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Resolution Of November 29, 2011, Of The Ministry Of Security, Which Are Corrected Errors On The 15 Of November Of 2011, Which Lays Down The Minimum Contents Of Operator Safety And Pro Plans Plans...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 29 de noviembre de 2011, de la Secretaría de Estado de Seguridad, por la que se corrigen errores en la de 15 de noviembre de 2011, por la que se establecen los contenidos mínimos de los planes de seguridad del operador y planes de pro...

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Warned of errors in the Resolution of 15 November 2011, by the Ministry of the Interior's Secretariat of State for Security, laying down the minimum contents of the operator's security plans and plans specific protection, published in B. O.E No 282 of 23 November 2011, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 704/2011 of 20 May 2011 approving the Regulation on the protection of critical infrastructures, The following rectifications:

1. Place: Secc. III page 124149, point 1.5 "Protection and Management of Information and Documentation", third paragraph:

Where it says " Under the second provision of Law 08/2011, the classification of the PSO shall be expressly stated in the instrument of its approval. Once approved, the PSO will have the classification of Confidencial, giving it application from that moment on the requirements and measures and security foreseen in its specific regulatory regulations ".

It should be said: ' Under the additional provision of Law 8/2011, the classification of the PSO shall be expressly stated in the instrument of its approval. To this end, the treatment of the PSO must be governed in accordance with the guidelines published by the National Authority for the Protection of Classified Information of the National Intelligence Center regarding the management and custody of the PSO. classified information with a Limited Broadcast degree.

The reference orientations are collected in the following documents:


OR-ASIP-04-01.03-Limited Broadcast Grade Classified Information Management Guidelines.


OR-ASIP-02-02.02-Staff Security Instruction for Access to Classified Information.


OR-ASIP-01-01.02-Guidelines for the Protection Plan for a Restricted Access Zone.

OR-ASIP-01-02.02-Guidelines for the Restricted Access Zones Constitution. "

2. Place: Secc. III Page 124153, point 4. Risk Analysis Methodology, first paragraph:

Where it says: " Pursuant to Article 22.3 of Royal Decree 704/2011, a risk analysis methodology must be established in the PSO to ensure the continuity of the services provided by the PSO. an operator in which both physical and logical threats against all of its assets are considered, in a comprehensive manner, irrespective of the minimum measures that may be established for the Specific Protection Plans in accordance with Article 25. '

It should be said: " Under the provisions of Article 22.3 of Royal Decree 704/2011, an internationally recognised risk analysis methodology should be established in the PSO to ensure the continuity of services. provided by the operator in which the physical and logical threats against all of its assets are considered, in a comprehensive manner, irrespective of the minimum measures which may be laid down for the Plans of Specific protection in accordance with Article 25. "

3. Place: Secc. III Page 124157, point 1.5. Protection and Management of Information and Documentation, third paragraph:

Where it says: " Under the additional provision of Law 08/2011, the classification of the PPE will be expressly included in the instrument of its approval. Once approved, the PPE will have the classification of Confidencial, which will apply from that moment the requirements and measures and security foreseen in its specific regulatory regulations. "

It should be said: " Under the additional provision of Law 8/2011, the classification of the PPE will be expressly included in the instrument of its approval. To this end, the treatment of the PPE must be governed according to the guidelines published by the National Authority for the Protection of Classified Information of the National Intelligence Center regarding the management and custody of the PPE. classified information with a Limited Broadcast degree.

The reference orientations are collected in the following documents:


OR-ASIP-04-01.03-Limited Broadcast Grade Classified Information Management Guidelines.


OR-ASIP-02-02.02-Staff Security Instruction for Access to Classified Information.


OR-ASIP-01-01.02-Guidelines for the Protection Plan for a Restricted Access Zone.

OR-ASIP-01-02.02-Guidelines for the Restricted Access Zones Constitution. "

Madrid, November 29, 2011. -Secretary of State for Security, Justo Tomás Zambrana Pineda.