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Resolution Of 16 Of November Of 2011, Of The Direction General Of Management Of The Game, By Which Of Conformity With It Willing In The Article 50 Of The Real Decree 1614 / 2011, Of 14 Of November, By Which Is Develops The Law 13 / 2011, Of 27 Of...

Original Language Title: Resolución de 16 de noviembre de 2011, de la Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego, por la que de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 50 del Real Decreto 1614/2011, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 13/2011, de 27 de ...

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Law 13/2011, of 27 May, of regulation of the game establishes the regulatory framework of the activity of play, in its various modalities, that it is developed with state scope in order to guarantee the protection of the order public, fight against fraud, prevent addictive behaviour, protect the rights of minors and safeguard the rights of participants in games.

Article 22 of Law 13/2011, of 27 May, of regulation of the game, creates the Records of the game sector. In particular, the General Register of Gaming Licenses is created with the aim of containing the appropriate information to comply with the requirements laid down in the sector's rules of the game in relation to the general licenses and singular. Article 49 of Royal Decree 1614/2011 of 14 November, for the development of Law 13/2011, of 27 May, of regulation of the game, regarding licenses, authorizations and records of the game, establishes that the General Register of Gaming licenses will consist of two ordinary sections, the Ordinary Section of General Licenses and the Ordinary Section of Singular Licenses, and two special sections, the Special Section of the Concurrants and the Special Section of Authorizations of lottery games. The Special Section of the General Register of Gaming Licenses will practice the provisional registration of those interested in participating in or participating in the general licensing procedures.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 50 (4) of Royal Decree 1614/2011 of 14 November 2005, for the development of Law 13/2011, of 27 May, for the regulation of the game, in respect of licences, authorizations and registrations of the game, "The National Game Commission will set the minimum content of the provisional entries."

Any time the National Gaming Commission has not been effectively constituted and in application of the transitional provision first of Law 13/2011, of 27 May, of regulation of the game, it corresponds to this Directorate General of Management of the Ministry of Economy and Finance the approval of the minimum content of the said provisional inscriptions.

In short, with this Resolution, which has been favorably informed by the State Advocate at the Secretariat of State of Finance and Budget, the provisions of Article 50 (4) have been complied with. Proceeding to the approval of the minimum content of the provisional entries in the Special Section of the General Register of Gaming Licenses.

In your virtue, you agree:


The entities interested in participating in the procedures for the granting of general licenses must apply for provisional registration in the Concurrants Section of the General Register of Gaming Licenses with the content as set out in Annex II. Together with their application, the interested entities shall provide supporting documents for the fee referred to in point (c) of the second paragraph of Article 49 of Law 13/2011 of 27 May on the regulation of the game. In the event that an entity interested in applying for a general licence in more than one of the methods of play defined in Article 3 of the above Law, it must provide the proof of payment of the fee for each of the general licences that you are going to apply for.


The minimum content of provisional entries from the Special Section of the General Register of Gaming Licenses shall be the content of Annex II.

Third. Entry into force.

This resolution shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Madrid, November 16, 2011. -Director General of the Game Management, Immaculate Vela Sastre.


The application for interim registration in the Special Section of the General Register of Gaming Licenses will contain at least the following data:

a) General license mode that you intend to request.

b) Data of the entity concerned:

-Denomination and registered address.

-Tax identification code in the Spanish tax administration (CIF).

-Natural or legal persons holding 5% or more of the capital of the company and percentage of non-Community capital.

c) Data of the legal representatives of the entity:

-Name and last name.

-Place and date of birth.

-Tax identification number (NIF) or equivalent.



d) Permanent Representative data to receive notifications in Spain:

-Name and last name.

-Place and date of birth.


-Address for notification purposes.

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