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Order Def/3217/2011, On 18 November, Which Regulates The Registration Of Professional Associations Of Members Of The Armed Forces.

Original Language Title: Orden DEF/3217/2011, de 18 de noviembre, por la que se regula el Registro de Asociaciones Profesionales de miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas.

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The Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, of rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces, establishes in its article 14 that the military has the right to associate freely for the attainment of lawful purposes of agreement as provided for in the Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March, regulating the right of association. It also determines that the exercise of this right when it is intended to defend its professional interests and the rights set out in that Law 9/2011 of 27 July 2011 shall be in accordance with the provisions of Title III, Chapter I of same.

In accordance with Article 5.2 of the Organic Law 1/2002, of 22 March, regulating the right of association, an association acquires legal personality and ability to act at the time of formalization of its act In the case that the association would like to be included in the legal framework defined by Title III, Chapter I of the Organic Law 9/2011, of 27 July, it must be registered, in accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of that Law organic, in the Register of Professional Associations of members of the Armed Forces, enabled to the effect in the Ministry of Defence.

Finally, the ninth final provision of Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, enables the Minister of Defense to regulate the Register of Professional Associations of Armed Forces members.

In his virtue, with the prior approval of the Vice President of the Government of Territorial Policy and Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration and in agreement with the State Council, I have:


General provisions and legal status of registration

Article 1. Object and scope.

1. The purpose of this order is to regulate the Register of Professional Associations of members of the Armed Forces (hereinafter the Registry), as well as to establish and develop the registration procedures.

2. Only the applications relating to professional associations of members of the Armed Forces that aim to promote and defend the professional, economic and social interests of its members shall be entered in the Register. compliance with Article 33 of Organic Law 9/2011 of July 27, of rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces, and which comply with the requirements of Article 34 of the same law.

Article 2. Effects of enrollment.

1. Professional associations of members of the Armed Forces will be included in the scope of Title III, Chapter I of Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, when they are registered in the Register.

2. The right of registration of an association may be refused only if it does not comply with the general requirements laid down in Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March 2002, regulating the right of association, or when it does not meet those established in the Article 36.4 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

Article 3. Nature and membership of the Register of Professional Associations of members of the Armed Forces.

The Registry is an administrative organ of the Ministry of Defense attached to the Technical General Secretariat of the Department of Defense. It will be located in Madrid and will have unitary character for the entire national territory.

Article 4. Competent bodies.

1. It is up to the Minister of Defence to resolve the procedures relating to the registration of acts regulated in this order.

2. It is for the Registry to process the application for the initiation and the instruction of the procedures relating to the registration of acts regulated in this order.

Article 5. Realization of the enrollment.

1. Once the application for registration and corresponding documentation has been received in the Register, it shall be acknowledged in accordance with Article 70.3 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations. of the Common Administrative Procedure.

2. Subsequently, it will be examined that such application and its documentation comply with the requirements laid down in Organic Law 9/2011 of July 27, in Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, and in this ministerial order.

3. For the verification of compliance with the requirements referred to in the previous paragraph, the Registry may request any reports to be considered accurate and, in any case, to the General Legal Counsel of the Defense.

4. Upon receipt of the response to the reports requested, the Registry shall, if necessary, conduct the hearing procedure in accordance with Article 84 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November.

5. If necessary, the hearing procedure referred to in the previous paragraph shall be carried out by the Registry, which shall raise the proposal for a resolution to the Minister of Defence, in accordance with Article 4 of this Ministerial Order.

6. The time limit for the resolution of the procedures relating to the acts entered into in this order shall be three months from the day following that of the receipt of the corresponding application in the Register. After that time limit, the application for registration shall be deemed to be deemed to have been expressed.

Article 6. Error subhealing.

1. In the event of formal defects in the application for registration or in the accompanying documentation, the representatives of the association shall be notified of this circumstance, with the deadline for resolving the registration being suspended. corresponding. A new period of 20 working days shall be granted to remedy such defects, indicating that if they do not do so, they shall be given the right of withdrawal in their request.

2. Where, in the procedure for the incorporation of an association, federation, confederation or association of associations, the name applied for is the same as another registered name, it may be misleading or confused with it, or The name will match a registered trademark, this circumstance will be notified to its representatives, suspending the deadline to resolve on the corresponding registration. A new deadline of 20 working days shall be granted to the persons concerned to remedy the defect, stating that if they do not do so, they shall be withdrawn from their request.

3. In accordance with Article 71 of Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, after the period referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the competent body shall issue a decision giving the applicant the corresponding registration as a withdrawal.

Article 7. Resource regime.

1. The agreement of the Minister of Defense that denies the registration of the corresponding registration puts an end to the administrative route. Against the same goat, an appeal for a replacement shall be brought before the same body which has issued it or its direct challenge to the judicial-administrative judicial order, in accordance with the provisions of Article 116.1 of the Law 30/1992, dated November 26.

2. The provisions of the above paragraph are without prejudice to the provisions of Article 30.4 of the Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March, when indications of criminal illitude are observed.


Enrollable Acts and Enrollment Procedures

Article 8. Inscribable acts.

May be the subject of registration in the Register, in accordance with the general registration procedure and its corresponding specific procedure provided for in this ministerial order, the following acts:

a) Constitution of the Association in accordance with Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27.

b) Statutory Amendments.

c) Identity of the owners of the governing bodies and representatives of the association, appointed in accordance with Article 43 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

d) Suspension, dissolution, or low of the association.

e) Constitution of a federation, confederation, or association of associations.

f) Incorporation or separation of an association to a federation, confederation or association of associations or international organizations of a professional nature.

g) Responsible statement on the number of their associates in accordance with Article 36.7 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

h) Designation and low representatives in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces, pursuant to Article 47 of the Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27.

Article 9. Constitution of the association.

1. The application for registration shall be made by one of the promoters acting on behalf and representation of the remainder.

2. The request must contain, together with the request that is formulated, the following data:

a) Identification of the promoter who urges the registration, his signature, the position he holds in the association or condition in which he acts and his tax identification number.

b) Identification of the association, its name and address, which in any case will be in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22. In addition, the name of the domain or internet address to be used will be provided.

c) The founding act of the association on both physical and electronic support.

3. The founding act shall be the document by which the agreement of the association of three or more natural persons is formalized, in accordance with Article 5 of Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, and which gives it personality legal and capacity to act. In any event the founding act shall include the approval of the statutes.

4. The content of the founding act, in accordance with Article 6 of Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, will be as follows:

a) Relationship of the promoters of the association, including name, address, address and tax identification number.

(b) The will of the promoters to constitute an association, the covenants which, if any, would have established and the name of the association.

(c) The approved statutes, the content of which shall be adjusted, at least, to the provisions of Article 37 of Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

d) The place and date of the granting of the act and signature of the promoters.

e) Designation of the promoters who provisionally represent the association. This designation shall produce effects from the day following that of their registration in the Register.

5. In the event that the founding act of the association and its statutes conform to the requirements laid down in Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July and in Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March, the Minister of Defense will agree to the registration and provide the applicant with the relevant diligence notification containing the date of incorporation of the documentation into the Register, the registration number assigned in the Register and the signature of the person responsible for the Registry.

6. In the event that the founding act of the association or its statutes does not conform to the requirements laid down in the regulations referred to in the previous paragraph of this article, the Minister of Defense shall refuse the registration.

Article 10. Statutory amendments.

1. The period for which an association is to submit in the Register the application for the registration of amendments to its statutes shall be one month after the agreement has been reached by the competent bodies of the association called for this purpose. This modification will only produce effects for both partners and third parties from the day following their registration in the Register.

2. The application for the registration of statutory modifications shall contain the identification of the applicant, the power with which it acts and the identification of the association by the registration number in the Registry. The following documentation shall be accompanied by the application:

(a) Act of the meeting of the governing bodies and representation of the association or certificate extended by the person or position of the association with the faculty to carry it out in accordance with its statutes, which shall include the agreement adopted by which the statutes are amended, the wording of the article or amended articles, the form of deliberation and the adoption of the agreement, the attendance quorum of the members and the date of their approval.

(b) Full text of the new statutes containing the amended articles, signed by the representatives of the association, in which it is stated, by means of the timely diligence extended to the end of the document, which have the amendments agreed by the bodies of the competent association or, where appropriate, in accordance with the procedure laid down in its statutes, must be included in both cases, the date of adoption of the modification.

Article 11. Identity of the owners of the governing bodies and representatives.

1. Within one month of a change in the ownership of the governing bodies or a change of the representatives of the association, the application for registration corresponding to the Register shall be submitted. In the event that this request is not made within the prescribed period, it is understood that the mandate of the representatives already registered as such, continues to be in force in accordance with the provisions of Article 43 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

2. The application shall contain the identification of the applicant, the power to act and the identification of the association by the registration number in the Register.

3. The application shall be accompanied by the minutes of the meeting in which the renewal of the governing bodies or the appointment of new representatives has been agreed, in accordance with the statutory procedure laid down or certified by that body. the minutes or the agreements in question, which shall include the date of their adoption, and which shall be extended by a person competent to do so in accordance with the association's statutes.

4. The request shall contain the following information:

(a) Names, surnames, addresses and tax identification numbers of the new owners of the governing bodies or of the new representatives.

b) Scope of representation and general or special powers granted to representatives.

(c) Date of appointment and, where applicable, ratification and acceptance by the holders, together with the period of duration of the charges, if specified in their statutes.

(d) Date of revocation and termination, if any, of the outgoing holders.

e) Signatures of the holders of the governing bodies and representatives and, where appropriate, of the outgoing holders.

5. In any case, the representatives of the association must be full members of the association, in accordance with Article 11.4 of the Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March.

6. The registration of the identity of the owners of the governing bodies and representatives shall only produce effects for the members and third parties from the day following that of their registration in the Register.

Article 12. Suspension, dissolution, and low of an association.

1. Associations may only be suspended in their activities by a reasoned decision of the competent judicial authority.

2. The associations shall be dissolved by the causes provided for in the statutes, by the will of the members expressed in general assembly convened for the purpose, by the causes determined in article 39 of the Civil Code and by judicial judgment firm.

3. The associations shall cause a reduction in the Register for the dissolution and liquidation of the association, for modification of its territorial scope or its legal regime which excludes it from the scope of Title III of the Law Organic 9/2011, of July 27, for prolonged lack of communication of activity to the Registry or for another legally established reason.

4. Within one month after the cause of the suspension, dissolution or absence of the association has occurred, the application for registration for the registration shall be addressed.

5. Such application shall contain the identification of the applicant and the authority with which it acts and the identification of the association by the registration number in the Register. The following documentation shall be accompanied by the application:

(a) For the registration of the suspension, a copy of the judicial decision establishing the suspension of its activities shall be provided, unless it is recorded in the Register for having been notified of its own motion.

(b) For the registration of the dissolution, it shall be provided:

1. Cese of the heads of the governing bodies and representatives, signed by these or the reasons for the absence of the signature.

2. The association's balance sheet at the date of dissolution.

3. º Data identifying the persons responsible for the settlement with their respective signatures and the document proving their identity.

4. The purpose of the association's patrimony in accordance with its statutes, which in no case may undermine the non-profit nature of the entity.

5. º If the dissolution has taken place due to the causes provided for in the statutes, reference to the articles in which these causes are collected and document proving the date on which they were produced.

6. º If the dissolution takes place by a firm court judgment, a copy of the same except as recorded in the Register for having been notified of its own motion.

7. º If the dissolution is by the will of the associates, minutes of the general assembly called to the effect.

c) For registration of the discharge, it must be provided:

1. º If the discharge has occurred as a result of the dissolution and liquidation of the association, document accreditable of having attended the circumstances that have resulted in the dissolution of the association, written signed by liquidators in which the purpose of the association's assets is recorded in accordance with its statutes, which may in no case distort the non-profit-making nature of the institution, without the existence of creditors and the application of the cancellation of the register seats.

2. º If the decline has occurred by modification of the territorial scope or the legal regime of the association that excludes it from the scope of application of Title III of the Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, or for some other reason legally established, a document proving the causes that have motivated the decline, the date on which these causes have occurred and the request for the cancellation of the registered seats.

Article 13. Constitution of a federation, confederation or association of associations.

1. Within one month of the establishment of a federation, confederation or union of existing associations, in accordance with Article 34.3 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July, the application for registration must be addressed. corresponding to the Registry.

2. Such request shall contain:

a) Identification of the applicant and power with which it acts.

b) Identification of the associations that are grouped by the registration numbers in the Registry.

3. Together with the application, it must be provided:

(a) A grouping agreement or similar document reflecting the will of the competent bodies of the associations to be grouped together. This document should be detached for the purposes of which interest is associated.

b) Designation of the federation, confederation or association of associations and domicile for the purpose of notifications.

c) Declaration on whether the statutes of the associations that are grouped, are open to all military categories, to officers, to non-commissioned officers or to troops and marineria or to several of them for the purposes of the possible application of the percentages provided for in Article 48.2 of Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

d) Designation by the competent bodies of each association of the representative or representatives of the federative entity, as well as a reference to its scope of representation.

e) New statutes of the federal entity signed by representatives of all founding associations.

Article 14. Incorporation or separation of an association to a federation, confederation or association of associations or international organizations of a professional nature.

1. Within one month of the incorporation or separation of an association already registered with a registered federal entity or an international organisation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 34.3 of the Organic Law 9/2011, of 27 July, the application for registration for the Register must be addressed.

2. The application for enrollment or separation to a federative entity must contain:

a) Identification of the applicant and power with which it acts.

b) Identification of the association by the registration number in the Registry.

(c) Act of the meeting or agreement of the federal entity, in accordance with the procedure laid down in its statutes, or certificate of the act or the agreement extended by the persons or positions of the federal entity with the right to certify them, in which the incorporation or separation of the association has been resolved, in which the date on which it has been adopted must be stated.

(d) For each association that incorporates a certification, issued by the persons or positions with the faculty to certify, of the agreement adopted for their integration and the designation of the person or persons that is incorporated into the federative entity represent it in the federative entity.

3. The application for registration of incorporation or separation of an association to international organisations shall contain:

a) Identification of the applicant and power with which it acts.

b) Identification of the association by the registration number in the Registry.

c) Membership or separation agreement to the international organization or similar document, as well as the legal consequences arising from such an agreement.

(d) Agreement of the governing bodies of the international organisation concerned in which the incorporation or separation of the applicant association is recorded.

Article 15. Responsible declaration on the number of associates.

1. In accordance with Article 36.7 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July, 31 December of each year, the associations registered in the Register will issue a responsible statement on the number of their associates. The declaration shall be entered in the Register, by application made for that purpose.

2. That declaration shall be made in accordance with the model in the Annex to this Ministerial Order.

3. The association entered in the Register which before 31 January of each year has not requested the registration of the responsible declaration contained in this article, will have suspended its participation in the Council of Personnel of the Armed Forces, regulated in Article 47 Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, until such registration is effected.

Article 16. Designation and absence of representatives of the associations in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces.

1. Within one month of the appointment by an association of its representatives in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces, pursuant to Article 48.1 of the Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, it will have to submit a request for registration corresponding to the Register. In the event that this application for registration is not made within the prescribed period, the association shall have its participation suspended in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces until such registration is effected.

2. Likewise, within one month of the absence of the representatives of the association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces, the registration corresponding to the registration must be submitted, in the event that Request shall not be received shall mean that the association does not modify its representatives. This reduction may be referred to in the same application as that provided for in the previous paragraph.

3. The application for registration of the designation of representatives of the association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces shall contain the identification of the applicant and the power with which it acts and the identification of the association by means of the registration number in the Registry.

The application shall be accompanied by the minutes of the meeting in which the appointment of the representatives has been agreed, in accordance with the statutory procedure laid down, or the certification of such minutes or of the agreement that the (a) the date of its adoption, and which shall be extended by a person competent to do so in accordance with the statutes of the association. The agreement must expressly state that the scope of representation is extended to be part of the Staff Council of the Armed Forces.

The request will include the following data:

(a) Names, surnames, domicile and tax identification number of the representatives of the association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces.

(b) The date of the appointment and, where applicable, of the ratification and acceptance by the representatives.

c) The signature of the appointed representatives.

4. The request for the registration of the representatives of the association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces must contain the information provided for in the previous paragraph, adapted to the situation of the lower level.

5. Changes in the representation of the Association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces shall only produce effects from the day following that of their registration in the Register.

6. Before proceeding to register the designation of the representatives of the association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces, the Registry shall ensure that the regime of incompatibilities that is regulated is complied with.


Structure and operation of the Registry

Article 17. Access to the Registry.

Applications to the Registry may be filed with the offices and registers referred to in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November, and using electronic means in accordance with Article 6.1. of Law 11/2007, of June 22, of Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, and Order DEF/1766/2010, of 24 June, establishing the Central Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Defense.

Article 18. Record sheets.

1. The Register shall practice the registration of professional associations of members of the Armed Forces in registered sheets that contain independent units of file and are composed of the spaces necessary for the practice of the mandatory seats.

2. Each association will have an independent and unique identification number that will be awarded to you at the time of registration and will differentiate it from the rest.

3. The registration sheets shall be drawn up by means of computer applications which shall contain at least the following paragraphs where the relevant entries are made:

a) The name of the association, federation, confederation, or association of associations.

b) Social address.

c) Date of incorporation and registration of the entity.

d) Registration number in the Registry.

e) Fines and statutory activities reflected in an extracted manner, in accordance with Article 33 of Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27.

f) Group or set of military that can be associated.

g) How to deliberate and take agreements.

h) Identity of the heads of the governing bodies and representatives, their scope of representation, as well as of the persons or positions with powers to certify social agreements.

i) Identity, if any, of representatives of the Association in the Staff Council of the Armed Forces, as well as the duration of their mandate.

j) Number of associates according to responsible statement.

k) Membership of the association to a federation, confederation or association of associations, and the reference to their corresponding registration number.

l) Membership of the association to an international organization of its own character.

m) Suspension, dissolution or reduction of associations, their causes, the judicial authority that would have agreed upon them and the liquidators appointed for the event of dissolution.

n) Provisional or definitive closure of the sheet, date, and cause.

n) Administrative resolutions affecting the association, summary of their content and their date.

o) Other marginal annotations.

4. Together with these elements the Registry will carry a file or protocol, in physical or electronic support, for each of the associations can the following documentation:

a) Founding Act.

b) Bylaws and their amendments, with the corresponding certification of modification agreements.

c) Certifications that collect the agreements of the governing bodies and representation on the grouping of professional associations of members of the Armed Forces with one another or their membership in international organizations the same character, with the registration numbers, in the latter case, in the corresponding records.

d) Certifications of agreements for the appointment of governing bodies and representation.

e) Responsible statements about the number of associates.

f) Certifications of appointment agreements for representatives of the Armed Forces Staff Council.

g) Certifications regarding the dissolution of the association, the cause that produces it, the cessation of the headlines of the governing bodies and representation, the persons entrusted with the liquidation with their data of identification, the the entity's balance sheet at the date of the dissolution and the destination of the assets resulting from the liquidation.

5. The registration sheets and their seats shall in any case be adjusted to the requirements laid down in the rules in force for the protection of personal data.

6. The data on the register sheets referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be incorporated into a database under the Ministry of Defence.

Article 19. Interim annotations.

1. Where provisional entries are to be made as a result of circumstances pending, reference shall be made to the reference particulars of the cases and proceedings which are to be found, as well as the purely informative nature of the annotation.

2. The annotation will be cancelled once the data that is the result of the firm resolution is entered in the Register.

Article 20. Name file.

The Registry will carry a file of file and advertising of the names of the associations, in which they will be incorporated the names of the associations registered by that record.

Article 21. Advertising.

1. The data contained in the Register shall be publicly accessible, in the terms and with the limitations provided for in Articles 35 (h) and 37 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, and in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 of December, for Personal Data Protection.

2. Such public access shall be made effective by certification of the content of the seats, by simple information or by copying of the seats and documents deposited therein or by computer or telematic means which, in any case, is comply with the requirements laid down in the rules in force for the protection of personal data.

3. Both the certifications, as well as the simple information note or the copy of the seats shall be issued by the Registry at the request of the person concerned within one month of receipt of the same.

Article 22. Certifications.

1. Certification shall be the means of proving the content of the seats and the documents deposited in the Register. In no case can certificates be issued for the registration data of associations registered in other association registers.

2. Certificates may be obtained by any means which permits the constancy of the application made, addressed to the Registry.

Article 23. Simple information notes or copies of the seats.

1. The simple information note or copy of the seats shall be a mere transfer of the seats and data in which the Register is structured and shall be issued by the Registry with an indication of the number of sheets and the date on which they are extended, his stamp.

2. Simple information notes may be issued via computer telecommunication systems.

Article 24. Name file query.

At the request of an interested party, the Registry will issue certificates that express whether an association with the name requested is registered.

Article 25. Prolonged lack of communication to the Registry.

1. In the event that representatives of the professional associations of members of the Armed Forces do not direct to the Registry applications for registration of those referred to in Article 8 of this ministerial or similar order, within 8 years, and in accordance with Article 12 (3), the Register may, on its own initiative, agree to the provisional entry of the registration sheets of the relevant association.

2. The Register may raise the provisional entry to the end of the day after the relevant association has been notified without obtaining a reply to the effect within three months.

Additional disposition first. Computer and database application.

The Secretary of State of Defense will take the necessary measures to design and implement the computer application and the precise database for the implementation of the Register of Professional Associations of Members of the Armed Forces.

Additional provision second. Communication to the National Register of Associations.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 25.2 of Organic Law 1/2002 of 22 March, the Registry of Professional Associations of Members of the Armed Forces will communicate to the National Registry of Associations, at the end of the each calendar year, the registration and dissolution of associations registered on that register.

Additional provision third. Budget appropriations.

The approval of this ministerial order will not entail an increase in public spending.

First transient disposition. Associations enrolled in other records.

1. The associations of members of the Armed Forces who at the date of entry into force of this ministerial order are registered in the National Register of Associations, may register in the Register of Professional Associations of Members of the Armed Forces under the provisions of Chapter I of Title III of Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

2. For the purposes of Article 8a (a) of this provision, the following documentation shall be provided:

a) Certification of the National Register of Associations that accredit the association's registration in that registry.

b) Application requested by the accredited legal representative of the association, indicating the exact identification of the association, its name and address. In addition, the name of the domain or address of the internet will be provided which, if any, is used.

c) The founding act and statutes of the association adapted to the provisions of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July.

3. The registration of these associations will follow the same procedures as those mentioned in Article 9 of this ministerial order.

Second transient disposition. First statement responsible for the number of associates.

For the purposes of Article 15.3 of this Ministerial Order, the filing of the application for the registration of the first responsible statement on the number of associates that may give access to the Constituent Session of the Staff Council of the Armed Forces shall be adapted to the schedule of the constitution of the aforementioned Council which is regulated, in accordance with the final provision of the Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, of rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces.

Final disposition first. System of extra-age.

It will be of application, in all matters not regulated by this ministerial order, the Royal Decree 1497/2003, of November 28, for which the Regulation of the National Registry of Associations and its relationships with the remaining Associations Records.

Final disposition second. Development enablement.

Assistant Secretary of Defense is empowered to dictate how many provisions are necessary for the development of this ministerial order.

Final disposition third. Entry into force.

This ministerial order shall enter into force on the fifteenth day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the State.

Madrid, November 18, 2011. -Minister of Defense, Carme Chacón Piqueras.


Statement responsible for the number of associates made in accordance with Article 36.7 of the Organic Law 9/2011 of 27 July on the rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces.

D ...................................................................................................................................., older, with domicile for the purposes of notifications in .............................................., number ......, of the city of ......................................................................................., with national identity document number ......................., acting as legal representative of the professional association of members of the Armed Forces ............................., with registration number .................................... in the Register of Professional Associations of members of the Armed Forces, for the purposes of the provisions of article 36.7 of the Law 9/2011, of 27 of July, of rights and duties of members of the Armed Forces and taking into account the provisions of article 15 of the Ministerial Order regulating the Registry of Professional Associations of members of the Armed Forces


What to date ................................................, the number of associates, who meet the requirements set out in article 34.1 of the Organic Law 9/2011, of July 27, of each of the following categories In accordance with Article 36.7 of the aforementioned Organic Law 9/2011, of 27 July, it is:



Military Category

Number of




Troop and Marinery

This responsible statement is made in accordance with and for the purposes of Article 71a of Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure.

In ............................., to ....... of .............................. of ...........
