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Royal Decree 1619 / 2011, Of 14 Of November, By Which Is Sets The New Regime Of Equivalences Of Them Studies And Degrees Of Sciences Ecclesiastical Of Level University With Regard To Them Titles University Official Spanish, In Cu...

Original Language Title: Real Decreto 1619/2011, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se establece el nuevo régimen de equivalencias de los estudios y titulaciones de Ciencias Eclesiásticas de nivel universitario respecto de los títulos universitarios oficiales españoles, en cu...

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The Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See of 3 January 1979 on Education and Cultural Affairs provides that the validation of studies and the recognition by the State of the civil effects of the diplomas awarded in the Higher Centers of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church, in Spain or abroad, will be subject to specific regulation by common agreement between the authorities of the Church and the State.

Royal Decree 3/1995, of 13 January, came to comply with the provisions of the said Agreement, establishing the recognition of civil effects to certain titles of Diplomatus, Baccalaureatus, Licentiatus and Doctor conferred by the Universities, Faculties, Higher Institutes and other Higher Centers of the Catholic Church. These civil effects were conferred on the generic academic levels of Diplomate, Licentiate and Doctor corresponding to the previous ordination of official university teaching established in the Organic Law. 11/1983, of 25 August, of University Reform as in the initial wording of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities (LOU).

Likewise, the LOU established in its additional provision fourth that the application of the provisions of the same to the universities and other centers of the Catholic Church will be in accordance with the provisions of the agreements between the Spanish State and the Holy See.

Later, the Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April (LOMLOU), modified the LOU establishing a new ordination of the teaching and university degrees in Spain. Thus, Article 37 of the Law determines a new structure of university teaching based on three cycles, Degree, Master and Doctorate, to which completion are obtained respectively the degrees of Graduate or Graduate, Master and Doctor or Doctor, respectively.

The new order emerged after the LOMLOU and concretized in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, establishing the ordination of official university teaching, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 of In July, the previous situation has changed substantially, so that now the titles, in application of the constitutional principle of university autonomy, are created by the universities, subject to the academic verification procedure. before the Council of Universities and the authorization of the Autonomous Community corresponding. Only after these two requirements have been met is the government intervention which, by means of a Council of Ministers agreement, is to declare, where appropriate, the officialdom of the title and its registration in the Register of Universities, Centres and Titles (RUCT).

According to the foregoing, it is necessary to adapt the provisions of the aforementioned Royal Decree 3/1995, of January 13, to the new structure and ordination of the Spanish university teaching, contained in the aforementioned Royal Decree 1393/2007, dated October 29.

For its part, the Holy See, as an integral state of the European Higher Education Area since 2003, has participated in the process of European convergence by adapting, among other aspects, the organizational framework of its higher education in order to facilitate the recognition of these in the rest of the SEES countries, as well as the mobility of their students. In line with the above, it has implemented the requirements arising from such accession, such as the adoption of the European Supplement to the Title and the European ECTS credits. It has also promoted the creation of the Agency for the Valuation and Promotion of the Quality of Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO), which aims to guarantee the quality of the teachings of Baccalaureatus, Licentiatus and Doctor referred to in the third article of this standard and which are taught in the centers of the Catholic Church that are related in the annexes of this royal decree.

This royal decree has been reported by the Council of Universities, by the General Conference of University Policy, by the Ministry of Justice and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

In its virtue, on the proposal of the Minister of Education, with the prior approval of the Minister of Territorial Policy and Public Administration, according to the Council of State and after deliberation of the Council of Ministers in its November 11, 2011 meeting,


Article 1. Object.

This royal decree aims to establish the new regime of equivalences of studies and degrees of ecclesiastical sciences at the university level with respect to official Spanish university degrees, in compliance with the provisions of the Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See of 3 January 1979 on education and cultural affairs.

Article 2. Scope.

The provisions of this standard apply to the titles of the Catholic Church which are listed in Annex I, awarded by the Superior Centers of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church located in Spain or in the abroad, which comply with the procedure and the requirements laid down in this royal decree.

Article 3. Recognition of civil effects.

1. In accordance with the conditions and procedure provided for in this royal decree, civil effects are recognized for the higher ecclesiastical titles of Baccalaureatus, Licentiatus and Doctor as listed in Annex I, conferred by the Supreme Centers of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church, canonically erected or approved by it, according to the provisions of the Holy See, contained in the Apostolic Constitution Sapientia Christiana, of 15 April 1979, which regulates the existence, rules and development of the Universities and Ecclesiastical Faculties and the Instruction on the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences, of 28 June 2008, which regulates the existence, standards and development of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences.

2. The civil effects that are recognized to the university ecclesiastical titles of Baccalaureatus, Licentiatus and Doctor referred to in the previous section are those corresponding to the academic academic levels of Degree, Master and Doctor, respectively, according to the university structure provided for in Article 37 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, of Universities, as amended by Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April.

3. In the event that higher ecclesiastical titles are expressed in the future with different denominations than those mentioned in Annex I, their equivalence with the names of the competent authorities of the Catholic Church in Spain must be established. and compliance with the requirements set out in this Royal Decree and those required by the rules referred to in Article 5 of this Article.

Article 4. Recognition of partial studies.

For the recognition of partial studies and credits overcome in the teachings leading to the ecclesiastical titles referred to in the previous article, for the purpose of cursing in Spain official studies leading to the obtaining university degrees valid throughout the national territory, the current regulations for the recognition of foreign degrees and studies at university level will apply.

Article 5. Requirements.

1. For the purposes of the recognition of civil effects referred to in this royal decree, the titles of Baccalaureatus shall be accredited for a minimum duration of 240 ECTS credits. For their part, the duration of the titles of Licentiatus requires an additional training of between 60 and 120 ECTS credits, with a total training of at least 300 ECTS credits.

2. The titles referred to in the preceding paragraph must have been issued by one of the centres listed in Annexes I and II to this royal decree.

3. The titles issued by the High School of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church shall be accompanied, for the purposes of recognition of the civil effects referred to in this royal decree, by the corresponding European Supplement to the title (SET), which shall contain information on the level and content of the lessons to be taught, which shall be expressed in the ECTS credit system.

Article 6. Diligent of the titles.

The recognition of civil effects of the university ecclesiastical titles conferred by the Superior Centers of Church Sciences of the Catholic Church referred to in Article 3 of this royal decree, will require that the supporting documents of the same are previously carried out by the competent authorities of the Catholic Church in Spain by certifying the authenticity of the same to the effects foreseen by this royal decree.

Article 7. Procedure.

1. For the purpose of obtaining the recognition of civil effects referred to in this royal decree, the interested parties shall direct the appropriate request to the Directorate General of University Policy of the Ministry of Education, which may submit in any of the places set out in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992, of the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and of the Common Administrative Procedure. Applications may also be submitted by electronic means at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education.

2. The application shall be accompanied by the documents proving the compliance with the extremes referred to in the previous Article and the corresponding original titles, or by the accrediting certificates of the issuing of the title or duly authenticated copies.

In addition, such documents shall have the prior diligence referred to in Article 6 of this standard.

3. The application shall indicate the data for the identification of the data subject, the place for the purposes of notification and the other data required by Article 70.1 of Law 30/1992.

4. If the application or the documentation submitted is incomplete, the person concerned shall be required to remedy the deficiency within a period of 15 days, with the indication that, if he does not do so, he shall be withdrawn from his request, without further processing. All in accordance with the provisions of Article 71 of the Law on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

5. Within three months of the submission of the application, the Director-General for University Policy shall decide and notify the person concerned of the decision, which shall be expressed in terms favourable or unfavourable to the equivalence requested.

6. In the event of an unfavourable decision, the person concerned may, in accordance with the procedure and time limits laid down in Law No 30/1992 of 26 November 1992, have recourse to the Secretary-General of the Universities public and the common administrative procedure.

7. The recognition decisions shall be transferred to the National Register of Official University Graduates referred to in Royal Decree 1002/2010 of 5 August on the issue of official university degrees for the purposes of their registration in a special section of the same.

8. Failure to resolve and notify in time will allow the request to be understood.

Additional disposition first. Evidence of access to the Catholic Church's Higher Centers for Ecclesiastical Sciences.

Overcoming the evidence of access to studies of ecclesiastical sciences in the Higher Centers of the Catholic Church will only have an effect on access to these Centers.

Additional provision second. Titles that have already obtained recognition for civil purposes.

1. Those who, at the entry into force of this royal decree, would have obtained the recognition of the civil effects of the titles of the Catholic Church in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 3/1995, of January 13, at the level of Diplomacy, Licentiate and Doctor corresponding to the current management of the educational system, shall maintain all academic and, where appropriate, professional effects inherent in such titles.

2. Those who have obtained the civil recognition of a title according to Royal Decree 3/1995, of January 13, will not be able to apply for a new recognition of the same title in accordance with the provisions of this royal decree.

Additional provision third. Registration of Catholic Church Centers in the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles (RUCT).

Ecclesiastical faculties of the Catholic Church in Spain listed in Annex II shall be registered in the RUCT, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Royal Decree 1509/2008 of 12 September 2008, regulating the Register of Universities, Centers and Titles.

Additional provision fourth. Previous equivalence declarations.

The Ministry of Education will take the necessary measures to register in the Register referred to in article 7.7 of this royal decree, the declarations of equivalence agreed under the validity of the Royal Decree 3/1995, of January 13.

First transient disposition. Requests already submitted.

Those who would have begun the processing of requests for recognition of civil effects of titles of the Catholic Church would be able to continue the same procedure for the procedure contained in the present decree. The aforementioned Royal Decree 3/1995 of 13 January, or to initiate a new application in accordance with the provisions of this standard.

Second transient disposition. Previous studies.

Who upon the entry into force of this Royal Decree would have already completed or initiated studies leading to the obtaining of an ecclesiastical title capable of recognition of civil effects with respect to the Spanish title of University diploma, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 3/1995 of 13 January, may qualify for such recognition on the same terms until 30 September 2015.

Single repeal provision. Repeal of Royal Decree 3/1995 of 13 January.

The RD 3/1995, of 13 January, is hereby repealed, which complies with the provisions of the Agreement between the Spanish State and the Holy See on teaching and cultural matters in the field of studies and degrees of science Ecclesiastical at university level, without prejudice to the provisions of the second transitional provision of this royal decree.

Final disposition first. Updating the Annexes.

The Minister of Education is enabled to modify, correct or update, when necessary, the Annexes to this royal decree, heard by the competent authority of the Catholic Church in Spain.

Final disposition second. Enabling regulatory development.

The Minister of Education is enabled to make the necessary arrangements for the development and implementation of the provisions of this royal decree.

Final disposition third. Competence title.

This royal decree is issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 149.1.30. of the Spanish Constitution which confers exclusive competence on the State on the conditions for obtaining, issuing and approving certificates. academics and professionals.

Final disposition fourth. Entry into force.

This royal decree will enter into force on the day following its publication in the "Official State Gazette".

Given in Madrid, on November 14, 2011.


The Minister of Education,



Relationship of Titles awarded by Ecclesiastical Science Higher Centers to which civil effects are recognized

I. Titles equivalent to the official graduate or graduate degree (they will have to prove a minimum duration of 240 ECTS credits).

Title of Baccalaureatus in Theology, awarded by Faculties of Catholic Theology and completed at those Faculties or in Higher Centers affiliated with them.

Title of Baccalaureatus in Philosophy, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties of Philosophy.

Title of Baccalaureatus in Scientiis Religious, awarded by Faculty of Catholic Theology and completed at the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences.

II. Titles equivalent to the official title of the Master's degree (they will have to prove a minimum duration of 300 ECTS credits).

Title of Licentiatus in Theology, awarded by Faculties of Catholic Theology (specialization will be specified: Systematic Theology, Sacred Scripture, Moral Theology, Pastoral Theology, Spiritual Theology ...).

Title of Licentiatus in Philosophy, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties of Philosophy (specialization will be specified: Theoretical Philosophy, Practical Philosophy, Social Philosophy ...).

Title of Licentiatus in Iure Canonico (prior to obtaining an ecclesiastical title of Baccalaureatus or Licentiatus or a university civil title in accordance with what is determined by the Catholic Church), granted by Ecclesiastical faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Sacra Scriptura, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Licentiatus in Sacra Liturgy, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Ecclesiastic History, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Archeology Christiana, awarded by Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Licentiatus in Studiis Orientis Antiqui, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Studiis Ecclesiasticis Orientalibus, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Iure Canonico Orientali, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Missiology, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Licentiatus in Musica Sacra/in Cantu Gregoriano/in Organ/in Directione Chorali, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Licentiatus in Litteratura Christiana et Classica, awarded by the Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature.

Title of Licentiatus in Scientiis Religious, awarded by Faculties of Catholic Theology and completed at the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences (specialization will be specified: Teaching of the Catholic Religion, Catechetics, Youth Pastoral ...).

III. Titles equivalent to the official college degree of Doctor or Doctor.

Title of Doctor in Theology, awarded by Faculties of Catholic Theology.

Title of Doctor in Philosophy, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties of Philosophy.

Title of Doctor in Iure Canonico, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Sacra Scriptura, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Doctor in Sacra Liturgy, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor of Ecclesiastic History, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Archeology Christiana, awarded by Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Doctor In Studiis Orientis Antiqui, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Studiis Ecclesiasticis Orientalibus, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Iure Canonico Orientali, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Missiology, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Title of Doctor in Music Sacra/in Cantu Gregoriano/in Organ, awarded by Ecclesiastical Faculties or Institutes "ad urge Facultatis".

Title of Doctor in Litterature Christiana et Classica, awarded by the Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature.


Relation of Faculties of Ecclesiastical Sciences of the Catholic Church in Spain

I. Faculties of Catholic Theology.

1. Faculty of Theology of Catalonia (Barcelona).

2. Faculty of Theology of Granada.

3. Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain (headquarters of Burgos).

Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain (headquarters of Vitoria).

4. Faculty of Theology of the Ecclesiastical University "San Damaso" (Madrid).

5. Faculty of Theology "San Vicente Ferrer" (Valencia).

6. Faculty of Theology at the University of Deusto (Bilbao).

7. Faculty of Theology of the University of Navarra (Pamplona).

8. Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University "Comillas" (Madrid).

9. Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

II. Faculties of Canon Law.

1. Faculty of Canon Law at the "San Damaso" Ecclesiastical University (Madrid).

2. Faculty of Canon Law at the University of Navarra (Pamplona).

3. Faculty of Canon Law at the Universidad Pontificia "Comillas" (Madrid).

4. Faculty of Canon Law at the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

III. Faculties of Ecclesiastical Philosophy.

1. Faculty of Philosophy of Catalonia (Barcelona).

2. Faculty of Philosophy of the Ecclesiastical University "San Damaso" (Madrid).

3. Faculty Ecclesiastical of Philosophy of the University of Navarra (Pamplona).

4. Faculty of Ecclesiastical Philosophy of the Pontifical University "Comillas" (Madrid) in the framework of the "Faculty of Human and Social Sciences".

5. Faculty of Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

IV. Other Ecclesiastical Faculties.

Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature "San Justino" of the Ecclesiastical University "San Damaso" (Madrid).