions, perform the maintenance of the use of the strainer, identifying the elements to be reviewed and the conditions to be maintained.

C4: Operate with the main shearing and veneer-side machines, in properly characterized practical assumptions.

CE4.1 Placing tools and tools on the machines by adjusting the parameters (cutting angles, depth) and selecting the tools and tools in good condition of preservation and sharpening and placing the devices security required.

CE4.2 Assign the parameters (dimension, speed, alignment) to the shear based on the technical data and type of machining.

CE4.3 Perform usage maintenance on the shearing, identifying the items to be reviewed and the conditions to be maintained.

CE4.4 Assign parameters (rate of entry, type of adhesive, temperature) to the sheet metal junction and dispose of the sheet to form.

CE4.5 Carry out the shearing and bonding of the plates while respecting the safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE4.6 Make the deposit of the waste in the containers arranged for subsequent recycling.

C5: Perform the pressing of the board, straight or curved, in the hydraulic press, in properly characterized practical assumptions.

CE5.1 Analyze the operation of the press and the necessary tools and accessories for pressing.

CE5.2 In properly characterized practical assumptions, assign the parameters (pressure, type of adhesive, time, alignment) to the press based on the technical data and type of board.

CE5.3 In properly characterized practical assumptions, check the state of the molds and perform their cleaning.

CE5.4 In properly characterized practical assumptions, correctly place the molds in the press and the pieces in the press.

CE5.5 In properly characterized practical assumptions, perform in the press the maintenance of use identifying the items to be reviewed and the conditions to be maintained.

CE5.6 In properly characterized practical assumptions, press compliance with safety, health and environmental standards.

C6: Measure and superficially terminate the plywood and redrawn boards, in properly characterized practical assumptions.

CE6.1 Place tools and tools on the machine machines by adjusting the parameters (cutting angles, depth) to select the tools and tools in good condition of conservation and sharpening and to mount the required security devices.

CE6.2 Assign the parameters (dimension, speed, alignment) to the squadron based on the technical data and type of machining.

CE6.3 Mechanizing the boards by sizing them to standard, standard or customer requirements, leaving the surfaces without splashes or burrs.

CE6.4 Perform the deposit of the waste in the containers arranged for subsequent recycling.

CE6.5 Place the abrasive in the gauge by adjusting the parameters (meaning, tension, grain), regulating the input and output speeds of the material and in conditions of safety and occupational health.

CE6.6 Perform on the squadron and lijor/gauge machines the maintenance of use by identifying the items to be reviewed and the conditions to be maintained.

CE6.7 Perform machining and sanding while respecting safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

C7: Elaborate the process of making plywood, curved, and rechappable boards.

CE7.1 In a properly characterized practical scenario of making plywood boards:

-Set the sheet collection to the product to be manufactured.

-Describe the shear and composition of the veneers.

-Explain the preparation of the adhesive and the setting of the strainer.

-Describe the process of sizing the sheets.

-Set the parameters of the press.

-Describe the panel pressing process.

-Drill down the board conditioning and cooling process.

-Explain the machining process to measure the board.

-Define the finishing process of the board, specifying the type of abrasive and the surface characteristics.


1. Products and materials involved in the manufacture of the board

-Wood chaps for the manufacture of plywood boards and redrawn boards:

▫ Species.

▫ Calities.

▫ Humidity content.

▫ Dimensions.


▫ Definition.

▫ Phases of the manufacturing process.

▫ Chapas used

or Wood Species.

or Calities.

or Controls.

▫ Applications.

▫ Classification.

-Rejected tablets:

▫ Definition.

▫ Phases of the manufacturing process.

▫ Rejected dashboards media:

or Types

or Features.

▫ Chapas:

or Wood Species

or Calities.

-coated tablets:

▫ Definition.

▫ Phases of the manufacturing process.

▫ Materials for coating:

or Types

or Features.

-Adhesives for the manufacture of plywood boards, redrawn boards and coated boards:

▫ Types.

▫ Applications.

▫ Receive controls.

-Special additives for the manufacture of boards.

▫ Types.

▫ Purpose.

-Spanish and European standards for plywood panels, rejected boards and coated boards:

▫ Trials

▫ Specifications.

-Legislation-European Directives.

2. Manufacture of plywood panels

-Layer Union.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Equipment and materials used in the veneer junction.

-Layers repair.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Equipment and materials used.

-Layers cut.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Teams and useful employees.

-Armado and sheet composition.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Composition of plywood boards.

▫ Teams:

or Types,

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance.

-Lover sizing.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Systems.

▫ Preparing queues.

▫ Dosification queues.

▫ Quality Controls.

▫ Layers:

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance.

-Veneer of sheets for making plywood boards.

▫ Purpose.

▫ presses:

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance.

▫ The parameters of the pressing operation and their control.

-Curved of plywood.

▫ Moldes

▫ Teams for pressing and curving:

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance.

▫ The pressed and curved operation parameters.

-Cooled and cured of the board.

▫ Purpose

-Termination of plywood

▫ Commercial Dimensions

▫ Squared and Sized

or Techniques

or Machines

or Parameters

▫ Calibrate

or Landing Techniques

or Calibrators

or Parameters

or Lijas

▫ Quality Control

or Factors that influence quality.

or Technical and superficial features.

or Product Rules.

or Quality control tests.

3. Manufacture of redrawn and coated boards

-Decorative chaps:

▫ Wood Species

▫ Calities

▫ Dimensions

▫ Preparing before the rechapate operation and controls

-Coating Materials:

▫ Types

▫ Features

▫ Dimensions

▫ Preparing before the coating operation and controls.

-Encolating decorative sheets.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Systems.

▫ Preparing the queues.

▫ Dosage.

▫ Quality Controls.

▫ Layers

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance

-Coating of coating materials.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Systems.

▫ Preparing the queues.

▫ Dosage.

▫ Quality Controls.

▫ Encolators

or Types.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards.

▫ Purpose.

▫ presses:

or Types.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

▫ The parameters of the pressing operation and their control.

-Termination of rejected and coated boards

▫ Commercial Dimensions

▫ Squared and Sized

or Techniques

or Machines

or Parameters

▫ Calibrate

or Landing Techniques

or Calibrators

or Parameters

or Lijas

▫ Quality Control

or Factors that influence quality.

or Technical and superficial features.

or Product Rules.

or Quality control tests.

4. Safety, occupational and environmental health in facilities for the manufacture of plywood, curvy and redrawn panels

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in the manufacture of plywood, curved, and redrawn boards

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the manufacture of plywood, curved and rechapated panels

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the manufacture of plywood, curvy and redrawn panels

-Treatment of waste generated in the manufacture of plywood, curved and rechapated panels

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module






Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0275

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account the safety measures, risk prevention and signalling of the workbench.

CE1.1 Participate in the interpretation of an order of handling, location of the physical situation of the load, checking of the packaging, packaging, checking of the type of pallet or small metal container and its selection.

CE1.2 Collaborate on collecting load units.

CE1.3 Drive self-driving and manual trucks with load.

CE1.4 To support in the completion of documentation generated by the movement of loading and unloading, and the transmission of data by digital means

C2: Perform the sawing and vaporization of the woods.

CE2.2 Participate in the Trojan sawing to obtain rolled wood sectors with defined characteristics.

CE2.3 Collaborate in the programming of the parameters of the vaporization and stout operation of a batch of wood on roll of the same species.

C3: Extract sheet metal and rotating sheet metal, with a moisture content and specific dimensions and qualities.

CE3.1 Participate in obtaining sheet metal from a sawn wood sector

CE3.3 Participate in the obtaining of rotating sheet metal from a roll of wood.

CE3.3 Cutting wood veneer with predefined dimensions.

CE3.4 Collaborate on the programming of the drying tunnel parameters to obtain sheets with a predefined moisture content.

CE3.5 Classify wood veneers according to their type of vetoing (natural, wavy, striped) and their dimensions.

C4: Perform the composition of sheets and marquetry for furniture and carpentry

CE4.1 Collaborate on the drawing of marquee compositions, indicating the types of sheets to be used for each piece.

CE4.2 Cut with a plate shearing to obtain a predefined sheet composition.

CE4.3 To support the selection of different sheets to perform your draught, marking the outlines with the help of templates, and collaborating in the draught of the sheet or sheet pack.

CE4.4 Juntar sheets for marquetry-free compositions, taking into account the vetoing, the number of sheets and the excess to be used.

CE4.5 Participate in the decoration of pieces by tinting or shaded in sand bath, preparing the necessary products and obtaining the desired appearance.

CE4.6 Provide support in the assembly of pieces that make up the marking, placement of the bottom on the gaps, positioning and sizing to fix the piece in its definitive situation.

C5. Make straight, curved, and recused plywood boards.

CE5.1 Collaborate on assigning the parameters of the shearing and the sheet metal assembly.

CE5.2 Participate in the selection, preparation and control of the adhesives depending on the type of board to be worked out.

CE5.3 Provide support for the assignment of the strainer parameters and the veneer of sheets depending on the type of board to be worked out.

CE5.4 Collaborate on the assignment of the parameters of the pressing operation depending on the type of board to be manufactured.

CE5.5 Provide support in checking the state of the molds and placing them to elaborate predefined curved boards.

CE5.6 Collaborate on the allocation of the parameters of the squadron and the gauge depending on the final dimensions of the board

CE5.7 Mechanize the boards by sizing them to standard, standard or customer requirements, leaving the surfaces without splashes or burrs.

C6. Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the workplace.

CE6.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE6.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE6.3 Diligently undertake tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the company's work rate.

CE6.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE6.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Reception and classification of wood on roll

-Assessment of the batch of rolled wood.

-Fulfillment of the documentation of receipt and control of roll wood.

-Reception and control of roll wood.

-Roll-wood Cubication.

-Download and transport of the roll wood.

-Classified from the roll wood.

-Cleaning and maintenance of auto-classified equipment.

-Lover of wood on roll.

2. Preparation of roll wood for the obtention of sheets

-Detection and removal of metals in roll wood.

-Quality control of the stumps.

-Manual and automatic Tronado of the roll wood.

-Auto-cut out of roll wood.

-Selection of roll wood for sawing and getting veneers.

-Realization of the sawing operation as selected.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment for preparing roll wood.

-Realization of vaporization and cooking of trotae.

-Cleaning and maintenance of vaporized equipment and cooking of tatters.

3. Obtaining wood veneers by rolling the paper and cutting it to the flat

-Positioning and centering of the trotae for obtaining sheet metal by rotating unwinding.

-Positioning of shreds on the cutting table for cutting sheet metal to the flat.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment.

4. Cutting, drying and shearing of sheets

-Cut and sizing sheets for making plywood boards.

-Secado and classification of sheets for making plywood boards.

-Layers Repair

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment.

5. Obtaining decorative sheets

-Selection of sheets to obtain decorative sheets.

-Realizing templates

-Cutting and sizing sheets for decorative sheets.

-Layer of sheets for decorative sheets.

-Layers for decorative sheets.

-Decorative sheet making ...

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in obtaining decorative sheets.

6. Manufacture of plywood panels

-Selection of sheets for making plywood boards.

-Armado and sheet composition.

-Lover sizing.

-Veneer of sheets for making plywood boards.

-Choosing molds to make curved plywood boards.

-Veneer of sheets for making rechred boards.

-Cooled and cured of the board.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in the manufacture of flat and curved plywood panels.

7. Manufacture of redrawn and coated boards

-Selection of sheets for rejected boards.

-Selection of coating materials for coated boards.

-Selection of base boards for rechred boards and coated boards.

-Preparing queues and sizing decorative sheets and coating materials.

-Layers and coating materials.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in the manufacture of recessed and coated boards.

8. Board termination

-Square and board sizing.

-Board Calibrate.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in the squadron and calibration of boards.

9. Compliance with the safety and hygiene safety standards in the field of the production of sheets, plywood and rechinks.

-Application of the safety and health care rules

-Application of environmental protection and waste treatment standards.

10. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.



Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

If you have accreditation

If no accreditation is

MF0432_1: Handling loads with forklift trucks.

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diploma, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Technical and Technical Superior in any industrial specialty

• Certificates of Professionalism of levels 2 and 3 in any industrial specialty or professional area of logistics commercial and transport management

1 year

3 years

MF0678_2: Layer obtention processes.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other qualifications equivalents

• Senior Technical of the Professional Wood, Furniture and Corcho Family.

2 years

4 years

MF0679_2: Decorative chapeding processes

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or degree degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Senior Technical of the Professional Family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional Area of Transformation wood and cork from the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years


MF0680_1: Elaboration of dashboards plywood, curvy, and redrawn.

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Technical and Technical Superior of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professionalism of levels 2 and 3 of the Professional area of Transformation wood and cork of the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years

4 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




stacked with firm asphalted



Decorative Wood Veneer and Decorative Chapeon Workshop



Workshop for crafting plywood, curved, and rechred dashboards












Opened stacked with firm asphalt


Workshop for obtaining wood veneer and chapeed Decorative



Workout of plywood, curved, and rejected



-Audio-visual equipment

-PPCs installed in network and projection canon and internet

-Specific timbers park management software

-Pizars to write with pen


- Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

stack of stacked with firm asphalt


-Transport equipment/s for wood

-Large weights scale

-Automatic rollover sorting

-Detection machine Metal particles



-Transport system and byproduct silos (bark, sawdust, ...)

Equipment, tools and material


-Cintas metrics



-Markers for parts


-Manual cutting tools

-Useful Cleaning and basic maintenance of machinery

-Cutting tools machines.

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools


-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective glasses, hearing protectors, safety boots, vests reflectants ...)

decorative chapeo and Wood Sheet Getting Workshop


-Unroll Torno

-Main Sierra with portacarro

-Messes cut to flat

-Auto-handling automatisms and trotches

-Trojan feeding systems

-Wood sheet transport equipment

-Staging equipment

-Wood sheets dryers


-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

-Transport system and byproduct silos (remnants of sheets, sawdust, etc.)



-Sheet Junters

-Tools for tuning and changing cutting tools

-Teams Transportation of wood sheets

-Stapstack equipment

-Transport system and byproduct silos (remnants of sheets, sawdust, etc.)

Equipment, tools, and material

-Basic machinery maintenance and cleaning tools

-Machine cutting tools.

-Tools for tuning and changing cutting tools

-Machine ware for the oiling




-EPIs (gloves, protective glasses, hearing protectors, safety boots, etc.)

-Basic machinery maintenance and cleaning tools

-Machine cutting tools.

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

- Machine-oiling utensils





-Layers repairers

-Tins and other finishing products

-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective goggles, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests, etc.

Workshop on making plywood, curved, and redrawn boards


-Queue preparation teams


-Plates or board assembly tables

-Dishes press

-Membrane Press

-Membrane Press

- Calibrator

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

-Wood sheet transport equipment

-Contracted board transport equipment

-Stacked Equipment

Equipment, tools, and material

-Machine cutting tools.


-Cleaning and maintenance tools Basic machinery

-Utensils for the oiling of machines





-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective glasses, hearing protectors, boots safety, reflective vests, etc.

Due to the characteristics of the facilities and equipment required for the course, it must be developed in a company that meets the requirements set out in the certificate of professionalism.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Denomination: Manufacture of particle board and wood fibers

Code: MAMA0210

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho

Professional area: Transformation of wood and cork

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAM214_2 Manufacture of particle board and wood fibres (RD 1228/2006 of 27 October)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

UC0681_2: Prepare the particles and wood fibers.

UC0682_2: Develop particle and fiber boards.

UC0683_1: Finish and coat particle and fiber boards.

General competition:

Manufacture of particle and fibre boards from the splinter and defibrating of wood in roll, chips, waste or wood recycling, by means of its automated sizing and pressing, as well as its coating, the required quality, under the appropriate safety, occupational health and environmental conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Exercises its activity in the field of medium and large companies, normally employed, dedicated to the manufacture of particle board and wood fibres.

Productive Sectors:

Manufacture of particle board.

Manufacture of fiber boards.


Occupations or related jobs:

7811.1017 Wood treatment worker in general.

Hand-held wood sorter.

7812.1083 Wood shredder machine operator.

7812.1083 Wood Tronder Machine Operary.

7812.1083 Layers and timbers classifier machine operator.

8144.1042 Operary of machines to manufacture agglomerates.

7812.1083 Wood drying and treatment operation.

8144.1020 General Wood Treatment Facility Operary

8144,1075 Train-operated train operation of agglomerated boards.

8333.1015 Lift truck driver in general.

9700.1065 Peon of the wood and cork industry

Duration of the associated training: 350 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0432_1: (Transverse) Handling of loads with forklift trucks. (50 hours)

MF0681_2: Preparation of particles and wood fibers (80 hours)

MF0682_2: Particle and fiber board elaboration (100 hours).

• UF1295 Elaboration of particle board (50 hours).

• UF1296 Elaboration of fiber boards by dry process and wet process (50 hours).

MF0683_1: Preparation of particle and fiber board coating. (40 hours).

MP0276: Non-working professional practice module for particle board and wood fiber manufacturing (80 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

The training provided in the MF0432_1 (Transversal) Training Module "Handling of loads with forklift trucks" guarantees the level of knowledge necessary to obtain the performance of the Lift truck driving functions in accordance with the provisions of RD 1215/1997 of 18 July.


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0432_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Properly interpret movement orders of materials and products for loading or unloading in order to store, supply, dispatch, or any other movement in the logistics flow.

CR1.1 The materials and products object of movement are identified, verifying the matching of the same with the written or verbal orders received.

CR1.2 The material or product is accepted only if the load unit does not exhibit any apparent deformations or damage and, if detected, communicate to the immediate responsible.

CR1.3 The means of transport (conventional, retractable, manual or electric truck, stacker among others) are selected according to the load, operations and conditions in which they must be performed.

CR1.4 In case of error detection or non-compliance of the load immediately communicates with the service officer.

RP2: Successfully handle the products and load units for further handling, following the procedure instructions or orders received.

CR2.1 The various means of handling are used according to protocol, following the rules of prevention of occupational risks and respecting the environment.

CR2.2 In each load unit or handled product it is checked that its external appearance is in accordance with the established protocol.

CR2.3 The loads extracted, by unstowage or unstacked, from high areas are immediately lowered to the ground level before performing manoeuvres to avoid risks (truck rollover, accident risk for the operator and for personnel in the environment, damage facilities, among others).

CR2.4 The load is properly deposited in the allocated space or alveolo (shelf or floor level), placing the wheelbarrow straight with respect to the shelf or load stacked with the mast in a vertical position.

RP3: Handle auto or manual trucks, following established procedures, observing environmental labor risk prevention standards.

CR3.1 The operator correctly uses load handling equipment according to the specific security information received.

CR3.2 In charge movements, the nominal load capacity of the truck is always respected, or its residual capacity in case an implement is mounted.

CR3.3 The disposition and location of the load and its retention, in case of use of implements, prevents any unanticipated or unsafe movement.

CR3.4 The displacements are carried out by means of marked circulation and, if possible, separated from the pedestrian traffic, respecting the signalling arranged for safe driving.

CR3.5 The operator handles the wheelbarrow using, at all times, the individual protective equipment and the seat belt or the restraint system, under conditions of sufficient visibility and making use, where necessary, of the warning and warning signs.

CR3.6 The pending path is backtracked, not making changes of direction over the slope.

CR3.7 The wheelbarrow is handled in conditions of proper visibility and otherwise such displacement is reversed, making use of the acoustic and light warning signals.

CR3.8 The operator observes, in all situations, the obligation not to carry out the carriage of people on the wheelbarrow.

CR3.9 The wheelbarrows are parked in the assigned and authorized zones, the contact key is removed, and the handbrake is actuated.

RP4: Perform first-level maintenance of self-driving or manual-traction trucks, ensuring compliance with the minimum safety and health requirements for their use.

CR4.1 The elements arranged for safe driving and handling such as brakes, tyre condition, lifting system, lack of leakage of hydraulic or fuel liquid, acoustic and visual signals, between others, are reviewed in the established periods.

CR4.2 The technical revisions established in the current legislation on the constructive conditions of the equipment for their safe use, are known in the scope of their attributions, and the defaults are communicated to be subsated.

CR4.3 First-level maintenance is performed by taking into account the technical documentation and procedures established by the company.

CR4.4 Detected breakdowns, especially those that may affect safe operation and handling, determine equipment stoppage and communication to the immediate superior for repair.

RP5: Perform the loading or unloading of materials and products in accordance with the instructions received and, where appropriate, under the supervision of a responsible person.

CR5.1 The amounts to be delivered or received are verified according to the delivery or receipt order respectively.

CR5.2 The goods are handled using the appropriate means, in order to avoid alterations or damage.

CR5.3 In each load unit it is checked that the packaging, containers or containers that protect the goods are in good condition, notifying, if necessary, the person responsible for the damage due to bad condition or breakage.

CR5.4 The placement of the loads on the external means of transport is performed by ensuring the integrity of the same, and its internal location is effected according to the instructions received.

RP6: Transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines, as well as removing the waste generated from production processes to the areas planned for that purpose.

CR6.1 The order of output/delivery of materials, components or supplies is received according to established procedures and is interpreted to prepare the same according to the instructions received.

CR6.2 The transport of raw materials is carried out using the established means, in the areas authorized to do so, in an appropriate manner and at the moment, in order to avoid dysfunctions in the production.

CR6.3 The waste generated is transported with the prior authorisation, in which it is established that they have received, where appropriate, appropriate treatments to avoid contamination of the environment or health risks.

CR6.4 The generated waste is safely transferred and deposited in the locations or areas planned to prevent environmental contamination.

RP7: Adopt the established safety measures for the prevention of occupational and health risks in workers.

CR7.1 In the activities that require it, according to the job risk prevention plan, the required individual protective equipment is used.

CR7.2 The manual handling of load units is performed in a way that complies with the regulatory provisions laid down on this subject, to avoid the risk of back-to-back injuries, among others.

CR7.3 Protection equipment is kept in perfect state of use.

CR7.4 Driving and handling loads is always done, taking into account the potential risks to third parties.

CR7.5 The parking areas of the wheelbarrows are maintained and clean of materials or items that may pose risks to driving.

RP8: Collaborate on stock control, transmitting the load movement information that you perform.

CR8.1 The information that is transmitted accurately collects the manipulated load units.

CR8.2 Data information is transmitted in digital form using portable equipment, or in written support established by the company.

CR8.3 The generated information is provided at the time that is set by the person responsible or according to the rules of the company.

Professional Context

Production media

Self-handling, electric or thermal trucks with the nominal load capacity required. Manual forklifts. Portable data transmission equipment. Bar code readers and others. Containers and pallets. Shelves suitable for the type of loads. Goods of different origin and nature.

Products and results

Load units handled, transported, stowed, or stacked

Information used or generated

Used: Regulations that develop the law on the prevention of occupational risks, establishing the minimum health and safety requirements. Ministerial orders approving the regulations for manual handling of cargo, as well as, those of self-handling trucks. Orders for movement of goods, goods, transport and/or internal supply. Coding of materials and products. UNE Standards. Documentation issued by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work or other public or private.

Generated: Documents written and in digital support for control of movement and transport of materials and products.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0681_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Control the inputs and outputs of wood in roll, chips, waste or recycled wood in the yard of stacking, checking its quality according to the established standards and recording the level of stock, with its weights and dimensions.

CR1.1 The reception and cubing of the raw material (wood on roll, chips and wood waste), is carried out using the appropriate means of measurement and assessing its quality (percentage of moisture and bark or other products, Route granulometry, sawdust and splinters) and calculating the weight "four" received (wood at 0% humidity).

CR1.2 The quantity and quality of the raw material, is checked to match the requested or established, rejecting those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR1.3 The preparation operations and the place to be stored are allocated based on the characteristics of each item received.

CR1.4 The appropriate manual or computerised control and registration of inputs and outputs of raw material in the stacked yard allows to know the status of the stock and inform the responsible of supply when the minimum levels.

CR1.5 The classification of the raw material is performed according to the dimensions, species, content or not in bark, presence of metallic elements and other established norms, assigning the means of transport, as well as the form and place of storage.

CR1.6 The stack of the raw material is verified to be carried out at the established locations and with the assigned means (forklift trucks, crane trucks, loading blades, blondines), without causing damage.

CR1.7 Material movements in the stacking yard minimize the time and travel.

CR1.8 The stacking yard is maintained in good cleaning conditions and environmental conditions, through proper disposal of waste and proper operation of drainage channels and drainage mouths.

RP2: Perform roll-wood preparation operations according to the characteristics of the wood and the machines to be used.

CR2.1 The detection of metal elements in the roll wood is performed with the metal detector arc, which sets out the metal parts to prevent damage to the cutting equipment.

CR2.2 The tuning of the wood-cutting and throning machines is done by adjusting the various parameters (feed speed, rotation speed).

CR2.3 The tools for cutting and cutting are selected according to the wood to be processed, verifying that they are in perfect state of maintenance and that they do not cause damage to the materials.

CR2.4 The power of the wood for the cutting and throning is adjusted according to the parameters of the machines and the characteristics of the wood, following the plan of production established and respecting the norms of health work and the environment.

CR2.5 The evacuation and storage of the bark of the logs and other by-products is carried out in such a way that no interruption and respect for the standards of occupational health and the environment takes place.

CR2.6 The prepared roll wood is transported with the appropriate means stored in the established locations, controlling that the minimum stock levels are maintained, following the established production plan.

CR2.7 First-level maintenance and replacement of metal detection equipment, tronked and uncorked and transport equipment are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, the company and the security standards, achieving its perfect working order.

RP3: Perform raw material preparation operations from product recycling with appropriate means, while respecting the specific environmental and labour safety standards.

CR3.1 The tuning of the grinding equipment is done by adjusting the different parameters (feed speed, rotor speed and hammers situation).

CR3.2 In the line of shredding, it is checked that no jams are formed by adjusting the feed rate when they occur.

CR3.3 The operation of the metal element separation equipment is verified, with the periodicity set.

CR3.4 The selection of the chips produced is made, with the metal element separation equipment.

CR3.5 The storage of the shredding chips is verified to be carried out with the appropriate means, without interruption, respecting the standards of occupational health and the environment.

RP4: Perform particle or fiber preparation operations to obtain wooden boards.

CR4.1 The tuning of the splinter and vitriated machines is done by adjusting the various parameters (sharpening and pressure of blades, feeding speed).

CR4.2 The tools for splinter and vitriol are selected according to the wood to be processed, checking that they are in perfect state of maintenance and do not cause damage to the materials.

CR4.3 The power of the wood for the splinter or "vitriated" is adjusted according to the parameters of the machines and the characteristics of the wood, following the established plan of production and respecting the norms of occupational health and the environment.

CR4.4 The chips and chips are transported with the appropriate means being stored in the established locations to avoid appealments and verifying that the minimum stock levels are maintained following the production plan. set.

CR4.5 First-level maintenance operations and replacement of elements of the splinter, vitriolic and transport equipment of the various products are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, the instructions of the company and the safety standards, achieving its perfect operating state.

RP5: Manufacture and refine the wood particles or fibers, classified to obtain panels with the required particle size, using the appropriate means, according to the production plan.

CR5.1 The state and sharpening of the ground equipment elements, refined and defibrated, is suitable for manufacturing and refining operations of particles and fibers with the required quality.

CR5.2 The position of the blades and blades (angles of the blades and position against blades) and the separation of the defibrated and calibrated discs, are adjusted according to the size of the particles and fibers specified.

CR5.3 The parameters of the preheating operation of the splinters (vaporization pressure, temperature and cooking time) are regulated to soften them and facilitate the obtaining of fibers.

CR5.4 The feeding of the chips to the particle and fiber grinding equipment is controlled by following the established production plan and respecting the labor health and environmental standards.

CR5.5 The wood particles or fibers are separated according to their dimensions by their sifting, checking the return of the particles or coarse fibers to the refining or defibrating ground equipment.

CR5.6 First-level maintenance and replacement of ground, sifted, refining, defibrating and transport operations are performed in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and standards. security by achieving its perfect operating state.

CR5.7 The drying of the wood particles and fibers is performed by controlling the operation of the drying equipment, the temperature and the injection flow rate and the activity of the wet air evacuation devices.

CR5.8 The movement of particles and wood fibers in the different types of dryers is controlled by the appropriate equipment, verifying that the moisture content is adjusted to the specified.

Professional Context

Production media

Roll-wood tatters. Viruta, sawdust and solid remains of sawmill, carpentry and furniture factories and plywood board factories. Recycled wood. Transport for wood on roll. Descortezadoras, tronzadoras, chainsaws. Measurement tools (graduated rules, tapes, forcipolas, scales, volumeters, crabs). Metal arches, electromagnets. Grinding mills, splinters, vitriators. Refiner mills, digesters of defibrate. Defibrated mills. Burners and boilers, particle or fibre dryers, classification screens. Silos, pneumatic transports. Thermometers, flow meters.

Products and results

Roll-on-roll, uncrust, chip, serrin, recycled wood, coastal, tips, curros, recycled wood, measured, evaluated quality and classified.

Shredding, chip, tips, sawmill cutouts, and plywood board factory. Chips, sawdust, and recycled wood, fine and coarse particles and fibres.

By-products. Dust for energy in boilers of its own.

Information used or generated

Production Orders. Albaranes. Product entry and exit statistics. Technical manuals.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0682_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Encolar the particles or wood fibers to obtain particle boards of controlled physical and mechanical characteristics.

CR1.1 The components of the adhesives are transmitted to the laboratory, checking that their quantity and quality match the requested or established, storing in the appropriate environmental conditions by registering their entries and outputs and rejecting items that do not meet the required levels.

CR1.2 The adhesive is prepared and selected according to the type of board, controlling the proportions of the components (resin, hardener and additives) to be provided by the dispenser and verifying the levels of the deposits of the power.

CR1.3 The pH and the "gelling" times of the adhesive are checked periodically to verify that they conform to the established values, rejecting those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR1.4 The status of the adhesive application equipment is checked periodically, eliminating the jams that are generated in your output.

CR1.5 The sizing of the wood particles or fibers is done by adjusting the feed of the particles to the strainer and the pressure of the adhesive sprayers, thereby achieving the density of the particle and fiber veil in the The interior of the strainer and the adhesive flow at the required levels.

CR1.6 The particulate matter or fibers are transported to the formator with the appropriate means, preventing the formation of apelmazations.

CR1.7 First-level maintenance and replacement of adhesive application and particle transport operations are performed in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and standards security by getting its perfect operating state.

RP2: Regulate the formation of the blanket of particles or glued fibers, adjusting the formation equipment to obtain a homogeneous distribution of the particle blanket.

CR2.1 The particle and fiber dispersers and veil-forming equipment of the blanket formation equipment (air velocity, speed of the rolling rollers), are adjusted to obtain the gradient of particles or fibers required, along the thickness of the board and the specified weight of the blanket.

CR2.2 The weight of the blanket and the homogeneity of the supplied mantle of particles or fibers are evaluated by periodic sampling at different points of the outlet, proving that the gradient of particles or fibers in its thickness remains constant.

CR2.3 First-level maintenance operations and replacement of manta and particle and fibre transport equipment elements are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, the instructions of the company and the security rules getting its perfect working order.

RP3: Prensar the particle or fiber blanket to make the board in crude with the defined characteristics.

CR3.1 The speed of the line is adjusted to the press times of the board to be manufactured.

CR3.2 Prepressing is performed according to the type of board to be manufactured, to ensure the required percentage of precompression of the blanket and to facilitate its pressing.

CR3.3 The loading and unloading of the particle or fiber blanket is controlled in the press loader systems.

CR3.4 The moisture from the blanket to the press entry is evaluated by periodic sampling, checking that it conforms to the specified limits and rejecting those items that do not meet the required levels.

CR3.5 The "prepress" and the pressing parameters (temperature, pressure and time) of the different sections, are found to coincide with the established theoretical pressing cycle and that the separation of the bands of the press are suitable to the bulk of the board to be manufactured.

CR3.6 The uniformity and thickness of the pressed board are evaluated, by periodic sampling, to detect possible irregularities.

CR3.7 The boards are introduced into the cooler by verifying that no jams or any other irregularities occur.

CR3.8 First-level maintenance operations and replacement of items in the pressing equipment and auxiliary equipment are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and standards. security, achieving its perfect operating state.

Professional Context

Production media

Particles and dry fibers. Adhesive mixer; strainer.

Formator; laminar presses; measuring tools (king foot, scales, hygrometers, thermometers and timers among others). Resins, adhesives, hardeners.

Products and results

Particles and dry fibers. Particle board and bare fibres

Information used or generated

Production Orders. Product input and output statistics. Technical manuals. Supplier orders. Albaranes.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 1

Code: UC0683_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform board cooling operations, observing labor risk prevention rules.

CR1.1 The loading and unloading of the boards in the cooler is carried out without producing deformations or breakages on the boards.

CR1.2 The cooling time is calculated based on the type of board to cool and considering different parameters (board thickness and pressing temperature among others).

CR1.3 The time spent in the cooler is the time needed for further handling without physical risks.

CR1.4 The coordination of the work speed of the various components of the line (chargers, loaders and coolers, among others) allows the line to be maintained without breakage and in compliance with the production plans.

CR1.5 First-level maintenance and replacement operations for the elements of the cooled equipment are performed in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and safety standards, getting a perfect state of operation.

CR1.6 The manipulation of the boards is carried out with the appropriate individual protective equipment (EPIs) and in compliance with the safety and occupational health standards.

RP2: Size the boards by squating and calibrating them, to perform the final inspection and sorting them.

CR2.1 The status of the saws (teeth, trisking, hardener treatment of the tips), is verified to perform the cut operation with the required quality.

CR2.2 Cutting parameters (saw speed, feed speed, angle of attack, saw tooth), are adjusted according to the properties of the species that form the board (hardness) and the position of the saws To properly size the board.

CR2.3 The sandgrain, support type, and abrasive are selected based on the wood species and the final quality required, periodically checking their status and adjusting the calibration equipment to the specified bulk.

CR2.4 The uniformity and accuracy of the calibration of the sanded surfaces are checked periodically, rejecting those that do not meet the stated specifications and classifying each board according to the defined qualities.

CR2.5 The quality of the boards is examined, separating those that present defects (stains, colorations, irregularities of the particles, burns) according to the rules of the company and the production plan set.

CR2.6 First-level maintenance and replacement of items of the cutting and measuring equipment-calibration of the various products are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, the instructions of the company and the safety and occupational health standards, achieving a perfect state of operation.

RP3: Recorder particle board or raw fiber for subsequent expedition.

CR3.1 The impregnation of the boards is visually controlled, checking the uniformity in the application and the amount of adhesive applied.

CR3.2 The attachment of the coating to the base board is performed by considering the visual characteristics of the coating material.

CR3.3 The pressing parameters (temperature, pressure and time) are found to coincide with the established theoretical pressing cycle and that the separation of the plates or the bands is appropriate to the thickness of the board to coat.

CR3.4 The speed of the line is adjusted to that of the press times of the board to be manufactured, controlling the power of the particle board or the fibers and the coatings or the coils.

CR3.5 The quality of the coated boards is evaluated, separating those that present defects (sheet breaks, uncoated areas, stains, irregularities) according to the company's rules and the production plan set.

CR3.6 First-level maintenance operations and replacement of equipment elements of continuous and discontinuous pressing equipment and auxiliary equipment are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation. Company instructions and safety standards, achieving their perfect operating status.

Professional Context

Production media

Particle boards of particles and fibers in crude. Chillers (book, star, among others). Presses and press downloaders. Squads. Calibrators. Sanders. Measurement tools. Adhesives.

Products and results

Particle board and raw fibers. Coated boards. By-products (sawdust, dust, cuttings) for crushing industries and boilers.

Information used or generated

Used: Production Orders. Product entry and exit statistics. Technical manuals. Supplier orders.




Code: MF0432 _1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the basic conditions for handling materials and products for loading or unloading in relation to their nature, status, quantities, protection and means of transport used.

CE1.1 Recognize the documentation or instructions that must accompany the goods under load, unloading or moving in their logistic flow.

CE1.2 List the different forms of packaging and/or protective packaging used that contain the materials and products, relating them to their nature and conservation status.

CE1.3 Recognize the methods of measurement and calculation of loads for proper handling.

CE1.4 List the various internal and external means of transport, their basic conditions of use, as well as their relation to the loads they manipulate.

CE1.5 In a load handling scenario:

-Recognize and interpret the documentation presented on different media.

-Identify whether the packaging or packaging type is correct.

-Observe if the load meets the expected dimensions and weight according to the overall work environment.

-Recognize if the selected handling equipment is appropriate to the load.

C2: Classify and describe the different types of palletizing, relating them to the form of constitution of the load to be transported.

CE2.1 Identify the basic ways to constitute the load units.

CE2.2 Explain the conditions to be met by packaging or packaging to constitute the load unit.

CE2.3 Identify and classify the different types of palettes and explain the fundamental applications of the palettes.

CE2.4 Explain the variations in the load weight performance mobilized, depending on the utilization of the available volume according to the shapes of the products or their packaging.

CE2.5 In a practical case of handling materials and products properly characterized:

-Interpret the information provided.

-Locate the physical situation of the load.

-Check that packaging, packaging, as well as materials or products meet security conditions.

-Check that the selected small metal container or palette type is best suited for handling and transporting the load unit, under security conditions.

C3: Interpreting and implementing regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and the health of workers.

CE3.1 Recognize the risks arising from manual handling of loads: object falls, contusions, lifting positions, repetitive overefforts, fractures, musculoskeletal and other injuries.

CE3.2 Recognize the risks arising from the management of automatic machines and traction or thrust, such as: entrapments, cuts, overefforts, repetitive positional fatigue, torsions, vibrations, noise, gases, and others.

CE3.3 Distinguished individual protection equipment (E.P.I.) types appropriate to each risk.

CE3.4 Identify action measures in emergency situations.

CE3.5 Before a simulated load, transport and download scenario, perfectly defined:

-Identify the most appropriate personal protective equipment.

-Recognize the risks derived from load handling.

-Identify the risks arising from the transport, the stow/esestiba, stacked/off load.

-Detailed possible emergency situations that may be presented.

C4: Interpret the symbology used in the environment and transport paths.

CE4.1 List the duties, rights and rules of conduct of persons handling and transporting loads.

CE4.2 Identify the mandatory signals and information boards that reference the load, as well as other information symbols to be carried by the cart.

CE4.3 Identify and interpret the normalized signals to be defined by specific areas of work, those reserved for pedestrians and others located on the roads, and to act in accordance with the limitations of the warehouse in case of handling indoors.

CE4.4 Identify the light and acoustic signals to be carried by the wheelbarrows, relating them to their standard typology and location.

C5: Identify the elements of the intended machines for safe driving, as well as the first-level maintenance operations.

CE5.1 Interpreting the controls, systems and elements of driving and handling, as well as fuel indicators, battery charge level, and others included in the control board of the vehicle. forklift.

CE5.2 Interpret the instructions in the maintenance manual, the operations that correspond to a primary level of the maintenance manual.

CE5.3 Identify those anomalies that, affecting safe driving or handling, must be communicated for immediate repair and may cause the forklift to be stopped.

CE5.4 In a scenario where the wheelbarrow charges anomalies:

-Detect failures.

-Identify those that have their possible origin in manufacturing or maintenance defects.

-Determine if there are breakdowns whose repair exceeds their responsibility and must be the object of communication to whom it corresponds.

-Perform maintenance operations that correspond to your level of responsibility.

C6: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account security, risk prevention and signalling measures workbench.

CE6.1 Localize the situation of the driving and operation controls of the wheelbarrows, the function each performs and the control indicators.

CE6.2 Classify and identify the different basic types of wheelbarrows, relating them to their applications (horizontal, tractor, push, vertical mast lift, tiltable, and other) and load capacity, taking into account the elevation height, the distance from the centre of gravity of the load to the heel of the fork or the use of implements.

CE6.3 Explain the basic conditions for the stability of the loads and the possibilities of the rollover in maneuver, relating them to:

-Systems and devices for holding and lifting the load.

-Carklift and load load centers

-Job floor status.

CE6.4 Drive self-propelled and manual forklift trucks, performing braking, parking, reversing and downslope manoeuvres, and perform the same operations with the maximum permissible load.

CE6.5 Collect load units by introducing the fork to bottom under the pallet and perform the lift and tilt maneuver of the mast backwards, respecting the size and height of the load to facilitate visibility.

CE6.6 Driving self-propelled and manual trucks with load, controlling the stability of the same, respecting the signs of circulation, using acoustic or light signals when necessary and performing maneuvers of braking, parking, reversing and descent in slope, when required by the movement and the deposit of the same, with safety and avoiding occupational hazards

CE6.7 In a scenario of load handling, in a corridor bounded by shelving, of width equal to the length of the counterbalance truck, increased in the length of the load and 0.4m of safety margin:

-Perform approach operations to the location where you must perform the stowage or esestiba of a palletized load unit at third height.

-Perform 90º spin maneuver for stowage and desestiba.

-Stay in front of the alveolo destined for the load (or its desestiba) in a single maneuver.

-Use, if necessary, the side offset for the operation.

c7: List the basic conditions for transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines.

CE7.1 Identify the basic forms of preparation and transportation of raw materials and products to constitute the load units.

CE7.2 List the basic additional precautions to take into account, in the case of transport and elevation of dangerous loads (corrosive or flammable chemicals, harmful to health, explosives, pollutant, between other).

CE7.3 Recognize established rules for fire, deflagrations, and evacuation procedures.

CE7.4 Relate the types of wheelbarrows and their characteristics, with possibilities for use in special industrial environments (explosive industries, chemical industry and others).

C8: Meet the support established by the company, the documentation generated by the load movement.

CE8.1 Describe the most common information contained in the most common albarans and formats used as media.

CE8.2 Identify the main features of the media or equipment that are commonly used to collect load movement information.

CE8.3 Describe the possibilities of information transmission, by digital means.

CE8.4 In a practical scenario of data transmission by digital media, properly characterized:

-Handle a portable data transmission equipment.

-Transmit the information from the load and unload movements performed.


1. Handling and transport of goods.

-Internal logistic flow of loads and services. Socio-economic importance.

-Storage, supply and dispatch of goods.

-Community and Spanish rules on handling of goods.

-Prevention of occupational hazards and safety measures in the transport of goods.

-Internal and external means of transport of the goods. Basic conditions.

-Symbology and signalling of the environment and means of transport: Placas, luminous, acoustic information signals.

-Load unit. Measurement and calculation of loads.

-Documentation that accompanies the goods.

-Documentation that generates load movement. Digital transmission.

2. Packaging and palletizing of goods.

-Types of packaging and packaging.

-Packaging conditions for product protection.

-Conditions of packaging for the safe transport of products.

-Types of paletizations. Applications according to types of goods.

-Conditions to be met by the load units.

-Precautions and measures to be taken with dangerous loads.

3. Trucks for the transport of goods.

-Classification, types and uses of wheelbarrows; handbooks and automotoras: thermal motors, electric motors.

-Main elements of different types of wheelbarrows:

▫ Driving elements.

▫ Control indicators for the cart.

▫ Acoustic and visual signals from the wheelbarrows.

-Basic maintenance and incorrect operating indicators.

4. Wheelbarrow handling and driving.

-Guideline axis.

-Access and drop of the truck.

-Use of retention systems, cab, seat belt.

-Commissioning and stopping the wheelbarrow.

-Circulation: displacement speed, path, nature and floor status etc.

-Maniworks. Braking, parked, reversing, descent into slope.

-Accelerations, mismanoeuvres.

-Maniworks of loading and unloading.

-Elevation of the load.

5. Loading and unloading of goods.

-Load stability. Notions of balance.

-Leverage Act.

-The load severity center.

-Loss of wheelbarrow stability.

-Eviation of transverse or longitudinal dumps.

-Dynamic and static behavior of the loaded cart.

-Incorrect placement of the load on the wheelbarrow. Overload.

-Modes of placing the goods on the shelves.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module







Code: MF0681_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0681_2: Prepare the particles and wood fibers.

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the characteristics of the wood with the obtention of particles and fibers.

CE1.1 Describe the main properties of the woods by linking their features with their applications on boards.

CE1.2 Recognize the physical and chemical changes that occur in the stacking of woods, chips, and sawdust.

CE1.3 Differentiate and recognize the main types of wood by class (conifera and leafy) and by their hardness.

CE1.4 Relate the influence of hardness, humidity, and wood class with the obtention of chips, particles, and fibers.

CE1.5 Distinguished and recognize the products obtained after the preparation of the wood: crushed chips, splinter splinter, chip, sawdust, particles, fibers and dust.

CE1.6 Differentiate the specific surface (surface of the particles in a given weight) from each type of product prepared and the influence it has on the adhesive dosage.

CE1.7 Understand the influence of the sveliness of the particles in the resistance of the board.

CE1.8 Select the wood based on the size and type of shredding to be performed.

C2: Control the material in the park.

CE2.1 Relate the different phases of the receiving process, classified from the raw material.

CE2.2 Describe the type and necessary spaces for the storage and handling of the receiving material.

CE2.3 Relate the machines, tools and instruments needed to classify the wood (rules, forciplies, hygrometers, scales).

CE2.4 Describe the download and transport equipment of materials by linking them to their applications.

CE2.5 In a practical case, duly characterized, cubicar wood (actual and apparent volume), determining its weight by scales, its volume with voluminometers, moisture content by hygrometers or by weight thereafter of desiccation stove and the percentage of bark by uncortezating a sample.

CE2.6 In a practical, duly characterised case, determine the weight of the waste and recyclable materials and their moisture by hygrometers or by weight after drying stove and their quality by sampling and analysis.

CE2.7 Identify the basic documents used in the control of material inputs, associating them with their purpose.

CE2.8 Value the risks associated with materials, products, waste and their storage, their toxicity, degree of flammability and solubility, regulatory regulations and related to the different prevention systems and extinction.

C3: Discriminate the different technologies of the uncortezado and tronked.

CE3.1 Explain the descortezado process indicating its purpose and specifying the characteristics of the equipment used in particle board and fiber factories.

CE3.2 Describe the tronking process indicating its purpose and specifying the most suitable equipment the size of the trotae, depending on their characteristics of the wood and the equipment of vitrium and splinter.

CE3.3 In a practical, well-characterized, uncortezable and tronked case of a wooden game, properly characterized, determine:

-The tools to use according to the wood to process.

-Work health rules to apply.

-The means of transport of materials.

-Individual protective equipment (EPIs) to use.

-Required machines and basic features.

CE3.4 Describe the risks in the uncortezado and tronked activities of the roll wood, specifying the means of prevention to be taken into account according to the safety, occupational health and environmental regulations.

C4: Handle the characteristic parameters of the particle and fibre preparation machines, in practical cases with due regard:

CE4.1 Assign to each type of machine (shredder, splinter, vitriator, refining mill, pre-defibrated and defibrated digester) the tools to be used and its characteristics (cutting angles, distance to the bars of pressure).

CE4.2 Assign the parameters (dimension, spin speed, feed speed, line alignment, steam pressure, steam temperature) to the different machines depending on the characteristics of the wood and the Equipment capabilities, where it is checked by the commissioning tests.

CE4.3 Perform a first level maintenance on the machine, controlled by the maintenance tab, where elements are identified, operations to be maintained.

CE4.4 Performing the machining in safety and health conditions, achieving the required level of quality.

C5: Handle the preparation and screening equipment of particles and fibers in properly characterized practical assumptions:

CE5.1 Lay down the tools and tools on the machines by adjusting the set parameters.

CE5.2 Monitor the proper functioning of the equipment by visual analysis of the particles and fibers produced and the correct auditory and visual perception of the engines.

CE5.3 Dispose the sieves in your enclosure set according to the established work schedule.

CE5.4 Select the correct speeds in the input systems depending on the characteristics of the wood to be machined.

CE5.5 Check the percentage of fine and coarse that are obtained and communicate when this percentage deviates from what is expected.

CE5.6 Recognize the risks and regulatory regulations relating to different prevention systems.

CE5.7 Control the state of maintenance of the sieves, making the change of the sieves when due to dirt or other circumstance does not perform the intended function with quality.

C6: Handle the characteristic parameters of the boilers and the particle and fiber dryers.

CE6.1 Recognize the influence of moisture from the fibers and particles in the quality of the manufacturing process.

CE6.2 Differentiate the drying systems of particles and fibers, relating them to the quality of the products obtained.

CE6.3 Discriminating the variables that influence the drying of the particles and fibers (material size, initial and final moisture of the wood, type of wood class, quantity of wood to be dried per unit of time), the parameters of boilers (type and quantity of fuel, draught, temperature, air flow in the exchangers), and dryers (feed speed, speed of circulation of the particles or fibres and temperature).

CE6.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, before a certain moisture and particle size (interior or exterior):

-Determine the final humidity to be obtained.

-Set the temperature of the dryer.

-Regular the input flow of the particles.

-Regular the time of the particles in the dryer.

-Evaluate the temperature and humidity controls of the dryer and the particle during drying.

CE6.5 Understand the risks and regulatory regulations and relate them to different prevention systems.


1. Material recognition, reception and storage

-Characterization of the raw material:

▫ Wood on roll: groups of coniferous and leafy species, hardwoods and soft woods.

▫ Wood waste: sawdust, chip, splinter, coastal, sawmill cuts, cylindrical parts.

▫ Recycling wood: packaging, pallets, and other sources.

-Cubication of:

▫ Wood: measured in apparent volume (stereo) and in real volume; apparent weight and weight.

▫ Roll-on Wood: techniques and equipment (scales, forcidomes, tape metrics).

▫ Waste (sawdust, chips, chips, coastal, cuttings, and other waste) and recycling material: techniques and equipment.

-Material Receipt:

▫ Receive management: protocol, non-compliance, and actions.

▫ Classification of materials and products.

▫ Criteria (wood quality, product hazard, target, size).

▫ Coding and marking of materials and products received.

▫ Documents: types and applications, file and document tracking

-Storage, transport, and handling.

▫ Systems and Types.

▫ Spaces and storage areas for roll, chips, chips, sawdust, coastal, and recycled material: distribution, location, conditions, features, planning, and organization.

▫ Handling and internal transport of materials and products: systems, machines, and equipment.

▫ Storage costs.

▫ Damage and defects in materials and products derived from storage: causes, consequences, and corrective actions.

-Applicable legislation and legislation

2. Wood cutting and cutting technologies

-Detecting, separating, and removing metal elements

▫ Purpose.

▫ Teams: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance

-Rolled and uncut from the roll wood:

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ Descortezators and tronzators: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.

▫ Equipment and auxiliary media.

▫ Transport systems.

▫ Waste, storage silos.

3. Obtaining chips and chips


▫ Purpose.

▫ Technology: size and shape of chips obtained.

▫ Types: first-level description, operation, and maintenance.

▫ Use for shredding, first-level maintenance.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Technology: size and shape of the chips.

▫ Types: first-level description, operation, and maintenance).

▫ Cutting, first-level maintenance.

4. Technologies for obtaining wood particles

-Wood particles.

▫ Definition

▫ Dimensional characteristics: size, shape, and slaceness of the particles. Their influence on the manufacture of boards.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Teams: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.

▫ Cutting, first-level maintenance.

-Particulate Refining Mills.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Teams: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.

▫ Refining, first-level maintenance.

5. Classification, storage and drying of particles

-Classification of particles and fibers.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ Particle classification teams: crabs and other sorting machines.

▫ First-level features and maintenance.

-Particle storage-Silos: features, description, applications.

-Dust removal equipment-Cyclones and filters: First-level operation and maintenance.

-Transport of particles.

▫ Systems: Benefits and drawbacks.

▫ Teams: description and operation.

▫ First-level maintenance.

-Secado of particles.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques:

▫ Calderas (first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance).

▫ particle dryer types: first-level operation and maintenance.

-Waste treatment.

▫ Waste generated in the manufacture of dashboards.

▫ Captation, transport and storage of factory waste. Systems and media.

▫ Treatment, utilization and dumping of waste.

6. Technologies for obtaining wood fibres

-Wood Fibers

▫ Definition

▫ Dimensional characteristics: fiber size. Their influence on the manufacture of boards.

▫ Moisture content of the fibers for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry process and by the wet process.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ Defibrators or digesters (types, description, first-level operation and maintenance). Preparation of the fibres, types and operation.

▫ Cutting, first-level maintenance.

7. Classification, storage and drying of fibres

-Classification of fibers.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ Classifiers types. Equipment for the classification of fibres: crabs and other sorting machines.

▫ First-level features and maintenance.

-Secado of wood fibers for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry process

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques:

▫ Calderas (first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance).

▫ Fiber drying types: first-level operation and maintenance.

-Transport of dry and wet fibers

▫ Systems: Benefits and drawbacks.

▫ Teams: description and operation.

▫ First-level maintenance.

-Waste treatment.

▫ Waste generated in the manufacture of dashboards.

▫ Captation, transport and storage of factory waste. Systems and media.

▫ Treatment, utilization and dumping of waste.

8. Safety, occupational and environmental health in particulate and wood fibre preparation facilities

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in the preparation of particles and wood fibres

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the preparation of particles and wood fibres

-Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

▫ Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the preparation of particulate matter and wood fibres

-Treatment of waste generated in the preparation of particles and wood fibres

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module





Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0682_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0682_2: Develop particle and fiber boards.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1295

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This formative unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2 as referred to particle board processing.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relating the products obtained with the processes followed, machinery, equipment and materials involved:

CE1.1 Differentiate and recognize the main particle board manufacturing processes.

CE1.2 Recognize the main products that are obtained (by the disposition of the particles the type of sizing; system of manufacture and destination).

CE1.3 Relate the main parameters to be applied to the machines, depending on the type of machining and the characteristics of the material to be machined.

CE1.4 Differentiate the main types of dashboards by their composition and quality.

CE1.5 Discriminate the necessary spaces for manufacturing and environmental conditions.

C2: Prepare adhesives based on the particles to be attached and the properties to be achieved on the boards.

Ce2.1 Recognize the main types of adhesives, their properties and applications, and the function of hardeners and additives.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized: check the level and complete the filling of the deposits of the various components of the adhesive.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized: to regulate the different dosages of the mixture.

CE2.4 Select the adhesives and modifying components.

CE2.5 Check the pH and gel gel time.

C3: Apply and prepare adhesives depending on the board to be elaborated, in practical scenarios, properly characterized.

CE3.1 Perform the injection of the injectors for spraying and check that the input speed of the particles is in line with the established program.

CE3.2 Perform the cleaning of the equipment and equipment with the appropriate means to control the destination of the waste.

CE3.3 Perform the first level maintenance of the machine by completing the corresponding tab.

CE3.4 Apply safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

C4: Control the parameters characteristic of the formation of the blanket, of the prepress and of the pressing of the boards, in practical cases, duly characterized.

CE4.1 Regular projection of the particles on the conveyor belts or belts depending on the size of the board to be formed, its quality, and the speed of the conveyor belt.

CE4.2 Control the weight of the blanket by verifying that it conforms to the program set.

CE4.3 Quickly and quickly place press stops in an appropriate position depending on the caliber of the board to be obtained.

CE4.4 Verify the entry of the blanket in the press preventing irregularities.

CE4.5 Check the closure of the press and that it is performed homogeneously through the control devices of the closure and otherwise communicate it to regulate the dosage of the blanket or the moisture of the particles.

CE4.6 Interpret the graphic record of the press and check the correct operation of this record with timestamps, pressure and temperature.

CE4.7 Check the output of the press and cooler by preventing traffic jams that stop manufacturing.

CE4.8 Assign the parameters (temperature, pressure and time) to the press based on the technical data of the board formation according to the established program.

CE4.9 Perform a first level maintenance on the machine, controlled by the maintenance tab, where items and operations are identified to be performed.

CE4.10 Perform board training in compliance with safety, occupational health and quality standards.

C5: Deduct the particle board processing process.

CE5.1 In a practical case, a properly characterized practice of making particle board of a given thickness and a composition of coarse and fine particles:

-Describe the preparation of the adhesive mixture from the technical sheets.

-Explain the mounting and adaptation of security devices.

-Detailed how dosing is performed.

-Describe the nozzle regulation process.

-List the procedure for controlling the viscosity and gelling time of the formed adhesive.

-Specify how the particle flow and suspension are controlled.

-From the technical sheets of thicknesses and qualities of the boards, deduce the adjustment of the formers and the speed of the conveyor belt to obtain a certain density of the final product (both external layer as internal).

-List control operations over the density of the formed blanket.

-Relate the first-level maintenance operations to perform.


1. Particle sizing


-Adhesives used in the manufacture of particle board:

▫ Types.

▫ Applications.

▫ Receive controls.

-Special additives used in the manufacture of special particle boards:

▫ Types.

▫ Purpose

▫ Applications.

▫ Receive Controls


▫ Types

▫ Reglage description and its control

▫ Running, maintaining, and cleaning

▫ Sizing sheets: preparation of mixtures and dosage of the adhesive, loads, add-ons and additives

▫ Collating parameters: pulverization pressure and flow, veil density, particle suspension, circulation.

-Transport of cast particles

▫ Techniques

▫ Teams: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.

-Generated waste.

▫ Waste utilization and disposal.

▫ Methods and media used.

2. Blanket formation


-Processes and techniques.

-Control parameters: thick, density and blanket speed required to manufacture the scheduled board.


▫ Types

▫ Description

▫ Operation

▫ First-level maintenance

-Transport and cutting of the blanket:

▫ Speed Control

▫ Tuning the blanket cut depending on the dimensions of the board to be manufactured

▫ Sample Analysis

-Generated waste.

▫ Waste utilization and disposal.

▫ Methods and media used.

3. Prepressing and pressing


▫ Purpose.

▫ Prepressing parameters.

▫ Prepresses: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ presses: types (continuous and discontinuous), description, loaded with discontinuous presses, first-level operation and maintenance.

▫ The pressing operation parameters: pressing graphics. Power times, temperatures, pressures, and speed in continuous presses

4. Quality control in particle board manufacturing

-Spanish and European standards for plywood particle board:



-Legislation-European Directives.

5. Safety, occupational and environmental health in particle board manufacturing facilities

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in particle board processing

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in particle processing.

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the processing of particulates.

-Treatment of waste generated in particle processing.



Code: UF1296

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2 as referred to the manufacture of fiber boards.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relating the products obtained with the processes followed, machinery, equipment and materials involved:

CE1.1 Differentiate and recognize the main manufacturing processes of fiber board (dry cycle and wet cycle).

CE1.2 Recognize the main products that are obtained (by the disposition of the fibers; the type of sizing; manufacturing and destination system).

CE1.3 Relate the main parameters to be applied to the machines, depending on the type of machining and the characteristics of the material to be machined.

CE1.4 Differentiate the main types of dashboards by their composition and quality.

CE1.5 Discriminate the necessary spaces for manufacturing and environmental conditions.

C2: Prepare adhesives according to the fibers; to join and the properties that you want to achieve on the boards.

Ce2.1 Recognize the main types of adhesives, their properties and applications, and the function of hardeners and additives.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized: check the level and complete the filling of the deposits of the various components of the adhesive.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized: to regulate the different dosages of the mixture.

CE2.4 Select the adhesives and modifying components.

CE2.5 Check the pH and gel gel time.

C3: Apply and prepare adhesives based on the fiber board to be made by the dry process, in practical scenarios, properly characterized.

CE3.1 Perform the injection of the injectors for the spray and check that the input speed of the fibers is adjusted to the established program.

CE3.2 Perform the cleaning of the equipment and equipment with the appropriate means to control the destination of the waste.

CE3.3 Perform the first level maintenance of the machine by completing the corresponding tab.

CE3.4 Apply safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

C4: Control the parameters characteristic of the formation of the blanket, of the prepress and of the pressing of the boards, in practical cases, duly characterized.

CE4.1 Regular the projection of the fibers; on the conveyor belts or belts depending on the caliber of the board to be formed, its quality, and speed of the conveyor belt.

CE4.2 Control the weight of the blanket by verifying that it conforms to the program set.

CE4.3 Quickly and quickly place press stops in an appropriate position depending on the caliber of the board to be obtained.

CE4.4 Verify the entry of the blanket in the press preventing irregularities.

CE4.5 Check the closure of the press and that it is performed homogeneously through the control devices of the closure and otherwise communicate it to regulate the dosage of the blanket or the moisture of the particles.

CE4.6 Interpret the graphic record of the press and check the correct operation of this record with timestamps, pressure and temperature.

CE4.7 Check the output of the press and cooler by preventing traffic jams that stop manufacturing.

CE4.8 Assign the parameters (temperature, pressure and time) to the press based on the technical data of the board formation according to the established program.

CE4.9 Perform a first level maintenance on the machine, controlled by the maintenance tab, where items and operations are identified to be performed.

CE4.10 Perform board training in compliance with safety, occupational health and quality standards.

C5: Deduct the process of making medium density (dry process) and hard (wet dry process) fibre board.

CE5.1 In a properly characterized practice of making fiber boards of a given thickness

-Describe the preparation of the adhesive mixture from the technical sheets.

-Explain the mounting and adaptation of security devices.

-Detailed how dosing is performed.

-Describe the nozzle regulation process.

-List the procedure for controlling the viscosity and gelling time of the formed adhesive.

-Specify how the fibre flow and suspension are controlled.

-From the technical sheets of thicknesses and qualities of the boards, deduce the adjustment of the formers and the speed of the conveyor belt to obtain a certain density of the product

-List control operations over the density of the formed blanket.

-Relate the first-level maintenance operations to perform.


1. Fibre sizing-dry process


-Adhesives for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry process:

▫ Types.

▫ Applications.

▫ Receive controls.

-Special additives for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry process:

▫ Types.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Applications.

▫ Receive controls.


▫ Types

▫ Reglage description and its control

▫ Running, maintaining, and cleaning

▫ Sizing sheets: preparation of mixtures and dosage of the adhesive, loads, add-ons and additives

▫ Collating parameters: pulverization pressure and flow, veil density, particle suspension, circulation.

-Transport of Glued Fibers

▫ Techniques

▫ Teams: first-level types, description, operation, and maintenance.

-Generated waste.

▫ Waste utilization and disposal.

▫ Methods and media used.

2. Blanket formation

-Dry processing

▫ Purpose.

▫ Processes and techniques.

▫ Control parameters: thick, density, and blanket speed required to make the scheduled board.

▫ Formators

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or First-level maintenance

▫ Transportation and blanket cutting:

or Speed Control

or Adjustment of the blanket cut based on the dimensions of the board to be manufactured

or Sample Analysis

▫ Waste generated.

o Waste utilization and disposal.

or Methods and media used.

-Wet processing

▫ Purpose

▫ Process and techniques.

▫ Control parameters: thick, density, and blanket speed required to make the scheduled board.

▫ Formators

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or First-level maintenance

▫ Wood fiber felt:

or Process, operating principles.

or Homogenization of the Fiber Suspension

or Incorporation of Additives.

o Grinding equipment and its adjustment

▫ Transportation and blanket cutting:

or Speed Control

or Adjustment of the blanket cut based on the dimensions of the board to be manufactured

or Sample Analysis

▫ Waste generated.

o Waste utilization and disposal.

or Methods and media used.

3. Prepressing and pressing


▫ Purpose.

▫ Prepressing parameters.

▫ Prepresses: Type description, first-level operation, and maintenance.


▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ presses: types (continuous and discontinuous), description, loaded with discontinuous presses, first-level operation and maintenance.

▫ The pressing operation parameters: pressing graphics. Power times, temperatures, pressures, and speed in continuous presses.

4. Quality control in the manufacture of fiber boards

-Spanish and European standards for fibre boards manufactured by the dry process and wet process:



-Legislation-European Directives.

5. Safety, occupational and environmental health in fibre board manufacturing facilities

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in the manufacture of fiber boards

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the manufacture of fibres

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the manufacture of fibres.

-Treatment of waste generated in the manufacture of fibers.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

Formative Unit 2-UF1296

duration in hours of the training





Standard 30



The training units can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0683_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0683_1: Finish and coat particle and fiber boards.

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the different products obtained by linking them with their visual characteristics, feeling of quality, physical and mechanical properties.

CE1.1 Relate the various processes involved in the finishing of particle board and fibers by relating them to each other and to the rest of the production process.

CE1.2 Relating the different board types to the "market" measures.

CE1.3 Analyze the types and characteristics of the machining applicable to the different boards according to their properties and the possible coatings.

CE1.4 Relate the various materials used for coating of particle board and fibers relating to the various adhesives used.

CE1.5 Recognize the storage and expedition capabilities of dashboards (packages, blocks, and maximum weights, among others).

C2: Control the characteristic parameters of the particle board cooling and fiber operations.

CE2.1 In a practical, properly characterized case, of a particle board and fiber board arranged for cooling:

-Select the most appropriate cooling equipment.

-Calculate the time required for cooling.

-List the problems that could lead to a reduction in cooling time.

-List the EPIS to adopt.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, control the loading and unloading of the material, preventing damage to the material that will merit its quality.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, properly coordinate the speed of the different equipment by preventing line breaks.

CE2.4 In a convenient scenario, properly characterized, perform the first level maintenance operations by noting the possible incidents.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform all operations under conditions of safety and occupational health.

C3: Successfully adjust the parameters characteristic of the squadron and lijador-gauge.

CE3.1 Relate the machines with the useful ones to use and with the materials to be squared and sanded/calibrate.

CE3.2 In a practical case, properly characterized, properly placed useful and tools in good condition of conservation and sharpening in the squadron, making the adjustment of the parameters (cutting angles, depth) and mounting the required security devices.

CE3.3 Interpret the encodings of abrasive bands and applications according to the type of grain (material, finesse, among others.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, check that the speed of advance of the board in the squadron is adequate, not producing splinters or breakages, regulating it otherwise.

CE3.5 In a practical case, properly characterized, properly affix the abrasive bands in the gauge by adjusting the parameters (sense, tension, grain), and level the input and output speeds of the material.

CE3.6 In a practical case, properly characterized, check that the input and output of the material in the gauge is correctly performed and that, once the operation has been completed, its visual appearance (absence of stripes and uniformity, among others) and caliber responds to the manufacturing program.

CE3.7 Describe first-level maintenance operations, controlled by the maintenance tab, where items and operations are identified to be performed.

CE3.8 Describe Individual Protective Equipment (EPIs) and the protection of machines by linking them to the risks they can avoid.

C4: Control the characteristic parameters of the laminate of particle board and wood-derived fibers.

CE4.1 Describe the process of laminate of boards, the different parts that compose it, and the materials involved, relating them to each other.

CE4.2 Characterize machines and equipment involved in the process of mineboard mining (function, performance, among others, by developing a process-type scheme.

CE4.3 In a practical case, properly characterized, check that the placement of the sheet on board faces is adequate.

CE4.4 Interpret the influence of the pressing process of the various parameters involved (temperature, pressure and times) relating to the safety and occupational health standards to be applied in this process.

CE4.5 In a practical case, properly characterized, control the quality of the pressing, separating the panels that present defects (rolling of the laminate, areas without coating, stains, irregularities) in the process of laminate or coating.

CE4.6 Describe Individual Protective Equipment (EPIs) and the protection of machines by linking them to the risks they can avoid.

CE4.7 Describe first-level maintenance operations, controlled by the maintenance tab, where items and operations are identified to be performed.

CE4.8 In a practical case, properly characterized, to relate the waste generated with the treatment to apply them, according to the current regulations and the plan of the company.


1. Cooling and machining of boards


▫ Purpose.

▫ cooled and conditioned parameters.

▫ Cool systems and methods.

-Commercial dimensions.

-Squared and dimensioned.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Techniques.

▫ machines

or Types.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

or Cut out.

▫ Parameters

or Power Speed.

or Saw Speed.

or saw tooth.


▫ Purpose.

▫ sanding techniques.

▫ Calibrators

or Types.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

▫ Parameters

or Thickness.

or Quality.

or Power Speed.

▫ Lijas

or Support.

or Grano.

or Poro.

or abrasive type.

-Quality control of the boards.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Factors that influence quality.

▫ Technical and superficial features.

▫ Product Rules.

▫ Quality control tests.

2. Sizing and pressing of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards

-Decorative chaps:

▫ Wood Species

▫ Calities

▫ Dimensions

▫ Preparing before the rechapate operation and controls

-Coating Materials:

▫ Types

▫ Features

▫ Dimensions

▫ Preparing before the coating operation and controls.


▫ Types

▫ Purpose

▫ Applications

▫ Receive Controls

-Encolating decorative sheets.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Systems.

▫ Preparing the queues.

▫ Dosage.

▫ Quality Controls.

▫ Layers

or Types

or Description

or Operation

or Maintenance

-Coating of coating materials.

▫ Purpose.

▫ Systems.

▫ Preparing the queues.

▫ Dosage.

▫ Quality Controls.

▫ Encolators

or Types.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards

▫ Purpose.

▫ presses:

or Types: cold and hot plates.

or Description.

or Operation.

or Maintenance.

▫ The parameters of the pressing operation and their control.

3. Quality control in particle board and fibre board coating operations

-Spanish and European standards for fibre boards manufactured by the dry process and wet process.



-Legislation-European Directives.

4. Safety, occupational and environmental health in the coating operations of particle board and fibre panels

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in particle board and fiber board coating operations

▫ Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in particle board and fibre board coating operations

▫ Protection and prevention methods.

▫ Security items in installations and machinery.

▫ Personal protective equipment.

▫ First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

▫ Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental standards applicable to particle board and fibre board coating operations.

-Treatment of waste generated in particle board and fiber board coating operations

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative module-MF0683_1


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours susceptible to distance



Code: MP0276

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account the safety measures, risk prevention and signalling of the workbench.

CE1.1 Participate in the interpretation of an order of handling, location of the physical situation of the load, checking of the packaging, packaging, checking of the type of pallet or small metal container and its selection.

CE1.2 Collaborate on collecting load units.

CE1.3 Drive self-driving and manual trucks with load.

CE1.4 To support in the completion of documentation generated by the movement of loading and unloading, and the transmission of data by digital means

C2: Preparing wood for obtaining particles and wood fibres for the manufacture of boards

CE2.1 Collaborate on the receipt of the raw material used to determine its moisture and weight and provide support in completing the generated documentation.

CE2.2 Provide support for the management and control of the tronked and uncut of a batch of roll wood.

CE2.3 Participate in obtaining wood particles with dimensions and moisture content defined by collaborating in the programming of the equipment used (shredder, vitriator, refining mill, sieve and dryer.

CE2.4 Participate in obtaining wood fibers with a defined moisture content by collaborating in the programming of the equipment used (shredder, vitriator, splinter, digester, defibrator, sieve and dryer).

CE2.5 Participate in obtaining wet wood fibers by collaborating in the programming of the equipment used (shredder, vitriator, splinter, digester, defibrator and cribs).

C3: Manufacture particle boards with defined properties

Ce3.1 Lend support in the preparation of the adhesive, controlling the amounts of resin, loads and additives

CE3.2 Collaborate in the programming of the formation of the blanket, controlling the indicators of quantities of adhesives and quantities and size of wood particles, and verifying the dimensions (thickness and length) of the blanket Particulate matter.

CE3.3 Participate in the programming of the continuous pressing operation, controlling the indicators of times, pressures and temperature.

CE3.4 Prender support in the chessboard cooling operation, subsequently controlling its location and encoding in the warehouse.

C4: Manufacture medium density fiber boards with defined properties

CE4.1 Provide support in the preparation of the adhesive, controlling the amounts of resin, loads and additives

CE4.2 Collaborate in the programming of the formation of the blanket, controlling the indicators of quantities of adhesives and wood fibers, and verifying the dimensions (thickness and length) of the blanket of the coated fibers.

CE4.3 Participate in the programming of the discontinuous pressing operation, controlling the feeding of the press of dishes and the indicators of times, pressures and temperature.

CE4.4 Prestar support in the chessboard cooling operation, subsequently controlling its location and encoding in the warehouse.

C5: Manufacture hard fiber boards with defined properties

CE5.1 Provide support in the preparation of additives, and when appropriate for the type of adhesive board, controlling the quantities of additives, loads and resin

CE5.2 Collaborate in the programming of the formation of the blanket, controlling the indicators of quantities of additives, adhesives, when applicable, and of wood fibers, and verifying the dimensions (thickness and length) of the blanket of fibers.

CE5.3 Participate in the programming of the discontinuous pressing operation, controlling the feeding of the press of dishes and the indicators of times, pressures and temperature.

CE5.4 Provide support in the chessboard cooling operation, subsequently controlling its location and encoding in the warehouse.

C6: Half-Density Fiber Boards or Particulate Matter with Wood Layers or Plastic Coatings

CE6.1 Provide support in the programming of the squadron and calibration of the boards, programming the parameters of the cutter and the thickness of the gauge.

CE6.2 Select the coating, visually controlling its quality.

CE6.3 Collaborate on the preparation of the adhesive, controlling the amounts of resin, loads and additives.

CE6.4 Participate in the programming of the pressing operation of the coating, controlling the feeding of boards and coatings in the press of plates and the indicators of times, pressures and temperature.

C7. Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the workplace.

CE7.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE7.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE7.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE7.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE7.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE7.6 Respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Reception and classification of raw materials (roll wood, chip, chips, sawmill cuts and recycled wood)

-Evaluation of the raw material batch.

-Fulfillment of the raw material receipt and control documentation.

-Reception and control of raw materials.

-Raw material Cubication.

-Download and transport the raw material.

-Classified of raw material.

-Cleaning and maintenance of auto-classified equipment.

-Raw material side

2. Obtaining particles and wood fibres

-Detection and removal of metals in roll wood.

-Quality control of the stumps.

-Automatic Tronching of the roll wood.

-Auto-cut out of roll wood.

-Tripping, vitriated and splinter of raw material.

-Thin chips for obtaining wood particles

-Secado of wood particles.

-Defibrate of chips/chips to obtain wood fibers.

-Secado of wood fibers.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the procurement of particles and wood fibres.

3. Manufacture of particle board

-Preparing adhesives.

-Encolation of wood particles.

-Encolated particle blanket formation

-Prosated particulate matter.

-Cooled and cured of the board.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in particle board manufacturing.

4. Manufacture of medium-density fibreboard (s)

-Preparing adhesives.

-Encolate of wood fibers.

-Encolated fiber blanket training

-Encolated fiber Prensing.

-Cooled and cured of the board.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in particle board manufacturing.

5. Manufacture of hard fibre boards

-Preparation of additives and resins.

-Fiber blanket training.

-Fiber Prensing.

-Cooled and cured of the board.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in particle board manufacturing.

6. Manufacture of redrawn and coated boards

-Selection of sheets for rejected boards.

-Selection of coating materials for coated boards.

-Selection of base boards for rechred boards and coated boards.

-Preparing queues and sizing decorative sheets and coating materials.

-Layers and coating materials.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in the manufacture of recessed and coated boards.

7. Board termination

-Square and board sizing.

-Boards and parts sizing.

-Board Calibrate.

-Cleaning and maintenance of equipment used in the squadron and calibration of boards.

8. Compliance with the safety and hygiene safety standards in the field of the production of sheets, plywood and rechinks.

-Application of environmental protection and waste treatment standards.

-Application of the safety and health care rules

9. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.



Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation



MF0432_1: Handling loads with forklift trucks.

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diploma, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Technical and Technical Superior in any industrial specialty

• Certificates of Professionalism of levels 2 and 3 in any industrial specialty or professional area of Logistics commercial and transport management

1 year

3 years

MF0681_2: Preparation of particles and wood fibers

• Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalents

• Senior Technical of the Professional Wood, Furniture and Corcho Family.

2 years

4 years

MF0682_2: Elaboration of particle and fiber boards

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other titles equivalent.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or degree degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Senior Technical of the Professional Family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional Area of Transformation wood and cork from the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Corcho

2 years

4 years

MF0683_1: Preparation of the coating particle and fiber boards.

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Technical and Technical Superior of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professionalism of levels 2 and 3 of the Professional area of Transformation wood and cork of the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years

4 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




stacked with firm asphalted



particle procurement and Fiber Fiber Workshop



particle board and board coating workshop



and Density Fiber Dashboards Board coating










Opened Patio with firm asphalt


Particle and Fiber Sourcing Workshop


Naked particle board and board coating workshop




-Audio-visual equipment

-PPCs installed in network and projection canon and internet

-Specific timbers park management software

-Pizars to write with pen


- Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

stack of stacked with firm asphalt


-Transport equipment/s for wood

-Large weights scale

-Automatic rollover sorting

-Detection machine Metal particles



-Transport system and byproduct silos (bark, sawdust, ...)

Equipment, tools and material


-Cintas metrics



-Markers for parts


-Manual cutting tools

-Useful Cleaning and basic maintenance of machinery

-Cutting tools machines.

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools


-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective glasses, hearing protectors, safety boots, vests reflectants ...)

particulate and wood fiber procurement workshop



-Molino de refining

-Particle Classifiers-Cribs

- Feed systems for raw materials (roll wood, chip, chips, sawmill cuts and recycled wood

-particle transport equipment

-particle silos

-Wood particle dryers

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

-Transport system and byproduct silos


-Fiber transport equipment

-Fiber silos

-Wood Fiber Sectors

Equipment, tools and material

-Basic cleaning and maintenance tools for machinery

-Machine cutting tools.

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

-Machine ware for oil



-EPIs (gloves, protective glasses, hearing protectors, safety boots)

Naked particle board and board coating workshop


-Queue preparation teams


-Encolated particle blanket formator

-Dishes press

-Continuous press

-cooled equipment



-Tools for Adjustment and change of cutting tools

-Transport equipment for coatings (wood sheets and plastic coatings)

-particle board transport equipment

-Equipment stacking

Equipment, tools, and material

-Machine cutting tools.


-Basic machinery maintenance and cleaning tools

-Machines for the oiling of machines




-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective glasses, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests)

Average Density Fiber Board and Board Coating Workshop


-Queue Preparation Equipment

- Strainer

-Encolated fiber blanket formator

-Press of Dishes

-Continuous press

-Cooled equipment



-Tools for adjustment and change of useful Cutting

-Coatings transport equipment (wood sheets and plastic coatings)

-Fiber board transport equipment

-Stacking equipment

Equipment, Tools and Material

-Cutting the machines.


-Basic cleaning and maintenance tools for machinery

-Machine tools for the oiling of machines




-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective goggles, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests, etc.

Due to the characteristics of the facilities and equipment required for the course, it must be developed in a company that meets the requirements set out in the certificate of professionalism.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Wood Preparation

Code: MAMA0310

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho

Professional area: Wood and cork transformation

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAM215_2 Wood Preparation (RD 1228/2006, January 3)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

UC0684_2: Perform wood drying.

UC0685_2: Perform preventive treatments on wood.

UC0686_2: Perform curative treatments on wood.

General competition:

Perform the drying and treatment operations of wood to protect against degrading agents and improve their characteristics, using the specific methods and equipment, achieving the required quality, in the adequate safety, occupational health and environmental conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Exercises its activity, normally for hire, in sawmills, wood stores, factories of carpentry and furniture elements, and in companies engaged in the treatment of both new and in structure wood.

Productive Sectors:

First wood transformation.

Joinery and furniture factories.

Occupations or related jobs

Wood Dryer.

Wood impregnator.

7811.1017 Wood treatment worker in general

7812.1083 Wood drying and treatment operation.

7812.1083 Wood-impregnated machine operator.

7812.1083 Wood treatment instrument operation in general.

7812.1083 Self-key furnace operation (chemical and related treatments).

3206.1019 Loaded wood treatment workshop.

Driver forklift truck driver and rolets.

8333.1015 Lift truck driver in general.

Driver-operator of maddens transport vehicles.

Duration of the associated training: 350 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units

MF0432_1: (Transverse) Handling of loads with forklift trucks. (50 hours)

MF0684_2: Wood Secado. (80 hours)

MF0685_2: Preventive wood treatments. (60 hours)

MF0686_2: Wood healing treatments. (80 hours)

MP0299: Non-working professional wood preparation practice module (80 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

The training provided in the MF0432_1 (Transversal) Training Module "Handling of loads with forklift trucks" guarantees the level of knowledge necessary to obtain the performance of the Lift truck driving functions in accordance with the provisions of RD 1215/1997 of 18 July.


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0432_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Properly interpret movement orders of materials and products for loading or unloading in order to store, supply, dispatch, or any other movement in the logistics flow.

CR1.1 The materials and products object of movement are identified, verifying the matching of the same with the written or verbal orders received.

CR1.2 The material or product is accepted only if the load unit does not exhibit any apparent deformations or damage and, if detected, communicate to the immediate responsible.

CR1.3 The means of transport (conventional, retractable, manual or electric truck, stacker among others) are selected according to the load, operations and conditions in which they must be performed.

CR1.4 In case of error detection or non-compliance of the load immediately communicates with the service officer.

RP2: Successfully handle the products and load units for further handling, following the procedure instructions or orders received.

CR2.1 The various means of handling are used according to protocol, following the rules of prevention of occupational risks and respecting the environment.

CR2.2 In each load unit or handled product it is checked that its external appearance is in accordance with the established protocol.

CR2.3 The loads extracted, by unstowage or unstacked, from high areas are immediately lowered to the ground level before performing manoeuvres to avoid risks (truck rollover, accident risk for the operator and for personnel in the environment, damage facilities, among others).

CR2.4 The load is properly deposited in the allocated space or alveolo (shelf or floor level), placing the wheelbarrow straight with respect to the shelf or load stacked with the mast in a vertical position.

RP3: Handle auto or manual trucks, following established procedures, observing environmental labor risk prevention standards.

CR3.1 The operator correctly uses load handling equipment according to the specific security information received.

CR3.2 In charge movements, the nominal load capacity of the truck is always respected, or its residual capacity in case an implement is mounted.

CR3.3 The disposition and location of the load and its retention, in case of use of implements, prevents any unanticipated or unsafe movement.

CR3.4 The displacements are carried out by means of marked circulation and, if possible, separated from the pedestrian traffic, respecting the signalling arranged for safe driving.

CR3.5 The operator handles the wheelbarrow using, at all times, the individual protective equipment and the seat belt or the restraint system, under conditions of sufficient visibility and making use, where necessary, of the warning and warning signs.

CR3.6 The pending path is backtracked, not making changes of direction over the slope.

CR3.7 The wheelbarrow is handled in conditions of proper visibility and otherwise such displacement is reversed, making use of the acoustic and light warning signals.

CR3.8 The operator observes, in all situations, the obligation not to carry out the carriage of people on the wheelbarrow.

CR3.9 The wheelbarrows are parked in the assigned and authorized zones, the contact key is removed, and the handbrake is actuated.

RP4: Perform first-level maintenance of self-driving or manual-traction trucks, ensuring compliance with the minimum safety and health requirements for their use.

CR4.1 The elements arranged for safe driving and handling such as brakes, tyre condition, lifting system, lack of leakage of hydraulic or fuel liquid, acoustic and visual signals, between others, are reviewed in the established periods.

CR4.2 The technical revisions established in the current legislation on the constructive conditions of the equipment for their safe use, are known in the scope of their attributions, and the defaults are communicated to be subsated.

CR4.3 First-level maintenance is performed by taking into account the technical documentation and procedures established by the company.

CR4.4 Detected breakdowns, especially those that may affect safe operation and handling, determine equipment stoppage and communication to the immediate superior for repair.

RP5: Perform the loading or unloading of materials and products in accordance with the instructions received and, where appropriate, under the supervision of a responsible person.

CR5.1 The amounts to be delivered or received are verified according to the delivery or receipt order respectively.

CR5.2 The goods are handled using the appropriate means, in order to avoid alterations or damage.

CR5.3 In each load unit it is checked that the packaging, containers or containers that protect the goods are in good condition, notifying, if necessary, the person responsible for the damage due to bad condition or breakage.

CR5.4 The placement of the loads on the external means of transport is performed by ensuring the integrity of the same, and its internal location is effected according to the instructions received.

RP6: Transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines, as well as removing the waste generated from production processes to the areas planned for that purpose.

CR6.1 The order of output/delivery of materials, components or supplies is received according to established procedures and is interpreted to prepare the same according to the instructions received.

CR6.2 The transport of raw materials is carried out using the established means, in the areas authorized to do so, in an appropriate manner and at the moment, in order to avoid dysfunctions in the production.

CR6.3 The waste generated is transported with the prior authorisation, in which it is established that they have received, where appropriate, appropriate treatments to avoid contamination of the environment or health risks.

CR6.4 The generated waste is safely transferred and deposited in the locations or areas planned to prevent environmental contamination.

RP7: Adopt the established safety measures for the prevention of occupational and health risks in workers.

CR7.1 In the activities that require it, according to the job risk prevention plan, the required individual protective equipment is used.

CR7.2 The manual handling of load units is performed in a way that complies with the regulatory provisions laid down on this subject, to avoid the risk of back-to-back injuries, among others.

CR7.3 Protection equipment is kept in perfect state of use.

CR7.4 Driving and handling loads is always done, taking into account the potential risks to third parties.

CR7.5 The parking areas of the wheelbarrows are maintained and clean of materials or items that may pose risks to driving.

RP8: Collaborate on stock control, transmitting the load movement information that you perform.

CR8.1 The information that is transmitted accurately collects the manipulated load units.

CR8.2 Data information is transmitted in digital form using portable equipment, or in written support established by the company.

CR8.3 The generated information is provided at the time that is set by the person responsible or according to the rules of the company.

Professional Context

Production media

Self-handling, electric or thermal trucks with the nominal load capacity required. Manual forklifts. Portable data transmission equipment. Bar code readers and others. Containers and pallets. Shelves suitable for the type of loads. Goods of different origin and nature.

Products and results

Load units handled, transported, stowed, or stacked

Information used or generated

Used: Regulations that develop the law on the prevention of occupational risks, establishing the minimum health and safety requirements. Ministerial orders approving the regulations for manual handling of cargo, as well as, those of self-handling trucks. Orders for movement of goods, goods, transport and/or internal supply. Coding of materials and products. UNE Standards. Documentation issued by the National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work or other public or private.

Generated: Documents written and in digital support for control of movement and transport of materials and products.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0684_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform materials and equipment preparation operations for wood drying

CR1.1 The drying procedure is determined according to the species to be treated, its destination, as well as the time available and the means available in the company

CR1.2 The drying processes for each stage and the parameters of the drying program are determined according to the species, the bulk of the pieces and the degree of initial and final humidity of the wood.

CR1.3 The scheduling of the dryer is done so that all its elements meet the preset conditions.

CR1.4 The distribution of the wood in the drying cabin or in the drying park is carried out using the appropriate means of transport and measurement.

CR1.5 The quality of the wood is determined according to its species, defects and anomalies, rejecting those items that do not fit in quantity and quality as specified.

CR1.6 Drying is planned based on log entries and outputs of wood in the stacking yard.

CR1.7 Wood parts of the same species are grouped into homogeneous batches according to the presence and frequency criteria of defects, anomalies, dimensions and the treatment plan.

RP2: Perform natural or forced drying operations, depending on the schedule.

CR2.1 Material movements, in the wooden stacking yard minimize travel and time

CR2.2 In the stacking and protection of the material, rastrels are interspersed that allow air circulation between the pieces, avoiding deformations and rotations.

CR2.3 The transfer of the wood to the dryers is carried out with the appropriate means.

CR2.4 Treatment is regulated based on the moisture content of the witnesses, compared with the expected values.

CR2.5 Dry woods are stacked without rastrels, forming compact packages according to their dimensions and qualities, protecting the stack so that it retains the final moisture with the necessary means and rejecting those items that do not comply with the specifications set

CR2.6 The transport of the wood to the finished product store, is done with the appropriate means

CR2.7 The stacking of woods and packages is performed in safety and health conditions, avoiding tear and collapse of the stack, as well as respecting the free movement of people and means of transport.

CR2.8 The finished product store is maintained in proper environmental and cleaning conditions and safe from atmospheric inclement.

RP3: Run the control and basic maintenance operations of the parks, dryers, and other equipment for physical treatments.

CR3.1 The periodic monitoring and control of the facilities allows for the detection of anomalies and the premature wear and tear and the best solution, extending the service life of the equipment and facilities.

CR3.2 Maintenance operations for the use and replacement of equipment for movement and stacking of materials are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and safety standards. perfect operating state.

CR3.3 The proper disposal of waste and the proper functioning of drainage channels and drainage mouths, is performed so that the stacking yard is maintained under appropriate environmental and cleaning conditions.

CR3.4 The operations of maintenance of use and replacement of the drying equipment are carried out according to the technical documentation, the company instructions and the safety standards, obtaining a perfect state of operation.

Professional Context

Production media

Untreated roll or sawmill. Air and industrial dryers. Stoves. Measuring tools (rules, tapes, "forcidomes", scales, "xylohygrometers", thermometers). Equipment for drying wood.

Auxiliary installations.

Products and results

Wet wood. Dry wood. By-products for crushing.

Information used or generated

Maintenance and operation manuals for drying, entry and exit materials in the process, plans for drying and collection of material. Production orders. Log in and out of wood in the yard of stacking. Incident sheets.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0685_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Control the movements of the wood in roll, sawn and of the pieces of wood elaborated in the park, to check its quality according to the established norms.

CR1.1 The reception, unloading, cubication and stacking of the wood on roll and sawn wood, as well as the pieces of wood elaborated, is done with adequate means, in the conditions of safety, occupational health and environment appropriate environmental

CR1.2 The quality of the wood (species, eccentricity, defects) and its suitability with the specified is proven to determine the rejection of those items that do not meet the defined levels.

CR1.3 The treatment of the stock is planned based on the registration of inputs and outputs of the material at the place of stacking.

CR1.4 Material movements, in the wooden stack yard, are performed so that the paths and times are minimised.

CR1.5 The operations of maintenance of use and replacement of elements of the equipment of movement and stacking of materials, are carried out achieving a perfect state of operation.

RP2: Prepare the equipment for applying preventive treatments to the wood, in conditions of safety, occupational health and the right environment

CR2.1 The correct use of the treatment equipment (immersion tanks, autoclaves, spray chambers and other machines) is carried out by checking the various controls, systems and safety instruments, with a prior to the treatment of a wooden consignment.

CR2.2 The reception, storage and storage of protective products and packaging is performed by considering its characteristics and application, its physical condition and its expiry date.

CR2.3 The components, their preparation and the concentrations of the solutions, which are prepared are appropriate, considering the treatment to be applied.

CR2.4 The programming of the parameters of the treatment cedula (wood protector, concentration, times, gaps and pressures), for each stage of the treatment process, is performed according to the species, quantity, method of treatment and type of protection required.

CR2.5 Maintenance and replacement operations of equipment used in the preparation of protective solutions are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and standards. security

CR2.6 The individual protective equipment that is used is appropriate, according to the current regulations.

CR2.7 The use, recycling and disposal of products is carried out in accordance with current regulations.

RP3: Make the protection of wood in the right conditions of safety, health and the environment and verify the quality of the treatment.

CR3.1 Wood protection is performed using the appropriate equipment or medium, depending on the kind of wood and type of treatment to be applied.

CR3.2 The amount and concentration of the protective solution used in the equipment is indicated to perform the treatment correctly.

CR3.3 Process tracking, during development, is performed on the basis of the established treatment plan

CR3.4 The post-treatment rest in the specified environmental conditions is performed in the manner established to ensure the fixing of the protective products.

CR3.5 The individual protective equipment used in the application of the treatments is appropriate according to the current regulations.

CR3.6 The correct incidence of treatment is controlled throughout the process by witnesses.

CR3.7 Quality control over the treated material is performed once stored.

CR3.8 The retention and penetration of the protector into the treated wood pieces is checked by cubing the wood to be treated and the consumption of the protective product.

Professional Context

Production media

Untreated roll or sawmill. Chemical products for treatments. Tanks for immersion of the material. Autoclaves. Spray chambers Equipment and useful for the preparation of the treating agents (pH-metros, densimeters). Ancillary facilities.

Products and results

Wood treated. Residues of treating products. Wood for recycling.

Information used or generated

Maintenance and use manuals of machinery, sheets of technical and safety sheets, entry and exit statistics of the material. Production orders. Safety and occupational health standards. Log in and out of wood in the park. Incident sheets. Treated wood sheets.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC0686_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Set the treatments to be applied in the woods based on the damage they present

CR1.1 The various types of xylophage attacks, fungi and related to environmental agents, are identified with the necessary means and following the protocol.

CR1.2 The areas of the material to be treated are prepared and conditioned according to the prescribed healing program.

CR1.3 The proper organization of the work that is done as established, preserves the integrity of the materials to be treated.

CR1.4 The removal and transportation of the parts to be treated in special facilities is performed according to the established rules and the healing plan.

RP2: Perform the preparation and mixing of the "biocidal products" by following the specifications provided and manipulating them in the appropriate safety, health and environmental conditions.

CR2.1 The reception, transportation, storage and storage of protective products and packaging is performed by considering its characteristics and application, its physical condition and its expiration date.

CR2.2 The components, their preparation and the concentrations of the solutions, which are prepared are appropriate, considering the treatment to be applied

CR2.3 The components and concentrations of the baits and poisons, which are used are the correct ones to perform the treatment, according to the technical specifications.

CR2.4 The use, recycling and disposal of protective solutions is carried out according to safety, occupational health and waste regulations.

RP3: Prepare the application equipment according to the user manuals, under the appropriate safety, health and environmental conditions.

CR3.1 Maintenance operations for the use and replacement of equipment and equipment used in the preparation of solutions and mixtures are carried out in accordance with the technical documentation, company instructions and standards. security, achieving a perfect state of operation.

CR3.2 The operational method check for the execution of the treatment is performed according to the manufacturer's prescriptions and the established work plan.

CR3.3 The various instruments and controls of machines and equipment to be used are checked before the treatment is performed.

CR3.4 The individual protective equipment used in the application of the treatments is appropriate according to the current regulations.

RP4: Perform the application of the curative products under the appropriate safety, occupational health and environmental conditions, checking their effectiveness.

CR4.1 The verification of the quantity and concentration of the products in the equipment is carried out periodically to prevent alterations.

CR4.2 The penetration and retention of "biocides" is determined by the consumption of the curative product and the inspection of the wood before and after the treatment.

CR4.3 The final conditions of the treated material are recorded and reported, checking that the product retention and penetration respond to the specifications.

CR4.4 The evaluation of possible defects and anomalies, produced in the wood parts during the treatment, which is carried out, allows for its adjustment and thus obtain the required quality.

CR4.5 The review of the treated wood is performed, noting the fixation of the products "biocidal products", as well as the disappearance of the causative agent.

CR4.6 The information that is transmitted to the client contains indications regarding the health conditions in their use/handling.

Professional Context

Production media

Wood sawing or installed. Wood with attacks. Chemical products for treatments. Sprayers.

Injectors. Backpacks. Bait supports. Tanks for immersion of the material. Equipment and useful for the preparation of the treating agents (pH-metros, densimeters).

Products and results

Wood treated. Residues of treating products. Wood for recycling.

Information used or generated

Instruments for the maintenance and use of the instruments, sheets of technical and safety sheets, entry and exit statistics of the material. Technical documentation about the material and treatments to be applied.

Production Orders. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks. Incident sheets. Documentation about the material and the treatment applied.




Code: MF0432 _1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0432_1: Manipulate loads with forklift trucks.

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the basic conditions for handling materials and products for loading or unloading in relation to their nature, status, quantities, protection and means of transport used.

CE1.1 Recognize the documentation or instructions that must accompany the goods under load, unloading or moving in their logistic flow.

CE1.2 List the different forms of packaging and/or protective packaging used that contain the materials and products, relating them to their nature and conservation status.

CE1.3 Recognize the methods of measurement and calculation of loads for proper handling.

CE1.4 List the various internal and external means of transport, their basic conditions of use, as well as their relation to the loads they manipulate.

CE1.5 In a load handling scenario:

-Recognize and interpret the documentation presented on different media.

-Identify whether the packaging or packaging type is correct.

-Observe if the load meets the expected dimensions and weight according to the overall work environment.

-Recognize if the selected handling equipment is appropriate to the load.

C2: Classify and describe the different types of palletizing, relating them to the form of constitution of the load to be transported.

CE2.1 Identify the basic ways to constitute the load units.

CE2.2 Explain the conditions to be met by packaging or packaging to constitute the load unit.

CE2.3 Identify and classify the different types of palettes and explain the fundamental applications of the palettes.

CE2.4 Explain the variations in the load weight performance mobilized, depending on the utilization of the available volume according to the shapes of the products or their packaging.

CE2.5 In a practical case of handling materials and products properly characterized:

-Interpret the information provided.

-Locate the physical situation of the load.

-Check that packaging, packaging, as well as materials or products meet security conditions.

-Check that the selected small metal container or palette type is best suited for handling and transporting the load unit, under security conditions.

C3: Interpreting and implementing regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and the health of workers.

CE3.1 Recognize the risks arising from manual handling of loads: object falls, contusions, lifting positions, repetitive overefforts, fractures, musculoskeletal and other injuries.

CE3.2 Recognize the risks arising from the management of automatic machines and traction or thrust, such as: entrapments, cuts, overefforts, repetitive positional fatigue, torsions, vibrations, noise, gases, and others.

CE3.3 Distinguished individual protection equipment (E.P.I.) types appropriate to each risk.

CE3.4 Identify action measures in emergency situations.

CE3.5 Before a simulated load, transport and download scenario, perfectly defined:

-Identify the most appropriate personal protective equipment.

-Recognize the risks derived from load handling.

-Identify the risks arising from the transport, the stow/esestiba, stacked/off load.

-Detailed possible emergency situations that may be presented.

C4: Interpret the symbology used in the environment and transport paths.

CE4.1 List the duties, rights and rules of conduct of persons handling and transporting loads.

CE4.2 Identify the mandatory signals and information boards that reference the load, as well as other information symbols to be carried by the cart.

CE4.3 Identify and interpret the normalized signals to be defined by specific areas of work, those reserved for pedestrians and others located on the roads, and to act in accordance with the limitations of the warehouse in case of handling indoors.

CE4.4 Identify the light and acoustic signals to be carried by the wheelbarrows, relating them to their standard typology and location.

C5: Identify the elements of the intended machines for safe driving, as well as the first-level maintenance operations.

CE5.1 Interpreting the controls, systems and elements of driving and handling, as well as fuel indicators, battery charge level, and others included in the control board of the vehicle. forklift.

CE5.2 Interpret the instructions in the maintenance manual, the operations that correspond to a primary level of the maintenance manual.

CE5.3 Identify those anomalies that, affecting safe driving or handling, must be communicated for immediate repair and may cause the forklift to be stopped.

CE5.4 In a scenario where the wheelbarrow charges anomalies:

-Detect failures.

-Identify those that have their possible origin in manufacturing or maintenance defects.

-Determine if there are breakdowns whose repair exceeds their responsibility and must be the object of communication to whom it corresponds.

-Perform maintenance operations that correspond to your level of responsibility.

C6: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account security, risk prevention and signalling measures workbench.

CE6.1 Localize the situation of the driving and operation controls of the wheelbarrows, the function each performs and the control indicators.

CE6.2 Classify and identify the different basic types of wheelbarrows, relating them to their applications (horizontal, tractor, push, vertical mast lift, tiltable, and other) and load capacity, taking into account the elevation height, the distance from the centre of gravity of the load to the heel of the fork or the use of implements.

CE6.3 Explain the basic conditions for the stability of the loads and the possibilities of the rollover in maneuver, relating them to:

-Systems and devices for holding and lifting the load.

-Carklift and load load centers

-Job floor status.

CE6.4 Drive self-propelled and manual forklift trucks, performing braking, parking, reversing and downslope manoeuvres, and perform the same operations with the maximum permissible load.

CE6.5 Collect load units by introducing the fork to bottom under the pallet and perform the lift and tilt maneuver of the mast backwards, respecting the size and height of the load to facilitate visibility.

CE6.6 Driving self-propelled and manual trucks with load, controlling the stability of the same, respecting the signs of circulation, using acoustic or light signals when necessary and performing maneuvers of braking, parking, reversing and descent in slope, when required by the movement and the deposit of the same, with safety and avoiding occupational hazards

CE6.7 In a scenario of load handling, in a corridor bounded by shelving, of width equal to the length of the counterbalance truck, increased in the length of the load and 0.4m of safety margin:

-Perform approach operations to the location where you must perform the stowage or esestiba of a palletized load unit at third height.

-Perform 90º spin maneuver for stowage and desestiba.

-Stay in front of the alveolo destined for the load (or its desestiba) in a single maneuver.

-Use, if necessary, the side offset for the operation.

c7: List the basic conditions for transporting and supplying raw materials and materials to production lines.

CE7.1 Identify the basic forms of preparation and transportation of raw materials and products to constitute the load units.

CE7.2 List the basic additional precautions to take into account, in the case of transport and elevation of dangerous loads (corrosive or flammable chemicals, harmful to health, explosives, pollutant, between other).

CE7.3 Recognize established rules for fire, deflagrations, and evacuation procedures.

CE7.4 Relate the types of wheelbarrows and their characteristics, with possibilities for use in special industrial environments (explosive industries, chemical industry and others).

C8: Meet the support established by the company, the documentation generated by the load movement.

CE8.1 Describe the most common information contained in the most common albarans and formats used as media.

CE8.2 Identify the main features of the media or equipment that are commonly used to collect load movement information.

CE8.3 Describe the possibilities of information transmission, by digital means.

CE8.4 In a practical scenario of data transmission by digital media, properly characterized:

-Handle a portable data transmission equipment.

-Transmit the information from the load and unload movements performed.


1. Handling and transport of goods.

-Internal logistic flow of loads and services. Socio-economic importance.

-Storage, supply and dispatch of goods.

-Community and Spanish rules on handling of goods.

-Prevention of occupational hazards and safety measures in the transport of goods.

-Internal and external means of transport of the goods. Basic conditions.

-Symbology and signalling of the environment and means of transport: Placas, luminous, acoustic information signals.

-Load unit. Measurement and calculation of loads.

-Documentation that accompanies the goods.

-Documentation that generates load movement. Digital transmission.

2. Packaging and palletizing of goods.

-Types of packaging and packaging.

-Packaging conditions for product protection.

-Conditions of packaging for the safe transport of products.

-Types of paletizations. Applications according to types of goods.

-Conditions to be met by the load units.

-Precautions and measures to be taken with dangerous loads.

3. Trucks for the transport of goods.

-Classification, types and uses of wheelbarrows; handbooks and automotoras: thermal motors, electric motors.

-Main elements of different types of wheelbarrows:

▫ Driving elements.

▫ Control indicators for the cart.

▫ Acoustic and visual signals from the wheelbarrows.

-Basic maintenance and incorrect operating indicators.

4. Wheelbarrow handling and driving.

-Guideline axis.

-Access and drop of the truck.

-Use of retention systems, cab, seat belt.

-Commissioning and stopping the wheelbarrow.

-Circulation: displacement speed, path, nature and floor status etc.

-Maniworks. Braking, parked, reversing, descent into slope.

-Accelerations, mismanoeuvres.

-Maniworks of loading and unloading.

-Elevation of the load.

5. Loading and unloading of goods.

-Load stability. Notions of balance.

-Leverage Act.

-The load severity center.

-Loss of wheelbarrow stability.

-Eviation of transverse or longitudinal dumps.

-Dynamic and static behavior of the loaded cart.

-Incorrect placement of the load on the wheelbarrow. Overload.

-Modes of placing the goods on the shelves.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module







Code: MF0684_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0684_2: Perform wood drying.

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the main types of wood and their properties.

CE1.1 Recognize the macroscopic and microscopic structure of wood.

CE1.2 Recognize and describe the various kinds and species of wood.

CE1.3 Describe the main physical and chemical properties of wood.

CE1.4 Recognize and describe the main defects of wood and its consequences for the quality and application of treatments.

CE1.5 Analyze the classification of wood based on its quality.

C2: Relate the wood drying process with the characteristics of the raw material, media, equipment and results.

CE2.1 Rate the need for wood drying for further use

CE2.2 Relating the advantages and disadvantages of different drying processes.

CE2.3 List the necessary means in the drying process depending on the raw material and its subsequent use.

CE2.4 Recognize and characterize the spaces used for wood drying.

CE2.5 Describe the security, occupational health and environmental conditions to be applied.

C3: Perform the wood drying operations.

CE3.1 Establish drying processes in the dryer for each stage and the parameters of the drying program according to the species, the bulk of the pieces and the degree of initial and final moisture desired from the wood.

CE3.2 Perform the scheduling of the dryer so that all its elements meet the conditions set.

CE3.3 Control that the drying parameters are maintained during processing at the set limits.

CE3.4 In a practical, properly characterized case, of a wood heading to dry by natural means, determine:

-Moving the wood to the dryers and their subsequent extraction with the appropriate means and without causing damage

-Rastrels to interleave (position, distance, size, type of wood).

-The volume of the stacks and the distance between them.

-The isolation of atmospheric agents.

-The estimated drying time.

-The process control parameters.

CE3.5 Analyze the influence of atmospheric agents on dry wood products and their consequences.

C4: Control the dry wood and its movements in the warehouse.

CE4.1 Analyze the various types of storage used in the dryers.

CE4.2 In a practical, properly characterized case, of a dry wood consignment, describe:

-Characteristics and properties of spaces used for the storage and handling of dry wood.

-Download types and means of transport of materials.

-Employee control documents.

-Program of control of parameters until the expedition of the wood.

CE4.3 Classify dry wood based on its species, quality and destination, stacking it, cooling it and marking it properly.

CE4.4 Recognize the risks of materials (toxicity, degree of solubility) and apply regulatory regulations, relating them to prevention and extinction systems.

C5: Perform use maintenance operations on a secadero.

CE5.1 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, proceed to the replacement of items of equipment and facilities at the time and condition marked by the maintenance plan

CE5.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, maintain drainage channels and drain mouths in optimal operating conditions by monitoring and cleaning.

CE5.3 In a convenient, well-characterized case of maintenance of use of a dryer:

-Carry out the maintenance of use and replacement of elements of the various equipment and systems of movement and stacking of materials.

-Maintain the cleaning and environmental protection conditions of the various spaces


1. Wood properties and characteristics.

-Main species of coniferous wood and tropical and tropical forests used in Spain.

-Anatomy and wood structure related to drying:

• Movement of water and water vapor inside the wood.

-Wood relations with water.

• Higroscopicity of wood.

• Hygroscopic balance moisture.

• Wood moisture content.

• Wood movements (volumetric, linear and unit shrinkage coefficients):

• Density.

• Influence on your mechanical properties.

-Measurement of wood moisture content:

• Teams.

• Calibrations and verifications.

-Classification of sawn wood:

• Spanish and European standards.

• Natural Singularities. Measurement. Measurement equipment.

-Sawing wood dimensions: Spanish and European regulations

-Measurement and volume control systems of sawwood.

-Side of green wood.

2. Driving the drying operation

-Preparing the load:

• Inspection of the load.

• control systems.

• Laid.

• Secadero load.

-Control and regulation of the drying process:

• Evolution of wood moisture.

• Conditions within the dryer.

• Automatic and semi-automatic regulation systems.

-Drying process phases (description and purpose):

• Initial temperature elevation.

• Preheat.

• Secado.

• Balanced.

• End Conditioning.

• Cooling.

-Tables or drying programs:

• Finality.

• Tables recommended by different organisms for wood species.

-Assessment of the quality of the drying of sawwood.

• Moisture from wood, medium humidity and gradient.

• Tensioned wood.

• Cracking and Raging.

• Collapse.

• Color and stain changes.

• Natural deformations of wood and deformations produced in drying.

-Dry wood storage.

• Battery training.

• Movement equipment.

-Price and cost of drying.

3. Natural or air drying

-Description and influence of the dominant winds.

-Rastered and stacked.


4. Air-conditioned air-drying on camera

-Foundation, features of the cameras and design of the internal air circulation system.

-Traditional dry at average temperature:

• Description.

• Characteristics of the equipment.

• Regulation of the process.

• Duration.

• Energy consumption.

-High-temperature dry:

• Description.

• Conditioning factors of wood,

• Duration,

• Energy consumption.

-Dry with heat pump:

• Description.

• Characteristics of the equipment.

• Regulation of the process.

• Duration,

• Energy consumption.

5. Vacuum drying

-Foundations and constructive characteristics of the dryers.

-Discontinuous vacuum drying:

• Description.

• Regulation.

-Continuous vacuum drying with heating plates or superheated steam:

• Description.

• Regulation of the process.

6. Radio frequency drying:


-Description boiling method and gradient method.

7. Use of techniques related to drying:

-Green wood study:

• Description.

• Characteristics of the equipment.

-Stood of the attacked wood.

8. Application of safety, occupational health and environmental regulations in wood drying facilities

-Safety and Health Standards applied to wood drying processes

• Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the various drying processes of the roll wood to obtain sheets.

• Methods of protection and prevention.

• Security elements in installations and machinery.

• Personal protective equipment.

• First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

• Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental standards applicable to wood drying processes.

-Treatment of waste generated in wood drying operations

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module






Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0685_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0685_2: Perform preventive treatments on wood.

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the preventive wood treatments with the characteristics of the raw material, media, equipment and results.

CE1.1 Analyze the need to treat wood for further use.

CE1.2 Relate the possible treatments to be applied, their advantages and disadvantages.

CE1.3 Characterize the means to be used in the various preventive treatments depending on the raw material and its subsequent use.

CE1.4 Characterize the spaces used to perform the preventive treatments to the wood.

CE1.5 Describe the appropriate security, occupational health, and environmental conditions.

C2: Operate with equipment and means of reception and cubication of wood, noting its correspondence with the quality plan

CE2.1 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, control the discharge and stacking of the received wood avoiding physical or material damage.

CE2.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform the wood cubation precisely with the appropriate equipment and means.

CE2.3 In a perfectly delimited scenario:

-Determine the quality of the received wood (species, eccentricity and possible defects).

-Check your suitability for the production plan and the quality standards set.

-Meet the log of material inputs and outputs according to the job plan

CE2.4 Select the treatment to be applied based on the species and quality of the wood, place, destination, application or use of the wood to be treated.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, run the operations of maintenance of use and the replacement of the equipment and useful according to the technical documentation, the instructions of the company and the norms of security, achieving a perfect state of operation.

C3: Perform equipment preparation and tuning operations in compliance with safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE3.1 In a practical case, properly characterized, perform the preparation and tuning of the equipment according to the procedure manuals and their characteristics.

CE3.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, handle the products with the appropriate means and care according to the characteristics of the treatment to be applied.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, prepare the components of the protective solution using the appropriate technical and protective means and according to the technical specifications.

CE3.4 Deduct the measures to be taken in the event of unforeseen events by determining the most appropriate solution for each case.

CE3.5 In a practical case, properly characterized, properly load the tanks and vats, depending on the treatment to be applied.

CE3.6 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform the cleaning of tanks and autoclaves by identifying and managing the waste from the treatments properly.

CE3.7 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, applied and enforced safety, occupational health and environmental standards in the preparation and maintenance operations of equipment use.

C4: Operate with the appropriate product application teams under appropriate safety, occupational health and environmental conditions.

CE4.1 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, control the loading of wood in tanks and autoclaves, and the use of adequate means.

CE4.2 In a practical, well-characterized, practical scenario, the time, temperature and pressure control devices are regulated in the different equipment.

CE4.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform the treatments with the appropriate protectors depending on the type of wood and the degree of protection required.

CE4.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, perform the discharge of the tanks and autoclaves, respecting the rest and draining times and the proper disposal of the surplus products of the wood.

CE4.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, applied and complied with the current regulations of waste, safety, occupational health and the environment.

C5: Check the quality of treatment performed.

CE5.1 In a practical case, properly characterized, inspect the witnesses before and after the treatment.

CE5.2 Identify the material correctly stored by manual and computer media.

CE5.3 In a practical, duly characterized, case of a treated wood consignment:

-Calculate the cubication of the wood.

-Calculate the amount of product used.

-Measure the amount of product retained by the wood.

-Deduct defects and defects produced during treatment.

-Determine according to the required quality the validity of the item.


1. Wood properties related to their preventive protection

-Wood Anatomy:

• Punteatures.

• Albura.

• Duramen.

-Humidity content of the wood.


-Natural Durability.

-Cubication of sawn wood and roll wood.

-Classification of the roll wood.

-Classification of wood sawn and mechanized for carpentry.

-Wood species, applications, and technology groups

2. Wood degradation

-Atmospheric agents:

• Sun.

• Rain.

-Biological agents or xylophages

• Hongos and xylophage insects.

• Marine Xilophages.

-Wood behavior in front of fire.

-Chemical compounds.

3. Preventive protection of wood against biological agents

-Choosing the preventive protection type:

• Norms.

• Usage classes.

• Penetration.

• Protective product retention.

-Wood preventive protective products:

• Types.

• Composition.

• Features.

• Manipulation and preparation.

• Storage.

• Application.

• Effectiveness tests.

• Official record.

• Biocides Act.

-Costs of preventive wood treatments.

4. Execution of treatments for preventive protection of wood against biological agents


-Treatment methods by brush stroke, spray, short immersion, prolonged immersion and diffusion-replacement of sap:

• Foundations and description.

• Equipment used.

• Preparing the parts to be treated.

• Preparation and control of protective products.

• Driving and control parameters.

• Handling and storage of treated wood.

-Double-empty autokey treatment methods:

• Foundations and description.

• Equipment used.

• Treatment of used treatment (voids and times).

• Preparing the wood load to be treated.

• Preparation and control of protective products.

• Driving and parameters control of treatment.

• Handling and storage of treated wood.

-Self-driving vacuum treatment methods-pressure:

• Foundations and description.

• Equipment used.

• Treatment of used treatment (gaps, pressures and times).

• Preparing the wood load to be treated.

• Preparation and control of protective products.

• Driving and parameters control of the autoclave treatment.

• Handling and storage of treated wood.

-Heat treatment methods:

• Foundations and description.

• Equipment used.

• Treatment of used treatment (temperature and times).

• Preparing the wood load to be treated.

• Driving and control parameters,

• Handling and storage of treated wood.

5. Protection of wood against fire

-Behavior of wood in front of fire. Reaction and resistance to wood fire.

-Fire retardant products for wood:

• Types.

• Composition.

• Features.

• Application.

-Wood flame retardant methods:

• Foundations and description.

• Equipment used.

• Control parameters.

• Application.

-Regulations and Regulations

6. Implementation of safety, occupational and environmental health regulations in wood preventive treatment facilities

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in the preventive treatment of wood

• Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the preventive treatment of wood

• Methods of protection and prevention.

• Security elements in installations and machinery.

• Personal protective equipment.

• First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

• Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the preventive treatment of wood.

-Treatment of waste generated in the preventive treatment of wood.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module




Normaldene 30

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0686_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0686_2: Perform healing treatments for wood

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the processes of damage detection in the woods, to apply the appropriate treatment, according to the established rules.

CE1.1 Recognize different types of insects and xylophages, relating them to the effects they produce on wood.

CE1.2 Describe and recognize different types of indoor and outdoor fungi and their effects on wood.

CE1.3 Identify and recognize the conditions that wood supports in light of sunlight and moisture.

CE1.4 Rate the risks involved in application-handling of products.

CE1.5 In a practical, well-characterized case of wood damage detection:

-To distinguish the various damages that the wood presents and to list the possible causes.

-Relate the possible influence of environmental and environmental agents with the damage detected.

-Deduct possible treatments to apply.

-Calibrate the impact of treatment on wood and in the environment.

-Deduct the restoration of wood, materials to be applied and application mode.

C2: Obtain solutions for curative products according to the manufacturer's specifications and respecting safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE2.1 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, store the healing products under the conditions established by the manufacturer on the technical tab.

CE2.2 In a practical case, properly characterized, transport the healing products with the appropriate packaging and media according to the manufacturer's regulations and specifications.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, prepare the products and healing solutions by verifying the specifications indicated for each product according to the manufacturer's requirements and the production plan.

CE2.4 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, applied and complied with the standards of waste, safety, occupational health and environment in the handling of materials, products and waste.

C3: Perform the preparation and tuning operations of equipment and spaces while respecting safety, occupational health and environmental standards.

CE3.1 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, perform cleaning of equipment properly managing the waste.

CE3.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, conditioning the place of application of the treatments and protecting the surrounding areas and materials applying the norms of occupational health and environment

CE3.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, maintain the level of ventilation required by avoiding intoxications during the process.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized, properly load and check the operation of the equipment and means of application (sprays, injections, baits, traps) provided for in the work plan.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, describe:

-The risks in the healing treatments of wood.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

-Risks of materials, products and waste.


-Degree of flammability and flammability.

-First aid.

C4: Operate with the application teams of curative products, under appropriate safety, occupational health and environmental conditions.

CE4.1 Develop the work plan based on the product to be used, the type of wood and the type of protection required.

CE4.2 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, the treatments with appropriate means and equipment must be applied in compliance with the conditions of the premises, facilities and existing materials.

CE4.3 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, check the final quality of the applications by verifying the place of application and that the dose is adequate.

CE4.4 In a practical scenario, properly characterized, to prevent risks during curative treatments of wood, specifying the means of prevention to be taken into account according to the regulations of safety, occupational health and of the environment.

CE4.5 In a practical case, properly characterized, remove the waste produced during the treatment, respecting the conditions of the premises and the materials deposited.

CE4.6 In a practical scenario, properly characterized:

-Identify the type of damage.

-Select the product to apply.

-Determine the product application system.

-Set treatment times and parameters.

-Use the appropriate protection systems.


1. Inspection of damage assessment of wood

-Recognition of damage produced by xylophage agents in wood elements.

-Recognition of damages produced by abiotic agents (action of the sun and rainwater) in wood elements.

-Visual exterior recognition of buildings (facades and patios; decks, eaves and downsides, arrows in forged):

• Critical points.

• Risk zones.

-Recognition of the wood structure and elements:

• Critical points of wood parts

• Risk zones

-Scan techniques:

• traditional equipment (types, purpose and use)

-Special scan techniques (types, purpose, and usage):

• Ultrasounds.

• Acoustic methods and induced vibrations.

• Resisters.

• Measurement of surface density.

• Dating of the wood.

• Acoustic detection of xylophage insects.

2. Diagnosis of wood damage

-Assessment of Abiotic Source Damage:

• Sun.

• Rain.

-Assessment of damage of biotic origin:

• Rot hongos

• Larval cycle insects.

• Social insects: termites, marine xylofagos

3. Taking measures of a constructive nature complementary to the treatments of wood

-Soil from the soil:

• Finality.

• Techniques.

• Products.

-Starting elements or structure from the ground:

• Finality.

• Media.

• Products.

-Support the beams on the walls:

• Finality.

• Media.

• Products.

-Aleros and flight protection:

• Finality.

• Media.

• Products.

-Accidental hoverages on the deck and on the premises:

• Finality.

• Media.

• Products.


• Finality.

• Media.

• Products.

4. Use of wood-dressing protective products

-More important features:

• Effectiveness against the degrading agent.

• Stay of the product.

• Official record.

-Types, composition, and presentation:

• Liquids.

• Emulsions.

• Pastas.

• Implants.

• Gases.

• Cebos.

-Manipulation, storage, and preparation.

5. Execution of healing treatments for wood

-Objectives and purpose.

-Preparation of wood and wood elements:

• Headed.

• Fired.

• Removing zones.

• Equipment used.

-Environmental and safety conditions required for the performance of the treatment.

-Treatment against xylophage fungi:

• Methodology.

• Products in the form of pastes or implants.

• Equipment used.

-Treatment against larval cycle insects.

• Methodology.

• Treatment with liquid products.

• Treatment with gaseous products (fumigation).

• Treatment with products in the form of fumes.

• Treatment for heat sterilization.

• Cold sterilization treatment

• Equipment used

-Treatment against social xylophone insects:

• Methodology.

• Traditional chemical treatment.

• Non-repellent chemical treatment.

• System of baits.

• The biological struggle

-Polychrome special zone treatments or other types of finishing:

• Methodology.

• Products.

• Teams.

6. Taking structural measures complementary to the curative treatment of wood

-General description of the techniques.

-Actions on beam supports:

• Apo.

• Metallic reinforcements.

• Solutions with wood input.

• Solutions with epoxy formulations.

-Actuations on parts subjected to bending:

• Solutions with wood input.

• Application of epoxy resins technology.

• Concrete replacement solutions.

• Mixed wood and concrete solutions.

• Mixed wood and board solutions.

• Solutions with steel.

-Right-foot actuations.

-Cover Armors Actuations

7. Application of safety, occupational health and environmental regulations in the curative treatment of wood

-Safety and Health Standards inherent in the healing treatment of wood

• Safety and prevention plans.

-Types of risks inherent in the curative treatment of wood

• Methods of protection and prevention.

• Security elements in installations and machinery.

• Personal protective equipment.

• First aid.

-Fire prevention and extinction systems.

• Description and operation.

-Standard security and risk prevention symbology.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the curative treatment of wood.

-Treatment of waste generated in the curative treatment of wood.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module





Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0299

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Manipulate loads and/or drive wheelbarrows, carrying out conventional operations of loading, transporting and unloading materials or products, taking into account the safety measures, risk prevention and signalling of the workbench.

CE1.1 Participate in the interpretation of an order of handling, location of the physical situation of the load, checking of the packaging, packaging, checking of the type of pallet or small metal container and its selection.

CE1.2 Collaborate on collecting load units.

CE1.3 Drive self-driving and manual trucks with load.

CE1.4 To support in the completion of documentation generated by the movement of loading and unloading, and the transmission of data by digital means

C2: Perform sawing on sawwood.

CE2.1 Participate in the preparation of the wood load in the secadero and in the verification of its initial moisture content.

CE2.2 Collaborate in the programming of the parameters of the chamber drying operation of a batch of sawn wood of the same species and with predefined dimensions.

CE2.3 Provide support in driving the drying of a batch of sawn wood.

CE2.4 Check moisture content and quality of dried wood.

CE2.5 Participate in the stacking and storage of dry sawwood.

C3: Perform self-key preventive treatment of rolled wood and sawn wood parts.

CE3.1 Participate in the preparation of the wood load in the autoclave and in the verification of its initial moisture content.

CE3.2 Provide support in the preparation of the protective solution and in the verification of its concentration.

CE3.3 Collaborate on the programming of the self-key treatment parameters by vacuum-pressure (pressures, gaps and times) of a batch of roll and sawwood of the same species.

CE3.4 Prestar support in driving the self-key treatment by vacuum-pressure from a batch of rolled and sawn wood.

CE3.5 Check product retention based on the volume of treated wood and the amount of protective solution consumed.

CE3.6 Participate in the discharge of the autoclave and on the stacked wood.

C4: Perform the healing treatment of wooden pieces with larval xylophone insect attacks.

CE4.1 Collaborate on the drafting of the inspection and diagnosis report on wooden pieces attacked.

CE4.2 Participate in the sanitized and debastering of the pieces attacked.

CE4.3 Prende support in the preparation of the protective solution.

CE4.4 Prepare and check the injection equipment used to insert the protector into the wood.

CE4.5 Collaborating on injection nozzle placement

CE4.6 Participate in the introduction of the protector into the pieces of attacked wood.

CE4.7 Provide support for the collection of all materials and equipment used.

C5: Perform the healing treatment of wood pieces with attacks of social-termite-social xylophage insects by baits.

CE5.1 Collaborate on the choice of points/zones to install the baits.

CE5.2 Prestar support in the preparation of baits.

CE5.3 Place the baits on the selected points/zones.

CE5.4 Participate in the monitoring of the evolution of the status of the components of the baits and the replacement of their components when required.

C6: Perform consolidation with degraded beam heads epoxy resins

CE6.1 Participate in the sanitized of the pieces attacked, carrying out drills, placing reinforcement bars and making the formwork.

CE6.2 To support the preparation of the protective solution with epoxy resins and their mixture with sand and gravel to obtain the mortar.

CE6.3 Collaborate in the pouring of epoxy resins mortar and in the fill of drills

CE6.4 Provide support for the collection of all materials and equipment used.

C7. Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the workplace.

CE7.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE7.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE7.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE7.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE7.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE7.6 Respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Reception and classification of wood on roll

-Assessment of the batch of rolled wood.

-Fulfillment of the documentation of receipt and control of roll wood.

-Reception and control of roll wood.

-Roll-wood Cubication.

-Download and transport of the roll wood.

-Classified from the roll wood.

-Cleaning and maintenance of auto-classified equipment.

-Lover of wood on roll.

2. Sawn wood drying

-Clasified wood sawn.

-Determining the moisture content of a sawwood batch.

-Sawing of sawn wood of the same species and thick for drying.

-Selection of ceding and drying programs based on the wood species, its thickness and initial moisture content.

-Realization of the drying operation according to the selected program.

-Quality control of dry wood.

-Dry wood pipeling.

-Cleaning and maintenance of drying equipment.

3. Preventive treatment of rolled and sawn wood

-Preparing protective products.

-Measurement of the concentration of water-soluble salts.

-Preparing roll and sawwood loads for treatment.

-Selection of cedulas and treatment programs for prolonged immersion, double vacuum and vacuum-pressure depending on the type of wood and the degree of protection required.

-Realization of wood parts treatments by prolonged immersion, by double vacuum and vacuum-pressure.

-Quality control of the treatment performed according to the volume of treated wood and protective product used or consumed.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment.

4. Curative treatment of elements and pieces of wood

-Preparing protective products.

-Realizing the sanitized and deboastate wood parts attacked

-Injection of healing products into pieces of wood

-Placement of implants in pieces of wood.

-Fumigation of areas with attacked timbers.

-Planning and placing baits against termites.

-Perform consolidation of wood parts degrades with epoxy resins cements.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and equipment.

5. Compliance with the standards of safety and environmental protection in wood preparation operations

-Application of the safety and health care rules

-Application of environmental protection and waste treatment standards.

6. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.



Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation



MF0432_1: Handling loads with forklift trucks.

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diploma, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Technical and Technical Superior in any industrial specialty

• Certificates of Professionalism of levels 2 and 3 in any industrial specialty or professional area of logistics commercial and transport management

1 year

3 years

MF0684_2: Wood Secado

• Bachelor, engineer, architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Professional Level 3 Certificates of the Professional Area of Wood and Corcho Transformation of the Wood, Furniture and Corcho Professional Family.

2 years

4 years

MF0685_2: Timber preventive treatments

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diploma, technical engineer, technical architect or degree of corresponding degree or other titles equivalent

• Senior technician of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional area of Transformation wood and cork of the Family Professional Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years


MF0686_2: Curative wood treatments

< Standard (s) • Diplomacy, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Senior technician of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years

4 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




stacked with firm asphalt



drying and treatment workshop



and derivatives store












Opened stacked with firm asphalt


drying and treatment workshop




and Derivative Store







-Audio-visual equipment

-PPCs installed in network and projection canon and internet

-Specific timbers park management software

-Pizars to write with pen


- Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

stack of stacked with firm asphalt


-Transport equipment/s for rollwood

-Transport equipment/s for sawn wood

-Large weights scale

- Automatic roller classifier

-Metal particle detection machine



-Transport system and byproduct silos (bark, sawdust, ...)

Equipment, tools and material

- Chainsaw/s


-Cintas metrics



-Markers for parts


-Manual cutting tools

-Cleaning and basic machinery maintenance tools

-Machine cutting tools.

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

- Rastrels

-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective goggles, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests ...)

drying and treatment workshop


-Air Drying Camera heated

-Heat pump drying chamber

-Empty dryer



-Spray equipment

-Immersion repositories for sawwood

-Double-empty autokey

-Pressure-vacuum autokey

-Equipment for preparation and mixing of protective products

-Deposits for product storage protectors

-Self-Key Vagonets

-Sawn Wood Transport Equipment

-Roll Wood Transport Equipment

-Stacked Equipment Wood


-Fumigation equipment

-Deposits for resin, sand and gravel mix

-Equipment for the product mix (resins, sand and gravel)


- Xylohygrometers


-Ultrasound equipment for insect detection

-Equipment for surface density measurement

- Resistograph

Equipment, tools, and material

-Markers for parts

-Cintas metrics





- Air Relative Humidity Meters


-Sawwood Transport Equipment

-Stacked equipment

-Manual cutting tools

-Basic machinery maintenance and cleaning tools

-Machine cutting tools

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

- Brushes

-Markers for Parts






drying and treatment workshop of the wood





-Wood protective products Water-soluble products

-Wood protective products prepared for use on the basis of water and in Organic solvent

-Laptop or portable light bulb

-magnifying glass


-hammer current or paste

-Punzon, screwdriver and formon


-Paint and brushes




- Bits

-Boquels for injection of protective products

-Curative protective products based on water or organic solvent prepared for their application

-Protective products Implants

-Cebes for termites

-Fumigation Cartridges

-Vendages of Curative Protective Products

-Epoxy Resin

-Reinforcement bars for wood structure consolidation

-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective glasses, hearing protectors, boots safety, reflective vests, etc.)

and Derived Storage


-Appropriate Transport Machinery for Displacement Of Wood and Derivatives

Due to the characteristics of the facilities and equipment required for the course, it must be developed in a company that meets the requirements set out in the certificate of professionalism.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Assembly and Installation of Wood Constructions

Code: MBAM0210

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho

Professional area: Installation and furnishing

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAM422_2 Assembly and installation of wooden constructions (RD 1958/2009, January 23)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1357_2: Interpret technical documentation, prepare equipment, and receive material for wood constructs.

UC1358_2: Dispose the human, technical, and complementary facilities in the various phases of the wood construction assembly.

UC1359_2: Perform the assembly and installation processes of wood constructs.

UC1360_2: Control basic level risks under construction.

UC0167_1: Perform the application of surface finish products with mechanical and mechanical means in carpentry and furniture.

General competition:

Perform installation, assembly, adjustment, and finishing operations of light, heavy, large-squat, logs, laminated wood, and paneled systems, in safety and health conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in large, medium and small enterprises, for hire or self-employed, dedicated both to manufacturing and to the installation and assembly of light fabric wood structures, heavy, heavy-squishy, laminated wood, logs and paneled systems.

Productive Sectors:

Manufacture and installation of wood constructions.

Installation in the work of wood constructions.

Carpentry to assemble.

Rehabilitation of wooden structures.

Occupations or related jobs

Wood construction installers.

Mount operator in wood constructions.

Finishing applicator.

Wood Construction Rehabilitator.

Stood of wood constructions.

7131.1027 Carting or arming, under construction

Duration of the associated training: 510 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1357_2: Technical documentation, equipment and material for wood constructions. (60 hours)

MF1358_2: Resources and facilities in wood constructs. (40 hours).

MF1359_2: Wood building processes. (200 hours).

• UF1426: Construction of light and heavy fabric homes (90 hours)

• UF1427: Building walls of log houses or wooden blocks (40 hours)

• UF1428: Construction with wood-based structural products and large-scale wood derivatives (70 hours)

MF1360_2: (Transversal) Basic work risk prevention under construction. (60 hours).

MF0167_1: (Transversal) Application of surface products of carpentry and furniture. (70 hours).

MP0304: Non-work professional practice module for assembly and installation of wood constructions (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC1357_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Interpreting plans and technical documentation for the assembly and installation of wooden constructions to carry out their execution within the prescribed period and with the required quality, collecting and analyzing all the technical documentation of the project.

CR1.1 Project documents, such as: cutting and/or assembly plans and other available technical documentation are analyzed:

-The characteristics of the parts to be placed: geometry, volume, weight, appearance.

-The characteristics of the base: materials, geometry-levelling, flatness and surface regularity-stability and conservation status.

-The singular points, remits, and encounters.

-The anchor system: features and mode of placement.

-The commissioning specifications.

-Services preinstallations-power supply, water, sanitation, among others.

CR1.2 The execution of the installation and assembly work is carried out through the interpretation of plans, allowing the various applicable adjustments and tolerances of the various components and ensuring the marked objectives, with respect to expected deadlines and required quality.

CR1.3 The placement of the parts in the set is defined, from the different parts or elements that constitute it, indicating which ones are serial and which are unique, obtaining a previous general composition.

CR1.4 Detected deviations or possible indefinitions that may exist, are identified and communicated to the direct superior for clarification and justification.

CR1.5 Anchors and junctions are checked through the corresponding documentation, obtaining information about the geometric position, depth, materials, and order of execution.

CR1.6 The parameters to be considered in the realization of the surface finishes and the operations of remate, are: indication of the field of action, system, intensity and any other parameter necessary for its definitive realization in work.

RP2: Prepare and verify the preparation of the necessary work equipment-machines, tools, tools, individual and collective protective equipment and auxiliary means-to achieve the required performance and quality, observing the established security measures.

CR2.1 The machines for handling loads, tools, tools, personal protective equipment and auxiliary means are suitable for the activity to be carried out, to ensure the performance of the work with effectiveness and security.

CR2.2 The scaffolds of the borrítes and fixed platforms used, are verified to satisfy the established safety conditions, according to the legislation in force, regarding width, stability, immobilization of the base, separation of the working environment, the need for perimeter protection and the maximum load.

CR2.3 The security measures that apply are those indicated in the manufacturer's documentation of the machines, tools, tools, personal protective equipment and auxiliary means, as well as those received by orders verbal and/or written, to ensure the performance of the jobs safely.

CR2.4 The collective protection measures used are provided in advance sufficient time for the execution of the work, and comply with the specifications of the safety plan, to ensure the performance of the work with security.

CR2.5 Workspaces are verified to be kept clean and free of obstacles, to ensure the performance of jobs effectively and safely.

CR2.6 The generated waste-labels, plastics, strips and others-is found to be dumped or accumulated in the spaces or containers destined for this purpose, respecting the safety and environmental protection criteria set.

RP3: Prepare and verify the reception of the elements and materials, for distribution in the wooden constructions, according to the precise moment of their use, assessing their quality, quantity, state and documentation accompanies.

CR3.1 The prior verification of the characteristics of the accesses in the case of the construction on the plot, is carried out in order to guarantee the accessibility of the elements and means of transport, both normal as special, as well as their download, indicating otherwise the measures to be taken.

CR3.2 The status of the receiving products is checked that it has not suffered any deterioration and that the transport has been performed in accordance with the established conditions of protection.

CR3.3 The receipt document-invoice, order, albaran-is verified to be correct and conforms to the specifications of the order sheet, in respect of quantities and characteristics of the products received and in case of there is some deviation, it communicates to the immediate superior.

CR3.4 The products that are receptive to the wood constructions, as well as the auxiliary material received is identified by direct observation and the use of measuring equipment, verifying that they correspond in quality and in quantity with the order made and with the delivery note accompanying the goods; otherwise a report on possible defects in the quality, as well as possible damages and losses is issued.

CR3.5 The handling and internal transport operations of the materials used in the wood constructions, are checked to be carried out with the appropriate means-forklifts, cranes-and that the measures of (a) security established for the prevention of occupational risks and the health of workers.

CR3.6 The means of transport used are proven to be suitable for the type of product to be transported and which are in the right conditions of use, with regard to the technical and safety documentation.

CR3.7 The placement of the goods in the means of transport is verified to be carried out in compliance with the safety standards, to avoid risks, adopting measures of prevention and occupational health and assuring the integrity of the transported products.

CR3.8 The goods are verified to be located and grouped by lots at the place of installation, in such a way as to facilitate their identification and handling in the wooden constructions, according to their use in each moment and preventing the deterioration of this, as well as possible damage and the protection of people in their handling.

CR3.9 The definition of the means necessary to protect the material while mounting is determined, based on the documentation of the assembly plan, terrain characteristics, climatology, and volume of the material.

Professional Context

Production media

Cranes and means of transport. Tools, tools and equipment for measuring/taking data. Individual protection equipment (E.P.I.) and collectives (lifelines). Wooden structures and constructions. Complementary facilities.

Products and results

Methods and sequences of reception and unloading operations of materials in the installation of wooden constructions. Specification of materials and means for assembly. Interpretation of technical documentation of installations and assembly. Receipt of materials.

Information used or generated

Memories, drawings, and assembly manuals. Catalogues. List of cutting of materials. Implementation projects. Specifications. Health and safety regulations at work.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC1358_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Coordinate the human and material requirements necessary for incorporation in each of the different stages of the assembly, as determined in the installation project and under the execution orders according to the size of the the work.

CR1.1 The coordination that takes place from the needs of the mechanical and personnel means is carried out according to instructions, depending on the constructive system and the size of the work to be carried out.

CR1.2 The selection of the materials is performed according to instructions, according to the plans and technical documentation to achieve the appropriate levels of quality and aesthetics of the structures.

CR1.3 The coordination of the human resources required at each stage of the assembly is performed according to instructions, considering the workload, the type of installation or assembly to be performed and the corresponding manuals, between other.

CR1.4 The necessary equipment, tools and machinery at each stage of the assembly are selected, depending on the characteristics and requirements of the work to be performed.

CR1.5 The state of the tools, machines and tools used, it is verified that it is the right one, in order to minimize the risk of accidents-by cutting or crushing, among others-and to improve the quality of the work and its time realization.

CR1.6 The organization of material and human resources is determined from execution orders, seeking to optimize quality and performance in terms of:

-Organization of the jobs.

-The placement staff.

-The relationship to other trades.

-Available auxiliary media: cranes, scaffolding and others.

-The collection, distribution, and storage of the parts to be placed.

-The distribution and sequencing of tasks over time.

-Setting up control points: checking the material, checking the reference points and checking the time limit set.

RP2: Perform the distribution of the elements-walls, pillars, beams and others-to proceed to their assembly, following the technical instructions of the assembly documentation and the safety and occupational health requirements.

CR2.1 The batches are identified by the tags, including the required information: part identifier, customer, and work.

CR2.2 The elements that constitute the structure to be assembled-walls, beams, trunks and others-as well as the auxiliary elements-fittings, stakes, wedges and others-are classified and located according to:

-The mount order.

-Type and nature of the material.

CR2.3 Material checking is performed considering, among other, the formal specifications defined in the project.

CR2.4 The distribution and location of the elements is performed so that it does not interfere with the normal development of the assembly and in compliance with the safety and health plan.

RP3: Coordinate the different stages to perform the complementary facilities, -electricity, plumbing among others-, taking into account the timing and execution times in a small working group.

CR3.1 Complementary installations are ordered and incorporated into the general installation, at the time specified in the project and under the specific conditions, respecting the current regulations.

CR3.2 The works of the complementary facilities are checked, which are developed according to the established time and form, adjusting to what is planned in the plan of execution of the work and allows to advance in the development of the work.

CR3.3 The quality of the complementary facilities provided for in the execution project is verified to meet the requirements of the current regulations.

CR3.4 The work of lifting the wooden constructions is carried out sequentially and with anticipation of the integration of the complementary facilities in each one of the phases of the construction.

CR3.5 The use of alternative energies should be foreseen in the assembly of the wood structure, as well as the maximum use of natural light and ventilation, according to the current regulations.

Professional Context

Production media

Cranes and means of transport. Tools, tools and equipment for measuring/taking data. Computer equipment. Individual Protection Equipment (E.P.I.). Wooden structures and constructions. Complementary facilities.

Products and results

Coordination of human and material resources in the assembly of wood construction. Distribution of the materials for assembly. Coordination with the incorporation of complementary facilities.

Information used or generated

Memories, drawings, and assembly manuals. Catalogues. List of cutting of materials. Implementation projects. Specifications. Health and safety regulations at work.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC1359_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Verify the levels and measurements to perform the repose of the various elements or zones and their subsequent placement, based on the previous references fixed by the superior technician, adjusting to the graphic documentation and indications.

CR1.1 The repose works are carried out with measuring instruments-metric tapes, laser level, among others-in the solera or forged, allowing to check that it is at level and its measurements correspond to the In the case of differences, appropriate corrective measures are taken.

CR1.2 The auxiliary lines are marked from the source reference, in the composition to be reposed, in order to serve as leveling and alignment.

CR1.3 The placement points of the different elements are noted, checking that the location of the elements is matched to the rest of the work.

CR1.4 The placement and fixation of the repose elements in their exact measurement and level is done according to the plans.

CR1.5 Reference lines are reviewed periodically to ensure that there are no variations in their position and thus avoid measurement errors with respect to them.

CR1.6 The verification of the measurements is performed at the time of placement and before the final fixation, with respect to the reference or auxiliary lines.

CR1.7 Pending change and discontinuity due to the existence of gaps, reposed in spatial position-level, lead, alignment, situation-.

CR1.8 The placement of the various pieces, located in the repose marks, is done in a way that corresponds to the final composition established and its functionality.

CR1.9 The deviations detected between the projected in the repose and the true work, are corrected or repaired at the time of the placement of the pieces, so that these deviations do not alter the plan of work.

RP2: Perform the necessary works for the assembly and installation of the various elements of light and heavy fabric wood constructions,-lifting of external walls of cargo, porches and other elements structural-of large-scale, by means of dry-bonding systems, with anchorages or other adhesives, in accordance with the established technical specifications and the safety and environmental protection standards laid down in the project.

CR2.1 The lifting of the porches, is done with the appropriate means, depending on the dimensions of the same, to guarantee the safety of the operators and the correct positioning of the same.

CR2.2 The placement of the exterior, loading and partition walls is performed according to the plan of the work plan, using manual and electro-technical tools and checking the leveling and measurements.

CR2.3 The placement of the forged elements is done with the corresponding fixing means and in compliance with the safety and health standards.

CR2.4 The installation of the cover structure is performed according to the plan of the work, following the phases of assembly, taking into account the requirements of the client and complying with the environmental and security and prevention of work, according to current regulations.

CR2.5 The window and door gaps in light and heavy fabric constructions are joined by partitions, following the specifications of the rest of the built walls.

CR2.6 The provisional supporting and supporting elements of the stone parts are removed without altering the arrangement of the built part, after the assembly and installation of the timber construction is completed.

CR2.7 Air chamber drainage and ventilation elements are provided, where appropriate, in the established locations, to ensure the absence of moisture in the interior of the construction.

CR2.8 The Cots are reviewed, to ensure the quality of the wood construction.

RP3: Carry out the necessary works for the assembly and installation of the various elements of log constructions-lifting of external walls of cargo, porches and other structural elements-, fixing by means of dry bonding systems, with anchorages or other adhesives, complying with the established technical specifications and safety and environmental protection standards according to the project indications.

CR3.1 The placement of the first logs is performed according to the plan of the work plan, following the indications of fixation and verifying its correct levelling.

CR3.2 The mounting of the logs is performed with manual and portable tools, verifying their exact position according to the plan of the work plan.

CR3.3 The placement of the forged elements is performed, using the appropriate fixing means set out in the work plan.

CR3.4 The installation of the cover structure is done according to the plans, following the phases of assembly and applying the conditions of prevention and safety and occupational hygiene as dictated by the current regulations.

CR3.5 The placement of the ceiling and backhanded sky closing elements is carried out with the appropriate tools and safety and health conditions.

CR3.6 The window and door gaps in the log constructions are joined by partitions, following the specifications of the rest of the built walls.

CR3.7 The provisional elements of support and support of the stone parts are removed without altering the arrangement of the built part, after the assembly and installation of the wood construction has been completed.

CR3.8 Air chamber drainage and ventilation elements are provided, where appropriate, in the established locations, to ensure the absence of moisture in the interior of the construction.

RP4: Perform the necessary works for the assembly and installation of the various elements of laminated wood constructions, and panels-lifting of external walls of cargo, porches and other elements structural-, by means of dry-bonding systems, with anchorages or other adhesives, complying with the established technical specifications and safety and environmental protection standards according to the project's indications.

CR4.1 The placement and attachment of the anchors is performed according to the plan of work, checking the correct attachment.

CR4.2 The mounting of the various heavy elements-certs, beams, pillars and others-is developed with the appropriate means-cranes, lifting platforms-for positioning, verifying its correct underpinning and levelling.

CR4.3 The mooring between the anchors and the laminated wooden structures is performed with the bonding elements, such as pins, bolts, shape screws, and precise adjustment, as specified in the documentation of the work.

CR4.4 The placement of the hardware for the subsequent lease is performed at its exact location, as specified in the project, verifying that the union elements fit and are aligned.

CR4.5 The mounting of the straps and rioysters is performed with load elements, such as cranes and raised platforms, as well as hand and hand tools, verifying that the adjustment corresponds to the specified in the project.

CR4.6 The assembly process in laminated wood constructions is performed, following the safety and occupational health standards, especially in relation to height work and handling of heavy loads.

CR4.7 Window and door gaps in laminated wood constructions are joined by partitions, following the specifications of the rest of the built walls.

CR4.8 Interim support and support elements of the stone parts are removed without altering the arrangement of the built part, after the assembly and installation of the timber construction has been completed.

CR4.9 Air chamber drainage and ventilation elements are provided, where appropriate, in the established locations, to ensure the absence of moisture in the interior of the construction.

RP5: Perform the waterproofing, insulation and final checking, according to the technical specifications, so that the tightness, insulation and structural finish is the ideal one.

CR5.1 The surface of the system support where the waterproofing is performed, is checked or is resistant, stable, uniform, smooth, clean, dry and lacks foreign bodies, to place the various layers.

CR5.2 The performance of waterproofing works such as the placement of asphalt fabrics, vapor barrier and breathable membranes is performed, following the installation instructions and with the appropriate means, allowing the required tightness to be reached.

CR5.3 The vapor pass barrier is placed, respecting the established order, and in particular under thermal insulation.

CR5.4 Waterproof membrane is proven to present continuity along the entire deck.

CR5.5 The thermal insulation layer is placed in compliance with the established order with respect to the other waterproofing.

CR5.6 The thermal insulation layer that is placed in the wood constructions if it corresponds to "sandwich panels", mechanical fixation is employed.

CR5.7 The thermal insulation of the forged is done with the insulating means, such as rock wool and cork, checking at all times that there are no thermal bridges.

CR5.8 The placement of the ceiling elements of the ceiling and the non-structural transmission is carried out with the manual and pneumatic tools under conditions of safety and occupational health.

CR5.9 The insulation layer features continuity along the entire deck, and ensures the attachment of all of its parts.

CR5.10 The verification of the different services facilities-plumbing, electricity, heating and other-at the end of the wood construction, is carried out by specific tests of load, tightness and operation.

RP6: Run the inner and outer completion of wooden constructions, so that it meets the defined qualities indicated in the project.

CR6.1 Run the walls and partitions lining-with mixed panels, machiemembrated wood and boards, among others-by following the directions of the optional direction.

CR6.2 Placing the moldings, jambas, rhodae, and other types of remits in the various encounters and joins that are required.

CR6.3 Check that all the jobs performed have been run according to the form set, following the current regulations and meets the qualities defined in the project.

Professional Context

Production media

Materials: prefabricated walls, fences, beams, joists and wooden rastrels. Tapajuntas, boards, insulators, waterproofing. Hardware elements. Self-propelled crane, hand tools, laser levelling equipment, portable electro tools. Built-to-measure logs, right foot for walls, special pieces of wood for doors and windows, fences, beams, joists and wooden rastrels. Machihembrated wood, insulators, waterproofing.

Products and results

Measurements to perform the repose. Light, heavy, log and laminated wood frame structure mounted, level, watertight and insulated. Checking the Service Facilities.

Information used or generated

Execution project, manuals and assembly documentation, manufacturer's guide, optional address book. Parts of the job.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC1360_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Detect contingencies related to occupational risks in the environment, facilities and conditions of the assigned work/s, carrying out the required checks, in order to promote and control the safe development of the same, in accordance with the Safety and Health Plan of the work and with the specific regulations for construction works.

CR1.1 The necessary information on working conditions and the design of collective protection means:

-Identifying in their case those responsible for the work, and those in charge, foremen, team leaders and preventive resources assigned to their own or related tajos.

-Recusing such information from the above, and if necessary by consulting the Work Safety and Health Plan or the Job Risk Assessment.

CR1.2 Working environments and transit zones are visually checked and/or asked for confirmation, both at the beginning of the work and periodically during the completion of the work, in accordance with the instructions received, confirming that:

-They are clean and free of obstacles-such as stored materials, debris, or other elements outside of the work to be done.

-In the case of existing terrains or constructions, which are contained, stoned or stabilized.

-The surfaces on which you work or move are stable and resilient.

-They are sufficiently illuminated and ventilated.

-Material collection zones are appropriate and safe, and the acopies do not exceed the permissible overhead in their support plane or hinder transit.

CR1.3 Electrical power supply and delivery facilities are visually checked and, if necessary, asked for confirmation, both at the start of the work and periodically during the completion of the work, according to the instructions received, verifying that:

-The differential switches work correctly.

-Electrical connections are made by regulatory pins.

-Electrical pipelines are isolated, in good condition and, as far as possible, are aerial and do not go down the ground, especially in the humid areas.

CR1.4 Work is suspended under adverse weather conditions, where appropriate, the weighing of the products being collected or without definitive fixation, mainly those that are in height.

CR1.5 Is checked according to the instructions received, both at the beginning of the work and periodically during the performance of the same, that the signaling in the pit abides the areas of possible risks, remaining operational the necessary time and being sufficiently visible, even at night.

CR1.6 Auxiliary media installed by outside companies are checked according to the instructions received, visually and in their case asking for confirmation, verifying that:

-Corresponding in type and location with those provided in the Work Safety and Health Plan.

-Dispose mandatory usage and maintenance instructions.

-Dispose in your case from required inspections and authorizations.

CR1.7 Collective protection means installed by outside companies are checked according to the instructions received, visually and in your case asking for confirmation, verifying that:

-They are ready in advance enough to run the job.

-Your installation is performed in compliance with the manufacturer or installer instructions.

-Your elements have CE marking.

-Meet the specifications of the Work Safety and Health Plan.

CR1.8 It is proven that the provisional facilities for the workers correspond to those provided for in the Safety and Health Plan of the work.

CR1.9 The type of useful-pulley or roldado-or machine-machined, forklift and others-for the lifting of loads and their respective accessories-hooks, ropes, strobes, slings and others-is asked for confirmation that it is appropriate to the weights and dimensions of the elements to be hosed, and that their entrench is secure, allowing the corresponding operations.

CR1.10 The contingencies that are detected in the pit are resolved and in their case communicate to the person in charge with the necessary prompt to enable their supervision and resolution, avoiding the prolongation of the situations of risk.

RP2: Track and control basic preventive actions during the execution of the activities developed in the assigned work/s, in order to promote the safe development of the activities, according to the Safety and health plan of the work and with the specific regulations for construction works, checking the proper use of the equipment and means of work.

CR2.1 Workers directly in charge, it is checked that:

-They present a balanced behavior according to established guidelines, without anomalous behaviors at the time of the work.

-They have received specific and preventive vocational training, or have a professional qualification adjusted to the tasks to be developed.

CR2.2 The job risks associated with the activities to be developed in the tajos that you have assigned are identified and in your case detect:

-Consulting those responsible for the work and prevention services and if necessary the Safety and Health Plan of the work.

-In work that does not require a safety and health plan, detecting the risks of the pit in which it is going to work, associating the usual risks in this type of work to the sites, equipment and agents of the pit in concrete.

CR2.3 The situations of increased risk by job interference with those of other activities are detected and foreseen, collaborating with the responsible and the risk prevention services, checking the protection of third parties both within the work itself and in the media or the public road.

CR2.4 It is found that the operators and crews directly in charge of them have received instructions on their specific risks and the preventive measures to be taken in this case, and where appropriate, they are given clearly and concise.

CR2.5 Good practices are encouraged by checking that operatives develop their work:

-By avoiding observed incorrect postures, correcting and instructing them on appropriate positions to prevent injury.

-By avoiding unsafe acts, correcting them otherwise.

CR2.6 Individual protection equipment is checked to meet the following requirements:

-They are certificates.

-Match those specified in the Work Safety and Health Plan.

-They are in good conservation status and within the shelf life, requesting their immediate replacement.

-Workers carry them and operate with them correctly, instructing them in handling otherwise.

CR2.7 The auxiliary and collective protection means, it is proven that:

-They are adapted to the needs of the activity, allowing their execution according to the instructions of the manufacturer or installer and the Safety and Health Plan of the work.

-They are used, preserved, and maintained according to the manufacturer or installer's instructions.

-The workers respect the integrity and functionality of the workers, and request authorization to proceed to their transformation or to the removal of some element.

-They are reviewed after intensive use or request.

CR2.8 Vehicles and machines are checked to:

-They correspond to those foreseen in the Safety and Health Plan of the work.

-They are used and retained according to the manufacturer's instructions.

-They are in good regulatory compliance status.

-They are used by authorized and trained operatives for this purpose.

-They are used only in tasks for which they have been designed.

-The machines are properly installed and maintained, retaining the guards and the operator protection housings.

-Vehicles circulate on the intended tracks and are parked in the spaces intended for this purpose.

CR2.9 The waste generated in the pit is verified to be dumped or accumulated in the spaces destined for this purpose, respecting the established safety and environmental protection criteria.

CR2.10 The contingencies detected in the pit are resolved, and in their case they communicate with the necessary promptness to enable their supervision and resolution, avoiding the prolongation of the situations of risk.

RP3: Act in emergency and first aid cases, in order to minimize damage and respond quickly, effectively and safely to the injured workers, communicating and coordinating with established officials and services emergency, and managing the first interventions to the effect.

CR3.1 The information channels for emergency and first aid actions are identified in advance, determining the means of contact with those responsible for the work, institutions or health and order professionals. public, or any other that may be relevant.

CR3.2 Emergency media-kit, evacuation, extinction and others-are identified in advance, determining their position and checking that they are intended-in number, type and location-and are in good condition operation.

CR3.3 The alarm voice is given in accordance with what is established, when you are aware of the emergency or incident, warning people at risk.

CR3.4 The actions on the risk-causing agent in emergency cases are limited to their signage, according to the established indications, except if it is considered necessary to intervene to avoid major evils.

CR3.5 The worker delimits the scope of his obligations, during the emergency or incident, in function of the situation, acting promptly and applying the basic measures established, and in particular establishing contacts with those responsible for the work, and where necessary with medical or civil protection officers.

CR3.6 The orders of those responsible are complied with and executed during the emergency or incident situation.

CR3.7 The risks arising from the emergency or incident situation, when it has not been possible to contact those responsible-for the work, medical or civil protection as appropriate-are identified, assessing their severity and by establishing both the actions to be developed in the field of their obligations and the order of priority.

CR3.8 In case of injuries and when no instructions have been received, the damage to them is identified by the type of accident that occurred, and the following principles are followed:

-Avoiding situations of nervousness or disorder that could aggravate the consequences of the incident.

-Avoiding the displacement of the injured except if necessary to avoid major evils.

-Avoiding position changes to the injured.

-By avoiding the extraction of embedded elements in deep wounds.

-By avoiding the separation of the clothes from the injured skin in case of severe burn.

-Resolving the electrocutions by disconnection of the current and in its case separating the injured by a useful insulator.

Professional Context

Production media

Fire detection and extinction means: Detection and alarm equipment. Manual extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, fire hydrants equipped). Means of extinction. Means of evacuation: exits, doors, signs, emergency lighting. Means for action and first aid: individual protective equipment for emergency situations; first aid cabinet or kit; portable devices to provide oxygen; wash eyes; showers.

Products and results

Tgarlic conditioning checks. Checks for the use and maintenance of: personal protective equipment (EPIs), collective protection equipment, auxiliary equipment, work facilities, machinery and vehicles. Response under instructions in case of emergencies, incidents/accidents and first aid. Monitoring and compliance with the Safety and Health Plan of the work.

Information used or generated

Labor risk prevention regulations and documentation. Safety and health regulations at work. Industrial safety regulations and regulations in different areas. Reference documents (standards, guidelines of different bodies). Documentation related to the prevention of the company. Documentation related to existing equipment and facilities in the company. Documentation related to the activities and processes performed. Documentation related to the products or substances used. Documentation related to the notification and registration of damage to health. Safety and health plan at work. Risk assessments at the workplace. Verbal and written instructions of superior or responsible.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 1

Code: UC0167_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the necessary operations to perform the applications of finished products with pistol and other hand tools, on carpentry surfaces and furniture.

CR1.1 The application is made with the appropriate machines, equipment and useful for the product type and work, according to the technical specifications.

CR1.2 The visual control of the fluidity of the product is performed with viscosimeter, thus allowing the addition of solvents if necessary in order to facilitate the application.

CR1.3 The application is performed by manual operations and the right-hand handling of the media, so that the expected result is obtained.

CR1.4 The physical situation of the applicator and the parts to finish is checked, which is the right one, to get the most out of the material and increase the quality of the application.

CR1.5 Manual means are chosen based on the work to be performed-brushes, tools, suitable tools and rollers among others.

CR1.6 The application is made with the individual means of protection and in compliance with the safety and health standards.

CR1.7 The visual control of the application, allows you to adjust the pressure and flow parameters to maintain the quality of the application.

RP2: Prepare the optimal conditions of the equipment and facilities to perform the finished product applications with continuous process automatic machines.

CR2.1 The placement and arrangement of the parts is performed, so that a uniform flow of the parts is produced and the process is optimized.

CR2.2 The machines are regulated according to the set parameters, depending on the characteristics of the support and the material to be used-forward speed, curtain break-.

CR2.3 The application conforms to the geometry of the parts and the usage parameters set in the production plan.

CR2.4 The application is performed, maintaining the optimal conditions for people, equipment and facilities, in an appropriate manner to the types of products, respecting the safety and occupational health standards.

CR2.5 The defects detected in the process are communicated immediately to the top manager.

RP3: Run control actions to perform the process of applying finishing products, in carpentry and furniture.

CR3.1 The application is adjusted in its parameters to the recommendations of the products and equipment used, checking the evaporation of the solvents and the curing of the products.

CR3.2 The control of the levels of the products to be applied and their maintenance is carried out, allowing the constant flow of these and preventing interruptions in production.

CR3.3 The application is carried out with the appropriate environmental conditions-temperature, renewal and air purity.

CR3.4 Quality control is performed throughout the entire application process, based on the criteria set.

CR3.5 Equipment and accessories are cleaned upon completion of the task, leaving them in optimal condition for later use.

RP4: Perform the separation of the waste to perform its handling and verify its proper treatment.

CR4.1 The separation of the waste is carried out, during the application process and at the end of the process and with the frequency established in the production plan, in accordance with the current regulations.

CR4.2 Waste is stored in suitable containers and in previously established locations, complying with applicable regulations.

CR4.3 Waste handling is carried out using the appropriate means of protection and protection, complying with safety and health regulations.

CR4.4 The issue of waste is carried out through duly authorised managers.

Professional Context

Production media

Pre-prepared materials and equipment of guns (aerographic, airmix, airless, electrostatic) or continuous machines (roller barnizers, curtain, application robots). Tunnels and chambers of convection or radiation drying (IR, UV). Application cabins with adequate air renewal. Abrasive materials, sanding tables with suction and dust collection, connected to silos. Installation of compressed air. Filters.

Products and results

Finished pieces and furniture. Finished joinery elements.

Information used or generated

Used: Technical and Security Sheets. Technical sheets of the equipment. Quality control results sheets. Environmental parameters. Generated: Incident sheets.




Code: MF1357 _2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1357_2: Interpret technical documentation, prepare equipment, and receive material for wood constructs

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the evolution and the types of assembly and installations of the wooden constructions on the basis of their technical characteristics according to the structure and materials.

CE1.1 Explain the different construction systems with wood that have been used throughout history, understanding their characteristics and evolution.

CE1.2 Recognize the various mounting processes depending on the type of installation to be performed, considering the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

CE1.3 Recognize the characteristics of the terrain and its implications for the development of wood constructions, identifying the relevance of terrain type, firm, slope, water level, among others.

CE1.4 Identify other types of materials used in wood constructions-tiled, soled, exterior coatings-indicating their application in each case.

CE1.5 Describe the different anchoring systems to the base based on the constructive system to be used, as well as the characteristics of the base.

CE1.6 Describe the different types of complementary facilities in wood constructions-solar energy, home automation, plumbing-recognizing their applications and utilities.

CE1.7 List the usual structural elements present in wooden constructions, specifying their functions.

C2: Describe the process of assembly and installation of wooden structures, identifying typologies and describing materials, work methods and risks.

CE2.1 Identify the general risks and safety and security measures in place in wood construction sites.

CE2.2 List the types of manufacturing of wood structures, according to components, typology and functions.

CE2.3 Identify the different building elements of the wood structure that are involved in a construction, describing the main characteristics of each one.

CE2.4 Recognize the quality characteristics that the various elements in the wood structure must meet.

CE2.5 Describe the processes of transport, unloading and storage of the pieces in the wooden structure.

CE2.6 Identify the different methods-adherent, anchorages, and other-of placing in work of the pieces of the wooden structure, describing the applications, characteristics and the operational process corresponding to each one of them.

CE2.7 Describe components, grip and seat mixes indicated, for a particular piece assembly work on the wooden structure, describing the locking, keys, relocations, encounters and singular points.

CE2.8 Identify the specific risks of the work of placement of the different elements, relating them to the established safety standards: individual and collective protective equipment.

C3: Interpret and differentiate the technical documentation relating to the assembly and installation of wooden constructions, to obtain a complete definition of the work to be done.

CE3.1 List the documents that make up an execution project, relating the redacted part to the chart.

CE3.2 Recognize the different systems of representation-dihedral and perspectives-used in the elaboration of plans and sketches.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario, where a technical documentation, assembly of a wooden structure and corresponding verbal clarifications are provided:

-Identify and associate the various elements and pieces that make up the set until you get an ordered relationship from them that allows you to identify any item or item.

-Indicate each of the materials involved.

-Get the complete definition of each piece,-type of material, dimensions, finishes.

-Group parts and jobs until you get a complete estimate of the required human and material resources.

-Confect a logical sequence of the installation jobs.

-Set an estimate of the necessary auxiliary media.

-Determine possible control points.

C4: Select machines, tools, tools and equipment for individual and collective protection, as well as the auxiliary means used in the assembly and installation of wooden constructions, observing the conditions of safety associated.

CE4.1 List the necessary machines, tools, tools and auxiliary means, both for disassembly, and for the handling and subsequent assembly of the various fixing, anchoring and coating elements in the wood constructions.

CE4.2 Identify machines, tools and tools necessary for the placement of the specific elements in the wood constructions, relating them to the various works and processes to be carried out.

CE4.3 Select the required individual protective garments and equipment in each installation and installation phase.

CE4.4 Define the function, composition and use-installation, testing, and removal-of the collective protective means required in wood constructions.

CE4.5 Recognize the function, composition and use-installation, testing, maintenance, removal and storage-of the auxiliary means required in wood constructions.

CE4.6 Identify the risks that these jobs generate for the environment-noise, dust, waste-relating them to the protective measures to be taken.

C5: Recognize the materials commonly used in the assembly and installation of the wooden constructions according to their nature, quality and condition.

CE5.1 Determine the characteristics and behavior of the timbers in the different assemblies and joints, as well as the efforts they will support depending on the type and geometry of the structure to be installed.

CE5.2 Differentiate the scrawries based on their location in the wooden constructions.

CE5.3 Distinguished the various types of timbers and treatments systems previously performed.

CE5.4 Determine the degree of wood moisture using traditional methods and the use of the hygrometer.

CE5.5 Relate the different types of hardware with the build and mount systems.

CE5.6 Recognize the different types of boards used-plywood, particles, chips, fibers and wood-cement-in the construction of wooden structures, as well as their properties, characteristics and applications.

CE5.7 Identify the bonding systems of laminated wood-wrapped and in PSL strips-employees in wood construction, as well as their characteristics, properties and applications.

CE5.8 Recognize the properties and field of application of the various finishing, insulation and waterproofing materials used in wood constructions.

C6: Explain the conditions of reception of the elements and materials used in the wooden constructions as well as the means of protection and the documentation that accompanies it.

CE6.1 Indicate the characteristics that the construction base must gather for the reception of the materials used in a wood construction.

CE6.2 Indicate which are the normal or special means of transport used in the shipment of the elements and materials used in the wooden constructions.

CE6.3 Characterize the protection systems of materials used in wood constructions.

CE6.4 Identify documentation that incoming materials used in wood constructions should be provided.

CE6.5 Define the security and occupational health measures applied in the movement of goods.

CE6.6 In a properly characterized practical installation of wooden constructions, determine:

-The location system of the material based on the roadmap.

-The conditioning and preparation of the material's location zones according to their nature.

-The conditions to be met by the means of transport, describing the placement of the goods in the means of transport.

-Visually the indicated quantities and specifications, according to the road map and entry albarans in relation to the reception.

C7: Determine and define established procedures for gathering, handling, and moving parts and sets of wood, observing the necessary security conditions.

CE7.1 Identify the useful-slings, tweezers and other-employees for handling, lifting and moving the pieces of wood, selecting the most appropriate in each case.

CE7.2 Describe the procedures established to perform the building blocks on pieces and assemblies in wooden constructions, indicating the safety measures to be taken to prevent damage to the pieces, equipment, and facilities or people.

CE7.3 In an alleged wood construction and with corresponding verbal clarifications, determine:

-The procedures for the collection of the material according to its characteristics-weight, fragility-.

-The appropriate tools and machines for moving the material.

-The storage of the parts according to different parameters-moment of use-characteristics of the material with safety and following the established procedures.


1. Construction systems for wood and its complementary facilities

-Carpentry to assemble.

-Log houses or wooden blocks.

-Light fabric wood houses.

-Heavy fabric wood houses.


-Complementary installations in wood constructions.

2. Interpretation of technical documentation related to wood constructions

-Representation systems

• Croquis: definition. Interpretation. Examples

• Diedrica: definition. Interpretation. Examples

• Perspective: definition. Interpretation. Examples

• Employees: rules, escalators, goniometers, angles, compasses, templates.


• Definition.

• Types: general, plant, raised, sections, constructive details, element assemblies and constructive systems.

• Elements of interpretation: Measures. Scales. Acutation. Orientation. Symbology and coding.

• Examples.

-Wood Building Project Documentation

• Product qualities memory: purpose and examples.

• Condition specifications: definition, purpose, and examples.

• Planes.

• Plan of execution.

• Measurements.

• Applicable Regulations

3. Handling of equipment, tools and accessories in wooden constructions

-Semi-automatic equipment and machinery for tethered and non-resistant welding of armor with tools

• Utility

• Use

• Maintenance

-Portable machines: cut, drill, bolted and baled, sanded.

• Utility

• Use

• Maintenance

-Manual tools: saws, brushes, formons, lijas, screwdrivers, hammers.

• Utility

• Use

• Maintenance

4. Recognition of materials and certificates of products used in wood constructions

-Wood-derived structural products:

• Structural roll wood.

• Structural sawwood.

• Tableros derived from structural wood: solid wood, plywood, laminates, particles, oriented shavings (OSB), medium density fibers, compacts, cement particles, counteramines.

• Laminated wood cast.

• Microreduced wood.

• Encolated solid wood (Duos and Trios).

• Sandwich panels.

• Pre-fabricated Viguettes.

-Wood treated at:

• Autokey.

• Double-empty.

• Other treatments


• Mechanical plugs (nails, staples, tilts, screws, bolts, and pins).

• Surface mechanical units (ring, plate, toothplate connectors, etc.).

• Unions (adhesives).

-Indoor coatings:

• Solid wood.

• Wood-derived tablets.

• Cardboard boards-plaster

-Exterior coatings:

• Solid wood.

• Tews.

• Wood-derived tablets

-Thermal insulation.

-Acoustic insulation.

-Steam bars.

-Waterproof Laminas.


-Auxiliary Materials:

• Cerks.

• Mark.

• Loaders.

• Templates.

• Cimbras.

• Monteas.

• Sophos.

• Andamans.

• Borrítas.

• Portable escalations.

5. Reception and collection of products and materials for wood constructions.

-Receiving the material for wooden constructions:

• Location and leveling of materials.

• Protection of materials.

• Distribution of goods and materials for transport.

• Security measures.

• Useful.

-General checks on receipt of materials

• Identification of material.

• Labelling, compulsory marking and voluntary quality stamps.

• Dimensions.

• Humidity content.


• Types: Albarans, roadmap, order sheet, invoices.

• Utility.

• Managing documentation.

-Packaging and palletizing of materials and goods.

• Types of packaging and packaging.

• Packaging conditions for product protection.

• Conditions of packaging for the safe transport of products.

• Types of paletizations according to types of goods.

• Conditions to be met by load units.

• Precautions and measures to be taken with dangerous loads.

6. Handling and transport of goods.

-Logistics flow of loads and services. Socio-economic importance.

-Managing documentation generated in load movement.

-Load unit. Measurement and calculation of loads.

-Handling and transport equipment

• Carretillas: Classification, types and uses of wheelbarrows; handbooks and automotoras: thermal motors, electric motors. Basic maintenance and incorrect performance indicators.

• Equipment and systems for lifting and suspending materials. Types (cranes, slings, wedges). Maintenance, storage and storage.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours capable of distance

Forgative Module-MF1357_2


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1358_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1358_2: Dispose the human, technical, and complementary facilities in the various phases of the wood construction assembly

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Confect an assembly plan, according to the needs of personnel and materials in the different phases of the assembly according to the timing and execution times.

CE1.1 Determine staffing needs, based on given mounting technical specifications.

CE1.2 Explain the hierarchical structure that governs the works of wood constructions-operators, team leaders, foremen, managers, general manager and head of work-and how the coordination is established in the construction of wood.

CE1.3 In a properly characterized case of a wood construction:

-Perform the distribution of tools for the portable machines in number and types, verifying the status of the machines.

-Perform the distribution of the elements, such as walls, beams, logs, and auxiliary elements-fittings, stakes among others-, taking into account the order of assembly and the type and nature of the material.

CE1.4 In a properly characterized scenario of installation of wooden constructions:

-Organize the mechanical means necessary for a given installation-tools, equipment and tools, among others-so that no interruptions occur in the assembly and installation of the wood construction.

-Perform the distribution and commissioning of materials and tools.

-Define the required personnel at each point in the installation process.

-Prepare the portable machines in sufficient numbers for the staff, checking their proper functioning and the state of the protection systems.

C2: Develop a schedule of the various assembly and installation operations in the wood constructions, considering the complementary facilities-plumbing, electricity and others-considering times and deadlines on the basis of the requirements of the other facilities.

CE2.1 Define the complementary facilities in the wood constructions in a determined constructive process, grouping them according to their realization and sequence of occurrence of each one of them and the concurrency with respect to the execution of the work of the assembly of the construction of wood.

CE2.2 Relate the conditions to be met by the complementary facilities, considering the forecast of the alternative energies.

CE2.3 In a properly characterized case of a wood construction:

-Precise the sequence of jobs required to lift a particular factory view of wooden structures.

-Perform schemas and diagrams of the various jobs to be performed, such as mounting and finishing.

-Define schematically and related, a total process of work in a work of assembling a wooden structure in which the sequence of all tasks is contemplated.

-Perform a schedule with time and material distribution in anticipation of complementary facilities.

-Check that the electrical supply installation complies with the regulations and that the nominal voltages are in line with our needs.

-Structure the sequencing of the different phases and complementary facilities.

C3: Analyze the classification and distribution of the various elements according to their use and instructions in the assembly documentation and the safety and health conditions.

CE3.1 Recognize and interpret the various marking and labeling systems.

CE3.2 Identify material batches by tagging them, checking their correspondence with the listing of materials and parts.

CE3.3 Check the quality of the parts, valuing that their technical, aesthetic and dimensional characteristics are suitable for the assembly, according to the requirements of the project.

CE3.4 In a properly characterized scenario, distribute the materials and elements of the installation, considering:

-The mount orders.

-The sequence of use.

-Protection from weather conditions.

-The non-interference of the mount development.

-Risk prevention security regulations.


1. Mounting wooden construction systems

-Log wooden houses.

-Light fabric wood homes.

-Heavy fabric wood houses.

-Structures of structural products of sawn wood and derivatives of large laminated wood.

2. Assembly of complementary installations

-Electrical installations.

-Water installations.

-Plumbing installations.

-Heating installations.

-Sanitation facilities.

-Gas installations.

-Alternative energy installations.

-Other installations.

3. Planning the assembly of construction systems for wood and complementary facilities:

-Work orders.

-Sequence of operations.

-Identification of materials and elements.

-Machinery and equipment to use.

-Time for each phase.

-Staff required for each phase.

4. Application of the regulations related to the assembly of construction systems of wood and its complementary facilities

-Building Technical Code.

-UNE and UNE-EN Standards

-EOTAs Guides

-European Directives

-Risk prevention safety regulations.

-Other current regulations

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module






Normaldene 30

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1359_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1359_2: Perform the assembly and installation processes for wood constructs

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1426

Duration: 90 hours

Competition Referrer: This formative unit corresponds to RP2, RP5, and RP6 and with RP1 as referred to building light and heavy fabric wood houses

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Select the means of insulation and protection used in wood constructions.

CE1.1 List the acoustic and thermal insulation systems used to comply with current legislation, and indicate the products that are used.

CE1.2 Explain constructive measures against humidity, both inside and outside, to be adopted to comply with current legislation, and to indicate the products that are used.

CE1.3 List preventive measures against the degrading agents and the atmospheric and physical-environmental phenomena (water vapor, interstitial condensation, xylophage organisms) and indicate the products used for the conservation of timber constructions in accordance with current legislation.

CE1.4 List preventive measures against fire action and identify materials and products that are used to comply with current legislation.

C2: Repose the various elements of light and heavy fabric wooden houses following the geometry indicated in the plane and the tolerance margins established

CE2.1 Select the tools and tools required for the repose.

CE2.2 Describe the repose process for the location of the singular elements of light and heavy fabric wooden houses.

CE2.3 In a practical scenario with a proper use of a technical documentation, a supposed work and the corresponding verbal clarifications:

-Select the tools and tools required for the repose.

-Successfully locate and place the sights to control the lifting of walls and fixing of fences, precerks and auxiliary elements.

-Check the distance of the boot murete or foundation wall to the ground level.

-Check the leveling and measurements of the boot or base murete using specific equipment and tools such as laser level, laser meter, water level, tape measure, among others.

-Check the dimensions of the ventilated air chamber.

-Place the waterproof or anti-moisture barrier between the starting and sleeping murete

-Place the specified isolation material.

-Set the wooden sleepers treated to the boot murete at the position indicated in the project with the specified anchorages.

C3: Perform the lifting of exterior and interior walls of light and heavy fabric wooden houses following established technical indications and safety standards.

CE3.1 Relate wood elements and wood-derived products that are used.

CE3.2 Recognize the typology of the hardware, assemblies, and binding systems that are used.

CE3.3 Different types of adhesives that are used.

CE3.4 In a properly characterized scenario of lightweight fabric wall mounting:

-Check the quality and dimensions of solid wood elements, wood products, and specified insulation products.

-Set the lower testers of the outer, loading and partition walls to the sleepers anchored in the loading murete or foundation wall according to the project indications using the necessary means.

-Perform the mounting of the beams and beams of the first forged on the starter or sleeper murettes according to the order established using portable and manual tools, with the attachment and mooring systems as specified in the project.

-Set the walls and vertical portant elements of the walls, using hand-held hand tools and hardware, checking their location, levelling and dimensions as specified in the project.

-Set the upper testers of the walls, and on them the forged beams and beams, using portable and manual tools, with the attachment and mooring systems as specified in the project.

-Place the isolation materials specified in the project.

-Set the walls of the walls and forged by sizing, sealing, diving and/or bolting as specified in the project.

CE3.5 In a properly characterized case of heavy fabric wall mounting:

-Check the quality and dimensions of the specified coarse-scale solid wood elements.

-Set the forged beams to the sleepers with the assembly and junction media specified in the project.

-Set the wooden pillars to the sleepers with the assembly and junction media specified in the project, and prop them up to be fixed.

-Set the beams of the testers superior to the pillars, and on them the forged beams with the assembly and assembly means specified in the project, using the means of hoisting and propping systems corresponding.

-Place and fix the outer wall of the wall and the insulation and protective materials according to the specifications of the project, checking their levelling and dimensions.

C4: Perform the construction of light and heavy fabric housing cover structures as indicated in the execution and termination project.

CE4.1 Prepare the various elements, materials, and products that make up the cover structure specified in the project, using manual and mechanical means.

CE4.2 Install the insulation, protection and cover elements, components and materials of the cover by following the drawings and mounting instructions, using manual and mechanical means.

CE4.3 In a properly characterized scenario of installing covers in light and heavy fabric houses, perform the following operations:

-Interpret the drawings and identify the parts of the project cover.

-Check the quality and dimensions of wood elements, wood products, prefabricated elements, insulation and protective products and cover materials specified in the project.

-Join and assemble the cover elements according to the mounting planes.

-Mount and fix the structural elements according to the mounting planes.

-Place insulation, protective and coating materials in accordance with the technical indications of the project.

-Prepare the cover surface to install and fix the cover material defined in the project.

-Run different cover caps for each constructive system-open and closed drawer alero, missing-.

C5: Perform the inner and outer completion of a wood construction, verifying whether it meets the defined qualities and technical specifications.

CE5.1 Define the characteristics and nature of the various coatings that can be used.

CE5.2 Indicate the characteristics to be considered in the placement of mouldings, jambas, coatings and in the execution of the encounters and unions.

CE5.3 In a properly characterized scenario of a wood construction perform the following operations:

-Finishing the coatings, indicating the characteristics to be gathered.

-Placement of jambas, coatings, and final repairs that are required.

-Checking the attachment and placement of the isolations.

-Checking the placement of service facilities (plumbing, electricity, heating, and others).

-Checking the operation of different service installations.


1. Repose for wooden constructions.


-Instruments and useful.

• Level and measurement equipment: Water level, laser, digital, manual, rangefinder, inclinometer, GPS. Metric tape, rule.

-Fixing the reference lines-reference lines.

• Main lines, lead lines, level, and depth.

• Auxiliary lines.

• Regular checks.

• Deviations.

• Tolerances.

• Adjustments and error compensation.

-Measurements under construction of wooden structures.

• Finality.

• Types: linear, angles, surface, volumes.

• Used for use

2. Foundation of wood constructions .


• More used wood species.

• Humidity content.



-Influence on wood constructions.

• Mechanical properties.


-Basic notions and interpretation of their structural way of work.

• Wood treatment requirements


• Types and products.

• Applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

-Isolation and protection materials

• Types and products.

• Applications.

• Installation.

3. Use of materials in light and heavy fabric construction

-Structural products derived from wood.

• Structural sawwood.


-Basic Notions of resilient classes (interpretation) and applications.


• Tableros derived from structural wood.


-Basic types of types (of solid wood, plywood, laminates, particles, oriented shavings (OSB), medium density fibers, compacts, cement particles, counteramines), technical classes, values characteristic (interpretation) and applications.


• Closing sandwich panels.


-Basic Notions of characteristic values (interpretation) and applications.


• Pre-fabricated Viguettes.


-Basic Notions of characteristic values (interpretation) and applications.



• Traditional: assemblies and splices.


-Types and applications.

• Mechanical plugs (nails, staples, tilts, screws, bolts, and pins).


-Types and applications.

• Surface mechanical units (fittings, ring connectors, plate connectors, toothplate, etc.).


-Types and applications.

• Unions.


-Types of adhesives.



-Thermal insulation and acoustic insulation.

• Influence on wooden constructions.

• Products.

• Solutions and applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

-Steam bars and waterproof sheets.

• Influence on wooden constructions.

• Products.

• Applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

-Indoor coatings.

• Types (solid wood, wood-derived boards, cardboard-plaster boards).

• Applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

-Exterior coatings.

• Types (solid wood, knitting, wood-derived boards).

• Applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

-Complementary installations.

• Types:








-Other installations.

• Products and materials used.

• Norms.

-Auxiliary materials for mounting.

• Types.










-Portable escalations.

• Finality.

• Application.

4. Assembly of light-fabric wooden houses

-Fixing and anchoring to foundation.


-Walls and walls.

-Cover and roofs.

5. Heavy-fabric wooden house assembly

-Fixing and anchoring to foundation.

-Aporticated System: Forged. Porticos.

-Fabric system: Walls.



6. Execution of complementary facilities in wood constructions

-Electrical installations.

-Water installations.

-Heating installations.

-Plumbing installations.

-Sanitation facilities.

-Solar power installations.


-Other installations.

7. Treatment of wood in wood constructions.


-Basic Notions:

• Natural Durability

• Use classes

• Protection types

• Constructive Details

• Protective products.

-Examples related to wood construction.


8. Fire protection in wooden constructions.

-Influence on the constructions of wooden structures.




-Resolution of encounters

• From constructive elements.

• Of constructive typologies.

• Materials used.



Code: UF1427

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP1 as referred to building log houses or wooden blocks.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Repose the various elements of log houses or wooden blocks by following the geometry indicated in plane and the tolerance margins established.

CE1.1 Describe the process of reposing the location of the singular elements of log houses or wooden blocks.

CE1.2 In a practical case, duly characterized from a technical documentation, an alleged work and the corresponding verbal clarifications:

-Check the distance of the load wall to the ground level.

-Check the levelling and measurement of the load wall using specific equipment and tools such as laser level, laser meter, water level, tape measure, among others.

-Check the dimensions of the ventilated air chamber.

-Place the waterproof or anti-moisture barrier between the loading wall and the first piece of roll wood and/or the wood block of the wall.

-Set the first piece of the wall of the log house or blocks to the load wall at the position indicated in the project with the specified anchors.

C2: Perform the construction and lifting of log walls by means of different binding systems, following established technical indications and safety standards.

CE2.1 Relate the characteristics of logs and wooden blocks to be used according to their dimensions, position and location.

CE2.2 Recognize the typology of the fittings and bonding elements used in the various phases of the constructive system.

CE2.3 Different types of sealing used according to the technical characteristics of the product and application form.

CE2.4 In a practical scenario, properly characterized as mounting of log or wooden block constructions, perform the following operations:

-Verify according to the plane of repose levels, lengths and angles, making the necessary adjustments.

-Check the quality and dimensions of the specified logs or wood blocks.

-Build the walls of logs or blocks by sealing the joints between them according to project indications.

-Tensar and set the walls using the specific hardware for each situation.

-Set the forged beams to the walls using the specified assembly and join means.

-Place the specified isolation materials.

-Set the wooden boards, the boards and/or closing materials of the interior walls and forged by means of their sizing, sealing, diving and/or bolting as specified in the project.


1. Materials used in the foundation of houses of logs or blocks of wood.

-Specific Anclages for log houses and wooden blocks.

• Types and products.

• Applications.

• Installation.

• Norms.

2. Use of materials under construction of log houses and wooden blocks

-Roll wood and wooden blocks.

• More used wood species.

• Humidity content.



-Influence on log houses and wooden blocks.

• Mechanical properties of roll wood and wood blocks.


-Basic notions and interpretation of their structural way of work.

-Structural products derived from wood.

• Structural roll wood and structural wood blocks.


-Basic Notions of characteristic values (interpretation) and applications.


-Unions for roll wood and wooden blocks.

• Traditional: assemblies and splices.

-Types and applications.

• Mechanical Unions with wooden pegs.

-Types and applications.

• Adjustment of wooden blocks of wood and roll wood


-Herrages used.

-Selside of gaskets

• Finality

• Products used

-Protective products and decorative finishing

• Finality

• Products used

3. Assembly of walls in log wooden houses

-First-level and forged Cimentation.

-External Murs.

-Walls and internal partitions.



Code: UF1428

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP1 in terms of construction with structural sawn wood, rolled laminated wood and structural products derived from the wood.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Make the union of the structural elements of wood and its products derived from the anchorages according to the geometry indicated in plane and the margins of tolerance established.

CE1.1 Describe the process of reposing the placement of the structural elements of wood and its derived products, as porticos.

CE1.2 Prepare the wood structural elements and wood derivatives specified using the necessary machinery, equipment, tools and materials.

CE1.3 In a practical case, duly characterized from a technical documentation, an alleged work and the corresponding verbal clarifications:

-Check the levelling and dimensions of shoes and solera using specific equipment and tools such as laser level, laser meter, water level, tape measure, among others.

-Check the quality and dimensions of wood structural elements and wood derivatives.

-Check the placement and dimensions of the anchor hardware.

-Set the structural elements in the specified anchors using the specified machinery and equipment.

C2: Perform the lifting and fixing of the structural elements of wood and wood derivatives that make up the pillars, the walls and the cover, respecting the established technical indications and safety standards.

CE2.1 Relate wood structural elements and wood derivatives that are used and their applications in wood constructions.

CE2.2 Recognize the various components, components, elements and construction systems used in wood constructions with wood structural products and wood derivatives.

CE2.2 Recognize the different fittings, assemblies, and attachment systems that are used in the construction of wood with large parts.

CE2.3 Different types of adhesives that are used in wood construction with large parts and their application mode.

CE2.4 Relate the auxiliary materials, tools, tools and machinery used for the movement, lifting and placement of the structural elements of wood and wood derivatives.

CE2.5 In a practical case, properly characterized as mounting a wooden structure:

-Check the quality and dimensions of solid wood elements and wood products.

-Lift and fix the vertical elements (pillars and walls) according to the project indications using the necessary means and support them in order to continue the construction.

-Perform the mounting and fixing of the horizontal elements (forged), using the machinery, means of lifting and the portable and manual tools, according to the established order and the binding and binding systems defined in the project.

-Perform the mounting and fixing of the cover elements, using the machinery, hoisting means and the portable and manual tools specified according to the established order and the binding and mooring systems defined in the project.

-Place the isolation materials defined in the project.

-Place and fix wall enclosure products, forged and covered by checking the leveling and measures defined in the project.


1. Properties, applications and regulations of wood structural elements and wood products used in wood structures of medium and large dimensions.

-Structural roll wood.

-Wood Postes.

-Structural sawwood.

-Laminated Wood Wrapped.

-Encolada microreduced wood.

-Encolated solid wood (Duos and Trios).

-Closing sandwich panels.

-Structural sandwich panels.

-Solid wood counterbalanced tablets.

-Structural profiles of composite wood products.

2. Joining of medium-sized and large-sized wooden structural parts.

-Traditional wood-wood Unions.

• Types of assemblies and splices.

• Applications.

-Mechanical plug-in.

• Types (nails, staples, backdrops, screws, bolts, and pins).

• Applications.

-Surface mechanical unions.

• Types (fittings, ring connectors, plate connectors, toothed, other).

• Applications.

-Joined Unions.

• Types of adhesives.

• Applications.

• Norms.

3. Construction of wood structures of medium and large dimensions

-Structural systems with sawwood.

• Horizontal structure.


-forged beams.


• Vertical structure.


-fabrics fabrics.

• Cover structure-cover frames.



-pairs and lookalike.

-Structural systems with laminated laminated wood and other wood-derived structural products.

• Pillars.

-Description and function.

-Products that can be used.

• Covered.

-Description and function.

-Products that can be used.

-Main structure.

-Definition and function.

-Elements (beams, porches, cerches, or arcs).

-Secondary structure.

-Definition and function.

-Elements (straps).

-Third-order structure.


-Elements (straps, panels, boards).

• Structural Walls.

-Description and function.

-Products that can be used.

-Lateral and wind resistance.

-Definition and importance.

-Elements and systems used.

4. Assembly of medium and large size wood structures

-Vertical Entrats.

-Horizontal Entramates.

-Cover Armature.


Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training










To access the training units 2 and 3 must have passed the training unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1360_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1360_3 Control basic level risks under construction

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify the activities of safety and health at work, the basic normative framework that regulates it in the construction sector, valuing the importance that the measures and the measures themselves present techniques for the prevention of occupational risks and protection, as well as the need for preventive management.

CE1.1 Explain the meaning of the concept of health in areas of work, identifying the components it encompasses.

CE1.2 Define the meaning of occupational risk, differentiating this concept with the hazard, describing the scales with which they are valued.

CE1.3 Citar the differences between work accident and occupational disease.

CE1.4 Identify the differences between accident and incident of work, specifying the implications each type has in the field of prevention.

CE1.5 Precise differences between safety techniques and health techniques (industrial hygiene, ergonomics, work medicine, training and information), distinguishing the meaning of prevention and protection in the field of the first and comparing its importance.

CE1.6 To mention the functions and/or obligations of the following legally defined responsible: Promoter, Coordinator in matters of safety and health during the execution of the work, Facultative Direction, Contractor, Subcontractor and Stand-alone Worker.

CE1.7 Summarize the functions of the Prevention Services, specifying to whom the mandatory presence of preventive resources is applied in construction works and when such presence is necessary.

CE1.8 Define what risk prevention management is, identifying the internal management organs of the company and external to it.

CE1.9 Identify the rights of workers in the field of health and safety, specifying the content of protection rights, information, preventive training, consultation and participation.

CE1.10 Identify the obligations of health and safety workers.

C2: Define general occupational risks in working environments, as well as prevention systems, specifying the functions of occupational risk control and health control of the workers.

Ce2.1 Mention what is meant by environment and working conditions and the relationship they have with occupational risks.

CE2.2 Describe what is meant by work environment, listing:

-Its components (physical, chemical, and biological).

-The main variables that determine the physical environment of the work (temperature, humidity, ventilation, noise, lighting, vibrations, radiations and others) and the main risks associated with each one.

-The types of major pollutants that may appear in the chemical environment of the work (solid, liquid and gaseous) and the main risks associated with each one.

-The types of organisms that can contaminate the biological environment of the work and the main associated risks.

CE2.3 Describe what is meant by physical and mental workload, specifying the risks associated with an excess in them.

CE2.4 To indicate what is meant by job risk control, specifying when collective protection equipment should be used for such purposes and in which cases and conditions should be chosen by individual protective equipment.

C3: To differentiate the principles and criteria of action in the first interventions to be performed in situations of emergency in construction and first aid, valuing its importance and consequences.

CE3.1 Explain what emergency plans are, identifying:

-Common causes of emergency situations.

-Fire-fighting devices.

-Senalization of emergency paths and exits.

-Information on material and human resources (means of contact, addresses, plans and others) required in emergency cases.

-The importance of first interventions.

CE3.2 Specify the guidelines for action in emergency and first aid situations, explaining the consequences arising from them.

CE3.3 In a properly characterized case of an emergency with injuries in which first aid is needed:

-Indicate principles and criteria for action.

-Determine your own scope of action.

-Propose actions to minimize risks and care for the injured.

C4: Identify occupational hazards in construction sites, arguing the reasons for their frequency and the severity of their consequences, specifying basic prevention criteria and associated protective equipment.

CE4.1 Interpreting the frequency, severity and incidence rates of the particular workforce of the construction sector, comparing the absolute and relative values of the statistics of the sector construction with those of the total of the sectors set.

CE4.2 Argument of the importance and frequency of accidents in the construction sector according to its way of production, and ordering from greater to lesser its severity the ways of producing fatal and very serious accidents occurred during the last period according to published statistics.

CE4.3 Specify the usual labor risks in construction sites, associating prevention and protection measures related to construction sites.

CE4.4 Identify the characteristic labour risks of a given garlic, indicating other garlic with which it may be related (previous, subsequent and simultaneous) and assessing the effect on the risks can have that relationship, especially concurrency.

CE4.5 Identify the characteristic labour risks of different types of given machines.

CE4.6 Identify the labor risks associated with certain common chemicals in construction sites.

CE4.7 Identify unsafe conditions and practices from images, videos, and/or written reports relating to the development of actual construction works.

CE4.8 Identify and describe the function of the elements (perimeter fencing, provisional installations, and others) of the works to be obtained in the implementation phase.

CE4.9 Identify and correctly interpret the signaling of works and machines, specifying where it should be positioned according to the Safety and Health Plans.

C5: Identify the requirements of the Safety and Health Plan of a work for different types of tajos, interpreting the measures to be applied from Safety and Health Plans and work plans.

CE5.1 Describe the object and content of a Health and Safety Plan, specifying:

-Who is required to develop a Health and Safety Plan.

-Who has the right to query it.

-Under which reasons you can modify.

CE5.2 In different case scenarios, specify the orders and measures that will be transmitted to the workers according to the health and safety plan.

CE5.3 Determine the provisional facilities, signage, auxiliary means, and collective means of protection required for the execution of a pit depending on a safety and health plan.

CE5.4 Describe the object and contents of the Incident Book.

C6: Valoring the importance and necessity of the use and maintenance of individual protective equipment (EPIs), in different situations, depending on the workers operating correctly with the same, according to the specific criteria.

CE6.1 Select and correctly use the individual protection equipment required for a given activity based on specific criteria.

CE6.2 Describe and/or apply the storage, maintenance, and conservation operations of individual protective equipment according to established criteria.

CE6.3 Rate if a given individual protection equipment is fit for use, according to the criteria set.

CE6.4 Explain the importance of workers ' obligations regarding the use, care, storage and information of any defect, anomaly or damage appreciated in the protective equipment individual.

CE6.5 Discriminate unsafe practices in relation to individual protective equipment from images, videos, and/or written reports relating to the development of actual construction works.

C7: Value the importance and need for the placement, installation and maintenance of collective protection equipment, depending on whether they are suitable for the work to be carried out.

CE7.1 In a properly characterized scenario of a pit or a work, propose the location of collective protection equipment.

CE7.2 Describe and in your case apply the storage, maintenance, and conservation operations of collective protection equipment.

CE7.3 Rate if a given collective protection team is fit for use according to the criteria set.

CE7.4 List workers ' obligations regarding the use, care, storage, and information of any defect, anomaly, or damage appreciated in the collective protective equipment.

CE7.5 Discrimination unsafe conditions and practices in relation to collective protective equipment from images, videos and/or written reports relating to the development of actual construction works.

C8: Define the importance and necessity of the use, placement, installation and maintenance of auxiliary media, assessing whether they are suitable for the work to be carried out and the workers operate correctly with them.

CE8.1 Precise the conditions that are required of those responsible for both management and execution in the assembly, disassembly or substantial modification of scaffolding.

CE8.2 Describe the conditions of installation and use that a scaffold must present to ensure its stability and prevent the fall of people and objects from it.

CE8.3 Citar the conditions of installation and use that must present a ladder of hand to ensure its stability and prevent the fall of persons and objects from the same.

CE8.4 Describe the permissible installation and utilization conditions of a given auxiliary media.

CE8.5 List workers ' obligations regarding the use, care, storage, and information of any defect, anomaly, or damage appreciated in a given auxiliary media.

CE8.6 Discrimination unsafe conditions and practices in relation to auxiliary media from images, videos and/or written reports relating to the development of actual construction works.


1. Safety and health at work. General risks and their prevention

-Work and health: definition and components of health; occupational risks, risk factors.

-Damage from work: accidents at work and occupational diseases; incidents; other pathologies arising from work.

-Security techniques: prevention and protection.

-Health techniques: Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics, Work Medicine, Training and Information.

-Basic regulatory framework for the prevention of occupational risks. Rights (protection, information, training in preventive matters, consultation and participation) and basic duties in this field.

-General risks and their prevention: risks linked to safety conditions; risks related to the environment of work; workload and fatigue; elementary risk control systems; collective protection and individual.

-Emergency and evacuation plans.

-Health control of workers.

-Basic elements of risk prevention management: public bodies related to health and safety at work; representation of workers; rights and obligations. Organization of preventive work: basic routines. Documentation: collection, processing, and archiving.

-First aid: basic criteria for action.

2. Security under construction

-Basic normative framework of safety under construction: responsible for safety in the works and functions (Promoter, Coordinator in the field of safety and health during the execution of the work, Optional Direction, Contractor, Subcontractor and Autonomous Worker).

-Organization and integration of prevention in the enterprise: prevention services.

-Common risks in the construction sector: accident forms, prevention and associated protection measures.

-Prevention of risks in building tajos (description of work, auxiliary and machinery used, development phases, previous, and simultaneous, risks and protective measures) in: Auxiliary tajos; demolitions; land movements; foundations; concrete structures; metal structures; closures and partitions; covers; finishes; carpentry, locksmith and glassware; installations.

-Risk prevention in urbanisation tajos: esplanations; drains; firm; pedestrian areas; walls and defence works; bridges and walkways; urban services networks; signalling and beacon.

-Prevention of own risks of underground, hydraulic and maritime works.

-Conditions and unsafe practices in the construction sector.

-Preventive importance of the implementation of works: perimeter valves; entry and exit doors and road and vehicle traffic routes; location and radio of action of cranes; connection and distribution networks; services affected; sanitary facilities; temporary facilities; workshops; building sites; signs of works and machines.

-Individual protective equipment: placement; uses and obligations; maintenance.

-Collective protection equipment: placement; uses and obligations; maintenance.

-Auxiliary media: placement; uses and obligations; maintenance.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:



Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

of hours




Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0167_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0167_1: Perform the application of surface finish products with mechanical and mechanical means in carpentry and furniture.

Duration: 70 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and describe the processes of application of finishing products to avoid risks that their application entails.

CE1.1 Relate the different phases of product application processes to each other and within the process of part finishes.

CE1.2 Understand the properties of the finishes according to the technical characteristics of their components and the surfaces to be applied.

CE1.3 Relate the machines and equipment for the application of products with the finishes to be applied and the desired types of finishes.

CE1.4 List the most common defects produced during the application process, its causes, and its correction.

CE1.5 Understand the risks involved in handling and handling application products.

C2: Successfully apply finishing products with guns and other hand tools to obtain carpentry and furniture parts with the defined characteristics.

CE2.1 Check that the machines, equipment and useful to be used in the application as well as the products to be applied, are suitable for the type of work and material.

CE2.2 Successfully put the pieces in the workplace allowing a comfortable application with minimal material waste and achieving the highest final quality.

CE2.3 Select the means of application by considering different parameters (surface, material on which to apply and type of finish desired among others).

CE2.4 Use all individual protective equipment (EPIS) and meet safety, occupational health and environmental standards so that the application is carried out with minimal impact.

CE2.5 Apply the finishing product by visually controlling the quality of the application and adapting parameters (pressure, viscosity and flow among others) to correct possible deviations by improving the quality of the application.

CE2.6 Determine, in an application scenario and based on the product to be reached and its subsequent application:

-Teams and products to use for the application.

-The optimal sequence of operations to perform.

-Movement and placement of parts.

-Protective equipment to use.

-Physical situation of the applicator and parts.

-Handling of useful and media.

C3: Operate with machines and automatic application equipment to achieve parts with the defined characteristics.

CE3.1 Describe and correct the most common failures or defects that can occur during the application of the product.

CE3.2 Recognize the function of the various machine and equipment operating control devices and the risks involved in their mishandling.

CE3.3 Dispose the materials properly in the feeders and equipment to obtain the required result.

CE3.4 Maintain application parameters by regulating devices (flow rate, curtain break, start rate among others).

CE3.5 visually check product levels during application by removing them and preventing application stoppage or deficiencies in the application.

CE3.6 Immediately communicate defects detected during application to the top manager, interrupting the process if deemed necessary.

CE3.7 Handle products, equipment, and materials using the necessary individual protective equipment (EPIS) and avoiding damage to people, facilities, and products.

CE3.8 Manipulate waste by complying with environmental regulations and following the protocol established by the company.

C4: Evaluate the results of finished parts and carpentry and furniture items to check that the required features are met.

CE4.1 In a properly characterized scenario:

-Relate the possible defects that usually occur in parts during finishing jobs with the probable causes of them.

-Check the quality obtained with the expected specifications or results and in your case correct the deviations.

-Check the application equipment, verify its proper operation, and correct any deviations.

C5: Rate the risks arising from the finishing application operations to take the necessary preventive measures.

CE5.1 Identify the risks and level of danger posed by the manipulation of the various materials, products, tools and equipment used in the application of finished products.

CE5.2 Describe the safety devices of machines, tools, and tools, as well as systems and clothing to be used in different finishing operations.

CE5.3 In a properly characterized practical scenario of finishing and drying, the environment, the material and the media:

-Describe the required security conditions in the first-level preparation and maintenance operations of the machines and equipment.

-Set the security and occupational health measures to be taken based on the specific rules and instructions applicable to the different operations.

C6: List the applicable regulations for the application of surface products in carpentry and furniture by specifying the same.

CE6.1 Identify product and/or installation regulations.

CE6.2 Identify safety and health regulations, depending on the equipment, materials, and process performed, as well as the Individual Protective Elements (PPE ' s) required.

CE6.3 Identify environmental regulations according to the products used, as well as the waste generated.


1. Interpretation of manufacturing orders for finishing with manual-manual means.

-Route sheets. Description, uses.

-Security sheets.

-Technical instructions for finishing.

-Manufacturing orders by process, material, etc. (Description, data to include, main features, handling and interpretation).

2. Pistol finish.

-Types of pistols. Description of its main applications and differential characteristics.

-Application of funds to pistol: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Application of finishes to pistol: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Application of finished products with aircrafts, airmix, airless HLPV. Aircrafts:

• The technique of the gun.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters according to product and process (pressure, nozzles, etc.)

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Product pumping and dosing equipment: types, description, operation, uses, basic maintenance, cleaning and adjustment of parameters.

-Equipment for mixing, agitated and homogenized. types, description, operation, uses, basic maintenance, cleaning and tuning parameters.

-Paint horses: types, description, cleaning, operation, and basic maintenance.

-Sectors (Types, description, operation and basic maintenance), parameter setting (temperature, time, speed, and air humidity).

-Influence of environmental conditions in the pistol finish.

-Handling, stacking, and removing pieces of carpentry and furniture in the pistol-varnished process: Techniques and equipment used.

• Raw products to finish.

• Once the product is applied.

• Once it has been dried up.

3. Finish online.

-Finish lines. Machinery that integrates, Description of its main applications and differential characteristics.

-Application of putty on finishing lines: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Application of dyes in finishing lines: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Application of funds on finishing lines: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Finished finishing application: purpose, description, and techniques.

-Barnized in roller machines (masilators, revers, simple roll, etc.), for tinting, anchoring, massing or finishing.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Barnized in curtain machines for anchoring or finishing.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Barnized in a gun (dye, bottom, or finish) robots.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Transfers and product movement tapettes down the line.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Dry in drying tunnels (ultraviolet, infrared, heated air, etc).

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Lying on barnized trains.

• Usage and handling.

• Setting parameters based on product and process.

• Maintenance and cleaning.

-Product pumping and dosing equipment: types, description, operation, uses, basic maintenance and parameter adjustment.

-Equipment for mixing, agitated and homogenized. types, description, operation, uses, basic maintenance, and parameter tuning.

-Influence of environmental conditions in online finishing.

-Feeding and downloading products on line machines. Techniques.

4. Quality control in manual mechanical finishing.

-Test pass in the gun and online finish. Parameters for checking the results, the parameters of application of the gun and or online, the environment, the pumping and dosing equipment if any, and the auxiliary facilities.

-Quality system documentation related to pistol and/or online finishing.

-Technical instructions for processing. Features, objectives, principals.

-Control inspection at the gun and/or online finish. Purpose. Techniques. Sampling. Parts of non-compliance. Basic features and uses.

-Identification of Pistol Finishing Defects and/or Online: Visual Inspection, Defect Types, Most Common Causes. Criteria for acceptance and rejection in the wood-furniture sector.

5. Maintenance of machines and useful for the application of products for finishing with manual-manual means:

-Basic or usage maintenance. Operations.

-Maintenance instructions. Interpretation.

-Analysis of deviations from deficiencies in the maintenance of machines.

6. Regulations applicable to the application of products for finishing with manual-manual means.

-Product Regulations.

-Safety and occupational health standards applied to the application of products with manual-manual means: types of risks inherent in work, methods of protection and prevention, personal protection tools, first aid.

-Environmental legislation applicable to the application of finishing products

• Waste treatment: Waste generated in finishing operations.

• Product storage for pistol finishing. Relationship to environmental conditions.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:



Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

of hours




Code: MP0304

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1. To receive materials and products according to the documentation of a given wood construction by selecting the machines, tools, tools and auxiliary means necessary for the construction, taking into account the measures of security, risk prevention, and work environment signage.

CE1.1 Participate in the interpretation of the wood construction documentation.

CE1.2 Identify materials and products defined in the documentation and check their packaging, packaging, pallets, quality certificates, technical sheets and product documentation.

CE1.3 Collaborate in selecting and checking the state of machines, tools, tools, and auxiliary means required according to the documentation.

CE1.4. Provide support in choosing the location and correct storage of disappointed materials and products.

CE1.5 Drive self-driving and manual trucks with load.

CE1.6 Provide support in the completion of documentation generated by the movement of loading and unloading, and the transmission of data by digital means.

C2. Define the assembly plan for a given wood construction based on the documentation provided, indicating the needs of personnel, products, materials, machinery and equipment.

CE2.1 Participate in the definition of the plan of assembly of a given wood construction according to the documentation provided, incorporating a timetable of times for the different phases of the assembly and installations complementary along with the corresponding mount orders.

CE2.2 Provide support for the definition and selection of the staff of the assembly equipment according to the different processes, mounting phases and complementary facilities, indicating the hierarchical structure of the mounting equipment.

CE2.3 Provide support for the definition, distribution, and checks to be performed on the required products and materials.

CE2.4 Collaborate in the organization, preparation and development of the necessary mechanical means (tools, equipment, portable and useful machines) so that no interruptions occur in the assembly.

C3. Perform the assembly of a given timber construction according to a defined project.

CE3.1 Provide support in the interpretation of the production plans of the pieces of the wood construction according to the project.

CE3.2 Check the technical characteristics, dimensions, and moisture content of solid wood elements.

CE3.3 Perform the assembly and assembly systems of wood construction elements using the appropriate equipment.

CE3.4 Participate in the assembly of the main elements (beams), secondary elements (pairs, straps, thermal and acoustic insulation materials and other materials and elements specified in the project.

CE3.5 Participate in the placement of covering materials and coatings

CE3.6 Participate in the execution of the various wood construction auctions according to the project.

C4. Perform the finishing of elements of a wood construction according to a defined project.

CE4.1 To support the selection of application products and equipment according to the specifications defined in the project.

CE4.2 Check the technical characteristics of the finished products and the appearance of the wood elements on which the products are to be applied.

CE4.3 Perform the finishing of the wood elements using the appropriate equipment.

CE4.4 Participate in the operations of the repassage of the wood elements finish.

CE4.5 Participate in the final inspection of the appearance of the finishing elements as defined in the project.

C5. Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the workplace.

CE5.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE5.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE5.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE5.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE5.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE5.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Execution of preparatory actions on wood constructions and complementary facilities

-Evaluation of project documentation.

-Fulfillment the documentation of receipt of products, materials, and equipment.

-Receiving, unloading, gathering and transporting materials.

-Selection and location of materials according to plans.

2. Assembly of construction systems for wood and complementary facilities:

-Quality control and foundation dimensions.

-Assembly, fixing and installation of elements, products and systems of structural wood elements.

-Control of the execution of complementary installations.

3. Compliance with safety, hygiene and environmental protection standards in the assembly and installation operations of wood.

-Application of safety, hygiene and environmental protection regulations.

-Redaction of prevention, environmental protection and waste treatment plans.

-Realization of first aid tests.

4. Application of finished products in wood-building elements of wood construction

-Selection and preparation of finishing products.

-Finished with manual mechanical means.

-Finished with machines and automatic equipment.

-Quality control of the finish.

-Cleaning and maintenance of machines and useful for the application of finished products with manual-mechanical means.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.



Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation

MF1357_2: Technical documentation, equipment and material for wood constructions

• Licentiate, engineer, architect or degree of corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomat, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

• Senior Technical of the Professional Wood, Furniture and Corcho Family.

• Certificates of Professionalism level 3 of the Professional area of Installation and furnishing of the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

1 year

3 years

MF1358_2: Resources and facilities in wood constructions

• Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other Equivalent titles

• Superior technician of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional Area of Installation and Furnishing Of The Professional Family Wood, Furniture And Cork.

2 years

4 years

MF1359_2: Wood building processes

• Licensed, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree or other degree Equivalent titles

• Superior technician of the professional family of Wood, Furniture and cork.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the Professional area of Installation and furnishing of the Family Professional Wood, Furniture and Corcho.

2 years


MF1360_2: Basic work risk prevention under construction

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Higher Technical Training of Families Professional Education and Work, extractive industries and wood, furniture and cork

• Higher Technical Training Technical Training in the Prevention of Occupational Risks.

• Certificates of Professional Level 3 of the professional families of Building and Civil Work, extractive industries and Wood, furniture, and cork

1 year

MF0167_1: Application of finished products in carpentry and carpentry furniture

• Licentiate, engineer, architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or degree degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Family Technical and Technical Superior Professional Wood, Furniture and cork.

• Certificates of professionalism levels 2 and 3 of the professional areas of production carpentry and furniture and installation and furnishing of the Professional Family Wood, Furniture and Cork.

2 years

4 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Manufacturing Workshop wood structural systems



Finishing surface products application workshop in Wood constructs



and Derivative Store



Workshop Application of finished surface products in wood constructions










Workshop wood structural elements and systems



and Derivatives Store




-Audio-visual equipment

-PPCs installed in network and projection canon and internet

-Specific software

-Pizars to write with pen


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

Workshop on manufacturing elements and structural wooden systems


-Non-Armor Resistant and Welding



-Cutting, machining, drilling, sanding, machining, bolting and diving

-Lifting platforms

- Forklift

Equipment, tools and material

-Handling and transport equipment

-Water level

-Laser level

- Rangefinder

-Cintas metrics



-Markers for parts


- Chainsaw/s

-Manual tools for cutting, machining, sanding, diving, bolting

-Tools for adjusting and changing cutting tools

-Non-armor-resistant welding and tying equipment

-Equipment and systems for lifting and suspending materials (cranes, slings, wedges, hooks, ropes).


-Materials for fixings (tips, nails, screws, nails, bolts, pins, metal connectors, adhesives, etc.)

-Auxiliary materials: cerks. frames. Cargo. templates. cimbras. montae. sopandas. scaffolding. borríquetas. Portable ladders

-Signalling materials used in works

-Basic cleaning and maintenance tools for machinery

-Machine cutting tools

-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective goggles, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests, etc.)

Building Finishing Surface Products Application Workshop


-Finished Lines

-Painting Cabins

-Barnized on Roller Machines

-Barnized on Curtain Machines

-Barnized in Pistol Robots

- Drying and drying tunnels for finishing products

-Lying on varnishing trains

Equipment, tools and material

-Pump and metering equipment for products

-Equipment for mixing, stirring and homogenizing of products.

-Pistolas aircrafts. Airmix, airless



-Finished products, dyes, funds, etc.

-Cintas metrics





-Air Relative Humidity Meters


-Teams Sawn wood transport

-Stacked equipment

-Manual cutting tools

-Cleaning and basic machine maintenance tools

-Machine cutting tools

-Tools for adjustment and change of cutting tools

-EPIs (gloves, helmets, protective goggles, hearing protectors, safety boots, reflective vests, etc.)

and Derived Storage


-Appropriate Transport Machinery for Displacement Of Wood and Derivatives

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Installation and furnishing projects.

Code: MBAM0110

Professional Family: Wood, Furniture and Corcho

Professional area: Installation and furnishing.

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

MAM425_3 Installation and furnishing projects (RD 1958/2009, December 18)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1369_3: Develop carpentry and furnishing installation projects in housing, commercial establishments, exhibition spaces, and public spaces.

UC1370_3: Monitor the provisioning and manufacturing of items for the installation of carpentry and furniture.

UC1371_3: Coordinate and monitor the assembly of carpentry and furniture installations.

General competition:

Define and develop furniture and furniture installation and installation projects in public housing and housing, including the supervision of the installation and the necessary operations, achieving quality required, in the appropriate security, occupational health and environmental conditions.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity in the areas of installation of large, medium and small companies dedicated to both manufacturing and the marketing and installation of carpentry and furniture elements, as well as in companies involved in the development of both the self-employed and the self-employed installation elements.

Productive Sectors:

Installation projects. Installation of carpentry and furniture elements. Marketing of carpentry elements.

Occupations or related jobs:

Manager of wood and cork companies.

7820.1077 Carpentry and furniture project.

Duration of the associated training: 420 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1369_3: Development of installation and furnishing projects. (180 hours)

• UF1368: Data collection and graphical representation of the environment for the installation and furnishing project (60 hours)

• UF1369: Development of the constructive solution for the installation and furnishing project (90 hours)

• UF1370: Draft installation and furnishing project budget (30 hours)

MF1370_3: Provisioning of items for the installation of carpentry and furniture. (70 hours)

MF1371_3: Monitoring the assembly of carpentry and furniture installations. (90 hours)

MP0290: Non-work professional practice module for installation and furnishing projects (80 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1369_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform data collection and define the specifications required for project development based on client requirements and needs.

CR1.1 Customer proposals are collected in specific documents with the detail required for further consultation and elaboration.

CR1.2 Project data and measurements are taken at the site of installation considering the needs, customer assessments and complementary facilities.

CR1.3 The measurements and the data obtained allow the realization of sketches and drawings of the premises object of the installation.

CR1.4 The information collected in a first sketch or sketch is reviewed with the customer to confirm that all the specifications needed to develop the project have been considered, making the changes required.

CR1.5 The processing of the data and the features of the installation are checked to define the specifications to the customer, so that they are understandable and pick up their key elements.

CR1.6 Installation specifications are elaborated on the basis of current legislation and regulations.

RP2: Develop the project's graphical documentation, illustrating through manual or computer media the possible graphical solutions for customer approval.

CR2.1 The definition of the plans of the installation project is made, taking into account the location of the standard products-modules of standardized measures or other-and special-modules that are coupled to the false squadron or others-based on the characteristics of the place where the installation will be performed.

CR2.2 The drawings are made according to the current rules of representation and allow their correct interpretation containing the symbols, cotas and references, among others, sufficient.

CR2.3 The materials to be used in the installation are faithfully reflected in the graphic documentation produced by colors, tones, and other surface features.

CR2.4 The drawings and perspectives of the furnishing are elaborated, by manual and/or computer procedures considering the requirements of the project.

RP3: Select the materials to use in the installation, based on the data collected, generating the necessary documentation for manufacturing or adaptation.

CR3.1 The selection of the products to be installed takes into account the customer's specifications and the products available on the market.

CR3.2 The characteristics and qualities of the products that make up the project are defined according to the requirements of the client, as well as the budget and the requirements of the installation.

CR3.3 Standard items of furniture are modified in case of need and adapt considering space needs and functional requirements.

CR3.4 The decision to manufacture singular elements or the modification of the standard products (modules of standardized measures or others) is made based on criteria of rationality and aesthetics, to ensure that maintains the required level of quality and functionality.

CR3.5 The needs of the products and elements required for the installation are made on the basis of products (wood, boards, fittings, among others) with specific listings indicating the required characteristics, as defined in the project.

RP4: Develop project budgets through manual and/or computer media, for presentation to the client, contemplating the value of products, auxiliary elements and graphic representations of the final set, as well as the assessment of the various options and possible modifications.

CR4.1 The standard products are valued according to the prices indicated in the applicable tariff and the special products are valued, based on the costs necessary for their production.

CR4.2 Possible discounts apply, based on company criteria and customer preferences, reflecting the form of payment and deadlines, among others, in the budgets, securing such payment with the entities financial if necessary.

CR4.3 The cost of packaging and transport is determined based on the fees stipulated by the company and the specifications of the installation.

CR4.4 Staff needs and cost are planned on the basis of the general planning established by the company and taking into account the delivery times demanded by the customer.

CR4.5 The cost of the mount is set based on the amount and complexity of the products to be installed, the conditions of the space where they must be located, and the installation time.

CR4.6 The plans and budgets are delivered to the customer for possible modification or approval.

Professional Context

Production media

Drawing, measuring/plotting tools and tools. Computer equipment. Spreadsheets. Graphic representation software specific to the furniture/decoration sector. Measuring and marking tools. Drawing and template drawing materials.

Products and results

Defining the installation products in their aesthetic, functional and technical aspects. Methods and sequences of established operations. Specification of materials and their characteristics and means for installation at the site. Measurement and interpretation of plans, lists of materials for your order to the warehouse. Relationship of persons required for manufacturing or installation. Measurements and data required for the job to be performed.

Information used or generated

Measurements, data and sketches for construction and installation. Reports on design trends and decoration. Drawings of the elements to be constructed and installed. Catalogues of materials and products of the sector with technical specifications. Technical standards. Listings of materials and products. Parts listings.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1370_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Order the carpentry and furniture items needed for sourcing and manufacturing, taking into account what is specified in the material listings and technical documentation of the products for your delivery in the form and deadline.

CR1.1 The listings of the sub-contracted elements are elaborated on the basis of the supplier companies, selecting them according to the characteristics and quality of the product, capacity of the service and the price offered.

CR1.2 The manufacturing needs listings for special and custom items are defined from the data and specifications of the approved project.

CR1.3 Technical manufacturing documentation is clearly defined, by means of plans, templates, and specific manufacturing specifications.

CR1.4 The manufacture of the special or bespoke items is anticipated in sufficient time to not interfere with the production process of the company and for the purpose of not delaying its delivery.

CR1.5 Delivery dates for purchase and manufacturing items are set based on the company's workload, installation needs, and vendor capabilities.

RP2: Monitor the manufacturing of the products and components required for the installation, checking that it conforms to the project, meeting specifications and set times.

CR2.1 The components involved in manufacturing are verified in time and form throughout the process, ensuring that production times and project characteristics are respected.

CR2.2 The monitoring of orders for the manufacture of special and tailor-made products is carried out with the frequency established, depending on the time of manufacture and the characteristics of the products, necessary modifications to improve their performance.

CR2.3 Changes or modifications that are detected in the subcontracted materials or manufactured products are evaluated to check whether they are valid for the installation or whether they should be returned and reworked.

CR2.4 Production tracking allows you to check that the safety and health regulations are respected.

RP3: Monitor the receipt of products, components and accessories, matching them with the listings of the orders placed, for quality assurance.

CR3.1 Tracking the delivery dates of orders placed to suppliers, is performed at the specified frequency and based on the deadlines set.

CR3.2 The verification of the characteristics of the acquired and received materials is performed, at the established installation sites, on the agreed dates and checking that they have not been damaged by the transport, as well as the coincidence with the technical, aesthetic and number characteristics agreed upon according to the furnishing project.

CR3.3 The reception of the accessories is performed, verifying the typology, quantity and quality, as well as the containment of all its elements and the correct disposal of packaging and possible deterioration, checking the matching the order listings.

CR3.4 The receipt of materials and accessories is performed at the agreed place and in the established order, avoiding damage to the materials or persons and allowing the installation process to be streamlined.

RP4: Plan and monitor the dispatch, transportation of materials and items to be installed, according to cargo and expedition listings, for correct provisioning.

CR4.1 Orders made to suppliers are verified to be in optimal condition for shipment and installation by checking for required packaging and specifications.

CR4.2 The selection of packages is performed according to your requirements (type of material, product, type of transport, among others), carrying out the established checks.

CR4.3 The materials required for installation are grouped into load batches indicating order number, reference, among others, with identifying labels.

CR4.4 The load of materials in the transport vehicle is carried out considering the distribution of weights, volumes and delivery orders, among others, avoiding damage to them and favouring the unloading.

Professional Context

Production media

Materials used in the manufacture of furniture and carpentry elements. Equipment, machines and tools for the manufacture of furniture and carpentry. Packaging materials. Communication elements and computer equipment. Office material. Templates. Means of transport.

Products and results

Order or manufacture of the various products and components of the installation in their aesthetic, functional and technical aspects. Transport of materials necessary for the furnishing and installation of carpentry elements.

Information used or generated

Vendor Catalog. Catalogue of materials and products. Technical tabs and price list. Methods of obtaining and evaluating offers. Calculation of the forecast of needs. Acquisition planning. Calculation of provisioning and warehouse costs. Procurement systems in buy-to-sell. Assessment of the tenders. Stock data in store.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC1371_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Plan the installation of the installation considering the various human and technical factors involved in order to optimize the process.

CR1.1 The verification of the definitive characteristics that the local object of the installation allows is performed to ensure with accuracy the start of the specified jobs minimizing the number of modifications on the initial project.

CR1.2 The verification of the actual characteristics of the local object of the installation is carried out to detect possible anomalies and ensure their correction before starting the installation of carpentry and furniture.

CR1.3 Auxiliary materials and media are defined in the project planning document, preventing dead time, returns, or work collapses, among others.

CR1.4 Personal, material and auxiliary media needs are defined in the project planning document, preventing dead or collapsed times of work.

CR1.5 Temporary sequencing of activities are performed to ensure resource coordination, improving the execution time and final quality of the job.

CR1.6 The activities to be developed are transferred to the assembly teams in the established way, ensuring their understanding, possibilities of execution and the conditions of safety and occupational health to be adopted.

RP2: Control and coordinate the execution of tasks, according to the established work plan, for a proper installation of carpentry and furniture.

CR2.1 Monitoring at the installation site is developed to ensure that they meet the project specifications and the set sequence.

CR2.2 The monitoring of the different scheduled installation tasks is performed to ensure that they are performed under the stipulated conditions.

CR2.3 Checking the correct hygienic state of the installation site (clean floors and walls) is verified for the fitting of the elements in a proper manner.

CR2.4 The supervision of the composition and installation of furniture is carried out to verify that it is carried out on architectural elements in optimal conditions-without humidity, cracks, escapes-, orienting on the correction of possible damage.

CR2.5 The verification of the tasks of composition of furniture and elements is carried out to be carried out according to the plan of the furnishing or installation and its technical specifications, reaching the characteristics required in the project.

CR2.6 The sequence of the installation jobs is controlled to ensure that they are performed in the appropriate order, ensuring the result of the installation.

CR2.7 Work sequence changes, materials, products or assembly personnel to be performed by unforeseen circumstances are controlled to ensure minimum modifications to the initial project, moving possible changes to those responsible for authorizing them.

CR2 .8. Supervision and coordination allows the control that the work is carried out by applying and respecting the current regulations of safety and occupational health, minimizing the risk of accidents.

RP3: Monitor the installation and its finishing, reaching the standards of quality stipulated and according to the customer's demands, in order to satisfy the customer.

CR3.1 The verification of the features and operation of the installation is performed according to the project, verifying that it meets the technical, aesthetic and functional specifications.

CR3.2 The verification of the complementary installations and their operation is done to correct anomalies that could impair the installation prematurely.

CR3.3 The placement of parts and items is verified to be appropriate and compliant with the function for which they were designed and installed.

CR3.4 The movement of the elements and accessories is performed unimpeded and responds to the installation project, fulfilling the task for which they were projected.

CR3.5 The instructions-manual for maintenance and use-are delivered to the client, as well as the appropriate verbal instructions, guaranteeing their understanding and proper use to guarantee a perfect operation of the installed carpentry and furniture elements, extending the useful life of the same.

CR3.6 Installation delivery is performed after the installation is checked and its correct operation, in cleaning conditions and with the customer's approval.

Professional Context

Production media

Materials used in the manufacture and installation of furniture and carpentry elements. Equipment, machines and tools for installation of furniture and carpentry. Measuring equipment. Fittings and accessories. Packaging materials.

Products and results

Carpentry and furniture facilities in perfect state of use, with the materials stipulated and with the technical, aesthetic and functional characteristics required in the project, delivered within the prescribed period and without over-cost generated by poor management and ready for delivery to the client.

Information used or generated

Vendor Catalog. Catalogue of materials and products of carpentry and furniture. Technical sheets. Stock data in storage. Accessories and accessories catalogues with technical assembly sheets. Information concerning facilities complementary to the installation of carpentry and furniture.




Code: MF1369_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1369_3 Develop carpentry and furnishing installation projects in housing, commercial establishments, exhibition spaces, and public spaces.

Duration: 180 hours



Code: UF1368

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the processes associated with the development of carpentry and furnishing installation projects.

CE1.1 Differentiate the different phases of the development of an installation project, ordering them temporarily and explaining their importance.

CE1.2 Relate the documents that make up an installation project and explain its purpose.

CE1.3 Indicate the main materials, tools, and tools to use in the project development process and its different applications.

CE1.4 Understand the importance of the project in the assembly of the installation of carpentry and furniture and the possible consequences of a poor development of the project.

CE1.5 Describe the different types of carpentry and furniture installation that can be performed based on the installation's target space.

C2: Represent and characterize the carpentry and furniture installation space, taking the data at the installation site.

CE2.1 Describe the different elements of the measurement of architectural spaces by their function and by their commercial name, handling them diestrously and without errors.

CE2.2 Interpreting sketches, drawings, and acotations, as well as architectural distributions, to deduce the type of installation to perform.

CE2.3 Identify the conventional signs and symbols used in the representation of complementary facilities to carpentry-plumbing, ventilation and electricity, among others.

CE2.4 In a properly characterized case, elaborate one to several sketches by observing:

-Dimensions and interior geometry of architectural elements-parts, holes and pillars, among others.

-The architectural features of the installation object space.

-Dimensions and location of appliances or elements to be integrated in the construction or installation-appliances, decorative items and radiating elements, among others.

-Descuadres and irregularities of paraments.

-Integration of complementary facilities-points of light, switches, sockets, taps, drains, ventilation grids-in the installation of carpentry.

-Other data necessary for the elaboration of proposals-color of the walls, wood of the existing carpentry, moldings of plaster, possibilities of fixation of the elements to the work, or any other that is considered opportune to properly target the project.

CE2.5 In a well-practiced scenario: Elaborate the plans with the views, sections and details necessary to define the space by means of manual and computer tools and applying the rules of representation Current chart.

CE2.6 Perform templates by reproducing complex shapes, details and angles with the materials-pen, paper and plywood, among others-and more suitable tools, and with the fidelity necessary to make them useful.


1. Installation of carpentry and furnishing projects.

-Types of carpentry and furnishing installation projects.

▪ Possible spaces in the installation.

▪ Phases for the development of an installation and furnishing project.

▪ Documentation to be developed.

-Interpretation of reference documentation

▪ Documentation used in an architectural project necessary for the development of an installation and furnishing project.

-Dimensional Planes.

-Planes of auxiliary facilities.


▪ Interpretation of architectural plans.

-UNE and DIN drawing rules.

-Identifying the basic views of flat representation.

-Symbology interpretation.

-Welcoming and tolerances.

2. Taking data from the installation site

-Data to be collected for the development of an installation and furnishing project.

▪ General space dimensions.

▪ Architectural Element Location:


-Doors and windows.

▪ Level and verticality.

▪ Location status (humidity-state of the walls and floor state of the floor).

▪ The current chromatic Gama in your environment.

▪ Guidance.

▪ Identification of auxiliary installations.




-Heating/air conditioning.

-Instruments for data collection.

▪ Tipologia, features, and uses.

-For distance measurement: Meters and flexometers (manuals and electronics).

-For the measurement of angles: Goniometers. (manuals and electronics).

-For the identification of auxiliary facilities.

-For measurement of levels and verticality (levels and plumes, manuals and electronics).

-For complicated geometries. Planting: materials, techniques, uses and coding systems.

▪ Geometric concepts for measurement.

-Basic Trigonometry applied to the measurement.

-Obtaining angles.

-Obtaining centers.

-Using and handling data collection instruments.

-Technical conditions for the installation. Dimensions of the input areas of the material.

▪ Dimensions of doors, windows, elevators, potential spaces to locate cranes, and other logistical elements.

-Collection of needs expressed by the client.

▪ Contact data.

▪ Project Briefing.

-Concept and basic contents.

-Data of interest to be collected. Customer expressed needs: Project objective, product preferences, styles, finishes, budget available.

▪ Customer interaction techniques.

▪ Developing protocols and data-taking procedures for both the client briefing and the data collection itself.

3. Development of sketches.

-Materials used for the realization of sketches.

▪ Write use.

▪ Media for data collection. Paper, millimeter paper ..

▪ Devices to facilitate collection. Media.

-A sketch technique.

▪ Definition.

▪ Space rendering systems applied to the development of sketches.

-Plant, lump, profile, sections, and details.

▪ Acutation. Redundant techniques and measures.

▪ Standard symbols in the realization of the sketch and in particular for auxiliary installations.

▪ A sketch of the sketch.

▪ Inconsistence assessment techniques in the reflected information.

▪ Evaluation techniques for the collection control of all required data.

4. Development of blueprints with 2D computer-assisted drawing programs.

-Basic technical drawing concepts. Drawings.

▪ Standard dimensions of planes.

▪ Escalations.

▪ System dihedral:





▪ Standardization.


-Texts and lines.

-Views, sections, and details.



-Realization of plans in computer-assisted drawing programs in 2 dimensions.

▪ Introduction to the design program by developing the basic concepts necessary for your interaction with the student.

▪ Work methodology with software for the introduction of drawing data through commands.

▪ Development of the installation location plans.

▪ Editing drawing entities to allow modification of 2D planes.

▪ The drawing of drawings in the drawing software.

▪ Preparing to print and/or plot the drawings.



Code: UF1369

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP3

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop graphical proposals for installing carpentry elements.

CE1.1 Relate the various methods and techniques of making graphical proposals with the result that you want to achieve.

CE1.2 To know and differentiate the different types of media, as well as their different benefits and uses, relating them to the materials -aquarelables, fatty, among others-, more in accordance with their characteristics and the results to be obtained.

CE1.3 Recognize and characterize different types of perspectives, relating to their applications and visual outcomes.

CE1.4 Generate images in 2 and 3 dimensions by applying different types of perspectives and applying color using different techniques, achieving optimal results by proportionality, depth, and color.

CE1.5 Manage space-furnishing computing tools, applying the right tools and with proper timing.

C2: Define constructive solutions by selecting them based on the objectives, materials and means available.

CE2.1 In a properly characterized scenario, select the products to be installed considering, among other factors:

-That the materials to be used are within the regulations of building-resistance to fire, emission of harmful gases, among others-.

-The client specifications and preferences.

-The installation requirements themselves.

-Products available on the market.

-Costs and capabilities.

-Availability in the time required.

-The possible combinations between them and the possibilities of adaptation to each other.

-The realization of the project will take into consideration the possible minimum variations can be made with the elements already manufactured.

CE2.2 To differentiate the different systems of attachment and assembly of woods and derived products that are used in the facilities of carpentry and furniture, relating them to their characteristics and applications.

CE2.3 Define the most appropriate solution in relation to the conditions of the space and the expected budget.

CE2.4 Select the type of joins to be used in the installation considering different factors-ease of displacement, assembly, longevity of the installation and aesthetics, among others.

CE2.5 In a properly characterized scenario of a carpentry and furniture installation:

-Determine the materials and constructive elements to be used in the installation, verifying that they meet the required aesthetic-functional requirements, as well as the current regulations required.

-Articules the possibility of modification and adaptation of some article, in case of need, taking into account the integration in the set, the needs of the space and the functional requirements.

-Develop the component sheet on the basis of specific products with listings where the specific characteristics of each are indicated.

-Specify the specific characteristics for the manufacture or modification of custom products, considering criteria of rationality, quality and aesthetics, in order to maintain the performance and aesthetics required in the project.

-Determine which elements and devices-plumbing, electricity, communication, among others-will be included in the installation of the site and its location, where appropriate, the necessary calculations for its size.

-Determine the surface finish and coating of the materials, depending on the requirements and the preferences of the client.


1. Techniques for selecting the basic information necessary for the development of a project for installation and furnishing.

-Selective emptying of specialized journals and information of sectoral news.

-Market studies.

-Fair reports.

-Trend reports.

-Consumer studies.

-Study of legal regulations that may affect the development of the installation and furnishing project.

-Regulations relating to ergonomic aspects.

-Technical regulations.

2. Products/materials for the development of installation and furnishing projects.

-Carpentry elements. Types, nomenclature and uses. Standardised dimensions. Rules related to them.

▪ Wood doors and their trim elements.

▪ Wood windows and their trim elements

▪ Wood Coatings and their Trim Elements.

▪ Wood floors and their trim elements.

▪ Work Armaries and their checkmate elements.

▪ Escalations.


▪ Furniture types: Nomenclature and styles.

▪ Standard furniture items.

▪ Ergonomic dimensions of the user's interaction with the furniture.

-Wood sawing. Commercial timber.

▪ Wood species.

▪ Physical and aesthetic characteristics related to the definition of installation solutions.

-Wood-derived tablets (plywood-of particles-of hard fibres-of medium-density fibres) in crude and coated.

▪ Physical and aesthetic characteristics related to the definition of installation solutions.

-Wood-wood bonding systems, wood-board.

▪ Types and uses.

-Fittings and attachment systems, for installation of furniture and carpentry elements.

▪ Types (for fixed joins and for mobile joins) and uses.

-Adhesives used in installation and furnishing.

▪ Types and uses.

-Wood and furniture finishing products used in projects.

▪ Types and uses.

-Other materials/products used in the development of installation projects as materials for thermal and acoustic insulation.

▪ Types and uses. Glass-mirrors-bulkheads

▪ Fire protection.


▪ Types, nomenclature, and uses.

▪ Rules related to them.

-Cortinas and fabrics for installation projects.

▪ Types, nomenclature, and uses.

▪ Normalized dimensions.

▪ Rules related to them.

-Painting for wall lining.

▪ Types, nomenclature, and uses.

▪ Rules related to them.

-Interpretation of technical catalogues of products and materials to be used in the development of an installation and furnishing project.

3. Color theory and lighting.

-Color Theory:

▪ Color characteristics-the chromatic circle-the primary colors

▪ Color Perception.

▪ Interaction with color and contrast color.

▪ The combination and choice of colors, scales, and ranges.

▪ Stittometric systems-standard color scales.

-Lighting theory.

▪ Basic concepts-definition of light.

▪ Artificial lighting sources (incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, leds).

▪ Natural lighting sources.

▪ Light calculations.

▪ Legal requirements for lighting on premises.

4. Development of solutions for the installation and furnishing project.

-Dimensional technical conditions for access to the installation site.

-Regulatory or security conditioning.

-Selecting specific products and materials for the project to be developed.

▪ Furniture.

▪ Carpentry elements.

▪ Lighting.

▪ Fabric.

▪ Other decoration elements.

-Selection of finishes, colors, and combinations thereof.

-Distribution and placement of the products and materials to be used. Systems for harnessing and joining.


▪ Concept

▪ Quick rendering techniques

▪ Drawing tools and materials.

5. Development of installation and furnishing solutions using 3-dimensional design software

-Introduction to the design program by developing the basic concepts necessary for your interaction with the student.

-Working methodology with software for the introduction of drawing data through the commands.

-Realization of 3D installation and installation solutions.

-Editing parts in the software for subsequent modifications.

-Obtaining the drawings of 3D parts by using the work software used.

6. Creating and rendering of the environment





-Distributed Rendering.


-Creating 3D parts environment in the final location location.

-Integrating a 3D figure into another image of advanced materials.


-Lighting and materials.

-Composition and post-production.

-Representation systems.

7. Printing of plans and projects in 2 and 3 dimensions.

-Print environment.

-Print types with printer or plotter.

-Configuring the plotter.

-Preparing the "drawing" for printing.

-Print at scale.

-Using drawing templates in paper space.

8. Development of tailor-made product plans and technical documentation.

-Basic knowledge of the operations and manufacturing processes of furniture and carpentry elements

-Basic knowledge of machines used for custom-made parts for installation and furnishing projects.

▪ Machines with serrin boot: Tape Sierra, Cart Sectioner/Circulars, Dads.

▪ Road-start machines: Cepilladora, Rage, Molding, Tupi, and Replanting, Telling and Milling Machines, Machining Centers (CNC).

▪ Machines for the machining of junctions. Female, spigners.

▪ Machines for the coating of faces and edges. Presses, edge-plating, combined.

▪ Machines for mounting and packing. Assembly presses, module presses, balers.

▪ Machines with dust boot: Hand livers, belt sanding.

▪ Varnishes application machines: Application pistols, roller/curtain machines, CN (Robot) automatons.

-Developing constructive solutions for custom products.

-Elaboration of constructive drawings of parts.

-Knowledge of the symbology of finishes, songs and/or other operations.

-Elaboration of constructive details to facilitate the interpretation of the plane in production.

-Making roadmaps and manufacturing instructions.

-Realizing part listings.

-Encoding systems.

-Control and update documentation.



Code: UF1370

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Confect installation budgets for carpentry and furnishing items by describing games and deadlines.

CE1.1 Recognize the different sections and variables that compose and intervene in the preparation of a budget for the installation of carpentry and furniture, providing its importance in relation to the total budget.

CE1.2 In a properly characterized case, make a budget of a carpentry installation and furniture considering the following parameters, at least:

-The cost of materials and products-the standard products are valued according to the prices indicated in the applicable tariff and the special products are valued on the basis of the costs necessary for their production.

-The needs and cost of personnel-based on the overall work plan established by the company and taking into account the delivery times demanded by the client.

-The cost of packaging and transport-based on the fees stipulated by the company and the specifications of the installation.

-The cost of the mount-based on the amount and complexity of the products to be installed, the conditions of the space where they must be located, and the installation time.

CE1.3 Apply the possible discounts, depending on the customer's type and preferences, so that it is the most advantageous for both parties.


1. Calculation of costs and budgets.

-Direct and indirect costs. Definition and method of calculation.

-Calculating the direct costs of catalog products to acquire.

▪ Definition and form of calculation.

▪ Interpretation of technical catalogs and technical fees.

▪ Point Valuation Systems.

▪ Commercial Margins.

▪ Payment and delivery terms.

-Calculation of the direct costs of installing the product. Definition and method of calculation.

▪ Materials. Calculation of mermas and optimization. Costs of materials. Techniques.

▪ Staff. Determination of the costs of direct M. O, and of the cost of manufacturing. Techniques.

▪ Technical and logistical means (transport). Determination of costs.

▪ Manufacturing time estimation techniques.

-Calculation of indirect costs. Definition and method of calculation, imputation systems.

▪ Commercial, structure, write-downs

-Calculation of installation and furnishing budgets.

▪ Definition and form of calculation for direct cost imputation-indirect costs-commercial margin and forms of payment.

-Using computer programs (spreadsheets, databases, or specific management programs) applied to the calculation of budgets for an installation and furnishing project.

2. Elaboration of the carpentry and furniture project

-Project documents (structure and content) for the client.

▪ Documentation to develop. Content and techniques of preparation-control of the documentation

-Descriptive memory.

-Planes in 2-D and 3-D of the proposed solution.

-Rendering and environmental.

-Budget, delivery time, and validity.

-Additional information and documents and annexes to the project (catalogues-material samples-photographs of models and prototypes).

-Project documents (structure and content) for internal process control.

▪ Documentation to be developed: Content and processing techniques, documentation control

-Products to acquire.

-Raw and semi-finished materials to be used in custom manufacturing. List of materials.

-Planes, templates, and manufacturing specifications.

-Processing and writing techniques for memory using software (word processors, and management computer systems).

3. Technical negotiation and approval of budgets.

-Techniques and negotiation strategies. Basic concepts.

-Handling variables in the negotiation.

▪ Commercial Discounts.

▪ Payment Forms.

▪ Delivery Plashes.

-Response to contingencies: Problem situations more frequent in the negotiation of installation and furnishing projects.

▪ Types-appropriate solutions.

▪ Budget reworking techniques, and control of modifications.

-Budget approval techniques. Procedure to follow, documentation to generate for both the client and the company.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Unit 2-UF1369



Formative Unit 3-UF1370




To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 2. To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1370_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1370_3: Monitor the provisioning and manufacturing of items for the installation of carpentry and furniture.

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and identify materials based on measures, qualities, and commercial characteristics.

CE1.1 Group and relate the different types of materials commonly used in the installation of carpentry and furniture, indicating their applications.

CE1.2 Know the "market" and standard measures of the various elements, materials, accessories and accessories involved in the installation of carpentry.

CE1.3 Different qualities of materials, depending on their visual characteristics and existing regulations.

CE1.4 Select the materials that may be usable from those that do not, depending on their characteristics, quality and type of intended installation.

C2: Value information about suppliers of existing materials and components on the market.

CE2.1 Describe the conditions and features that a suitable provider makes for a particular supply.

CE2.2 Identify the sources of information available for the market prospecting of suppliers, products and raw materials that the company needs.

CE2.3 List and explain the different bid request procedures.

CE2.4 Explain different criteria for the evaluation of offers by supplier companies.

CE2.5 Given the characteristics of a product to be purchased and of a supplier market, describe the characteristics of the most appropriate according to the requirements of the order.

C3: Plan the sourcing of materials and products for installation and furnishing.

CE3.1 Identify the different stages of a purchase condition negotiation process.

CE3.2 In a properly-characterized scenario of a given purchase contract and defined the economic and market variables:

-Carry out an analysis of the different factors likely to influence the negotiation and its results by assessing its possible consequences.

-Develop a purchase contract, adopting the appropriate terminology and the correct content.

CE3.3 Describe the modifications that can be made to a first purchase agreement.

CE3.4 In a properly characterized scenario of an installation for which the relationship of orders of carpentry elements and furniture must be elaborated for its supply:

-Develop the listings of the items to be subcontracted according to the characteristics and quality of the product, as well as the capacity of the service and the price offered.

-Develop the special and tailor-made item manufacturing needs listings, in good time, to interfere with the manufacturing process minimally.

-Set delivery dates for items to purchase or subcontract, depending on the needs of the installation.

C4: Monitor the manufacturing of the special items and as required, checking that they conform to the set.

CE4.1 Identify the different non-serial manufacturing processes of carpentry and furniture items.

CE4.2 Set the required manufacturing orders, marking the follow-up to be performed and the moments for monitoring.

CE4.3 Interpret information about conditions for the preparation and operation of machines and installations.

CE4.4 Develop and explain an inspection, preparation and tuning sheet of machines and equipment; collecting the necessary data-placing tools, parameters, loading of materials.

CE4.5 Explain the impact of poor preparation and maintenance of machines and facilities on production-quality, performance, costs.

C5: Check the reception of the various products, components and accessories, ensuring their quality.

CE5.1 Describe the characteristics of the space-measures, accesses, lighting, safety measures and occupational health, among others where the reception of the products, components and accessories is performed.

CE5.2 Understand the procedure for the receipt of external supplies-or make such a reception, its instructions or established procedures, and the control of the various aspects-quality, quantity, identification, among others to be indicated on the same.

CE5.3. Know the registration systems of the products accepted at the reception to give them entry into the inventory, as well as their correct location in the appropriate positions and the appropriate means.

CE5.4 Explain what are the possible causes of rejection of a product at reception and corresponding treatment according to established procedures and their subsequent identification in order to avoid their use inadvertent.

CE5.5 In a practical scenario of receiving material in a carpentry and furnishing installation by external suppliers:

-Track the delivery dates of orders placed to suppliers with the specified frequency and based on the deadlines set.

-Verify the characteristics-technical, aesthetic and number of materials purchased and received at the established installation sites, on the agreed dates and checking that they have not been damaged by the transport.

-Indicate the right order and place for the reception of materials and accessories, so that damage to materials or people is avoided and allows the installation process to be streamlined.

C6: Plan the expedition and transport of materials for installation.

CE6.1 Verify that orders placed to suppliers are in optimal condition for shipment and installation by checking for required packaging and specifications.

CE6.2 In a properly characterized scenario of installing a wooden structure:

-Define the means of transport according to the dimensions of the structure and the accesses to the place of installation protecting the same in order to avoid scratches and blows.

-Define the necessary means for manual transport, Personal Protective Equipment and goods.

-Classify the components of the structure, attaching the cutting list to facilitate the operation of loading and unloading the structure.

-Properly select the most suitable packaging for the transport and protection of the components of the installation.

-Select the means of transport of goods according to the distance and time of delivery.


1. Logistic management in the reception, manufacture and expedition of materials for installation and furnishing projects.

-Importance of the receiving logistics.

-Importance of the internal logistics of products to be manufactured in the company.

-Importance of packaging, expedition and transport logistics.

2. Selection of suppliers.

-Supplier selection techniques. Selection criteria.

-Order negotiation techniques.

-Purchasing planning techniques.

3. Logistical documentation.

-Orders. Concept and definition.

▪ Basic fields of an order.

▪ Order generation and purchase orders.

-Delivery Albarans. Concept and definition.

▪ Basic fields of a delivery note.

▪ Flow of performances versus receiving merchandise with/without delivery delivery.

-Transport Albaranes. Concept and definition.

▪ Basic fields of a transport albaran.

▪ Flow of performances versus receiving merchandise with/without transport albaran.

▪ Generation of transport albarans.

-Manufacturing orders and roadmaps. Concept and definition.

▪ Making manufacturing orders and roadmaps.

▪ Required information. Listing of materials, processes, plans and other specifications.

4. Inspection of products and materials.

-Inspection of reception, manufacture and expedition. Purpose. Techniques. Usage.

-Identification of dimensional and non-dimensional defects. Most common defects, acceptance and rejection criteria.

▪ In products for installation acquired from outside.

▪ In raw materials (sawwood-wood-based boards-fittings and bonding systems-glues and adhesives-finished products-semi-finished parts).

▪ In products made of carpentry elements (doors-windows-coatings-floors-work cabinets-stairs) or furniture.

-Development of inspection guidelines at reception, manufacturing and expedition for installation and furnishing projects.

-Visual inspection. Development of guidelines. State of the material, packaging, finishes.

-Dimensional inspection. Development of guidelines.

▪ Measurement and dimensional control.

▪ Measurement teams. Types, use, and handling.

▪ Tolerances.

-Parties of non-compliance. Basic features and uses.

-Sampling. Purpose. Techniques.

-Action type diagram in the control inspection. Compliance-cases of non-compliance-actions.

5. Planning the transport for the installation.

-External transport: Means of transport. Types. Features

-Conditions of the means of transport for carpentry and furniture projects.

▪ Protection of shipments. Environmental conditions-packaging depending on the type of transport.

▪ Tag Out: Symbols-meaning-minimum indications.

▪ Documentation to be worked out.

-Transport Contract: Participants. Responsibilities of the parties.

-Route scheduling. Loading and unloading of goods. Organization.

-Load of materials for installation and furnishing projects.

▪ Load processing based on project needs. Sequencing.

▪ Materials used to secure the load, and layout in the transport. Verification of packaging and location.

▪ Logistics means for the load. Types and uses characteristics.

6. Regulations applicable to the control of supply and manufacture of products for installation and furnishing projects.

-Safety and occupational health rules applied to procurement and product manufacturing control for installation and furnishing projects.:

▪ Types of risks inherent in the job,

▪ Protection and Prevention Methods

▪ Personal protection uses,

▪ First aid.

-Environmental legislation applicable to procurement and product manufacturing control for installation and furnishing projects.

-Security and occupational health in the supply control and product manufacturing for installation and furnishing projects:

▪ Risk of materials and add-ons.

▪ Toxicity.

▪ Degree of flammability and flammability.

▪ Physical hazards in the receipt and handling of materials.

▪ Prevention systems. Extinction systems.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF1370_3



Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1371_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1371_3: Coordinate and monitor the assembly of carpentry and furniture installations

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Value the importance of controlling the installation tasks and the final monitoring of the installation.

CE1.1 Relate the various classes and typology of carpentry and furniture facilities with their characteristics and applications.

CE1.2 Describe the main control points of the installation tasks, depending on their significance in the process itself and the final result.

CE1.3 Make different control plans to contrast the different ways of doing things according to your ultimate goal.

CE1.4 Relate the phases of the assembly process with the elements, materials, and tools involved.

CE1.5 Understand the importance of completing jobs in grooming and cleaning conditions by adding value to the quality of the installation.

C2: Plan the installation process taking into account the human and technical factors involved.

CE2.1 Check that the materials and auxiliary means correspond to the requirements of the project and are adequate, preventing dead time, returns or collapses of work, among others.

CE2.2 Verify the actual characteristics of the local, allowing you to start the installation jobs only when possible and whenever modifications to the initial project are minimal.

CE2.3 In a properly characterized scenario of a carpentry and furniture installation:

-Check the actual characteristics of the local object of the installation by detecting possible failures and ensuring their correction before starting the installation.

-Temporarily sequence the activities to be performed by considering the coordination of the different resources, in order to improve the time of realization and the quality of the work.

-Define staffing needs based on the installation process and complementary facilities involved, optimizing the installation process.

-Define the input of the various materials and media according to their need and considering the characteristics of the installation site.

-To transmit to the assembly teams the activities to be developed, in a comprehensive way and emphasizing the measures of prevention and occupational health.

C3: Check the installation site that the jobs are performed as set in the project, deciding the appropriate modifications.

CE3.1 Check that the cleanup of the work corresponds to the required minimums and allows the installation work to begin.

CE3.2 Verify that the fixing systems used are correct on the basis of the supports and loads that in extreme situations could be requested.

CE3.3 Contrastar that the action plan for the installation is the ideal one covering possible deviations with corrective measures.

CE3.4 Ensure that the work done allows the manipulation of service facilities-light, water, gas, among others, being able to access them in case of damage or dysfunction.

CE3.5 Cotejar that the installation jobs performed match the project, -element situation, color appearance, among others considering the possibility of an external control of the installation that verifies the quality is based on the client's requirements.

CE3.6 Perform the cleaning of the installation-doors, crystals, interior of furniture, among others checking that it is fit for delivery to the customer.

CE3.7 Report to the customer-maintenance and use manual, instructions, among other maintenance operations to be carried out on the installed materials, their finishes and the appropriate conditions of use to ensure their durability.

C4: Check that safety and health measures are strictly enforced.

CE4.1 Ensure that personal, passive and occupational health security measures are carried out by being the right ones for existing risks, changing them if necessary.

CE4.2 Contrastar that the contents of first aid kits -kit, among others-as well as their situation are the ideal ones based on the possible risks.

CE4.3 Review that the facilities comply with the regulations-opening of doors in case of evacuation, planned width of passage, among others-and are adapted to the local emergency plan.

CE4.4 Verify that the generated waste is managed correctly for later use or recycling.

CE4.5 Specify the actions to be performed in case of accident that requires medical services, providing related information-health center, nearest emergency department, among others-as well as the situation plan for reach them.


1. Interpretation of documentation of furniture and carpentry installation projects.

-Installation Memories.

-Interpretation of plans for installation and furnishing.

-Interpretation of list of materials to install.

2. Planning the installation process.

-Optimal sequencing of jobs and trades.

-Optimal sequence of material input.

-Staff planning.

3. Checking the parameters for the location.

-Installation site check:

▪ Dimensions

▪ Level

▪ Verticality and Status

▪ Techniques and Instruments

-Measure tools: Features and usage.

-Non-conformance communication procedures. I repose on work.

4. Reception, download, and location at the installation site

-Project Material Download Techniques:

▪ Machines and equipment used in the unloading of materials.

▪ Types and uses.

▪ Planning.

-Documentation verification techniques associated with the receipt of goods (delivery notes, delivery notes). Procedures.

-Quality checking techniques for the products that are received. Quality control procedures and instructions to both visual and dimensional reception.

▪ Acceptance and rejection criteria.

▪ Use and measuring instruments. Uses.

▪ Packaging and protection of furniture in your transport. Types, uses, problems they generate.

5. Installation of materials.

-Machines, tools, and tools used in installation.

▪ Types and uses.

▪ Security systems associated with them.

-Furniture and carpentry elements in installation and furnishing projects, components and auction systems:

▪ Naming

▪ Types

▪ Features

▪ Assembly and tuning systems.

▪ Interpretation of mounting instructions.

-Other items used in the project (appliances, luminaries, curtains).

▪ Naming

▪ Types

▪ Features

▪ Assembly and tuning systems.

▪ Interpretation of mounting instructions.

-Optimized raw material techniques in linear elements (moldings, sockets).

▪ Purpose.

▪ Techniques

▪ Tools and uses.

-Ebanisteria Unions used in the installation.

▪ Types

▪ Uses and techniques.

-Herring and join systems in installation projects to be furnished:

▪ Types (for fixed joins and for mobile junctions)

▪ Uses and Tuning.

-Colas and adhesives used in the installation.

▪ Features

▪ Types and uses.

-Work-mounted drill (wall, floor, tiled).

▪ Technical and parameter tuning.

▪ Portable machine. Security conditions.

-Electrical installations.

▪ Basic knowledge.

▪ Security.

-Plumbing installations.

▪ Basic Knowledge

▪ Security.

-Gas installations.

▪ Basic knowledge.

▪ Security.

-Vent installations.

▪ Basic knowledge.

▪ Security

-Installation manual finishing:

▪ Manual finishing products.

▪ Repair of surfaces. Useful and application equipment.

-Landed: Purpose-Techniques.

▪ Lijas (Types, description, uses).

▪ Lijators (Types, description, operation, and maintenance).

-Masked: Purpose-application techniques.

▪ Types of putty and uses.

-Cleaning products. Types, uses. Security. Applications.

-Aspiring and cleaning. Machinery and tools (types, description, uses, maintenance).

6. Checking the result of the installation.

-Assembly and tuning checking techniques.

▪ Description-uses-auxiliary tools for measurement and determination.

▪ Functional tests. Procedures.

-Visual check techniques for the result of the installation. Procedures.

-Part of incidents. Documentation and procedures for error healing.

-Quality control:

▪ Factors that influence the quality of materials, products, and the process of installation and furnishing projects.

▪ Quality cost.

▪ Quality control techniques.

-Application of safety and health rules:

▪ Types of risks inherent in the work relating to installation and furnishing projects.

▪ Protection and prevention methods.

▪ Personal protection and security devices in facilities and machinery.

▪ Standard Simbology.

▪ First aid.

-Waste treatment in the assembly of installation and furnishing projects:

▪ Waste generated.

▪ Waste utilization and disposal.

▪ Methods and media used.

-Organization and distribution of the job:

▪ Work organization techniques for the installation and furnishing project assembly projects,

▪ more frequent causes that hinder the effective evolution of activities.

▪ Optimal sequencing of the different operations involved.

-Streamlining available media:

▪ Optimizing the media available in the installation and installation project assembly.

▪ Response to contingencies:

▪ The most frequent problem situations in the development of activities: types, appropriate solutions.

-sporadic and regular interaction with other persons involved in the activities of installation and furnishing projects. Relationship to other phases of the process.

7. Delivery of the installation project.

-Procedures to follow

-Support documentation.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF1371_3



Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0290

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the representation and characterization of the space for the installation and furnishing project.

CE1.1 Interpret sketches, drawings, and acotations, as well as architectural distributions, to deduce the type of installation to perform.

CE1.2 Review the installation site by checking project and work data.

CE1.3 Make the necessary measurements for the elaboration of a sketch of the installation site.

CE1.4 Develop an installation site sketch with the information needed for project development.

CE1.5 Check that complementary installations can be performed

CE1.6 Participate in the collection of needs expressed by the client.

C2: Participate in the definition of constructive solutions, selecting them based on the objectives, materials and means available.

CE2.1 Perform installation space profile, floor plans, and profile plans with computer media.

CE2.2. Collaborate in the development of the solution to the project, selecting commercial products and developing custom products.

CE2.3 Develop the necessary plans for the manufacture of carpentry and furniture products, applying the appropriate graphic representation techniques and introducing the specifications required by the type of product and the adopted manufacturing system.

CE2.4 Elaborate the set plans, with the view, cutting planes and applying the codes and references of the parts that make up the product.

CE2.5 Make drawings and drawing modifications in two and three dimensions, using a computer-aided drawing program.

CE2.6 Create two-and three-dimensional environment by using a computer-aided drawing program.

CE2.7 Apply conventional rules of representation to the realization of manufacturing, illustration and assembly plans.

CE2.8 Print project related documentation.

C3: Collaborate on the realization of installation and furnishing budgets by describing games and deadlines.

CE3.1 Develop lists of acquired materials to the outside required for the project and assess their cost.

CE3.2 Participate in obtaining other costs associated with the installation and furnishing project.

CE3.3 Support in the realization of the installation and furnishing project budget.

CE3.4 Collaborate on the documentation required for project memory.

CE3.5 Control the documentation developed to allow easy identification and handling.

CE3.6 Participate in the negotiation of the installation and furnishing project with the client.

C4: Support the planning of sourcing materials and products for installation and furnishing.

CE4.1 Develop lists of materials to be purchased based on the project.

CE4.2 Develop lists of materials to be manufactured based on the project.

CE4.3 Participate in the realization of purchase and manufacturing orders for the installation project.

CE4.4 Participate in the planning of the purchases associated with the project.

C5: Check the reception of the various products, components and accessories, ensuring their quality.

CE5.1 Develop instructions for inspections to receive external supplies-or carry out such inspection, verifying the technical, aesthetic and quantity characteristics, indicating the deviations detected if appropriate.

C6: Collaborate in planning the expedition and transport of materials for installation.

CE6.1 Define the means necessary for the transport of the materials to the point of installation.

CE6.2 Participate in the delivery of delivery to the merchandise.

CE6.3 Verify that materials to be issued are in optimal condition for shipment and installation by checking for required packaging and specifications.

C7: Support in the installation process taking into account the human and technical factors involved.

CE7.1 Review and interpret plans and specifications developed in the project.

CE7.2 Verify the actual characteristics of the local, object of the installation by detecting possible failures and ensuring its correction before starting the installation.

CE7.3 Check that the materials that are received at the site of the installation are the ones corresponding to the project and have the quality specifications established.

CE7.4 Check that the installation jobs performed match the project, the moving parts are working correctly, the fixed elements are conveniently anchored and there are no marks or hits on the products installed.

CE7.5 Check that the waste has been collected and properly separated for recycling.

C8: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE8.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE8.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE8.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE8.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE8.5 Use the established communication channels.


1. Interpretation of plans and documents of an architectural project.

-Identifying the basic views of flat representation.

-Symbology interpretation.

-Welcoming and tolerances.

2. Taking data from the installation site and croking.

-Obtaining the installation site metrics.

-Collection of other data of interest for the installation.

-Collection of client needs data.

-Realization of the site of the installation site.

3. Representation of installation and furnishing project spaces and proposals.

-Development of plans in computer programs in the space object of the installation.

-Realization of graphical proposals for installation and furnishing projects using 2D and 3D software.

-Renderer development and environment.

-Printing the graphical documentation associated with the project

4. Development of budgets for installation and furnishing projects.

-Making lists of finished product materials to be incorporated and their associated costs.

-Elaboration of lists of materials to be used in custom manufacturing and their associated costs.

-Developing installation and furnishing budgets.

-Generation of installation and furnishing project memories.

5. Management of purchases, manufacturing processes and expedition.

-Realization of purchase orders.

-Acceptance and rejection criteria in sourcing purchases from the

-Purchased Product Verification Inspection

-Verification inspection of custom-built products

-Product verification inspection issued.

6. Project installation.

-Review and interpretation of the documentation developed in the installation project to be used by the installation personnel.

-In-place verification of the status of the installation site and its suitability for the project.

-Inspection and verification of the installation, both visual, aesthetic, functional and clean.

7. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


of installation and furnishing projects



• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other titles equivalents.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

2 years

Sourcing of items for the installation of carpentry and furniture

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree of corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or degree degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

2 years


Monitoring the assembly of carpentry and furniture installations

Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree or degree title other equivalent titles

2 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

and furnishing project technical







and furnishing project technical





Aula installation and furnishing project technique

-Audiovisual equipment

-PCs installed in network, projection cannon and Internet

-2D and 2D design software 3D and Environment



-Office Software: Word Processor and Spreadsheets.

-Pigs to Write with Ritter


-Classroom Material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Measurement and data-taking equipment:

▪ Digital distance measurement or in its defect tape metric 25 mts and 5 meter meter measurement.

▪ Metal detector, wood, electrical cables.

▪ Laser or in your defect conventional squadron or manual goniometer.

▪ Laser level or at your default bubble level.

▪ Millimeter paper.

▪ Support

▪ Calculator.

-Indicative posters, plans, or actual installations in which current and light points, water and drainage outlets, gas outlets, and air conditioning/heating installation.

-Indicative posters, plans or actual installations in which work items such as pillars, corners, doors and/or windows appear.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Organization and production management in furniture and carpentry industries.

Code: MAMD0110

Professional family: Wood, furniture and cork.

Professional area: Production carpentry and furniture

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

MAM423_3 Organization and production management in furniture and carpentry industries. (RD 1958/09, of 18 December).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1361_3: Plan and manage warehouse and supplies in the furniture manufacturing industry.

UC1362_3: Organize production in furniture manufacturing industries.

UC1363_3: Monitor and control production in furniture manufacturing industries.

UC1364_3: Participate in the maintenance of quality, environment, prevention and occupational health management systems in wood, cork and furniture.

General competition:

Organize, manage and monitor production in furniture industries, programming and preparing the work to be done based on the available resources, monitoring the correct and timely execution of the necessary jobs for the manufacture of furniture with the required quality and safety measures, complying with the current regulations and respecting the environment.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Exercises its activity in the area of production of medium and large companies engaged in the manufacture of furniture for hire or self-employment.

Productive Sectors:

Manufacture of carpentry elements.

Occupations or related jobs:

Manager of wood and cork companies.

Manager of furniture and other manufacturing companies.

3160.1085 Quality control technician in wood and cork industries.

Duration of the associated training: 540 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1361_3: Sourcing and warehousing in the furniture manufacturing industry. (70 hours).

MF1362_3: Organization of production in furniture manufacturing industries. (130 hours).

• UF1398: Organization of materials and resources in furniture manufacturing (60 hours)

• UF1399: Production planning in the furniture manufacturing industry (70 hours)

MF1363_3: Production control in furniture manufacturing industries. (190 hours).

• UF1400: Analysis and control of manufacturing processes in wood and furniture industries (80 hours)

• UF1401: Programming, preparation and maintenance of automated manufacturing equipment in the wood and furniture industry (70 hours)

• UF1402: Control of the human resources production and management position in the wood and furniture industry (40 hours)

MF1364_3 (Trasversal): Quality, safety and environment in wood, cork and furniture industries. (70 hours).

MP0297: Non-working professional practice module of Organization and production management in furniture and carpentry industries (80 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1361_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Schedule the supplies required for production, according to work instructions.

CR1.1 The needs of raw materials, components and semi-finished elements necessary for the manufacture of furniture are determined:

-From the list of materials for the production plan to be performed, considering the dates of need, the provisioning times, and the security stock.

-By review of available existence and comparison with the minimum established existence, considering the provisioning times and the security stock.

CR1.2 The provisioning program is prepared by considering the needs of raw materials, components and semi-finished elements, the availability of suppliers, the cost of each supply and the cost of storage, a way to minimise costs by meeting the needs identified in quantity and time.

CR1.3 The selection of suppliers is made considering the established quality criteria, their economic offers, the delivery times indicated and their supply capacity, in order to ensure the supply to the lowest possible cost and meeting the company's policy in this area.

CR1.4 Orders to suppliers are issued in the format and deadline set, so that the elaborate provisioning program is met.

RP2: Monitor the warehouse and receipt of external supplies according to the operating procedure, to ensure the proper distribution of each product.

CR2 .1. The staff are informed that they must receive the receipt of orders submitted to suppliers, and of the planned reception dates, so that they can prepare and plan their work and know the authorized downloads.

CR2.2 The receipt of external supplies is monitored-or where appropriate is made-, ensuring that it is carried out, following the instructions or procedures established, controlling those aspects-quality, quantity, identification-to be indicated on the same.

CR2.3 The products accepted at the receipt are recorded in the form stipulated to give them entry into the inventory, placing them in the appropriate positions using the appropriate means.

CR2.4 The products rejected at the reception are treated according to the established procedures, identifying unequivocally to avoid their inadvertent use.

CR2.5 Quality control records are completed with the results obtained, reporting in case of non-compliance to the appropriate person, or directly to the supplier to take appropriate action.

RP3: Manage and organize the warehouse as well as the supply of products needed to ensure the production process, as set out in the company policy.

CR3.1 The storage elements and the means of transport and handling are monitored, as well as their state of preservation and cleanliness, to be suitable for the products to be stored.

CR3.2 The locations of the different products are defined by considering the available space, the ease of access to the location, and the volume, weight and rotation of the items, so as to facilitate the loading and download.

CR3.3 The proper identification of the stored products is verified to avoid errors and streamline their handling.

CR3.4 The movements within the warehouse are controlled to ensure that they are performed using the appropriate and secure means, registering properly to keep the inventory up to date.

CR3.5 The materials, components and semi-finished products to be used for successive production programmes are prepared at the appropriate time to supply the required quantity to the jobs that need them, in function of what is indicated in that programme.

CR3.6 Stored perishable products-varnishes, queues, among others-are controlled to ensure their utilization within the indicated usage dates, treating expired products in the form that is established.

CR3.7 Regular counts are performed or monitored to obtain the value of the inventory, checking the accuracy of the available data and the status of the stored products, making the corrections appropriate.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment and storage facilities of the furniture industry. Computer equipment (warehouse management program. Wood and derivatives. Coating materials. Finishing products. Other materials (Glass, metals, among others). Fittings and accessories. Adhesives. Semi-finished products. Equipment and storage facilities. Machines and equipment for packaging. Computer equipment (warehouse management programs).

Products and results

Provisioning control. Storage in conditions. Supply of materials to production. Program of external supplies. Requests for purchases. Program of internal supplies. Orders of dispatch. Permanent inventory of stocks of products, raw materials and other materials. Maintenance of the established stock. Ordered, detailed and complete information of: sales, orders, customers/suppliers. Reports on opinions, suggestions, client/supplier demands, and, indirectly, on consumers and other tasks entrusted to them. Sales/purchase forecasts for your area.

Information used or generated

List of materials to be used in manufacturing. Bibliography and technical data of materials (characteristics, types, applications). Catalogues and samples of materials and products. Standards for classification and marking of materials. Specifications concerning the handling and storage of materials and products. Control sheets for the supplies. Warehouse control tabs (inputs and outputs). Waste treatment and disposal control documents. Quality control sheets for materials, fittings, accessories and accessories.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1362_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the necessary resources according to the availability of resources for the production launch in furniture manufacturing industries.

CR1.1 The furniture production plan is made on the basis of customer orders and the need to maintain stocks of semi-finished products or finished products in storage, considering quantities demanded, minimum units, manufacturing deadlines and service dates.

CR1.2 The needs of raw materials, components and semi-finished elements necessary for the manufacture of the furniture are determined from the list of materials corresponding to the production plan to be carried out.

CR1.3 The availability of materials is established by reviewing the available stock level and subsequent comparison with the required quantities.

CR1.4 The productive equipment to be used in the production plan is established from the manufacturing routes of the different furniture elements to be produced.

CR1.5 The availability of furniture manufacturing equipment is established from the occupation committed in previous plans and by checking its proper functioning through the appropriate means in each case, communicating the deficiencies found in the productive equipment to the maintenance or repair service, following the established system.

CR1.6 The time load required to meet the production plan is set by accumulation of manufacturing times for all furniture items to be manufactured.

CR1.7 Staff availability is checked based on the level of occupation committed in previous manufacturing plans, the employment status of the staff and the applicable work schedule.

CR1.8 The level of staff knowledge is verified to be appropriate to the assigned tasks, updating such knowledge if necessary.

RP2: Schedule the job to be performed based on the furniture production plan set for the optimization of the available resources.

CR2.1 The operations to be performed and their execution sequence are verified to have been obtained from the production plan, using manual systems or automated computer equipment, to define the manual machines, Automatic or CNC-control-numeric computed-which must be used in each operation.

CR2.2 The assignment of the work to be performed on each post for a defined time horizon is performed considering the totality of the operations, their sequence, the machine preparation times, the processing times, the capacity of the available means of production and human resources, so that the production plan is finalised within the stipulated time frame.

CR2.3 The production costs of the developed plan are minimised, maintaining the expected execution period, through changes in manufacturing sequences, use of alternative production equipment and/or redeployment of staff to jobs.

CR2.4 The supply sequence of raw materials, components, and semi-finished materials required to execute the production plan at each job is set, analyzing the schedule that has been set.

RP3: Schedule different manufacturing lines according to established methods, contributing to securing the production policy.

CR3.1 Production targets are set under the advice of other departments involved, in accordance with company policy.

CR3.2 Production is planned in collaboration with other areas of the company, using the most appropriate techniques according to the production policy.

CR3.3 The risk and uncertainty are evaluated in the different production lines programmed, using the appropriate techniques and according to the production policy.

CR3.4 Processes are scheduled to take into account overall costs and project costs, using calculation tools according to the production policy.

CR3.5 The production programs performed are subject to contrast-or to consideration-with other areas involved in accordance with the production policy.

RP4: Distribute the necessary information according to the productive units involved in the execution of the furniture manufacturing program to ensure their correct understanding and coordination.

CR4.1 The information required by each production unit is obtained, in the format to be determined, from the manufactured furniture program and including the quantity of products to be manufactured, the necessary materials for the manufacture, the temporary sequence in which each product is manufactured, the estimated time of manufacture of furniture and the necessary machinery, tools and personnel, using either manual or automated means-management programme production-.

CR4.2 The information obtained is distributed to the different production units that will intervene in the process of manufacturing furniture, simultaneously or consecutively in each unit, using written or written documentation electronic based on the defined work system and the available means.

CR4.3 The transmission of the information is made considering the suitability of the right people in each productive unit, considering the clarifications that are necessary for their correct understanding.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment and IT applications for furniture production management. Alternatively, spreadsheet can be used. Computer equipment (applied production organization programs).

Products and results

Programs and production plans. Production orders. Operational procedures for production and technical instructions. Permanent inventory of stocks of products, raw materials and other materials. Organization of production and human resources. Production databases. Files of raw materials, products in progress and products produced. Production charts. Record of meeting established production targets. Instructions for production histories and statistical charts. Planning, preparation, distribution, scheduling and launching of the work. Optimization of material and human resources.

Information used or generated

Furniture production plan. List of materials and operations of the products included in the Production Plan. Inventory of available materials. Load assumptions per work center and maximum availability. Maintenance plan. List of available personnel in manufacturing.

List of furniture orders to be made to suppliers. Manufacturing orders per work center. The launch sequence of the manufacturing orders.

Competition Unit 3


Level 3

Code UC1363_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Control production compliance according to the furniture manufacturing program set to correct the deviations found.

CR1.1 The evolution of the furniture manufacturing program at every instant of time is determined from the following information:

-Initial forecast of quantities to be manufactured in each production unit against actual quantities manufactured.

-Actual consumption of raw and semi-finished materials versus those expected.

-Process time spent versus expected.

-Averies or malfunction of productive equipment.

-Unintended staff boxes.

CR1.2 Information about the state of the furniture manufacturing program that each production unit must supply and its frequency is determined based on the available means for collection, transmission, and analysis.

CR1.3 Available information about the status of the manufacturing program is analyzed by comparing the predicted situation versus the actual situation, at each point of control.

CR1.4 The deviations found during the control of the manufacturing program are evaluated considering their impact on the fulfillment of the objectives marked-end dates, production costs, among others.

CR1.5 The deviations assessed are corrected by taking corrective measures proportionate to the gravity of the deviation, using the additional resources available-overtime, personnel movements, equipment alternatives, subcontracting, among others.

RP2: Monitor and, where appropriate, conduct operations such as storage, cutting, machining, sanding, assembly, finishing and dispatch, according to the different stages of production for the development of the job.

CR2.1 The classification and storage of the raw materials and produced or semi-finished products are controlled for further use in the light of the storage system determined by the company.

CR2.2 The preparation of the parts that make up the final product for correct machining, assembly and finishing is controlled in such a way that they meet established physical-mechanical characteristics and are in accordance with the job.

CR2.3 The machining and assembly of the parts to be manufactured are controlled in the form of machining and according to the work part, observing that the safety and occupational health regulations are met.

CR2.4 Intermediate operations before the finish, such as sanding, massing, repassing, processing assembly, and semi-finished product buffer, are controlled in such a way that they meet the requirements set out in the plan job.

CR2.5 The process of finishing that involves the operations of product selection, supply, applications of the various types of dyes and background, drying, sanding of varnish and application of finishes are controlled in a way that comply with the work plans set out in the company according to the production parts.

CR2.6 The final assembly and auxiliary elements such as fittings and glass among others, as well as the packaging is controlled that is carried out according to the production parts established in the company.

CR2.7 The issue and load of the end products are controlled, so they match the schedule according to the docks and routes in accordance with the business plan of the company.

RP3: Verify that the production units comply with the production plan, based on the result of the work done, to indicate the corrective measures to be taken in case of deviation.

CR3.1 The monitoring of the quality and quantity of the furniture products obtained, the time of execution of the works and the state of the equipment and personnel is carried out directly in each productive unit at intervals newspapers to confirm the established forecasts and/or propose appropriate corrective measures in case of alterations.

CR3.2 It is verified that the amount and quality of production programmed is achieved in the times and with the consumption and costs foreseen, detecting otherwise the causes and introducing corrections in the distribution of resources and job assignment.

CR3.3 The revision of the variables and production parameters recorded during the process is carried out, which allows to detect deviations in the execution of the same, being able to pass on the quality of the product and adopting or proposing corrective measures in case of diversion.

CR3.4 The analysis of the results of established quality inspections is performed, thus allowing to determine whether the required quality level is reached.

CR3.5 Detected contingencies are corrected to minimize potential associated losses by adopting reasonable and proportionate alternatives to the severity of contingencies.

CR3.6 Quality control in the different work points is carried out in collaboration with the quality department, knowing the different incidents that occurred in both the production process and the returns from the client, being able to control that the necessary modifications are carried out.

RP4: Control the production process in its different phases according to established methods by securing the manufacturing control plan.

CR4.1 Control types are determined at inspection points according to the production control plan.

CR4.2 Production standards are secured on the process line and according to the production schedule.

CR4.3 The deviations detected in the production are corrected by the systems set in the production control plan.

CR4.4 Basic production control responsibilities are established within the manufacturing line taking into account operational and human resource management procedures in manufacturing.

RP5: Schedule Numeric Control machines-CN- and robots to generate and record technical information attached to the program according to the plan set.

CR5.1 The programming and data allocation is done to display the intended jobs.

CR5.2 The parameters and technical data obtained are recorded so that they can be used for the jobs to be performed by the machine operator.

CR5.3 Auxiliary devices are used to perform a proper, comfortable, and secure job.

RP6: Monitor and control the execution of the first piece with the CN machines and complex equipment to verify the operation of the machines and the quality parameters of the product.

CR6.1 The first-piece check is performed to control that the program, team preparation, and operations are correct.

CR6.2 The jobs performed are verified to meet the required quality and dimensional specifications.

CR6.3 The realization of the first part allows for the adjustment of the parameters and the tuning of the machines and equipment for the production launch.

RP7: Define the necessary operations according to the maintenance plan to control the smooth operation of the furniture production equipment and its repairs.

CR7.1 The definition of maintenance operations to be carried out on machines, installations and tools is performed according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and the use made of the equipment.

CR7.2 The elaboration of the machine maintenance plan, facilities and tools is carried out by establishing the frequency of each maintenance operation on each equipment and the responsibility for its execution, differentiating the internal and external maintenance.

CR7.3 The correct and timely execution of scheduled maintenance operations is controlled from the records set for that purpose.

CR7.4 The correct value of each team's operating parameters is determined from the manufacturer's specifications, the usage tests that have been performed, and the historical values achieved.

CR7.5 The control of the operation of each team is performed by reviewing the outcome of the process and/or by direct observation of the parameters of the process.

CR7.6 The equipment whose operation is not correct is clearly identified so that they are not inadvertently used.

CR7.7 The repairs to be performed on the broken equipment are agreed and planned with the corresponding internal or external service, depending on the type of fault and using the defined communication channel.

CR7.8 The supervision of occupational risk prevention activities is performed, considering the ones programmed for the specific productive unit, in accordance with the company policy and the current regulations.

Professional Context

Production media

Dashboards. Computer-assisted manufacturing systems and programmes. Manual files, computer files. Devices for data transmission. Elements of measurement and control of production and production. Equipment and computer applications for the production management of furniture. Alternatively, spreadsheet can be used. Measuring and marking tools. Complex machines used in the first processing of wood and cork, of: Treatments, sawing, chipping/grinding, sheet metal cutting, board-pressing of boards. Complex machines, of: machining, assembly, finishing, packaging. Machine tools and tools. Industrial installations (compressed air, extraction, steam). CN equipment. Computer equipment and CN programs. Industrial robots.

Products and results

Complex and CN machines prepared to be used by operators. Programs for finished and verified CN machines. Equipment ready to perform the production. Solution to contingencies. Production and control of production. Coordination, supervision, optimization and instruction of human resources of production. Products of first transformation, carpentry and furniture made in terms, quantity and quality established.

Information used or generated

Scheduled Furniture Manufacturing Plan Assumptions. Instructions for the use and maintenance of machines. Parts with different types of defects. Output: Maintenance plan. Modified furniture manufacturing plan. Criteria for acceptance and rejection of parts. Plane and technical information sheet. Technical data on the characteristics of the materials. Technical data on the characteristics and operation of the facilities. Manual of the operator of complex machines and equipment of CN. Technical characteristics of the tools and tools. Instructions and manuals for maintenance of machines, equipment and installations. Set-to-point parameter tabs. CN programs. Results sheets for the first part to be performed. Machine, equipment and plant maintenance records.

Competition Unit 4


Level 3

Code UC1364_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Participate in the definition and in the Organization of the maintenance of the systems of environmental quality management, prevention and occupational health for its development and application, in accordance with the company's policy and the quality and environmental plans.

CR1.1 Participates with the team or department responsible in defining the objectives to be achieved by the company in the quality and environmental policy considering:

-Quality and environmental aspects related to business activity.

-The actions to be performed for quality control and environmental management.

-Actions for monitoring and measuring emissions, effluents and waste.

-Quality and environmental awareness and training actions.

-Emergency plans.

-The human resources required for quality control and environmental management and their level of training.

-The test and control means, as well as the plan for their maintenance and calibration.

-Functional relationships, in terms of quality and environment, between company departments.

-The flow, process, and organization of the information.

CR1.2 The quality plan is defined in a way that ensures that the entire organization is involved to achieve a level of competitive quality in the market, the permanent rationality of the costs and in the process of continuous improvement.

CR1.3 Participating in the elaboration of the system's documentary support, specific work or process instructions and forms and formats, which once completed, are constituted in the records showing the system application, is performed by following the instructions received.

CR1.4 It is involved in the formulation of proposals for improvement of procedures, appropriate to the standards on quality management and the possibilities of the company.

CR1.5 Participation in the activities of the Environmental Management System audit process is performed in accordance with the technical instructions received.

CR1.6 The organization of internal audit process activities is done by following the technical instructions received and conforming to the quality plan.

CR1.7 The incorporation of procedural improvements in the system of application of the quality plan and environmental management is proposed.

CR1.8 The proposals made are in line with the standards on quality and environmental assurance and the possibilities of the company.

CR1.9 It is controlled in all production processes that the use of equipment and machinery is correct and has carried out periodic maintenance, keeping in prefect the active and passive protections and observing that complies with the safety and health regulations.

RP2: Determine the control systems of supplies, process variables and finished product, and provide the necessary means for their development and application, in order to achieve the objectives of the quality and management plan The company's environmental protection.

CR2.1 The requirements for materials and auxiliary media for the specifications of the defined supplies are monitored to ensure the quality of the product, in accordance with the company's guidelines.

CR2.2 Participates in the management of energy resources and water policy according to the bread established by the company to achieve its sustainability.

CR2.3 The determination of the procedures, equipment and instructions for the control of supplies is made from the characteristics that have the greatest impact on the quality of the products to be manufactured, and on the basis of the specifications provided by the suppliers.

CR2.4 The control plan for the manufacturing process and the finished product is carried out, establishing the verification points and the sampling, control, recording and evaluation procedures.

CR2.5 Control procedures are specified according to:

-The object of the procedure.

-Items or materials to be inspected.

-Sampling conditions.

-Test media and instruments.

-Mode of operation.

-Assessment criteria.

-How to express results and reports.

-The qualification of the operator performing the control.

CR2.6 The treatments specified for non-compliant material that allow their identification, traceability and, where appropriate, recycled, are controlled according to the instructions set out.

CR2.7 The defined control systems that ensure the quality and environmental requirements of supplies, intermediate products and finished product are managed by optimizing the technical and human resources.

CR2.8 The organization and management of the necessary means for the conduct of the tests and inspections of control is carried out according to the precision of the measures, guidelines and places of control, qualification of the users authorized, inspection frequency and calibration plan.

RP3: Monitor inspection and testing processes, in the laboratory and manufacturing plant, in order to comply with the procedures and standards established by the company's quality and environmental management plans.

CR3.1 Inspection and testing equipment is proven to be properly calibrated and in perfect conditions of use.

CR3.2 The scheduled inspections and tests throughout the production process are performed according to established protocols, once the necessary documentation is updated and available and is in place. appropriate.

CR3.3 Sample sampling and testing and testing are performed in accordance with established technical procedures and instructions.

CR3.4 Extraordinary sampling and testing are performed when circumstances require it-commissioning and stopping, severe alterations in the process.

CR3.5 The verification of control equipment and instruments is performed according to the maintenance plan.

CR3.6 The completion of tests on finished products is carried out in duly accredited external laboratories for product certification.

RP4: Evaluate control data and propose actions for process and product improvement, managing the information needed for quality control and improvement and environmental management.

CR4.1 The treatment of data received-statistical, graphic-which facilitates the reading and interpretation of the results, is done to adopt the improvement measures more easily.

CR4.2 The interpretation of the results is used to detect deviations in the established control values and to diagnose their causes.

CR4.3 The detected deviations are communicated to the one who corresponds to their decision-making knowledge.

CR4.4 The analysis of the results to assess the quality of the product, the process and the environmental requirements, is used to propose improvements in quality, environment and safety, cost reduction, or decreased efforts.

CR4.5 Information management is carried out, to keep up to date the quality, environmental and inspection and testing procedures.

CR4.6 The flow of information is established to enable the participation of all staff in the improvement of quality and environmental systems.

CR4.7 The management of the generated documentation is performed to ensure its preservation, updating and access of quality, environment and inspection and testing procedures.

RP5: Oversee if the means of safety and health, both the equipment, machines and useful as the personal protective equipment comply with the requirements established according to the current regulations and propose actions for the improvement of working conditions.

CR5.1 Monitoring of protection means and signals of equipment, machines and tools is performed to check that they are necessary, as well as their correct state of conservation, minimizing the risk of accidents.

CR5.2 The inspection of the Individual Protection Equipment -EPIs-is verified to detect if they are the necessary and appropriate to the work to be performed and the equipment to be handled, as well as their proper placement.

CR5.3 The health and safety equipment health check is performed to dispose of equipment that is not in proper condition.

CR5.4 The supervision of the indumentaria employed and the measures of prevention adopted-clenched fists, short or collected hair, among others-is done to check that it is the appropriate one for the work to be carried out and allows to minimize risks.

CR5.5 The handling and transport of the materials is controlled, adopting ergonomic positions that minimize the risk of injury and the corridors and working areas are free of obstacles.

CR5.6 The monitoring of prevention and first aid equipment-operation, conservation status, expiration, among others-is done to deal with the best guarantees for the answers to contingencies.

CR5.7 The level of staff knowledge in relation to the implementation of prevention, extinction and first aid systems is verified to be appropriate to the assigned tasks, updating such knowledge in case required.

RP6: Participate in the organization of the professional risk prevention activities programmed for the specific productive unit according to the company policy and the current regulations.

CR6.1 Work risk prevention management is performed, supporting other responsible and/or involved departments and in accordance with the production schedule.

CR6.2 The management of prevention activities is made known to the people involved, through work sessions, according to the production schedule.

CR6.3 The effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the prevention management system is checked, in collaboration with the department responsible, according to the plan established.

CR6.4 The evaluation and periodic review of the Plan is carried out, through internal or external audits in accordance with the policy of safety and occupational health, contributing to the same, providing information and/or documentation is considered accurate.

CR6.5 The preventive measures set for each possible hazard are controlled according to the specific management protocol.

RP7: Participate in the definition of the environmental management plan and the organization for its development and implementation, in accordance with the company's policy, controlling the use, treatment and disposal of waste.

CR7.1 Actions for the prevention of environmental risks in the production unit are determined and monitored according to the objectives set by the company, in the environmental policy plans.

CR7.2 It is involved in the elaboration of the general procedures of the system, the work instructions or specific processes, as well as the precise documents which, once completed constitute the records of evidence of the application of the system, according to the technical instructions.

CR7.3 Participates in the organization of activities of the internal audit process of the environmental management system according to the plan.

CR7.4 Participates in the organization of activities of the external audit process of the environmental management system, according to the technical instructions.

CR7.5 It is involved in the development of proposals for improvement, of procedures appropriate to the environmental management standards and the possibilities of the company.

CR7.6 The solutions adopted for waste are taken in accordance with the management of the company and take into account the costs and respect of the legal standards in force.

CR7.7 The means and systems used for the transport, treatment, storage and disposal of waste are proven to be adequate and function as established.

CR7.8 The treatment and disposal of waste is controlled or carried out as appropriate, respecting safety, hygiene and safety standards.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer application for data processing and representation (spreadsheet or similar). Inspection and test equipment (micrometer, king foot, flexometer, precision balance, Ford cup, cross-cutting equipment, among others). Waste disposal equipment and facilities. Standards on quality management systems (ISO 9001 or current) and environmental management (ISO 14001 or in force). UNE, EN or ISO standards on tests to be carried out on raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Prevention, extinction and first aid means and equipment.

Products and results

Cleaning-disinfection program. Work instructions, correction instructions. Cleaning orders and permits. Instruction and information to your staff. Production launch. Guides to good hygiene practices adapted. Production supervision in quantity, quality and time limits. Documentation file and production information. Reports on the monitoring, control and incidents in the processes. Communication of results. Reports on staff. Technical reports on equipment. Parts of relay. Cost assessment. Reports on training needs in your unit. Manuals, documents and work instructions for quality management. Compliance records, non-compliance, corrective and preventive actions for incoming, ongoing, and final products. Quality history of distributors, customers. Customer support system and complaint complaint. System for the management of documents and records. File of distributors and customers. Quality goals and goals plans. Reports on evolution and costs and improvement in quality. Reports of internal and external quality audits. Reports of review and improvement of quality plans. Environmental manuals. Environmental management procedures. Technical instructions for work that are respectful of the environment. Environmental records and monitoring and control. Product certification records.

Information used or generated

Quality and environmental management plans. Manufacture of one or more products on which control plans are to be applied. Parts with different types of defects. Data assumption on typology and frequency of occurrence of defects in the selected manufacturing processes. Quality and environmental management plan. Procedures for the control of external supplies. Procedures for the control of manufactured products. Calibration reports. Inspection and test reports. Numerical and graphic reports on non-conformities and proposals for corrective actions. Job risk plan.




Code: MF1361_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1361_3: Plan and manage warehouse and supplies in the furniture manufacturing industry.

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze procurement and procurement programs, according to a properly characterized logistics plan.

CE1.1 To express the points to be taken into account in the elaboration of a plan of supply of goods according to the plan of logistics established by the company.

CE1.2 Use the systems to calculate the supply needs of different materials from the expected consumption.

CE1.3 To estimate the appropriate rate of supply for the various materials, depending on their characteristics and consumption and the supply plan.

CE1.4 Precise the conditions of submission and order information, according to the procurement procedure, to avoid errors and confusion at the reception.

CE1.5 Identify factors to be taken into account in the selection of raw materials, auxiliaries, and other materials to be purchased, according to the established procedure.

CE1.6 In a practical scenario of production needs, where an order is placed, properly characterized:

-Calculate the quantities of each commodity for a production cycle.

-Drill down the characteristics that materials must meet.

-Calculate the optimal order size.

-Estimate the price of the order.

-Perform the merchandise purchases and receipts calendars.

-Fulfill order forms to quote providers, as well as their conditions, for the company's interior.

C2: Evaluate and characterize different stock management systems and their application in furniture manufacturing industries.

CE2.1. Analyze and classify stocks using a current management procedure.

CE2.2. In a properly characterised scenario, calculate the cost of stock management, taking into account:

-The launch.

-Storage-transport, warehouse, insurance, opportunity, among others-

-The acquisition.

-The break.

CE2.3. In a properly characterized scenario: calculate and determine the parameters that determine the stock demands-mean value, standard deviation, among others.

C3: Assess the procedures for stock control, which ensure provisioning in conditions, considering the optimal management system and accurate documentation for deployment.

CE3.1 Describe the essential phases of the process of storing goods and supplies, according to the operational plan, identifying the tasks necessary to properly carry out the storage cycle, grouping them around jobs.

CE3.2 Characterize variables that affect the organization of a furniture merchandise store, deducting the effects of each of them in spatial distribution planning.

CE3.3 Analyze the main stock control systems, valuing their applications and their advantages and disadvantages.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized for the manufacture of furniture:

-Determine the needs of raw materials, components, and semi-finished elements.

-Select suppliers based on established quality criteria, their economic offerings, the delivery times indicated, and their supply capacity.

-Determine the dates of need, the supply deadlines and the security stock, from the list of materials corresponding to the production plan by reviewing the available existence and comparing it with the minimum existence established.

CE3.5 In a properly characterized scenario:

-Develop the provisioning program by considering the needs of raw materials, components and semi-finished elements, the availability of suppliers, the cost of each supply and the cost of storage, in such a way as to minimise, as far as possible, costs and provided that the identified needs are met in terms of quantity and time.

-Develop stock control documentation-order sheets, receipt tokens, stock records, material vouchers, among others-through manual and computer media.

CE3.6 In a properly characterized practical case of material reception:

-Verify that the reception is performed according to the instructions or procedures established, and those aspects-quality, quantity, identification-are controlled.

-Register the products accepted in the form stipulated to give them entry into the inventory, placing them in the appropriate positions using the appropriate means

-Treat rejected products as indicated by established procedures, identifying unequivocally to avoid inadvertent use.

-Meet quality control records with the results obtained, reporting in case of non-compliance to the appropriate person, or directly to the provider to take appropriate action.

C4: Determine storage and transportation plans, application in the furniture industry, considering among others, the systems, means, standard procedures and the conditions and care for their proper reception.

CE4.1 In a convenient storage scenario that is properly characterized by its nature, volume of materials, and available space to determine:

-The means and procedures to be carried out in loading and unloading, as well as the handling of materials and products, considering the care necessary to properly preserve them.

-The health and safety standards to be used for different operations.

-The correct storage for different materials and products considering various factors-climatic conditions in the warehouse, way of payment protection of the material, among others.

-The distribution of materials and products considering various factors-product family, storage conditions, length of stay, ease of access, available space and cost of storage, among others.

CE4.2 In a properly characterized scenario:

-Monitor the identification of the stored products to avoid errors and streamline their handling.

-Prepare the materials, components and semi-finished materials for later use in the production program, providing them at the right time to supply the required quantity to the jobs that require, depending on what is indicated in that program.

-Control the expiration of stored products-varnishes, queues, among others-to ensure their use within the indicated usage dates, treating expired products in the form set.


1. Logistics in the furniture industry.

-Basic concepts.

-Parts that integrate it.

-Logistics activities. Selection of suppliers.

-Provisioning of products.

-Provisioning cycle.

-Order determination.



-Planning for needs.

-Optimal order volume.

-ERP integrated systems

-Logistics modules.

-Purchasing modules.

2. Reception, dispatch and storage of materials and products in the furniture industries.

-Materials Calities.

-Quality control of raw materials, semi-finished product, varnished parts and accessories.

-Visual inspection.



-Acceptance criteria.

-Safety and occupational health.

3. Stock management in the furniture industry.




-Stock management:

-Inventory control

-ABC Classification.

-Stock level and replenishment operations.

-Informatics applied to provisioning and stock management operations.

-Stock control documentation.

4. Warehouse management in the furniture industry.

-Types. Classification and importance.


-Storage of products.

-Organization of the warehouse: systems and flows.

-Storage forms:

-Shelving types

-Long Cargas

-Automatic stores.

-Take advantage of space.

-Encoding of items.

-Method of locating merchandise in the warehouse.

-Physical Organization of Stores.

-Manipulation of the merchandise:

-Handling and transport elements



-Selection Criteria

-Special devices.

5. Transport of goods in the furniture industry.

-External transport: means of transport.

-Feature types.

-Conditions of the means of transport of finished products.

-Protection of shipments.

-Environmental conditions.

-Packaging based on the transport type.

-Tag Out.



-Minimum indications.

-Internal transport and distribution: route planning.

-Loading and unloading of goods.

-Organization of internal distribution.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module






Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1362_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1362_3: Organize production in furniture manufacturing industries

Duration: 130 hours



Code: UF1398

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Analyze the organizational, functional and productive structure of the furniture industries.

CE1.1 Distinguished the different industries according to the type of process, of product, of magnitude, relating them to the economic factors of productivity, costs and competitiveness.

CE1.2 Define the functional areas of a wood industry, medium-type furniture and cork, and the functional relationship between them.

CE1.3 Describe the main manufacturing processes used in the production of wood and cork products, both in the first transformation -treatments, the manufacture of panels-and in the second-carpentry, furniture-, relating the phases and operations to the type of machines and equipment involved in the process.

CE1.4 To differentiate continuous and discontinuous process types by identifying their characteristics from the point of view of their economy, performance and production organization.

CE1.5 Confect through diagrams the internal functional relationships of the production area-warehouse, machining, assembly, finish-.

CE1.6 Describe the external functional relationships of the production area by using diagrams.

CE1.7 Perform a plan or plan of a plant distribution, where the required manufacturing areas, machines and facilities are listed, indicating the flow of materials and intermediate products.

C2: Different materials needed in furniture manufacturing.

CE2.1 Recognize the main types of woods next to their properties and defects.

CE2.2 Describe the technical characteristics of the types of boards, their suitable uses, depending on the furniture to be manufactured.

CE2.3 Identify the different types of coating of furniture surfaces-sheets, decorative laminates, plastics and paper.

CE2.4 Define other materials used in the manufacture of furniture-tools and fittings.

C3: Analyze the necessary resources in the furniture industry for furniture production.

CE3.1 Analyze the production objectives required by the company policy.

CE3.2 Define the needs of raw materials and equipment to be used, depending on the furniture to be made, taking into account the level of stocks and the forecast of supplies.

CE3.3 Formulate the machinery listing and its necessary tools based on the established roadmap.

CE3.4 In a properly characterized case of furniture manufacturing:

-Control that the established machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan, communicating the incidents in the control document to the effect.

-Set, depending on the partial manufacturing times of the various furniture items, the total time load of the production plan.

-Calculate the availability of staff to be employed in the production process according to previous manufacturing plans, the work schedule and the situation of workers.

-Assess the knowledge required by workers, designing training strategies if necessary.


1. Organizational, functional and productive structure of furniture manufacturing industries.

-Classification of industries according to type of:




-Description of the main production processes in:

-The first transformation:

-Wood and cork products.


-Manufacture of boards.

-The second transformation:



-Functional areas and departments of a furniture manufacturing industry.

-Functional and productive organizational chart types.

-Manufacturing and production organization systems in the furniture manufacturing industries.

-Production types.

-Relationship and interdependence between different processes and productive areas.

-Disposition in plant of production areas and equipment.

-Flow of materials and products.

2. Characterization of the materials required in the manufacture of furniture

-Classification of the main types of woods.

-Types of woods.



-Certified Maderas.



-Uses depending on the type of furniture to be manufactured.

-Technical specification of dashboards and their typologies.

-Types of boards.

-Of particles.

-From fibers



-Technical characteristics.

-Uses depending on the type of furniture to be manufactured.

-Fittings and auxiliary elements for the manufacture of furniture.

-Products for surface coating and furniture finishing.

-Barnices, lacquers and solvents.


-Decorative laminates.



-Colas and elements for assembly in the manufacture of furniture.

-Informatics applied to resource planning operations required in the company for furniture manufacturing.

3. Organisation of production in the furniture manufacturing industry.

-Defining the company's production goals.

-Planning for needs.


-Production plans.


-Preparing and distributing the job.

-Calculation of needs and programming.


-Assigning tasks and processes.



Code: UF1399

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Determine production, optimizing available resources, depending on the plan set.

CE1.1 Prepare temporary task list.

CE1.2 Analyze the different production programming methods designed in conjunction with other involved areas, in accordance with company policy.

CE1.3 In a practical task assignment scenario, describe the entire process, considering the following factors:

-Operations, sequence, and syncism.

-Machine preparation time.

-Processing time.


-Maintenance plan.

-Production media.

-Human resources.

-Material Needs.

-Warehouse stocks.


-Location of materials.

CE1.4 Analyze the optimization of the furniture to be manufactured by changes in the scheduled sequences, use of equipment, and reorganization of the task list.

CE1.5 In a properly characterized scenario: Review the roadmap by comparing actual and forecasted times, according to the production plan.

CE1.6 To know the computerised management systems applied to the production of the list of necessities of raw materials, components and semi-finished elements necessary for the manufacture of the furniture.

C2: Specify water, air, cold, heat and power requirements for machines and processes and monitor the operation and maintenance of ancillary services that ensure their supply.

CE2.1 Describe the operation and capacities of systems and equipment for the production of heat, air, cold, water treatment and conduction, transmission of mechanical power and distribution and use of energy electrical and other types of energy.

CE2.2 Associate the various applications of the auxiliary services to the requirements of the machinery and processes of elaboration of a plant Relating the necessities and consumption of the production equipments with the capacities of ancillary services and deduce rationalisation measures in their use.

CE2.3 Identify devices and safety measures for the use of general and auxiliary services.

CE2.4 Recognize and perform user-level maintenance operations for the various equipment included in the ancillary services.

CE2.5 Describe the start/stop operations of the auxiliary facilities following the planned sequence and taking into account the mission to meet in the working process as a whole.

CE2.6 Check the operability and control the control elements of the auxiliary services equipment.

CE2.7 Recognize the signals-alarms, inadequate sounds, incorrect rhythms-that can indicate abnormal functions in the auxiliary services, identify the causes and evaluate the measures to be taken.

C3: Formulate the technical information for the production units, distributing it with the required clarity.

CE3.1 List the characteristics to be collected by personnel with responsibility for control of production in accordance with the manufacturing procedure.

CE3.2 In a properly characterized scenario, transmit:

-Quantity of products to be manufactured.

-Materials required for manufacturing.

-Temporary sequence in which each product will be manufactured.

-Estimated time of manufacture.

-Machines, tools, and personnel required.

CE3.3 In a properly characterized scenario:

-Classify information by productive units and by established time periods-days, weeks-in which the manufacturing of each product should be initiated.

-Distribute information by productive units that are involved in the manufacturing process simultaneously or consecutively in each unit, with the defined work system.

-Transmit the information to the right people in each productive unit, considering the clarifications that are necessary for their correct understanding.

C4: Examine the production control program with the established ratios, according to the manufacturing program.

CE4.1 Analyze the different types of control based on specialized bibliography according to the production program.

CE4.2 Evaluate the different types of production standards made with reference patterns according to the production schedule.

CE4.3 Classify the different standards measurement types, their systems, and advanced information according to the production schedule.

CE4.4 List the characteristics to be collected by personnel with responsibility for control of production in accordance with the manufacturing process.

CE4.5 In a properly characterized scenario of a production line, analyze the following aspects:

-Errors susceptible to occurrence.

-Methodology for error analysis.

-Tipologia of preventive control.


1. Management of information and basic documentation for the organization of production in the furniture manufacturing industry.

-Production information.


-Computerized processing of documentation and information.

-Planning, organization and control of production in the Furniture industry.

-Planning and control of production: information needs.

-Material Needs.

-Equipment, machinery and facilities in the furniture industry: ability to work.

-Work areas: roles and roles.

-Launch of production.

2. Supervision of the operation and maintenance of auxiliary machinery and services.

-Description of the operation and capacity of the production systems.

-Association of applications of ancillary services to the requirements of machinery and processing processes.

-Maintenance of auxiliary machinery and services.

-Compressed Air Facilities.


-Cold dryer and purging system.

-Calderin, distribution and connection elements.




-Conductions and collection systems.

-Heating and Air Conditioning Facilities.

-Electrical and water supply installations.

-Required security means and devices for the management and maintenance of auxiliary machinery and services.

-Working protocol on the incidents of machinery and ancillary services.

-Recognition of the signals and indications of anomalous functioning in the machinery and auxiliary services.


-Strange or inappropriate sounds.

3. Human resources organization.

-Defining jobs.

-Training and instruction of workers.

-Productivity and performance enhancements.

-Quality control procedures in progress.

-Application of instruments or production quality manual.

4. Human resource control.

-Classification and methods of measurement.

-Human equipment management and management:


-Assignment of tasks


-Motivation and assessment of staff

5. Establishment of measures and standards for the control of the production process in the furniture manufacturing industry.

-Control types.

-Standards tailoring.

-Measurement of standards and patterns.

-Correction of errors: Responsibilities.

-Error analysis. Preventive control.

-Methods and times of work:

-Analysis of work methods.

-Study of the job.

-Manufacturing times.

-Time Study.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Unit 2-UF1399




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1363_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1363_3 Monitor and control production in furniture manufacturing industries.

Duration: 190 hours



Code: UF1400

Duration: 80 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP7.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Interpret and select the technical information needed for production control in furniture industries and process the document-type that is required for distribution.

CE1.1 Sort the documentation according to different criteria-distribution, allocation, application-.

CE1.2 From an assumption of manufacture of a series or batch of a product of wood, furniture or cork, and having the technical information of the product and process available, complete the necessary documentation for the control of the production:

-Planes of parts, subsets, and sets.

-List of the required materials.

-Job type-file.

-Sort-type of manufacturing.

CE1.3 Apply IT solutions for the treatment of production management and control documents.

C2: Control cutting, machining, sanding and finishing operations in the production process of furniture manufacturing, handling of available equipment and storage of finished products.

CE2.1 In a practical case of furniture manufacturing properly characterized:

-Recognize the sequence of operations that make up the production process and associate the required teams with each one.

-List the parameters to be controlled, their appropriate values, and the actions to be performed in case of deviations.

-Point out the machines involved in the process by cleaning, watering, and changing the required formats.

-Review the characteristics of the initial products that enter the process to check their suitability, as well as the quality of the finished product.

-Perform the start and stop of the line or equipment by following the sequence of operations set.

-Control the good progress of the process by performing the tests and checks established and acting correctly in response to the measurements obtained.

-Monitor the collection of debris from discarded materials and products in quality controls so that undesirable accumulations are avoided.

-Adopt specific hygiene and safety measures in handling products and handling machines and equipment.

C3: Analyze automated manufacturing systems and processes used in the wood, furniture, and cork industries, relating the different phases to the materials, machines, installations, and output products.

CE3.1 Identify and compare flexible manufacturing systems-discontinuous series-with conventional-continuous or unlimited series-.

CE3.2 Define the basic configuration of a flexible manufacturing system, representing it using drawings and schemas.

CE3.3 List the methods of conception and computer-assisted manufacturing-CAD/CAM-indicating their application in the different production processes of the wood, furniture and cork industries.

CE3.4 Describe equipment-complex machines, machine chains, numerical control-and basic features-benefits, limitations, advantages, disadvantages-of a flexible manufacturing workshop.

CE3.5 Recognize the main elements used in flexible and automated manufacturing-computers, programmable automatons-.

CE3.6 In an assumption of a flexible line, cell or workshop, characterized by audiovisual means or visits to job centers, analyze the facilities, machines and their distribution, comparing them with those of a workshop conventional type, relating:

-The required production information.

-The information management system.

-The manufacturing times.

C4: Analyse methods and elaborate procedures for the control of the means of production in wood, furniture and cork industries, which will ensure their implementation.

CE4.1 Interpret information on conditions for the preparation and operation of machines and installations.

CE4.2 Develop and explain an inspection, preparation and tuning sheet of machines and equipment; collecting the necessary data-placing tools, parameters, load of materials-into it.

CE4.3 Analyze the contents of a maintenance tab and the realization charts.

CE4.4 Determine which actions should be carried out in case of failure in production-due to the breakdown of a machine, defective tool, incorrect parameters-.

CE4.5 Define the impact of poor preparation and maintenance of machines and facilities on production-quality, performance, costs-.

CE4.6 Describe the contents of the "machine and facilities history".

CE4.7 Develop the role of spare parts and their management.

CE4.8 From an assumption of manufacture of a series or batch of a product of wood, furniture or cork, and known the tools, machines, equipment and facilities involved: to develop the plan of supervision of the preparation and maintenance of the same and a possible "type-schedule schedule" for automatic execution and numerical control.


1. Analysis of the technical documentation in the production of furniture.

-Classification of documentation.

-Project documentation.







-Scan it.

-Work orders

-By job.

-By crafting level.

-Computer applications for the management of production control technical documentation.

2. Development of maintenance plans for machines and equipment in the furniture industry.

-Maintenance programs

-Of lines and equipment.

-From auxiliary installations.





-Action Plan.


-Puesta to dot.

-Action protocol to breakdowns.

-Maintenance tools and tools.

-Coding and storage.


3. Control of operations in the furniture manufacturing process.

-Monitoring process sequencing by taking care of the construction system of the furniture.

-Solid wood furniture.

-Rack and panel furniture.

-Composite wood furniture.

-Mixed structure furniture.

-Monitoring process sequencing by taking care of the production system.

-Conventional production systems.

-Plotting and preparing the process.

-Machining processes.

-Inserting hardware and auxiliary elements.


-Assembly and packaging.

-Store and load docks

-Online production systems.

-Machining cells.

-Internal transport media.

-Semi-elaborate auxiliary lines.

-Inserting of hardware.

-Intermediate stores.

-Finished application.

-Assembly and packaging.

-Store and load docks.

-Quality control in production and monitoring processes for discarded products.

-Computer applications for process sequencing.

-Safety and hygiene regulations in product handling and equipment handling.

4. Management of computerized design and furniture manufacturing systems.

-CAD computing applications.

-CAM computer applications.

-Cut optimization systems.

5. Control of finishing processes in the manufacture of furniture.

-Phases of the finishing process.

-Preparing the finish.

-Media and materials.









-Complementary processes.



-Fenced and skated.

-Application and drying systems.

-Manual application systems.

-Airport pistols.

-Application by immersion.

-Application systems with curtain.

-Application with rollers.


-Dry to air.

-Dry by heat.

-Dry ultraviolet lamps.

-Surface application of natural sheets, paper, and P.V.C.

-Quality control in the finishing process.

6. Verification of conventional industrial machines in the furniture industry.

-Description, features, utility, mode of employment, and security measures for conventional machines.

-Tape Sierra.


-Multiple disks.

-a speaker.







-Multiple drill.


-Utiles and Add-ons

-Technology features of the tools, number of cuts, angle of attack and de-ahogge, trisking and type according to their use.



-Saw sheets.









Code: UF1401

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference:This Formative Unit corresponds to RP5 and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the properties of machine-tools, equipment and installations that are required for automated manufacturing in wood and furniture industries, relating their performance to the field of application.

CE1.1 List the different operations that can be performed with automatic machines and with numerical control-drilling, milling, cutting, turning, sanding and finishing-identifying differences with type equipment conventional.

CE1.2 Describe the complementary facilities-pneumatic, hydraulic, vacuum, aspiration-that have the machines and workshops of flexible manufacturing.

CE1.3 Identify the components and devices of the machines and facilities-regulation, control, security, reading-.

CE1.4 Recognize the tools and tools of the flexible manufacturing machines, comparing them with those used in conventional machines.

CE1.5 Describe the systems and devices used for the movement/displacement of the organs and tools of the flexible manufacturing machines-sliding, spindle, rotation-.

CE1.6 Explain the fixing systems-vacuum, pressure-of the parts for processing.

CE1.7 Describe the main transport and parts handling systems used in flexible manufacturing "transfer", suction cups, elevators, gravity, tapes.

C2: Perform numerical control programming for the manufacture of carpentry and furniture parts, considering the requirements regarding the product and the process of execution specified in the technical information.

CE2.1 Recognize the different systems of programming or data loading-by computer, digitalization, palpation, by numeric keypad-as well as the devices and equipment used for this.

CE2.2 Analyze the various types of numerical controls, indicating their main differences and capabilities.

CE2.3 Relate the various media for numeric control programs-disks, memory-with their applications.

CE2.4 In a practical case of machining to be performed, involving at least three axes, duly defined and characterized:

-Develop the programming by making the necessary configuration for its later "machine foot" parameterization.

-Enter data using keyboard/computer or programming console, using appropriate language.

-Perform program simulation on screen and machine-empty-determining existing failures.

-Make the necessary corrections and adjustments to the program.

-Archive/save the program to the appropriate media.

CE2.5 In a practical case of a non-planar base part, perform the program to mechanize the support necessary for the support and attachment of the same.

C3: Analyze, define and perform operations for the preparation, execution, control and maintenance of automated manufacturing equipment-saws, milling machines, drills and machining centres-characteristic of the wood industry and the furniture.

CE3.1 Perform the commissioning maneuvers of the equipment, following the sequence specified in the instruction manual and taking the necessary protective measures to ensure the personal safety and integrity of the equipment. the equipment.

CE3.2 Place tools and tools conveniently, according to the scheduled sequence of operations and check their operational status.

CE3.3 Check that the standard supports or, where applicable, of the special machined supports allow the correct attachment of the parts, avoid impermissible vibrations and enable the attack of the tools.

CE3.4 Perform the empty tests-zero point situation, head and tool paths, tool output, stop-required for program checking.

CE3.5 Perform pre-testing and checking-fixing the media and parts, security devices, positioning/securing the tools-.

CE3.6 Identify the devices and components of machines that require use maintenance-filters, greasers, protections, and media.

CE3.7 In a practical case of machining by means of numerical control equipment, and from a given program, obtain the parts by means of the execution of the different operations, with the form, dimensions and tolerances set.

C4: Apply maintenance and repair techniques for facilities, machines and equipment for furniture production.

CE4.1 Describe the maintenance operations to be performed on installations, machinery and tools, related to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and the use made of them.

CE4.2 Confect the maintenance plan for installations, machines and tools, making the frequency of each maintenance operation on each element, as well as the responsibility of execution, differentiating the maintenance external internal.

CE4.3 List scheduled maintenance operations from the records set for that purpose.

CE4.4 Calculate the correct values of the operating parameters of each equipment, based on the manufacturer's specifications, the test used, as well as the historical values achieved.

CE4.5 Apply observation procedures and techniques in the operation control of each team and the parameters thereof.

CE4.6 Identify by means of marks the equipment that must remain non-operational, by operation not correct or broken, so that they are not inadvertently used.

CE4.7 Develop and communicate task planning, depending on the type of failure, for the correct distribution of operations by the corresponding internal or external service.


1. Verification of complementary facilities in the furniture industry.

-Installing compressed air.



-From piston to calderin.


-Aspiration System.

-Centralized chip aspiration equipment.



-Centralized driving.

-Localized chip aspiration equipment.

-Electrical supply.

-Power supplies and batteries.


-High voltage trasformers.

2. Verification of Machine-Tool to CNC and online manufacturing in the furniture industry.

-Machine-Tool to CNC.

-Tipologia according to its technical characteristics.

-Number of heads.

-Table type.

-Number of interpolated axes.

-Tipologia according to its use.

-Machining centers.


-Multidrills (point-to-point).


-Laser cutters.



-ISO 30

-ISO 40



-Power groups.


-Splitter plate.




-Depressive gums.

-Security measures.

-Manufacturing lines.


-Components according to production.

-Tipologies and components according to production.

-Solid wood.

-Composite wood board.







-Intermediate stores (lungs).

-Multifunctional programmable robots.

-Production line management computing applications.

3. Programming of CNC machines for the manufacture of carpentry and furniture elements.

-Different types of numerical controls used in the furniture industry.

-Data Introduction Methods on CNC

-Directly by CNC pupitre.

-Using diskette.

-Cable transmission.

-Transmission in through mode.

-Different programming

-ISO language.

-CAM integrated in machine-tools to CNC.


-Fixed cycles.

-DXF Export.

-external CAM by post-processor.

-Machine-tool machining technology to CNC.

-Configuring tools.

-Apply tool corrector compensation.

-Turn-and-forward sense according to beta.



-Input and output.


4. CNC machining of carpentry and furniture parts.


-Puesta to zero.

-Measurement of tools.

-Job field selection.

-Placement of tools.

-Empty part setting.



-Depression Goma

-Part fixing by pneumatic means.

-Squamous guns.



-CNC program check.


-CNC Simulation

-Running in the air.

-Realization of templates.

-First-piece execution by checking: dimensions, finish, repeat, and splinter.

-Safety regulations in manufacturing with machine-tools to CNC.

5. Management of machine and equipment maintenance in the furniture industry.

-Tracking the maintenance plan.

-Verifying maintenance operations.

-Managing external personnel maintenance.

-Tracking the performance protocol to breakdowns.

-Verification of maintenance tools and tools.





-Maintenance and updating of hardware and software on machines with CNC.

-Computer applications for maintenance management.



Code: UF1402

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to RP3 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze and specify the conditions required for the production launch in wood, furniture and cork industries, and develop procedures to control their progress.

CE1.1 Perform the description of a production job, indicating the activities and requirements of the job-tasks, materials, machinery, skills and skills.

CE1.2 Analyze, interpret, and select the documentation required for the production launch and control of its progress.

CE1.3 In a properly characterized scenario of manufacturing a series or batch of a wood, furniture or cork product, and known means, human resources and established programming:

-Determine the key points, elements, and parameters to be controlled and regular.

-Develop an inspection or production control tab with the necessary data-elements to control, parameters, critical points, frequency, among others-.

-Identify possible incidents and deviations that could occur with respect to established programming and which actions should be taken in each case.

-Apply a production control computer program.

C2: Apply performance calculation techniques and improve productivity of manufacturing processes in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

CE2.1 Relate performance, productivity improvement, and training needs, establishing mutual implications.

CE2.2 Define the main methods of assessment and calculation of work performance.

CE2.3 Describe the following productivity improvement procedures:

-Contribution of improvements to production.

-Incentives to increase professional competence-progress in qualification-.

-Decrease of absenteeism.

-Production cooperation.

CE2.4 Describe the main factors and causes that enable the recognition of workers ' training needs-introduction of new processes, machines or materials; improvement of quality or performance; reduction of accidents-.

CE2.5 In a practical, properly defined and characterized case, concretized in a visit to a production center:

-Apply evaluation procedures and techniques-comparison with scales, scales or tables; quantification of mermas; study of behaviors and activities.

-Develop a proposal that includes the modifications that would have to be made in this job-redistribution, adaptation of machinery and tools, change behavior and training of the worker-to achieve the improvement of the productivity.

C3: Identify the task allocation systems for the areas, teams, and people in a production unit.

CE3.1 Analyze the different methods of raising awareness and awareness of human production teams in accordance with the training procedure.

CE3.2 Evaluate the different methods of management and management of work staff by following the guidelines of the training procedure.

CE3.3 Classify human equipment in relation to the production unit according to the management procedure of the unit.

CE3.4 List the aptitudinal and actitudinal characteristics that a human team must gather in relation to a characteristic production unit.

CE3.5 Explain methods for evaluating personnel based on the worker's instructions, initiative, participation, and other attitudes.


1. Production control documentation.

-Control documents.




-Work orders per post.

-Manufacturing Lists.

-Work orders by sections.

-Parties of dispatch.

-Launch and Advance Instructions and Orders.

-Computer applications for documentation control.

2. Calculation of staff performance for improvement.

-Methods for calculating work performance.

-Time control.

-Improvement of the makespan.

-Computer applications for optimized schedule allocation.

-Training for productivity improvement.

-Training needs.

-Training plan.

-Implementation and measurement of the training plan.

-Procedures for improving staff productivity.

-Cauces for input of suggestions and improvements.

-Continuous training.

-Cooperation between operators.

-Encourage progress in the qualification.

-Monitoring and control systems and procedures.

-Monitoring machines and installations.

-Tracking the evolution of production.

-Material sourcing control.

3. Assignment of tasks to staff in the production.

-Assignment of tasks and schedules.

-Tasks to perform.

-Available staff

-Qualification of the staff.

-Restrictions and preferences.

-Assignment of personnel.

-Optimal configuration of the template.

-Interactively modify and validate a schedule (on-line reactivity)

-Sharing activity between different job centers.

-Apply standard time and task application criteria.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Unit 2-UF1401



Formative Unit 3-UF1402




To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 1. To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1364_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1364_3: Participate in the maintenance of quality, environment, prevention and occupational health management systems in wood, cork and furniture.

Duration: 70 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the essential aspects of quality systems in wood, furniture and cork products manufacturing industries.

CE1.1 Identify and describe the basic elements of a quality system.

CE1.2 Describe the structure and contents of a quality manual.

CE1.3 Describe the essential traits of quality infrastructure in wood, cork, carpentry and furniture industry.

CE1.4 Identify and describe the basic aspects of the quality standards in place.

CE1.5 Describe the basics of different types of quality audits.

CE1.6 Describe the structure of quality costs and analyze the influence of each of them.

CE1.7 Relating the different documentary sources, both from the administration and the private ones, from which the legislation, protocols of action, related to the quality in the industries of wood, furniture and furniture can be obtained cork.

C2: Analyze the essential aspects of environmental management systems in wood, furniture and cork products manufacturing industries.

CE2.1 Identify and describe the basic legal requirements related to environmental issues with the business of the company.

CE2.2 Describe the essential features of environmental infrastructure in wood, furniture and cork product manufacturing industries.

CE2.3 Identify and describe the basic elements of an environmental management system developed by the current regulations.

CE2.4 Describe the basic aspects of audits of environmental management systems.

CE2.5 Describe the structure of environmental management costs and analyze the influence of each of them.

CE2.6 Relate the various documentary sources, both from the administration and the private ones, from which the legislation can be obtained, protocols of action, related to environmental management in the wood industries, furniture and cork.

C3: Analyze the characteristics of the raw materials required to obtain the product.

CE3.1 In a properly characterized scenario and using different media:

-Recognize and characterize the structure of wood, boards, cork and related materials-finishing, fittings-.

-Successfully handle the measurement tools and instruments-hygrometer, precision scales, calibers-

-Verify the main characteristics, physical and chemical properties of the media-humidity, porosity, ease of machining-

CE3.2 In a properly characterized practical scenario, conduct tests to analyze the main characteristics and physical properties of dyes, lacquers, varnishes and other finishing products, identifying and applying safety and environmental regulations on raw materials and waste.

CE3.3 In a properly characterized practical scenario, perform tests to analyze the main characteristics and physical-mechanical properties of fittings and other auxiliary elements.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized in measuring and testing materials:

-Perform physico-chemical test tests, applying the current regulations.

C4: Determine quality control and improvement systems and environmental management systems in manufacturing processes for wood, cork and furniture products.

CE4.1 In a well-practiced scenario of manufacturing process by the technical product and process information, and the company's quality objectives:

-Determine the requirements of the supplies and the procedures for their control (sampling, test equipment, mode of operation, acceptance or rejection criteria, results records, test frequency).

-Determine the process control plan by setting:

-The control points and the variables or parameters to be controlled.

-Inspection procedures for each control point-conditions and frequency of sampling, necessary equipment or inspection instruments, mode of operation, record of results-.

-The responsibility of the acting decisions in each of the most probable cases of deviation from the ideal conditions of manufacture.

-Develop a control results record tab for a given point of inspection.

-Determine the treatments of non-compliant materials and products.

-Determine the mechanisms that ensure the flow of information.

-Reasoning the human resources needed for quality control and environmental management, assigning tasks among the jobs and indicating their qualification.

CE4.2 Design the safety plan of the physico-chemical tests to be carried out, in relation to the current legislation on safety and occupational prevention measures.

C5: Determine the reliability of wood, furniture and cork products, in accordance with the appropriate product regulations and applying the appropriate test procedures.

CE5.1 Point out for a given wood product, furniture and cork the main properties that affect its reliability, the procedures for its evaluation and, where appropriate, the existing regulations concerned.

CE5.2 In a practical case, properly characterized in determining the reliability of a wood product, furniture and cork:

-Identify quality regulations regarding the product.

-Identify product usage or approval products.

-Determine the necessary tests to assess the degree of compliance of the identified requirements.

-Operate and, where appropriate, put into place the instruments and equipment necessary for the conduct of the tests.

-Analyze and dictate the results obtained.

-Develop a report that reflects the main aspects of the process followed (requirements, regulations, trials, procedures, results, and opinion).

-Develop a proposal for resolution or improvement of detected problems.

C6: Rate the application of a quality system to product manufacturing.

CE6.1 Interpret a manual of quality and manual of procedures-inspection and testing-of a company.

CE6.2 Use the different methods, equipment, and instruments required for manual or automatic sampling in the production process.

CE6.3 Analyze the statistical control charts used to determine the quality capacity of the process, interpreting the trends and stability of the process.

CE6.4 Recognize the quality assessment procedures of supplies for the acceptance of batch material, relative to the agreed quality level.

CE6.5 Recognize the main standards or standards for quality control of materials and processes.

CE6.6 Determine or verify the degree of adjustment to European, national or international standards of materials, processes and procedures.

C7: Analyze the security conditions required for the development of production in wood, furniture and cork industries and develop procedures for their control and prevention.

CE7.1 Interpret the security regulations applicable to the wood, furniture and cork industries-materials, installations, machinery, operations-.

CE7.2 Analyze/explain safety conditions-lighting, ventilation, extinguishing means, protection-, which must have the main productive areas-machining, assembly, finishing-of the wood, furniture and cork.

CE7.3 Identify and explain the analysis techniques of a job position from the point of view of security.

CE7.4 From an assumption of manufacture of a product, known production facilities and equipment:

-Identify the security risks and conditions of the installations and machines.

-Deduct the risk level of the different jobs, establishing the hazard rates.

-Analyze the distribution and environment of the jobs.

-Order and distribute jobs appropriately, applying security criteria.

-Establish necessary means and facilities-personal protections, machine protections, detectors, means of extinction-to maintain an adequate level of security.

CE7.5 From the assumption of a given job done on a visit to a production center:

-Identify/describe the risks and degree of dangerousness of the same.

-Describe the appropriate conditions that this job position must have from the security point of view.

C8: Analyze and evaluate safety and hygiene plans for companies in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

CE8.1 Compare the safety and hygiene plans of companies in the wood and furniture sector, issuing a critical opinion of each of them.

CE8.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Identify and describe the most relevant aspects of each plan listed in the documentation that contains it.

-Identify and describe the risk factors and situations for health and safety contained in the plans.

-Describe the roles of the company's security officers and the people who are assigned special tasks in emergency cases.

-Relate and describe the appropriate preventive measures and prevention methods established to prevent accidents.

-Evaluate the costs and resources required for the application of the plans studied.

C9: Analyze the current regulations on safety and hygiene in the wood, furniture and cork sector.

CE9.1 Identify the most relevant employee and company rights and duties in terms of safety and hygiene.

CE9.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Relate and describe the rules regarding the cleaning and order of the workbench.

-Relate and describe the rules on symbology and physical situation of signals and alarms, fire equipment and equipment of cures and first aid.

-Identify and describe rules for stopping and external and internal manipulation of systems, machines and installations.

-Relate the particular rules of each plan analyzed with the current legislation, describing the mismatch, if any, between the general rules and their application or concreteness in the plan.

C10: Set and properly use media and security equipment used in the wood, furniture, and cork industry.

CE10.1 Describe the properties and uses of the most common personal protective clothing and clothing.

CE10.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Relate and describe the rules regarding the cleaning and order of the workbench.

-Relate and describe the rules on symbology and physical situation of signals and alarms, fire equipment and equipment of cures and first aid.

-Identify and describe rules for stopping and external and internal manipulation of systems, machines and installations.

-Relate the particular rules of each plan analyzed with the current legislation, describing the mismatch, if any, between the general rules and their application or concreteness in the plan.

CE10.3 List the different types of fire extinguishing systems, describing the properties and jobs of each of them.

CE10.4 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals and alarms to indicate places of risk and/or emergency situations.

CE10.5 In a properly characterized scenario where different work environments are described:

-Determine the specifications of security and protection media and equipment.

-Develop a technical documentation showing the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of plant emergency, in accordance with the current legislation.

C11: Run emergency and fire actions according to a predefined plan.

CE11.1 In a practical case, duly characterised by a number of simulated emergency cases in which fires of a different nature are contemplated:

-Use the most suitable equipment and products for the extinction of each type of fire with the most effective technique.

-Successfully use personal protective equipment.

-Perform the evacuation according to the corresponding rules, fulfilling the assigned role and in the established time.

CE11.2 In a properly characterized scenario of a simulated evacuation case:

-Activate the evacuation teams

-Perform the evacuation according to the corresponding rules, fulfilling the assigned role and in the established time.

C12: Analyze and evaluate cases of actual accidents occurring in the wood and cork processing companies and the manufacture of carpentry and furniture.

CE12.1 Identify and describe the causes of accidents.

CE12.2 Identify and describe risk factors and measures that would have prevented the accident

CE12.3 Evaluate the responsibilities of the worker and the company in the causes of the accident.

C13: Define and analyze the different types of waste generated by the furniture industry with the applicable systems of disposal and use in appropriate environmental conditions, optimizing the resources.

CE13.1 Describe techniques and media for the collection, transportation and storage of waste in the furniture industry.

CE13.2 List the waste management and treatment systems used in the furniture production industry

CE13.3 Recognize the current regulations regarding handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste and understand its application in the furniture industry.

CE13.4 In a practical and well-characterized scenario: to identify and differentiate the different waste generated in the different manufacturing processes in the furniture industry (road, sawdust, chemical waste, between other).


1. Quality in the wood, furniture and cork industry

-Quality definition.

-Quality rules:

-UNE Rules.

-EN Rules.

-ISO Standards.

-Quality standards in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Certification, accreditation, and normalization.

-Quality Management Systems-UNE-EN-ISO 9001-.

-Certification of systems and products.

-Quality and non-quality costs.

-Documentation sources.

2. Quality management in the wood, furniture and cork industry

-Enterprise goals and strategies.

-Quality Organization in the enterprise:

-Quality planning ..

-Organization chart and functions.

-Quality and productivity.

-Departmental Organization regarding Quality.

3. Application of the Quality Management System to the wood, furniture or cork industry.

-Realization of the Quality Manual:

-Company Quality Policy.

-Address Commitment and Responsibility.

-Quality Planning: Quality Objectives.

-Quality and Environment Manager (roles and responsibilities).

-Revision by the address.

-Resource management (human and infrastructure).

-Production schedule.

-Client-related processes.

-Design control.

-Purchasing Management.

-Production and service delivery.

-Control of tracking and measurement devices.

-Tracking and measuring processes.

-Non-compliant product control, corrective and preventive actions.

-Data analysis and continuous improvement.

-Performing the Procedures Manual.

-Internal and external audits.

-Quality Statistics Techniques.

-Quality indicators.

4. Quality control in the wood industry, furniture and cork.

-Knowledge and analysis of raw materials to be used.

-Use and measuring instruments in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Control in receipt of raw materials.

-Quality control in progress:


-Measurement teams


-Non-compliant product and its treatment.

-Physical-chemical tests on wood, furniture, and cork products.

-Physical-mechanical tests of fittings and other auxiliary elements.

5. Application of safety regulations in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Basic regulatory framework.

-Regulations applicable to the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Basic concepts about health and safety.

-Security conditions.

-General Risks.

-Specific risks in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Damage from work.

-Work accidents and occupational diseases.

6. Elaboration of the Plan for the Prevention of Labor Risks in the Wood Industry, Furniture and cork.

-Defining the prevention plan.

-Employee and company rights and duties.

-Positions analysis and risk assessment.

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection-personal protective equipment-:

-Saps (feet).

-Respiratory pathways.

-Hearing protections.

-Eye protection.

-Hand Protections.


-Worker health control.

-Order and cleanup.

-Senalization of jobs

-Emergency and evacuation plan.


-First aid.

7. Environmental Management in Industry for the manufacture of furniture and cork products.

-Environmental Legislation.

-Legal requirements for the manufacture of wood products, furniture and cork products.

-Standardisation, Certification and Approval.

-Environmental Management System:

-Company environmental manual.

-Determining environmental aspects

-Environmental goals and goals

-Environmental Management System Documentation

-Operational control.

-Emergency plans and responsiveness.

-Tracking and measuring.

-Nonconformities and determination of corrective and preventive actions.

-Internal and external audits of the Environmental Management System.

-Revision by the address.

-Environmental costs.

-Documentation sources.

-Types of generated waste (classes and features).

-Waste classification.

-Captation, transport, and storage.

-Possible treatments and uses.

-Waste treatment and disposal.

-Current regulations concerning treatments and dumping.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

of hours





Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0297

Duration: 80 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the determination and control of stock needs for production

CE1.1 Calculate the parameters that determine the stock demands and perform the calculation of the stock management costs.

CE1.2 Determine the optimal order size.

CE1.3 Estimate the price of the order.

CE1.4 Determine the dates of need, the supply deadlines and the security stock, from the list of materials corresponding to the production plan by reviewing the available existence and comparing it with the minimum existence set.

CE1.5 Select suppliers and assist in the fulfillment of order forms to the budget providers, as well as the conditions of the order forms, for the company's interior.

CE1.6 Analyze stock control documentation-order sheets, receipt tokens, stocks, material vouchers, among others-using manual and computer media.

C2: Support in the reception of material and storage in the wood and furniture industry.

CE2.1 Receiving the raw material: observing safety and health standards.

CE2.2 Monitor the shape of storage for different materials and products.

CE2.3 Prepare materials, components and semi-finished materials for later use in the production program, providing them at the right time to supply the required quantity to the jobs that require, depending on what is indicated in that program.

CE2.4 Control the expiration of stored products-varnishes, queues, among others-to ensure their use within the indicated usage dates, treating expired products in the form set.

C3: Participate in the production schedule, analyzing and optimizing the available resources, depending on the plan set.

CE3.1 Monitor that the established machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan, communicating the incidents in the corresponding document.

CE3.2 Adating the skills and qualifications of workers to the planning of production.

CE3.3 Analyze the optimization of the furniture to be manufactured.

CE3.4 Analyze the manufacturing process by considering the factors involved in it.

CE3.5 Formulate technical information for production units, distributing it clearly to people who are involved in the production process.

CE3.6 Verify the following aspects of the production plan:

-Errors susceptible to occurrence.

-Methodology for error analysis.

-Tipologia of preventive control.

C4: Collaborate on the control and analysis of the furniture manufacturing process, as well as its possible incidents and deviations.

CE4.1 Meet the documentation required for manufacturing.

CE4.2 Check that the sequence of operations that make up the production process is associated with each of the required equipment.

CE4.3 Point-to-point and start line or equipment boot.

CE4.4 Monitor the production process of furniture manufacturing.

CE4.5 Monitor the automated manufacturing process.

CE4.6 Establish productivity improvements in manufacturing processes in industry, wood and cork.

CE4.7 Use a production control computer program.

C5: Schedule the manufacture of carpentry and furniture parts by numerical control.

CE5.1 On a CNC in which at least three axes are involved:

-Participate in the configuration programming required for your subsequent "machine foot" parameterization.

-Enter data using keyboard/computer or programming console, using appropriate language.

-Perform program simulation on screen and machine-empty-determining existing failures.

-Make the necessary corrections and adjustments to the program.

-Archive/save the program to the appropriate media.

CE5.2 Perform the program to mechanize the support needed for support and attachment of a non-planar base part.

C6: Participate in the control system in manufacturing processes for wood, cork and furniture products.

CE6.1 Observe the conditions of supplies and their control systems.

CE6.2 Perform the process control plan.

CE6.3 Set control result record tabs.

CE6.4 Identify and evaluate non-compliant products or materials.

CE6.5 Analyze the collected information.

CE6.6 Identify the essential profile for quality control and environmental management, identifying their roles among the jobs and indicating their qualifications.

CE6.7 Identify the structure of wood, boards, cork and related materials, analyze their characteristics, and properly handle the tools and measuring instruments.

CE6.8 Adecuate and activate test and measurement equipment, as well as perform the necessary physico-chemical test tests, according to the current regulations.

C7: Collaborate in applying performance calculation techniques and improving productivity of manufacturing processes in the wood industry.

CE7.1 Check staff productivity.

CE7.2 Develop a staff productivity improvement plan.

C8: Act on the development of the safety and hygiene plan, necessary for the production of wood, furniture and cork industries.

CE8.1 Participate in the identification of risks in order to assess their degree of danger.

CE8.2 Adopt the necessary prevention measures, both in the jobs, and in the employees and employees.

CE8.3 Perform a fire drill.

CE8.4 Check the company for deviations between the safety and hygiene plan and current legislation, acting against such deviations.

CE8.5 Elaborate the technical documentation in which the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of plant emergency appears, adjusting to the current legislation.

C9: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE9.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE9.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE9.3 To diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE9.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE9.5 Use the established communication channels.


1. Provisioning and storage in the furniture industry.

-Determining stock needs for production.

-Characterization of different stock management systems.

-Stock control, supplier choice, and provisioning.

-Verification and control on the receipt of material.

-Storage of products

2. Organisation of production in the furniture industry.

-Analysis of required resources in the furniture industry.

-Organization of the manufacturing process.

-Optimizing available resources.

-Formulating technical information for production units.

-Analysis of errors susceptible to occurrence in the manufacturing process.

3. Production of production control documentation.

-Interpretation of plans and project documentation.

-Fulfillment of control documents.

-Using production control computing applications.

-Preparation of launch and advance instructions and orders.

-Using monitoring and control systems and procedures.

4. Machining with machine tools for carpentry and furniture.

-Measurement and plotting of parts.

-Using path-start machining principles.

-Mechanization of wood and derivatives with CNC.

-Use of machinery, equipment, equipment, facilities, and auxiliary media.

5. Human resource management.

-Measurement of time and productivity.

-Assessment for job optimization.

-Applying team work promotion techniques.

-Making training calendars for staff.

-Establishment channels for internal staff promotion.

-Making the productivity premium

6. Quality tests and inspections.

-Assessment of raw materials-wood, cork-.

-Testing in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Inspection of wood products, furniture and cork.

-Identifying control systems in processes.

-Fulfillment the process control documentation.

7. Compliance with safety and hygiene standards in the wood, furniture and cork industries and environmental protection.

-Application of the safety and health care rules

-Assessment of the inherent risks in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Setting preventive measures.

-Using protection elements.

-Application of prevention systems.

-Interpretation of standardized security and risk prevention symbology.

-Using the installations and machinery security elements.

-Realization of emergency drill.

-Application of environmental protection and waste treatment standards.

8. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.


MF1361_3: Sourcing and Warehouse in the Furniture Manufacturing

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

3 years

Organization of production in furniture manufacturing industries

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other titles equivalent.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or degree degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

3 years


Control of production in furniture manufacturing industries

Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree or degree title other equivalent titles

3 years

Quality, safety and environment in wood, cork and furniture industries

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent degrees

3 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




and management workshop production in furniture and carpentry industries.



and derivatives store












and production management workshop in furniture and carpentry industries.



store and derivatives




audio-visual equipment

-network installed PCs, projection canon, and internet

-Specialty specific software.

- Pen-writing boards



-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for

Workshop on organization and production management in furniture and furniture industries carpentry.

-Computer-connected computer equipment and CNC (Computerized Numeric Control)

-Air dryer installed in the compressed air circuit.

- Network-connected CNC machining center.

-Soundproofed Compressor.

- Chip and dust extraction system and silo storage.

-Numeric Control Simulators.


-Cintas metrics.

-Calibers (Pie of king).


-Tools for CNC machining center. Strawberries, saw discs, and drills.

-Keys to the maintenance and adjustment of the machines.




-Compressed Air Pistola

and Derived Storage


-Appropriate Transport Machinery for the displacement of wood and derivatives.

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Planning and manufacturing management in wood and cork industries.

Code: MAMD0210

Professional family: Wood, furniture and cork.

Professional area: Carpentry and furniture production

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

MAM424_3 Planning and manufacturing management in wood and cork industries (RD 1958/09, 18 December).

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC1365_3: Manage the wood and cork park.

UC1366_3: Control manufacturing processes in the sawwood industries.

UC1367_3: Control manufacturing processes in the cork industry.

UC1368_3: Control manufacturing processes in the board industries and laminated wood.

UC1364_3: Participate in the maintenance of quality, environment, prevention and occupational health management systems in wood, cork and furniture.

General competition:

Manage a manufacturing unit or section in the board, laminated wood (mle) and cork industries to achieve the objectives set in the production, quality and environmental protection plans; monitoring the material and human resources.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its activity in wood and cork industries, small, medium and large enterprises. It integrates into a work team with other people of its own or higher level of qualification, where it performs tasks of supervising the work of the operatives of its production unit. It is an intermediate command that organizes and directs the work of a set of people in charge and which depends on a top-level technical officer who receives instructions.

Productive Sectors:

Transformation, drying and processing of wood. Manufacture of packaging and packaging of wood. Transformation of wood into structural and carpentry elements. Manufacture of wooden boards. Manufacture of sheet metal and wood veneer panels. Stabilization, preparation and transformation of cork. Manufacture of sheets, boards, stoppers, objects and agglomerates of cork. Marketing of wood and cork products

Occupations or related jobs:

Workshop for the manufacture of wood products and similar materials.

Cork Product Manufacturing Workshop Manager.

3206.1019 Workshop on wood treatments and similar materials.

Cork treatment workshop manager.

3160.1085 Quality control technician in wood industry and similar materials.

Control and quality technician in cork industries.

Park and warehouse management technician in wood and similar materials industries.

Production planning technician in wood and similar materials industries.

Production control technician in wood and similar materials industries.

Production control technician in cork industries.

Technical in quality management, environment, safety and occupational health of wood and similar materials industries.

Technical in quality management, environment, safety and occupational health of the cork industries.

Duration of the associated training: 570 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF1365_3: Wood and cork park management. (70 hours).

MF1366_3: Production control in the sawmill processing industries. (100 hours).

• UF1507: Resource planning for the transformation of sawwood. (50 hours)

• UF1508: Management of the production of sawwood. (50 hours)

MF1367_3: Production control in the cork transformation industry (110 hours).

• UF1509: Control of preventive treatments and verification of characteristics of the raw material in the manufacture of cork products. (30 hours)

• UF1510: Flow control of production and documentation management in the manufacture of cork products. (50 hours)

• UF1511: Process management and maintenance of equipment in the manufacture of cork products. (30 hours)

MF1368_3: Control of production in the production of panels and laminated wood. (100 hours).

• UF1512: Analysis and elaboration of documentation in the industry of the board and laminated wood. (30 hours)

• UF1513: Control of equipment production and maintenance processes in the board and laminated wood industries. (70 hours)

MF1364_3 (Trasversal): Quality, safety and environment in wood, cork and furniture industries. (70 hours).

MP0323: Non-working professional practice module for Planning and manufacturing management in wood and cork industries (120 hours).


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC1365_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Participate in the programming of the supplies of raw materials-wood and cork-and auxiliaries to ensure the production, according to the established methods and plans.

CR1.1 The provisioning is program in collaboration with other areas of the company, under instructions of the immediate superior if any, using the calculation tools defined throughout the process of agreement to existing needs.

CR1.2 The requirements for raw and auxiliary materials needed for the manufacture of wood and cork products are determined.

-From the list of materials for the production plan to be performed, considering the dates of need, the provisioning times, and the security stock.

-By review of available existence and comparison with the minimum established existence, considering the provisioning times and the security stock.

CR1.3 The availability of suppliers, the cost of each supply and the cost of storage, are considered, so that costs are minimised, covering the needs detected in quantity and time.

CR1.4 Vendor offerings are valued, according to quality criteria, price of products, and technical particularities of production processes.

CR1.5 Stock inventory is scheduled based on the company's production, provisioning, and internal control systems.

RP2: Monitor and manage the receipt of raw materials, auxiliaries and the internal supply of finished products, to ensure the smooth functioning of the industry as established throughout the process productive.

CR2.1 The reception of the raw material is checked, evaluating the quantity, quality and destination in the successive production phases: classifying it according to its own characteristics and its use and recording the entries of the timbers lots, indicating the year of the asaca, the date of entry of the invoice numbers or delivery delivery, the name of the supplier and the quantities corresponding to each entry.

CR2.2 The instructions and the work of storage, of the persons in charge are distributed, taking into account the production forecasts, the characteristics of the staff and the working conditions, according to the plan of quality and production.

CR2.3 Transport auxiliary stores and equipment are monitored to meet the preventive maintenance plan and existing regulations.

CR2.4 The criteria for the location of the various materials, according to the product characteristics, the subsequent utilization and the optimal use of the space.

CR2.5 Work instructions are made by incorporating the storage conditions of the products to avoid material deterioration.

CR2.6 The record of outputs from raw materials to production lines is verified according to the set system.

RP3: Control the storage of finished products, raw materials-wood logs and finished wood and cork products-and auxiliaries, as well as the supply of products needed to ensure good operation of the production plant.

CR3.1 The warehouses and equipment are checked to comply, with the cleaning conditions set, according to the cleaning and maintenance plan.

CR3.2 The criteria for the location of the goods, are established, according to the characteristics of the product, the subsequent identification, the output and the optimal use of the resources, according to the Storage technical instructions.

CR3.3 The amounts, as well as the flows, moments, destinations, and intermediate stores of the products to be supplied, are established with the appropriate measures to comply with the production schedules.

CR3.4 The transport within the warehouse and in the plant is verified, which meets the conditions of movement of vehicles, the itineraries, the intermediate and final points, respecting the conditions of safety and minimizing the costs, in accordance with the procedure of internal traffic of movement of goods.

CR3.5 The record of output from supplies to production is verified, by completion, that is performed according to the set system.

CR3.6 Instructions and jobs are distributed according to warehouse needs, staff characteristics, and working conditions, according to the quality plan.

CR3.7 Stocks are organized in relation to production and provisioning programs, making corrections that come, when deviations are detected, according to the technical instructions.

CR3.8 Inventory systems and their characteristics are controlled by their execution, investigating the causes of possible differences in relation to stock controls, according to the production plan.

RP4: Organize the issuance of external orders, meeting the specifications and demands received, according to the contract document, to ensure the optimal conditions of shipment.

CR4.1 Order dispatch control is performed according to order characteristics, warehouse stocks, and delivery times according to contract documents.

CR4.2 Warehouse staff are organized according to orders to prepare in each time period, delivering the appropriate documentation and specifying the work instructions.

CR4.3 The storage, and in your case the shipment and recycling, of defective products, are placed, informing the departments responsible.

CR4.4 The transportation of the expeditions is organized according to the programs and schedules of delivery, ensuring that it is carried out, so that the transported materials do not suffer deterioration.

RP5: Generate and manage the information and documentation of the process of receiving, storing and issuing raw materials, auxiliaries and finished products, in order to control in each moment the production process, as established in the production process.

CR5.1 The data collection is checked to be performed, depending on the products received in the storage area for both raw, auxiliary and finished products.

CR5.2 The processing of the data obtained, is planned to facilitate the reading and interpretation of the results and the identification of deviations in the reception of material, production processes and marketing.

CR5.3 The analysis and interpretation of the results is performed to assess the quality of the product and the process; detect deviations in the established control values; diagnose the causes of non-conformities; and propose to improve quality, environmental management and cost reduction.

CR5.4 The deviations detected in the receipt of raw materials and ancillary products are communicated to the department or higher responsible, following the established procedures.

CR5.5 The elaborated documentation is in line with the established standards, allowing easy interpretation by the managers of quality, environmental management and operators.

CR5.6 The information generated and used is proven to be the one required for the definition, implementation and development of the company's plans and environmental management.

CR5.7 The flow of information that is established allows for the participation of all staff in improving the quality of environmental management.

CR5.8 The documentary management that is carried out, ensures the conservation, updating, easy access and dissemination of information regarding quality and environmental management.

Professional Context

Production media

Files of operations in documentary and computer support. Warehouse management and control equipment and applications. Manuals and technical instructions for operation and maintenance of machinery, tools and tools of various collection, storage and production operations. Safety and occupational health regulations. Standards for quality control and classification. Means of transport (trucks, forklifts, conveyor belts). Measuring devices (metric tapes, volumeters, scales).

Products and results

Programming of provisioning. Management of receipt of raw materials. Storage control. Organization of the dispatch of external orders and Generate and manage the information of the production process.

Information used or generated

Address goals for material sourcing plans. Management objectives for the production plans. Stock and inventory controls. Criteria and standards for the classification, storage and conservation of goods. List of suppliers, distributors, customers, carriers. Machinery and equipment operating manuals used for storage. Market research on the sector. Catalogues and information on machinery and production equipment. Technical information about the finished product (characteristics, production process and its influence). Manuals on the finished product (characteristics, production process and its influence). Machinery and equipment operating manuals used in the production. Requests for purchases. Program of internal supplies. Permanent inventory of stocks of finished products, raw materials and other materials. Ordered, detailed, and complete information for: sales, orders, customers/suppliers.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC1366_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Control the characteristics of forest resources-logs-and materials and auxiliary products-additives, fungicides-among others, which will intervene in the manufacture of sawwood and byproducts derived, meet the characteristics defined in the production plan to ensure the required production and quality.

CR1.1 The provisioning of forest resources is determined in accordance with specific national or local community regulations.

CR1.2 The received forest supplies are monitored through visual inspection, assessing the physical and sanitary qualities required to meet the production plans.

CR1.3 The ratio and qualities of the raw materials and ancillary products are established, in accordance with the requirements of the production and sales plan.

CR1.4 The visual characteristics, physical properties and mechanical behaviors of the species available in the wood parks, are evaluated according to the production and management plans as well as the alterations that can be occur in their pre-sawing preservation and handling.

CR1.5 The additives and auxiliary materials used such as fungicides and insecticides are proven to be suitable, as determined in the production process as well as their use and destination.

CR1.6 Raw materials and auxiliary materials are verified to meet the specifications required to be used according to operational processes.

CR1.7 The permissible margins or tolerances in the characteristics of raw and auxiliary materials are set, depending on the operational processes.

RP2: Control process control parameters in the manufacture of sawwood and byproducts, to ensure that in each operation and treatment, the established conditions and characteristics are met and contingencies or resolve those presented.

CR2.1 The sawwood manufacturing process is proven to elapse in an orderly sequence of stages or phases, as established, ensuring the required quality of the product through the following parameters:

-The flow of the material in the production chain.

-Operations and their sequence.

-The required machines and machines.

-The procedures and methods of work.

-The inbound and outbound products.

-Operation times.

-The control systems and types to be performed.

CR2.2 The mechanical parameters of the different machines, product concentrations, drying temperatures, or others, are proven to be applied according to the conditions required for each operation to be performed.

CR2.3 The elaborate instructions are transmitted, conforming to the established formats, using precise and easily understandable language and terminology for production operatives, including:

-The specifications of incoming and outgoing products, which ensure the required quality.

-Control parameters, their tolerances, measurement systems, and corrections that guarantee established production and quality levels.

-The tools and equipment of the machinery and equipment that allow the operation to be carried out in the times and with the required safety measures.

-The operating times, including the time-to-point of the machinery and possible incidents in accordance with the established techniques and the characteristics of the machines used.

-The maintenance and cleaning methods and periodicity to achieve the required levels.

-The controls and tests to be performed and the tolerance margins established for quality verification.

CR2.4 Data and information to be recorded on the development of the different stages of the production process of sawwood are specified in order to control and optimize the processing process.

CR2.5 Safety and occupational health measures and environmental regulations are identified, proving that they are met.

CR2.6 The amount and quality of production is controlled, achieved in the times and with the expected consumption and cost, detecting otherwise the causes and introducing corrections in the distribution of resources and assignment of work in the production process of sawwood.

CR2.7 Detected contingencies are corrected to minimize potential associated losses, adapting reasonable and proportionate alternatives to the severity of contingencies.

RP3: Coordinate the working group based on the productive processes and resources available to ensure optimal performance, following the manual of assignment of functions and competencies.

CR3.1 Human resources are organized within the work areas of the production chain in accordance with the human resources management procedure for manufacturing.

CR3.2 The assignment of tasks and responsibilities of each worker are organized for the group to execute and finish operations in compliance with the stated objectives.

CR3.3 The training and training needs of the human team are detected and established in a register in accordance with the company's specific training and retraining plan.

CR3.4 The human team coordinates with established personnel management tools, according to the staff characteristics.

CR3.5 The interpretation of the instructions is provided, through advice from the staff in charge, by checking the proper understanding of the instructions.

RP4: Check that manufacturing processes, -uncorked, tronked, sawn, unfolded, retarted, sung, dried-, conform to the sequence, set, ensuring the optimization of the available resources and that the yields in quantity and quality are in line with what is established and guiding them to demand.

CR4.1 Safety and environmental health and regulatory measures are controlled, enforced and respected as set out.

CR4.2 The raw materials and ancillary products are found to be available at the place of the allocated warehouse for the start of the manufacturing process and meet the ideal quality and performance characteristics.

CR4.3 The preparation and incorporation of substances for treatments with biocidal products and preservative solutions is controlled which is developed according to the procedure manuals, guaranteeing quality and usage security.

CR4.4 The mechanisms of sawing, sorting, drying and preventive or curative treatments taking place in the various manufacturing processes are controlled, to verify that the performance is in line with the requirements.

CR4.5 End drying and finishing procedures are checked, which follow the specific programs for each product.

CR4.6 The packaging and packaging of the final product is checked to ensure transport and dispatch without any deterioration, by grouping the material in homogeneous batches.

CR4.7 The required time, quantity, and quality are checked, which are consistent with established manufacturing procedures.

CR4.8 The distribution of equipment, means of production and persons in manufacturing plants is checked, which is carried out with the appropriate safety, quality and versatility criteria, in order to achieve the objectives of security and production plans.

RP5: Adapt and dispose of the specific technical documentation required for the development and control of the sawwood processing process, ensuring traceability.

CR5.1 The generated documentation for the production process is encoded and archived according to the set system.

CR5.2 The technical information received, from internal or external source, about the product or process, is classified, encoded, and archived according to the set system.

CR5.3 The assigned management system and support that enables the classification and coding of documents, the preservation of the volume of information, is updated systematically, so that access is quick and transmission of the same is effective.

CR5.4 Data and information received are analyzed and processed in order to make improvements to the process development.

CR5.5 The traceability records are systematically collected in the development of the process in order to obtain evaluable references.

RP6: Monitor the preparation, cleaning and maintenance of the first level of machines and equipment in the sawwood industry, maintain the facilities and auxiliary services for the production of boards, guaranteeing the Resource optimization and energy saving.

CR6.1 The cleaning and disinfection protocols for areas, equipment and machinery are established by controlling:

-Calendars, schedules, and people in charge, to avoid interference in production.

-Incompatibilities between different products that are processed on the same computer.

-Substances, equipment, cleaning conditions, and different parameters to be controlled.

-Cleaning and disinfection levels, as well as procedures for verification.

-The conditions in which the equipment must be found at the beginning and end of the operation (stop, flush, dismounted, among others).

-The warning and signaling elements.

CR6.2 Facilities maintenance and cleaning operations are scheduled to interfere with the minimum in the sawmill processing process.

CR6.3 Work instructions are disseminated to the maintenance and cleaning equipment with maximum clarity.

CR6.4 Stop and start operations are performed according to the sequences set out in the production process manuals or work instructions.

CR6.5 Accurate drive controls are used at all times while respecting safety standards and mechanisms.

Professional Context

Production media

Teams and programs applied to process development. Technical instructions for: means of transport (trucks, forklifts, conveyor belts). Measuring devices (metric tapes, scales). Cutting machines (disk and tape saws, canteens, retarders, grublers, flat machines). Treatment plants (boilers, dryers, autoclaves, bath treatments). Manufacturing manuals. Specific programmes for automatic systems, programming consoles, personal computers. Processing techniques for sawwood products. Operational procedures. Industrial process control systems. Processes for: obtaining, processing, processing and preserving wood products. Techniques for recording, processing and communicating information.

Products and results

Control of the characteristics of forest resources-logs-and auxiliary products. Control of control parameters of the manufacturing process. Coordinate the working group. Control of the manufacturing process. Adapt and dispose of technical documentation and monitor first-level maintenance.

Information used or generated

Medium-term planning for the company. Production programme. Quality manual. Results of quality tests. Internal and external technical information about products and processes. Technical data on raw materials and materials. Technical information about equipment and machines: features, capabilities, use, news. Information collected about process execution. Manual of procedures, work instructions. Equipment utilization manuals. Procedure manuals and work instructions. Manuals for the use of quips. Procedure manuals and work instructions. Safety and emergency regulations and plans. Work items, records, and incidents. Guidelines for operations and maintenance and security practices.

Competition Unit 3


Level 3

Code UC1367_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Check the characteristics of raw materials such as cork irons, cork granules, auxiliary materials and materials that will be involved in the production of cork products for the production of Final product quality assurance

CR1.1 The ratio and the qualities of the raw materials and auxiliary materials are established in accordance with the requirements of the production and sales plan.

CR1.2 The visual characteristics, physical properties and mechanical behaviors of the raw materials available in the cork stores are evaluated by means of medium-foot instruments of king, hygrometer-scoring blanks the amount of raw material received and the impurities it contains-percentage of moisture, percentage of scraping-.

CR1.3 The alterations that may occur in the preservation of the cork irons and granulates and their pre-fabrication manipulation are valued according to the production and management plans.

CR1.4 Additives and auxiliary materials (disinfectants, paraffins, among others) are found to be used in the cork industry, according to the standards of good practice and the procedures defined by the company.

CR1.5 The raw materials and auxiliary materials are verified to meet the required specifications, in order to be used according to the operational processes.

CR1.6 The permissible margins or tolerances are established in relation to the raw material and material characteristics of the operating procedures.

RP2: Check the various process control parameters that regulate the flow of production in the manufacture of cork and derivative products, defined in each operation, so that the conditions and requirements of production conform to the established quality.

CR2.1 The cork product manufacturing process is checked to be broken down into an ordered sequence of operations, which ensures the required quality of the product, being compromised by:

-The flow of the material in the production chain.

-The time and sequence of performing operations.

-The required machines and machines.

-The procedures and methods of work.

-The inbound and outbound products.

-The systems and types of controls to be performed.

CR2.2 The mechanical parameters of the different machines, product concentrations, drying temperatures, or others, are established according to the conditions required by each operator to be performed.

CR2.3 The instructions for each operation are checked to include the definition of:

-The specifications of incoming and outgoing products, which ensure the required quality.

-Control parameters, their tolerances, measurement systems, and corrections that guarantee established production and quality levels.

-The tools and equipment of the machinery and equipment that allow the operation to be carried out in the times and with the required safety measures.

-The operating times, including the time-to-point of the machinery and possible incidents in accordance with the established techniques and the characteristics of the machines used.

-The maintenance and cleaning methods and periodicity to achieve the required levels.

-The controls and tests to be performed and the tolerance margins established for quality verification.

CR2.4 Data and information to be recorded about the development of the different stages of the process are specified in order to control and optimize the processing process.

CR2.5 Safety and occupational health measures and environmental regulations are proven to be met.

CR2.6 Resource utilization is proven to optimize the manufacturing processes of the intended work plan by:

-Changes to the scheduled sequences.

-Using alternative production equipment.

-Reallocation of staff to jobs.

CR2.7 Detected contingencies are corrected to minimize potential associated losses by adopting reasonable and proportionate alternatives to the severity of contingencies.

CR2.8 The deviations found during the monitoring of the manufacturing program of cork products are evaluated, considering their impact on the fulfillment of the objectives marked-end dates, costs of production-.

RP3: Control that the processing process, -cooked, wrapped, cut, calibrated, wacky and packaging, among others-the stages, its sequencing and the use of equipment, is carried out as established, to verify that the levels of production and quality are within the established margins, ensuring the optimization of the available resources.

CR3.1 The distribution of equipment, means of production and people in manufacturing plants is carried out with the appropriate occupational health, quality and versatility criteria in order to achieve the safety objectives in the production plans.

CR3.2 The raw materials and ancillary products are found to be available at the place of the warehouse allocated for the start of the manufacturing process and meet the ideal quality and performance characteristics.

CR3.3 The preparation and incorporation of substances for the treatment of disinfectant products and surface treatments, is proven to be performed according to the procedure manuals, guaranteeing quality and security of use.

CR3.4 The cork cooked is controlled, according to the set temperature and time, depending on the product to be obtained.

CR3.5 The operations of the irons of the plates, calibrated, outlandish and colkilled among others, is proven to be carried out according to the sequence established in the production process and intermediate products are obtained with the required quality.

CR3.6 The squadron and serrated operations are proven to be normal, with these operations being decisive before starting the packaging and those that are to be used to define the characteristics of the final product.

CR3.7 The different stages of the packaging process are sequenced by establishing the appropriate rate of product feed based on the available equipment and production instructions in the manufacture of cork.

CR3.8 The flow of packaged products to the packaging line ensures that there are no gaps between the various production processes and the packaging.

RP4: Control the application of preventive treatments and preparations of forest products, to ensure the good condition of the raw materials and the finished product so that there is no alteration in the production process.

CR4.1 Existing alterations or diseases are valued, assigning the type of treatment to be applied in each case, differentiating whether it is a preventive or preparation treatment, determining application and product schedule to be used.

CR4.2 The different treatments are applied, controlling the parameters of operation and control to be carried out under the conditions indicated, and with the required quality, as established.

CR4.3 Application equipment and facilities are regulated throughout the treatment, so that they conform to the established parameters to achieve greater efficiency in their application.

CR4.4 The drying of the wood is controlled, checking that the control parameters in the dryers are adjusted to the established, controlling humidity and temperature among others.

CR4.5 The application of the products is performed, complying with the established safety standards to avoid unnecessary risks.

RP5: Adapt and dispose of the specific technical documentation necessary for the development and control of the processing of the production of cork products and by-products, to ensure quality, as established.

CR5.1 The chosen management system and support that enables the classification and coding of documents, the preservation of the volume of information, is updated in a systematic way, as well as rapid access and transmission effective of the same.

CR5.2 The generated documentation relating to the production process of cork product manufacturing is encoded and archived, according to the established system.

CR5.3 The technical information received, from internal or external origin, about the product or process, is classified, coded, and archived according to the system set.

CR5.4 Data and information received are analyzed and processed in order to make improvements to the process development.

CR5.5 Quality records and the hazard analysis manual and critical control points are systematically collected in the process development in order to obtain evaluable references.

RP6: Control maintenance and repair of equipment and machinery for the manufacture of cork products, according to the instructions given, for the proper functioning of the production process.

CR6.1 The definition of the maintenance operations to be performed on machines, installations and tools is performed according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and the use made of the equipment.

CR6.2 The established maintenance plan for machines, installations and tools, is checked to be carried out with the frequency required in each operation and on each equipment with responsibility for its execution, and differentiating internal and external maintenance.

CR6.3 The correct and timely execution of scheduled maintenance operations is controlled from the records set for that purpose.

CR6.4 The correct value of each computer's operating parameters redetermines from the manufacturer's specifications, the usage tests that have been performed, and the historical values achieved.

CR6.5 The control of the operation of each equipment is performed, reviewing the result of the manufacturing process and/or direct observation of the parameters of the same.

CR6.6 Teams whose operation is not correct are identified so that they are not inadvertently used.

CR6.7 Repairs to be performed on broken equipment are agreed and planned with the corresponding internal or external service, using the defined communication channel.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment and programs applied to the development of processes: means of transport (trucks, forklifts, conveyor belts), measuring devices (metric tapes, scales), cutting machines (disk saws, machines of Slicing and chopping, boring, polishing), treatment plants (boilers, dryers, bathtubs for treatments). Technical instructions for each processing operation and for each team involved. Boilers for the production of energy which can be used for cork waste. Systems for detecting and extinguishing fires. Equipment for the movement of cork (tractor-shovel, trailers, forklift trucks, conveyor belts, hoists, crane stitch). Pneumatic transport equipment for grainy. Scales. Mills. Sieve. Densimetric tables. Dryers. Autoclaves. Steam injectors. Saws and squadrons. Profilers. Glers. Hot plates of cold dishes. Hot air furnaces. High-frequency ovens. Moulds for the manufacture of blocks. Lathes de unrollo. Laminators. Sanders. Varnishes. Waxing. Packing equipment. Manufacturing manuals. Specific programmes for automatic systems, programming consoles, personal computers. Techniques for the production of cork products. Operational procedures. Industrial process control systems. Processes of: boiling, stabilization, processing, storage and transport of cork products. Techniques for recording, processing and communicating information.

Products and results

Checking the characteristics of the raw materials: cork irons and auxiliary materials. Verification of the control parameters that regulate the flow of the production of cork products. Verification of the sequence of production levels of cork products. Control of the application of the plant protection treatments applied to cork-producing cork. Adapt and dispose of the technical documentation and control of the first level maintenance.

Information used or generated

Medium-term planning for the company. Production programme. Quality manual. Results of quality tests. Internal and external technical information about products and processes. Technical data on raw materials and materials. Technical information about equipment and machines; features, capabilities, usage, news. Information collected about process execution. Manual of procedures, work instructions. Equipment utilization manuals. Procedure manuals and work instructions. Safety and emergency regulations and plans. Work items, records, and incidents. Guides and instructions for operations and maintenance and safety practices. Safety and occupational health standards. Applicable rules applicable. Importance. Implications. More frequent risks. Protective measures: equipment and personnel. First aid. Toxicity of the products. Prevention and extinction systems. Methods and means used. Environmental protection. Concept. Purpose. Methods. Treatment, disposal and use of waste.

Competition Unit 4


Level 3

Code: UC1368_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Control the characteristics of the raw materials, auxiliary materials and materials that will be involved in the manufacture of panels and laminated laminated wood (mle), to ensure the quality of the final product.

CR1.1 The ratio and the qualities of the raw materials and auxiliary materials are established, in accordance with the requirements of the production and sales plan.

CR1.2 The visual characteristics, physical properties and mechanical behaviors of the various products-sheet metal, saw wood-and by-products-splinters, sawdust, recycled-as well as the alterations that can The production plans are evaluated in accordance with the production plans.

CR1.3 The additives and auxiliary materials used-adhesives, glues, fungicides, insecticides-are proven to be suitable, as determined in the production process as well as their use, destination and function in the productive processes.

CR1.4 The raw materials and auxiliary materials are verified that they comply, the specifications required and determined according to the protocol of the production process, in order to be used in the various operational processes.

CR1.5 The acquisition of raw materials and materials is carried out in accordance with the alternatives offered by suppliers, respecting the maximum established costs-particle board and fibre-and the necessary qualities. -plywood and mle-.

CR1.6 The buffer points, their maximum and minimum size and their layout are set in such a way as to optimize the available space and ensure the synchronisation between the various jobs or sections.

RP2: Check the various process control parameters in the manufacture of boards and mle by fixing in each operation, the conditions and variability, to ensure that the production levels and the quality, reach the values required.

CR2.1 The process of making boards and mle is checked to be broken down into an ordered sequence of operations, which ensures the required quality of the product, being understood by:

-The flow of the material in the production chain.

-The time and sequence of performing operations.

-The required machines and machines.

-The procedures and methods of work.

-The inbound and outbound products.

-The control systems and types to be performed.

CR2.2 Initial data concerning the status of workers, availability of equipment, raw materials required, consumables required are contrasted with the pre-established by solving the contingencies presented.

CR2.3 Product advancement is controlled to decide the beginning or continuity of the process, through the various operations that elapse in the planned times without interruptions or retentions and that the first loads or Completed units meet the requirements set.

CR2.4 Staff performances and the various operations of the process are checked, which are carried out over time in the form indicated by the corresponding instructions and manuals so that the parameters of control remain within the established ranges.

CR2.5 The distribution of equipment, means of production and people in manufacturing plants is carried out with the appropriate safety, quality and versatility criteria, in order to achieve the safety objectives and production.

CR2.6 Resource utilization is proven to optimize the manufacturing processes of the intended work plan by:

-Changes to the scheduled sequences.

-Using alternative production equipment.

-Reallocation of staff to jobs.

CR2.7 The deviations arising from situations of process control in the parameters are analyzed and determine the causes, ordering the actions for the stopping or rerouting of the affected operations.

RP3: Control that the manufacturing process,-cleaning, milling, preparing, sanitizing, sizing, drying, pressing and packaging, among others-the stages, its sequencing and the use of equipment, is carried out as established, to verify that the levels of production and quality are within the established margins, ensuring the optimization of the available resources.

CR3.1 Safety and environmental health and regulatory measures are identified and respected.

CR3.2 The separation of non-ligne-metal and stone-between-other coarse elements is checked, as set out to obtain the expected returns.

CR3.3 Coarse-particle splinter, grinding, and sifting operations are controlled that proceed normally without altering the established production flow.

CR3.4 The pressure and temperature parameters are controlled in the operation of mixing autoclaves by performing the preparation of the paste formed by particles, adhesives, and water for obtaining fiber heals.

CR3.5 The pressing performed on both hydraulic static presses and successive rolling-calendering rollers is controlled, so that the pressure and time is adjusted to what is established.

CR3.6 The cutting of the boards is proven to be carried out according to the established characteristics, with the human resources and suitable materials, adapting at each moment to the variables introduced according to the production.

CR3.7 The sizing operations of the gluing or adhesive are checked to be carried out in the optimal temperature conditions, taking care of the rest time.

CR3.8 The finishing process: varnished and lacquered among others is checked, which takes place with the required normality, obtaining final products with the desired quality.

CR3.9 The different stages of the packaging process are sequenced by establishing the appropriate rate of product feed based on the available equipment, production instructions in manufacturing, as Particle board, fibre, sheet or mle and demand board.

CR3.10 The flow of packaged products to the packaging line ensures that there are no gaps between the various production processes and the packaging.

RP4: Adapt and dispose of the specific technical information throughout the development and control of the operational processes, making their distribution in the production units, with the required clarity, to ensure in any Moment the introduction of improvements in the production process of board manufacturing and mle.

CR4.1 The established management system and support is checked, which enables the classification and coding of documents, the preservation of the volume of information, its systematic updating, rapid access and effective transmission of the same.

CR4.2 The generated documentation relating to the process is encoded and archived, according to the system established in the production of sheets and laminated laminated wood.

CR4.3 The technical information received, from internal or external source, about the product or process, is classified, encoded, and archived according to the set system.

CR4.4 The data and information received are analyzed and processed in order to make improvements to the development of the process.

CR4.5 The traceability records and the hazard analysis manual and critical control points are systematically collected in the process development in order to obtain evaluable references.

RP5: Monitor the first level maintenance and repair of equipment and manufacturing machinery as instructed, for the smooth operation of the production process in the manufacture of laminated boards and wood wrapped.

CR5.1 The definition of the maintenance operations to be performed on machines, installations and tools is performed according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer and the use made of the equipment.

CR5.2 The established maintenance plan for machines, installations and tools, is proven to be carried out with the frequency required in each operation and on each team with responsibility for its execution, and differentiating internal and external maintenance.

CR5.3 The correct and timely execution of scheduled maintenance operations is controlled, from the records set for that purpose.

CR5.4 The correct value of each team's operating parameters is determined from the manufacturer's specifications, the usage tests that have been performed, and the historical values achieved.

CR5.5 The control of the operation of each equipment is performed, reviewing the result of the manufacturing process and/or by direct observation of the parameters of the same.

CR5.6 Teams whose operation is not correct are identified so that they are not inadvertently used.

CR5.7 Repairs to be performed on broken equipment are agreed and planned with the corresponding internal or external service, using the defined communication channel.

Professional Context

Production media

Teams and programs applied to process development. Manufacturing manuals for: Manufacture of particle board and fibre. Manufacture of sheet metal and plate boards. Processing Of Laminated Wood. Specific programmes for automatic systems, programming consoles, personal computers. Operational procedures. Industrial process control systems, technical instructions for internal means of transport (forklifts, conveyor belts, pneumatic systems). Cribators, cleaning machines. Boilers, mixers, defibrators. Glers. Flat cutting machines. Presses. Procedures for setting. Lyjadoras, canteens. Large parts cutting machines. Registration techniques. Elaboration and communication of information. Industrial process control systems.

Processes and results

Checking the characteristics of the raw materials: logs and auxiliary materials. Verification of the control parameters that regulate the flow of the production of laminated wood and board. Checking the sequence of the production levels of laminated wood and board. Adapt and dispose of the technical documentation and control of the first level maintenance.

Information used or generated:

Medium-term planning for the company. Production programme. Quality manual. Results of quality tests. Internal and external technical information about products and processes. Technical data on raw materials and materials. Technical information about equipment and machines: features, capabilities, use, news. Information collected about process execution. Manual of procedures, work instructions. Equipment utilization manuals. Procedure manuals and work instructions. Safety and emergency regulations and plans. Work items, records, and incidents. Guides and instructions for operations and maintenance and security practices.

Competition Unit 5


Level 3

Code: UC1364_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Participate in the definition and organization of the maintenance of the environmental quality management systems, prevention and occupational health for their development and implementation, in accordance with the company's policy and the quality and environmental plans.

CR1.1 Participates with the team or department responsible in defining the objectives to be achieved by the company in the quality and environmental policy considering:

-Quality and environmental aspects related to business activity.

-The actions to be performed for quality control and environmental management.

-Actions for monitoring and measuring emissions, effluents and waste.

-Quality and environmental awareness and training actions.

-Emergency plans

-The human resources required for quality control and environmental management and their level of training.

-The test and control means, as well as the plan for their maintenance and calibration.

-Functional relationships, in terms of quality and environment, between company departments.

-The flow, process, and organization of the information.

CR1.2 The quality plan is defined in a way that ensures that the entire organization is involved to achieve a level of competitive quality in the market, the permanent rationality of the costs and in the process of continuous improvement.

CR1.3 Participating in the elaboration of the system's documentary support, specific work or process instructions and forms and formats, which once completed, are constituted in the records showing the system application, is performed by following the instructions received.

CR1.4 It is involved in the formulation of proposals for improvement of procedures, appropriate to the standards on quality management and the possibilities of the company.

CR1.5 The participation in the activities of the internal audit process is performed according to the technical instructions received and according to the quality plan.

CR1.6 It is proposed to incorporate procedural improvements in the system of application of the quality plan and environmental management.

CR1.7 The proposals made are adapted, to the standards on quality and environmental assurance and to the possibilities of the company.

CR1.8 It is controlled in all production processes that the use of equipment and machinery is correct and has regular maintenance, keeping in perfect state the active and passive protections and observing that complies with the safety and health regulations.

RP2: Determine the control systems of supplies, process variables and finished product, and provide the necessary means for their development and application, in order to achieve the objectives of the quality and management plan The company's environmental protection.

CR2.1 The requirements for materials and auxiliary media for the specifications of the defined supplies are monitored to ensure the quality of the product, in accordance with the company's guidelines.

CR2.2 Participates in the management of energy resources and water policy in accordance with company guidelines.

CR2.3 The determination of the procedures, equipment and instructions for the control of supplies is made from the characteristics that have the greatest impact on the quality of the products to be manufactured, and on the basis of the specifications provided by the suppliers.

CR2.4 The control plan for the manufacturing process and the finished product is carried out, establishing the verification points and the sampling, control, recording and evaluation procedures.

CR2.5 Control procedures are specified according to:

-The object of the procedure

-Items or materials to be inspected.

-Sampling conditions.

-Test media and instruments.

-Mode of operation.

-Assessment criteria.

-How to express results and reports.

-The qualification of the operator performing the control.

CR2.6 The treatments specified for non-compliant material that allow their identification, traceability and, where appropriate, recycled, are controlled according to the instructions set out.

CR2.7 The defined control systems that ensure the quality and environmental requirements of supplies, intermediate products and finished product are managed by optimizing the technical and human resources.

CR2.8 The organization and management of the necessary means for the conduct of the tests and inspections of control is carried out according to the precision of the measures, guidelines and places of control, qualification of the users authorized, inspection frequency and calibration plan.

RP3: Monitor inspection and testing processes, in the laboratory and manufacturing plant, in order to comply with the procedures and standards established by the company's quality and environmental management plans.

CR3.1 Inspection and testing equipment is proven to be properly calibrated and in perfect conditions of use.

CR3.2 inspections and tests scheduled throughout the production process are performed according to established protocols, once the update and availability of the necessary documentation is verified and is in place appropriate.

CR3.3 Sample sampling and testing and testing are performed in accordance with established technical procedures and instructions.

CR3.4 The performance of sampling and extraordinary tests are carried out when the circumstances require it to be put in place and stop, alterations are taxed in the process.

CR3.5 The verification of control equipment and instruments is performed according to the maintenance plan.

CR3.6 The completion of tests on finished products is carried out in duly accredited external laboratories for product certification.

RP4: Evaluate control data and propose actions for process and product improvement, managing the information needed for quality control and improvement and environmental management.

CR4.1 The treatment of data received-statistical, graphic-which facilitates the reading and interpretation of the results, is done to adopt the improvement measures more easily.

CR4.2 The interpretation of the results is used to detect deviations in the established control values and to diagnose their causes.

CR4.3 The detected deviations are communicated to the one who corresponds to their decision-making knowledge.

CR4.4 The analysis of the results to assess the quality of the product, the process and the environmental requirements, is used to propose improvements in quality, environment and safety, cost reduction, or decreased efforts.

CR4.5 Information management is carried out, to maintain quality standards, environment and inspection and testing procedures.

CR4.6 The flow of information is established to enable the participation of all staff in the improvement of quality and environmental systems.

CR4.7 The management of the generated documentation is done to ensure its preservation, update, and access.

RP5: Oversee if the means of safety and health, both the equipment, machines and useful as the personal protective equipment comply with the requirements established according to the current regulations and propose actions for the improvement of working conditions.

CR5.1 Monitoring of protective means and signals of equipment, machines and tools is performed to check that they are necessary, as well as their correct state of conservation, minimizing the risk of accidents.

CR5.2 The inspection of the Individual Protection Equipment -EPIs-is verified to detect if they are the necessary and appropriate to the work to be performed and the equipment to be handled, as well as their proper placement.

CR5.3 The health and safety equipment health check is performed to dispose of equipment that is not in proper condition.

CR5.4 The supervision of the indumentaria employed and the measures of prevention adopted-clenched fists, short or collected hair, among others-is done to check that it is adequate for the work to be carried out and allows to minimize risks.

CR5.5 The handling and transport of the materials is controlled, adopting ergonomic positions that minimize the risk of injury and the corridors and working areas are free of obstacles.

CR5.6 The supervision of prevention and first-aid teams-operation, conservation status, expiration, among others-is done to deal with the best guarantees for the answers to contingencies.

CR5.7 The level of staff knowledge in relation to the implementation of prevention, extinction and first aid systems is verified to be appropriate to the assigned tasks, updating such knowledge in case required.

RP6: Participate in the organization of the professional risk prevention activities programmed for the specific productive unit according to the company policy and the current regulations.

CR6.1 Work risk prevention management is performed, supporting other responsible and/or involved departments and in accordance with the production schedule.

CR6.2 The management of prevention activities is made known to the people involved, through work sessions, according to the production schedule.

CR6.3 The effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of the prevention management system is checked, in collaboration with the department responsible, according to the plan established.

CR6.4 The evaluation and periodic review of the Plan is carried out, through internal or external audits in accordance with the policy of safety and occupational health, contributing to the same, providing information and/or documentation is considered accurate.

CR6.5 The preventive measures set for each possible risk are controlled according to the specific management protocol.

RP7: Participate in the definition of the environmental management plan and the organization for its development and implementation, in accordance with the company's policy, controlling the use, treatment and disposal of waste.

CR7.1 Actions for the prevention of environmental risks in the production unit are determined and monitored according to the objectives set by the company, in the environmental policy plans.

CR7.2 It is involved in the elaboration of the general procedures of the system, the work instructions or specific processes, as well as the precise documents which, once completed constitute the records of evidence of the application of the system, according to the technical instructions.

CR7.3 Participates in the organization of activities of the internal audit process of the environmental management system according to the plan.

CR7.4 Participates in the organization of activities of the external audit process of the environmental management system, according to the technical instructions.

CR7.5 It is involved in the development of proposals for improvement, of procedures appropriate to the environmental management standards and the possibilities of the company.

CR7.6 The solutions adopted for waste are taken in accordance with the management of the company and take into account the costs and respect of the legal standards in force.

CR7.7 The means and systems used for the transport, treatment, storage and disposal of waste are proven to be adequate and function as established.

CR7.8 The treatment and disposal of waste is controlled or carried out as appropriate, respecting safety, hygiene and safety standards.

Professional Context

Production media

Computer application for data processing and representation (spreadsheet or similar). Inspection and test equipment (micrometer, king foot, flexometer, precision balance, Ford cup, cross-cutting equipment, among others). Waste disposal equipment and facilities. Standards on quality management systems (ISO9001 or current) and environmental management (ISO14001 or in force). UNE, EN or ISO standards on tests to be carried out on raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Prevention, extinction and first aid means and equipment.

Products and results

Cleaning-disinfection program. Work instructions, correction instructions. Cleaning orders and permits. Instruction and information to your staff. Production launch. Guides to good hygiene practices adapted. Production supervision in quantity, quality and time limits. Documentation file and production information. Reports on the monitoring, control and incidents in the processes. Communication of results. Reports on staff. Technical reports on equipment. Parts of relay. Cost assessment. Reports on training needs in your unit. Manuals, documents and work instructions for quality management. Compliance records, non-compliance, corrective and preventive actions for incoming, ongoing, and final products. Quality history of distributors, customers. Customer support system and complaint complaint. System for the management of documents and records. File of distributors and customers. Quality goals and goals plans. Reports on evaluation and costs and improvement in quality. Reports of internal and external quality audits. Reports of review and improvement of quality plans. Environmental manuals. Environmental management procedures. Technical instructions for work that are respectful of the environment. Environmental records and monitoring and control. Product certification records.

Information used or generated

Quality and environmental management plans. Manufacture of one or more products on which control plans are to be applied. Parts with different types of defects. Data assumption on typology and frequency of occurrence of defects in the selected manufacturing processes. Quality and environmental management plan. Procedures for the control of external supplies. Procedures for the control of manufactured products. Calibration reports. Inspection and test reports. Numerical and graphic reports on non-conformities and proposals for corrective actions. Job risk plan.




Code: MF1365_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1365_3: Manage the wood and cork park.

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze procurement and procurement programs for raw materials and auxiliary wood and cork, according to the different logistics plans that ensure an optimal supply of raw materials.

CE1.1 Recognize the country's main types of timber and import timbers as well as the various types of cork.

CE1.2 Define the main properties of the supplies (logs, beams, rest of sawing, latches, sheets among others) and their behaviors in the different production processes.

CE1.3 Apply the tools for calculating the supply needs of raw materials and auxiliary wood and cork from the intended consumption.

CE1.4 Estimating the appropriate rate of supply for the various wood and cork materials, depending on their characteristics and consumption of the supply plan.

CE1.5 Precise the conditions of submission and order information, according to purchasing procedures, to avoid errors and confusion at the reception.

CE1.6 Identify factors to be taken into account in the selection of raw materials, auxiliaries, and other materials to be purchased, according to the established procedure.

CE1.7 In a scenario that is properly characterized in the performance of an order for production needs:

-Calculate the quantities of each commodity for a production cycle.

-Drill down the characteristics that materials must meet.

-Calculate the optimal order size.

-Estimate the price of the order.

-Perform the merchandise purchases and receipts calendars.

-Fulfill order forms to quote providers, as well as their conditions, for the company's interior.

-Rate movements and stocks of raw materials, consumables and finished products, according to the supported accounting methods (average price, weighted average price, LIFO).

C2: Analyze the reception processes, in the wood and cork industry according to the operating procedure.

EC2.1 Calculate with the appropriate measurement systems, the quantities of products produced-tables of serrated wood, stoppers, sheets board among others-.

CE2.2 Describe the essential phases of the process of storing goods and supplies, according to the operational plan, identifying the tasks necessary to carry out the storage cycle, grouping them around positions

CE2.3 Analyze the checks to be carried out on different raw materials and other consumables, in order to be able to give the go-ahead to its reception and to accept provisional or definitively the goods, as well as on the presentation of the finished products to be able to give the go-ahead for their expedition.

CE2.4 Recognize the quality characteristics of the intermediate and end products of the wood and cork industry.

C3: Interpret the processes of storage, internal distribution, and handling of the various supplies of the wood and cork industry, in accordance with the established operating procedure.

CE3.1 On a given plane, identify the different zones of a type warehouse and describe the general characteristics of each warehouse.

CE3.2 Describe the essential phases of the process of storage of goods and supplies, according to the operational plan, identifying the tasks necessary to correctly carry out the storage cycle, grouping them in around jobs.

CE3.3 Characterize variables that affect the organization of a storeroom, deducting the defects of each of them in spatial distribution planning.

CE3.4 Associate the means and procedures for handling goods to the different types of products, taking into account the physical characteristics of the products, as well as the spaces, easements and tours in storage and site.

CE3.5 Describe the conditions and precautions to be taken in the storage of wood, cork and other products (cleaning products, by-products, waste, packaging, packaging) in accordance with the plan of good practice handling.

CE3.6 Determine the environmental conditions required for the storage of the products, according to the labels.

CE3.7 Determine, by means of sketches, the internal distribution of the different products, based on the internal distribution guides.

CE3.8 Represent potential flows and internal product paths to optimize the space, time, and use of the products.

CE3.9 In a well-characterized scenario of manufacturing wood and cork products: drawing up inventory of stocks of both raw materials and finished products, classifying them in batch.

C4: Develop a system of information and documentation to control the type, quality, quantity and situation of existing materials and products, economic value through the control of the process in the wood industry and the cork.

CE4.1 Recognize all existing documents to control the characteristics of raw materials.

CE4.2 Identify the stock control documentation (order sheets, receipt tokens, stock records, material vouchers, among others).

CE4.3 In a properly characterized practical case of material reception:

-Register the products accepted in the form stipulated to give them entry into the inventory, placing them in the appropriate positions using the appropriate means.

-Treat rejected products as indicated by established procedures, identifying unequivocally to avoid inadvertent use.

-Meet quality records, reporting in case of non-compliance to the appropriate person, or directly to the provider to take appropriate action.

-Develop stock control documentation (order sheet, receipt tokens, stock, material vouchers, among others) using manual and computer media.

C5: Identify the optimal moving conditions that the wood and cork goods must gather when performing the external or internal transport, in accordance with the current regulations for the transport of forest products.

CE5.1 Identify the characteristics of the various means of transport and the environmental conditions necessary to move wood and cork products.

CE5.2 Verify the adequacy of the quantity and quality characteristics of the product, of the requirements of the order, if the transport is done in the ideal conditions and if all the defective products are removed.

CE5.3 Interpret the regulations on protection in the transport of products in the wood and cork industry.

CE5.4 Interpret the commercial regulations governing the contracts for the transport of wood and cork products.

CE5.5 Define the obligations of each of the parties involved in the carriage of goods (seller, carrier, buyer, potential intermediaries), as well as the deadlines and conditions for the complaint of deficiencies.

CE5.6 Explain the characteristics, care and safety standards required in loading and unloading wood and cork products,

CE5.7 In a practical, well-characterized case, of wood products to be issued or received, where the available means of transport are detailed:

-Identify and quantify the most important conditions to consider in the choice of the means of transport and select the most appropriate.

-Confect transport routes based on the destination of the goods.

-Determine the flow and itineraries, the means to use, and the applicable safety and hygiene measures in batch loading/unloading.


1. Stock control in the warehouse of the wood and cork industries

-Wood and cork types:



-MRPI Material Needs Planning System

-System definition and main features

-Production Plan

-Provisioning Plan (material list)

-Inventory Record

-Distribution needs planning system. DRP



-Process flows


-Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain Management).

-The provider-business-client system.

-The concept of logistics

-Evolution of logistics: from production planning to supply chain management.

2. Stock management in the wood and cork industries.

-Introduction to stock management

-Delimitations and limitations

-Description of inventory management

-Finality of inventories.

-Stock types



-Rest of sawing



-Stock Costs and Valuation

-Average price

-weighted average price

-Lifo Method

-Stock management:

-Stock Concept

-Stock classes

-Inventory control by the ABC method.

-Order Point

-Stock level

-Reprovisioning operations.

-Informatics applied to provisioning and stock management operations.

-Stock control documentation.

-Cost management in the wood and cork industries

-General cost concepts

-Goods and equipment costs.


-Labor Costs

-Production costs and end product

-Control of production cost

3. Warehouse management in the wood and cork industries.

-Types of stores:

-Classification and importance.


-Storage of products.

-Organization of the warehouse:



-Storage forms

-Shelving types

-Long Loads

-Automatic stores.

-Take advantage of space.

-Encoding of items.

-Method of locating merchandise in the warehouse.

-Physical Organization of Stores.

-Manipulation of the merchandise: Handling and transport elements



-Selection Criteria

-Special devices.

-Security and occupational health in storage processes.

4. Transport of goods in the wood and cork industries.

-External transport and distribution

-Means of transport.

-Conditions for the means of transport of products from the sawwood, boards, mle and cork industries:

-Protection of shipments.

-Environmental conditions.

-Packaging based on the transport type.

-Tag Out. Symbols.


-Minimum indications.

-Internal transport and distribution:

-Route scheduling.

-Loading and unloading of goods.

-Organization of internal distribution.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module-MF1365_3


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours susceptible to distance


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1366_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1366_3: Control manufacturing processes in the sawwood industries.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1507

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the characteristics of the raw material such as logs, roleds, among others, depending on the age, thickness and yield, of each wood item, depending on the demand and the possibilities of the product.

CE1.1 Recognize the main species through the visual characterizations, physical properties and mechanical behaviors of the various species of wood.

CE1.2 Define the technical characteristics of wood species, their suitable uses, depending on the products to be manufactured.

CE1.3 Identify, depending on the characteristics of the material available, its suitability for the various types of sawn wood (beam, plank, board, wood to shrink among others).

CE1.4 Describe other materials used in the manufacture of sawn wood (protectors, additives).

CE1.5 Identify cost of each wood, in order for possible substitutions of each other.

C2: Systematise the different parameters of procedure and control in the manufacture of the sawwood and byproducts derived, analyzing the sequence of the production process.

CE2.1 Develop temporary task list with software help or manually.

CE2.2 Differentiate and recognize different process control systems (manual, automatic, distributed) and their applications in the sawwood industry, interpreting the nomenclature, symbology and codes used in the process control.

CE2.3 In a properly characterized practice of assigning tasks, describe the entire process, considering the following factors:

-Operations, sequence, and syncism.

-Machine preparation time.

-Processing time.


-Maintenance plan.

-Production media.

-Human resources.

-Material Needs.

-Warehouse stocks.


-Location of materials.

C3: Analyze the human and mechanical resources required for the production of sawwood on the basis of established instructions, considering the production plans.

CE3.1 Develop the needs of raw materials and equipment to be used, depending on the various schools, long and qualities demanded, taking into account the level of stocks and the forecast of supplies.

CE3.2 Transmit information to the right people in each productive unit, considering the clarifications that are necessary for their correct understanding.

CE3.3 Confect the list of machinery and its necessary tools based on the established job plan.

CE3.4 In a properly characterized scenario:

-Control that the machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan, communicating the incidents in the control document to the effect.

-Set, depending on the partial times of the various manufacturing operations, the total time load of the production plan.

-Calculate the availability of personnel to be employed in the production process according to previous manufacturing plans, the work schedule and the workers ' situation.

-Assess the knowledge required by workers, designing training strategies if necessary.


1. Analysis and control of raw materials and products in the sawwood industries.

-Plant-based raw materials:



-Identification and Classification.


-Protectors and additives:



-Identification and Classification.

-Usage rules.

-Preventive treatment.

-Products in progress and finished:

-Wood cutting systems.

-Commercial listeners


-Regulations and regulations.

-Packaging and packaging materials, labelling and packaging. Regulations.

2. Organisation of production in the sawwood industry.

-Organizational structure of a sawwood company.

-Definition of the sawwood manufacturing process:

-Types of operations, sequence, and syncism.

-Description of machine and process preparation time.

-Identification of possible contingencies and action plan.

-Maintenance plan.

-Definition of production media.

-Human and material resources.

-Warehouse stocks.

-provisioning needs.

-Location of materials.

-Delivery of skills and functions in the sawwood industry.

-Types of process control systems: manual, automatic, distributed.

-Management and control of production: information and material needs.

3. Planning of the human resources required for the production of sawn wood.

-Classification of human resources in the enterprise.

-Human equipment management and management.

-Assignment of tasks.

-Motivation and assessment of staff.

-Training and training of the human team.

4. Control of equipment, machinery and installations used in the sawing industry.

-Control types.

-Standards tailoring.

-Measurement of standards and patterns.

-Correction of errors: responsibilities.

-Error analysis.

-Definition of preventive control.

-Types of elements, parameters, and constants to develop preventive maintenance of production machines.



Code: UF1508

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4, RP5, and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Characterize the productive processes of decutting, tronking, sawing, defolding, canting, retestering, and others, depending on the products manufactured through diagrams and schemas.

CE1.1 Distinguished the different tasks according to the type of process, product and magnitude, relating them to the economic factors of productivity, costs and competitiveness.

CE1.2 Explain the functional areas of a medium-type sawwood industry and the functional relationship between them.

CE1.3 Describe the main manufacturing processes used in the production of sawwood, relating the phases and operations to the type of machines and equipment involved in the process.

CE1.4 Different types of continuous process (sawing, defolding) and discontinuous (drying), identifying their characteristics from the point of view of their economy, performance and production organization.

CE1.5 Explain by diagrams, the internal functional relationships of the production area (warehouse, sawing line, storage drying among others).

CE1.6 Indicating through diagrams, the external functional relationships of the production area.

CE1.7 Perform a plan or plan of a plant distribution, where the required manufacturing areas, machines and facilities are listed, indicating the flow of materials and intermediate products.

C2: Develop specific technical documentation relating to the product and process in the wood processing industries, through manual and computer means, which refer to the traceability management system and to other management systems.

CE2.1 Identify terminology and symbology, and their meaning, used in documents related to the product or processes.

CE2.2 Recognize and interpret documentation for products manufactured in the sawwood industry.

CE2.3 Specify and fill in the documentation used in process development and in establishing the procedures of any of the company's own management systems.

CE2.4 Graphically reintroduce phase, block, bar, product flows, referred to different processes.

C3: Examine the operation and operations in the sawwood industry, according to the operating system of the production process, in the manufacture of the sawn wood, indicating the maintenance needs of First level of the production machines and equipment.

CE3.1 Classify the different types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture and packaging of wood products according to the basic principles and elements that govern their operation.

CE3.2 Describe the elementary composition of the general types of machines and equipment used in the sawwood industry.

CE3.3 Differentiate between the components of machines and equipment which require routine maintenance or periodic replacement.

CE3.4 Distinguished between operations that can be considered as repairs and maintenance and within those that are classified as first level.

CE3.5 Interpret the instructions for the use and maintenance of the machines and equipment available and to recognize the documentation and the data to be completed for the control of its operation.

CE3.6 Identify and manage the tools and tools used in first-level maintenance operations.

CE3.7 Describe the abnormalities, and their most common symptoms that occur during the usual use of the most representative machines and equipment, discriminating against those that require the intervention of services specialized in their correction.

CE3.8 In a practical scenario about computers, machines, or their components, available or described in detail:

-Recognize your first-level maintenance needs.

-Select the most appropriate tools or materials to perform maintenance operations.

-Explain and perform the various operations, which can be considered as first-level, planned or not in the corresponding maintenance schedule.

-If necessary, perform the appropriate operation checks after the intervention.


1. Manufacturing processes in the sawwood industry.

-Processing procedures:

-Batch unmapped.

-Internal transport of trees, trotae, final materials.






-Funguicidal Baths.


-Self-key treatments.

-Regrueso and special finishes for parts.

-Running processing operations.

-Application of hygiene measures.

-Process control charts.

-Plant distribution in the sawwood industry.

2. Management of the documentation for the control of the sawmill manufacturing process.

-Management Systems.


-Checking the process control parameters in the sawmill manufacturing.

-Identification and interpretation of the nomenclature, symbology, and codes used in process control.

3. Industrial machining in the sawwood industry.



-Line head saws: a double blade, double-edged sheet.

-Human control, control by optical readers.





-Funguicidal Baneras.

-Chip canter; rip saw.

-Preparing, cleaning, handling.

-Power or load of equipment or lines.

-Wood Park.

-Trozer Sorter: by diameter, by diameter and shape.

-Sorting store after sawing.

-Baneras for anti-bluish treatment (after classification).

-Sectors: electric, gas, solar panels among others.

-4-sided finish grinders, after drying.

-Roll-out torneators.

-Autokeys of treatments.

-Warehouse of end products, prior to the issue of the material.

-Tools and tools

4. First-level operational maintenance in the sawwood industry.

-More frequent maintenance operations in the machinery of the sawwood industry.

-Maintenance calendar.

-Tools and tools used in maintenance operations.

-Execution of maintenance in the sawwood industry.

-Maintenance-related documentation.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training


Formative Unit 1-UF1507



Unit 2-UF1508




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1367_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1367_3 Control manufacturing processes in the cork industry.

Duration: 110 hours



Code: UF1509

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP1 and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Formulate the characteristics of the raw material such as the like, crushed cork used, identifying, for each item of material according to the demand and the possibilities of the product.

CE1.1 Recognize the main presentations of the cork-white, perforated, earplugs, irons, crushed together with their properties and defects.

CE1.2 Define the technical characteristics of each presentation-percentage of scrapes, defects of the bells, porosity, thickness-their suitable uses, depending on the products to be manufactured.

CE1.3 Identify, depending on the characteristics of the material available, its suitability for the various types of cork presentations-plugs, plates, isolation panels among others.

CE1.4 Describe other materials used in the manufacture of cork derivatives-protectors, additives, tails, disinfectants, bleach-.

C2: Analyze the treatments to be applied, based on the characteristics of the product to be treated, determining the type of treatment, based on the physical-chemical characteristics of the cork.

CE2.1 Explain the most frequent risks in operations performed in forest treatments, to avoid or correct them, indicating the technical implications that you may have.

CE2.2 Define the alterations of the forest products, recognizing the provocative agents.


1. Raw materials and products in the cork products industries.

-Types and characteristics of the raw materials ' campaigns.

-Method of classification of raw materials.

-Conservation of raw materials.

-Additives and other auxiliaries:





-Regulations and regulations.

-Packaging and packaging materials:







2. Treatments for the diseases of the cork.

-Preventive treatments and preparations of the cork trees.

-Forest product alterations

-Recognition of the provocative agents.

-Protective products.



-Realization of preventive treatments.

-Equipment and installations.


-Realization of the preparations.

-Equipment and installations.


3. Identification and treatment of chemical and biological contaminants in cork.

-Secado of the cork.

-Moisture from cork Bells.

-Principles of cork drying.



-Features and elements of regulation and control.

-Corcho alterable properties:






-Chemical and biological contaminants.

-Types of treatments



-Purpose and applications.

-Security in treatments

-Most frequent risks in operations.



-Quality in treatment



-Features and parameters to be controlled.

-Treatment effects.


-Control operations.


-Safety and quality standards for the treatment of wood and cork.



Code: UF1510

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP2 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Classify the production processes of extraction, cooked, pressing, troquelated, trotted out among others, through diagrams and diagrams, identifying the corresponding manufacturing areas.

CE1.1 Distinguished the different tasks according to the type of process, of product, of magnitude, relating them to the economic factors of productivity, costs and competitiveness.

CE1.2 Confect the list of machinery and its necessary tools based on the established job plan.

CE1.3 Describe the main manufacturing processes (cooked, sliced, perforated, ground, granulated and other) used in the production of cork derivatives relating the phases and operations with the type of machines and equipment which are involved in the process.

CE1.4 Differentiate continuous process types (grinding, sizing) and discontinuous (extraction, cooking) by identifying their characteristics from the point of view of their economy, performance and production organization.

CE1.5 Explain through diagrams the internal functional relationships of the production area-warehouse, firing line, storage, selection of campaigns, particle production among others.

CE1.6 Explain through diagrams the external functional relationships of the production area.

CE1.7 Perform a plan or plan of a plant distribution, where the required manufacturing areas, machines and installations are listed, indicating the flow of materials and intermediate products

C2: Develop specific technical documentation related to the product and process in the cork industries, through manual and computer means, referred to the management system.

CE2.1 Identify terminology and symbology, and their meaning, used in documents related to the product or processes.

CE2.2 Recognize and interpret documentation for products manufactured in the cork industry.

CE2.3 Specify and fill in the documentation used in process development and in establishing the procedures of any of the company's own management systems.

CE2.4 Graphically reintroduce phase, block, bar, product flows, referred to different processes.


1. Selection and preparation of the raw material in the manufacture of cork products.

-Selection by qualities and thicknesses.

-Packaging and transport of campaigns.

-Overheating or drying.

-Self-filling and cooking in autoclave.

-Served and packaged square.

-Side of the Bells.

-Cidocido de las pañas.

-Appiling and stabilizing the campaigns.

2. Process for making cork products.

-Obtaining natural cork blocks.




-Obtaining cork-composite agglomerate blocks.





-Get methods.

-Manufacture of natural cork sheets.




-Get methods.

-Manufacture of cork composite sheets.





-Get methods.

-Manufacture of cork granules: Manufacture of floating cork.




-Get Methods

-Manufacture of agglomerated articles of cork: Losets




-Get methods.

-Manufacture of agglomerated articles of cork: Park.




-Get methods.

3. Process for making cork plugs.

-Manufacture of slices.

-Manufacture of virgin cork, agglomerate and disk plugs:

-Manufacture of agglomerated cork stoppers, manufacture of "technical" plugs.

-Manufacture of stoppers for sparkling wines.

-Termination of plugs.

-Complementary operations:

-Corcho's Cocido.

-Cork irons.


-Chosen from cork irons.



-Refining the heads.

-Cleaning the plug.






-Receiving and stacking.

-Separation of impurities.



4. Elaboration of specific technical documentation relating to the product and process in the cork industries.

-Representation and interpretation of documentation and graphics of cork products and processes.

-Simbology and terminology of the cork products.

-Symbology and terminology specific to manufacturing processes.

-Documentation used in the development of processes and in the establishment of the company's own procedures.

-Computer applications for documentation management.



Code: UF1511

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP3 and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Precise the necessary resources, such as raw materials, machinery and process control operations in the manufacture of products derived from cork, depending on the different production lines, considering the measurement and control parameters and according to the manufacturing plans.

CE1.1 Identify and compare the flexible manufacturing systems-series discontinuous-with conventional-continuous or unlimited series-.

CE1.2 Define the basic configuration of a flexible manufacturing system, representing it using drawings and schemas.

CE1.3 Describe equipment (complex machines, machine chains, numerical control) and basic features-benefits, limitations, advantages, disadvantages-of a flexible manufacturing workshop.

CE1.4 Develop the needs of raw materials and equipment to be used, depending on the various products (table wine stoppers and cavas, agglomerates, gaskets, coatings) and qualities demanded, taking into account the level of stocks and forecast supplies.

CE1.5 Explain the operation of the quality assessment instrument, indicating the parameters that serve as measurement and evaluation.

CE1.6 Control that the machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan, communicating the incidents in the control document to the effect.

CE1.7 Set, depending on the partial times of the various manufacturing operations, the total time load of the production plan.

CE1.8 Explain the functional areas of an industry medium-type cork processing and the functional relationship between them.

CE1.9 Citar the necessary knowledge on the part of the workers, designing training strategies if necessary.

C2: Examine the operation and operations in the cork industry, according to the operating system of the production process, in the manufacture of cork products, indicating the needs of maintenance of the first level of machines and equipment, in accordance with the basic principles and elements governing their operation and indications of the manufacturer.

CE2.1 Classify the different types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture of cork products, according to the basic principles and elements that govern their operation.

CE2.2 Describe the elementary composition of the general types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture of cork products.

CE2.3 Differentiate between the components of machines and equipment which require routine maintenance or periodic replacement.

CE2.4 Distinguished between operations that can be considered as repairs and maintenance and within those that are classified as first level.

CE2.5 Interpret the instructions for the use and maintenance of the machines and equipment available and to recognize the documentation and the data to be completed for the control of its operation.

CE2.6 Identify and manage the tools and tools used in first-level maintenance operations.

CE2.7 Describe anomalies, and their most common symptoms that occur during the usual use of the most representative machines and equipment, discriminating against those that require the intervention of services specialized in their correction.


1. Production of cork: Identification of necessary resources.

-Equipment and machinery in the cork products industry.

-Collection uses.

-Cooked and vaporized hot water.

-Pres of the Bells.

-Instrumental for quality assessment.



-Granulated pneumatic transport equipment.



-Industrial livers.


-Machines for finishes.

-Electronic vision picking.

-Machinery and equipment for packaging, labeling and packaging.

-Power or equipment load.

-Types of productive systems

-Conventional manufacturing:

-Conventional machinery.

-Flexible manufacturing:

-Complex machine Ceduls.

-Machine lines.

-Numeric control machines.


-Corcho product manufacturing standards.

-Setting standards.

-Measurement and verification of patterns and standards.

-Process documentation.

-Error Analysis: (Instruments to evaluate quality, optical readers, and image control, calibrators).

-Error correction procedures.

2. Production in cork industries by areas.

-Production and job areas.

-Sorting and cleaning.

-Products in input and output.

-Media and software related to the respective machines and equipment.

3. Operational and preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery in the cork industry.

-More frequent maintenance operations of equipment and machinery used in the cork industry.

-Maintenance calendar execution.

-Maintenance-related documentation.

-Levels of lubricant and greasers.

-Application of hygiene measures.

-Computer applications applied to the management of equipment and machinery maintenance in the cork industry.

-Tools and tools.



-Adjust and calibrate.


Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training


Formative Unit 1-UF1509



Unit 2-UF1510



Formative Unit 3-UF1511




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

To access the formative unit 3 must have been passed the formative unit 2.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1368_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1368_3 Control manufacturing processes in the board industries and rolled laminated wood.

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1512

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize the characteristics of the raw material used in the production of sheets and laminated laminated wood, such as recycled and shavings depending on the product's possibilities.

CE1.1 Recognize the main presentations of the raw materials (recycled, shavings, sawnines /wood of saw, plate to the flat) next to their properties and defects.

CE1.2 Determine the technical characteristics of each raw material (percentage of impurities, granulometry, humidity/squalid, strength, elasticity, aesthetic defects), their suitable uses, depending on the products manufacture.

CE1.3 Identify, depending on the characteristics of the material available, its suitability for the manufacture of various products, such as particle board, fiber, sheet and mle among others.

CE1.4 Describe other materials used in the manufacture of sheets and laminated laminated wood-protectors, additives, tails.

C2: Develop specific technical documentation relating to the product and process in the manufacture of laminated panels and laminated wood, through manual and computer means, referred to the management system.

CE2.1 Classify information by productive units and by established time periods (days, weeks) in which manufacturing of each product must be initiated in the manufacture of sheets and laminated laminated wood.

CE2.2 In a practical case, properly characterized in the manufacture of panels and laminated wood, it is necessary to determine:

-Quantity of products to be manufactured.

-Raw material required for manufacturing.

-Temporary sequence in which each product will be manufactured.

-Estimated time of manufacture.

-Machines, tools, and personnel required.

CE2.3 Identify terminology and symbology, and their meaning, used in documents related to the product or processes.

CE2.4 Recognize and interpret the documentation for products manufactured in the manufacture of panels and laminated wood.

CE2.5 Specify and fill in the documentation used in process development and in establishing the procedures of any of the company's own management systems.

CE2.6 Graphically reintroduce phase, block, bar, product flow, reference to different processes.

C3: Examine the operation and handling of machines and equipment for the manufacture of laminated wood and board, in accordance with the principles and basic elements that govern the operation and indications of the manufacturer.

CE3.1 Classify the different types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture of laminated panels and laminated wood, according to the basic principles and elements that govern their operation.

CE3.2 Describe the elementary composition of the general types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture of laminated wood and board products.

CE3.3 Identify and manage the tools and tools used in the operations of the production process.

CE3.4 Associate with each stage and operation the necessary machines and equipment, the conditions of execution, and the parameters for their control.

CE3.5 In a scenario of developing a properly characterized processing process:

-Uncompose the process in the required phases and operations, determining their sequence and establishing the product flow.

-List the required machinery, equipment and tools, set the conditions and regulations for employment, and incorporate the first-level maintenance operations to be performed and the security measures to be respected.

-Drill down times, development conditions, parameters, and their margins to control for each operation.

-Propose the plant distribution of the equipment by taking into account the sequence of operations and outputs and product entries.

-Drill down times, development conditions, parameters, and their margins to control for each operation.

-Specify the quality characteristics and tolerances to be controlled.


1. Raw materials used in the production of boards and mle (laminated wood)

-Classification of raw materials in the board industry:




-Sierra Madera

-Chap to the flat:



-Technical Specifications:






-Aesthetic effects

-Raw material in the processing of mle

-Technical Specifications.

-Applicable regulations and regulations.

-Other materials used in the board industry and mle:







-Packaging Materials




2. Process control and elaboration of theTechnical Documentation in the production of boards and mle (laminated wood) industries

-Industry and production types:

-particle board

-Fiber boards

-Layers board

-Mixed boards

-Manufacture of laminated wood.

-Interpretation of plans, symbols, and project documentation.

-Organization: Functional and work areas.

-Making and measuring standards and patterns;

-Corrective preventive measures

-Error analysis.

-Production management and control:

-Need for information and materials

-Producing production process documentation



-Sequence of processes and operations flows:





-Relationship and interdependence between different processes and areas.

-Production launch.

-Distribution in Plant.

-Production control computer applications.

3. Study and management of machinery in the industry of the board and mle (laminated wood).

-Machine types and components:

-Machines and their main components in the manufacture of boards.

-Machines and their main components in the mle industry.

-Puesta a point of machines.

-Types of tools and tools in the production processes of the board and mle industry:



-Preparation records, inspection.

-Order, maintenance, and storage of tools and tools.



Code: UF1513

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This Formative Unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the production processes-cleaning, milling, preparing, sanitizing, sizing, drying, pressing among others-depending on the materials and the product to be obtained, through diagrams and graphic representations.

CE1.1 Describe the main processes and procedures used in the remanufacturing of boards and mle., pointing out the basic stages and operations of which are composed.

CE1.2 Identify the purposes of each stage and operation and relate them to the transformations suffered by raw materials and products.

CE1.3 Calculate the availability of personnel to be employed in the production process according to previous manufacturing plans, the work schedule and the workers ' situation.

CE1.4 Assess the knowledge required by workers, designing training strategies if necessary.

CE1.5 In a practical case, properly characterized in the manufacture of laminated laminated wood and board products (mle):

-Develop the needs of raw materials and equipment to be used, depending on the various products (mle panels) and qualities demanded, taking into account the level of stocks and the forecast of supplies.

-Confect the list of machinery and its necessary tools based on the established job plan.

-Control that the machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan, communicating the incidents in the control document to the effect.

-Set, depending on the partial times of the various manufacturing operations, the total time load of the production plan.

CE1.6 Describe the main processes and procedures used in the manufacture of laminated panels and laminated wood, pointing out the basic stages and operations of which they are composed.

CE1.7 Associate with each stage and operation the necessary machines and equipment, the conditions of execution, and the parameters for their control.

CE1.8 In a practical development scenario of a properly characterized processing process:

-Uncompose the process in the required phases and operations, determining their sequence and establishing the product flow.

-List the required machinery, equipment and tools, set the conditions and regulations for employment, and incorporate the first-level maintenance operations to be performed and the security measures to be respected.

-Propose the plant distribution of the equipment by taking into account the sequence of operations and outputs and product entries.

-Specify the quality characteristics and tolerances to be controlled.

C2: Characterizing the production processes of obtaining sawing by-products, sawwood and veneers, explaining through diagrams the relationships between different manufacturing areas and differentiating the continuous processes of the discontinuous.

CE2.1 Distinguished the different tasks according to the type of process, of product, of magnitude, relating them to the economic factors of productivity, costs and competitiveness of a production industry of boards and mle.

CE2.2 Explain the functional areas of a medium-type and the functional relationship between a board production and mle (laminated wood).

CE2.3 Analyze the main manufacturing processes (screening, defibrating, mixing of tails, preparation of the blankets/classification, retStates, sizing, molding, application of pressure and temperature among others), employees in the production of boards and mle (laminated wood), relating the phases and operations to the type of machines and equipment involved in the process.

CE2.4 Differences the types of continuous process (screening, defibrating, mixing) and discontinuous-assembly of singular pieces-identifying their characteristics from the perspective of their economy, performance and organization of the production.

CE2.5 Explain by diagrams, the internal functional relations of the production area (warehouse, firing line, storage, selection of campaigns, particle production among others) in a board production industry and mle.

CE2.6 Determine by diagrams, the external functional relationships of the production area.

CE2.7 Perform a plan or plan of a plant distribution, where the required manufacturing areas, machines and facilities are listed, indicating the flow of materials and intermediate products.

C3: Examine the operation and needs of machines and equipment for the manufacture of laminated laminated wood panels and first-level maintenance operations, in accordance with the principles and basic elements that regulate its operation and indications of the manufacturer.

CE3.1 Classify the different types of machines and equipment used in the manufacture of laminated panels and laminated wood, according to the basic principles and elements that govern their operation.

CE3.2 Differentiate between the components of machines and equipment which require routine maintenance or periodic replacement.

CE3.3 Distinguished between operations that can be considered as repairs and maintenance and within those that are classified as first level.

CE3.4 Interpret the instructions for the use and maintenance of the machines and equipment available and to recognize the documentation and the data to be completed for the control of its operation.

CE3.5 Describe anomalies, and their most common symptoms that occur during the usual use of the most representative machines and equipment, discriminating against those that require the intervention of services specialized in their correction.


1. Control of operations in the sourcing and management of raw materials in the manufacturing process of the board industry.

-Material recognition, reception, and storage.

-Uncut and tronked wood technologies.

-Obtaining chips and chips.

-Wood particle procurement technologies.

-Classification, storage and drying of particles.

-Wood fiber obtention technologies.

-Classification, storage, and drying of fibers.

2. Manufacture of particle board.

-Adhesives for particle board manufacturing.

-Special additives for the manufacture of special particle boards.

-Particulate matter.

-Formation of the blanket.

-Prepressed and pressed.

-Quality control:

-Spanish and European standards for particle board.

-Tests and specifications.

-Legislation-European Directives-

3. Manufacture of fiber boards by dry process and wet process.

-Adhesives for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry process.

-Special additives for the manufacture of fiber boards by the dry and wet process.

-Fiber-Encolate-dry process.

-Formation of the blanket-dry process.

-Manta formation-wet process.

-Prepressed and pressed.

-Quality control:

-Spanish and European standards for fibre boards.

-Tests and specifications.

-Legislation-European Directives-

4. Preparation of particle board and fiber coating.

-Cooled and machining of boards.

-Material Ascope (tree tros).

-Selection and triage of the stumps.

-Materials and components for rechinking.

-Cut the sheets to the flat or unroll.

-Layers and coating.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards.

-Repose and oreo of the boards.

-Cuts, sanding, sizing, coating (by plating, plastic laminates, pvc and others) and finishes (varnished, lacquered and others).

-Packaging and merchandising.

-Quality control:

-Spanish and European standards for coating on particle board and fibre.

-Tests and specifications.

-Legislation-European Directives-

-Planning of personnel in the production processes of the board industry.

-Establishment of a training plan for production in the board industry.

5. Control and monitoring of operations in the manufacturing process in the laminated wood industry.

-Material Ascope.

-Wood sawing.

-Classification of parts by qualities.

-Optimizing and sanitizing parts.

-Collated by testa.

-Frated on the testas.

-Repose parts.

-Encasting faces into spliced pieces.

-Encofrates of spliced pieces on the training racks.

-Fraguate of the large squishy squat by pressure and radio-frequency.


-Cuts, sanding, processing, finishing.

-Planning of personnel in the production processes of the mle.

-Establishing a training plan for production in the mle industry.

6. Machinery and equipment, operation and basic elements in the production of boards and mle (laminated wood) and operational maintenance in the production of boards and mle (laminated wood):

-Planning of machinery and equipment at different stages of production:

-particle and fiber board:

-Storing of acopios.

-Cribs and electromagnets with control consoles.



-Cribadas of varied lights.

-Fans and dust extractors.

-Fiber board defibrators

-Mix autokeys.


-Scurd Cintas.

-Pressing roller pairs.

-Board cutters.

-Fraguate systems.

-Repose and oreo storage of the boards.

-Cutting, polishing, and rechusing.

-Packaging and transport vehicles.


-Material store.

-Sheet Metal Cutters.

-Unroll Tornos.


-Fraguate systems.

-Repose and oreo storage of the boards.

-Cutting, polishing, and rechusing.

-Packaging and transport vehicles.

-Laminated Laminated Wood (MLE):

-Material store.

-Mechanical Classifiers.

-Optical and/or electronic markers and readers.

-toothed or toothed cutters.

-Encolators in discontinuous by testa (joint finger).

-Forge systems in these.

-Stated parts store.

-Continuous faces of faces in spliced pieces.

-Training racks (formwork).

-Pressure equipment and radio frequencies for large-scale setting.

-Numeric control plotters.



-Packaging and transport vehicles.

-Maintenance programs based on: manufacturer's recommendations, conditions of use, values of revolutions and advances, etc.

-Tracking and verifying maintenance operations.

-Maintenance calendar.

-Action protocol for breakdowns: parts, responsible person, signalling of broken elements, etc.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Unit 2-UF1513




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF1364_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1364_3: Participate in the maintenance of quality, environment, prevention and occupational health management systems in wood, cork and furniture.

Duration: 70 hours.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Analyze the essential aspects of quality systems in wood, furniture and cork products manufacturing industries.

CE1.1 Identify and describe the basic elements of a quality system.

CE1.2 Describe the structure and contents of a quality manual.

CE1.3 Describe the essential traits of quality infrastructure in wood, cork, carpentry and furniture industry.

CE1.4 Identify and describe the basic aspects of the quality standards in place.

CE1.5 Describe the basics of different types of quality audits.

CE1.6 Describe the structure of quality costs and analyze the influence of each of them.

CE1.7 Relating the different documentary sources, both from the administration and the private ones, from which the legislation, protocols of action, related to the quality in the industries of wood, furniture and furniture can be obtained cork.

C2: Analyze the essential aspects of environmental management systems in wood, furniture and cork products manufacturing industries.

CE2.1 Identify and describe the basic legal requirements related to environmental issues with the business of the company.

CE2.2 Describe the essential features of environmental infrastructure in wood, furniture and cork product manufacturing industries.

CE2.3 Identify and describe the basic elements of an environmental management system developed by the current regulations.

CE2.4 Describe the basic aspects of audits of environmental management systems.

CE2.5 Describe the structure of environmental management costs and analyze the influence of each of them.

CE2.6 Relate the various documentary sources, both from the administration and the private ones, from which the legislation can be obtained, protocols of action, related to environmental management in the wood industries, furniture and cork.

C3: Analyze the characteristics of the raw materials required to obtain the product.

CE3.1 In a properly characterized scenario and using different media:

-Recognize and characterize the structure of wood, boards, cork and related materials-finishing, fittings-.

-Successfully handle the measurement tools and instruments-hygrometer, precision scales, calibers-

-Verify the main characteristics, physical and chemical properties of the media-humidity, porosity, ease of machining-

CE3.2 In a properly characterized practical scenario, conduct tests to analyze the main characteristics and physical properties of dyes, lacquers, varnishes and other finishing products, identifying and applying safety and environmental regulations on raw materials and waste.

CE3.3 In a properly characterized practical scenario, perform tests to analyze the main characteristics and physical-mechanical properties of fittings and other auxiliary elements.

CE3.4 In a practical case, properly characterized in measuring and testing materials:

-Perform physico-chemical test tests, applying the current regulations.

C4: Determine quality control and improvement systems and environmental management systems in manufacturing processes for wood, cork and furniture products.

CE4.1 In a well-practiced scenario of manufacturing process by the technical product and process information, and the company's quality objectives:

-Determine the requirements of the supplies and the procedures for their control (sampling, test equipment, mode of operation, acceptance or rejection criteria, results records, test frequency).

-Determine the process control plan by setting:

-The control points and the variables or parameters to be controlled.

-Inspection procedures for each control point-conditions and frequency of sampling, necessary equipment or inspection instruments, mode of operation, record of results-.

-The responsibility of the acting decisions in each of the most probable cases of deviation from the ideal conditions of manufacture.

-Develop a control results record tab for a given point of inspection.

-Determine the treatments of non-compliant materials and products.

-Determine the mechanisms that ensure the flow of information.

-Reasoning the human resources needed for quality control and environmental management, assigning tasks among the jobs and indicating their qualification.

CE4.2 Design the safety plan of the physico-chemical tests to be carried out, in relation to the current legislation on safety and occupational prevention measures.

C5: Determine the reliability of wood, furniture and cork products, in accordance with the appropriate product regulations and applying the appropriate test procedures.

CE5.1 Point out for a given wood product, furniture and cork the main properties that affect its reliability, the procedures for its evaluation and, where appropriate, the existing regulations concerned.

CE5.2 In a practical case, properly characterized in determining the reliability of a wood product, furniture and cork:

-Identify quality regulations regarding the product.

-Identify product usage or approval products.

-Determine the necessary tests to assess the degree of compliance of the identified requirements.

-Operate and, where appropriate, put into place the instruments and equipment necessary for the conduct of the tests.

-Analyze and dictate the results obtained.

-Develop a report that reflects the main aspects of the process followed (requirements, regulations, trials, procedures, results, and opinion).

-Develop a proposal for resolution or improvement of detected problems.

C6: Rate the application of a quality system to product manufacturing.

CE6.1 Interpret a manual of quality and manual of procedures-inspection and testing-of a company.

CE6.2 Use the different methods, equipment, and instruments required for manual or automatic sampling in the production process.

CE6.3 Analyze the statistical control charts used to determine the quality capacity of the process, interpreting the trends and stability of the process.

CE6.4 Recognize the quality assessment procedures of supplies for the acceptance of batch material, relative to the agreed quality level.

CE6.5 Recognize the main standards or standards for quality control of materials and processes.

CE6.6 Determine or verify the degree of adjustment to European, national or international standards of materials, processes and procedures.

C7: Analyze the security conditions required for the development of production in wood, furniture and cork industries and develop procedures for their control and prevention.

CE7.1 Interpret the security regulations applicable to the wood, furniture and cork industries-materials, installations, machinery, operations-.

CE7.2 Analyze/explain safety conditions-lighting, ventilation, extinguishing means, protection-, which must have the main productive areas-machining, assembly, finishing-of the wood, furniture and cork.

CE7.3 Identify and explain the analysis techniques of a job position from the point of view of security.

CE7.4 From an assumption of manufacture of a product, known production facilities and equipment:

-Identify the security risks and conditions of the installations and machines.

-Deduct the risk level of the different jobs, establishing the hazard rates.

-Analyze the distribution and environment of the jobs.

-Order and distribute jobs appropriately, applying security criteria.

-Establish necessary means and facilities-personal protections, machine protections, detectors, means of extinction-to maintain an adequate level of security.

CE7.5 From the assumption of a given job done on a visit to a production center:

-Identify/describe the risks and degree of dangerousness of the same.

-Describe the appropriate conditions that this job position must have from the security point of view.

C8: Analyze and evaluate safety and hygiene plans for companies in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

CE8.1 Compare the safety and hygiene plans of companies in the wood and furniture sector, issuing a critical opinion of each of them.

CE8.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Identify and describe the most relevant aspects of each plan listed in the documentation that contains it.

-Identify and describe the risk factors and situations for health and safety contained in the plans.

-Describe the roles of the company's security officers and the people who are assigned special tasks in emergency cases.

-Relate and describe the appropriate preventive measures and prevention methods established to prevent accidents.

-Evaluate the costs and resources required for the application of the plans studied.

C9: Analyze the current regulations on safety and hygiene in the wood, furniture and cork sector.

CE9.1 Identify the most relevant employee and company rights and duties in terms of safety and hygiene.

CE9.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Relate and describe the rules regarding the cleaning and order of the workbench.

-Relate and describe the rules on symbology and physical situation of signals and alarms, fire equipment and equipment of cures and first aid.

-Identify and describe rules for stopping and external and internal manipulation of systems, machines and installations.

-Relate the particular rules of each plan analyzed with the current legislation, describing the mismatch, if any, between the general rules and their application or concreteness in the plan.

C10: Set and properly use media and security equipment used in the wood, furniture, and cork industry.

CE10.1 Describe the properties and uses of the most common personal protective clothing and clothing.

CE10.2 From a certain number of security and hygiene plans of different level of complexity:

-Relate and describe the rules regarding the cleaning and order of the workbench.

-Relate and describe the rules on symbology and physical situation of signals and alarms, fire equipment and equipment of cures and first aid.

-Identify and describe rules for stopping and external and internal manipulation of systems, machines and installations.

-Relate the particular rules of each plan analyzed with the current legislation, describing the mismatch, if any, between the general rules and their application or concreteness in the plan.

CE10.3 List the different types of fire extinguishing systems, describing the properties and jobs of each of them.

CE10.4 Describe the characteristics and purpose of the regulatory signals and alarms to indicate places of risk and/or emergency situations.

CE10.5 In a properly characterized scenario where different work environments are described:

-Determine the specifications of security and protection media and equipment.

-Develop a technical documentation showing the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of plant emergency, in accordance with the current legislation.

C11: Run emergency and fire actions according to a predefined plan.

CE11.1 In a practical case, duly characterised by a number of simulated emergency cases in which fires of a different nature are contemplated:

-Use the most suitable equipment and products for the extinction of each type of fire with the most effective technique.

-Successfully use personal protective equipment.

-Perform the evacuation according to the corresponding rules, fulfilling the assigned role and in the established time.

CE11.2 In a properly characterized scenario of a simulated evacuation case:

-Activate the evacuation teams

-Perform the evacuation according to the corresponding rules, fulfilling the assigned role and in the established time.

C12: Analyze and evaluate cases of actual accidents occurring in the wood and cork processing companies and the manufacture of carpentry and furniture.

CE12.1 Identify and describe the causes of accidents.

CE12.2 Identify and describe risk factors and measures that would have prevented the accident

CE12.3 Evaluate the responsibilities of the worker and the company in the causes of the accident.

C13: Define and analyze the different types of waste generated by the furniture industry with the applicable systems of disposal and use in appropriate environmental conditions, optimizing the resources.

CE13.1 Describe techniques and media for the collection, transportation and storage of waste in the furniture industry.

CE13.2 List the waste management and treatment systems used in the furniture production industry

CE13.3 Recognize the current regulations regarding handling, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste and understand its application in the furniture industry.

CE13.4 In a practical and well-characterized scenario: to identify and differentiate the different waste generated in the different manufacturing processes in the furniture industry (road, sawdust, chemical waste, between other).


1. Introduction to Quality in the wood, furniture and cork industry

-Quality definition.

-Quality rules:

-UNE Rules.

-EN Rules.

-ISO Standards.

-Quality standards in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Certification, accreditation, and normalization.

-Quality Management Systems-UNE-EN-ISO 9001-.

-Certification of systems and products.

-Quality and non-quality costs.

-Documentation sources.

2. Quality Management in the wood, furniture and cork industry

-Enterprise goals and strategies.

-Quality Organization in the enterprise:

-Quality planning ..

-Organization chart and functions.

-Quality and productivity.

-Departmental Organization regarding Quality.

3. Application of a Quality Management System to the wood, furniture or cork industry.

-Realization of the Quality Manual:

-Company Quality Policy.

-Address Commitment and Responsibility.

-Quality Planning: Quality Objectives.

-Quality and Environment Manager (roles and responsibilities).

-Revision by the address.

-Resource management (human and infrastructure).

-Production schedule.

-Client-related processes.

-Design control.

-Purchasing Management.

-Production and service delivery.

-Control of tracking and measurement devices.

-Tracking and measuring processes.

-Non-compliant product control, corrective and preventive actions.

-Data analysis and continuous improvement.

-Performing the Procedures Manual.

-Internal and external audits.

-Quality Statistics Techniques.

-Quality indicators.

4. Quality control in the wood industry, furniture and cork.

-Knowledge and analysis of raw materials to be used.

-Use and measuring instruments in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Control in receipt of raw materials.

-Quality control in progress:


-Measurement teams


-Non-compliant product and its treatment.

-Physical-chemical tests on wood, furniture, and cork products.

-Physical-mechanical tests of fittings and other auxiliary elements.

5. Application of safety regulations in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Basic regulatory framework.

-Regulations applicable to the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Basic concepts about health and safety.

-Security conditions.

-General Risks.

-Specific risks in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Damage from work.

-Work accidents and occupational diseases.

6. Preparation of the Plan for the prevention of occupational hazards in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Defining the prevention plan.

-Employee and company rights and duties.

-Positions analysis and risk assessment.

-Collective protection.

-Individual protection-personal protective equipment-:

-Saps (feet).

-Respiratory pathways.

-Hearing protections.

-Eye protection.

-Hand Protections.


-Worker health control.

-Order and cleanup.

-Senalization of jobs.

-Emergency and evacuation plan.

-Fire extinguishing.

-First aid.

7. Environmental Management in Industry for the manufacture of furniture and cork products.

-Environmental Legislation.

-Legal requirements for the manufacture of wood products, furniture and cork products.

-Standardisation, Certification and Approval.

-Environmental Management System:

-Company environmental manual.

-Determining environmental aspects

-Environmental goals and goals

-Environmental Management System Documentation

-Operational control.

-Emergency plans and responsiveness.

-Tracking and measuring.

-Nonconformities and determination of corrective and preventive actions.

-Internal and external audits of the Environmental Management System.

-Revision by the address.

-Environmental costs.

-Documentation sources.

-Types of generated waste (classes and features).

-Waste classification.

-Captation, transport, and storage.

-Possible treatments and uses.

-Waste treatment and disposal.

-Current regulations concerning treatments and dumping.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

of hours





Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0323

Duration: 120 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Participate in the determination and control of stock needs for production

CE1.1 Calculate the quantities of each commodity for a production cycle.

CE1.2 Determine the optimal order size.

CE1.3 Estimate the price of the order.

CE1.4 Analyze stock control documentation-order sheets, receipt tokens, stocks, material vouchers, among others-using manual and computer media.

CE1.5 Register accepted products and draw inventory inventory.

CE1.6 Rate movements and stocks of raw materials, consumables, and finished products, according to supported accounting methods (average price, weighted average price, LIFO).

C2: Participate in the planning of the internal and external transport of the goods of wood and cork, according to the current regulations of transport of forest products.

CE2.1 Confect transport routes based on the destination of the goods.

CE2.2 Determine the flow and itineraries, the means to use, and the applicable safety and hygiene measures in batch loading/unloading.

C3: Support in planning and examining the resources required for the production of sawwood, considering the production plans.

CE3.1 Control that the machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan.

CE3.2 Set based on the partial times of the various manufacturing operations, the total time load of the production plan.

CE3.3 Calculate the availability of personnel to be employed in the production process according to previous manufacturing plans, the work schedule and the workers ' situation.

CE3.4 Assess the knowledge required by workers, designing training strategies if necessary.

CE3.5 Select the most appropriate tools or materials to perform maintenance operations.

CE3.6 Recognize the first level maintenance needs of equipment and machinery.

C4: Participate in the analysis of the raw material cork in order to determine the type of treatment and preparation of the material for the manufacture of cork products:

CE4.1 Select and prepare samples, applying set criteria.

CE4.2 Prepare the measuring material, instruments and apparatus for the determination of the product characteristics.

CE4.3 Perform the measurements to assess the quality of the treatment, obtaining the values of: density, humidity, retentions, penetrations, elasticity and defects in the treatment of cork.

C5: Participate in the characterization and control of the manufacture of cork products, as well as the maintenance of machinery:

CE5.1 Calculate the availability of personnel to be employed in the production process according to previous manufacturing plans, the work schedule and the workers ' situation.

CE5.2 Control power or load of equipment or production lines.

CE5.3 Control the cooked, stacking, and stabilizing the campaigns.

CE5.4 Use optical readers to check the process.

CE5.5 Apply job security measures.

CE5.6 Recognize your first-level maintenance needs.

CE5.7 Select the most appropriate tools or materials to perform maintenance operations.

CE5.8 Perform the various operations, which can be considered first level.

C6: Participate in the development of a manufacturing process in the production of laminated wood and board production:

CE6.1 Determine and plan the necessary resources in the production of panels and laminated wood.

CE6.2 Analyze required machinery, equipment and tools, set conditions and regulations for employment

CE6.3 Document and perform first-level maintenance operations and security measures to be respected.

CE6.4 Determine the times in each operation, and set the conditions for the execution of the processes, in addition to the control of the parameters in order to analyze the deviations.

CE6.5 Propose the plant distribution of equipment by taking into account the sequence of operations and outputs and product entries.

CE6.6 Check the quality characteristics and tolerances to be checked.

CE6.7 Monitor that the machinery is operational for the manufacturing plan by communicating the incidents in the control document to the effect.

CE6.8 Develop the process in phases and operations by setting their sequence and product flow.

CE6.9 Set the security measures to be respected.

C7: Participate in the control system in manufacturing processes for wood, cork and furniture products.

CE7.1 Observe the conditions of supplies and their control systems.

CE7.2 Perform the process control plan.

CE7.3 Set control result record tabs.

CE7.4 Identify and evaluate non-compliant products or materials.

CE7.5 Analyze the collected information.

CE7.6 Identify the essential profile for quality control and environmental management, identifying their roles among the jobs and indicating their qualifications.

CE7.7 Identify the structure of wood, boards, cork and related materials, analyze their characteristics, and properly handle the tools and measuring instruments.

CE7.8 Adecuate and activate test and measurement equipment, as well as execute the necessary physico-chemical test tests, according to the current regulations.

C8: Act on the development of the safety and hygiene plan, necessary for production in wood, furniture and cork industries.

CE8.1 Participate in the identification of risks in order to assess their degree of danger.

CE8.2 Adopt the necessary prevention measures, both in the jobs, and in the employees and employees.

CE8.3 Perform a fire drill.

CE8.4 Check the company for deviations between the safety and hygiene plan and current legislation, acting against such deviations.

CE8.5 Elaborate the technical documentation in which the location of emergency equipment, signals, alarms and exit points in case of plant emergency appears, adjusting to the current legislation.

C9: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE9.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE9.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE9.3 To diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rhythm of the company.

CE9.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE9.5. Use the established communication channels.


1. Provisioning and warehousing in wood and cork industries.

-Determining production needs.

-Stock management.

-Stock control, supplier choice, and provisioning.

-Verification and control on the receipt of material.

-Storage by nature, volume of materials, and space.

-Selection of the means of transport.

2. Planning of the necessary resources in the production of sawn wood.

-Management of the human and mechanical resources required for the production of sawwood.

-Control of the operating machinery in the sawmill manufacturing plan.

-Setting the total time load of the production plan.

-Calculation of the availability of the staff to be employed in the production process.

-Assessment of the necessary knowledge of workers.

-Recognition of equipment and machine maintenance needs.

-Selecting the most appropriate tools or materials to perform maintenance operations.

3. Prescription of treatments to be applied in alcornocales.

-Test samples for the identification of disease of the cork.

-Checking compliance with current regulations on the use of chemical treatments.

-Check the registration of plant protection products used in the Official Register of Plant Protection Products of the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food that the plant protection products used are registered in the Official Register of Plant Protection Products of the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food, for the plant species to be treated.

4. Estimate of the quality of the cork.

-Selection of samples.

-Line foot employment, calibers and scales to determine the quality of the cork samples.

5. Control in the preparation of cork bells.

-Lacking and Packaging of Bells

-Power of raw materials to production lines.

-Application of job security measures.

6. Maintenance of machines and equipment in the cork industry.

-Identification of equipment maintenance requirements.

-Monitoring the suitability of power and values in auxiliary facilities (electrical, compressed air, etc.)

-Lubricant level.

-Maintenance of filters and greasers

-Neveling of hydraulic systems.

-Supply and recycling of cooking water.

-Employee of the appropriate tools and materials for equipment maintenance.

-Realizing the periodic maintenance calendar.

-Verifying the scheduled maintenance calendar execution.

7. Sourcing and production planning in the board industries and laminated laminated wood (mle)

-Planning for stock management and control at receiving the material.

-Planning for production needs.

-Identification of process flows and times required for their development.

-Planning for machinery, tools, and personnel needs.

-Maintenance of machinery.

8. Planning and development in the board production industry.

-Use of adhesives and special additives for the manufacture of particle board.

-Encolation of particles or fibers.

-Formation of the blanket.

-Prepressed and pressed.

-Cooled and mechanization of boards.

-Recorder of materials and components for particle board and fiber rechaping.

-Layers and coating.

-Prensado of decorative sheets and coatings on base boards.

-Realization of quality controls based on established characteristics and tolerances.

9. Planning and development in MLE production.

-Wood sawing.

-Classification of parts by qualities

-Optimizing and sanitizing parts

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-Encasting faces into spliced pieces

-Encofrates of spliced pieces on the training racks

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-Realization of cuts according to schedule

Sanding and Treatment

-Application of the finished phase.

10. Quality tests and inspections.

-Assessment of raw materials.

-Testing in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Inspection of wood products, furniture and cork.

-Identifying control systems in processes.

-Fulfillment the process control documentation.

11. Compliance with safety and hygiene standards in the wood, furniture and cork industries and environmental protection.

-Application of the safety and health care rules

-Assessment of the inherent risks in the wood, furniture and cork industry.

-Setting preventive measures.

-Using protection elements.

-Application of prevention systems.

-Interpretation of standardized security and risk prevention symbology.

-Using the installations and machinery security elements.

-Realization of emergency drill.

-Application of environmental protection and waste treatment standards.

12. Integration and communication in the workplace.

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.




Wood and cork park management

• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree title or other equivalent titles.

< Standard (s) • Diplomacy, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

3 years


• Licensed, engineer, architect or degree of corresponding degree or other equivalent titles.

3 years


Control of production in the cork transformation industry

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect or corresponding degree of degree or other qualifications equivalents.

3 years


• Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

3 years


Quality, safety and environment in wood, cork and furniture industries

Licentiate, engineer, architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, technical engineer, technical architect, or corresponding degree or degree title other equivalent titles.

3 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

Planning and Manufacturing Management in the Industries of the Wood and Corcho








Aula Planning and Management of Manufacturing in Wood and Corcho Industries






Aula Technical Planning and Manufacturing Management in Wood and Corcho Industries

-Audio-visual equipment

-PCs installed in network and projection cannon and internet




-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for pupils

-Simulator for the control and management of boards and MLE

-Simulator for the control and management of cork products

-Simulator for control and management of sawmills

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.