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Order Tin-3214-2011, Of November 8, Which Modifies The Order Of Tin/1640/2009, Of 8 June, Which Regulates The Composition And Functions Of The Central Services Of The Ministry Of Labour And Immigration Recruitment Table.

Original Language Title: Orden TIN/3214/2011, de 8 de noviembre, por la que se modifica la Orden TIN/1640/2009, de 8 de junio, en la que se regula la composición y funciones de la Mesa de Contratación de los servicios centrales del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración.

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Order TIN/1640/2009, dated 8 June, regulates the composition and functions of the Central Services Contracting Bureau of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.

The successive modifications of the structure of the Ministry of Labor and Immigration, which are initiated with the Royal Decree 495/2010, of April 30, for which the basic organic structure of the ministerial departments is approved and they culminate with the Royal Decree 777/2011, of June 3, for which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration is developed, makes it necessary to adapt the composition of the Table of Contracting of the central services of the Department to the current structure.

In his virtue, with the prior approval of the Vice President of the Government of Territorial Policy and Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, I have:

Single item. Amendment of Order TIN/1640/2009 of 8 June, which regulates the composition and functions of the Bureau of Contracting of the Central Services of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.

Order TIN/1640/2009 of 8 June, which regulates the composition and functions of the Bureau of Recruitment of the Central Services of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration, is hereby amended as follows:

One. Article 1 (2) is worded as follows:

" 2. The Central Services Contracting Bureau of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration shall be composed of the following members:

(a) President: The holder of the General Financial Management Subdirectorate.

b) Vice-President: The holder of the General Staff.

c) Vocals:

An official with a level equal to or higher than the Technical Counselor attached to the General Financial Management Subdirectorate, appointed by the Secretary-General.

A representative of the contracting authority related to the procurement file to be treated and designated by it.

A representative of each Secretary of State and the Deputy Secretary appointed by the Minister on the proposal of the heads of each Secretariat of State and the Secretariat, respectively.

A State Advocate of State of the State in the Department or specifically appointed by the General Counsel of the State-Directorate of the Legal Service.

A Delegate Intervention Controller in the Department. (d) Secretary: A designated Head of Service among the staff of the General Financial Management Subdirectorate, appointed by the Deputy Secretary of the Department. "

Two. Article 1 (3) is worded as follows:

" 3. In case of vacancy, absence or illness and, in general, where there is a justified cause, the following system of supply is established: (a) The President shall be replaced by the Vice-President.

b) The Vocals will be replaced by the alternates who will have the same rank and will be appointed by the same procedure as the holders.

(c) The Secretary shall be replaced by an official, with a minimum level of Section Chief, among those assigned to the General Financial Management Subdirectorate, appointed by the same procedure as the holder. "

Single Repeal Disposition. Regulatory Repeal

The provisions of equal or lower rank are repealed in that they object to the provisions in this order.

Single end disposition. Entry into effect

This order shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, 8 November 2011. -Minister of Labour and Immigration, Valeriano Gómez Sánchez.