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Royal Decree 1533 / 2011, On 31 October, Establishing Seven Certificates Of Professionalism Of The Professional Family Fishing Sea Included In The National Repertory Of Professional Certificates.

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1533/2011, de 31 de octubre, por el que se establecen siete certificados de profesionalidad de la familia profesional Marítimo pesquera que se incluyen en el Repertorio Nacional de certificados de profesionalidad.

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Law 56/2003, of 16 December, of Employment, establishes, in its article 3, that it corresponds to the Government, on a proposal of the current Ministry of Labour and Immigration, and prior report of this Ministry to the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Industrial Affairs, the elaboration and approval of the regulatory provisions in relation to, among others, occupational and continuing vocational training in the State field, as well as the development of such management.

Article 26.1 of Law 56/2003 of 16 December 2003, following the amendment by Royal Decree-Law 3/2011 of 18 February 2011 of urgent measures for the improvement of employability and reform of policies In the field of employment, it is concerned with the vocational training subsystem for employment, in which, since the entry into force of Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March, which regulates it, the arrangements for vocational training in the field of employment have been integrated labour-training and continuing training. This subsystem, according to the legal provisions laid down in the Organic Law of the European Communities, of Qualifications and Vocational Training, will be carried out in the framework of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training. of the National Employment System.

For its part, the Organic Law of June 19, the Organic Law of 19, understands the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training as the set of instruments and actions necessary to promote and develop the integration of offers of vocational training and the assessment and accreditation of professional skills. The main instruments of this System are the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the procedure for recognition, evaluation, accreditation and registration of the same. Article 8 of the Organic Law of 19 June provides that certificates of professional competence prove the professional qualifications of those who have obtained them and that they will be issued by the competent administration, with a view to official and valid throughout the national territory. In addition, Article 10.1 indicates that the General Administration of the State, in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. and 7. of the Constitution and after consulting the General Council of Vocational Training, shall determine the qualifications and certificates of professionalism, which shall constitute the offers of vocational training referred to in the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.

The National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, according to Article 3.3 of Royal Decree 1128/2003 of 5 September, which regulates the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, in the wording given to the By the same token, Royal Decree 1416/2005 of 25 November provides the basis for drawing up the training offer leading to the acquisition of vocational training qualifications and certificates of professionalism and the modular training offer. the cumulative associated with a competition unit, as well as other training offers adapted to collectives with specific needs. In accordance with Article 8.5 of the same royal decree, the training offer of certificates of professionalism shall be in accordance with the minimum quality indicators and requirements which guarantee the fundamental aspects of a system. training, to be established by mutual agreement between the educational and labour administrations, after consultation of the General Council for Vocational Training.

Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, governing certificates of professionalism as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December 2010, defines the structure and content of certificates of professionalism, from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications and the guidelines laid down by the European Union, and establishes that the State Employment Service, with the collaboration of the National Focal Points, will develop and update certificates of professionalism, which will be approved by royal decree.

On the other hand, in the new wording of article 11.2 of the recast text of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, introduced by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of employment Young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of people who wear out their unemployment protection, the new contract for training and apprenticeship is regulated in which it is establishes that the qualification or professional competence acquired through this new figure The contract shall be accredited through, inter alia, the certificate of professionalism or the cumulative partial certification.

In this regulatory framework it is appropriate for the Government to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the professional maritime fishing family of the professional areas of Fishing and Navigation and Aquaculture and which will be incorporated into the National repertoire of certificates of professionalism by levels of professional qualification in the light of the professional competence required by the production activities, as set out in Article 4.4 and in Annex II to the Royal Decree 1128/2003, cited above.

In the process of drawing up this royal decree has issued report the General Council of Vocational Training, the General Council of the National Employment System and has been informed the Sectoral Conference of Employment and Labor.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Labour and Immigration and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers at its meeting of 28 October 2011,


Article 1. Object and scope of application.

This royal decree aims to establish seven certificates of professionalism of the professional maritime family fishing that are included in the National Directory of certificates of professionalism, regulated by the Royal Decree 34/2008, of 18 January, for which certificates of professionalism are regulated, as amended by Royal Decree 1675/2010 of 10 December.

Such certificates of professionalism are official and valid throughout the national territory and do not constitute a regulation of professional practice.

Article 2. Certificates of professionalism that are established.

The certificates of professionalism that are established correspond to the professional maritime fishing family and are listed below, the specifications of which are described in the following annexes:

Professional family: MARITIME FISHERIES.

-Annex I. Activities in fishing with gillship and marisking art, and in maritime transport-Level 1.

-Annex II. Fishing activities in longline, trawling and fencing, and in maritime transport-Level 1.

-Annex III. Port and port mooring-Level 1.

-Annex IV. Navigation in inland waters and near the coast-Level 2.

-Annex V. Maritime transport operations and low-level fishing-Level 2.

-Annex VI. Production in aquaculture hatchery-Level 2.

-Annex VII. Management of the production of fattening in aquaculture-Level 3.

Article 3. Structure and content.

The content of each professionalism certificate responds to the structure set out in the following sections:

(a) In paragraph I: Identification of the certificate of professionalism.

(b) In paragraph II: Professional profile of the certificate of professionalism.

(c) In paragraph III: Training of the certificate of professionalism.

(d) In paragraph IV: Prescriptions of trainers.

e) In paragraph V: Minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment.

Article 4. Requirements for access to the training of certificates of professionalism.

1. The competent labour administration shall be responsible for verifying that the trainees have the training and professional qualifications to take advantage of the training in accordance with the terms set out in

following paragraphs.

2. In order to qualify for the training of the training modules for certificates of professionalism in vocational qualification levels 2 and 3, students must meet one of the following requirements:

a) Be in possession of the Graduate Degree in Secondary Education Required for Level 2 or Bachelor's degree for Level 3.

b) Be in possession of a certificate of professionalism of the same level of the module or training modules and/or the certificate of professionalism to which you wish to access.

(c) Be in possession of a level 1 certificate of professionalism of the same family and professional area for level 2 or of a level 2 professionalism certificate of the same family and professional area for level 3.

d) Meet the academic requirement of access to mid-grade training cycles for level 2 or higher grade level 3, or have exceeded the corresponding access tests regulated by the administrations education.

e) Having passed the university access test for over 25 years and/or 45 years.

f) Having sufficient training or professional knowledge to enable training to be used.

Article 5. Trainers.

1. The requirements on training and professional experience for the delivery of certificates of professionalism are those set out in paragraph IV of each certificate of professionalism and must be complied with both in person and in person. distance.

2. In accordance with Article 13.3 of Royal Decree 34/2008 of 18 January, they may be recruited as experts for the provision of certain training modules specified in paragraph IV of each of the Annexes to the certificates of professionalism, qualified professionals with professional experience in the field of the unit of competence to which the module is associated.

3. In order to prove the required teaching competence, the trainer or expert must be in possession of the certificate of professionalism of occupational trainer or equivalent training in didactic training methodology for adults.

The requirement set out in the preceding paragraph will be exempt:

(a) Those who are in possession of the official university degrees of graduate in Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy or Master in any of their specialties, of a graduate degree in the field of the Psychology or Pedagogy, or an official postgraduate degree in the fields mentioned above.

b) Those who hold an official university degree other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph and who are also in possession of the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude or Professional Specialization Didactics and the Certificate of Pedagogical Qualification. In addition, the holders of the Master's Master's degree for the exercise of the regulated Professions of the compulsory secondary education and the secondary school, vocational training and the official schools of the Languages.

(c) Those who credit a proven teaching experience of at least 600 hours in the last seven years in vocational training for employment or the education system.

4. Trainers who provide distance training must have training and experience in this mode, in the use of information and communication technologies, as well as to meet the specific requirements set out for each of them. certificate of professionalism. To this end, the competent authorities shall develop specific programmes and actions for the training of these trainers.

Article 6. Contracts for training and learning.

The training inherent in contracts for training and apprenticeship shall be carried out, on the basis of alternance with paid employment, in the terms laid down in the regulatory development referred to in the Article 11.2 (d) of the recast of the Law of the Workers ' Statute, as drafted by Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme for the retraining of people who have exhausted their unemployment protection.

Article 7. Distance learning.

1. Where the training module includes distance learning, it shall be carried out with didactic supports authorised by the competent labour administration to enable a system-based learning process for the participant to be met by the accessibility and design requirements for all and will necessarily be complemented with tutorial assistance.

2. Training modules which, in their entirety, are developed at a distance will require at least one final test of an in-person nature.

Article 8. Centers authorized for your partition.

1. Training centres and institutions which provide training leading to a certificate of professionalism must comply with the requirements of trainers and the minimum requirements for spaces, facilities and equipment. established in each of the training modules which constitute the certificate of professionalism.

2. The training inherent in the contracts for training and apprenticeship carried out under the scheme of alternance with paid employment shall be provided in the training centres of the network referred to in the fifth supplementary provision of the Organic Law of June 19, of the Qualifications and Vocational Training, previously recognized by the National Employment System.

Article 9. Correspondence with vocational training qualifications.

The accreditation of the units of competence obtained through the improvement of the professional modules of the vocational training qualifications will provide the effects of exemption from the module or training modules of the certificates of professionalism associated with those competition units set out in this royal decree.

Single additional disposition. Level of certificates of professionalism in the European Qualifications Framework.

Once the relationship between the national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework is established, the corresponding level of professionalism certificates set out in this royal decree will be determined. within the European Qualifications Framework.

Single transient arrangement. Contracts for training in force.

The theoretical training of contracts for training agreed prior to the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 10/2011 of 26 August, of urgent measures for the promotion of the employment of young people, the promotion of (a) stability in employment and the maintenance of the programme of vocational retraining of persons who have exhausted their unemployment protection shall be governed by the laws or regulations in force on the date on which they were concluded.

Final disposition first. Competence title.

This Royal Decree is dictated by the powers conferred on the State in Article 149.1.1., 7. and 30. of the Spanish Constitution, which attributes to the State exclusive competence for the regulation of the basic conditions guaranteeing the equality of all Spaniards in the exercise of rights and in the fulfilment of constitutional duties; labour law; and the regulation of conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving of academic and professional qualifications and basic standards for the development of Article 27 of the Constitution, in order to ensure compliance with the obligations of the public authorities in this field.

Final disposition second. Regulatory development.

The Minister of Labor and Immigration is authorized to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on October 31, 2011.


The Minister of Labor and Immigration,




Denomination: Activities in fishing with gillway and marshland gear, and in shipping

Code: MAPN0110

Professional Family: Fishing Maritime

Professional area: Fishing and navigation

Professional qualification level: 1

Professional reference qualification:

MAP230_1 Activities in fishing with gillgear and marshland, and in maritime transport (RD 101/2009, 6 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0010_1 Contribute to cover operations on a fishing vessel.

UC0011_1 Perform the ship's navigation and governance guards.

UC0734_1 Perform the extractive activities of fishing and marisking afloat with minor arts, nasties, and mariking equipment.

UC0733_1 Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work.

General competition:

To carry out the extractive activities of fishing and marisqueo afloat through the different types of minor arts, nasties and marisqueo equipment, taking care of their maintenance and the subsequent classification and conservation of catches, grubbing-up, manoeuvring and government of the vessel, following instructions from their superior and complying with the standards of protection and safety.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its activity as an employed person in both fishing vessels without tonnage limits and in ships engaged in maritime transport, as well as maritime safety and rescue, both in public or private entities. It depends functionally and hierarchically on a superior. Their professional activity is subject to regulation by the competent authority.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the maritime-fishing sector and, specifically in the extractive (productive) of fishery resources; services, corresponding to the marine transport of goods and services, dedicated to the rescue and maritime safety.

Occupations or related jobs:

6422.1018 Marisker.

6423.1039 Fishing vessel Marinero.

Bridge Marinero.

Marisker afloat.


Requirements required for professional exercise:

According to Royal Decree 1519/2007 of 16 November, in order to exercise the professional activity of seaman on fishing vessels it will be necessary to be in possession of the professional card of marinero-angler and in possession of the Certificate of Specialty Basic Training according to Order FOM 2296/2002 of 4 September.

Duration of the associated training: 290 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0010_1: (Cross) Cover tasks on fishing vessel (30 hours)

MF0011_1: (Cross) Ship Guard and Ship Governance (60 hours)

MF0734_1: Extraction of fishing with minor arts, nasties, and mariking equipment (100 hours)

UF1487: Preparation of the launch and development of the extractive process of shellfish fishing (60 hours)

UF1488: Classification and conservation of catches, and conditioning of fishing equipment (40 hours)

MF0733_1: (Cross-sectional) Safety and first aid on board (60 hours)

MP0317: Module of professional non-work practices of fishing activities with gillage and shellfish gear, and in maritime transport (40 hours)

Linking with professional trainings:

Exceeding the MF0010_1, MF0011_1 and MF0733_1 training modules, which correspond to the UC0010_1, Uc0011_1 and UC0733_1 competition units, ensure the level of knowledge required for procurement (as determined the competent administration) of the professional cards of "fisherman seaman" and "bridge seaman" as well as the "basic training specialty certificate".


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0010_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: To intervene in the basic operations related to the grubbing-up, loading and unloading of the fishing vessel and aquaculture auxiliary, following the instructions of the superior and in conditions of safety, with the aim of keep the ship to "sea".

CR1 .1. The provisions and equipment are received, stowed and stored using risk prevention techniques and following the instructions received from their superior, in order to meet the criteria of weight, volume and location

CR1 .2. The loading, unloading and transfer of weights is carried out according to the orders of the superior, by means of the devices of mobilization and observing the safety norms in the ship to avoid accidents that can affect both the ship and the load or crew.

CR1 .3. The stowage in the cellar or refrigerator, boarding or landing of the fish is carried out under the supervision of a superior, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product for good conservation.

RP2: Perform operations related to the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, as well as its government and guard, lookout and maintenance, following the instructions of its superior and in conditions of security, in order to ensure its handling and operability.

CR2 .1. Cabs, cables, chains, defences and other elements for manoeuvring, are prepared and used according to the orders of the superior, in order to avoid faults and breakages.

CR2 .2. The guards of the lookout and rudder are carried out taking care of the orders of the superior, observing the possible targets and lights on the horizon and watching the compasses, to guarantee the navigation of the fishing vessel.

CR2 .3. The cleaning, greasing and/or lubrication, scratching and painting works are carried out by applying the required techniques and products for the proper conservation of the vessel.

CR2 .4. The commercial management of vessels less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary aquaculture that do not carry passengers is performed with dexterity to optimize their use.

RP3: Run fishing operations, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products, observing safety, hygiene and resource protection standards, following the instructions received from their superior, in order to ensure fishing activity and the optimization of resources.

CR3 .1. Fishing activities are carried out effectively and safely, under the guidance of a superior, taking into account the type of fishing vessel and equipment to be used, in order to avoid damage and damage that may delay fishing.

CR3 .2. The catch is handled and preserved in the light of the rules on hygiene in the fishing park and the legislation on the handling of fishery products, in order to obtain an optimal exploitation of the activity.

CR3 .3. Marine pollution is prevented by applying the current rules of protection of the marine environment and its resources, following the indications of the superior, in order not to cause environmental damage.

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Firm and work Jarcia (cables, cabs, shackles, tools and tools necessary for loading, unloading, stowage and storage). Auxiliary equipment for manoeuvre (cranes, winches, winches, machines, chigres, halators, among others). Government and surveillance equipment (magnetic compass, girocompas, rudder, binoculars, among others). Equipment for the maintenance and conservation of the vessel (scratches, brushes, paints, fats, oils, basic carpentry, among others). Useful, gear and gear. Cover fishing machinery. Equipment for the handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products. Safety and survival equipment: boats, rafts, hoses, fire extinguishers, among others.

Work products or results

Estiba and boot made. Cargo, unloading and transfer of weights carried out in time and safely. Stowage, boarding and landing of the fish, carried out. Docking manoeuvres, undocking, anchorage and trailer of the vessel, carried out. Surveillance and rudder guards, accomplished. Vessel in good condition of conservation. Fishing operations executed. Processed and preserved fish and aquaculture products. Respect for the marine environment. Clothing, lighting, machinery and work items in good condition. Operational security and salvage elements.

Information used or generated

Orders of the top. Fishing vocabulary. International Signals Regulations. Legislation on the protection of the marine environment and its resources. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 1

Code: UC0011_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the navigation guards, in order to contribute safely to the surveillance and control of the ship, following the instructions of the officer of the guard.

CR1 .1. Communications are made in a clear and concise manner at all times.

CR1 .2. The acknowledgement of receipt of the orders is carried out according to good marine practices.

CR1 .3. The indications of the navigation equipment are addressed and any incident is communicated during the guard worthy of mention.

CR1 .4. The acoustic, light, or other objects are detected promptly, identified and communicated to the on-call officer.

CR1 .5. The guard relay takes place with the established procedures and is proven to be correct.

RP2: Perform the maneuvers of the government, in order to set the ship to the ship in compliance with the orders received from the hierarchical superior.

CR2 .1. The direction of the rudder is maintained, within permissible limits, taking into account the area of navigation and the state of the sea.

CR2 .2. The course changes are made without abrupt and control is maintained, following the orders of the master or skipper.

Professional Context

Production media

Basic navigation equipment: magnetic and gyroscopic compass, autopilot, rudder, etc.

Products and results

Ship government and navigation guards performed appropriately.

Information used or generated

Ship master's orders or pattern. Fishing vocabulary.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 1

Code: UC0734_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare the ship's deck and dispose of the minor gears, nasties, and mariking equipment so that the maneuvers of the largage and virada can be successfully performed, following the directions of their superior.

CR1 .1. The cover of the vessel is grubbed up for the safe stowage of the pots or the gear to be used.

CR1 .2. The working tools, minor arts, nasties and mariking equipment are reviewed and arranged according to the species to be captured and characteristics of the working background.

CR1 .3. The cover equipment (halador, machinels, trolley, pastecs, mechanical and hydraulic systems of the dredges, among others) are checked to check their operating condition.

CR1 .4. The protective equipment for occupational risk prevention is used appropriately.

RP2: Run the larval and virate maneuvers of the minor arts, nasties and marisking equipment in all circumstances, ensuring the safety and performance of the fishing activity, following the indications of its superior.

CR2 .1. The nasties to be used are embodied with baits corresponding to the species to be captured and fixed the time they will be submerged for maximum yield.

CR2 .2. The minor art, the nasties, and the marisqueo equipment and its heat are checked to "come out clearly" and with safety for the crew during the operation of the largage.

CR2 .3. During the virate operation, the halator is handled with precautions due to avoid risks to the crews and damage to the arts, nasties or mariking equipment if they are hooked to the bottom.

CR2 .4. The anchorage of the vessel in the marisqueo afloat and the work with the rod and other equipment from it is confirmed as the most suitable to perform to obtain the maximum performance.

RP3: Perform the unwinding, emptying and preservation of the catch by following the directions of your superior in order to achieve a product in optimal conditions.

CR3 .1. The containers or nurseries are cleaned and arranged to receive the catch by ensuring hygienic conditions.

CR3 .2. The fish or shellfish is carefully removed or removed to prevent deterioration and to cause damage to the fisherman during the operation.

CR3 .3. Once the fish has been unspoiled, the fish is cleaned, clareed and arranged so that its availability is guaranteed for its next use.

CR3 .4. The water-borne shellfish are cleaned and reviewed every time they are introduced into the water to facilitate their effective use.

CR3 .5. The tweezers of the shellfish that so require are fixed with appropriate tapes or gums to prevent the pieces from being damaged from each other.

CR3 .6. The incarnated and the closed of the nasties, once emptied, are realized so that they can be used again with safety and efficacy.

CR3 .7. The injectors, endless screw and crabs of the dredges are cleaned and arranged in work order to be used again.

RP4: Select, classify and retain, the catch for sale by following the indications of your superior complying with the current regulations.

CR4 .1. The catches are manually classified by species, size and freshness status for subsequent labelling with the quality corresponding to their characteristics.

CR4 .2. The conservation of fish or shellfish is done by following the instructions of its superior to ensure the traceability process.

CR4 .3. The selection, classification and conservation, is carried out by observing the hygienic-sanitary norms to minimize risks and damages to the product, rejecting the part of the same one that is not covered by the established legal regulations.

RP5: Perform maintenance operations for the use of minor arts, nasties, and the rest of the marisqueo equipment following the indications of their superior to be able to perform their function

CR5 .1. Repairs and replacement of damaged items in the fishing equipment are performed effectively to ensure optimal performance.

CR5 .2. The maintenance of the use of the minor arts, nasties and mariking equipment is done efficiently to ensure their optimal performance.

CR5 .3. The stowage of the minor arts, nasties, and mariking equipment in their period of inactivity is performed safely to avoid deterioration in them.

Professional Context

Production media

Minor arts: floats, buoys, coves, corks, plumes, crow's feet, net cloths, needles, knives, scissors; Hilo, gauge, cabs, lastrada and float tailings, pins, mechanical halers, machinee and carretel, for Carnada, plastic tube for mouths, lasers, needles, knives, scissors, pliers, wire, wire, rubber. The invention relates to a method for the production of water, gas, wire and metal rods, metal rods, wire rods, wire rods, wire rods, metal rods, metal rods, iron and steel rods, anchors, anchorages, tanks for nurseries, fishing vessels, hydraulic tubes, pumps, etc. injectors, grills, and rezones.

Products and results

Ship cover prepared. Minor arts, nasties and marisqueo equipment arranged. Maneuvers of the larval and virate of the minor arts, nasties and marisqueo equipment executed. Unscrew, flush and store the catches made. Selected catches, classified and preserved for sale. Maintenance of use of the minor arts, nasties, and the rest of the marisqueo equipment made.

Information used or generated

Verbal commands from the top. Fishing vocabulary. Fish-shellfish uses and customs. Fisheries and hygiene regulations in this respect.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 1

Code: UC0733_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Act in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea following the instructions set out in emergency plans, to safeguard personal safety and to collaborate on ship safety.

CR1 .1. The location of the ship's lifeguard devices, personal protective equipment and survival craft are located and identified, according to the ship's organic frame, in order to be used in cases of emergency.

CR1 .2. The measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment are adopted, following the instructions outlined in the emergency plans, in order to contribute to the success of the operations.

CR1 .3. Performances at sea and on board survival craft are executed, following established procedures, to prevent the safety of human life at sea.

CR1 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

RP2: Run fire prevention and fight operations, in accordance with the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CR2 .1. The measures to be taken for the prevention of fires on board are carried out, following the procedures and instructions for precautionary and established surveillance, in order to prevent them from originating.

CR2 .2. Fire-fighting devices and equipment and escape routes in emergency cases are located and identified, interpreting on-board signals and automatic alarm systems for the purpose of their use in this area. type of emergencies.

CR2 .3. The methods, agents, procedures and respiratory equipment used in the fight against fires and in rescue operations are used, in the event of fire on board, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to avoid their spreading, achieving extinction and the rescue of people in danger.

RP3: Collaborate on the application of urgent first aid measures, according to established procedures, in order to minimize damage in cases of accidents on board.

CR3 .1. The useful, medicinal products and materials of cures included in the first aid kit are used in emergency situations to assist the injured people on board.

CR3 .2. Treatment and care with accidents on board in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns are carried out according to the procedures established for each case, in order to minimize the damage to the patients.

CR3 .3. The actions in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents are carried out according to established protocols to avoid as much as possible damage to the accidents.

RP4: Adopt personal safety measures and prevent damage to the marine environment according to the legislation established to comply with the rules on safety at work and the prevention of pollution.

CR4 .1. Information regarding the safety of the use of equipment and means of survival, personal protection, environmental and relief, is interpreted according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks associated with carrying out on board.

CR4 .2. The work to be carried out anywhere on the ship is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, using the devices and means of personal protection in order to preserve the dangers that may arise on board.

CR4 .3. The measures to be taken to prevent marine pollution are applied in accordance with the rules established to avoid causing accidental or operational damage to the marine environment.

CR4 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Lifeguards, life jackets, survival suits at sea, thermal aids. Lifeboats, life rafts, rescue boats. Devices for the release of life rafts. Survival craft equipment, location radio, radar responder, pyrotechnical distress signals, rockets and flares, fumigate signals, heliograph, portable relief station, floating anchor etc. Water-Fire Network: Bombs. Sprinklers. Valves. Hydrants. Cannons. Hoses. Spears. Extinguishing Agents: Dry powder. Sand. Water. Foam. Steam. CO2. Inert gas. Mobile Fire-extinguishing Equipment (Manuals. By car) Fixed systems (foam, CO2, dust) Detection systems: alarms, smoke detectors, heat detectors among others. Breathing equipment: autonomous and manual. Masks. Bottle. Personal protective equipment: Trages. Helmet. Gloves. Boots. Regulatory kit. Personal and collective protective equipment: harnesses, winks, gloves, helmets, goggles, belts, clothing, footwear, among others, and all the material used in the work according to the law of protection of occupational risks. Means to prevent contamination: Material required in accordance with the MARPOL 73/78 Convention.

Work products or results

Ship Abandonment Exercises and Sea Survival and Shipwreck Search and Rescue. Training exercises in the fight against fires. Health care techniques for accidents on board. Work anywhere on the ship without accidents. Discharges of waste and discharges into the sea in line with MARPOL 73/78.

Information used or generated

National Plan for the Marine Salvage and the fight against pollution. SOLAS Convention (Sevismar) Manual MERSAR search and rescue. MOB (man to water) from G. P. S in case of man to water. Manuals on flammable materials and fuels. First aid manual on board. Law on the prevention of occupational risks. Maritime vocabulary of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).




Code: MF0010_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0010_1 Contribute to basic cover operations on a fishing vessel

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Different and name the parts, elements and equipment of the fishing vessel and their names in respect of the hull, cover and loading and unloading elements.

CE1.1 Distinguished the nomenclature of the parts of a ship and its fixed and mobile elements, in order to locate them in the plane of a fishing vessel.

CE1.2 In a scenario of starting the fishing vessel:

-Arranchar and stretch the above elements in the panols, holds and other spaces of the vessel, taking into account the nature of the cargo.

-To receive the pertreks, provisions and other received loads, detecting if there are deficiencies in them.

CE1.3 Identify the mobilization devices to perform load, unload, and transfer of weights on the fishing vessel, taking into account the load to be handled.

CE1.4 Sequentially describe the activities that are performed in a fish boarding, landing, and stowage operation, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product.

CE1.5 In an alleged practice of grubbing-up, which includes in inland waters of ports, the management for commercial purposes of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture that do not carry passengers:

CE1.6 In a scenario of starting a ship:

-Perform the basic operations of plowing and loading and unloading, in safety conditions and taking into account the nature of the load, which ensure the stowage and prevent the breakage and deterioration of the goods.

C2: Apply manoeuvres, government, lookout, guard and maintenance operations of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary, which contribute to the operation of the vessel.

CE2.1 Describe the activities performed in the docking, undocking, anchorage, and trailer maneuvers to identify the fishing vessels in port.

CE2.2 Interpret the acoustic signals, lights, and other objects that can be spotted during the guard.

CE2.3 In a scenario of government of the fishing vessel:

-Keep track with the rudder, whatever the compass reading system, to credit your identification.

-Make course changes using the rudder.

CE2.4 In a practical maintenance scenario of the fishing vessel:

-Perform cleaning, scraping and repainting work of the parts of the ship that need it, in order to avoid the oxidation of the materials.

-Grilling and/or lubricating, inter alia, the fishing vessels, pastecs, chigles, machineries of the fishing vessel or aquaculture aid, keeping the moving elements in a working state.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario of maneuvers, guard and maintenance, that includes in inland waters of ports the handling, for commercial purposes, of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture which do not carry passengers:

-Run the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, government, lookout and maintenance, with safety, efficiency and observing the current regulations on lights and signals, that avoid marine risks and ensure the status of the vessel.

C3: Apply processes of laring and viration, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products according to the art and type of vessel concerned, taking into account the conditions of safety, occupational health, health and safety. rules on the fishing resource.

CE3.1 Explain the maneuvers of the larval and virate, taking into account the vessel and type of fishing and that the same must be developed quickly and safely.

CE3.2 In a practical case of handling and conservation of the fishery and/or aquaculture product:

-Perform the manipulation operations, preventing the alteration of the quality of the caught fish.

-Carry out the process to ensure the conservation of these catches, taking into account the precautions to be considered according to the practices to be used, for the good fishing and aquaculture status of the product for unloading.

CE3.3 Recognize the current regulations regarding actions developed by fishing vessels or aquaculture auxiliaries regarding the protection of the resource and the care of the marine environment.

CE3.4 Identify means and elements liable to endanger the safety and/or health of the crew member during fishing, processing and conservation activities.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario of fishing activities:

-Carry out fishing and aquaculture operations, handling and conserving products in accordance with established hygiene standards, which will lead to the optimisation of fishing activities while respecting the marine environment.


1. Operations of grubbing-up, manoeuvring, government, lookout, fishing and maintenance of the vessel

-Concept, knowledge and denomination of the different elements and equipment of the ship:

-Ship Definition

-Top Dimensions

-Ligage description of its structure

-Covers and holds.

-Live work and dead work.

-Calates, fixed and mobile elements.


-Anclas, rezones, chains, and cables.

-Operations with cabs and wires.

-Load and unload operations:

-Movement of weights on board.

-Boarding, landing and stowage of fish, equipment and supplies.

-Maniworks of the ship in port:

-Handling of chigles and machinings.

-Give and large.

-Abate cabs and stachas.

-Encapillar and unwrap cabs and stachas in norays or bitas.

-Basic berthing maniworks, undocking, anchorage and trailer:

-Common expressions used during maneuvers.

-Government of the ship, services of lookout and guard:

-Using magnetic compasses and girocompas.

-Orders to the timonel.

-Duty of the lookout.

-Notions on the International Signals Regulations (acoustic signals, lights and other objects).

-On-board maintenance operations:

-Ship maintenance:

2. Fishing operations and the handling of catches in the light of the application of labour risks and protection of the marine environment

-Safety and health in fishing activities.

-Fishing vessel classes.

-Handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products.

-Protection of the marine environment and its resources.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0010_1





Code: MF0011_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0011_1 Perform the ship's navigation and governance guards

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the navigation guard by exercising the lookout service.

CE1.1 Correct the received orders and communications.

CE1.2 Before a simulator: Identify the lights, acoustic signals, beacon, or other objects, indicating in degrees or fourth the approximate delays.

CE1.3 Before different types of guard, describe the procedure of delivery, realization and relay of the guard, depending on navigation, anchorage or port.

CE1.4 Describe the initial measures and established procedures to be taken when having knowledge of an emergency or abnormality situation.

C2: Ruling the ship in compliance with the orders received, even if they are in English.

CE2.1 Correct the rudder orders in English and Spanish.

CE2.2 Before a simulation of the ship's government, explain the procedure to be followed to acknowledge receipt of the orders at the helm and convey doubts that the instruction may arise.

CE2.3 Describe precautions to be taken to avoid false distress alerts and measures to be taken in case of emergency.


1. Vessel and communication and government equipment of the vessel

-Nomenclature and on-board definitions.

-Using the magnetic compass and girocompas.

-Orders at the helm in Spanish.

-Use of internal onboard and alarm communications.

-Ship governance systems:




2. Lookout and safe guard service

-Acoustic signals, lights, and beacon.

-Principles to be observed in carrying out navigation guards and necessary information:

-Vigia service.

-Realization of the guard.

-Guard Relay.

-Guards in different conditions and zones:

-Clear time.

-Reduced visibility.

-Coastal waters and heavy traffic.

-Navigation with onboard practice.

-Anchored Buque.

-Guards in port.

-International Signals Regulations. Acoustic signals, lights and other objects.

3. Basic English in maritime navigation

-Standard English maritime navigation vocabulary.

-Orders to the helmsman in English.

-Aspects relating to on-call tasks.

4. Emergencies and use of security equipment

-Functions in case of emergency and alarm signals

-Pyrotechnic signs of distress. Satellite radiobalises and RESAR.

-Relief alerts:

-False alerts.

-Precautions to avoid them.

-Measures to be taken in case they are accidentally activated.

-Basic environmental protection procedures.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0011_1





Code: MF0734_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0734_1: Perform the extractive activities of fishing and marisking afloat with minor arts, nasties and marisqueo equipment

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1487

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Determine the different marisking equipment, types of nasties, and minor arts as well as the baits used in the different fishing modalities, the auxiliary machinery and useful work necessary to carry out the activity.

CE1.1 Recognize and describe the type of Nasa, minor art, or marisking equipment based on the species you want to capture.

CE1.2 Specify the type of bait to use by relating it to the different species of capture

CE1.3 Distinguished the parts of which are made up of the nasties, minor arts, or mariking equipment.

CE1.4 Describe the basic procedures for handling the machineal or halator in the larval and virate maneuvers of nasties, minor gears, or mariking equipment, in safety conditions.

CE1.5 Describe the individual protection work teams that are used to perform these fishing modes.

C2: Explain the maneuvers of larval and virate of nasties, minor arts, or mariking equipment, according to the art and type of Nasa in question, taking into account the weather conditions and circumstances of the fishing grounds.

CE2.1 Describe the incarnated technique of the different types of nasties according to the expected duration of the lance.

CE2.2 Describe the maneuvers of the larval, virate and the use of the different fishing equipment, taking into account their characteristics, working funds and meteorological conditions.

CE2.3 Explain the operations to be performed with the halator during the larval and virate maneuvers taking into account the stress offered by nasties, minor gears, or mariking equipment.

CE2.4 Specify the different manoeuvres and uses of the machinillas in the larval phase in relation to the different fishing equipment.

C3: Specify flush, dewrap, and capture operations obtained and discard taking into account size or closure.

CE3.1 Describe, using an example, the procedure used in different fishing equipment to extract the catch.

CE3.2 Recognize and withdraw, in a discard of catches, species that are in the period of closure and those that do not reach the minimum size, taking into account established regulations.

CE3.3 Explain the process of unwinding catches when art is being turned on board.


1. Minor arts in fishing and shellfish extraction operations

-Basic elements that compose them. Types.

-Working method of the minor arts.

-Prevention of occupational risks in the maneuvers of larval and virate.

2. Nases in fishing and shellfish extraction operations

-Basic elements that compose them. Types.

-Method of work of the different pots.

-Classes of baits used for fishing according to species.

-Prevention of occupational risks in the maneuvers of larval and virate.

3. Equipment and marshsai equipment. Working methods

-Hydraulic Draga:

-Basic elements that constitute a draga equipment.

-Method of work of the dredges.

-Prevention of occupational risks in the maneuvers of larval and virate.

-Marking use:

-Types of useful employees.

-Method of working these useful.

-Capture Maniworks.

-Prevention of occupational hazards during fishing operations.



Code: UF1488

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: To differentiate and explain the processes of classification and conservation of the catches obtained by means of nasties, minor arts or mariking equipment.

CE1.1 Recognize the commercial species captured for subsequent marketing.

CE1.2 Describe the techniques and procedures for the handling and classification of seafood and fish, taking into account the characteristics of the species.

CE1.3 List conservation techniques, in the process of treatment of catches, depending on the species.

CE1.4 Specify the treatment to be applied to the catches according to their characteristics in order to preserve their quality.

C2: Determine the conditions in which the callings, nasties, minor arts, and mariking equipment are operational to perform the extractive activity.

CE2.1 Describe the procedure for preparing the fishing equipment and the embodied and closed of the nasties in order to be used again.

CE2.2 Distinguished the most frequent breakdowns that occur in the different elements of the fishing equipment.

CE2.3 Explain the cleaning process of the fishing equipment once the virade maneuver has been performed.

CE2.4 Before an assumption of repair and maintenance of the fishing equipment, describe the repairs of the small breakdowns caused during the fishing operations of the minor arts, nasties or marisqueo equipment, as well as the maintenance of the issuing buoys.


1. Techniques for the classification, handling and conservation of catches

-Commercial species:

-Classification and characteristics of the different fish and shellfish species.

-Conservation, processing and hygiene of fishery and shellfish products.

-Cleaning and stowage of the catches.

2. Incarnate of the nasties

-Types of bait.

-Subject by type of bait.

-Position of the bait.

3. Equipment and equipment maintenance techniques of nasties, minor arts and marshals

-How to store the useful life of:

-The types of handles.

-The marshland useful.

-Draga teams.

4. Relationship of the fishing team

-Cleaning the fishing equipment

-Major breakdowns:

-Missing cloth.

-Roture of useful.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training




Standard 10

Formative Unit 2-UF1488



The training units for this module can be programmed independently.



Code: MF0733_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0733_1: Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and apply the measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea, according to the orders received or the provisions of the organic frame of the ship, in order to prevent the safety of human life in the sea.

CE1.1 Describe the measures and identify the lifesaving means and devices to be used, in case of ship abandonment, in accordance with the established emergency plan, in order to safeguard the life of the crews.

CE1.2 List the actions to be taken at sea and in the survival craft, following established nautical procedures, in order to protect human life at sea.

CE1.3 In a scenario of ship abandonment and sea survival:

-Place a life jacket, jump into the water and swim to climb the raft, following instructions and established procedures, in order to achieve survival at sea.

-Adrize a life raft by wearing the vest, according to established operational procedures, in order to be used as a means of survival.

-Use the boat survival equipment, in accordance with established instructions and protocols, in order to preserve the life of the vessels

CE1.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).

C2: Identify and adopt measures, and use the means of fire prevention and control, following the instructions of the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CE2.1 List the measures to be taken to prevent a fire from originating on board, following the instructions and recommendations set out.

CE2.2 Describe the devices and means of fire-fighting and escape routes, in order to be used in this type of emergency, in accordance with the provisions of the organic frame of the vessel.

CE2.3 In a scenario of fire on board:

-Proceed to the extinction of a fire, by means of extinguishing agents, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to prevent its spread and to achieve its extinction.

-Use the autonomous breathing apparatus for the extinction of a fire and rescue operations, following established procedures and protocols, to achieve its extinction and rescue of endangered crew.

CE2.4 Describe the different types of fires and elements involved in these and the conditions conducive to them.

C3: Rate the apparent physical condition of the accident victims on board, applying the urgent health care measures, following established procedures, in order to minimize the damage.

CE3.1 Relate the useful, material of cures and medicines used on board the ship, for emergency situations with accidents, available in the first aid kit.

CE3.2 In a scenario:

-Apply treatment and care with accidents on board, in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns, following established medical procedures and protocols, to minimize damage to the patients.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario:

-To act by applying immobilization techniques and bandages in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents, according to established medical procedures and protocols, to prevent damage to the accidents and to facilitate their evacuation.

C4: Describe the measures to be taken and the means to be used in accordance with the rules established in this respect, to protect personal safety and to prevent marine pollution.

CE4.1 Explain the information regarding security, used for equipment and means of personal, environmental and relief protection, interpreting it according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks when carrying out work on board.

CE4.2 Relating devices and means of personal protection, in accordance with the law on the prevention of occupational hazards, to preserve safety when carrying out work anywhere on the ship.

CE4.3 List the measures to be taken into account to protect the marine environment and to prevent contamination, according to established regulations.

CE4.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).


1. Ship abandonment and survival at sea

-Preparing for any emergency:

-Organic box.

-Procedures for leaving the ship.

-Take action on water and measures on board survival craft.

-Personal protection equipment:

-Life-saving chalks.


-Life rafts.

-Rescue botes.

-Thermal equipment.


-Survival craft equipment.

-Hazards for survivors.

2. Fires on a ship

-Classification of fires.

-Fire and explosion elements.

-Exttor agents.

-Extinction equipment.

-Facilities and detection equipment.

-Fire alarm signals.

-Organization of fire-fighting on board.

-Personal protective equipment. Autonomous breathing equipment.

-Fire-fighting methods, agents, and procedures.

3. First aid at sea

-Sanitary resources for seafarers.

-Victim assessment: symptoms and signs.

-Structure and functions of the human body.

-Treatment of wounds, trauma, burns, bleeding, and shock.

-Choking, cardiac arrest. Resuscitation.

-Evacuation and rescue techniques for sick and injured people.

-Assessment of an emergency situation.

-On-board regulatory Botiquin.

4. Safety at work on a ship

-Types of hazards and emergencies that may occur on board.

-Contingency plans on board.

-Emergency and alarm signals.

-Table of obligations and slogans in emergency cases.

-Security token used for teams and means of survival.

-Orders related to onboard tasks.

-Working conditions and security.

-Personal and collective protective equipment.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Prevention of pollution of the marine environment. Effects of accidental or operational pollution of the marine environment.

-Environmental protection procedures.

-Relief procedure.

-Importance of training and periodic exercises.

-Evacuation paths.

-National maritime salvage plan.

-Hot jobs.

-Precautions to be taken before entering enclosed spaces.

-Prevention of occupational risks. Noise limits, lighting, temperature, traffic lanes.

-Danger of drug use and alcohol abuse.

-Standard language of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0733_1




Code: MP0317

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Use the ship's basic navigation and governance equipment and apply emergency procedures during the performance of a on-call service.

CE1.1. Communicate in a clear and concise manner with the on-call officer on aspects relating to guard-related tasks.

CE1.2. Correctly interpret the information supplied by the magnetic compass and the girocompas.

CE1.3. Perform the automatic governance change procedure from the bridge to the emergency government from the servomotor.

CE1.4. Maintain emergency warning, emergency and warning warning systems in good condition.

CE1.5. Handle the rudder to govern the ship.

CE1.6. Transmit the approximate delays of vessels, beacons, buoys, headlamps or other visible objects.

C2: Apply the extractive techniques of fishing, as well as the procedures for the treatment of catches and the conservation of equipment and tools of the arts of gillway and shellfish.

CE2.1. Perform the maneuvers of the larval and virate, operating with the halator, adjusting the revolutions to the tension offered by the nasties, minor arts or equipment of marisqueo.

CE2.2. Perform the process of unwinding of catches, when the art is being turned on board.

CE2.3. Treat catches by applying conservation techniques according to the species.

CE2.4. Recognize small breakdowns that may have been caused during fishing operations in the arts, nasties, or mariking equipment.

C3: Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1. Behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2. Respect the procedures and standards of the workplace.

CE3.3. Undertake tasks with due diligence according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE3.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE3.5. Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6. Respect at all times measures for the prevention of risks, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Government of the ship and maintenance of emergency and emergency warning systems

-Automatic pilot change to manual and vice versa.

-Changing the automatic government of the servomotor emergency bridge.

-Identification of distress and emergency warning systems.

-Maintenance and emergency warning systems maintenance operations.

-Heading changes according to weather and navigation conditions within acceptable limits.

2. Handling during the launch, treatment and conservation of the nasties, minor arts or mariking equipment

-Identification of the different pieces that make up the fishing gear, nasties or marisqueo equipment and material used in the maneuvers.

-Realization of the cable stowage and storage in the carretel.

-Realization of the operation of the handles of the nasties, minor arts or equipment of the marshalling.

-Preparing and caring for networks, handles and tools for the next launch.

-How to store fish on board.

3. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


b) (

) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (c) (c)

Maritime navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport


Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation



(s): (a)

(s): (a)

2 years

4 years


Ship's navigation and governance guard

Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002, of September 4 (Senior Professional Navy Professional)

Essential titration



Removing the fishing with minor arts, nasties and marshalling equipment

• Licenced in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in Navigation Maritime or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Certificates of professionalism level 2 and 3 of the professional fishing area of the professional family marine-fishing

2 years

4 years


Safety and first aid on board

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002, of September 4 (Senior Professional Civil Navy Titling)

Essential titration


The spaces and facilities shall have to comply with the approval requirements laid down by the competent bodies. (* ** Facilities can be outsourced.)



15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula










-purpose Aula











Aula multipurpose

-Rotuder-write Pizarras

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

- Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for

Fishing Workshop

-Shellfish Uses


-Network Panels.

-Different Cabs diameters.

-Cables of different diameters

-Elements to work, repair, and mount:

-The network.

- Gillingfish and shellfish

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Denomination: Activities in longline, trawl, and seine fishing, and in shipping

Code: MAPN0210

Professional Family: Fishing Maritime

Professional area: Fishing and navigation

Professional qualification level: 1

Professional reference qualification:

MAP004_1 Fishing activities in longline, trawl and seine, and in maritime transport (RD 295/2004 of 20 February, as amended by RD 101/2009 of 6 February)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0010_1 Contribute to cover operations on a fishing vessel.

UC0011_1 Perform the ship's navigation and governance guards.

UC0012_1 Perform the extractive activities of fishing with longline, drag, and fence.

UC0733_1 Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work.

General competition:

Carry out fishing operations, grubbing-up, maneuver and government of the ship, following instructions from its superior/s and complying with safety standards.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its activity both in fishing vessels without limits and in ships engaged in maritime transport, as well as maritime safety and salvage.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the following sectors:

Extractive of fisheries resources.

Services, corresponding to the shipping of goods.

Services, dedicated to salvage and maritime safety.

Occupations or related jobs:

6423.1039 Fishing vessel Marinero.

6423.1066 Sea Rederos

9811.1015 Ship Amarers

Cover Marinero.

Bridge Marinero.

Requirements required for professional exercise:

According to Royal Decree 1519/2007 of 16 November, in order to exercise the professional activity of seaman on fishing vessels it will be necessary to be in possession of the professional card of marinero-angler and in possession of the Certificate of Specialty Basic Training according to Order FOM 2296/2002 of 4 September.

Duration of the associated training: 310 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0010_1: (Cross) Cover tasks on fishing vessel (30 hours)

MF0011_1: (Cross) Ship Guard and Ship Governance (60 hours)

MF0012_1: Extraction fishing with longline, drag and fence (120 hours)

□ UF1489: Preparation of longline, drag and fence maneuvers (30 hours)

□ UF1490: Maniworks of longline fishing, trawling and encirclement (90 hours)

MF0733_1: (Cross-sectional) Safety and first aid on board (60 hours)

MP0318: Non-working professional practice module for activities in longline, trawling and fencing, and in maritime transport (40 hours)

Links with professional trainings:

Exceeding the MF0010_1, MF0011_1 and MF0733_1 training modules, which correspond to the UC0010_1, UC0011_1 and UC0733_1 competition units, ensure the level of knowledge required for procurement (as determined the competent administration) of the professional cards of "fisherman seaman" and "bridge seaman" as well as the "basic training specialty certificate".


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0010_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: To intervene in the basic operations related to the grubbing-up, loading and unloading of the fishing vessel and aquaculture auxiliary, following the instructions of the superior and in conditions of safety, with the aim of keep the ship to "sea".

CR1 .1. The provisions and equipment are received, stowed and stored using risk prevention techniques and following the instructions received from their superior, in order to meet the criteria of weight, volume and location

CR1 .2. The loading, unloading and transfer of weights is carried out according to the orders of the superior, by means of the devices of mobilization and observing the safety norms in the ship to avoid accidents that can affect both the ship and the load or crew.

CR1 .3. The stowage in the cellar or refrigerator, boarding or landing of the fish is carried out under the supervision of a superior, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product for good conservation.

RP2: Perform operations related to the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, as well as its government and guard, lookout and maintenance, following the instructions of its superior and in conditions of security, in order to ensure its handling and operability.

CR2 .1. Cabs, cables, chains, defences and other elements for manoeuvring, are prepared and used according to the orders of the superior, in order to avoid faults and breakages.

CR2 .2. The guards of the lookout and rudder are carried out taking care of the orders of the superior, observing the possible targets and lights on the horizon and watching the compasses, to guarantee the navigation of the fishing vessel.

CR2 .3. The cleaning, greasing and/or lubrication, scratching and painting works are carried out by applying the required techniques and products for the proper conservation of the vessel.

CR2 .4. The commercial management of vessels less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary aquaculture that do not carry passengers is performed with dexterity to optimize their use.

RP3: Run fishing operations, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products, observing safety, hygiene and resource protection standards, following the instructions received from their superior, in order to ensure fishing activity and the optimization of resources.

CR3 .1. Fishing activities are carried out effectively and safely, under the guidance of a superior, taking into account the type of fishing vessel and equipment to be used, in order to avoid damage and damage that may delay fishing.

CR3 .2. The catch is handled and preserved in the light of the rules on hygiene in the fishing park and the legislation on the handling of fishery products, in order to obtain an optimal exploitation of the activity.

CR3 .3. Marine pollution is prevented by applying the current rules of protection of the marine environment and its resources, following the indications of the superior, in order not to cause environmental damage.

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Firm and work Jarcia (cables, cabs, shackles, tools and tools necessary for loading, unloading, stowage and storage). Auxiliary equipment for manoeuvre (cranes, winches, winches, machines, chigres, halators, among others). Government and surveillance equipment (magnetic compass, girocompas, rudder, binoculars, among others). Equipment for the maintenance and conservation of the vessel (scratches, brushes, paints, fats, oils, basic carpentry, among others). Useful, gear and gear. Cover fishing machinery. Equipment for the handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products. Safety and survival equipment: boats, rafts, hoses, fire extinguishers, among others.

Work products or results

Estiba and boot made. Cargo, unloading and transfer of weights carried out in time and safely. Stowage, boarding and landing of the fish, carried out. Docking manoeuvres, undocking, anchorage and trailer of the vessel, carried out. Surveillance and rudder guards, accomplished. Vessel in good condition of conservation. Fishing operations executed. Processed and preserved fish and aquaculture products. Respect for the marine environment. Clothing, lighting, machinery and work items in good condition. Operational security and salvage elements.

Information used or generated

Orders of the top. Fishing vocabulary. International Signals Regulations. Legislation on the protection of the marine environment and its resources. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 1

Code: UC0011_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the navigation guards, in order to contribute safely to the surveillance and control of the ship, following the instructions of the officer of the guard.

CR1 .1. Communications are made in a clear and concise manner at all times.

CR1 .2. The acknowledgement of receipt of the orders is carried out according to good marine practices.

CR1 .3. The indications of the navigation equipment are addressed and any incident is communicated during the guard worthy of mention.

CR1 .4. The acoustic, light, or other objects are detected promptly, identified and communicated to the on-call officer.

CR1 .5. The guard relay takes place with the established procedures and is proven to be correct.

RP2: Perform the maneuvers of the government, in order to set the ship to the ship in compliance with the orders received from the hierarchical superior.

CR2 .1. The direction of the rudder is maintained, within permissible limits, taking into account the area of navigation and the state of the sea.

CR2 .2. The course changes are made without abrupt and control is maintained, following the orders of the master or skipper.

Professional Context

Production media

Basic navigation equipment: magnetic and gyroscopic compass, autopilot, rudder, etc.

Products and results

Ship government and navigation guards performed appropriately.

Information used or generated

Ship master's orders or pattern. Fishing vocabulary.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 1

Code: UC0012_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Dispose the fishing equipment and the ship's cover to successfully perform the extractive activity by following the directions of its superior.

CR1 .1. Work and art or rigging are identified and arranged according to the characteristics of the species to be captured.

CR1 .2. The fishing gear is checked to check its good condition and if the bonding between the various pieces is safe to withstand the working stresses.

CR1 .3. The machinels, pastecs, halators, shuttles and automatic machinings of longline are checked for proper operation.

CR1 .4. The individual protective equipment is used correctly for the prevention of occupational hazards.

CR1 .5. The maintenance of the use of the fishing equipment is done in a way that ensures its optimal performance.

CR1 .6. The cover is prepared to receive the catch, making sure it is in good hygienic condition.

RP2: Run the long-running and long-run operations of the long-line tackle to achieve optimal performance of the fishing activity.

CR2 .1. The longline, with all its elements, is found to be "clear" in the long operation.

CR2 .2. The bait and the coves, in the systems that so require, are inserted into the longline in the places ordered by the superior during the operation of the larval.

CR2 .3. The halator is managed by adjusting the revolutions to the ocean-graphic and working-voltage conditions in the virate operations.

CR2 .4. Catches are unfished so that they do not suffer unnecessary damage.

CR2 .5. Large and detached pieces during the virate operation are recovered with hook.

RP3: Run the larval and virate operations of a form drag art to achieve optimal performance of the fishing activity.

CR3 .1. The art is manipulated in the correct order during the operation of the larval or virate.

CR3 .2. The machinels and carts are properly handled during the laring or turning operations.

CR3 .3. The doors are handled correctly and safely during the laring or turning operations.

CR3 .4. The cable marks on the largator are those indicated by their superior.

CR3 .5. The cables are correctly asserted in the larval.

CR3 .6. The strobes and tackle are used correctly to introduce the art on board.

RP4: Run the larval and virate operations of a form-fencing art to achieve optimal performance of the fishing activity.

CR4 .1. The auxiliary equipment, machinels, forklifts, halators, and shot hook are properly arranged and handled during the laring or turning operations.

CR4 .2. The strips are shown to be clear during the laring operation.

CR4 .3. The rings are zafed in the right order in the virate operations.

CR4 .4. The strobes and tackle are used correctly to put the art on board.

Professional Context

Production media

Encircling arts: floats, buoys, coves, corks, plumes, crow feet, escape links, netting, razor, needle, wire, gauge, cape, cable, rings, hydraulic action power pulley, mechanical halator, machineal, carretel of stowage of jareta, drum yoquey, auxiliary vessel. Trawls: netting, needle, wire, gauge, cape, cable, semi-wire, saw, calon, semi-spherical bell, winds of rooster, floaters, diabolos, razors, slippers, tangons, machinees, cable stowers, drum Network stowage hydraulics. Hook-ups: hook, sedate, cape, carabiner, swivel, buoy, buoy, lams, floor-line machines, stowage drum, automatic longline machines.

Products and results

Long and veered from the drag, encircling and longline gear to get an effective catch.

Information used or generated

Verbal commands from the top. Fishing vocabulary.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 1

Code: UC0733_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Act in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea following the instructions set out in emergency plans, to safeguard personal safety and to collaborate on ship safety.

CR1 .1. The location of the ship's lifeguard devices, personal protective equipment and survival craft are located and identified, according to the ship's organic frame, in order to be used in cases of emergency.

CR1 .2. The measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment are adopted, following the instructions outlined in the emergency plans, in order to contribute to the success of the operations.

CR1 .3. Performances at sea and on board survival craft are executed, following established procedures, to prevent the safety of human life at sea.

CR1 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

RP2: Run fire prevention and fight operations, in accordance with the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CR2 .1. The measures to be taken for the prevention of fires on board are carried out, following the procedures and instructions for precautionary and established surveillance, in order to prevent them from originating.

CR2 .2. Fire-fighting devices and equipment and escape routes in emergency cases are located and identified, interpreting on-board signals and automatic alarm systems for the purpose of their use in this area. type of emergencies.

CR2 .3. The methods, agents, procedures and respiratory equipment used in the fight against fires and in rescue operations are used, in the event of fire on board, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to avoid their spreading, achieving extinction and the rescue of people in danger.

RP3: Collaborate on the application of urgent first aid measures, according to established procedures, in order to minimize damage in cases of accidents on board.

CR3 .1. The useful, medicinal products and materials of cures included in the first aid kit are used in emergency situations to assist the injured people on board.

CR3 .2. Treatment and care with accidents on board in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns are carried out according to the procedures established for each case, in order to minimize the damage to the patients.

CR3 .3. The actions in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents are carried out according to established protocols to avoid as much as possible damage to the accidents.

RP4: Adopt personal safety measures and prevent damage to the marine environment according to the legislation established to comply with the rules on safety at work and the prevention of pollution.

CR4 .1. Information regarding the safety of the use of equipment and means of survival, personal protection, environmental and relief, is interpreted according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks associated with carrying out on board.

CR4 .2. The work to be carried out anywhere on the ship is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, using the devices and means of personal protection in order to preserve the dangers that may arise on board.

CR4 .3. The measures to be taken to prevent marine pollution are applied in accordance with the rules established to avoid causing accidental or operational damage to the marine environment.

CR4 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Lifeguards, life jackets, survival suits at sea, thermal aids. Lifeboats, life rafts, rescue boats. Devices for the release of life rafts. Survival craft equipment, location radio, radar responder, pyrotechnical distress signals, rockets and flares, fumigate signals, heliograph, portable relief station, floating anchor etc. Water-Fire Network: Bombs. Sprinklers. Valves. Hydrants. Cannons. Hoses. Spears. Extinguishing Agents: Dry powder. Sand. Water. Foam. Steam. CO2. Inert gas. Mobile Fire-extinguishing Equipment (Manuals. By car) Fixed systems (foam, CO2, dust) Detection systems: alarms, smoke detectors, heat detectors among others. Breathing equipment: autonomous and manual. Masks. Bottle. Personal protective equipment: Trages. Helmet. Gloves. Boots. Regulatory kit. Personal and collective protective equipment: harnesses, winks, gloves, helmets, goggles, belts, clothing, footwear, among others, and all the material used in the work according to the law of protection of occupational risks. Means to prevent contamination: Material required in accordance with the MARPOL 73/78 Convention.

Work products or results

Ship Abandonment Exercises and Sea Survival and Shipwreck Search and Rescue. Training exercises in the fight against fires. Health care techniques for accidents on board. Work anywhere on the ship without accidents. Discharges of waste and discharges into the sea in line with MARPOL 73/78.

Information used or generated

National Plan for the Marine Salvage and the fight against pollution. SOLAS Convention (Sevismar) Manual MERSAR search and rescue. MOB (man to water) from G. P. S in case of man to water. Manuals on flammable materials and fuels. First aid manual on board. Law on the prevention of occupational risks. Maritime vocabulary of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).




Code: MF0010_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0010_1 Contribute to basic cover operations on a fishing vessel

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Different and name the parts, elements and equipment of the fishing vessel and their names in respect of the hull, cover and loading and unloading elements.

CE1.1 Distinguished the nomenclature of the parts of a ship and its fixed and mobile elements, in order to locate them in the plane of a fishing vessel.

CE1.2 In a scenario of starting the fishing vessel:

-Arranchar and stretch the above elements in the panols, holds and other spaces of the vessel, taking into account the nature of the cargo.

-To receive the pertreks, provisions and other received loads, detecting if there are deficiencies in them.

CE1.3 Identify the mobilization devices to perform load, unload, and transfer of weights on the fishing vessel, taking into account the load to be handled.

CE1.4 Sequentially describe the activities that are performed in a fish boarding, landing, and stowage operation, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product.

CE1.5 In an alleged practice of grubbing-up, which includes in inland waters of ports, the management for commercial purposes of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture that do not carry passengers:

CE1.6 In a scenario of starting a ship:

-Perform the basic operations of plowing and loading and unloading, in safety conditions and taking into account the nature of the load, which ensure the stowage and prevent the breakage and deterioration of the goods.

C2: Apply manoeuvres, government, lookout, guard and maintenance operations of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary, which contribute to the operation of the vessel.

CE2.1 Describe the activities performed in the docking, undocking, anchorage, and trailer maneuvers to identify the fishing vessels in port.

CE2.2 Interpret the acoustic signals, lights, and other objects that can be spotted during the guard.

CE2.3 In a scenario of government of the fishing vessel:

-Keep track with the rudder, whatever the compass reading system, to credit your identification.

-Make course changes using the rudder.

CE2.4 In a practical maintenance scenario of the fishing vessel:

-Perform cleaning, scraping and repainting work of the parts of the ship that need it, in order to avoid the oxidation of the materials.

-Grilling and/or lubricating, inter alia, the fishing vessels, pastecs, chigles, machineries of the fishing vessel or aquaculture aid, keeping the moving elements in a working state.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario of maneuvers, guard and maintenance, that includes in inland waters of ports the handling, for commercial purposes, of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture which do not carry passengers:

-Run the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, government, lookout and maintenance, with safety, efficiency and observing the current regulations on lights and signals, that avoid marine risks and ensure the status of the vessel.

C3: Apply processes of laring and viration, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products according to the art and type of vessel concerned, taking into account the conditions of safety, occupational health, health and safety. rules on the fishing resource.

CE3.1 Explain the maneuvers of the larval and virate, taking into account the vessel and type of fishing and that the same must be developed quickly and safely.

CE3.2 In a practical case of handling and conservation of the fishery and/or aquaculture product:

-Perform the manipulation operations, preventing the alteration of the quality of the caught fish.

-Carry out the process to ensure the conservation of these catches, taking into account the precautions to be considered according to the practices to be used, for the good fishing and aquaculture status of the product for unloading.

CE3.3 Recognize the current regulations regarding actions developed by fishing vessels or aquaculture auxiliaries regarding the protection of the resource and the care of the marine environment.

CE3.4 Identify means and elements liable to endanger the safety and/or health of the crew member during fishing, processing and conservation activities.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario of fishing activities:

-Carry out fishing and aquaculture operations, handling and conserving products in accordance with established hygiene standards, which will lead to the optimisation of fishing activities while respecting the marine environment.


1. Operations of grubbing-up, manoeuvring, government, lookout, fishing and maintenance of the vessel

-Concept, knowledge and denomination of the different elements and equipment of the ship:

-Ship Definition

-Top Dimensions

-Ligage description of its structure

-Covers and holds.

-Live work and dead work.

-Calates, fixed and mobile elements.


-Anclas, rezones, chains, and cables.

-Operations with cabs and wires.

-Load and unload operations:

-Movement of weights on board.

-Boarding, landing and stowage of fish, equipment and supplies.

-Maniworks of the ship in port:

-Handling of chigles and machinings.

-Give and large.

-Abate cabs and stachas.

-Encapillar and unwrap cabs and stachas in norays or bitas.

-Basic berthing maniworks, undocking, anchorage and trailer:

-Common expressions used during maneuvers.

-Government of the ship, services of lookout and guard:

-Using magnetic compasses and girocompas.

-Orders to the timonel.

-Duty of the lookout.

-Notions on the International Signals Regulations (acoustic signals, lights and other objects).

-On-board maintenance operations:

-Ship maintenance:

2. Fishing operations and the handling of catches in the light of the application of labour risks and protection of the marine environment

-Safety and health in fishing activities.

-Fishing vessel classes.

-Handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products.

-Protection of the marine environment and its resources.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of susceptible hours


Formative module-MF0010_1





Code: MF0011_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0011_1 Perform the ship's navigation and governance guards

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the navigation guard by exercising the lookout service.

CE1.1 Correct the received orders and communications.

CE1.2 Before a simulator: Identify the lights, acoustic signals, beacon, or other objects, indicating in degrees or fourth the approximate delays.

CE1.3 Before different types of guard, describe the procedure of delivery, realization and relay of the guard, depending on navigation, anchorage or port.

CE1.4 Describe the initial measures and established procedures to be taken when having knowledge of an emergency or abnormality situation.

C2: Ruling the ship in compliance with the orders received, even if they are in English.

CE2.1 Correct the rudder orders in English and Spanish.

CE2.2 Before a simulation of the ship's government, explain the procedure to be followed to acknowledge receipt of the orders at the helm and convey doubts that the instruction may arise.

CE2.3 Describe precautions to be taken to avoid false distress alerts and measures to be taken in case of emergency.


1. Vessel and communication and government equipment of the vessel

-Nomenclature and on-board definitions.

-Using the magnetic compass and girocompas.

-Orders at the helm in Spanish.

-Use of internal onboard and alarm communications.

-Ship governance systems:




2. Lookout and safe guard service

-Acoustic signals, lights, and beacon.

-Principles to be observed in carrying out navigation guards and necessary information:

-Vigia service.

-Realization of the guard.

-Guard Relay.

-Guards in different conditions and zones:

-Clear time.

-Reduced visibility.

-Coastal waters and heavy traffic.

-Navigation with onboard practice.

-Anchored Buque.

-Guards in port.

-International Signals Regulations. Acoustic signals, lights and other objects.

3. Basic English in maritime navigation

-Standard English maritime navigation vocabulary.

-Orders to the helmsman in English.

-Aspects relating to on-call tasks.

4. Emergencies and use of security equipment

-Functions in case of emergency and alarm signals

-Pyrotechnic signs of distress. Satellite radiobalises and RESAR.

-Relief alerts:

-False alerts.

-Precautions to avoid them.

-Measures to be taken in case they are accidentally activated.

-Basic environmental protection procedures.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0011_1





Code: MF0012_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0012_1: Perform the extractive activities of fishing with longline, drag and fence

Duration: 120 hours



Code: UF1489

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the cleaning measures to be applied in the working spaces before and during the long-range and virated fishing maneuvers, so that the catch can be carried out in compliance with the hygienic and sanitary standards.

CE1.1 Detailed the process to be followed in the cleaning of the cover and facilities for the catches, before and after the virada, taking into account the type of vessel, fishing equipment and species to be caught, for the hygienic conditions at the time of receipt of the catch and in the restart of the fishing operations.

CE1.2 Explain the way to style and store the products used in cleaning the work spaces during the fishing maneuvers, to avoid the risk of contamination of the catches and taking into account that they must be close and accessible in case their use is required.

C2: Describe the actions to be performed on the deck with the auxiliary machinery and the fishing equipment before the maneuver, so that it can be performed in the minimum time, without breakdowns and with safety for the crew.

CE2.1 Identify and relate the various parts of the art or gear to be used according to the species to be captured, checking their situation, to avoid damage during the maneuver.

CE2.2 Indicate the parts of the fishing equipment to be used to check, verifying their good status and placement, to avoid breakdowns during the haul.

CE2.3 Explain the tests to be performed with the auxiliary cover machinery to be used according to the fishing system before the maneuver, so that it can be performed, minimizing risks for the ship and crew.

CE2.4 List the care to be applied to fishing equipment, according to catch system while on board, repairing small breakdowns, in order to ensure their performance at the time of the haul.

CE2.5 Describe the relationship between the personal protection elements used, with the latent risks during the maneuver, according to the fishing equipment used, to avoid situations of danger during the largada and the virada.


1. Cover cleaning work, ship facilities and fishing equipment

-Cleaning to follow during the larval and virate maneuvers:

-Physical elements to use.

-Soap and detergents.

-Cleaning processes according to the characteristics of the cover, installation, fishing equipment and captured species.

-Interpreting labels.



-Personal protective equipment for cleaning on the ship.

2. Work on deck prior to fishing manoeuvres for longline fishing, trawling and fencing.

-Fishing technology:

-Parts of gear and gear.

-Preparation of fishing equipment.

-Checking and checking.


-Machinery and auxiliary elements:

-Machine and cart tests.

-Job Jarcia.

-Personal protective equipment for longline fishing, trawling and fencing.



Code: UF1490

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP2, RP3, and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the process of laring and turning from the tackle of a longline, taking into account the type of vessel, fishing system and species to be captured, so that the safety of the crew is taken into account, speed of operation and performance of the fishing activity.

CE1.1 Explain the care to be taken into account and the operations to be performed with the tackle of a longline after the turn, to avoid possible hooks and breakdowns at the time of the start.

CE1.2 Drill down the incarnated phase taking into account the fishing system and the type of bait, to minimize the loss of the same and that the catch can be performed in the best conditions.

CE1.3 List the steps to be taken in the largo maneuver by explaining the time and the way to place buoys, coves, brazoladas, floats, las3 and other elements according to the fishing system, so that the maneuver can be carried out with security at the minimum time.

CE1.4 Relate the operation of the halator and the adjustment of its velocities, taking into account the weather conditions, the mother's direction and the pressure of the rigging, to prevent the longline from missing during the turn.

CE1.5 Describe how to cram the fish caught by the longline on board, as well as the use of hooks, bicheros and feathers so that the fish is not damaged, so that the catch is covered in good condition.

C2: Describe the process of the largada and virade of a drag art, taking into account the type of vessel, fishing system and species to be captured, so that the safety of the crew, speed of operation and performance of the fishing activity.

CE2.1 sequentially describe the parts of a larval maneuver, taking into account the fishing system, type of vessel, characteristics of the art, crew and weather conditions, so that it can be safely performed in the minimum time.

CE2.2 Explain how to proceed in handling machinels and forklifts during the phases of the maneuvers, to avoid breakages and accidents.

CE2.3 Identify the anchor points of the doors, their utility and elements that unite, explaining how to proceed during the door maneuver, to avoid breakdowns and damage to the crew.

CE2.4 Relating the way to mark and measure the wire, explaining the importance of this operation, in the results of the haul catches.

CE2.5 Indicating, taking into account the fishing system, the work to be carried out with strobes and tackle in the virada maneuver, to ensure that the catch does not present symptoms of grazing and/or crushing once the sack.

C3: Describe the process of laring and turning from an art of encirclement, taking into account the type of vessel, fishing system and species to be captured, so that the safety of the crew, speed of operation and performance of the fishing activity.

CE3.1 Indicate the review operations to be carried out on rings, jars and auxiliary vessels if any, prior to the time of the start, so that it can be carried out quickly, without breakage and without danger to the crew.

CE3.2 Explain the function to be developed by the auxiliary vessel, both in the largada and in the virada, so that the maneuver will come to a good end in the minimum of time.

CE3.3 Describe the work to be carried out on board, after the end of the fence, until the rings are grouped in the power, to prevent the catches from being able to escape.

CE3.4 Relating the ring opening maneuver and swerving the network on board by the drive pulley, so that it is well stretched for a next one.

CE3.5 Detailed the work to be done to carry out the corresponding bag and the way to use the salabard, to put the catches on the ship in the minimum time.


1. Longline fishing maneuvers

-Care with the rigging:


-Position of hooks.


-Cestas and stowers.


-Top types according to target species.

-Different fixings on the hook.

-Using catches when missing.

-Armado of the fishing gear on the pole:

-Placement of Boyas, Calas, Brazoladas, and Lastres.

-Operations security:


-Meter the fish on board.


-Canchos and bicheros:






2. Trawling manoeuvres


-Position according to job to perform.

-Care with art.

-Security measures.

-Maths and Cartels:




-Manpower cables/mallets.






-Jobs with maneuver rigging.

-Ganchs and strobes.

-Flush out of the sack.

3. Fishing maneuvers with purse seines

-Arring Art:




-Precautions on the Linger.

-Auxiliary boarding:

-Trincaje and dethrincing.

-Using the auxiliary craft.

-Risks of handling the auxiliary vessel.


-Shooting and Calon Subject.

-Virade of the jar.

-Virada of the network.

-Meter the fish on board:

-Bag formation.

-Using the salabard.

-Embodos/Tolvas and canfins.

-Auxiliary roller.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training










Standard 10

Formative Unit 2-UF1490



To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.



Code: MF0733_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0733_1: Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and apply the measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea, according to the orders received or the provisions of the organic frame of the ship, in order to prevent the safety of human life in the sea.

CE1.1 Describe the measures and identify the lifesaving means and devices to be used, in case of ship abandonment, in accordance with the established emergency plan, in order to safeguard the life of the crews.

CE1.2 List the actions to be taken at sea and in the survival craft, following established nautical procedures, in order to protect human life at sea.

CE1.3 In a scenario of ship abandonment and sea survival:

-Place a life jacket, jump into the water and swim to climb the raft, following instructions and established procedures, in order to achieve survival at sea.

-Adrize a life raft by wearing the vest, according to established operational procedures, in order to be used as a means of survival.

-Use the boat survival equipment, in accordance with established instructions and protocols, in order to preserve the life of the vessels

CE1.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).

C2: Identify and adopt measures, and use the means of fire prevention and control, following the instructions of the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CE2.1 List the measures to be taken to prevent a fire from originating on board, following the instructions and recommendations set out.

CE2.2 Describe the devices and means of fire-fighting and escape routes, in order to be used in this type of emergency, in accordance with the provisions of the organic frame of the vessel.

CE2.3 In a scenario of fire on board:

-Proceed to the extinction of a fire, by means of extinguishing agents, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to prevent its spread and to achieve its extinction.

-Use the autonomous breathing apparatus for the extinction of a fire and rescue operations, following established procedures and protocols, to achieve its extinction and rescue of endangered crew.

CE2.4 Describe the different types of fires and elements involved in these and the conditions conducive to them.

C3: Rate the apparent physical condition of the accident victims on board, applying the urgent health care measures, following established procedures, in order to minimize the damage.

CE3.1 Relate the useful, material of cures and medicines used on board the ship, for emergency situations with accidents, available in the first aid kit.

CE3.2 In a scenario:

-Apply treatment and care with accidents on board, in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns, following established medical procedures and protocols, to minimize

damage to patients.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario:

-To act by applying immobilization techniques and bandages in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents, according to established medical procedures and protocols, to prevent damage to the accidents and to facilitate their evacuation.

C4: Describe the measures to be taken and the means to be used in accordance with the rules established in this respect, to protect personal safety and to prevent marine pollution.

CE4.1 Explain the information regarding security, used for equipment and means of personal, environmental and relief protection, interpreting it according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks when carrying out work on board.

CE4.2 Relating devices and means of personal protection, in accordance with the law on the prevention of occupational hazards, to preserve safety when carrying out work anywhere on the ship.

CE4.3 List the measures to be taken into account to protect the marine environment and to prevent contamination, according to established regulations.

CE4.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).


1. Ship abandonment and survival at sea

-Preparing for any emergency:

-Organic box.

-Procedures for leaving the ship.

-Take action on water and measures on board survival craft.

-Personal protection equipment:

-Life-saving chalks.


-Life rafts.

-Rescue botes.

-Thermal equipment.


-Survival craft equipment.

-Hazards for survivors.

2. Fires on a ship

-Classification of fires.

-Fire and explosion elements.

-Exttor agents.

-Extinction equipment.

-Facilities and detection equipment.

-Fire alarm signals.

-Organization of fire-fighting on board.

-Personal protective equipment. Autonomous breathing equipment.

-Fire-fighting methods, agents, and procedures.

3. First aid at sea

-Sanitary resources for seafarers.

-Victim assessment: symptoms and signs.

-Structure and functions of the human body.

-Treatment of wounds, trauma, burns, bleeding, and shock.

-Choking, cardiac arrest. Resuscitation.

-Evacuation and rescue techniques for sick and injured people.

-Assessment of an emergency situation.

-On-board regulatory Botiquin.

4. Safety at work on a ship

-Types of hazards and emergencies that may occur on board.

-Contingency plans on board.

-Emergency and alarm signals.

-Table of obligations and slogans in emergency cases.

-Security token used for teams and means of survival.

-Orders related to onboard tasks.

-Working conditions and security.

-Personal and collective protective equipment.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Prevention of pollution of the marine environment. Effects of accidental or operational pollution of the marine environment.

-Environmental protection procedures.

-Relief procedure.

-Importance of training and periodic exercises.

-Evacuation paths.

-National maritime salvage plan.

-Hot jobs.

-Precautions to be taken before entering enclosed spaces.

-Prevention of occupational risks. Noise limits, lighting, temperature, traffic lanes.

-Danger of drug use and alcohol abuse.

-Standard language of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0733_1




Code: MP0318

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Use the magnetic compass, the girocompas and the emergency equipment and apply emergency procedures during the performance of a guard service.

CE1.1. Communicate in a clear and concise manner with the on-call officer on aspects relating to guard-related tasks.

CE1.2. Correctly interpret the information provided by the basic navigation and governance teams.

CE1.3. Collaborate in the procedure of the automatic change of government from the bridge to the emergency government from the servomotor.

CE1.4. Collaborate on the maintenance processes in good condition of the emergency and emergency warning systems.

CE1.5. Collaborate in the government of the ship by making practices in the management of the rudder.

C2: Attend processes that occur during fishing maneuvers.

CE2.1. Perform the cover and other facility cleaning operations for the catches, interpreting the qualities of the products you use and account for the casualties that occur.

CE2.2. Participate, providing assistance in the operation of the slide and preparation for the largage of a longline, in the established time, applying the techniques and norms received.

CE2.3. Intervene in the selection of strobes and gear for the turn of a trawl from the information provided, informing of its maintenance status.

CE2.4. Assist in the performance of the laring and swerving maneuvers of a purse seine, following the instructions received, detecting possible breakdowns in the fishing equipment.

C3: Participate in the business processes of the company, following the rules and instructions set out in the work center.

CE3.1. Behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE3.2. Respect the procedures and standards of the workplace.

CE3.3. Undertake tasks with due diligence according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE3.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE3.5. Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6. Respect at all times measures for the prevention of risks, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Government of the ship and maintenance of emergency and emergency warning systems

-Identification of governance and navigation equipment.

-Changing Autopilot to manual and vice versa

-Changing the automatic government of the servomotor emergency bridge.

-Identification of distress and emergency warning systems

-Maintenance and emergency warning systems maintenance operations.

-Keep track correctly in all weather and navigation conditions, within acceptable limits.

-Successfully perform the course changes.

2. Fishing extraction processes with longline, trawl and purse seines

-Ship cover cleaning.

-Realization of longline fishing operations.

-Virade operations with drag arts.

-Processes on deck of the fence maneuver.

3. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


b) (

) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (b) (c) (c) (c)

Maritime navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport


Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation



(s): (a)

(s): (a)

2 years

4 years


Ship's navigation and governance guard

Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002, of September 4 (Senior Professional Navy Professional)

Essential titration



Removing fishing with longline, drag and fence

• Licenced in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or Title The corresponding degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Certificates of Level 2 and 3 of the professional fishing professional family fishing area level 2

2 years

4 years


Safety and first aid on board

Essential qualification


The spaces and facilities shall have to comply with the approval requirements laid down by the competent bodies. (* ** Facilities can be outsourced.)



15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula










-purpose Aula











Aula multipurpose

-Rotuder-write Pizarras

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

- Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for

Fishing Workshop

-Network Panels.

-Cables of different diameters.

-Cables of different diameters.

-Elements to work, repair, and mount:

-The network.

-Drag and fence fishing equipment.

-The longline.


It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Port Amarre and Monoboyas

Code: MAPN0310

Professional Family: Fishing Maritime

Professional area: Fishing and navigation

Professional qualification level: 1

Professional reference qualification:

MAP404_1 Port Amarre and Monoboyas (RD 1179/2008, July 11)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0010_1 Contribute to cover operations on a fishing vessel.

UC1308_1 Perform ship mooring and untie operations in port.

UC1309_1 Perform the mooring, connection/disconnect of hoses, and untie operations of ships to monoboyas.

UC0733_1 Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work.

General competition:

Run the mooring and unmoored operations of vessels to port and monoboyas, as well as connection and disconnection of hoses in monoboyas, respecting the safety conditions and observing the applicable regulations in these operations.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity, as an employed person, in ship-tying companies whether they are public or private. It depends functionally and hierarchically on a superior. Their professional activity is subject to regulation by the competent authority.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the maritime-fisheries sector, and in particular in the productive activities of: Port port operations of ships.

Occupations or related jobs:

9811.1015 Amarrator.

Monobyâs Amarrer.


Duration of the associated training: 230 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0010_1: (Cross) Cover tasks on fishing vessel (30 hours)

MF1308_1: Ship-to-port Amarre and Unbound (50 hours)

MF1309_1: Amarre, hose connection/disconnection and ship unmoored to monoboyas (50 hours)

MF0733_1: (Cross-sectional) Safety and first aid on board (60 hours)

MP0319: Port Amarre Non-Labor Professional Practices Module (40 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 1

Code: UC0010_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria:

RP1: To intervene in the basic operations related to the grubbing-up, loading and unloading of the fishing vessel and aquaculture auxiliary, following the instructions of the superior and in conditions of safety, with the aim of keep the ship to "sea".

CR1 .1. The provisions and equipment are received, stowed and stored using risk prevention techniques and following the instructions received from their superior, in order to meet the criteria of weight, volume and location

CR1 .2. The loading, unloading and transfer of weights is carried out according to the orders of the superior, by means of the devices of mobilization and observing the safety norms in the ship to avoid accidents that can affect both the ship and the load or crew.

CR1 .3. The stowage in the cellar or refrigerator, boarding or landing of the fish is carried out under the supervision of a superior, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product for good conservation.

RP2: Perform operations related to the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, as well as its government and guard, lookout and maintenance, following the instructions of its superior and in conditions of security, in order to ensure its handling and operability.

CR2 .1. Cabs, cables, chains, defences and other elements for manoeuvring, are prepared and used according to the orders of the superior, in order to avoid faults and breakages.

CR2 .2. The guards of the lookout and rudder are carried out taking care of the orders of the superior, observing the possible targets and lights on the horizon and watching the compasses, to guarantee the navigation of the fishing vessel.

CR2 .3. The cleaning, greasing and/or lubrication, scratching and painting works are carried out by applying the required techniques and products for the proper conservation of the vessel.

CR2 .4. The commercial management of vessels less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary aquaculture that do not carry passengers is performed with dexterity to optimize their use.

RP3: Run fishing operations, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products, observing safety, hygiene and resource protection standards, following the instructions received from their superior, in order to ensure fishing activity and the optimization of resources.

CR3 .1. Fishing activities are carried out effectively and safely, under the guidance of a superior, taking into account the type of fishing vessel and equipment to be used, in order to avoid damage and damage that may delay fishing.

CR3 .2. The catch is handled and preserved in the light of the rules on hygiene in the fishing park and the legislation on the handling of fishery products, in order to obtain an optimal exploitation of the activity.

CR3 .3. Marine pollution is prevented by applying the current rules of protection of the marine environment and its resources, following the indications of the superior, in order not to cause environmental damage.

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Firm and work Jarcia (cables, cabs, shackles, tools and tools necessary for loading, unloading, stowage and storage). Auxiliary equipment for manoeuvre (cranes, winches, winches, machines, chigres, halators, among others). Government and surveillance equipment (magnetic compass, girocompas, rudder, binoculars, among others). Equipment for the maintenance and conservation of the vessel (scratches, brushes, paints, fats, oils, basic carpentry, among others). Useful, gear and gear. Cover fishing machinery. Equipment for the handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products. Safety and survival equipment: boats, rafts, hoses, fire extinguishers, among others.

Work products or results

Estiba and boot made. Cargo, unloading and transfer of weights carried out in time and safely. Stowage, boarding and landing of the fish, carried out. Docking manoeuvres, undocking, anchorage and trailer of the vessel, carried out. Surveillance and rudder guards, accomplished. Vessel in good condition of conservation. Fishing operations executed. Processed and preserved fish and aquaculture products. Respect for the marine environment. Clothing, lighting, machinery and work items in good condition. Operational security and salvage elements.

Information used or generated

Orders of the top. Fishing vocabulary. International Signals Regulations. Legislation on the protection of the marine environment and its resources. Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 1

Code: UC1038_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Carry out the maintenance operations of the guide, boot, cable, and guide cabs, following the marine practices, to ensure the safety of the ship's mooring and unmoored.

CR1.1 The maintenance of use of equipment used in mooring and untie operations is performed according to maintenance manuals in a way that ensures their performance.

CR1.2 The repairs and replacements of damaged elements in the guides, boars and cables, are performed using the marine procedures in a way that ensures their operability.

CR1.3 The mooring and unmoored equipment are stretched in their warehouses, taking into account their characteristics, so as to avoid deterioration of the same.

RP2: Run the operations of firings and larding of the mooring cabs by following the instructions received, to engage and/or undock from the ship.

CR2.1 The cabals or port chigres are handled taking into account the safety precautions determined in order to avoid risks during maneuvers.

CR2.2 Auxiliary accessories, chains, shackles and other accessories are selected and arranged according to the mooring or unmoored maneuver to be performed in order to be executed safely and quickly.

CR2.3 The mooring ends are wrapped in the norays or bollards corresponding to the way they work by following the instructions of the practical, to perform the docking of the ship.

CR2.4 The mooring cabs are drawn in the order indicated by the practice to perform the undocking of the vessel.

RP3: Perform the mooring or untying maneuvers by applying the safety criteria in the work according to the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks in port operations, in order to avoid damage to the personnel runs.

CR3.1 The mooring and mooring of cabs is done using the means of protection established to ensure safety in accordance with the current regulations.

CR3.2 Personal protective equipment set out in the current legislation is used according to risk prevention manuals, to minimize them during mooring and undocking operations.

CR3.3 The faenas to be performed in the mooring and unmoored operations are executed taking into account the rules regarding the prevention of accidents in order to minimize the risks during the same.

RP4: Handle the communication equipment regulating the maritime administrations during the exercise of manoeuvres to establish communications with the ship.

CR4.1 The maintenance of communications equipment is performed permanently, following the manufacturer's instructions, so that they are in operational state.

CR4.2 Communication equipment (walkie-talkies) is tuned to the frequency indicated by the practice to make the necessary communications with the ship.

CR4.3 The communications with the ship are carried out, if necessary, in the standard language IMO (International Maritime Organization), to facilitate their understanding.

Professional Context

Production media

Work safety means: personal and collective protective equipment (gloves, helmets, goggles, clothing, footwear, among others, the material used in the work according to the law of protection of occupational risks). Cabos, estachas, calabrotes, bozas, among others. Portable communication equipment (walkie-talkies).

Products and results

Asserted, larded and veered from the mooring cabs to get an effective docking maneuver.

Information used or generated

Orders of the practice. IMO maritime vocabulary. Nomenclature of cabs and mugs. Functions of the mugs on the dock. Vessel manoeuvres. Law on the prevention of occupational risks in port operations.

Competition Unit 3




Level: 1

Code: UC1309_1

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Perform the mooring or untying manoeuvres of the monoboya chains to the vessel, following the operating procedures of the terminal, to perform the docking or undocking of the vessel to the monoboya.

CR1 .1. The ship's guide is taken according to the instructions of the operating captain (monoboya) and taking into account the safety standards to avoid risks during the maneuver.

CR1 .2. The statement of the guide to the virator of the monoboya chain is carried out according to the operating procedure established and following the instructions of the superior, so that the ship can affirm the chain on board.

CR1 .3. The swerve of the monoboya chain is separated from the vessel by holding it to the side of the auxiliary boat, to allow the ship to sail.

RP2: Run the connection/disconnection of the hoses following the operating procedures of the terminal, to carry out the loading/unloading or exit of the ship.

CR2 .1. The operating state of the hoisting system (boom or crane) is verified, communicating it to the person responsible, to know if the hosepipe is to be hoisted.

CR2 .2. The capillite of the hoseised sling is carried out on the hook of the crane, taking into account the safety standards for making the hosepipe hoist to the vessel.

CR2 .3. The blind flange of the hose is removed when it is located on the collection tray to avoid the risks of spills.

CR2 .4. The connection of the hose to the manifold is done by adjusting the jaws of the head to secure a watertight junction.

CR2 .5. The head is decoupled and the hose of the manifold is removed by following the instructions of the operating captain to be able to couple the blind flange.

CR2 .6. The girdles and handrails of the hose to the vessel are released following the operating procedure, to effect the hose of the hose into the water.

RP3: Perform the mooring or demure manoeuvres, connection/disconnection of hoses by applying the safety criteria at work, the regulations of loading and unloading of hydrocarbons in marine terminals and following the instructions from the person responsible, to prevent damage to personnel who are running them and prevent contamination.

CR3 .1. The mooring and mooring of cabs is carried out using the means of protection established to ensure safety in accordance with the current regulations.

CR3 .2. The personal protective equipment established in the current legislation is used according to the risk prevention manuals, to minimize the same during the connection and disconnection operations of hoses.

CR3 .3. The operations to be carried out in connection and disconnection of hoses are carried out taking into account the rules regarding the safety and prevention of pollution in the operations of loading /unloading and handling of hydrocarbons, with the to minimize risks during the same and to prevent contamination.

CR3 .4. The intensity and direction of the wind and current is measured with the specific instruments, communicating it to the captain of the monoboya to take them into account during the loading and unloading operations.

RP4: Handle the communication equipment regulating the maritime administrations during the exercise of manoeuvres to establish communications with the ship.

CR4 .1. The maintenance of the communications equipment is done by following the manufacturer's instructions to be in an operational state.

CR4 .2. The communications equipment (walkie-talkies) is tuned in to the frequency indicated by the monoboya master to carry out the necessary communications with the vessel.

CR4 .3. The communications with the ship are carried out, if necessary, in the standard language IMO (International Maritime Organization), for their optimal understanding.

Professional Context

Production media

Work safety means: individual and collective protective equipment (gloves, helmets, goggles, clothing, footwear, among others) and all the material used in the work in accordance with the law of protection of risks work. Cabos, stachas, calabrotes, bozas, slings, hoses spm, among others. Portable communication equipment (walkie-talkies).

Products and results

Asserted, larded and veered from the guides to get an effective docking maneuver.

Information used or generated

Terminal operating rules, orders of the Monoboya Captain. IMO maritime vocabulary. Nomenclature of cabs and mugs. Functions of the mugs in the monoboyas. Vessel manoeuvres. Law on the prevention of occupational risks in port operations. Equipment used in the docking manoeuvres of vessels to monoboyas. Measures for the prevention and control of pollution in the loading and unloading of hydrocarbons.

Competition Unit 4


Level: 1

Code: UC0733_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Act in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea following the instructions set out in emergency plans, to safeguard personal safety and to collaborate on ship safety.

CR1 .1. The location of the ship's lifeguard devices, personal protective equipment and survival craft are located and identified, according to the ship's organic frame, in order to be used in cases of emergency.

CR1 .2. The measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment are adopted, following the instructions outlined in the emergency plans, in order to contribute to the success of the operations.

CR1 .3. Performances at sea and on board survival craft are executed, following established procedures, to prevent the safety of human life at sea.

CR1 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

RP2: Run fire prevention and fight operations, in accordance with the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CR2 .1. The measures to be taken for the prevention of fires on board are carried out, following the procedures and instructions for precautionary and established surveillance, in order to prevent them from originating.

CR2 .2. Fire-fighting devices and equipment and escape routes in emergency cases are located and identified, interpreting on-board signals and automatic alarm systems for the purpose of their use in this area. type of emergencies.

CR2 .3. The methods, agents, procedures and respiratory equipment used in the fight against fires and in rescue operations are used, in the event of fire on board, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to avoid their spreading, achieving extinction and the rescue of people in danger.

RP3: Collaborate on the application of urgent first aid measures, according to established procedures, in order to minimize damage in cases of accidents on board.

CR3 .1. The useful, medicinal products and materials of cures included in the first aid kit are used in emergency situations to assist the injured people on board.

CR3 .2. Treatment and care with accidents on board in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns are carried out according to the procedures established for each case, in order to minimize the damage to the patients.

CR3 .3. The actions in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents are carried out according to established protocols to avoid as much as possible damage to the accidents.

RP4: Adopt personal safety measures and prevent damage to the marine environment according to the legislation established to comply with the rules on safety at work and the prevention of pollution.

CR4 .1. Information regarding the safety of the use of equipment and means of survival, personal protection, environmental and relief, is interpreted according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks associated with carrying out on board.

CR4 .2. The work to be carried out anywhere on the ship is carried out in accordance with the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, using the devices and means of personal protection in order to preserve the dangers that may arise on board.

CR4 .3. The measures to be taken to prevent marine pollution are applied in accordance with the rules established to avoid causing accidental or operational damage to the marine environment.

CR4 .4. The instructions are interpreted clearly in the official language or standard English (IMO).

Professional Context

Production and/or service creation media

Lifeguards, life jackets, survival suits at sea, thermal aids. Lifeboats, life rafts, rescue boats. Devices for the release of life rafts. Survival craft equipment, location radio, radar responder, pyrotechnical distress signals, rockets and flares, fumigate signals, heliograph, portable relief station, floating anchor etc. Water-Fire Network: Bombs. Sprinklers. Valves. Hydrants. Cannons. Hoses. Spears. Extinguishing Agents: Dry powder. Sand. Water. Foam. Steam. CO2. inert gas. Mobile Fire-extinguishing Equipment (Manuals. By car) Fixed systems (foam, CO2, dust) Detection systems: alarms, smoke detectors, heat detectors among others. Breathing equipment: autonomous and manual. Masks. Bottle. Personal protective equipment: Trages. Helmet. Gloves. Boots. Regulatory kit. Personal and collective protective equipment: harnesses, winks, gloves, helmets, goggles, belts, clothing, footwear, among others, and all the material used in the work according to the law of protection of occupational risks. Means to prevent contamination: Material required in accordance with the MARPOL 73/78 Convention.

Work products or results

Ship Abandonment Exercises and Sea Survival and Shipwreck Search and Rescue. Training exercises in the fight against fires. Health care techniques for accidents on board. Work anywhere on the ship without accidents. Discharges of waste and discharges into the sea in line with MARPOL 73/78.

Information used or generated

National Plan for the Marine Salvage and the fight against pollution. SOLAS Convention (Sevismar) Manual MERSAR search and rescue. MOB (man to water) from G. P. S in case of man to water. Manuals on flammable materials and fuels. First aid manual on board. Law on the prevention of occupational risks. Maritime vocabulary of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).




Code: MF0010_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0010_1 Contribute to basic cover operations on a fishing vessel

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Different and name the parts, elements and equipment of the fishing vessel and their names in respect of the hull, cover and loading and unloading elements.

CE1.1 Distinguished the nomenclature of the parts of a ship and its fixed and mobile elements, in order to locate them in the plane of a fishing vessel.

CE1.2 In a scenario of starting the fishing vessel:

-Arranchar and stretch the above elements in the panols, holds and other spaces of the vessel, taking into account the nature of the cargo.

-To receive the pertreks, provisions and other received loads, detecting if there are deficiencies in them.

CE1.3 Identify the mobilization devices to perform load, unload, and transfer of weights on the fishing vessel, taking into account the load to be handled.

CE1.4 Sequentially describe the activities that are performed in a fish boarding, landing, and stowage operation, taking into account the nature and packaging of the product.

CE1.5 In an alleged practice of grubbing-up, which includes in inland waters of ports, the management for commercial purposes of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture that do not carry passengers:

CE1.6 In a scenario of starting a ship:

-Perform the basic operations of plowing and loading and unloading, in safety conditions and taking into account the nature of the load, which ensure the stowage and prevent the breakage and deterioration of the goods.

C2: Apply manoeuvres, government, lookout, guard and maintenance operations of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary, which contribute to the operation of the vessel.

CE2.1 Describe the activities performed in the docking, undocking, anchorage, and trailer maneuvers to identify the fishing vessels in port.

CE2.2 Interpret the acoustic signals, lights, and other objects that can be spotted during the guard.

CE2.3 In a scenario of government of the fishing vessel:

-Keep track with the rudder, whatever the compass reading system, to credit your identification.

-Make course changes using the rudder.

CE2.4 In a practical maintenance scenario of the fishing vessel:

-Perform cleaning, scraping and repainting work of the parts of the ship that need it, in order to avoid the oxidation of the materials.

-Grilling and/or lubricating, inter alia, the fishing vessels, pastecs, chigles, machineries of the fishing vessel or aquaculture aid, keeping the moving elements in a working state.

CE2.5 In a practical scenario of maneuvers, guard and maintenance, that includes in inland waters of ports the handling, for commercial purposes, of vessels of less than ten meters, dedicated to fishing or auxiliary of aquaculture which do not carry passengers:

-Run the maneuvers of the fishing vessel or aquaculture auxiliary in port, government, lookout and maintenance, with safety, efficiency and observing the current regulations on lights and signals, that avoid marine risks and ensure the status of the vessel.

C3: Apply processes of laring and viration, handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products according to the art and type of vessel concerned, taking into account the conditions of safety, occupational health, health and safety. rules on the fishing resource.

CE3.1 Explain the maneuvers of the larval and virate, taking into account the vessel and type of fishing and that the same must be developed quickly and safely.

CE3.2 In a practical case of handling and conservation of the fishery and/or aquaculture product:

-Perform the manipulation operations, preventing the alteration of the quality of the caught fish.

-Carry out the process to ensure the conservation of these catches, taking into account the precautions to be considered according to the practices to be used, for the good fishing and aquaculture status of the product for unloading.

CE3.3 Recognize the current regulations regarding actions developed by fishing vessels or aquaculture auxiliaries regarding the protection of the resource and the care of the marine environment.

CE3.4 Identify means and elements liable to endanger the safety and/or health of the crew member during fishing, processing and conservation activities.

CE3.5 In a practical scenario of fishing activities:

-Carry out fishing and aquaculture operations, handling and conserving products in accordance with established hygiene standards, which will lead to the optimisation of fishing activities while respecting the marine environment.


1. Operations of grubbing-up, manoeuvring, government, lookout, fishing and maintenance of the vessel

-Concept, knowledge and denomination of the different elements and equipment of the ship:

-Ship Definition

-Top Dimensions

-Ligage description of its structure

-Covers and holds.

-Live work and dead work.

-Calates, fixed and mobile elements.


-Anclas, rezones, chains, and cables.

-Operations with cabs and wires.

-Load and unload operations:

-Movement of weights on board.

-Boarding, landing and stowage of fish, equipment and supplies.

-Maniworks of the ship in port:

-Handling of chigles and machinings.

-Give and large.

-Abate cabs and stachas.

-Encapillar and unwrap cabs and stachas in norays or bitas.

-Basic berthing maniworks, undocking, anchorage and trailer:

-Common expressions used during maneuvers.

-Government of the ship, services of lookout and guard:

-Using magnetic compasses and girocompas.

-Orders to the timonel.

-Duty of the lookout.

-Notions on the International Signals Regulations (acoustic signals, lights and other objects).

-On-board maintenance operations:

-Ship maintenance:

2. Fishing operations and the handling of catches in the light of the application of labour risks and protection of the marine environment

-Safety and health in fishing activities.

-Fishing vessel classes.

-Handling and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products.

-Protection of the marine environment and its resources.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0010_1





Code: MF1308_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1308_1 Perform ship tie and untie operations in port

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the faenas and maintenance performed with the cabs and cables used in the mooring and untying of vessels following the marine practices.

CE1.1 List the types of cabs and cables used depending on the mooring and unmoored maneuver to be performed.

CE1.2 Before an alleged faenas with cabs, make a seam and a gaza on a cape, cable or stache according to the procedures and techniques of marinages.

CE1.3 Before an assumption of work with cabs, perform the fasted two stachas and the union of two ends applying the appropriate marine uses.

CE1.4 Describe the factors that may result in the deterioration of the unmoored mooring equipment taking into account the storage period.

C2: Apply the techniques of claiming and laring of mooring cabs, taking into account the place of docking and the weather conditions.

CE2.1 List and describe the utility of the cabs according to their function in the docking or undocking maneuver of the vessel.

CE2.2 Explain the shape of a cape or stache for its rear capillage in the noray by following the seafaring practices to use.

CE2.3 Describe how the virate of a corporal should be performed using a winch according to the techniques and the sailors.

CE2.4 Recognize the vocabulary used in ship mooring and demure maneuvers on the basis of maritime terminology.

C3: Describe the security criteria during ship mooring and demure operations in accordance with occupational risk prevention protocols.

CE3.1 List the individual protective equipment used in the mooring and mooring equipment during the docking or undocking of a vessel.

CE3.2 Describe the risk situations that can occur in tie operations and methods to minimize them.

CE3.3 Relating risk situations that can occur during untie operations and methods to minimize them

C4: Describe the procedure for establishing communications for the fit of cabs during the docking and undocking maneuvers of the ship.

CE4.1 Describe the handling of walkie-talkies by following the procedure established in each case.

CE4.2 Describe the maintenance of use of walkie-talkies by following the manufacturer's manuals.

CE4.3 Understand the usual expressions in mooring and untie operations in the normalized language (OMI).


1. Chivalry of mooring and untying of ships in port

-Cables and cables: Firme, bosom, and chicote.

-Measure of cabs and cables: Mena.

-Materials in the manufacture of cabs and cables:

-Plant fibers.

-Synthetic fibers.

-berth and untie Jarcia:

-Types of cabs: stashes, calablets and dungeons.

-Nomenclature of the mooring cabs: Long, sprin, through and codera.

-Faes with cabs and cables: gasses, seams, fastes, splices, knots, attached.

-Measures for the preservation and maintenance of cabs and cables:






2. Manoeuvres, equipment and communications in port-ship mooring and unmoored operations

-Mooring and untie elements:







-Keep them.






-Operations with mooring and untie cables and cables:

-Give and large.

-Wrap and unwrap.

-Make firm.

-Taking turns

-Amaral by breast.









-Equipment in mooring and untie manoeuvres:




-Types of maneuvers:

-Catch or undock from a dock.

-Amaral of tips.

-To be barreled.

-Portable communications equipment: handling and maintenance.

-IMO (International Maritime Organization) standard vocabulary used in the mooring and unmoored operations. Basic phrases and expressions in English.

-Risks related to cabs and cables:

-Individual protective equipment.

-Preventive measures.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative module-MF1308_1





Code: MF1309_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC1309_1: Perform mooring, connection/disconnection of hoses, and unmoored from ships to monoboyas

Duration: 50 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the mooring/untying process of the monoboya chains to the ship following the indicated operating procedures

CE1.1 Describe the functions of the guide, taking into account the type of maneuver (amarre/untie).

CE1.2 Before an alleged mooring/untying of the chains of the monoboya to the ship, relate the phases of the procedure, taking into account the maneuver to be carried out.

CE1.3 Describe the planned emergency largage operational process for the ship's mooring/untie.

C2: Apply connection/disconnection techniques from the hosepipe hoses to the ship, taking into account safety standards.

CE2.1 Describe the tools for the hoseized hose according to the safety criteria and the maneuver to be performed.

CE2.2 Explain the hosehead process until it is over the collection tray.

CE2.3 Describe the process of draining the manifold before disconnecting the hoses or arms.

C3: Explain the preventive measures to be taken into account to avoid contamination and minimize the risks, during the mooring/untying and connection/disconnection of hoses taking into account applicable regulations.

CE3.1 List individual protective equipment used during mooring/undocking, connection/disconnection of hoses, following occupational risk prevention protocols

CE3.2 In the case of a hose connection/disconnection, apply the preventive measures to avoid contamination in the hydrocarbon load/discharge operation, as required by the regulations.

CE3.3 Describe the process of connecting the ship to the land mass to avoid static electricity during operations.

CE3.4 Recognize possible risks in maneuvers by the influence of wind and current

C4: Describe the procedure for establishing communications for mooring/untying to monoboyas and connection/disconnection of hoses.

CE4.1 Describe the handling of communication equipment based on the operation to be performed.

CE4.2 Describe the maintenance of use of communication equipment by following the manufacturer's manuals.

CE4.3 Understand the usual expressions in the mooring/untie operations to monoboyas and hose connection/disconnection in the normalized language (OMI).


1. Mooring/untying manoeuvres to monoboyas and hose connection/disconnection

-Core equipment and auxiliary mooring and anchoring elements

-Maniworks to monoboyas: mooring, unmooring and anchoring.

-Orders during operations

-Operating procedures during maneuvers

-Connection/disconnect of hoses.

-Hose Hoisting Media

-Precautions for handling of hoisting equipment.

-Drain of the manifold before disconnecting the hoses or arms.

2. Communications during the mooring/demure operations and anchorage to monoboyas

-Portable communications equipment

-Basic phrases and expressions in inglesused during operations

3. Risk prevention in the mooring/demure operations to monoboyas and hose connection/disconnection

-Derivative risks during operations:

-Individual protective equipment.

-Preventive measures.

-Measures to prevent hydrocarbon contamination in loading and unloading operations.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

duration in hours of the training


Forgative Module-MF1309_1




Code: MF0733_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0733_1: Act on maritime emergencies and apply safety rules at work

Duration: 60 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Recognize and apply the measures to be taken in case of ship abandonment and survival at sea, according to the orders received or the provisions of the organic frame of the ship, in order to prevent the safety of human life in the sea.

CE1.1 Describe the measures and identify the lifesaving means and devices to be used, in case of ship abandonment, in accordance with the established emergency plan, in order to safeguard the life of the crews.

CE1.2 List the actions to be taken at sea and in the survival craft, following established nautical procedures, in order to protect human life at sea.

CE1.3 In a scenario of ship abandonment and sea survival:

-Place a life jacket, jump into the water and swim to climb the raft, following instructions and established procedures, in order to achieve survival at sea.

-Adrize a life raft by wearing the vest, according to established operational procedures, in order to be used as a means of survival.

-Use the boat survival equipment, in accordance with established instructions and protocols, in order to preserve the life of the vessels

CE1.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).

C2: Identify and adopt measures, and use the means of fire prevention and control, following the instructions of the emergency plan, to preserve the safety of the ship and its crew.

CE2.1 List the measures to be taken to prevent a fire from originating on board, following the instructions and recommendations set out.

CE2.2 Describe the devices and means of fire-fighting and escape routes, in order to be used in this type of emergency, in accordance with the provisions of the organic frame of the vessel.

CE2.3 In a scenario of fire on board:

-Proceed to the extinction of a fire, by means of extinguishing agents, taking into account the type and source of ignition, in order to prevent its spread and to achieve its extinction.

-Use the autonomous breathing apparatus for the extinction of a fire and rescue operations, following established procedures and protocols, to achieve its extinction and rescue of endangered crew.

CE2.4 Describe the different types of fires and elements involved in these and the conditions conducive to them.

C3: Rate the apparent physical condition of the accident victims on board, applying the urgent health care measures, following established procedures, in order to minimize the damage.

CE3.1 Relate the useful, material of cures and medicines used on board the ship, for emergency situations with accidents, available in the first aid kit.

CE3.2 In a scenario:

-Apply treatment and care with accidents on board, in cases of asphyxiation, cardiac arrest, bleeding, shock, wounds and burns, following established medical procedures and protocols, to minimize damage to the patients.

CE3.3 In a practical scenario:

-To act by applying immobilization techniques and bandages in cases of trauma, rescue and transport of accidents, according to established medical procedures and protocols, to prevent damage to the accidents and to facilitate their evacuation.

C4: Describe the measures to be taken and the means to be used in accordance with the rules established in this respect, to protect personal safety and to prevent marine pollution.

CE4.1 Explain the information regarding security, used for equipment and means of personal, environmental and relief protection, interpreting it according to the established regulations, in order to minimize the risks when carrying out work on board.

CE4.2 Relating devices and means of personal protection, in accordance with the law on the prevention of occupational hazards, to preserve safety when carrying out work anywhere on the ship.

CE4.3 List the measures to be taken into account to protect the marine environment and to prevent contamination, according to established regulations.

CE4.4 Interpreting oral or written messages in normalized English (OMI).


1. Ship abandonment and survival at sea

-Preparing for any emergency:

-Organic box.

-Procedures for leaving the ship.

-Take action on water and measures on board survival craft.

-Personal protection equipment:

-Life-saving chalks.


-Life rafts.

-Rescue botes.

-Thermal equipment.


-Survival craft equipment.

-Hazards for survivors.

2. Fires on a ship

-Classification of fires.

-Fire and explosion elements.

-Exttor agents.

-Extinction equipment.

-Facilities and detection equipment.

-Fire alarm signals.

-Organization of fire-fighting on board.

-Personal protective equipment. Autonomous breathing equipment.

-Fire-fighting methods, agents, and procedures.

3. First aid at sea

-Sanitary resources for seafarers.

-Victim assessment: symptoms and signs.

-Structure and functions of the human body.

-Treatment of wounds, trauma, burns, bleeding, and shock.

-Choking, cardiac arrest. Resuscitation.

-Evacuation and rescue techniques for sick and injured people.

-Assessment of an emergency situation.

-On-board regulatory Botiquin.

4. Safety at work on a ship

-Types of hazards and emergencies that may occur on board.

-Contingency plans on board.

-Emergency and alarm signals.

-Table of obligations and slogans in emergency cases.

-Security token used for teams and means of survival.

-Orders related to onboard tasks.

-Working conditions and security.

-Personal and collective protective equipment.

-Regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.

-Prevention of pollution of the marine environment. Effects of accidental or operational pollution of the marine environment.

-Environmental protection procedures.

-Relief procedure.

-Importance of training and periodic exercises.

-Evacuation paths.

-National maritime salvage plan.

-Hot jobs.

-Precautions to be taken before entering enclosed spaces.

-Prevention of occupational risks. Noise limits, lighting, temperature, traffic lanes.

-Danger of drug use and alcohol abuse.

-Standard language of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Formative Module

Number of total hours of the module

Maximum number of hours susceptible


Formative Module-MF0733_1




Code: MP0319

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform the firings and largage of the mugs on the docking and undock maneuvers.

CE1.1 Abate a mooring cape and make it firm in a bitt in a docking maneuver.

CE1.2 Encaping a stache into a noray in a docking maneuver.

CE1.3 Desench a mooring cape from a noray and throw it in a disengage maneuver.

CE1.4 Virate a cape with the winch in a docking maneuver.

CE1.5 Virate a corporal with the molinet in a disengage maneuver.

C2: Develop the process of mooring/undocking and connection/disconnection of hoses by applying preventive measures of work and pollution.

CE2.1 Make the ship's guide firm to the monoboya chain virator.

CE2.2 Perform the connection/disconnection of the hose to a manifest by following the operating procedures indicated.

CE2.3 Perform emergency larch operations drills in case of incident.

CE2.4 Perform the purge and drain of the manifest and load connection hose, before disconnection

CE2.5 Proceed to the process of plugging and sealing of the manifold or hose arms after disconnected.

C3: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE3.1 Behave responsibly in both human relationships and the jobs to be performed.

CE3.2 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center.

CE3.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE3.4 Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE3.5 Use the established communication channels.

CE3.6 To respect at all times the measures of risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Handling of equipment, cabs and/or cables during the docking and undocking manoeuvres of vessels

-Faits with the equipment and the mugs during the maneuvers

-Claimed and larded operations of the mugs.

2. Operating procedures for mooring/untying of the vessel to monoboyas and connection/disconnection of hoses

-Subject of the hose to the load strut to avoid tidal and current stroke movements.

-Connection of the ship to the ground mass of the terminal

-Tagging and sealing of the manifest.

-Manifold drain and drain operations and load connection hose, before disconnection.

3. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation


Fishing vessel deck labels

• Licenced in Nautical and Shipping or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Certificates of professionalism level 2 and 3 of the professional area Marine-fishing professional family fishing

2 years



Amarre and demure of ships in port

• Licentiate in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or degree of degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Transport Maritime.

• Technical in Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Certificates of professionalism level 2 and 3 of the professional fishing professional family fishing area

4 years


Amarre, hose connection/disconnection, and ship-to-monoyoy unmoored

• Licenced in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalent

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport.

• Fisheries and Maritime Transport Technician

• Professional level 2 and 3 professional fishing professional family fishing area certificates

2 years

4 years


• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002, of 4 September

(Senior professional of the Navy Civil)

Essential titration



The spaces and facilities shall have to comply with the approval requirements laid down by the competent bodies. (* ** Facilities can be outsourced.)



15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils

-purpose Aula










-purpose Aula





Workshop for Practices






Aula multipurpose

-Rotuder-write Pizarras

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

- Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for

Workshop for Practices

-Work Safety Media: Individual and Collective Protective Equipment

-Cabs, Stachas, Calablets, Boars, among others.

-Manguages, flanges, blind caps, among others.

-Portable communication equipment (walkies-talkies).

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Denomination: Inland and Next Coast Navigation

Code: MAPN0510

Professional Family: Maritime-Pesquera

Professional area: Fishing and navigation

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAP171_2 Navigation in inland waters and near the coast (RD 1228/2006, October 27)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0537_2: Get ship dispatch and start it out of sea.

UC0538_2: Organize and perform ship maneuver and load operations.

UC0539_2: Perform ship navigation.

UC0540_2: Organize and control security, fire fighting, and onboard emergencies.

UC0541_1: Control the operating parameters of the propulsion machine and the auxiliary equipment and facilities of the ship.

General competition:

Organize, manage and execute the activities of maritime transport in inland waters and in the vicinity of the coast, under security conditions, in compliance with current national and international regulations.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity, both self-employed and employed, in ships dedicated to the shipping of cargo and/or passengers, to services of pilotage, safety and marine rescue, to auxiliary services of aquaculture, research, diving, or other, in ports, rias, bays and places close to the coast with limitations on the vessel's tonnage, navigations to be performed, maximum number of passengers to be transported and motor power of the engine.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the maritime-fisheries sector and, in particular, in the following productive activities:

Shipping of goods.

Maritime passenger transport.

Practice, safety and maritime salvage.

Aquaculture, diving, research, among others.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Port pattern (regulated profession by competent administration in merchant marine)

Pattern dedicated to the shipping of goods and/or passengers, pilotage services, safety, maritime salvage, aquaculture, diving, research, etc., with the limitations that are established.

Requirements required for professional exercise:

According to Royal Decree 1519/2007 of 16 November, in order to exercise the professional activity of seaman on fishing vessels it will be necessary to be in possession of the professional card of marinero-angler and in possession of the Certificate of Speciality of Basic Training of Seaman according to Order FOM 2296/2002 of 4 September.

Associated training duration: 480 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0537_2: (Cross-sectional) Administration and boot (30 hours)

MF0538_2: (Transverse) Maneuver and vessel stability (100 hours)

□ UF1635: Preparation and execution of ship loading and unloading operations (30 hours)

□ UF1636: Organization and direction of vessel navigation maneuvers (70 hours)

MF0539_2: (Cross) Ship navigation and communications (150 hours)

□ UF1637: Ship navigation in lowland and near shore fishing (90 hours)

□ UF1638: Application of the meteorological information on the vessel (30 hours)

□ UF1639: Maritime communication of the vessel (30 hours)

MF0540_2: (Cross-sectional) Security, survival, and first aid at sea (70 hours)

MF0541_1 (Transverse): Internal Combustion Engines, and Vessel Auxiliary Machines and Equipment (90 hours)

MP0351: Non-work professional practice module for inland and near shore navigation (40 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0537_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Issue the ship to go out to sea in adequate time and form, and in accordance with current regulations.

CR1 .1. The role for the ship's dispatch is completed in appropriate time and form.

CR1 .2. The relationship of crew and/or passengers is properly completed in accordance with national and international standards and criteria.

CR1 .3. The manifest of the load is completed and correctly presented at the entrance and exit of the ship.

RP2: Meet the administrative and labour requirements necessary to perform the maritime activity as established by the competent administrations.

CR2 .1. The ship's acknowledgements are carried out in accordance with the current legislation and the regulatory certificates are checked for up to date.

CR2 .2. The contracts, titles and professional certificates of the crew are found to be in force and in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities.

CR2 .3. Breakdown claims are written and formalised in an appropriate manner and in accordance with what happened during loading, unloading or travelling. 

RP3: Plan the victualling, reception, and stowage for the ship to go out to the sea in the right way.

CR3 .1. Orders for supplies, equipment and consumption are made according to the needs of the ship.

CR3 .2. The provisions, equipment and consumption are received by checking that they meet the quality requirements.

CR3 .3. The provisions, equipment and consumption are stretched and stored in the appropriate form and places.

Professional Context

Production media

Publications, books, certificates, and other documents required for this type of vessel and navigation. Patent for navigation. Dispatch and endowment role. Journal of navigation. Journal of the radio communications service. Certificates of Navigability, Security of Arms Material, Arqueo, Franco-Bordo, Recognition and Inspection of Life rafts, Health Recognition and Depreciation, Commercial Registration, Stability Testing, The invention also includes a nautical material and a device for the use of detours, a radio-telephone safety device. Station licence of the vessel. Navigation books of the crew. Crew list and/or passengers. List of items and provisions. Inventory of consumption, lubricants and fresh water. Parts of breakdowns. Insurance policies and charters.

Products and results

Obtaining from the ship prior to departure or arrival to port that allow you to go to the sea or arrive to port in time and proper form. Carrying out the planned sailings with fuel autonomy and with the necessary supplies and equipment, as the ship has been properly notified and started at sea.

Information used or generated

Ship dispatch rules. Regulation on the recognition of ships. International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea. Legislation on ports and the merchant navy. Provisions of the maritime capitanies for the entry and exit of vessels. Maritime insurance policies. Maritime vocabulary. International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0538_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Handle the mechanical elements in the loading, unloading, docking, undocking, and anchorage manoeuvres to safely achieve optimal performance of the operations.

CR1 .1. The mechanical lifting and loading equipment is handled by observing the safety measures established in this respect.

CR1 .2. The mooring ropes and cables shall be properly run with the winch, winch and/or cabiron, and after being abozated they are passed to the mooring points.

CR1 .3. The dethrincing and enlistment operations of the molinet are made effectively for the apet and lease of the anchor.

RP2: Manipulate the ship in accordance with established maritime rules and respecting good marine practices in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR2 .1. Government equipment is checked, prior to departure or arrival to port or anchorage and during navigation, making sure of its proper functioning and availability.

CR2 .2. The vessel's maneuvering capacity is evaluated correctly, to perform the docking, undocking, and anchorage maneuvers.

CR2 .3. The ship's manoeuvres with respect to other vessels are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the "International Regulations to Prevent Boarding at Sea".

RP3: Organize and direct the maneuvers and operations of search and rescue of shipwrecks at sea in an appropriate way to make the rescue.

CR3 .1. The "man-to-water" maneuver is done by following the navigation procedures used in these cases.

CR3 .2. The shipwreck search and rescue maneuver is performed by following the navigation procedures used in these cases.

CR3 .3. Aircraft operations are performed according to procedures and methods established by rules and regulations to this effect. 

RP4: Carry out loading and unloading operations in compliance with the established safety regulations to control the stability and trimship of the ship.

CR4 .1. The cargo of the vessel is properly trinada to prevent its correction.

CR4 .2. The cargo of the vessel is properly stretched to obtain the appropriate stability and trims.

CR4 .3. The hatches, hammers and ports are checked, verifying that they are in a position to guarantee their tightness.

CR4 .4. Drains and imbornals are proven to be in a position not to produce water retentions in case of bad weather.

Professional Context

Production media

Government rudder, clinometer, government servomotor, whistle, clear view, flag set of the International Code of Signals, lamp of morse flashes, machinillas, molinet, tackle, struts, hand defenses, hatches, watertight doors, bitches, guides, gats, cat scale, lifeguards, mothons, pastecs, tensioners, shackles, clogs, hooks, booklets, anchors, chain, cabs, cables, jaws, sleds, propeller, trancaniles, drains, imbornals, panols, gambambles, bodegas.

Products and results

Docking manoeuvres, undocking and anchorage of the properly executed vessel. Loading and unloading of goods and/or passengers carried out correctly. Manoeuvring vessels according to the regulation by avoiding approaches. Maneuver in case of search and rescue of shipwrecks and operations with aircraft with satisfactory result. Perform the loading and stowage of the load and the equipment correctly. Put the ship in draught and with adequate stability.

Information used or generated

Regulation on loading and passage. International regulation to prevent sea boarding. International code of signals by flag, flashes and acoustic signals. International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea. Additional rules for SOLAS. Stability criteria of the International Maritime Organization (O.M.I.) Certificate of navigability. Drawings of the vessel's forms. Hydrostatic curves. General layout plans, capacities, and coordinates of the center of gravity of holds and tanks. Curve of evolution. Journal of navigation. Logbook. MERSAR and IMOSAR manuals. Maritime Vocabulary (O.M. I).

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0539_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Keep nautical publications updated to safely perform navigation.

CR1 .1. The letters and nautical publications are corrected and updated with the information received in the notices to the navigators and using the last editions.

CR1 .2. Electronic letters are updated with the information Navtex or any other source.

CR1 .3. The nautical letters and publications are selected according to the intended defeats.

CR1 .4. The nautical letters and publications are arranged to be arranged for easy localization.

RP2: Determine the position of the ship and plot the losses correctly to ensure the safety of the ship.

CR2 .1. The position lines taken to the known points of the coast are measured, corrected, and plotted correctly on the card, obtaining the status of the ship accurately.

CR2 .2. The position lines obtained by the radionavigation or satellite equipment are obtained correctly and the situation of the ship is determined exactly.

CR2 .3. The rumbos and distances of the defeats drawn on the card are measured and plotted precisely, to determine on the charter the estimated situation of the ship correctly. 

RP3: Perform safe navigation by complying with regulations to avoid boarding, stranding, embedding, and preventing marine pollution.

CR3 .1. Ships sailing in proximity are observed with attention, determining if there is a risk of boarding, in order to avoid it.

CR3 .2. The defeats to be followed on the charter are studied by identifying and defining precisely the safe areas and the dangerous areas the ship is going to sail through, in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR3 .3. The books of lighthouses, waste, tidal yearbooks and other nautical publications are consulted and analyzed in order to navigate safely.

CR3 .4. The ship situation is determined at regular intervals of time, checking that the successful loss is followed.

CR3 .5. Navigation aid instruments and equipment are checked, verifying that their operation is correct.

CR3 .6. Specific regulatory measures, in the case of navigation with reduced visibility, are taken in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR3 .7. The necessary precautions to avoid marine pollution are carried out, in compliance with national and international legislation.

RP4: Interpret meteorological information using data obtained or supplied to ensure the safety of the ship.

CR4 .1. The meteorological variables and the state of the sea are accurately observed and measured in order to obtain the meteorological information.

CR4 .2. Radio-telephone stations are correctly selected and tuned in order to obtain the meteorological information.

CR4 .3. The meteorological information received from the radio-telephone stations and the data taken on board the ship are analysed, in order to make a forecast of the evolution of the time and the state of the sea.

RP5: Analyze and interpret radar information for navigation help and prevent approaches appropriately.

CR5 .1. The display mode of the radar screen is selected appropriately, depending on the circumstances of the time.

CR5 .2. Factors and deficiencies affecting the performance and presentation of the radar image are taken into account and corrected with appropriate controls.

CR5 .3. Vessels that are observed on the radar screen are correctly punctured in order to determine whether there is a risk of collision.

RP6: Get information and manage communication equipment and systems based on protocols in place to establish communications.

CR6 .1. Communication and security teams are tuned, tested, and managed by appropriate time and form.

CR6 .2. Traffic between ships and/or coastal stations is carried out in a correct manner in accordance with the International Radio Regulations.

CR6 .3. Relief, urgency and safety traffic is issued in compliance with the rules and codes established in this respect.

CR6 .4. The use of appropriate equipment ensures the correct reception of information on maritime safety.

Professional Context

Production media

Nautical material: navigation letters, notices to boaters, squadron, cartabon, parallel rules, magnifying glass, nautical conveyor, compas, pencil, eraser, colored rutters, azimutal alidade, logclock, chronograph. Meteorological material: barometer, thermometer, hygrometer. Navigation instruments and positioning equipment: magnetic needle, gyroscopic needle, repeaters, radar, gonium, probe, slide, G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) plotter. Safety and communications equipment: radio installation of metric waves (V.H.F.), World System of distress and maritime safety (G. M. D. S. S), radiobaliza of casualty location.

Products and results

Identify headlights, buoys and beacons in order to obtain position lines. To determine the ship's position by simultaneous or non-simultaneous position lines to known points on the coast. Determine the position of the ship by position lines taken from the radionavigation equipment. Calculate the total correction of the compass to apply to the needle course. Draw the losses of the ship in the charter and place the estimated positions on them at regular intervals of time. Calculate the surface direction when the vessel is affected by wind. Calculate the actual course and the effective speed when the ship is affected. Determine the hours and heights of the tides. To make a forecast of the time with the observations of the instruments on board and with the meteorological information received from coastal stations. Determine if there is a risk of boarding with another vessel using the radar. Carry out radio-telephone communications with ships and coastal stations. Issue and receive messages of distress, urgency and security.

Information used or generated

Catalog of letters and nautical publications. Letter OD of symbols and abbreviations used in the Spanish letters. Defeats. Beacons and fog signs books. Book of radiosenals. Regulation of the Balization. Notices to boaters. Tidal yearbook. Regulation to prevent approaches at sea. MARPOL Convention. INMARSAT communications system. Global system for maritime safety and security. Regulation of radio communications. Journal of navigation. Logbook. Maritime vocabulary (O.M.I.).

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC0540_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Organize and direct emergency operations, flood, ship abandonment, sea survival, shipwreck search and rescue, in accordance with the ship's emergency plans, to ensure safety.

CR1 .1. The means of achique to be used are reviewed by checking its operability and a propping, plugging and achique of a flooded space is performed effectively, using the appropriate means and systems.

CR1 .2. The individual and collective rescue and survival teams at sea are reviewed to check that they are in a position to be used for immediate use.

CR1 .3. The simulation of ship abandonment and survival at sea is carried out using appropriate techniques and procedures according to the circumstances.

CR1 .4. The maneuvers of search, rescue and collection of shipwrecks, are executed correctly according to the norms and procedures established in this respect.

RP2: Organize and direct fire prevention and control operations, in accordance with the ship's emergency plans, to ensure safety.

CR2 .1. Detection systems and fixed installations and portable fire extinguishing equipment are checked and are checked and are in a position to be used effectively.

CR2 .2. The organization and signage for the fight against fires is verified to be the correct one, confirming that all the crew is trained to intervene in case of emergency.

CR2 .3. The simulation of fire suppression of any kind and the salvage in a closed and smoke-filled space is performed using the appropriate extinguishing agents and breathing equipment.

RP3: Apply urgent health care measures on board, to sick and injured, according to established procedures, to minimize possible injuries or pathologies.

CR3 .1. The ship's boob is checked to be ready for immediate use, identifying the drugs and cure material.

CR3 .2. The necessary medical advice is obtained using the methods and procedures established in this respect.

CR3 .3. Treatment, in case of shipwreck, accident, bleeding, burn, fracture, or other, is carried out in each case by appropriate measures.

RP4: Organize and control safety at work, applying the law on the prevention of occupational hazards at sea to prevent marine pollution.

CR4 .1. The boarding and disembarkation of staff and/or passengers is carried out using appropriate means to ensure safety in accordance with the legislation in force.

CR4 .2. The work decks and hallways are properly illuminated, provided with safety cabs and railings in order to protect the crew and/or passengers.

CR4 .3. Work on deck or on any part of the ship is carried out using appropriate means of protection to ensure safety in accordance with the legislation in force.

CR4 .4. Electrical equipment and hazardous installations are verified to be protected and signposted according to the current regulations.

CR4 .5. The spaces dedicated to the crew and/or passengers are shown to be well lit, ventilated and under the conditions laid down by the legal norms.

CR4 .6. The measures necessary to prevent marine pollution are applied in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in this respect.

Professional Context

Production media

Work safety: Personal and collective protective equipment: Arneses, winks, gloves, helmets, goggles, belts, clothing, footwear, etc. and all necessary material for use in the work in accordance with the law of protection of occupational risks. Regulatory kit. Means to prevent contamination: Bags, containers and material necessary in accordance with the MARPOL Convention. Means of detection and fire extinguishing: Automatic detection and fire extinguishing equipment with water sprinklers. Alarm detection systems, smoke detectors, heat detectors, etc. Fixed fire extinguishing installations with inert gases. CO2 extinction systems. Automatic door and door lock systems. Fire emergency water pump. Network of water collectors. Fire hydrants. Fixed extinction facilities: Foam, chemical powder. Portable extinguishing equipment: From dust, foam, inert gas. Hoses, spears, connections and axes. Breathing equipment: Autonomy and handbooks. Firefighter's suit. Rescue media: Life-saving Chalecos, lifeguards, survival suits, life rafts, rescue boats, devices for the release of life rafts and rescue boats, survival craft equipment, radio-beacon location, radar responder, fireworks and flares, spray signals, heliograph, portable relief station.

Products and results

The work done on deck or on any part of the ship executed without accidents. Discharges of waste and discharges into the sea carried out in accordance with the MARPOL Convention. Fire fighting exercises, flooding, ship abandonment, survival at sea and search and rescue of shipwrecks. Radio communications for medical advice. Emergency health care for sick and injured people correctly.

Information used or generated

Labor risk prevention regulations. Organic frame of the vessel. National plan for marine rescue and the fight against pollution. Search and rescue MERSAR manual. MOB of the G.P.S. in case of man to water. Handbooks on flammable and combustible materials, on the classification and extinction of fires, on fire chemistry, on the disposal of bulkheads and covers of the vessel. Health Guide.

Medical record. IMO Maritime Vocabulary.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 1

Code: UC0541_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Control the commissioning and subsequent observation of the work parameters of the ship's propellant system.

CR1 .1. The propellant engine is prepared for boot, putting its auxiliary services in operation according to the established procedures.

CR1 .2. Engine operation is checked by the pressure, temperature, level, speed, flow (fuel) and load indicators.

CR1 .3. The acoustic and visual alarms of: pressures, temperatures and levels of the lubrication, cooling and fuel circuits are checked, and the speed-stopping system acts properly in time and form.

CR1 .4. Anomalies produced during the operation of engines that have not been warned by, or in the absence of, alarms are properly detected and controlled.

CR1 .5. The circuits of the different services are verified, checking the operation of safety valves and control and control systems.

RP2: Control the operating parameters of the electric power generators in the distribution box, and the power supplies and electrical and electronic equipment and navigation lights.

CR2 .1. The coupling of alternators is performed taking into account the sequence of phases, and once coupled, the load distribution is carried out on each generator.

CR2 .2. The measuring instruments and signalling lamps of the main and distribution table are checked to ensure their proper functioning

CR2 .3. Proper operation of the power supplies of the navigation equipment and lights is properly checked.

CR2 .4. The emergency lighting is checked to work properly, both automatically (before a plant fall) and manually.

RP3: Verify that the operating parameters of the pneumatic and hydraulic systems are within the set values.

CR3 .1. The drawings and technical specifications of the components of the pneumatic and hydraulic circuits are interpreted to clearly know the work to be done.

CR3 .2. Air compressors are proven to work properly, meeting their technical specifications.

CR3 .3. The pressure reducers, filters and lubricators of the pneumatic circuits are checked to work within the prescribed values.

CR3 .4. Oil separators and air dryers are proven to work properly.

CR3 .5. The activation of the acoustic and visual alarms of the levels of oil, water pressure and lubrication, is carried out in the established values.

CR3 .6. The hydraulic system of the rudder, is proven to work properly before going out to the sea, both in automatic and manual mode.

RP4: Perform simple maintenance, repair, and replacement operations for broken elements.

CR4 .1. The change of oil and the replacement or cleaning of filters is performed according to the instructions of the respective manuals.

CR4 .2. Cooler cleaning operations are performed when the pressure and temperature parameters so advise.

CR4 .3. The tightness of the pneumatic and hydraulic circuits is verified, replaced or repaired, if necessary, flexible ducts or pipes.

CR4 .4. The damaged, easy-to-recover parts are repaired by simple execution operations.

CR4 .5. The bornes of the batteries are properly cleaned and greased.

CR4 .6. The charging of the batteries and the level of the liquid of all the vessels is proven to be the correct one.

CR4 .7. The battery charger is verified to work properly, both manually and automatically.

CR4 .8. Failures that occur during the operation of the plant without being warned by the alarm system, or in the absence thereof, are correctly detected and controlled.

Professional Context

Production media

Internal Combustion Engines. Centrifugal pumps. Heat exchangers. Valves. Filters. Accumulator batteries. Load systems.

Products and results

Start up, operation in optimal conditions and stop of diesel engines. Propulsion of the vessel. Auxiliary systems in conditions of optimum operation: lubrication, cooling, fuel and start-up. Control of levels, pressures and temperatures. Measuring instruments: length, temperature, pressure, density. Measuring instruments of electrical quantities: voltmeter, amperimeter, vatimeter.

Information used or generated

Instructions and maintenance manuals. Listing of parts and components. Battery charging systems for electrical accumulators. Orders received. Interpretation of schemes and plans.




Code: MF0537_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0537_2Get ship dispatch and start it at sea

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the requirements for obtaining the ship's office, as established by the maritime authorities.

CE1.1 Relate and describe the function of the documents required for the ship's dispatch, in accordance with the legislation in force.

CE1.2 Before a ship type dispatch, complete the documents required by the maritime authority in the inbound and outbound operations, taking into account the regulations established in this respect.

CE1.3 Explain the process to be followed for the exceptional cases of an early dispatch or auto-dispatch and subsequent communication to the maritime authority.

C2: Interpret the documents and certificates to be carried by the ship and crew to perform the maritime activity and required by the authorities, as applicable.

CE2.1 List the documents to be carried by the ship, as well as the certificates for its activity.

CE2.2 Before a ship management and management assumption, relate ship certificates from the scope of stability, navigability and safety.

CE2.3 In the case of ship management and management, relate professional qualifications and certificates of specialty of the crew to make a trip, as well as the state of their medical examinations prior to boarding.

CE2.4 In the event of damage on board, report the occurrence and formalize a part of the breakdowns. 

C3: Determine the needs of supplies, supplies and supplies, considering the conditions of their storage, stowage or tide to be made.

CE3.1 List the minimum supplies, supplies, and provisions for a tide.

CE3.2 Explain the ideal storage and stowage conditions of the various equipment according to their characteristics.

CE3.3 Before an alleged start of the ship, estimate and calculate the supplies, supplies and provisions necessary for a given tide. 


1. The ship and the dispatch to the sea in inland waters and near the coast

-Concept and legal nature.

-Formas of acquiring ownership of the ship.

-Ship Enrollment:

-Shipping of ships.

-Record of movable goods.

-The legal functions and responsibilities of the pattern.

-The concept and structure of the dispatch and endowment role.

-Operational fishing fleet census function and fishing license.

-The crew list.

-The General Declaration of the Captain or Pattern.

-Regulation on ship dispatch applied to fishing vessels for inland and inland waters and close to the coast.

2. Documents and certificates in the ship's maritime activity

-Navigation patent.

-Cedula and fishing license.

-Navigation journal.

-Dispatch and provisioning role.

-Fishing notebook.

-Certificates to be carried by a fishing vessel of inshore and inland waters and close to the coast: navigability, safety, radio, tonnage, freeboard, among others.

-Maritime Enrollment Book.

-Professional titles and specialty certificates.

-Pre-boarding medical recognition.

-A breakdown and type insurance policy for a lowdown fishing vessel.

3. Grubbing up of the vessel in inland waters near the coast

-Control of consumption: fuel, lubricants, food and fresh water, among others.

-List of supplies and supplies.

-Calculation of daily/weekly consumption index of fuel, food and fresh water.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours capable of distance

Formative Module-MF0537_ 2


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0538_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0538_2 Organize and perform ship maneuver and load operations

Duration: 100 hours




Duration:30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 for load and unload operations and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Specify the mechanical elements used in the loading and unloading operations of the ship, taking into account the maximum safety and efficacy conditions.

CE1.1 List and describe the equipment and items that are required to handle the weights on board.

CE1.2 In the case of loading and unloading, explain the operation of the media and equipment of hoisting and leasing, respecting the safety measures.

CE1.3 Describe how a ship's load can be caught to prevent its correction.

C2: Determine the planning of the loading and unloading operations, taking into account the stability notebook and the plans of the vessel.

CE2.1 Distinguished the main elements of consolidation and the interior spaces, in view of the general layout of the ship, explaining its characteristics.

CE2.2 Relate the ship's vertical, transverse, and longitudinal consolidation structural elements.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of load distribution, explain how to distribute the weights on board to maintain the ship with a reserve of adequate buoyancy and with the predicted draught.

CE2.4 Explain the movements of the center of gravity of the ship caused by the loads, downloads, and the transfer of weights.

CE2.5 Point out the consequences that on the stability of the ship produces the flooding of a compartment or the navigation with partially filled tanks.

CE2.6 Specify possible risks that on the stability of the ship produce suspend or stretch weights on the deck.


1. Structure and characteristics of the ship in loading and unloading operations

-Main dimensions of the ship.

-Ship reference lines and lines.

-Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and vertical consolidation elements.

-Ship build types.

-Arqueo and Francobordo.

-Maximum load lines.

2. Means and operations of loading and unloading of the ship and applicable regulations

-Load and unload operations.

-Use in the stowage.

-Fixed and mobile equipment, items and accessories for loading and unloading.

-Regulation on loading and passage.

-International Maritime Organization (IMO) stability criteria.

-Convention for the Safety of Human Life in the Sea (SOLAS/SEVIMAR).

3. Transverse and longitudinal stability of the vessel

-Center of gravity, center of fairing, and metacentro

-Planes and stability curves: basic knowledge.

-Basic knowledge of planes and stability curves.

-Ship seat and seat.

-Suspended weights: negative effects on stability.

-Liquid loads.






Code: UF1636

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to the RP1 for the maneuvers, with RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the berthing operations, undocking and anchorage of the vessel, taking into account the maximum safety and efficacy conditions.

CE1.1 List and describe the equipment and devices used in the ship's maneuvers.

CE1.2 Expose the combined effects of the helix and rudder during maneuvers.

CE1.3 Explain the effects of the cabos on the ship's maneuvers.

CE1.4 In the case of a docking maneuver, explain how to turn the hair and cables using the winch, winch and/or cabiron, as well as to raise them and pass them to the mooring points.

CE1.5 Describe how to dethrone and prepare the molinet for the anchor and the anchor.

C2: Explain the performance of all types of manoeuvres on a ship, taking into account both the International Regulations to prevent boarding at sea, as well as the characteristics of the ship and the atmospheric conditions, ensure the security of the same.

CE2.1 Expose the process to be followed to check the operation and availability of government equipment, before departure or arrival to port or anchorage and during navigation, taking into account the rules established in the International Regulation to Prevent Approaches at Sea and the International Beacon System (IALA).

CE2.2 Identify the types of trailer to be used in port or at sea to perform the docking maneuvers, undocking and securely anchoring.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of navigation with reduced visibility, explain the maneuvers to be carried out in order to guarantee the safety of the ship, depending on the presence of another vessel, as well as the conditions of the sea, wind and Reigning current.

CE2.4 List the lights and markings to be displayed by vessels engaged in fishing according to their mode, whether in navigation or anchorage, in order to comply with the International Regulations to prevent boarding at sea.

C3: Plan the shipwreck search and rescue maneuvers and operations, in accordance with regulatory regulations, ship characteristics, and weather conditions.

CE3.1 Explain the criteria to be followed in the maneuvers of search and rescue of shipwrecks to carry out rescue operations, in application of the regulatory regulations.

CE3.2 Explain the precautions to be taken when conducting shipwreck search and rescue maneuvers, depending on the status of the sea and the characteristics of the ship.

CE3.3 Before a "man in the water" scenario, expose the procedure to be followed and the maneuvers to be performed in the search and rescue of the castaway.


1. Types of manoeuvring and propulsion equipment and government of the vessel

-Maneuver types: docking, undocking, and port move.

-propulsion and governance equipment:

-Helices and rudders.

-Evolving effects of the helix and rudder.

2. Equipment and elements of anchorage and mooring of the vessel

-Equipment and elements of the vessel used in anchorage manoeuvres:



-Ship mooring elements:



3. Regulations applicable to the operation of the vessel's manoeuvring

-Normalized Maritime Navigation (IMO) Vocabulary.

-International regulation to prevent sea boarding.

-Maritime Bizing Systems.

-International Token Code.

-Convention for the Safety of Human Life in the Sea (SOLAS/SEVIMAR).

-International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (revised SAR Convention).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training









Standard 10

Formative Unit 2-UF1636



To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0539_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0539_2Effective ship navigation

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1637

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP5.  

capabilities and assessment criteria

C1: Correct the letters and nautical publications, interpreting the information received on board in order to update them and navigate safely.

CE1.1 Describe nautical publications of interest for navigation.

CE1.2 Explain how the letters and nautical publications are updated through the information received on board the ship.

CE1.3 Before a shipping scenario, select the letters and nautical publications required to tide.

C2: Calculate the ship's situation to the coast or by electronic means, properly planning the losses on the nautical card.

CE2.1 Define the position lines used in coastal navigation in order to determine the position of the vessel.

CE2.2 Interpret the information received in the electronic navigation equipment in order to know the ship's situation.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate on the nautical chart the situation of the ship by position lines by observations to known points of the coast, tracing the most convenient defeat to follow, once identified and assessed the hazards.

CE2.4 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate the situation of the ship by esteem in the nautical chart, after sailing a certain time, knowing the position of departure, the direction and the distance navigated.

C3: Describe the measures and precautions to be taken into account during navigation, using the means of the ship in order to prevent accidents.

CE3.1 List the means of the vessel that can be used during navigation in order to avoid accidents.

CE3.2 Explain the procedure to determine if there is a risk of boarding with other ships sailing in the vicinity.

CE3.3 Explain the conditions in which navigation should be performed when visibility is reduced.

CE3.4 Before a shipping scenario, calculate the position of the ship on the nautical card to check the loss.

C4: Explain waste control and consumption operations to avoid marine pollution, applying national and international conventions.

CE4.1 Describe the obligations arising from national and international conventions (MARPOL) on discharges and discharges into the sea that affect our ship.

CE4.2 List the basic protection measures of the marine environment based on the operations and activities of the ship.

CE4.3 Identify actions or elements of ship activity that may lead to marine pollution.

C5: Operate with the radar, interpreting your information in order to determine the position of the ship and avoid boarding and stranding.

CE5.1 Explain the theoretical basis of the operation of the radar equipment.

CE5.2 In the case of navigation, determine by radar information the possibility of boarding with other ships.

CE5.3 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate with the radar information, the ship situation, taking markups and distances to known points of the coast.


1. Land coordinate system

-Lines and points of the earth sphere: axis, poles, equator, meridians and parallels.

-Terrestrial coordinates: latitude, longitude. Latitude and longitude difference. Mating.

-Units of measurement used in navigation: sea mile, knot, yard, cable and foot.

-The horizon of the sea. Cardinal points. Rloxodromic course.

2. Navigation charts

-Land surface projections: nautical charts; merchant charter.

-Interpretation and handling of the nautical charts: useful for working on the cards.

-Status in the letter. Measure of rumps and distances in the nautical charts.

-Most important signs and abbreviations of the nautical charts.

-Scale of cards: classification of letters according to their scale.

3. Nautical needle

-Field magnetism: tilt and magnetic declination. Magnetic meridian.

-Signs of the magnetic declination. Magnetic direction.

-Nautical magnetic water: description and characteristics. Direction of needle: Desvio from the compass. Compensation. Total correction. True course. Rumbos conversion.

-Ways to divide the horizon: circular and quadrant.

-gyroscopic needle.

4. Coastal navigation and navigation of esteem in the letter

-Position lines: delays, markups, fillings, oppositions, veriles, distances.

-Relationship between delay to direction and markup. Instruments for marking: winged, taximeters.

-Ship situation by concurrent or non-concurrent position lines.

-Navigation of esteem in the letter: navigation of esteem with wind. Despondency.

-Current estimate navigation. Drift. Triangle of speeds.

-nautical publications of aid to coastal navigation: books of lighthouses, waste, warnings to boaters, navtex, tidal yearbook.

5. Electronic navigation and navigation aid teams

-Electromagnetic waves:

-Goniometer: radio-hoops.

-Radar: The radar foundation. Interpretation of the radar screen. Coastal navigation with radar. Use of radar to avoid approaches. Anti-collision Cinematic.

-Satellite navigation (G.P.S.) and (D.G.P. S): Plotters. Electronic letters.



6. Prevention of marine pollution

-General idea of Annexes I, IV and V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

-Discharge and discharge regime to the sea in accordance with Spanish legislation (FOM)

-Delivery of ship-generated waste.

-Marine pollution emergency plans by stranding or boarding.



Code: UF1638

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Interpret the meteorological information obtained with the means of the ship in order to know the state of the time and its possible evolution.

CE1.1 List the most important weather variables that are used on board to know the state of the time.

CE1.2 Obtain the values of the meteorological variables by means of the vessel's measuring instruments.

CE1.3 Relate the data obtained on board the most important meteorological variables with the state of the time and its possible evolution.

C2: Interpret the meteorological information obtained through the coastal stations and/or the receivers of the vessel in order to know the state of the time and its impact on the navigation.

CE2.1 Select the appropriate coastal stations to receive the weather information that allows us to know the existing and expected conditions of the weather.

CE2.2 Relate the information of the degrees of the wind and sea-state measurement scales with the wind speed and wave height.

CE2.3 In the case of navigation, interpret the meteorological information received through the coastal stations or the receivers of the ship to make a prediction of the weather and its influence on the navigation.


1. Meteorology in navigation in inland waters and near the coast

-Air handles. Atmospheric pressure. Measuring instruments. Isobaric lines. Erascas and anticyclones. Fronts. General wind circulation in the northern hemisphere in these formations. Path of the delete.

-Wind: Basic expressions. Measuring instruments.

-Temperature: measuring instruments.

-Clouds: types and classification.

-Humidity: Measurement instruments.

-Precipitation: sort

-Nimists: training and classification.

-Weather forecast with barometer and thermometer.

2. Weather weather in the vessel's navigation

-Importance of weather knowledge in navigation.

-National coastal weather service stations.

-Weather Forecast:

-Weather Bolletins.

-The Navtex system.

-Interpretation of weather parts.

-Beaufort or wind scale.

-Douglas or sea scale:

-General regime marine streams

-Local streams.



Code: UF1639

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Establish routine traffic and safety communications operating with the radio-telephone and the Global Maritime Safety and Security System (GMDSS) teams, implementing the conventions and regulations of the maritime radio communications.

CE1.1 Describe the basic general principles of the global maritime distress and safety system (G.M.D.S.S.).

CE1.2 Relate the communications types of the maritime mobile service with the frequencies and channels used to perform them.

CE1.3 Before an event of maritime communication, radio-telephone or selective digital communications (LSD), emergency traffic, emergency, security and routine communications with other vessels and/or coastal stations (including using standard English language vocabulary) following the established operational procedures.

C2: Identify equipment and radio communications centers used to broadcast or receive communications messages, navigation aids, and the preservation of the safety of human life at sea.

CE2.1 List radio communications equipment, navigation aid and maritime safety equipment to be carried by the ship in accordance with its navigation area.

CE2.2 Before a shipping scenario, select and tune the appropriate equipment and station to establish communication or message receipt.

CE2.3 Explain the basic operation and the practical utility of the casualty location (RLS) and radar responders (RESAR) radio-beacons.


1. Maritime communications in inland waters near the coast

-Expressions and definitions used in radio communications.

-The Global Maritime Relief and Security System (SMSSM).

-The Digital Selective Call System (LSD).

-Frequency of V.H.F. radiotelephonics and Digital Selective Call (LSD), used for relief, emergency and safety communications and for public correspondence.

-Call flags and maritime mobile service identification numbers.

-Operational procedures for relief, emergency and safety communications and for public correspondence in Radiotelephony and LSD with VHF and MF equipment.

-Radiocommunications Regulation.

-English language basic standard vocabulary for communications.

2. Communications equipment for the ship and maritime radio communications centres

-Radio provisions for ships: mandatory radio equipment.

-Maritime communications centers:

-Coastal stations.

-Rescue centers.

-Navtex Centers.

-The radio-medical service.

-406MHz Radiobalises.

-Radar responders.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


duration in hours of the training

No. of maximum hours capable of distance



Standard 30

Formative Unit 2-UF1638






The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0540_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0540_2Organize and control security, fire fighting, and onboard emergencies

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply survival measures at sea in case of maritime emergency, determining the most convenient according to the emergency plan.

CE1.1 List and describe the means and systems used on board in maritime emergencies.

CE1.2 In an event of maritime emergencies, such as, collision, varada, water, fire, man to water, rescue and abandonment, explain the measures to be taken in each case.

CE1.3 In an assumption of ship abandonment, select the media and equipment to use.

CE1.4 Describe the means and explain the procedure to make known a situation of maritime emergency.

C2: Explain the means of fire prevention and control, selecting the most effective according to the ship's emergency plan.

CE2.1 List the elements of the fire and describe the conditions in which it can be produced.

CE2.2 Relate prevention and extinction procedures for each category of fire.

CE2.3 In a simulated fire drill, select the media and equipment for extinction.

CE2.4 Describe the systems and organization of the prevention, protection and fight against fires in a fishing boat of low and inland waters and close to the coast.

C3: Assess emergency situations that may occur on board with sick and injured persons, applying the necessary measures after visually observing them or through medical advice by radio.

CE3.1 List the different health resources for seafarers: radio-medical center, on-board kits, among others.

CE3.2 List precautions and basic measures to be taken in cases of asphyxiation and cardiac arrest, bleeding, wounds and burns, hypothermia and trauma.

CE3.3 Before a medical emergency, establish a medical radio consultation, in order to apply appropriate measures to a sick or injured person on board.

C4: List the protective measures to be taken into account to carry out the work on board safely and avoid marine pollution by complying with the established regulations.

CE4.1 Citar the means of personal protection used to carry out work on board, in accordance with the legislation in force.

CE4.2 Describe the conditions that must be met by the spaces dedicated to the crew and/or passengers in accordance with the legally established rules.

CE4.3 Explain the protective measures to be taken when carrying out work on board that may cause marine pollution.

CE4.4 In an event of a situation of work on board, and boarding or disembarkation of passengers, select the preventive measures to be taken, applying the rules of prevention of occupational risks.


1. Maritime emergencies in inland and offshore waters

-Individual use equipment:


-Life-saving chalks.

-Immersion Trages.

-Thermal aids.

-Equipment for communication and signal emission:

-Portable radio device for survival craft

-Claims localization radiobaliza.

-On-board communications and alarm systems.

-pyrotechnic signals for distress signals.

-Survival on board a raft.

-Shipwreck search techniques.

-Collision, flood, and stranding. Water paths: plugging, propping, and achique equipment.

2. Fight against fires on board inland waters and close to the coast

-Fire theory:


-Triangle and fire tetrahedron.

-Propagation: conduction, convection, and radiation.

-Special cases of fire: explosion.

-Smoke: effects on people and behavior of fumes.

-Classification and types of fire:

-Classification criteria.

-Fire classes.

-Prevention and extinction:

-Fixed fire systems: water and CO2 in machine cases without permanent allocation.



-Stand-alone breathing equipment.

-Detection and alarm system.

-Portable fire systems: fire extinguishers and their types.

-Organization of fire fighting on board.

3. Health care on board in inland waters near the coast

-Healthcare resources:

-Radio-medical center

-Botiquines: classes and registration of medications.

-Hospital ships.

-Human body structure and functions:

-Definition of the following anatomical terms: medial, lateral, distal, proximal, upper, lower, anterior, posterior, right, and left.

-Basic knowledge of the functions of the apparatus and systems of the human body: blood, nervous and urinary systems, and circulatory, respiratory, digestive and locomotor devices.

-Basic clinical history: data, symptoms and signs: consciousness, pulse, breathing, temperature, pupillary reflex.

-First aid procedures:

-Choking and cardiac arrest.


-Injuries and burns.



-Procedure for performing a medical radio query.

4. Safety in the work on board inland waters and close to the coast

-Working conditions and security.

-Risk factors: prevention and protection measures.

-Personal and collective protective equipment.


-Labor Risk Prevention Act.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module





Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0541_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0541_1Control the operating parameters of the propulsion machine and the auxiliary equipment and facilities of the ship

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Track the fuel, oil and water consumption of the propellant machine and the auxiliary equipment of the vessel.

CE1.1 Identify storage tanks and the fuel, oil, and water storage system using the vessel plans.

CE1.2 Describe and apply the storage tank probe procedure before and after each provisioning.

CE1.3 Interpret and describe the capabilities tables of the warehouse tanks.

CE1.4 Before an assumption of supply and control, describe the maneuvers to be carried out by means of tanks and lines of the way.

C2: Perform the start and stop operations of the propulsion machine, checking its operating parameters during the march and relating the most common alarms and anomalies to the emergency situations.

CE2.1 Explain the work cycle, theoretical and real, of a two-and four-stroke Diesel engine.

CE2.2 Identify the different elements that make up an internal combustion engine, explaining its characteristics and functions.

CE2.3 Interpret physical magnitudes related to operating parameters of the ship's engine and auxiliary services.

CE2.4 Describe the process of starting and stopping the propulsion machine by following the operating instructions.

CE2.5 List the most frequent anomalies that typically appear during the operation of a power plant.

CE2.6 Relate the faults and dysfunctions of the driving machine with the most common causes it obeys.

CE2.7 Before an assumption of commissioning, operation and stopping of a propellant plant:

-Generate the propulsion engine and auxiliary services fluid services.

-Perform the start up operations of the booster engine, following the sequence set out in the operating manual.

-Check that the operating parameters: pressure, temperature, level, speed, load, among others, correspond to those set.

-Perform tests to check that alarm systems are acting on the basis of established levels.

-Perform engine stop operations, following the sequence set in the operating manual.

C3: Explain the operation of the existing electrical circuits and equipment on the ship.

CE3.1 Identify the symbology used in the electrical circuits installed on board.

CE3.2 Explain the fundamental differences that exist between the DC and AC power generators.

CE3.3 Check the emergency systems and the ship's situation lights, verifying the correct operation of the acoustic and visual alarms.

CE3.4 Examine the condition of the batteries, verifying the level, density and pH of the electrolyte, identifying and using the elementary measuring and checking instruments.

CE3.5 Check that the battery charger system works properly in different load situations.

CE3.6 In the case of an electrical system failure scenario, carry out the elementary maintenance operations to restore its functionality.

C4: Explain the operation of the existing water-neutral circuits and equipment on the ship by performing maintenance operations on them.

CE4.1 Identify the symbology used in an elementary neutral-hydraulic circuit.

CE4.2 Explain the function of the various hydraulic or hydraulic oil circuits existing on the vessel.

CE4.3 Recognize the components that configure an elementary neutral-hydraulic circuit, explaining its characteristics and functions.

CE4.4 Identify and use the elementary instruments of measurement and testing of neutral-hydraulic magnitudes.

CE4.5 Identify anomalies that can occur in circuits and power-neutral equipment.

CE4.6 Before an assumption of interpretation of the scheme of a neutral-hydraulic installation:

-Identify the symbology and elements represented in the plane.

-Relate the symbols that appear on the planes with the actual elements in the system.

-Explain the sequence of installation operation.

C5: Explain elementary maintenance operations of the engine and of the machines and auxiliary systems, in duly characterized practical assumptions.

CE5.1 Relate the periodic operations to be performed on the propellant engine and auxiliary machines and systems, from a preventive maintenance plan.

CE5.2 Identify situations where filters and heat exchangers are required to be changed or cleaned, taking care of maintenance manuals.

CE5.3 In an assumption of maintenance of use of a propellant engine:

-Interpret the technical documentation of the engine by identifying the elements that make it up.

-Select the tools, tools, and tools required to perform the maintenance operations.

-Perform the replacement of engine elements (filters, tubes, joints, among others) by following the set disassembly and mounting procedures.

-Repair leaks in different components.

-Clean and replace, if necessary, purification elements (filters, decanters, among others).

-Clean heat exchangers.

-Check, after the operations performed, the functional reset of the engine.


1. Internal combustion engines of the vessel

-Marine diesel engines: principles. Practical operation of a two-and four-stroke engine.

-Main organs and accessories of internal combustion engines.

-Preparing for startup.

-Engine startup.

-Load regime change.

-Stop and reverse.

-Disturbances during the march:

-Causes that originate them.

-Measures to be taken in case of overheating.

-Urging the injection circuit.

-Changes and/or cleaning of filters: oil, fuel, air.

2. Ancillary systems and services of the vessel

-Fuel service.


-Compressed air system.

-lubrication circuit:


-Cooling system.

-Booting diesel engines.

3. Electricity of the vessel

-Fundamental magnitudes of the electric current.

-Elementary Circuits:

-Stream continues.

-Alternate current.

-Cumulative batteries:

-Checking the load status of the batteries.

-Care and maintenance of battery use.

-Battery charging systems.

-Emergency lighting and navigation lights.

4. Pneumatic systems of the ship

-Tire: concept.

-Symbology and graphical representation.

-Elementals and elementary circuits.

5. Hydraulic systems of the ship

-Hydraulic: concept.

-Symbology and graphical representation.

-Elementals and elementary circuits.

6. Types of maintenance of engines and auxiliary systems

-Averies and reliability: concept.

-Corrective maintenance: concept and techniques

-Preventive maintenance: concept and techniques.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

Nº of maximum hours capable of distance

Formative module-MF0541_ 1



Code: MP0351

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Perform established protocols on board safety, abandonment, fire prevention and safety and hygiene at work.

CE1.1. Participate in the periodic ship abandonment exercises to be performed, applying the tasks to the established in the table of obligations and slogans.

CE1.2. Participate in periodic fire prevention and control exercises by developing the tasks to the designated in the table of obligations and slogans.

CE1.3. Develop the functions of your job using the personal equipment and equipment that allows you to develop it with the safety and hygiene conditions laid down in the regulations.

C2: Organize and perform maneuver, loading and unloading the vessel according to the instructions of the responsible person.

CE2.1. Participate in the programming of the distribution of weights on board the ship, at the time of carrying out the cargo operations.

CE2.2. Collaborate on loading and unloading operations, using the means and equipment of hoisting and leasing, respecting the safety conditions laid down in the regulations.

CE2.3. Participate in the conduct of docking, undocking and anchorage of the vessel, using the necessary equipment and devices during the process, detecting the anomalies or subsable defects.

CE2.4. Perform verification of the operation and availability of government equipment, prior to departure or arrival at port or anchorage and during navigation.

CE2.5. Check that the distribution and stowage of the load is adequate to maintain the stability of the ship.

C3: Analyse the information provided by the publications, instruments and equipment of navigation aids and plot the defeat of the ship on the nautical chart to keep track of the dangers and the collision with other vessels.

CE3.1. Obtain the status of the ship by position lines taken to shore points or by radar observations checking the vessel's loss.

CE3.2. Calculate the position of the vessel in the letter from an exit situation, knowing the direction and speed of the ship.

CE3.3. Determine by management and radar information the possibility of risk of boarding with other vessels.

C4: Interpret the information provided by the ship's instruments and equipment and the coastal stations to know the state of the time and its possible evolution.

CE4.1. Obtain by means of the measuring instruments of the ship and the navtex receiver the meteorological information.

CE4.2. Analyze the meteorological information obtained from the measuring instruments of the ship and the navtex receiver and its influence on the navigation.

CE4.3. Select and tune the appropriate coastal station to receive the weather part of the zone.

C5: Collaborate on fuel, oil, and water intake operations for the ship.

CE5.1. Locate the sockets and connections of the hoses.

CE5.2. Perform the probes of the tanks to be used in the taking of fuel, oils and water.

CE5.3. Participate in the filling and handling operations of the tanks.

C6: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE6.1. Behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE6.2. Respect the procedures and standards of the workplace.

CE6.3. Undertake tasks with due diligence according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE6.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE6.5. Use the established communication channels.

CE6.6. Respect at all times measures for the prevention of risks, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Cargo, unloading and manoeuvring operations of the vessel and control of the defeat in low-and near-shore fishing.

-Organization and control of load and unload operations.

-Calculation of load and unload operations.

-Influence of the distribution and stowage of the load on the stability of the ship.

-Manages of docking, undocking, and anchorage.

-Equipment and mooring and anchoring elements.

-Selection, interpretation and handling of nautical publications and navigation charts.

-Position lines in coastal navigation.

-The navigation by esteem in the letter.

-Navigation with plotter.

-Use and management of radar to position and avoid approaches.

2. Meteorological navigation and obligations and slogans of the vessel in and near the coast

-Measurement instruments and equipment of the meteorological variables.

-Navtex receiver.

-Coastal weather information stations.

-The prediction of time and its impact on navigation.

-Functions of each crew member in danger, abandonment, and fire operations.

-Ship security and fire manuals.

3. Tanks and pipes for filling and transeego of fuels, oils and water of the vessel in low and close to shore fishing.

-Tank and tank situation Planes.

-Ship tank capacity tables.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


MF0537_2: Administration and boot of

• Bachelor's degree in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

• Diploma in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in the Order FOM/2296/2002 of September 4

2 years


Maniobra and ship stability

• Bachelor's degree in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of September 4

2 years

MF0539_2: Ship navigation and communications

• Bachelor's degree in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title set out in FOM/2296/2002 Order of 4 September

2 years

MF0540_2: Safety, survival and first aid at sea

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of September 4

2 years

MF0541_1: Internal combustion engines, and auxiliary machines and equipment of the ship

• Licensed in naval machines or degree of degree corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in naval machines or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Supervision and Control of Machines and Vessel facilities

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of September 4

2 years


Formativ Spaceor

m 2

15 pupils


25 pupils




Workshop navigation practices














Navigation Practice Workshop






-Rotuder-write Pizarras

-Audio-visual equipment


-Classroom material

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Teams Audiovisual

-Rotafolios or digital slate

-PCs installed in network, cannon with projection and internet

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Specific assisted design software

-Specific software for automation of operations in water distribution and sanitation networks

Navigation Practices Workshop

-Teams and instruments Navigation, Meteorology and Communications

-Simulators and/or Practice Bums

-Nautical material and nautical publications for work on navigation charts

-Needle Magnetic, gyroscopic needle, repeaters, azimuthal alidade, logclock, chronograph, radar, gonium, probe, slide, G.P.S. and plotter

-Weather information publications

-Barometer, thermometer, anemometer, vane, catavientos, hygrometer and navtex

-Radio installation of V.H.F. and MF of radiotelephony and L.S.D.

-Portable V.H.F. Equipment

-Radiobaliza of 406 Mhz

-Radar Responder

-Mooring and anchoring elements

-Manoeuvring equipment and instruments

-Internal combustion engines

-centrifugal pumps

- Heat exchangers



-Accumulator Batteries


-Network Panels


-Different Calibers ' Cabs

-Cables different calibers

-Elements, materials and tools to work, repair and mount arts, gear and

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided for the utensils, machines and tools specified in the training spaces shall be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if appropriate, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Shipping and Shipping Operations

Code: MAPN0410

Professional Family: Maritime-Pesquera

Professional area: Fishing and navigation

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAP170_2 Maritime transport and fisheries operations (RD 1228/2006, 27 October)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0537_2: Get ship dispatch and start it out of sea.

UC0538_2: Organize and perform ship maneuver and load operations.

UC0539_2: Perform ship navigation.

UC0540_2: Organize and control security, fire fighting, and onboard emergencies.

UC0541_1: Control the operating parameters of the propulsion machine and the auxiliary equipment and facilities of the ship.

UC0542_2: Organize and perform extractive and fisheries conservation operations.

General competition:

Organize, manage and execute the activities of the sea transport in bridge and machine, extraction and conservation of the fishing, in inland waters and in the vicinity of the coast, in conditions of safety and fulfilling the national and international regulations in force.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity, both on its own and as an employed person, in fishing vessels directing the extractive activities and the conservation of the fishery within the limits corresponding to the fishing of lowness. It also carries out its activities in vessels engaged in the carriage of cargo and/or passengers, services of pilotage, safety and maritime rescue, ancillary services of aquaculture, research, diving, etc., in ports, rias, bays and locations close to the coast with limitations on the vessel's tonnage, navigations to be performed, maximum number of passengers to be transported and motor powered power.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the marine-fishing sector and mainly in the sectors of the fishing industry where processes are developed:

-Extractive fishing

-Fishing companies on land.

-Shipping of goods.

-Maritime passenger transport.

-Practice, safety and maritime salvage.

-Aquaculture, diving, research, among others.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

Multi-purpose coastal pattern (profession regulated by the competent fisheries administration).

Local fishing pattern (profession regulated by the competent fisheries administration).

Skipper of vessels engaged in fishing within the limits of the inshore fishing.

Pattern dedicated to the marine transport of goods and/or passengers, services of pilotage, safety, marine rescue, aquaculture, diving research etc. with the

limitations to be set.

Officer on ships whose command corresponds to a littoral pattern or a cabotage pattern.

Requirements required for professional exercise:

According to Royal Decree 1519/2007 of 16 November, in order to exercise the professional activity of seaman on fishing vessels it will be necessary to be in possession of the professional card of marinero-angler and in possession of the Certificate of Specialty Basic Training according to Order FOM 2296/2002 of 4 September.

Duration of the associated training: 630 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0537_2: (Cross-sectional) Administration and boot (30 hours)

MF0538_2: (Transverse) Maneuver and vessel stability (100 hours)

□ UF1635: Preparation and execution of ship loading and unloading operations (30 hours)

□ UF1636: Organization and direction of vessel navigation maneuvers (70 hours)

MF0539_2: (Cross) Ship navigation and communications (150 hours)

□ UF1637: Ship navigation in lowland and near shore fishing (90 hours)

□ UF1638: Application of the meteorological information on the vessel (30 hours)

□ UF1639: Maritime communication of the vessel (30 hours)

MF0540_2: (Cross-sectional) Security, survival, and first aid at sea (70 hours)

MF0541_1 (Transverse): Internal Combustion Engines, and Vessel Auxiliary Machines and Equipment (90 hours)

MF0542_2: Fishing extraction, handling, and conservation (150 hours)

□ UF1641: Preparation and development of the fishing processes in the activities of lowness (90 hours)

□ UF1642: Take action and measures for responsible fishing (60 hours)

MP0352: Non-working professional practice module of Operations in shipping and down-fishing (40 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0537_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Issue the ship to go out to sea in adequate time and form, and in accordance with current regulations.

CR1 .1. The role for the ship's dispatch is completed in appropriate time and form.

CR1 .2. The relationship of crew and/or passengers is properly completed in accordance with national and international standards and criteria.

CR1 .3. The manifest of the load is completed and correctly presented at the entrance and exit of the ship.

RP2: Meet the administrative and labour requirements necessary to perform the maritime activity as established by the competent administrations.

CR2 .1. The ship's acknowledgements are carried out in accordance with the current legislation and the regulatory certificates are checked for up to date.

CR2 .2. The contracts, titles and professional certificates of the crew are found to be in force and in accordance with the requirements of the competent authorities.

CR2 .3. Breakdown claims are written and formalised in an appropriate manner and in accordance with what happened during loading, unloading or travelling. 

RP3: Plan the victualling, reception, and stowage for the ship to go out to the sea in the right way.

CR3 .1. Orders for supplies, equipment and consumption are made according to the needs of the ship.

CR3 .2. The provisions, equipment and consumption are received by checking that they meet the quality requirements.

CR3 .3. The provisions, equipment and consumption are stretched and stored in the appropriate form and places.

Professional Context

Production media

Publications, books, certificates, and other documents required for this type of vessel and navigation. Patent for navigation. Dispatch and endowment role. Journal of navigation. Journal of the radio communications service. Certificates of Navigability, Security of Arms Material, Arqueo, Franco-Bordo, Recognition and Inspection of Life rafts, Health Recognition and Depreciation, Commercial Registration, Stability Testing, The invention also includes a nautical material and a device for the use of detours, a radio-telephone safety device. Station licence of the vessel. Navigation books of the crew. Crew list and/or passengers. List of items and provisions. Inventory of consumption, lubricants and fresh water. Parts of breakdowns. Insurance policies and charters.

Products and results

Obtaining from the ship prior to departure or arrival to port that allow you to go to the sea or arrive to port in time and proper form. Carrying out the planned sailings with fuel autonomy and with the necessary supplies and equipment, as the ship has been properly notified and started at sea.

Information used or generated

Ship dispatch rules. Regulation on the recognition of ships. International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea. Legislation on ports and the merchant navy. Provisions of the maritime capitanies for the entry and exit of vessels. Maritime insurance policies. Maritime vocabulary. International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0538_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Handle the mechanical elements in the loading, unloading, docking, undocking, and anchorage manoeuvres to safely achieve optimal performance of the operations.

CR1 .1. The mechanical lifting and loading equipment is handled by observing the safety measures established in this respect.

CR1 .2. The mooring ropes and cables shall be properly run with the winch, winch and/or cabiron, and after being abozated they are passed to the mooring points.

CR1 .3. The dethrincing and enlistment operations of the molinet are made effectively for the apet and lease of the anchor.

RP2: Manipulate the ship in accordance with established maritime rules and respecting good marine practices in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR2 .1. Government equipment is checked, prior to departure or arrival to port or anchorage and during navigation, making sure of its proper functioning and availability.

CR2 .2. The vessel's maneuvering capacity is evaluated correctly, to perform the docking, undocking, and anchorage maneuvers.

CR2 .3. The ship's manoeuvres with respect to other vessels are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the "International Regulations to Prevent Boarding at Sea".

RP3: Organize and direct the maneuvers and operations of search and rescue of shipwrecks at sea in an appropriate way to make the rescue.

CR3 .1. The "man-to-water" maneuver is done by following the navigation procedures used in these cases.

CR3 .2. The shipwreck search and rescue maneuver is performed by following the navigation procedures used in these cases.

CR3 .3. Aircraft operations are performed according to procedures and methods established by rules and regulations to this effect. 

RP4: Carry out loading and unloading operations in compliance with the established safety regulations to control the stability and trimship of the ship.

CR4 .1. The cargo of the vessel is properly trinada to prevent its correction.

CR4 .2. The cargo of the vessel is properly stretched to obtain the appropriate stability and trims.

CR4 .3. The hatches, hammers and ports are checked, verifying that they are in a position to guarantee their tightness.

CR4 .4. Drains and imbornals are proven to be in a position not to produce water retentions in case of bad weather.

Professional Context

Production media

Government rudder, clinometer, government servomotor, whistle, clear view, flag set of the International Code of Signals, lamp of morse flashes, machinillas, molinet, tackle, struts, hand defenses, hatches, watertight doors, bitches, guides, gats, cat scale, lifeguards, mothons, pastecs, tensioners, shackles, clogs, hooks, booklets, anchors, chain, cabs, cables, jaws, sleds, propeller, trancaniles, drains, imbornals, panols, gambambles, bodegas.

Products and results

Docking manoeuvres, undocking and anchorage of the properly executed vessel. Loading and unloading of goods and/or passengers carried out correctly. Manoeuvring vessels according to the regulation by avoiding approaches. Maneuver in case of search and rescue of shipwrecks and operations with aircraft with satisfactory result. Perform the loading and stowage of the load and the equipment correctly. Put the ship in draught and with adequate stability.

Information used or generated

Regulation on loading and passage. International regulation to prevent sea boarding. International code of signals by flag, flashes and acoustic signals. International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea. Additional rules for SOLAS. Stability criteria of the International Maritime Organization (O.M.I.) Certificate of navigability. Drawings of the vessel's forms. Hydrostatic curves. General layout plans, capacities, and coordinates of the center of gravity of holds and tanks. Curve of evolution. Journal of navigation. Logbook. MERSAR and IMOSAR manuals. Maritime Vocabulary (O.M. I).

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0539_2

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Keep nautical publications updated to safely perform navigation.

CR1 .1. The letters and nautical publications are corrected and updated with the information received in the notices to the navigators and using the last editions.

CR1 .2. Electronic letters are updated with the information Navtex or any other source.

CR1 .3. The nautical letters and publications are selected according to the intended defeats.

CR1 .4. The nautical letters and publications are arranged to be arranged for easy localization.

RP2: Determine the position of the ship and plot the losses correctly to ensure the safety of the ship.

CR2 .1. The position lines taken to the known points of the coast are measured, corrected, and plotted correctly on the card, obtaining the status of the ship accurately.

CR2 .2. The position lines obtained by the radionavigation or satellite equipment are obtained correctly and the situation of the ship is determined exactly.

CR2 .3. The rumbos and distances of the defeats drawn on the card are measured and plotted precisely, to determine on the charter the estimated situation of the ship correctly. 

RP3: Perform safe navigation by complying with regulations to avoid boarding, stranding, embedding, and preventing marine pollution.

CR3 .1. Ships sailing in proximity are observed with attention, determining if there is a risk of boarding, in order to avoid it.

CR3 .2. The defeats to be followed on the charter are studied by identifying and defining precisely the safe areas and the dangerous areas the ship is going to sail through, in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR3 .3. The books of lighthouses, waste, tidal yearbooks and other nautical publications are consulted and analyzed in order to navigate safely.

CR3 .4. The ship situation is determined at regular intervals of time, checking that the successful loss is followed.

CR3 .5. Navigation aid instruments and equipment are checked, verifying that their operation is correct.

CR3 .6. Specific regulatory measures, in the case of navigation with reduced visibility, are taken in order to preserve the safety of the ship.

CR3 .7. The necessary precautions to avoid marine pollution are carried out, in compliance with national and international legislation.

RP4: Interpret meteorological information using data obtained or supplied to ensure the safety of the ship.

CR4 .1. The meteorological variables and the state of the sea are accurately observed and measured in order to obtain the meteorological information.

CR4 .2. Radio-telephone stations are correctly selected and tuned in order to obtain the meteorological information.

CR4 .3. The meteorological information received from the radio-telephone stations and the data taken on board the ship are analysed, in order to make a forecast of the evolution of the time and the state of the sea.

RP5: Analyze and interpret radar information for navigation help and prevent approaches appropriately.

CR5 .1. The display mode of the radar screen is selected appropriately, depending on the circumstances of the time.

CR5 .2. Factors and deficiencies affecting the performance and presentation of the radar image are taken into account and corrected with appropriate controls.

CR5 .3. Vessels that are observed on the radar screen are correctly punctured in order to determine whether there is a risk of collision.

RP6: Get information and manage communication equipment and systems based on protocols in place to establish communications.

CR6 .1. Communication and security teams are tuned, tested, and managed by appropriate time and form.

CR6 .2. Traffic between ships and/or coastal stations is carried out in a correct manner in accordance with the International Radio Regulations.

CR6 .3. Relief, urgency and safety traffic is issued in compliance with the rules and codes established in this respect.

CR6 .4. The use of appropriate equipment ensures the correct reception of information on maritime safety.

Professional Context

Production media

Nautical material: navigation letters, notices to boaters, squadron, cartabon, parallel rules, magnifying glass, nautical conveyor, compas, pencil, eraser, colored rutters, azimutal alidade, logclock, chronograph. Meteorological material: barometer, thermometer, hygrometer. Navigation instruments and positioning equipment: magnetic needle, gyroscopic needle, repeaters, radar, gonium, probe, slide, G.P.S. (Global Positioning System) plotter. Safety and communications equipment: radio installation of metric waves (V.H.F.), World System of distress and maritime safety (G. M. D. S. S), radiobaliza of casualty location.

Products and results

Identify headlights, buoys and beacons in order to obtain position lines. To determine the ship's position by simultaneous or non-simultaneous position lines to known points on the coast. Determine the position of the ship by position lines taken from the radionavigation equipment. Calculate the total correction of the compass to apply to the needle course. Draw the losses of the ship in the charter and place the estimated positions on them at regular intervals of time. Calculate the surface direction when the vessel is affected by wind. Calculate the actual course and the effective speed when the ship is affected. Determine the hours and heights of the tides. To make a forecast of the time with the observations of the instruments on board and with the meteorological information received from coastal stations. Determine if there is a risk of boarding with another vessel using the radar. Carry out radio-telephone communications with ships and coastal stations. Issue and receive messages of distress, urgency and security.

Information used or generated

Catalog of letters and nautical publications. Letter OD of symbols and abbreviations used in the Spanish letters. Defeats. Beacons and fog signs books. Book of radiosenals. Regulation of the Balization. Notices to boaters. Tidal yearbook. Regulation to prevent approaches at sea. MARPOL Convention. INMARSAT communications system. Global system for maritime safety and security. Regulation of radio communications. Journal of navigation. Logbook. Maritime vocabulary (O.M.I.).

Competition Unit 4


Level: 2

Code: UC0540_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Organize and direct emergency operations, flood, ship abandonment, sea survival, shipwreck search and rescue, in accordance with the ship's emergency plans, to ensure safety.

CR1 .1. The means of achique to be used are reviewed by checking its operability and a propping, plugging and achique of a flooded space is performed effectively, using the appropriate means and systems.

CR1 .2. The individual and collective rescue and survival teams at sea are reviewed to check that they are in a position to be used for immediate use.

CR1 .3. The simulation of ship abandonment and survival at sea is carried out using appropriate techniques and procedures according to the circumstances.

CR1 .4. The maneuvers of search, rescue and collection of shipwrecks, are executed correctly according to the norms and procedures established in this respect.

RP2: Organize and direct fire prevention and control operations, in accordance with the ship's emergency plans, to ensure safety.

CR2 .1. Detection systems and fixed installations and portable fire extinguishing equipment are checked and are checked and are in a position to be used effectively.

CR2 .2. The organization and signage for the fight against fires is verified to be the correct one, confirming that all the crew is trained to intervene in case of emergency.

CR2 .3. The simulation of fire suppression of any kind and the salvage in a closed and smoke-filled space is performed using the appropriate extinguishing agents and breathing equipment.

RP3: Apply urgent health care measures on board, to sick and injured, according to established procedures, to minimize possible injuries or pathologies.

CR3 .1. The ship's boob is checked to be ready for immediate use, identifying the drugs and cure material.

CR3 .2. The necessary medical advice is obtained using the methods and procedures established in this respect.

CR3 .3. Treatment, in case of shipwreck, accident, bleeding, burn, fracture, or other, is carried out in each case by appropriate measures.

RP4: Organize and control safety at work, applying the law on the prevention of occupational hazards at sea to prevent marine pollution.

CR4 .1. The boarding and disembarkation of staff and/or passengers is carried out using appropriate means to ensure safety in accordance with the legislation in force.

CR4 .2. The work decks and hallways are properly illuminated, provided with safety cabs and railings in order to protect the crew and/or passengers.

CR4 .3. Work on deck or on any part of the ship is carried out using appropriate means of protection to ensure safety in accordance with the legislation in force.

CR4 .4. Electrical equipment and hazardous installations are verified to be protected and signposted according to the current regulations.

CR4 .5. The spaces dedicated to the crew and/or passengers are shown to be well lit, ventilated and under the conditions laid down by the legal norms.

CR4 .6. The measures necessary to prevent marine pollution are applied in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down in this respect.

Professional Context

Production media

Work safety: Personal and collective protective equipment: Arneses, winks, gloves, helmets, goggles, belts, clothing, footwear, etc. and all necessary material for use in the work in accordance with the law of protection of occupational risks. Regulatory kit. Means to prevent contamination: Bags, containers and material necessary in accordance with the MARPOL Convention. Means of detection and fire extinguishing: Automatic detection and fire extinguishing equipment with water sprinklers. Alarm detection systems, smoke detectors, heat detectors, etc. Fixed fire extinguishing installations with inert gases. CO2 extinction systems. Automatic door and door lock systems. Fire emergency water pump. Network of water collectors. Fire hydrants. Fixed extinction facilities: Foam, chemical powder. Portable extinguishing equipment: From dust, foam, inert gas. Hoses, spears, connections and axes. Breathing equipment: Autonomy and handbooks. Firefighter's suit. Rescue media: Life-saving Chalecos, lifeguards, survival suits, life rafts, rescue boats, devices for the release of life rafts and rescue boats, survival craft equipment, radio-beacon location, radar responder, fireworks and flares, spray signals, heliograph, portable relief station.

Products and results

The work done on deck or on any part of the ship executed without accidents. Discharges of waste and discharges into the sea carried out in accordance with the MARPOL Convention. Fire fighting exercises, flooding, ship abandonment, survival at sea and search and rescue of shipwrecks. Radio communications for medical advice. Emergency health care for sick and injured people correctly.

Information used or generated

Labor risk prevention regulations. Organic frame of the vessel. National plan for marine rescue and the fight against pollution. Search and rescue MERSAR manual. MOB of the G.P.S. in case of man to water. Handbooks on flammable and combustible materials, on the classification and extinction of fires, on fire chemistry, on the disposal of bulkheads and covers of the vessel. Health Guide.

Medical record. IMO Maritime Vocabulary.

Competition Unit 5


Level: 1

Code: UC0541_1

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Control the commissioning and subsequent observation of the work parameters of the ship's propellant system.

CR1 .1. The propellant engine is prepared for boot, putting its auxiliary services in operation according to the established procedures.

CR1 .2. Engine operation is checked by the pressure, temperature, level, speed, flow (fuel) and load indicators.

CR1 .3. The acoustic and visual alarms of: pressures, temperatures and levels of the lubrication, cooling and fuel circuits are checked, and the speed-stopping system acts properly in time and form.

CR1 .4. Anomalies produced during the operation of engines that have not been warned by, or in the absence of, alarms are properly detected and controlled.

CR1 .5. The circuits of the different services are verified, checking the operation of safety valves and control and control systems.

RP2: Control the operating parameters of the electric power generators in the distribution box, and the power supplies and electrical and electronic equipment and navigation lights.

CR2 .1. The coupling of alternators is performed taking into account the sequence of phases, and once coupled, the load distribution is carried out on each generator.

CR2 .2. The measuring instruments and signalling lamps of the main and distribution table are checked to ensure their proper functioning

CR2 .3. Proper operation of the power supplies of the navigation equipment and lights is properly checked.

CR2 .4. The emergency lighting is checked to work properly, both automatically (before a plant fall) and manually.

RP3: Verify that the operating parameters of the pneumatic and hydraulic systems are within the set values.

CR3 .1. The drawings and technical specifications of the components of the pneumatic and hydraulic circuits are interpreted to clearly know the work to be done.

CR3 .2. Air compressors are proven to work properly, meeting their technical specifications.

CR3 .3. The pressure reducers, filters and lubricators of the pneumatic circuits are checked to work within the prescribed values.

CR3 .4. Oil separators and air dryers are proven to work properly.

CR3 .5. The activation of the acoustic and visual alarms of the levels of oil, water pressure and lubrication, is carried out in the established values.

CR3 .6. The hydraulic system of the rudder, is proven to work properly before going out to the sea, both in automatic and manual mode.

RP4: Perform simple maintenance, repair, and replacement operations for broken elements.

CR4 .1. The change of oil and the replacement or cleaning of filters is performed according to the instructions of the respective manuals.

CR4 .2. Cooler cleaning operations are performed when the pressure and temperature parameters so advise.

CR4 .3. The tightness of the pneumatic and hydraulic circuits is verified, replaced or repaired, if necessary, flexible ducts or pipes.

CR4 .4. The damaged, easy-to-recover parts are repaired by simple execution operations.

CR4 .5. The bornes of the batteries are properly cleaned and greased.

CR4 .6. The charging of the batteries and the level of the liquid of all the vessels is proven to be the correct one.

CR4 .7. The battery charger is verified to work properly, both manually and automatically.

CR4 .8. Failures that occur during the operation of the plant without being warned by the alarm system, or in the absence thereof, are correctly detected and controlled.

Professional Context

Production media

Internal Combustion Engines. Centrifugal pumps. Heat exchangers. Valves. Filters. Accumulator batteries. Load systems.

Products and results

Start up, operation in optimal conditions and stop of diesel engines. Propulsion of the vessel. Auxiliary systems in conditions of optimum operation: lubrication, cooling, fuel and start-up. Control of levels, pressures and temperatures. Measuring instruments: length, temperature, pressure, density. Measuring instruments of electrical quantities: voltmeter, amperimeter, vatimeter.

Information used or generated

Instructions and maintenance manuals. Listing of parts and components. Battery charging systems for electrical accumulators. Orders received. Interpretation of schemes and plans.

Competition Unit 6


Level: 2

Code: UC0542_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Prepare and repair all parts of the fishing equipment so that the catch can be performed in the best performance and security conditions.

CR1 .1. The useful, gear or art to be used is prepared according to the species to be captured, characteristics of the background, weather conditions and type of vessel.

CR1 .2. The breakdowns and damages produced in the fishing equipment during the haul are detected, evaluated and repaired in order to keep it in perfect condition.

CR1 .3. The deficiencies observed during fishing operations, in the useful, gear or art used, are corrected for subsequent use.

RP2: Control and handle all the mechanical and working elements used in the staging and virade maneuvers, interpreting the information provided by the electronic equipment for maximum performance.

CR2 .1. The state and operation of the machinillas, halators, pastecs and auxiliary jars, necessary for the manoeuvres of the larval and virado, are checked before the start of the same.

CR2 .2. The information provided by the different electronic equipment for fishing is taken into account when choosing the area of the long-range of the useful, gear or art in question.

CR2 .3. The distribution of the crew is monitored, taking into account the weather conditions of the moment, so that the maneuvers of the larval and the virado are made easier and more secure.

RP3: Coordinate the operations of the manipulation of the catches and control the sanitary conditions to ensure good working and conservation of the fishery.

CR3 .1. The manoeuvres of the introduction of the fish on board are carried out, trying to avoid to the maximum the deterioration of the species.

CR3 .2. The degree of cover cleaning and fishing park is checked before starting the loading and/or handling of the species caught.

CR3 .3. The wacky, eviscerated, washed and classified, if applicable, is carried out taking into account the sanitary regulations.

CR3 .4. The wholesomeness of wineries and/or fridges, as well as the resistance of shelves and screens, are reviewed before the catches are introduced.

CR3 .5. The stowage in boxes or bulk of the fishery is carried out on the basis of the subsequent presentation on the market, and on the appropriate conservation and hygiene conditions.

CR3 .6. The possibilities for the correction of bulk boxes and catches are planned and studied in such a way as to preserve the stability of the vessel.

RP4: Recognize the elementary biological data based on the information provided to estimate the situation of a site.

CR4 .1. The species captured are recognized by simple eye observation.

CR4 .2. The size and quantity of the catch is compared with the data from previous years for a rough idea of the biological status of the fishing zone.

CR4 .3. The number of vessels working for a given time in the same fishing vessel is assessed in order to determine the future possibilities of the fishing zone.

RP5: Carry out the fishing tasks, observing the rules that limit the total fishing effort in a given area or fishing grounds, to ensure responsible fishing.

CR5 .1. The position of the vessel is determined before and during the haul, to check that it is fishing in permitted waters.

CR5 .2. Meshes and catches are measured correctly, checking the legality of the meshes and catches.

CR5 .3. The fishing logbooks are formalized correctly after each launch.

Professional Context

Production media

Nases: frames for the same, pieces of net cloths, pieces of synthetic meshes, bags for carnades, carnades, traps or funnels, closure devices, coves and cabs, weights and/or anchors, senalizing buoys and halators. Tackle: hooks, carnades, synthetic threads, wires, musketons, studs, giratoriums, coves and capes, balls and balls, signalling buoys, weights and/or anchors, halators, stowage drums and largons, bunks and plumes. Gillage gear: network cloths, floaters, lasers, weights and/or anchorages, signalling buoys, halator stump, stowage drum. Ring gear: Network, Flooring, Lastres, Machinery, Power, Cabos and Cables, Jareta, Rooster Pies, Anillas or Eslabons, Exhaust, Pulley Motor, Manoeuvring Table and Puntal, Roller, Auxiliary Boat or Panga. Trawlers: Network Panels, Floors, Lasers and Mocktails, Cables, Mallets, Chains, Calons, Spheres and Diabolos, Doors, Machinillas, Network Tambor, Auxiliary Cartels, tangons. As elements of detection, communication and help. Probe, Network Probe, Scantrol, Sensors, Sonar, Fishing Computer Programs, TUNAFIS System, G.P.S., Plotter, Telephony, Radar. Elements for the production and conservation of the catches: Deskepers, Lavadoras, Filers, Peladoras, Conveyor Belts, Neveras, Deposits for Water Conservation. Repair and assembly parts for use, gear and gear: needles, mallers, calibrators, subways, knives, scissors, threads, cloths, capes, buoys, anchors, stones, giratoriums, hooks, plumes, chains, links of escape, rings, chains, slings, slings Shackles, Meshes, Spheres, Devils, Bells, Rubber Elements for Mocktails, Pasors, Tongs, Guardors, Mugs, Alicates, Mandilets, or Parallas.

Products and results

Useful, gear and gear are ready at all times to be used when deemed appropriate. Thanks to the correct assessment obtained from the various detection devices and to the professional preparation, the maneuvers and other fishing activities are carried out with the utmost speed and safety. The effective treatment of the catch allows them to reach port in the best conditions. By making the catch by the principles of responsible fishing, the impact on the fishing ground is achieved at a minimum. The elements of the different fishing equipment are preserved and maintained properly when they are not working.

Information used or generated

Useful drawings. Rigging and Arts. International tables for cuts of cloths. Fishing vocabulary with international symbols and abbreviations. Fishing cards. Yearbooks and Fishing Notebooks. Information provided by the various suppliers of detection and fishing assistance. Autonomous, State and International fishing regulations. Regulations and hygiene-sanitary recommendations that have to do with fishing. Multiple catalogs of threads, wires, chains, rings, special links and hooks.




Code: MF0537_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0537_2Get ship dispatch and start it at sea

Duration: 30 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the requirements for obtaining the ship's office, as established by the maritime authorities.

CE1.1 Relate and describe the function of the documents required for the ship's dispatch, in accordance with the legislation in force.

CE1.2 Before a ship type dispatch, complete the documents required by the maritime authority in the inbound and outbound operations, taking into account the regulations established in this respect.

CE1.3 Explain the process to be followed for the exceptional cases of an early dispatch or auto-dispatch and subsequent communication to the maritime authority.

C2: Interpret the documents and certificates to be carried by the ship and crew to perform the maritime activity and required by the authorities, as applicable.

CE2.1 List the documents to be carried by the ship, as well as the certificates for its activity.

CE2.2 Before a ship management and management assumption, relate ship certificates from the scope of stability, navigability and safety.

CE2.3 In the case of ship management and management, relate professional qualifications and certificates of specialty of the crew to make a trip, as well as the state of their medical examinations prior to boarding.

CE2.4 In the event of damage on board, report the occurrence and formalize a part of the breakdowns. 

C3: Determine the needs of supplies, supplies and supplies, considering the conditions of their storage, stowage or tide to be made.

CE3.1 List the minimum supplies, supplies, and provisions for a tide.

CE3.2 Explain the ideal storage and stowage conditions of the various equipment according to their characteristics.

CE3.3 Before an alleged start of the ship, estimate and calculate the supplies, supplies and provisions necessary for a given tide. 


1. The ship and the dispatch to the sea in inland waters and near the coast

-Concept and legal nature.

-Formas of acquiring ownership of the ship.

-Ship Enrollment:

-Shipping of ships.

-Record of movable goods.

-The legal functions and responsibilities of the pattern.

-The concept and structure of the dispatch and endowment role.

-Operational fishing fleet census function and fishing license.

-The crew list.

-The General Declaration of the Captain or Pattern.

-Regulation on ship dispatch applied to fishing vessels for inland and inland waters and close to the coast.

2. Documents and certificates in the ship's maritime activity

-Navigation patent.

-Cedula and fishing license.

-Navigation journal.

-Dispatch and provisioning role.

-Fishing notebook.

-Certificates to be carried by a fishing vessel of inshore and inland waters and close to the coast: navigability, safety, radio, tonnage, freeboard, among others.

-Maritime Enrollment Book.

-Professional titles and specialty certificates.

-Pre-boarding medical recognition.

-A breakdown and type insurance policy for a lowdown fishing vessel.

3. Grubbing up of the vessel in inland waters near the coast

-Control of consumption: fuel, lubricants, food and fresh water, among others.

-List of supplies and supplies.

-Calculation of daily/weekly consumption index of fuel, food and fresh water.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

# of maximum hours capable of distance

Formative Module-MF0537_ 2


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0538_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0538_2 Organize and perform ship maneuver and load operations

Duration: 100 hours




Duration:30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 for load and unload operations and RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Specify the mechanical elements used in the loading and unloading operations of the ship, taking into account the maximum safety and efficacy conditions.

CE1.1 List and describe the equipment and items that are required to handle the weights on board.

CE1.2 In the case of loading and unloading, explain the operation of the media and equipment of hoisting and leasing, respecting the safety measures.

CE1.3 Describe how a ship's load can be caught to prevent its correction.

C2: Determine the planning of the loading and unloading operations, taking into account the stability notebook and the plans of the vessel.

CE2.1 Distinguished the main elements of consolidation and the interior spaces, in view of the general layout of the ship, explaining its characteristics.

CE2.2 Relate the ship's vertical, transverse, and longitudinal consolidation structural elements.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of load distribution, explain how to distribute the weights on board to maintain the ship with a reserve of adequate buoyancy and with the predicted draught.

CE2.4 Explain the movements of the center of gravity of the ship caused by the loads, downloads, and the transfer of weights.

CE2.5 Point out the consequences that on the stability of the ship produces the flooding of a compartment or the navigation with partially filled tanks.

CE2.6 Specify possible risks that on the stability of the ship produce suspend or stretch weights on the deck.


1. Structure and characteristics of the ship in loading and unloading operations

-Main dimensions of the ship.

-Ship reference lines and lines.

-Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and vertical consolidation elements.

-Ship build types.

-Arqueo and Francobordo.

-Maximum load lines.

2. Means and operations of loading and unloading of the ship and applicable regulations

-Load and unload operations.

-Use in the stowage.

-Fixed and mobile equipment, items and accessories for loading and unloading.

-Regulation on loading and passage.

-International Maritime Organization (IMO) stability criteria.

-Convention for the Safety of Human Life in the Sea (SOLAS/SEVIMAR).

3. Transverse and longitudinal stability of the vessel

-Center of gravity, center of fairing, and metacentro

-Planes and stability curves: basic knowledge.

-Basic knowledge of planes and stability curves.

-Ship seat and seat.

-Suspended weights: negative effects on stability.

-Liquid loads.






Code: UF1636

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to the RP1 for the maneuvers, with RP2 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Explain the berthing operations, undocking and anchorage of the vessel, taking into account the maximum safety and efficacy conditions.

CE1.1 List and describe the equipment and devices used in the ship's maneuvers.

CE1.2 Expose the combined effects of the helix and rudder during maneuvers.

CE1.3 Explain the effects of the cabos on the ship's maneuvers.

CE1.4 In the case of a docking maneuver, explain how to turn the hair and cables using the winch, winch and/or cabiron, as well as to raise them and pass them to the mooring points.

CE1.5 Describe how to dethrone and prepare the molinet for the anchor and the anchor.

C2: Explain the performance of all types of manoeuvres on a ship, taking into account both the International Regulations to prevent boarding at sea, as well as the characteristics of the ship and the atmospheric conditions, ensure the security of the same.

CE2.1 Expose the process to be followed to check the operation and availability of government equipment, before departure or arrival to port or anchorage and during navigation, taking into account the rules established in the International Regulation to Prevent Approaches at Sea and the International Beacon System (IALA).

CE2.2 Identify the types of trailer to be used in port or at sea to perform the docking maneuvers, undocking and securely anchoring.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of navigation with reduced visibility, explain the maneuvers to be carried out in order to guarantee the safety of the ship, depending on the presence of another vessel, as well as the conditions of the sea, wind and Reigning current.

CE2.4 List the lights and markings to be displayed by vessels engaged in fishing according to their mode, whether in navigation or anchorage, in order to comply with the International Regulations to prevent boarding at sea.

C3: Plan the shipwreck search and rescue maneuvers and operations, in accordance with regulatory regulations, ship characteristics, and weather conditions.

CE3.1 Explain the criteria to be followed in the maneuvers of search and rescue of shipwrecks to carry out rescue operations, in application of the regulatory regulations.

CE3.2 Explain the precautions to be taken when conducting shipwreck search and rescue maneuvers, depending on the status of the sea and the characteristics of the ship.

CE3.3 Before a "man in the water" scenario, expose the procedure to be followed and the maneuvers to be performed in the search and rescue of the castaway.


1. Types of manoeuvring and propulsion equipment and government of the vessel

-Maneuver types: docking, undocking, and port move.

-propulsion and governance equipment:

-Helices and rudders.

-Evolving effects of the helix and rudder.

2. Equipment and elements of anchorage and mooring of the vessel

-Equipment and elements of the vessel used in anchorage manoeuvres:



-Ship mooring elements:



3. Regulations applicable to the operation of the vessel's manoeuvring

-Normalized Maritime Navigation (IMO) Vocabulary.

-International regulation to prevent sea boarding.

-Maritime Bizing Systems.

-International Token Code.

-Convention for the Safety of Human Life in the Sea (SOLAS/SEVIMAR).

-International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (revised SAR Convention).

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

duration in hours of the training









Standard 10

Formative Unit 2-UF1636



To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0539_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0539_2Effective ship navigation

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1637

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP5.  

capabilities and assessment criteria

C1: Correct the letters and nautical publications, interpreting the information received on board in order to update them and navigate safely.

CE1.1 Describe nautical publications of interest for navigation.

CE1.2 Explain how the letters and nautical publications are updated through the information received on board the ship.

CE1.3 Before a shipping scenario, select the letters and nautical publications required to tide.

C2: Calculate the ship's situation to the coast or by electronic means, properly planning the losses on the nautical card.

CE2.1 Define the position lines used in coastal navigation in order to determine the position of the vessel.

CE2.2 Interpret the information received in the electronic navigation equipment in order to know the ship's situation.

CE2.3 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate on the nautical chart the situation of the ship by position lines by observations to known points of the coast, tracing the most convenient defeat to follow, once identified and assessed the hazards.

CE2.4 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate the situation of the ship by esteem in the nautical chart, after sailing a certain time, knowing the position of departure, the direction and the distance navigated.

C3: Describe the measures and precautions to be taken into account during navigation, using the means of the ship in order to prevent accidents.

CE3.1 List the means of the vessel that can be used during navigation in order to avoid accidents.

CE3.2 Explain the procedure to determine if there is a risk of boarding with other ships sailing in the vicinity.

CE3.3 Explain the conditions in which navigation should be performed when visibility is reduced.

CE3.4 Before a shipping scenario, calculate the position of the ship on the nautical card to check the loss.

C4: Explain waste control and consumption operations to avoid marine pollution, applying national and international conventions.

CE4.1 Describe the obligations arising from national and international conventions (MARPOL) on discharges and discharges into the sea that affect our ship.

CE4.2 List the basic protection measures of the marine environment based on the operations and activities of the ship.

CE4.3 Identify actions or elements of ship activity that may lead to marine pollution.

C5: Operate with the radar, interpreting your information in order to determine the position of the ship and avoid boarding and stranding.

CE5.1 Explain the theoretical basis of the operation of the radar equipment.

CE5.2 In the case of navigation, determine by radar information the possibility of boarding with other ships.

CE5.3 Before an assumption of navigation, calculate with the radar information, the ship situation, taking markups and distances to known points of the coast.


1. Land coordinate system

-Lines and points of the earth sphere: axis, poles, equator, meridians and parallels.

-Terrestrial coordinates: latitude, longitude. Latitude and longitude difference. Mating.

-Units of measurement used in navigation: sea mile, knot, yard, cable and foot.

-The horizon of the sea. Cardinal points. Rloxodromic course.

2. Navigation charts

-Land surface projections: nautical charts; merchant charter.

-Interpretation and handling of the nautical charts: useful for working on the cards.

-Status in the letter. Measure of rumps and distances in the nautical charts.

-Most important signs and abbreviations of the nautical charts.

-Scale of cards: classification of letters according to their scale.

3. Nautical needle

-Field magnetism: tilt and magnetic declination. Magnetic meridian.

-Signs of the magnetic declination. Magnetic direction.

-Nautical magnetic water: description and characteristics. Direction of needle: Desvio from the compass. Compensation. Total correction. True course. Rumbos conversion.

-Ways to divide the horizon: circular and quadrant.

-gyroscopic needle.

4. Coastal navigation and navigation of esteem in the letter

-Position lines: delays, markups, fillings, oppositions, veriles, distances.

-Relationship between delay to direction and markup. Instruments for marking: winged, taximeters.

-Ship situation by concurrent or non-concurrent position lines.

-Navigation of esteem in the letter: navigation of esteem with wind. Despondency.

-Current estimate navigation. Drift. Triangle of speeds.

-nautical publications of aid to coastal navigation: books of lighthouses, waste, warnings to boaters, navtex, tidal yearbook.

5. Electronic navigation and navigation aid teams

-Electromagnetic waves:

-Goniometer: radio-hoops.

-Radar: The radar foundation. Interpretation of the radar screen. Coastal navigation with radar. Use of radar to avoid approaches. Anti-collision Cinematic.

-Satellite navigation (G.P.S.) and (D.G.P. S): Plotters. Electronic letters.



6. Prevention of marine pollution

-General idea of Annexes I, IV and V to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).

-Discharge and discharge regime to the sea in accordance with Spanish legislation


-Delivery of ship-generated waste.

-Marine pollution emergency plans by stranding or boarding.



Code: UF1638

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Interpret the meteorological information obtained with the means of the ship in order to know the state of the time and its possible evolution.

CE1.1 List the most important weather variables that are used on board to know the state of the time.

CE1.2 Obtain the values of the meteorological variables by means of the vessel's measuring instruments.

CE1.3 Relate the data obtained on board the most important meteorological variables with the state of the time and its possible evolution.

C2: Interpret the meteorological information obtained through the coastal stations and/or the receivers of the vessel in order to know the state of the time and its impact on the navigation.

CE2.1 Select the appropriate coastal stations to receive the weather information that allows us to know the existing and expected conditions of the weather.

CE2.2 Relate the information of the degrees of the wind and sea-state measurement scales with the wind speed and wave height.

CE2.3 In the case of navigation, interpret the meteorological information received through the coastal stations or the receivers of the ship to make a prediction of the weather and its influence on the navigation.


1. Meteorology in navigation in inland waters and near the coast

-Air handles. Atmospheric pressure. Measuring instruments. Isobaric lines. Erascas and anticyclones. Fronts. General wind circulation in the northern hemisphere in these formations. Path of the delete.

-Wind: Basic expressions. Measuring instruments.

-Temperature: measuring instruments.

-Clouds: types and classification.

-Humidity: Measurement instruments.

-Precipitation: sort

-Nimists: training and classification.

-Weather forecast with barometer and thermometer.

2. Weather weather in the vessel's navigation

-Importance of weather knowledge in navigation.

-National coastal weather service stations.

-Weather Forecast:

-Weather Bolletins.

-The Navtex system.

-Interpretation of weather parts.

-Beaufort or wind scale.

-Douglas or sea scale:

-General regime marine streams

-Local streams.



Code: UF1639

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Establish routine traffic and safety communications operating with the radio-telephone and the Global Maritime Safety and Security System (GMDSS) teams, implementing the conventions and regulations of the maritime radio communications.

CE1.1 Describe the basic general principles of the global maritime distress and safety system (G.M.D.S.S.).

CE1.2 Relate the communications types of the maritime mobile service with the frequencies and channels used to perform them.

CE1.3 Before an event of maritime communication, radio-telephone or selective digital communications (LSD), emergency traffic, emergency, security and routine communications with other vessels and/or coastal stations (including using standard English language vocabulary) following the established operational procedures.

C2: Identify equipment and radio communications centers used to broadcast or receive communications messages, navigation aids, and the preservation of the safety of human life at sea.

CE2.1 List radio communications equipment, navigation aid and maritime safety equipment to be carried by the ship in accordance with its navigation area.

CE2.2 Before a shipping scenario, select and tune the appropriate equipment and station to establish communication or message receipt.

CE2.3 Explain the basic operation and the practical utility of the casualty location (RLS) and radar responders (RESAR) radio-beacons.


1. Maritime communications in inland waters near the coast

-Expressions and definitions used in radio communications.

-The Global Maritime Relief and Security System (SMSSM).

-The Digital Selective Call System (LSD).

-Frequency of V.H.F. radiotelephonics and Digital Selective Call (LSD), used for relief, emergency and safety communications and for public correspondence.

-Call flags and maritime mobile service identification numbers.

-Operational procedures for relief, emergency and safety communications and for public correspondence in Radiotelephony and LSD with VHF and MF equipment.

-Radiocommunications Regulation.

-English language basic standard vocabulary for communications.

2. Communications equipment for the ship and maritime radio communications centres

-Radio provisions for ships: mandatory radio equipment.

-Maritime communications centers:

-Coastal stations.

-Rescue centers.

-Navtex Centers.

-The radio-medical service.

-406MHz Radiobalises.

-Radar responders.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


duration in hours of the training




Standard 30

Formative Unit 2-UF1638



Formative Unit 3-UF1639




The training units for this module can be programmed independently.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0540_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0540_2Organize and control security, fire fighting, and onboard emergencies

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply survival measures at sea in case of maritime emergency, determining the most convenient according to the emergency plan.

CE1.1 List and describe the means and systems used on board in maritime emergencies.

CE1.2 In an event of maritime emergencies, such as, collision, varada, water, fire, man to water, rescue and abandonment, explain the measures to be taken in each case.

CE1.3 In an assumption of ship abandonment, select the media and equipment to use.

CE1.4 Describe the means and explain the procedure to make known a situation of maritime emergency.

C2: Explain the means of fire prevention and control, selecting the most effective according to the ship's emergency plan.

CE2.1 List the elements of the fire and describe the conditions in which it can be produced.

CE2.2 Relate prevention and extinction procedures for each category of fire.

CE2.3 In a simulated fire drill, select the media and equipment for extinction.

CE2.4 Describe the systems and organization of the prevention, protection and fight against fires in a fishing boat of low and inland waters and close to the coast.

C3: Assess emergency situations that may occur on board with sick and injured persons, applying the necessary measures after visually observing them or through medical advice by radio.

CE3.1 List the different health resources for seafarers: radio-medical center, on-board kits, among others.

CE3.2 List precautions and basic measures to be taken in cases of asphyxiation and cardiac arrest, bleeding, wounds and burns, hypothermia and trauma.

CE3.3 Before a medical emergency, establish a medical radio consultation, in order to apply appropriate measures to a sick or injured person on board.

C4: List the protective measures to be taken into account to carry out the work on board safely and avoid marine pollution by complying with the established regulations.

CE4.1 Citar the means of personal protection used to carry out work on board, in accordance with the legislation in force.

CE4.2 Describe the conditions that must be met by the spaces dedicated to the crew and/or passengers in accordance with the legally established rules.

CE4.3 Explain the protective measures to be taken when carrying out work on board that may cause marine pollution.

CE4.4 In an event of a situation of work on board, and boarding or disembarkation of passengers, select the preventive measures to be taken, applying the rules of prevention of occupational risks.


1. Maritime emergencies in inland and offshore waters

-Individual use equipment:


-Life-saving chalks.

-Immersion Trages.

-Thermal aids.

-Equipment for communication and signal emission:

-Portable radio device for survival craft

-Claims localization radiobaliza.

-On-board communications and alarm systems.

-pyrotechnic signals for distress signals.

-Survival on board a raft.

-Shipwreck search techniques.

-Collision, flood, and stranding. Water paths: plugging, propping, and achique equipment.

2. Fight against fires on board inland waters and close to the coast

-Fire theory:


-Triangle and fire tetrahedron.

-Propagation: conduction, convection, and radiation.

-Special cases of fire: explosion.

-Smoke: effects on people and behavior of fumes.

-Classification and types of fire:

-Classification criteria.

-Fire classes.

-Prevention and extinction:

-Fixed fire systems: water and CO2 in machine cases without permanent allocation.



-Stand-alone breathing equipment.

-Detection and alarm system.

-Portable fire systems: fire extinguishers and their types.

-Organization of fire fighting on board.

3. Health care on board in inland waters near the coast

-Healthcare resources:

-Radio-medical center

-Botiquines: classes and registration of medications.

-Hospital ships.

-Human body structure and functions:

-Definition of the following anatomical terms: medial, lateral, distal, proximal, upper, lower, anterior, posterior, right, and left.

-Basic knowledge of the functions of the apparatus and systems of the human body: blood, nervous and urinary systems, and circulatory, respiratory, digestive and locomotor devices.

-Basic clinical history: data, symptoms and signs: consciousness, pulse, breathing, temperature, pupillary reflex.

-First aid procedures:

-Choking and cardiac arrest.


-Injuries and burns.



-Procedure for performing a medical radio query.

4. Safety in the work on board inland waters and close to the coast

-Working conditions and security.

-Risk factors: prevention and protection measures.

-Personal and collective protective equipment.


-Labor Risk Prevention Act.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

No. of maximum hours capable of distance


Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0541_1

Professional qualification level: 1

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0541_1Control the operating parameters of the propulsion machine and the auxiliary equipment and facilities of the ship

Duration: 90 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Track the fuel, oil and water consumption of the propellant machine and the auxiliary equipment of the vessel.

CE1.1 Identify storage tanks and the fuel, oil, and water storage system using the vessel plans.

CE1.2 Describe and apply the storage tank probe procedure before and after each provisioning.

CE1.3 Interpret and describe the capabilities tables of the warehouse tanks.

CE1.4 Before an assumption of supply and control, describe the maneuvers to be carried out by means of tanks and lines of the way.

C2: Perform the start and stop operations of the propulsion machine, checking its operating parameters during the march and relating the most common alarms and anomalies to the emergency situations.

CE2.1 Explain the work cycle, theoretical and real, of a two-and four-stroke Diesel engine.

CE2.2 Identify the different elements that make up an internal combustion engine, explaining its characteristics and functions.

CE2.3 Interpret physical magnitudes related to operating parameters of the ship's engine and auxiliary services.

CE2.4 Describe the process of starting and stopping the propulsion machine by following the operating instructions.

CE2.5 List the most frequent anomalies that typically appear during the operation of a power plant.

CE2.6 Relate the faults and dysfunctions of the driving machine with the most common causes it obeys.

CE2.7 Before an assumption of commissioning, operation and stopping of a propellant plant:

-Generate the propulsion engine and auxiliary services fluid services.

-Perform the start up operations of the booster engine, following the sequence set out in the operating manual.

-Check that the operating parameters: pressure, temperature, level, speed, load, among others, correspond to those set.

-Perform tests to check that alarm systems are acting on the basis of established levels.

-Perform engine stop operations, following the sequence set in the operating manual.

C3: Explain the operation of the existing electrical circuits and equipment on the ship.

CE3.1 Identify the symbology used in the electrical circuits installed on board.

CE3.2 Explain the fundamental differences that exist between the DC and AC power generators.

CE3.3 Check the emergency systems and the ship's situation lights, verifying the correct operation of the acoustic and visual alarms.

CE3.4 Examine the condition of the batteries, verifying the level, density and pH of the electrolyte, identifying and using the elementary measuring and checking instruments.

CE3.5 Check that the battery charger system works properly in different load situations.

CE3.6 In the case of an electrical system failure scenario, carry out the elementary maintenance operations to restore its functionality.

C4: Explain the operation of the existing water-neutral circuits and equipment on the ship by performing maintenance operations on them.

CE4.1 Identify the symbology used in an elementary neutral-hydraulic circuit.

CE4.2 Explain the function of the various hydraulic or hydraulic oil circuits existing on the vessel.

CE4.3 Recognize the components that configure an elementary neutral-hydraulic circuit, explaining its characteristics and functions.

CE4.4 Identify and use the elementary instruments of measurement and testing of neutral-hydraulic magnitudes.

CE4.5 Identify anomalies that can occur in circuits and power-neutral equipment.

CE4.6 Before an assumption of interpretation of the scheme of a neutral-hydraulic installation:

-Identify the symbology and elements represented in the plane.

-Relate the symbols that appear on the planes with the actual elements in the system.

-Explain the sequence of installation operation.

C5: Explain elementary maintenance operations of the engine and of the machines and auxiliary systems, in duly characterized practical assumptions.

CE5.1 Relate the periodic operations to be performed on the propellant engine and auxiliary machines and systems, from a preventive maintenance plan.

CE5.2 Identify situations where filters and heat exchangers are required to be changed or cleaned, taking care of maintenance manuals.

CE5.3 In an assumption of maintenance of use of a propellant engine:

-Interpret the technical documentation of the engine by identifying the elements that make it up.

-Select the tools, tools, and tools required to perform the maintenance operations.

-Perform the replacement of engine elements (filters, tubes, joints, among others) by following the set disassembly and mounting procedures.

-Repair leaks in different components.

-Clean and replace, if necessary, purification elements (filters, decanters, among others).

-Clean heat exchangers.

-Check, after the operations performed, the functional reset of the engine.


1. Internal combustion engines of the vessel

-Marine diesel engines: principles. Practical operation of a two-and four-stroke engine.

-Main organs and accessories of internal combustion engines.

-Preparing for startup.

-Engine startup.

-Load regime change.

-Stop and reverse.

-Disturbances during the march:

-Causes that originate them.

-Measures to be taken in case of overheating.

-Urging the injection circuit.

-Changes and/or cleaning of filters: oil, fuel, air.

2. Ancillary systems and services of the vessel

-Fuel service.


-Compressed air system.

-lubrication circuit:


-Cooling system.

-Booting diesel engines.

3. Electricity of the vessel

-Fundamental magnitudes of the electric current.

-Elementary Circuits:

-Stream continues.

-Alternate current.

-Cumulative batteries:

-Checking the load status of the batteries.

-Care and maintenance of battery use.

-Battery charging systems.

-Emergency lighting and navigation lights.

4. Pneumatic systems of the ship

-Tire: concept.

-Symbology and graphical representation.

-Elementals and elementary circuits.

5. Hydraulic systems of the ship

-Hydraulic: concept.

-Symbology and graphical representation.

-Elementals and elementary circuits.

6. Types of maintenance of engines and auxiliary systems

-Averies and reliability: concept.

-Corrective maintenance: concept and techniques

-Preventive maintenance: concept and techniques.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module

Nº of maximum hours capable of distance

Formative module-MF0541_ 1




Code: MF0542_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0542_2 Organize and perform the extractive and conservation operations of the fishery

Duration: 150 hours



Code: UF1641

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.  

capabilities and assessment criteria

C1: Explain the preparations of the different fishing equipment and the way to make possible repairs thereof, so that the activity can be carried out without risks and under the best conditions.

CE1.1 Distinguished the various elements of the fishing equipment to be used, indicating the appropriate assembly taking into account the characteristics of the vessel, the species to be captured, the type of bottom and the weather conditions

CE1.2 Specify the treatment to be given to a detected fault and evaluated on a fishing equipment, in order to ensure that it recovers the initial conditions.

CE1.3 Before an assumption of a recently used fishing team, explain the deficiencies of the equipment and how to correct them. 

C2: Explain the organization of the maneuvers of the larval and virate of the fishing equipment, taking into account the characteristics and elements of the cover, the electronic aids, the extractive system to be used and the variables weather.

CE2.1 Describe the test and handling procedures of machinillas, halators, pastecs and auxiliary jarzia used in the maneuvers of the larval and virate of the fishing equipment, so that these can be performed safely and in the minimum time.

CE2.2 List the information that can be obtained from the different electronic equipment on board with respect to fishing, detailing its application when choosing the place and time of the maneuvers of the largada and virada.

CE2.3 Detailed the work to be done by each crew member during the larval and swerving maneuvers, assessing the possible risks to which they are subjected, taking into account the characteristics of the cover, fishing equipment use and weather conditions.

C3: Specify the processing and conservation operations to be performed with the catches, indicating the hygienic and sanitary conditions in which they must be performed to ensure the health of the product.

CE3.1 Explain the cleaning and disinfection operations to be carried out on deck, fishing park, fridges and/or wineries, to ensure the health of the same before starting the loading and handling of the catch.

CE3.2 Describe the procedures used for the introduction of the catch on board, taking into account the extractive system and the characteristics of the vessel, in such a way as to avoid maximum deterioration of the species.

CE3.3 Detailed the work procedures to be used in the outlandish, eviscerated, washed, classified and stowage of the catches, taking into account the sanitary and sanitary regulations that correspond in each moment and in a way that allow a proper subsequent presentation of the product on the market.

CE3.4 Before a classification and preparation of the catches, distribute the same by weight and size, as well as explain their preparation in boxes for their subsequent introduction into the refrigerator.


1. Fishing equipment for lowness. Assembly and repairs

-Planes: interpretation; symbols and abbreviations; scales.

-Materials: threads; cabs; wires; cables; other elements used in the construction of gear, gear and tools.

-Job use: needles; knives; pliers; pins.

-Working techniques with fishing equipment:





-Identification of breakdowns.

-Repair of breakdowns.

-Fishing equipment assembly:

-Nomenclature of its parts.

-Form of work.

-Unions and tests.



2. Low-end fishing maneuvers

-Machines and auxiliary elements:

-Testing of machineries, halators and carretels: clutches and disclutches. Progress and setbacks. Brakes and stresses.

-Pastecas and auxiliary jarcia:


-Use according to fishing equipment.

-Maintenance and Reorder.

-Electronic equipment:



-Fishing equipment controls.

-Electronic equipment:




-Practical application.

-Comparative study of "brands" and results.

-Long and virated in different fishing systems:

-Drag system: position on deck. Doors and cables.

-encirclement system: position on deck. Art, stowage and virada. Trincaje and dethrincing of the auxiliary vessel.

-Pallet system: position on deck. Tackle. Carnadas.

-Safety and risk prevention in fishing maneuvers: individual protective equipment and occupational risk prevention regulations.

3. Handling of catches of low-end fishing

-Cleaning and Disinfection: Elements, Useful and Products.

-Storage Panols.



-Introduction on board fishing catches:

-Maneuvering and useful apparatus.

-Characteristics and use of each of them.

-Work procedures: outlandish, eviscerated, classification, and packing of catches.

-Equipment and facilities for the handling of catches of fisheries:




-Means of conservation of catches: ice. Characteristics of the ice.

-Health conditions due to the handling of the catch.



Code: UF1642

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Describe the means that allow us to assess in an elementary way the characteristics and status of the work site from the data available on board in order to determine its subsequent evolution.

CE1.1 Recognize the commercial species captured, using a simple eye observation, explaining the main characteristics of the same ones that would prevent them from confusing them with similar ones.

CE1.2 Determine, in an approximate way, by comparing the sizes and quantities of current catches with those of a series of previous years, the biological status of the fishery.

CE1.3 Explain the future possibilities of a fishing boat, studying the relations between the number of vessels that have been fishing in the area in recent years and the catches obtained by them.

C2: To describe the measures of protection of the fishing grounds according to the current regulations, in order to maintain the fishery resources.

EC2.1 Explain the need to determine the position of the vessel and the fishing team at all times of the haul to avoid the possibility of fishing in prohibited waters.

CE2.2 Detailed the ways to measure the meshes and calculate the size of the catches so that at all times we can check that the standards are met in relation to the fishing grounds.

CE2.3 Describe how to cover fishing diaries and/or analog documentation in time and form, for at all times you can check and respond to fishing on board.


1. Responsible fishing in lowness

-Fishing technology:

-Dimensions of meshes. Gauge: concept and manipulation.

-Size, numbering and measurement of hooks.

-Technical measures for resource protection.

-Vedas: in time; in space; impact on the economy.

-Fishing effort: measurement and impact on the fishing grounds.

-Fishing regulations.

-Fishing documentation:

-Fishing journal.

-Electronic journal.

2. Species to be caught in low-water fishing

-Physical characteristics.

-Biological characteristics.

-Identification and differentiation.


3. Rational exploitation of a fishery

-Marine biological cycle.

-Marine food pyramid.

-Study of the site:


-Maximum sustainable performance.


-Effects on the stock.

-Selection of arts, gear, and useful.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


duration in hours of the training





Standard 30

Formative Unit 2-UF1642




The training units for this module can be programmed independently

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0352

Duration: 40 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Perform established protocols on board safety, abandonment, fire prevention and safety and hygiene at work.

CE1.1. Participate in the periodic ship abandonment exercises to be performed, applying the tasks to the established in the table of obligations and slogans.

CE1.2. Participate in periodic fire prevention and control exercises by developing the tasks to the designated in the table of obligations and slogans.

CE1.3. Develop the functions of your job using the personal equipment and equipment that allows you to develop it with the safety and hygiene conditions laid down in the regulations.

C2: Organize and perform maneuver, loading and unloading the vessel according to the instructions of the responsible person.

CE2.1. Participate in the programming of the distribution of weights on board the ship, at the time of carrying out the cargo operations.

CE2.2. Collaborate on loading and unloading operations, using the means and equipment of hoisting and leasing, respecting the safety conditions laid down in the regulations.

CE2.3. Participate in the conduct of docking, undocking and anchorage of the vessel, using the necessary equipment and devices during the process, detecting the anomalies or subsable defects.

CE2.4. Perform verification of the operation and availability of government equipment, prior to departure or arrival at port or anchorage and during navigation.

CE2.5. Check that the distribution and stowage of the load is adequate to maintain the stability of the ship.

C3: Analyse the information provided by the publications, instruments and equipment of navigation aids and plot the defeat of the ship on the nautical chart to keep track of the dangers and the collision with other vessels.

CE3.1. Obtain the status of the ship by position lines taken to shore points or by radar observations checking the vessel's loss.

CE3.2. Calculate the position of the vessel in the letter from an exit situation, knowing the direction and speed of the ship.

CE3.3. Determine by management and radar information the possibility of risk of boarding with other vessels.

C4: Interpret the information provided by the ship's instruments and equipment and the coastal stations to know the state of the time and its possible evolution.

CE4.1. Obtain by means of the measuring instruments of the ship and the navtex receiver the meteorological information.

CE4.2. Analyze the meteorological information obtained from the measuring instruments of the ship and the navtex receiver and its influence on the navigation.

CE4.3. Select and tune the appropriate coastal station to receive the weather part of the zone.

C5: Collaborate on fuel, oil, and water intake operations for the ship.

CE5.1. Locate the sockets and connections of the hoses.

CE5.2. Perform the probes of the tanks to be used in the taking of fuel, oils and water.

CE5.3. Participate in the filling and handling operations of the tanks.

C6: Participate in the processes that occur during the stowage of the fish in the fridge.

CE6.1. Carry out the work of internal division of the fridges, taking into account their characteristics and that of the species to be preserved, according to the instructions received.

CE6.2. Intervene in the stowage of the catch, in boxes or in bulk, taking into account the arrangement of the refrigerator, interpreting the information provided.

CE6.3. Collaborate on the stowage measures taken to avoid the correction of catches by applying the instructions received.

C7: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1. Behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE4.2. Respect the procedures and standards of the workplace.

CE4.3. Undertake tasks with due diligence according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5. Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6. Respect at all times measures for the prevention of risks, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Operations of loading, unloading, manoeuvring and control of the loss of the vessel of the vessel in fishing off the coast and near the coast

-Organization and control of load and unload operations.

-Calculation of load and unload operations.

-Influence of the distribution and stowage of the load on the stability of the ship.

-Manages of docking, undocking, and anchorage.

-Equipment and mooring and anchoring elements.

-Selection, interpretation and handling of nautical publications and navigation charts.

-Position lines in coastal navigation.

-The navigation by esteem in the letter.

-Navigation with plotter.

-Use and management of radar to position and avoid approaches.

-Tank and tank situation Planes.

-Ship tank capacity tables

2. Meteorological navigation and obligations and slogans of the vessel in and near the coast

-Measurement instruments and equipment of the meteorological variables.

-Navtex receiver.

-Coastal weather information stations.

-The prediction of time and its impact on navigation.

-Functions of each crew member in danger, abandonment, and fire operations.

-Ship security and fire manuals.

3. Stowage of catches in low-level fishing

-Winery division materials.

-Stage materials.

-Conservation and drainage of wineries.

4. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.



Professional experience required in the scope of the competency



MF0537_2: Vessel administration and grubbing-up

• Licentiate in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Diplomat in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent qualifications

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in Order FOMO/2296/2002 of 4 September

2 years



Maniobwork and stability of ship

• Licenced in Nautical and Maritime Transport or degree title corresponding or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Higher Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Transport Maritime

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of 4 September

2 years

Essential titration

MF0539_2: Ship navigation and communications

• Licensed in Nautica and Shipping or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Superior Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of September 4

2 years

Essential titration

MF0540_2: Security, survival and first aid at sea

• Licentiate in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Diplomat in Maritime Navigation or the corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles

• Higher Navigation Technician, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

• Professional title established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of 4 September

2 years

Essential titration

MF0541_1: Internal combustion engines, and auxiliary machines and equipment of the ship

• Licensed in naval machines or the corresponding degree or other degree equivalent titles

• Diplomacy in naval machines or the corresponding degree of degree or other Equivalent titles

• Higher Technician of Supervision and Control of Machines and Facilities of the Ship

• Professional Titling established in Order FOM/2296/2002 of 4 September

2 years

Essential titration

MF0542_2: Fishing extraction, handling, and conservation

• Bachelor's degree in Nautical and Maritime Transport or the corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Top Technical Navigation, Fisheries and Maritime Transport

2 years

4 years


Formativ Spaceor

m 2

15 pupils


25 pupils




Workshop practices









Management Classroom







Practice Workshop








-Audio-visual equipment

-Rotafolios or digital slate

-PCs installed in network, cannon with projection and internet

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Software assisted design specific

-Specific software for automation of operations in water distribution and sanitation networks


-Navigation, Meteorology and Communications Equipment and Instruments

-Simulators and/or Practice Bums

-Nautical material and nautical publications for

jobs in navigation letters

-Magnetic Needle, gyroscopic needle, repeaters, azimuthal alidade, logclock, chronograph, radar, gonium, probe, slide, G.P.S. and plotter

-meteorological information publications

-Barometer, thermometer, anemometer, veleta, catavients, hygrometer and navtex

-Radio installation of V.H.F. and MF of radiotelephony and L.S.D.

-Portable V.H.F. Equipment

-Radiobaliza of 406 Mhz

-Radar Responder

-Mooring and anchoring elements

-Equipment and manoeuvring instruments

-Internal combustion engines

-centrifugal pumps

-Heat exchangers

- Valves


-Accumulator Batteries


-Network Panels


-Cabs of different calibers

-Cables of different calibers

- Elements, materials and tools for working, repairing and assembling arts, gear and

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided for the utensils, machines and tools specified in the training spaces shall be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if appropriate, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Production in aquaculture hatchery

Code: MAPU0110

Professional Family: Maritime-Fisheries

Professional area: Aquaculture

Professional qualification level: 2

Professional reference qualification:

MAP101_2 Production in aquaculture hatchery (R.D. 1087/2005, 16 September)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0285_2: Play and incubate aquaculture species.

UC0286_2: Cultivate Larvae.

UC0287_2: Crop postlarvae, seeds, and fry.

General competition:

Organize and/or perform all activities related to reproduction and cultivation in the early stages of development of aquaculture species, achieving the required quality, in the field of their competence, environmental and occupational risk prevention regulations in force.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its professional activity as an employed person, in the areas of reproduction, larval culture and post-larvae cultivation, seeds or fry, in small, medium and large enterprises, whether they are of a public nature or private, research centres and marshland co-fradies.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the marine-fisheries sector, sub-sector aquaculture, in the productive activities of breeding of fish, molluscs or crustaceans in which processes of production of eggs, larvae and fry are developed.

Occupations or related jobs:

Worker in fish reproduction in marine waters.

Worker in the reproduction of fish in inland waters.

Worker in the larval culture of fish in marine waters.

A worker in mollusc playback.

Worker in mollusc larval culture.

Worker in crustacean reproduction.

Worker in culture larval of crustaceans.

Duration of the associated training: 610 hours.

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0285_2: Reproduction and incubation of aquaculture species (190 hours)

□ UF1657: Development of the production plan for the reproduction and incubation of aquaculture species (70 hours)

□ UF1658: Reproduction and incubation techniques for aquaculture species (90 hours)

□ UF1659: Pathologies in the reproduction and incubation of aquaculture species (30 hours)

MF0286_2: Lary culture of aquaculture species (200 hours)

□ UF1660: Development of the production plan for the larval crop of aquaculture species (70 hours)

□ UF1661: larval culture techniques for aquaculture species (90 hours)

□ UF1662: Prophylaxis in larval culture of aquaculture species (40 hours)

MF0287_2: Post-larval, seed, and fish-fry crops (100 hours)

□ UF1663: Development of a post-larval crop production plan for aquaculture species (30 hours)

□ UF1664: Post-larval culture techniques of aquaculture species (40 hours)

□ UF1665: Pathologies in the cultivation of post-larvae, seeds and fry of aquaculture species (30 hours)

MP0356: Non-working professional practice module for aquaculture production in aquaculture (120 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 2

Code: UC0285_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Verify that the facilities are ready to develop the acclimation and conditioning of the players, induction of the laying and incubation according to the protocols of the company.

CR1 .1. The inventory of materials and equipment available for the maintenance of players, the reproduction of the same and the incubation of larvae is carried out to check their operability.

CR1 .2. The equipment and control systems are verified to verify their operation.

CR1 .3. The state of the substrate is verified on the basis of the predetermined requirements for each species.

CR1 .4. The water supply and drainage systems of the growing tanks are proven to permit the circulation of the established water flows, with the necessary modification or repair if necessary.

CR1 .5. The disinfection of the tanks and materials, as well as the preparation for their use, is verified to be carried out following the established protocols and using the appropriate means and equipment.

CR1 .6. Consumable stocks are controlled by taking into account the shelf life of consumables, making the appropriate modifications to the inventory after communicating the supply needs.

RP2: Develop the work programme under the production plan, in line with the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection, and manage the production data in order to facilitate its rear analysis.

CR2 .1. The workload is distributed among the staff in charge, taking into account their availability and expertise, taking into account the means available and the activities to be carried out.

CR2 .2. The operations performed by the staff in charge are checked, which are performed in a synchronised manner, to avoid mismatches in production.

CR2 .3. All operations are verified to be carried out in compliance with the internal rules of the work area and with the personal equipment fixed.

CR2 .4. The information to develop the activity is transmitted to the staff in charge of course and on a continuous basis, communicating to their superiors, if appropriate, the training needs related to their work area.

CR2 .5. The reports are drawn up with the data obtained in the development of the work programme to enable its analysis and the proposed modifications are proposed as a function of the production results.

CR2 .6. The records of the conditions and the different phases of the crop are found to be covered in appropriate time and form, as well as the status of the storerooms.

RP3: Monitor and/or perform the activities for obtaining, acclimatization and conditioning of players in order to obtain the production plan as required.

CR3 .1. The procedures used in the capture and transport of specimens are checked for each species, verifying the arrival of the individuals to the facility and that their characteristics comply with the established protocols.

CR3 .2. The new players are sampled, selected and marked, according to established procedures, to obtain a controlled stock and to ensure the supply of gametes/eggs and larvae that allow the production plan to be met.

CR3 .3. The physical-chemical parameters of the medium are controlled and adapted to achieve the acclimation of the players to the conditions of the installation.

CR3 .4. The different batch of players are subjected to the thermoperiod and photoperiod cycles established for each species for the fulfilment of the production plan.

CR3 .5. The diets established in the feeding protocols are elaborated and administered to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the species in the stages of acclimation, reproduction, maturation, laying and rest.

CR3 .6. Individuals are sampled with the periodicity established in the protocols to verify their evolution and their maturation status.

CR3 .7. The maturation and the moment of laying is induced by means of specific techniques as established in the protocols for each species.

RP4: Perform and/or monitor the obtention and selection of eggs and embryos or larvae to achieve viable individuals adjusting to the production plan.

CR4 .1. The gametes to perform the fecundation are obtained artificially in case the species requires it, following the established guidelines.

CR4 .2. The presence of natural or induced sunsets is visually detected and eggs, larvae or players are removed from the culture tank using the appropriate means according to the species.

CR4 .3. The quality of the gametes and the fertilised eggs and the larvae is controlled and recorded, taking into account the parameters previously established, deciding whether or not their incubation step or the larval culture tanks.

CR4 .4. The conservation of gametes is carried out by applying the techniques according to established protocols.

RP5: Control the incubation of the sets to obtain viable eggs and/or larvae, and condition them for shipment and planting or for marketing, following the established protocols.

CR5 .1. The physico-chemical parameters are controlled to fit them for incubation.

CR5 .2. Eggs that are considered non-viable are monitored to be removed according to the protocols.

CR5 .3. The evolution of the embryonic development of the batch in incubation is proven to meet the established quality parameters.

CR5 .4. The eggs and/or larvae are counted and the quality control is carried out and put up, for transfer to the larval breeding facility or for marketing in compliance with the specifications laid down.

CR5 .5. The coordination with the responsible for the breeding area is established under the supervision of its superior, to carry out the shipment of the incubated material, on the basis of the protocols established by the technical direction.

RP6: Detect the existence of indicators of pathological problems in reproduction and incubation and monitor and/or perform the necessary prevention and control measures according to the defined protocols, prior to communication to their higher.

CR6 .1. The samples are collected in the form and periodicity established for external and internal health controls.

CR6 .2. The therapeutic treatments prescribed by the relevant controller are applied in accordance with their specifications.

CR6 .3. The vaccine application is monitored and performed according to established protocols.

CR6 .4. The presence of external symptoms, as well as changes in behavior or other indicators of pathological problems, are communicated to the superiors clearly and quickly.

Professional Context

Production media

General equipment of a playback unit. Equipment for measuring the conditions of the culture medium. Utensils and equipment for the capture, manipulation and identification of individuals. Machinery for the manufacture of feed and feeders/Food keepers. Laboratory material. Material for the preservation of samples, raw materials and products. Material for the sampling and processing of samples. Material for the administration of therapeutic treatments and/or vaccines. Cleaning and disinfection systems. Computer equipment. EPIS (Personal Protective Equipment).

Products and results

Embryonic eggs and/or viable larvae of fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

Information used or generated

General outline of the operation of the installation. Manuals for the use of chemical products. Specific production plan for the area. Inventory of materials, chemicals and equipment. Working protocols. Sanitary control manual. Technical manuals for the maintenance of equipment or systems. Quality criteria for this phase of cultivation.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 2

Code: UC0286_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Check that facilities, control systems, equipment, and material are prepared for larvae culture activities as set out in the production plan.

CR1 .1. The inventory of available materials and equipment is performed for the initiation and continuity of the larvae culture by checking their suitability to develop the activity according to the production plan, communicating the incidents to their superiors.

CR1 .2. The operation of equipment and control systems is verified by comparing it with preset parameters, ordering its review, tuning and repair in case of failure and checking that the result is the required one.

CR1 .3. The state of the substrate is verified on the basis of the requirements of each species.

CR1 .4. The water supply and drainage systems of the growing tanks are proven to permit the circulation of the established water flow, having their modification or repair in the opposite case.

CR1 .5. The coordination with the production managers of phytoplankton and zooplankton is established under the supervision of its superior, to ensure the supply of both areas in the cultivation phases, fulfilling the production plan.

CR1 .6. The disinfection of the tanks and materials, as well as the preparation for their use, are verified to be carried out in accordance with the established protocol and with the required means and equipment.

CR1 .7. Consumable stocks are controlled taking into account the shelf life of the consumables, communicating the supply needs, and making inventory modifications.

RP2: Develop the larval culture work program according to the production plan and perform production data management in order to facilitate its subsequent analysis.

CR2 .1. The workload is distributed among the staff, taking into account their availability and specialization, taking into account the means available and the activities to be performed, checking that the tasks are performed synchronously.

CR2 .2. The workers in the area in charge are found to have the equipment and use it properly.

CR2 .3. All operations are carried out, checking compliance with the internal rules of the work area, complying with the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

CR2 .4. The information to develop the activity is transmitted to the staff in charge of clear and continuous form.

CR2 .5. The records of the growing conditions, as well as the entries and exits of individuals, are found to have been covered in adequate time and form.

CR2 .6. Warehouse status records, in reference to all consumable material used in your work area, are checked to be covered in time and form.

CR2 .7. The reports are prepared with the above data to make your analysis possible and the modifications that are considered according to the production results are proposed.

RP3: Monitor and/or perform the removal and seeding of larvae to the growing tanks following the established guidelines.

CR3 .1. Coordination with those responsible for phytoplankton and zooplankton is established, under the supervision of their superior, to determine the time of the larvae seeding.

CR3 .2. Mollusc larvae are classified and selected taking into account quality and size criteria.

CR3 .3. The larvae are distributed in the growing tanks according to their availability and in the conditions of each species, and taking into account established protocols.

RP4: Control and track the daily larval culture tank according to established protocols and changes in previously scheduled stabling conditions.

CR4 .1. The physico-chemical parameters of culture are controlled and determined or made appropriate modifications in accordance with the established protocols.

CR4 .2. The quantity and quality of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the culture medium is controlled and administered the amount, type and size of live feed required in the various larval phases following established procedures.

CR4 .3. The evolution of larval development is controlled according to established protocols.

CR4 .4. The use of the appropriate substrate for fixation on the basis of the requirements of each species is decided by periodic sampling, and performance is determined on fixation.

CR4 .5. Siphoning and/or removal operations of organic debris from the growing tank are monitored that are performed with the established frequency and criteria.

CR4 .6. The sampling necessary to know the development, quality and/or growth of the larvae, are performed and/or monitored according to the established protocols.

CR4 .7. The densities and biomass values in the larval culture tanks are adjusted according to the conditions set for each species.

RP5: Detect the existence of indicators of pathological problems in the larvae culture process, and monitor and/or perform the necessary prevention and control measures according to the defined protocols, prior to communication to their higher.

CR5 .1. The samples are collected in the form and periodicity established to carry out routine health checks or at the expense of the occurrence of signs or symptoms, being processed through either own or external laboratory.

CR5 .2. The therapeutic treatments prescribed by the relevant controller are applied in accordance with their specifications.

CR5 .3. The vaccine application is monitored and/or performed according to established protocols.

CR5 .4. The presence of external symptoms, as well as changes in behavior or other indicators of pathological problems, are communicated to the superiors clearly and quickly.

RP6: Schedule and perform and/or monitor the selection, classification and conditioning of the final product (larvae) for marketing or shipment according to company protocols.

CR6 .1. The final quality of the larvae is controlled according to the parameters of quality and quantity previously established.

CR6 .2. The classification and selection of the larvae is monitored and/or performed according to their origin and criteria of size and quality, if necessary and the species permits.

CR6 .3. The larvae are conditioned by following the protocols for their transfer to another facility or to continue their cultivation in another area within the facility.

CR6 .4. The number of larvae in each tank is estimated on the basis of the company's protocols.

CR6 .5. Coordination with those responsible for the production of phytoplankton and zooplankton is established under the supervision of their superior, to carry out the transfer of the individuals at the time determined by the production cycles.

Professional Context

Production media

General equipment of a larval culture unit. Cleaning and disinfection materials. Equipment for measuring the conditions of the culture medium. Utensils and equipment for the reception, sowing and larval development of individuals. Equipment for the preparation, enrichment and dosing of the diets. Laboratory material. Material for the preservation of samples, raw materials and products. Material for the sampling and processing of samples. Material for the administration of therapeutic treatments and/or vaccines. Computer equipment. EPIS (Personal Protective Equipment).

Products and results

Postlarvae of crustaceans, mollusc seeds and fish fry, viable.

Information used or generated

General outline of the operation of the installation. Specific production plan for the area. Inventory of materials, chemicals and equipment. Working protocols. Quality criteria for each phase of the larval culture.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 2

Code: UC0287_2

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Verify the state of the facilities, control systems, equipment and material for the development of the activities of the cultivation of postlarvae, seeds or fry, following protocols.

CR1 .1. The inventory of available materials and equipment is carried out for the start and continuity of the crop, verifying its suitability to develop the activity according to the production plan.

CR1 .2. The operation of equipment and control systems is verified by comparing it with preset parameters, ordering its review, tuning and repair in case of failure and checking that the result is the required one.

CR1 .3. The state of the substrate is verified to be adequate based on the requirements of each species.

CR1 .4. The water supply and drainage systems of the growing tanks are proven to permit the circulation of the established water flow, with the necessary modification or repair if necessary.

CR1 .5. The coordination with the plant-plankton production manager is established under the supervision of its superior, in order to ensure the supply in the growing stages by fulfilling the production plan.

RP2: Develop the post-larvae, seed, or fry culture work program in accordance with the production plan, and manage the production data in order to facilitate its subsequent analysis.

CR2 .1. The workload is distributed among the staff, taking into account their availability and expertise, taking into account the means available and the activities to be carried out.

CR2 .2. The personnel in charge are checked to perform operations synchronously in their work area, avoiding mismatches in production.

CR2 .3. The workers in the area in charge are found to have the equipment and use it properly.

CR2 .4. The operations carried out within the area are proven to be carried out in compliance with internal standards and in accordance with the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.

CR2 .5. The information needed to develop the activity is transmitted to the staff in charge of course and on a continuous basis, and if appropriate, the training needs related to their work area are communicated to their superiors.

CR2 .6. Records of crop conditions as well as entries, outputs, survival and deformities, are found to have been covered in time and form.

CR2 .7. Warehouse status records, in reference to all consumable material used in your work area, are checked to be covered in time and form.

CR2 .8. The reports are prepared with the records data to make your analysis possible and the modifications that are considered according to the production results are proposed.

RP3: Monitor, coordinate, and/or perform individuals ' receiving and stabling activities according to established protocols and managing production data to facilitate their subsequent analysis.

CR3 .1. Coordination with phytoplankton production managers is established, under the supervision of their superior, to prepare the facility and to perform the reception of the individuals on the basis of the company's protocols.

CR3 .2. The transfer from the larval breeding facility is carried out to the nursery or seed tanks under the conditions laid down in the protocols for each species.

CR3 .3. The post-larvae are distributed in the growing tanks according to criteria of density, size, quality and growing conditions for each species.

RP4: Control and track culture to obtain postlarvae, seeds, and alevines of the required quality according to established protocols.

CR4 .1. The physical-chemical parameters of culture are controlled and adjusted, following established protocols and making appropriate modifications, to maintain crop conditions.

CR4 .2. The amount of food needed is calculated depending on the biomass and the growing conditions.

CR4 .3. The quantity, quality, type and size of food is controlled, depending on the size of the individuals and the growing conditions, regulating the supply manually or automatically with the frequency and procedures established.

CR4 .4. The siphoning or removal of the food, waste and casualty remains of the tanks is monitored and or performed daily in the form established to maintain the crop in good hygienic conditions and readjust the feed.

CR4 .5. Samplings are programmed and performed with the established frequency, to know the growth and survival of individuals, according to standardized standards or company protocols.

CR4 .6. Individuals are classified and accounted for by weight/weight, establishing homogeneous lots with the frequency determined by the evolution of the crop.

CR4.7 The quality of the individuals is determined as long as the size of the individuals allows to identify the deformities for each species, removing those that do not conform to the established criteria.

CR4.8 Undoubles of individuals are performed based on density and biomass criteria.

RP5: Detect the existence of indicators of pathological problems in the process of growing postlarvae, seeds and fry, and monitor and/or perform prevention and control measures according to the defined protocols, prior communication to their superiors.

CR5 .1. The samples are collected in the form and periodicity established, to carry out routine health checks or at the expense of the appearance of signs or symptoms, processing the samples through their own or external laboratory.

CR5 .2. The therapeutic treatments prescribed by the relevant controller are applied in accordance with their specifications.

CR5 .3. The vaccine application is monitored or performed according to established protocols.

CR5 .4. The presence of external symptoms, as well as changes in behavior or other indicators of pathological problems, communicate with clarity and speed to the superiors.

RP6: Schedule and perform and/or monitor the selection, classification and conditioning of the final product for marketing or shipment according to company protocols.

CR6 .1. To determine the final quality, size and dispersion of the individuals, samples are collected according to predetermined criteria.

CR6 .2. The final product is classified, selected and grouped according to the results of the sampling and according to the sales criteria.

CR6 .3. Depending on the size of the individuals, they set fasting and adjust the temperature and salinity for the proper transfer of the same.

CR6 .4. The molluscs are conditioned by adjusting the conditions of the culture medium to the conditions of the target zone.

CR6 .5. Individuals are in the means of transport following established protocols.

Professional Context

Production media

General equipment of a post-larvae, seed and fry growing unit. Cleaning and disinfection materials. Equipment for measuring the conditions of the culture medium. Utensils and equipment for the reception, cultivation and transfer of individuals. Equipment for the preparation, enrichment and dosing of the diets. Laboratory material. Material for the taking, processing and preservation of the samples. Material for the administration of therapeutic treatments and vaccines. Computer equipment. EPIS (Personal Protective Equipment).

Products and results

Seeds and juveniles suitable for fattening.

Information used or generated

General outline of the operation of the installation. Technical maintenance manuals and instructions for use of equipment and systems. Personnel relationship in the work area. Specific production plan for the area. Health history of each batch. Shelf-life, use and storage modes of perishable products. Working protocols. Power tables. Sanitary control manual. Quality criteria during cultivation and for the final product.




Code: MF0285_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0285_2 Play and incubate aquaculture species

Duration: 190 hours



Code: UF1657

Duration: 70 hours

Competition Reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Relate the endowment of a reproduction and incubation facility with each phase of the crop according to the production forecasts, and in accordance with the regulations for the prevention of occupational risks and the environment.

CE1.1 Describe the relationship of materials and equipment needed to perform reproduction and incubation tasks in a hatchery.

CE1.2 Describe the operation of control equipment and systems, which are necessary for the performance of reproduction and incubation tasks.

CE1.3 Make an inventory of the material needed to apply the protocols designated for this phase of the crop.

CE1.4 Identify the characteristics of the tanks for the conditioning of the players in the species that require them.

CE1.5 Describe the usage maintenance activities of the playback facilities.

CE1.6 Describe safety and hygiene measures regarding the use of facilities and equipment based on established protocols.

C2: Adapt the work schedule by taking into account the materials, equipment and personnel, following the production plan.

CE2.1 Characterize the different phases of the reproduction according to the species of crop.

CE2.2 Sequence the necessary activities in the playback and incubation phase to achieve the objectives of the production plan.

CE2.3 Identify the tasks to be performed at each crop stage based on the objectives of a production plan.

CE2.4 Adapting the available human resources to each phase of the crop based on the objective of a production plan.

CE2.5 Elaborate statistics for each culture activity to track the process.


1. Biological characteristics of the breeding species of the cultivable species

-Commercial interest species.

-Anatomy of species.

-Reproduction physiology.

-Ecology and distribution (biogeography) of the main species of commercial interest.

2. Culture facilities for reproduction and incubation

-Crop structures (tanks, pools and ponds).

-Equipment and machinery of the reproduction and incubation facility.

-Water treatment systems for reproduction and incubation.

-Light and temperature control systems.


-Maintenance of facilities and equipment usage.

-How to store and store equipment.

-Disinfection and cleaning of facilities.

-Prevention of labor risks in reproduction.

-Environmental aspects.

3. Programming the playback

-Human resources in the reproduction and incubation phase.

-Sequencing of activities. Chart of Gantt.

-Production control states.

-Stock, warehouse, and inventory management.



Code: UF1658

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply player stock management protocols to achieve scheduled production of the sets, complying with environmental regulations (aloctony species).

CE1.1 Recognize the selection criteria for the players.

CE1.2 Describe the player transport systems for the different species.

CE1.3 List the breeding conditions of the players and the physico-chemical parameters required for their stabling.

CE1.4 Describe conditioning conditions of each species to obtain the maturation of the players.

CE1.5 Relate the feeding of the players to the gonadal, put and rest ripening processes.

CE1.6 Explain the sampling and marking procedures of the players to control their evolution.

CE1.7 Identify the thermoperiod and photoperiod conditions of the stock of players to establish reproductive cycles based on the cultivable species.

C2: Apply the necessary playback techniques to obtain viable puts according to an established production plan.

CE2.1 Identify the types of setting for obtaining gametes/eggs from the different species to be grown.

CE2.2 Describe the natural or induced collection systems and the means used in this task.

CE2.3 List the different types of induction to the putting of different species.

CE2.4 Recognize the criteria for the valuation of gametes, fertilised eggs and larvae of different species, to determine their quality.

CE2.5 Describe the conservation systems of the gametes for use, depending on the cultivable species.

CE2.6 Associate the management of the sets with the conditions set to control traceability.

CE2.7 Identify possible incidents in the processes of this phase and propose alternatives or modifications to minimize such incidents.

CE2.8 Ante different cases of obtaining gametes: obtain gametes according to the species and perform the fertilization of the same, calculating the percentage of fertilization for their assessment.

C3: Organize the incubation and transfer processes of larvae and/or embryonic eggs by following the protocols and applying the established quality controls.

CE3.1 Describe the conditioning conditions of the tanks for the reception of the sets.

CE3.2 Describe counting systems for seeding incubators.

CE3.3 Recognize the different stages of embryonic development of different species and cite established quality parameters.

CE3.4 Recognize the quality of eggs and/or larvae according to established criteria.

CE3.5 Identify the preparation systems for the shipment of eggs and/or larvae according to their destination.

CE3.6 In case of incubation control: Perform sampling, calculating the hatching percentages and removing the non-viable eggs.


1. Player conditioning

-Source of the players.

-Selection of players: selection criteria.

-Transport of the players.

-Marking of the players.

-Steal and conditioning of the players.

-Photoperiod and thermoperiod control.

-Player feed:

-Nutritional requirements.

-Types of food.

2. Getting put

-Types of Bets.


-Gameto and egg count techniques.

-Quality of Bets Criteria.

-How to store gametes.

3. Incubation of cultivable species

-Incubation conditions for different crop species.

-Non-viable egg collection systems.

-embryonic development.

-Quality criteria for embryonic eggs and/or larvae.

-Embryonic egg count techniques and/or larvae: Muestreos.

-Embryo-egg sorting and counting systems.

-Conditioning conditions for the move.

-Packing of the embryonic eggs.



Code: UF1659

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply methods of prevention of pathologies in the phases of reproduction and incubation of aquaculture species.

CE1.1 Identify the main sources of contamination in the reproduction and incubation phase and its effects on the crop.

CE1.2 Describe possible changes in the environment that may affect the appearance of pathologies in the culture.

CE1.3 Associate the behavior of individuals with symptoms indicators of the existence of pathologies.

CE1.4 List the methods of prevention and control of diseases that can be applied to minimize pathologies.

CE1.5 Describe the methods of obtaining, preparing, and sending samples for analysis to specialized laboratories.

C2: Recognize pathologies in the processes of reproduction and incubation and apply the treatments according to the protocols.

CE2.1 Identify the symptoms of the most common pathologies.

CE2.2 Identify potential therapeutic treatments and their application according to pathology.

CE2.3 Describe the growing conditions to be maintained, before, during and after a treatment.

CE2.4 In case of application of treatments: calculate the dose to be applied according to the dosage.


1. Pathology in reproduction and incubation processes

-General aspects of the infectious pathology of the players.

-Main symptoms of the most common pathologies.

-Infectious diseases.

-Non-infectious diseases.

-Criteria for the use and dosing of chemical and therapeutic products.

-Preparation and supply of chemical and therapeutic products.

2. Getting put

-Importance of prophylaxis in health management.

-Methods of disease prevention and control: preventive measures.



-Preparing samples for submission to laboratories.

-Criteria for good animal health practices.

-Animal welfare.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

Formative Unit 3-UF1659

duration in hours of the training


Formative Unit 1-UF1657


Formative Unit 2-UF1658





To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 2 and to access the training unit 2, the training unit 1 has been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0286_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0286_2 Grow Larvae

Duration: 200 hours



Code: UF1660

Duration: 70 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Relate the envelope of an installation with each phase of the larval culture, taking into account the regulations of prevention of occupational and environmental risks.

CE1.1 Characterizing the facilities of the larval phase of a hatchery taking into account final production and the species of crop.

CE1.2 Associate the needs of materials and equipment with the larval culture phases by adjusting to a production plan.

CE1.3 Develop an inventory of the required materials and equipment at each stage of larval culture to achieve a given production.

CE1.4 Describe possible environmental aspects generated during the larval culture.

CE1.5 In case of installation of an installation: perform an installation scheme by arranging the equipment and materials in each crop area.

C2: Interpret the larval culture production plan by adapting it to the material and human means.

CE2.1 Characterizing the different phases of the larval culture according to the species of culture.

CE2.2 Associate the operations to be performed with the larval culture phase and the species.

CE2.3 Determine the material and human resources for the performance of the tasks in each crop phase.

CE2.4 Interpret a schedule of production activities.

CE2.5 Develop a control-stage of the activities of a culture phase.


1. Biological characteristics of the larvae

-Commercial Interest Species

-Larvary physiology

-larval development:


-anatomical characteristics of the species.

2. Larval culture facilities

-Larvario culture area equipment and machinery:

-Tanks and culture structures: types and conditioning

-Water and air filtration and treatment systems.

-Aeration systems.

-Water recirculation systems.

-Disposition of the equipment in each crop phase.

-Equipment associated with each crop phase.


-Maintenance of facilities and equipment usage.

-Food distribution systems.

-Equipment cleaning and disinfection systems.

-How to store and store equipment.

-Prevention of workplace risks in larval culture.

-Environmental aspects.

3. Organization of resources in the area of larval culture

-Gantt chart: Organization and activity programming.

-Programming process larval culture, Activities in each phase.

-Sequencing activities in the larval culture area

-Estimates of the biological material.

-Estimate human resources.

-Production control states.

-Maintenance of materials, equipment and culture media in different phases


-Stock, warehouse, and inventory management.



Code: UF1661

Duration: 90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Organize the larvae transfer by applying the protocols and taking into account the culture characteristics of the different species.

CE1.1 Select the larvae transfer technique based on the species.

CE1.2 Relate the conditions of the larval stabling with the various larval culture systems.

CE1.3 List the conditions of harvesting and sowing of the larvae according to the species of crop.

CE1.4 Describe the criteria for evaluating the quality of the larvae taking into account the characteristics of the species.

CE1.5 Ante different cases of larvae count: select the technique and perform the larvae count.

C2: Apply the techniques of the larval culture according to the species and taking into account the protocols.

CE2.1 Describe the various larval culture techniques according to species.

CE2.2 Associate the anatomical characteristics with the different phases of larval development, according to species.

CE2.3 List the control parameters of the larval culture conditions according to the culture system.

CE2.4 Interpret the feeding program for each phase of larval culture and depending on the species.

CE2.5 List criteria for assessing the quality of individuals according to the species of culture.

CE2.6 Describe computer systems and larvae measurement.

CE2.7 Associate food distribution systems with the crop species.

CE2.8 Identify the anatomical characteristics that determine the time to prepare for the fixation of the larvae.

C3: Select the end product by following the established quality standards and arrange the transfer for the next phase of cultivation.

CE3.1 Relate the cultivated species with the final product harvest process.

CE3.2 List the conditions of preparation of the pre-transfer individuals according to the destination and the species.

CE3.3 Recognize the quality of the end product by applying preset criteria.

CE3.4 Describe the classification systems of the final product according to the species.

CE3.5 Associate the procedures for the conditioning of individuals according to their destination.

CE3.6 List the parameters to be controlled during harvest and the transfer of postlarvae to the next phase of cultivation.


1. Planting of the larval culture tanks

-Transfer techniques.

-Computer of individuals.

-Quality criteria for the larvae.

-The larvae harvest system.

-Conditioning of the larvae tanks.

-larvae stabling conditions.

2. Larval culture of cultivable species

-Larvary culture systems.

-Stages of larval development of fish, molluscs and crustaceans.

-Larval density according to the species.

-Crop parameters: measurement and ranges.

-Adjustment of flow rates and renewals. Water and air.


-nutritional requirements of the different larval stages.

-Species and food densities.

-Sequence of prey according to the species.

-Quantification and distribution of food.


-Lary quality criteria.

-Techniques of computation and measurement of the larvae.


-Classification of the larvae.

-Tank siphon and cleaning of utensils and equipment.

-Cleaning and disinfection of the tanks.

-Estimate mortality.

-Record data.

3. Preparing the final product

-Conditioning conditions prior to the transfer of the larvae.

-Harvest systems.

-Larvae Classification Systems.

-Quality criteria.

-Conditioning of individuals.

-Transport systems.



Code: UF1662

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria:

C1: Apply prophylaxis methods in the larval culture to avoid alterations in the culture conditions.

CE1.1 Identify the asepsis and disinfection products, equipment, and procedures applicable to larval culture.

CE1.2 List prevention and control methods that can be applied to crops to minimize alterations to growing conditions.

CE1.3 Describe the methods of obtaining, preparing, and sending samples for analysis in an external lab.

CE1.4 Describe and justify the type of health barriers to be placed in the critical points of the installation.

CE1.5 In case of application of prophylaxis methods: calculate the doses of the treatments used for disinfection and prophylaxis according to the protocols provided.

C2: Associate changes in the environment and the behavior of the larvae with symptoms that may indicate the existence of pathologies.

CE2.1 Describe the sampling procedure for the observation of the larvae.

CE2.2 Associate changes in the behavior of the larvae with symptoms of pathologies in the larvae.

CE2.3 Describe possible changes in the environment that may affect the appearance of pathologies in the culture.

CE2.4 Recognize the most relevant data from the results of the samples ' observations.

CE2.5 Determine the critical parameters to analyze from the media according to the species, phases, and systems used.


1. Prevention and treatment in larval culture

-Criteria for determining the critical points of the installation.

-Importance of preventive measures.

-Stress Concept:

-Stress-inducing factors.

-Corrective measures.

-Animal health preventive measures.

-Sanitary barriers. Preparation and location.

-Criteria for good animal health practices.

-Cleaning and disinfection systems.

-Cleaning and disinfection products. Types and Dose of Utilization.

-Use and dosing of chemicals for each phase.

-Chemical and pharmacological products authorised for cultivation.

-Application of therapeutic products:

-According to type.

-According to culture system.

-prophylactic Baths: Products and dosage.

-Chemical labeling symbols.

-Security criteria and standards in application of treatments.

-Preparing samples for shipment to laboratories.

2. Pathologies in the larval culture

-General aspects of infectious pathology.

-Key disease indicators.

-Factors affect the quality of the culture medium.

-Sample Take:

-Preparing samples for observation under a microscope.

-Taking samples for microbiological sowings.

-Major pathologies affecting larval crops.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units

Formative Unit 3-UF1662

duration in hours of the training



Formative Unit 1-UF1660


Formative Unit 2-UF1661





To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 2 and to access the training unit 2, the training unit 1 has been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0287_2

Professional qualification level: 2

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0287_2: Post-larval, seed, and fry culture

Duration: 100 hours



Code: UF1663

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the equipment needs to perform post-larvae cultivation under the predetermined conditions, adjusting to the regulations of occupational hazards and environmental protection.

CE1.1 Perform a facility scheme for postlarval culture of a given species.

CE1.2 Relating the postlarval culture phases to the needs of consumables, materials, and equipment to develop the activity.

CE1.3 Recognize the support and substrate required for the fixation of the cultivated species.

CE1.4 Describe usage maintenance activities and differentiate them from specialized maintenance tasks.

C2: Relate a production plan for the cultivation of postlarvae with the required human and material resources.

CE2.1 Sequence the activities of the crop by applying the production protocols.

CE2.2 Relating the tasks of the culture phases to the needs of human and material resources.

CE2.3 Interpret the production activities in a Gantt chart.

CE2.4 Identify safety and hygiene measures regarding the use of facilities and equipment.

CE2.5 Develop a control sheet of the physical and chemical parameters of the crop.


1. Biological characteristics of the postlarvae, seeds and fry

-Commercial interest species.

-Postlarval physiology.

-Post-larval development: Phases and anatomical characteristics of the species.

2. Post-larval cultivation facilities

-Crop structures.

-Fixing systems.

-Equipment and elements of the crop.

-Water treatment systems:

-Filtering of water.

-Warming and cooling of water.

-recirculation systems.

-Aeration and oxygenation systems. Types of blowers.


-Maintenance of materials, equipment and culture media in the different phases of systems.

-Prevention of occupational risks in postlarval culture.

-Environmental aspects.

3. Programming of post-larvae production

-Sequence of tasks and synchronization of resources.

-Gantt diagrams. Interpretation and elaboration.

-Programming process culture postlarval.

-Managing production data.

-Stock, warehouse, and inventory management.

-Data processing. Statistics and forms.

-Estimate human resources.



Code: UF1664

Duration: 40 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP3, RP4, and RP6.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Describe the transfer processes of individuals having the conditions of cultivation for each species.

CE1.1 Associate the transfer technique with the culture system and the species

CE1.2 Relate the characteristics of the crop with the planting conditions of the postlarvae and/or fry.

CE1.3 Describe the classification and deduplication techniques applicable to each species.

CE1.4 List quality criteria for post-larvae or fry taking into account each species of crop

CE1.5 Relate the availability of food with the number of individuals to be established.

CE1.6 Apply count techniques of individuals to determine the number of individuals and the biomass of the lot, depending on the species grown.

C2: Apply the techniques of cultivation of postlarvae, seeds and/or fry, taking into account the growing conditions for each species.

CE2.1 Recognize the stages and stages of postlarval development for the various cultivable species.

CE2.2 Citar the physicochemical and biological parameters required for crop monitoring.

CE2.3 Associate the influence of biomass with the growing conditions of the cultivated species

CE2.4 Associate the sampling method with the species and the culture system

CE2.5 Recognize the nutritional needs of postlarvae based on the species

CE2.6 In the case of post-larvae feeding: select the feeding system and calculate the food dose according to the species of crop.

CE2.7 Describe cleaning and siphoning systems of post-larvae tanks.

C3: Describe the selection and preparation criteria for the final product, taking into account the established quality criteria.

CE3.1 Recognize the quality of individuals taking into account pre-established criteria

CE3.2 Describe pre-harvest conditioning based on destination and species.

CE3.3 Relate the harvest process with the cultivated species.

CE3.4 List final product classification systems based on the species

CE3.5 Describe end product conditioning systems according to your target.

CE3.6 Recognize the critical points to control during the transportation of individuals.


1. Planting of post-larvae or fingerlings

-Transfer techniques.

-Count techniques.

-Quality criteria for postlarvae or fry.

-Postlarvae or fry harvesting system.

-Tank conditioning.

-Stabling parameters:

-Sampling techniques.

-Classification and Undouble Techniques.

2. Cultivation of postlarvae, seeds and/or fry

-Crop systems.

-Crop media conditions.

-Quality criteria.

-Post-larvae conditioning.

-Assessment of growth.

-Post-larvae feed:

-Nutritional requirements.

-Live feed.

-Ininert diets.

-Handling power tables.

-Power systems.

-Estimate of survival.

3. Preparing the final product

-Prepping to the move.

-Quality criteria.

-Conditioning of individuals.

-Individuals ' stabling systems.

-Transport systems.



Code: UF1665

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to the RP5.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply methods of prevention of pathologies to species as established in the protocols.

CE1.1 Identify the products, equipment and procedures of asepsis and disinfection CE1.2 List the main sources of contamination, their risks and consequences for the development of the crop.

CE1.3 Citar causes of stress in individuals, taking into account the cultivated species.

CE1.4 List methods of prevention and control of diseases that may affect crops.

CE1.5 Describe the methods of obtaining, preparing, and sending samples for analysis in a lab.

CE1.6 Associate vaccination systems with the cultivable species.

C2: Recognize symptoms associated with pathologies and apply the treatments according to the protocols.

CE2.1 Recognize diagnostic techniques for the detection of pathologies.

CE2.2 Citar possible alterations of the conditions of the crop that may cause the occurrence of pathologies.

CE2.3 Associate symptomatology of individuals who are sick or dead with the main pathologies.

CE2.4 In case of treatment of pathologies: prepare and apply treatments according to established protocols.


1. Prevention and treatment in post-larval culture

-Criteria for determining the critical points of the installation.

-Stress: factors that induce and corrective measures.

-Preventive measures in post-larval culture.

-Sanitary barriers. Preparation and location.

-Criteria for good animal health practices.

-Cleaning and Disinfection:

-Cleaning and disinfection systems.

-Cleaning and disinfection material.

-Types and doses of utilization of cleaning products.

-Chemical and pharmacological products: Types and dosage.

-prophylactic Baths: Products and dosage.

-Security criteria and standards in application of treatments.

-Preparing samples for shipment to laboratories.

-Vaccination. Techniques and equipment.

2. Pathologies in post-larval culture

-General aspects of infectious pathology

-Non-infectious diseases. Treatments.

-Infectious diseases. Treatments.

-Disease transmission systems

-Healthcare legislation

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:

Training Units


duration in hours of the training



Formative Unit 1-UF1663


Formative Unit 2-UF1664




To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 2 and to access the training unit 2, the training unit 1 has been exceeded.

Access criteria for pupils

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0356

Duration: 120 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Identify production activities taking into account the growing phase of a farm.

CE1.1 Associate the facilities and equipment used in each crop phase with your applications.

CE1.2 Organize the tasks to be developed at each stage of a hatchery.

CE1.3 Perform the inventory of inputs required to develop each phase of the crop.

CE1.4 Check the operability of the facilities, machinery and equipment involved in a culture phase.

CE1.5 Perform the replacement operations of the worn or damaged fungible elements.

CE1.6 Identify critical points of the installation and propose corrective measures.

C2: Perform the required operations at each stage of the breeding of a hatchery, taking into account the type of installation and the production protocols.

CE2.1 Carry out the control tasks for the conditioning and maturation of the players.

CE2.2 Carry out measurements of physical and chemical parameters of the crop, interpret them, and fill in the control status.

CE2.3 Determine the quantity and quality of the food required by a culture to supply it in time and form by applying the preset methodology.

CE2.4 Perform representative batch sampling by applying the pre-set protocols for each species and culture system.

CE2.5 Perform undoubles and classifications by applying the procedure set for each phase of the production process.

CE2.6 Carry out the batch transfer tasks by maintaining the traceability of the cultivated lots, applying the established protocols for each phase of the crop.

CE2.7 Perform the quality controls of the final product of a culture phase, applying pre-established criteria and protocols.

C3: Apply the methods of the management of by-products/waste, and methods of prevention of diseases and disinfection of the facilities taking into account the current regulations.

CE3.1 Identify and assess the environmental aspects generated by the aquaculture activity in the cultivation facility.

CE3.2 Identify cleaning products and disinfection equipment used in each crop phase.

CE3.3 Perform disinfection operations of facilities and growing equipment.

CE3.4 Withdraw morbid and dead individuals, recognizing their symptomatology.

CE3.5 Prepare and apply preventive treatments in the crop.

CE3.6 Prepare and dose therapeutic treatments taking into account the prescribed dosage regimen.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1 Respect the procedures and rules of the work center, as well as behave responsibly in the work to be done

CE4.2 Perform certain integrated activities on a work team

CE4.3 Diligently undertake the tasks according to the instructions received, trying to adapt to the work rate of the company.

CE4.4 Respect safety measures at work, using established protective equipment to avoid risks and achieve the required results.


1. Organization in a hatchery

-Interrelation between production areas in the cultivation facilities.

-Main operations developed at each crop stage.

-Phases of a production schedule.

-Collection and processing of data. Statistics and forms.

2. Control of equipment and materials in an installation

-Relationship of machines and equipment associated with each phase and culture system.

-Basic maintenance and equipment maintenance operations.

-Critical installations of installations.

3. Cultivation operations in the different phases of a farm

-Player conditioning conditions.

-Condition indexes.

-Food techniques and dietary behavior of individuals.

-Quality control and dosing of the food.

-Physical-chemical parameters that influence culture.

-Biomass control systems: sampling, desdoubles, and classifications.

-Trasvases and crops of crops.

-End product quality criteria.

4. Management of by-products and waste

-Facilities prevention and disinfection systems.


-Posology of treatments.

-Environmental management of the facility: identification of environmental aspects, assessment of environmental aspects, treatment of by-products/waste.

5. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


Professional experience required in the scope of the competency

With accreditation


MF0285_2: Reproduction and incubation of aquaculture species

• Licentiate, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomat, Engineer Technical, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Senior Technical of the Professional Maritime Family.

• Certificate of professionalism level 3 of the professional fishing family fishing in the area of Aquaculture

4 years

MF0286_2: Aquaculture Species Larval Cultivation

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomat, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

• Technician Superior of the professional fishing family.

• Certificate of professionalism Level 3 of the professional fishing family in the Aquaculture area.

2 years


MF0287_2: Post-larval, seed and fish fry culture

• Licentiate, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles

• Certificate of Level 3 professionalism of the professional fishing family in the area of Aquaculture

4 years




15 pupils

Surface m2

25 pupils




Maintenance Workshop Aquaculture



Analysis Lab



installations for culture *



* Not necessarily located in the training center








Workshop of aquaculture facilities



Aquaculture Analysis Lab




aquaculture facilities for culture






-Audio-visual equipment

-Rotafolios or digital whiteboard

-Classroom material

-network-installed PCs, projection and projection Internet

-Table and chair for trainer

-Messes and chairs for students

-Specific Software

Facility Maintenance Workshop

-Work Messes

- Tool cabinets

-Table screws


-Hand and table drills

-PVC pipes

-Thermal pistons

-Calar Sierras


- Screwdrivers

-Key Games

-Crown scuffles

-Skilled screwdrivers

-Skilled Alicates


-Electrical Soldering

Analysis Lab










-Ammonium Measurement Kits, Nitrites, Nitrates



-Glass Material

-Petri Placas


-Disinfection Products

- Vacuum Pump






-Crop media

-Sowing Asas

-Flow Chamber laminar

-Count cameras


Aquaculture installations for culture

-Tanks of culture

-Installing air, fresh water and salt and oxygen.

- Water filtration and sterilization systems

-Water heating and cooling systems

-phytoplankton chamber

-phytoplankton production facilities

-Cleaning material

-Plastic boxes

-Work tables



-Automatic feeders

-Trasiego pumps

-Bombs metering


It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided with the tools, machines and tools specified in the training spaces will be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, in their case, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.



Naming: Management of fattening production in aquaculture

Code: MAPU0210

Professional Family: Maritime-Pesquera

Professional Area: Aquaculture

Professional qualification level: 3

Professional reference qualification:

MAP233_3: Management of the production of fattening in aquaculture (RD 101/2009, February 6)

Relationship of competency units that configure the certificate of professionalism:

UC0744_3: Coordinate and manage production at the stages of fattening in aquaculture.

UC0745_3: Plan the prevention and control of pathologies during the fattening of aquaculture species.

UC0746_3: Monitor environmental controls in the aquaculture fattening process.

General competition:

Plan and monitor activities related to the phases of the fattening of aquaculture species and organize the prevention and treatment of pathologies, managing the resources available to achieve the required quality of the product, in compliance with the risk prevention and environmental regulations.

Professional Environment:

Professional scope:

Develops its activity in the areas of prefattening and fattening, as self-employed or employed, in SMEs, large companies, whether they are public or private, research centers, and marshland co-fradies. Coordinates responsible production areas.

Productive Sectors:

It is located in the marine-fisheries sector, sub-sector aquaculture, in the productive activities in which processes of prefattening and fattening of molluscs, fish, and crustaceans are developed.

Relevant Occupations and Jobs:

1312.1011 Top marine crop technician

2421.1194 Technical in aquaculture reproduction

Technical responsible for the prefattening of seawater fish.

Technical responsible for the fattening of sea water fish.

Technical responsible for fattening inland fish fish.

Mollusc prefattening technical manager.

Technical responsible for fattening mollusks.

Technical responsible for fattening crustaceans.

Environmental technician for aquaculture.

Technician in aquaculture pathologies.

Duration of the associated training: 480 hours

Relationship of training modules and training units:

MF0744_3: Organization of the productive process of fattening in aquaculture (180 hours)

□ UF1384: Planning of the production process for fattening in aquaculture (90 hours)

□ UF1385: Management of information in the production of fattening in aquaculture (60 hours)

□ UF1386: Innovation in the productive process of fattening in aquaculture (30 hours)

MF0745_3: Prevention and control of diseases in the fattening of aquaculture species (110 hours)

□ UF1387: Planning of prevention in the processes of fattening of aquaculture species (60 hours)

□ UF1388: Pathologies and treatments in the processes of fattening aquaculture species (50 hours)

MF0746_3: Environmental management in aquaculture fattening (70 hours)

MP0295: Non-working professional practice module for production management of fattening in aquaculture (120 hours)


Competition Unit 1


Level: 3

Code: UC0744_3

Professional realizations and realization criteria

RP1: Plan the phases of fattening and coordinate those responsible for each area, depending on the resources available and the production plan to meet the objectives set.

CR1 .1. The working protocols are elaborated by taking into account the means and resources available to establish the functions and activities to be developed.

CR1 .2. The activities of the production cycle are monitored which are carried out in a coordinated manner, taking into account the production objectives to avoid their mismatch.

CR1 .3. The facilities and equipment for the development of the activity are monitored that have been prepared in time and form, to avoid alterations in the production cycle.

CR1 .4. Human resources are determined based on the schedule and the established work plan, to meet the production objectives

CR1 .5. The inputs of the individuals in the facility are programmed according to the species and their crop cycle, to conform to the production plan

CR1 .6. The location of the installation is selected and managed based on the received proposals and the regulations that affect the area for placement.

RP2: Interpret reports on the evolution of fattening by developing strategies to adjust the development of the crop to the production plan.

CR2 .1. The reports of area managers are analyzed and decisions are made to meet the established production plan.

CR2 .2. The feeding protocols, growth control and biomass distribution are valued based on the reports received to avoid mismatches in production.

CR2 .3. The evolution of production is reported in periodic reports, providing explanations and suggestions for meeting the production objectives.

CR2 .4. The contingencies that occur in the development of the crop cycle are valued according to the established protocols to minimize their effects on production.

CR2 .5. Material resource needs are scheduled based on warehouse inventory reports to optimize installation management.

RP3: Schedule the crop of end products based on the criteria set, to meet the marketing plan.

CR3 .1. The facilities and equipment for the harvest and preparation of the final product are determined according to the cultivated species and the regulations in force to maintain the quality of the final product.

CR3 .2. The harvest of the final product is programmed according to the production objectives and the reports of the evolution of the crop, so that no mismatches occur in the production cycle.

CR3 .3. The preparation of the individuals for marketing is monitored, applying the protocols, to maintain the preset quality.

CR3 .4. The end product is checked to conform to the set standards, to avoid deviations in its quality

CR3 .5. Potential claims on the quality of the products are valued taking into account the historical data of the lot to respond reasonably and in time and form to the requests.

RP4: Design experiences to increase exploitation performance and propose innovations based on the results obtained.

CR4.1 The experiences are designed and monitored for application, taking into account the sources of information and new cultivation techniques to improve the objectives set.

CR4.2 The results obtained in the experiences are analyzed, contrasting them with the historical production data to propose improvements in the production system.

CR4.3 The application of the innovations introduced in the production systems is monitored to be applied according to the protocols, in order to assess their contribution to the improvement of production techniques.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment for fattening facilities. Laboratory equipment Specific software for management in aquaculture. Computer equipment. EPIS. Teams for environmental management and resource management.

Products and results

Scheduled fattening phases. Responsible for each coordinated area. Reports on the evolution of fattening interpreted. Harvest of scheduled end products. Experiences that increase the performance of the designed operation. Proposal for innovations.

Information used or generated

Drawings and schemas of the operation of the installation. Specific technical documentation. Relationship, qualification and availability of staff. Production plan for the installation. Production history of the installation. Production Reports Report of the state of the facilities. Inventory of material, chemicals and equipment. Quality criteria during cultivation and for the final product. Production and production forecast reports for each phase of the fattening. Internal quality reports in each area of fattening. Biology of species and growing conditions of the species in the designated facility. Natural productivity of the area and species present. Information on the expiry, use and storage modes of perishable products (feed, antibiotics, enrichment and vaccines). Food availability for each area (type, quantity and quality of food for each phase of commercial species cultivation). Power tables. Specific rules for the activity. Cartographies and tidal boards. Growth and power standards.

Safety, occupational health and environmental regulations. Reports of provenance and management of the raw material.

Competition Unit 2


Level: 3

Code: UC0745_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Develop health control programs for facilities and culture based on established standards, to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

CR1 .1. The method of disinfection of the equipment and means is selected based on the needs and the information consulted to obtain the asepsis in the facilities.

CR1 .2. The processes of disinfection of materials and materials of the facilities, are monitored using the established protocols, in order to reduce the risk of transmission of the pathologies.

CR1 .3. Sampling of the critical points of the facility is established on the basis of the health control programme to check the effectiveness of the prevention and control measures.

CR1 .4. The identification and removal protocols for dying or dying specimens are drawn up on the basis of the information collected and the production history for the rapid detection of pathological processes.

CR1 .5. The documentation for the transport and immersion of the individuals is found to be in accordance with the current regulations, in order to avoid the introduction and spread of diseases

CR1 .6. The good practice manual is made on the basis of the information provided and the features of the facility, in order to improve the habits and practices of use.

RP2: Schedule the plan of vaccination of the batches of individuals according to their antecedents, for the prevention of certain pathologies.

CR2 .1. The vaccinations of individuals are programmed taking into account the size and their history, to minimize the incidence of the pathologies in the production

CR2 .2. Vaccination systems are established on the basis of the batch to be vaccinated and the type of vaccine to achieve maximum effectiveness.

CR2 .3. The needs of application products and equipment are defined according to the established vaccination plan, so that there is no interruption in treatment.

CR2 .4. The methodology to be applied in the vaccination is selected taking into account established protocols, to effectively apply the treatment

CR2 .5. The protection of vaccinated individuals is monitored, taking into account short-term mortality to check the effectiveness of the vaccine.

RP3: Select specific prevention strategies following established procedures, and track them to improve exploitation performance.

CR3 .1. The application of specific prevention strategies is selected based on the information and history of the plant, to reduce the risk of the most common pathologies.

CR3 .2. Preventive treatments are programmed according to the health status of the population to minimize the occurrence of pathologies

CR3 .3. The application program for immunostimulants is established according to the characteristics of the crop to strengthen individuals in the face of unfavorable situations.

CR3 .4. The results of the preventive methods are compared to the batch history, to propose improvements in the prevention strategy.

RP4: Interpret the pathologies by establishing the protocols to identify the causative agents and determine their specific treatment.

CR4 .1. The symptoms of certain pathologies are identified based on protocols, to make an early diagnosis of infections and infestations.

CR4 .2. Abnormal behaviors are identified based on preset guidelines, to perform a rapid detection of existing pathologies.

CR4 .3. The bacterial isolation methodology is monitored that is applied according to the pre-established protocols, to avoid alterations in the results.

CR4 .4. Parasitic controls are programmed, applying protocols and in time and form for the identification of parasites.

CR4 .5. The culture medium, the methodology, and the chemotherapeutic agents employed are valued by the pre-established procedures to check the effectiveness of the treatment.

CR4 .6. The application of the treatments program and monitors according to the diagnosis for the control of the pathologies.

RP5: Set the work guidelines for sample collection, interpreting the results provided by the laboratory to determine the disease control measures.

CR5 .1. The methodology for the collection, preparation and submission of samples is established according to the protocols for arriving in conditions for processing.

CR5 .2. The means and techniques for sampling are monitored that are used in accordance with the pre-established guidelines to ensure aseptic conditions.

CR5 .3. The data provided by the laboratory is valued, and following its instructions, a program of treatments for the control of the pathologies is elaborated.

CR5 .4. The records of the treatments applied are monitored, applying the specific regulations for the sanitary control of the installation.

Professional Context

Production media

Control and Tracking Records Books. Material for aseptic taking and sending of samples. Disinfectants. Immunostimulants or feed supplemented therewith. Vaccines and vaccine administration kits. Autoclave. Culture stoves. Culture media for bacteria. Microbiology material. Microscopes. Therapeutic products. Sanitary control manual. Bacterial identification or counting systems. Teams for environmental management and resource management.

Products and results

Health control programs for elaborate facilities and cultivation. Plan of vaccination of batches of scheduled individuals. Programmed prevention strategies. Interpretation pathologies establishing protocols. Work guidelines for the collection of established samples.

Information used or generated

Installation operation scheme. Disinfection protocols and sanitary vacuum. Health documentation for new input or output batches. Vaccination protocols. Sampling and analysis results reports. Manuals for frequent pathologies in aquaculture and official clinical manuals. Instructions for the use of chemicals. Health history of the lots. Collection and sampling protocols. Immunostimulatory management protocols or diets supplemented therewith. Protocols for the taking of our histology, virology and genetic analysis. Occupational risk plan. Regulations on safety, occupational health and the environment. Reports of provenance and management of the raw material.

Competition Unit 3


Level: 3

Code: UC0746_3

Professional Realizations and Realization Criteria

RP1: Schedule the registration of the physicochemical parameters of the crop and the environment, interpreting the results to make modifications.

CR1 .1. The measurement equipment of the physico-chemical parameters is monitored and/or calibrated, according to the manufacturer's indications, to avoid errors in the recording of the records.

CR1 .2. Control of environmental parameters is programmed based on crop cycles to achieve record history.

CR1 .3. Environmental records in the environment are evaluated, compared to historical records to be used to schedule fattening.

CR1 .4. The records of the physico-chemical parameters of the crop are contrasted with the pre-established values, in order to maintain the growing conditions, by introducing the corresponding modifications.

CR1 .5. The control measures of diseases of physical-chemical origin are determined based on the evolution of the culture and the facilities, in order to select the strategies that maintain the conditions of cultivation.

RP2: Establish a plan for collecting and sending samples to specialized laboratories, according to established standards for determining the level of pollutants in the crop.

CR2 .1. Tissue samples and/or individuals are checked to be collected, preserved and sent according to pre-established laboratory protocols for the detection of contaminants.

CR2 .2. Taking and sending water samples for analysis is monitored according to predetermined standards, so that they reach the lab.

CR2 .3. The programming of the frequency of the sampling of tributaries and the medium is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the crop, to detect pollutants.

CR2 .4. The results of the analyses are valued taking into account the characteristics of the crop, to manage the production.

CR2 .5. The records of the presence of pollutants obtained from the evolution of crops are used to draft reports aimed at improving control measures.

RP3: Evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of the final product, checking that it conforms to the company's quality standards.

CR3 .1. The external characteristics of the final product are visually valued using the procedures specified by the company, to enable them to establish and/or improve their quality

CR3 .2. The texture, smell and taste of the final product are analyzed using the company's specific procedures, to improve the quality of the processing

CR3 .3. The information obtained from the analysis of the organoleptic characteristics is used for the adaptation of the marketing plan to the quality of the final product.

RP4: Develop protocols for the treatment of waste and select systems to prevent biological leakage, applying specific regulations to improve the environmental management of the activity.

CR4 .1. Environmental aspects are identified in accordance with current regulations, to assess their impact and to assign the degree of significance.

CR4 .2. Contaminated materials produced during the activity are found to be managed by applying the specific protocols and standards to transform them into contaminated waste.

CR4 .3. Environmental objectives are determined taking into account the significance of environmental aspects, in order to develop protective measures.

CR4 .4. The removal and storage of dead individuals during cultivation is carried out by applying the pre-established protocols, in order to preserve them until their final treatment.

Professional Context

Production media

Equipment and tests for the measurement of physico-chemical parameters. Material for sampling. Autoclave. Control and follow-up records books.

Products and results

Record of scheduled crop and environmental physico-chemical parameters. Plan for the collection and dispatch of samples to specialized laboratories, established. Organoleptic characteristics of the final product evaluated. Protocols for the treatment of waste and the selection of systems to prevent biological leakage.

Information used or generated

Installation operation scheme. Instructions for the use of chemicals. Measurement protocols and margins for the admission of physico-chemical parameters. Protocols for taking of our specific for analysis of contaminants. Company criteria for the organoleptic assessment of the product. Chemical and organic waste disposal procedures and regulations. Specific environmental legislation. Protocols for the prevention of leakage. Job risk plan.




Code: MF0744_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0744_3 Coordinate and manage production at the stages of fattening in aquaculture

Duration: 180 hours




Duration:90 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1 and RP3.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop a programming of the production of an aquaculture species taking into account a schedule and type of installation.

CE1.1 Determine the characteristics to be collected by the facilities, depending on the conditions of the crop and the species to be grown.

CE1.2 Perform the operational description of the activities in a productive process, taking into account the culture technique.

CE1.3 Set production cycles in each crop area, estimating the demand for biological material to fit the production plan.

CE1.4 Determine the human and material resources required to perform crop operations.

CE1.5 Identify the roles and activities of each person responsible for achieving the intended objectives.

CE1.6 Before an assumption of scheduling a production plan:

-Develop a production schedule.

-Develop a flow of production activities, interlinking human and material resources.

CE1.7 Identify in the regulations concerning aquaculture, the authorizations required to carry out the aquaculture activity.

C2: Plan the harvest of a cultivated lot, depending on the production schedule and the evolution of the crop.

CE2.1 Determine the harvest time of a batch taking into account the reports of the evolution of the crop and the production plan.

CE2.2 Select the equipment and materials required for the harvest and preparation of the final product.

CE2.3 Describe the conditioning conditions of individuals prior to the performance of the harvest.

CE2.4 Elaborate protocols for controlling the traceability of the final product.

CE2.5 Identify the regulations applicable to the harvesting and marketing of aquaculture species as regards health risks.

CE2.6 Before an assessment of the quality of the final product:

-Set protocols to detect deviations from the quality standards of the end product.

-Recognize product deviations based on established quality standards.


1. Aquaculture production facilities for fattening

-Types of aquaculture.

-Site selection criteria.

-Floating and submerged structures of cultivation.

-Land fattening systems.

-Closed-loop culture systems.

-Maintenance of installations and equipment.

2. Production cycles for fattening in aquaculture

-Biology of crop species.

-Fases of the crop.

-Sizing of installations.

-Estimate of biological material.

-Seed, fry and post-larvae provisioning systems.

-Power. Nutrition. Nutritional requirements.

-Managing the power.

-Power systems.

-Sampling techniques.

-Population growth control.

-Classification systems.

3. Production schedules for fattening in aquaculture

-Production schedule.

-Type of activities.

-Programming activities in the culture process.

-Organization methods and resource control.


-Chronogram networks: PERT Application and Gantt Chart.

4. Quality control of the final product in the management of production of fattening in aquaculture

-Quality criteria for aquaculture products.

-Pre-harvest conditioning systems.

-Collection systems.

-Sacrifice systems.

-Packaging and labeling of the end product.

-How to store the products.

-Traceability of the end product.

-Deviations from the quality standards of the end product.



Code: UF1385

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to the RP2.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Develop production reports by analyzing information about the evolution of the crop.

CE1.1 Design a production report model taking into account the characteristics of the crop.

CE1.2 Set the periodicity in reporting based on production cycles.

CE1.3 Set the work patterns of area managers taking into account cropping systems.

CE1.4 In view of an evolution of the crop, prepare a report to avoid mismatches in the production plan, taking into account the following aspects:

-The growing conditions taking into account the production objectives.

-Food Diet according to the species of crop in question.

-Food needs based on culture systems.

-The feeding system according to the species and the culture phase.

CE1.5 Develop reports by analyzing deviations and contingencies in crops by proposing actions and improvements in the production plan.

C2: Develop reports on the operation of installations, taking into account possible alterations or anomalies affecting production.

CE2.1 Analyze the reports of the area managers, assessing the effects on production.

CE2.2 Identify the anomalous situations of crops based on the production reports presented.

CE2.3 Propose modifications to the operation of installations based on the analyzed reports.

CE2.4 Before an acquisition of materials and equipment, prepare a report that relates the acquisition to the useful life of the same and the inventories.

CE2.5 Develop periodic reports on the status of the facility by providing corrective measures to improve the production plan.


1. Growing conditions for the fattening of aquaculture species

-Physical-chemical requirements of crop species

-Main water quality control equipment and appliances

-Handling of measuring devices for the physical-chemical parameters of water

-Maintenance of use of measuring devices

-Performance systems for deviations in records.

2. Control of growth in the management of fattening in aquaculture


-Power tables

-Growth Indexes

-Condition Indexes

-Conversion Indexes

-Growth curves

3. Statistics applied to management processes for fattening in aquaculture

-Statistics tools.

-Statistical Analysis. Diagrams.

4. Control of production in the management of fattening in aquaculture

-Organization chart and functions of human resources involved in cultivation

-Organization methods and resource control

-Stock management

-Inventory Elaboration

-Stock valuation

-Control of consumption and inputs

-Equipment, materials, chemicals, and food replenishment systems

-Documentary management software for planning production control

5. Analysis of the production documentation for fattening

-Design and structure of documents

-Report redaction: structure, format of technical reports.

-Information search methodologies

-Making templates and records.


-Instructions sheets



-Managing files

-Action systems in the event of abnormal crop situations



Code: UF1386

Duration: 30 hours

Competition reference:This training unit corresponds to the RP4.

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Design systems to improve production and exploitation performance.

CE1.1 Select the relevant production data from the culture process to propose innovations.

CE1.2 Identify new techniques and cropping systems that can improve exploitation performance.

CE1.3 Propose experiences to improve production objectives, taking into account historical production data.

CE1.4 Estimating the benefits of the implementation of the improvement in the production system.

CE1.5 Before an essay design scenario:

-Develop a flow chart taking into account material and human resources.

-Establish the work methodology taking into account the characteristics of the experience or trial.

C2: Evaluate the results of innovation experiences and propose improvements based on them.

CE2.1 Analyze the results of experiences by comparing them to production standards.

CE2.2 Propose improvements in production systems, based on the results of the installation experiences and features.

CE2.3 Analyze the results of the innovations made by assessing their contribution to the production techniques.

CE2.4 Before an improvement assessment scenario, analyze the cost of the modifications based on the performance improvements of the operation.


1. Innovations in the cultivation systems of the production of fattening in aquaculture

-Innovation: Innovation as a process.

-I + D + I.

-Difference between invention and innovation.

-Selection of production reports.

-Selecting and analyzing the upgradeable processes.

-Improvement alternatives.

-Design innovation experiences.

-Experience execution plan.

-cost-benefit analysis of the experience.

-Critical factors for innovation.

2. Assessment of improvements in farming systems for the production of fattening in aquaculture

-Analysis of results of innovation experiences.

-Innovation processes. Application of innovation processes:

-Cost reduction.



-Cost-benefit of innovations.

-Innovations implementation systems.

-Evaluation of production results after innovation.

Omethodological rientations

Distance training:

Training Units


duration in hours of the training





Training Unit 2-UF1385





To access the formative unit 3 must have passed the formative unit 2 and to access the training unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0745_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0745_3Plan for the prevention and control of pathologies during the fattening of aquaculture species

Duration: 110 hours



Code: UF1387

Duration: 60 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP1, RP2, and RP3.  

capabilities and assessment criteria

C1: Develop health prevention protocols taking into account the characteristics of the species and the culture phase.

CE1.1 Identify critical points to establish health prevention based on the type of installation.

CE1.2 Identify chemicals to be used in health barriers, taking into account their effectiveness and environmental impact.

CE1.3 Establish a timetable for the renewal of chemical products from health barriers, taking into account the loss of effectiveness of active agents.

CE1.4 Establish a health hygiene practice code to improve work habits and reduce the risks of disease transmission.

CE1.5 Set up a quarantine program taking into account the installation and growing phase to reduce the risk of disease introduction.

CE1.6 Determine the disinfection patterns of systems and equipment for asepsis.

CE1.7 Develop a health vacuum plan based on the production schedule.

CE1.8 Before an individual immersion, identify the applicable regulations and complete the corresponding forms.

C2 Develop a vaccination program based on the species of culture and the pathologies susceptible to treatment

CE2.1 Identify the pathologies to which vaccinations may be applied taking into account the species and the culture phase

CE2.2 Select the vaccines to be applied based on the species and stage of cultivation.

CE2.3 Identify the specifications and recommendations of a package leaflet for a vaccine.

CE2.4 Associate vaccination systems with the types of vaccine to be applied.

CE2.5 Develop a schedule of vaccinations taking into account the pathology, the species and the culture phases.

CE2.6 Rate the effectiveness of vaccination programs based on the registration of pathologies and mortalities.

CE2.7 Before a vaccination course, establish the methodology for the application of a vaccine taking into account its prescriptions and select the products and equipment.

C3: Determine prevention treatments other than vaccines, depending on the species and culture system.

CE3.1 Identify preventive treatments based on the species of culture to reduce the incidence of pathologies.

CE3.2 Select prevention techniques based on the system and species of culture.

CE3.3 Identify the characteristics of immunostimulants for application in the prevention of pathologies.

CE3.4 Develop a timeline for applying preventive treatments

CE3.5 Rate the effectiveness of preventive treatments taking into account the evolution of the crop.


1. Health prevention in the management of production of fattening in aquaculture

-Health prevention measures.

-Importance of facility design in disease prevention.

-Criteria for determining the critical points of the installation.

-Criteria for good animal health practices.

-Legislation applicable to the movement of individuals

2. Disinfection in aquaculture in the management of production of fattening in aquaculture

-Types of disinfectants.

-Usage dose.

-Application systems.

-Expiration and loss of efficacy of chemical agents.


-Healthcare vacuum.

-prophylactic Baths: products and dosage.

-Precautions and safety measures in the application of disinfection and prevention treatments.

-Legislation applicable to disinfectant products

3. Vaccines in the Management of Fattening Production in Aquaculture

-Vaccination methods

-Administration types: injection, short bath, extended bath

-Vaccination equipment

-Vaccination protocols

-Vaccination programs.

4. Prevention treatments other than vaccines applicable for fattening in aquaculture

-prophylactic Baths: Products and Dosage

-Precautions and safety measures in the application of treatments.

-Immunostimulants: features and types.

-Systems for the application of immunostimulants.



Code: UF1388

Duration: 50 hours

Competition reference: This training unit corresponds to RP4 and RP5.

Assessment capabilities and criteria

C1: Analyze the protocols for the identification and treatment of pathologies, taking into account the characteristics of the most common pathologies.

CE1.1 Recognize external and internal organic areas most sensitive to infections and contaminations.

CE1.2 Associate external and internal symptomatologies and anomalous behaviors of sick individuals with potential disease-causing pathogens.

CE1.3 Select bacterial isolation and identification techniques to perform microbiological diagnosis.

CE1.4 Identify the treatment to be applied in a bacterial pathology based on the results of the antibiotics.

CE1.5 Describe guidelines for the identification and treatment of parasitic infestations.

CE1.6 Before an identification of pathologies, assess the results of microbiological analyses and samples for the detection of parasitic agents.

C2: Establish a sample collection program for the health control of the crop by applying the preset protocols.

CE2.1 Develop a sampling calendar for parasitic and microbiological control based on the installation and species of culture.

CE2.2 Determine the guidelines for collecting and sending samples to specialized laboratories.

CE2.3 Associate resources with the techniques to apply for sampling.

CE2.4 Identify specific regulations for sanitary control of installations.

CE2.5 Before an analysis of the results of the laboratories, interpret the data of the results and develop a program of treatments.


1. Aspects of infectious disease in aquaculture species

-Stress: stressors. Stress responses.


-Disease transmission: horizontal and vertical.

2. Infectious diseases in aquaculture species. Causing agents






3. Non-infectious diseases in aquaculture species



4. Diagnostic techniques

-Macroscopic examination of tissues and organs. Damage identification.

-Microbiological isolation techniques:

-Taking samples for bacterial sowings.

-Crop media for bacterial planting: types and preparation.

-Setting samples and basic staining

-Preparing samples for observation under a microscope.


-Preparing samples for submission to specialized laboratories.

-Legislation applicable to pathology in aquaculture.

5. Therapy and prophylaxis in the management of fattening in aquaculture

-Veterinary medicinal products applied in aquaculture

-Antiseptics and disinfectants.



-Administration methods.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


duration in hours of the training





Standard 20

Formative Unit 2-UF1388




To access the formative unit 2 must have been passed the formative unit 1.

Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.



Code: MF0746_3

Professional qualification level: 3

Associated with the Competition Unit:

UC0746_3Monitor environmental controls in the aquaculture fattening process.

Duration: 70 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Establish protocols for recording and controlling physicochemical and environmental parameters during the production process.

CE1.1 Identify the parameters that affect the production process, setting the critical values of the records.

CE1.2 Set a measurement equipment calibration calendar to keep them operational.

CE1.3 Identify critical control points that alter the standard conditions of the crop.

CE1.4 Describe the measurement methodology of the critical parameters in the production system.

CE1.5 Determine the corrective measures to be applied in case of deviation of the parameter records.

C2: Develop a sample collection plan for environmental control of the installation, applying pre-set protocols.

CE2.1 Set the protocols for collecting samples for environmental control.

CE2.2 Describe the guidelines for treatment and submission of samples to specialized laboratories.

CE2.3 Set the frequency of sampling for the detection of pollutants taking into account current legislation.

C3: Rate the organoleptic characteristics of a final product, considering the quality standards.

CE3.1 Identify in a flowchart the hazards that may affect a deviation from the characteristics of the final product, taking into account the quality standards.

CE3.2 Before an assumption of validation of the quality of the final product, recognize the organoleptic characteristics of a final product, contrasting them with established quality criteria.

CE3.3 Develop a report on the quality changes of the final product, assessing its possible causes and proposing corrective measures.

C4: Establish a waste management and biological leak plan by applying the current regulations.

CE4.1 Identify environmental aspects in the activities of the production process.

CE4.2. Associate environmental aspects of activity with significant environmental impacts.

CE4.3 Set up actions to minimise environmental aspects through action on source, recycling and management of by-products, waste and discharges.

CE4.4 Determine leakage control systems depending on the cultivated species, the system, and the culture phase.

CE4.5 Describe the methods of sterilization and disposal of contaminated waste.

CE4.6 In the face of a waste management scenario, establish the guidelines for the removal and storage of dead individuals and byproducts.


1. Integrated management of the environment and fattening in aquaculture

-Techniques of good environmental practice and clean production in the aquaculture sector.

-Environmental manual in aquaculture procedures and techniques.

2. Manual of critical APPCC control points in aquaculture facilities in aquaculture

-Hazard analysis.

-Critical control points.

-Preventive and corrective actions.

3. Control of environmental parameters in aquaculture facilities in aquaculture

-Systematic monitoring of the quality of the tributaries, effluents and production area. Analytical criteria.

4. Sampling of water and biological material from the production process for fattening in aquaculture

-Sample and representativeness.

-Preparing samples.

-Samples transfer.

-Analytic criteria.

5. Organoleptic findings of the final product in the production process for fattening in aquaculture

-Visual observation.

-Sensorial assessment.

-Altering the organoleptic properties.

-Food legislation on hygiene and food control.

6. Organisation of the management of leaks, emissions, discharges, by-products and residues in the aquaculture facility for fattening

-Characterization of leaks, emissions, discharges, by-products and waste.

-Encoding and labelling of emissions, discharges and hazardous waste.

-European Waste List (LER).

-Intracenter management and treatment techniques. Treatment of the source, effluents, solid waste.

-Extracenter management techniques. Authorised waste and by-products managers.

-The significance of the environmental impact. Identification and assessment of environmental impacts.

7. Environmental regulations for the fattening of aquaculture species. Applicable legislation.

-Processing and records of the disposal of by-products and waste.

-Environmental quality indicators and criteria in effluents and areas of influence.

Methodological guidelines

Distance training:


Number of total hours of the module






Access criteria for students

They shall be those established in Article 4 of the Royal Decree governing the certificate of professionalism of the professional family to which this Annex accompanies.


Code: MP0295

Duration: 120 hours

Assessment Capabilities and Criteria

C1: Apply methods of managing the production of an installation taking into account the species and the culture system.

CE1.1. Characterize the production areas taking into account the type of installation and the culture system.

CE1.2. Assign the tasks, human resources, and materials associated with a production cycle.

CE1.3. Organize the conditioning and harvest of the final product, taking into account the volume and final destination.

CE1.4. To produce a report of a production cycle taking into account the conditions of the cultivation and operation of the plant.

CE1.5. Propose improvements to the production system taking into account the characteristics of the installation and the growing conditions.

C2: Apply systems for the prevention and control of pathologies in the fattening of aquaculture species taking into account the characteristics of the installation and the cultivation system

CE2.1. Identify the critical points of the crop for the control of microbiological contamination.

CE2.2. Propose improvements in sanitary sanitary control of the facility to prevent the introduction and transmission of diseases.

CE2.3. Develop a program of preventive treatments to be applied based on the species and culture system.

CE2.4. Establish guidelines for action in the detection of individuals with symptoms or behaviors that may be associated with pathologies.

CE2.5. Select the sanitary barriers to install at the critical points of the facility to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

C3: Apply environmental management systems taking into account the installation site and the growing conditions.

CE3.1. Identify environmental aspects associated with the production process by considering the company's environmental goals.

CE3.2. Assess the results of the records of the physico-chemical parameters taking into account the pre-established growing conditions.

CE3.3. Relate the historical record of environmental records to the production schedule to anticipate contingencies.

CE3.4. Establish locations to store, recycle or remove waste products and materials according to the features of the installation and current regulations.

CE3.5. Develop reports on the influence of environmental and microbiological factors on crops.

C4: Participate in the company's work processes, following the rules and instructions set out in the job center.

CE4.1. Behave responsibly both in human relationships and in the work to be done.

CE4.2. Respect the procedures and standards of the workplace.

CE4.3. Undertake tasks with due diligence according to the instructions received, trying to bring them into line with the work rate of the company.

CE4.4. Integrate into the production processes of the job center.

CE4.5. Use the established communication channels.

CE4.6. Respect at all times measures for the prevention of risks, occupational health and environmental protection.


1. Organisation of production in aquaculture facilities in aquaculture

-Types of fattening facilities and associated aquaculture species.

-Characterization of production areas.

-Production Cronogram by product and production cycle.

-End product transport procedures.

-Selecting and analyzing the upgradeable processes.

2. Management of prophylaxis in aquaculture facilities in aquaculture

-Critical cross-contamination control points. Sanitary barriers.

-Health-hygiene control of staff and visits.

-Criteria for good animal health practices.

-Handling of batches.

-Cleaning and disinfection of installations. Dosing equipment for treatments.

3. Control of pathologies in the production of fattening in aquaculture

-Syntomatology of diseased individuals.

-Syntomatology of diseased individuals.

-Failed behaviors of individuals.

-Withdrawal of sick or dead copies

-Incidence of the disease in production

-Pathology control measures.

4. Environmental practices in the management of aquaculture

-Characterization, categorization and classification of environmental aspects according to their significance,

-Protocols for the prevention and correction of environmental risks to achieve environmental goals

-Environmental incident history in the installation.

-Storage, recycling and transport of waste and by-products. Applicable legislation.

5. Analysis of the documentation. Drafting of reports in the production of fattening

-Analysis of the records of the physico-chemical parameters and the culture.

-Treatment for fattening data

-Review and control of documentation concerning treatments.

-Registration and quantification of environmental and microbiological controls.

6. Integration and communication in the workplace

-Responsible behavior in the job center.

-Respect to the procedures and rules of the work center.

-Interpreting and diligently performing the instructions received.

-Recognition of the organization's production process.

-Using the communication channels set in the job center.

-Adequation to the company's work rate.

-Tracking the regulations for risk prevention, occupational health and environmental protection.


of the Productive Process of in the aquaculture


• Licensed, Engineer, Architect, or degree title or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomate, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years


Prevention and control of diseases in the fattening of aquaculture species

• Licensed, Engineer, Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other equivalent titles.

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree degree or other equivalent titles

2 years

MF0746_3: Environmental management in aquaculture fattening

• Diplomacy, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect or corresponding degree of degree or other titles equivalents

2 years



m 2

15 pupils


25 pupils



aquaculture analysis



facility maintenance workshop.



aquaculture facilities for park cultivation, floating structures, and submerged *



* Unique installations not necessarily located in the training center.








Lab aquaculture





aquaculture facilities for culture






-Audiovisual equipment

-Digital Pizarra


-Classroom material

-network installed PCs, cannon with projection and internet

-Table and chair for trainer

- Students ' tables and chairs

-Specialty specific

analysis lab










-Ammonium Measurement Kits, Nitrites, Nitrates


-Glass Material

-Petri Placas


-Disinfection Products

- Vacuum

Facility Maintenance Workshop

-Work Messes

-Tools Armaries

-Table screws


-Tables Hand and Table

-PVC Tubes

-Thermal Pistols

-Heat Sierras



- Key Sets

-Crown scuffles

-Skilled screwdrivers

-Skilled Alicates



facilities for growing Ground installations

-Crop tanks

-Installing fresh and fresh water

-Installation of air and oxygen

-Cleaning material

-Plastic boxes


facilities for park cultivation, floating and submerged installations

-Growing Jaula



-Overraised cropping

It should not be interpreted that the various identified learning spaces should necessarily be differentiated by closure.

The facilities and equipment must comply with the relevant industrial and sanitary sanitary regulations and respond to the universal accessibility and safety measures of the participants.

The number of units to be provided for the utensils, machines and tools specified in the training spaces shall be sufficient for a minimum of 15 students and must be increased, if appropriate, to attend to the top number.

In the event that the training is addressed to persons with disabilities, the adaptations and reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure their participation in equal conditions.