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Resolution 600/38239/2011, On October 25, The Head Of State More Of The Navy, By Which Certain Powers Are Delegated.

Original Language Title: ResoluciĆ³n 600/38239/2011, de 25 de octubre, de la Jefatura de Estado Mayor de la Armada, por la que se delegan determinadas competencias.

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Royal Decree 456/2011 of 1 April, approving the Rules of Destination of the Professional Military Staff, provides in Article 7.3 of the Royal Decree of 1 April 2011 concerning the application for vacancies that vacancies to be determined by the Deputy Secretary of Defense and Chief of Staff of the Armies may be published with exemption from the minimum time limits.

This is a competition reserved for the Chiefs of Staff of the Armies and as such and in accordance with the provisions of article 13 Law 30/1992, of November 26, of the Legal Regime of the Public and the Joint Administrative Procedure, this delegation of competence can be carried out.

In order to achieve greater speed, simplification and consistency in the processing of certain administrative files for the publication of vacancies, this delegation of powers should be carried out, and with the prior approval of the Minister of Defense, and in her virtue, I have:

First. Delegation of competence.

It is delegated to the Deputy Director of Personnel Management of the Navy, the competence for the determination and publication of the holidays with exemption from the minimum stay, as provided in article 7.3 of Royal Decree 456/2011, April 1, for which the Regulations of the Destinations of the Professional Military Personnel are approved, and attributed to my authority.

Second. Vocation.

This delegation may be avocada at any time in the procedure, when circumstances require.

Third. Constancy of the delegation.

Administrative decisions to be taken under this delegation shall expressly state this and shall be deemed to be dictated by the delegating body.

Single repeal provision.

All provisions of equal or lower rank that are contrary to the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed.

Single end disposition. Entry into force.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, October 25, 2011. -Admiral Chief of Staff of the Navy, Manuel Rebollo Garcia.