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Resolution Of November 23, 2011, Of The Directorate-General For Energy And Mines, Which Approves The Action Plan Winter For The Operation Of The Gas System.

Original Language Title: Resolución de 23 de noviembre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, por la que se aprueba el Plan de actuación invernal para la operación del sistema gasista.

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The Technical Management Standards of the Gas System (NGTS), approved by Order ITC/3126/2005 of 5 October, approving the technical management rules of the gas system, are one of the basic normative elements for ensure the functioning of the gas system and the continuity, quality and safety of the natural gas supply.

The NGTS-09 standard, called "Normal system operation", contemplates the operating requirements of the gas system within the parameters considered as ordinary, that is, with the control variables within ranges In order to ensure the supply of demand for the supply of demand, the Commission will be able to draw up an annual report on the implementation of the European Community's action plan for the development of the European Community's energy policy. derived from the seasonality of the domestic/commercial market and the sudden waves " Cold, Plan to be approved by the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce.

In accordance with the above, the GTS submitted a proposal for the winter operation dated 27 September 2011.

According to the 11th additional provision of Law 34/1998, of 7 October, of the Hydrocarbons Sector, this resolution has been submitted to a mandatory report of the National Energy Commission, which was issued by its Council. The administration at the session on 10 November 2011 and for the preparation of which have taken into account the arguments put forward in the hearing procedure carried out through the Hydrocarbons Advisory Council.

Consequently, this Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines resolves to approve the Winter Action Plan in the following terms:

First. Rules.

The Winter Action Plan for the Operation of the Gas System approved by Resolution of the General Directorate of Energy Policy and Mines of 11 November 2010 is replaced by the content of this Resolution.

The Winter Action Plan will include the rules listed below and will apply from November 1 of the current year to March 31 the following year. Additionally, depending on the actual situation of the gas system, the System Technical Manager (GTS) may reduce the duration of the application period or apply less restrictive conditions.

Rule 1. th Minimum liquefied natural gas (LNG) stocks in regasification plants.

1. The GTS may declare the monthly regasification and/or the unloading of a user's vessel not viable if at some point in the month the total LNG stocks of that user become less than three days of regasification capacity. contracted by it in the set of system regasification plants, provided you estimate that there is a risk to system security.

2. If, according to the proposed monthly program, at some point the stock of the set of users in a plant is less than two days from the total of the contracted capacity in said plant, the programs of regasification and/or unloading of vessels of each user whose stock in that plant would be below that threshold may be declared non-viable, provided that there is a risk for the security of the system.

3. If in the course of the month, due to circumstances, the GTS provides that a user's liquefied natural gas stock does not meet the conditions set out in paragraphs 1 or 2, it shall immediately put it in his/her knowledge. the Commission shall implement the appropriate corrective measures. If this occurs for more than two consecutive days, the GTS shall declare 'Level 0 Exceptional Operation Situation', provided that it considers that there is a risk to the security of the system and exclusively for the purposes of maintaining the required security parameters. The GTS shall at all times keep the installation owner informed of these circumstances.

4. Also, if in the course of the month, due to circumstances, the GTS forecast that the stocks of liquefied natural gas of the set of users in a plant would be less than two days from the total contracted regasification capacity, the Nominations for regasification of those users whose stock in the plant is less than two days may be declared non-viable, provided that the GTS considers that there is a risk to the security of the system, with the users affected to present a viable plan for the restoration of their LNG stocks. The GTS shall at all times keep the installation owner informed of these circumstances.

Cold Olas Rule 2.

1. The GTS shall inform the users of its general forecast of the conventional demand for the system and of the extraordinary demand of group 3 due to 'cold waves', broken down by geographical areas, providing the information it considers relevant.

Demand increases for group 3 in a "cold wave" situation, according to the zones determined in the PD-02 detail protocol, will be estimated by the GTS on each occasion using their prediction systems, since These increases vary each time depending on the intensity and location of the low temperatures.

For guidance, such demand increases on a working day basis for group 3 in the "cold wave" situation, according to the zones determined in the detail protocol PD-02, are defined as the difference between the demand expected conventional peak and conventional daily demand, according to the following table:

from 170 to

Expected conventional peak demand (GWh/day)

Conventional demand on normal day (GWh/day)

Zone I (Levant)


from 120 to 127

Zone II (East)


Zone III (North)

from 170 to 200

Zone IV (West)


80 to 91

Zone V (Mid-South)


from 267 to 334



from 815 to 976






from 860 to 1,021

Within each zone, the increase in demand will be distributed by marketer considering their market shares in Group 3 during the previous winter. For the calculation of the quotas, the traders shall send the monthly sales to the GTS group 3 consumers in each of the areas indicated during the months from November of the year preceding March of the current year. inclusive, before the 31st of October, in the format included in Form 1 of the Annex.

In the event of a transfer of customers supplied at pressures equal to or less than 4 bar from one marketer to another at a number exceeding 5,000, the obligations included in this section associated with these customers will be taken over by the acquirer, from the moment the transaction is effective.

2. In the study of the feasibility of the monthly programmes, the GTS will verify that both the expected demand-related programming and the programmes that should be carried out in the event of a cold wave are feasible. In this way, marketers must have available (although not necessarily contracted) sufficient capacity in the inputs to the necessary system to meet their demand in case of cold wave. The demand in the cold wave scenario will be calculated through the demand forecasting systems of the GTS.

In order for the viability of the cold wave scenario to be considered, each marketer must inform the GTS of the expected demand of its group 3 customers for each month of the current winter, disaggregated according to the Geographical areas defined in the Protocol of Detail 02 and in accordance with Form 2 of the Annex.

3. The GTS shall alert users and operators of installations in the event of a cold wave, defined in accordance with the criteria set out in the second paragraph, and shall make this information public at least through their website.

Second. Definition of cold wave.

A cold wave shall mean the situation where the significant temperature for the gas system calculated by the GTS is in values lower than those included in a fluctuation band for at least 3 days. or in which Civil Protection declares alert for expected impacts of meteorological events (rain, wind, ice, snow ...).

The significant temperature of the gas system will be established for each day based on a combination of several pre-selected peninsular observatories, close to the main domestic consumption cores, weighted by the gas consumption in your area, for which the State Agency of Meteorology (AEMET) facilitates the actual recorded values and the predictions of their average temperatures (semi-sum of the maximum and minimum) with a horizon of ten days.

The temperature reference curve shall represent the average temperature of the previous 15 days and after each day, recorded during the last ten years. The fluctuation band shall be constituted by temperatures which do not differ from the reference curve by more than 3,5 ° C.

Third. Amendment of paragraph 3.6.1 of the Technical Management Standard of the NGTS-03 System "Programming".

During the period of application of this Winter Plan 2011-2012, paragraph 3.6.1 of the NGTS-3 Technical Management Standard "Programmes", approved by the ITC/3126/2005 Order of 5 October, is amended. The Technical Management Standards of the Gas System, in the following terms.

" For the purposes of achieving efficient management of the facilities and in order to avoid any situations of hoarding, the Technical Manager of the System will apply to the users the charges that will be calculated according to the set below.

The System Technical Manager will determine daily and globally for all plants, each user's LNG stock, calculated as the thirty-day moving average (including the current day). The same user will be understood as the set of users belonging to the same business group.

In the event that the value exceeds the value greater than 300 GWh or the energy equivalent to ten times the contracted regasification capacity, the System Technical Manager will apply daily to the user's stock. above the previous limit, the following daily charge:

• Less than half a day after two days: two and a half times the LNG storage fee in force.

• Excess more than two days and less than or equal to four days: five times the LNG storage fee in force.

• Excess more than four days: ten times the LNG storage fee in force.

These payments will be additional to the daily LNG storage fee billed by the regasification plant holder and will have the system's liquidable income consideration.

The Directorate-General for Energy Policy and Mines is empowered to amend the above calculation procedure in the light of market developments and storage capacity.

The System Technical Manager will be able to give different operating slogans to the users ' nominations to facilitate the unloading of vessels in the regasification plants, which will be reflected in the balance sheet System Residual (BRS-2, defined in PD-11 detail protocol).

Regardless of the above, all ship-discharge programming will be limited by the physical storage capacity that is available in LNG tanks at any time. The System Technical Manager may refuse the discharge schedules of ships when the security of the system is jeopardised. "

Once that period has ended, the wording approved in the final provision of the fifth order of Order ITC/3802/2008 of December 26, establishing the tolls and fees associated with the access of the third parties to gas installations, the rate of last resort, and certain aspects relating to regulated activities in the gas sector.

Fourth. Entry into force.

This Resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 23 November 2011.-The Director General of Energy Policy and Mines, P.S. (Resolution of 31 October 2011), the Deputy Director General of Hydrocarbons, Sergio López Pérez.



1. Previous actual winter demand.

Monthly Cumulative Group 3 Demand

GWh/month Unit







Zone I


Zone III


Zone IV




2. Expected next winter demand.

Group 3 Demand Forecast Monthly Cumulative in Temperature "Normal/Average" Conditions

GWh/month Unit







Zone I


Zone III


Zone IV




Daily Demand Forecast on Winter Peak Day Group 3

Unit GWh/day


Zone I


Zone IV

Zone V
